#i guess idk if this needs a cw
dinoserious · 9 months
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ichor, and the fated end
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khaotunq · 4 months
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i dial drunk, i'll die a drunk, i'd die for you
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velvetredskies · 7 months
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i'd let him spring my trap idk guys
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penta-png · 5 months
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edited old art from like september cuz i never posted it for whatever reason and i still think it looks pretty solid . love this guy
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lunarharp · 1 year
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“sorry i dont always get it” (from april) & “sorry i dont always understand” the sequel 🍷🍓
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l48yr1nth · 7 months
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@strangulove genie does as you wish..........
apologies if this is a bit wonky i am severely out of my mind (weed) i just had to put my thoughts about these guys on my ipad screen. so so silly !!!!
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 1 year
one thing they dont tell you abt not expecting to make it to this point is how it fucks up your plans for the foreseeable future
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deanmarywinchester · 1 year
sorry for new yorkposting. anyway please see this real actual the intercept interview with bill de blasio on the subject of him dropping a groundhog to its death.
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[image description: a screenshot of an emailed interview. text reads: ‘On a lighter but more tragic note, do you have any regrets about dropping the groundhog in 2014?
Yeah. 100 percent. I'm like, "Don't make me hold a fucking groundhog." I mean, what the hell? Let me tell you exactly what happened.
I go there and it's seven in the morning, which means my motor skills are not at their best. I put on these gloves, and they're like, "Here's a groundhog," I'm like, "What the fuck?" I'm like, "Don't you have a little more coaching to go with this or whatever?" It was idiocy. Why would you want an elected official to hold a groundhog? I don't know anything about holding groundhogs. So the whole thing is just insane. There's an original sin here. Don't hand someone a groundhog, right?
That sounds like the name of a children's book.
Only trained groundhog holders. And do you squeeze it really tight? I mean, what do you do? So I'm like, talk about a lack of advance work.’ end image description]
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quirkle2 · 1 year
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scar map for wars ! if u can't read my handwriting, it's all in text under the cut
cheek burn, ear burn, shoulder burn, left shoulder claw marks: final fight w/ volga
face scar near right eye: cornered by dark links
lip scar: training incident when he was 9
left side burn: turncoat soldier; had to be cauterized
right side burn: first fight w/ volga
arm burn: fiery aeralfos
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me and them tbh
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(by avogado6 on twitter)
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lovecatsys · 3 months
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damn he got roasted. literally
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mauxanhduong · 8 months
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sebsrainbowbicycle · 3 months
“At least you have a mother” is something that has been said to me more times than I would care to count, and is something I’ve been thinking on a lot recently.
I think an absent mother would have been better than what I had. To the outside world we were a perfectly imperfect family. We went to church, we hosted dinners, were polite got good grades and everything seemed normal. But it wasn’t. I didn’t really have a mother, or maybe I did once but not that I remember. I had a person who gave birth to me and hated me, except for once a year when we would take a trip just us and it would be great for two days.
I witnessed what a mother was, with how she was with my brother. I saw what love and care and affection without expectation was when I saw their relationship, but I didn’t get that. I got the other side of her. The abusive alcoholic. And I don’t think I’ll ever really recover from that fully. I don’t think that I’ll ever be able to get rid of the tiny voice inside my head that asks what I did wrong to make her do those things. Nothing, I was a child. I know that but the voice in my head doesn’t.
Mother’s Day has ben something that weighed heavy on me always, the pretending so that everything looked normal to everyone else. So that no one saw what she was really like. I’d get her cards and gifts because it wasn’t worth it if I didn’t. Playing nice and playing pretend and dying inside. Watching everyone else showcase their love, talk about wonderful memories and how amazing their mums are, and I remember the year that my Dad was sick and in hospital so couldn’t buy me a gift for her like he did every year, because I was too young and didn’t have money. And I made her a card, used her favourite colours and flowers. I made her toast and coffee and my brother attempted orange juice and we took it to her in bed and she seemed happy. It seemed good. Until my brother went to play and she screamed at me because we hadn’t gotten her gifts, or bought cards. Told me I was irresponsible and ungrateful and a terrible daughter. I’lll leave the rest of that story to the imagination.
So Mother’s Day isn’t a good day for me. Never has been. This year will be my first Mother’s Day since I went no contact, and it’s weird and freeing too, not to have the obligations. But it’s another change, and another thing I have to deal with. Another thing that hurts. All the time. The pretending hasn’t stopped with the obligations, I’ll still smile at my friends lovely plans and stories and not flinch when they talk about their mums, pretend every word isn’t a dagger into an open festering wound. Smile, pretend to everyone else that everything is normal. Just like I’ve always done.
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newts-and-sharks · 2 years
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Did I ever share these DJMM’s that I drew? They’re a bit old but I think he looks nice
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basementxdweller · 3 months
thinking about that time i was asked "who molested you for you to turn out this way" on here. something something that action had consequences
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 6 days
im gonna (remembers saying kms is bad for my mental health) kill myself
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