#i am ...
fryday · 2 days
the last two times we got a dnp video that needed drafts were the dapg revival video and dapc slime. one was diabolically huge/shocking and the other was extremely arthouse indulgent exploring their creative potential vibes. this could be either of those things. it could be BOTH of those things. scared yet
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loa-lightt · 3 days
I am is the problem and I am is the solution. Neither can exist without I am, it is the beginning and the end for all conflicts and resolutions exist within you. They are two leaves of the same vine that stems from within. You and I do not need to look for peace or comfort because I AM peace and comfort. I am is everything. Every feeling is yours to experience, for you were the one who created them. Seeds cannot exist without earth to grow in. You are allowed to relish in the beauty of your own creation with no price, other than your own forgiveness.
“It is done. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. I will give to the one who thirsts from the spring of water of life without cost” - Revelation 21:7
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lingering-paperwork · 19 hours
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Drew outfits for the crew based off this post: [link]
( + notes )
I'm pretty proud of these ngl, I wanted to do the beloved meemaw as well but I have a lot of things to do in the next couple days and didn't wanna overwork myself too much.
Anyways,,, time for notes about the actual outfits!
Starting with Roary (the one on the left). He has a really thick cloak she carries around with her, mainly to throw over herself as camouflage. Possibly because they're usually the one going out to grab supplies (like sporepuffs and those firecracker plant things (I keep forgetting what they're called)). They also have fuck tons of bombs because he's a little chaotic fucker and I think she deserves it. also Stars enjoys wrapping up other peoples hands, so she wrapped hers up in boxing tape. (boxers tape? However you say it--bandages that boxers put on their hands to keep their fingers from breaking when they punch shit)
Now onto Stars (middle). Stars almost always wears her scavenger mask when she leaves her house, because of this I wanted to make her look a little bit like a scav, so I gave her a little backpack she can just slip spears into, like the scavs have. She also wrapped her hands and feet, because for some reason she just likes that part of ancient clothing. Also, most of her self drawn patterns are on full display, I like to think she's a little proud of her tattoos.
And then there's ferns (right). Ferns design was a little hard (especially because I did it a little sleep deprived). Anyways I changed his design again (God dammit) and got rid of the extra arms . Might keep them gone they are a bitch and a half to draw (the insect arms get to stay though). Anyways, he's got two fanny packs, one of them is likely filled with sewing materials and the other could be filled with Pearls or drawing tools I'm not sure. Either way he's got a cute lil poncho to keep himself covered and some shorts to give his legs more room to move.
I think out of all of these designs I like Stars the most.
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raytm · 1 day
should i ??? buy p4 golden on steam ???? or should i watch a playthrough ???
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Ash IG Story
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queen0fm0nsterz · 28 days
I will never not be amused by the endless irony of AM and how he, a machine with nothing but hatred and envy for the humans who created him, was so loved by his Harlan Ellison (the original author of the story, AKA his real life creator) that he HAD to voice him in every single installment of IHNMAIMS possible, not letting anyone else take him.
The very thing AM hates most is the one that gives him life and keeps him alive outside of the narrative. In a way, it's similar to how he keeps the five humans alive in the story, but at the same time it's the opposite spectrum of it: the burning hatred of the machine versus the boundless love of the artist.
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sardonic-simp · 7 months
What if I grabbed your hair and forced you to choke on my cock, hm? What then, baby?
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kanethegoofster · 3 months
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hellobabydoll333 · 2 months
Manifesting is easy as FUCK
All you gotta do is live in imagination n have some discipline (being consistent n persistent wit it)
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clownsuu · 1 year
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Ai adventures with yours truly: day 87- still trying to find that delectable angst- instead, I got one story being Wally chilling at howdy’s place due to the rain, Howdy asking Wally if he wants anything grilled to eat, wally flirting to (a very oblivious) howdy from inside while howdy is finishing up grilling (never specified what) and brings food inside, Wally asking to be fed(???) while watching the sunset(?), they both declare they undying love for each other and proceeds to make out passionately on the fuggin couch for several hours
also oh my god these two always gets so dam emotional??? Like they either become besties or lovers and they are always E X T R E M E L Y passionate and cry in eachother’s arms- no matter if it’s normal Wally or obsessive-
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triona-tribblescore · 8 months
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conversation with a friend went a little like this
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aliakim-the-artist · 9 days
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Ship in a Box
Whyyyyyy the fuck did I make this and why does the lighting make it look so damn good
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mungeondeshi · 15 days
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Honestly incredible sleepover vibes going on here
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clearlycleveruniverse · 4 months
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itsnicsalad · 1 year
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cant wait to see her again✨
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pippuns · 11 months
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