#i always love imagining nagito as a model
happyshippingnoises · 2 years
If I could do a DTIYS I totally would if I knew how...
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TFW your crush rejects you so you follow Nagito on his modeling career to get over her.
(I also made a sprite edit but it's nothing as good as @skymaeda's work 😭😭😭😭)
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oupydogcity · 2 years
junko f
eyes start glowing
sexuality: LESBIAN. lesbian and he knows that but he doesnt allow himself to actually be in a good happy relationship with a girl on account of the despair addiction. its very complicated.
gender: transmasc + butch lesbian which plays a part in the gender. and again this is something junko doesnt allow himself to act on because it woukd make him too happy but sometimes i like to sit and think about if junko actually got to do this… i think he woukd be very handsome and he would wear gyaruo fashion. Still cunty always. but also hed cut his natural hair (i think the blonde hair is a wig, and his natural hair + eyes are red like ryoko) and sometimes he goes out without the wig and all the Patented Junko Enoshima Gear. and he gets to be a normal guy. and that would make him so happy. Oh and he/she/any pronouns but i reflexively use he/him.
ship with character: NANASHIMA 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 theyre genuinely such fascinating narrative foils and like not that i respect dr3 but that one part where junko was like REALLY into chiaki was so. Okay King. i think they happen postgame in the nwp, like the code stays behind and junko gets neutralized and trapped there. chiaki is trapped there as well but is able to communicate with the outside world so she can still help her friends. and it takes a long time but eventually theyre able to work through things and both grow as people together. 🔥AND THEN THEY HAVE AI YURI SEX🔥
brotp: JUNKO IZURU and JUNKO NAGITO. no one understands the comedy of this trio. junko voice Me and the boytoys! (they’re both imagining biting her head off but they cant)
notp: i love junko and yasuke so much as a case study on toxic codependent yuriyaoi relationships but i think people who think they should seriously earnestly date each other are sick in the head. like theyre so important genuinely but theyre not actually romantically into each other. matsuda Literally says this.
random headcanon: ryoko otonashi is actually her legal name and identity, the image of junko enoshima was created when she got into modeling (which i imagine happened very young) and ended up overtaking her life. and i read kodaka saying “junko has no tragic backstory” as like, a.) he didnt want to write one, and b.) a mix of dissociative amnesia and Lying to uphold her image. but she also believes it. something something characters who’s everything points to some horrible original sin that they cant figure out that drives them insane. anyways, also, her hair/eyes are naturally red. usually when i draw him its with red hair.
overall opinion: guess. literally guess. based on everything about me.
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hyperfixationtimego · 3 years
Celeste somehow manages to balance on the top of the chair and puts her feet on the seat part, it’s a challenge now to find a chair she can’t sit on (she likes to feel tall even though she’s already the tallest of the class, excluding Yasuhiro because. he’s a grown man)
Asahina manspreads too much, like she looks like she’s doing the splits while sitting
Sayaka always sits close to a wall and she’ll lean back until her chair is leaning against it. It calms her down, but sometimes she forgets when she’s not against a wall and will just fall (Leon also leans, but definitely not as much)
Togami always holds his arms behind the back of his chair. It’s just a stim he does, but he’s convinced the class that it’s some fancy etiquette. Most of the time people think someone snapped and tied Togami to a chair when they see it for the first time
Ibuki sits with no caution, the way she falls in that beach pic??? that’s just how she sits down, full lean into freefall. She breaks a lot of chairs
Peko relaxes her whole body and it always looks like she’s sleeping. She models it after a cat, where she can jump up at any threat, but she ends up actually falling asleep a lot (honestly she has insomnia but she refuses to admit it, so she’s constantly tired)
I don’t know a lot about these guys but I’d like to try;
Kaito sits with his legs up on the armrests. It looks so uncomfortable but he likes it so. the other students are just concerned but letting it happen.
And the mechanic man will sit under the chair. Nobody knows how he does it because he’s so tall, but he will fit under any chair and hang out
Oh and Mikan picks at chairs, she will disassociate and just rip off pieces of fabric or plastic. It scares the shit out of Monokuma - queer eye anon
god okay I couldn’t find the comic it made me think of, but I imagine the first time Makoto sees Celeste sit Like That™️, he accidentally walks in on her and Kyoko and hears Kyoko just very casually ask “are you sitting up there because you want to feel closer to god?”
you know the one with the cat on the counter?? and the artist mentions that it was something that happened between with them and their roommate?? yeah that one!!
anyway he is obviously confused and concerned but slowly comes to realize that oh no. this is literally just how everybody in his class performs normal everyday behaviors. (That being said, he definitely crosses his legs while sitting ❤️)
*pats hina gently* this gal can fit so many adhd
she probably leans forward and puts her hands on the seat of whatever chair she’s in!!! she looks like an excited little kid!! She puts so much energy into everything she does, even literally just sitting down!!!
SAYAKA LEANING AGAINST THE WALL IS VERY POG and I am also a fan of her rocking back and forth!! Just the little movements that are calming!!
and being against the wall itself is so nice!! There’s something about the angle !! Like almost laying down, but still being alert and participating in active conversation is probably very soothing for her!!
Sayaka 🤝 Leon
Everybody laughing at them when they inevitably fall off their fucking chairs after leaning too far back without a wall behind them
my suspicion is that it would be either Nagito & Kokichi, or Sayaka, Leon, & Kaz, or Jill, or actually you know what there are quite a few very good candidates HSBSMDN
in any case he gets ROYALLY pissed off and threatens whoever did it with “YOU’LL BE HEARING FROM MY LAWYER-” which he never actually follows through on obviously
god how many times has she been called into Jin’s office just for him to audibly sigh like “Mioda this is the fifth piece of school property you’ve broken this month just by sitting in it.”
that man is so tired somebody save him
but anyway that’s also how she sits on people’s laps??? like romantic or platonic, if someone is “*grabby hands* come here ❤️” while sitting, she straight up fucking flops down onto their lap without remorse and kills them on the spot HSKSHDN
[*dying Chihiro noises in the background*]
oh god actually speaking of Chihiro
they kneel. they just kneel on the chair ❤️
like she is tired and stressed so she rests her eyes sometimes, or people will just assume she’s sleeping with her eyes open, maybe
For example, Kokichi has, on more than one occasion, nearly gotten his wrist broken for attempting to draw on Pekoyama’s face while believing her to be asleep ❤️
Shuichi: um. Kaito. Are you….okay???
Kaito, sitting in the most ungodly position possible: yeah dude ofc why what’s wrong
important to note tho that Momota IS willing to sit normally but only if it’s because he’s trapped Shuichi with a hug, meaning Saihara is now sitting on his lap 😳💓💖💖💖
Shuichi rarely ever initiates stuff like that but GOD does he melt into it
he just likes the floor :)
but he’ll also sit on a table/counter if one is available!!! literally anything to Not Sit On the Seat Part of a Chair™️
Hajime: why do u literally sit UNDER the chair
Kaz: h-
Gundham: because as my paramour, he wishes to be closer to my domain
and Kaz is just actually it’s because I’m neurodivergent as fuck but….u know what yeah man sure :)
like she just sits there staring off into space with a vaguely terrified, wide-eyed expression, and the only things mobile about her body are her hands, which are simultaneously casually and viciously causing irreparable damage to school property…..absolute queen shit ✨
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nagito-kissmaeda · 3 years
Hi, sorry that I don't come often to your blog as I used to (but I still love your writing and answers because Nagito makes me go <3).
Anyways, I just want to ask my pet peeve :
Nagito's height in Japanese was written as 5'11 which means he is 180 cm. Meanwhile, in English translation, his height was written as 5'9 (means that he is 175cm) and I called English translation bullshit.
Why? Because Hajime is like 179 cm (yeah, I will use Hajime for height comparison, pardon that), while Nagito seems 180 cm, so the English translation made Nagito short??? And I'm like "??????". The translation seems drunk indeed and I hate it.
I will never trust the English translation for doing my boi dirty like that and I will always think Nagito as 180 cm because I love my tall hope boi <3
(Off-topic, but I once found out that 180 cm is a standard height for male fashion models, so Nagito as a model is 🥰)
Aw! I have missed you! It’s so nice to hear from you again!
And YES! You are right, I’m so upset that they tried to shrink him, Nagito is TALL and this is an essential component haha. I honestly imagine him even taller than 5’11 tbh, probably closer to 6’1, but that’s just me being self indulgent and loving a tall man.
I’ve always imagined that he tries to make himself seem smaller though. That he hunches his shoulders over to try and make himself more unassuming, to take up as little space as possible. I love the idea of him suddenly standing at full height in trial 4 when his confidence boost hits and everyone is like, “was nagito always this tall??????? 👀👀”
Also I would just like him to pin me against a wall, but that’s another thing entirely ahdkdkandkfka 😳😳
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clovers-in-despair · 4 years
Hi! So, if you know me, you know I’m not the biggest fan of Danganronpa 3’s storyline. I won’t go into detail as to why in this post. Instead, I’m going to show off my Danganronpa 3 rewrite! It mostly focuses on the Despair Arc and then adding on to things like UDG, SDR2, and the Hope Arc. Please note this contains spoilers. I’ll write it in bullet points because it’s easy for me to get things down in this manner, especially since I don’t have every moment of every single day rewritten. Maybe one day I’ll write fanfiction for this! Forgive grammar n stuff, I’m super tired and just spewing my ideas out without structure. So hit that “keep reading” and let’s get this party started.
-In my rewrite, Chiaki Nanami’s punishment isn’t what pushed them into despair. Rather, Junko Enoshima played on everyone’s weaknesses and individually pulled them into despair. In some cases, she used those she already converted as pawns to drag down their fellow classmates. For example, I like to believe Junko played on Nagito’s desire to be loved. And eventually, Nagito understood what she was doing to him.. But rather than stop it, he let himself become despair because he couldn’t wait to see the hope that would be born from it. For another example, Junko might have pulled Mahiru into despair. In turn, Junko uses Mahiru to drag down Hiyoko. I like the idea of Junko’s analytic and manipulation skills being more relevant. A slow process of taking everyone down and hitting them in their weak spots feels more satisfying than everyone going down at once, in my opinion.
-Again, Chiaki Nanami’s punishment isn’t what pushed them into despair. Rather, it was a test. Junko uses Chisa as a puppet here, and Chisa is the one to subject Chiaki to her punishment. Think back to DR3, and how we saw Junko on all the screens as Chiaki navigated the death maze. Now, what if we saw Chisa there instead and narrating the entire thing? What could be more despairful than your own teacher putting you through this death trap? And of course, since I’m a sucker for angst, I like to imagine her classmates NOT watching on in complete devastation. What if they were basking in the feeling it gave them? Cheering on as Chiaki navigates her way through the maze… 
-Now, remember in DR3 where we see Kamukura cry as Chiaki is dying? Remember how Hajime’s attachment to her caused Kamukura to subconsciously care for her? Now, this will come into play later. But let’s get back to Chisa Yukizome. What if Chisa had the same thing happen? A subconscious desire to.. Well, not see her die. So she leaves Chiaki with a very slight chance of survival. The footage of Chiaki navigating the maze cuts out before anyone really sees her die. Of course, the assumption of Class 77B would be that she IS dead. 
-And here’s where Kamukura comes in. He subconsciously cares for her, though he does not know why. I like to imagine he saved her with his talents. And because he is neither on the side of hope or despair exclusively, Chiaki is now a new pawn in this “war” between hope and despair. Just something new to hopefully cure this boredom and bring something new to the table. 
-Well, after treating her, he turns her loose. Keep in mind, a recovery like that doesn’t happen overnight though. 
-Chiaki Nanami ends up in Towa City, and takes refuge in the Resistance. However, she joins under a new identity. Miyuki Watanabe. The fake name stems from the fear that she would be killed if her true identity is discovered, and people realize she is associated with the remnants who had faked their deaths and mistake her as a remnant herself. I tried to design a concept for Chiaki while trying to hide herself. A mask to hide her face, and she has longer hair due to not really getting much of a haircut lately. A wrinkled up shirt, and all that. She has grey bag with two things that are rolled up sticking out of the bags, perhaps posters of some kind.
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-Chiaki eventually meets Komaru and Toko at the resistance camp under the name Miyuki, but she eventually reveals her true identity to them and what had happened to her until that point. Of course, Toko was skeptical of this at first but was talked into helping by Komaru. When Byakuya was eventually rescued, he tipped Makoto off to Chiaki’s presence in Towa City in their video call at the end of Ultra Despair Girls.
-Makoto is able to come to Chiaki’s rescue. Of course, once Chiaki is brought back, she’s met with lots of interrogation and DNA tests from other members of the Future Foundation prior to being held in a high security cell for precautionary reasons.  
-She does end up receiving some grooming like a haircut and fresh clothes. She remains here until eventually Makoto asks for her assistance. He explains he intends to use the Neo World Program to reverse Junko’s influence on her friends, and asks her to help monitor her classmates’ behaviors from the outside, as she knows them all best. 
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Here’s Nanami after getting a haircut and some fresh clothes to wear. Of course, she still wears her signature jacket over these fresh clothes.
-And oh boy, seeing everyone’s faces on those monitors… hearing their voices again.. It both hurt her terribly and warmed her heart. 
-Let’s not forget real-life Chiaki’s reaction to the AI within the program. Before I continue, please note Chiaki is traumatized and not quite the person she was back at Hope’s Peak. 
-Seeing her AI within the program? It causes a bit of an identity crisis. Her AI does remind Chiaki of better days, however, she also feels envy and frustration towards it. She’s a little envious that the AI is there, interacting with her classmates and Hinata again the way she always hoped to do again. Frustrated, because sometimes the AI would respond in ways real-life Chiaki would have done differently. She has zero control over her own AI, by the way. So she can only watch it interact with everyone.
-Though once she learns why the AI is herself, she finds it to be bittersweet.
-But when the killing game begins, her world comes crashing down AGAIN. Still, she was told to continue monitoring the behavior of her classmates’ despite this.
-Might I add that AI Chiaki’s execution brought back some really, really terrible memories for real-life Chiaki? 
-Rest assured, in the end, Chiaki was able to reunite with Class 77B and Hajime Hinata. And they all live on the real Jabberwock Island together.
-In my rewrite, Hajime’s relationships with others tumbles a bit as he comes overprotective over Chiaki, despite her insisting he doesn’t need to be. He worries greatly about her due to their past. The romantic feelings are still there between the two, but the interest in a romantic relationship is low as they both require lots of healing before they’re ready for this. Hiyoko remains on iffy terms with Fuyuhiko and Peko, while Mahiru does the opposite and repairs her relationships with them. Kazuichi is on OK terms with Gundham, and actually ends up falling for Mikan and they get together. Akane is oddly one of the first to be forgiving towards Nagito and they become friends, though I will add that Nagito is a little desperate for Hajime’s attention, which he has directed to Chiaki very heavily. Mahiru and Hiyoko remain besties. Fuyupeko is semi-canon. They acknowledge their feelings but neither has made a move. I’ll make a chart of everyone’s relationships with each other someday and tack it on with a reblog. Right now, it’s just me spewing out my ideas as I’m dead tired.
-Oh, and they provide relief to the world as a way of atoning for their sins. Sometimes their missions require everyone on the island! Other times, it requires a certain number or a certain talent. They’re just here to try and make the world a better place after all that has happened.
[Credit for Chiaki model in replies, hyper links eat my posts]
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crazynekochan · 5 years
Have you heard of the baby project? Now throw that on the ultimates of hopes peak and watch chaos ensue. (If you haven't it's basically students getting paired to care for a baby/robot that resembles a baby)
Oh this will be fun x)
The teachers (especially Chisa) would probably either put together couples, best friends or people who really should learn to get along (in short, just all ships) during the project. While some students are able to care for the robot babies, others are very overwhelmed
Mahiru and Hiyoko would be one of the rare couples that are able to ace the project and Hiyoko is just straight up proud about her perfect baby. She even dresses it up in a kimono to match hers
Another of the rare functioning “parents” would be Ryoma and Gonta. While they both have their own little problems, they try their best and are the most loving parents ever
Akane and Nekomaru would also make a great pair. Most of their classmates had expected that Akane would struggle due to her nature, however she has a lot of experience with raising children after caring for all her siblings ever since she was a child herself taught her everything she needs
To everyone’s surprise Kokichi and Kiibo are also great “parents”. Everyone, including Kiibo, have been expecting that Kokichi fould fail miserably and simply not do his work. However Kokichi is in the end a person who always gives it his all even if he hides it. Kiibo however is simply diligent and do a good job
The last functioning pair are Aoi and Sakura. They would be the most caring and loving mothers there are and care perfectly for their baby. They are also the first to decide on sleeping in the same room during the time of the project, since they do that a lot already anyway
The rest however is chaos x)
Hajime and Nagito are actually trying their best and doing good work together, however considering Nagito’s luck the robot would probably break at some point and maybe just burst up in flames ^^”
Gundham and Kaz would also try but they are already bantering when they try to name the robot baby. They also have this fun discussion if they should do it like the other groups and sleep in the same room over the time while they care for the baby, but that would mean sharing a bed and Gundham is way too shy. Bonus points if they aren’t dating yet and are now awkward as hell
(While I ship Mikan with both Ibuki and Chiaki, I will only go with her and Ibuki for now, since this group would be more fun) Mikan is of course one of the students with the most knowledge on babies, but due to her insecurities she would struggle to even touch the baby in fear of breaking it and making Ibuki fail with her. That Ibuki is also a bit too easily excited about her new “baby” makes Mikan worry even more, because playing very loud heavy metal isn’t the best thing to do when you are carrying a baby. Jumping around is also not that good ^^”
Peko and Fuyuhiko would both also do quite good work with their baby and take good care of if. They would also switch between each other when one of them happens to be busy with something. However they sometimes get a bit stuck when the robot starts crying and they don’t know what to do. Also Natsumi teases her brother a lot about it and calls herself the aunt of the robot baby
Makoto and Byakuya would struggle a bit. Makoto is a bit overwhelmed sometimes and unsure what to do next, however Byakuya struggles so badly since he hardly has any idea on how to behave around babies. He also has problems seeing the use in it
Kiyotaka and Mondo would be close to chaos. While Taka does his best, he goes way too much by the book and tries to do everything with strategy, Mondo just straight up fails since he has no clue how to baby. But damn if he isn’t determined to learn it so that Taka won’t fail this project!
Shuichi and Kaito would have a lot of problems. Shuichi would try to manage with this project and do it correctly even if he has no idea how, but Kaito on the other hand finds this project a bit weird and doesn’t really go all in like he should
Tenko and Himiko would have made a great team, since both would be great parents, however I had to imagine that they got a boy model and Tenko just lost it. However since Himiko was already dotting on their robot baby Tenko didn’t dare to ask for a girl version. Tenko does a great job, but she is struggling so much when having to change the diaper or bathing the baby
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yoolee · 7 years
Six Love Stories | SITS {Nagito}
A/N - DESPITE the fact that my blog is basically SLBP-exclusive, my favorite Voltage game is actually Scandal in the Spotlight, hands down. (SLBP is a close second) The second season was kind of hit or miss for me, but I’ve really been digging Season 3 (even if Kota—my FAVORITE—had a plot device that is not my fav, I still enjoyed it) I’m REALLY surprised they went there with Nagi’s, but it was so perfect for him? And just, I really like SITS okay. Even if I just pretend Ryo doesn’t exist most of the time, sorry Mr Jellyfish it’s not personal, you’re totally fine just inconvenient.ANYWAY. Here is a fanfiction, written by someone who is writing about MC writing about the SITS boys. Part of my just-keep-writing-plan for NaNoWriMo.
She had missed this.
Having her own place, finding her own inspiration, she was firmly proud of these things, but she also couldn’t deny how easy it was, how right it felt, to sit on their couch with her legs curled under her and Little Yamato’s slightly slobbering face in half of her lap and a notebook in the other. The Greeks may have had nine muses, but hers came in a sextet.
(An accurate term on more than one level, she might have considered, as the six of them traipsed into the living room from the practice studio, in varying degrees of sweat-soaked and disheveled, but she was focused, and failed to notice.)
Little Yamato whuffed, and with the loyalty and dedication of duplicitous amnesiac, abandoned her immediately in favor of Kyohei.
It was technically October, but her mind was far way in June. A month of water. A month of weddings, of romance. It was quiet in the shared studio, save for the rain pattering against the windows of the courtyard, but she was off in a field of flowers, puffs of purple and blue hydrangeas, willowy irises, watching a laughing, rueful couple try and stay dry in the meager shelter of a an ancient, gnarled tree. It was a pretty scene, and appropriate for the story she was trying to tell but…she willed the couple to come into greater focus. “Who are they?”
“Who are who?”
She answered absently, eyes still closed, “The romantic leads, of course. I don’t know who they are, yet.”
“Ooooh, why not use me? And Kota?” Her eyes snapped open, realizing that she had not, in fact, been holding an inner dialogue, but responding to Nagito. He was only a few inches from her face, grinning mischievously before he darted over to Kota, reaching for his bandmate, who avoided his grasp with the slinky, graceful body distortion of a cat refusing a proffered petting.
He turned to glare at Nagito, only when the couch stood as a barrier between them. “Leave me outta your weird fantasies.” His scowl only deepened, including the writer this time, and she let out a nervous giggle. “Both of you.”
Nagi pouted for only a moment before sliding onto the couch next to her, throwing a friendly arm over her shoulders and squeezing them tight in solidarity. “Fine, just me then. Who am I romancing, Miss Ghostwriter?”  
She hardly noticed the arm, or Ryo and Takashi floating in after the others. She was already imagining half of the couple as her tall, curly-haired friend. As he came into focus, so too did the second person. She tapped her pen against her lips, but it came in a second, clear as day. “An assistant.”
“Like you, assistant manager?” That was Kyohei, grin cocksure and crooked. Lost in the story firming up in her head, she hardly reacted.
“No, no – like, for the runway shows. An efficient perfectionist.” She could see the woman clear as day – measuring tape around her neck, not because she was a designer, but because the designers always forgot them, and she was the sort to have everything on hand, instantly, with a faint, disapproving frown for the wayward and forgetful. “Tidy as a pin, and practical, but with fabulous shoes.”
Nagi leaned in, caught up in the make believe romance for him. “Why fabulous shoes?”
How to explain? “Because that’s the contrast.” She set her pen down unconsciously, because it freed her hands to gesture. “Nagi’s…wild, and fun, and free, and she’s frighteningly efficient, you know? He’d avoid her—she’s strict, and of course she has everything scheduled and under control, locked down Nagi would think—but, there’s something glamorous about good shoes, isn’t there?”
Kota, who had not in fact left, despite his pouting, looked skeptical at best, but Nagito nodded, and she took that as an indication to go on. “So there’s something interesting there. It makes you wonder—under the tidiness there must be something at least a little fanciful, a little fun. And they give her blisters, you know? And why would someone so practical, so on top of everything, wear shoes that would give her blisters?” She waited, but only silence met her. She sighed at them. “Because they’re pretty.”
“So they get together because of shoes?” Iori didn’t sound impressed, and she wagged her finger at his failure to understand.
“They get together because it’s a good balance. She’d take care of him a little, but not spoil him. And he’d bring her the fun she won’t let herself indulge in all the way. The shoes are just a conversation piece. And of course, she’s had a crush on him forever.”
“Really?” Nagi sounded delighted.
“Really?” Takashi sounded slightly confused.
“Of course! That’s partly why she’s so strict when you work together. It’s embarrassing. And she needs to be taken seriously, she doesn’t want to be seen as frivolous – she’s ambitious about her work. And more than anything, absolutely anything, she wants your show to be perfect, and when she wants something done perfectly by golly it will be.” It was so easy to see the woman in her head, ferociously determined, fierce, proud and protective. “But Nagi wants her to smile. And he trusts her. And she trusts him, because working with him, she sees how hard he works, and she wants to help all that hard work come together.”
Kota sighed, “I feel sorry for her.”
Nagito frowned, “What, hey! Why?”
Iori nodded in agreement with Kota, while Kyohei simply chuckled. Takashi’s expression remained neutral, but she didn’t see any of them, just a field of flowers.
“And it’s not until the day of the big runway show—it’s an outdoor show, of course—“ The field of hydrangeas rearranged itself, so instead they lined a catwalk, glistening in the gloom. “—But she’s prepared for the rain, there’s a tent and the guests and the models and the clothes are perfectly dry. There’s even extra setting spray, you know, for the make-up.”
“Of course,” One of them said—Iori, perhaps?—and if there was an eyeroll accompanying it, she ignored it.
“But, she hasn’t accounted for herself, because someone has to run to the main building for last efforts, and the interns were already busy, and anyway she wouldn’t ask one of them to do it, they’d get soaked, and she gets it done but she’s caught out in the worst of it! But Nagi’s noticed—“
“Of course I would!”
“And he runs out after her. But he gets soaked too, but he’s supposed to Emcee—“
“Typical,” Kota was slouched on the back of the coach, head in his hand with every indication he was bored—except for the fact he was being obvious about it.
“So she goes to scold him—“
“Aww, man!”
“You deserved it! She worked so hard to keep everyone dry!” She was incensed on her fictional friend’s behalf, but finished, bringing her hands together in dreamy pleasure, “But before she can, you pull out a pair of rainboots, just her size.”
Nagito smiled, a sort of floaty, content smile, and she caught the gleam in his eyes and knew he knew, as he finished for her. “So her nice shoes don’t get ruined in the rain.”
She nodded.
Kyohei waved his hand to get back to the point, “Alright, shoes, show, showers, how’s it end?”
That was easy. “Happily ever after.” Iori scoffed, and she scolded him once more, “Don’t you scoff. You asked for a love story.”
“Not all love stories end happily ever after.” To her surprise, it was Nagi, with a smile that was forlorn at the edges. She leaned back and pressed her fingers to those corners, willing them to smooth with the certainty of an author’s penstroke.
“Yours will.”
Nagi turned pink, and withdrew in a dramatic show of burying his cheeks in his hands. “Aw, shucks.”
Ryo floated in from the kitchen to flutter bonelessly into a seat on the floor. “A lovely story.”
Little Yamato barked, and Kyohei leaned in. “Sure. Now who’s next?”
More of Lee’s Rambles
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junko-maeda · 7 years
If you really don't mind me asking you more questions, what are Junko and Nagito like in their dates? If it is also not too much, when they are in college, their jobs, and maybe some headcanons about their kids.
Okay nonnie it took me a little while but I hope you like these because I wanted to make them good! Like always you’re welcome to ask for more. Since you asked for a lot of different ones I divided them into sections.
•Junko plans their first date because she wants everything to be perfect. She makes them get dressed up before they go to the restaurant she chose.
•Everything is going well and they have a pretty quiet evening out. The food isn’t bad and they have fun talking to each other.
•Well outwardly everything is going well. How they were feeling inside was a completely different story.
•Junko was nervous, worried that Nagito would get bored of her. She knew as his friend she was enough to keep him entertained but she didn’t know if she was interesting enough to be his girlfriend.
•Nagito was worried about doing or saying something stupid. He was afraid he would annoy Junko and she wouldn’t want to go out with him anymore.
•Feeling the weight of their insecurities both asked “Am I bothering you?” They looked at each other in disbelief. Junko asking “Why would you think you’re bothering me?” And Nagito replying “Well why do you think you’re bothering me?”
•They laugh at each other deciding to communicate the worries they have. Once their issues are out of the way they have a lot of fun on their date.
•When it’s time to go home Nagito walks Junko back to her dorm where they give their farewells. But Junko isn’t ready for the night to end just yet. So before Nagito leaves she hugs him tightly standing on her toes so they can kiss.
•The kiss catches Nagito off guard but he doesn’t shy away from it. It isn’t a very long kiss but for the two of them it was a lot. When it’s over they’re too embarrassed to look at each other. Nagito shyly bids Junko goodnight walking back to his dorm happier than ever.
•When Junko goes inside her room she can’t stop thinking about their kiss, she’s happy she did it.
•After high school they decide to get an apartment together since they won’t have a lot of time to see each other now that they’re in college.
•They go to different colleges but their schools are near each other so they meet up when they’re free.
•At home they have study sessions together but it’s really just Nagito tutoring Junko on whatever she doesn’t understand. Sometimes she helps him with his work as well.
•They don’t go to a lot of parties, instead when they’re free they choose to stay at home and do something together. Their favorite activity is watching movies.
•They cheer each other on when they’re lacking motivation about a school paper or project. Checking each other’s work to make sure it’s okay.
•Thanks to the support they give each other they never stress about things like good grades and passing tests. They’re the ultimate study team.
•Once they graduate from college Junko pursues her modeling career full time. Of course she wants Nagito to be involved in her career so she makes him her assistant.
•Nagito doesn’t mind being Junko’s assistant since they get to work together but it does take him a little while to adjust to her bossy nature.
•He likes the job because he gets to see Junko’s shoots in action and how they come to be. He always finds himself captivated by the way she poses and models different outfits.
•Sometimes when she needs a partner Junko makes Nagito model with her. He’s a little shy to do it but after awhile he gets used to it and has fun.
•Junko loves having Nagito as an assistant because he always knows how to help her relax between shoots. He makes sure she takes time for herself, and doesn’t let her work past a certain time.
•He keeps her in good health and she appreciates that making sure to return the favor whenever she can.
•They have three kids, 2 boys and one girl. Like them their children are smart but they’re a lot to handle especially when they’re young.
•It isn’t easy chasing three kids around the house but they work together to figure out the best ways to catch them. Even if that means getting extreme and setting traps (it’s that serious sometimes).
•Nagito enjoys telling bedtime stories to the kids although he’s a little embarrassed about the stories he creates. The kids always love them and even Junko listens in on the stories he tells. She praises him for his wild imagination but he can’t help but feel shy about it.
•Junko likes to dress her whole family up in a barrage of different outfits. Everywhere they go they have to match, no exceptions. People are always surprised at how well dressed they are. Junko takes pride in her family looking their best.
•Their favorite family activity is playing games together even though it can get a bit competitive. Junko doesn’t like to lose and in this way their children take after her. Needless to say Monopoly can get a bit chaotic. Nagito is the one who always has to break up the fights.
•When their kids can’t sleep they sneak into their parents room and sleep with them. After awhile neither Junko nor Nagito mind because they’re used to it. They sleep better all together anyway.
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the-apocryphal-one · 7 years
It was…umm…wow, I don’t even know what to say.  My mind’s kind of on overdrive even though I decided to wait a few hours so I could slow down a little but I’m still…wow.  THAT TRIAL.  I’m an incoherent mess right now. 
Well I’ll start with Junko because I don’t know where to begin with Hajime.  I’ll leave him for last because I’ll probably end up babbling about him the most.
JUNKO’S BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER.  Seriously, she is the best.  I love Junko so much.  I’d never, ever want to meet someone like her in real life of course and I think she’s a terrible person in every sense of the word, but she is such an entertaining villain and I love her so much.  Seriously, she is one of the best villains in the history of villains.  Her design’s great, her voice and the way she talks is great, her fourth wall jokes are great, turning into a gigantic version of herself and getting a 3D model is great, her plan is so crazy, so Junko, I just have to love it.  She’s such a fantastic villain and I don’t know how future games will ever be able to beat her.  She’s a good villain, but she doesn’t make me want to root for her and it’s still satisfying as hell to beat her.  Junko’s great.  She’s probably the one who “improved” Hangman’s Gambit considering how unfair it is.  I sure felt tons of despair whenever I played it.  The ONE thing I didn’t think the creators took advantage of was her saying she could imitate the characters’ friends’ personalities.  She could have just started talking as their friends just to mess with the characters.  Chiaki when she’s talking to Hajime, Peko to Fuyuhiko, and so on.  Maybe it would need more time or something so they weren’t able to do it, but I’d have really liked seeing that.  She’s already emotionally tormenting them.  Why not a little more?  It would have been nice to see.  
Akane was…the longer she was one of the survivors, the less I tolerated her.  I might just be bitter because some of my favorites were killed off but she’s just not entertaining.  I can’t even remember her name half of the time.  Sigh, she could have so easily been Ibuki…
Kazuichi was likable.  I’m sure if I did more free time events with him I’d have definitely enjoyed him more, but I liked him.  Nothing too much stands out about him, but there really isn’t too much to dislike or even say about him for me.  I think the most I remember about him is the bear trap teeth and “Are my words being displayed on a screen right now?!”  Trial six got meta. 
I liked Sonia too, more than Kazuichi.  She was by far more entertaining than him, and actually did stuff.  I got a kick out of her being a weeb.  I’m glad she was a survivor.  
Fuyuhiko didn’t die, and I’m happy.  That means he can show up again and that’s good.  Unless I’m forgetting something, he was the only survivor to have a character arc so it makes sense why I’d get attached to him.  I’ve talked about him before so I won’t go too much into him.
Never did I think I would be so happy to see Makoto.  Ever.  He always seems to shine at the endgame, huh?  Seeing Byakuya again makes me wonder why I missed him.  Geez, he’s such a jerk.  But it’s okay because Kyoko!  Kyoko’s the best and seeing her again made me really happy.  I’m sad there was no Toko but I’ll live.  She was referenced in the epilogue so I’ll take it.
Nagito’s still nuts, except now that I know more about him, he’s somehow even more crazy.  He hacked his arm off just so he could have Junko’s arm?  What the hell?  Like, wasn’t Junko crushed to death?  How does that even work?  Of course that’s not even scratching the surface of what other people did to her crushed-to-death corpse.  I think I’ll just avoid talking about that, though…
When you said Hajime’s voice actor really shone late-game, holy crap, you really meant it.  I am so glad that I decided to play the game with the English dub (other than not having to read the Nonstop Debate text flying around).  I wouldn’t have been nearly as affected by hearing Hajime’s breakdown with just words on a screen.  I’m not saying his Japanese VA is bad at all, but it’s more effective when you can understand what’s being said, y'know?  
Just imagine finding out that you’re arguably on par with pretty much evil incarnate.  His breakdown was just so bad, the final portion of the trial was dedicated to it, which was definitely a good choice.  In fact, the climax of his character arc was given more focus than the climax of the game.  And I liked it.  Seeing him just completely shut down was…I don’t know how to describe it.  It was unnerving, in a way, I think is one way to describe it.  It makes you think that him and Nagito are probably more alike than he wants to admit.  Or, at least, pre-game Hajime was a lot like Nagito.  Both were willing to go to drastic ends to become “useful”, and that was what killed them in the end.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but Izuru Kamukura was an invented person put in Hajime’s brain, right?  He was never a person who died then his personality was reinvented then slapped on this random high school student?  I kind of got that from Junko’s line of “Izuru Kamukura 1.0” but I want to be sure.
I really have no idea what else to say about him because there’s so much that can be said.  I’m sure words will come to me in a few days when I’m able to properly digest everything.  And, I don’t know, watching Danganronpa 3 over the weekend.
But I think the biggest tragedy out of all of this was Hajime losing all of his monocoins.  I wasn’t even able to spend all the ones I had collected.  It was over 500, I think.  All the things I could have bought…
OH, AND AGAIN WITH THE EPIC FORESHADOWING!!  In the first game it was a random PhotoShop mention, and in this game it was the characters talking about these plot twists about mystery novels where the detective or the protagonist turns out to be the Big Bad all along.  The foreshadowing in both of these games is absolutely amazing and I love it.  Hajime’s (or rather, Izuru?) not just the villain of his game, he’s one of the main villains in the entire series.  
I have a few questions, though.  How did he not revert back to Izuru when he helped shut down the game?  How did all the other survivors not completely revert back to their Ultimate Despair selves?  Why did his hair randomly change color?  I get it was because if they did, the game wouldn’t exactly have too much closure, but I don’t really get it.  I’ll probably go back and replay the sixth chapter again at some point, but I’d like to hear your explanation(s) for it first.  
I don’t have much to say about the plot because I think I mostly said it all with Hajime, since he’s so closely tied to it.
So yeah, this game was amazing.  Yeah, I liked the gameplay better in the first game, but everything else is just so fantastic, it doesn’t even matter because I loved everything else about it so much.
:D :D :D :D
Man I never even thought of Junko pretending to be the deceased students. Makes me sad she actually didn’t. But yep, I was happy to see her return (only because I felt she worked well here too. I wouldn’t want her to become like Ganondorf and always be the final boss). She does an epic job of breaking our cast down one by one. And lol, yep, that’s a good explanation why Hangman’s Gambit it so much worse! She’s doing it to drink our tears.
Haha, I’m glad you like the survivors more than me. Agree with you about Akane, but Kazuichi’s Sonia-stalking became way too much and Sonia’s always just kind of been there for me. Hajime and Fuyuhiko were the only ones I liked.
Lmao Byakuya comes back and you go right back to hating him! But I’m glad you liked Makoto and Kyoko’s cameo!
Nagito just really loves and hates Junko. Junko was crushed, but I honestly believe that Nagito’s luck just preserved enough of her body for him to hack her arm off.
JYB is so magnificent in Trial 6, it’s one of my favorite performances ever. The pure agony in his voice is heartbreaking. And it’s really what cemented Hajime as my favorite protagonist (that and the revelations of Trial 6 in general). Like, he wanted to be special so much he sacrificed his humanity for it, only to have a hand in destroying the world. That would shake up anyone!
Right, Izuru Kamukura, the one you see in Chapter 0, is an entirely new persona who was only ‘born’ when Hajime went through the surgeries. There was a predecessor, the founder of the school–that’s who Junko is referring to when she says “Izuru Kamukura 1.0″. He’s long dead and has nothing to do with Izuru Kamukura, result of the Hope Cultivation Project.
There was even more foreshadowing in DR0, the novel I suggested reading! It’s where Izuru first gets set up. Interestingly, some of what is revealed there contradicts some of what Junko claims about him here. Take that to mean what you will.
Who says he didn’t revert to Izuru? :) He’s got every talent, I’m sure Ultimate Actor is in there as well…
Okay, serious answer, the power of hope/friendship/belief in yourself is why he and the others are okay. They basically woke up with their memories of what happened in the simulation and their real memories, and they decided to do what Chiaki said and make their own future. Basically, sheer will is why they can fight back against despair. Cheesy, but they deserve it.
Why did his hair go from brown to black, or black to brown? …I really have no idea. He might have dyed it back to brown, but I don’t know why it changed color in the first place.
I have three things to say about watching Danganronpa 3 (looking forward to your thoughts on that too)! First, the episode order is Future 1 -> Despair 1 -> Future 2 -> Despair 2 etc. Don’t watch all of one side first, stuff that happens in the other arc will get spoiled that way. Side:Future covers Makoto and the DR1 cast after the events of SDR2, while Side:Despair shows how the world (and the SDR2 cast) fell to despair.
Second, contrary to playing the games in English, I’d suggest watching the subbed version first. This is because the dub, while not bad…is hilarious. It’s so hilarious it loses some of the serious emotion. It’s like an Abridged series (I’m not joking). It’s worth a watch, but second.
Third, there is an episode of Side:Future that references the events of the gaiden game Ultra Despair Girls, so it’s recommended to have some knowledge of what happens there. If you’re too impatient to play it, you can get away with watching the cutscenes on Youtube.
I’m glad you loved this game so much, and congrats on beating it! Sorry the gameplay never became your thing, but like you said everything else is just so, so good. It’s still my favorite to this day.
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