#i feel like i had the exact fic you're talking about bookmarked at some point but i can't seem to find it
alecmagnuslwb · 11 months
Hello, anon asking for help to find a malec fanfic here 👋 I only remember this scene with Magnus arriving at Pandemonium, there was a fight between two werewolves and Alec for in the middle to stop them and got shot with a tranq dart so he is basically drugged in Magnus' office, when Magnus goes to check on him, Alec has like zero filter and tells him something about how hot he is and Jace just gets out of there
Okay so with ao3 being down the last couple of days it took me a bit before I could go searching cause this sounds so familiar to me, but I can't track down the exact one the closest I can find with a no filter/truth serum type thing is Pati in Silentio by lolguess, which is great, but no werewolves.
Anybody out there got a closer guess on this one?
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hoodie-buck · 9 months
fic stats meme!
Rules: Give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the least words.
tagged by my beloveds: @loserdiaz @disasterbuckdiaz @hippolotamus @monsterrae1 @spotsandsocks @thewolvesof1998 @wildlife4life @buddierights
most hits:
if i lay here, would you lie with me (forget the world)
“Does this story have a point?” Eddie questioned, Lena narrowing her eyes at him. “This guy, my sort of friend—what if he could watch Chris for you?” Eddie furrowed his brows together.
“You want me to leave my kid who’s halfway across the country with some—stranger?”
It beats having him sent home to your parents, right?”Well, she had a point there.
Eddie shook his head, overwhelmed with his thoughts.
“Look, I appreciate it Bosko, but I just—I don’t know. This is my kid we’re talking about.”
“I know that, and I know how much you love him. Hell, you’ve sent me ten plus emails when I was watching him for you.”
Eddie looked to where there was a line coming out of their commanders office. He turned to Lena, giving his full attention.
“Alright, tell me about this friend of yours.”
The one where Eddie’s in the army, Shannon gives up her rights to Chris, and Eddie needs a babysitter. Good thing Lena knows Buck, the guy having nothing better to do than help babysit until Eddie gets back. Eddie would come home, and he would leave; it wasn’t like they were going to build some lifetime friendship or anything.
second third most kudos:
five + one (i did 3rd most kudos, bc army!eddie won this as well) also wtf allowed me to name a fic this 💀
Five times Eddie calls Buck by his real name and one time Buck calls Eddie by his or Five times Eddie drives Buck crazy with his real name, and one time Buck gets revenge
third most comments:
-He’d surfed many seas, rode an infinite amount of waves, though none of them quite felt like home, like he’d surfaced. It wasn’t until he met the guy with eyes as deep as the ocean that he let himself drift to shore, sinking right into them. Everything about him was like being right on the edge, like you could travel for miles and still never quite reach his depths, like a wave that couldn’t be touched, couldn’t be brought down. Sometimes, you couldn’t stop the wave, but you could learn to surf it. Eddie had spent his entire life riding the waves, but nothing could prepare him for the depths of Evan Buckley. – —or— the buddie surfing au
fourth third most bookmarks:
I want to love you (but I don't know how) (i did 3rd most since 5+1 won this as well)
“Say we want to, I don’t know…maybe you…or I, will want to let the other know that I’m safe at work, like if there’s a bad call or something.” Eddie nodded for him to go on, Buck already reaching to tap the correct buttons. “How about two taps means: ‘I’m safe’.” Buck tapped his bracelet twice, the two of them watching in awe as Eddie’s lit up, vibrating where it lay over his wrist. He watched as Eddie visibly shivered; he couldn’t be sure if it was due to the magic of the bracelets, or Eddie’s fear of technology—maybe a little of both. Buck cleared his throat, ducking his head a little as he continued. “And maybe, we could use—4 taps to say: ‘I’m hurt, but ok’.” Eddie looked up to him then, raising a brow. “How many taps do we need for, ‘my best friend is a dumbass and did something stupid again, and I’m not there to have his back’?” Buck deadpanned. “Well, that would be nineteen, to be exact.” -or- Buck buys him and Eddie touch bracelets, not wanting either of them to feel disconnected after Eddie leaves. They help, but the real thing is still better.
fifth most words:
when i lose my grip, you pull me back (you're my universe)
Buck only nuzzled closer, his breath ghosting over Eddie’s lips, begging Eddie to take that last step. “Ev, please don’t make this harder than it already is.” Buck’s lips were all but touching his, their noses pressed together. Buck was all around him, voice pleading. “Just one Eds, please.” That was the problem. It was never just one; once they dove into the world of each other, it was almost impossible to stop—they could never get enough. Not enough kisses, touches, or sweet sounds made between them would ever be enough; if there was one thing they never tired of, it was each other. —or— A collection of firsts in Buck and Eddie’s relationship, from when they met as teenagers, to now. Aka the teen buddie au.
fic with least words:
mornings with you
A soft morning between our soft boys
tagging: @redlightsandicedtea @justsmilestuffhappens @onward--upward @honestlydarkprincess @swiftiebuckleyhan @barbiediaz @djdangerlove @cowboydiazes @alyxmastershipper @ronordmann @wh0re-behavi0r @spaceprincessem @giddyupbuck @transbuck
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zeawesomebirdie · 2 years
Okay but like - I'm so happy I'm not the only one who discovered stuff about themselves with Tomarrymort & Snarry, because those ships were there at all the right time periods for me (and Kylux too, let's not forget those two guys, I don't know who I would be without my intense phase where I identified with the Kylo in my head) Like I still remember reading Cambiare Podentes when I was just getting fluent in english and I didn't get what sauteed meant, and coming back to it years later and realising that I knew now! That's a fic I've reread a few times throughout the years and I love-hate old me's comments. I was cringe but also I was 14 you know. Btw if you want Snarry recs I have read so many I have some for every taste 👀 (except time travel time travel is not really my thing lol. but otherwise we got lots of options here at Ram's fanfic folders and AO3 bookmarks) So anyway yeaah we're ship besties <3
Also on the topic of writing? 1) I'm glad that inspired you, I'll definitely give your fic a read when it's posted 👀 but also 2) I feel like you're the right person to share this with so. You know how people have like, little daydreams about stuff and sometimes it's about fandom? Yeah so one time I had a dream where Harry and Tom were together but Harry and Severus had something going on and I thought it was cool that spawned an AU/daydream in my head. I still have all my notes on it but overall it's like, a soulmates thing where you get a tug towards that person, and Tomarry are soulmates and have known since Hogwarts, they went together, the usual. But a few years after Harry still has a pull towards someone else but not Tom, and obviously it's Severus. I thought it would be fun to force Tom "have you looked at someone else today darling?" Riddle and Severus "insecurities and self-sacrifice" Snape to share a soulmate y'know. At some point I wanted it to be omegaverse but I thought that might just be a little too much. So yeah welcome to the club of people who know about the Tomarry/Snarry AU, there's two of us now! I also have a bus Tomarry one because public transportation my beloved lol. Actually I took a read through the little AUs/snippets I've thought of during the years and damn it's too bad I don't write those are such good ideas (and by that I mean they appeal to me personally)
Also also are you watching Kenobi and loosing your mind too?? Because I sure fucking am. We talked daddies with my closest friends (neither of us are actually into men or have a daddy kink so like, that was a conversation) and they had the absolute GALL of saying to my face "no Oscar Isaac in Dune is much better than Ewan McGregor in OWK, no shade to old Ben but like look at the BEARD on Oscar Isaac" and like. I love my friend okay. Love him so much. But by god you cannot say this to me, person who semi-regularly questions her asexuality exclusively because of Obi-Wan. Like no come ON. Anyway. Very normal about him lol.
AND finally and then I'm done I swear - wait what did I want to say. Oh yeah that wasn't it but I made little pride pins and also a Jedi Order symbol one! I've gotta post pictures of that on my artblog I'm so proud of it lol. Oh yeah I remembered. So not to be self-centred but I updated my OCs tag if you want to get a look at that, I posted a silly analysis of my fanfic folder in the rambles tag a few days ago, and also if you didn't go all the way back juuust in case you didn't see it I have an old Harry & the Horcruxes at the start of my artblog? So yeah. Self promo over lol.
Anyway love you <3 <3 and love that I'm getting you into my ships >:) (genuinely btw none of my friends are into fandom like me so it's cool to finally have fandom friends, especially when they have similar tastes)
okay okay so this is so old omg I'm sorry, but here we are finally answering it!
tomarrymort and snarry really are here at the exact right time, just like obikin and kylux have been for me too! Like, the pining and the inherently unhealthy dynamics and the obsession in all of them are just so good! And having discovered these things about myself, I can go forward with my writing and make it that much more intense and deep and affectionate, because what is writing except the baring of the soul such that others may have the same catharsis as I?
And that doesn't even get into how these ships all have the range! No matter what dynamic you're looking for you can find it with all of them! After being a chronic rarepair shipper, this is such a wonderful change of pace!
Omg I'd love your snarry recs please [insert eyes emoji]!! I've read quite a few already, such as Completely Innocent by Snarry5evr, Ingredients of Respect by Lizzy0305, and one of my personal favorites, With Eyes Wide Open by suitesamba, but everything I've read has come from the @houseofsnarry discord server recommendations, and I'd love more recs!! (I'm on part 3 of Pacify, and holy shit this fic is incredible, I can see why it's your favorite! It's just so long I need to take breaks in between parts lmao, y'know?)
And re: time travel!AUs: I didn't think I liked the trope, and then I read love is touching souls (surely you touched mine) and omg Ram. Ram. This fic is so. I know I went into your askbox about it before but I will never shut up, this is one of my all-time favorite fics next to Transparency by oldesthuntress (which is a Hetalia prucan fic that I have reread annually for nearly a decade), and oh my god. I cannot get enough of time travel!tomarry. I will never get enough of time travel!tomarry. The pining! The time travel shenanigans! The sheer idiocy of two men completely destroying the timeline by being homosexuals in the 1940's! I love themb so much, I cannot thank you enough for this fic rec, like fuck dude it was so good
Oh I hope you're not looking too forward to that fic I'm writing, cause I'm no where near being ready to post any time soon. I still have to finish that beedlink fic that I started with every intention of only taking a month to write completely, but y'know health shit happens lol. But I'm happy to link you when it's eventually posted! I just haven't been prioritizing writing the way I used to, between starting to learn typesetting and getting more serious about trombone, I just haven't had the energy to write properly in far too long! And speaking of writing that fic,,, I think maybe I'll work on it today lmao; I just have too many hobbies and not nearly enough energy to do them all!
Okay okay okay this soulmate tomarry/snarry daydream sounds incredible, does it end up being a kind of Tom/Harry/Severus type thing or is it more distinctly tomarry&snarry like together but separate? (As a poly person, I'm v invested!) And please tell me more about your bus tomarry AU (if you want!)! Public transportation my beloved indeed, even as an American who's never had adequate public transportation I can understand the inherent romance!
(and this is where I shamelessly insert: if you ever want to write a fic together, that offer still stands!! Your AUs are so so cool, I'd love to work on something with you if you ever decide you'd like to!! And obv no pressure ofc, ily <3)
And omg I have a little notebook that i jot down all my little AUs and ideas in, and the purpose of it was originally to just be able to open up the notebook and select one if I didn't know what to write about, but the ideas keep coming and I still haven't written anything since starting and promptly stopping the beedlink fic lol. An idea that only appeals to you is still a good idea btw, because 1) one should always create for themselves first and foremost and 2) if one is to ever post their work, there will always always be an audience, and even if that audience is only one other person, there will always be someone who loves your work!
omg so I have watched two episodes of Kenobi so far, and then I haven't watched the rest yet. I've seen all the gifs, all the metas, etc etc, but I haven't actually watched the full thing yet [insert that one emoji thats laughing with the sweat bead thingy] [sorry, I still haven't learned how to insert emojis via desktop whoops I should look into that!] But as a person who is both extremely into men and also has a daddy kink, while your friends aren't wrong about Oscar Isaac, Ewan McGregor is much more daddy than he is and it's the graying beard and hair that really sells it. Oscar Isaac in Dune is objectively very pretty as far as men go, but nothing will ever top Obi-Wan with his hair all tousled up from fighting Vader, grimacing and glaring and looking so very beautiful in the glow of the lightsabers 😌 [I went on my phone solely to insert that emoji bc I didn’t know how to describe it the way I’m describing the others]
But I get it, being the only person who has a good taste in men! (/v lh) I was hanging out with a friend from school the other day, and she let me infodump about Star Wars for some reason, and she not only questioned my judgement for shipping and writing obikin (teasingly, ofc), she told me that simping for Ewan McGregor was certainly a choice lmao. And so then we had to have a whole discussion about what our tastes in men were, and ofc my taste in fictional men is entirely summed up by: twice my age, graying, could kill me with his bare hands, and traumatized by the after effects of the love of his life trying to kill him multiple times.
And welcome to the prequels fandom, where we’re all very normal about Obi-Wan Kenobi and his beautiful face! (/v v lh) I totally understand questioning over him!
Omg I saw your fanfic folder analysis! It’s so cool how you’ve done that! I don’t have nearly enough fics downloaded to analyze like that, your dedication is truly incredible. And I saw your pins, they’re so pretty!! I’ll go through your art blog for the Harry art, I’m sure it’s astounding like the rest of your work!
Love you too!! <333 <333 <333 Thanks for waiting for this answer, I’m so sorry it took like a month but here it is! Thank you again for getting me into your ships, it’s been such a blast to get to ramble extensively about all of them with someone <3
I hope this finds you well!!!
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