#i am going to kill that stupid man in that stupid pickup truck with his stupid trump bumper stickers
theblackberrygirl · 2 years
just watched someone hit a deer on the express way and then keep driving while the deer was actively twitching and in pain on the side of the road. i want to kill them.
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11spoetry · 1 year
am i not disgusting enough? did god have to curse me and my body like this? these stupid goggles don’t even do anything, i don’t know why i bother. my discolored eyes are just as empty as before.
when i look in the mirror, i see a man who has never seen the light with a smile. the smallest bit of electricity bites me. and you know it too. you’re a part of me, whether you like it or not. but i don’t know why you’re still here. you can leave. no one is forcing you to be here.
you’ve seen my memories, you know what i’ve done, so why stay? i killed him, and you remind me of that every time i close my eyes. that same blue pickup truck, the same song, the same goddamn sunset.
when i saw the handkerchief in his back pocket and followed him into the woods, i didn’t know what was going to happen. but what i did know, as his curls reflected in the light, is that he looked beautiful. i’m sorry. not to you, never to you, but to him. and he should know it. but here i remain, mummified out of my own volition.
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the-firebird69 · 9 months
We do have some serious business here to talk about
-the warlock have you got an attack on the macs
-the hip and they struck all over in the max are counter-striking they instructed there is what to do this time and how to do it at the max did hear it and we're ready and the warlock got slaughtered
-trying to read my Lord has to be killed it doesn't understand that his robots are stopped and turned easily and constantly threatens our son who's putting the news out trumps a damn vegetable and needs to go.
I'm putting orders out there and have them killed immediately I want him out of our face he's so stupid
-there's this little a****** turd Garth focusing on him of course it's way overboard and he can't figure out his program is compromised for some reason and Garth is a complete vegetable that kind of smoked and just sits there doing it I was foreigners so they're doing it. But this guy next door is a complete idiot about it. So telling people certain things don't work and the idiot is upset when his machine doesn't work at all and people are not mad about us telling him I don't know if it's the a****** does certain things because it doesn't work and he doesn't know you have to get with it everybody else you're putting everybody in danger including our son
-where where it doesn't work and the idiot seas every time. You won't leave us alone either I can imagine how it what it's like but really that man is stupid you can't demand your stupid robots to work it's a man to pickup truck to work I mean you're such a freaking loser we need you on there should be easy at this point but it's not so I have to kill all your assholes like everyday you're stinking freaking trumpsters are dead meat boy this stupid people we're here for your autographs and tell mother f***** and since they're grinning like we have something for them I mean Jesus Christ what do you think the problem is you're f****** around with everybody messing up our systems and you're hurting us instead of anybody else we need you out of our hair I'm asking PGA and Brad and Jason take a look what you're doing today and last night is horrible that you need to be shot all the time it's really like the movie with Garth and I think it's these idiots some of them and really they just need to be burned
Jenna 2
I didn't tell you didn't expect this kind of stuff but really we don't know it doesn't work and it's ridiculous we've seen the thing turn around they seem to turn around a lot unto their committee and everyone's killing us and he says they're going to continue to to stop that stupid s*** all these people are dying cuz you think you're dumb work he says. It's not really why and the empire is taking the robots so good luck
How am I supposed to mount the defense or attack was your next door you're a f****** complete a****** to me. The other thing too but here this is a critical area and you're going to be playing for treason against the rebels too cuz you want to be your own thing and have it all everybody does it but not like this you're in that case stuck to me
Zues Hera
I have my own reasons and it was to make the robots work pretty much why it doesn't work and he says no s*** sorry to tell you something they're running the money and they're running in the house and everything else and not telling anyone
It is concealed and you asked me how they're doing it and they're in the banks and they're below on the t1 and they're inside a lot of banks but not as many as you think and they control the money it must be at the mint that's one place and they also control a shield if you go anywhere in the east coast of North you're in trouble and the house is Stan. And he told Trump that he was threatening him and that means in space with the fleet and said if you don't do this we'll crush you then he said that they have other people do it he knows a couple ways that they come from somewhere else or they're threatening something else and they stand on it. And he says the truth is he don't do much about it he just sit him here and stop certain things from happening and just barely and they usually there's a threat that's why they're doing it and that's how you can see it and it's very subtle but they're the ones only the threat because they control it and Trump adds those last three sentences
Zues Hera
We are under severe dressier duress we know that it's the Max and we've seen what they do and we have recordings we can't seem to break out of it and yeah they're taking over the robots and they're stealing them I guess I found out last night but find out how they're controlling us is important and he says that I might own the banks but the guys are just not there doing the job and they're running things and that's why the threat works like the circus like there's 30 components because it's 30 people and the max are walking around sometimes amongst us running this show threatening money and people and food and everything that we're threatening and making the smoke screen about they're using on us and we do have it on film he says that they just stuck away and it's right electronically and you can see him doing that a lot of times they threaten not to fix things that were messing up or to allow things to get screwed up then they come and pick us up that's a threat too and it's horrible what he says is if the Max has the power and the money and they do this kind of thing with it is sitting here threatening other people is what they want he told me that once and we started fighting the empire and got redirected and it was horrible and now it's terrifyingly bad that's why I tried to invade and mac daddy sees it and he knows about it and oddly enough he's a Mac and his kids aren't but he's strangely tolerant to this I sort of get why
Used to a brilliant I know and I guess one of them is now they both got it and it's pretty sharp but really we didn't catch on it we're trying to invade McDonald's or defending and we're both infirm and that's how they're getting us to do it mac Daddy has to take it as an opportunity with Chris crossing it today you're getting rid of her defenses and we won't have anybody to do anything he said they're all pukes and they're all against us and were taking robots. And I was spying on them well someone was for me and really that's extremely important
The empire is building a whole bunch of robots there are The siege but haven't done too much and what happens with a major components of their plan is going to is going to define what the outcome is but McDonald's or The underdogs but McDonald's probably have recordings of the max say it but that's what they're doing now taking the robots right now McDonald's are trying to build them they're another group that they take from
Thor Freya
I've never laughed so much in my life or cried so much I've been angry so much it's right here he's right you've been getting jerked around all the time by Max and really they can't afford to sit there and do this stupid yakov s*** anymore and then I'll get it and you have to have an economy and they don't get it and he says we think that the Foreigner said you do it cuz there used to be before and we're starting to see that too there's people telling us foreigners are getting aggressive with the max too and it's ugly especially in Africa they don't like them there at all and they hate Garth and they don't like our friends kind but will tolerate some more than these idiots they say and it probably trying to kidnap somebody they have to put up with some powerful black people that don't announce who they are and we get that too so dangerous country. But still these people are taking our robots now you see what he's saying that Max will be taking McDonald's will be taking it stand and more it ends up with the max so I guess when the max train take him is to try and take him back then and fight with a stan against the max or was Mac Daddy against the max or we won't get easy they'll just have them and rear them quickly and send them back
That's a thought and a very good one and actually works for us when they're coming in we need to grab them for information for some reason they have changed their defenses and a desert
We have a huge number of things going on but this is extremely important so we're going to publish
Thor Freya
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Watch "Custom built 2005 6x6🫣 oh yeah and it has over 1400hp." on YouTube
Besides someone modifying the film it does hang a wheelie and most vehicles cannot and my Rolls-Royce can and our Asian peoples copied my vehicle so quickly that they claim they were first. Eventually admit they were not but it's an argument each and every time we bring it up and they're arguing it right now so we won't miss you at all satanists we already have that thank you very much and they're not evil
Thor Freya
We will take care of to address them properly no but this is some amazing stuff too they've been talking through us and we've been saying all this honky stuff not checking not being careful but who can do that with these idiots honking right in their face we need to stop them in eradicate them now
Mac Daddy
It's a huge number of reasons what I am doing what I'm doing and this is one of them I don't want to see this stuff they're countering Thor and Freya and their vehicle and in a big way because I've seen a lot of these in China and Asia they need them to get around
Tommy f
And our friend here says wow that is intense these Chinese know how to roll and the pickup trucks around here is lame and they say it too to their face you got to be kidding me you get stuck all the time we have to drive over this crap and yeah we have tracks and they go on to the rear wheels and they become half tracks and you don't have stuff like it and I'll talk and it's just sickening and you're not fighting for real sickening you're running up there and freezing that's the most embarrassing thing I've ever seen and yeah it's hard enough and we have tons of burdens but lots of it is because you're spoiled imbeciles All of You are running around talking and talking and talking it's terrible he's talking and doing stuff with it all day long we have to stop you and we're sitting in contingence all the time and they're coming up from Mexico huge ones and we need to break the blockade and we're at it with them and shortly these people will be and it has to do with the Midwest emptying which is not the best thing either
An Asian man and he knows who I am it doesn't know who I am now he knows I'm Mr Wong and Sandy has been abused beyond belief and she is not one to be looked at they need to and has to but not her and that's what he said it's good because we're family it says great we finally have a doctor in the family so I'm laughing but we went through hell together and your mental hospital I'm laughing my ass off cuz you're all killing each other over Max money this buried below and Arnie is a smart person they came up with the scam together it's a scheme and he's gladly giving up the money doesn't really have a use for it you can buy more sugary things and go to places that are dangerous she is going to suck you're going to suck real bad you're going after this money like no tomorrow and you'll be gone soon thanks and good riddance
Mr Wong Sandy Wong and yes I went to movies and he asks and I tell him that I'm his grandma and I am and this fool is holding me bja his show that he's an international Man I don't want anything to do with him he's a puke and an a****** and a loser he used to piss the bed all the time and himself and he's a complete retard I mean he is stupid you argue with him for hours and he doesn't even remember what you're arguing about she has to start arguing over again it's extremely tired so even for an Asian person but I outlasted him because I'm a woman but really I want a divorce him it is still saying I'm his wife it's just miserable I see that my grandson is disconnected from the two and they're no longer family and his wife is disconnected from them and I'm trying to get China behind it and they say they are but we're not here don't have a presence so we can't do that yet but we're doing it overseas and boy you little idiots getting mad we have to grab tons of you with troops is stupid and spoiled and nasty and really you're ignorant as hell we have our own culture we have our own people we're fast with me or nasty and stealthy we use all sorts of weapons and you think we do nothing because you're sitting around doing nothing so we're grabbing you to get our stuff back
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