#i also do like kate. she's not my FAVE girl. but i do like her and i know a lot of people don't. oh. illyria too.
I love how my favorite Buffy characters are Buffy, Cordy, and Faith--also Willow and Dawn--and then just Angel.
Like, all the girls and then just a random dude. Pfft.
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slaygentford · 4 months
every matthew mcconaughey romcom, rated
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ive never really had a pet white man. ive had many pet white men characters, yes, but never a little pet white man actor who I wish to give treats and pats to like a purse dog. I never before really understood the phenomenon until my 5th or so rewatch of true detective in the year 2024, at which point something demonic was unlocked in my brain. why? how? a mystery for my therapist, when I had a therapist, but I don't anymore, so now it's a mystery for you. overcome with the insatiable urge to tape his picture to the front of my binder and write "hott" underneath it in sharpie I mentally detransitioned and, embracing my latent teenage girl (the girl I was, perhaps, in another world, one parallel to ours; a darker world, but of equal worth to our own sphere, damned as it may be) --began to watch every Matthew mcconaughey romcom ever made.
listed in my watch order, which was random.
how to lose a guy in 10 days: this is a near perfect 00s romcom, too much secondhand embarrassment to be a real mainstay for me, but it nonetheless hits every beat with aplomb. particularly tickled to see them playing bullshit the card game which was a family and friend group fave for me growing up. he and Kate Hudson have probably fucked, which added a lot to the chemistry. in one scene Kate Hudson described how cute he was rubbing his face into her tits and her friend says, do you want to date him or adopt him? at which point I saw into the void, which then saw back into me. instantly it became apparent to me that he will act circles around whoever he's paired with to the point that it actually becomes kind of comical how good of a performance he's giving in a movie that includes not one but two scenes of a dog pissing on a pool table. that being said bebe neuwirth CARRIED this film on her BEAUTIFUL lithe back. 1 instance of no shirt, unfortunately brief. 7/10. vape I hit at midpoint also a 7/10, coincidentally
NB: after watching this movie I had a dream that I was at the beach with him and Kate hudson and I hated her because she had stolen may man.
the wedding planner: when I watched this I got extremely caught up in two things 1 the fact that he went on a date with another woman while engaged and almost kissed her and 2 jlo playing an italian girl. this led me to think about what race is/was in 90s-00s, colorism, borders of the latinx body and codemeshing. something interesting about the wedding planner is that the leads are in every way the opposite of the character they are playing, with little effort to no effort to make up for that diff (Matthew not at all acting like a wholesome pediatrician and rarely seen with children/jlo not at all acting (like) or being an italian). as a result the fourth wall in this movie is made out of wobbling cellophane, an upsetting and uncanny experience. Matthew doing a tango meant a lot to me as a fan of rust's deranged impromptu norteñas tutorial in true detective. as he is a texan, I think he is essentially one of my people. 0 instances of no shirt. 2/10
failure to launch: at the first incident of animal slapstick (chipmunk related) I had the thought while the scene wore on and on, I feel like I'm on drugs. that's because I was on drugs, which I then remembered, but a joint doesnt deny the truth, only reveal it. there are many sports, and Matthew doing sports. I wouldn't be surprised if the original conception of this movie was more like lars and the real girl or silver linings playbook which then had to get repackaged as a rom com bc some parts of this kind of push at the seams of the haha funny tone which makes for a shockingly bad film but a very interesting way to think about process and what this writer's passion project would be. by the final animal slapstick incident (dolphin, second appearance) I really said what the fuck out loud, like actually out loud in my home. we started off strong with some shirtlessness and a calf shot during the sex scene, but the chipmunk to dolphin to bird to iguana to dolphin pipeline really took the wind out of my sails. 1/10
ghosts of girlfriends past: This is doubtless Matthew's worst performance--and yet what a triumph it is, purely because for any other actor, it would be the peak of a career. Matthew has an incredible naturalism. About 15 minutes into this movie, Matthew gets belligerently drunk at his brother's rehearsal dinner. Through half-lidded, glassy eyes, he delivers with thoughtless verve the exact sort of diatribe a man not only uncaring but also unaware of his cruelty can; and yet, in that passivity, he unearths pathos. I consider it an underpainting--a little window which peeks out of a bad script to a fully conceived person. Throughout its runtime, the film degenerates into a pantomime, even parody, of itself: but with just a series of slow blinks, Matthew conveys a complete psyche, an entire lifetime. I truly believe that he comes to roles even those he dislikes with an inescapable talent and sensitivity. If I could bring half of his effort and spark and originality to my own creative pursuits, that would make for a very good career indeed. His integrity as an artist really is why watching his worst films is so fun: in a game of limbo, Matthew can do the lowest backbend of all. Strong calves indeed. anyway, this movie is REALLY bad. 0/10
fool's gold:
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ride-thedragon · 2 months
(Jk, this is just an excuse, like who you want)
Is he my favourite?
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1. He wants love.
From the start of the book, we are made aware that he has nothing going on and genuinely wants to find love like his siblings.
2. Friends over food.
The way he meets Lucy is him falling in love with Hermonie Watson(👀) and asking Lucy to dance. She pities him enough to carry him to eat because he showed up late and had to go mingle. Basically, they become acquaintances and friends once they decide to set up Gregory with Hermonie.
3. Bro is in love with Kate.
One of the funnier themes in the book is that he goes from saying something he loves about Kate and then compares it to something Lucy does.
4. Alcohol.
He keeps stealing and drinking Anthony's alcohol.
5. Fist fights.
He fights Lucy's brother, Richard, after compromising Hermonie (deserved, earned).
6. The first time they kiss.
I kid you not, I was in shock, tears almost and the energy after this moment never changes. Like genuinely at any point they would've been wed to each other had one person saw them but what makes if crazier is that the only reason it stopped was because Lucy was engaged and she remembered before it escalated
7. Making it everyone's problem.
After he realises he loves her, he makes it everyone's problem. From comparing her to Francesca to embarrassing Violet publicly , even roping Hyacinth in on hijinks, his story is a family event.
8. The Second time they kiss.
Hyacinth is in the other room, they are in Daphne's home and he has orchestrated a plan to propose to her in a closet.
9. They sleep with each other.
To the TSPWL and WHWW girls, step aside for a moment. Gregory breaks into his unofficial fiancé's home in the dead of night, goes to her room, and is eventually seduced by her. They proceed to sleep together, THE DAY BEFORE HER WEDDING TO ANOTHER MAN. They do so three times holding each other, then sleeping together and so on. She's doing it under false pretences because she isn't going to marry him atp.
10. A love like Violet and Edmund's.
They break the Bridgerton record for most kids. At the time of the epilogue, they have 7 kids and are expecting the 8th, they have twins and end up with 9. It's to the point where the pregnancy impacts Lucy and Gregory let's us know that the amount of kids they have is genuinely due to their lack of restraint.
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11. They name their kids after their siblings.
Lucy actually gets to name one after her best friend, but there is a little Daphne and Anthony running around. Also a Kate.
12. Guns.
There is a gun stand off.
13. Kidnapping.
Gregory breaks the law, again.
14. Gay.
Lucy is pinning over Hermione during the first half, her fiance is gay, the uncle never marries......
I don't want to understate the fact that they have 9 kids in less than 20 years. It was never that serious. She is 33 when they have their last kid. He's 39. They met at 18 and 24 respectively. 9 kids in 15 years.
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Me 🫂 Gregory.
She's darling. Throughout the narrative, it's just her making sacrifices for everyone she loves. For her brother, her best friend, even Gregory, it's consistantly her trying.
17. Blue Mushroom.
Please read the book because Drunk Greg>>>
18. Last one.
My baby boy is a horrible shot.
Let me end it on a mood board for my faves.
We do be on the way to a wedding. It certainly was a journey
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newvision · 3 months
Poems/books for being seventeen?
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Silas Denver Melvin, from Grit
I saw an exquisite pink and blue shell on the sea-bottom. I dove for it, and held it, smooth and hollow in my hand all the morning. I decided it was a lucky charm, and that I would keep it. I am surprised that I have not lost it, for I lose everything. Today it is still pink and warm as it lies in my palm, and makes me feel like crying.
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Françoise Sagan, from Bonjour Tristesse (1954) // movie still from Bonjour Tristesse (1958)
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Kara Jackson, Teenagers Are Not Exempt From Poetry (read full prose piece here)
Some recommendations of books I’ve read that deal with girlhood or being a teenager (not my faves, but enjoyable. Probably wouldn’t read them again, but objectively literature that might be of interest to you):
Brutes — Dizz Tate
The Virgin Suicides — Jeffrey Eugenides
The Ice Palace — Tarjei Versaas
Teenage Wasteland — Anne Tyler
Normal People — Sally Rooney
My Dark Vanessa — Kate Elizabeth Russell
We Were Liars — E. Lockhart
my notes on each recommendation:
SEVENTEEN: Exactly what being seventeen felt like to me. He has absolutely beautiful poetry on age, Seventeen is the first of those in the collection. I’ve loved measuring my growth by how I relate to these poems. You can download the entire collection for free, just check out his account @sweatermuppet, I’m sure he has a link somewhere (or drop him an ask)! One of my favourite collections, it really embodies the feeling of being young, so the rest of the poems might also be of interest to you. I find myself rereading them all of the time. Love your work, Silas! Can’t wait for more poetry
BONJOUR TRISTESSE: I don’t remember the protagonist’s age exactly, but the author was seventeen when she wrote it. Very breezy, very summery, contains the whole spectrum of teenage emotions, from raging anger to audacious freedom. The protagonist is both astute and very childish. This book is so obviously written by a teenager, and I mean this as the highest compliment. You don’t get adults writing about being seventeen like that. She is seventeen. Seventeen is this story’s essence. I haven’t seen the movie, but it’s on my watchlist. Heard it’s good though!
TEENAGERS ARE NOT EXEMT FROM POETRY: I read this the other day and think it would have been very affirming for teenage me, who felt insecure about reading and writing poetry. Some lines really stuck with me and I think the writer’s youthful voice captures the solace teenagers might find in poetry very well. There is a freshness to that discovery. I remember reading Ginsberg for the first time and life feeling ten times wider even though my English was not broad enough for me to understand his work in its entirety. Discovering art at that age is a privilege, I believe most people will struggle to feel the same awe and wonder in later years. The author of this prose piece mentions many different poems that might interest you!
BRUTES: Read it last year and honestly found it kind of disappointing. Very interesting style, though, as most (all?) of it is written from the perspective of a group of teenage girls, using ‘we’ and ‘us’ instead of ‘I’ and ‘me’. I think I would have liked it a thousand times more, had I read it earlier in life. Fantastic book cover
THE VIRGIN SUICIDES: Very obviously written by a man, but nevertheless an interesting study of teenage love and obsession (there’s an excellent movie adaptation by Sophia Coppola!)
THE ICE PALACE: If I remember correctly, the protagonists are younger than seventeen, but it’s a very moving story about how young people grieve. Norwegian author, which I found very interesting, as I haven’t read a lot of Scandinavian literature
TEENAGE WASTELAND: Not for me, this one! But you might have different taste. After reading some reviews, it seems like people either hate or love this short story
NORMAL PEOPLE: I am not a huge Sally Rooney fan, but I do understand why people adore her so much. I thought Conversations With Friends was a better book, but that’s partly because I found it more relatable. Normal People is a very intelligent story on young love, class differences and the reality of many relationships. The opposite of a ‘happily ever after’ book, left me feeling unresolved and unsatisfied, as I believe it intended
MY DARK VANESSA: I’m not sure if recommending this too a teenager is wise, but it is certainly a very good book. Heavy stuff, though. Deals with emotional manipulation and violence directed at a teenaged girl in form of a predatory relationship. Rarely read something that made me feel so uneasy by manipulating me as the reader. I read it as a teen and it impressed me very much! Be safe, please. If you are easily disturbed, check any content warnings!
WE WERE LIARS: Something suspenseful that will suck you in, a summer-y and kind of light book. Definitely entertainment literature, but there’s nothing wrong with that. Probably won’t change your life, but also won’t bore you. Cool friendship dynamics between teenagers!
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cool-island-songs · 1 year
apropos of nothing, goth music headcanons. just
what i think each goth would purport to listen to and then actually listen to. you're welcome and i'm sorry
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disturbing amounts of just like me fr
We have a good sense of Henrietta's music tastes based on what she says, the posters she has in her room, and the music she puts on while driving her mother's car. My girl Henri is trad goth; she likes Bauhaus, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Sisters of Mercy. In her speaking debut, she tells us she's been forbidden from going to a Skinny Puppy concert but I think industrial's a little more Firkle's bag and she'll just go see whatever. Also tbh we never hear of this heroin addict aunt again so she's either trying to impress or they retooled her character lol
Her fakeout guilty pleasure music is shoegaze of the caliber of Cocteau Twins and Jesus and Mary Chain. Her real guilty pleasure music is piano lady music but she will never admit to her deep abiding love for Tori Amos after she let slip she enjoys Kate Bush—the most respectable of piano ladies!—and Michael still makes fun of her for it to this day. Douchebagggg
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Pete: Pete strikes me as a bit of a sap (affectionate). Like Henrietta, he enjoys classic goth with his faves being the Smiths, the Cure, Joy Divison, Depeche Mode. God, he probably has a crush on both Henrietta and Michael and listens to Bizarre Love Triangle and cries
I'm gonna say his guilty pleasure is just regular new wave/80s pop rock, maybe similar tastes to what I see cool gay Bradley being into like Erasure, Pet Shop Boys, omg Peter Gabriel. He's a wreck I love him
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lol dork. omg do u think he likes Garbage
stated tastes: Ministry, Skinny Puppy, KMFDM, Einstürzende Neubauten
real tastes: NIN, My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult, Chemlab, Rammstein, Marilyn Manson even??? ur cringe firkle stawp
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id k michael i'm sory
Michael is that guy who corners you at parties and knows way too much about black metal. I am . in love wit him
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malka-lisitsa · 9 months
Send me ❤ on anon and I’ll compliment someone at random!
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This was an unreasonable amount to send in a single ask christ.
@tricursed good god sometimes i see your stuff and im just like... damn so thats what koala tea's definition is huh? You care so much about hope and you put so much into her. I love seeing her on my dash. Idk a damn thing about legacies but im so invested in her bc of you.
@imundus I've seen a fair few megs but yours is my fave for sure. I also loved your Wenny when she was up and running. You have such a knack for bad ass women, guess it takes one to know one ;)
@stanfordprepped JARED THE SWEETEST SAMMY GOLDEN HEART FR. My fellow digidestined you are one of the rarest gems ive ever met. I miss talking to you. Your take on sam and forester are marvelous and I adore you with every bone in my body.
@snnydcys MAY DEMI SMILE UPON THEE. Literally youre so sweet Lumi and i love all of the characters ive had the pleasure of interacting with. Your Kate, and sunny are top tier <3
@therelentless I am obsessed with your boy. Katherine doesnt understand him and shes made a few snap judgements for sure that are wildly off base- but I adore how you write him. The perfect balance of everything.
@iviaw I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH I LOVE THAT YOUR OC IS A ROUGAROU. They are so DIFFERENT from what you se in mainstream media even tho LITERALLY most "werewolves" TVD INCLUDED have rougarous not werewolves but I digress.... Your Oc is amazing, I love everything about him MORE INTERACTIONS.
@r4chelamber This girl is chaos in all the best ways. I love seeing your posts on my dash and seeing what nonsense shes gotten into now.
@faiththesinfulslayer MY BABY. MY GIRL. MY HOMIE. MY BAD BITCH I MISS YOU. You are my FAVE Faith and my exclusive for a reason. Katherine will not entertain the THOUGHT of a different faith. Will literally curse me and my bloodline if i even think about it.
@demonstigma STOP BC I LOVE??? SEEING YOU?? We don't really interact but my dash should never not have you on it. I wholly enjoy seeing ya boi out there doing everything from A to Z.
@noblehcart You play such a wide range of muses and your thirst for knowledge would make Odin blush. I really love seeing you here and there, and Katherine obviously is still fully invested in getting grumpy Stefan.
@aalexias I LOVE LEXI first of all, second you play her so well i adore seeing her around. I cannot WAIT for some more interaction between her and Katherine. Its what the world deserves.
@bloodiedfxngs MY BOIS. ALL OF THEM. ALL MY BOIS. I love how you write tyler, jeremy, Stefan, MASON. (we need more with them tbh) And while I have not interacted with your girls I am sure they are just as quality <333 bc you are <333
@pierprincess Not many ppl can revive a whole fandom. God damn the power you hold, and its VERY CLEAR WHY in the way you write Star. Chefs kiss flawless.
@pohlepen YA BITCH A QUEEN. STRAIGHT UP. I LOVE your OC I have seen NOTHING ELSE LIKE HER shes so unapologetic and bad ass and I just- Katherine is gonna keep her <3 You had her at birthday head ;P
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alrightsnaps · 11 months
The beef you have with Anthony on twitter is very pathetic and also the fact that you PRETEND Violet has haters when all that happened is that maybe a couple of kanthony shippers have said she was a bit too harsh with him cause god forbids audience members feel more connected with the protagonist and not his mom. Also the fact you want Kate to share screentime with Mary and Edwina again when she was treated like crap by them is not it for someone who claims to love Kate. But I guess it's not surprising when you're buddy buddy with that selcouth account who not so secretly hates Kanthony and Kate and has polite convo with the bloggers who call Kate a homewrecking whore. You know your friend writes fic in which Anthony is beaten up and Kate continues to be miserable post wedding for the sake of poor innocent Edwina?And thinks Anthony should give a fuck about Edwina doesn't let him call her by her first name? Tell your friend he eyefucked Kate at the altar in front of her, let me assure you edwina lovers he doesn't give a fuck about her brattiness the majesty. Leave Kate and Kanthony out of your mouth.
aww how sweet of you that you think y'all are the first people to dickride for anthony at the expense of female characters! i can assure you that i've been beefing with his stans since before kate's casting announcement. kathonies are not the first to drag violet to defend him, or even the first stans to demonise their male fave's mother while excusing his own behaviour. sienna/anthony shippers did the exact same thing long ago painting violet as the evil hag who wouldn't let poor little anthony run off into the sunset with sienna in s1.
also why the fuck wouldn't i want kate to fix her relationships with edwina and mary? i've criticised edwina repeatedly for never apologising to kate since day 1. that's something we never saw in s2 so yeah, i definitely want to see that and i consider necessary for them to rebuild their relationship on better terms after the wedding fiasco.
what i consider hypocritical as fuck is being totally ok with kate forgiving anthony when he hardly did enough to deserve her forgiveness after all the pain he put her through, but drawing the line at her stepmother and sister.
anthony literally ruined kate in 2x04 and not only didn't assume his responsibilities as he forced simon to do with daphne in s1, but had the nerve to propose to her sister the very next morning. so yeah, if i can support kate being with anthony in the s2 finale when he was calling her "the thorn easily removed" from his and edwina's lives just two episodes back, because that makes her happy, i can sure as hell root for her making up with the women that have been her entire world for the past 26 years as well.
as far as i'm concerned neither anthony nor edwina did right by kate in s2. edwina because she blamed her for anthony's actions and was ungrateful, when all kate had done was sacrifice after sacrifice for her to be happy. and anthony because he never showed kate the respect he demanded men to show to his sisters and chose to go after her baby sister only to publicly humiliate both sharma girls in front of anyone when they were at the altar.
i'm old enought to be able to form my own opinion about characters instead of joining fandom groupthink or liking/disliking them based on how their fanbase behaves. if that was my criterion i don't think there's a single ship i'd support in the bridgerton fandom, considering that i disagree with most kathony and benophie stans on twitter for always coddling anthony and benedict and excusing their misogyny.
and frankly, i'm extremely uncomfortable with the way you and many kathony stans talk about edwina. y'all are literally victim blaming an 18yo child for falling for a grownass man who went after her and ruined her in the eyes of society. you constanly infantilise anthony when he has more privilege than 99% of men in england, while spending your time talking shit about a teenage girl.
that's not holding edwina responsible for her behaviour towards kate, it's misogyny, plain and simple. she has every right to treat anthony like filth for the rest of her life after what he did to her and be protective of kate, like kate was of edwina when anthony was courting her, after his abhorrent treatment of both sisters.
a 30yo man not giving a fuck about a teenager he strung along and ruined isn't the gotcha that you think it is. except you clearly have such a sexist worldview that you consider him to be the "prize" edwina lost and kate won, rather than a man who hurt them both deeply and took advantage of his privilege over them.
if i should keep kate out of my mouth for wanting to see her have a healthy and wholesome relationship with her family, so should you people for being ok with anthony doing the bare minimum to win her after the hell he put her through.
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ereborne · 2 months
Hey hey, sliding this in under the door in the morning:
For the book as meme, 4 (fav sci-fi), 13 (fav thriller), and 37 (least fav trope used in a way that works for you)?
Did not actually read-read the other responses yet, so questions may have duplicated.
4) Favorite sci-fi: The answer I gave carrionfourth was: "The Ship Who Sang and Dragonsdawn by Anne McCaffrey. Ancillary Mercy by Ann Leckie. Exit Strategy and Network Effect by Martha Wells. The Galaxy and the Ground Within by Becky Chambers. Rescues and the Rhyssa by TS Porter". I stand by all that, it's absolutely correct, but now I'm also thinking about Anne McCaffrey's works in general, and the incredible impact it had on me when I was a kid, to see her work her worldbuilding around so that she had fantasy staples like dragons (the Dragonriders of Pern) and unicorn girls (literally she named that series 'Acorna the Unicorn Girl'. I am in awe) and selkies (the Petaybee serieses) but with so much space travel and science around them that the books themselves still felt clearly sci-fi. She's not the only one, not by a long shot, but she was the first I read, and she changed the way I thought about genre conventions on a fundamental basis. There's a good chance that without her, I wouldn't have ever bothered reading any sci-fi, actually. There was a little chunk of time there where it seemed very much to me that fantasy books were for people (mostly girls) who liked animals and cared about having friends and sci-fi was for people (mostly men) who liked being very smart and having other people be afraid of them, and if I'd kept going with that mentality I think I'd be a much unhappier person today.
13) Favorite thriller: Well, having just said all that about being so glad I was taught to think outside the genre binary as a child, now I must confess I don't read a lot of thrillers. There's a level/type of suspense that just translates as stress to me, in a way I don't particularly enjoy (I watched a couple episodes of the Fargo show with Duncan and the intensity kept ramping up and when we turned the tv off my neck and shoulders ached. I'm just not good at it). I do really like mysteries--favorite mystery novel is probably The Secret of Chimneys by Agatha Christie; I mostly preferred the Marple shows but I love the Poirot books--and romantic suspense is great--Elizabeth Lowell (fave Lowell book is Always Time to Die) and Jayne Ann Krentz (Lie to Me) are both fantastic romantic suspense writers--and the crossover of both that is the JD Robb In Death series is an unending delight to me. But mostly I'd say I go for mysteries or adventures over thrillers.
37) Least fav trope used in a way that works for you: I really love The Last-Herald Mage trilogy by Mercedes Lackey, even though it has a tremendous amount of angst and suffering compared to my normal tastes, kills off the main character's love interest in the first book, and then has him show up again reincarnated to pair off with the main character once more. Only Mercedes Lackey could keep me genuinely invested through that storyline. Azure Bonds by Kate Novak and Jeff Grubb, also: amnesia, followed by false memories, with a final flourish of 'am I even a real person if these are my origins', but actually the book's a heckin romp. It's the first in the Finder's Stone trilogy, which is overall deeply entertaining but a real nightmare to try to explain or describe to people who haven't read it.
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bottomvalerius · 5 days
okay finished season 2 of Bridgerton with my sister on FaceTime last night and my thoughts in no particular order are:
It needs. To be. Gayer. I’m honestly stunned they didn’t lean into the very obvious queer cording of Benedict and Eloise from season 1? They had very obvious hints and nudges that are just completely retconned in season 2; Benedict being “an artist” (to me) read as a way to have him be queer, so them playing it very straight by having Anthony pay to get him into art school, where he then just starts fucking women was very weird to me lmfao
Also Eloise is so painfully a lesbian and it genuinely hurts me to see them give her a male love interest lmao I think it’s slightly impactful that at least there was some sort of class divide that speaks to her resentment for higher society, but it feels extremely shallow to have her “in” to feminism be a man & for it effectively amount to nothing but a “oh you dumb rich girl” in the end
I will say in that vein, it is always VERY refreshing when all of the Bridgertons are reminded that they are incredibly privileged and naive by their staff/people they meet outside of the ton lmao
I think the Featheringtons are an interesting look into how to make compelling, truly morally grey female characters, particularly Portia. She’s honestly one of my favorite characters because she’s absolutely morally bankrupt but also she HAD to be. I think the common thread of “what must (rich, white) women do in a patriarchal society to live and thrive” and it’s 99% plotting, scheming, and lying lmfao but her daughters are her center!! And I think that’s so interesting as well.
In the same vein, Lady Danbury & The Queen are also my fave characters and I will be watching the Queen Charlotte spin off prior to season 3 because she really is. That Girl. She cares about 4 things: Diamonds, Coke, Gossip, and LOVE!!!!
I know the writers could not really do much with this, but Simon was so so so missed this season particularly when it came to Anthony. Their narratives are so similar to one another and it would have been more impactful for Simon to give Anthony advice/to yell at him for being an idiot than it was Daphne (who also I feel downgraded from last season but we also don’t get her interiority like we did with season 1. She still ate the girls up when needed lmao)
I was not expecting to like Edwina as much as I did, but you really see in the end that not only is she Kate’s sister, you can really see that Kate RAISED her with the way she was gobbling these bitches up left and right lmfao
Kate getting the Jane Austin “you have committed a wrong—now experience a near death experience to absolve you of your sins & get a blank slate” was the only way to make that ending as satisfying as it was lmao
I really only cared about her and Anthony this season; the other plot points were much too convoluted and while I enjoyed the ending of the season, I did not always enjoy the journey to get there lmfao
I don’t get the Colin hype. Penelope should be finger banging Eloise. Anyway.
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judedeluca · 6 months
Jude's 33rd Birthday Wishlist Wishtravaganza
It's the most wonderful time of the year. My birthday.
I've been so busy this past year with my work and my writing, and with so much I have to do this month in regards to my career and the holidays I wasn't able to really think much about this so I stuck with mostly my usual faves and a couple of new ones.
So if anyone wants to write or draw something for me for the most important day of the year, by all means. I'll have a kink one later, but right now I also have to work on holiday fic prompts for people.
For those interested in doing anything WG or BBM related for me, I'm just reusing the list from last year. I realized I've been making practically the same list every year and that's a waste of energy on my end.
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Arsenal Family: Roy Harper and his daughter Lian, alongside Lian's half-brother Tommy Blake Jr. adopted into the family. A concept that was never included in the comics proper because Roy and Lian never found out about Tommy.
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Berzerker (X-Men Evolution): Ray Crisp, an updated version of one of the Morlocks added to the Xavier Institute as one of the New Mutants. He was said to be a hothead, but aside from a briefly seen rivalry with Sunspot, was admittedly rather mellow. He was implied to have a past with Evo's version of the Morlocks.
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Black Orchid (Justice League): A human/plant hybrid created from the DNA of Susan Thorne. She was the last surviving Orchid after Carl Thorne slaughtered the rest. Taking the name "Suzy," she went off with her older sister Flora. After going on various misadventures of her own, Suzy grew and eventually took the Black Orchid name when Flora was killed for trying to wipe out humanity.
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Bolt (Teen Titans Academy): An indigenous Australian speedster who lost her legs due to the actions of her criminal parents. Amanda Waller got her into the United States and a pair of prosthetic legs, but Alinta refused to comply when Waller demanded she act as her soldier. Was last seen as a member of the short-lived Teen Titans Academy, but hasn't appeared since.
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Catholic Girl (Xombi): As her name indicates, Catholic Girl is a Catholic school girl who also happens to be a superhero. She generates light and energy, force fields, and can fly. She's a sidekick to the telepathic Nun of the Above and a friend to Xombi.
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Coagula (Doom Patrol): Kate Godwin, a transgender woman with the ability to generate energy capable of coagulating and dissolving substances. Joined the Doom Patrol after defeating the Codpiece, becoming a sisterly figure to Dorothy Spinner and entering into an emotional relationship with Robotman.
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Dark Angel (Wonder Woman): A demonic witch obsessed with making Donna Troy as utterly miserable as possible. She initially served as the Anti-Monitor's Harbinger, but overcame his control and fled into the Multiverse. Has fought Wonder Woman, the Justice Society, and the Titans on various occasions.
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Erina Goldsmith (Variable Geo): A Japanese-American woman who spent years being bullied for her mixed heritage. She now owns and operates a restaurant called The Rival, where she and her staff dress as Playboy Bunnies. She uses a cigarette lighter to focus her energy, and keeps her tucked between her bust while fighting.
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Forte Drums (Sleepless Domain): Debbie, the drummer of Team Forte. She's the cute one with the bowtie, thinks she can get away with anything. She's notoriously ranked lowest on popularity charts in the past, but she's the most popular in my heart.
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Foxfire (Squadron Supreme): A criminal with the ability to create a bioluminescent energy capable of rotting anything, Olivia Underwood was brainwashed into becoming a superhero by the Squadron Supreme. The brainwashing was eventually undone, but Olivia couldn't bring herself to betray the Squadron because she'd fallen in love with Doc Spectrum and liked being a hero. She was stabbed in the back by the Mink after killing Nighthawk.
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Harry and Alex Altman (Goosebumps #45: Ghost Camp): Brothers spending the summer at rustic Camp Spirit Moon. They're disturbed by the various "pranks" the veteran campers like to pull due to how violent they are. It takes a while before they discover the camp's dark secret...
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Hourman III (Justice Society of America): Matthew Tyler, a robotic inheritor of the Hourman created in the 853rd Century. He travelled back in time and became a member of both the Justice League and the Justice Society. He lived with former JLA sidekick Snapper Carr to better learn about himself and humanity.
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Hypnotia (Iron Man: The Animated Series): A villainess with hypnotic abilities who worked under the Mandarin. Among his entourage of lackeys, Hypnotia was the only one with any degree of competency and had the respect of her boss. Dreadknight and Blacklash often fought for her attention, while she was infatuated with Tony Stark.
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Kim/Taurus (Zodiac Starforce): One of the most recent recruits of the new version of Zodiac Starforce. Kim's the sturdiest and most physical member of the team and actively enjoys fighting evil. She's in a committed relationship with her boyfriend Josh, which her teammates find either adorable (Savannah, Lily) or nauseating (Molly). Her dream's to be a pro wrestler.
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Joker’s Daughter (Batman): Duela Dent's a confused young woman who flips between good and evil depending on how she feels. She introduced herself to Robin and Batgirl by pulling off a series of "crimes" under several different guises in order to demonstrate her skills to join the Teen Titans. Though she's claimed to be both Joker's daughter and Two-Face's daughter, the truth's more complicated thanks to extensive mental trauma she's suffered over the years.
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La Pucelle (Magical Girl Raising Project): A magical girl whose real name is Souta Kishibe. Souta's always been a fan of magical girl stories but kept his hobby a secret from most. One day he was blessed with power by the mobile game Magical Girl Raising Project, gaining the ability to transfer into a female form and wielding a sword that can grow bigger or smaller at his command. As La Pucelle, he fights alongside his childhood best friend Koyuki, a.k.a. Snow White.
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Oursonette (War Bears): A 1940s comic book heroine created by Alain "Al" Zurakowski, a werebear who aided the Canadian army during WWII.
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Purple Tigress (Fox Comics): A minor Golden Age comic book heroine who only made two appearances in printed media before falling into the public domain. Heiress Anita "Ann" Morgan has eyes like a cat and dresses herself up as "her jungle namesake." Somehow no one recognizes her as the Purple Tigress despite her never wearing a mask.
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Radietta Fanbelt/White Racer (Carranger): A young woman from another planet who fancies herself the biggest fan of the Carrangers, to the point she styles herself as their hypothetical sixth member, White Racer.
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Rainbow Girl (Legion of Super-Heroes): A heroine rejected from the Legion of Super-Heroes, she later joined the Legion of Substitute-Heroes. She taps into the Emotional Spectrum, but her lack of control means she suffers from erratic moodswings.
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Sailor Jupiter (Sailor Moon): Do I even have to say anything?
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Serena del Mar (Wave Race: Blue Storm): My favorite, go-to racer from the Wave Race franchise.
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Softkore (Local Man): A member of the extreme antihero team Third Gen. Softkore was a former R&B singer before her bod was coated in an experimental polymer.
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Supergirl (Mae/Linda): Matrix was an artificial being from an alternate world. As she struggled to understand if she was human in any sense, she didn't hesitate to sacrifice her life to save a young woman named Linda Danvers. The two became merged, and due to Mae's sacrifice they gained new powers as an earth-born angel.
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Talon (Spider-Man: The New Animated Series): An heiress named Cheyanne led a double life as the thrillseeking Talon, a thief who enjoyed stealing things which had sentimental value for their owners. In her civilian life she was slowly becoming a good friend to Harry Osborn and Mary Jane Watson, while as Talon her hatred of Spider-Man's patronizing attitude grew.
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Tiara (Shamanic Princess): One of the earlier dark magical girls of the 1990s from the six episode OVA series Shamanic Princess. Tiara's a warrior from the Guardian World sent to retrieve its source of power, the Throne of Yord. With her new familiar Japolo, Tiara finds herself up against familiar faces as she realizes the struggle she's in is more complex than she assumed. She wants to do the right thing, but what IS the right thing?
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Tormenta (Mahoney’s): A demonic sorceress connected to the Ebon Realms and a regular at Mahoney's bar for supervillains.
Fun fact, my interest in the character sparked Rich Carrington and Brian S. Dawson to use her more.
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Tsumugi Wakana (Magia Record): A magical girl who loves enjoying good food and supporting good cooks. She made her wish for the sake of better supporting Manaka Kurumi, another magical girl who is also a talented chef. Tsumugi's wish gave her refined taste buds, allowing her to write deeper critiques by picking up on subtle distinctions in every meal she samples. Her weapons are a trident which splits apart to form a giant knife and fork.
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Vickie Wheilson (Graveyard School): Vickie Wheilson, the neon-colored second top boardhead of Graveyard School alongside her more serious cousin Skate McGraw as THE skateboarder.
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Wakaba Shinohara (Revolutionary Girl Utena): She is all that is good in the world.
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spacephrasing · 1 year
❤️- fave episode/moment?
my fave bscd episode is night of the living shorts bc i fucking love the gang making fun of fred, i love them calling each other by their last names "not cool jones!" "knock it off, blake!", AND i love daphne pretending to be shaggy's girlfriend!!! I think it's such a clear sign of their friendship and how this show portrays that. I feel like if it happened in sdmi or what's new, they'd be fake dating for a mystery and daphne would be grossed out, and i love that be cool doesn't do that
🧍‍♂️- fave version of each of the gang and why?
somebody asked me this awhile ago, but i'll go over it again bc ofc i love talking about the Dorks
daphne: 100% be cool, weird girl daphne rights!! runner up is the newer era movies where they establish her as co-leader of the gang, and lost city of gold bc samantha de benedet is my fave person ever
shaggy: 2000s live action movies!! matthew lillard is fuckin amazing and i love the way they characterize him and scooby as the ones who get the gang back together. runner up is probably be cool or the 2010 live actions
fred: mystery incorporated babeyyyy he is such a sweetheart despite being a lil clueless as we all know, but i love his arc as well. runner up is be cool bc i love that he's slightly annoying. listen, i think be cool has the most realistic friendship dynamic between them and i think it's adorable he gets teased like real friends would do!!
velma: this is the same as daphne but be cool and the newer movies as well!!! i love the way kate miccuci plays velma and how she has a dry humor while still loving her friends completely. i also just like the way the gang treats her now esp daphne??? like in be cool daphne is very much knows that velma has her way of doing/enjoying things and it's completely valid. and once again, runner up is lcog because I think alicia d'ariano does an excellent job at combining kate and linda while giving her own twist on her
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encntada · 7 months
What are your thoughts on the actresses who've played Regina in the musical over the years? Taylor Louderman's my fave but Renee Rapp seems to be the most popular
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*lola tung voice* oh my gosh i loooove this questionnn!
ok so i'll be super honest and say i'm not nearly as well versed in the mean girls musical like i used to be so i haven't really seen/heard every single actress who's played the role but all that said, mad respect to the og taylor louderman! her voice is so iconic to the production but she was never really a favorite of mine. i saw reneé rapp do it on broadway in 2020 (literally the night before the covid shut down) and she was absolutely incredible. not only is her voice unreal (duh!) but, she has really awesome comedic timing. also, reneé's regina is meann and i love my regina's mean. i also saw mariah rose faith on the first national tour and she was great! i don't really remember too much of her performance but i don't recall hating it. (the janis, mary kate morrissey, was really the standout in that cast) my all time favorite regina is 100% ashley de la rosa, she was a gretchen/regina standby from 2018-2019 and she is phenomenal. i'm sure clips of her performance are floating around and i recommend checking them out if you haven't.
what a delightful question! thank you! 💖
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bericas · 2 years
001 + teen wolf!
Favorite character: scott my best friend scott!!
Least Favorite character: this is so tricky cause i love so much but also hate so much. i think i hate kate most for the obvious reasons but also cause she's dealt with in such a strange way in canon. like maybe this is a hot take, but i truly think it was so unnecessary to make her a literal pedophile? and also strange to never really address the fact that she was a literal pedophile outside of her kissing deaged derek? and even then they did not talk about that at all! it felt like very strange Drama to add and never give any weight
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): obv gotta give it up to my besties berica, but also scallison, stalia, draeden, and scira! can we tell i'm an s4 apologist
Character I find most attractive: HMMMMMM i think malia? this is hard because everyone is so beautiful but i think malia is the one i wanted to kiss most on the mouth when i was however old i was when s4 came out (can we tell i'm an s4 apologist)
Character I would marry: my heart says scott but my brain says i could not survive his lifestyle. he would be like ok babe i gotta go die again and i'd have a panic attack. he'd be like i'm going the store and i'd be like are you sure? are you sure it's the store? are you sure you're not going to go die again? and i truly believe sometimes he would actually be lying and going to go die again. but i don't know who else i would marry? i guess malia i just think she'd be the most bearable of the martyrs. i'd be like please don't die and she'd be like don't worry i'd kill before i got killed and i'd be like okay. well. i guess that's better. also she's cute and fun and strong i'd feel so safe on public transportation
Character I would be best friends with: MY GIRL KIRA
a random thought: scott should die less
An unpopular opinion: scott is the main character! (this being unpopular is embarrassing for the rest of you)
My Canon OTP: stalia!!!
My Non-canon OTP: this is hard bc i love to lie. i think it's gotta be sceo cause i just can't process any of that through a heterosexual lens. this is the one ship that it like makes no sense to me in a straight context
Most Badass Character: i truly deeply in my heart believe it's my best friend scott
Most Epic Villain: it's gotta be either tamora monroe or jennifer blake. the hero in their own stories villains r my fave villains
Pairing I am not a fan of: i hold so much hate in my heart for st*rek i will never forgive the existence of the sterek fandom as its own separate fandom wherein some people literally have not watched the show and have no context for their opinions and are still so loud about it. be wrong or be loud. pick a struggle
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): boyd<3 literally i don't think anyone was done as poorly as boyd. they fucked his whole 3a so bad and gave his death no meaning at all
Favourite Friendship: allydia i think
Character I most identify with: erica!! i saw her at 12 years old and said oh yeah she's me-coded she's just like me for real!! i think my view of her has gotten more balanced as i've gotten older obviously but she's still my girl
Character I wish I could be: literally not one of them. not a single one. i do not want to live in that town nor do i want to live any of their lives. if i had to pick though it'd be lydia just because she's the mom friend by the end and i too want to throw blankets on these people
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thebadtimewolf · 8 months
give me onscreen fluff no matter the cost
i think rtd2 should kill off dimemsion cannon-toting rose marion tyler. hey. im not saying its not gonna highly anger me if they kill her off doing something ooc because it will if they go down that route. make it make sense based on the material that is given. because this aint early 2000s now. its original and new. and not predictable and yt.
im saying so we can have onscreen scenes of then kissing and holding baby mia because i'll be fucking damned if you gave that to racist joan redfern but NOT TO ROSE????
this is because if meta crisis ten/tentoo does come back, there needs to be a reason why he is there alone. we saw what he does when hes alone and only one person attempts to stop him: he starts blowing shit up. doctordonna AND jackie couldnt stop him from basically being a bomber the whole time.
it'll mull him, not harden him or make him go evil like every predictable fanfic whenever rose dies and hes evil and blah blah. it'll ground him. and i dont want it to be like: oh rose passed away! Any way lets- no.
I want it to where the Doctor doesn't realize something is wrong beyond just tentoo being back. It would be the last thing he would think, the one thing they would never come to the conclusion to. I mean, for us it was decade or so ago but for the doctor, that was essentially billions of years ago. That was just plucked stray eyelash from two years ago in comparison.
And tentoo is keeping up appearences. Even says present tense verbs "she is doing great, she is currently so and so doing whatnot" but then it starts being noticeable. Bit by bit. He used 'did' or 'used to' a few slips. Here and there. Something that can brushed off as parallel world: different rules.
But then, near the climax, a gutpunch - you know rtd love his gutpunches of heartbreak - rose died and tentoo blamed himself for it. [mind you, there is a flashback of rose, teen mia, and tentoo just to establish that a comic or audio isnt now canon.] and its something mundane though not how danny pink initially died. at least mundane enough for it to happen but not too mundane enough to be ANOTHER FRIDGING DEFAULT TROPE.
tentoo and pete was there (yes surprise guest star shaun dingwall) and the look of horror on their face when they both rush out only for it to be too late.
but it gets tentoo to stop being trigger-happy. Yes, he gets hurt, but the reason the reveal happens is him saying something along the lines of 'i can't make my daughter into an orphan'
because if moffat gets a hold of that, he's gonna make stone rose a reality in the most cruellest way of killing off rose. Not send her back in time, just turn her into an irreversible weeping angel with no trace of anything that she used to be except her face and hair. I don't need that NO ONE NEEDS THAT!!! but as far as killing of fan faves go: thats your real motherlode there.
it shows no one is safe. tegan and kate stewart almost proved it to be the case. but killing off rose? rose tyler? dame rose marion tyler of the powell estate? that? that's a huge move. a big move.
but it explains so much in retrospect for 50th in film and novelisation. why the moment expressions are the way they are. why literally 10 and 11 could never see her but war and 13 and superpower companion from brooklyn, ny, gabby gonzalez can. why be a ghost haunting them? why be present yet also not at all to them? why be the yellow wallpaper in a burning room of gold? anyway.
give us what we got in one comic as a wandavision esque for empress rose's perspective but onscreen with the main girl! and we all saw i hate suzie fear ep i cried when her character died. let me repeat myself: i cried when billie's suzie's character in a fictional show within i hate suzie, the zombie show that doesnt exist, died. let her cook! i want my heart feel like regina mills in one of her ✨️always serving evil queen regality✨️came into my house, punched through my chest, crunched my heart like it was a simple wine glass stem and then emotionally tossed my body around like she about to audition for making me a new kind of muppet.
make us fear for EVERY 2005 COMPANION RETURNING (except jack because hes still immortal) make us actually clutch pearls and the fabric covering our stomachs!
[this is the same disney+ that now has uncensored punisher and the last time we had rtd writing in america was miracle day and that was gruesome in itself so 👀😬 the whiplash of heartbreakingly devastating opportunities is right there. especiall since rose is canonically established to be part of pete's world torchwood not unit so. yeah be afraid.]
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mannatea · 1 year
Predictably asking for Symphonia for the fandom meme!
I stan. 🙏
the first character i ever fell in love with: Raine. Even as a teenager she was my favorite and I loved her immediately.
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: I actually think I used to really like Zelos and found him hilarious when I was a teenager myself, and now I'm like 😨 about half of what he does and says. Yikes, bro. It actually makes me wonder how differently he would be written if the game was coming out for the first time now, because a lot of the stuff in the game just would NEVER fly these days.
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: Ah. Behold, my personal cringe: I used to ship Kratos/Raine. It didn't last very long because my fellow shippers in 2004 made me abandon ship entirely & do a heelturn toward my current OTP out of pure spite. If I'm being honest I was only shipping it because they were the only two adults in the party for a while, anyway, so it wasn't a serious attachment. 🙄 But like, it should be noted that this happened while I was in the middle of writing a love triangle fic. (My other personal cringe, shh.)
my ultimate favorite character™: RAINE, MY BELOVED. 🤍 I literally love every single thing about her.
prettiest character: You thought I was going to say Raine didn't you? WRONG. It's Yuan, actually. Look at him.
my most hated character: RODYLE. He's just so hateful.
my OTP: Regal/Raine. I will die on this hill, actually. (And have been quietly since late 2004.) This is the only ship I just won't compromise on. What can I say about it? Their dynamic just hits on a lot of notes that work exceedingly well for me personally. I won't write a manifesto here (you may thank me for holding back for your benefit) but I love both of them so much and think their personalities balance one another out incredibly well, which is a lot of fun to write.
my NOTP: Basically any Raine ship that isn't my OTP is a NOTP for me, though I do have two in particular I would consider NOTPs. IYKYK.
favorite episode skit: The My Sister skit. IT GETS ME EVERY TIME.
saddest death: Marble. SHE'S AN OLD WOMAN. PLEASE.
favorite season side plot/scene: Virginia, honestly. It messes me up every time. The doll haunts me to this day. Also, that they so INTENTIONALLY made Raine look exactly like her. Poor Raine just can't escape. And the trauma?? AHHHH.
least favorite season side plot/scene: That buffoonish Peeping Tom thing at the hot springs. I wanted more meaningful conversation with my girls and I had to deal with that instead. NO WAIT I HATE THE SCENE IN SYBAK LOOKING FOR THE LITTLE BOY'S MOM SO MUCH MORE. ZELOS'S BOOTSTRAPS SPEECH WAS THE WORST THING I HAVE EVER HAD THE MISFORTUNE OF READING, not because it wasn't 100% in character for him (HILARIOUSLY IT IS VERY IN CHARACTER 🤣) but because I feel like nobody else in the scene was written in a believable way—not Regal, not Colette, and not Lloyd. WTF WAS THAT SCENE?
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate am lukewarm about: Hate is a strong word here so I toned it down. I feel very lukewarm about Kratos. In fact, I'd go so far as to say his potential was a bit wasted just because they didn't bother to do enough with him.
my ‘you’re a piece of trash, but you’re still a fave well-liked’ fave: This is a hard one, because the trash characters are still trash to me. I'll maybe go with Kate or George for this. They both did terrible things but I still find them interesting and compelling as characters.
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Colette, always. Also? Presea.
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: I don't have one because you'll never see me shipping something like this. It's not my cuppa.
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: This is a hard one. Maybe Genis/Presea for this? I think they are good for one another but they're both too young BY A LOT to really be thinking that deeply about things. However, their respect for one another and their compassion/understanding of what the other has been through could lead to something nice later in life. I'm not over those adorable skits where Genis asks for advice from others on what present to get for her and they all collectively give him the worst advice imaginable and he ends up buying her a whetstone because he KNOWS HER AS A PERSON and she LOVES THE GIFT. This is what peak performance looks like in a person, actually.
Thanks! ♥
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phillipdiffy · 1 year
turning red was one of my faves too! another is live action monster high and i really loved the lost city. it's so much fun you should check it out if you haven't yet. it has great 2000s romcom vibes. i'm most looking forward to the mh sequel and the pocket watch next year!! i know you said kate was your fave character from lizzie mcguire, what do you like most about her? - 🤶
OKAY! So I already gravitate a lot towards "mean girl" characters because I think they're really fun. But what I like about Kate in particular is how complex she is for the archetype, especially for being from the early 2000s.
A lot of "mean girls" will just be kind of basic. The only reason they exist is to cause problems for the protagonist. Which like, that's fine in some stories, and I don't think every character needs to be super fleshed out if it isn't the goal.
But Kate does end up getting a lot of characterization throughout the series. She used to be best friends with the group. She is insecure about a lot of things, like being a year older than everyone.
Like the thing that gets to me the most is how often Kate and Lizzie will just drop everything about being "enemies" to just help each other with their problems. Like I can name about 4 episodes off hand where this happens and I haven't even re-watched the show in years. (Also the movie lol)
Like yeah, they pick fights all the time, but they're also clearly playing it up when their friends are around, because as soon as they're alone they just start laughing and being friends.
Plus she gets to wear fun outfits and has funny lines.
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