#house painting miami florida
floridapainting · 1 year
What top 5 things make Commercial Painting Miami unique
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Commercial Painting Miami offers several unique features that set it apart from other painting services. Here are the top five things that make Commercial Painting Miami unique. Commercial Painting Miami specializes in providing painting services specifically tailored to commercial properties. They have extensive experience working on a wide range of commercial projects, including office buildings, retail spaces, hotels, and restaurants. More details visit here:-https://floridapaintingmiami.com/
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daisyswift3 · 1 month
A Summary of the 🎃 Messages--The Overarching Story
So I just realized sth abt the 🎃 messages while listening to ttpd—they’re in chronological order!! I am going to try to give a summary of these messages and explain why I believe this. This album has made 99% of her songs, mvs, metaphors, and symbols make perfect sense. There were always some things like getaway car, cruel summer, and the palm trees in rep era that I could never quite figure out but now it's all crystal clear. It's like ttpd is the last piece of the puzzle needed to make everything fall right into place and to see the whole messy complicated story. One thing I want you to take note of as you read this summary is how incredibly consistent Taylor is w her use of metaphors and symbols. This makes solving the puzzle that is her music more like solving a cypher that you can know you solved correctly bc all the symbols will fit together perfectly just like a secret code. Once you understand what one symbol represents you now know what it means every time you see it. Every word or phrase she uses is intentional and there's not a single easter egg that's out of place. You'll notice in ttpd there are several words and phrases that are repeated bc she wants us to know that certain songs are related. 🎃 anon said there would be many connections and foretellings in the messages that we could find if we held them to the light in the coming unfoldings, and boy they were not wrong. So w/out further ado let's get into it (just a warning though this will be pretty lengthy so grab your favorite drink, some snacks, and get comfy).
1st message: The first one starts right before rep era when her rep started going down and she started feuding w her record label. These are the obstacles she didn’t see coming that made her slam on the (getaway bike) brakes (which were cut so she had to use her foot to slow down) and not come out. The "heel damaged" could be a reference to Achilles' heel since this was a weak spot she didn't see or it could be a reference to Jesus' heel being bruised in the 1st ever biblical prophecy (see this post for more on that). This was her first big pivot and change of plans. Many ppl have theorized that TS6 was originally going to be a different album--perhaps lover/daylight--but kimye and BMR got in the way of that. This would explain why she wears an outfit w palm trees on it while cutting the wings off her TS6 jet. She spray paints "reputation" on it which seems to indicate it was a haphazard last minute change of plans (x). Plus the endgame mv has palm trees and shows Miami, Florida (which I think is related to Florida!!! but I'll have to get to that another time) connecting it to "Island breeze and lights down low, no one has to know...In the middle of the night in my dreams I know I'm gonna be with you so I take my time." Miami is the paradise where her endgame happens. This all seems to indicate she was ready for "daylight" or "paradise" during rep era but had to pivot.
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The Prophecy: “Hand on the throttle, thought I caught lightning in a bottle, Oh but it’s gone again"
2nd message: This is abt the lover rollout that started in spring of 2019 -> "The time draws near, springtime sunshine causing small drips and fractures." The ice castle likely represents the lover house (her music empire, past eras, and closet) since she burns it down w a match just like she does in the eras tour visuals and midnights -> "You strike a match and blow the smoke toward the structure that shelters and protects you. Suddenly, you hear a crack, a crunch, a whoosh. There is a sudden give beneath you, and you tumble through the broken, melting hole in your palace." The ivy reference (spring breaks loose, the time is near) just solidifies my theory that ivy is a song abt an eventual kaylor reunion that will happen before she burns all the files and deserts all her past lives (eras).
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Lover era was her second big pivot. I believe she knew there was a very good chance Scott B would sell her masters all the way back in rep era hence why she says "I'm always waiting for you just to cut to the bone, devils roll the dice" (see this post for more on that). "However, in this suddenness you find yourself still somehow underprepared, kicking yourself for the time you squandered by wallowing in the seeming endlessness of your predicament" -> Her being unprepared to come out along w the mastersheist is what caused her to miss her 2nd opportunity to come out. She was so caught off guard that it made her indecisive. And so she played it safe and stayed in the closet -> "Our coming of age has come and gone, suddenly this summer it's clear I never had the courage of my convictions as long as danger is near." Remember how I said Taylor is very consistent w her use of metaphors? Well I made a post a while back explaining how folkmore represents the seasons bc summer = daylight and winter = closeting and folkmore was Taylor trying to come to terms w her 2nd failed coming out hence the grey and beige ("I'm just a paperweight in shades of greige"); so that means the ice castle = winter = closeting and springtime sunshine = almost daylight = almost being out of the closet (and spring was also the time when the lover rollout started so it has a more literal 2nd meaning to it as well).
The Albatross: "So I crossed my thoughtless heart spread my wings like a parachute, I'm the albatross, I swept in at the rescue." [I think there's a good chance this song is abt Scoots so it makes sense the parachute metaphor, which relates to her masters and failed coming out, would be used in this song]
The Bolter: "By all accounts, she almost drowned when she was 6 in frigid water...It feels like the time she fell through the ice then came out alive." ['Long story short I survived']
3rd message: This is abt the mastersheist (diamond heist) during the summer of 2019. It parallels the I Can See You mv exactly (see this post). In hindsight it now makes perfect sense why 1989 tv didn't have any mvs--bc the Fortnight mv is a direct continuation of the ICSY mv! Before the Fortnight mv, the ICSY mv was the most recent one. She didn't want anything between those 2 mvs so that it was obvious they were directly related. Her losing her masters and her 2nd opportunity at daylight is what drove her to insanity and caused her to end up in the asylum -> "I find the artifacts, cried over a hat...I trace the evidence" // "And so I enter into evidence my tarnished coat of arms, etc" | "Is it okay? Is it you? Or have they come to take me away?"
"Mere feet away from the light of freedom...Your getaway bike begins to leave without you, sparks flying as the tires try and fail to slow down for you. You have frozen in this moment of indecision" // "It was the great escape, the prison break, the light of freedom on my face...he was runnin' after us, I was screamin', 'Go, go, go!'" -> There are 2 getaway car mentions in this message which emphasizes its importance. This is likely for a few reasons: 1) To explain what the song getaway car was actually abt--her feud w BMR, not the beards 2) To show that message 1 and 3 are related; the getaway bike is mentioned in both since both are abt her masters 3) To show that the lover era pivot was actually just history repeating itself; this is what Cassandra and the Prophecy are abt.
Cassandra (notice the piano melody from mad woman): “So they set my life in flames, I regret to say do you believe me now? ['If I'm on fire, you'll be made of ashes too']…They knew, they knew, they knew the whole time that I was onto somethin', [She knew there was a good chance her masters would be sold as shown in cruel summer] The family, the pure greed, the Christian chorus line" ['Now he sits on his thrown in his palace of bones praying to his greed']
Fortnight: "I was supposed to be sent away But they forgot to come and get me I was a functioning alcoholic 'Til nobody noticed my new aesthetic [Her fans didn't notice the shift from rainbows and pastels to black mourning clothes during the lover era] All of this to say I hope you're okay But you're the reason [The you in the song is Taylor; she's the reason she decided to stay in the closet] And no one here's to blame But what about your quiet treason?" [Taylor's indecisiveness is what led her to not come out the 2nd time]
loml (This is from Karlie's pov): "Mr. Steal Your Girl, then make her cry...You shit-talked me under the table talking rings [Paper Rings] and talking cradles, [Lover mv] I wish I could un-recall how we almost had it all, [They were so close to daylight]...It was legendary, It was momentary ['I touch you (daylight/sunshine) for only a fortnight']...Our field of dreams engulfed in fire" ['So they set my life in flames']
Florida!!!: "Little did you know your home's really only a town you're just a guest in, ['I touch you (daylight/sunshine) for only a fortnight'; 'And so a touch that was my birthright became foreign'] So you work your life away just to pay for a timeshare down in Destin" [Taylor did all this masterminding and planning just to end up still stuck in the closet and bearding and only being able to see her lover in stolen private moments]
Fresh Out the Slammer: "Another [cruel] summer, taking cover, rolling thunder, he don't understand me"
The Bolter: "But it always ends up with a town car speeding" [getaway car]
Peter: "Forgive me Peter, my lost fearless leader, in closets like cedar preserved from when we were just kids, Is it something I did?" [Peter is herself; 'I'd be a fearless leader' and the fearless album; 'closets' is obvious]
How Did It End?: "We were blind to unforeseen circumstances, We learned the right steps to different dances, and fell victim to interlopers' glances, Lost the game of chance, what are the chances?...It's happening again" [This is the 2nd time she's lost the opportunity to come out]
I Can Do It With a Broken Heart: "I'm so obsessed with him but he avoids me like the plague" [They're in love w each other but can't be together in public; 'Break my soul in 2 looking for you but you're right here']
Down Bad: "For a moment [a fortnight] I knew cosmic love, now I'm down bad crying at the gym...'Fuck it if I can't have him I might just die it would make no difference'" ['You (Taylor) told Lucy you'd kill yourself if I (Karlie) ever leave']
5th message: Out of all the messages this is the one I'm the most uncertain abt. But I think it is possibly about JA leaving before his contract was up. "You are in a kitchen. Not your kitchen, of course. Your kitchen is soft and cozy and sacred. THIS kitchen is hard and cold and purely functional" -> This is not the sacred kitchen from Cornelia Street that she shares w her lover, this is a PR stunting kitchen that's a false imitation of the real domestic bliss she has. A few yrs ago kaylors were talking abt how Karlie has a kitchen that she only uses for PR/social media purposes so pumpkin anon could've been trying to remind us of that. These 3 messages from flag 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 anon make me think the breakup happened sooner than planned.
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The July 29 message wasn’t meant to be posted until Oct 8 since it was hinting at the Toe breakup happening 5 months later in mid March, 2023.
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The Nov 23 message mentions a “shift of footing” which we all agreed meant Toe 🦶 was over. The Dec 5 message w “the need to flex is sometimes necessary” directly following the Toe breakup message is what really makes me think it wasn’t planned. They had to pivot/flex but “other milestones are resolute” meaning the endgame is still the same—K and T will still reunite and both will be out of the closet at a certain time. Plus there’s the “…” at the end of the Nov 23 message which also indicates the Dec 5 one is a direct continuation of that message.
To add more credibility to this theory, RFI and SIG also have ellipses. RFI always seemed like it was supposed to be a direct continuation of SIG bc SIG sets up the “chess game” w her and her lover doing magic and pulling the wool over everyone's eyes, and RFI is when this chess game officially begins, "baby let the games begin."
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Some other kaylors said they thought “the need to flex” meant that she wanted to give anti hero more time on the charts so she was flexing or showing off. But I think it makes more sense for it to be related to London Boy himself and not having him as a beard since that’s the whole purpose of having the 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 flag. I could be wrong though.
So Long, London: “Pulled him in tighter each time he was drifting away…Holding tight to your quiet resentment…Every breath feels like rarest air when you’re not sure if he wants to be there” [This may mean that JA kept trying to break free from the contract and Taylor kept trying to convince him to stay but it didn’t work]. "My spine split from carrying us up the hill, Wet through my clothes, weary bones caught the chill" ['They are bowing out, leaving you with double the workload, now half burnt and smoking. Their duties weren’t finished, and yet there is nothing you can do to make them stay. Shaken by this loss, chaos descends upon the team. Most roll up their sleeves to work harder']. "And my friends said it isn't right to be scared, every day of a love affair" [There were several blind items talking abt how JA was hooking up w men in a very unsubtle way; this could be what the 'cheating husband' mentions in ttpd are abt]. “Two graves, one gun” [Makes me think of a smoking gun which could be what the 'smell of smoke' in the message was alluding to. Maybe JA threatened to reveal her secrets if she didn't let him go and he had the smoking gun evidence to do so which was the recipe card. 'This time is different. Because you know this person actually has the means to share the secret menu, and that they have enough proof to make the waiting guests believe them.' -> I mean if anyone could convince the general public it would be the man who was supposed to be her boyfriend for 6 yrs]. “And you say I abandoned the ship but I was going down w it, my white knuckle dying grip” ['But you have never been one to lay your armor down. When you fail, you fail gloriously. When you go, you go kicking and screaming']. "I didn't opt in to be your odd man out" [She didn't want to be his beard just like he didn't want to be hers; and odd man out is a game that's played w 3 ppl where the odd man is the loser who's eliminated bc he didn't have a match]. "I founded the club she's heard great things about" [The Tortured Man Club -> The Tortured Poets Department that she's chairman of]
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7th message: This message is all abt the domestic bliss she has away from the public eye. She has worked so hard to make sure her secrets are safe by building a tall impenetrable fence. However, she chooses to intentionally blow a dandelion full of secrets--perhaps ttpd is the dandelion w all the songs being the florets or secrets. There is one floret in particular that she’s worried abt—my guess is it’s Robin since it’s so damning if you know what to look for. Plus the song Robin parallels this message perfectly and evokes the same imagery. And to add even more credibility to this theory, the lyric vid for Robin has dandelion florets in the background. See these posts: (x)(x)(x)(x)(x)(x). "You are walking through your yard. It's one of your favorite places, all sprawling garden rows" -> Betty's garden; "your wife waters flowers," etc. "There are daisies - so many daisies - in every shade of your rainbow"--I don't think I even need to explain this. "Your lover and your fresh baked buns are safe. (The buns, of course, are in the oven turning golden as you speak. It's an old family recipe, jotted lovingly on a recipe card.)" -> The recipe card is perhaps a picture or some other sort of smoking gun evidence of Taylor's family and it connects the 5th and 7th messages together. And the meaning of "buns in the oven" is pretty obvious. "Golden" refers to Karlie.
Robin: "Higher and higher, wilder and lighter" [This may be a double entendre--not only is she encouraging this child to bounce higher on his trampoline or swing higher, she is also encouraging the dandelion floret (the song Robin) to fly higher and go out into the world after she blows on it]
The Albatross: "Wild winds are death to the candle...One bad seed kills the garden" [This may be connected to the dandelion metaphor and I believe there are many layers to these lyrics; wild winds can carry the dandelion seeds into other ppl's yards; if Taylor's secret gets out this can destroy the domestic bliss she has i.e. kill her metaphorical garden or candle; 'love's a fragile little flame it can burn out']
I Hate It Here: "I hate it here so I will go to secret gardens in my mind people need a key to get to, the only one is mine" [There is only one way to get into this garden since a tall impenetrable fence surrounds it; there are other layers in these lyrics as well like the escapism aspect of it]
But Daddy I Love Him: "I'm having his baby, no I'm not but you should see your faces" [Bc it's Karlie that had the babies]
8th message: This entire message parallels the Bolter. I believe this is abt Taylor finally choosing her lover over her reputation and choosing to intentionally destroy it in order to meet her lover down at the bottom like 🌋 anon mentioned. This may be the purpose of the whole Ratty debacle—to tarnish her image (by jumping into shark infested waters) so that when kaylor are together in public again her fans won’t be able to hate on KK w/out being hypocrites bc Taylor has already done all the things she knows they’ll accuse KK of, like being connected to someone who’s quite problematic. I believe this takes place from May 2023-now since this is when MH and her started “dating.” The use of all lowercase in the 🌋 messages may be a reference to the reputation album title to indicate that this is going to be a repeat of rep era but this time the damage to her rep will be intentional. I find it very interesting that the Feb 20th 🌋 message is the only one that has a word capitalized and the word that's capitalized is "Gold." This is in contrast to "fools gold" which is not capitalized or colored.
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The self-loathing is palpable in Taylor's music (x) and it is displayed heavily in this message as well. I think it's possible the "enemy" is actually just Taylor herself or her public persona to be more exact. She is her own worst enemy; the Anti Hero mv illustrates this. She's the one that spreads the dandelions in message 7 which is what the enemy does in this message; she's the bear, and in the Bolter she (real Taylor) tames the bear (Taylor the brand). I believe TSMWEL could possibly be abt herself as well. I mean TSMWEL literally has "TS" in the track title. The clean version of the Bolter has the line "Then she'll call him a bore" which parallels TSMWEL, "You said normal girls were boring." It's as if real Taylor is doing an UNO reverse on Taylor the brand by treating her public persona the same way she treated real Taylor for years. This is very reminiscent of the Archer, "I've been the archer I've been the prey." I think TSMWEL, while it is abt herself, is simultaneously abt Scott B. And the reason for this relates back to what I said abt the 2nd and 3rd 🎃 messages--she blames both Scott AND herself for her failed coming out. The mastersheist threw her for a loop, yes, but she could've still come out anyway were it not for her indecisiveness. And I haven't have time to fully analyze MBOBHFT yet but I think it's similar where it can either be read from Karlie's perspective to Taylor after the 2019 failed coming out or from Taylor's perspective to Scott B/the industry.
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The Bolter: "But as she was leaving, it felt like breathing, ['When I was drowning that's when I could finally breathe'] All her fuckin' lives flashed before her eyes...He [the 'enemy'] was a cad, wanted her bad just like any good trophy hunter and she liked the way it tastes taming a bear, making him care watching him jump then pulling him under" [This connects to the 10th message: 'You limp over uneven ground, smiling at the pain of the shark bite with each excruciating step - replaying the satisfying splash as you finally chose her over the world. As you grabbed the enemy and dove into the infested waters']
loml: "The coward claimed he was a lion" ['You’re a selfish asshole. So much of your fear is your own. You wince at your cowardice like it is a gaping wound. You so often find yourself unable to meet your own eyes. You scramble into shadows like a black cat. Scared, even, of being scared...You are a coward, but you are not a fool']
I Hate It Here: "I was a debutant in another life but now I seem to be scared to go outside" [In another life she already came out but in this one she's too scared to even leave her house let alone come out]
The Tortured Poets Department (This is from Karlie's pov): "You're in self-sabotage mode throwing spikes down on the road"
9th message: This message is abt her finishing her 11th album, the last chapter of her 11 part story, and then sending it out into the world like a message in a bottle (the Manuscript). So I'm assuming this would take place on April 19, 2024, the release date of ttpd. "You are sitting on a beach, cold and windswept. The sea is dark and angry before you." -> This may be the same beach and sea from the folkmore era. "The sun sets in muted colors." -> Describing the sunset colors as muted is quite interesting since sunsets typically have very vivid colors; this makes me think it's related to the eras tour visuals during the transition from august to illicit affairs (which I explained the meaning of in this post), and the folkmore color palette was mainly muted colors. "You finish scrawling on the parchment. Your pen dries up as you reach the end of a story in 11 parts." // "Feeling like the very last drops of an ink pen," "my veins of pitch black ink." She is sick of having to dilute her truth through metaphors and allegories which is why she is a tortured poet -> "Take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die." Plus there's the "parchment" which she mentioned many times during her eras tour speeches which relates it to the folkmore era (x)(x)(x). "And now it is just a matter of time. The dripping of candle wax. The ticking of a clock." -> (x).
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I recommend reading this post which explains how the Manuscript, ATW short film, message in a bottle, the story of us, and 4th, 9th, and 10th 🎃 messages are related. Many ppl pointed out that the Manuscript lyric vid looks like a movie script, and she's been referencing films and books a lot recently which makes me think there's a good chance she's going to release a film and book abt her coming out story. The 9th message and the lyrics in the Manuscript make it clear that Taylor's discography as a whole IS the manuscript i.e. it's the author's (Taylor's) draft of her story that is getting ready to be published. In academia, a manuscript is a draft of your research that you send in to be peer reviewed and if it's accepted it then becomes a published academic article.
The Manuscript: "And the years passed like scenes of a show, the professor said to write what you know, [She's equating her life to a story w the different eras being different scenes or chapters] The only thing that's left is the manuscript, one last souvenir from my trip to your shores, [message in a bottle; 'It may wash up on a sunny beach in Florida, or a rocky shore in the northwest'] Now and then I reread the manuscript but the story isn't mine anymore" ['Once you blow a dandelion, you never get it back. It isn’t yours anymore']
The Bolter: "But she's got the best stories"
10th message: This is a direct continuation of the 8th message and takes place right before she comes out of the closet (the wooden door in the woods). So this would take place after her rep has already been destroyed which I don’t think we’ve gotten to yet. My guess is that things will start ramping up in the next few months. She may start being papped w all her previous beards looking happy w them or sth similar which is all she’d need to do to show that the relationships were all fake and she’s been lying this whole time. This may be the “chaos” that 🫚 anon was referring to (see this post). This lines up with the blood moon glitch vinyl, representing chaos and disruption, being the 2nd quarter of the yr according to the midnights clock (4-6 or April-June, 2024). Plus many ppl think BDILH is abt MH--and Taylor meant for this to happen bc this album is full of red herrings--and in that song she says "He (MH) was chaos" so this might be a hint that the bearding shenanigans are gonna ramp up. Of course things are already plenty chaotic now w everyone thinking ttpd is abt 3 different men, one of which is pretty problematic, so perhaps this is all ginger was referring to. Taylor calling herself "the Bolter" has 2 meanings: 1) She is a coward who often runs away from danger 2) The 2nd more positive interpretation is that she knows "when it's time to go." I think it's very telling that ITTG is the last track on the deluxe edition of evermore and comes right after RWYLM, a song abt being stuck in the closet after the 2019 failed coming out. She's saying that she's not going to stay there forever(more).
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The Bolter: "But none of it is changing that the chariot is waiting, ['The story of 2 princesses. No place for a prince'; the Cinderella metaphor (x)] Hearts are hers for the breaking, There's escape in escaping...Ended with the slam of a [closet] door but she's got the best stories, You can be sure that as she was leaving it felt like freedom" [The 6/21/2020 ♠️ riddle spells out 'They Are Free']
11th message: This message takes place after midnight at 3am on Nov 1 after she’s gone through the wooden door. In this post I explain how 3am connects to the witching hr or devil's hr. The fact that this takes place right after Halloween is quite significant since it is a day dedicated to remembering the dead, and death and ghosts are a big theme in ttpd. This symbolizes how after Taylor kills her old self (by dragging her into shark infested waters), she will resurrect as a new version of herself and leave the past behind her. And in doing these things, she will finally be able to go back to her figurative home, her cabin, that she was exiled from. -> "I think I've seen this film before so I'm leaving out the side door," "And I was catching my breath, floors of a cabin creaking under my step...I had a feeling so peculiar this pain wouldn't be for evermore." "The flame🕯️ finally🕯️flickers🌬️OUT" -> The match that started the "goddamn blaze in the dark" is no longer needed now that the lover house (her closet) has burned down, so the flame flickers out. This metaphor shows up in Peter as well, "But the woman who sits by the window has turned out the light," where the light dying represents the woman losing hope that a coming out will happen. Notice in this message from present anon that "Goodbye" has a capital letter G which I believe links it to "Gold" in the volcano message that was mentioned earlier. This may indicate that Karlie is the woman/neighbor holding the light and waiting for Taylor's return home. The Dec 26th 🌋 message is likely from Karlie's pov in this case.
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Fresh Out the Slammer: "Now pretty baby I'm runnin back home to you, Fresh out the slammer I know who my first call will be to...But it's gonna be alright I did my time...Get the matches, toss the ashes off the ledge, [the burning of the lover house] As I said in my letters [the anon messages this corner of the internet has been receiving? Could also just represent her songs] now that I know better I will never lose my baby again...Swirled you into all of my poems ['My mind turns your life into folklore (literally and figuratively)']...To the house where you still wait up and that porch light [jack-o-lantern] gleams" [see this post abt the porch]
The Alchemy (This is from Karlie's pov): "What if I told you I'm back?...I haven't come around in so long, but I'm coming back so strong, ['But I come back stronger than a 90's trend'] Cause the sign on your heart said it's still reserved for me"
imgonnagetyouback: "Push the reset button we're becoming something new...Even if it's handcuffed I'm leaving here with you, Bygones will be bygone eras fading into gray, We broke all the pieces but still want to play the game...I'm gonna get you back"
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OMG, here we go again! Another realtor Photoshopped how this 1933 Villa in Miami Beach, Florida would look if the rooms were modernized. 5bds, 4ba, $2.5M.
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They even show you how the exterior would look painted stark white- including the path & stairs. Do they realize how dirty that would get?
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No contrast anymore for that beautiful fireplace.
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Realtor added furniture.
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What a lovely sunroom.
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The original kitchen, with the cabinetry painted white. A friend just sold her house and the realtor told her to paint it all white and remove everything from the kitchen counter. Not even a cookie jar. Nothing.
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Realtor's example of a modernized kitchen with boring flat-pack cabinetry.
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Stairs to the 2nd floor.
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The empty primary bedroom.
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The realtor's modern furnishings.
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This is the best one- this home has beautiful original retro bathrooms.
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The realtor's vision of a total gut.
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This is an original room. Why did the realtor miss modernizing it?
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Large deck in the back of the home.
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Beautiful yard and gardens.
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Oh, I see what the realtor did here- Photoshopped the exterior white so it matches the neighboring houses.
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dxsole · 23 days
Knox………….. He is fun, how do you get into his Park.. place…?
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Celebration Strip is located in Miami, Florida, and came around in the late sixties, right before Disney™ first opened and killed it in the water.
It was, like many smaller amusement parks at the time, catered towards family vacations with a number of pools, a stage for live entertainment, a fun house and a few modest rides, and more notably a few long rows of small, one-bedroom cabanas for guests to sleep in.
After shutting down, thanks to the rise of the rat, in the mid-seventies, it went from owner to owner until landing in the hands of an elderly aristocrat who was one of Knox Taylor's biggest fans. She eventually left him the deed as a small token of her appreciation when she died in 2016.
When Knox got it, it had been abandoned for decades and apparently a few attempts to renovate it had started but never fell through. The pools had been drained and used as makeshift skateboarding rinks, made obvious by all the scratches and leftover graffiti. The rides were all in disrepair and not safe at all. And all those little houses that had been vandalized and were barely hanging on.
But Knox is a pretty resourceful guy. Plus he's made a number of connections over the years with his job (celebrities love to appear risque despite not actually doing anything), so after talking to a few, framing it as more of an investment venture rather than a renovation, he got some funds to start repairs.
And they were humble funds as turning a decades-old amusement park into a club didn't seem feasible.
Knox did the best he could, mainly focusing efforts on the interior fun house, as it was the largest indoor section of the park.
Today, the outside looks exactly as it did when he got it— it looks abandoned and dilapidated, the only difference now being that a section of the surrounding wire fence has been cut out and if you come during the day you'll see Knox in a speedo sun-bathing.
Inside the fun house, the whole underground bar and club thing makes more sense. It's been repainted, floors polished, a long bar installed in front of the fun house mirrors, and TV's and wall speakers in every corner of the place with snippets of Knox's early films playing on repeat.
The other rooms of the fun house (dark room, moving-floor room, barrel-room, etc.), were also re-painted, and tinkered with and oiled up until they were in somewhat working conditions— at least once a month Knox has to call a mechanic to take another look at something.
These extra rooms are quite literally fun rooms, solely used for sex or illicit drug use...or just hanging out if you want, Knox doesn't care. If anything Knox does suggest the moving floor room for sex as the whole thing vibrates a little. He would not recommend the barrel room unless you enjoy being violently flipped over mid-fuck.
To get into Celebration Strip, you need to be invited by someone who's been already (preferably Knox himself, as he'll give you a personal tour of the place), shared the address, and then, of course, told to go specifically to the funhouse where the bar was. There is minimal front door security, seeing as Knox insists anyone is welcome— they're mostly there to warn of incoming cops or to tell journalists to get stepping.
The rest of the grounds is fair game, honestly. Skateboarders still go by to skate in the pool, lodgers set up in the empty cabana houses to get away from the sun and because Knox will give them a free drink if they hang around long enough.
Below the cut are some pictures I would use as inspiration for how Celebration Strip looked like pre-Knox:
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eclipsecrowned · 8 months
karin lindholm ; burying the hatchet.
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4200 words, second person POV ; tw for disassociation, mental health, gaslighting, allusions to child abuse ; long post, consider viewing on blog rather than dash.
Your name is Karin Lindholm, and it’s as good a fresh start as any.
Your life starts in Miami, at the house in Coral Gables. Maybe there was something before that, but you prefer to live as if there wasn't. Your life, such as it is, begins with moving boxes, and fresh paint, and the safety of whatever came before being almost 4 hours away. You know that very well. You counted the hours piled into the moving truck with your mother, feeling like such a big girl for riding with her rather than in the car with your father and four siblings. It’s only a little scary, waking up in the night not knowing where you are, but you’re comforted knowing you’re not the only one that piled into your parent’s bed that first night.
It’s only a first night, though, and while it remains sweet, it’s a rare feeling. Coral Gables became familiar in a matter of weeks, more a home than anywhere else. Your days are spent playing the dutiful oldest daughter, the angel of your house, always well-behaved and quiet even when your sisters whine for attention. Kris can be forgiven for it, since she’s so little. Kaja is a bit harder to defend. You do so anyway, trying hard to stop problems before they begin. Old for your age, the neighbors say, though you shy back from affectionate hands. Your youth is a held breath, watching, waiting for someone else to prove the world isn’t so insurmountable.
Some might laugh at the sentiment. Your mother the successful surgeon, your father the lawyer, every door is opened to you and your siblings. Wealth can get you anywhere in this country. Your parents ensure you know an education is the gateway to such privilege, and that with such privilege comes a set of responsibilities towards your fellow man. That’s why your schoolmates come to mock you for your father’s law practice, you come to realize with age. Your father puts justice above payment, running a defense firm that doesn’t concern itself with the corporate bigwigs and snowbirds that get into trouble so far south.
Even so, you’re proud of him. Your parents have always been the kind of people to do right in every aspect of their life. It’s a model you work to emulate – The Perfect Daughter. Good grades, well-groomed, taking part in all the right extracurricular activities and still having time to pick up and escort your little siblings homeward after school, you are a wonder to the adults in your life. Sure, it’s not winning you a lot of popularity contests, but you have just enough friends that not even high school can dim your shine.
Sixteen is a time of rebellion, people laugh. Even your parents nudge you towards a little deviance, a little more than being the pretty Lindholm girl who is always home before dark and faints at the first blush of wildness. You laugh it off, saying you have no interest in blacking out at some homecoming party or wandering too far from your own prom.
You never, ever speak the truth. You never want to meet what lurks in the dark, to stray to far from your mother that loves you and keeps the world past and present at bay.
Your name is Karin Lindholm, and you must leave the nest eventually.
Everyone does it. Even you, that first autumn day after senior year. You trade away five hours of your life and the safety net of family for a full ride in Gainesville. The first night is always hardest, but you pull through on your own this time. The world becomes less of a question as you settle into campus life. In many ways, you come into your own.
You meant to follow your father into law. Really, you did, meaning to help the people of Florida in their times of need, fighting against a corrupt system. It’s just that words came hemorrhaging out of you, once you were lonely enough, and even new companionship couldn’t dam their flow. There was a poet in you, or at least the bones of a better than average author. Your major shifts towards English, with the ultimate goal of creative writing. Every new essay or exercise helps you feel like yourself again – for the first time in a very, very long time. New friends certainly encourage you, as you move from a player to the forever Storyteller of the bi-weekly The Interviewers Chronicles meet-ups.
That’s not all they encourage, either. Whether the words, the independence, or the support of friends, you begin to change. Confidence knits your self-doubt shut. You live for yourself a little bit more in this place. The night no longer seems so terrible. With the right drug cocktail, you feel the sun settle warm in your bones again. Van Gogh attested to yellow being a color of happiness. You cannot disagree.
That paradise comes to a close, as it must. A brief four year stint, but it’s enough for a lifetime, you hope. With the portfolio you’ve built in those years, you hope that your post-graduation situation will be as bright as your mood. Moving back home to Coral Gables, you’re content to pass one last summer in your parents home, waiting for the opportunities you are sure will come.
Your name is Karin Lindholm, and for once, you are too optimistic.
Besides a published OpEd and the odd invitation to post on a wider blog, your opportunities dry up fast. So does your optimism, it turns out, despite the reassurances of most of your family. You need a change, but you’re not sure where to start.
You tell yourself that in the future, you’ll attest your success to the importance of location, location, location.
Miami isn’t that far from your first home. Distinctly, you remember running wild through the streets with your brothers from time to time, public nuisances from the richer side of the tracks. Here, however, that history seems to be forgotten by the people. In so many ways, the streets and city welcome you into its arts community. You find brief success in counterculture and queer circles, writing of your experiences loving women and your hunger for a better world. Hilarious as the appeals might be coming from your throne, the words are just skillful enough that a readership embraces you.
The next Molloy, your peers tease you. It’s a name you knew even in Coral Gables, largely through the complaining of elderly neighbors. Molloy was the man who founded the biggest boost to Florida’s economy in over a century, the Night Island that glimmered off of Miami’s coast. Every night, the lights went up, and the mecca of capitalism was opened to the exceptionally wealthy. To your people, however, the old man was better known as a champion of change in his own right. He was one of those old guard, a gay man that could speak and write like an old Roman orator. He got to the heart of struggles and threw his words – and money – into the struggle. Molloy was, others touted, the Miami Robin Hood, stealing the rich blind in his shops and developments and turning that revenue towards leveling out the playing field in the real world.
He is also, Kris and her friends contend, the man who wrote at least one of the books on which your beloved The Interviewers Chronicles was built. You have no reason to contest this. He’s a character in The Vampire Chronicles themselves, after all. The Storyteller is mean to be a pastiche of Molloy’s appearance in the first book, and the idea tickles you deeply every time your shared living space turns into an impromptu mass towards the man’s virtues and latest publication in the papers.
It’s a scene you might never see again, if you don’t stat putting your rent on the table. Miami is rough, and expensive, and your works only draw in so much revenue at a time. Most of it is hand to mouth. There’s always the possibility of taking money from your parents, but the idea comes across distasteful now. You’re an adult. You can make your own way.
You find the offer in the most unlikely place. Scanning through the local paper on your phone, you find an advertisement for an open position. Help Wanted. Secretarial and Sundry position sought upon the Night Island. Contact Mr. Molloy for details. It follows that a man of his age would not know how to use a job posting board, but you’re still frozen to the spot by the old fashioned classified. Hesitantly, you log the number.
Your name is Karin Lindholm, and you have an interview.
Molloy is young. Problematically young, in fact, given the Island’s establishment and the length of his rule. He carries himself just right, however, for an older man. This idiosyncrasy can be easily chalked up to a good plastic surgeon, since no genes would stay so intact so late into one’s life. Besides, he puts you at ease almost from the word go, erasing that first confusion beautifully. This is a man it is dangerously easy to like, as he walks through your work history, your degree, your goals. You feel like you’re talking to an old, intimate friend, even as he cuts the occasional wry joke. He’s especially intrigued by your degree, and where you intend to go with it.
From hindsight, you’re sure that none of this won you your position. No, it’s when a young man walks in, only slightly older than your youngest sister. He’s lugging around a large canvas, babbling animatedly to ‘Daniel’ as he intrudes on this scene, pausing only once his dark eyes catch you. He sets the canvas down against the floor, leaning casually against it. Is this the new Gertrude, he asks. In an instant, you know the name of your predecessor. Maybe, Molloy answers with a boyish grin, if she wants to be. Your desires seem secondary to the auburn-haired boy, who unceremoniously dumps the canvas upon you. I need this scanned and put on the computer, he says, before gliding gracefully out of the room. He doesn’t even close the door behind him.
There’s apologies on Molloy’s tongue, embarrassment over whoever that was. Still, you look down at your newfound responsibility, and know immediately you want to stay. Did he paint this himself, you ask. Molloy gives a hesitant affirmation that the beautiful piece in your hand is an ‘Armand original.’ When you ask what file type he needs the scan to be, you realize you have lost the older man, but won the job in his office.
The Night Island is always busy. At the eponymous time of day, it’s practically a country in its own right. Calls must be made, messages relayed, order kept in at least this one office, and this is where you step in. Mr. Molloy – Daniel, he insists, though you never bite – is much too busy to hold down the place as he once did. His business partner – the Armand that you were so interestingly introduced to – is a host unto himself. Sometimes, the two make it easier on you. What a rare occurrence that is.
Regardless, you ferry red wine between the two offices, keep everything organized, greet guests. You are to send all calls from a Marius to the redhead’s office, and alert security to any golden-haired Frenchman that might make it into the building. Most vitally, you are the one who modernizes the business of Molloy and di Venezia. This floor had been perfectly preserved ever since your predecessor took the position in the 80s, and it falls to you to right that wrong. The first moment your boss asks you to fax something to Berlin, you stare at him, dumbstruck, and set about getting the personal information of his contact and sending a much more appropriate email. The work demands long hours, and is so much effort for one woman, but you have a good employer, despite his long absences and the strangeness of his partners demands. The pay, too, is fantastic. Really, you should be proud of where you’ve ended up. It’s not that you’re ungrateful...
Your name is Karin Lindholm, and something is wrong.
...It’s that your every night is given to this place. Days are for sleeping. You’re like a vampire, your mother sighs, and you try not to flinch. Even in such a crowded place, there’s a solitude to your station on the Island. More often than not, you’re alone in that glass-lined coffin, holding your breath for something to happen. Sometimes your employers are so strange. You ask yourself, why is it always wine, so red, warm in the glass? Why does the younger of the two seem so still, so pale? You swear sometimes you blink, and one of them has cleared the hall. Your mind is playing tricks on you again. You start to hurry towards the ferry faster and faster with each passing month.
You, alone, are alive among relics, ancient canvas and obsolete office tech. The nights are so long on the Island. It’s getting harder to ignore the odd stains on the wrists and lapels of the pair’s coats, when you take them on the coldest nights. The first thing you consciously register is how little your boss stirs the air, when he walks you to the docks on a winter evening. Your own breath turns to vapor in the chill, and yet you can’t say the same for him. Something is wrong here. His eyes are visible for too long as the boat pulls away, twin pinpricks of hazy light in the dark. You feel insane just admitting that.
But you’ve always been a little crazy. Sane people born of normal childhoods don’t take the pills you do. You’re ashamed to admit you’ve screamed once or twice, alone on that top floor, when the phone’s rung. You deny what you were doing, why it so upset you as you inched away from your desk, down the dark corridor. The other end was silent. You matched its volume. Then, a woman’s voice, perfect, whispering ‘Angel?’ Somehow, you don’t think that’s what either of those men are.
Therapists do their best, really they do. Your doctor never entertains your delusions, the fact you’re dancing around that your new job is dangerous and something is wrong with the people you share your evenings with. She only acknowledges the errant thoughts, and says she sees nothing wrong. This isn’t the support it once was, when she said she couldn’t see bruises on your shoulders, no gashes on your back. This isn’t your past. This is an ongoing nightmare, and you feel adrift, alone, in its current.
It hasn’t been like this since before you moved, a little girl shrieking at shadows and any hand that moved too close to you.
Your name is Karin Lindholm, and you have made a mistake.
You no longer recognize your diary entries as your own. Something hot and sticky wells up in your chest. Pen to paper spins out a horror story every time. Your mother is only a half hour away, and your father, but this is so different from the last time they saved you. What do you intend to do, walk into your childhood home and declare Miami’s golden boy some kind of monster? You’re not even sure what kind, if you could speak this apparent fact into existence.
Take a break, your therapist urges. Something about the brain, and living nocturnal. It changes something in your brain. Molloy and the other one never seem changed by it. Do you ever go out with friends these days? How’s your first draft going? No, you aren’t, and it’s not your own book you’re worried about. You’re wondering if Molloy wasn’t just making up whatever he published before you were ever born.
He looks so young. His voice is sweet though, and sincere, whenever he thanks you for your work. It’s been what, a year, he asks in that sweet Californian patter. It’s started to warm up out there, yes, but there’s a coldness to this place that never dissipates. Perhaps it’s that you live in Armand’s shadow, the young man always appearing just when you need him, or anticipating the stray thoughts you have towards need or desire. He smiles like a saint after every such moment, as if it were coincidence. Those dark eyes are blazing in spite of it. He’s making sport, you realize that in some deep, primal part of yourself meant to anticipate the predator.
There is no more yellow in the world. Even the dawn that creeps along the floor of your room is a hazy, sickly peach. The world has gone so dark, and you are nothing more than another timid creature trying to avoid the eyes and talons of your betters. You think you’ve done so well, keeping away from the teeth and hands of your masters. That’s just it, though. You’re so focused on those terrible beasts you can see, you forget about the ones you can’t.
Another late night, another ferry ride, and that sneaking suspicion you are not alone. Nerves frayed, you’re so terrified to turn around and see a ghost that you power through the crowd, hailing a taxi so nothing can catch you, hurrying into your home. The door clicks shut behind you, and you slam the bolt into place. It’s alright now. You fight to convince yourself that you are safe now. Molloy, or whatever dead man has haunted you on your way home, is gone. You lock your bedroom door anyway, as you step back into the safety of a familiar shadow. Still, there’s a weight settling on the roof above.
Your third floor window creaks. Then, inch by inch, a marble hand slides into place beneath the lift. Glassy nails softly scream against the panes, the lock breaking with a metallic whisper. The moonlight comes spilling in, haloing a beast you do not know.
Your name is Karin Lindholm, and you blink.
You blink, and the world comes back into focus. It’s just the sort of nice, featureless room that signals a liminal space. This is a hospital, that much holds true no matter the country. Sweden looks a lot like Florida from the right ward. The nurses are kind to you, the doctors full of good advice and compassion, even if the police are less than enthused with your place here. You’ve woken up, or so it seems, with dirt under your nails and a few months of mania running wild in your head. Only the drugs bring everything back into focus, without anything like coherence.
The last months are not completely erased. Your mind has only given you a thin layer of wallpaper between the now and the then. One tug and you’ll start reclaiming that time. Helpfully, others fill in a few of the blanks at first. You came to Europe by plane, into a Parisian airport. After that, you have dropped completely off the radar, moving across borders and certifiably alive only by the dubious state of your bank account. Just before the fever broke, you were found wrist-deep in a graveyard, pulling up dirt and unable to speak the local language.
That strikes you the most, once all is said and done. You’ve always spoken your father’s tongue.
It’s your father that comes to fetch you, after all. From behind thin walls, you hear those kindly doctors explain your case. A mental breakdown, they think, a total break from reality. You haven’t yet peeled back the paste and paper from your mind to say what really happened. Trying to remember on your own accord feels like a migraine. You wonder what your therapist will have to say about all of this, and will your insurance still cover a session?
In spite of it all, Sweden is safe. Whatever you were digging for, your hands only came up dirty. Now your father holds them, so clean and small in his grasp, and says everyone will be so happy to see you again. With a smile, you feign joy at the thought of returning home, getting onto the plane in a new dress and steady hands.
The home you return to will be thirty minutes away from whatever you were outrunning, after all. Whatever they are, you’re sure their knowing smiles and probing minds cannot reach you that far. You start ripping the wallpaper down piece by piece after your homecoming, a travel journal of paranoia and shifted reality. You remember the shadow at your window, and the knife, and something about the dawn. You walked away. You’re always walking away from this truth.
It has to be done on your mother’s card. You’re not sure that your employers are tracking your spending, but you like to be sure. Still, you’re going back to where it all began, and you have to be prepared, loading the bag into your passenger seat.
You’ve brought a hatchet into the elevator. Only the next few minutes will determine whether you mean to bury it to new beginnings, or into Molloy’s skull.
Your name is Karin Lindholm, and someone understands.
He isn’t surprised to see you. Oh, your sudden appearance is a shock, but he knew you were coming somehow, someday. For all the Hell you’ve endured, for how it’s thinned your body and darkened your eyes, Daniel Molloy is the one thing in your life that has stayed the same. The same, you imagine, as he’s been since 1985.
You can’t believe he’s apologizing. Somehow, he compels you to sit, not by supernatural means, but a soft voice and knit brow. It’s always like this, he tells you. The truth always does something to the mortals that stumble upon it. But people like you, people like him, people who are already on the edge of the cliff, it takes more than you ever intended to give. He’s sorry.
Every wound the last two years have inflicted are reflected back at you, as the night drags on. He never meant to inflict them, he says. Your position is a necessity, given what he and his partner are. He got careless, and you paid for it. No matter what found you that night, he takes the blame onto his own shoulders. There’s no making it right, no happy ending that suddenly fixes all that twisted and snapped inside of you. All he can hope to do is give you some peace with it.
You don’t have to return. He’s willing to give you whatever you need to stay in comfort, to leave this place to pursue your dreams, to call in whatever favor you need to rise above this. It tempts you, admittedly. You have the beast by the throat, and he’s pleading for your peace. What a pity, then, that his kind have already stripped whatever peace you had out of you, bloody and screaming.
If you leave, you murmur, there’s still others out there. People that aren’t like him, that make his partner seem civilized. Molloy does not disagree. He can’t promise a world without night, or the things that stalk through it. He can only promise your days will be safe, rounded out by the wealth only a man of his station can provide. Every way he means to make this right turns to ash in your mouth.
If you stay, you say, and he seems to startle. You press on. If you stay, will he let you learn? You can’t go blind into the night again, and you feel safer among one of his kind that has made his guilt clear than in the wilds with those things you can only see in silhouette. Is that allowed? Can a mortal stumble into this world and find protection on her own? Is their history a thing that can be shared among outsiders? That, at least, gives Molloy pause.
No, he says. This doesn’t mean what you think it will. There’s an experience in what he says, snippets of an old novel dancing across your head. This truth ruined him, a lifetime ago. Yet you don’t flinch, and you don’t beg for another way. He has to understand it isn’t envy that makes you speak. I can serve you better if I know what I’m facing, you admit without shame. It’s what you’re saying beneath it all that shifts your boss’ expression. It’s not what he can do for you. It’s what you can become. Not fangs and pallid skin like him, but knowledge, strength, cunning enough that you will never be the victim again.
If you can survive the wolves, then there should be no threats left from humanity.
Your name is Karin Lindholm, and you have found your place.
You awaken mid-morning, in your suite on the Night Island. You feed your dog. You check your messages, for anything that might have been forwarded to you in the night. Out the door you go, stopping for some breakfast and coffee from one of the few eateries that stays open past dawn.
Then it’s into the office, adjusting the latest of Mr. di Venezia’s artistic collection on the wall on your way in. There are calls to make, emails to answer, and schedules to get in order. After that, it’s a matter of dealing with the right businesses, delegating the right work. By night, devils might rule, but by day, you are the final word in this place.
You don’t speak of the hatchet that rests beneath your desk. Mercifully, neither do your employers.
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Donald Trump improperly stored in his Florida estate sensitive documents on nuclear capabilities, repeatedly enlisted aides and lawyers to help him hide records demanded by investigators and cavalierly showed off a Pentagon “plan of attack” and classified map, according to a sweeping felony indictment that paints a damning portrait of the former President’s treatment of national security information.
The conduct alleged in the historic indictment — the first federal case against a former President — cuts to the heart of any President’s responsibility to safeguard the government’s most valuable secrets. Prosecutors say the documents he stowed, refused to return and in some cases showed to visitors risked jeopardizing not only relations with foreign nations but also the safety of troops and confidential sources.
“Our laws that protect national defense information are critical to the safety and security of the United States and they must be enforced,” Jack Smith, the Justice Department special counsel who filed the case, said in his first public statements. “Violations of those laws put our country at risk.”
Trump, currently the leading contender for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, is due to make his first court appearance Tuesday afternoon in Miami. In a rare bit of welcome news for the former President, the Judge initially assigned to the case is someone he appointed and who drew criticism for rulings in his favor during a dispute last year over a special master assigned to review the seized classified documents. Meanwhile, two lawyers who worked the case for months announced Friday that they had resigned from Trump’s legal team.
All told, Trump faces 37 felony counts — 31 pertaining to the willful retention of national defense information, the balance relating to alleged conspiracy, obstruction and false statements — that could result in a substantial prison sentence in the event of a conviction. A Trump aide who prosecutors said moved dozens of boxes at his Florida estate at his direction, and then lied to investigators about it, was charged in the same indictment with conspiracy and other crimes.
Trump responded to the indictment Friday by falsely conflating his case with a separate classified documents investigation concerning President Joe Biden. Though classified records were found in a Biden home and office, there has been no indication that the President, unlike Trump, sought to conceal them or knew they were there.
“Nobody said I wasn’t allowed to look at the personal records that I brought with me from the White House. There’s nothing wrong with that,” Trump said in a post on his Truth Social platform.
The case adds to deepening legal jeopardy for Trump, who has already been indicted in New York and faces additional investigations in Washington and Atlanta that also could lead to criminal charges. But among the various investigations he has faced, legal experts — as well as Trump’s own aides — had long seen the Mar-a-Lago probe as the most perilous threat and the one most ripe for prosecution. Campaign aides had been bracing for the fallout since Trump’s attorneys were notified that he was the target of the investigation, assuming it was not a matter of if charges would be brought, but when.
The indictment arrives at a time when Trump is continuing to dominate the Republican presidential primary. A Trump campaign official described the former President’s mood as “defiant” and he is expected to deliver a full-throated rebuke of the filing during a speech before Republican Party officials in Georgia Saturday afternoon and will also speak in North Carolina in the evening.
Aides were notably more reserved after the indictment’s unsealing as they reckoned with the gravity of the legal charges and the threat they pose to Trump beyond the potential short-term political gain.
The document’s startling scope and breadth of allegations, including a reliance on surveillance video and an audio recording, will almost certainly make it harder for Republicans to rail against than an earlier New York criminal case that many legal analysts had derided as weak.
The documents case is a milestone for a Justice Department that had investigated Trump for years — as President and private citizen — but had never before charged him with a crime. The most notable investigation was an earlier special counsel probe into ties between his 2016 campaign and Russia, but prosecutors in that probe cited Justice Department policy against indicting a sitting President. Once he left office, though, he lost that protection.
The inquiry took a major step forward last November when Attorney General Merrick Garland, a soft-spoken former federal judge who has long stated that no person should be regarded as above the law, appointed Smith, a war crimes prosecutor with an aggressive, hard-charging reputation, to lead both the documents probe as well as a separate investigation into efforts to subvert the 2020 election. That investigation remains pending.
The 49-page indictment centers on hundreds of classified documents that Trump took with him from the White House to Mar-a-Lago upon leaving office in January 2021. Even as “tens of thousands of members and guests” visited Mar-a-Lago between the end of Trump’s presidency and August 2022, when the FBI obtained a search warrant, documents were recklessly stored in spaces including a “ballroom, a bathroom and shower, and office space, his bedroom, and a storage room.”
The indictment claims that, for a two-month period between January and March 15, 2021, some of Trump’s boxes were stored in one of Mar-a-Lago’s gilded ballrooms. A picture included in the indictment shows boxes stacked in rows on the ballroom’s stage.
Prosecutors allege that Trump, who claimed without evidence that he had declassified all the documents before leaving office, understood his duty to care for classified information but shirked it anyway. It details a July 2021 meeting in Bedminster in which he boasted about having held onto a classified document prepared by the military about a potential attack on another country.
“Secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this,” the indictment quotes him as saying, citing an audio recording. He also said he could have declassified the document but “Now I can’t, you know, but this is still a secret,” according to the indictment.
Using Trump’s own words and actions, as recounted to prosecutors by lawyers, aides and other witnesses, the indictment alleges both a refusal to return the documents despite more than a year’s worth of government demands but also steps that he encouraged others around him to take to conceal the records.
For instance, prosecutors say, after the Justice Department issued a subpoena for the records in May 2022, Trump asked his own lawyers if he could defy the request and said words to the effect of, “I don’t want anybody looking through my boxes.”
“Wouldn’t it be better if we just told them we don’t have anything here?” one of his lawyers described him as saying.
But before his own lawyer searched the property for classified records, the indictment says, Trump directed aides to remove from the Mar-a-Lago storage room boxes of documents so that they would not be found during the search and therefore handed over to the government.
Weeks later, when Justice Department officials arrived at Mar-a-Lago to collect the records, they were handed a folder with only 38 documents and an untrue letter attesting that all documents responsive to the subpoena had been turned over. That day, even as Trump assured investigators that he was “an open book,” aides loaded several of Trump’s boxes onto a plane bound for Bedminster, the indictment alleges.
But suspecting that many more remained inside, the FBI obtained a search warrant and returned in August to recover more than 100 additional documents. The Justice Department says Trump held onto more than 300 classified documents, including some at the top secret level.
Walt Nauta, one of the personal aides alleged to have transported the boxes around the complex, lied to the FBI about the movement of the boxes and faces charges that he conspired to hide them, according to the indictment. His lawyer declined to comment.
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andres-ortega · 2 years
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Valeria Maldonado.
Her name was written neatly across the envelope that I clutched between my hands. My grip was close to ripping into the paper, but my mind couldn’t register. This was it. This wasn’t the end, but it was something. Something that would hurt Wingard but benefit the lives of the people he had destroyed.
Robert Phillips took 2 million dollars from one of Wingard’s business accounts and deposited it into our untraceable one. The twins, being the geniuses they are, set it up with a fake name and social security number. Together, we split the millions among some of the victims. A few families got more than others depending on their need, and others got quiet deposits into their bank accounts. Ryder, Lenna, Niko, Lola, and I, all chose who we wanted to deliver the larger sums to.
Valeria was mine. Her parents were killed in the same gas leak as my own, and they were Puerto Rican like my family. She had to step up and raise her younger siblings but where I only had one brother, she had six. Throughout the years, I have anonymously left food, money, and Christmas gifts on their porch to try and help as much as I could. Today, I would change their lives.
I stepped up the paint chipped stairs and knocked. The house was dilapidated, with overgrown weeds and the bars on their windows. I knew Valeria worked as a nursing assistant in an old folk’s home, but it wasn’t enough to keep afloat. A few of her brothers had odd jobs which helped, but barely. They’ve had to struggle for years.
“Go away.” A shaky voice said from the other side of the door. “I have a knife.” I sighed, leaning forward to ensure my words would carry through. “Valeria, my name is Andres. I’m not here to hurt you. I’m here to help. You can trust me. I’m…” I glanced around, ensuring no one was listening in on our interaction. This was Wynwood, one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Miami. “Just, open the door and hear me out. You can keep the knife on hand.”
After a few seconds of silence, I nearly accepted defeat, but then I heard Valeria start to work on her numerous locks before opening the door. She glared at me suspiciously. I held up the envelope and proved I had nothing else in hand. “This is for you. It’s money. I… I lost my parents the same way you did. Can we talk?”
The golden-skinned woman’s expression softened and she stepped aside to let me in. The inside of the home was nearly as bad as the outside, but I could tell Valeria tried her hardest to keep it clean and safe. The roof was leaking, but she had buckets to catch the water from Florida’s daily storms. I noted roach and rat traps nestled into the corners of the room. The windows were open to try and offset the lack of air conditioning. God, she needs this more than most.
I sat on the lumpy couch and Valeria joined me. “¿Quieres una bebida?” Do you want a drink? I smiled warmly, shaking my head, and decided to reply in our native tongue. “No, pero eres amable al preguntar.” I pulled out the envelope and set it on the coffee table.
“Inside of that envelope is a check for $100,000. It’s a good check. It’s enough to either fix up this home or find a new one for your family.” Valeria’s eyes widened, reaching out to snatch the envelope and see for herself. She shook her head. “What? Why? Why me?”
My expression went somber. “As I told you before, my parents died in the same accident as yours. But it wasn’t an accident, was it?” She looked up to me in surprise. “We know the truth, Valeria. Wingard killed them with his unsafe working conditions. He put immigrant workers in warehouses that weren’t up to code. He had no regard for the lives of our parents… for the lives of the children they left behind.” I swallowed back the emotion in my throat. “I had to raise my brother just as you have had to raise your siblings. I know how hard it is to do that job… I know how hard you work to try and make their lives decent and safe… but now you can do more than that. With Wingard’s money.” This part made me smile. “Get an updated place to live. Once you do that, I’ll come by again. I’m going to pay for you to go to nursing school. We’re going to invest in a future that you all deserve.“
I stood up from the couch as Valeria sat there in quiet shock, her hands shaking as she held the check. “I’ll be in touch. My phone number is on the envelope. Call me if you run into any trouble.”
I didn’t want to linger. Turning, I left the house and shut the door behind me. As I did, I found an out-of-place woman standing awkwardly in the yard. Elyse Wingard. I would recognize her anywhere. I knew Bernard’s life in and out… the man couldn’t even take a shit without me knowing. Naturally, I’d recognize his daughter, standing tall and beautiful in front of me with her Louboutins sinking into the muddy yard.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
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killerwhaleartist · 11 months
One of the greatest accomplishments and milestones, as an artist, is finishing your first ever mural. I was commissioned to come down to Penn Cove, WA and paint a piece of Tokitae that would send a message. Many years ago, in 1970, 80 whales were rounded up in Penn Cove. 7 of these whales would be taken for a life of captivity, Tokitae included. 5 orcas would drown in the capture process and their bodies would be cut open and filled with rocks so as to sink them. Their bodies were secretly disposed of to prevent them being added to the tally of whales caught during this process. Throughout the years, each orca taken from the captured died a premature death. None reaching their average life expectancy. All except for one: Tokitae. Despite some of the most deplorable conditions known to man and orca captivity history, Tokitae managed to outlive her kin. She has been surviving in what is known as “The Whale Bowl” in Miami Seaquarium. This tank is falling apart, doesn’t keep up to code, and is slowly turning into Tokitae’s tomb. It is hoped that the Dolphin Company, Florida officials, and veterinarian staff will do the right thing and bring Tokitae home to the Puget Sound. Let her live the rest of her days in a seapen, retired from entertainment and a lifetime of mistreatment.
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If you’d like to visit this mural, go to Scenic Heights on Whidbey Island. Follow the road and look for the house with orcas!
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srivas · 1 year
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meet estella ❝ stevie ❞ rivas — aged twenty nine, cis woman, she / hers pronouns. musician. residing in the coral coast neighborhood of fairford, washington. single. portrayed by selena gomez. penned by willow.
full name / nickname: estella valory rivas ( legally had her first name changed to stevie, no one other aside her birth parents calls her estella )
age / date of birth: twenty-nine, born on april 9, 1994
zodiac sign: aries sun, pisces moon, sagittarius rising
gender: cis woman ( she/her/hers )
place of birth: miami, florida
current residence: coral coast
sexual / romantic orientations: bisexual biromantic
occupation: musician
goals / desires: staying sober, maintaining a work / life balance that is conducive to her desire to be productive and her mental health, repairing her outlook on relationships, finding and maintaining the connection she so desperately seeks, finding a space where she can be open and honest about her life without the lingering fear that it is being manipulated for sales or a public persona's sake.
fears: loneliness for the remainder of her life, being buried alive, losing the people she cares about most and loves in permanent and irreparable ways, losing touch with herself and not being able to bounce back from it, house fires.
hobbies: playing guitar / piano, producing her own music, painting, cooking even if it is to little avail, writing poetry & songs, going for walks or runs especially on the beach, smoking weed, playing with the cats down at sweet whiskers whenever she's stuck in a funk, crocheting, drawing, trying to keep plants alive even though she's the farthest thing from a green thumb. 
likes: getting tattoos, being surrounded by other people ( even if it isn't always the healthiest choice ), having someone play with her hair, jo malone candles, scrapbooking in her journal with polaroids and other random mementos that hold no value but mean something to her, french fries from mcdonald's, peppermint hot chocolate at christmastime, creating a song that gets stuck in your head, having complete control, the scent of sawdust, grocery shopping at a farmer's market, the smell of the ocean, traveling the world, consignment shopping, picking her nail polish off after a show. 
dislikes: the idea of superiority and using that as leverage over others, the scent of vaseline, the texture of wool, having to use hotel shampoo/conditioner/soap, invasions of privacy, ignorance, forgetting her password and then having to reset it but then the website telling her she can't use her previous password, having to answer her phone.
hogwarts house: slytherin.
parents: mateo rivas and amanda stohks neé de león
sibling(s): none.
pet(s): none.
somebody cue up this is me trying by taylor swift
still smokes weed (claims it’s medicinal) and drinks alcohol in moderation, but has been clean re: narcotics for a month now.
is A Musician with reason: why talk about your feelings when you could just write them into a song and pretend they don’t exist beyond that? is the passive aggressive type, bottles things up and simmers. 
big fitness junkie; she goes for a walk or run every day and, at some point in the very near future, would like to run one of those 5k things.
fluent in both english and spanish. 
incredibly good at math, her worst subject in school was social studies. it bored her to utter tears.
is the person who pulls over on the side of the road to try to help out animals because she has such a soft spot for them.
all of her tattoos are either self drawn or were written out for her by someone of significance.  
being in the kitchen and cooking has become a tactile sort of therapy for her during sobriety. she loves trying new recipes, baking at random (all) hours. is she any good at it? not really, but it's a way for her to feel more connected to her family and replicate the same feelings that food brought her during her childhood. sometimes likes to pretend she’s on an episode of master chef. she’s a dork, your honor.
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: Roseline (The Rat Pack)
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Full name- Roseline Juliet Toussaint
Birthday- March 11th
Age (in novel)- 18
Place of Birth- Miami, Florida
Favorite color- Yellow
Favorite season- Spring
Favorite food- Barbeque ribs
Favorite ice cream flavor- Chocolate chip cookie dough
Favorite Haitian dish- Fried plaintains with griot (topped with pikliz)
Favorite sandwich- Sloppy joe
Favorite dessert- Angel Food Cake
Other Info- She's Haitian-American & is fluent in Haitian Creole.
She's nicknamed Ro, Rosie, & Smiley by her family, friends, and people at school. Hudson gave her the nickname "Sunshine."
Roseline took an interest in art when she was three years old- starting with finger painting & coloring all over the walls in permanent marker in her house! Over the years, she's gotten into figure drawing, oil painting, portraits, landscapes- even dabbling a bit in ceramics, pottery, & sculpting. She has competed in a few art competitions in middle and high school & just at the start of senior year, Roseline and a few other students from different high schools was chosen by the Mayor of Miami to paint a mural on the outside wall of a community center in Little Haiti.
She makes her own jewelry & has a quirky sense of style- wearing bright bold colors, mismatched patterns, & different materials! Roseline and Iris went all out for Wacky Tacky Day at school a few weeks ago.
She was voted "Most Unique" & "Best Smile" in the yearbook!
In the fall, Roseline will be attending RISD (Rhode Island School of Design) where she someday hopes to be an accomplished artist. She'll be staying with her older sister & brother-in-law who lives in Rhode Island.
She works part-time at her mother's boutique in Little Haiti (which sells African cloths and other various Haitian products).
Roseline has a pet tarantula- a girl named Missy. She also has a huge collection of romance novels that she loves reading! She's also into witches- especially stories of the Salem Witch Trials!
Her all time favorite movie is Titanic.
She loves listening to kompa & zouk music! Roseline was pleasantly surprised when Hudson danced along with one of her cousins at a bal! She also likes listening to Adele, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande, Beyonce, Nicki Minaj, Michael Jackson, Bruno Mars, Rihanna, & Billie Eilish.
Roseline has a HUGE fear of heights. She's never rode a plane or been on a roller coaster. Her older brother is gonna drive her to Rhode Island, instead of flying there.
She had her first kiss with a boy named Carl (a son of a family friend when they were nine). Her first real boyfriend was in middle school- a guy named Lucas Kavinsky. Roseline has had a few boyfriends throughout the rest of middle school & high school (her losing her virginity to her boyfriend named Noel Fernandez). Roseline met her current boyfriend Warren Cavanaugh at an indie music festival eight weeks ago. She even led the art directions in one of his band's music videos & has even designed posters of theirs!
Roseline has gotten many gifts from her friends- including an African wooden mask from Hudson, a pair of aquamarine studs from Emilio, a Tiffany charm bracelet from Iris, & a sketchbook from Owen.
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floridapainting · 1 year
What do you want from professional painting services Miami
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A professional painter understands the first step to ending step to real painting results. Painting services Miami is the way to convert old house painting in innovative modern class exterior or interior house painting as well as commercial or business area. They are the trained with every small to major painting skill. More details visit here:-https://g.page/FloridaPaintingMiami?share
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honkyccat · 1 year
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( jesse williams, 41, cismale, he/him ) DARCY SAWYER has been living in Point Place for FOUR YEARS. Their favorite song is PAINT IT BLACK BY THE ROLLING STONES. They’re currently up to MANAGER AT CHARLIE’S BAR, but they’d rather be AN INTERIOR DESIGNER. First impressions usually stick around here, and others describe them as INDEPENDENT, UNCOMPROMISING, ALOOF . Stick around to get to know the real them. ( jack )
tw below: war, loss of limb/disability
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• 𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄. darcy richard sawyer
• 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄(𝐒). just darcy
• 𝐀𝐆𝐄. fourty-one
• 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇. feb 14th
• 𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐈𝐍. miami, florida
• 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 / 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒. cismale ; he/him
• 𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍. homoromantic, homosexual 
darcy was four when he entered the foster care system and eight when he was adopted by a loving family. his father was a teacher and his mother ran a daycare, although they’d never been blessed with children of their own. not until darcy, at least. he fit right in immediately, and they were good to him. they loved him and cared for him and really truly wanted the best for him. but their love was conditional and him falling in love with a man was too much for them. they kicked him out at sixteen, refusing to pay for his college or even help him find housing. with nowhere else to go and the korean war in full swing, he lied about his age to enlist. surely they had to know he was just a kids, the way his hands shook in training and how he cried himself to sleep every night. but suddenly, he wasn’t alone. he wasn’t the only one scared, with nothing left in the world but the men in the cots next to him. they became his new family, and he became theirs. 
much to darcy’s luck, he fell in love with one of his squad mates. it was hard not to, they spent all their time together. and as long nobody found out, they could be together. the threat of what would happen if they were discovered hung over their heads like a guillotine, but it was worth it, as long as they had each other. at least, that’s what he thought. the war ended and they had made it out alive, so clearly that was a sign. they stayed in the army together, on the same team, stealing moments away to be with each other. however when darcy got shot and the wound on his leg developed a severe infection, his love was nowhere to be found. when the infection was spreading, and the leg had to be removed, he would beg god, any god, even gods he didn’t believe in. but still, his love didn’t come, and darcy was left wondering if he was even still alive. once the leg was gone, darcy was sent home, but he wrote letters every day, and every day he waited for a response. but none came, not from the one person he’d wanted to hear from.
suddenly on his own for the first time in 20 years, with nowhere to go and no one to report to, he decided to head back to miami, check on his family, but they had replaced him. they were happy, with their new children, and it seemed as if they had never given him another care after he left. he jumped around from there, trying to figure out how to live his life with one and a half legs. while he had once dreamed of being a teacher, like his father, he now had to find a new dream. so when his best friend from the army returned stateside and mentioned moving to wisconsin, he didn’t really have a reason to stay. so he followed axel here and got a job at a bar and is studying design in the hopes of one day doing interior design for restaurants and clubs. 
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Can’t resist this glamorous pink 1921 Mediterranean Revival in Miami Beach, Florida. 9bd. 6.5ba. $8.5M.
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It’s been restored and it appears that the beamed coffered ceiling and fireplace have been painted white as usually happens when people remodel.
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The small office is quite colorful with it’s tiger wallpaper.
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Lovely sunroom. It kind of looks like bringing the outdoors in.
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The dining room. I do like the wallpaper, but the carpet kind of detracts from it. Look at the view of the garden from that window.
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Very white kitchen with an everyday table and Spanish tile stairs to the upper floor.
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Spacious main bd. with a fireplace.
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Large walk-in closet/dressing. 
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Makeup table.
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And, matching bath.
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Like pink flamingo wallpaper in the room, but I’m not too keen on the green paint.
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Smaller bedroom has a cool floor.
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One of the other baths. I always liked a floating sink.
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This is beautiful.
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Large patio with a pool and look at the size of terrace on the 2nd floor.
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cloudboundart · 2 years
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House Concepts Follow @cloudboundart for more💯😌 Tag a friend 👯‍♀️ Available on Canvas prints etc, Link In Bio🛒 . . . . .#Art #Arte #Artist #Artistsoninstagram #Artoftheday #Artwork #Beautiful #Decor #Drawing #Dreamhome #Fashion #Home #Homedecor #Homedesign #House #Housedesign #Illustration #Instaart #Instagood #Interior #Interiordesign #Love #Luxury #Nature #Painting #Photography #Realestateagent #Realtor #Sketch #Travel (at Miami, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cic91JOOsSu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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[ad_1] Nir Meir purchased himself time when he filed for chapter in early February, delaying a listening to in New York tied to a $19 million judgment. Then he was taken away in handcuffs in Miami Seashore the next week. Now, new particulars have emerged in regards to the arrest of the previous HFZ Capital Group govt who was indicted by the Manhattan district lawyer this week on costs of grand larceny and tax fraud. At about 3:45 pm on Monday, a Miami Seashore police officer known as Meir's estranged spouse, Ranee Bartolacci, telling her to choose up their minor youngsters from the residence Meir was residing in at 1 Resort & Houses South Seashore, divorce information obtained by The Actual Deal Present. He was transported to Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Middle in Miami, the place he was booked simply earlier than 7 pm He'll probably be held there till his extradition to New York this month. Again in New York, DA Alvin L. Bragg on Wednesday indicted Meir, the previous second in command on the now-defunct HFZ, on costs of grand larceny and tax fraud for masterminding an $86 million fraud. The alleged scheme, which started in 2015, concerned kickbacks and phony initiatives. HFZ Capital and Omnibuild executives had been charged with grand larceny. Two days earlier than the indictment, Miami Seashore cops confirmed as much as the 1 Resort residence with the fugitive warrant for Meir. Monday is among the two mounted days every week that Meir had their youngsters in a single day. He secured 50 % custody earlier within the divorce proceedings, based on court docket information. Bartolacci is once more in search of full-time custody of their three youngsters following the traumatic arrest, based on an emergency movement his lawyer filed on Tuesday. “Upon arrival, she discovered the kids ready with armed cops, having simply seen their father away in handcuffs,” the movement taken states. A police officer instructed her about her extradition and “that the husband wouldn't be returning quickly.” The officer advised Bartolacci take the kids's belongings from the residence. On Wednesday, Meir waived his extradition rights. A listening to is ready for Feb. 22, based on the court docket docket, although Meir could also be taken to New York earlier than then. It is unclear who his lawyer is within the legal case. Bartolacci's regulation agency Rottenstreich Farley Bronstein Fisher Potter Hodas declined to remark. “Presently I'm specializing in my youngsters,” Bartolacci mentioned in a press release supplied to TRD. “They've been by rather a lot and are my sole precedence.” Court docket information paint an image of Meir's private and professional life persevering with to crumble. On Feb. 1, Meir filed for Chapter 7 chapter in South Florida, the place he claimed he has $30 million in liabilities. After the household was evicted From their luxurious rental dwelling in Miami Seashore final yr, Bartolacci moved in along with her mother and father in Palm Seashore County. She moved again to Miami after Meir satisfied a decide he would cowl bills, together with housing and insurance coverage. Meir was on the hook for at the very least $5,000 a month, along with personal faculty tuition, which he has not paid, based on court docket filings. Bartolacci alleges in court docket filings that Meir lied to the court docket in August about having the ability to pay for these bills. Meir was beforehand residing on the 4 Seasons Resort and Residences in Surfside. Meir moved to South Florida after HFZ's collapse in 2020, forsaking a path of lawsuits and collectors. HFZ's founder Ziel Feldman accused Meir of stealing tens of tens of millions of dollars from HFZ. Bartolacci alleged in her divorce submitting final yr that Meir deliberately stored her in the dead of night about authorized troubles through which she was concerned, together with a $13 million judgment. Meir denied the allegations on the time. In latest months,
Israeli businessman Yoav Harlap sought to impose sanctions on Meir for failing to adjust to a decide's orders, which included the potential of jail time. Meir's chapter submitting delayed a listening to within the Harlap case final week. Harlap has an $18.5 million judgment in opposition to Meir. However till this week, the lawsuits have all been civil in nature. The DA charged Omnibuild principal John Mingione, director of accounting Kevin Stewart, mission govt Roy Galifi, former HFZ managing director of building Anthony Marone and former HFZ senior mission govt Louis Della-Peruta with grand larceny on Wednesday. Prosecutors allege $86 million was stolen or misappropriated from traders, subcontractors, and New York Metropolis. The initiatives concerned included The Xi, a luxurious rental growth on the Excessive Line, based on the DA A spokesperson for Omnibuild mentioned the agency maintains its innocence. “The proof will present that HFZ stole from Omnibuild because it did from many others. …We're a financially steady and resilient group, with the unwavering assist of our devoted workers, key stakeholders, and longstanding purchasers.” The defendants are due again in court docket in Could. Learn extra [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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thelistingteammiami · 4 months
How to Sell Your Property Quickly in the Florida Market
The Florida real estate market is among the most robust. With its great weather and influx of tourists, owning a home in The Sunshine State is an excellent investment. The purchase appetite is obviously great, but sellers face the challenge of staging their homes to appeal to picky buyers. If you plan to sell your home in Florida, learn some tips to close the deal quickly.
Glimpse on the Florida Real Estate Market
The real estate market in Florida has gone from strength to strength due to favorable weather conditions, population growth and rising tourism, especially in the cities of Miami, Tampa and Orlando. Domestic and international homebuyers contribute to the market activity within the state.
While the buying appetite is high, challenges exist, delaying closing the deal. For instance, you may encounter willing homebuyers who will offer an unrealistic price of considerably less than your home is worth.
Tips to Sell Your Home Quickly
Purchasing a home is a big decision, so buyers may need a few weeks to months to give the green signal. If you want to accelerate this process, here are some strategies to influence the buying timeline.
Know Your House’s Value
Most buyers see the dollars first and write off homes that don’t fit their budget. Hiring a professional appraiser can save you from the headache of estimating your home's market value, especially if it's unique and larger than most in the area.
The average home value in 2023 was $383,063, representing an 8.2% increase year-over-year. With a pre-listing appraisal done by a professional, buyers will be more likely to consider your asking price and negotiations will be smoother. 
The state has a list of approved appraisers who meet the requirements, certifications and licenses necessary for their job. You can tap one of them for help.
Stage Your Home
Your next step is to upgrade your home’s aesthetics. Boosting the curb appeal of the exterior and spotlighting the best features of the interior will make your home irresistible, like a cake with colorful frosting and toppings. Here are a few things you can do.
1. Manicure the Garden and Lawn
A well-maintained lawn and garden are a sign the property is looked after and a good selling point that attracts premium buyers.
2. Add Attractive Landscaping Elements
Landscaping services cost around $1,500–$5,000 for front yards and $15,000 to $50,000 for backyards, which is quite expensive. However, it will potentially increase your property’s price tag by 15%–20% more during a resale.
Furnish your yards with some colors by adding flowers and plants to the flower beds. Keep the lawn neat so the surroundings look put together every time a buyer comes.
3. Repaint the Exterior Walls
Another simple strategy is to apply a fresh coat of paint to your property’s exterior. It’ll make your house look brand new.
4. Add Cladding
Cladding adds texture to the wall and makes it look more sophisticated. Apart from the aesthetics, it has many uses, like providing a waterproof envelope that keeps the walls from getting soaked with rain and moisture, reducing the need for frequent maintenance.
5. Install Hurricane Shutters
Three of the five cities with the highest hurricane risk are in Florida — Miami, Key West and Tampa. This is why installing hurricane shutters is necessary for the buyer's security and peace of mind. The aluminum can reduce the impact of natural disasters, prevent heavy rains from infiltrating through the doors and windows, and protect your assets.
6. Declutter and Depersonalize the Space
If buyers like your home, they’ll try to envision living in it. Their mind will visualize many scenarios, such as what furniture or accessories to add to make it homey, and how to rearrange it. You can make this mental process easier by decluttering and depersonalizing your property, encouraging the buyers to think they own it.
7. Perform Home Upgrades
Simple upgrades in the interior will make your home shine. For example, repainting the kitchen cabinets will give them a fresh look, adding a coffee table to the living room will add a touch of modernity and switching to eco-friendly lighting will appeal to buyers looking for sustainable options.
To make a strong first impression, your home must look pleasing. Remember these tips while staging your property.
Work With a Real Estate Agent
If your main goal is to sell the house fast, a skilled real estate agent can easily tap into their network for potential buyers. All you have to do is sign the papers when closing the deal.
The selling process can be chaotic and missing some payables related to offloading your property can happen if you do it alone. Since you'll have to foot some of the costs, working with an agent can ensure you sign the deal and handle all the related expenses legally.
Benefits of Working With a Real Estate Agent
Agents take a cut for their services, which is typically around 4%–6% of a property's sale price. It's a sizable amount of money, but it's worth it if they can make the buying process seamless. An agent can help you in two ways.
1. Access to a Network of Potential Buyers
Experienced agents can easily find a buyer from their massive network of clients and other real estate professionals who can make referrals.
2. Expertise in Pricing, Marketing and Negotiating
They know the market like the back of their hand, so they're adept at advertising the property in a way that tugs at the buyer's heartstrings. Their negotiating skills can help you get the best price.
Tips for Selecting the Right Agent
You'll work with the agent for a time, so choosing someone with the right attitude, skills and professionalism is the recipe for a prompt sale.
1. Research Local Agents
Industry sites like Realtor have a search function where you can find professional real estate agents in Florida, and look up their profiles and experiences. Alternatively, you can ask someone in your network if they know someone.
2. Schedule Interviews and Ask For References
Once you have a pick, schedule a meeting to evaluate their home-selling track record further. More importantly, ask for references or testimonials to find out what their previous clients say about them.
Fast-Track Your Home Selling With These Tips
The home selling process can be tricky, from upgrading to finally listing it for sale. You can offload the chunk of the tasks to a professional real estate agent at a commission. If you decide to do the process yourself, ensure you stage the interior and exterior to make it appealing.
In any form of transaction, appearance holds a significant value. By beautifying your home, you're likely to close the deal.
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