#i dont regret the decisions i made previously because i was doing the best i could with the information i had
calamitydaze · 2 months
i’ll keep an eye out on the situation but in absence of a miracle explanation, this is looking like the end of the line for me :^) not deactivating or anything, i’ll still be on this blog, just not posting about dteam anymore (which was kinda already the case since i’ve been slowly drifting for months)
hugs and kisses to every single one of you, i promise it’ll be okay! askbox and dms are open for anyone who want to talk 🫂
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Brothers anon, im gonna start combing the two separate submissions again cause its getting too short to have them separate I think?
1: His possession messed with memories Ranbob had before, so memories of school friends or playing with Ran were distant to erased. Though after Dreams possession it was also harder to make and keep memories. But thankfully as Ranbob was recovering from Dream and got futher away making memories came eaiser to him, though he'll never get back the memories he lost. 
3: Oh he would very quickly grow to regret his decision, but it would be funny. And Benjamin would later admit that while it was annoying and stressful, it was also fun and he was very happy to have his two families meet and generally get along. 
8: Everyone is just in shocked silence before Cletus just goes "YEAHHHHHHHHHH!" Oddly happy that Ranboo committed so much arson. Oh definitely, after all the outcasts of society where put there. Of course people would make such negative rumors about Mizu and treat the people as the scum of the earth. Though this also means, people don't know what happened in Mizu, and anyone who knows, view it in a more happy and a "Their finally gone" type of way, then viewing it as the tragedy it was. 
Spoons is a card game technically. A group of people sit in a group and everyone gets 4 cards, and you keep discarding at least 1 card of yours to the person on your left, who then does the same to their person on their left, the last person in the group puts a card into a discard pile. The goal is to get 4 of the same cards, and once someone gets 4 of the same cards, that person goes and grabs a spoon in a pile in front of them (let's say there's 5 players, theres only going to be 4 spoons cause there's always a spoon less than the people playing), once they grab one anyone can grab a spoon. And the person who doesn't get a spoon gets a S added to them, once Spoons is spelled the person gets out of the game, and a spoon gets removed to continue the game. Basically for flowers its played the exact same way but with flowers in the middle expect for spoons.
11: I just imagine Dream sulking in a corner as you yell at him and him going like "well I didn't know…" as he kicks a stone. And he wasnt sure what it was, but quickly jumped on the idea that maybe it was the fact that Ran was still alive somewhere, and that that's causing Ranbob to willingly let himself become weak and defy him. Causing Dream to become angrier at Ran and punish Ranbob harder. 
3: During the brothers fight in the storm, and after everyone runs off to find Ranbob, Ran is left alone. And he decides to just wander off into the storm, not protecting himself from the rain so he does get burnt. The whole time he's lost deep in thought and isn't really paying attention. He continues to wander for a whole day unfollowed (because after the Gladiators and Fishermen came back to the cave after finding Ranbob they are in no rush to find Ran and decide to look for him after the storm passes, which takes a full day) and at some point Raq finds him wandering. Which Raq then uses Rans distraction to his advantage and attacks him. At first only really the gladiators where concerned when they found Ran gone. But once they found him blinded and terrified everyone felt awful and a looming sense of guilt. And everyone continued to feel that way, even after they got the antidote and Ran started to see again.
4: They would just leave Ranbob alone and check in on him every now and again. But generally let him deal with it himself. They'd feel guilty leaving him alone, but they also know that they can't really do anything for him as their not prepared or briefed on how to help him in this situation. 
10: Oh definitely, even with Ran blinded they would've been kicked out immediately for fighting, without even a second glance. Dont forget, Ran still cares for his brother. And maybe, losing his sight made him face the side of him that wanted to become family again with Ranbob, maybe it brought enough to light that he just can't ignore it anymore. Mostly only negative potions can be permanent, like posion, blinding, wither, and nausea (I know the last like 3/2 are effects but they've also found a way to make effects into potions.). You already know what a antidote for blindness would be. A antidote for wither would be, a ghast tear (actually a basic ingredient for almost every antidote), blaze powder, and glistening melon to make a overpowered healing potion. Antidote for posion would be ghast tear, swiftness (so it acts fast to get rid of the posion), and the 3rd ingredient depends on what kind of posion it  was (posion that has a side effect of constricting or filling the lungs with water? Pufferfish and Turtle shell for last ingredients. Posion that has weakness? Blaze powder, and glistening melon) And antidote for nausea would be ghast tear, and potion of slowness to allow the person to slowly feel better, so their nausea doesn't hit them all at once before disappearing, which can cause them to throw up or have side effects. 
13: Thats exactly what they did. 
14: Jackie will 100% attempt to fight God and no one can stop him. :) (to be honest im not sure yet, I know I want to do more with Raq and have the idea that maybe he could be the person that finds Dream and gets him out of Mizu, but that's pretty often used in stories and I want to try to think of something more unique. Maybe I'll have it so Raq actually manages to capture the brothers or at least one of them and uses them as blackmail?)
15: When Ranbob was a child and Ran was just a baby Ranbob would often take Ran out of his crib and take him to go watch the fish swim by. When Ran was old enough he'd follow Ranbob everywhere, even a few times he managed to sneak into Ranbobs class room and almost wasn't caught. Ran got extremely clingy one day and managed to gather his haunting all up into his arms and carried them around, even though he was obviously struggling. And Ranbob used to complain about his teachers and idiotic classmates whenever he got home, which is funny when you consider Ran was very impressiable at the time and Ran started mimicking Ranbob, leading to him cursing, much to Ranbobs dismay. 
And im curious, do you have any questions that I havent answered? Or do you have any ideas for anything? I'd love to hear whatever you have to say about anything honestly!
Course! I dont have much lore wise other than they go to Kelalen and when they hear Dream is still around they decide to stay back to help fight him. But the idea I have is that Karl is just kinda hanging with everyone I listed, talking about allies or treaties when his time traveling clock/watch starts to go off, and he panics, but sadly in his haste to stop it he makes it worse and it grabs everyone, where they end up in the future. After hours of confusion and explaining they calm down. When 2 days later they find the Gladiator and Fishermen group, at first Karl is strongly against going to then for help, but everyone basically ignores him and go to ask for help. Hours of explanation and proof giving later the GF (Gladiator and Fishermen, got tired of writing it out) group sadly tells them that they cant really help. Until Ran (who was previously gone searching the surrounding area and making sure it was safe) appears high up on a tree (cause I just can't get the image of Ran on a tree and looking comfortable and confident as hell out of my head), and says that maybe Kelalen can help, if not going to Foolish may be a good alternative. Isaac, and Grievous are extremely against going back (at this time a 2 months have past since they left Kelalen)n saying it could be dangerous but Ran just aboustely shoots them down, along with Watson and Jackie agreeing with Ran, and Karls group agreeing to it. They head off to Kelalen. And Jackie is extremely excited at the potential of going to see Foolish finally. And it'd probably be like a sub au where the brothers au is the main backbone for it but at a certain point it separates from the au and becomes its own.
1: Okay, ouch. Can you imagine if Ran brought one of those memories up, and just had Ranbob look confused, or horrified, depending on how quick he realizes what happened? How would Ran react to that realization, both before and after he forgives Ranbob?
3: If nothing else, everyone got some laughs from it-even Benjamin, once his friends were far, far away from his family and not able to teach them more chaos. 
8: Cletus, why are you so happy? Do you just enjoy knowing chaos existed back then? Are you an arsonist? What’s up with you? 
Also, wow. Not cool, other city people, that’s very mean.
Spoons sounds like it’s interesting, I might try it sometime. Did the group just have those cards on them? What other games did they have?
11: Good, put Dream back in the corner, I’m gonna be yelling more. Because, seriously dude? I know you probably exist solely out of spite, but c’mon. Admittedly, from a certain point of view, it could be considered amusing that your first thought was that Ranbob was making himself weaker out of defiance/spite but like. From a more responsible and mature viewpoint, that’s incredibly stupid, and I-just. Buddy, hate to tell you, but I’m pretty sure that’d just be a you thing. Besides you were in Ranbob’s head, didn’t he think Ran was dead? It doesn’t even make sense. Good lord, I’m half-tempted to get the broom and chase you around like you’re a particularly unruly barn cat. 
3: First of all, that sounds really scary for Ran. Second of all, are we getting an overprotective arc?
4: Kind of sad, but understandable, they’re dealing with the situation as best they can.
10: Even if the group was provoked by the townspeople? Potions sound really cool, wish I could make those in real life, tbh.
13: W-what do you mean ‘that’s exactly what they did’? Anon, is your friend, like, a legit gremlin? I’m spooked. 
14: Foolish takes one look at Jackie, wearing a smile that exactly matched Tubbo’s when he was about to cause chaos, and immediately nopes out of that. He knows that face, and he will not be getting tangled into a fight with a goblin child today, no sir. I’m sure Jackie tries regardless though. (Also, that sounds like that goes horribly, do we get an overprotective ender-sibling, for whoever gets captured or used as blackmail, if that’s what you do?)
15: I love all of these so much, oh my gosh. Baby Ran seeing the fishes and following his big brother around. Poor Ranbob’s face when his baby brother cursed one day, Ran trying to carry all of his haunting. I’m in tears, honestly. 
Umm...I can’t think of anything right now, to be honest. If I ever do have a question or idea though, I’ll through it on the Brothers AU tag for you to check out, I guess. 
Oh, this sounds really cool. The part about them just ignoring their local time traveler when they’ve just time traveled particularly amuses me, as does Jackie wanting to see Foolish-I feel like Foolish may be a little more than terrified to see both Tubbo and Jackie back, honestly. Why was Ran willing to help them so much? What did they do to offer proof? How did Ranbob react once they proved who they were? How does all the group get along? Are they Ranboo’s haunting, and if so, if Ranboo gets close with his descendants, does he merge his hauntings with theirs? How does the time group feel about the Brothers fighting, and Ranbob’s possession?
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coldbatpalacepanda · 3 years
My life journey: i was born on May 28,2002 in katalicanan aleosan cotabato,i didnt of mine deep-felt already born in the hospital bacause my home is far away the Road its not easy to facilitate the patient go in the hospital,but im so grateful because im still alive,strong, good health,and happy to this world even theres more problem i encounter to my life as a adult,student,and younger to all siblings,as a young age lived in this world that theres so many problems i encounter Ill fight in order get loose at life,being a student its so hard to adjust this year now cause full of changes and problem like this pandemic now,theres more changes like in my studying now this online class its so hard to adjust cause some lesson we didnt understand but we try our best to understand it cause this is for our better future,and also i miss all memories being a young and student that last year theres no pandemic to come in we lived peace and free theres no distraction like in high school life i never know that im a student cause highschool life it so memorable experiences and memories that i never forget to my life,like go out somewhere its for fun only theres no problem thinking cause they all enjoying life ,like dancing together in different fiestas its so memorable that this is ones in a life time to make is happen in life dancing together with your clasmate and friends,and celebrating a birthday of one of my friend we make specia because we never know now or soon like activities we never happen all the time cause life is short,no matter a little bit food we prepare the most important we are complete to celebrate the all. special day in our life and also i never forget to all may friends who give her trust on me even im so clingy,noisy,and funny sometimes ill still remember when im so happy to face may friends to see all laughing its so memorable and fun but one of my friends theres a deeply problems or secret she didnt tell anyone,but me also i listen her personal problem even there own family didnt know ,that time i see her eyes so sad and scared i dont explained my feeling when i see her,so that i talk to her and i told her that im her for you to listen and help ,when i know all what happen to her im shocking i didnt expect that realy happen in real life,so that im comforting him ill do my best to give advise cause when i see her eyes flow her tears i pitied her conditions she truma some on her circumstancing ,i feel sad because my bestfriend
she forthcome,thats why im willing to help for him already fade her problem im willing to help for him already fade her problem and to start a new journey of life cause i believe strong women is a fighter ,everyone needs friends,friends are an important part of our life without friends,life can be pretty lonely,friends come in all shape and size,you might have a tall friendsl or a fat friends or maybe a hilarious friends or a supportive friends,companionship even stronger than that,a friends is someone who is willing to listen and not listen because they should,a friend is someone who is willing to support you,if they dont like your decisions,they may try to convince you,but support at the end,a friend is someone who will comfort you through the tough times,a friends is someone who will laugh with you at the stupidest thing and even go along with your stupid ideas,a friend is someone who loves you because who you are and they accepted you and your flaws,a friend is someone who will protect you because they cant stand their friend being in any harm,a friend is someone who has your back through whatever the case might be and if they were truly your friend ,i dont think you'll be able to forget them,because friends stay with us for a very long period of time,they hold us together and we hold them together its kind of like a package,the number of friends you have never matters they only matter if they mean so much too and not just for showing off or you can have a lot of friends but the ones you talk to about the deep aren't many that a really good thing i think the special part about friendship is when you are arounshow more life is full of various events and experience,but all of these are not equally important,enjoyable and memorable,all days we come across in our life are not the same ,some my memorable moment,is the funniest and happiest day of our life however memories are not just the ones that make us feel like we are in heaven ,sometimes it is unforgettable because of the joy and fun that has given to us,be it either good or bad,it will still be the part of us,our life,it will remain in us forever,everywhere we walk when we think about this day or memory ,we are very happy and we want to cry,in my opinion,everyone has a special memory that they will never forget,it may be good or bad ,my hand were shaking and heart throbbing,with trembling ears i heard to her,she told me that i have secured ,i thanked God the almighty for the success which he granted me ,then i ran to my parents and gave them the good news they are overwhelmed with joy,my sister and cousin got up and rejoiced,d friend and your having loads of fun whether you are doing something of doing nothing,Athe most memorable experience in our life is when we did something unusual that made us feel ,shy ,happy ,sad or angry,it is composed of mixed emotions we did an unforgettable experience,it mostly occur in the days of our childhood,when we are still young and ignorant ,for example when we accidentally spill a glass of juice on the shirt of our crush !well,thats really unforgettable ,this is my unforgettable memories that they no regrets the most but the truth is,the more that you grow older and remember these memories you will be happy or sad l,but still you will learn to grow ,to change your old habits and start something new ,to always be careful of what you do or say. and always thank God for he has given to you and for the things you experience for that day And Now days there so much changes,so many thing that we cannot do with our friends and relatives cause we need to follow the protocol for being safe even this is so hard this is for our own good to make a better person we need to sacrifice and we always trust in God that theres hope to come in our life if we thingk always positive and pray,cause theres so possible happen uf we have faith this types of problem this is challenge of God to us if where the copiable for our prebelief cause i believe if we are alive we have propect in our life,dont stop dreaming and we always think positive.
After all, books are a man’s best friend, and they’ve been my best friends too. As extremely shy child I always found it hard to make actual “friends.” I was never a talkative kid. In fact, when other kids enjoyed jumping around, having fun, I would wish for some means of enjoying solitude. That is when I befriended my first book; Peter and Jane Book 1a Play with Us. My mother had bought me that book so I would learn to read. Well, I could read alright, or so I thought. Then again, it wasn’t what was inside that piqued my interest to pick up that thin hardback book, sit back on the couch and start reading it.
As far as I can recall, I peered at the vivid, illustrative cover of the book that depicted a boy and a girl peeking out of a tent for several minutes until finally turning the hardcover over. Now that I look back, those words, those sentences seem so simple, but back then, reading that simple transported me to a whole new world. Even though there wasn’t much to read in that book, but plenty of brightly colored images to see, I could almost picture myself there with Peter and Jane, just observing them from a distance. Believe it or not, that somewhat meaningless book is the reason I started reading in the first place, and it is because of that book that I have had the pleasure of reading some of the finest books over the years. That book filled the void of having no friends during my early-childhood years.
The very next day, I started reading the copy of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe I had received as a gift. Although the cover wasn’t as colorful as the books I had previously read, the illustration immediately captivated my attention. I put myself in place of those two children, and I imagined what it would be like to ride on top of a gigantic lion At first, the book itself did not capture my interest because I found it quite similar to the Wizard of Oz, but as I kept reading, I found myself joyfully lost i, i feel sad because my bestfriend
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she forthcome,thats why im willing to help for him already fade her problem im willing to help for him already fade her problem and to start a new journey of life cause i believe strong women is a fighter ,everyone needs friends,friends are an important part of our life without friends,life can be pretty lonely,friends come in all shape and size,you might have a tall friendsl or a fat friends or maybe a hilarious friends or a supportive friends,companionship even stronger than that,a friends is someone who is willing to listen and not listen because they should,a friend is someone who is willing to support you,if they dont like your decisions,they may try to convince you,but support at the end,a friend is someone who will comfort you through the tough times,a friends is someone who will laugh with you at the stupidest thing and even go along with your stupid ideas,a friend is someone who loves you because who you are and they accepted you and your flaws,a friend is someone who will protect you because they cant stand their friend being in any harm,a friend is someone who has your back through whatever the case might be and if they were truly your friend ,i dont think you'll be able to forget them,because friends stay with us for a very long period of time,they hold us together and we hold them together its kind of like a package,the number of friends you have never matters they only matter if they mean so much too and not just for showing off or you can have a lot of friends but the ones you talk to about the deep aren't many that a really good thing i think the special part about friendship is when you are arounshow more life is full of various events and experience,but all of these are not equally important,enjoyable and memorable,all days we come across in our life are not the same ,some my memorable moment,is the funniest and happiest day of our life however memories are not just the ones that make us feel like we are in heaven ,sometimes it is unforgettable because of the joy and fun that has given to us,be it either good or bad,it will still be the part of us,our life,it will remain in us forever,everywhere we walk when we think about this day or memory ,we are very happy and we want to cry,in my opinion,everyone has a special memory that they will never forget,it may be good or bad ,my hand were shaking and heart throbbing,with trembling ears i heard to her,she told me that i have secured ,i thanked God the almighty for the success which he granted me ,then i ran to my parents and gave them the good news they are overwhelmed with joy,my sister and cousin got up and rejoiced,d friend and your having loads of fun whether you are doing something of doing nothing,Athe most memorable experience in our life is when we did something unusual that made us feel ,shy ,happy ,sad or angry,it is composed of mixed emotions we did an unforgettable experience,it mostly occur in the days of our childhood,when we are still young and ignorant ,for example when we accidentally spill a glass of juice on the shirt of our crush !well,thats really unforgettable ,this is my unforgettable memories that they no regrets the most but the truth is,the more that you grow older and remember these memories you will be happy or sad l,but still you will learn to grow ,to change your old habits and start something new ,to always be careful of what you do or say. and always thank God for he has given to you and for the things you experience for that day And Now days there so much changes,so many thing that we cannot do with our friends and relatives cause we need to follow the protocol for being safe even this is so hard this is for our own good to make a better person we need to sacrifice and we always trust in God that theres hope to come in our life if we thingk always positive and pray,cause theres so possible happen uf we have faith this types of problem this is challenge of God to us if where the copiable for our prebelief cause i believe if we are alive we have propect in our life,dont stop dreaming and we always think positive.
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wolferals · 4 years
finally fallin' chapter 7
arón x reader
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(The spanish is all google translate, i wont take responsibility for mistakes)
chapter 7
The sun tickling your face woke you the next morning. You stretched your legs and rolled over to your left side, your hand hitting the edge of the bed.
You didnt think any of it and just slowly opened your eyes.
The first thing you saw was the window where the sun had come from and you realized that this wasnt your place.
Carefully you sat up and scanned the lit room.
After thinking about the previous night you came to the life changing realization that you had had sex with Arón.
And as you has thought the night before, you immediately regretted it.
As you got up you saw that you were wearing underwear and your dress was kind of hanging off your upper body, your boobs fully exposed.
You picked up your bra and your other stuff and carefully opened the grey door to the living room.
At this point you hoped he wasnt there and you could sneak out but of course he was standing in the kitchen, sipping on a drink in a cup. Coffee.
„Oh good morning." he spotted you and smiled.
Totally embarrassed you walked up to him and sat on a chair, hiding your face in your hands.
„God my head." you groaned and didnt dare to look at him.
Arón stood in front of you and handed you a glass of water with a pill. „Here."
You nodded, swallowed the pill with a big chug of water and replied:"Thanks."
You didnt even know what to say, you were too confused and embarrassed for what you had done.
„I'm gonna go." you then spoke and got up and wanted to leave as fast as possible but a hand grabbed you by the arm and pulled you back.
„What?" you asked and turned around.
Without saying anything else, he cupped your face and placed a long sweet kiss on your lips.
It confused you even more. What did this mean now?
To you this was a mistake, a one time thing.
Was it more to him?
„Uhm.. bye." you exclaimed after looking at him in total confusion. He smiled and then opened the door for you.
„I had fun last night."
You just nodded again and made your way back home, still not knowing what had just happened.
It wasnt your intention to come off as a rude bitch, it just didnt make sense to you and you were pretty bad at hiding your self consciousness.
It had been a huge mistake.
*time skip to 5 hours later*
You had gotten a text from Arón this morning after you had left.
„Are you okay?"
To which you hadnt replied because you were still very embarrassed.
And to make this whole situation even worse, in about 45 minutes you were going to meet up with Itzan and Arón to take the shots for the photo series.
And oh boy were you nervous.
You were hoping Itzan had no clue but they were best friends, he had probably told him and Itzan was now thinking you were a hoe or something.
You had NEVER had a one night stand before. Especially not with a guy you basically just met.
Still very concerned about meeting him, you put on a pair of jeans shorts, a black top and a flannel in case it got colder later.
You didnt apply any makeup, you didnt feel like it. A blue scrunchie kind of highlighted your outfit, holding your hair up in a high ponytail.
You paired your outfit with a golden necklace, some dangly earrings and your usual vans.
Then the time had come for you to grab your bag, your phone, keys and your camera to get going. To meet him again. To face him.
It didnt take too long to get to the previously agreed venue and you were more than glad to see Itzan alone.
„Hey!" you greeted him and gave him a quick hug.
He smiled and replied:"Hi how are you?"
While you were waiting for Arón, Itzan seemed to have no clue about what happened and your thoughts were shooting through your head like arrows waiting for their time to hit the middle.
„Oh there he is, thank god." He suddenly spoke and you turned around just to be faced with a smiling Arón, who walked up to you and said:"Hola people."
It confused you how chill he was. Was hooking up with „strangers" an every day thing for him?
„You ready Piper?" Itzan asked him as Arón was sitting there on a bench, waiting for you to take the picture.
Itzan had called it your job to photograph and his own job was to „direct" Arón.
What a generous guy he was.
„Claro qué sí." Arón nodded and you tried to focus on your job to take a good photo.
While the guys talked about the next test shots you were only thinking of his naked body on yours, making you all bubbly inside.
„Y/n you good?" Itzan asked concerned and snapped his fingers in front of your face.
You came back to reality and asked:"Uh what? Yes. Im fine. Didnt sleep too well."
You heard Arón chuckle. „Why didnt you sleep y/n?"
He got a death glare from you.
„Easy guys. Lets just do this." Itzan seemed to get annoyed.
You were too. You were annoyed by Aróns behavior. But especially you were annoyed by yourself, you didnt even know how that could've happened.
„Y/n photo!" Itzan complained and you nodded back and took a the next picture of Arón. He was looking deep in your eyes, as you looked up from the camera again.
„Do we got it?" Itzan asked you.
Nodding you replied and checked through the taken photos.
They did look pretty good already, you still had to edit them though.
„Whats wrong with you, y/n? Are you feeling okay?"
Itzan looked at you all concerned. „You're absent today."
You simply nodded. „Sorry, im good."
He grabbed his backpack and then spoke:"Maybe its better if we edit the pictures this weekend, you get some sleep y/n you hear me? Imma head to the gym, see you later Piper."
And you were back alone with Arón. He walked up to you and intended on saying something but you cut him off before he could even start. „It was a mistake, I'm sorry. I dont wanna talk about it."
You acted like you were going through the pictures as he looked down at you.
„Y/n, come on." His arm reached out to touch your hand but you pulled away and replied:"I'm very sorry Arón, but i'm not like this i promise. I was drunk and it was a huge mistake."
He sighed. „Please?"
You looked up and took a deep breath.
„I know you like me."
You shook your head. But both of you knew it was a lie.
A thousand thoughts were running through your mind at this moment. „Arón, please lets forget this. I'm not ready for that."
Arón nodded and didnt say anything for a bit.
Then suddenly he asked:"Let me guess, you've been hurt before and arent ready to try something new?"
This time you shook your head and meant it.
„Not hurt. I just havent really been loved by anyone yet. And im..."
-„Scared?" he asked softly.
You were aware that this was a bitch move but you seriously were afraid of being close to someone.
Nodding you answered him.
„Yeah." you whispered and looked to the floor.
Arón got closer, tucked a loose strand of hair that had fallen out of your ponytail behind you ear and rested his hand on your cheek.
„Thats okay. We can take the time. And if you're not ready to do this, thats okay too. But trust me chica, I wont give up on you."
This made you laugh.
„Come on. Let me try this." He pleaded and pouted at you.
You werent sure, you wanted to get to know him better first before „dating" him.
„Please just give me some time." Was all you said before giving him a small smile and grabbing your stuff.
„As long as you need." he smiled back.
„But just that you wont lose interest, I'll keep annoying you over text."
You started to grin. You knew he would.
„Vale" you replied.
„Vale" he spoke back and smiled at you, as you slowly walked away after telling a boy who was head over heals for you to give you time? Like girl, this man wants you and you walk away?
Sometimes you hated yourself for your decisions.
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msiopao · 4 years
The One Where the Moon Became a Witness
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pairing: sera x jeno
summary: in the middle of a blackout and dead phones, they danced to the music from her box in the dark with light from the moon streaming in through the window
for christmas, the members all respectively went to their homes with Renjun and Chenle going back to China and the rest to their families, but 2 remain. The parents of the two decided to take vacations without their children since they were told to warn their families that they might not make it back home for the holidays. But it was proven wrong as they were free and now, had no family to go to.
One was in a cruise while the other was in a vacation to make up for a previously cancelled anniversary trip.
Refusing the other members’ wish to stay with them, they slightly regretted the decision at the empty dorm and the silence that filled every crevice.
Sera sat on the couch with Haikyuu playing in the TV but she was barely paying attention, instead focusing on her phone with her fingers typing rapidly and her brows furrowed together. Her brothers were all in college and they too, were without their parents. At least, they had each other and met up in New York. 
elliot: why couldn’t you just have taken a plane here
mika: its only 15 hours
sera: ‘iTs oNLy 15 hOUrS’
sera: fool get off crack
elias: we dont want you here anyways 😤
sera: i will actually fite your face
atticus: its literally christmas eve
atticus: would it kill you to be nice for a few days
sera: hmm,,, suddenly mom appeared in the chat
mika: can you video later
mika: we usually celebrate the first few hours of christmas together
elliot: we wouldnt need to do that if finny was here
sera: lit rally just say you miss me
elliot: yall hear sum
sera: that unfair
sera: i dont have a twin to clown you with
elliot: god has his favorites and its obviously not you
mika: stop arguing
mika: its annoying having to swipe up when i just want to play my game
sera: jeez, mik, why you so pissy for
atticus: elias used up all the hot water
sera: imagine being pissy for taking a cold shower
sera: you shouldnt be unfamiliar with it since you used to take one every morning right, brother mikhail sir?
atticus: one christmas
atticus: one peaceful christmas was what i want
jeno noticed her soft smile and he approached her, holding 2 mugs full of hot chocolate and marshmallows topped with whipped cream. Exactly how she liked it. A giggle escaped from her and she turned to look at him as she felt the cushion beside her sink due to the weight placed on it. She smiled gratefully at him and moved to hold her cup so he could safely hold his.
“Do you miss them?” He asked, noticing the name of her oldest brother’s name pop up. 
With a wistful look, she nodded and blew on the hot liquid. “Yeah. Even though I want to see them, we only have 3 days of break so its not worth flying back and forth.”
Jeno wrapped an arm around her shoulder, gently pulling her close. His eyes trained on the ball that flew around the court in the show and he felt her laugh when the orange-haired boy missed the ball.
“Ah, no!” She whined with a laugh at the face of the boy.
Continuing to watch the banter between 2 characters, they grew silent as they became focused and interested at the show and the speech that a character was giving. She soaked in every word since it reminded her and Dream but then it went blank.
Everything went dark and the soft glow from the street light came through the window beside the TV to give them a way to see things a little bit clearer. Jeno felt her tense form and with the help of the slight light, he gently pried the cup off of her hands and placed both of their mugs on the coffee table in front of the couch.
“Ah, we have a blackout,” Jeno said. Sera nodded and she moved to turn on the flashlight from her phone only for it to blink ‘1%’ in red. 
Cursing at the worst timing, she turned it off and placed it to the side since it was no use anymore. “Jeno, can we use your phone?” 
With a sheepish look, he sent her a lop-sided smile. “You see, I played my game too much and I just plugged it in earlier. It might not have a lot of charge in it. I can go get it?”
“Oh, it’s okay. We just need it to tell the boys we have a blackout and in case they need to get ahold of us,” she reasoned as he stood up to get it from his room and coming back with it on hand.
They sat in silence, even the sound of birds disappeared and was replaced with eerie quietness which was very unfamiliar to the dorm. This might be the first time the walls heard such silence after they moved in.
“The light is hurting my eyes,” Jeno mumbled before taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes.
“Do you want to go in my room? My string lights are battery operated so it’s not turned off. It’s very bright,” she suggested. He nodded and they padded over to her room at the end of the hall.
Jeno has been in her room millions of times so it wasn’t unfamiliar territory and he even noticed his hoodie hanging on her chair.
“There it is!” He pointed at the missing material he was just looking for a few days ago.
Sera smiled guiltily and placed her hands up. “Sorry,” she apologized.
“Nah, it’s okay. I just thought I lost it. You can keep it,” he reassured before jumping on her bed. “It’s so not fair you got a soft bed.”
She rolled her eyes before climbing on it beside him. “What are you talking about? Jaemin has the softest. This isn’t that comfortable.”
Jeno turned his head to look at her and his ears turned red as admired the way the bright lights against the wall illuminated her face and made her eyes brighter than they usually were. It almost made it look like she was glowing.
Sera noticed his stare and looked at him curiously. “Hm? Something on my face?”
He snapped out of it and his smile reached his eyes, turning it to crescents. “No. I just like the lights.”
For a 30 minutes, they just talked about absolute nonsense and old memories to past time since they couldn’t use his phone for entertainment. Then the string up lights flickered slightly that went unnoticed by the two.
“God, Chenle almost killed Renjun. Thank god you were able to hold him back,” Sera laughed at the memory.
Jeno shook his head with a smile when he remembered the unpleasant time that Renjun spilled a little bit of paint on his apple watch. “Honestly, he could’ve just gotten a new one. It didn’t help that you pointed it out in the first place.”
“Yah, if I didn’t, Jisung would’ve. There was a big blob of blue in the screen of his watch. Who wouldn’t notice that?” She defended and tightened her hold of his middle.
“Okay, okay,” he chuckled and was about to say something when for the second time that day, they were covered in darkness again.
“Really, God absolutely hates me right now,” she muttered harshly. “Chenle took all of that good luck with him. I told him to leave that jade bracelet here.”
Jeno knew about her slight fear of the dark because she slept with the lights on everyday and it’s been probably a while since she changed the batteries. 
“You stay here while I go get some batteries and a flashli-”
“No, don’t leave me.” She stopped him from sitting up with a hand on his arm. 
Jeno saw her slight wide eyes and nodded before laying back down. His brain racked up ways to comfort and keep her entertained but he came blank. Turning his head to the side, he looked around her room with blurry eyes and he found the small box that she had on top of her dresser.
“I have an idea,” he said. “But I need to get up, love. Will you let me go get it?”
She nodded and he smiled softly before standing up and crossing the room to grab the circular object. Sera sat up and saw the familiar outline of her great-grandmother’s music box that was given to her right before she died.
Jeno gently wound the box and opened the lid, hearing the soft melody of an unknown song and watching the dancing of the 2 figures. He placed it on her nightstand and he held his hand out to her.
“May I have this dance, m’lady?” He asked. Sera wasn’t able to answer properly since the moon hit behind him so perfectly that it looked like he was an angel and she still cannot believe someone as gorgeous and perfect like Jeno was her best friend.
“I-Um,, Yes.” 
In their pajamas and socks, the two people danced slowly, moving side to side. Their eyes were closed as they slowly got lost into their own world. The soft music from the box filled the room and she could feel his heartbeat as her head rested on his chest and her arms were loosely around his neck. Jeno’s hold of her waist tightened when she moved closer to his warm form.
“Thanks, Jen.” Her gratitude made a smile appear in his face and he kissed the top of her head.
“I can feel your heartbeat,” she mumbled against the cloth.
“Hm? Can you really?” He asked, smile growing wide.
“Yea,” she answered. “Hey, Jen?”
“I love your smile the most.” 
The declaration took him aback. “W-Well, thanks?”
Sera smiled at his awkward stutter and continued on. “It reminds me of the moon. When you smile, it just lights up everything else. Like the moon in the sky. It gives purpose and comfort that there is light in the midst of darkness. And your eyes. They scrunch up like moon crescents. That’s my favorite hour of the moon.”
“I love your smile, too.” He giggled and there was something different in the atmosphere.
She opened her eyes and saw the digital clock flash a red ‘12:05′. “Look, it’s Christmas.”
Jeno moved his head and he swears he could see faint snowflakes. “Oh? It is.”
“I guess I got my wish then,” she hummed happily. 
“I wanted God to let me spend Christmas with someone I love,” she revealed and looked up to meet his eyes. “It wasn’t just a coincidence that you happened to have to stay here too.”
He brushed away strands of her hair that rested on her face before patting her hair. “Stuff happens for a reason.”
“When I came to Korea, you and Jaemin were the only ones I had. But now, I have 18 people with me. I’m very thankful for everything but I think meeting you is the one I’m most thankful for.”
The confession might’ve been spawned as she got more tired and sleepy but he thinks that she’s probably wanted to say that for a while.
“I’m here for you, Sera. I’ve been here from the start and I’ll be here till the end.” Jeno reassured and she hugged him tighter with a content sigh.
His promise is only heard by the 4 walls of her room and remembered by the two of them but it signifies a new beginning and the creation of a deeper bond and the only witness was the moon.
And it thought this was beautiful.
a/n: this was lowkey cute but it didnt turn out the way i wanted it to :(
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asocier · 4 years
( private verse: your name is ) -- three.
          i hear she personally knows the duke.
          her? how did that happen? she’s not even from this district.
          i dont know, but someone saw them talking. said it looked like they were old friends having a chat.
          what did they talk about? 
         who knows? they got the hell out of there before they were caught eavesdropping. 
         haha -- probably for the best. hm, do you think..? 
         think what?
          that they’re gonna go easy on her? 
          gossip. teenagers loved their gossip, didn’t they? the ones she’s met so far during her training were certainly no different. reminiscent of how peers her age acted in school, they traveled in packs, forming tight knit cliques that were impenetrable from the outside unless you somehow proved yourself worthy of an invitation into the group. everyone seemed to be familiar with each other already, a fact alison learned was due to how long they had known each other before her abrupt arrival to the district. from what she understood, some had been training since they were young; others had only been training only for a handful of years. regardless, at this point in their careers, they had all proven themselves to be capable, and it was time for new recruits to do the same.
           new additions weren’t unusual when it came time for recruitment, though it was expected for many to be weeded out in a few months time. judging by the snickers from the others when she first stood alongside them and introduced herself, perhaps they thought she’d be packing her bags very soon. at sixteen, she was amongst the youngest in this round of new recruits, and her small statue coupled with her inexperience seemed to have branded her as an easy target for returning guards-in-training who had a better understanding of what was expected from the veteran rose guards they trained under. 
          but oh, how she was going to prove them all wrong. 
          “wow! imagine being handed something instead of working for it. hm, can’t say that i can relate, actually.” finally turning the corner of the hallway she had been waiting behind, alison makes her presence known to two peers. thinking back on the many introductions she had heard earlier in the week, she could recall that these two came from a long line of rose guards, a notable number of their family members having served various nobles over the course of their lifetimes. it was unclear to her as to whether their training had started early on in their lives, only to culminate in their eventual recruitment into the rose guard after finishing school, or if this was just the beginning of their training. regardless, she wouldn’t be surprised if their connection to their families had aided them in completing their first year of training. 
          startled and indignant by alison’s unexpected appearance, the taller of the two retorted, “didn’t anyone teach you it was rude to eavesdrop?” 
         “didn’t anyone teach you it was rude to talk shit?” an easy comeback as she joined them.
          sucking on his teeth, he turns to his companion, a girl whom alison recalled was quite open about her admiration of the duke and his charms. unsurprising, yet still disappointing, alison thought as she fought back the urge to roll her eyes at the idea of someone joining ayden’s rose guard just to get close to him and vie for his attention. it was a waste of everyone’s time, and it made alison wonder just how much the other relied on her family to get her this far. surely, she wasn’t as hopeless as alison feared if she was able to last this long, but only time would tell, she supposed.
          “how long were you standing there?” with a frown, the other woman expressed her own disapproval of alison’s decision to eavesdrop, though alison was quite certain she was just upset that she had been caught. 
           “long enough to know you’re jealous about my relationship with the duke.” a jab at what everyone was aware of already, a rather smug smile evident on alison’s countenance as she reveled in how the other woman’s brows furrowed deeper. “if it’s any consolation, we’re merely acquaintances.” a partial truth -- time had caused them to drift apart, and it was clear to alison that ayden was no longer the person he was in their childhood. it’d be foolish of her to considering them close friends at this point when so much had changed in the roughly ten years that had passed since their last meeting, though it was comforting to know that he still remembered her. despite that, alison had no intentions of relying on him when it came to securing her place on his rose guard; that was a decision she had made long before she arrived in his district.
          “but how is that possible? you said yourself you graduated from commoner school.”
          “because i did. but how i know the duke is quite frankly none of your business. i suggest you two pay attention to more pressing matters,” and she turns to the taller one, her expression neutral despite the fact she was annoyed by how he had to look down at her to make eye contact, “like how your form is sloppy and quite frankly, makes me question whether you deserve to be called my superior. falling on your ass today really must have been a hit to your ego, huh?” 
         “why i -- ! who are you to judge? like you know what it’s like to be in the rose guard.”
          “i didn’t fall on my ass today, did i?”
          “you don’t have any training under your belt. they were going easy on you because they know you’re a rookie.”
          “says who? who said i don’t have training? not me. i said i didn’t have much formal training.” 
          “what the hell does that mean?”
          with a smile, she merely states: 
          “it means i’m a rogue.” 
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
           that was an illegal move, who the fuck does she think she is? 
           are there really any rules when it comes to this kind of stuff, though?
           who the fuck pulls out a real knife out during sword training? for god’s sake, she shouldn’t even have had that on her person!
          well, at least they stepped in before she could cut you. 
           if anyone asked, she’d give them an answer: no. no, she absolutely did not regret any moment of it. it was their own fault for thinking she was bluffing when her conversation with those two in the hallway was shared around to the various cliques. 
           a rogue? how funny! talking right out of her ass, isn’t she? 
           if they didn’t pay attention to her before, they surely were going to now. previously passed off as an easy target, “nathalie” was starting to earn quite the reputation for herself. it was already surprising to many that she had lasted as long as she did; while many were sent back home for failing to keep up with the rigorous training dictated by the veterans, alison continued to steadily hold onto her position. this alone seemed to have started the shift in attitude amongst her peers, and their opinions only continued to change the more they watched her fight. this latest match seemed to have pushed everyone over the edge. 
            “imagine being so reckless! imagine being so dishonorable! i can’t imagine a noble wanting someone like that on their guard. not only are they a danger, but it ruins the reputation of the guard as a whole.” murmurs of agreement could be heard in response to the one who sounded so exasperated, and there was no effort to hide his anger towards alison. a sore loser, she thought as she stood off to the distance, a bottle of water in hand as she attempted to catch her breath. she had received a rather nasty admonishing post-match, though, she couldn’t help but notice a bit of praise for her quick thinking that underlaid all of the scolding. perhaps that was just her ego interpreting it as such, but she certainly wasn’t going to pass up on any praise. that was something she’d keep to herself, however, for the sake of not adding fuel to the fire ( for now, at least ). 
          “if she keeps at it like this, i wouldn’t be surprised if she got sent home for her behavior in these next upcoming weeks. absolutely unacceptable -- a rogue in the rose guard? whoever heard of such a thing? brutish, impulsive, crude -- a disgrace to the image of the rose guard.”
           “are you done shouting from your soapbox? i’m sure your followers understand how much you hate me already.” her voice had interrupted his endless ranting, and her tone was indicative of how unfazed she was by the complaints directed towards her. she cared very little for the opinions of others; only a handful of opinions mattered, and those of this man were not on her list. “if you’re that upset, you could try taking it up through the ranks until you speak with the duke himself. though, i’m sure he has better things to do than to listen to a resentful trainee.”
          “tch -- don’t sound so brash. you know damn well you’re getting some kind of special treatment. you would have been out of here long ago for your blatant disrespect otherwise.”
          “having a pleasant attitude the duke can appreciate is not special treatment. i just don’t have a stick up my ass like you do. funny --  i’d think that stick would help you hold your own weight, but i guess it just makes you insufferable.” 
          “you little bitch --!” 
          “oho, and now you’ve stooped down to name-calling. very mature of you, very respectful.” with arms crossed over her chest, she looks amused rather than intimidated as her peer crosses towards her, his form stopping in front of her own. 
          “i give respect to those who deserve it. and quite frankly, nathalie, you don’t. you don’t deserve my respect, nor do you deserve your current standing in this guard. you’ve weaseled your way this far, but it’s only a matter of time before someone cuts you down to size.”
          looking up, her features remain at ease as she listened to the vitriol being spat at her. “in due time, perhaps. but that person won’t be you.” 
          “and what makes you so sure of it?”
          “because your form is still, to this day, atrocious.” 
          “as if yours is really any better.” 
          and in a beat, she found herself with her back to the earth, the wind knocked out of her upon sudden impact. with a sheathed sword in his hand, the other had managed to swipe her off her feet, knocking her backwards onto the ground. wide-eyed, alison looks up at the sky above her, and the faces of her peers slowly come into view as their laughter ring in the air. his face came into view right above her field of vision, is gaze directed downwards at her. “you’re always so full of talk, nathalie. speaking as if you know better than the rest of us. you fight like a school child, like the class bully. that won’t get you far in the rose guard.”
         somehow, him getting in the last word before they were called back to attention for the rest of their training was more irritating to her than what was actually said to her. being able to see that smug grin on his face from above struck a nerve in her, and the tittering laughter of the others only added salt to the wound.
         if i count to ten, i could calm down, and then make my way back. if i count to ten, i could turn the other cheek and be the mature one in this situation. if i count to ten ... i’ll let him win.
          fuck that. 
          with the group’s backs turned to her, they don’t realize she’s back on her feet until it’s too late, until the one who criticized her is suddenly yanked backwards and separated from the group. a yelp of pain accompanies his departure, and it’s only then do the others realize that it’s nathalie who has dragged him away by the hair, it’s nathalie who has thrown him down onto the earth, and it’s nathalie who is currently standing over him, her hand on the hilt of the sword at her hip. 
          “y-you can’t draw that! you know we’re not allowed to draw swords outside of matches. you do that, and that’s another strike against you.” his words are rushed in a panic, though it’s clear from the expression on his face that he knows he has a point. she had to acquiesce -- he did have a point. it was a rule that was drilled into each and every one one of them since the first day, and its purpose was to maintain order and safety, especially amongst new recruits. despite knowing this, she finds herself unsheathing the thin blade of her sword anyway, the tip directed at the other’s neck. 
          “i’ll take my strikes. nothing i can’t talk my way out of. after all, you brought this onto yourself.” the blade moves closer to the other’s neck then, the tip resting just above skin. her touch is light, and she truly has no intention to pierce, but considering her unpredictable nature, she knew there would be doubts to her mercy. the fear was evident in his eyes, and the way the air stood still as everyone held their breath was indulgent.
         “you say i fight like a school child, but if you haven’t noticed, that actually has gotten me quite far. your honorable fighting? limited.” a foot raises and rests on the other’s chest then, her grip on her sword never faltering, her gaze never wavering. “honor in topaxi is dying. there is no more honor; anything honorable now is a facade to uphold an image. topaxi fights to gain, to take, to thrive -- there is no fairness. there is no courtesy. so why should i be courteous to those who look down on me?” and she allows just a bit of her weight to be pushed down onto the other’s chest. at this point, she notices that they are alone, the rest of the group having left to resume training. out of the corner of her eye, she can see someone watching them, one of the veterans, no doubt. perhaps they had already yelled at her to drop her weapon. she couldn’t recall; she had turned out the rest of the world for some time. 
          “i fight to survive. i fight to win. i intend to give my all, even if it means stooping low and playing dirty. if that’s how our city fights, then that’s how i’ll fight. why should i play nice?” finally, after what seemed like ages, she withdraws her sword and returns it to its sheath. the figure she had noticed watching made their move then and motioned for her to come with them. with a mischievous smile, she called out to her peer as she walked away from him accompanied by the guard. 
          “take notes for me, yeah? it seems like i’m in for another time out for a while.” 
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flowersfrombefore · 5 years
Flowers and Pianos:Part 2  (Greta Stirling X Roger Taylor) (OC)
AN: today on ‘I am the worst’ I’m so sorry you guys ended up waiting so long for such a short chapter but my writers block has been killing me. I think it’s gone now so I should be getting stuff out faster. Anyway, this chapter is kinda a middle ground thing. Not really story line until the end, more relationship building (they’re cute and I’d die for them) 
Editing isn’t real in this chapter because I got pissed off don’t @ me about spelling mistakes or I’ll fight. 
Part one
Word count: 1430 (I’m sorry I know it’s short ) 
Enjoy babes.
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Warmth hung in the air of the bedroom though outside the wind would send a chill through bone. Light from the sun still soaked the ground and the trees but it was a cold light, an empty promise of warmth.
Rays of light began to seep through the sheer curtains, casting ridges of shadow and white light across the floor and across the two bodies intertwined together in the sheets. Sleep had hardly settled over them when the sun had found its way through the curtains and onto their bare skin. Words had passed effortlessly between them until the darkness gave way to the soft gray that morning tended to bring.
Greta stirred only a short time after she’d drifted off in the comfortable heat and exhaustion, mixed with intoxication that her body was swimming in. Her eyes fluttered open lazily, only partially sure of where she was. The muffled pounding in her head was enough to tell her that no matter how long she’d been awake the night before her hangover had still caught her. She attempted to ignore it the best she could, looking out through the small break in the curtains on the window to the trees and the patch of flowers only just visible.
One thing she was aware of completely was the body pressed against her in the sheets, the lips still brushing against the back of her neck and the feeling that his arms were safe and warm and a place she never wanted to part from. She closed her eyes and let the warmth of his touch wash over her as she tried to recall exactly what had happened. She knew generally what she’d done, what they’d done, though a little blurry on why it had happened in the first place. She searched her mind for a sense of regret and came up empty, and came to the conclusion that this was something she was okay with.
A whisper of his name crossed her lips, only to see if he was awake as well. It was met with no response.
She needed to look at him.
She didn’t know why.
She supposed there was a need to know it had happened, even though a glance at her chest and the blossoming bruises was enough to tell anyone it definitely had. Less a need to know it happened than, more a need to know they were who she thought. When nothing feels real it’s all you can do to make sure your bad decisions were worth something and that they were real.
They were almost too close together for Greta to move without waking him, but it didn’t matter. She just wanted to look at him. They could fall back asleep just as easily if her head lay on his chest.
Shifting her position was easier than she expected even with his arm lazily draped over the outline of her ribs. With a slow movement she was able to turn herself without much disturbing of the sheets and was met with a mess of blond hair obscuring the face she wanted to see so dearly.
For only a moment her heart stopped in her chest.
Now without the dimness and the blurry vision of last night it hit her how similar the two could be. With a shaky hand she brushed the hair away and exposed Rogers face. Strips of light illuminated lines across his face leaving the rest in a shadow. Where it fell on his hair it gave off a glow that was almost unnatural. Greta remembered the thought that had crossed her mind the night before about him giving off the appearance of an angel.
“I was right.” She whispered to herself at the thought, not being able to stop herself from dragging her fingers lightly over his cheek. At her touch Roger stirred, his breathing changing from its previously steady sound.
As Roger slowly started to wake Greta closed the gap between them and brushed her lips against his. His eyes shot open in surprise and he pulled away, but only for a moment. The shock on his face softened in an instant.
“You’re still here.” It was a statement that could have been mistaken as a question.
“So are you.”
The words that passed between them would have meant nothing to anyone outside of the events but it was almost a realization on both sides. It’s all that was said for a time. Nothing else needed to be said after Roger had enveloped her in his arms and kissed her like his life depended on it. His hands found their way into the the sea of red that was Greta’s hair as he pulled her on top of him.
Twenty minutes later they broke apart, breathless and a little overwhelmed. Roger’s back was pressed against the headboard with Greta in his lap. The sheets had fallen from them leaving them colder than before. Roger trailed his hands up and down the sides of Greta’s body, tracing over the outline of her hips and her a-little-too-prominent ribs. The touch sent a shiver through her spine, it was like ice had been injected into her and froze her where she was, except to tighten her fingers in Rogers thick hair.
It was almost innocent.
“Stay with me.” Roger spoke up finally. The words fell from his lips like a plea.
“What do you mean?”
“I-I know that it’s not typical of me, and I know it would be hard with both of us touring and-” He was babbling, Greta thought it was sweet. She brought one finger to rest of on his lips to quiet him. She didn’t need to say it for him to understand. It was an unspoken request for the blunt truth. She lifted her finger away when she was sure he understood.
“I don’t want you to just leave after this. I want to be with you.” He looked away from her, resting his gaze on the window. “I’m sorry, ignore what I said I’m sure it’s just me.”
Greta tore her eyes from him and shifted her eyes to the window as well, she could see the flowers outside clearer now, and she smiled to herself remembering part of a conversation her and Roger had had the night before.
“I have two conditions.” As she said it she turned him to face her with a hand on his neck. She held up two fingers and dragged them down gently over his eyelids making them close. She lifted them away but Roger kept his eyes closed until she leaned down to kiss his forehead.
“One.” She poked a small bruise on his collar bone with one finger. “I get to call you Flower.” She giggled in spite of herself, as she was trying to sound even a little serious. Roger grinned, he’d found that her laugh was one of the most beautiful things he’d ever heard.
“Why is that going to be my nickname? We can’t compromise the tiny amount of masculinity I have with that.”
“Yeah we can, seeing that we spent an hour last night ranting about flowers. Just cause you were drunk doesn’t mean I’ll let that go.”
“Okay, okay it’s acceptable. I’ll just pretend I don’t like it to keep up some kind of image.” He let his head fall into Greta’s shoulder as the giggles he had been trying to hide died down. “What’s the second?”
Greta moved herself off of Roger before she spoke. She interlaced their finger and brought herself to sit beside him. She tapped two fingers this time on his knuckles.
“No one else. That’s my condition.” She turned to look at him, finding his eyes had been lingering on her since she had moved. “If I stay you’re mine.” She pressed a small kiss to his shoulder and nuzzled into his neck. “And I’m yours.”
“No one else.” He didn’t need to say anything else, Greta knew it was an agreement.
It didn’t cross either of their minds until later, when they had parted to find their bands, that staying together was going to be almost impossible. The promise had in no way been empty on either side, but the quiet oblivion of that bedroom had erased the serious obstacles.
There was no way.
They’d live knowing they’d made that promise, knowing they wanted the other, and they’d never be able to live up to it.
Or it seemed to them for weeks, until what seemed like an empty promise was filled by luck and coincidence.
Tag List: @blushy-monkey @crazyweirdocalledfriday @dreamer7black @greywind2 @clara-who @secretsweetscollectionblog @rogers-wristbands @bitemerog @thebohemianpenguin  @anuknowha @goodoldfashionlovergirl
(sorry if i forgot to tag, there’s a few people I forgot to write down.)
As always my rule to be on the tag list is that you leave some kind of feedback, i dont care what it is just something.
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jellno · 5 years
jjh - together
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words: 2.1k
tags: fluff, slight!angst, domestic!au, dad!jaehyun
warning: a bit of sexual content? Not really tho bcs I’m weak
a/n: THIS IS LIKE THE LONGEST ONE I MADE THIS YEAR and I enjoyed writing this so much maybe because its dad!jaehyun uwu
Oh yeah, this is written based on miss Desirée’s blurb on @nctream (she is like the most amazing babe you should check her out and shower her with love and support she also loves meme isnt she’s just perfect uwuuuu)
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“I’ll do the dishes. It’s your turn to put Her Majesty Princess Jung of the Southern Isles to bed.”
Jaehyun gave you his dimply smile as your daughter mimicked the same gesture. They got up from the dining seats as soon as you left to put on your apron and rubber gloves. Jaehyun collected their plates and put them in the sink. He wishpered I love you into your ear as he stroked your side before he left to carry the girl in a pair of banana pajama in his left arm and leaving the other free to hold a fluffy stuffed animal.
“I’m not a princess anymore, Mama. I’m an astronout!” Missy exclaimed, head rested on her father’s broad chest.
“What? I’m sure you were a princess this morning.” You turned around to them with your ‘shocked’ face. “Where is my princess now?”
“I want to find a moon bunny Papa told me!” You laughed and nodded, raising both your hands as a sign that you were defeated.
Jaehyun kissed the tip of her head, “Alright baby girl, time to sleep. Let’s give Mama some goodnight kisses.”
You held up your chin. They walked closer toward you and smooched your cheeks at the same time. “Nighties Mama.” She waved you her small hand as they strolled away to the staircase. “Good night, sweet pumpkin.”
You got back to your chores. Letting the tap water soaked the dishes before you brushed them one by one with a soaped sponge. Taking your time with the activity, you let your mind wandered around what had been going on so far today. You got up first in the morning, woke Jaehyun up and made him check on Missy in her room next to yours. They did joined you minutes after you were done making Jaehyun’s morning coffee and the three of you had breakfast; some toasted whole wheat breads, sunny side ups and baked beans. And of course you prepared lunch box for your little now-an-astronout princess. Then you did took a quick shower before you left the house for work.  
It was routine you wouldn’t miss for the whole world.
On the other side, things at work were just demanding more and more of your attention. You worked for a renowned law firm as a senior lawyer. Your master degree indeed earned with real passion and talent. The job paid you real good money, but it also paid you cruel amount of pain in your head at times like this.
A fresh graduated intern who were chosen to assist you for the next quarter year decided to shoved half of your Attorney-Client Privilege papers you had been working on for couple weeks down the shredder. Not to mention how he messed up a joint representation meeting that afternoon. You knew you shouldn’t had blame him so much because he was an intern after all, and interns tend to make mistakes as they learn and grow from experience. But you couldn’t help comparing him to you; a perfectionist worker, barely made any mistake at work.
And to avoid all the problems happening at work, you decided to came home early (you knew it was rather cowardly, but better than to channel your anger there and cause a ruckus). So you chosed to relaxed a bit by cooking dinner, took a bubble bath with Missy (which you hadn’t done for a long while), and actually sent the nanny home early. 
Jaehyun was surprised when he saw you were home before him. But it was only for a moment until you had your meals together with laughters shared throughout the good hour spent in the dining room.
Missy told you how she painted a really big frog for her art class at the pre-school, and how her friends envied her for having a cutely arranged lunch box. She told you about her trips to school with Jaehyun as he took her there every morning. And it made you feel guilty.
You knew it had been both you and Jaehyun’s desicion to take turn to do everything involving Missy. But lately you felt Jaehyun was the one to do it all. You thought you got so busy with works and it made you grew apart from your task as a mother.
There were nights when projects and works got the best of you, so you didn’t got to spend them with your little family at home. Yes you prepared breakfast for them, you guys had small talk in the morning before all of you off to your own activities, but at night when you were home you had your daughter already asleep in her room.
Jaehyun might spared you hours to talk through the night or for your marriage intimacy, wishpering to your skin that it was okay for him to wait for you. But some nights were just too tiring for both of you to do anything and just slept on your side of the bed. It might not be every single night you came home late, but the idea of your little one forgetting how you put her to bed or sing her lullaby or simply being with her broke you a little inside.
You knew Jaehyun could sense your worries, that was why he kept sending you a soothing gaze across the dining table previously.
Jaehyun was a good—no, good is an understatement. He was a perfect husband. Screw those who said no one is perfect, you had one as your partner for more than five years and you knew, you knew no other word than perfect could fairly described him. Before you met him, you thought no other guy could ever compete with your work ethic. You lived long enough in a belief that no man would want a workaholic woman as a lifetime partner. But then Jaehyun came along.
You met Jung Jaehyun at your last year of internship at some attorney corporation party, and he was still a doctor in the making at that time. Your senior at your law school introduced you to him, a future town’s best cardiothoracic surgeon.
Long short story, he made you fall in love with him. And so he did head over heels in love with you. He was, you could say, like no one else. He was able made you realized that there was nothing to compete about if you love each other. He changed your long-believed belief that a workaholic just need an understanding partner. Like he understood every situation you had, like he was always know when you didn’t feel best. There was no time when he wasn’t there for you when you needed him. He was the one who make your worst day worth living.
Oh, how you would never take him for granted.
And it bugged you a lot that you thought you were the one who couln’t keep up with him now. Did Jaehyun really deserve a wife like you?
A pair of arms slinked around your waist brought you back to reality, turned out you had already finished washing the dishes. Jaehyun kissed your nape softly as you giggled. “You surprised me, Jae.”
“You didn’t hear me coming around?” You hummed and shook your head as you took off the gloves and Jaehyun did you a favor by untying the apron’s string. “Thinking about something else?”
You didn’t answer, instead, you spinned around and latched your arms around Jaehyun’s neck. His brown eyes stared down at yours, equally warm. He brought his lips closer and halted when they hovered milimiters above your lips, smiling as he rubbeb the tip of his nose to yours.
“It was just stuff at the office, nothing big.” You gripped the end of his hair. “How was your day at the hospital?”
“There was a transferred patient from a neighbor hospital. He needed a transfussion they couldn’t provide so we took over,” Jaehyun blew you a sweet kiss. “Nothing major.”
“No big surgery you have to perform?”
“One on Tuesday, I’m gonna lead an aneurysm repair. Other than that one are just CABGs. I’ll supervise the residents,” You smiled to his neck, blowing hot breath as you kissed it slowly. “You wanna talk about it in the shower?”
“Mm-mm, I had a bath with our baby already.”
“Oh right,” Jaehyun let out a chuckle. “Missy did mentioned how you guys took bubble bath together today,” He kissed you gently, you smiled between the kiss. “None of my girls bother inviting me to a bubble bath party anymore.”
You broke away, a grin plastered on your face. “Sorry, I didn’t know I’d be home so early.” You dragged your fingers through his hairs, kissing him back in the same manner as before. You leaned back, resting your tailbone to the cold sink.
“Things happened at work?”
Jeahyun regretted asking you that question because a second later, you broke the kiss away. This time you even pulled your arms from his neck, fingers drew straight lines down his ocean wide shoulders. No words spoken between the two of you during that roughly fifteen seconds moment. Jaehyun watched you closely as you started to open your mouth to speak. “You can talk to me...”
You inhaled, “Do you think I’m a bad mother?”
“And how did you get that silly idea?” Jaehyun frowned. Although his words are lighter, his expression held a deep concern.
You groaned out of frustration, still in your husband’s embrace. “I know we’ve talked about this. And I know you would never not support me nor go against me upon my decision to work after having Missy.
“But I can’t help feeling like a bad mother. I worked my whole damn days instead of being in the middle of you guys.” You sobbed, Jaehyun drew soothing infinity circles on your back. “I know I still go to every parent-teacher conferences, I know I made her breakfast and lunch for her and you. But I don’t want to grow apart from our baby, from you. From our family.
“But things are just, I dont know Jaehyun, messy? I feel so bad for not being there for you when you got home from work most nights. For not being here when Miss got back from school.” You couldn’t stop the tears from streaming down your face, “That’s, that’s not what a good wife do. Even my Mom told me to just quit my job and raise Missy properly.”
“Hey, come here,” Jaehyun laid his palm flat on the back of your head and pulled you in. He hushed you down before he said, “You would never ever be a bad mother for Missy. And you would never ever be a bad wife for me, okay?” you silently cried yourself out on his chest, afraid of waking your little sleeping beauty upstairs. “Maybe you don’t do what most mothers or wifes do. But it doesn’t make you a bad one. Just because the society wants to make you feel bad, doesn’t mean you’re doing bad. And working harder doesn’t make you love us less, honey.
“You’re the best Missy and I could ever ask for in our entire life.”
You engulved Jaehyun in a tight hug, keeping him in your arms like it was your last. You sworn, God sent Jaehyun to completed you. To entangle you in his summer-like embrace everytime you felt the cold that is your problems almost killed you. To ensure you that everything’s going to be alright everytime the weight of the world is on your case.
“I know your parents and mine are sometimes being too intervening. But I know they meant well, darling.” Jaehyun kissed your temple. “But you are Missy’s mother and I’m her father. We’re the one to decide how to raise her properly. Together. And I know we’ve done a great job seeing how sweet and caring she has become.”
You pulled yourself away. You smiled at him, erasing the sticky stain your tears left on your cheeks with the back of your hand. Jaehyun cupped your face, his eyes scanning all of your features one after another longingly.
“You’re so beautiful, angel.”
You brought your lips to his, molding them in yours as your fingers busied themselves unbuttoning Jaehyun’s white shirt. You could feel his hand at the base of your hips, caressing them softly yet invitingly. You knew you’d have to wear that turtle neck sweater to work, but you didn’t care at all. All you wanted now was for Jaehyun to draw galaxy across your body you’d have to cover tomorrow. But tonight, tonight you wanted him.
“Jaehyun,” you wishpered and he murmured against the kiss, “I don’t think three baths a day would hurt anyone.”
You did ended up with three baths that day; one quick shower in the morning, one bubble bath with your astronout princess, also one long and hot shower with your husband. And as the night rolled itself into dawn with you beside Jaehyun, you knew you made your best desicion by saying yes to his proposal years ago. Because now you knew, if it weren’t him and you together, you could never make it.
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isthisabattleship · 5 years
End of the year tag
I was tagged by @thedepartmentofmysteries to do this thing which is very long.
What is the single best thing that happened in the past year?
In August there is an event every year where hundreds of people come to the UK to play super smash brothers melee. Its a tournament but also kinda a festival and it feels like being surrounded by 700 close friends. Its really kinda indescribable.
What is the most challenging thing that happened to you in 2018?
I just like had no idea what I wanted to do with my life or how I would be okay with getting up every day. I’m still not sure I have a long term plan for my life. But at the moment I’m working as a temp at a job that pays very well and has good hours. There is like 0 opportunity for advancement but I’m okay with that. My supervisor wants to make me permanent but is waiting for the bosses to agree. But if it doesnt work out I’ll still have a bunch of cash and I’m quite open to trying new things! woops that was a long rant.
What date from 2018 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
17th - 19th of August for the event previously mentioned!
What thing did you learn the most from this year?
That I need to make some decisions about my life but I’m not necessarily equipped to do that.
What is the kindest thing you did this year?
I dont remember doing many kind things but I hope that I did some!
Did you lose any close family members this year?
My great uncle named Reg which I assume is short for Reginald died recently. I didnt know him well but when I was young I delivered newspapers near his house and he would give me sweets!
Did anyone close to you give birth?
What did you do in 2018 that you never did before?
I went to Austria and Germany! I lost my passport too! 
Did you keep last year’s resolutions? What were they?
I dont think I made any??
Did you travel to any interesting places in 2018?
Well as I said before I went to Austria and Germany, specifically Vienna and Munich. I also visited a lot of manor houses and gardens because there are a bunch within easy driving distance of my house! My favourite was the Hawk and Owl centre on Exmoor.
Do you believe that 2018 had an occurring theme for you? If so, which theme and why?
Uh I kinda always feel like my life is made of circles. The same kinda stuff happens at the same time every year.
Do you feel like 2018 went by too fast?
Yes and no
Did you fall in love with any new artists during the year 2018? List them.
I started listening to music in German and Italian and also a bit of Latvian because I am learning them. Not all at once though!
My favourite Italian singer is Annalisa, My favourite German one is Christina Stürmer and I dont really have one in Latvian because I havent been spending as much time on that.
What song will always remind you of 2018?
I dont have one! How do people remember things well enough to have songs defining their years?
Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
I never remember things like this! So I dont know. I kinda hate these questions a bit.
Brag about your accomplishments in 2018.
Uh my photos of the lake at Stourhead got like 5000 notes. And I have a job now that pays money. Oh and I am much better at understanding German and Italian even though I’m still a bit bad at saying things.
What is the best book you read this past year?
Wyrd Systers by Terry Pratchet. I never liked his books when I was young but now I think they are great and I want to read them all!
What was your favorite movie you watched this year?
Ralph breaks the internet! Partly because I dont remember many of the movies I watched this year.
What was your favourite TV series you watched this year?
Frontier because both Jason Momoa and Katie Mcgrath were in it!
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2018?
Shirts I like plus jeans that will fit.
What political issue stirred you the most?
Fucking Brexit! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! If someone doesnt turn this shit around I’m going to go absolutely spare! I have had enough! Its still going on! And its just clearly not a good idea! My money is already worth considerably less and apparently thats not enough of a sign that its fucking stupid! Noone is prepared for it and its just a fucking mess! I really cant stand the politicians in this country.
What was your biggest regret of 2018?
I regret spending so long feeling hopeless. I dont even know how it stopped. It sometimes feels like I could be going back to it.
What was the biggest adventure of last year?
Going to Vienna on my own. I had stayed in a really cool flat and I could do whatever I wanted!
What do you wish you’d done more of?
Reading, studying, seeing friends and enjoying my life.
What do you wish you’d done less of?
Nothing. As in like, I wasted so much time. I just want more of my time to be useful and/or enjoyable.
How much did you change this year? What’s different about you?
I dont know! I’m bad at these questions.
If you could go anywhere in the world in 2019, where would you go?
I want to go to Italy because I’m learning Italian but I dont know where I would go specifically.
How will you be spending Christmas?
My family will be at my house most of whom I dont like especially my sister who I cannot stand.
What would you like to have in 2019 that you lacked in 2018?
A plan and dedication and someone who will hug me!
Do you think you’ll be having a better 2019 than 2018?
Signs point to yes!
Fill in the blank: In 2019 I will try to be more alive
I tag: @crazy-pages @newdawnrisingg @gingerinasplit to do this thing if they wanna.
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My first time (Blacked)
(Disclaimer: Names have been changed to protect the naughty)
They always say you will remember your firsts. Your first kiss, your first date, your first boyfriend, your first time. What they never tell you is you’ll always remember the first time you were blacked. Nobody prepared me for this. Nobody warned me of the long lasting effects from it. In fact, I was always told that it was something that should never be done. Before I get into my first time. Let me give you some background about myself.
I was born in a small Southern town. Like in most southern states, there were plenty of black people around. Some nice people, some..not so much. When you’re young you don’t see thing in certain ways. As you get older though things become clearer.  I was a good girl growing up. My parents southern princess. A cute dirty blonde haired girl that loved dresses, boots, horses, camping and being outdoors. All my friends were white in school. Its not that I was racist, I didn’t know what racism really was. It just seemed that I had more in common with white kids. I was a Southern Baptist, showed up early for Sunday school. Everyone in our church was white, most of the people my age were fellow classmates at my school. We just all blended well. There were quite a few black kids in my school. I wasn’t mean or rude to them. Id talk, laugh, cut up and be friendly but we just weren’t friends. Why? I don’t know. Nothing was wrong with any of them. They were really nice kids. Not trouble makers or thugs. Fast forwarding as I grew up my looks and body developed more and I started getting more attention from guys both white and black guys. I never dated a black guy before. My parents would lose their lid. My parents are good people. They will do anything for you, regardless of color. Ive seen them help white people, hispanic people and yes even black people in times of needs. However there was just something that made them say no when it came to their white daughter. The “N word” was dropped a few times in my house by my parents. It never seemed to be directed towards any certain individual but maybe seeing something on TV would spark the reaction. I have to admit, I have said the word myself. So with all the attraction of course I dated a few boys throughout Jr High and into high school. All of this is really irrelevant because I know what you’re all reading for. So lets just jump ahead....
The night it happened I had been dating my boyfriend at the time (Tommy) for about 7 months. He was truly a nice guy but also still a hormone filled teenage boy. He was 17 and I was 16. I had had sex with 2 other boys previously. Tommy knew, maybe thats why he liked me...maybe not..I dont really know. He never made any hints or advancements about sex until about 6 months into dating. I liked Tommy. He was a really cute boy and came from a really great family but I had felt so heart broken after being with the past two boys that I was just scared to be with anyone again. Tommy started to get more persistent about getting together and I just had to keep telling him no. 
One Friday night after a football game we were invited over to a classmates house. Their parents were out of town for the weekend so they were going to throw a little party. Tommy & I showed up a little later then everyone else. After the game we stopped and had a late dinner and then made phone calls giving our parents excuses as to why we wouldn’t be home. I had changed from my jeans into a skirt & heels that I had hidden in Tommy’s car (I liked to dress mature for dates but my parents usually made me change before going out so we had to hide clothes for me to wear haha). While at the party Tommy brought up now would be a good time for us to hook up for the first time. We had a way to be alone and could slip away easily into one of the bedrooms. I still stood firm on my stance. I “loved” Tommy but I just didnt want to do that again. We got into a little argument and just decided to walk away from each other for a little bit. He went to hang out with some of his friends and I went with some of mine. After a little while Tommy approached me again and asked me to go upstairs with him. I asked him why and he said “because I want you...everyone else you’ve dated has had you...I want you too”....I was stunned when he said this. At the time he said this I didnt know if he meant it the way I was taking it. Did my boyfriend just call me a whore? Taken aback I tried to explain to him that I wanted to be with him and I didnt care about the other guys any more but I just wasnt ready yet. The time will come and when it does he will be the first one to know and that it will all be worth the wait. Then he said something that broke my heart. “You’ll spread your legs for everyone else but seem to have no problems keeping them closed for a guy who’s good to you.” As the tears started to roll down my cheeks, he just walked away from me and eventually left the party. I was totally crushed as I tried to casually find my way to somewhere private where I could crawl up in a ball and just die. 
I ended up in one of the bedrooms closets. It was a small walk in but private enough where I would be alone. I guess my sobbing was louder then I expected as I was heard from the hallway by another boy from school. Marcus was 18, a senior. Tall athletic type. He wasnt a typical jock. He was a really nice guy to everyone and was a really good student. He was the type of guy who you wanted to take home to your parents....if your parents were ok with you bringing home a black guy. Marcus found me sitting in the floor and sat down with me. He asked me what was wrong and after telling him I didnt want to talk about it he eventually broke me and I reluctantly started telling him the story. I knew who Marcus was but I probably havent said 5 words to him in school. Seniors just never seemed to talk much to underclassmen. After telling him everything, Marcus slid over closer to me and put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer against him. He told me there’s nothing he could say or do to make me feel better but it never hurts to just have someone there while you cried. I leaned against his shoulder/chest for what seemed like forever crying and crying until i couldnt breath. Once my tears dried up a bit Marcus started joking with me and making me laugh. It was a nice feeling going from my world crashing to being able to laugh. As I leaned up to wipe the rest of the tears away I made the comment about looking like a raccoon from my make up. Marcus reached over wiping around my eyes cleaning them up the best he could with his thumb and looked me in the eyes and told me that I was beautiful. My heart fluttered. I just went from a boy I loved telling me I was a whore to a guy I barely knew telling me I was beautiful. The compliments he gave me were so flattering. I couldnt believe this handsome black athlete was spending his party time in a closet with a crying wreck of a white girl. I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek and told him thank you for everything tonight. I left the closet to go find Tommy and eventually discovered he had left. This night was just getting better. My bf calls me a whore and then leaves me at a party with no ride. I was ready to go home but nobody else was leaving and I didnt want to make anyone else take me. After walking around for a bit I decided I just wanted to be alone and I would just go back to that closet and crash until morning. I went back upstairs and opened the closet door. When I did Marcus was still sitting in the floor. I looked at him confused and he smiled and looked up at me. I asked him laughing why he was still sitting in the closet alone. He smiled and told me that it still smelled like me and he liked the way I smelled. I cant describe what it was I felt but I just knelt down beside him, leaned in with my hand on his face and kissed him on the lips. I couldnt believe it as it was happening but I was kissing my first black guy. I had never had any desires to do this before but this guy was treating me how I wanted my boyfriend to treat me. I felt Marcus hands move to my waist as he pulled me away. He looked up and asked me why I did that. I told him because I wanted to and I leaned back in and kissed him again. He again broke my kiss. He smiled at me and gave me more compliments but told me that if I wasnt ready to sleep with my boyfriend then why was I coming on to him. His hands never left my hips as I could feel his fingers reluctantly squeezing my body. I smiled at him and told him that sex with Tommy is suppose to be meaningful. I wanted it to be special and important. He gave me a laugh and asked, “so whats sex with me suppose to be?”...After a brief pause and gave him a smile and said “fun?”.... Looking back I it doesnt make sense why you would have meaningless sex with a guy you dont really know but wont with your boyfriend but when your emotions are a wreck. You make decisions you could regret later on. This wasnt one of them.
Marcus pulled me on top of him as I positioned myself and straddled his lap. His hands explored my body as I kissed him almost lovingly. Each time his fingers found a new spot he would squeeze my body and I would moan into his mouth. My skirt was hiked up and bunched around my hips so I could straddle him. My thong still tucked tightly up my ass. His hands moved up to take my shirt. Breaking our kiss just long enough for my top to go over my head before our lips were together again. I was almost a C cup at 16 so I had a nice chest on me. As our kiss grew longer I felt his hands run slowly up my back and with ease my bra was unclasped. I had to laugh to myself in my head. All the boys that have struggled taking my bra off and this guy just did it with ease. Like he knew his way around the female body. 
He pushed me away a bit as my perky young breasts were freed. He leaned in with his mouth and began sucking gently on my nipples. His hands were all over my body and his mouth was sucking and licking on my nipples. He made them so hard and erect. I was getting so turned on. I looked down and saw his dark lips on my white breasts and a fire was turned on inside of me. Before switching to my other nipple I took the break to reach down and help him out of his shirt...oh my God this man was an adonis. He wasnt like overly huge and muscular but he was just toned and fit. He smiled at me as I ran my fingers over his chest and arms. He was such a specimen. My fingers traced along his body as they rippled over his abs. He laughed as I smiled and asked me what was wrong? I shook my head and told him I had never been with a boy like him before. He laughed and asked “you mean fit?” and I nodded replying “yes....and black”. I reached down and started to undo his belt and he grabbed my hands to stop me. I looked at him confused as he smiled and said “you first”. I quickly got to my feet, pushing my bunched up skirt down my legs. I could see his eyes all over me and they locked right to the lace of my thong. My fingers hooked the waist as I slowly pulled them down before stepping out of them. Standing naked in front of Marcus he took me in as he brought me back down on the floor with him. Laying me on my back as he moved to my feet, looking down at me smiling. I couldnt believe what I was doing but my legs parted for him, exposing myself t him. Sure I had sex before, 2 guys maybe 5 times total...but I still had a great looking tight little pussy. Not to brag but I knew what was between my legs was something special when I heard Marcus let out a sigh of pleasure. He started to lean down between my thighs but my hand stopped him. Not yet I told him as I raised up and my hands found his belt. Pulling it loose as I looked up at him smiling. A smirk on his face as he said “You really never been with a black guy?”.....I smiled shaking my head and told him no as I unfastened his jeans, unzipping the fly and slipping my hand inside. 
As soon as my fingers felt it my head snapped up and looked at him. “OH FUCK” I said as he started to laugh. I pulled and pulled until this thick piece of meat was hanging out of the fly of his jeans. I stared in awe at the size of this thing. Dont get me wrong, he wasnt a porn start but semi hard he was already bigger then all my boyfriends..including Tommy. What absolutely amazed me was the thickness of this thing. I wrapped my fingers around it to give it a gentle tug and my fingers wouldnt even touch. He worked his jeans off as he stayed on his knees. I completely forgot about him wanting to go down on me as I adjusted myself onto my hands and knees and leaned down and wrapped my lips around him. I felt his cock start to grow as my tongue made contact with it. His hand found its way to the back of my head. Pulling my dirty blonde hair back from my face as he let out a moan. My lips started moved up and down his long thick black cock. Each time I went down he would let out a moan. I had never given a blowjob with my eyes open before, I know that might sound strange however I couldnt not look and watch. I loved seeing my pink lips slide down his black shaft. Every time I watched it disappear into my mouth I could feel him throb as well as feel my panties soaking wet and clinging to me. My head bobbed slow...and then fast. Working as much of his cock as I could. Id twist my mouth around and get a glimpse of his big, low hanging balls. Ive always heard the racist terms describing black men. Greasy, smelly whatever....but none of them ever described this. This was heaven...this was DELICIOUS! I bobbed my head faster, making sure my tongue found that thick vein on his underside. I worked his cock lovingly. I could feel him throbbing inside my mouth. Each slurp made his swinging balls tighter and tighter. When his balls stopped swinging and hanging and that sack was nice and tight...I knew he was ready. My mouth slide up around the head as i sucked just the head nice and slow. I felt his fingers tightly grip on my head and heard him say I was about to make him cum. Without warning I felt that hot black shoot from his cock and onto the top of my mouth. Then another and another. His cock throbbed each time he shot a load into my mouth. My mouth quickly filled and I started swallowing his thick load. He was just like I imagined. His cum was delicious. He tasted amazing. Was his because he was black? Was it his diet? Who cares!?!  I wanted to feed from his love pipe for the rest of my life!
I finished him off, or so I thought in my mouth and raised up onto my knees with him. Smiling as I wiped his mouth getting his approval. I told him that was the most delicious blowjob Ive ever given. I told him I hated swallowing because it just taste so salty but he tasted so good. Thats when I realized I had ruined this whole thing. I made him cum and cum hard and a lot. I apologized telling him I was sorry. He was confused asking me what i was apologizing for. I said “I know you wanted to have sex with me but I made you cum”....he laughed and said “so?” I never had anyone cum before and could still keep going but before I could explain that I thought we were finished I looked down and his saliva shined black cock was still rock hard, sticking out towards me with a long string of cum dangling from the head. Seeing him ready for me again I felt like the odds were against me. You dont have a condom do you? I never bought condoms before. I always left it up for the guy but I dont think he was planning on having sex tonight. He shook his head and told me no, asking if he really needed one. I looked down at his cock. I had never been taken bareback before. Mainly because I wasnt on birth control but I wanted this. I shook my head no and began to turn around on my hands and knees. Positioning myself for him as I looked back over my shoulder and told him to not cum inside of me. He positioned himself behind me, smiling as he slapping his cock against my wet pussy lips. I waited for him to agree but he never did. Instead he slid his cock nice and slow into me. Parting my tight pussy lips his thick black cock suck into me like perfection. Its like his cock was perfectly sculpted to fit inside of my white pussy.
I felt his hand slide around my hips. His fingers hooked my hip bones as he began to pull me back to him while thrusting forward. My head sank into my hands as I leaned on my elbows. It was long before my moans were loudly filling the closet. Marcus wasnt like any other boy I had been with before. Not just physically either. Marcus knew what he was doing and my body responded. With each thrust, each squeeze. Everything he did my body reacted to. If there was a pace that needed to be set, he set it. If there was a spot that needed to be hit, he hit it. Before I knew it a screaming groan filled the closet as I exploded all over him. My God this guy made me cum in the matter of minutes. Im so use to the poor stroke game of white boys that I have to play with my clit and hope I get off before they do. Here I am cumming like never before on this black guys cock and he just tightens his grip and fucks me through it. One of his hands found its way to my long dirty blonde hair. Wrapping it around his fist as he pulled my head back and fucked me harder. “How do you like it?” he asked me. I told him I loved it...He smacked my ass hard and said “no, how do you like to be fucked?”.....I never had anyone ask me that before. Sex was always so vanilla and boring. Suck his dick till its hard, lay back, spread legs and lay there till he cums. His hand again came across my ass. He wanted an answer. The only thing I could think of was Tommy calling me a whore. I blurted back out to him, “fuck me like a whore” ....his hand again smacked my ass “fuck you like Tommys whore?” he asked...my pussy was throbbing I was going to cum again on his cock. “Im your whore...fuck me like Im your whore”
He pushed my head down into a pile of clothes in the floor. Forcing my back into the “perfect arch”...He held my head down and pounded my tight little pussy from behind until my legs started shaking and I exploded again cumming all over his cock. Squealing with pleasure, never having a 2nd orgasm before in my life. His cock just keep pumping my pussy. With each thrust I could feel my juices running down my thighs. i adjusted my head the best I could to look back under me and between my legs. My thighs were slick and shiny. Every time his cock thrust in you could see a stream of pussy juice run down my legs. My pussy had room for only one thing...Marcus. I watched in awe and ecstasy as his cock thrust in and out of my pussy. His balls slapping up onto my clit. He was easily twice the size of the two boys I had been with and I was able to take every inch of him. 
It wasnt long before I was cumming for a third time. I had never cum 3 times in a night...I dont think I had cum 3 times in 3 days before. He was fucking me like a whore and I was loving it. Ive never cum so hard. Im pretty sure I had to bring eyes back as they were starting to roll in the back of my head. When I looked down again I could see his balls tightening again. I could still taste him in my mouth. He heard me tell him to pull out right? He’s going to get close and pull out and cum in my mouth again and I can swallow it once more. I felt his fingers digging deeper into me. His strokes long, deep and powerful but slowing down. I look at his balls again and they’re not moving. His sack is hugging them tight and I look back over my shoulder and see him looking at me, he’s there....and he’s not leaving. I cant stop him...I wont stop him...I dont want him to stop. I look him in the eyes...he’s ready and I tell him “cum inside me!” The room is filled with his groan, quickly followed by my moans as I feel his big black cock exploding inside of me. I can feel spurt after spurt inside me. He buries himself as deep as he can, using me to drain his balls. There wont be a 3rd round. He’s emptying his sack inside me. Im taking every drop. He pulls back and gives a few more thrusts releasing the last few drops. Finishing himself off inside of me. 
I crash to the floor on my stomach. He falls on top of me. His cock buried in my pussy as we both pant heavily gasping for breaths. Im in heaven. For meaningless sex nothing has ever felt better physically or emotionally then this. I feel his cock slowly retracting from me until he slides out. I feel him gush out of me. I filled...Im filled full! Marcus pulls my hair to the side, kissing me behind the ear and says “you’ll take care of that right?” Take care of it I think to myself, Im 16...you just shot the biggest load in the history of mankind into my pussy. Im not on birth control. Im going to get pregnant...with a BLACK baby. My parents will disown me. My church isnt going to let me back in the doors...Im ruined!....but my body nor mouth can connect the thoughts in my head. I simply nod and moan out “yes” to him. He uses my thigh to clean his cock, stands up dressing himself leaning down kissing me on the back of the head one final time and leaves me laying in the middle of the closet floor. I wasnt committed to black men just yet. This was my first. Are they all like this? If so then Tommy was right. I am a whore. Im a whore for black men.
I fell asleep in the floor. I woke up a mess. Pulling my thighs apart looked like a grilled cheese made with swiss chees...how’s that for an image? I found a towel in the nearby bathroom and wiped myself as clean as possible. I still had 2 problem. I needed a ride home....and I needed to take care of what Marcus just did. I texted Tommy and apologized for our fight. I told him i was wrong and he was right. Maybe I was a whore but if I was going to sleep with my other boyfriends then I should sleep with him too. I knew this is what he wanted to hear. I told him I was still at the party and didnt have a way home. If he would come get me, he could have me. I asked how much money he had on him and he asked if I wanted him to stop and get condoms first. I told him no, I wanted him to enjoy me like he should have. I was going to take him bare and let him cum inside of me....only if he promised to get the morning after pill for me. Without hesitation, Tommy agreed. Tommy picked me up about 45mins later. We went back to his parents house (who were gone). I told him how horny I was as he wasted no time getting me into his bedroom. His dick was so hard I didnt need to give him a blowjob to get him ready. Once my clothes were off he was 5 inches into me pounding away. This wasnt exciting me at all. This was awful. If it wasnt for Marcus still inside of me, my pussy would be as dry as sand right not for Tommy...But he loved it. Less then 10mins Tommy was done. Laying on his back gasping mumbling about how great it was. It was hard to pretend to have enjoyed it but I put on a good act until I got him dressed again and out the door. Tommy took me to the pharmacy and paid for my morning after pill. He watched me take it saying “I dont want to get you pregnant”...I couldnt help but to reply “I dont want you to get me pregnant either”....he didnt get it obviously. 
I learned so much in that 24 hours. I discovered Tommy was a complete tool, black men are amazing in bed...or closet floors. I also learned that you can easily sucker a white boy into doing anything for you with the promise of pussy.
I broke up with Tommy 3 days later. Im 18 now and Ive yet to have sex with a white boy since that day. Believe me, you all will soon learn all about my adventures!
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foodhx · 4 years
I havent written in a very long time. Im grateful i wrote previously and have something to look back on. So much has changed. S and i broke up. Its been more than a year, depending on how you count it, maybe 1.5 yrs.
Im not sure where im going with this, or in life. There were things i believed in before, had hope and ideals. I havent any hope now, i dont know what to hope in (apart from God). Its been like this for a while. What does it look like to hope in God now?
Ive ended up in a specialty i didnt plan on going into. What’s done is done. But the learning point is, it would have been better to take more time to rotate around before deciding, because it was an emotional, impulsive decision (felt way too rushed, i knew this even at the time of applying). It wasnt a peaceful decision, the way such “life-defining” decisions should be made. It was an emotional time - literally six days after S sent that message to break up with me, my boss texted to ask if i was still interested in applying. Im deeply grateful for the opportunity he gave me which i didn’t and don’t deserve. I should have a word with him at some point. On a side note, im deeply grateful that this dept and the people i work with now are mostly of incredible Godly character, a very unique and irreplaceable quality in a workplace.
So much has fallen apart. My career, and the relationship with the person who became my best friend over the course of 7-9 years. It felt unreal, standing there watching everything explode. I couldnt believe what was happening. I never expected things to explode this way. I never expected myself to leave, and i never expected him to leave. He didn’t mean to be cruel, but i experienced it as such, through the whole months of me begging. Especially at the point where he physically walked out on me and closed the door when i was crying hysterically - not to be overdramatic, but it felt like pure coldness to do that to my uncontrollably hemorrhaging heart (like watching that aorta spurting on cardiothoracics). He still thinks choosing not to carry on is right and directed by God, which i doubt. He declined reconciliation despite months of my sincere apologies, pleading with him and my attempts to remediate where i screwed up (he hasn’t made an effort to reconcile with me in 1.5 yrs, cos he’s lost faith in our relationship and, it seems, me, entirely. Unfair as it might feel, that’s the way he feels). All in all, the break up was devastating. I’m still disoriented and trying to find my feet.
Ive significantly lost respect for him, because of his choice not to carry on and to, well, give up on us. I feel that this was more an emotional decision than a decision based on a true seeking of God, true dying to self and true obedience, especially to certain biblical instructions (love your neighbour as yourself, in humility value others above yourself, the relationship as an expression of love for Christ “what you did to the least of these you did to me” rather than a competition for love for Him, 1cor13).
I feel his decision to give up, abandon and betray is not biblically based, even if it can be justifiable by a twist of verses (he justifies not carrying on as him “putting God first”). I feel his decision was driven more by his hurt that i broke up with him, over text, last feb, and my cheating on him in july, than a real, honest, self-challenging attempt to “put God first”. I feel the decision not to carry on came more from his hurt over what i did to him than a true excavation of what it means to obey God and seek Him first. Its not necessary to leave someone whom youve built up a relationship with in order to put God first. Its arguable that being there for one’s friends IS putting God first, rather than leaving them because you can’t deal with it emotionally (greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends).
E says that its never so simple as “i heard it from God”, its all a mix of (sometimes sinful) human emotions as well as right-minded intention to follow God. How much of this move is driven by God vs his own human uncontrollable emotions? I doubt he’s admitted the whole truth to himself or me.
But i think his hurt is valid. It definitely is. He says he still doesnt feel whole coming out of 2019 and how i broke things off with him over text in feb and how i cheated in july. I’m not sure what he feels because i cant identify, but he says he doesnt want to deal with the pain with me because it was caused by me, and he’s not ready to talk to me (“can’t deal with it”). He tried to forgive me at the time, attending counselling with me, but gave up after 2 sessions. So i guess i can believe there may be a part of him that could want to work towards a friendship at some point (tho this is thrown into doubt at times, because of our apparent fundamental and irreconciliable differences). On my end, I feel that ive given him the benefit of the doubt many times, and hes always disappointed me in this process, since the break up. He’s never showed up or been the bigger person.
I could give him time, or i could end things. I could give him time to process what he needs to, and give him the chance to potentially engage with me the right way at some time in the future.
Should i, though?
Well, yes and no. Part of me knows he will only ever disappoint me cos thats all hes ever done consistently. The other part of me wants to give him the benefit of the doubt and just let him process things in his own time because its destructive to operate with such cynicism. One is overly cynical, the other is overly hopeful, and both responses arent centred.
Overall i just dont want to think about this anymore. I just want this whole thing out of my mind.
But is that enough for me to cut him out completely and forever? When i ask him, he replies that he wants to be friends but doesn’t know how or when that could happen. He isn’t at all invested in this “friendship”, even if he says its what he wants. He thinks God needs to encourage it or something before he will put in the effort... its all so screwed up cos of his ridiculous view or way of hearing from God that’s so mystical and non-bible based. I honestly feel really disgusted by him. He has been asking me not to contact him for a long time, more than a year. I’ve agreed to honour that. Mainly out of an understanding that he’ll never change, and ive outgrown him and his cuckoo ideas about how to hear from God. I know even if we become friends in the future, he’s gonna be the exact same dud - and why would i want to go back to that? Even as a friend. My basic requirements for friendship are that i respect the person and they respect me back. He absolutely does not respect me, and i absolutely dont respect him. Even tho we pay lip service to each other in emails for the sake of appearing holy and peace loving, we each are 100% convinced we know better. I don’t see a friendship here. I see disgust. I see contempt. Its beyond repair. And theres no instruction from God to repair it. So it will lie unrepaired for life.
Thinking about him makes me get into unpleasant thoughts and feelings. I dont have the exact words to describe how i feel. Not quite just anger (im over the peak of that), not really sadness (i do feel its sad that i still care about him and think about him so much when he wants nothing to do with me and wants me to not contact him - i mean, i dont have a practice of asking people not to contact me indefinitely, i think its rude, unfair and cruel), not just superiority cos i do admit i dont know everything and God works in mysterious ways and He still establishes a relationship with S even tho there is likely disobedience and misguidedness in S that he may never ever come to realize in this life). Its not purely a sense of betrayal as i walked out first - i knew he wasnt what i wanted, cos he wasnt loving me, or kind, or Christlike in his countenance towards not just me but everyone around us. I shouldnt just have walked out i should have pointed us to God, but there you have it. I dont regret ending things cos i know if i had continued we would be in a worse place than we are in now, where im stuck in an unhappy relationship out of obligation and fear of being alone. Its better to not be in a relationship than to be in one where you arent respected or loved.
I would say this whole event has had an impact on my relationship with... effort and commitment? Knowing you can try your best and have everything still fail. I used to believe in the “power of my dreams”. That i could get anything i wanted if i wanted it enough. But ive learnt that where the outcome is dependent on things outside my control (eg other people, genetics, politics), just trying my best and bringing my best intentions isnt enough. Its something but it doesnt guarantee an outcome - nothing can. You can say God can guarantee an outcome, but i would be cautious to believe only what He’s given in the bible and some revelations that are consistent with that and have been confirmed by wiser believers than myself, and those who know me well.
I have to hope again. And i have to stop wallowing and being selfpitiful. No. I have to hold myself to a higher standard.
The between places.
To focus on the next right thing - passing anatomy and being punctual. Seeking God, esp in my work...
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rae-ism · 7 years
Set yourself free
I hardly post anymore - i thinks its been a year, i lost quite a number of followers. but to those of you who are still with me, thank you for still leaving me there on your follow list. I must say, many things happened in this time and I had hit my rock bottom a number of months back. its going to be a long post, but to anyone who chances upon this, or genuinely cares about my life, i just hope you read through.
I have always been an uptight person - i care too much about what others think, i want to go to the best school, do the best things, i am a perfectionist, i want everything to be perfect. the perfect weight, skin, grades, room, boyfriend, instagram account - the perfect life. i always thought to myself i need to earn more, do more. my mind wasn’t peaceful and there isn’t a moment in my life i could be happy with myself because i wanted more all the time.
but in recent times, i got fired from my job for refusing to do something illegal - with no savings in my bank from settling my dad’s debts, and spent the remainder of whatever compensation they gave me on again helping my dad and shopping for myself because i felt like i deserve it and that i’d find another job soon enough.
its true, i found a job soon enough - high paying (more than i ever earned or thought i would at my age for a job that isn’t of high risk). but i’d never think it got me into the worst mental state i had ever been in a job. i mean, i’ve been through lots, but this was the worst i ever felt because of a job. dragging myself, crying everyday, praying to fall sick so i dont have to show up. i was very much a victim of my own choices.
So to all of you out there, suffering today, and wanting to get your shit together, and need some advice, i hope this post of my lessons learnt can do something for you:
given that i hate my new job so much - you’d think i regret standing up for myself and what i believe is right which got me fired - but no, i am proud of myself for it. the people around me were proud of me for doing what i did. and yes, good things come after that - like i said i got a compensation, and i found a job soon after, one that at least valued my integrity and won’t force me into illegal shit. good things come your way, when you constantly make the decisions you know to be rightful even if its hard.
i think people say this all the time, but what i mean is, say no to whatever you think won’t benefit you, or especially, that would harm you. SAYING YES WILL ALWAYS BACKFIRE IN SUCH CASES - trust me. i was offered 2 other jobs before my current one and i knew they weren’t what i wanted - 1 wouldn’t work out so i said no, and i said yes to the other just because. turned out it put me in a tight spot after i got my current job - and of course caused me much more mental turmoil than i hoped, and almost cost me a friendship.
When i got this job and it caused me so much mental turmoil, i was so afraid to leave - because of 2 things - money, and judgment. so look at point 4 about money, and remember, saying no to what doesn’t serve you can also mean blocking out what doesn’t do good for you. if you know doing something is best for you, whatever that is - quitting a job, taking a break from school, cutting off your used to be best friend, do it and don’t fear what others think. they will say something whatever you do anyway. its their mind, life, and mouth. but just live yours.
think about it this way - chasing after success, money, fame, friends or relationships - what do they do for you? i’m not saying be passive about your dreams and goals, but don’t let them be the only thing that gets in your head. don’t allow the lack of these things to ruin the good things you have. having all this won’t make you a better person, won’t serve the world, won’t necessarily make you happier. because it is what lies within. breathe now, and then hear this: when you come to terms that life is NOT a competition, and that if you say ‘so what?’ to the people who try to compare you - you will feel much better about yourself, and in a better state to work through the problems that come, because you won’t be too distracted thinking about what others have that you don’t.
what is it that really matters to you? standing up for not doing the illegal thing made me realise i stood for something. i had values and i had lines that i didn’t previously define. so i made it a point to define them - what are your limits? what will push you to quit a job? what will make you end a relationship that isn’t working? what will make you say “enough is enough”? know these things about yourself and you will feel much more free, because its your black and white, and you will always know when someone crossed the line.
you may think that the one uber ride you’re about to take, or that sandwich you’re about to eat at that artisanal cafe won’t cost you much, or break your bank. but trust me, its the small, accumulated expenses that slip through which really breaks your budget. i had zero savings when i got fired from that job, not just because of my dad’s debts, but also because i let myself get away with one too many rides/sandwiches or some small thing i thought wouldn’t matter. take a look at your expenses now - and think, where can i eat that can get me cheaper food? what can i do so that i spend less on an outing this weekend?
i know its freaking hard to be when you feel like all odds are against you. you forgot your document at home, or the deadline is up. your spilt coffee on your table, and stubbed your toe in the door. and then your boss added some work to your load, and your colleague gave you the cold shoulder. your family is breaking apart or maybe much worse. i won’t undermine your feelings - but i just wanna say look within you and be grateful for yourself. your own strength, your surviving this without jumping off a cliff, or running onto the road to get hit by a car. be grateful that you a person strong enough to survive this bad day. and remember that someone else is always watching you - your kid, your best friend, your little sibling, me - there is always someone who will admire your strength and be grateful you exist - so be grateful for yourself.
I know you’ll probably read another article like this somewhere - but this is really personal to me, it helped me gain back my mindfulness. it took me a long time to understand this. for those who wanna know, i’m still in the job i hate because i am practicing point 4 for long enough while i stay here so that i can save up a sum of money, and point 1 and 6. I spoke up for myself and told them i couldn’t take the workload and thankfully am offloading some things now, and point 6 - remaining grateful. there is alot to complain about, i still complain, but in my mind i remind myself to be thankful for what i did for myself, i am thankful for being given the chance to offload the work, i am thankful for the people who try to make things better, thankful for this space to share my thoughts. it keeps me wired and going. 
i hope everyone has a blessed day - and that someway, somehow, you feel inspired a little more now to grow in a happier direction
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kapowemag · 7 years
New Year, New KaBlog!
First of all, happy new year to all that read this! Hope your gym memberships haven’t cost too much that you will use for a few weeks and I hope your bank accounts haven’t taken much of a hammering like my liver and kidneys did over this wonderful festive period.
 Secondly, I would like to apologise for the extreme lack of content on my half as I’ve been snowed under at work doing silly amounts of overtime and just sleeping on the days I’ve had off. Thankfully ‘peak’ at work is over and I can now put much more time into writing these blogs, soon to be vlogs and gameplay footage of a large variety of games. Even though it can’t be helped I’m frustrated in myself for not delivering you guys and Kapow! more content as it’s something I enjoy doing and more importantly enjoy seeing you members share your opinions and thoughts on new (and old) films, games and TV series. 
 Sharing a passion with a community which is equally as passionate about these things brings me joy and has even helped me develop a few new friends. speaking of the community (insert shameless plug). Kapow! are hosting episode 3 of the Kapow! presents the Retrostation on February the 4th. Will be great to see as many of you possible there to create new gaming memories and possible friends. Not only that, it really is a great day out and something completely different to do on a weekend. New year, new way to spend weekends. (possible new life moto?)
 Anyway on to the serious shit. Drugs are bad.
 On a serious note, as mentioned previously, it has been the festive season, and unless it’s due to religious reasons, beliefs, lack of money or mummy, daddy and Santa Clause dont like you. Then the festive season normally comes bearing gifts. And as always, for me anyway I always get a new game that keeps me occupied for at least Christmas. As a child I think the best Christmas I ever had was receiving Crash Bandicoot Warped, gift wise it wasn’t the most expensive. However the memories I have that flood back when I play the game are priceless. I remember begging my parents to allow me to take the original Playstation to my nan and grandads on Christmas day (we had Christmas dinner there with the whole family) and getting everyone involved trying to beat Dingodile and his bloody flamethrower, all I wanted to do was save the penguin. 
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What would be your most memorable moment on Christmas gaming related?
 Now in a previous blog I mentioned how I had buyers regret when purchasing my PS4 (which I dont now btw :D). But I still think the games library is shocking. Not due to lack of games, there’s plenty. But they’re all ‘same samey’. There’s not many that are ‘fun for everyone’. Something only Nintendo seems to understand these days. Gaming used to be a group activity in my house, even if it was a single player game. The magic put into those games in the past has passed. It’s infuriating. The LEGO and Skylander games are probably the only ones of recent times that I can actually play couch co-op with my youngest brother or play through with him next to me without there being some sort of violent scene or cinema in depth cutscene he won’t understand.
 Developers need to realise there’s a new age of gamers coming through and relying on nostalgia and gore is only going to get them so far. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a sucker for nostalgia... BRING ON SONIC MANIA AND CRASH REMASTERED! And I’m sure a lot of you are too, but how many times can me play the same game over and over again but it now runs at 489 thousand frames a second? How many times are we going to see a 1st/3rd person gritty shooter with a dark backstory? Bring back the care free fun games. Bring back the kid in all of us, make us smile and laugh with the family and friends. I don’t wanna be sat next to my partner or best friend crying because the little bitch moaning all through the game dies in the last chapter or scene. Yes these scenes make a game memorable, and in some cases games these days are better than most film plots. But they’re not creating the memories they used to when playing a game a long side someone. And this is something I greatly miss, which is why I’m a sucker for nostalgia and all old games and platforms.
 On the subject of nostalgia, it’s not that long ago COD4 was released, yet they find it necessary to release a remastered edition already like it’s a classic. At first I thought it was a terrible decision. But now, for me, it’s the most fun I’ve had playing a game in a long time. All my spare time over the holidays I’ve been like a kid in high school texting friends and family to jump online and have ‘1 game’. I don’t know why I’ve never had this with previous call of duty titles. Yet this one brings out the giggling child in me when I play, there’s something magical about playing one of the first FPS online games I ever played on a console. COD4 doesn’t seem to take itself too seriously, it’s not overly complicated, the guns are balanced perfectly (fuck the M16 and .50 cal though) and there’s just enough change in the maps to stop it from getting stale. IW nailed Call of Duty in their first instalment and I hope the success they are getting out of this remastered edition is the start of developers and creators going back to basics. And by this I don’t mean 128 bit graphics with no analog controls. By this I mean by physic engines and not having 238,098 button combos and outcomes to scenarios. This helps create a level playing field and allows new users to become interested in a game.
A developer called ‘Playtonic’ have obviously noticed the lack of platformers and simpler games on platforms other than Nintendo and have begun (nearly finished) a game called Yooka Laylee. Playtonic are an independent company yet most of the team are formed from the old Rareware team who gave us great games such as, Donkey Kong Country, Banjo Kazooie, Killer Instinct etc. So you know this is going to be a well polished game, full of character and something everyone can enjoy thanks to their great sense of humour pushed throughout the games they’ve made. Some of you might have already heard about it. But if not, check it out!
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That’s enough for me tonight anyway, so God bless you all, have a great Monday!
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