#hunter melly
rofla09 · 3 months
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I thought a lot about her so I felt the need to draw something....save me bee queen..
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mothoka · 10 months
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Red flags x IDV
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cornalicious · 26 days
The year is 2028 IDV has wrapped up COA and announces that there will finally be a female identity swap, everyone cheers out in joy "finally Melly's hunter Identity!" they cry. Netease finally unveils the hunter, its brooke rose.
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mintytealfox · 5 months
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More of that Hunters Nortalice au 👀
Melly coming back to get them 😔 too bad its not as easy as coming to pick them up. Can't throw a giant bird and a mountain that is loosing his mind in a car 🙃
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broh3m3 · 2 years
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no talk them they sleeby
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ferret-does-stuff · 30 days
In true Lulu fashion I have fallen in love with both of the new survivors, so let me do my thing aand start analyzing Evelyn's appearance (I'll give Jeffrey and Richard their own posts).
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Let me just start by saying she is STUNNING. She is the moment. Her design is so jahshshshshshhshshsh to me (i have a thing for characters with blonde hair in a bob and blue eyes *looks at Eichi and Albedo*). Anyway, I love how she literally looks like an A tier costume in herself. I normally don't really like hats but honestly she's killing it. The cane looks so beautiful and THOSE PEARLS.
Stepping away from my blatant lesbianism for a moment, I think I should talk about her occupation. For those who don't know, a Faro Lady was an aristocratic woman who was also a gambler, however it also became a term for women who would discuss politics which makes me think that misogyny will be a big thing in her backstory potentially. I do have a couple of idea for what her story is so here are my more basic ones.
1. The pretty likely "I gambled all my money away oh no! Thank God for this letter offering a monetary prize for playing this game!". This is a pretty basic idea, but it would definitely suit a gambler however basic it is.
2. She's a gambling addict looking for something higher stakes, and what could be higher stakes than a game of life and death?
As for my ideas about her kit I think we'll probably be getting her backstory video within the next couple of weeks (only if she's in essence 1 which is unlikely considering we just got two new characters in the same season) so her kit will release a few days after that. Part of me thinks she'll have a kind of RNG feature in her kit but that's also pretty unlikely and would probably be unfair. Since her item seems to be a cane maybe she'll hit the hunters with it? Another part of me thinks she could be a decoder, it's mentioned she has a very good memory so perhaps she'll be like lawyer and her decoding speed will gradually increase as she decodes. Either way I really hope she doesn't turn out like Florian (as much as I love him his kit is just so... weird) where she has so much potential only for netease to give her the goofiest kit possible.
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woesunf · 2 months
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Melly being alluded to as hunter, part one million.
I’m rewatching the lore bc knowing abt Alice now we can deduce a lot more about what happened with Orpheus.
I think Norton is the one being attacked in the drawing lol.
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I am completely obsessed with Netease's money making tactic when it comes to their games... which is basically thirst-trapping ppl into playing their unbalanced games.
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westily · 1 year
Call of the Abyss is nearing and the skins! I'm giddy with excitement!
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And Wu Chang looks so cool.
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greyroses02 · 5 months
y’all, I’m so ready for Puppeteer’s essence
*only has one essence*
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oletus-manors-log · 1 year
hello fellow idv writer, welcome to the shithole that is ashes of memory /lh
anyways in the title screen as well Alice is turning around [as China server accidentally leaked a 3rd image where she's facing the player]! We don't know what this means but, like orpheus, we're taking this as a symbol of her looking back, looking back into her past to embrace her future.
I'm also taking this as Ashes of Memory part 2 99% likely coming soon 👀
Ooh, hello fellow IDV writer! 👋 Also yeah haha Ashes of Memory has me in a chokehold rn.
And ohhh— man I'm already excited for it coming soon! I just got back and if we have to wait for 3 years for the next lore drop? 😩 Hell no LMAO we don't need another episode of Orpheus lore not being dropped until years later LMAOOOO
Speaking of Alice, she's had my interest for a while and the way she's basically the grown up ver. of LG has me 👀✨ in potential lore (would also love to ask her on a platonic date like madame please tell me the shit you discovered, I'd love to know what you found out)
If we don't get to see more of her bond and the match she'll be on with the others, I'll throw hands WWWWW
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unovanhunny · 1 year
Does Ingo have a bounty hunter "rival"? Just some rando who thinks they're in a competition when they're really... Not.
Its not a rando, its Melli. Ingo doesn't even think of them as rivals, he just thinks they're acquaintances and Melli is kinda annoying. Especially because Melli will get in the way and try to sabotage Ingo in dumb ways and then they both lose the bounty. Emmet would find it funny if not for the fact that that impacts their paychecks and Emmet's gotta be on top of the budget
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mothoka · 10 months
Ganji made a horrible discovery
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salon-maiden-anabel · 2 years
Anyways tumblr doesnt know the horrors of the family forest but every day I inch closer to posting the most out of context connections from it. I have too many doodles for it its a NIGHTMARE. THE FUCKING GREEN HAIR REFEREES. THEY KEEP GETTING ADDED
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oletus-writer · 6 months
Can you make a 'Jealous of their mini version' with Jack, h!Melly and fools gold? (if they had one) will be so glad to read them :)
Of course!! I’ve been busy being consumed by Baldur’s Gate III so this is late by a long shot.
Jack, Hunter Melly, Hunter Norton being jealous of their mini pet version
Warnings: slight jealousy
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He’s amused, to say the least. You can’t get enough of him, so much so that you’ve decided to purchase a little version of him to follow you around when he’s not there. Unlike others, he won’t be too jealous, and is willing to pamper it alongside you, treating it like a child.
‘Oh my sweet robin, it looks like you’ve been missing me. Well, don’t you worry; there’s enough of me to go around. This little darling can’t be much of a replacement, hm?’
Of course, if he finds you spending more time with little Jack than with him, jealousy settles in. He’ll court you, all gentlemanly and saccharine. Expect flowers, poems, being treated better in matches, and maybe even a painting. Holding the door open for you, kissing your hand… you get the picture.
‘You did so well in that match… Sure, I wasn’t there, but I’m certain you did well, dove. Would you like to enjoy this wine with me as celebration? If not, may I interest you in some of my cooking?’ (You’ll have to supervise his cooking, though)
There isn’t much pettiness, as he understands why you’d buy a mini Jack, and that it’s more available to you than him, being a hunter and all. He does have a photo of you that he carries with him at all times, after all, but he might get jealous over the fact you actively spend time with mini Jack than him. Sure, it’s a pet you need to take care of, but he’d prefer it if you invite him over a bit more frequently.
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Hunter Melly
She’s a bit more possessive of you than her survivor counterpart, and is a bit ruthless. She doesn’t mind locking away little Melly so she could have the entire day alone with you, nor does she mind resorting to threatening the little pet. However, she’s not a total savage, and is willing to raise it like a child.
‘Honey, as much as I enjoy your company evermore when we’re alone, perhaps this little pet you have isn’t so bad. We should give it a proper name, not just Little Melly.’
Bitter jealousy still settles in her ribcage like acid reflux, though, and she’ll find any excuse to get you to have greenhouse dates, as the mini pet would get lost, it’s little legs and short perspective unable to find its parents in the maze. She’ll pick flowers and tell you their meanings all the while ignoring that nagging sense of guilt.
However, she finds that little Melly has its uses, such as observing small details on her insects, and finding new species within the greenhouse. She’ll treat the pet a bit better, and there are some times when you find her giving all her attention to it.
‘This little sweetheart has done wonders to my research. It was a good choice to purchase it. You have my gratitude.’
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Hunter Norton
He understands that you’re not all his, and that he should be nice and respectful of his lover, but he just has the instinct to hold things dear to him so tightly that his ribcage wraps around them. There’s an ill feeling in his throat and he can’t swallow and his rock fingers twist knobs into the table.
‘What’s going on, darling? Oh… that little thing. I see. Suppose I should leave you to it, then, since it’s obviously better company that me.’
Unlike the other two, he’s never going to accept the mini him into his life. He hates children, and having another mouth to feed is quite the annoyance.
‘When are you gonna throw that thing aside? It’s just a toy, right? Come to your rightful place in my arms.’
He simply doesn’t understand why you’d rather the substitute than the real thing. After all, as much as he doesn’t want to admit, you could always seek out survivor Norton.
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broh3m3 · 2 years
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hat buddies!
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