#i am tired and i have a candle burning which immediately activates dramatic me
pseudonemisis · 1 year
5 ,7 and 10 for the ask game please))
5. TV show of the year? hmmmm, which to pick, which to pick. I guess I'll pick The Sandman(thats a close call tho)mostly because of Hob. im not sure why, but its a relatively common theme in stories to show why you dont want immortality, that the world will one day break you, as you watch as one by one everything and everyone youve ever loved crumbles around you. I suppose if I really stretch, I can understand where this came from, but for a kid trying thyre best to find a reason to stay alive, its not really the best lesson. and then seeing Hob say no, fuck it, there will always be beauty in the world to discover, and new, wonderful things to learn, and there is always a reason to live. idk, it meant alot to me.
7. Favorite actor of the year? Mason Alexander Park(desire in sandman), or Vico Ortiz(jim from ofmd). they are both such fun interesting people, and seeing nonbinary characters in shows I love means a lot to me, and since I want to go into some sort of film seeing them succeed is really encouraging
10. Something that made you cry this year? other than the ever present crushing weight of being alive? podcasts. in a genral note, I have cried soooo many times listening to wtnv, tma, and malevolent, but the most interest time was when I went to the wtnv live show in Boston this past summer. I started crying before the show even started. It was my first time to a big city, and I was already exited to see so many different people. as people started to file into the theater I started to notice that I felt safe. I was on my own, but I didnt feel lonely. and maybe it seems a stupid thing to cry about, but everyone in that theater was brought together by a common love, and that love was apparent. everyone was different, each dressed in their own unique way, and yet no one was out of place, including me. As someone whos always been at least a little out of place and lonely, that night meant a lot to me, and i started silently crying as the lights dimmed.
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bloodypapercut · 4 years
s.b. headcanons
hellooo, me again! enjoy angels and treat urself today <3
word count: 1.9k 
-he will do anything to pull you away from whatever it is you’re doing whenever he wants attention
“COME TO MY DORM OR I’LL LIGHT A BUNCH OF CANDLES AND FALL ASLEEP!” “no don’t burn down hogwarts sirius, sod off, i need to study.” “don’t you love me??” “yes, now that that’s settled, go away.” “you’re breaking my heart darling.” he’ll pout throwing a hand over his heart while leaning on you “you’re breaking your own heart. just wait a bit longer, you big baby.” “nope, that’s it, i’m doing it! tata now!” “sirius no-!” “bye y/nnnn goodnight, unless you decide to graciously visit me in bed” “you’re really gonna burn down hogwarts because i won’t cuddle you?” “you mean YOU'RE going to burn down hogwarts because you refuse to stop studying and cuddle me.” “it does work like that!! you’re so childish.” “i’d prefer the term determined if you will.” “sirius- wait no don’t go upst- and he’s gone,” *waits a bit* *dashes upstairs and barges into the room* *sees there are no candles lit* “i’m offended, you thought i’d actually do it, but since you’re here let’s cuddle.”
-whenever he’s hanging around the other marauders on the field he’ll see random flowers and start picking them, ignoring their teasing while flipping them off “sirius has gone soft!!!!” “sod off wankers at least i have someone.” “i do have someone!” “lily hates you james.” “for now you twat.”
-he can’t wait to give you the flowers “oh- thank you? for the um..weeds?” “weeds? they’re flowers, look, petals and all.” he’ll dramatically pick a petal of a flower and blow it into the air, sighing as it slowly falls to the ground “nooo don’t make that face, you know i love them, they’re pretty.” you’ll open your arms for him and he’ll gladly reciprocate, burying his face between your shoulder and neck ”yeah like me.” he’d mutter in a childish voice
-“did you just lick my lips?” “your chapstick tastes good”
-whenever he’s drinking something and someone makes him laugh you can expect him to spray everywhere
-if you’re putting on lipstick he’ll ask you to kiss him on the cheek because he wants people to see, then he’ll ask to use the lipstick too because he wants you to have one as well
-every time you come out of the bathroom after getting dressed, without fail he’ll hype you up whether you’re wearing your uniform or a normal outfit or your sleeping clothes. he’ll narrate you as you walk out the room, asking you to do your model walk.
-you’ll dress each other sometimes, he usually picks fishnets and a skirt with one of his shirts and you’ll get him to dress like henry winter from the secret history (sirius in dark academia fashion, i think so)
-you two paint your nails together
-you both impulsively cut your hair, it’s utter chaos. it consists of you two screaming, hiding under a blanket, freaking out at the hair in the sink, then realizing you both look really good
-you have matching silver rings and necklaces
-he’s very devious, he always has something up his sleeve
-he gets jealous really easily, if someone is looking at you he’ll stare them down and whisper in your ear “someone’s checking you out.” “really? are they cute?” he’ll shoot you a warning look before picking you up and running off to do some um activities
-he’s very protective, he trusts you deeply but he knows that there are people who are willing to do anything to upset him and the only way someone could upset him is if they harmed you in any way. he will always stand up for you, even when you’re not around. he despises anyone who even looks at you the wrong way. this has led to many fights and detentions  
-he’s the most supportive and accepting person ever. he knows what it’s like to feel like an alien in your own body, to not be accepted by those you thought would be there no matter what, he understands what it feels like and though he will never understand how you feel completely, he will do everything in his power to help you and to make you feel safe and loved. if you open up about your struggles, your sexuality, your identity or anything at all, there will not be a single part of him that’ll judge you. he’ll just listen and smile, feeling so grateful that you trusted him enough to open up to him
-he’ll randomly break into your room in the middle of the night “get your fine ass out of bed, we’re going to hogsmeade.” “it’s 4 in the morning what could you possibly want at hogsmeade?” “i’m hungry, now hurry up.” “why don’t you sod off and steal some or rem’s chocolate? i’m tired.” “i already finished it c’monnnnn i know you wanna.” “you’re so lucky that i love you sirius.”
-he always keeps you on your feet, there was never a dull moment with him and frankly, it was hard to keep up, no one knows where he gets all this energy from.
-it’s hard to really know what he’s talking about at times, he just says words sometimes and when he’s done he looks at you expectantly
-his energy levels fluctuate a lot though, one minute he’ll be running around the room chasing you like a zombie, the next he’ll be sitting down talking about cultural anthropology  
-he likes trying to see if he can trick you into eating foods you hate. for example, he’ll try and feed you olives by claiming they’re grapes or something, which obviously doesn’t work so he just shoves it in your mouth (olive slander is welcome here)
-when you two kiss it’s so intense, even if it’s supposed to be a short peck before you head off to class he’ll put both his hands in your hair and pull you closer, refusing to have a kiss less than 10 seconds
-when he hugs you he spins you around until you’re both about to fall from dizziness
-he’s so coquettish, even when you’ve been together for so long he’ll stroll up to you and use a horrible pick up line, or he’ll wink at you from across the room or shamelessly flirt with you in front of everyone, which never fails to amuse you
-sirius either sleeps for 17 hours straight or 3 hours, there is no in-between. he’s also a very heavy sleeper, it’s so difficult to get him up in the mornings if you two are late for class. he doesn’t really care that he’s late but for your sake, he drags himself out of bed, under the condition that you have to take a nap with him right after class.
-he hogs the blanket and when you try and pull it back he will just grunt and say “you’re so hot why would you need it?” which you’d just scoff at and throw yourself on him until he acquiesces to share the blanket with you
-the train ride to hogwarts is filled with laughter, the kind where it hurts to breathe and you keep adding things that make you both reel over. the other marauders are slightly confused, but they start to laugh as they see your faces turn red while tears slip from your eyes.
-you are such an energetic couple, you bounce off of each other and anyone who hangs out with you two feels like they’re babysitting
-if his hands are cold he’ll press them on your thighs, neck, or your stomach just to make you jump, which is the catalyst in you chasing him around the room while throwing things at him
-he pokes the side of your face so much you’re convinced you’ll get a dent, he also flicks you so much that by the end of class there's a red mark on your cheek
- “you smell so good love.” “stop sniffing me, creep”
-he likes carrying you bridal style everywhere, it’s so unnecessary and extravagant that it just works because it’s sirius we’re talking about
-you two play fight so often people are genuinely concerned because they���ll just walk into the common room and see you straddling him as you cause havoc on his face with a pillow or he’ll have you pinned under him as he relentlessly tickles you
-calling him fleahead just to rile him up
“why can’t i have a pleasant nickname? like mr. darcy, am i not like your mr. darcy??”
-him calling you cherry or mars because you blush a lot around him (he likes to tell himself it’s because of his undeniable charm)
-sneaking off to the astronomy tower together to listen to music while you’re under a blanket and holding hands, talking quietly about your home lives or anything that’s bothering you, letting the wind run through your clothing, causing the two of you to shuffle closer together
-he’s seldom quiet so when he is you know there’s something wrong. you never push him as he’ll open up on his own terms and when he’s ready, but you always make sure that he knows you’re there
-he’ll usually walk into your dorm shutting the door quietly, taking his jumper off, and curling up in your lap as he grabs your hand, your other one going to his hair immediately. his cries are silent but they don’t last long, only for a couple of minutes before he looks up at you and kisses the side of your mouth before going under your covers and hugging your waist tightly.
-when you walk in upset or crying he’ll immediately be gripping his wand asking who he’ll have to hex, it brings a smile to your face and you just shake your head before trudging towards him, your mood washing over you again. you straddle his lap and bury your face in his chest, trying to calm yourself down. his hands would immediately go to rubbing your back or stroking your hair. when your breathing starts to go back to normal he’ll hold the back of your neck, making you look up at him, he just wanted to see your face because even when you were sobbing he thought you were the most breathtaking person on earth.
-you two always shower together or take baths together and they’d be filled with horrible attempts at flirting and messing around
-drunk sirius is a disaster. he will trail after you like a lost puppy, he will hug your legs if you try to leave which leads to him being dragged on the floor as he grips on your calf for dear life. if you somehow manage to free yourself from his grip he does the most outrageous and embarrassing things to get you to come back. (imagine sirius drunkenly singing common people by pulp or the letter by the boxtops, using his bottle as a mic and prancing around the common room doing an idiotic dance)
-drunk sirius barges into your room screaming “i'm an english man!!” or singing parklike by blur (if blur existed at the time)
-so many polaroids, he has a box filled with them. it gives him comfort when he’s back at home
-he stares at you a lot
-he always greets you with a kiss on the back of your hand
-at first you were apprehensive about being with sirius for several reasons but you gave him a chance because you wanted to formulate your own opinion. he proved everyone around him wrong and it took you by surprise to see just how committed he was. he not once hid the fact he liked you, he made it very known that he wanted you and only you, even if it was embarrassing on your behalf
(can you tell i heavily associate sirius with damon albarn?)
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