#how can it be something that never happened to sylvain if it’s from felix’s pov?
ronsenburg · 6 months
Guess I’m rewriting this from Sylvain’s POV.
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angst-in-space · 2 years
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you’re a dream (i’m never waking up) // chapter 6
fe3h | sylvix | M | ongoing | 44k+
fic summary:
Sylvain is hit with a dark spell during battle that casts his mind into an inescapable dream world. Felix volunteers to follow Sylvain into his dreamscape to save him—but when he arrives, he discovers that Sylvain is living in an ideal post-war world where he and Felix are married.
dreamscapes, dreamsharing, fake marriage, or well they’re married in a dream world if that counts, pov felix, slow burn, domestic fluff, hurt/comfort, sharing a bed, canonverse, canon-typical violence, blue lions route spoilers, post-time skip, angst with a happy ending, fluff and angst, background relationships
CHAPTER 6 / (9.3k)
As Felix's first night in the dreamscape arrives, he realizes he will have to share a bed with Sylvain. But he also realizes he has an opportunity to test Sylvain's fantasy—by asking about their wedding day. [excerpt below the cut]
“You know, what I said earlier...” Felix swallowed, collecting himself. “About how sometimes I feel like I can’t remember things clearly?”
A small, worried furrow appeared in Sylvain’s brow. “What about it?”
“I think it’s happening again.” Felix’s gaze flicked down, to where his fingers wrapped tightly around Sylvain’s forearm. His grip loosened. “And I was thinking, it might help if you talked to me about something from the past—that is, about an important memory we share.”
He spared a brief glance at Sylvain’s face, afraid he’d find a look of total bewilderment or even annoyance there. Instead, in the glimpse he’d caught, Sylvain just looked... thoughtful, like he was already trying to come up with a certain memory to talk about.
“Of course,” he said, laying a hand over Felix’s. “What should I—”
“Can you—” Felix started to say at the same time, then snapped his mouth shut. When Sylvain only stared back at him patiently, he steeled himself and pressed on—even though, before the words left his mouth, he knew he was taking a great risk by asking. “Can you talk about the day we... you know.” Sylvain only gave him a perplexed look, and Felix let out the rest in a rush. “About the day we got married.”
>> read the rest on ao3! <<
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sovereign-tempest · 3 years
Oooh how about '3) the timeline in which something important to them happened in a different stage of life'? - Duscur happening when the Faerg kids are king, margrave, head of their houses etc? Would Felix be caught in the crossfire instead of Glenn? Would Dimitri and co. fight back? What happens with Dedue? And, most importantly, what happens to Dimitri and his fragile mental health? (Sorry I went OFF but this sounds fun)
a slightly altered timeline. 3. the timeline in which something important to them happened in a different stage of life.
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// Since you’re curious about that scenario, I’ll use that one and give my two cents on it. I’ll put it under the cut for length so I can go off too XD. Since it’s hard to juggle EVERYONE it’ll just be Dimitri’s POV. So the likes of Felix/Sylvain/Ingrid etc are up for debate. I just over simplify to get to the point.
The Tragedy of Duscur occurs after The Faerghus Four (well, everyone) graduated from the Academy. So there is no battle between Edelgard and the Church. It was an uneventful, typical Academy life for every character.
Dimitri returned as Crowned Prince. He has no PTSD/trauma/psychosis symptoms at this point since no trauma has happened. Just a typical student returning home from graduation. King Lambert is still in charge, Duke Rufus is alive and Queen Consort Patricia (step-mother) welcome him home.
He starts to undertake serious studying to being King, Academy taught him military skills, his tutoring as a child taught him the world and its functions - now it’s time for the real deal just in case something happens to his Father. He thinks it a bit early, he’s only in his 20′s and his Father seems in fit health. But King Lambert suspects something is amiss due to seemingly ‘random’ occurrences from around the Kingdom and Cornelia from inside the castle walls.
Not wanting to drag his son down with him, Lambert hopes to travel the country more - with Dimitri taking care of Faerghus in his stead at a time - to investigate TWSITD (not that he knows thats who they are at this point).
His search takes him to Duscur, and with all this training now under his belt - Lambert entrusts the castle and duties to Dimitri so he may take his time in Duscur. Dimitri agrees, becoming a Regent King for a time.
The tragedy occurs as it would in-game. Patricia learns that her daughter had been in the castle years ago, and was recently in the same year as Dimitri in the Academy, and Cornelia convinces her Lambert kept the information from her (which is false in-game and here, as Lambert was forced apart from his wife and even had to ask permission from Cornelia to see her). Patricia tells Cornelia where they will be heading and why so Cornelia can plot.
Again, Patricia’s whereabouts are unknown. When it comes back to Fhirdiad what has happened, Dimitri retreats into himself. Grieving and emotionally beaten down it is easy for Cornelia to manipulate him from the inside. At this point, Dimitri has no reason to suspect Cornelia as Lambert never shared his concerns - and he only sees her as the woman who tried to save his mother and cured the city of the plague. He trusts her completely as his council.
In this dark, depressed and mourning state she convinces him Duscarians are to blame for this. That Lambert thought they were the ones doing all the suspicious activity in an attempt to attack the Kingdom, so when he went to investigate they slaughtered him and everyone in the party. Dimitri can’t help but doubt a little since Duscur has never shown much issue with the Kingdom to do something this grave. He holds off on any orders.
His DEPRESSION (rather than his trauma) causes hallucinations. He feels his father comes to him at night to berate him for not being a true King, for not taking the reigns and think for himself - that Duscur is clearly to blame. 
In this weakened mental state, Cornelia wins him over. He wages a battle onto Duscur, leading the charge personally. The other three have no reason to doubt their King and the ‘evidence’ presented to them so follow suit. However the battle to dominate Duscur goes sour in places and several of his friends (from the old Blue Lions) die. This only adds to his anger towards Duscur.
He comes across a man, a blacksmith, trying to sneak and protect fleeing Duscarian soldiers...and slaughters him without a word.
He is known as a Savage King by even the Kingdom itself. He ruled with an iron fist and little mercy. His friends fear his change but also fear what would happen if they didn’t follow. All the while, Cornelia has a hand on Dimitri’s shoulder... Like a puppeteer.
TL;DR: Dimitri becomes easily manipulated by Cornelia now they share the same space and she uses the Tragedy to turn him on Duscur to cover up King Lamberts (and many others) slaughter. He does not become the Saviour King, and instead a King with little empathy or remorse. Unsaveable, unless someone can pry Cornelia’s grip from his shoulder.
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thepandapopo · 4 years
Sylvix Week 2020 Day 1: Wedding
Synopsis: No matter what world or what timeline they exist in, Felix and Sylvain will always find each other.
Byleth becomes an omniscient immortal goddess that lists her top three favourite SylVix weddings that span across a variety of alternate universes and worlds.
You gave me a wedding prompt and I gave you a three for one deal.
Written for Sylvix Week 2020
AU in which all the canon stuff happens but Sothis is actually the goddess of multiple universes and when Byleth merges with her, she gets to see Sylvix reincarnated in world after world, but no matter what they always find each other. This is her POV recalling her three favourite weddings.
The pirate one was definitely inspired by Pirates of the Carribean because that scene was so ridiculous and all I could think about was how it was SylVix level dumb.
There are not many things in this existence that Byleth finds beautiful, not anymore at least. After living for centuries upon centuries and in worlds that one could only dream of, it was safe to say that Byleth had pretty much exhausted all there was to see in terms of beautiful things.
But one thing she will always watch over fondly and with such heart rending piety that makes her wonder if perhaps there is a god even greater than her, is the way Felix and Sylvain’s souls always find their way back to each other, regardless of what life, regardless of what world, and regardless of what circumstances shape them.
The first world that Byleth has the pleasure of attending their wedding is in her original life. It is the life that she remembers the most vividly and fondly, back when everything was so new and yet not because of the soul of the progenitor god that resides within her.
The cathedral in Garreg Mach is strewn with swathes of teal and maroon fabrics, hanging from the ceilings in graceful arcs interspersed with pristine white. Blue and Red Salvia pepper the towering columns in the empty pockets where the ivy parts way to reveal long expanses of white stone, restored over years of hard work and loving care.
At the base of the altar near the head of the room, Byleth stands tall and proud as the officiant of this historical event, the joining of two territories through marriage in the traditional sense, but also so wholly untraditional in the fact that it is a Duke and Margrave committing to each other in a gesture that has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with building a future free of unspoken rules and obligations.
“Stop fidgeting,” Ingrid hisses at Sylvain from her position as Best Maiden. She is a vision herself in her Gautier red gown that is just practical enough that Hilda and Annette didn’t have to blackmail her too much into wearing.
Across from her, Dimitri – Felix’s Best Man - is also staring at the shifty groom who looks like he is half a minute away from bursting into either hysterical laughter or tears. It’s a bit of an odd sight seeing the King of Fodlan not standing center stage for once, but just for today, he has gladly traded in his royal garments for a simple, but smart looking military style get up (not unlike their old school uniform) in Fraldarius blue.
And in the middle of all of them standing right by Byleth’s side is their very own Sylvain Jose Gautier, dressed in his finest linens with a black jacket lined with crimson fur and golden thread. Draped across his front is an expanse of teal cloth that sweeps back over his shoulders and billows out in a magnificent cape emblazoned with both the Gautier and Fraldarius crests. Although Sylvain has always looked noble in his own way, his roguish grin has always softened the edges of his appearance with a mask of carefree immaturity. Today though, he looks every bit the mature esteemed war general turned Margrave; his shoulders are pulled back and he stands tall even though they all know that there are more than a few individuals in the crowd who oppose this marriage. Standing next to him, Byleth can literally feel the air of assured confidence that a person exudes when they know that they are doing something so fundamentally right, that there is no way that it isn’t fate.
If anyone had told them that Sylvain would be the first person among them to be married, a trip to the infirmary for hallucination would have been the follow up course of action. But here, standing at the altar under the beaming mid afternoon sun streaming through the windows, there is nothing that seems more natural.
Even if Sylvain won’t stop fidgeting.
“Sylvain,” Dimitri’s eyes are wide with suspicion and dread, “you’re not getting cold feet, are you? Goddess, Felix will kill you.”
“Yeah, and not even the pretend kill either. He’s going to really, truly run you through with his favourite sword. That you happened to get him, might I remind you.” Ingrid elbows him again, the sharp pain a gentler reminder of what pain he might be subject to in the near future if he really is considering ditching his own wedding. In the middle of the ceremony. With hundreds of guests around them.
“No, I’m not getting cold feet.” Sylvain rolls his eyes and tenderly rubs his ribs where Ingrid keeps jabbing him. “I’m just… I don’t know. I’m impatient. We’ve been standing up here forever.”
And of course, in typical Felix fashion, he just has to be proven wrong when the massive oaken doors at the entrance of the cathedral open with a groan, just barely audible over the swelling sound of the music changing and the rustling of clothes as their guests stand to welcome in the other groom.
The first time that Byleth gets to witness Sylvain’s entire world fall apart and click back together like two perfect puzzle pieces, is when he catches sight of Felix, led down the aisle by a beaming Annette, and breathtakingly resplendent in all white.
Blown out pupils obscure burnt sienna as they rake over the vision that is Duke Fraldarius walking slowly towards him with what looks to be the most obnoxiously long dress coat ever tailed. It clings to his lithe form sinfully from his shoulders down to his hips in such a way that coax’s Sylvain’s tongue to swipe across his lips, before draping and flaring back in a style reminiscent of a bridal train. The very same golden stitching that weaves through Sylvain’s jacket also glows ethereally in Felix’s clothes, which only serves to emphasize the silky midnight waterfall that has been tamed and woven into a side braid. Atop his crown sits a golden circlet that dips and meets in the center of his brow, adorned with a topaz flanked by two garnet rubies.
It is the first time that Byleth prays to the goddess and thanks Sothis for allowing these two souls, who are just so right for each other, to finally, finally get the happiness they so deserve.
When Felix’s golden gaze finally flutters up beneath inky lashes to meet Sylvain’s, the air in the room charges with tangible electricity and chuckles murmur through the crowd as both Ingrid and Annette reach out simultaneously to stop their respective grooms from bolting towards each other.
By the time Annette hands Felix off to Sylvain, both men are staring at each other with such blatant reverence and awe that Byleth almost feels bad for clearing her throat and ruining the moment.
“Dearly beloved, thank you all for gathering here today to celebrate the union of Duke Felix Hugo Fraldarius and Margrave Sylvain Jose Gautier.”
Somewhere to her right, Annette stifles a happy sob and the couple share a small, amused smile.
“The most remarkable moment in life is when you meet the person who makes you feel complete; the person with whom you share a bond so special that it transcends time and space and is something so pure and so wonderful, that you cannot imagine a life or world without them. For Felix and Sylvain, that moment happened back when they were children and too young to know what love meant, but old enough to know how love felt. Many of you know their story already; some of you have had the privilege to walk along side them as they each wrote their tale. But what we all have in common today is that we get to witness the moment when they begin to write their story together.”
Later in the evening, Sylvain will tease Dimitri about how constipated he looked trying to unsuccessfully supress his tears while also desperately trying not to crush the small pouch in his hands that contained Sylvain’s wedding band.
“Now, I do believe that you two have written your own vows. Sylvain, would you like to go first?”
There is a beat after Byleth asks her question before Sylvain can escape the fogginess of his mind that is filled with thoughts of Fe, Fe, Fe and comprehend what is being asked of him.
“It’s in your breast pocket,” Ingrid hisses behind him.
It’s true. Sylvain can feel the folded piece of parchment tucked snugly against his chest above his heart, but there is something in Felix’s mesmerized gaze that stays his hand and sends it reaching instead for smaller, scarred and callous ones.
“Felix…” his breath escapes him like a prayer. “My darling and dearest Fe.”
Honey brown eyes shimmer with unshed tears and Sylvain feels his chest tighten, squeezing out the lyrics of the song his heart has long been singing, but never aloud.
“For a person who has always had a silver tongue, it’s a wonder how you manage to steal all the words from me every single time. I could still try to wax poetic about how lovely you are or how lethal you look with a blade in your hand, but I feel like if I do either or those, you might just stab me.”
A soft snort and misty glare confirm his suspicion and Sylvain lets out a watery chuckle.
“Do you remember the promise we made as kids? Back then, we didn’t really know what it meant to die together, but we promised each other that anyways because the only thing we knew for certain was that we didn’t want to live without each other.”
Sylvain’s lungs burn with the effort it takes to inhale through the sobs that want to escape him. The rapid thumping of his heart threatens to burst out of his chest, and it nearly overwhelms him before a gentle hand brushes away a stray tear that has managed to escape its confines. Unwittingly, more tears fall even as Sylvain grounds himself with Felix’s touch and forges on.
“Fe, I have loved you for a very long time, even though I may not have known it. I have loved you since we were young children and you would sit in my lap for hours as I read story after story to you. I have loved you since we were old enough to train together and you would trounce me spectacularly even though I had the weapon advantage and you were such a scrawny brat. I loved you even through Glenn’s death when you shoved everyone around you away, building up the walls around your heart that I wanted so desperately to see again. I loved you when we met again at the officer’s academy and I tried to drown my problems in women and empty dalliances, and even through the war where I was so terrified that you would die before I could ever confess my feelings for you.
But Fe… despite how long I’ve loved you, I vow to you today that I will continue to love you for even longer in the years ahead. Dying is easy, but living is so much harder, and so that is why I want to build on our promise and vow to always stand by your side and live the rest of my life with you. I have loved you all my life, Felix Hugo, and I cannot imagine what my life would be without that constant. It grows each and every day, filling my heart more than I ever thought possible. Goddess… I love you Fe. I love you so very much, my beloved, and I hope that one day I’ll find the perfect words to tell you that, but for now, before all these people, I give you my heart and soul because it has always been yours from the start.”
Sylvain’s heart aches with the raw truth and gravity of his words that are so filled with love, bursting from his heart and overflowing from his eyes only to be brushed away gently by the very man who encompasses his thoughts every minute of every day. But despite how shaky his breath is, Sylvain’s hands are steady as he slips the onyx band onto the ring finger of Felix’s left hand.
“Felix? Would you like to read your vows?” It is dead silent in the cathedral, save for the few sniffs and hiccups from their closest friends.
Byleth can see the moment that Felix steels his resolve in the same way he does right before entering battle. Right now, Felix is fighting his own demons, but he is determined to win because he owes it to Sylvain to be just as raw and open as he has laid himself out to be.
“Sylvain. I… we both know that I’m not good at words, but I want to try, for you, because I know that sometimes the voices in your head try to convince you that you’re not worthy of love, and I want to shut them up once and for all by laying everything bare in front of all these people.”
It’s funny and honestly a little bit unfair, Felix thinks to himself, how Sylvain still looks so breathtakingly beautiful even while dripping snot and fully on ugly crying.
“I’m not a good partner, Sylvain. And before you interrupt me, just shut up and listen to the rest of what I have to say. I’m not a good partner because unlike you, I don’t know how to use my words to communicate my feelings. No matter how hard I try, it always comes out sharp and… and wrong. But even though I’m just so fucking awful at it, you somehow always seem to understand me.” Felix pauses to steady his breathing and blink away the tears that are beginning to blur his favourite view.
“I honestly never thought I could have this. I didn’t think there was a future for us because I was so sure that one day you would get fed up with me and leave. But you didn’t. No matter how much I pushed you away, or how many insults I threw your way even though what I really wanted to say was the complete opposite, you always stayed there by my side through thick and thin. And what’s more, you always understood what I was really trying to say.
I hate illogical things. I hate the idea of dying for someone or doing something I hate just because someone else happens to like it. But you… Sylvain, you make me want to do all of those things.”
Felix falters a little, swallowing the lump in his throat that wants to stop his closest guarded secret from slipping out.
“It doesn’t make any sense and it honestly frustrates me just how unwaveringly confident I am that I would die for you in a heartbeat. I would willingly go to those operas that you love so much even though I can’t stand them just so I can see that one smile that makes the world around me fall away. With you, I want to do the things that I’ve always shunned. I want to get married to you. I want to become your husband. I want to adopt children and raise a family with you. I want to grow old with you and spend our days sitting in front of a fire watching our grandchildren run around causing all sorts of mayhem that they probably learned from you.”
“So today, I will vow to you to live with you through whatever bullshit might come our way. I vow to love you until our dying breaths and beyond. But the greatest vow I will make you today, is the vow to lay down my blade and put to rest any lingering thoughts of becoming a mercenary because… because a life with you… loving you… I want that more than anything in the world. I love you, Syl.”
All around them, their friends beam at them through tears and, in Annette and surprisingly Dimitri’s case, elated blubbering. Felix wastes no time grabbing the ring from his king and slipping it onto Sylvain’s ring finger because one minute longer not being married to his favourite idiot is one more minute wasted.
No one cares that Byleth doesn’t even get to say her final line prompting them to kiss because they both lunge at each other at the same time, the crowd around them cheering and whooping, their voices echoing through the halls and much longer in Byleth’s memories.
Byleth’s second favourite wedding between Felix and Sylvain is unfortunately not one that she gets to officiate.
Instead, she’s busy parrying the downward strike of a soggy half pirate, half sea creature and returning a blow of her own and painting the floor beneath them a murky ink color as she cuts into its shoulder. Their ship has been boarded by Davy Jones’ and they barely have time to fire an SOS flare into the sky before they are overrun with the cursed pirates.
“Did someone call for backup?”
Sylvain’s hair is plastered to his forehead from the salty spray, but his crimson hair is still more than easy to spot from where it pops up from their starboard side where his own ship has anchored itself to the Aegis. His men let out a mighty battle cry as they dash across the wooden planks connecting their ships while others swing in from above on ropes hanging from the towering mast.
“You’re late, you fucking asshole!” Felix shouts above the sound of his handheld pistol firing straight into the face of an unfortunate pirate. The thick clam like shells around his body is explanation enough of why Felix is using his gun instead of his sword which he favors.
“Aw, Fe. Don’t be like that! You know I’d never ignore a distress call from you!”
“Then next time answer it sooner!”
Felix ducks when Sylvain jumps off the ledge over him and thrusts his own sword into an enemy that had been sneaking up behind him. Despite being rival captains of their own pirate ships, Sylvain and Felix fight like a well-oiled machine, slipping in and out of each other’s space and covering any blind spots that are exposed. It’s a bit odd seeing them fight in such a different style, but Byleth still admires the fierce skill in which Felix takes down his opponents while Sylvain always approaches more cautiously, using tactics and ploys that befit his strategic mind.
Absolute chaos reigns around the two of them and the clashing of swords peppered intermittently with the loud cracks of gunpowder igniting fill the air. The smell of the sea all around them is thick with the lingering smell of burnt sulphur and even more so the irony tint of blood.
“Are the two lovebirds bickering again?” Claude grins at Byleth as he sidesteps a tackle and plunges his blade through the back of the stumbling figure. His Golden Deer cape billows out as he turns and the bright yellow is a beacon of hope to the rest of their crew. Normally, Byleth herself would be wearing one as well, but she has been on loan from Claude and spending the past month or so aboard the Aegis with Felix helping him navigate some truly terrible waters.
“Yes. Although I do wish they would find a better time to do so.” Claude can practically hear her eye roll which just makes it all the more amusing to him.
“Byleth, you wound me! There’s never a better time for… well, anything really, than the present!” Sylvain laughs, but immediately grimaces when the body whose head he lopped off drenches him in black ichor.
Beside him, Felix looks at the new stains on his already disgusting pants and scowls. “Be more careful, you idiot! I can’t save you if you poison yourself by accidentally ingesting some of that toxic shit.” As soon as the words leave his mouth, regret burns through him and ignites his cheeks with flames.
“Oooh. Is Felix Fraldarius actually worried about me?”
“Shut up before I run you through with my sword.”
“You wouldn’t do that, Fe. Because you loooooove me.”
“Sylvain. I swear I’m going to-“
Suddenly a body goes sailing past them and Hilda stomps out from below decks where she has clearly fought her way out of. She points her axe menacingly at the two captains and if Felix didn’t just see her send a full-grown man six flying feet, Felix would have laughed. “If you’re not going to fight, then at least kiss already. We’re all sick and tired of you guys polluting the high seas with your stupid, angsty, rival love.”
“Well just because you’re bitter that your brother chases away all your-“
Sylvain doesn’t even get to finish his sentence before Hilda swings her axe in a side swipe. It’s only from years of fighting that the red haired captain is able to duck in time, letting the blade of the axe connect with a unsuspecting enemy instead.
“Okay, okay! Touchy subject. I get it.”
Thankfully, their squabble fades into the chaos as they double down to repel the ghostly abominations from their ships.
However, like all the other worlds and lives in which Byleth has known Sylvain, he just can’t seem to keep his mouth shut for very long and is calling out for Felix even while more enemies somehow appear from the depths of the sea, truly outnumbering them two to one now.
“Hey Fe! Marry me.”
“Marry me!”
There’s an awkward pause, only punctuated with Felix quickly shoving his sword into an oncoming enemy.
“Sylvain, this is not the time!”
“Come on, professor! Things are looking kinda bleak and I don’t really want to die without having married Fe.” Sylvain grins and shoots another enemy over his shoulder without even looking. “and plus it would totally boost morale!”
“I’m not marrying the two of you right now. Felix hasn’t even said yes yet, for crying out loud!”
Seriously, Byleth thinks to herself, she is getting way too old for this shit.
“Claude! If you won’t marry us, then Claude can! He’s a captain too, right?” Sylvain shouts up at the golden garbed leader who is sniping people from the safety of the foretop.
“Consent, Sylvain! Consent is important!” Hilda screams.
Another enemy falls from behind Felix and he turns to face Sylvain who has the biggest shit eating grin on his face. “Well, Fe? What do you say? Wanna get hitched?”
There’s a beat.
And then another.
And then,
“Claude. Marry us.”
Sylvain’s smirk is bigger than the time he struck literal gold.
“Gladly!” Claude laughs and doesn’t even blink as he shoots down enemies left and right. “Deerly beloved, we are gathered here today to-“
“Fuck your deer puns! Just get to the important shit.”
Clearly, Pirate Captain Felix is a lot less patient than Duke Felix. Or perhaps it is more to do with their current circumstance than the actual virtue.
“Jeez, fine fine! Uncultured swine, the lot of you, truly. Do you, Felix Hugo Fraldarius, take Sylvain Jose Gautier to be your lawfully wedded husband? In sickness and in health, in scurvy and even at the bottom of Davy Jones’ locker?”
“I do.” Each word is punctuated by a sword slash and the enemies around their odd band of allies begins to thin.
“And do you, Sylvain Jose Gautier take Felix Hugo Fraldarius to be your lawfully wedded pirate booty husband? To treasure him more than literal treasure? To have him in all his grumpy glory and to hold him even when he threatens to stab you?”
For someone who is very likely to die in the next ten minutes and also covered in guts and ichor, Sylvain is incredibly happy when he chirps back a gleeful “I do!”.
“Then, by the power vested in me by the guy whose ship I stole after I killed him, I now pronounce you husband and husband. So fucking kiss already.”
It’s by no means their most glamourous wedding, but Byleth can’t help but remember fondly on the matching grins on Felix and Sylvain’s faces as they kissed in the middle of that god forsaken hell of a boat, looking for all the world like the two puzzle pieces that have always fit together perfectly no matter what color or shape they may morph into with the crossing of time and dimensions.
It is such a shame really, that their small moment of respite and happiness breaks when a terrified voice pierces through the cacophony of sound.
Byleth’s third favourite Felix and Sylvain wedding is one where she unfortunately doesn’t get to be there with them, no matter how much her heart aches. Instead, she watches them from above, in a space that no mortal (and honestly not even any god) can truly begin to comprehend nor describe.
“Close it, close it. Hurry the fuck up!” Felix’s voice echoes in the dilapidated church even though his voice is hardly louder than a whisper. “We can push the pews up against the door to bar it.”
Sylvain is exhausted and his chest is heaving from being on the run for the past day and a half, but he nods and gets to work anyways, heaving the heavy wooden benches over to where Felix is bracing his shoulder against the door in case any undead try to get in.
It takes a good while before either man feel safe enough to leave the door unattended. In a world overrun by zombies, there aren’t any second chances or lessons learned – one slip up is all it takes for death, or worse yet, turning into the undead.
When Sylvain’s heart and mind finally slow down enough to observe their surroundings, he wants to laugh at the absurd irony of it all. “A church? Seriously, Fe? I’m kinda surprised we didn’t burst into flames as soon as we crossed the threshold.”
“It was the best option. All the other buildings had too many entrances. This one only has the one door and all the windows are boarded up already.”
Felix is already unpacking their travel bag and setting up camp in a far corner away, tucked away from any line of vision from potential cracks in the boards or windows.
“It’s just, I thought you would automatically avoid churches; especially with how our parents tried to raise us.”
It’s a bit of a sore topic between the two of them, both having grown up as close family friend and their parents being extremely religious. Felix more so after his older brother died in the line of duty and Rodrigue fell to religion to cope.
When Felix and Sylvain came out as gay to their families, it was nothing short of awful. The Gautiers had immediately disowned Sylvain, and although he was expecting it – given their track record with Miklan who was also disowned for the same thing – it still hurt and left a large, gaping hole in his heart. Rodrigue on the other hand had only Felix left. Despite their differences, he was reluctant to lose the last family member he had, instead opting to pile brochures after brochures of conversion therapy camps on Felix’s desk until the metaphorical house of cards finally gave way to years of anger and resentment.
If either of them had known that would be the last time they would see their families before the world went to hell in a handbasket, Sylvain likes to think that maybe they would have tried a little harder to keep them in their lives.
“What’s wrong?”
Felix is looking at him with those piercing golden eyes that Sylvain adores so much. Right now, it’s the gaze that Felix uses whenever his curiosity is piqued but he knows not to push any boundaries. It’s because Felix knows when to push and pull, and how to follow the ebb and flow of his mind that Sylvain loves him with every fibre of his being.
“Just thinking,” he hums. He drags a dirt streaked hand through his hair and ignores the grimy feel of the sunset locks. “About how you’re the only family I have. The only family I want.” He clarifies when he sees the strange look on Felix’s face where he is stirring the can of soup over a pitiful fire.
They are silent for a while, letting only the wind whistling through the empty rafters overhead fill the gaps between them. If they were anyone else, the loud echoey hall would have allowed loneliness to slip its way into their space, but they’re not; they’re Felix and Sylvain, the two boys turned men who have always been at each other’s sides from diapers to survivors.
“You’re my family too.”
It’s only a whisper, but Sylvain hears the declaration clear as day and it sends his heart soaring to heights that are only possible whenever Felix is involved. So high, that a random thought manages to worm its way into his head and burrow itself deeper and deeper until Sylvain cannot help but blurt out:
“Have you ever thought about getting married? Us, I mean?”
Felix startles for a moment, staring at him with wide eyes and Sylvain can see the beginnings of a blush sneak its way up his turtleneck collar.
“Have you ever thought about us getting married?”
“Where is this coming from? In case you haven’t noticed, we’re in the middle of a zombie apocalypse here.”
Felix isn’t wrong, but his flaw was that he could never really see beyond the immediate task. Which is exactly why they worked so well together – Sylvain, admittedly, was all about smelling the flowers and walking wherever his path took him, while Felix had the discipline and determination to focus in one goal and hound it with unwavering precision.
Instead of answer, Sylvain walks up to the altar at the front of the room and lays a hand against the podium, his fingers dragging through the thick layer of dust and debris, leaving behind a trail of shiny wood that peaked at him from below.
“I’ve always dreamed of marrying you, you know.”
The admission slips from his lips like a dew drop off a petal, slowly at first, but then falling to gravity and splattering on the floor between them leaving moisture pooling at the corners of Felix’s eyes.
“You… wanted to marry me?”
It’s unfathomable. It’s outlandish and impossible and all things incomprehensible but God, if Felix doesn’t want it with a burning passion that threatens to disintegrate him from the inside out.
“Want to marry you. Still do.” Sylvain flashes him that crooked grin that he loves oh so much. So much so that his heart rends every time he sees it and fills him with so much love that he finds himself uncharacteristically stepping off the metaphorical ledge and praying that he can fly with his next words.
“Sylvain. Marry me. Right here, right now.”
This time it’s the red head’s turn to gawk and splutter, and damn if it doesn’t fill Felix with a giddy smugness.
“I’m sorry. What?”
“You heard me. Marry me. We’re in a church aren’t we? Isn’t that all churches are good for?”
Sylvain wants to scold him and tell him that churches are also for praying, but bites his tongue on the bitterness that begins to coat it; Sylvain used to pray, but what’s the point when no one really listens?
(Byleth wants to go to them. She really, truly, does. But even a Goddess is not all powerful.)
Instead, Sylvain wordlessly extends his hand towards Felix and pointedly keeps his gaze to the crumbling statue of Mother Mary and the large cross that hangs ominously over their heads. When he finally feels familiar calloused hands in his, he pulls and Felix allows himself to fall into warm arms that have made him feel loved for so many years.
“Felix Hugo Fraldarius. Words cannot describe how much I love you. You’ve always been there by my side, through thick and thin, and honestly, I don’t really deserve you. But I vow to keep striving to become a person who is worthy of your love. I vow to live my life to the fullest everyday to become a better person for you because you make me want to be a better person.”
Each promise is punctuated with a chaste peck on the lips, each filled with more love than the last until Sylvain is murmuring his words against the plushness of Felix’s mouth.
“I vow to love you until the day I die and to protect you with everything that I am. You are my family, Fe. You are my home. And I will always come back to you – no matter where, when, or what world; I swear, I will always find my way back to you.”
Felix buries one hand in the collar of Sylvain’s fur lined jacket while the other tangles in his hair, trying to desperately pull him closer even though they are already pressed up against each other, chest to chest and hip to hip.
“Sylvain Jose Gautier. You’re an absolute idiot if you don’t know how much I love you.”
(“Fe, why are you insulting me during our vows?” “shut up.”)
“We’ve known each other forever and sometimes I take for granted just how much of my life you occupy until you’re suddenly not there, and all I’m left with is loneliness and a giant Sylvain shaped hole where my heart should be. I vow to never take you for granted ever again, because despite what you think, you are worthy of love, Sylvain. And you deserve to be happy.”
Something wet plops onto Felix’s cheek but he pays it no mind and continues with his vows, keeping his temple pressed against Sylvain’s jawline and his eyes closed.
“I vow to live by your side for the rest of my days so that I can remind you of that when the voices in your head become too loud. But above all, I vow to love you in such a way that lets you be the Sylvain that you really are, wholly and unapologetically so that you never have to hide behind a fake smile ever again. You are my home, Sylvain. I’ll always come home to you.”
When Felix raises his gaze to look at Sylvain, he cannot help but smile fondly at the teary, lovestruck expression on his face.
“You don’t have to cry about it, dummy.” He says, even as he raises himself on his tip toes to kiss away the droplets clinging to wispy lashes.
They stay like that for what feels like an eternity, clinging to each other in this space that they have made their vows and tied their lives together in the way that they should have long ago. They continue holding each other even as the night falls and the chill settles in, and into the morning when the tell-tale sound of unearthly groaning arrives at their doorstep.
“You have my back?” Felix asks completely nonchalantly as he unsheathes his katana and falls into a battle stance that he has long since mastered from after school lessons and then polished in real life survival.
Sylvain grins at his husband from his position perched on the highest ground available, his rifle and scope already set up and a variety of other guns, locked and loaded, littered around him.
Byleth dreads the day that Felix and Sylvain’s souls reach the end of their life spans and fizzle into nothingness, dissolving back to the void from which all souls are created and returned. But until that day comes, she continues to watch over them as they are born, and as they grow and fall in love over and over again.
Sometimes she will be allowed to step in and take a more active role in their stories, but in the times that she cannot, she knows without a doubt that they’ll be okay.
Because, after all, even if they weren’t soulmates, Byleth knows without a shadow of a doubt that Felix will always choose Sylvain, and Sylvain will always find his way back home.
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616marvel · 5 years
Pairing: Byleth x Felix (with a tiny Byleth x Sylvain. like super tiny) |  POV: Felix Headcanon: How Felix announces to everyone that he’s engaged to Byleth also how their first time happens (+ Jealous Felix)
note: I just had to for the tsundere of the whole game. I had to. This got really long, I was just going to do like a headcanon bulletin type of shit but THEN THIS HAPPENED
The first time Felix kisses Byleth is after his confession. He thinks that it would be the perfect time, she’s already right there pressed against the wall so it wouldn’t be too weird if he just leaned in. She said she feels the same so that should be an indication, right? So he does, he leans in and he thinks this is totally fine.
Except it wasn’t. He’s never kissed anyone before, having spent his time sparring during his academy days left him with little time to explore the subject of romance. Felix thinks that even during his time as a student, he’s only ever really had eyes for her (albeit unbeknownst and unrecognized by him). With that in mind, the kiss, although reciprocated, was a little sloppy. Felix kissed her but the embarrassment of not knowing how to properly kiss anyone was sending his face aflame.
Needless to say, his lips started quivering and Byleth noticed. Too embarrassed to address it, he just leans on her shoulder and lets the scarlet overtake his whole face. Byleth thought it was endearing and patted his back in reassurance. They stay like that for a minute before composing himself and telling her that they should probably go back where everyone was.
Felix isn’t the type to show public displays of affection so for the next two days, despite coming to terms with their relationship, they found no reason for them to announce their relationship to the others. This was something that they could keep to themselves and that thought…made him happy.
Of course it doesn’t occur to him that the other Blue Lion students probably had the same sentiment towards Byleth. If he felt that way towards her, then surely some of the other students too, right? That thought hadn’t crossed his mind up until he saw Sylvain and Byleth near the newly built garden.
From afar he could already see Sylvain’s smirk that had girls and guys falling on their knees for him. Felix has never been romantically jealous before, but the tinge in his chest was definitely something that he can’t help but notice. He doesn’t make a ruckus, just watches from a far and listens in (definitely not eavesdropping. Nope).
Managing to pick up a few words, he realizes that Sylvain was laying it on thick. Telling her how radiant she’s been looking now that the war is over. That perhaps now that the war has ended, she’d be able to look for future prospects for a lifelong partner. Sylvain: …maybe someone like me?
Felix felt a vain pop, the little patience he had for Sylvain slowly diminishing by the second. Sylvain: We can talk about it over dinner, prof. Byleth: Oh, Felix may want to join us for that. I’ll ask him.
Was it wrong for him to smirk at the idea of Byleth thinking of him in this type of a situation? Probably, but it definitely did ease the pinch in his chest. Sylvain: Wait, why? Sylvain: It’d be nice with just the two of us. Trust me on this. Byleth: mm. Then I’m afraid I’ll have to decline.
Before Sylvain could even continue, Felix comes out of the corner to announce his presence. Felix: okay, that’s enough. I’ll be taking Byleth now. Sylvain: Byle- since when did you start calling her by her actual name? Felix, holding her hand: since today. Sylvain: okay well if that’s the case, I’ll call her by her name too. Byleth would you like to have dinner with me? Felix: Felix: Thank you for the invitation but the answer is no.
And then he drags he out of there, still holding her hand as he grumbles. Byleth doesn’t know what has gotten into him but she doesn’t mind, kinda just follows with the same calm expression. Felix, inwardly to himself: the ring ain’t doing shit. I gotta do something.
The next day at the dining hall, Felix very casually sits next to her and holds her hand, their rings clearly visible. Felix: Good morning, Byleth
This was uncharacteristic of him so this concerns Byleth. Byleth: Good morning, Felix. Are you feeling well?
While he’s awkward when it comes to affection, he finds that he’s very thorough when it comes to jealousy and misunderstandings. Felix: I’m feeling great, would’ve been better had you visited me last night.
A bold statement coming from a guy whose face was clearly turning into a shade of red. By now people are watching. Mercedes was the first one to finally ask (because she handles his outbursts better than most people). Mercedes: Oh my, are those rings? Felix, trying to keep a straight face despite of the blush: Yes, I asked her to marry me.
And then the whole damn place erupts. Byleth is unsure why her former students are so rowdy. Sylvain, finally: NO WAY, YOU!? Felix, giving the redhead a pointed glare: Yes, me.
The burning curiosity from everyone was making his face feel warmer than it already was so rather than staying, Felix very calmly (as calm as he could) takes her hand to stand. Felix: Well it’s far too crowded here, lets eat elsewhere Byleth.
He’s definitely showing off the fact that he calls her by her name instead of professor or teach. And so they eat elsewhere and that’s when he kinda sighs and crumbles into a flustered mess of embarrassment. Of course Byleth’s just happy with being alone with him considering how different he is when it’s just the two of them. Byleth: no need to turn red, Felix. Blue is a far more fitting color for you. Felix: ….who’s red? Not me pffft.
He says while turning more red. While that was finally cleared and everyone now knows that they’re together – it now came to the matter of affection.
Sylvain is the one to ask because that guy is just as curious as everyone else, but he actually has the guts to ask. It happens one morning while Felix’s cleaning his sword. Sylvain, literally only came to the training room for this: so you and the prof – you uh…. Felix: what? Spit it out. Sylvain: ya know, did the hanky panky? Felix: They hanky what now? Speak properly. Sylvain: you seen them honkers, you know? Felix: Sylvain. Slyvain: okay okay, have you and the prof done the nasty? Felix: Again, what? Sylvain: Felix, you can’t seriously be this dense. Have you and the professor have sex yet? Felix: Felix: I don’t see the need for you to concern yourself with this. Sylvain: Sylvain: so that’s a no. Felix: Shut up Sylvain Sylvain: okay you've never been with any woman, even during our academy days, girls didn’t interest you Felix: because they were annoying, always following you around Sylvain: but it's different now, right? you love Byleth and as such, you'd need to know how to please a woman Felix: Byleth is pleased by me– Sylvain: I’m sure she is, but I meant for sex Felix: ...whatever you say
He says while clearly feeling the warmth creep along his cheeks. Sylvain ends up talking and talking and talking while Felix feigns boredom (but really, he was taking notes in his head). Sylvain: got it? When all else fails, use your tongue Felix, clearly, totally, definitely not interested: Whatever.
He leaves thinking he’s had enough of Sylvain’s nonsense, but the thought kept creeping back, leaving him flustered. Would Byleth really…want him to do that…?
He can’t even kiss her without feeling embarrassed and the last time he’s kissed her was at the goddess tower. It’s been a month and a half since then and he just figured the time will come when it comes. It also didn’t help that he didn’t know how to go about kissing her again. Does he ask? No…that’d be weird.
This gets his mind racing so when he spots her drinking tea and she spots him, he tries his damnest to fucking walk over there without thinking about what Sylvain had said. Felix: Byleth, you seem relaxed.
He’s trying to calm his nerves but he keeps looking at her fucking lips and he’s going to die.
Byleth is so blissfully unaware of the dilemma that she’s causing to him. Byleth with her tea: mm, quite relaxed. It’s been a lovely evening and it’s gotten lovelier with you here.
After a while she could see his stiffness. Byleth: is everything alright, Felix? Felix: huh? Oh- uh yes. Just, thinking. Felix: drinking tea Felix: continues to drink tea Felix: downs the tea Byleth, inwardly: that was freshly brewed, how did he- Felix: so hey, uhh…I wanted to ask you Felix, mouth lowkey numb from them burn: Do you maybe….want to…spend time tomorrow….with me….out in the town or something…haha we could get groceries...
Usually taking her to town wasn’t hard. All the times they’ve gone to town was casual and actually quite fun, but now he’s determined to kiss her. Tomorrow. Tomorrow he’s going to kiss her again. Byleth, smiling: of course, I’ve no plans tomorrow.
Come next morning and he’s there early to pick her up. He had Mercedes of course help him with the burn so now his mouth doesn’t really hurt. (Mercedes was so confused why his mouth was burnt ‘From tea? Felix how–‘ ‘Just…don’t ask.’)
They go to town and he initiates the PDA by holding her hand, which in turn causes Byleth to turn to his ever-pink face. He’s never done that before but it wasn’t unpleasant. What was supposed to be a grocery shopping became anything but that. They ended up going to a play, having lunch, and then he even bought her a trinket. A necklace at that.
By the time they’re done, it’s the afternoon and he’s walking her back to her room since she now resides inside the church because she’s now the new archbishop. Felix is quite thankful because there’s less people, he can definitely kiss her before arriving to her chambers. After checking his surroundings, right before they stop at her door, he finally tugs on her and asks Felix: Do you…the necklace…do you want me to put it on you? Byleth, smiling gently: yes, of course.
And she moves her hair to the side so he could do it easier. Felix, the awkward nervous boy that he is, is clearly shaking when he’s trying to put on the necklace because he neck was right there and it’s so slender and smooth and–
Before he could even really think about it, he kisses the back of her neck after finally putting the necklace on. He withdraws, flustered but standing his ground as Byleth turns, a slight pink on her cheeks. She wasn’t expecting the kiss and it sent tingles down her spine, but she smiles at him regardless. Byleth: Thank you, it’s beautiful. Felix, visibly pink: you’re….uh…you’re welcome….Byleth Felix: listen…can you close your eyes for a bit? Byleth: ??? Byleth: Okay.
She seemed confused but she closes her eyes and then that’s when he leans to kiss her, lips still quivering like the first time he kissed her. This time, his kiss wasn’t just a peck, this time he tries. She’s his first kiss but he figures the only way he could learn is through trial and error so he carefully deepens it, cupping her cheek and slanting his head so he could do this properly. She tastes like his favorite cup of tea and her lips were so damn soft. When the kiss was over, he withdraws and sees Byleth actually slightly flustered, a blush on her cheeks with a haze on her eyes. Felix: Felix: Felix: Sorry –
And then he leans to kiss her again. And again. And again as they walk back to her room while continuously kissing her over and over. It doesn’t occur to him that they’d hit the bed and that she’s suddenly under him. Once he realizes this, he’s flustered but he figures this is fine. He’ll just keep kissing her, that’s fine, right? The kisses lead to her neck, then to the swell of her breast, and then between her thighs. He doesn’t recall how they got naked or how it happened but they definitely end up doing what Sylvain called as ‘hanky panky.’ Felix refuses to let her go that night and sleeps there with her in his arms.
Felix wakes up confused as to where he was and why he was naked until he sees Byleth, equally naked. He remembers and he can’t help but kiss her bare back before pulling her closer to cuddle her some more.
Byleth is late for her meeting with Seteth and the Blue Lions. Sylvain: Good morning prof- Sylvain, noticing the bruise on her neck: :0
Felix comes following after Sylvain, looking at Felix then back to Byleth then back to Felix: :0 Byleth: Don’t.
Of course Byleth doesn’t even bother trying to cover it up or lie about it but Sylvain gives a Felix the hardest time and he swears, if they weren’t in the same team he would’ve stabbed this guy by now– Sylvain, nudging Felix during the meeting: So eh? You and the prof finally? Eh?
During the meeting Dimitri notices the interaction, confused up until he turns to Byleth and he sees a bruise just barely peaking out of the neckline of her clothing. Dimitri: Pro- Dimitri, noticing the hickey: Dimitri: COUGHS. Dimitri: uh… Dimitri: good morning, Professor. Uh- Dimitri, looking at Felix: Felix: What. Dimitri: Nothing.
Felix is a lot more cheerful that day. During lunch time, Mercedes notices the bruise, announcing it while everyone’s around. Mercedes: Oh professor you have a bruise on your neck, let me heal it! Everyone in the dinning room: Sylvain: heh Byleth: …sure Felix, inwardly grumbling to himself: It’ll heal naturally…you don’t have to remove it.
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angst-in-space · 3 years
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you’re a dream (i’m never waking up) // chapter 3
fe3h | sylvix | M | ongoing | 18.2k+
fic summary:
Sylvain is hit with a dark spell during battle that casts his mind into an inescapable dream world. Felix volunteers to follow Sylvain into his dreamscape to save him—but when he arrives, he discovers that Sylvain is living in an ideal post-war world where he and Felix are married.
dreamscapes, dreamsharing, fake marriage, or well they’re married in a dream world if that counts, pov felix, slow burn, domestic fluff, hurt/comfort, sharing a bed, canonverse, canon-typical violence, blue lions route spoilers, post-time skip, angst with a happy ending, fluff and angst, background relationships
CHAPTER 3 / (6.7k)
The Blue Lions gather together to determine what's wrong with Sylvain—and, more importantly, how they're going to save him.
[excerpt below the cut]
“I’m willing to take that risk,” Byleth said. Everyone looked at them in surprise—and when they all continued staring, waiting for a further explanation, the professor took a deep breath. “I’ll do it. You can cast the spell on me.”
The words had an immediate effect, sending a frenzied ripple through the group. There were several gasps around the circle. Felix went rigid, staring at Byleth in shock, but the professor was undeterred by the attention.
“Professor, no. I—I can’t allow it,” Dimitri said. His one blue eye had widened considerably, his face going deathly pale. “It’s far too dangerous.”
Byleth frowned at him, and it was difficult to discern whether their expression conveyed anger or confusion—perhaps a combination of both. “With all due respect, Dimitri, I don’t need your permission.”
Dimitri’s jaw twitched, like he’d been about to say something but then thought better of it. “My apologies. I didn’t mean to sound like I was commanding you, or that I lack faith in you. It’s just, I can’t bear the thought of …” He sighed and shook his head, starting over. “I—we all thought you were gone for the past five years.”
“But I returned,” Byleth said without missing a beat. “Just as I returned after Solon sealed me in the darkness. Whatever dimension Sylvain is imprisoned in now, I’m certain I can get both of us back alive.”
They did have a point, Felix had to admit. Byleth had an uncanny ability to return unscathed from the strangest and most dire situations. But the thought of Byleth taking on this particular quest made Felix feel like the blood in his veins had grown heavy. It didn’t feel right, and he couldn’t stand by and let it happen when there was another obvious choice standing right in front of him.
“No,” he said, before he could stop himself.
As he had anticipated, everyone turned to stare at him in shock, but he stood his ground as he crossed his arms and glared at the professor like they were the only two people in the room.
Byleth’s odd, light-colored eyes pierced him with unnerving scrutiny. “No … ?” they repeated. “‘No’ what?”
Felix’s tongue weighed in his mouth like lead. Was he really about to challenge the professor’s judgement, of all people? It was probably the most foolish choice he’d ever made, but he refused to back down now.
“No,” he repeated, with as much firmness as he could muster. “You’re not going. Because I am.”
>> read chapter 3 // read from beginning <<
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