#i already have my drafts full with pending fics and yet i go and do this to myself
kaidabakugou · 2 years
spooky season has my mind clouded with fic ideas.
blood kink with vampire bakugou who promises not to drink too much from you but ends up losing control as soon as the sweet taste of your blood pours down his throat, sinking his teeth deeper into you, greedily drinking you up.
or teasing your explosive vampire lover as you accidentally cut your finger while chopping vegetables for dinner. sucking on your digit as you smear blood against your soft lips, making him feral.
corruption is specially hard on my mind right now. fallen angel katsuki falling for the pretty human he swore to protect. his wings slowly turning black as he buries himself deeper inside you.
priest bakugou exorcizing demon reader. drinking holy water from his flask and spitting it down your awaiting mouth, the burning in your throat just making your aching cunt spill more of your juices onto the old wooden floor of the church.
nun reader begging demon king bakugou to spare their life after slaughtering the entire church, making you worship him as your new god until his name is engraved into your skin, just above your uterus as you give yourself to him. corrupting you softly until you make a contract with him, engraving the seal right on your cervix to remind you of who you belong to now, who your real god is.
fear kink and breeding kink with werewolves kiribaku fighting over who gets to breed you first after tormenting you for hours inside the dark forest. eventually shoving both of their swollen knots inside you, stuffing your holes and filling you with cum.
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imaginarybird · 7 years
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Rucas Fic Week 2017
Day Eight// AU + Free Choice: Unwilling and unable to face everyone on her own when it comes time to attend Auggie and Ava’s wedding, Riley Matthews hires a solution in Lucas Friar. Loosely based on The Wedding Date.
Part One II 
Notes: Obviously, this is an AU and it takes place in the future. The characters are adults. While I’m not someone who will ever write smut, and I don’t plan on getting particularly graphic with language or even implications, the vary nature of this story is a bit more adult than what I’ve written previously. I’d place the rating somewhere around a PG-13/14.
Also, this is essentially the first installment to what has started developing into a multi-chapter fic. So this starts a lot of threads and leaves them dangling by the time you reach the end. But you will get answers eventually.
The invitation comes on a Wednesday and Riley immediately considers throwing it in the trash and pretending she never got it.
It’s not that she hasn’t known it would be coming–Auggie had told her about the engagement weeks ago and asked her to be what he called his ‘Best Sister’–but receiving the invitation makes it real. Auggie and Ava are getting married, they’re holding the wedding in Cape Cod, and Riley is expected to join them and the family for a week of wedding festivities at the end of the summer. Riley could just about throw up at the thought. It’s really the sort of scenario she’s been trying (semi-successfully) to avoid since high school graduation nearly eleven years ago, and if the invitation were from anyone else she probably would crumple it up and pretend it got lost or RSVP with an easy lie about not being able to get the vacation time at work, but this is for Auggie.
The only acceptable reason for Riley not to attend would be massive injury and/or death.
With a resigned sigh, Riley clips the invitation up onto the fridge. She has to go. She’s already agreed and Auggie will be devastated if she goes back on her word. Still, in her heart of hearts, she knows the whole thing will be an unmitigated disaster.
Maybe she’ll be abducted by aliens before September.
“Ava wanted me to remind you that she wants heartfelt speeches only at the reception, no jokes or embarrassing stories. And she said if you want to submit a draft for her to look over and give you notes on, which, I’ll be honest, is less of a suggestion than it sounds like, you need to do it by Friday at noon and not a moment later.”
Riley rolls her eyes, cradling her cell phone between her shoulder and her ear as she pulls her street clothes out of her locker; Ava is a controlling bride, and it’s absolutely not a surprise. It’s actually a relief that Ava has stayed true to character. At least Riley knows the girl will have no truck with anyone causing trouble during any of the wedding festivities and stealing her thunder. With Ava’s domineering personality being well-known and feared throughout the Matthews’ family, everyone will, in all likelihood be on their best behavior. Which doesn’t make going seem any less intimidating and dreadful, but at least it will help provide a small layer of security. “Duly noted.”
“And to remind you that since Uncle Josh is handling my bachelor party, she wants you at her bachelorette party instead.” Auggie says.
“That depends on the rest of the guest list.” Riley answers primly, kicking off her shoes and starting to change. She’d normally shower here before getting changed, but since she’d happened to catch her brother’s call as she’d gotten into the locker room, she’d just shower when she got home.
Auggie sighs. “Maya’s coming to the wedding with Josh. If you’re not going to do things that she’s at you’ll miss the entire thing.”
“I wasn’t asking about Maya. I was asking about mom.”
“She’s gonna be at the whole wedding too.”
One of the many facts that Riley’s not looking forward to but has accepted that she can’t change. “No, you dork!” If they weren’t separated by a phone line (and in fact across the country from each other), Riley would shove Auggie’s shoulder. “I meant, Ava is having a Pleasure Party for her bachelorette, and I’d rather be stuck smoking cigars and playing cards with you and the rest of the Matthews Men then find out any details about what my mother likes in a sex toy.”
Auggie’s groan of disgust is definitely worth it. “I’ll tell her that’s a ‘maybe’ pending more information.”
“Wonderful. Anything else I can do to soothe the bride-to-be’s nerves?
“Well, she wanted me to ask you why we haven’t gotten your RSVP yet.”
Riley nearly rolls her eyes again. “Because I’ve agreed to be in the wedding. My RSVP is implied.”
She hears some muffled conversation on the other end of the line; Auggie is obviously talking to Ava with his hand half over the receiver, so she finishes changing while she waits for his return to the call.
“Ava says she needs an official RSVP anyways. She needs your choices for the food for the caterer, and she needs to know if you’re going to be bringing a plus-one.” Riley freezes at the notion, but she manages to control her breath so Auggie doesn’t notice and he keeps talking. “I told her that you’re not seeing anyone but she insisted that you might bring Zay, or that you might be seeing someone that you haven’t told me about and you might want to bring him so my say-so wasn’t good enough.”
Riley’s mind races to contemplate her options. Desperate to avoid facing her family and childhood friends alone, her first thought had been bringing her best friend and roommate, Zay, with her as an escort; unfortunately his career is starting to take off and he’s simply unavailable when he would be needed. She’s not seeing anyone (her love life having remained stalled other than a handful of ridiculously terrible first dates ever since her official break up with Charlie Gardner in their junior year of high school) so left without a boyfriend, and lacking the options of available friends, her only real choice is to attend alone.
Not ideal, but it won’t be the first time she’s dealt with her family on her own.
Auggie had just said it. Maya will be attending with Josh. And in all likelihood, the attendees will also include innumerable other figures from the past that she’s tired of presenting the same life story to, and hearing the same not-so-whispered comments and judgments. In the past it would happen over the course of a couple of hours at a dinner or a party and then she could find an excuse and retreat for another five years before putting herself through it again, but this will be an entire week. Carefully planned and scheduled and filled to the brim with activities that she has no choice but to attend and facilitate as Auggie’s ‘Best Sister’.
She can’t face that alone.
Riley’s not entirely sure what she’s going to do to make it happen, but the lie is falling out of her mouth before she can stop it. “Actually, Ava’s right. I have been seeing someone.”
A week later, and a full day and a half before she has to board her flight to Boston to get to the wedding, Riley finds the solution to her non-existent boyfriend dilemma.
“Hey, I need you to give me a call around 1:00 today.” She announces, leaning in the door frame of Zay’s bedroom. Her best friend is sitting on the bed, slipping on socks and shoes before he heads to work for the day, so she’s lucky she caught him. “You don’t have to say anything special, I just need to have a call in case I need an out.”
Zay stops pulling on his shoe, and looks up at her raising an eyebrow. “What for? You got a blind date or something, Sugar?”
Riley looks askance briefly under the scrutiny. “Or something.”
“What? Did you finally decide to stop waiting for a grocery store meet-cute and venture into the world of online dating?” Riley doesn’t know how to answer that, but she starts to blush and Zay gets a wicked grin on his face as he continues to probe.  “Don’t tell me Little Riley Sunshine has gone straight into the deep end and made herself a Tindr date. How will her innocence survive?”
“I’m not that innocent and you know it.” Riley crosses her arms over her chest. “And I’m not going on a date at all, for your information. It’s more like a…a business meeting.” In that money will be exchanged and if she understands the information she read on the website correctly a contract will be signed, but that’s neither here nor there, and absolutely none of Zay’s business.
The pointed expression on Zay’s face tells her that he doesn’t buy that one bit. “A business meeting that you might want an excuse to leave? And just moments ago you practically compared to a blind date?” His eyes and grin both slowly start to widen. “Riley Eleanor Matthews, are you meeting with an escort!?” The last word comes out in a heightened whisper.
Riley doesn’t answer, choosing silence over either confirming or trying and failing to deny the accusation, but Zay takes the silence as confirmation anyways.
“Oh my god, you are! I can’t believe this. My sweet little Riley,” he claps a hand to his chest, wiping a fake tear away from his eye, “going to visit a male escort. How will we survive the scandal?”
“First of all, there will be no scandal, because no one is going to find out.” Riley says, quite firmly. It’s really a foolproof plan, if she does say so herself. She doesn’t use social media for posting any personal updates so there’s no evidence to the contrary that the man she’s found isn’t her boyfriend, and every article and review she had found on the service she had stumbled across was full of praise at the level of ‘boyfriend experience’ the escorts were able to provide; as long as this initial meeting goes well (and for a somewhat shameful amount of money), she’ll have a doting companion for every moment of wedding festivities and everyone will stop seeing her as the unfortunate girl who never got past what happened in high school. That’s two wins for the price of a major dent in her bank account. She can live with that. “I just need someone to bring to Auggie’s wedding since you’re not available, and this is the perfect solution.” She explains why it’s a great plan. “And it’s not like he’s a prostitute or anything.”
“Sugar, I am not passing any judgement. You can do what you want to do with your money and I am all for a plan that makes sure you’re not going back to deal with those people on your own. But in what universe is a male escort not a prostitute?”
“It says right on the website, ‘Outside of the occasional chaste kiss, sexual encounters of any nature are strictly forbidden. Our fees cover solely emotional companionship.’”
Zay shakes his head, chuckling. “Oh Riley. My sweet, innocent, beautiful Riley… You know they put that to cover their asses, right? Because technically speaking, money for sex is illegal and having that on their site keeps them mostly out of trouble. You know, unless a scandal breaks.”
“Oh god.” The floor falls out from beneath Riley’s stomach. “I’m having lunch with a prostitute.”
Riley white-knuckles her drink while she waits for her lunch companion. She’d been very tempted to cancel the entire thing, cash in the second plane ticket she had bought and just suffer the embarrassment of showing up to the wedding alone, but with some well placed arguments and the decision to cease teasing her, Zay had convinced her that meeting with the guy couldn’t hurt.
“Just because he has sex for money, doesn’t mean that if you give him money he has to have sex with you.  This is a business transaction. If outline your needs and expectations clearly, that’s all that will happen. Otherwise it wouldn’t be very good business.”
So she’s at the little sidewalk cafe, resisting the urge to order something stronger than water, and silently wondering if every guy under the age of fifty that walks past is going to be the one who recognizes the agreed-upon signal of a daisy pin near the collar of her sweater. So far, two minutes past the scheduled meeting time, no one has approached.
Maybe he got a better offer and he’s standing her up. Or he came and saw her and decided there’s no way he could make it work.
Both options are upsetting in their own way, and Riley’s so caught up in her own paranoia and feeling conflicted about being a little disappointed if he’s really not coming that at first she doesn’t notice the tanned, sandy blond approaching her table. Right up until he’s standing directly in front of her. “Hi, you must be Riley.” He holds out a hand. “I’m Lucas. We’ve been e-mailing the past couple of days.”
Riley’s eyes scan up his body–muscular in a way made obvious by the way his green t-shirt stretches across his chest–right up to a handsome smile and the softest, most gorgeous set of green eyes she’s ever seen, and her mouth goes completely dry.
She doesn’t remember seeing anyone this good looking among the profiles on the website.
“Y-yes.” She struggles to swallow around her sudden onset of cotton mouth. She does manage to rise from her chair and shake his hand, hoping that she’s only imagining the sweat that might have sprung up on her palm.
Lucas’ smile shifts in a small way that Riley can’t quite place as they sit back at the table. “This is the first time you’ve done something like this, isn’t it?”
“Is it that obvious?” As she asks the question, her wrist bumps into her water tipping the glass over the edge of the table.
Lucas catches the glass as it topples, although the water still sloshes out, and he chuckles softly as he answers. “Only a little.” He pauses to set the now empty glass back down. “But there’s no need to be nervous. This is just a first meeting. A chance for us to get to know each other a little bit, and to talk about what you’re hoping to get out of this if we move forward. Nothing’s going to happen today, or at all if you don’t want it to.”
The waitress comes back to refill the water and get Lucas’ drink order. When she leaves, Lucas looks to Riley, obviously waiting for her to step and say something, but she can’t even manage that. Her nerves are at a high, still reeling from the fact that she’s meeting with an actual escort (even if she had had the opportunity to change her mind and cancel but hadn’t taken it) and that he’s quite possibly the most attractive guy she’s ever seen outside of a movie screen. He’s the sort of guy that never even looks twice at her and at the moment the entire thing is feeling a bit…much.
“Would it help if I did the talking first?” He asks, taking pity on her. When Riley nods, he continues. “OK. Well, since you’re new to this and a bit nervous, how about we see if this is really something you think you’ll be up for? I can tell you a bit about my packages-,”
“You have more than one?!” Riley squeaks, unable to stop herself from glancing down towards his lap, even with the table blocking her view.
Lucas’ laugh is a bit more obvious this time. “My experience packages. You know, ‘The Doting Boyfriend’ package, the ‘Dad’s Worst Nightmare’ package…those sorts of things. I accompany people to all sorts of different events for any number of reasons. How I act, both with you and the people around us, can be tailored for that.”
“Oh. Right.” Riley starts to fiddle with her napkin, just to have something to do; if she doesn’t look at him, she doesn’t have to see him noticing her embarrassment and taking pity.
“Now, from your e-mail, it sounds like you’re primarily looking for some backup for this wedding of your brother’s, right?”
“Yeah. A week in Cape Cod with my family.”
“And you don’t get along with a lot of the people there, but you’re not really interested in freaking them out, right? You just don’t want to be alone all week.”
Riley agrees, feeling some of her nerves inch back. At least two of them. There’s something about Lucas that has a soothing presence. Even from across the table, he comes off as steady and calm–someone that’s there for her. She supposes that’s part of him being a professional.
“Then I would probably suggest a variation of the doting boyfriend. We could agree on the pertinent details when we’re travelling, but essentially I’ll be your boyfriend. Your very loving, caring, supportive boyfriend, who takes care of you as much as you require the entire week, and runs interference between you and the people you don’t want to deal with.”
“You really do that?”
“As long as it’s legal, I do what’s required to make a client happy.” Lucas nods.
As long as it’s legal…Riley wonders if that means if the disclaimer on the website is actually true, but she doesn’t ask. Instead she thinks about what’s actually on the table. A week where she’ll be on the arm of the very good looking guy sitting in front of her, and he’ll be doing his job which is to make her look good, and keep her comfortable and happy. She has to wonder, can she get over her nerves and play along with the game? Does she want to?
Riley pictures what it will be like, staying true to everyone’s expectations and showing up in Cape Cod tomorrow alone. Then she imagines showing up with Lucas on her arm, and finally getting to lay some of the perpetual assumptions and rumors about her to rest. Even if it’s only pretend, only she and Lucas will know that. And the temptation of that moment of satisfaction, and of having someone by her side and looking out for her (even if she is paying him to do it) is too great to pass up.
“That sounds…fantastic.”
“So you want to move forward?” Lucas asks, his smile taking on that unfamiliar quality once more.
Riley’s fairly certain that if she weren’t already seated, she’d swoon. Resolving to work on that before they officially start putting on a show at the wedding festivities (being swoon-worthy is pretty much his job after all, and not at all indicative of how he feels about her), she matches his smile and nods. “I do.”
“Great. We can work on the contract and get to know each other a bit better after we order.”
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keyofjetwolf · 7 years
THE GIFTENING 2016: The Shit We’ll Still Do
My other pending major question to come out of THE GIFTENING is my feelings on each thing and what, if anything, we’ll continue together. I still have a million Asks to dive into, but this is my general take on each thing.
 - Pickle Electric: YOU KNOW I’LL BE LIVEBLOGGING THIS FUCKING MUSICAL UNTIL THE END OF TIME AND GLADLY SO. I adore it, and will never, ever, be over Senshi Band, ever. I’d like to have a musical day/night a month, though, so it’s not so fucking long between sessions and maybe I can have the damned thing finished before five years have passed.
 - Undertale: Still the same status as last time. I’ve come this far, I plan to finish. Again, as I draft up my schedule for March (and coming months), I’d like to include this in rotation until I finish. It’s been long enough at this point, I think.
 - Princess Tutu: WHAT A FUCKING JEWEL THIS WAS. It’s so goddamn out there, but I already love some of the themes and ideas it’s hinting at. I’m definitely marking this as a future liveblog project. I enjoyed what I saw, and I want to know more.
 - Gravity Falls: LOVED IT. I want to watch every second of this show. That said, I’ve been heavily advised to not go the public liveblog route with this, due to its massive spoiler potential and general fandom atmosphere. Consequently, I’ll either continue Gravity Falls on my own, in a private liveblog setting ala And Steven, or perhaps it will be a Patreon-only liveblog situation. Not sure on the specifics yet, but I’ll definitely be continuing with it.
 - Cardcaptor Sakura: I really wanted to love it, but it just didn’t capture (HA HA) me at all. I love a slow burn, but I still need a hook, and I just wasn’t able to find it. I don’t see me continuing with it.
 - JEM: I’LL TALK ABOUT JEM ANY CHANCE I GET. I completely expect to do a full series liveblog before I’m done. No one may care, but by god, I’ll do it anyway.
 - Utena: I wasn’t really able to come away with much of an impression about Utena, to be honest. But I didn’t find it irritating, and I do appreciate that. I’ve said for years now that Utena would be on my to-do list, and I plan to stick with that. We’ll return to Utena at some point before too long with public liveblogs.
 - Yuri on Ice: Really not for me, I don’t think. Those two episodes were enough.
 - Black Mirror: YOU HAD BEST BELIEVE I WILL WATCH EVERY SINGLE LAST ONE OF THESE. I don’t think that I’ll liveblog them, exactly, because they take a long while, and I’m not sure how interesting/fun/entertaining/whatever they are for the time they take. What I will do, though, is when I watch an episode, I’ll post a recap of it, along with thoughts on the episode. Basically it’ll be like a condensed liveblog in a single (LIKELY LENGTHY) post.
 - Movie Day: This was such an unexpected hit. I’d absolutely love to do these again, and I’m considering a mix of public and Patreon options. As for the movies themselves, if you don’t want to watch the streams: I thought Spirited Away was okay. I spent most of the movie trying to figure out details and answers which I frankly don’t think were the point, but I didn’t reach that conclusion until the end. IT WAS WEIRD I CAN SAY THAT MUCH. Pan’s Labyrinth, I absolutely loved. I will buy this movie for myself. Ghostbusters and Fury Road, I’d already seen. Both are fantastic (I especially adore Fury Road, and only love it more with every viewing).
 - Pigeon Fucking: HOW MANY MORE TIMES DO I HAVE TO PLAY THIS DAMNED THING TO FIND OUT WHAT’S GOING ON. I’d be open to returning to it when voted/requested, and certainly the livestream sped things up quite a bit. I’m not sure I’d voluntarily go back to it. But then, have I ever done anything with that game voluntarily. Why start now.
 - Avatar: The Last Airbender: One of those situations where the interactions surrounding it are vastly overshadowing the thing itself. I’d like to say I’ll return to it. I suspect I’d quite like it if I stuck with it. I unfortunately have a negative desire to do so at the moment. Maybe time and distance will help that though! I absolutely do not plan to ever publicly liveblog it again.
 - Sailor Moon Day: IT’S WHERE WE ALL LIVE COME ON. Mako’s Unboxing will continue very soon and regularly until it’s done. YES SOON I SAID SOON I MEANT SOON DON’T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT. I’m not sure if I have much more to offer with dub liveblogging beyond Drunk Times, but i’d be open to it if asked. I had a ton of fun with the Livechat, and would happily see that as a regular deal.
 - Deep Space 9: I wanted to watch it anyway, but just the taste I got made me want to watch it more. I have my doubts i’d do a big liveblog of it. Make a few comments maybe, open discussion, that sort of thing. If there’s enough of an interest in it, though, I could certainly be persuaded.
 - Brooklyn Nine-Nine: I was utterly unprepared for how much I’d enjoy this show. Will ABSOLUTELY continue to watch. Like DS9, I’m not sure how much liveblogging of it there’ll be. Comedies are tough to liveblog, in my experience, and I don’t know that we have a good time/reward balance for the effort involved. I’ll definitely be watching on my own time, though (with I don’t doubt a few comments here and there at least).
 - Xena: JUST TRY AND MAKE ME SHUT UP ABOUT XENA. I want to do the entire series in the most ridiculously in-depth liveblog ever and it will happen one day and you won’t stop me.
 - X-Men (comics): I was just THRILLED by the positive response to this. Even just sitting here thinking about it makes me so happy. No question, a regular X-Men day is in our future. I can’t wait to share my mutants with you guys.
 - X-Men (cartoons): We never did get to do a TAS liveblog, which I’d love. And you all know how I feel about Evo at this point. Again, I’d love to keep these in regular rotation with the comics.
 - Overwatch: NOT GOING ANYWHERE. I still have all the prompts, and part of my upcoming plans over the year is to get back to a place where I’m happy with my writing (EVER THE GOAL). I’ll be working to, I hope, post at least one thing a week, ideally more, and I’d like to become more comfortable writing in the Overwatch world. So creatively, more to come. As for playing, OF COURSE. I’ve never had a Tumblr Brawl yet that hasn’t been fun as hell, and with the new options for customizing games, it’s like the universe is begging us. Definitely more playing (and livestreaming) in our future.
 - Madoka: FINISHED JET IS A FREE WOLF. In the end, I didn’t really care for it, but I adored some of the ideas and concepts. I’m otherwise done with Madoka, though. I don’t plan to watch the movie(s). I’m happy to let the experience end where it did.
 - 'Fic and Doodle Day: Oh yes. We’re not done here.
 - The Simshi: Nor are we ever done with the Simshi. Regular Simshi playing, scheduled soon.
 - Life is Strange: I really enjoyed playing it, and am keen to return to it until I’m done. How about a livestream of the second chapter this weekend, in fact? STAY TUNED FOR DETAILS
 - Galavant: Loved it. LOVED IT. I’m excited to watch more, and they’ll be liveblogged as well. Given that there are relatively few episodes, I expect to be returning to this very, very soon.
 - Yomawari: Night Alone: An interesting visual style makes the game feel fresh in a way I didn’t expect, but the punishing need to keep replaying killed it fast for me. I don’t expect to return to it, which is a pity.
 - Outlast: OUTLAST ON THE OTHER HAND. I’m already anxious about going back in there, but I know I will, and I’ll do it with you all laughing at my swearing, my screams, my babbling, and my impossibly high-pitched Fear Giggle. Holligay will end me if I do it while she’s gone, so look for more of this in April!
 - Murderdoll: The Game: Similarly, if I’m ever able to get Murderdolll to work, I’ve been told I’ll be disowned if I don’t want for my lesbian. If I can sort it out, this too will be coming soon!
And that’s where we stand! Aside from Asks (and a ‘fic to be written when I can), THIS IS THE TRUE END TO THE GIFTENING.
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Claims are now CLOSED
If you are unsure how this works, please read this post on how to claim. The blurbs are under the cut to make things easier on your dash. If you can’t read them on our tumblr, click here for the plain HTML page
All the arts have been claimed! Rejoice!!
Entry #1
Tony is an omega, who has always wanted to bond only with the very best, he refuses to settle for anything else. When he sees Loki's alpha side his inner omega swoons and the more he sees, the more head over heels in love he falls and wants him, because this alpha, Loki, is everything he always wanted. But Loki's not interested. So, obviously, Tony tries to convince him. Wooing, courting, plans, flirting, touching, clinging, seducing, letting his omeganess show, he tries absolutely everything he can think of. Still, he get's a no. Then one day, Tony wakes up to find Loki spooning him, he tells Tony that he said no because the human's lifespan is too short, that if he bonds with someone he wants it to last for all eternity, asking if he's serious about them bonding, because then he will offers Tony an golden apple and make him his forever... 
The drawing is of them spooning. I might draw another picture with Tony’s tries of courting.
Entry #2
Fantasy RPG AU where Avengers is a team of mercenaries in a need of a mage for the next quest. But none of their usual candidates are available at the moment, so Thor mentions that his brother Loki is a very powerful battle mage. The problem is Loki’s spiteful personality; besides he is a little too good in dark arts. Tony doesn’t care at first, he tends to find mages boring, but Loki proves to be different…
Pic description:  Loki is going to fight someone with his staff and spells while Tony in his full armor stands nearby and enjoys the view.
Entry #3
Modern AU where Tony is still the famous billionaire but one of his rivals have sent an assassin (Loki) after him, except well that didn't quite work. Ok so no set fic summary yet but how about a description of one of the arts? So Loki's at the door because he's leaving Tony and he won't tell why. And Tony, who's not understanding what's going on except that Loki is leaving (why is Loki leaving?!?) is on the floor begging Loki to stay, to make sense, to just turn around and talk to him for one hot second.
Entry #4
There's no concrete plot here, just some vague ideas, so the plotting and worldbuilding is up to the writer. 
Iron Man gets sent as an envoy to Jotunheim, or he's curious about the barbarian world that Thor describes and wants to see for himself, sceptical of the Aesir description of it... And he comes across Loki, who's either the prince or Loki who was adopted Loki, and is doing penance for the almost genocide.... And somehow - either the armour fails because ~handwave science~ that Tony couldn't account for, or Loki magical it off him .... Anyway, he's seen as a threat by Loki here.
Entry #5
Au where Loki never messes up Thor's coronation. Loki instead flees from Asgard after he finds out the truth of his heritage and finds a place in Midgard. Loki builds up his own franchise that soon rivals Stark Industries. Tony is intrigued by the owner of an uprising business and plans a merger. Loki and Tony combine their businesses and practically run the world. Thor gets corrupt with power, kills Laufey, and goes after the next king which happens to be Loki. My draft art is what I want the end result to be, a family between the two. (I know background is raggedy, pushing for time)Kinda in between iron man 1 and 2.
Entry #6
The art shows Loki doing some involved magic while kneeling, while Tony stands guard. There's no story to go with this, so knock yourself out, author!
Entry #7
Loki travels the Hidden Pathways/The Branches first to escape his brother’s shadow and later to deal with being on the run in plain sight (impersonating Odin). He meets Tony, or a version of him in time, who’s ended up there in his sleep on accident. At first, younger Loki thinks it’s just a weird coincidence but it keeps happening over the years. Eventually he accepts it as A Thing, then starts to enjoy it, and gets curious enough to investigate. It’s all weird dream time travel shenanigans to Tony. 
The story should feature magical/science fiction-y time travel and slow burn.
There will be at least two digital drawings/paintings, one of them of younger (pre-first Thor movie) Loki and pre-ironman Tony meeting on the branches and one of older (been ironman for a while now) Tony sleeping.
Entry #8
It's the first day of the Paris World Exposition in 1889. Tony, a promising young inventor, has just arrived in the city to participate in a flying contest - and by pure chance he happens to witness a young man performing as a magician at the local circus. Befuddled by the skills he displays and convinced that no such thing as 'magic' can possibly exist, he tries to befriend him and convince him to give up his 'secrets' - but the young man, Loki, seems immune to his charms. Suddenly, their meeting is interrupted when five strange people dressed as warriors appear and try to kidnap Loki, apparently determined to gain possession of his pendant. What mystery lies behind the small blue gem that Loki has been carrying with him since childhood?
(Basically the 'Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water' AU that I can't believe doesn't already exist in this fandom.)
I'd like to draw two pics for the story; one will show Tony and Loki in the process of escaping their 'enemies' on Tony's plane. The other… is still pending, as I'd like to see where my author wishes to take the story first. :D
Entry #9
Everyone is born with their soulmates name on their wrist. Finding them was nevertheless not that easy. On Earth there were matching agencies to help find them, which worked for some, but not all. Tony never even bothered registering in the first place, the name on his wrist was an indecipherable mess, matching no language known on earth. Meaning he was simply broken, doomed to be alone and had no soulmate, or his mate was an alien… which yeah, either sucked in their own way. Loki on the other hand was obsessed with looking for his soulmate, his Anthony, the one person who would accept, respect and love him for sure, just like he always longed for.  Picture is put together in three parts, kinda comic style, showing Loki and Tony's faces in the first two and in the third holding hands with the names showing on their wrists. 
Entry #10
Thor Movie AU. What if not only Thor was banished to Midgard? What if Odin decided to punish them all and cast out Loki too? And while Jane still found Thor, Loki landed somewhere else and was found by Tony. Things would have turned out way different for sure. 
Draw is of Loki being cast out and falling.
Entry #11
Loki shows up uninvited to Tony's housewarming party with a hateful bouquet of flowers. It's a party that only a few of Tony's friends have been invited to.
There will be one painting, a mix of traditional and digital art, where Loki is holding the flowers.
Entry #12
At the end of Thor: The Dark World, Thor thinks Loki is dead and he’s heading back to Earth, what if he spends some time with the Avengers in the following weeks then? Being depressed. After questioning him, Thor tells them what happened. In his eyes Loki redeemed himself so he won't take any bad comment from them. In the following months spending time with the Avengers he let's comments and stories slip about Loki and while at first they were uncomfortable with it and said nothing, after a few weeks they encouraged Thor to tell them things for various reasons. Thing is, the more Tony hears the more he's crushing on the guy, a dead guy, how insane is that? Then one day after spending some time in Asgard, Thor comes back carrying an unconscious and badly hurt Loki in his arms. Apparently he was not dead and Thor found him like this. Needless to say, Tony is the only one to eagerly help right away. 
Drawing is of Thor carrying Loki bridal style. Not even close to done yet, but it's going to be bloody.
Entry #13
Offering someone mortal an golden apple, wasn’t just offering them immortality, it was synonymous with asking them to spend eternity together, which was basically a marriage proposal and a question to become a family in one go. Which yeah, someone should have told Tony that. Loki totally failed to mention it, thinking it was common knowledge. Tony just thought that it was a weird gift of art decoration. It was a fucking golden apple, it didn't look like something to eat, he wasn't all that informed or interested into myths, how was he supposed to know that having the apple sit prettily on his desk and not eating it just showed a painful and long indecision akin to rejection to everyone who knew what the offering of an golden apple actually meant? 
Drawing is of Loki presenting the apple to Tony. I plan to draw another picture with the golden apple sitting on Tony's desk or somewhere in his workplace too.
Entry #14
Smartass Family AU. Loki and Tony have an established relationship and Peter Parker is their son, including Spider-Man powers and all. The picture shows them just hanging around in the kitchen together (some of them quite literally). The story is up to the author. No story at all and just domestic daily life is absolutely fine as well :D
Entry #15
"Tony and Loki have a secret relationship, and are quite happy like that. They also both sometimes like to have some kinky BDSM sex. When Steve hears screaming and bursts into the room, only to see Tony being tied up and in pain, he assumes the worst. Steve tries to defend Tony, and things escalate. How can Loki come back from that?
To me, this idea is less about the porn than about the misunderstandings, secret relationship, the hurt/comfort aspect, and generally the feels. (So if you only want to write implied porn/fade in, that's fine with me :) )
Pic: Loki in the foreground, naked but with a dagger, while Tony is tied up on the bed and Steve is behind him, looking shocked. (I'm not quite up to posting too explicit stuff, so the picture cuts off at the right places ;) )"
Entry #16
Grey Scale with red as the only pop of color. Loki draped in a plain chair, wearing nothing but heels and dark briefs, holding the leash attracted to Tony’s collar. Tony in similar briefs and a custom collar that exactly matches Loki’s shoes. And pulling the whole thing off with a Ta-Dah gesture and cheeky grin… While all of New York is spread out below them. There is a prompt available if desired. 
There is currently only one picture, but possibly another of a SFW-ish nature might be possible if there is something in the story that would make a good one. Would prefer consensual, minimal gore and happy endings.   
Entry #17
Your general coffeshop!AU, where Tony is, well, Tony, an extremely annoying customer coming up with the most ridiculous orders mostly just to spite Loki, who did nothing (but not really) to deserve all this and has to put up with Tony's shit. Oh, they also might or might not be friends with benefits, not that it changes anything.
Entry #18
Wanda’s powers get stronger and she can’t really control them anymore. They need someone who can teach her, a sorcerer would be best. But there is no one on earth that can help and there either are not many mages on Asgard or they are too weak to help. So after it gets worse and Wanda completely loses control, Thor decides to take Loki out of prison and bring him to earth to let him teach her. Which he does. To the surprise and horror of everyone. But it works. Thing is, after spending a bit of time with Loki and watching them do their magic thing, Tony falls hard and fast for Loki and starts to get jealous when Loki’s attention is solely on Wanda. So, he asks Loki to teach him magic too, anything to get Loki to look at him and hopefully getting him to reciprocate his feelings in the long run too. 
 The drawing is of Loki and Tony sitting on the floor practicing magic. Or more like Tony staring at Loki doing magic and failing himself. 
Entry #19
There isn't much to say, to be honest. I've got this idea of a drawing from a long, long time-- and now, hooray! I finally managed to put it into works! I came up with this visual (even if slightly different, at first) by listening to a song. I guess it was from one of those Frostiron mixes that, at the time, were everywhere (I kinda loved them, I think I've saved a couple of them as well, somewhere) 
Anyway. Seeing and then trying to cope with UnC*vil Whatever made finally up my mind about this drawing. Something where Tony at least looks happy and/or relaxed. In the very first idea, Loki wasn't even there. Then he just came in, and I couldn't say no to him :D 
Entry #20
The Avengers have a magic wielding villain on their hands, it gives them problems, because the best way to defeat magic is magic itself. Which they don't have. So when the villain does something that really threatens a city and lots of people, they need someone who is a skilled sorcerer to stop it. There either aren’t that many mages in Asgard or they just need the very best or a real powerful one, which yeah, that’s Loki currently rotting in his Asgardian prison. So Thor gets him out, brings him to Midgard, in chains and muzzled, wanting Loki to help out… which surprisingly the latter actually does. But what is even more surprising, is when afterwards Tony wants to keep him, not only because he would be an asset for the team, or because he’s terribly curious about magic, even if that does factor in a lot, but well, he has his personal reasons that count the most. Besides, no one touches his stuff, which yup, he pretty damn fast saw Loki as his and was pissed off enough already that Thor took Loki away in the first place, because again: Loki was his. 
Picture is of Loki muzzled... so far, planning to add chains and Thor next to him, maybe Tony and the others on the opposite side too.
Entry #21
Role reversal AU. Loki is a successful engineer, his company is well administered by his old friend Pepper, the Avengers are well liked by the general public and no one is trying to kill him. He could even believe he got a bit of good karma in his account. Except now Thor’s brother-in-law is on his balcony, being obnoxious and asking for a drink. And no matter how attractive or familiar the guy is, if he open his mouth again, he’s gonna be defenestrated.
The pic(s):
+ In Loki’s workshop, Tony shows his magic for a awestruck Loki, with Tony looking fondly to Loki and a lot of scans runs in the background.
+ A little comic strip of Tony arriving suddenly and freaking Loki out.
Entry #22
Pre Thor 1, during Iron Man 1. Kinda Reverse Role thing, where Loki is still loyal to Asgard while Tony as Iron Man is on a rampage to destroy warfare and terrorism after no one takes him seriously when he comes back from Afghanistan. Loki is part of the team to stop him.
The art shows Tony ready to blow something up with his repulsor while Loki clings to his back and grabs his wrist.
Entry #23
Due to their longevity, they take being in love really seriously. When a relationship gets serious in their eyes, when they can imagine being with that person for eternity, they stop even looking at other people, they take everything into being with just that one person, to be together forever. So it’s natural for Loki to feel like shit every time he sees Tony flirt playfully with someone else, not getting that it’s just fun for Tony and nothing more, thinking Tony does not take their relationship seriously, doesn’t want to spend their life together. And that hurts, really hurts, badly. It’s destroying him from the inside, but he says nothing. Just gets more and more depressed over time. And Tony sees that, but doesn't get why. Surprisingly, it’s Thor of all people, who after nearly strangling Tony for hurting his brother, clears that misunderstanding up.
Drawing is of Tony and Loki sitting together, Loki looking very depressed, Tony worried.
Entry #24
A lot of races are pregnant for a very long time compared to Midgardian pregnancies. But with a long pregnancy, the first few months are crucial, it leaves them very vulnerable and a lot miscarry. So when Loki notices that Tony knocked him up, he’s not saying anything about it, wants to see if he gets through these critical months first. Tony on the other hand is a constant bundle of worry, Loki is sick all the time, having regular fainting spells that freak him out, Loki even got so weak that the last time Thor hit him playfully on his shoulder it actually got him to stumble and show bruises for a few days, when it normally wouldn’t even move him one inch. Tony was sure Loki was so ill that he would die on him soon. Imagine his surprise when he wakes up one day to Loki grinning happily at him and telling him he's pregnant. Good thing that a pregnancy of over three years gives Tony at least enough time to wrap his head around it. Mpreg drawing of Tony touching Loki's baby bump.
Entry #25
Young Mer!Loki and Young Bird!Tony meet each other and become friends. 
There is not much world building, just they meet each other when they was young, become friends, when they getting older, they fall in love with each other. (And Happily ever after!)
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