#i am sleep and sun deprived so I feel it rn but like
pallas-cat · 4 months
not to over dramatize my depression but like since im a child I kinda just
lost a drive for myself per se and am really just drifting through life incapable of much more than maintaining myself alive and even then it it's a challenge
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booksandpaperss · 24 days
sleet sun and fog pls for me
weather WIP ask game
hi nyxi! at your service ✨
🌨 Sleet - What's the most you've ever written in one sitting?
okay so the most I have ever written in one sitting ever has been about 3k words I believe? it was when I was 14 and it was the first fanfic I'd ever written, idk what fumes I was high off of but I wrote 3,000 words in 2 hours without stopping like it was nothing. I've never been able to do that since, the closest I've come to it is when I wrote almost 2k words in one sitting in a sleep deprived delirium a few weeks ago. my writing has improved a lottt since age 14 for sure but I do wish I had what 14 yr old me had that night </3
I will say tho that I've gotten a lot better this year at writing more words at a time, it used to be a struggle to crank out any more than 200 words and now my bare minimum word count I can expect when I sit down to write is 400-500, and lately its been more so, progress! lol
also shoutout to authors who write like 4k+ in one sitting y'all scare me
☀️ Sun - What's your favorite part of your WIP?
I have many WIPs so I will go with my ultimate WIP aka my sapphic fantasy novel and hmm. I'd say my fave part is a tie between when Tessa and Sophia first really connect and Tessa realizes Sophia is the first person to see her as someone strong and brave and make her feel like she's worthy of being a person in her own right and... the scene where Tessa gets her shit rocked by [redacted] after Sophia tried to protect her by separating them and she loses it and hunts down and kills this guy she really hates lol
🌫 Fog - What was the hardest part of your WIP to write?
Ummm like. every other paragraph LMAO. there are parts that flow really easily and then other parts where I'm just like ummm what are words again. what am I even doing hello what is this? but the nice thing abt first drafts if that if I get really stuck I can always just throw in a one sentence descriptor of what I to want to happen in brackets and then move on to the next scene that flows. im sure future me will be very annoyed when they have to deal with those later but at the pace im going that is soooo far from my problem rn :D
thx for the ask bestie!
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I’ve seen a lot of posts abt how wonderful it is when Neurodivergent ppl live together bc they finally understand each other and don’t have to deal w neurotypical living expectations. Well here’s an angry three am rant abt my experience as an autistic living w an autistic roommate. (This is just my personal experience that I need to get out)
He stims vocally a lot and it really bothers me. I can’t focus on my work, especially writing, but I don’t want to stop him bc I know how important it is
He plays video games until 3am most nights (including rn) and I’m so sleep deprived that I want to cry all the time and almost fall asleep as soon as I sit down but I don’t want to tell him to stop bc I know those are his special interests. I know first hand how soul crushing it is to be told u can’t engage w ur special interests so I let him do it
He’ll have the tv, his laptop, and phone all playing different things at the same time and forget doing my work, I can’t even be in the same room. It’s too much. But I don’t want to tell him to stop bc that’s stimulus he’s needs Ig
I know a lot of ppl have trouble w temperature regulation and he’s got a space heater that’s on 24/7, even when he’s not home. I live in the south and it’s summer now so it’s around 80-90 degrees every day but I’ll come home and it’s even hotter in our room. Walking in feels like getting slapped in the face w the sun. I think it baked my plant alive bc even tho I got one that could survive heat, it’s crispy and white like a ghost. I didn’t even know plants could do that. But he also always wears a hoodie and jeans no matter how hot it is so maybe he’s cold all the time. Idk
He’s got no spatial awareness. He likes to do his projects on the floor and completely spreads out so I can’t access my bed, night table, food, or supplies. His stuff already takes up 2/3 of the room anyway but this makes me dance and tiptoe around his projects for days on end
Adding onto that last point, he doesn’t remember things very well. And I know that’s not his fault but it’s so annoying to come home and he’s done his share of the chores but didn’t put the cleaning supplies away. Or he’s ironed his clothes but left the ironing board out in the middle of the room. He finally washed his dishes today that had been overflowing from the sink for eight months. And I know executive disfunction can be a bitch but I’m so tired of not even being able to wash a single fork bc there’s no more space in the sink
And the lights,,,, I know a lot of ppl have sensory issues w overhead lights but it’s so frustrating when I’m obviously working on a project, putting fine details on a still life or whatever, and he just turns the light off. I can’t work in the dark but I know what a pain lights can be so I just let him do it
And he’s a good guy and is nice and all that but I can not wait to move out. And I’m not blaming him for any of this, it’s 100% on me and I know it. I haven’t expressed my displeasure for these things or asked him to change so I shouldn’t expect him to magically know what I’m thinking. I’m too much of an anxious ppl pleaser to assert any boundaries
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straighttxhell · 6 months
Get to know me! 💋
So,, @the-type-a tagged me in this like 8 months ago and never got a chance to do it cause tumblr kept deleting the draft but I am procrastinating doing my final project to graduate college so here goes nothing
Thanks for the tag and feel free to do it again cause lmao it's been a whike
��� - Do you have/want any tattoos?
No I wanna get a spider gwen tattoo but I dont have a ton of money rn
💚 - What’s your favourite colour?
Pastel pink 🩷
🍕 - What’s the last thing you ate?
Spinach Pasta
🕰 - What time is it where you are rn?
11:27 pm (when i started, its 11:50 now)
🌟 - What is your zodiac sign?
Sagittarius sun, Taurus moon, and Aquarius rising.
I also have Venus and Mars in Scorpio so that pretty much sums up why I'm insane.
🌍 - What is your favourite accent?
I really enjoy cockney accents, Daniel Kaluuya's in particular. Maybe it's just his voice.
⚡️ - Do you have any scars?
Yes, I accidentally stabbed my thigh, also accidentally cut it with a blade, and my legs are covered in permanent bruises from when I danced.
🌺 - What’s your MBTI type?
Every time I do it I get smth different, so either INTP or ISFP??
🥀 - Favourite animated movie?
📺 - Favourite show?
The Office probably, or Community, I really like sitcoms
😂 - Are you ticklish?
Isn't everyone??
💍 - Do you ever want to get married?
Yes, I am one of those ppl that want to meet like their one true love and get married and spend our entire lives together
😳 - Do you like your name?
It triggers me a little so I don't like to be called by it but I like the name by itself a lot
💙 - What colour is your bedroom?
Like a beige green, I hate it but it came like that and am too lazy to paint it
🤓 - How did you get your name?
My mom liked it thats it lol
🎓 - When did/do you graduate?
This month hopefully, my ceremony isn't until January tho
🍄 - Do you have/want any piercings?
Yeah I have the normal ones, two in my left ear and one in my right ear so I can freely forget to wear earrings Id add a pick but I dont want to
👀 - What colour are your eyes?
Veeeery dark brown
👱🏻‍♀️ - What is your go to hairstyle?
A messy bun, I like having it down although it's mostly hot here so that's not possible, and sometimes I do have to put it in a bun cause my hair is really really thin and straight so it tangles incredibly easy and it takes me a good 5 minutes to brush it and I tend to be in such a hurry every morning I simply can't afford to do that
🥂 - Have you ever drank underage?
Yes I didn't know tho lol I was 14 and drinking funny tasting grape juice at sleepovers, my friends thought I knew lol uhmm but yeah after that I stopped until I was 18 and back from quarantine
🍾 - Have you ever gotten drunk?
Don't take me as a role model please, but yes and I love getting drunk, I've never blacked out but I do remember every now and then funny memories like huh I forgot I did that 🥰 Also I've only once drank so much I puked it all up next morning
😱 - What’s your biggest fear?
Roaches?? Not trying to get too deep
🥵 - Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
Hot. I hate not being able to move bc of cold, my body aches so bad when its cold.
🌦 - What’s your favourite weather?
Cloudy, rainy and not cold, like eventually the sun comes out yknow
🍂 - What’s your favourite season?
🐷 - What’s your favourite animal?
🐶 - Do you have any pets?
2 cats!! And my sister has 2 dogs but they're also kinda mine ig
😴 - What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
No idea, I am way too sleep deprived to notice at the end
🎨 - Any hobbies?
Drawing, painting, video editing and designing, anything creative
🛩 - If travelling was free, where’s the first place you’d go?
New York 😭😭😭 if i had a visa also Id love to stay at the plaza hotel
🎇 - What’s your most searched thing on Google?
Probably Taylor Swift?? or the Spice Chalk Stretch Naked Wokfe boots
📱 - Favourite app on your phone?
PINTEREST, a girl without pinterest is an angel without wings..
🤠 - Are you more of a city person or a country person?
City by far, I've spent all my life in the city and wouldn't stand not having everything I have here
Tagging: @spnyuri @queer-cosette and idk who is still active here but whoever wants to do it
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lesbeanbag01 · 2 years
Thanks for tagging me @chikooritajjk ☺️
Name: My name is Céline but my friend calls me a variety of other names such as George, Da Vinci, babe, bestie, etc.
Sign: I am a Capricorn, more specifically I’m a Capricorn sun Taurus moon. I relate to this. But honestly otherwise I don’t know much about astrology, however, being friends with a lot of other queer women I hear about it lol.
Time: It’s 10:45am here. But by the time I post this that won’t be accurate anymore ;) So let’s just say early lunch.
Birthday: I’m born on Jan 6th 2001 in Hong Kong.
Height: I’m a whole 165cm tall. Funny story, I’ve been saying that I’m 167cm but when I measured myself with a robot at the pharmacy recently I was apparently 165cm. However, unless my posture has worsened (impossible😨) and I’ve shrunk 2cm I still think I’m 167cm because that’s what the doctors said.
Favorite band/artist: My favorite band/artist is BTS. However, I also like other artists a few of which are Queen, Fleetwood Mac, Blondie, Kate Bush (she blew up again thanks to ST it’s crazy), Frank Ocean, DKZ, King Princess, and Kehlani.
Last movie: To be honest I don’t watch that many movies anymore, I used to love them but rn I prefer shows. So I really had to think about this one but I think the last movie I watched is Crush.
Last show: The last shows I watched was Extraordinary Attorney Woo and Chernobyl.
Instruments: I can’t play any instruments very well atm, but when I was younger I took piano lessons. But let me tell you that after that I was traumatised because Chinese piano teachers are.. interesting people. ”Céline why you no practice?!” and ”Lazy”. I’m teaching myself to play guitar sometimes tho. Otherwise the only sport I do is boxing.
When you created this blog: I can’t even remember, it was years ago.
What you post: BTS and jikook. Occasionally something else as well.
Other blogs: I used to have a blog when I was about 10 years old that was dedicated to posting about my dumb thoughts. The reason I started that blog was because my friend did one about books she read and sims.
Followers: Don’t know don’t care lol.
Average hours of sleep: 8 hours. I need the sleep to be able to focus on my uni lectures. I used to be a bit sleep deprived and it made me feel sick/nauseous.
What I’m wearing: Don’t want to tell.
Dream job: Songwriter, authour. I’m probably going to work with psychology tho since that’s what I’m studying, although I’m optimistic and think I might be able to do the other two as well.
Dream trip: First of all I’d like to travel to SK. My dad (bleh🤮) used to travel there a lot for work and my mom would sometimes accompany him so she’s told me a bit about it but I would like to go for myself. Second I’d like to go back to Hainan. I remember going when I was little and I really liked it but I’d like to go back. Then I’d also like to go to Italy, Iceland, and Tokyo.
Favorite song: I really cannot answer that. So I’ll change the question to what am I listening to rn.
Stay gay y’all. I don’t know who to tag… I feel embarrassed, you have to understand my social anxiety here. 💫@sweetjikook💫
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yuki-shift · 3 months
- Spoilers for book 5
- mentions of characters: rook (mildly), vil, epel and neige
- maybe mischaracterization ???
- the things in purple are things I copy and pasted from google
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Okay, I’m in book 5 and I have meet vil. I’m on a fight that happened while looking at places with riddle and Trey, before the S&D(?). And I think I have a pretty good understanding of vil. I even came up with a nickname for him that I thought of while talking with rook (I don’t remember when) but basically if I remember correctly rook was talking something poetic, that’s all I got from him talking cause I was sleep deprived, but then I made my realization that vil is like a flower, and I have good meanings behind it but also about his character, or so I think-
Remember that vil haven’t over bolted for me yet so I haven’t seen his issues and such. But I see vil as a flower, first of all because flowers need the sun (vils fans essentially) to ravish and not wither away, while if flowers don’t have the sun then they would wither away and have no light. In this case vil is the flower and his fans and the people who shower him in compliments are the sun, I’m not saying he’d wither away and become less beautiful, but like, if the suns glow doesn’t glow enough, the flower will start to kinda uhhh, go down?? Something like that. And so in this case the suns (his fans) attention stray from him and instead his rival, he’ll feel saddened?? Something like that.
Another thing I like is that vil is a flower and neige is snow (cause I believe he’s based off of Snow White) and so, when it snows, the snow covers the flowers beauty, the snow shimmering in the winter and warm sunny winter days, but when the snow melts onto the flower the snow becomes water and fuels or like bounces back and tries again?? Idk, it’s hard to explain especially since I haven’t slept this day 😭
Vil = flower - neige = snow - fans = sun
Like that if it helps. I have other reasons on why I have these nicknames.
Vil is like a purple flower, maybe like an delphinium, and I got reasons why
(This is all from google)
Purple delphinium flower – as with all purple-coloured flowers, the purple delphinium is a good flower for signify royalty and beauty.
The meaning of delphiniums is generally accepted as 'big hearted'. Like many flowers, different colours of delphiniums often carry their own significance. Blue, the most common colour, signifies dignity and grace while white and pink represent new life and the power of youth
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So that’s another reasons why I picked flower for vil, and I also saw on another thing that it meant love and elegant, but it might’ve been a different flower I was reading about
Another thing about vil is that I understand his points and stuff about beauty and it being able to be a weapon, but I also understand how epel feels with all this stuff and vils points. So in conclusion if they got into a fight and I had to pick a side, id pick neither, if they’re was a debate about it as well I would simply not know who to pick and say “nuh uh” and not choose
ANYWAY, see you lovely’s another time and if you read all this, thank you, it makes me really happy. And I’m doing this on my iPad rn so if anything looks wonky that’s why 🥹. AND OMG I FORGOT TO MENTION THAT I HAVE OTHER NICKNAMES FOR OTHER TWST CHARACTERS (only like 4 or 5- 💀) but like, I’ll talk about it later. And I’m sleep deprived rn so the explanations are kinda bad and I just wanna post this now soooo, I am 😌 ANYWAY I HOPE YOURE HAVING A LOVELY WEEK AND VALENTINES DAY!!! :D
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atldreaming · 4 years
It’s really been a while
Wow. How has it nearly been a year since I have written? It’s not been that I haven’t had anything to write- the opposite in fact.
Where to begin?
I last wrote May 16th and it’s crazy. I was so content that night and dead set on recovering from night shifts and moving on with my week and ended up in the hospital for viral meningitis and spent a week lying on couch with all the blinds down, head spinning, fever breaking.
Those two months of night shift were hard. My poor fiance saw me sick and sleep deprived and never gave up on me.
Did I mention he’s my fiance now?
I’ll back up a bit.
After night shift, I moved onto evening shift on my own, as a new nurse. Evening shift has been hard, but nonetheless better for my health. And yet, I am making another job transition in just one week. What a year in learning to advocate for myself, my license as an RN, and my health. What a year of feeling it to my core when the sick don’t want to be healed. What a year of being cursed at by many and learning how to be firm, never passive. Assertive but not aggressively so.
And sometimes I wonder how God feels. The healer. The redeemer. Yet so much of mankind rejects him. Curses his name. Denies Him, denies their need, denies their sin.
So much of being a nurse leads me to think about how truly loving God is to cover us in forgiveness through it all.
We went to visit my family in September and though I had several very real suspicions, he proposed and we’ve been planning our marriage since. Just 3.5 months left from the time I am writing this. He will be moving into our house soon and I will be moving my stuff in as close to the wedding as possible.
We’ve been waiting completely and wholly in the physical aspect of our relationship and it makes me love him more. It’s not that neither of hasn’t done things we regret during other times in our lives, but from day one we vowed to one another to wait wholly and completely.
This man never ceases to amaze me in the way he lives to love God and others and treats me with the utmost respect and adoration.
Through it all he has never stopped leading us towards Jesus.
Through those long night shifts, from crying on the phone with him cause it was 9 am and I couldn’t sleep and the sun was too damn bright and I had to drive back in for another shift in less than 8 hours and my body felt broken, and him calmly praying with me and asking God for healing and rest.
Through sitting bedside with me in the ER, holding my hand and praying with me as I faced the sickest I have been in my life.
And the more we pray together, the more I realize I need to pray.
Praying together on the phone, through voice messages that I can’t listen to until my shift is over at 3 in the morning. Praying in church, in the car.
And I used to be fearful to pray in front of other people. I can’t believe I ever was.
How amazing it is that I can talk to God together with the man I love. How amazing it is that I can come into His presence with my future husband.
How amazing it is that God has sent me this wonderful, Christ following man.
We’ve prayed for my job hunt and finding our house and God has provided things beyond our wildest dreams and even when His provision hasn’t quite looked like what we so selfishly hope for, He provides us with better or the strength to get through.
God is so good.
We have been doing pre-marital counseling and through discussing our lives through a life map exercise I was reminded at how much the Lord has provided for me. And every struggle He has seen me through. When I couldn’t make ends meet and He made them meet for me. When he provided for me so fully. He is the good shepherd and there is truly nothing else I could need.
So much of the last 6 years are just so awe inspiring to me. God has spoken to me and comforted me and provided for me in the times of the lowest of lows.
I’m excited to see where God will continue to lead.
This man I’m going to marry has also seen the extreme provision of the Lord and also has such an awe and reverence for it. I’m so excited to see where God will lead us together and how God can use our strengths to sharpen one another and lift eachother up.
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paperbagnotes · 2 years
What do I do? Is it too soon?
Sail to So cal rn??
Back to a storage unit of stuff in sf,
I’m not ready to go back??..
What if I’m not enough
October is so soon
With everyone still asking.. it was harder than rn, more ppl, but ppl weren’t so mentally deprived and deranged of the freedoms of the universe so much as here, more txting there, ppl here way pushier, or isolating, less social?but sunsets that last hours in ak?? I didn’t picture before December.. then again what’s a summer here without a friend some one by the fire, time alone is better than with the wrong person however.. no one spends as much time in the wilderness as you. it’s the only super power that’s here, midnight Sun.. unlike sf’s never sleeping clock .. it’s black out.. still some how stuff Can be happening, ugh I gotta leave in September.. but I love and understand my job, I should have never left.. it’s all in retrospect, thought another relationship with a friend could have ended with having time together, instead of all this criticism, all or nothing mentality, that’s nothing like family? City neediness still happening! from ppl there while I’m here.. more interest needing to be given, layed down from women to women to have ANY interest given back, I’m not perfect, I’d jive with so many bomb women.. but I don’t want to engage with serpents, so if some one is one on the inside. I gotta see how I can only be better and not bother.. I’m not the blocker. May be blunt.. not belligerent, on guard sometimes because there’s so much to say now. But I’m terrible to have trusted a one to not have empathy of how someone else is feeling.. I need to ask more, tell more.. but I try to
I terrified.. who?
I’m having tremors
Still no biker or skater,
Would walk or drive anywhere
Still scared
I’m screwed..
My cars battery needed a jump the other night w/the Sun and someone followed me home from walking out somewhere.. oh it does not compare
I bow back at homeless ppl who walk past me..
Mid sf where I’m suppose to be?
I can wait till January and stay till.. oh no.. see why go? I need to get to so cal sadly
Maybe angrily.. why do I have to follow through.. why not Chicago in March or may?
Asheville to visit? ASHEVILLE?! To die one day?
Oh dare I say
Srly should I go to Scotland, leave the country..
have to go clean out my storage unit so just when do I go? It’s October.. ik *face melting*
If I make it to the beach on time,
I might make the sunrise..
But if I’m late this year will there be another, what place am I trying to discover,
I wouldn’t trust it.. wouldn’t know what to do, what it would be like to run into you,
So I’d have to go to, After January? In January?
If I don’t run into you on my birthday by the beach, or October’s warm caring air
I’ll make my migration.
Don’t want to rush it, but I’m getting cooked in this dryer! Summers here are such liers..
6 years in that 7 mile square, without clean air..
And I never went back to that beach, but once or twice in the trees, idk why there were less grassy places, back yards only in the sunset, or dailycity, roof tops crowded and parks covered.. north bay just full of ppl pumping out parties of ppl.
East bay could take it easy.. easy to get to far deep in it.. like Brooklyn barricaded.
I can’t go back to sf idk what neighborhood to go anymore.. flamingo beach? Around isle creek?
For how long 🤦
Oceanside.. never been.. would need wheels?
I won’t cry.. ca the place of driving.
Driving me crazy 🙈
A setting for other destinations
Visit Chicago/la area again,
(Pls stop having ppl tell you Venice)
Crumbling is me
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tounacasserole · 2 years
random & kind of stupid half asleep, half assed appreciation post cause i wanna spread the love and for some reason sad thoughts in my head but let's ignore that (ft. my sleep deprivation sap, mutuals, ppl iloook up to, shitty puns and wordplay)
@moonxma ur the moon :o you give me like calm and peaceful moon vibes like a blue moon!! ty for being one of the first who kind of kickstarted my whole commitment to being here and writing content :D
@raysano ray? more like ray of sunshine shdhefj bad pun but i love indirectly interacting with you through games and hope we get to know each other and interact more mwah /p
@appreciatingtokrev appreciatingtokrev? appreciating YOU you beautiful human being :)) i like seeing your little thoughts and whatnot around your blog bc i find them interesting to me in a good way
@mochi-coffee absolute sweetheart ∑(゚Д゚) sweeter than ice cream mochi need i say more? no but seeing you wherever makes my day better for some reason because you give that positive n uplifting vibe. me 🤝 you waka skmps
@kallikrein me 🤝 you 🤝 mochi waka simps jdkfjskf ty for being one of the first to interact and leave messages in the tags of my silly little waka headcanons :]] and ty for being my majn source of waka brainrot too ( ̄∀ ̄) we krei-n (pronounced crying) over wakasa. i think that was fhe shittiest pun ive ever made in my entire life i apologize dearly
@simpywhore seeing your incorrect quotes make me snort in laughter a lot whenever i see them >:D we haven't interacted but i'm sure you're simp(l)y sweet ksjjfkfkskf
@offtaskotaku go follow them rn this is a threat /hj seriously so so underrated pls check out their work and send them requests i'm sure they work hard and they're bery nice :) great sense of humour 2 i like seeing u on my dash. makes me go off task for a bit to scroll through your blog and reread your hcs!!
@kakuchew also a contributor to my waka brainrot jshffkf your headcanons about the black dragons boys are so awesome and i love their shenanigans which makes it easier to envision them in my head!! less chewing on my thoughts and more space to appreciate them and you too :3
@sukunasbabymama your blog title is kk's safeplace and it sure as hell lives up to the name!! i get a homely vibe from you n i like seeing you pop up on my dash :D like my mama's homemade food! you've made me appreciate kakucho and mucho with your contrnt :))
@wwintersun holy crap i look up to you a whole ton!! your works are simply put masterpieces. when i read them it makes me feel fuzzy and warm it's like when the sun melts the winter away ;D i have a lot of your stuff saved in my drafts to reread on a bad day
@bajipaws your tokrev x male reader stuff has at least pawmped 5 more years into my lifespan (i'll take my leVe now). ur doing king shit and i can't wait to see more stuff from you!!!
@kageyahoe your latest work with baji made me Feel all the emotions /pos :] in fact all of your works do and made me love baji even more than i did before >:O i don't have a bad pun for you but honestly considering my punmanship you're lucky jdkfjskf
@shinscig i've interacted with you a grand total of one (1) time but you're so sweet :( i think your chifuyu drabble of painting flowers was one of the first fics i read here which: OOMPF /pos. that's it i can't describe it anymore better than that cause it's almost 3am. your braid train fic with mizo mid is also a big favourite :)! underrated they are
@softbajis You Have Made Me Feel Things but i swear most of it's good and soft besides the angst because it hurts so good hakfjwjfj i like seeing your little blurbs pop up from time to time!!
@tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang I LOVE SEEING YOUR POSTS ABOUT THE MANGA THAT ARE ESPECIALLY SO FUNNY??? they're always a riot and the absolute best. i snorted so hard reading your recent one of the wake me up scene SHEIWKJFWKFJDJ
@koffeekoko your angst. hurts so good. mr sunshine, flowers, and you hurts the best. i am writhing on the floor as i type this (/notsrs) idk if this is weird but seeing your tag "jel loves you!" makes me smile internally :)) your works about insecurities they love also make me really really happy :']
@n0vad your headcanons are so comforting to read,,, they also inspired me to post some of my own too in a similar format (hope you don't mind sjfhe)! i also love that you post for more characters that don't have a ton of content!!
@sunhee-sun your writing is like warm sun after cold rain (i'm a great poet) it's inviting and a guilty pleasure to reread all of your tokrev stuff. bows down to you.
@kakubun my main source of love for bonten. helping hands is one of my favourites and inspired me to make a character based off of that :D your headcanons are also so funny to read and have become a great source of inspo!!
@xuxitheii another whose tokrev x male reader has fed more life into me (°▽°)b i've probably went through your blog at least thrice now reading your works especially since you're one of the first i followed! good shjt right there... your confessing to mitsuya one is my fabourite
thats all i can roll out i think because i dint want to flood everyone's inboxes since your mutuals are doing this too skfjekfjjs ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ happy new year from this touma fish! 🐟 passes out
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koishua · 2 years
i’m cute? you’re cute! 💖💖
i’m also sorry for responding to this so late AKSNSH but school kicked my ass today,, had a long day of school + a shit ton of hw :’) i’m responding to this right before i go to bed though HAHA
i feel like getting to be more familiar is really just spending more time with e/o ig? so hopefully as more time passes, things would get better. tbh i don’t think they don’t respect my efforts HAHA honestly they all seem pretty chill, they’re just … really quiet ^_^ but yeah with things like this i think it’s a two-way street too, i can def try to be less in leader mode and more relaxed and casual w them! but it takes time yeah and i think it’ll get better when we get to know e/o better :]]
it is nice having familiar faces arnd! i’m a lot more comfy w them and we’ve also gotten closer ^_^ it rlly isn’t possible being close friends w so many ppl but i mean,, my mom alw tells me that you only need one or two close friends in your life and that’d suffice!
ooo what’s A Thousand Splendid Suns about? i haven’t been reading much outside of tumblr recently bc of sch :’) hopefully i can start a book soon tho! i’ve heard of Howl’s Moving Castle! unfortunately, i’ve never had the chance to watch it tho,, but i think one of my bucket list items is to watch all Studio Ghibli movies at least once! the art style is so pleasing i feel like i’d have a great time just appreciating the art! i’ve only watched spirited away from Studio Ghibli but i loved it a lot!!
for me,, i’d say my blanket HAHA it’s just like a security blanket (oops pun unintended) for me it’s so warm and cozy inside i just like to snuggle in it! actly i’m typing this ask while tucked into my blanket so i’m feeling so so comfy rn! 🥺 but i’m sorry if this ask doesn’t make sense i’m kinda sorta sleep deprived rn so i need to go to sleep SJDH sooo gn! (even tho we aren’t in the same time zone i think)
- school anon
(yes i’m fine being tagged as school anon … for now! it’s not a very,, pleasant name — cuz ew sch — but i don’t have any brain juice to think of a better anon name rn so i’ll just lyk when i’ve decided if i want to change my anon name/what i want to change it to!)
*insert infinite uno reverse card meme* ur cute times infinity plus one 🙁
im so sorry to hear that school has been treating you like this :(( things are difficult these days, so i hope they'll have some mercy on you guys and at least lighten things up a little bit there ://
ah so they're more low tension ppl, i get it heh :') how longs has it been with them anyways?? so yeah take it easy, love <3 and your mom's super correct too!! i always heard that you only need one true friend who'll stay with you when the other hundred turn against you haha it's kinda like a proverb so it doesn't really make as much sense in english but oh well you get my point. a handful good friends are enough 👌
the book im reading about narrates the life of a few afghan girls in the years 1960/70(ish)-present time and it's kind of triggering in some aspects, so definitely be a bit cautious if you ever decide to read it! i have a few issues with the book bc of how it portrays islam and muslim men and women and stuff (things that really do happen but my issue is just the fact that some people who read it might not get the diff between a culture and the religion they additionally practice and whatever but that's a story for another time!) just thought i should give it a read bc it's a literature classic (i guess, at least) there are so many beautiful quotes that i adore though :( im halfway through so i am not done yet heh
ah you've heard it okay!! omg spirited away is my absolute favourite studio ghibli movie ☹️‼️i have always watched it to comfort myself ever since i was a kid haha kind of nice too bc me and the movie were born in the same year!! can't say i have watched every single studio ghibli movie but everything i have watched just make me feel so complete and fuzzy an cozy inside :')
aww that's so sweet :( i can imagine the safety it brings haha have a cozy cozy warm little sleep then and make sure to try to catch enough hours of resting time‼️‼️us school kids gotta at least try to gather energy for the next day of battle smh
(do tell me when you need a name change bc yes ew skewl 🤢🤢)
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moronfm · 4 years
『  LANA  CONDOR  ❙  CIS  FEMALE  』 ⟿   looks  like  VAL  MORAN  -  PHAM  is  here  for  HER  SOPHOMORE  year  as  a  ZOOLOGY  student.  SHE  is  20  years  old  &  known  to  be  ENERGETIC  ,  OUTSPOKEN  ,  CLUMSY  &  DISTRACTED.  they’re  living  in  NOLAND  ,  so  if  you’re  there  ,  watch  out  for  them.  ⬳
Tumblr media
hello  ,  peeps.  i  am  el.  a  sleep  deprived  trash  furby  /  frog  disguised  in  human  skin.  i  am  21  &  a  university  drop  out  from  crappy  ol’  britain.  here  is  val  ,  my  messy  messy  baby  who  doesn’t  understand  life  that  much.  think  nick  from  freeks  and  geeks  but  better  at  drums  &  less  creepy  ...  so  not  really  like  him  at  all  actually. 
tw  :  adhd  ,  depersonalisation  ,  insomnia 
full  name  :  valentine  althea  moran - pham
nicknames  :  val  ,  moron
age  :  twenty 
zodiac  :  aquarius  sun  ,  gemini  moon
sexuality  :  asexual  ,  biromantic
parents  :  kitty  moran  &  elodie  pham
traits  :  laidback  ,  energetic  ,  outspoken  ,  spooky  bitch  ,  distracted  ,  clumsy
valentine  was  born  to  kitty  and  elodie  moran  -  pham  in  early  february  of  2000.  the  youngest  of  four  ,  life  was  always  a  little  hectic.  her  parents  are  both  scientists  (  kitty  a  zoologist  and  elodie  a  botanist  )  ,  so  they  often  travelled  due  to  work.  maintaining  friendships  was  a  little  difficult  cause  of  this.  but  ,  other  than  that  ,  honestly  they  all  had  a  pretty  decent  childhood.  the  last  place  they  settled  in  was  hammersmith. 
diagnosed  with  adhd  when  she  was  seven  ,  which  took  years  to  happen.  her  parents  didn’t  want  her  on  meds,  though  &  school  didn’t  help  much  ,  they  kind  of  just  brushed  her  aside  because  they  didn’t  know  what  else  to  do.  she  struggled  a  lot  and  was  constantly  told  by  teachers  that  she  wouldn’t  do  well  in  life  because  she  didn’t  pay  attention and  seemed  to  vibrate  in  her  chair.  was  called  moron  moran  a  lot.  fair  to  say  all  of  that  pissed  her  off  so  she  was  like  screw  that  ,  i’m  gonna  show  you  ,  you  stupid  boobs.  how  hard  can  it  be.  she’s  got  coping  strategies  to  help  ,  but  sometimes  wonders  if  they’re  worth  it. 
obsessed  with  science  since  she  can  remember  -  thank  her  moms.  their  influences  definitely  pushed  her  into  her  field  of  study  ,  even  if  she  isn’t  certain  about  her  future  in  it.  she’s  especially  interested  in  herpetology  and  cryptozoology.
was  given  her  first  musical  instrument  when  she  was  six  ,  to  keep  her  occupied  when  they  first  started  noticing  symptoms.  it  was  a  bassoon  and  as  long  as  she  lives  will  never  pick  up  that  bloody  thing  again.  as  of  now  ,  she  remembers  a  little  bit  of  cello  ,  but  favours  playing  drums.  she  got  her  first  kit  when  she  was  eight.  after  that  ,  all  hell  let  loose. man  ,  did  they  regret  that  for  a  long  time.
she  started  to  suffer  from  depersonalisation  and  insomnia  during  her  teenage  years  -  tries  to  hide  it  as  much  as  possible.  she  feels  a  little  lost  as  to  who  she  is  as  a  person  and  a  little  numb  at  times.  often  doesn’t  recognise  who’s  looking  back  in  a  mirror.  
joined  her  first  ever  band  when  she  was  sixteen.  was  a  lo-fi  band  ,  but  they  broke  up  when  they  all  graduated.  during  her  first  year  of  college  ,  she  started  a  riot  girl  band  with  a  couple  of  friends  and  they’re  still  going  strong.
like  her  mother  ,  kitty ,  she  is  pagan.  litha’s  coming  up  and  a  bitch  is  ready  (  i  however  am  not.  )  she’s  also  got  a  mini  alter  in  her  room  cause  she  couldn’t  bring  all  her  things  with  her.  catch  her  collecting  herbs. 
pinterest  can  be  found  here  -  wic
a  skateboarder
cool  socks  or  go  home
dyes  her  hair  too  much  
more  stats  here  
forgets  birthdays  a  lot  ,  even  her  own 
bugs.  bugs  all  round. 
intelligent  but  no  common  sense
she  plays  the  drums  in  a  band  so  members  for  that  would  be  cool.  just  like lead  vocals  ,  bassist  and  guitarist  etc.  heavily  inspired  by  bikini  kill.
anyone  who’s  willing  to  let  her  ramble  about  music  or  cryptids  or  anything
a  bug  dealer
a  fellow  sciencer  would  be  justy  peachy  or  even  a  zoologist
someone  at  noland  who  hates  hearing  her  drums  all  the  time
and  really  anything.  i’m  very  sleep  deprived  rn  so  thats  all  my  brain  could  say.
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lunasaturnine · 4 years
noise noise noise. you dont even look at different channels. it’s all just one channel. and all the noise is the same. you wanna tune into noise? get into one of your feeds and start scrolling. ntohing going on? here, why don’t you take some noise. noise noise noise.
i can’t stand it. what’s the point of my life? what is going on? i want to expand and also i want to FEROCIUOSLY NOT EXPAND. FUCK WORKSHOPS. FUCK LEAVING MY HOUSE. FUCK GOING TO Ohio or kentucky or indiana or whatever fucking place and paying loads of money and people telling me what the fuck to do.
but also if i dont do that what the fuck, im depriving myself of learning opportunities that would be guaranteed to change my life
what does that mean. i don’t know what to do with the ability to make decisions about my own future. how can i make decisions about the future, from where i am right now? i don’t want to decide things further than a day before.
i ... have made some good inner progress but i feel im backtracking. last night i dreamed i had planted a bunch of cool plants but then they were like dying. i dont want to waste my soul. i know i am a highly developed person. i know i have focused intensely in my past lives. i know i have loved art and studied people and become sensitive and educated. so what am i doing? why do i feel this panic? what’s going on?
why do i tune into the Noise Channel? what do i think is in it for me? thank god for the computer so i can at least be creative again.
i thought i wanted to go to nashville over spring break. well here’s spring break and i still don’t know if i want to go to nashville. how am i going to be the sort of person who can visit her undergrad and give a master class if she can’t even decide to go? is that the kind of person i want to be? don’t i want to grow up and be a full person, don’t I want to complete circuits? I JUST DON’T KNOW! do i want to be a hermit? I JUST DONT KNOW! i just don’t want to be in this position.
i feel the crisis of choice that happens to libras and i want to cancel it violently like caps do. that is my cap suicidal ideation. i usually don’t deal with it but lately i am so frustrated by who i am that it is happening. that is stupid. why am i so frustrated? its PISCES SEASON. that’s SLEEP SEASON. who knows that better than i do??? so why do i beat myself up? i dont want this kind of inner life.
i’ll play bach now. maybe i’ll drive up to nashville next week. i think that would be fun. i don’t think it would make me feel crazy. maybe i can stay with ****. that would be nice. i think it would feel good because i would be surrounded by love, of a sort. maybe i’ll do that for like three days. then come home get lunch with ****** on the way. i dont think ill go to memphis and see ****** that’s way out of my way and i don’t think it would be very fun. i’ll play bach now.
it is not all this misery in my inner life there are nice things i want to write about on here too. I GUESS. none of my thrust is outward and it’s making me panic, why cant i just chill and enjoy it? plooto is in my fourth rn. uranus in my....7th... haha. sun in my sixth. so i’m just going to chill. chill. chill. and play bach. and chill.
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pavlovers · 5 years
some time ago @britneyshakespeare tagged me in a couple of those things where you bold the one you prefer so im finally gonna sit down and just knock them both out in one post. merci diana <3
honey and lemon or milk and sugar 
musicals or plays
lemonade or iced tea
why would i choose when snapple’s pink lemonade and raspberry iced tea flavors both exist in peaceful harmony like that
strawberries or raspberries
winter or summer
both can be somewhat lonely. at least one doesn’t give me chronic sleep deprivation
beaches or forests
diners or cafés 
i barely am up early enough to frequent either
unicorns or dragons
not really sensing a strong opinion brewing forth on either. y'know ill just pick dragons because jane and the dragon was a cool show growing up even if the animation was a tad atrocious
gemstones or crystals
who cares theyre both just cool rocks
hummingbirds or owls
kinda arbitrary but eh. at least one doesnt throw up bones for you to dissect in elementary school
fireworks or sparklers
both fine, just dont get them near me because ive got sort of an irrational fear of getting burned
brunch or happy hour
sweet or sour
ive never gotten the hype behind sour candies like. why are sour patch kids so popular??? theyre just gummy candies with shitty tasting salt on them. 
Rome or Amsterdam
oh idk. im quite partial to Paris myself
classic or modern art
the only art medium i frequently and consistently consume is probably music and well.. you don't really see me getting down to classical music unless i need "claude debussy - CLAIRE DE LUNE (5 HOUR LOOP)" to help me focus on studying. i mostly listen to stuff post-1950s, really none of which i would consider "classic art".
sushi or ramen
sun or moon
polka dots or stripes
ill finally come into my own once i obtain a pair of flared striped pants
macaroons or croissants
glitter or matte
ive no preference on the shininess of most surfaces
Degas or Seurat
my art history knowledge is just too limited for this
aquariums or planetariums
fish r cool 🐠 my middle school had a planetarium but im pretty it was long broken before i ever got there
road trip or camping trip
if i ever stop becoming completely exhausted after a mere 45 minutes of driving then yes, id love to do a road trip someday
colouring books or watercolour
fairy lights or candles
well i just straight up dont own fairy lights. and i barely use candles for aesthetic purposes
and here commences the 2nd one:
coffee or tea
i really don’t like either as hot beverages but yeah,, iced tea >> iced coffee
early bird or night owl
although ap season is approaching and that really requires you to be both honestly
chocolate or vanilla
spring or fall
nothing against spring weather wise i just am not at ALL excited for testing rn tbh
silver or gold
pop or alternative
i think both of those genres tend to overlap a lot these days so i really couldn’t say i have a stronger preference for one than the other. they both have their respective great and not-so-great moments
freckles or dimples
i have neither but they’re both v cute on others! :)
snakes or sharks
hmm ive pet both and snakes feel really cool while shark skin can like?? cut you if youre not careful so
mountains or fields
thunderstorm or lightning
well yknow one’s loud and scary sounding and the other just makes a little light streak across the sky
egyptian mythology or greek mythology
honestly i just wasnt a mythology kid growing up
ivory or scarlet
flute or lyre
eyes or lips
mostly because i can draw the former a lot better than the latter
witch or fairy
opal or diamond
i just looked up opal on google images and honestly those things look way cooler than diamonds 
butterflies or honeybees
nothing against bees! just have a really strong fear of them because when i was a kid i had a bee crawl into my ear and sting me on 2 separate occasions and ive never really gotten over it
macarons or eclairs
typewritten or handwritten
just for convenience’s sake and the fact that i am not my handwriting’s biggest fan
secret garden or secret library
god that would be my 9 year old self’s DREAM,, creeping in there late at night and falling asleep in an oversized office chair with a leather bound copy of the grimm's fairy tales wide open on a big mahogany desk
rooftop or balcony
spicy or mild
opera or ballet
london or paris
vincent van gogh or claude monet
im only familiar with a few of either’s works so i guess its not up to me to say
denim or leather
potions or spells
its like basically the same thing except you get to drink something out of a strange funky little bottle
ocean or desert
would prefer to not be dying due to severe temperature extremes
mermaid or siren
masquerade ball or cocktail party
not that i’d attend either but showing up somewhere in the most decadent ball gown and have no one know who the fuck you are sounds pretty ideal
umm ill tag @curebian @britishsixtiesbeat @johnwettons @dalliscar and @villarosie if any of them feel like doing either one (or both) of the tag games. 
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sasshole-for-rent · 6 years
Getting To Know Me
I was tagged by @galadrieljones I think. I suck at keeping up with these. Sorry, bby applesauce.
Rules: Answer the questions then tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
Name: Riann.
Gender: Female.
Star Sign: Capricorn Sun, Libra Moon.
Height: 5'4" I think.
Age: 20 (still feel robbed of my childhood, thnx punta madre.)
Wallpaper on my phone: My lockscreen is a noir Solas, and my wallpaper is another different noir Solas. The thrist is real.
House: two bedroom apartment in the city (I fucking miss the forest! I literally got yelled at by Julie, the woman who owns the apartments, to stop pulling needles off the tree and I just continued doing it while staring at her.) with ample magic space to politely ask candles to help out my buds. Oh! Plus, a huge ass basement to dance to cotton-eyed joe at 5 am because sleep deprivation is a thing.
Ever crush on a teacher: No, but all my favorite teachers were all dudes. I take that back. Most were dudes. My spanish/chemistry teacher was amazing and I am friends with her on Pinterest.
Coolest Halloween Costume: when I was little I had this dragon costume that I wore every year until I grew out of it. I just wanted to be a dragon, still do.
Favorite 90's tv show: Um. All of them? Literally everything on Nickelodeon was lit back then! Then Teen Nick & Nick Toons i.e Zoey 101, ICarly, The Amanda Show, That one temple game show that I can't remember the name of right now, Avatar: The last Airbender, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Invader Zim, etc.
Last Kiss: my grandma when she was in the hospital.
Have you ever been stood up: Not that I can remember. I don't think so.
Favorite pair of shoes: Nah. Barefoot, memory foam slippers, or those fuzzy lavender infused dream socks.
Have you ever been to Vegas: Nope.
Favorite Fruit: Gala apples, kiwis, and bananas. All fruit is delicious tho. How do I pick just one?
Favorite Book: Daughter of Smoke and Bone series by Laini Taylor. Plus, Strange the Dreamer also by Laini Taylor. Her writing is just phenomenal and whimsical and I hope to be like her one day.
Stupidest thing you have ever done: *nervous cackling* oh god, just one stupid thing? I ran threw cow shit bare foot, got high off of pot cookies during my senior trip and reverse pick pocketed little toy soldiers into the guys that were going away into the military (I was friends with them, they were good dudes.) Then I did it to my ex, which caught me because I was super slow with my movements and just sat there laughing with my hand in his pocket because it was stuck. Then he just laughed painfully and removed my hand, on that same trip, this teacher whom everyone disliked bought the whole class ice cream and I screamed "Daddy [Teacher's last name] is buying us icecream!!!!" and just before that on the bus, I put my thumb against some dude's camera when he was taking a selfie and..we just kind of laughed awkwardly at each other (because I was blocking the back camera), I also screamed and freaked out because there was a mayfly under my hand buzzing against my palm when I grabbed a cart at Walmart and it was terrifying.
All time favorite shows: Sense8, Game of Thrones, Teen Wolf, Awkward, The Shannara Chronicles. (I haven't watched shows in awhile tho. My aunt is the one with Netflix.)
Last movie I saw in theaters: ummmm. Oh! It was Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children. I think it was an impluse outing with my best bud, @brassdragon0 and two dudes. And me and her just inappropriately laughed through the whole thing because we were confused and get like that around each other. Lol.
I tag: @dismalzelenka @joufancyhuh @sylveonne @suzumicchi @nilesdaughter @4vrafangirl ugh. Just six because I can't remember urls rn.
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atl-dreaming · 4 years
It’s really been a while
Wow. How has it nearly been a year since I have written? It’s not been that I haven’t had anything to write- the opposite in fact.
Where to begin?
I last wrote May 16th and it’s crazy. I was so content that night and dead set on recovering from night shifts and moving on with my week and ended up in the hospital for viral meningitis and spent a week lying on couch with all the blinds down, head spinning, fever breaking.
Those two months of night shift were hard. My poor fiance saw me sick and sleep deprived and never gave up on me.
Did I mention he’s my fiance now?
I’ll back up a bit.
After night shift, I moved onto evening shift on my own, as a new nurse. Evening shift has been hard, but nonetheless better for my health. And yet, I am making another job transition in just one week. What a year in learning to advocate for myself, my license as an RN, and my health. What a year of feeling it to my core when the sick don’t want to be healed. What a year of being cursed at by many and learning how to be firm, never passive. Assertive but not aggressively so.
And sometimes I wonder how God feels. The healer. The redeemer. Yet so much of mankind rejects him. Curses his name. Denies Him, denies their need, denies their sin.
So much of being a nurse leads me to think about how truly loving God is to cover us in forgiveness through it all.
We went to visit my family in September and though I had several very real suspicions, he proposed and we’ve been planning our marriage since. Just 3.5 months left from the time I am writing this. He will be moving into our house soon and I will be moving my stuff in as close to the wedding as possible.
We’ve been waiting completely and wholly in the physical aspect of our relationship and it makes me love him more. It’s not that neither of hasn’t done things we regret during other times in our lives, but from day one we vowed to one another to wait wholly and completely.
This man never ceases to amaze me in the way he lives to love God and others and treats me with the utmost respect and adoration.
Through it all he has never stopped leading us towards Jesus.
Through those long night shifts, from crying on the phone with him cause it was 9 am and I couldn’t sleep and the sun was too damn bright and I had to drive back in for another shift in less than 8 hours and my body felt broken, and him calmly praying with me and asking God for healing and rest.
Through sitting bedside with me in the ER, holding my hand and praying with me as I faced the sickest I have been in my life.
And the more we pray together, the more I realize I need to pray.
Praying together on the phone, through voice messages that I can’t listen to until my shift is over at 3 in the morning. Praying in church, in the car.
And I used to be fearful to pray in front of other people. I can’t believe I ever was. 
How amazing it is that I can talk to God together with the man I love. How amazing it is that I can come into His presence with my future husband.
How amazing it is that God has sent me this wonderful, Christ following man.
We’ve prayed for my job hunt and finding our house and God has provided things beyond our wildest dreams and even when His provision hasn’t quite looked like what we so selfishly hope for, He provides us with better or the strength to get through.
God is so good.
We have been doing pre-marital counseling and through discussing our lives through a life map exercise I was reminded at how much the Lord has provided for me. And every struggle He has seen me through. When I couldn’t make ends meet and He made them meet for me. When he provided for me so fully. He is the good shepherd and there is truly nothing else I could need.
So much of the last 6 years are just so awe inspiring to me. God has spoken to me and comforted me and provided for me in the times of the lowest of lows.
I’m excited to see where God will continue to lead.
This man I’m going to marry has also seen the extreme provision of the Lord and also has such an awe and reverence for it. I’m so excited to see where God will lead us together and how God can use our strengths to sharpen one another and lift eachother up.
0 notes
Thoughts while reading Acowar.
Mind the swearing and spoilers kids. -2 years before the wall? Wait is this like a baby bat Rhys POV? -oh God this field isn't a nice place. Kinda like it tho. - omfg 6 High Fae... 6, to defeat one Illyrian... damn. - Rhys is so protective if his brothers it's killing me. -AGH PART ONE HERE I FUCKING COME. -Yes Feyre, burn this shit. -Already thinking about that wingspan Feyre? Can't blame ya. - Ugh Tamlin no can you not enter this moment just yet. Ugh Lucian I'm fucking watching you. -Oh for Fuck sake I gotta read about Ianthe soon to? -ugh I just want some smut and it's only page nine. -Feyre you can roll your eyes. God knows I am. - Oh hey Ianthe, go Fuck yourself Ianthe. -You definitely revived something from Rhys hands Feyre, but it was far more pleasurable than torture. -Lucian I won't ship you and Elaine. But please, for the love of God, kill Ianthe. -Oh hell fucking ni, Jurian, go fucking Fuck yourself and stay the Fuck away. -Oh snap, Nesta and Elaine already so powerful they can drain the cauldron. -Oh snap, Feyre laying down these facts. Also that's how I spell Miryaim's name. -Feyre you savage. -Jurian, talk about Elaine like that again and I will kill you. -Oh Fuck off Ianthe, I've read enough of you. -Okay Lucian, my heart is softening towards you. -God I missed you Alis. -Damn summer solstice is giving me goosebumps. -Rhys you are giving me life. -Uh Oh, Tamlin's getting jealous of friendship. -YOU FUCKING BURNED THEIR WINGS. -Ahhh Feyre you also cringing about Elaine being fucked by a fire blooded male?? Let me introduce to Azriel. He's far better in my opinion. -All these painting titles... we're they like, working title for Acowar. -Rhysand you get that tongue to work. -Also Tam you prick. -TAMLIN YOU MOTHERFUCKING PRICK HOW WOULD YOU LIKE A WHIPPING. -God Alis, my bae. -Feyre slit her throat. -Yes Feyre Fuck this bitch up. -Oh these twins. Can you fucking not. - Go Lucian Go. -Bring on Part Two. -"He can get in line," Feyre getting a list of people who wanna kill her to rivals Aelins. -Oh for Fuck sake, everything was going so well, until Lucian's brothers showed up. -OMG CASSIAN YOU'RE BACK. -AZRIEL MY CUPCAKE. -"There's no such thing as a High Lady," bitch excuse me. -Cassian you melt my stone cold heart. -Mor my darling. -OMG IT'S HAPPENING, RHYS IS COMING. -Amren, boo. Hru? -Lucian being called a girl, I'm dying -AGH RHYS. -"Go find somewhere else to be," I know what that means. -The smut was worth it. -Oh I missed the banter of my baby bats. -And Rhys' swearing begins. -Cassian sunning his wings. I wonder if a certain Nesta sees. -Cassian trying to be chill around Nesta is my new aesthetic. -Nesta reads romance. Hell Yes. -"You come between a male and his mate, Nesta Archeron, and you're going to learn about the consequences the hard way." Trying to foreshadow something there Cassian? I Ship. -No is mentioning the sorrow and longing in Cassian eyes, Feyre, for the same reason no one mentioned it when Rhys looked at you all those months ago. -Reading about Elaine is painful. -I'm relating to Elaine and all those open curtains too much... shit. -Cassian you're to precious. -I missed the Amren/Cassian banter so much. -Shit Mor is getting pissed. -Feyre keeps calling Rhys mate and I'm feeling bad for the Australian readers. -"Because I can't stay away" well Fuck me if they ain't mates. -Nesta looking as Cassian like he's the only one in the room. -Damn right there was a reason Lucian wore a fox mask. -Idk what to write but the nessian at pg.203. gahhhhhhh. -"Surely Nesta wasn't anything he couldn't handle," omfg Feyre, it's hilarious of you to think that. -Feyre were you not there for Acomaf. He was very clearly, cocky then. -Library sex? I'm in. -oh, so no library sex. -To the Bone Carver we go. RIP. -Oh so, the Carver, and the Wearer are- I'd be shocked only I read that spoiler. -Oh so the Carver is a mirror type of perosn? What even is a mirror person? Is it his kink? -Oh Nesta having death powers. -Feyre constantly calling Rhys mate tho. -Tbh all I wanna know is who or what the carver appeared to Cassian. -Everyone in this book be complementing Rhys good taste. -Ah Az and Elaine be starting. Az be carrying his ship. -Poor Cassian. Nesta will come around, I promise, I read the spoiler. -YES AZRIEL SHOW HER THE GARDEN. I'VE READ THIS SPOILER PAGE SO MUCH AND NOW IT'S MINE. -You know, I wrote a fanfiction about Az and Elaine in a garden and her calling his scars pretty. They kissed in it. -"Azriel isn't the ravishing type," Rhys you should read the fanfic I wrote about him. He loves to ravish. -omg Cassian calming Nesta- ugh how many more pages until this kiss? -Az, sunning your wings for Elaine? How scandalous. -"Why not make them mates?" Feyre babe I'm asking the same question. -FEYRE YOU SHIP ELRIEL TOO? Oh sweetie I love you more than Cassian rn. -Rhysand, let Feyre play matchmaker. -I was about to bash Kier for insulting Az, but Az got this shit. -Oh not this fucking Eris bitch again. -Rhys the Fuck you playing at? -Okay, ngl I know Mor is gay but those Eris know? Ffs. -Okay everyone is fighting and I'm more intrigued than I should be. -D'as Nessian. -Double d'aw Elriel. -Pg.303 and back to sassy Az. -Sassy Az KS giving me life. -It was at page 306 that I realised I was in love with Az. -Nephelle's be giving me goosebumps. -Yes bathtub scent with Rhys. -Oh it's actually a massage scene? I'm in. -Feyre are you trying to start a war? Cassian flying with Nesta. Dammit who am I kidding I wanna see that. -Yes Az, help Elaine in the garden. I am sailing this ship. -Nesta watching Cassian lick his fingers and I'm like, now imagine that kissing elsewhere. -Nes? I ship. -Some shit happening in the library. -ohhhh so we finally reached the part where people wonder if Elaine is a seer. -Yes Feyre, put Elaine's riddles together. -Okay that scene was intense but Nessian at the end was calming. -"Amren on the hunt," a novel by sjm. -Damn Az, took you awhile but bravo, she's a seer. God it couldn't be any easier to love you. -Lucian I swear to God if you die, looking for this sixth queen, I will kill you. -Also where is my Suriel. -Shit Alis don't die. -oh FFS, look, "king" of Hybren, old buddy. If you'd kindly fuck off. Only it's late, I don't need these plot twists. -Look, "King," I'd pay good money to see you try and take Feyre. -Rhys if you could destroy my upcoming exams the way you did those ships, I'd be grateful. -pg.379, more smut, hell yes. -pg.381, Nesta all concerned. -The amount of sex feysand are having. That wingspan must be truly impress you Feyre darling. -So Cassian is terrible at complements. -Ah yes boys, bringing up that wingspan again. -This Nessian tho. -"she threatened to freeze my balls off," Kallias, Viviane, welcome to my heart. -I'm in love with Viviane. -God sake, Tamlin Fuck off. -Tamlin, let me tell you, Rhys and Feyre have fucked so much I'm sure he could recount every noise she is capable of making. -Fucking shut up Tamlin. -Eris if you'd kindly shut the Fuck up too, it'd be a pleasure. -Pg.438, Nesta, damn, *blows kisses.* -nvm of 439, Go Feyre. Slay. -Helion.... wait... look I can't go around loving all these people. It makes me look like I have a heart. -You know I'd be surprised at Lucian being a whole, some air of dawn court, but I already read that spoiler. -Okay mor is gay why is- you know what, never mind, I give up. -Oh. Oh Fuck. -lol, I'm so tired, whenever I hear the wall mentioned all I can think of is humpty dumpty. -"Don't even start," Nesta, sweetie, we've been shipping this since the last book. -Part three here I come. -btw this is still the same day for me. I've read up to part three in a few hours. It's two in the morning. Never underestimate a fangirl deprived of her smut. -Jurian just has to show up, doesn't he. -idk who I am to believe anymore. -I wanna say Fuck this shit I'm out. But I am so in. -So am I meant to trust Jurian or not. -Damn Tarquin. -Nessian will kill me quicker than these plot twists. -Ayyy more shut, god I love you Sarah. -Yes, the Suriel is coming into play bitches. I'd been surprised by what happens only I've seen this spoiler too. -Okay first thing first, Ianthe please Fuck off Secondly rip Suriel 2K17. -Cassian what happened. Nesta please. I know the ending and shit but tf happened. -Feyre be joining up these dots about which way Mor floats. -This, Varian, Amren thing, yeah I'd like another five books of it. -Awww, Az, you're to sweet and selfless. -I'm so tired IDK how to feel anymore. -Oh greatttt, Feyre got hit with an arrow. Any more plot twists. -Wait Tamlin? Fuck, ugh. -d'aw, Elaine kissed his cheek. -it's four in the morning. I have less than one hundred pages left. -Shit. -Fucking hell Elaine stab them bastard. -Also Nessian hell yes. -Also...wait what's happening. -Rhysand you fucking bastard it's five in the morning don't do this to me. I know you live god dammit don't fucking do this. -oh thank fuck that's all settled. -This book. These plot twists. These ships. It's all so heart wrenching and shit. -Wait is she flying over Velaris in her lingerie. -Fuck it's half five in the morning. I read this book in under 24 hours. I need to sleep. *hours later* -omfg I need to read this shit again. It was so good. The High Lords, the banter, the near death experiences. The romance. The sass. Sarah you queen. -if the at least the novellas don't have nessian or Elriel tho I may be tempted to cry. And that, my friends, is a snippet of the roller coaster if thoughts and emotions I went through. I was too tired to cry during it but my heart was successfully ripped out a few times.
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