#i had to delete the other one bc i messed the order of the gifs up hehehe
sararwmirez · 7 years
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Why is your sister talking to Bailey?
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inafieldofdaisies · 2 years
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𝙼𝚊𝚍𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 | Season 2, Episodes 7 & 8 | Review post & Thoughts on season 3′s potential
I don't know how I feel about the finale of Made for Love, I genuinely liked the direction the season was going in and then the last 2 episodes happened. They left me with what I can only describe as an yucky feeling.  
The whole season gave off vibes about Byron getting some type of redemption. You have so many scenes showing he’s trying, that he does have feelings for Hazel, but needs to work on his issues and realize the error of his ways and how many messed up things he did.
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They fed us so many cute scenes with him and Hazel, showed her having doubts about betraying him, she would make the first move and hint at having feelings for him. There was hope. False one, sadly.
I wasn't a fan of Byron’s character in season 1 at all, his actions were problematic, things started to shift with season 2. It managed to make me feel bad for him, especially after seeing him try to make an effort and showing a glimpse into his feelings. Billy’s acting is so amazing, he bought something to what can end up as super unlikable character, there was humor and rawness to Byron.
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You have him face what seemed like a very unpleasant thing for him, something he kept hidden and avoided: going back to his childhood home, staying the night there because Hazel insisted, even after he wanted to flee. They finally talked, bonded even. 
I get Hazel has a hard time trusting him. Still I felt like the final two episodes just went off the rails and basically destroyed whatever was built so far...
For context: Byron ended up copying Hazel’s consciousness and uploading it together with his own.From there the Other Byron & Hazel went rogue, or shall I say Other Hazel came up with a plan to do some body snatching and took OB along for it. Byron ordered to have Hazel’s copy deleted, he was confident they’re making progress and didn’t want to ruin things. He got taken over by OB instead.
Other Hazel took over Hazel’s body and let her father unalive himself (note: it was Herb’s wish bcs he was sick), he was ready to leave Earth. Hazel was forced to watch it happen, unable to stop it.
Hazel then started to fight back, trying to gain control of her body again. Once she managed to do that, she decided to betray Byron by not letting him get his body back, instead leaving the passive and naive Other Byron in it while Byron is trapped within, forced to watch and is on the verge of disappearing. Hazel is pregnant with Byron’s baby and running HIS company. She treats Other Byron like sh!te too (telling him it’s none of his business when he asks about her day.)
I get Hazel is angry over her father and wants revenge, but I felt like full on blaming Byron for what happened to her dad and not even letting him explain the whole fiasco was a bit much, especially since it was Other Hazel that created the mess, she was the one wanting to take over. I saw him copying her consciousness as more of a plan B in case Hazel decides to leave and things between them don't work out, in a way he'd still have a version of her.
Not to mention her father made the decision to leave, it was his choice, he didn’t want to suffer anymore, he was confident Hazel is gonna be alright. It wasn’t like Other Hazel poisoned him. 
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Like Hazel, I get it, but Other Hazel didn’t actually m-word him, okay? Herb wanted to leave, she didn’t trick him into DRINKING POISON! Byron didn’t do want your dad to die either.
Having your “good” main character suddenly become the villain in this way is weird. I get the show likes to make bizarre turns, but those two episodes took away all meaning from whatever progress Byron made. Instead of getting redemption of a problematic character, you get almost complete ruination of the heroine. The decision she made was so messed up, she had other choices, especially after claiming she wants to do good by taking over Byron’s company. Keeping her dad on ice, leaving a door open to bringing him back to life when *he wouldn’t want it*, is yet again messed up.
Getting revenge on Byron fueled by her father’s death was questionable, trapping him in his own body and forcing Other Byron (who was in love with Other Hazel who Hazel killed) to stay in their miserable marriage was even worse. A f-cked up marriage that would soon have a baby involved too. Not only did she punish Byron, but she’s actively punishing OB as well. 
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As others have said: after 6 months of marriage the light from OB’s eyes is gone, the emotions are off. It’s like keeping a $ex robot as a husband at this point. 
The reveal Byron isn’t himself wasn’t a twist either, like from the second he’s on the screen you can tell it’s Other Byron, way before the eye twitch is shown as a hint. The romance lover in me is crying at the “dad” scene, ngl. It’s such a missed opportunity for an actual happy ending as series finale.
As an ending to the season Hazel could have:
1) Talked it out with Byron, gave him a chance to explain since she was so into testing him prior and showed she has some type of feelings for him if she had doubts about betraying him. Then decide if she trusts him, etc.
2) Let the agency handle Byron and his company... take him down as she initially wanted. 
3) Leave the marriage, start a new life without Byron, raise their child in a good environment. 
An alternate thing I expected to happen: Byron & Hazel team up to get back their bodies and take down their Other versions. They talk sh!te out eventually.
From reading interviews on what we can expect if the show gets renewed, I don’t have much hope for s3. I still hope the writers rethink things and that s3 would get back on track, focusing on what was left unexplored in this one. Making Hazel into a villain is just dumb in the long run, especially after they fooled us into thinking Byron is getting a redemption which turned into him getting fecked over for something he didn’t even intend to happen. Are we to expect they’re eventually gonna be okay as a couple now that Hazel has gone “an eye for an eye” on him as a way to restore “balance”? And what about the poor baby? 
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rosesfromcth · 5 years
follower celebration
so i had to delete the ask bc of complications with the post but here is the blurb for bbg @wildhearthood
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Okay so I saw these gifs earlier today and immediately though of like interviews with cal and him talking about his loved one so um here we go.
“Who here all has a girlfriend?” Roman Kemp asks as he moves the interview along.
“Everyone but Ashton actually.” Luke laughs. “He has a lemon tree.”
Both Michael and Calum burst out in laughter.
“Hey, I love my lemon tree.” Ashton defends himself, arms crossing over his chest.
“So Calum, do you want to tell us more about your girlfriend, Vivian, right?’ Roman asks.
“Viv, actually.” Calum corrects.
“Your relationship came as quite a surprise to a lot of people, you fans included.” Roman prompts.
“Well, as a lot of people who follow the band know, I’m a very private and cautious guy. I think I was just as surprised as our fans when I realized that I liked Viv in the first place. I was very anti-love for a long time. I was really surprised though because I never thought that I would fall in love, but that all changed, like, the instant I met Viv. I believe she is the love of my life. She’s the one. Yeah.” cAlum rambles on. The boys love the smile on his face when he talks about her. They love how happy she makes him.
“How long have the tow of you been together? It’s great to see you so happy, I’m sure your bandmates feel the same.” Roman comments.
“He talks about her all day, it’s so annoying.” Mikey jokes. “In all seriousness though, she makes him so happy and we all love her, maybe more than we love him. She fits in so well with us. Cal, do you think she could learn to play bass before the upcoming tour?”
“Funny, Mike. But I don’t blame you. She’s amazing. We’ve been together for just over a year. Actually, when we made the announcement a month ago, it was on our anniversary.”
“He never shuts up, he’s always telling us stories. Did I tell you guys what Viv did the other day? Oh gosh, Viv said the funniest thing yesterday. Viv is sooooo smart.” Ashton mocks.
“It’s not my fault. She is the funniest and goofiest person I know. She is so cute. My favorite thing is when I get to come home to her and I’ll walk into the kitchen to her God awful music blaring, she doesn’t have bad taste overall but it’s such a weird mix. It’ll go from country to jazz to punk rock. In like 3 songs. But anyways, I’ll get home and see her just dancing, not very well might I add, wearing one of my hoodies and she’ll be singing out of tune and playing with Duke. It makes me so excited to think that one day, I’ll be married to her and ready to come home to her every day.” There’s a grin on his cheek and his bandmates hold themselves back from laughing.
Everyone is so happy that he found her. He is so happy he found her.
She gets home from work about the same time as she usually does. Thinking about the interview that she had listened to on her lunch break, she undresses and changes into her favorite of Calum’s hoodies. Throwing her hair back into a loose, low ponytail, she moves to the kitchen where Duke is waiting for her. The kitchen is her favorite room in the house, with its bright, natural light and beautiful stainless steel appliances. She sets her laptop down on the counter and tunes up her playlist. She prepares a dish of food for the small dog who is patiently waiting at her legs.
“Hey bub, here ya go.” She says quietly to the pup as she gives his ears a scratch. He leans into her touch before attacking the bowl of food.
She doesn’t want to cook dinner, hopefully they can just order takeout. But she does want to bake some cookies. Make something sweet for her sweet boy.
She whips up the dough and places the dirty dishes in the sink. There is flour spread all over the counters. The kitchen is a mess but that will be dealt with as the cookies bake. She sets the first tray into the oven. As she works on cleaning, she dances obnoxiously to the music. Singing along in a variety of weird voices. When the time dings, she rushes over to the oven. The air the wafts out is warm and smells delicious.
“Mmm. Yummy.” She hums. She puts on oven mitts and pulls the tray out.
Calum walks into their house to the loud music and laughs as it switches from Khalid to Blake Shelton.
“Ouch! Hot.” He hears her yell from the kitchen, a giggle following that calms his worries.
He walks into the kitchen to find her the same way he had described earlier that day. Except this time she is standing over a plate of chocolate chip cookies.
“Hey babe.” He speaks up from watching her.
“You’re home.” She walks over and wraps her arms around him. “I missed you today.”
“I missed you, too.” He says as a he presses a kiss to her forehead.
“I had no idea you loved coming home to all this so much.” She teases.
“Oh, so you were listening?”
“Of course I was. I always listen to your interviews. You’re too cute not to.” She tells him. “I have cookies for you.”
“I can see that, you got chocolate on your lip. Let me get it for you.” He leans down and goes for a kiss but instead licks her mouth.
“Ew. You’re worse than Duke.” She squeals.
“But you love me.” He gives her a real kiss now. “Mmm. Yummy.”
“I do. I love you so much.” She confirms.
“I love you, too.”
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