#hws NB8
hetaestoniahq · 1 year
Hetalia NB8 Hub Server is HERE!
After a year of having first thought of this idea, and unfortunately only gotten a few things done with it, I with my great dear friend @timomoe have come together and finally brought to you all a Hetalia Nordic-Baltic 8 server!
The server is meant for both our beloved Baltics and Nordics, where you can discuss and learn more about them while having some Hetalia fun!
The server is 13+ so anyone who is the legal age for Discord can join in, but don't worry there is a nsfw section for the older members to talk in.
Just click on the link, read the rules, get verified, make an introduction, grab your roles and YOU'RE IN!
Is this how you advertise something
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95jezzica · 2 years
You said that you like sufin/finsu only in sertain ways, could you tell what those are
(Asking because I feel that too)
Love your content ❤
Well... I should probably preface this by saying it's not as prevalent in the fandom nowadays as it used to be a few years ago (wait, does 2012-2016 still count as a few years ago? anyway), but I still notice traces of it in new fanworks as well. Also, please note English isn't my native language, so I apologize in advance if my explanation is a bit clumsy.
Anyway, my biggest issues were/are with how the fandom portrayed (and still sometimes portray) Finland as the "damsel in distress", wife and/or mum. He's not. Finland is a man, and should be treated as such. If anything he'd be a husband/partner, dad/papa or simply "isä" (which is Finnish for dad).
Just as anyone else Finland has his strengths and faults, but it got/gets really annoying when everyone treated Finland as that old and bad stereotypical "the woman of the relationship" who basically spent all his time going: "Oh, Sweden, I've been terrified of you my entire life, but now when you suddenly kissed me I realized it was love all along!" in fanworks.
. . . Yeah, no. That's not SuFin. At best that's an unhealthy relationship and should be tagged as such.
For anyone reading this; It doesn't matter if the other person has good intentions or not; never enter or stay in a relationship if you're afraid of the other person(s). It's not healthy or fair to any of you.
Then we also had/have fandom portrayal of Sweden. Sweden was an old bad stereotype of "the man of the relationship" and/or just generally a complete monster and forced various things with Finland. Or he was put in the role of "the poor bullied sad teddybear who could nothing wrong and gets beaten up by evil Denmark", on top of almost always being written as basically being owed Finland's love.
Never any middle ground on any of them, even in the few works who reversed the roles. They just went changed the character they slapped a role on and just went to the extreme the other way instead.
And don't get me started on if you liked Sweden and/or Finland romantically with someone else. SuFin-shippers could treat you as if you had just killed their whole family in cold blood.
So, when I say I only like SuFin in "certain ways"... I suppose I basically just mean fanworks which treat them as people, with both their strengths and faults and no one forcing the other to do something. For them to actually be treated as two men who actually LOVE each other; without one being an old and bad stereotypical "the woman" or "the man" of the relationship, and/or one being afraid of the other.
Now in Hetalia canon Finland is a cheerful, sweet, but a little weird man who sometimes becomes a bit intimidated when he doesn't understand what Sweden thinks/mean, but he's also someone who keeps pointing out that Sweden is KIND and not actually angry. Finland actively helps and defends Sweden when other people and nations become afraid of him. Additionally Finland has canon good aim and also great physical and mental strength. He's someone who has plenty of canon friends outside the Nordics as well - such as Estonia and Germany just to mention 2 of them.
In Hetalia canon Sweden is a bit of an awkward, shy man who has an intimidating face and difficulty expressing his emotions. However, he's also a former Empire who wasn't afraid of walking across the sea ice in the middle of a blizzard in order to headbutt Denmark in the face because Den annoyed him too much. Sweden is both protective and playful with his family, which can especially be seen in his interactions with Iceland, Sealand and Ladonia - but so far we haven't really seen Sweden have any friends outside of the NB8. All of Sweden's friends outside of NB8 are fanon and/or headcanons by people.
(For those who don't know, NB8 is the alliance between Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia.)
It's also worth mentioning that while fandom blew up "M' W'fe"; to my knowledge hws!Sweden only said it ONCE (maybe twice, if I'm forgetting an instance) in canon when he introduced himself to Estonia - and upon noticing Finland's reaction of being called his wife, Sweden stopped. He never called Finland his wife again.
It doesn't matter why the Hetalia fandom thinks Sweden called Finland his wife, or their headcanoned reason why Finland protested against it. The important thing to note from canon is that Sweden noticed and respected that Finland doesn't want to be called his wife and then stopped doing so. It doesn't matter what Finland's reason was; Sweden respects it.
Finland may or may not return Sweden's feelings in canon, but even for people who do NOT ship SuFin I think it's also important to acknowledge that Sweden and Finland are close friends who have known each other for hundreds of years, and Sweden respects Finland. Even if you like another pairing such as DenFin/NorFin/EstFin I think it's important to keep in mind that Sweden wouldn't just turn into an absolute asshole just because Finland loves someone else. Same in the reverse.
From a SuFin perspective neither Sweden nor Finland are perfect, and I'm sure they would make some mistakes while trying to figure stuff out in their relationship, but as long as they respect each other and get treated as people I think it's good.
Hope this makes sense. The ask has been sitting in my inbox for a while and this (once again) became a bit of a long post, but I really wanted to try and explain what I mean when I say I only like SuFin a certain way.
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samrut · 11 months
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You're welcome.
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ic3pop · 2 years
NB - 8 lgbtq+ headcanons because these bastards are the only thing keeping me from losing the plot.
- Sweden is greyromantic ( and gay ... obviously )
- Denmark is bisexual
- Norway is nonbinary
- Finland is trans
- Iceland is aromantic
- Latvia is asexual and demiromantic
- Estonia is demi aroace and a demiboy
- Lithuania bisexual and agender
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alisune · 2 years
Nordic-Baltic 8 headcanon idea:
Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia during Soviet Union days secretly get visas from Swedish or Finnish embassies in St. Petersburg so they could travel to Gotland and meet Sweden and others.
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gilkohuke · 3 years
Tempted to in a way rewrite the Iceland birthday episode bit from the anime and make it that it was disguised as a NB8 meeting not just Nordics + Estonia
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hetaestoniahq · 1 year
I just want to let know, that if you, in 2023, still believe in making Estonia a Nordic obsessed wannabe and believe in there being no closeness between him, the Baltics and Nordics, and believe that the Nordics(besides Finland) all dislike him..
Then I'm sorry this blog isn't for you 😅
NB8 supremacy!
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hetaestoniahq · 1 year
Something very special that I'm super excited about is in the works for y'all Nordic-Baltic 8 fans <3
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hetaestoniahq · 2 years
Nordic wannabe bs is stupid, Estonia is fine as a Baltic and vibing happily with the Nordics in NB8
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hetaestoniahq · 1 year
How would Estonia act if he's in a Lovecraftian horror situation? Like if he finds something beyond his common sense, would he leave it as it is? would he investigate? Tell someone else? What is his supernatural danger protocol?
Now that is an interesting question!
It all depends on the scenario you have in mind, but I will be flexible on it.
Eduard is definitely a curious man, but he'd preferably be cautious when it comes to something that could have no sense be made of it.
He would still at least try though, to learn what he can about it from a safe distance. If it's a legitimate threat to him or anyone else, he will especially study on how to harm or pacify it. (He would be open minded about the behavior of the creature and won't instantly assume it's pure evil.) Oh he would absolutely tell someone, he has faith in the Baltics and Nordics to hear him out, especially those who may have some knowledge in the supernatural like Norway, but really personally I feel like all of the NB8 know something. If that isn't enough he won't hesitate to go approach others like England or Scotland for example. Yes, their point is that they do magic and such, but for Eduard the line between supernatural and magic is blurry.
Speaking of blurry lines between supernatural and magic, if we do connect supernatural to magic in some way then BY MY HEADCANONS, he would be able to sense it's presence from afar already. As I headcanon Eduard being like a bit of a detector for these things. Especially considering Estonian mythology/folklore/beliefs.
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hetaestoniahq · 2 years
This translated version of Estonia's page on the Collezione is worse than I thought.
So, woke up today and saw that Estonia's Collezione page has been finally translated to the best of the fans abilities. Safe to say I despise majority of the content we see.
Where do I even begin with this? First lets go to the profile.
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Very quickly things go downhill when the desire to be Nordic is brought up.
Let me clarify, Estonia suggested to join the Nordics with many reasons like- once, during the 90's and got rejected. Most people here don't care of even know about this, we view ourselves as Baltics who have a closeness to the Nordics. Culturally a grey area. Besides, the Nordic-Baltic 8 is a legitimate thing that exists. The way Himaruya depicts Estonia by making him so obsessive with being Nordic is disgustingly inaccurate and a very very old joke. No one is laughing Himaruya, no one is laughing! This joke paints a terrible image of Estonia and how he treats those close to him. Estonia is a small country so its easier to damage how people view Estonia like this.
Besides the Nordic stuff there's also a few smaller thing that bother me.
Shopping at Finland's house? That sounds sweet but makes absolutely no sense. Finland is a much much more expensive country for Estonians, we don't go there to shop but to just have a trip to Finland and go to places like Linnanmäki (an amusement park, Estonia has none). With shopping it's usually the opposite with Finns coming to Estonia for alcohol, materials for craft, or even sweets because of Estonia being significantly cheaper for them.
Also,, favourite food piirakka? Himaruya, it's pirukas in Estonian, and it just means pie. What pie? If you mean Karelian pie then I'll have you know it has more of a presence in Finland than here. Also Estonians are very known to love rye bread, and it is very true, why can't you just put that he likes rye bread? Would it kill you to do even one google search?
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This isn't that bad but I still feel bothered by the return of the whole "Don't we look alike? Could we be brothers?" thing that makes no sense. Sweden is a Germanic country while Estonia is Finnic/Finno-Ugric. I think that is enough to say why this is one of the most stupidest things Himaruya has suggested.
What also bothers me is the whole "The Great Sweden" thing, Estonia definitely does look up to the Nordics because of their reputation for a good quality of life and such, but why is he placing Sweden on a pedestal like this? Over the sea they're neighbours and have a very long history of having once fought but then having formed a strong mutual respectable friendship with eachother.
I am aware that Himaruya refuses to acknowledge these two as friends but it feels even worse for me that Himaruya now depicts Estonia treating Sweden as some very highly person that they couldn't be on similar grounds with at all - as like some whole other class he can't even talk to. It's nice that Estonia appreciates whenever Nordics compliment him but with the way its interpreted it feels unhealthy how he places them on such high pedestals. I don't know how to explain it, but picture it like if you were to make a bigger deal out of a celebrity saying "Cool." to you instead of cherishing when your real friend says a whole paragraph of nice and meaningful things to you. Maybe I'm overthinking this but it just really bothers me.
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It is sweet to see Latvia say how he respects Estonia confidence in certain areas.. Until we are given a panel of Latvia clearly done with how Estonia won't stop talking about the Nordics that at this point he always expects this to be about them whenever Estonia is happy. That is so fucked up.
It's also messed up how Estonia will take any chance to slam it in someone's face trying to tell he's Nordic. Just. Stop. Estonia you do realize your own history exists too? What about Latvia? What about Latvia who you were basically glued together with for 700 years? Does he mean nothing to you?
Now, I left the worst ones for last!
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Where do I begin with this?
Estonians highly value their tricolour, we had to fought more than once to be able to raise this flag and express our pride for who we are. A popular Estonian cross flag does exist, but its only popular among the very tiny minority of people hiding that actually want Estonia to be Nordic, but they're such a small minority and often looked down upon for how they want the flag to be changed.
It is actually terribly offensive to tell us that we should change our flag after all we've been through for it. That is our national symbol and people who tell us to change it don't understand the weight of it.
Also on a smaller note "Estonia is doing whatever he can to get along with the Nordics" is implying Estonia doesn't or struggles to. That is just dragging both Estonia and the Nordics in the dirt because Himaruya clearly doesn't know the relations between all the Nordics and Estonia. It's sad really, to imply that they aren't all even friends.
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Where do I begin with THIS?
Dear mother nature itself do I hope this is a massive mistranlastion! This has to be THE WORST part of the whole page!
Himaruya Hidekaz , do you know an ounce of Baltic trio history? Does the Baltic Chain ring a bell? Have you heard of "Hurt one of us you hurt all of us"? What was he thinking when he thought of saying that Estonia would really watch Latvia and Lithuania basically destroy themselves while he ditches them for the Nordics? That is disgusting to so many many levels I can't even bring myself to speak further about it. The Baltics have a bond that goes beyond being lingually or culturally similar, you can be different and still be close. When one is in trouble we are always immediately ready to fight for eachother and it's been like that for over 30 years.
I'm sorry if this seems rushed or difficult to read but I am just so tired of this whole thing, and the anger I am feeling for the treatment of my small precious country is insane. This has definitely been the final straw for me but I am not going to leave Hetalia for this, no, I am staying to fight because unlike other communities, the Hetalia fandom is more willing to listen.
Please spread awareness of this, this really has to stop and I don't want the general fandom latching onto this view of Estonia.
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hetaestoniahq · 2 years
Aye this year is the 30th anniversary of Nordic-Baltic 8's formation.
Lets all make it our goal this year to just really bring this group to some spotlight and make the fandom more aware of it's existence!
Let's all maybe collectively agree on a tag that becomes the usual Nordic-Baltic 8 tag, like #hws NB8 or #aph NB8!
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hetaestoniahq · 3 years
|| Okay hear me out
Among Estonians and Finn's exists a mutual joke, if an Estonian/Finn gets drunk then they can speak Finnish/Estonian. It's meant to poke at how for eachother it feels like a drunk version of the language.
What if: That's an actual thing between Finland and Estonia
When Estonia gets drunk, it's like he gets locked into Finnish whenever he'd be trying to actually speak his own language.
The same with Finland, he gets drunk and gets locked into Estonian.
I like to headcannon that they do know eachother's languages and just this being a thing that happens would be so hilarious.
Estonia, drunk: * starts cursing and ranting in Finnish about something *
Finland, also drunk: * starts also cursing and ranting along in Estonian *
Rest of the NB-8:
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hetaestoniahq · 3 years
Random thought
The NB-8 just be hanging out or something and just:
Latvia: Take a shot everytime the Baltic Germans ruined our life.
Estonia: I'll go first.
Estonia: * grabs the whole bottle of vodka and chugs it all, then just slams his head down on the table, done with life *
Finland: You didn't even count -
Estonia: Why waste time, already knew the whole bottle will go.
Latvia: * trying to find the other bottle of vodka cuz theres a lot of shots for him to take too *
Lithuania: Jesus Christ -
The rest of the Nordics are probably a bit confused, except maybe Sweden, he knows.
Don't drink kids.
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hetaestoniahq · 3 years
Can't help but headcanon that when it comes to seeing through Estonia's facades, no one does it better than Latvia, only Finland can come close - but not as close as Latvia.
That's because Latvia well, as we know, had to be stuck with Estonia for over 600-700 years, ever since the crusade era. Estonia wasn't always making facades of his feelings and who he is. That's something he developed under all the foreign rulers (except Swedish, with Sweden he was able to be more himself, although not fully, it's the closest he came to any bit of freedom back then in a sense.)
Before all that, the only facades he'd make is for strategy. The facade in 1219 Battle of Lindanise to Denmark that he wants peace and will accept Christianity, only to gather his forces and attack when he doesn't expect it. The facade of him being a coward in 1210 Battle of Ümera and retreating from battle only to ambush the following enemies and absolutely crushing their army. When he did do facades, it was for the purpose of being dangerous. It didn't take long though for someone like the Teutonic Order to catch onto these tricks though, using it against him in Battle of Sõjamäe 1343.
Speaking of the uprising, I feel like after that is when developing facades first began. It was a slow process as Estonia impulsively still couldn't help but express what he really thinks - but with time he got better and better at it.
Although, his progress did get broken by Russia taking him and Latvia way from Sweden in 1710/1721. After having hope that things can get better for them - having this hope crushed lit the furious blaze of rage in him that others had thought was gone. He would still push for his facade, but as we see with the uprisings and revolts in 1784, 1841, 1858 and the manor burning event in 1905, he couldn't always keep it together. All he ever wanted was freedom, or at least some right or anything under his rulers, Sweden was the closest he got to that - and only later in the Russian empire was he slowly getting that - be It that the Baltic Germans were always trying to get in the way.
Considering how he still wasn't always able to keep his cool even in the Russian empire, I imagine the Soviet Union was when he perfected putting up a mask, especially considering how Russia was far worse than before. Despite the awful things, Estonia managed to keep his temper down from doing anything destructive that could get any of them punished, despite how bad some temptations were. (I don't see his temper as anything that bad, just that if you manage to seriously piss him off then you're gonna regret it. He doesn't ever get angry over small harmless things though, he is very patient in that regard.)
One of the reasons was really because - he had hope again. Despite how brutal, how cruel things got - he kept reminding himself that he's not alone, never has been and there are people on the other side waiting for them.
It's the War of Independence long ago that smacked that fact into his face. Ever since the crusade era he had been trying to convince himself that no one actually cares - no one would care if he died or anything. With time Latvia did come into question, but parts of him would still want to be in denial, that If they for example were to be set free, Latvia would never talk to him ever again outside country business. The same happened with Sweden and even Finland (the situation between Estonians and Finn's in the 19th and start of 20th century cementing this.)
Don't even have me begin about Denmark, ever since leaving him in 1346 he developed the worst trust issues that are the whole reason he had this mindset. If only he knew what it was like in Denmark's perspective..
When it came to the War of Independence though, the event that's considered the most important thing ever in his history, he was losing hard in the beginning. One of the reasons his army was even so weak was because many didn't believe he could win this. Against a giant like Soviet Russia.
Russia was only 30km or so away from Tallinn, which they knew if Russia reached would be game over, it really seemed like what Estonia had been dreaming of and fighting for for centuries was going to be short lived - seen as another one of his failed attempts.
That is until help arrived. Help he could trust. Finland especially pulled his weight, bringing lots of men and resources, then the UK with their royal navy ensuring Russia won't take advantage of the seas. Not only that, but his people began to have hope, older soldiers began to feel ashamed of not having even tried while the younger ones fought, and they stepped up to join.
Then came Sweden, and even Denmark showed up.
And let's not forget that this whole time Estonia also had an alliance with Latvia to keep.
It was a strong reminder that he isn't alone. There are people out there that care about him even a little. And even if he could in his denial shift it to have It had been with motives that weren't caring about him - he can't deny how close these nations became after the war to him anyway. Sorry Estonia, but you can't deny your way out of this one, accept that people give a shit about you.
Nowadays, the only facade Estonia may ever put up is if often for either his nation work or not worrying others: him not caring for himself well enough, being polite (more so just at Russia when doing political business, although doesn't hesitate to drop hints reminding of how he doesn't like him.) Not wanting to show fear or weakness, so on. Just trying to put up the facade of this very sure of himself, strong nation that worries for nothing.
Of course, Latvia can see the bullshit from a mile away and won't hesitate to call him out. Sometimes getting Finland and heck even Lithuania (who Latvia at one point has likely told all about the situation with him, but he probably still can't see through Estonia as much as Latvia or Finland can) to join him on having discussions about these long running habits.
He's getting better and better with each year though, this can especially be noticed with him and the NB-8, the group he's the most himself around.
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hetaestoniahq · 3 years
|| Hima: * Doesn't acknowledge the Nordic-Baltic 8 exists and rather makes Estonia all Nordic obsessed even though that shit died just when it began*
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Also let's make hws/aph NB8 an actually used tag hell yes ||
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