#humaniod adopt
insomniakillss · 2 months
Hey hey! Auctioning this Clown Core adopt on commishes.com if anyone's interested! If not would appreciate you just giving it a like or share ^^ no pressure tho! Thank you, and have a good night!
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There's also a jester I'm going to be posting soon too so keep an eye out for that! :D
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gummitailz · 1 year
Elf Adpot!
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Head-Elf Kori is being sold for $15  Reply in the comments for claim!
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These are all available in my Ko-fi!
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shininwadacat · 5 months
AAHHHHH I'M ALIVE. I'm alive, I promise I'm totally not a ghost-
Anyways, have an OC I created. Keep reading if ya wanna find out unfinished ✨️L O R E✨️
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During the wars, there were these being. The Draglements, a form of dragon that take place as humaniod, or to the pac worlders, weird entities who have the ablity to harnest the common elements, most Draglements only able to harnest one element, yet some adapt as they grow older, usually it depends of the genes of that Draglement. So far before the war, Draglements had been near excintion due to pac-worlders turning against them, due to controversys Believing the Draglements held malicious intentions. The Draglements went into hiding in forests, mountains, and anywhere the remaining population could hide away.
By now Frosty is four years of age.
Frosty, however, wouldn't expect to get caught up in the war. The war was near its end, when Betrayus and the army would be stripped of their bodies and banished to the neatherworld, however Frosty for some stupid reason (I'll figure it out later) managed to sneak into the gates before it was closed off for years after.
When Frosty first crossed paths with Betrayus, it was completely by accident. Though, Betrayus was aware of the beliefs of the Draglements being dangerous to pac-worlders even though none had malicious intentions. Yet this belief would become true, being taught all their life that the pac-worlders are the villians in this story.
By the present time, Frosty is 13 years of age.
Fun Facts before I release you:
•The Dragon Tooth necklace was a gift, aka the only gift they'd ever receive from their adoptive father <3
•I tried to make Frosty's skin have a icey feeling to it. Idk.
•Draglements eyes do not all close at once. If starts with the left top eye, then left bottom, right top, right bottom. In that order. Idk why I decided it to be like that. But yes.
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r0-boat · 2 years
Ace Anon
ummmm Hi. Hello. From Dom's place. I'm out here trying to be more internet social or something. Also it's not like fair if I just talked to one. You know why. Hi there. I'm here. Hello
I know you're going nuts over the Tarzan thing and how he can give you guys a good 'fuck' but can we please talk about world building. if you want too. of course. Tries to put plot in your porn.
Like how exactly did Ingo get this way. World building stuff.
Did he get raised by Sneasler Mom that went screw Pearl Clan - I got this - raise the amnesia man as a deform sneasler thus messing him up royally. Or just some other pokemon took him? (If You don't want to set it in the highlands) has he been Solo it?
Oooor maybe eldritch horror god broke his brain and then he got adopted and got taught how to be a Pokemon instead of a human??? (RIP emmet once he sees wild Ingo. His bro has lost his Manners oh no, OHNO.)
Maybe if it is the highlands then you could have Ingo attacking humans because they might be zoroarks. Or zoroarks were his first humaniod contact so bad memories. (Sorry for zoroark slander)
I don't know just throwing out some ideas. Of which you probably have no interest in going in any of these routes. Which is completely okay. I just have thoughts while reading it and well why not actually send them instead of just keeping them inside me, might be fun!
Anyways, Nice to talk to you! Have a good day! Apologies for stealing some ideas while I was here! (It is closet perv ingo x your pillow. I'm putting it in. I will shout you out unless you don't want me to put it in then I won't. I just think it works well. Your brain is large.)
Lol no worries the ideas are here for somebody can pick them up and use them for their own writing
Ingo and Emmet were separated at Birth
Probably through the same methods Warden ingo in hisui.
But instead of being found by Pearl clan he was found by lady Sneasler who recently lost one of her kits.
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the-whatcherof-89 · 2 years
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Ranboo “my beloved” the forgetful prince of the nether.
CR 16 N Humanoid (Native Outsider)
XP 76,800 (if used as npc for encounter) Fetchling Ranger 6 (Dusk Stalker) Shadowdancer 10 
Neutral (with Good tendencies) Medium humaniod (native outsider) Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception +20
AC 38, touch 38, flat-footed 29 (+8 Dex, +4 shield, +5 deviation, +3 natural, +9 armor, +1 Intuition) hp 148 (6d10+10d8+64)
Fort +15, Ref +21, Will +9
Speed 30 ft. Melee Gloom blade +21/16/11 1d6+5 Swift obsidian battleaxe +15/10/5 1d8+2 Ranged Longbow +24/19/14 1d8+4 (+1 to rolls and damage with +1 arrows), Spells. 
Racial Shadow blending, Darkvision 90ft, Shadowy resistance (5 cold 5 electricity), Spell-like abilities once per day CL16: shadow walk, plane shift (shadow plane-material plane only), Shadow agent (+2 diplomacy), Umbral escort.
Traits Adopted (world traveler: knowledge nature+1), Hydrophobia.
Class features Favored enemies (undead, aberrations), Track, Wild empathy, Improved combat style (sword & shield), Improved shield bash, Shield master, Favored terrain (underground), Shadow bond, Hide in plain sight, Improved evasion, improved uncanny dodge, Shadow illusion, Summon shadow, Shadow call, Shadow jump 320ft, Defensive roll, Slippery mind, Shadow power, Shadow master, Rogue talents (dodge, combat reflexes, finesse rogue).
Spellcasting CL 3 DC11 I-Gravity bow, Pass without trace
Str 13, Dex 26, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +13; CMB +14; CMD 32
Feats Master craftsman, Two weapon fighting, Improved two weapon fighting, Greater two weapon fighting, Shadow walk, Shadow ghost, Quicken spell like ability (shadow walk), Mobility.
Skills Acrobatics +21, Bluff +11, Climb +12, Craft(weapons) +10, Diplomacy +5, Disguise +4, Escape artist +18, Handle animal +5, Heal +12, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, geography, nature, the planes) +6, Perception +20, Profession(guide) +6, Perform(dance) +5, Spellcraft +13, Sleight of hand +13, Stealth +21, Survival +12, Swim +12
Languages Common, Alko, Draconic.
Combat gear Celestial spiked shield, Celestial armor, Ring of protection+3, Amulet of natural armor+3, Dusty rose ioun stone, Gloom blade+4, Swift obsidian battleaxe, Composite longbow+4 huntsman, 50+1 arrows, Ring of water walking, Belt of physical might (+4 Dex, Con), Cloak of resistance+3, Daredevil boots, Bracers of falcon aim, Gloves of many garment, Figurine of wondrous power: Pink pearl dolphin, Manual of quickness of action+2 (used), Wand of darkness (50 charges), Crown of the forgetful prince (functions as a Circlet of persuasion and a Cloak of the dusk walker, occupies the head slot), 2 Potions of cure moderate wounds, Ranger’s kit, Ranboo journal, 300gp, 12sp.
Background The origins of Ranboo are shrouded in mystery but ever since his arrival he has made quite the impression on the other inhabitants of the land where he lives showing enderman-like powers. He has a family-like bond with Technoblade and Philza whom he keeps close at heart. On a faithful day, he was put into jail for various reasons by Awsamdude and later rescued by Techno only to be slain by the green warden. After that, his soul wandered quietly across the ethereal sea without dreams or thoughts, incapable of even imagining why or what his self was. Only after a long while, he awoke by a whisper: “Master, wake up”. Ranboo awoke in shock in a dark cave, but he could still see perfectly in the dark. His body, partially transfigured alongside his equipment. To his surprise, he discovered that the voice came from his shadow as it gained some sort of consciousness as it bowed to his master. “My master, someone or something left a message for you”. After Ranboo succeeded at passing through the initial shock sat still in disbelief and asked: “What message?” The shadow spoke: “I gave you new a life. Complete my challenge, and it shall be yours to do as you see fit. Find me, if you can”. Ranboo was still stunned by all of this, but nonetheless he started his search; Hopefully, his friends would be around to help him…
Link for the original image https://www.deviantart.com/svenat/art/Ranboo-FanArt-902678113
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scp-10000 · 2 years
i’m using this for my writting for a bit, and it’s not procrastination cause technically i’m working on my DnD au, and my breathing is still being weird cause of the head cold i have
without further adue, Team ZITS DnD au backstories
Content warnings: religious differences, mentions of child murder, body horror, human experimentation
I’ll start with Skizz, the dwarf barbarian.  Skizz was born in the dwarven mountain kingdom Stoneshield, a more expansive than a human country do to having more surface, or technical undersurface, area to work with.  Thing is the kingdom is mostly forgotten outside of dwarven culture and the occasional dragon.  Still it’s the first dwarven kingdom in all of dwarven history, and it was started not too far from the birth of all humaniod races by the first dwarven druid to be able to extend his life to 3500 years.  And then was overseen by the second dwarven druid to do so.  And now the third.  Skizz will tell you that, how the stone of a building was carved out of a rock face, the king and queens’ favorite pubs to dine and mingle with subjects in, and a lot more facts a tourist would love to know as they are guided through Shizz’s home kingdom like it’s as natural to him as breathing.  Anything beyond that is a toss up on whether he knows it.  When Skizz became an adult, he became a tourguid/guard, and a lot of tourists loved him cause he was a joy to be around, and he’s also the safest person to be around if something goes down.  Like if he knows where the problem is coming from, he’s gonna jump in front of it to protect people.  He’s also great at reading people.  Most dwarvs in the kingdom believe if his brother Impy ever betrays the kingdom, Skizz would be the first to know.
Why would people think Impulse would betray the kingdom?  Cause he’s not actually a dwarf.  The third druid lives on top of the mountain, and first thing in the morning every day he drinks from the spring that feeds the creek.  One day he notices a bright light shining on the peak, but thinks it’s the sun, so he just continues walking up.  Then a baby basket drifts by and is a good 40 feet from some rough rapids, and even a childless hermit like the druid knows children usually don’t survive drifting into rough waters.  The Hermit saves the baby and brings them to the other dwarvs, not really caring that he was bringing a tiefling into a city with a distrust of fiendish beings.  The church officials even say the druid’s losing it cause he didn’t notice Impy had bat wings and a scorpion tail.  Old druid knew Impy was a baby first and fiend second, so he wanted someone to help them.  The druid had to tell the church officials to piss off with their nonsense about bringing a blood thirsty demon into the holy temple and actually help the poor child like they preach about doing every damned day when they aren’t singing their own prases.  They examine the child, notice he’s standing all right, his wings flap, and even though they have no idea how tiefling babies work, he looks healthy enough to not die the second someone takes him out of the temple.  
The church gave Impy to Skizz’s family, who just had Skizz, cause Skizz’s dad actually knows a few things about tieflings.  The Skizz fam’s adopted son was much more developed than his birth son(tieflings are born able to run, scream, and say one or two words cause a lot of people try to kill them thinking they’re all evil), but the thing that amazed him the most was how quick the little imp adopted them as his family and acted like he was theirs from the start, and in turn they acted like he was meant to be in their family from the start.  This love was so strong, most of the kingdom warmed up to Impy watching him and his family be so damned loving to each other.  It even warmed the lead heart of the neighboring battlesmith, who decided to let Impy become his apprentice after Skizz started guard training.  
One thing Impy had going for him was he was adopted into a humanoid society when he was a baby.
Zed, and by extension his brothers Etho and Mumbo, did not have that luxury.  You see all 3 were created in a lab by a scientist trying to create infant simic hybrids.  Simic hybrids only ever come into being when a consenting adult humanoid tries to have some animal traits grafted onto them.  Trying to graft on an infant usually results in a lump of slime that looks more like the result of leaving meat cooking in a crockpot for so long you don’t remember what it was originally than a living, breathing infant.  The scientist who made Zed, however, also used enough eldritch DNA from some weird space lump he found in a swamp to make Zed, who now count as an aberration instead of a humanoid.  About 5 years after Zed and bros were born, a group of mind flayers killed the original scientist, stole his lab, and started doing worse experiments on whatever humanoids they brought in all while stealing thier stuff.  And then for 14 years, he half heard about societies outside the lab while talking to some of the people the mind flayers drug in.  Then a group of adventurers came in and cleared out the mind flayers.  And then Zed, Etho, and Mumbo were left examining the books and tools the mind flayers stole from the humans they kidnapped, and started trying to learn.  Sometime into Zed’s adulthood, Tango, Impy, and Skizz found him and his brothers, and between the whole abhorrent trio, they only had half an idea about the outside world that they only really got from dying people and their stuff.  They all just decided to follow Tango and his friends just to see what’s up.  If you’ve ever seen Zed interact with the human world, you’ll see a being trying his damnedst to learn all he can and have the best time while doing it...even if it scares some people.
Zed has an excuse for being the craziest one in the party cause he’s not interacted with a society for most of his life.  Look at Tango and tell me what his excuse is.  He’ll tell you the reason he sometimes acts like a honey badger on 5 different stimulants is because he is a human artificer who comes form a long line of human artificers who also acted like honey badgers on 5 different stimulants; he’s just continuing a family tradition.  Tango’s extended family, and the rest of their artificer guild are the first human society Zedaph has ever interacted with, and damn if Tango doesn’t get a massive smile from watching Zed have the time of his alien life, and damn if Tango also doesn’t have the time of his life doing insane stuff with Zed.  Tango also enjoys making wild machines, which is how he got his flaiming chainsaw, and eating pancakes, but most people usually notice the flaming chainsaw first.
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fatelotusorder · 3 years
Crossover Fan Servants - Lan Zhan
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"Summoning Line"
I usally Do summoning Line but I have No good Ideas for Summoning Lines for Wangji cause he rather Deadpan
Class: Archer( I guess we can music as a Form of Archery)
Other Qualified Classes:Caster ,Beserker ,Saber,Avenger ,Rider(Hey At Least Sieg’s  getting some use  Ryotaro!)
Other Names:
“being wherever the chaos was”
Lan Wangji
Alignment:Chaotic Good
Gender: Male
Likes: Rabbits,Wei Wuxian , Lan Sizhui ,Music
Dislikes: Alcohol(He Genetically has low tolerance),Jiang Cheng
Voice Actor:
JP -Shinnosuke Tachibana
CN- Bian Jiang
English Voice Actor:
No Idea
Tags:Brynhildr’s Beloved,Heartbroken ,Chinese ,Male,Musician  , Human,Humaniod,Servant
Natural Enemy: Himself , Lan Xichen , Jin Guangyao , Wei Wuxian , Jiang Cheng,Sanji,,Zhang Fei,Sun Quan,Ankh,Hiiro Kagami ( this Makes sense Considering They both had people they loved die right in front of them,)
Cards: Quick,Buster,Arts,Arts,Arts
Quick: He Actually Uses a Bow and arrow to  Strike the  opponent
If Chained: He Uses His Sword  to Slash the  opponent
Arts: He plays a few Notes  on his Guqin, Wangji  that Hit the opponent
If Chained:He Play a Melody on Wangji that Hits The  opponent multiple times
Buster: He uses a Guqin Chord in his Robes As a Garrote wire  around the opponent’s Neck
If Chained: He Sends Bichen Flying  Towards the  opponent.
Similar to Murasaki He plays  A longer more Familiar tune  as the Notes hits the Enemy.
Active Skills:
Silence Spell B- Seals the Np and Skills of an enemy  for 2 turns
Zhaohun(Evocation ) EX- Applies  Taunt to Self (2 turns) ,Raise His Defense(2 turns) Lowers the Enemy's Attack and Np Strength (2 turns)
Ouniǎ o Wàngjī(Seagull’s Forget Tricks) A - Raise  The Effectiveness of Arts Cards  for  the Party( 5 turns ) . Raises Attack for  those with the Heartbroken Trait  and Wei Wuxian.( 5 turns)
Passive Skills:
Ruffian C
Independent action B
Musician A -Raises Np Damage when  hes on the Field
Cultivator A-  increase Damage on Spirit and Demonic Enemies
NP: The  Cloud's 13 years of  Longing~Wangxian   (Arts) : AOE ( Yes I know that people Think Wangji played inquiry during the 13 years but I’ve Heard it’s more Popular headcanon$
In the Cloud Recesses, a harmonious song for two echoes
I stroke the guqin to pour my grief in the notes of Inquiry
I have basked in your warmth.
Yet time hastens forward, stopping for no one
I would spend a lifetime of waiting in exchange of a single glance back from you
As I wake from this dream, I do not want to be left with nothing.
The Screen Faints to that of a  Mountain covered in Mist as Wangji is Seen on top on of  it  Guqin in hand as  he strokes the Strings playing a Melody .The melody He Composed for  He and Wei Wuxian ,As he Sing .However It Sounds Somber even if Wei Wuxian is  Summoned  with Him.I guess  it became  tied  to the 13 years After Wei Wuxian died .
Either Way  The Np Lowers  the Defense and Attack of all of Enemies  on the Field as well dropping thier Resistance to all card types however it Raises  Defense and Attack of Allies (3turns)
Non-FGO NPs:
Bichen - This Wangji’s Sword , This sword has a Variety of Uses including  it being Used as form of Transportation and as  means of  Attack.
Wangji - a seven-stringed guqin that Lan Wangji used to communicate with spirits and to suppress resentful energy.
Sound of Vanquish - As the melody was most potent on the seven-stringed guqin, Lan Wangji was familiar with this song used suppress resentful energy.
Non-FGO Skills:
Chord Assassianation- Used to kill dissenters of the Gusu Sect, Invovles Using Guqin Strings  as Garrote Wires
Kuudere EX- while this was meant as a Joke ,Wangji is a Textbook Kuudere Acting Cold ,Stern and  somewhat Heartless on the outside. While being Passionate to someone who he cares about .Some Consider him a Tsundere .
Monstrous Strength A - Due his Arms Strength from Training mainly from doing  Handstands.As a teenager, he could already haul two peers by the collar with one arm. At the height of his adult strength, his non-dominant hand could lift a wooden coffin, two adult male corpses inside the coffin, the large Guanyin statue of solid rock atop the coffin, and Wei Wuxian atop the statue altogether.
Animal communication A- For some reason Animals really like him .Also he  once buried his adoptive son  Lan yuan in rabbits to see him smile and even kept pets despite it being against  the rules of the Cloud recesses. Example from Chaldea include
Ankh(Eiji told him he like popsicles and also put perchs around Chadela so he can sit on them,hes a good birb)
Lakia and Lobo (Good dog now run before WWX Caniphobia  kicks in)
Lan Zhan , courtesy name Lan Wangji is the second young master of the Gusu Lan Sect. Titled as Hanguang-Jun , Lan Wangji is one of the Twin Jades of Lan, alongside his older brother, Lan Xichen.
Lan Wangji and his elder brother, Lan Xichen, were raised entirely by their uncle Lan Qiren, as their father Qingheng-Jun stayed in seclusion, and the boys were only permitted to see their mother Madam Lan once a month. Lan Qiren taught them strictly in an attempt to prevent his nephews from making mistakes in love like their father.
That Didn’t stop Wangji from making Mistakes in Love like his  Father as he Fell in  love with  Wei wuxian despite it looking like .Wangji didn’t like him .
Thought Wangji is Notably Jealous especially when Wei Wuxian Acted Flirty with any women
The Tortoise of Slaughter  is one of Few Times  they were Alone Wangji Vented his Frustrations ,The Recesses were Burned down ,His father was in a Coma  and his older brother went missing they did kill the tortoise of Slaughter which took 6 hours using chord  and the Creature destroyed their escape   .Wangji also took  the perfume pouch MianMian had given to WWX .
He also had several lapses in Memory   due to WWX  like Keeping Rabbits when WWX Expressed he’d like to  Eat them  .
Silence Spell B
As a member of the Gusu Lan Sect, Lan Wangji could use this spell to silence those around him for thirty minutes, or remove the spell if he deemed fit.
Zhaohun(Evocation )- described as a sinister, questioning melody. The Chinese words zhāohún literally mean "to provoke or beckon a soul or spirit." Evocation, therefore, is a piece of music that requires a corpse, part of a corpse, or a personal belonging to summon the spirit to the location of the person playing the song.
Evocation will fail if the soul was cut apart or otherwise scattered.
Lan Wangji  and other members of the Gusu Lan Sect played Evocation in the Cloud Recesses's Mingshi in an attempt to call the spirit of the Demonic Left Arm retrieved from Mo Village.
After the initial failure of Evocation resulted in the collapse of all sect members present in the room except for Lan Wangji.
Ouniǎ o Wàngjī -
This the Proverb Lan Zhan Got his Courtesy Name from.
derived from a fable found in the Daoist text lièzǐ from the 4-5th century BCE. It was later turned into the 15th century guqin song  wàngjī. ( Source: MDZS Wiki his picture also came from MDZS Wiki)
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friskonkyii · 4 years
i made *C O U SH* some adopts if anyone is intrested-
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redroseworks · 4 years
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Me? Editing my amazing dc oc Lynn Small? It's more likely than you think.
Lynn Bailey Small is a half Atlantean born and raised in Gotham
Their human mother, Kate Bailey, was killed during a home break in when they were four
So they went to a lot of foster homes
Dr and Dr Small were two lesbian marine biologists who almost adopted Lynn where they were a teenage cuz they fostered Lynn for a few years but they disappeared and the Smalls had a son named Jameel who Lynn gets separated from
So Lynn was encourged by the Smalls to join a swim club at their high school cuz thats one of their favorite thing to do and they end up on a scholarship to Gotham University for it
Now their powers are repressed by an Atlantean magic ward thingy that starts to wear off as they get older
Oh yeah their father is an Atlantean sorcerer who is a very humaniod shark man but like who cares about him
So when they use their powers their eyes go black and their gills and freackles glow plus you can see the ward glowing on their arm but they always had the pointy teeth
Also they tend to rub their eyes the first few times so their make up gets fucked up
Theyre also a shitty conspiracy theorist like they say shit like the butts match about bruce wayne and batman
But they actually have found more factually evidence about who heroes are but they dont care
Oh yeah theyre anti hero called Selkie who enjoys harassing the batfam and their about the same age as Tim
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pcy-babygirl · 5 years
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Pairings: Lee Taeyong x Female!Reader, NCT x Female!Reader (platonic) Genre: Dark!AU, Criminal/Gang!AU, Superhuman!AU // angst, slow burn, smut Series Warnings: dark themes (experimentation/human enhancement, kidnapping, thievery, murder), blood, sex, alcohol consumption, (more will be added if needed)
Chapter Warnings: alcohol consumption, angst if you squint (i think that’s it)
Word Count: 3.2k
Notes: Hey, so this is my first fanfic so I hope it isn’t terrible. I spent a long time writing this first chapter, trying to perfect it. I don’t make it super clear in this chapter, but this story takes place sometime in the near future or maybe in an alternative universe that has advanced technology than what we have today. I had cyberpunk aesthetic in mind when writing (i.e blade runner, cyberpunk 2077, etc.). This story won’t have humaniods or cyber enhanced people, but their will be biological and chemical experimentation involved. If you are uncomfortable with this then I suggest not reading. Anyway, happy reading! ♡
Heathens Masterlist
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- Synopsis -
Heathens; this was what they called each other. People who didn’t fit into society nor were like other humans. A group of outsiders who had a plan, one that involved a naive and confused girl.
They were given numbers as names, but she knew them as NCT.
“We are the used and forgotten; you babygirl, are the innocent and brainwashed. In the end we’re both heathens to this unacknowledged dystopia.”
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     Neon lights, holographic billboards, and heavy traffic was all that you could see from the high level your room was on. Days were dull and desolate, while nights like tonight glowed fluorescent by technology and culture. Seoul had become the center for all advancing technology. The world calls it the future; where cures for fatal diseases would be discovered and life moved twenty times faster, it seemed. They call it: Neo City. 
The alarm on the glass screen brings you back from your absent mindedness, alerting that it was time to leave for the fundraiser dinner. Walking away from the window and to the object mounted to the wall, you tap the glass and dismiss the reminder. You slip your uncomfortable heels on and check your appearance in the mirror. The sleeveless, cut-out dress was minimal yet elegant. The black material complimenting your skin tone nicely. 
“You look stunning Y/N-ssi.”
“Thank you, Athena.” You reply back to the artificial intelligence system. Something the movies predicted, eventually the high class started living like Tony Stark with their own personal Jarvis. It was something that you found unnecessary.
Satisfied after smoothing your hair another time, you take the elevator down to the ground floor. A car was waiting for you when you stepped outside the apartment building. Rolling your eyes as you get in; you thought, “how typical of him”. 
The fundraiser dinner was a get together for investors who were interested in your father's corporation, a research organization for cancer. Dinners like tonight were important, so you were told. It was to bring in new investors while also encouraging current investors to donate more based off of the newest research found. They were nothing compared to the annual gala your father holds for the corporation, which was his form of gratitude for his employees. As the founder's daughter, you were expected to attend all formal events.
The self-driving car pulls up to your destination and the backseat door opens automatically. You step out of the sleek vehicle and onto smooth, city concrete. Staring up at the tall building you get the feeling of déjà vu. 
Always on the ground floor but never exploring what was above. Curiosity eats at you every time you go to one of these events. The opportunity to go next door and take a look upstairs in the labs was so close to you, yet so far away. You would get caught by security immediately.
You enter the reception hall that your father added next to the research center a few years ago. It was modern and expensive looking like everything else in the Gangnam District. The room was filled with round dining tables, all decorated with silverware, wine glasses, and floral centerpieces. Men and women were all dressed in formal cocktail attire, some being the company's staff but most were investors. You spotted your friend Yuri, a biochemistry research assistant, who worked at the lab. She smiles cheerfully when you step in front of her.
“Hey, are you excited for your trip to Japan?”
Remembering my planned trip abroad, my smile widens. “Very excited, it's going to be the first time I leave the country, the city even.”
It was true, you never left Seoul. Ever since you can remember, you were always sheltered from most of the world. Your father never allowed you to go past city boundaries; but you were an adult now, he couldn't stop you. So when the opportunity to go on a two week, college trip to Japan was available you took it. Your father was furious with you but settled. 
“I'm surprised Minjun Choi-ssi is even letting you go. You're barely allowed to go to school, let alone out of the country.” Yuri huffed in annoyance. You two have known each since your first day of college. It was just a coincidence that she was getting her research experience time at your father's lab.
“He's just very protective,” you explain. Yuri's focus on your conversation was diminished and was now centered on someone else. He couldn't have been much older than you, maybe a year or two younger. He stands tall in his grey suit, brunette locks styled up and away from his pale face. He's stunning, you think.
Yuri must of thought the same thing because she turns her eyes back to you. This time they are filled with curiosity. “Do you know who that is?”
I shake my head; “No-” I turn my head back in his direction to see him walking our way, “-but he's coming over here.”
Before Yuri can do anything more than take in an anxious breath, the mysterious man is in front of us with a charming smile.
He bows to us in greetings. “Hello ladies, who do I owe the pleasure of meeting this evening?”
You grin, knowing your friend is probably too busy malfunctioning to answer him. “I'm Y/N, and this is my friend Yuri.”
He gently takes her hand and bends down to place a kiss on her knuckles. “It's lovely meeting you two. Yuri, a beautiful name for an even more beautiful girl. It means ‘lily’, yes?”
Yuri stands in a daze of fascination and a bloom of dark blush on her cheeks. Amongst it all though, she nods her head and smiles. 
This makes the man's smirk widened. “Their beauty couldn't even compare. I'm Yoonoh.”
You quickly made an attempt to leave knowing you've became the third wheel. “I think I'm gonna get a drink at the bar.”
Yoonoh looks over at you, with his hypnotic smile still present. “I'll keep Yuri company in the meantime. I suggest getting the red wine, it's a special one tonight.” 
He gives you a final wink before taking Yuri off to his table. Walking to the bar, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Why did he say it like that? Shaking your head from your thoughts, you make it to the bar and order the wine suggested. You take small sips while looking at the large crowd of people; spotting your father talking to a young man with silver hair. He was shorter than most and currently laughing at, what you presume, was a joke your father just made. There's more young men here than usual, you thought. Were these men new staff or are they possibly chaebols? Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a deep voice next to you.
“Isn't it ironic that these people pour money into this organization even though they don't know half of what's actually being researched in the labs?”
You turn your head to the right to see the owner of the voice. Your eyes meet glimmering yet sharp, brown ones. The man in front of you is dressed in a black suit, the first few buttons of the white shirt underneath unbuttoned to reveal a silver chain underneath. His jaw could cut glass and his lips resembled the color of cherry blossoms in spring. His hair was stained bright red like blood, something that made you want to know who the hell this man was.
Not fully knowing how to comment; you stutter out, “I-I guess it's their blind faith. They believe this organization is going to cure cancer. If they see progress then, why stop?”
He scoffs before finishing his glass of soju. “It's easy to believe in a lie, little one. These days people want something to believe in. The promise of cures, tech innovation, the end of poverty and war are all just weapons used against us to keep the cycle of corruption going. Neo City is supposed to be the world's savior, but what if the people in it are the cause of our destruction?”
His words took you back by surprise but also made you curious. You've never known someone who speaks the way he does. He didn't view the world through rose colored glasses like everyone else. Who the fuck was this guy? Why was he here if he, seemingly, hates your father’s company? 
“I have to go.” 
You grab hold of the mysterious man’s jacket sleeve before he could leave, to his and your own surprise. “Wait…”
The red haired man gives me a warning glare, making me loosen my grip on him. “Sorry but, you never told me your name.”
His gaze drops from mine to the ground and he lets out a dry laugh. It was barely noticeable, because within seconds his eyes are back on you and he smirks.
He was gone immediately after, vanishing through the crowd of who he called the naive and hypocritical. You couldn’t even spot his wine colored hair anymore. You turn back around to the bar and look down at the glass filled with red, smooth liquid. A reflection of yourself could be seen, one that was glazed over in tones of crimson. All the drink did was remind you of his words. Of the veil of lies he talked about. He couldn’t of been right. Your father runs a good company, your father is good. He adopted you as a child and raised you up, without a wife. Your father’s company makes cures, nothing else.
Not being able to stomach seeing red anymore, you step away from your wine glass and go to sit down at your reserved table. You wished your father had enough time for you to ask about Taeyong. Maybe he doesn’t even know who Taeyong is. Questions spun in your mind like a whirlpool, going over the same questions just to come up with another possibility. Your thoughts are put on halt by the tapping of a microphone. On the stage, behind the podium, in the center was the director of research for the Neo City's branch and company headquarters: Dr. Oh Daewon. He has been you father’s right hand man for as long as you can remember. There was something about the man that was always off putting to you. You could never figure out what it was, but you tried keeping as much distance from him as you could.
The doctor cleared his throat before giving the guests a forced smile. “Hello and thank you everyone for attending the investors’ dinner this evening. It is nights like tonight that aid our progress for the future. I would like to thank all the newcomers who are now joining us on this groundbreaking quest for a better human society. With the help of our international branches, the Seoul Mutations Division is just a few steps closer to a cure for cancer and alzheimer's. By creating mutations of different stem cells, we have discovered a revolutionary change in our trials. This could be the start of a healthier, stronger, human race. We are happy to announce that at this year’s gala, in two weeks, we will be presenting the final product that has been in the works for the past seventeen years.”
The audience applauded his influential speech, everyone except the young man with silver hair you noticed. Instead of a praising smile, he gave a stone cold glare at the doctor. He was unmoved compared to the people around him. He painted on the same expression on his face as Taeyong. Turning back to the front, you see your father replacing Dr. Oh at the podium. You only can take it bits and pieces of what he's saying, your mind was too distracted thinking about the list of questions you'd have for your father if he knew who Taeyong is. 
Finally, your father's speech was over and everyone was welcomed to their entrees. You waited until your father was settled in his seat next to you to ask about the handsome red haired man.
"So, I met someone tonight I had never seen at one of these dinners before."
Your father hummed while chewing his kobe steak before swallowing. "He must be a new investor then."
You continue, "His name is Taeyong. He didn't give me his surname though, just 'Taeyong'."
"Ah", Father beamed. "That is probably Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul-ssi's associate. He mentioned that his associate would join the dinner at some point."
"Who is Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul?" You ask, the name being completely foreign on your tongue. 
“He’s an investor, a very young one at that. He runs a business specializing in medical technology in Thailand. He’s interested in contributing to our Thai branch.”
You nod your head and continue to pick around your food, not having much of an appetite tonight. After a pregnant pause, your father sighs. "I think it would be best if maybe one of my men go with you on your trip tomorrow. For your safety."
You roll your eyes at this repetitive argument being brought up, of all places as well. "Father, I'm twenty-one years old. I don't need a babysitter."
"It's for your protection Y/N, you still need to know more about the world. I intend to give you a protected lifestyle for as long as I can. You are valuable to bad people."
Shaking your head, you throw your dining napkin on the table. "You've given me a secluded and sheltered life. I'm just now getting to experience things people my age do. I'm a grown adult now, I need to start making decisions for myself. I'm going without your security."
You could see your father physically holding back his anger, his ears started to turn red and his hand was balled up into a fist. You almost recanted, fearful of this side of him. When his eyes would grow darker and his mouth would turn into an ugly sneer. His expression took an unexpected turn though when he spotted Dr. Oh and his assistant approaching. It was like you could actually see the lightbulb flicker on in his head. 
“How about you take Dr. Oh’s assistant with you?”
It seemed like you were never going to get out of this without him winning in some way. Your father gives the scientist the smile he gives when he wants something from his staff, already knowing he will get it because he’s their superior.  
You move sideways to see the young assistant behind Dr. Oh. He was about the same height as the latter, his jet black hair styled up making him look more mature than what his actual age probably was. To you, he barely looked out of high school.
“Father, I’m sure Dr. Oh’s intern is my younger. How can he look after me if it will feel like I have to look after him?” You argue. 
"Think of it as bringing along a friend, you two don't even have to talk to each other on the trip. It will be educational for him as well. If I remember right, Jeno is a first year at your school. I will ask a favor of the dean to add him to the list of students traveling." Father exclaimed with a triumph smile.
“What if Jeno doesn’t want to go? You can’t just send him to Japan without his consent first!”
“I’ll go…” All three heads, including yours, snap to the young man behind the scientist. He seemed unbothered by the situation, like this request was to go get coffee for everyone.
“Wonderful!” You silently glare at the younger you barely knew as your father spoke.  “You will both leave at eight tomorrow.”
This was unbelievable, you thought. You were officially going to be babysat by someone who’s barely an adult. You didn’t blame Jeno, your father was to blame, but he didn’t help the situation by agreeing. You could of won the argument and would be flying with just your classmates tomorrow. Shaking your head, you lurch up from your dining chair and grab your clutch.
“I think it's time for me to return home.” You announce, bidding everyone a short bow before walking out of the banquet hall. The sharp, night, Seoul air brushes up your bare arms, sending uncomfortable chills down your spine. You shiver as you wait for valet to bring your car to the front. The wind is cut off suddenly by what you realized was a blazer suit jacket. Shocked, you look around for the owner of the jacket only to find silver hair and a dazzling smile.
“You should bring a jacket if you’re going to wear that beautiful dress, baby. It doesn’t accommodate the cold.” 
His voice was sweet sounding, reminding you of lollipops. Something sweet and syrupy; if lollipops were melted down, they would be his voice. Although, behind the sugar there was a hint of mischief and seduction. Too much of him is an addiction, you think, he has the ability to rot your insides if you let him.
Shaking out of your thoughts, you stutter and hold back from a blush rushing to your already rosy cheeks. “Uh, thank you-” then you notice the invitation in the inside pocket of the jacket, “Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul-ssi?”
He gives you an impish smirk, “You can call me Ten.”
Confused, you question why he wanted to be called a number but never ask. The name oddly suited him well, better than his real name even. Ten was smaller than most men, his figure almost feminine in a way. Everything, from his nose to the fingertips of his hands were slender. He was somehow pretty and handsome at the same time. Elegant yet a sense of edge. Something though that Ten, Taeyong, had in common was that they were mysterious and obscure.
“Thank you, Ten.” 
“You seem distressed,” he comments.
You instantly lie, not wanting your problems to be someone else’s. Especially a complete stranger’s. “I’m not.”
He hums soothly, “You’re lying, sweetheart.”
Looking up at him with anxiety, you knew you were caught red handed. You laugh lightly, just wanting to move on from the subject already. "Am I that bad of a liar?"
He moves closer to you, enough to reach out and tuck the blowing strand of hair from your face. "No, I'm just really good at detecting lies from the truth. Although, I myself would be lying if I said you didn't have stress written all over your face."
You return his smile slightly, not fully mirroring though. Looking behind you at the building next door again, it only clouds your mind up more.
"Do you ever feel like your life isn't in your control? That it's in someone else's hands? Just playing you like a puppet? And you're wishing to be released from their grasp, from their watchful eyes?" You look back at the unique man whose brown eyes have never left your own.
"All the time, Y/N."
There's a silent but not uncomfortable pause between you two. Nothing more than starting at each other and the black sky that's lit with neon. 
Finally the valet brings around your car, apologizing for the wait and opens your back door. You hand the jacket back to Ten.
"Thank you for letting me borrow this. It was nice meeting you, Ten."
He folds the blazer jacket over his arm and gives you a warm smile. "We'll see each other soon sweetheart."
Give one last wave, you step into the vehicle, and tell the automated system you home coordinates. Soon enough you're rolling away from the silver haired man and towards your apartment. It wasn't until you were blocks away did you start to question.
How did Ten know my name?
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umarutyan-blog · 6 years
Tumblr media
Winter Adopt #1 - Snow Deer [Auction Open] by DeviNova
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demonspirit101-blog · 6 years
adopts coming soon
i am making my first set of adopts on tumblr. Its been a while since i have done anything like this. They are mostly going to be monster/humaniod men. Any interested? 
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lux-scriptum · 6 years
all 50 maybe please:D
1. Your first OC ever?
EVER? Pebble, a warriors oc. Humaniod? Heth
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
ahahhahahah yes amara
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
Not that I’m aware of; I don’t like working with other people’s characters
4. A character you rarely talk about?
a whole lot b/c I have too many. Uh, Eira, who needs a new name. Half elv, half phoenix, I was trying to make a cool subversion of the cool and silent ice queen character, but she needs development
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
UH. Amara tbh I want everyone to know and love my wife ok
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
Vel and Lev look p similar haha
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?
So....so many.....so many stories
8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!
A LARGE chunk of my oc’s came from rps. Ean and Tobias are the most recent, but so was Raziel, but also ALL of my first ocs were, too. Heth, Amara, Fira, Ben.....
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design?
UH. Hmm. I don’t usually do complicated designs? I don’t think?? Closest I could think of is Luci, who changes his form every few minutes. He looks different on every page, tbh, just because he can. I don’t know if he even ever takes his true form in the entire book.
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
Bailey, Lona, Etheline, to name a few
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot
i gotta pick one? Uh I could list a whole bunch of writeblr oc’s but @nicholewrites​‘s bailey was the first to come to mind
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
So many. Amara, Cin, Madoc, Hawkins, Gus, there’s more but i literally jsut woke up haha
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
all of them hmm *throws dart* Renier was ambushed and lost his ability to access his magic and his dragonmarked at the same time, and his dragonmarked was an actual child at the time, too, so like, it was a tragedy in three parts that may end up killing him one day haha
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
YES and no. i fear being annoying and dominating the conversation, but also, im desperate to chatter all the time
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?
FUCK um um um Lona probably? Or Raphael
17. Any OC OTPs?
Cadoc/barry/Dante is always the first that comes to mind, but Aryleigh and Madoc, and Amara/Cin, and Fira/Happiness are big contenders. 
18. Any OC crackships?
mmmm i would LOVE to see how Amara and Aryleigh would be like as a couple
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
I mean a LOT of them mean something to me on a profound level but... Fira means a lot to me because she is, on one hand a personification of my wariness and fear of people, men in particular, but she’s also a glimpse of a very large fear of what i might become in the future. Just another doormat for people to take advantage of because I can’t say no, this upsets me. She means a lot because I’m determined to give her a happy ending, just to prove to myself I don’t have to “fix” my fears and anxieties completely but I can still be happy.
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
Aalis sings. Not like, oh god get urself a band and some publicity singing, but it always makes me smile because Alice LOVES music and so she adores listening to Aalis sing whenever Aalis is willing to.
21. Your most artistic OC
I have several artists, but dante comes to mind first, possibly because I started off with just “artist from the eighties” for his characterization
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?
not that I can think of?? watch me post this and think of something lol
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
HAHAH so Luci was supposed to be this suave evil mastermind with a heart of like, tarnished silver, who was always a step ahead of everyone and now he’s.....that.
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
Amara. I’d die but it’d be worth it
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
Alice is like, a taller calmer more put together me. An Ideal Me with some small things added and taken away. Also with longer hair.
26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will?
UH haha no not really, im pretty stubborn about my oc designs, which is why Heth still looks like.....that lol
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
Silas was inspired by “We Don’t HAve To Dance” by Andy Black, and the Bloody Trio came from “Twisted” by Misso, and .. ok theres a few
28. Your most dangerous OC?
Aryleigh comes to mind first
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
haha Amara or Silas
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
Cadoc lol
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
OKAY SO It’s a running joke that Cadoc would have an aesthetic blog that’s mostly just winterscapes and things like that and it brings me SO MUCH JOY
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
Amara, because she’s weirdly good at surviving. 
33. Your shyest OC?
UH. Lev or Fira, most likely.
34. Do you have any twin characters?
Yep! Eirian and Faolán come to mind first. They’re some of Luci’s biological kids lost to the winds lol
35. Any sibling characters?
so many. Fira and Kir come to mind first. Atrox, Gavrel, and Renier are important ones in Dragonmarked.
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)?
Um? I don’t really understand this one.
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human
I RARELY LIKE WRITING HUMANS so uh, most of them are “not quite human”
38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer?
Fira is a dancer in most aus
39. Introduce any character you want
Hi so idk if i’ve officially introduced Sargan, he’s my Sun Prince from my newest wip, and he, Rudi, and Vel are the main three of the first plot of the wip. He’s a very steady, thoughtful person, who likes to seem very much a put together stickler for the rules who absolutely is a sweetheart that can’t resist any pleading face. I love him muchly and will always associate him with sunshine even tho he isn’t your steryotypical “sunshine” characters.
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
yes, but it’s kinda bittersweet nowdays
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
yes, @baguettewriting has drawn me some of my fav arts of Cadoc and I’m forever grateful for all art of my icy prince
42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods?
i literallyc annot think of any
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
gay and tragic lol
44. Something you like about your OCs in general
gay lol
45. A character you no longer use?
Rea. i miss her sometimes
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?
hhaahhaahah yeah
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child?
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure
LEv and fira
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
LISTEN so i’ve been lowkey obsessed with Vel for days and he’s such a useless dork, and i just love how much of myself i see in him, like, buddy, calm down with the sweets, and I too cry over things i’ve done before because what if it’s harder this time and oh god, did I insult that person, what if they’re being nice just to be nice but they really hate me, like, Vel, buddy, i GET you he’s just a useless gay mess crying into a bag of sugar, and like, hard FUCKING same tbh
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