#i am making an emotional investment in an drama that has a 49% chance of ending in tragedy
cometrose · 2 months
queen of tears pisses me off because haein and hyunwoo know each other so well but don't know each other at all like
"she doesn't like it when people touch her hair" "he doesn't drink coffee on an empty stomach" "she doesn't like the bathroom floor wet" "she's not a lightweight so how did you get her drunk"
And the phone password...
they make me sick!!!!
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boosamayla-blog · 5 years
Fifty Facts About Me.
I was challenged by a dear friend to list the 50 facts about me that would entice my reader (singular, coz i only have one reader and bet she was the who challenged me. HARHAR! ) . Anyway, whoever read this stuff and wanted to know me more. Pm is the key. And oh! By the way. Im not selling myself. The objective of this is pure genuine at the same time spreading awareness of being so true in social media. I may not disclosing everything here due to the limitation of 50 but what you have read is pure facts about me. So lets categorize to what I believed in down to what I like and so on. Because you are reading this, you have no choice but to read all. You dont want to feel lacking right? Hahaha. Kidding! So lets start!
1. I am a dreamer and a believer.
2. I believe I can make my life beautiful.
3. I believe in Law of attraction, that the universe will conspire because I believe. Thus, I always believed in devine timing.
4. I believe that I am not perfect and need of constant grow.
5. I believe that God has an exciting vision for my life.
6. I believe in growing in wisdom each day. The reason why I really love to talk to people who are already living my dreams.
7. I believe in daily prayer.
8. I believe in LOVE. Love is the most powerful force and the universal language that everyone can understand. And the true purpose of wealth is love.
9. I believe that to prosper my life is to serve people with purpose because for me relationship defined success.
10. I believe that God created me in his Image.
11. I am a sinner. I wont deny that. Haha
12. I am an insensitive person. Unless you let me aware what you want and your emotions.
13. I am subclinically narcisistic. Hahaha. Okay. I love myself more than anything else. Ill save myself first. Its not selfish its self love.
14. I am not physically gifted but I always believed that I am beautiful.
15. Im not a rice eater, Filipinos are rice eater but not this princess. 😌
16. I am so friendly, clingy and touchy, if you are always with me and you're a guy? Probably you interpret the whole action thing into something romance. Aw. Hahaha
17. I am always with the boys because boys are less drama. But that doesn't mean we do not talk, we just dont talk crappy things like girls do.
18. I am a slow eater. Give me plenty of time to eat if youre with me. 😂
19. I love to take risk especially if I am certain to the consequences. So that means I am so careful with my actions. 😜
20. But this risk taker is afraid of unknown. Weird right? Anyway, sometimes we are driven by fear. Fear exist because we are human.
21. I am a life coach and a mental health advocate. One of the reasons of keeping myself on grounds.
22. I am very explorative. I explore things even if it is under the sun. Aw. Hahaha
23. I love nature. I am inclined to nature. I love misty greens.
24. And oh, i love to be on top always. Im talking about mountains. But I like what you are thinking. Hahahaha.
25. I am against of same sex marriage. But I am not against of same sex couple. No prejudice action to that. To whatever opinions/ facts you are feeding me just to say Yes. My answer is still the same. I have my reasons for that. 😛
26. I dont know how to express my anger. All i know is silent. So if I am silent because of your action then thats it.
27. My fave sport is soccer. Im a soccer player when I was in college. By the way, Im the star player. 😉
28. I am Psychology graduate, now currently taking my masters. And its worth the penny. A good investment.
29. My deepest desire is to write a book. Crossfinger to that. Maybe about mental health. 🤞
30. I am the only one who graduated in college among my five sibs. So fucking proud of it.
31. I am not single but not yet married. Hoping to be single
Aw hahaha. I will regret this statement for sure. But thats actually my want right now. This might be a temporary thoughts of mine.
32. I never had a chance to experience on being alone after I graduated high school. I met my boyfriend like after my graduation. So, we're dugay na. I love him but i wanted to try and feel whats being in a single mode.
33. My comfort foods are pizza and fries but I deprived myself on eating fastfood nowadays. Sadly, they are part of it. 😭
35. I love cardio. I love running, walking and hiking.
36. Mountains are my frenemy. 😂😂.
37. I love surplus clothes. They call it ukay2x. The good thing about is your clothes are rare to find. Hahah so you dont have the same style. 😂 Just make sure you wash it properly.
38. I rarely buy stuff from shopping malls. But i love to do window shopping. The feeling of touching stuff you like is very satisfying. My therapy by the way. Haha.
39. I am attracted to a guys who is very intellectual and have a sense and not awkward to talk to.
40. Physically, I am attracted to tall and neat guys.
41. I love watches. I dont know why. So if you want to give something special to me. Then watch is reccommended. Hahhahaha. Watch! Watch!
42. I am a learned woman. Before I am confused and bullshit.
43. Petpeeve: seeing rice morsel anywhere in your mouth area. Oh my God! Im gonna die. Like i feel uneasy and irritated. Why would a guy/ gal eat that way? Writing this down feels like my nerves are burning. 🤮😖😤😢😵😱😠 these emoji will explain my emotions right now.
44. Im starting my side hustle right now. Business business! I sell water and perfume. So buy na. 😜😜
44. I watch FRIENDS series for like 12 times. Im so fucking obsess with it. The vibes brought by the team is inexplicable.
45. Second to my fave is Game of thrones. Still Robb Stark is my favorite. Although he died early in the show. Poor Robb Stark.
46. My favorite past time aside hustling my phone is reading books. Ill make sure all my books will be read. Hahaha. Im halfway of my books.
47. And oh. I dont like long hair. I like maintaining my short hair.
48. Driven: a project to be realize with my friend. Another cross finger. 🤞🙏🙏
49. I am once in love and broken. 😭😭😭😭 Hugs!
50. I am now living with the four agreement of life: I always make sure that I am impeccable with my words, i dont take anything personally, I dont make assumptions and I always do my best.
So thats it. Thats me. Some arent mention due to privacy purposes. Its okay to disclose things in social media just make sure that in every stuff youve shared is being process and you are certain. Thank you. Hope ya like it. Id love to read yours too!
-Emilyworlds-stuff/ May2019
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austentatious · 7 years
Get to Know Tag
So I was invited to do this by @soundtracks2life​
Name: Almeera but my closest friends call me Eshi. Sometimes, I think people don’t know my real name is Almeera. I’d like to be called Almeera more. Star Sign: Leo Gender: Female Height: 5′3″ (5′4″ on my good days.) Orientation: Heterosexual Favorite Color: Red Time Right Now: 9:03 PM. We just got home from a trip. Current Location: Home, Philippines. Average Hours Of Sleep: 6 hours. Last Thing I Googled: Snake exoskeleton. I’m a biologist. Lucky Number: I’d like to think it’s 18 or 8 but I’m not really lucky. Number Of Blankets I Sleep Under: When you live in the Philippines, one is too much but I sleep with one blanket even if it’s scorching just to keep the mosquitoes away. I am allergic to mosquito saliva. Favorite Fictional Character: Hermione or McGonagall from Harry Potter, that guy from Dune by Frank Herbert (I read it a long time ago), Prince Caspian from Narnia, Captain Wentworth from Jane Austen’s Persuasion, and probably many more but I am exhausted from our trip so I can’t think. Favorite Book: At the top of my head, I liked Milan Kundera’s The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Prisoner of Azkaban, Persuasion by Jane Austen, Dune by Frank Herbert. Dream Job: Be a doctor and teacher and librarian and researcher and traveler. What I’m Wearing: I just had a bath and I’m wearing a top that’s too fancy to sleep in but oh well and some ratty old shorts. Random Fact: I double-knot my shoe laces. When Did You Create Your Blog?: When I was in high school, aka A LOOONG TIME AGO. Do You Have Other Blogs?: Yes, a private, password-protected blog where I write poems. Who Is Your Most Active Follower?: I don’t know. What Made You Get A Tumblr: One of my oldest friends told me to make one because it’s a cool site. Do You Get Asks On A Daily Basis: No. In a parallel universe, maybe. Why Did You Choose Your URL: I love Jane Austen and thought austentatious would be cool as a play on its homophone--ostentatious which was the deepest word I knew back in high school. I tried to be so complicated back then and I just stuck with it--call it branding.
Invade My Privacy Tag
1. Did you wake up cranky? When I haven’t gotten any sleep and someone switches on my light or makes loud sounds that woke me up from REM sleep. 2. Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now? No. I’m turning 23 in a few months. That’ll be a huge age gap for me. I’d prefer dating a not-so older guy. 3. Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys? I used to prefer boys as they are less drama but people are people. I don’t have a preference anymore. Just be a sensible person. 4. Would you ever smile at a stranger? On occasion. Not all the time because I’d like to be invisible. 5. Can you commit to one person? Yes. The question is, could a person commit to me? 6. How do you look right now? Fresh, tanner, sleepy. 7. What exactly are you wearing right now? A mismatch of fancy top and ratty shorts. 8. How often do you listen to music? I used to listen to it everyday, whenever I’m not in class but these days, I seldom listen. 9. Do you wear jeans or sweats more? sweats. 10. Did you think your life will change dramatically before 2017? Yes. 2016 was the year I graduated, my Dad went to my graduation (this is ground-breaking because my parents aren’t together and he has a family and I haven’t seen him in 16 years). Also, I planned on going to medical school for sure in October 2016 (when I took the NMAT). That was the fiercest decision I had to make. 11. Are you a social or an antisocial person? Anti-social is too extreme. I don’t socialize if I can avoid but I am not totally opposed to it either. I socialize when I HAVE to so I’d say I’m more of an asocial 12. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say? I would never be the first to admit I like the person so if he tells me he likes someone else, I am safe from the embarrassment. I’ll probably act cool, shrug it off but deep inside I’ll be chiding myself for liking someone who can’t like me back. I’ll be able to move on pretty easily. I don’t create situations where I get invested too much. I am not comfortable about feelings and people. 13. Are you good at hiding your feelings? Every emotion except for anger. I get pissed off easily. I need to be kinder to people and myself but I am just so easily pissed off. 14. Can you drive a stick shift?  I can’t drive and I don’t want to drive. I am not confident about my eyes’ capability to assess road situations which is why I have to be rich so I can hire myself a driver. 15. Do you care if people talk badly about you? Yes. I think they talk badly about me even before they do, even if they really don’t but I try not to be openly affected by it. 16. Are you going out of town soon? Just went out-of-town a while ago but I will be going out-of-town in a few days to get lab exams done for my health record. 17. When was the last time you cried? Last month while watching Good Doctors. 18. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to? Yes. It’s odd. Very odd. I moved on. 19. If you could change your eye color, would you? I wanted to have gray or green eyes but it probably won’t work with my complexion. I have brown eyes and brown hair. It’s enviable in some places?  20. Name something you have to do tomorrow? Do the laundry because I haven’t washed the clothes I wore from two weeks ago. 21. Name something you dislike about the day you’re having? That I didn’t get to swim in the beach as much as I’d like to. We were supposed to go to another beach but we got lost. I slept through the whole debacle but I’m not happy to wake up and realize we’re on our way home when I slept thinking I’d get to swim more. P.S. I can’t swim. I should say float and play on the water instead of swim. 22. Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite sex? The last time I had a best friend was in fifth grade and all my friends were girls then. 23. Are you nice to everyone? I am not a nice-nice person but I try to nice. I’m more civil, actually. I am not easy to get-to-know in person. I am shy and awkward at first and I don’t like being totally nice because I think I’ll be a push-over then. I don’t like being vulnerable. 24. What are you sitting on right now? Wooden chair. 25. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat? Of course. I may not be nice but I still afford people respect. 26. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have? What does it mean to want someone? 27. Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night? My brother. I showed him Return of the Superman videos. 28. Do you get a lot of colds? Nope but on the off-chance that I get one, it’s pretty bad. 29. Have your pants ever fallen down in public? No. 30. Does anyone hate you? Probably. I’m not that likable. I believe people tolerate me. Maybe I should trust my friends more but I don’t even like myself sometimes so I can’t imagine people liking me. I plan to work on that. 31. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?No. 32. Do you like watching scary movies? YES. 33. Are you a jealous person? For major reasons like this person is getting their shit together and I hope I do too, or this person seemingly gets to have it easy but I try to think about that ‘seemingly.’ Maybe something’s off in their life too that I just don’t know about and maybe they also have something to envy although it may not be obvious to me. 34. If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be? 6th grade. Please. Let me just redo that year so I don’t reminisce and regret and cringe at old self. 35. Did you have a dream last night? I slept this morning. I probably had a dream but I forgot it now. I hopped through numerous islands today and that was exciting!!! 36. Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to? No. 37. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? LOL, I’ll still be in school. I can’t see myself getting married. I haven’t even dated anyone legitimately. It’s hard to daydream such things when I want to focus on getting my shit together. 38. Do you think someone has feelings for you? I don’t think so. My gap year has been people-less. I hung out with my college friends and went to trips with my family. Haven’t met anyone substantially new and interesting. 39. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? No. 40. Did you have a good day yesterday? Exhausting. 41. Think back 2 months ago; were you in a relationship? I can think back to the past five years and still be able to say no. A decade even. 42. Is your life anything like it was two years ago? Nope. For one, I was in school and struggling back then. I took some shitty profs for not-shitty classes. I got grades below average despite trying to work hard. I was set on going to graduate school then. 43. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now? Going on that road trip. 44. What’s the best part about school? Learning, not necessarily inside the classroom. I was an active org member and I was so inspired everyday that I work with different people of different ages and motivations. 45. Do you have any pictures on your Facebook? Yep. 46. Do you ever pass notes to your friends in school? We used to. I remember passing notes during Genetics. Whenever we have something to react to that is not about the lecture. In Cell Mol too! There was an okra clipart in our prof’s powerpoint presentation and I have no idea if that was a trick to see who’s listening but it was super odd and funny I just had to ask my seatmates if they saw. 47. Do you replay things that have happened in your head? Yes. I write in my head about imagined scenarios. 48. Were you single over the last summer? Yes. When was I not? 49. What are you supposed to be doing right now? Sleeping. 50. Don’t tell me lies, is the last person you texted attractive? I think I texted my Mom? She’s beautiful.
EDIT: I was supposed to tag someone. Haha. I tag @feel-o-sophy, @thesociallyawkwardprincess, and @ergo-i-blog
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juniexe · 7 years
This week on No one Asked But She’s Doing It Anyways:
1. If you could have the chance to make out with 5 celebrities, who would you choose and why?
Emily Rudd - she counts as five celebrities don’t even fight me on this 2. If you had to be straight/gay for a day (whichever you’re currently not!), what celebrity would you most like to take on a date?
goodbye 3. What is the biggest injury you’ve ever sustained and how did you do it?
Glass through my foot but w/e 4. What is the most unusual food you’ve ever eaten?
I went to Myrtle Beach and ate the rocks. 5. What is the most unique animal you’ve ever touched?
Metaphorically me 6. What are the top 5 most contrasting songs on your iTunes?
Everything I listen to is exactly the same four chords. 7. Which 3 countries would you LEAST like to live in and why?
Anywhere where I’m stereotyped tbh 8. If you could make just ONE change to this world, what would it be and why?
Can people just... chill?? 9. If you could wake up tomorrow and be fluent in 3 additional languages, which would you choose?
French, Korean, Russian 10. Which would you rather out of these 3 options? A- Be good looking and extremely intelligent but so poor you live on the streets. B- Be extremely intelligent and a millionaire but what society classes as ugly. Or C- Be good looking and a millionaire but extremely academically challenged? Why?
A because idc 11. What are the top 10 movies to make you cry? (Or at least make you sad!)
I have no emotions
12. What’s the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had? Describe it in detail.
I had a dream about the Law and Order: SVU transition screen and it scared me awake 13. Would you rather raise 25 children or have the chance of ever having children taken away? Why?
“…………….Why would I ever CHOOSE to raise 25 children.” - @j-offrey​ 14. Would you rather go on a relaxing beach type holiday to the Caribbean, a cultural holiday to Japan or an adventure packed holiday to South Africa?
Japan would be fun tbh 15. If you went to a desert island for just 6 months but could only take one album with you, what would you take?
If I Should Go Before You - City And Colour 16. Put these in order of your favourite movie genre to least- Horror, action, thriller, adventure, superhero, romance, drama, comedy, musical and dance?
Horror, Thriller, Drama, Adventure, Superhero, Action, Musical, Dance, Comedy, Romance   17. If you had to lose one of the 5 senses, which would you choose and why?
Taste tbh, I would cry if I lost anything else 18. What have been the top 3 most brilliant days of this year? Describe them in as much or as little detail as you like.
Boyfriend, Troye Sivan Concert, Emily liking my tweet ;) 19. What do you believe we as human beings take most for granted in this world?
I feel like we all take kindness for granted. I’m not gonna explain myself. 20. How many concerts have you been to in your life and which was your favourite? If you’ve not been to one, who would you most like to see?
I’ve been to 3 in total, but I wanna go see more tbh. 21. If your life was about to become like Cheaper By The Dozen and you were going to be saddled with 12 children, what would you name 6 girls and 6 boys?
Everyone would have an E name. Eden, Emily, Elena, Emory, Evangeline, Emma Elias, Evan, Emment, Ethan, Ezra, Elliot --or something like that 22. What’s something a stranger has said or done that you will never forget?
A woman literally stopped her car on a busy street and pulled over just to tell me I was beautiful and honestly I aspire to have that sort of love in my heart 23. What do you think happens when we die?
We rot. 24. What’s the most special hand made present you’ve ever been given?
In eighth grade, my best friend made me this plastic bracelet and I couldn’t take it off until I got a little bit older. But I still have it even though I haven’t seen her in a while. 25. What’s the most frightening thing you’ve ever seen in your life?
:/ 26. Name 5 books you think everyone should read and give a brief synopsis for each.
The Great Gatsby, 1984, American Psycho, Unwind (childhood fav), ..... idk the bible with ya sinning asses
27. Do you believe one can fall out of love?
I think love is not something you fall out of. I think the magic can falter but I think that if you really love someone, you’ll love them even when there isn’t magic there anymore. But it depends honestly. 28. What are your three favourite sounding words?
Ephemeral, Poignant, Ethereal 29. Have you ever had a paranormal experience? If so, what happened?
:/ 30. Name 4 things you hope to see happen for you in the new year.
Less bullshit, more good things, that’s all i can say 31. List the 7 deadly sins in order of the one you feel you commit the most to the one you feel you commit the least.
Pride, Envy, Sloth, Wrath, Greed, Gluttony, Lust 32. What’s your current- Desktop picture, phone screensaver, phone lock screen and Facebook Cover Photo?
Desktop: Suzuya Juuzou Screensaver: Me and my boi Lock Screen: Me and my girl Cover photo: Some flowers I think 33. How old were you the last time you went to visit Santa? Talk about that time.
Once when I was 4 and I hated it so I never went again. 34. Rate your first kiss on a scale of 1-10.
2 - forced and bad 35. What’s the funniest dream you’ve ever had?
????? 36. What are 3 facts you know about your favourite celebrity/character that prove you know too much?
Emily; used to play a Disney Princess in the parks, her brother has a band, her natural hair color is blonde/light brunette 37. Name 5 songs you wish you’d lost your virginity to? (Or would like to lose your virginity to.)
...... 38. Name 5 songs you’d like to have sex to in general.
............................... 39. Put your iTunes on shuffle, write down the first line of five songs and give it to me as a poem.
Feeling used, but I’m still missing you. (hate u love u - Olivia O’Brien) Pinky promise I’ll still love your garden. (Bombs On Monday - Melanie Martinez) I have never wished on hope (Kanye - The Chainsmokers) You think that you know my heart (Beautiful Thing - Grace VanderWaal) You fooled me from the start. (Leaving Tonight - The Neighborhood)
40. Where do you stand on the death penalty? Explain your reasoning.
Morally wrong if they’re innocent, perfect for the totally guilty. 41. Who are your holy trinity? (3 celebrities or characters that come above any other for you.) 
Characters - Suzuya Juuzou, Allison Argent, Harley Quinn 42. Would you rather- A. Have a prickly leaf stuck on your forehead for the rest of your life, B. Suffer 100,000 stings from stinging nettles or C. Get 200 thorns stuck in your body?
Gimme that prickly leaf :) 43. Top 5 WORST movies you’ve ever sat through?
Any sequel to a movie ever 44. 5 movies you thought you’d hate but ended up loving?
Zootopia?  45. Tell a story that involves someone you had a crush on in school.
My crush gave me my first kiss and then dated my best friend the next day so there’s that 46. What’s your favourite ever television commercial and why?
The Billy Mays commericals were my shit 47. If you woke up and had 10 million in your bank, what would be the first 3 things you did?
Set aside money for college, buy a car, and invest the rest. 48. You can have 100 million but you have to give 1 million each to 3 different charities, which 3 do you choose?
I don’t know any specific ones, but one would be something for low-income schools, one would be for low-income familes, and the other would be for cancer research/treatment 49. What’s the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to you?
"you’re ok” 50. Would you make out with a person of the gender you’re not attracted to if it meant you could sleep with any celebrity/character of your choice? (If yes, you can choose the person to make out with.)
fuck you. 51. Name 5 facts that the vast majority of people won’t know about you.
I’m pretty good at assessing people’s emotions by their facial expressions, I’m really good at figuring out things about someone without asking, I got to witness a brutal beating/hate crime on my street when I was 7, I know like three words in sign language, I’m non-violent but I keep a small weapon on hand if I ever need it
52. When was the last time you laughed so hard that tears fell from your face and what was it at?
i don’t have emotions or any life in me anymore 53. How important do you think education is?
Extremely.  54. Share 5 goals you want completed in the next 30 days.
No 55. Do you have a toy that’s really special to you and if so what is it, how did you get it?
No? Not a toy anyways... I have a necklace with ursa minor as the pendant. It reminds me to stay humble. 56. What are 3 traits that you like about yourself and what are three that you dislike about yourself? Personality wise.
I’m pretty understanding of people no matter how bad they seem to the world, I tend to be extremely loyal to the people I’ve become friends with, I can also predict people’s emotions and empathize with them very easily. 
However, I get jealous extremely easily because I feel like I could be replaced at any moment, I’m nosy when someone doesn’t tell me something the instant I ask, and I weirdly enough have some pretty low self-esteem. 57. How did your name get chosen? What’s the story behind it?
My mom named me after a great dane that peed on a bomb to disarm it. 58. State 8 facts about your body.
- lungs were stuck together when i was born - got a scar on my foot from getting glass stuck through it - i have two birthmarks that are both on my face - i got a scar under my left eye from getting attacked by a dog - used to have a heart murmur, now i’m just in emotional pain - i’m hypoglycemic, which gives me anxiety - survivor of an eating disorder - i’m borderline legally blind  59. Have there ever been rumours spread about you? If so, share them.
Honestly? Always. But it was always about things that I’ve done and not who I am as a person. 60. Are you allergic to anything? If so, what?
Nah I’m immune to everything. 61. Describe yourself in one word/sentence- what made you choose that?
The second person you call if your plans cancel on you. 62. What are the top five places you wish you could go before you die?
Bolivia, Dubai, England, Tokyo, Canada 63. Share 7 facts about your childhood.
- I’ve lived in the same house since I was 7 - I shared a room with my sister - I didn’t have many friends, just cousins - I spent a lot of time outside until I got into middle school - I loved Blue’s Clues 64. Share 6 facts about your home town.
- Lots of heroin busts - School was a castle before it was a school - the town is over a 100 years old now - used to be racist af - cool river - dirty 65. You’re in jail! What did you do?
Public indecency 66. You’re given $10,000…under one condition- you cannot keep the money for yourself. Who do you give it to?
My mom 67. Share 5 things you love unconditionally.
Emily Rudd dogs :) writing music suzuya juuzou 68. What was something you used to enjoy, but was ruined for you? What’s the story behind that?
There’s a specific song that I can’t listen to anymore without thinking about the awkward moment/public embarrassment it caused for me 69. Describe one of the most awkward experiences of your life.
THERE’S A LOT. 70. Put your iTunes on shuffle and write the first 10 songs that pop up. Explain why each song is on there.
2manynotdoingit 71. Name 5 people who are famous who you find attractive.
I feel like I answered this already but Emily Rudd Evan Peters Tarjei Sandvick Moe Rihanna Dane Dehaan Veren 72. If you got to spend an entire day with your favourite celebrity what would you choose to do and who would you choose?
I WILL DO ANYTHING WITH EMILY EVEN ROB A BANK 73. If you could only listen to one band/artist for the rest of your life, who would you choose and why?
I can’t answer this question, I feel personally attacked. 74. You can ask your favourite celebrity 3 questions and they’ve taken a magical truth pill so they will 100% answer honestly, what do you ask?
I’d probably just ask he opinion on things, honestly. Like there’s nothing I need to know in particular. 75. Who do you think is a really underrated celebrity and what do you love about them?
y’all ask me way too many questions about Emily but???????????? She’s honestly perfect like she’s so talented and super smart and wow I love her 76. What were the last 3 songs you listened to and what do they mean to you?
Madcon - Beggin’. I just really like the song? The Neighbourhood - Daddy Issues. I resonate with this song a lot. Bell Biv Devoe - Poison. That’s my SHIT. 77. Have you ever been told you look like a famous person. If so, who?
I’ve been told I look like a mix of Rihanna and Mimi from Rent. I’ve also been told I look like Ruth B. 78. What song makes you cry the most?
Beautiful Thing by Grace VanderWaal. her voice just makes me cry okay 79. Share 4 facts about your parents.
- Mama had me at 21!!! - Dad is a bitch ass hoe - Step dad is cool but he went to prison - My parents used to smoke a lot of weed around me 80. Share 9 facts about your family.
- Germans - Mostly closeted homophobes - Also slightly racist even though I’m black - Barely any of them went to college - Most of the women are big-breasted - All of us have some sort of mental illness - We all talk shit about each other - There’s too many to fit in one house  - I have so many siblings jesus fuck 81. Share 5 facts about your best friend(s).
- One of them looks like an instagram hoe - My friends have known each other longer than they’ve known me - Emo/Weeabo phase hardcore - One of them drinks a lot - All of us are minorities in some way 82. What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for in a partner?
I’d like to say that I’m humble but I’m a sucker for blonds. But tbh, I don’t really look so it doesn’t matter. 83. Share 5 ways to instantly win your heart.
- Buy me things - Reassure me that I’m wanted - Constantly compliment me - Let me know a lot about you - Make me laugh :))
84. Top 10 biggest turn ons?
Affection and validation are my only turn ons ;) 85. Top 10 biggest turn offs?
everything 86. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?
Yeah. My boi™ writes haikus/poems for me all the time 87. What is your personal definition of cheating in a relationship?
Being close sexually/romantically/emotionally/physically with someone you aren’t dating. :/ 88. Give a description of the person you dislike the most.
They look like a piece of shit. 89. Write an open but anonymous letter to a person of your choice.
I’m sorry I’m not enough for you. 90. What are your morning and evening routines?
Brush my teeth, shower, lay back in bed. 91. If food was people, who would be your best friend, your life partner, your enemy and your ex?
my best friend is ham my life partner is wings my enemy is onions my ex is salisbury steak 92. Have any celebrity deaths truly impacted you?
No, I don’t think so. I’m not very invested in many celebs like that.
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