#humanitarian daily ration
infamousbrad · 11 months
Brad's Food Pellets: the HDR?
Statement of the Problem: C-PTSD and Orthorexia
Most Recent Experiment: Military-surplus Humanitarian Daily Ration packets?
I have recurring bouts of pervasive anhedonia, probably related to C-PTSD and definitely made worse by the texture sensitivity of my autism-spectrum disorder. One of the major impacts of this on my life is that I have severe difficulty staying fed: I have days, sometimes multiple in a row, where the thought of eating anything makes me gag. Eventually, when I'm on the point of collapse, I'll choke down some of the fattiest, most sugar-sweetened food there is just to keep from getting falling over or passing out, if that's all I can stomach. But that ends up making things worse, because it's not satisfying and it's even more depressing.
This has been made worse in recent years by seemingly non-stop pressure to lose weight, despite the absence of any scientifically demonstrable way for me to do so. In the last year or so, this has manifested as what I recognize to be the symptoms of orthorexia, food-avoidant behavior driven not by desire to get thin but by fear of "eating something that's wrong."
One way that I've been trying to manage this is by experimenting with what one of my closest friends calls "Brad's food pellets." These are food solutions that are as nutritious as I can make them while meeting several criteria: high shelf stability, low price, and perhaps most importantly, lowest possible prep time, cooking time, and cleanup time. If food's going to be gross no matter what I do, I need to at least get it over with quickly.
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I found out via a Reddit blog post that there is a now 20+ year old collaboration between the big-three military-ration companies, at least three US government agencies, and at least two big disaster relief charities to continuously improve something called the Humanitarian Daily Ration: a salmon-pink nigh-indestructible self-padded heavy Tyvek envelope containing 2200 calories' worth of vegetarian, kosher, halal, nutritious, varied food that can, if necessary, be eaten with no additional preparation, for a maximum of $5 per day.
The collaboration hasn't settled on "good enough" and based on user feedback, they've revised the menu at least three times that I can find evidence of, not counting the one that's in progress right now. Because there's a new 2023 formulation (more infant-friendly food in every packet, substitution of sesame for peanuts), huge stocks of the 2011?-2022 formulation are being dumped onto the military surplus market right now. The State Department, the Army, FEMA, the Red Cross, and the UN High Council for Refugees are rushing to stock up on the 2023 formulation as fast as the big-three "MRE" companies can make them.
So it's trivially easy, if you search online, to find multiple vendors offering to ship a crate of ten 2022-model HDRs for $50 or less, including shipping, even though they're explicitly not intended for general civilian use. I decided to see if these would make acceptable "food pellets" and ordered what turned out to be "menu B," the one that primarily comes from the vendor Sopakco. Which crate you get is deliberately random, they're not labeled on the outside, and online reviews suggest that "crate B" is the worst of the three, so this makes a good worst-case experiment. It came with:
10 packets of unfrosted brown sugar Pop-Tarts, two per packet
10 peanut butter packets and 10 strawberry jam packets (bread not included)
16 packets of ultra-concentrated mildly-spicy tomato soup in three different flavors: lentils with rice, black eyed peas with rice, and lentils with potatoes and mixed vegetables (or as I said after adding the red and black pepper, "three different flavors of vegetarian chili")
4 packets of ultra-concentrated mild yellow curry with rice & lentils
10 packets of large saltine crackers flavored with powdered mixed vegetables, two per packet
10 large shortbread cookies
10 large cinnamon-oatmeal cookies
20 ingredient lists printed on heavy card-stock, and
10 "accessory" packs, each of which contains one plastic spoon, one napkin, one wet-wipe, one salt packet, one ground black pepper packet, one large red-pepper flake packet, two sugar packets, and a pack of paper safety matches.
Yes, the breakfast and both deserts are identical every day and, frankly, not great. The cookies and the Pop-Tarts are astonishingly dry and crumbly for the crate still having more than two years left on its "best used by" date. The Pop-Tarts and the shortbread cookie are also awfully bland for something that's going to be eaten every day. (Which is why they've been replaced for 2023 with tastier options.) At least the cinnamon-oatmeal cookie, dry and crumbly as it is, is very flavorful.
Each daily packet includes two of the concentrated-soup entrees, with a predictable rotation, but guaranteed not to be the same two days in a row. I can reconstitute one in a small saucepan, with half a packet or so of water, on an induction cooking plate in not much more than a minute, and once I crumble in one of the two daily crackers, it's an astonishingly tasty meal, enough that it cuts through both of my food-aversion issues, with zero cognitive/emotional load on me -- just grab one of the two that the packet chose for me.
2200 calories a day turn out to not be enough to satisfy me on some days, but I have previous "food pellet" experiments that I can pad out a menu with. I can write those experiments up, if there's any interest in the reblogs or comments?
But for now, I think I have, if not a solution, a reasonably well-tolerated treatment. As long as they're available on the military-surplus market, I'm going to re-order a crate every time I drop below four packets left. And, specifically:
On any day where it takes me longer than two hours to persuade myself to eat something, anything, for breakfast, it means I'm having one of "those" days, so I'm going to open another HDR packet and eat whatever it gives me.
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themedialmercurial · 5 months
🌟Asteroid Abundantia (151) and where you may be blessed🌟
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Asteroid Abundantia represents the area(s) of your life in which you can expect to be extra plentiful.
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Greater self-perception, more favourable impressions amongst others, improved physical appearance, improved health
Better finances, increased personal possessions, experience ease in making money, greater access to ressources, improved self-worth
Ease in producing thought, communication comes more naturally and wanting to do so with others, uptick in short trips, greater early education experience (if in natal chart), more learning, more siblings (if in natal chart)
Several family members, a prominent relationship with the mother, several familial traditions, many properties (real estate), a blessed early life (childhood)
Great creativity, comfort in self-expression, having several children/pets/relationships, numerous vacations, hobby-lover, several talents, attracting a lot of attention naturally
Manifests as many employment opportunities or having an abundance of work to do, overall health, a busy daily routine
Experiencing many relationships or one in particular that brings about blessings, several enemies
Having many transformations in one's life (rebirth, leaving behind old thinking patterns/perspectives), immense interest in spirituality
To speak several languages, experience many different cultures, numerous long travels, religion is prominent, to gain knowledge through higher education, luck through one's media/internet access
Great public reputation, great ambition and work ethic, attaining a prestigious career, many responsibilities, a prominent relationship with the father
To have many goals, very involved in humanitarian endeavours, many acquaintances and/or friends, to experience an abundance of money from one's career
To love sleep, spirituality is prominent, many fears and secrets, a need to withdraw, many hidden enemies, a need for privacy
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ABUNDANTIA IN THE SIGNS (how this abundance is expressed)
ARIES Emphatically, energetically, enthusiastically
TAURUS In a stable manner, practically, aesthetically, patiently
GEMINI Adaptably, curiously, communicably
CANCER Sensitively, emotionally, in a nurturing way
Dramatically, generously, creatively, in a fun way
Cautiously, critically, usefully
LIBRA Peacefully, indecisively (back-and-forth), diplomatically
Powerfully, intensely, persevering, passionately, extreme
SAGITTARIUS In a scattered way, exaggeratively, restlessly, idealistically
CAPRICORN Responsibly, efficiently, ambitiously, insensitively
In an original, unexpected manner, rebelliously
Sentimentally, spiritually
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Abundantia/Sun benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength and peace in self-identity, creativity and leadership
Abundantia/Sun malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus of ego, will power, identity (self-absorption)
Abundantia/Moon benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in feeling one's emotions and emotional responses, nurturing qualities and habits
Abundantia/Moon malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus of feelings, sensitivity, overwhelm of emotion
Abundantia/Mercury benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in one's own thought (rationality), all forms of communication, local travelling
Abundantia/Mercury malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus of thought (overthinking), constant travel (perhaps as a means of escape or for work)
Abundantia/Venus benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in one's own beauty, the beauty of the world (seeing the little things), balance and harmony
Abundantia/Venus malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus of desire for beauty (obsession with aesthetics), constant need for balance and harmony
Abundantia/Saturn benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in structure, discipline, responsibility and maturity
Abundantia/Saturn malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus in responsibilities, authority and restriction
Abundantia/Mars benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in assertion, initiative, independence and competition
Abundantia/Mars malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus of aggression, competition and initiative (restlessness)
Abundantia/Jupiter benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in higher education, growth, long distance travel
Abundantia/Jupiter malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus of growth (too many things all at once to tend to), long distance travel
Abundantia/Uranus benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in the unusual/unexpected, individuality, reform
Abundantia/Uranus malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus of uniqueness, sudden unexpected/undesired changes
Abundantia/Chiron benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in heaving, teaching and innovation
Abundantia/Chiron malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Surplus of hurt and pain
Abundantia/Neptune benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in imagination, spirituality and arts
Abundantia/Neptune malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus of fear, confusion, and mental sensitivity
Abundantia/Pluto benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in finances, transformation, intimate encounters
Abundantia/Pluto malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus of transformation (unable to get one's footing)
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Don't forget to apply this to your solar (year outlook) or lunar return chart (monthly outlook)! Also transits!
For example, in my 2023-2024 solar return chart, I have abundantia in scorpio 2H. This placement predicts that my year will be plentiful when it comes to personal finances and possessions (2H). This is expressed very powerfully and intensely and should also be shared with others (scorpio). Based on what I've seen thus far, I’d say yes in the sense that I had a solid income source and have been able to treat myself and my loved ones (the urge to do so has very much been intense, especially as Christmas is right around the corner).
Natally, I have abundantia in sag 3H.
Thoughts come naturally to me and I tend to express myself exagerratively ngl (my words tend to come across more harsh than I'd like)
Also, I do tend to go on small road trips with my family. My early early education experience was amazing (I honestly miss it so much and I love love learning but that could also be my scorpio 3H and pluto 3H interacting lol).
-->Ironically, I don't have any siblings! It's also worth noting that abundantia quincunxes my mercury. A quincunx is a rather "negative" aspect and represents a disconnect or compromise.
-->I nearly forgot to mention that the asteroid itself is in retrograde...great. Perhaps delays in abundance are expected
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What’s your abundantia placement? How does manifest either natally or in your solar return chart?
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cupidastrology · 3 months
Asteroid Aphrodite transit Aquarius 2024 (˘∀˘)/(μ‿μ) ❤ What the 12 signs are expecting ❤
Let's review ❤ Asteroid Aphrodite highlights the desire and the ability to romantically attract others. It is the asteroid that has the capability to get what you want through seduction, persuasion, and love.
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When you find Asteroid Aphrodite in your birth chart, you see how, where, and when you are able to express abilities in these traits stated above in your daily life. When it comes to transits, the collective is affected as a whole.
Aquarius is the sign of unexpected changes and movements; it is one of the signs that represent the word 'sudden' and 'suddenly'. It is also the sign that is in charge of the rapid changes in technology, electronics, humanitarian events, of yourself, and mental health.
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Associate with your natal Asteroid Aphrodite 1388 placement.
Aphrodite in Aries - You may want to start changing how you take charge to new experiences in your personal life. It is important that change is felt at this time, because you may want to connect on a new level of discomfort in order to grow. Using the internet to discover new events to participate in or grow your own community in person is prominent.
Aphrodite in Taurus - Self-care and focusing on "the bag' is most important to your wellbeing; you may become more focused and obsessed with how well you look in terms of skin care. There is also a high chance an upgrade is desired in terms of talents, involving personal expression or new clothing.
Aphrodite in Gemini - The way to finding your center is indulging into new forms of research, discussions, or trying a new hobby that is associated with observation, throwing in new ideas, or sharing new ideas that can bring in positivity to the area around you. The way to finding love in your heart is focusing on a new hand related skill; this is knitting, crochet, writing a new book, or illustration.
Aphrodite in Cancer - Finding comfort in yourself is important, but more involving your personal space. There is a need to grow and expand what you once though were best for your wellbeing emotionally. Now it is time to connect with other spaces and perspectives in life to find a new connection in your home life. Don't be nervous to express what you're outgrowing.
Aphrodite in Leo - To be able to place yourself in a position of power is important; you may be dealing with facing imperfections more than usual. Discovering new avenues to incorporate ways to feel even more confident than before is on the arise. You find yourself researching and creating a new from what inspires you at this time. Attractions and love come from unexpected places of the mind and heart, though not connected exact.
Aphrodite in Virgo - You may try to rationalize the thoughts you have of a possible romance, or if it is simply just fantasies due to the influence of Aquarian seduction in your mind. There may be ways for you to create brand new forms of writing, art, and imagery online due to what you find yourself thinking about, or of someone new.
Aphrodite in Libra - It is a time where you are to experience romance from different avenues, which can become overwhelming. There is a strong power around how you can use your ability to attract fairness and have all that you desire in the palm of your hand with this transit. It is important to focus on what makes you feel desirable, but also use any fantasies to your advantage in this period.
Aphrodite in Scorpio - Finding outlandish and unexpected realizations on how to love yourself while relinquishing control is focused at this time. Aquarius is the hive mind, the one who spirals, and is unexpectedly exposed. You may not be used to this, but you may feel a tad more in power with how you can bring in anyone, or anything, into your life right now.
Aphrodite in Sagittarius - There is a need to reach out to new areas of love, and how to attract what you want through new beliefs, and perspectives. A desire to travel or connect with different cultures is what awakens your need to be more free than usual. This is an excellent time to revisit old literature, studies, or courses you have not finished, but can expand.
Aphrodite in Capricorn - Social media and the concept of perfection may enrode your being; it is time for new developments on how you see yourself in a better position in life. Capricorn is slow paced but Aquarius is progressive, both previously ruled under Saturn but now different planets, it is time for you to get into the flow of change with how you want to be treated, desired, and needed in the environment or peoples around you.
Aphrodite in Aquarius - This is a moment where what you truly speak out into the world is coming right into place; you want a brand new set of lipsticks; you got it. It is time to focus on what you can express out into the world, and use possible spiritual beliefs to a degree where you may connect with others in brand new ways. A connection to spirit is strong here, and the true way of self love is in progress in mind.
Aphrodite in Pisces - It's important to figure out what exactly brings you pleasure, and what constitutes as the end. This is a time where you are meant to reflect on what exactly makes you beautiful, feel beautiful, and brings beauty into your life. You may have to trash old subjects, books, items, and supplies that previously bring you love and attraction. It is a renewal that is dawning on the horizon.
I hope you love this; let me know if you'd like to see this more often <3
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transgenderer · 7 months
my friend has these "humanitarian daily rations" that they sell for cheap because theyre only shelf stable so long and they need a bunch in case of emergency, anyway they have "food gift from the people of the united states of america" on them and i keep thinking about the massive win for american diplomacy it would be if we used these more liberally. can you imagine? theyre pretty good, and theyre halal + vegetarian + mostly hypoallergenic. and theyre a full days calories! can you imagine if very poor people around the world had the perception that every once in a while the united states gives them a full days worth of good food
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wumblr · 2 months
has anyone else run through the numbers on the gaza humanitarian aid airdrop? 38,000 meals is 1.7% of the population, in 66 airdrops (575 meals/pallet), which is 6.6% of apparent capacity (1,000 bombs/day average). if you assume humanitarian rations cost the same to the government as the retail bulk price, that's $4 each or $152,000 (maximum cost, food only, not airdropping it). the amount of military aid the us has provided to israel since wwii is measurable in hundreds of billions, six orders of magnitude larger than the cost of humanitarian aid provided today. stated another way, every 1/4th meal, or 550 calories, assuming these are 2200cal daily rations, represents a million dollars spent on military aid
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uncle-mojave · 9 months
HDR - Humanitarian Daily Ration
I got a case of these for $44 shipped. Five menus. Two packs of each.
Day's worth of shelf stable food thats dropped into areas that need it. Half the price of MRE's. Made in the USA.
My goal is once I start driving to have about 20 of these with me to boost my food and I'll suppliment with other stuff as I go.
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gacorley · 2 months
Please, please, people, stop spreading the “expired MRE” screenshot.
The MREs are not expired. The date is an inspection date.
MREs were used because they could be ready to deploy immediately. If the airdrops continue (as they should), they will likely start using HDRs (Humanitarian Daily Rations).
It is not in the interests of the United States to send unsafe food to Palestinians. (It isn’t in Israel’s interests either. There has already been so much fuel for radicalization.)
The airdrops are a good thing. They will save lives. Pressure needs to be kept up on Israel to open up land routes and for a ceasefire.
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dialogue-queered · 11 months
11 June 2023
Beneath the veneer of Russian military “tactics”, you see the stupid leer of destruction for the sake of it. The Kremlin can’t create, so all that is left is to destroy. Not in some pseudo-glorious self-immolation, the people behind atrocities are petty cowards, but more like a loser smearing their faeces over life. In Russia’s wars the very senselessness seems to be the sense.
After the casual mass executions at Bucha; after the bombing of maternity wards in Mariupol; after the laying to waste of whole cities in Donbas; after the children’s torture chambers, the missiles aimed at freezing civilians to death in the dead of winter, we now have the apocalyptic sight of the waters of the vast Dnipro, a river that when you are on it can feel as wide as a sea, bursting through the destroyed dam at Kakhovka. The reservoir held as much water as the Great Salt Lake in Utah. Its destruction has already submerged settlements where more than 40,000 people live. It has already wiped out animal sanctuaries and nature reserves. It will decimate agriculture in the bread basket of Ukraine that feeds so much of the world, most notably in the Middle East and Africa. To Russian genocide add ecocide.
The dam has been controlled by Russia for more than a year. The Ukrainian government has been warning that Russia had plans to blast it since October.
Seismologists in Norway have confirmed that massive blasts, the type associated with explosives rather than an accidental breach, came from the reservoir the night of its destruction. Some – including the American pro-Putin media personality Tucker Carlson – argue Russia couldn’t be behind the devastation, given the damage has spread to Russian-controlled territories, potentially restricting water supply to Crimea. But if “Russia wouldn’t damage its own people” is your argument then it’s one that doesn’t hold, pardon the tactless pun, much water. One of the least accurate quotes about Russia is Winston Churchill’s line about it being “a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma, but perhaps there is a key. That key is Russian national interest.” This makes it sound as if Russia is driven by some theory of rational choice – when century after century the opposite appears to be the case.
Few have captured the Russian cycle of self-destruction and the destruction of others as well as the Ukrainian literary critic Tetyana Ogarkova. In her rewording of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Russian classic novel Crime and Punishment, a novel about a murderer who kills simply because he can, Ogarkova calls Russia a culture where you have “crime without punishment, and punishment without crime”. The powerful murder with impunity; the victims are punished for no reason.
When not bringing humanitarian aid to the front lines, Ogarkova presents a podcast together with her husband, the philosopher Volodymyr Yermolenko. It’s remarkable for showing two people thinking calmly while under daily bombardment. It reminds me of German-Jewish philosophers such as Walter Benjamin, who kept writing lucidly even as they fled the Nazis. As they try to make sense of the evil bearing down on their country, Ogarkova and Yermolenko note the difference between Hitler and Stalin: while Nazis had some rules about who they punished (non-Aryans; communists) in Stalin’s terror anyone could be a victim at any moment. Random violence runs through Russian history.Reacting to how Vladimir Putin’s Russia is constantly changing its reasons for invading Ukraine – from “denazification” to “reclaiming historic lands” to “Nato expansion” – Ogarkova and Yermolenko decide that the very brutal nature of the invasion is its essence: the war crimes are the point. Russia claims to be a powerful “pole” in the world to balance the west – but has failed to create a successful political model others would want to join. So it has nothing left to offer except to drag everyone down to its own depths.“How dare you live like this,” went a resentful piece of graffiti by Russian soldiers in Bucha. “What’s the point of the world when there is no place for Russia in it,” complains Putin. After the dam at Kakhovka was destroyed, a General Dobruzhinsky crowed on a popular Russian talkshow: “We should blow up the Kyiv water reservoir too.” “Why?” asked the host. “Just to show them.” But, as Ogarkova and Yermolenko explore, Russians also send their soldiers to die senselessly in the meat grinder of the Donbas, their bodies left uncollected on the battlefield, their relatives not informed of their death so as to avoid paying them. On TV, presenters praise how “no one knows how to die like us”. Meanwhile, villagers on the Russian-occupied side of the river are being abandoned by the authorities. Being “liberated” by Russia means joining its empire of humiliation.
Where does this drive to annihilation come from? In 1912 the Russian-Jewish psychoanalyst Sabina Spielrein – who was murdered by the Nazis, while her three brothers were killed in Stalin’s terror -first put forward the idea that people were drawn to death as much as to life. She drew on themes from Russian literature and folklore for her theory of a death drive, but the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, first found her ideas too morbid. After the First World War, he came to agree with her. The desire for death was the desire to let go of responsibility, the burden of individuality, choice, freedom – and sink back into inorganic matter. To just give up. In a culture such as Russia’s, where avoiding facing up to the dark past with all its complex webs of guilt and responsibility is commonplace, such oblivion can be especially seductive.
But Russia is also sending out a similar message to Ukrainians and their allies with these acts of ultra-violent biblical destruction: give in to our immensity, surrender your struggle. And for all Russia’s military defeats and actual socio-economic fragility, this propaganda of the deed can still work.
The reaction in the west to the explosion of the dam has been weirdly muted. Ukrainians are mounting remarkable rescue operations, while Russia continues to shell semi-submerged cities, but they are doing it more or less alone. Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, has been mystified by the “zero support” from international organisations such as the UN and Red Cross.
Perhaps the relative lack of support comes partly because people feel helpless in the face of something so immense, these Cecil B DeMille-like scenes of giant rivers exploding. It’s the same helplessness some feel when faced with the climate crisis. It’s apposite that the strongest response to Russia’s ecocide came not from governments but the climate activist Greta Thunberg, who clearly laid the blame of what happened on Russia and demanded it be held accountable. But there’s been barely a peep out of western governments or the UN.
Pushing the strange lure of death, oblivion and just giving up is the Russian gambit. How much life do we have left in us?
Peter Pomerantsev is the author of Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible: Adventures in Modern Russia
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theculturedmarxist · 2 years
At 8:30 UTC today I checked the priorities of the day on major U.S. news websites.
On the New York Times homepage the word "Trump" appeared 10 times, "Ukraine" appeared 5 times.
On the Washington Post homepage the word "Trump" appeared 12 times, "Ukraine" appeared 5 times.
On the Wall Street Journal homepage the word "Trump" appeared 9 times, "Ukraine" appeared 3 times.
The Google Trends graph for Ukraine has fallen to near zero.
This is a problem because it takes pressure off the Biden administration to negotiate with Russia over Ukraine and the future security architecture in Europe. ---
Today's daily 'clobber list' by the Russian Ministry of Defense includes an additional chapter taken from the verbal briefing:
I would like to note that in recent weeks, incidents involving the shooting of Ukrainian servicemen in the back by nationalist units have become more frequent in areas of military operations. Thus, after a fire preparation for an attack by Russian troops near Novomikhailovka in Donetsk People's Republic, more than 30 servicemen of the 25th Battalion of the 54th Mechanized Brigade of the AFU decided to lay down their arms and surrender. Ukrainian servicemen occupying a stronghold near Zvioroferma asked the Russian unit command via radio to cease fire and provide a corridor for exit. Around 10 p.m., AFU servicemen with white flags began moving towards Russian positions. At that moment, a Ukrainian nationalist barrier unit arrived at the stronghold in armored vehicles and opened crossfire in the back on the servicemen of the 54th Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. As a result of this shooting, 32 Ukrainian servicemen were fatally wounded and killed. This incident, as well as many others like it, clearly demonstrates that amid growing military failures and demoralization of Ukrainian troops, the Kiev nationalist regime is trying to stop the retreat and surrender of its units by punitive actions of barrier squads.
I have seen no evidence that supports the details of the above incident. But there have been public reports that somewhat prominent people who are opposed to the war or criticize the Zelenski regime get picked up the Ukrainian SBU (the former KGB) or some 'nationalist', ie. fascist  goons to then vanish. It is thereby not astonishing to read that similar events, on a likely larger scale, are happening at the frontline of the war. ---
The Ukrainian artillery is said to fire only 6,000 rounds per day for lack artillery ammunition. Yesterday 300 projectiles were fired by the Ukrainian army or by 'nationalists' onto civilian areas of 'rebel' held city of Donetsk. There were at lest 7 dead and 22 wounded. Graham Phillips provides a video report of the impacts and damage (vid). To use 5% of the daily ammunition ration to terrorize civilians in Donetsk is not only despicable but dumb as those artillery troops will now receive intensified attention they deserve.
Levi @Levi_godman - 11:42 UTC · Jun 14, 2022 ❗️The DPR asks Russia to use additional Iskanders and aircraft to destroy the artillery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Meanwhile Russia is providing a humanitarian corridor for civilians and surrendering Ukrainian troops who leave the Azot chemical plant in Severodonetsk. The scheme is similar to the corridors at the Azov steelworks in Mariupol where it worked well.
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xtruss · 2 months
Famine Imminent In North Gaza By May, Urgent Intervention Needed: UN
The Situation is Particularly Dire in the North of Gaza Where There are About 300,000 People, the UN Says
- TRT World | Monday March 18, 2024
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Isra-hell has been accused of continuing to "Systematically and Deliberately Block and Undermine" the Delivery of Aid into Gaza./Photo: AA Archive
Half of Gaza residents are experiencing "catastrophic" hunger, with famine projected to hit the north of the territory by May without urgent intervention, a United Nations-backed food security assessment has warned.
"People in Gaza are starving to death right now. The speed at which this man-made hunger and malnutrition crisis has ripped through Gaza is terrifying," the head of the UN's World Food Programme (WFP) Cindy McCain said.
"To have 50 percent of an entire population in catastrophic, near-famine levels, is unprecedented," Beth Bechdol, the deputy director general of the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), told AFP.
This amounts to around 1.1 million people "struggling with catastrophic hunger and starvation", according to the WFP.
It added: "This is the highest number of people ever recorded as facing catastrophic hunger" under the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) partnership, which published its latest report on Monday.
Aid charity Oxfam on Monday accused Israel of continuing to "systematically and deliberately block and undermine" the delivery of aid into Gaza, in violation of international humanitarian law.
The IPC system, conducted by the UN and aid agencies, is used by the UN or governments in deciding whether or not to officially declare a famine.
"Famine is imminent in the northern governorates and projected to occur anytime between mid-March and May 2024," the IPC report said of Gaza.
"All evidence points towards a major acceleration of deaths and malnutrition. Waiting for a retrospective famine classification before acting is indefensible," it said.
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More than 600 Million Muslims
'Wasted' Children
A famine is declared when 20 percent of households face an extreme food shortage - which is the case in Gaza, the UN says - one in three children are acutely malnourished, and at least two in every 10,000 people die every day of starvation or malnutrition.
Children in Gaza face "extremely critical health conditions ... exposing them to high-risk nutritional deterioration", the IPC report said.
According to the WFP, "one in three children below the age of two is now acutely malnourished, or 'wasted'.
"This means they are dangerously thin for their height, which puts them at risk of death."
Arif Husain, WFP's chief economist, warned the final criteria for declaring a famine - the mortality rate - would "happen any time from now until the end of May".
FAO's Bechdol said that challenges of data collection and analysis meant it was "possible that famine is already occurring in the north".
Gaza residents were "turning to alternative sources" for food, including animal feed and "inedible items, purely out of desperation", she told AFP.
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Donors have turned to deliveries by air or sea, but air and sea missions are no alternative to land deliveries, UN agencies say.
WFP said meeting basic food needs would require at least 300 trucks to enter Gaza every day and distribute food, especially in the north.
The agency has only managed to get nine convoys into the north since the start of the year, it said.
The latest of these, on Sunday night, involved 18 truckloads of food supplies delivered to Gaza.
"The convoy, the second to use a coordinated route into Gaza and the north, delivered some 274 metric tonnes of wheat flour, food parcels and ready-to-eat rations.
"This route needs to be made available for daily convoys and safe access to the north," it said.
The Rome-based agency said it needed Israel to "provide more entry points into Gaza" and allow use of the Ashdod port to bring in food aid.
The WFP's Husain said: "Our hope is we can still avert a full-fledged famine."
"But the window is shutting and it is shutting very, very fast".
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More than 600 Million Muslims Face Food Shortages in this Ramadan!
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infamousbrad · 11 months
"I'm in this picture, and I don't like it."
So there's a really good book that, as far as I know, I have yet to successfully persuade anybody else to read: Distraction, by Bruce Sterling. Written in 1998, set after the 2044 election, it's about political weirdness during a climate-change polycrisis.
But I just noticed something about myself and that book. The comic-relief sidekick is an older white guy who used to be a computer network security guy, and all of the other characters think it's weird that in every other scene he's in, he's having some product delivered that nobody's ever heard of: weird protein shakes ("not like the ones in stores"), foil-wrapped ready-to-eat meal packets, and single-use sachets of sunscreen. At the time, I thought this was a hilarious quirk.
Now I'm an older white guy who used to be a computer networking security guy who's constantly getting deliveries of weird personal-care products: weird protein shakes, weird ready-to-eat meal packets, and ... okay, not sunscreen, but weird deodorant and weird shampoo.
He got the year wrong, but he usually does. He got 1/3rd of the details wrong, which he usually does. But I didn't expect to have one of his predictions for a dystopian future bracket me personally.
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newsworld-nw · 7 months
The Israeli army launched its biggest ground incursion into Gaza since the start of the war
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Earlier this Thursday, the Israeli military launched its greatest floor offensive in Gaza for the reason that Hamas offensive. This isn't the assault to "destroy Hamas's navy and governmental energy" that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been saying for days and promised this Wednesday that it might are available in time. Nevertheless it was the primary time in 19 days that tanks and infantry entered the strip "for hours" to "eradicate terrorists", "neutralize threats" and defuse explosives, as navy spokesman Daniel Hagari defined in his each day report. The Israeli military launched video of the operation to the press. Armored automobiles may be seen crossing the identical concrete barrier that lots of of militiamen crossed within the studied shock assault that killed 1,400 individuals, primarily civilians, and triggered the present disaster.extra infoThis technique, geared toward getting ready the bottom for - in Hagari's phrases - "the subsequent part of the conflict", runs parallel to the extreme aerial bombardment, which kills lots of of Palestinians daily, 68% of them youngsters and ladies, in response to the ministry. The well being of the Hamas authorities. Considered one of them, on this Thursday's selective killing, was recognized by the Israeli military as Shadi Barud, the deputy head of Hamas' intelligence directorate and an "assistant" within the planning of the seventh assault.The "whole blockade" of provides from Israel to Gaza and the mixture of frequent bombings with the circulation of help from Egypt solely deepened, in dribs and drabs, the deterioration of the humanitarian disaster, which had already reached "catastrophic proportions". Ahmed Al Mandhari, WHO Regional Director for the Japanese Mediterranean.As a consequence of lack of gasoline for turbines, hospitals have began rationing electrical energy for use just for emergencies. And help, already thought of negligible when it started flowing out of Egypt final Saturday, is dwindling. Prior to now 48 hours, solely 20 vehicles of water, meals and drugs have crossed the Rafah crossing, the one open one, linking the Palestinian enclave to Egypt. That's, 2% of those that did it daily earlier than the conflict. Oxfam Worldwide, a confederation of 21 charities, accused Israel in a press release of utilizing starvation "as a weapon of conflict towards civilians in Gaza" and estimated that 30 vehicles loaded with meals, both totally or partially, had entered for the reason that crackdown. Oxfam Worldwide estimates that about 2% of the meals that enters the strip is fenced.Not one of the convoys carried gasoline, the provision of which has been denied by Israel and the USA. The UN company for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) warned this Thursday that "the subsequent 24 hours are essential" as a result of, if gasoline doesn't enter, it will likely be "compelled to scale back and in some instances cease their humanitarian operations" in Gaza. Israel permits it. No as a result of Hamas - the Islamist armed group that has dominated the Strip since 2007 - is utilizing them for "operational wants", the navy spokesman argued.Of the 1.4 million Gazans who've fled their properties because of the bombing (two-thirds of the inhabitants), 613,000 are taking shelter in UNRWA amenities, reminiscent of colleges and a well being middle, and about 700,000 within the properties of family, in response to knowledge from the United Nations Workplace for Humanitarian Affairs. UNRWA additionally misplaced 38 employees members in airstrikes.Solely 5 Arab international locations which have diplomatic relations with Israel (Jordan, Egypt, Morocco, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain) and 4 others (Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Oman, and Kuwait) "issued a joint assertion condemning the coverage of collective punishment." "and "all acts of violence and terrorism" towards civilians. Within the textual content, deliberate violations of the authentic rights of the Palestinian individuals promoted by the Ministry of International Affairs on social networks.in the course of the assaultGiven the delay within the floor part of the operation, Netanyahu has been compelled to emphasize in latest days that he has not backed down, and that the federal government and armed forces are shifting collectively. “We're getting ready for a floor assault. I am not going to specify when, how or how a lot. Or the assorted concerns that we take, which for essentially the most half aren't recognized to the general public and it ought to be in order that we will save the lives of the troopers," he stated in a speech this Wednesday. After being leaked to the media.
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Photographs of the Israeli military's operation in Gaza on the night time of October 25. Cowl picture / Zuma Press / ContactoPhotoBehind closed doorways, Israel and the USA insisted that solely the previous resolve the timing and plan of action. The second is proscribed to offering help for "non-self-defense" (reminiscent of plane carriers deployed within the Mediterranean) as its Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, promised shortly after the Hamas assault. President Joe Biden reiterated Israel's "proper and accountability" to "defend its residents from terrorism and to take action in accordance with worldwide regulation." The White Home assertion got here amid controversy over Biden's questioning of Palestinian dying toll figures launched by the Hamas authorities's well being ministry in Gaza, which responded by releasing a 212-page doc together with names, genders and ages. 6,747 of those, and observe that one other 281 are but to be recognized.Behind closed doorways, the Individuals, nonetheless, fear about their allies' capacity to cope with regional wars that would set off an invasion. Certainly, its navy reported intercepting a volley of missiles and drones from Yemen towards Israel, apparently by Houthi militias, which Iran helps.Washington desires to tie the dots earlier than Israel enters Gaza with every thing. This, in response to varied analysts, is likely one of the important causes for delaying the assault. Nevertheless it desires a profitable conclusion to Qatar-brokered talks to free not less than 224 hostages in Gaza, a few of whom are its nationals. Since final weekend, Hamas has launched 4 individuals: an American mom and daughter and two aged Israeli ladies. Qatar is at present engaged on a a lot bigger package deal: together with about 50 international passports.This Thursday, Abu Obeda, spokesman for Hamas's armed wing, the Ezzedine Al Qassam Brigades, estimated one other fifty hostages killed in Israeli bombings in a message on the Telegram community with out names or proof.Observe all worldwide info Fb And Xor between Our weekly publication._ #Israeli #military #launched #greatest #floor #incursion #Gaza #begin #conflict Read the full article
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lepartiprisdeschoses · 8 months
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As far as I can tell, Dombrowski and Clark give us no compelling reason not to conclude that Christian speciesism is justified based on the passages referred to. They mention them, but the reasons for "extending charity to animals" seem to be given in spite of them without even attempting to (say) explain them away as allegory, as crude as that would be.
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On a more lighthearted note, one of Steve1989MREInfo's more recent reviews is of a humanitarian daily ration with two bean dishes and that was a nice thing to watch before bed last night.
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Social Studies , Laws , Psychology & Political Science Sep 29 & Sep 28 2021
By Najeh Benlahmadi Zion
Ph 21693300371 USSS# 333-98-6973
Sep 29 Note 1
Because I am a Law Abiding Citizen
Populations and Life_Price_Assessing_Codes
Society and Consciousness's Boundaries
The truth is Life_Price_Assessing_Codes mean ( A Society or Governing System) willingness to complacently sacrifice, dispose or lose a * life*, a human being and * any* human being ( daily or yearly) and sadly that is not the end.
* In fact this is just the beginning because eventually the opposite will be as right*.
Political practice of Life_Price_Assessing_Codes ll become a Social Indoctrinating Order and through ( Rules of Familiarism, Submission) ll design an individual's point of view and or an approach.
A view ( of Relatively Natural yet Abnormal Unpure Personality, of * Selective* Ignorance Egoism Indifference Corruption mentality that doesn't Doubt nor Logically Analyse and ll be generationally transmitted as an Intellectual Status) also * capable and willing * to dispose, exchange or lose ( Lives of a group as in Chemically Endangered Industrial Communities, Convictions, Land, Identity, Faith, Nation or its Own Life).
Such phenomenon can be more explained by :
The Realities of dictatorships.
And the analysis of some societies Psychologically, Intellectually, Civilly and Activism wise.
Personal note : * Inevitably, an Individual's view ll become relatively the Population's as in group of civilians*..
""" Unfortunately this facts expose :
The level of a society's commitment to voluntarily ( Claimed Identity) and such ( Identity's Cited Convictions).
The level of a society's * truthfulness* to itself.
The level of a society's * awareness* of the ( Psychological, Social and Political) * Meanings* of the differences between its Declared Identity's Convictions and its Practiced Convictions in real life.
The level of the Consciousness's Boundaries of a society in Detecting such Differences and Abnormalities and comprehending its Meanings soon enough and on its own.
Intellectual Desorders ( Mixing between what society perceived or wanted its Practiced Convictions to be and the Real Convictions of the Identity of such Society, ( Political or Religious....Identity)
The level of Validity, Legitimacy, Lawfulness, Truthfulness, Originality and Correctness of such Society's * Intellectual Status* therefore its Decisions also the Rationality and Reasonability of its Goals, Visions and Plans as well""".
Truly, I believe it is impossible and irrational to put any Assessing_Codes or Stipulations on Life.
Unfortunately Policies practiced in Politic and by Politicians * not only* subjugated civilians ( Intellectually, Physically and Mentally) in to ( Humanity_Value_Assessing Approval and Practice ) and in to ( Adapting and Accepting to Live by Life_Value_Assessing as civilians reality) but to Live * under * Moderating Orders and Governing Systems that * depend* on ( Humanity_Price_Assessing and Humanity Submission to be Assessed and be Valued price wise) to * EXIST*.
Unfortunately , I believe this fact is the source of all Social Disasters, Evil and Corruption.
Personal note : * I believe Assessing_Codes and Related Practices did kill and ll annihilate the Humanity out of civilization and Humanitarianism Related*.
For more info see Najeh Benlahmadi Naoui theories:
Humanity_Price_Assessing and Approval of Humanity_Price_Assessing.
Rules of Familiarism,
Consciousness Boundaries and Nurture Concept.
Najeh Benlahmadi Naoui.
Sep 28 Note 2
Because I am a Law Abiding Citizen
Right to Life_Price_Assessing_Codes and Society
Consciousness and Innocents
Whether under Secularism or Church ( Majority Process or Shura as in Conclave) there are :
First, Humanity_Value_Assessing_Codes and * Practice * of such Codes.
Second, Society's * Submission * or Approval to live by Life and Right to Life_Price_Assessing_Codes.
Unfortunately, Being Bias or Selectiveness is * just* a form of Life_Price_Assessing_Codes and vitally influential as explained in my theory ( Selectiveness and Society's Capability and Willingness to Complacently Engage or Cover Up Injustice and Corruption).
( Ability and Willingness to Cover Up Injustice) is * just* a form of ( Society's Approval to Live By Life_Price_Assessing_Codes).
Logically ( Life_Price_Assessing_Codes) and ( Approval of Life_Price_Assessing_Codes) are more dangerous and go deeper within Society than ( Selectiveness) and ( Capability to Cover Up Injustice and Corruption Complacently).
Therefore if I assume that ( One plus One) is a Fact and produces ( Two) as a Result and apply it on:
Fact ( Selectiveness) and its Result is ( Complacent Capability and Willingness to cover up Corruption).
It shld mean :
First, there is Fact ( Life_Price_Assessing_Codes) that produces Result * one* ( Presumed Unknown).
Second, there is Fact * one* ( Presumed Unknown) that produces Result ( Society's Capability and Willingness to live by or with Life_Price_Assessing_Codes and practices Complacently)
Logically and Mathematically there is a relation between ( Practicing Life_Price_Assessing_Codes) as Fact and my records of ( Yearly number of victims of Governments's Institutions Negligence, HR Abuse, Organized Crimes, Traffic Accidents, Addiction, Industrial Chemically Endangered Cities, Terrorism, Human Trafficking and the other Social Disasters) as the Unknown Result * one*.
Logically also ( Ignorance and Organized Designed Consciousness) shld be the Unknown Fact * one* behind the Result ( Society's Approval to live by and with Life_Price_Assessing_Codes as individuals and as a people).
Sadly wherever Governing Systems ( intentionally or ignorantly) practiced any forms of Humanity_Price_Assessing_Codes like Selectiveness there ll be :
Racism, Profiling and Corruption within Societies as groups and as individuals.
Daily rising numbers of innocent human casualties.
Systematic *Designed* Consciousness.
And Global Consciousness *Designing* Intellectual Orders.
For more info see Najeh Benlahmadi Naoui Studies:
Social Disasters.
Designed Orders.
Individuals and Groups's Intellectual Status.
Designed Intellectual Status.
Najeh Benlahmadi Naoui
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africaprimenews · 2 years
UNWFP Announces Further Refugee Ration Cuts ...Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan, Uganda Most Affected
UNWFP Announces Further Refugee Ration Cuts …Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan, Uganda Most Affected
The UN World Food Programme, WFP, said on Monday that it will have no choice but to make further food ration cuts soon for refugees. The cause of the imminent cuts is multiplying humanitarian needs around the world and insufficient funding. This has already forced the agency to make significant reductions in daily meals for vulnerable people in the Sahel and elsewhere. “As global hunger soars way…
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uncle-mojave · 9 months
Just bought crocs, three aloha shirts and 20 Humanitarian Daily Rations.
Party in the desert this weekend
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