#i dont know how to tag things so it'll go into peoples filters
50sfem · 1 month
I still have an unhealthy relationship with food... ough
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fishybehavior · 2 years
I've been wanting to make this for awhile, for the new people coming into my fandom but for anyone who's new in general
Now I am a newer Tumblr user (I joined in 2020 what a year) but I know how to get around here on the ole tumbles so if you are new and wondering "what the fuck is all this?" I'll show u a few tips
now the first thing I'd honestly recommend is to get involved with some kind of fandom. You don't have to be super into anything, but finding people who like things similar to you is a great way to start making friends! And honestly we have a fandom for almost anything, if u aren't into anything now you can probably look up any tv show or movie you watched in the last 20 years and someone will have made a post of it!
You don't have to be involved in a fandom but its a good way to meet people and see how we interact casually with one another if you are lurking for a little bit to learn
Now, second piece of advise, your blog.
Tumblr is a blogging site, and what you are probably used to refering ur profile, we call our blogs. It has ur pfp, header pic, maybe a couple of lines introducing urself, and then all of ur posts.
First thing I recommend is to change ur pfp, a lot of people base if u are a bot or not is if u use the default image as ur pfp. I suggest a character u like, an animal, a color, a flower, anything u like. I must warn you that I don't recommend u use ur own face. Number 1 some of the appeal of tumblr is anonymity, but 2, there are other bot blogs (such as porn blogs) that use real people as their pfp, and so some people may block u on site.
Now under your pfp you can put a couple of sentences in you blog, you can use this for anything. A lot of people put their preferred pronouns or maybe their age, or what fandoms their into, or maybe their patrons, or other blogs they run. What I recommend is that you dont put any personal info in here, especially if u are a minor. Don't specify ur age if your under like 18-21, if your under that just put minor.
next i want to talk about is cultivating your experience
Now you dont have to do this right away but if there is certain types of content that you know you don't like or you find triggering I suggest doing this. On Tumblr we use tags to organize our posts as well as to warn. You can block certain tags in your settings.
press this button on the top right of ur page (if you are on desktop, if on mobile it'll be the bottom right
Tumblr media
then in the drop-down menu select Settings, then go to Account, then scroll down until you see the header, "Content you see"
(on mobile once you hit the lil person icon on your bottom right, hit the gear on the top right of you screen, then fo down until u see "Content you see, it'll take you to the same thing)
here you can block tags and filter content. There are two types of filtering, by tags and by content. By tags only will block posts by the tags they have, while content blocking will look through the entire post for blocked words or phrases.
I personally use blocked tags more but do whichever works for you. If you are going to block tags there are certain types of things to keep in mind.
For one, we use warning tags. Tags that are put in posts specifically to warn people of certain content that we know can be triggering. For warning tags there are three main ways that people tag them (there are more but these are very common), tw dogs, cw dogs, dogs . Now I'm using dogs as an example tag, but the preface of tw (trigger warning) and cw (content warning) are very common, and if you want to block a certain trigger i suggest that you block both of these along with just the word by itself. (Also spelling does count)
this works similarly with content blocking, but u dont use tw or cw. Just put down the words or phrases that you dont want to see.
now when you block a post u don't ever see it, rather it appears on your dash like this
Tumblr media
it blocks out the whole post, tells you what tags or content that appeared for it to be blocked, and gives you a choice if you would like to see it anyways. This is how blocked posts will appear and you wont see the post at all unless you decide to view the post for yourself.
i think this is where I'm going to leave it for now, might reblog with more info in the future. But there are plenty of other posts with other info about how tumblr works and how to maneuver this site. I hope you find this helpful and that you enjoy your experience on this site 👋
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snickerdoodlles · 3 years
'#honestly I don’t like seeing it even for kink stuff' GOD THIS tag i feel this so much. if the kink is explored and over and moved past in the space of less than two whole sentences, it doesn't need to be tagged lmao. mention it in the authors/chapter notes or the summary idc, u just dont need to be tagging ur speedruns of kinks that r inherently about being dragged out lol. if its one that is a common squick then at least do 'kink a [briefly mentioned]' instead? yeah it'll still show up in the main 'kink a' tag but at least we will know before going in lmao
ANYWAY im sorry sdgsdghjfhd,, u unlocked a rant i didnt realise i had loaded there
ALL GOOD FRIEND, you get me!!!! It might be a little thing for me to have such a huge rant over myself, but I hate this trend of tagging Literally Every Little Thing so much because it completely ruins the integrity of the archive system 😭 In the same way that tagging non-essential characters and ships clutters and interferes with people searching for content through those (often smaller) tags, over tagging kink content interferes with the purpose of tags in general. Tagging literally any mention of any kink not only clutters or interferes with tag filters, it can also interfere with the actual definition of a tag (like. I 100% understand the worry on not tagging something as ✨controversial✨ as dub/noncon or similarly loaded kinks/topics, but it’s supremely fucking annoying to see people tag fully consensual smut as ‘dubcon’ only because there wasn’t 3k of kink discussion & fully stated ‘yes’es preceding the porn 🙄 ). How do you even filter content if the tags don’t accurately represent the works? How do you accurately gauge your comfort levels with kink fics hellishly overtagged? It’s already difficult enough to filter/navigate works based on people’s differing definitions, awareness and comfort levels, there’s no need to further muddle the waters with overtagging vaguely mentioned and/or blink and you miss it kinks!! If the kink could be deleted from the story and the story remains unchanged, there’s no need to tag it. If you’re really that worried, that’s what ANs are for!! Poor tagging has always been an issue (@ ppl that tag mentioned rarepairs and characters that show up for a single line: do you know that we all hate you and you need to get tf out of our tags 😡), but I can’t tell if the rising trend of overtagging kink is more the fault of purity culture or people just genuinely not understanding the concept of tags (probably both). Either way, it’d be a much better experience for everyone if people realized tags are there to be informative, not a statement 🙄🤦‍♂️
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blue-shaded · 2 years
Hi, new anon, but been on the site and with some of the communities mentioned, for years. Your blog is how I found out some info on what happened to another blog I followed. I swear I'm not trying to convince you to do anything- just wondering if you ever considered using nicknames for the content creators you talk about? That way people who are looking for discourse, who have their own doubts about their favorite creator, can search tumblr and within your own blog with "[content creator nickname] discourse" and your blog, and similar blogs, would show up. I've been reading through the blog for a couple of days and from personal experience, I'm having issues corroborating claims and proof across many tags, and I think it'd just be easier to find specific posts on your blog, especially since Tumblr's search function is already a nightmare. (1/2)
This would also keep the more trivial discourse out of the main tag. Like I said, I've been reading through the blog- I've seen other discourse blogs (some who used to be connected to GuruGossiper but are long gone) use nicknames for content creators. I understand putting grievances that are on levels of exposing racism and bigotry in the main tag, but it seems like if we try to just use the Latest filter to see edits, art, etc., this blog shows up with the more petty complaints and in-fighting (relatively trivial in comparison to the above in bold) from everyone you respond to. It makes your blog seem like a vicious hate-blog where everyone is just arguing with each other, and if you're trying to reach the community on such serious topics, I'm not sure this is working too well. This is definitely not the most vitriolic discourse blog I've encountered, but I wonder if the main-tag method is counter-intuitive to the objective. Hoping this blog doesn't dissolve into nonsense, tbh. (2/2)
I don't want to use nicknames for content creators. Simply because it's partially ignoring the problem or trying to cover it up which is entirely against what I'm standing for. I don't even dare to become part of the problem. Tumblr's search function is defenitely fucked up. I agree. However that's also why my masterlist exists. So the evidence and the claims are in one tight and handy place WITH the sources to back it up. I don't put anything up on that list unless it's actually proven to be a thing. I also do not want to keep discourse out of the main tag. because 1: I dont want to satisfy the hateful stannies with that. and 2: The discourse is about that content creator so I will use that tag no matter what. If people don't want to see discourse they can block me. It's not like I'm going to share anything else ever, so they'd get rid of the discourse all in one handy click. And for the people who were crying "but you cant do that on mobile" Apps exist, and tumblr has its own blacklist function so go to hell. The people who think I'm hate-blog are stuck in their echochamber of believing that. The people that matter on this blog know exactly who I am and what I stand for so I don't really care about the opinion of some equally 'hateful' content creator stans to begin with. They really don't matter to me enough to be changing anything up purely because they don't want to see what's already in front of them. If they hate to see it so much they can take matters into their own hands and not unrightfully expect of me to solve their problem. This blog won't dissolve into nonsense. It'll always be here since there's still people that have valid concerns. And if you can't handle that you can take it upon yourself to leave this place alone. It's not like you are my target audience anyway.
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