#horrifying conditions
deulalune · 5 months
Motaz posted a 22 minute video and here’s the takeaways:
- north Gaza is being heavily bombed. There are estimates say one person is killed every five (5) minutes.
- new massacre in jabalia, many killed with no media coverage (2 journalists were injured this morning.)
- no connection or food in the north, no food, only aid since the last pause
- Motaz has not showered for six days and others haven’t showered for weeks
- in two days, one Israeli drone came to Motaz’s home (and other houses) and it was able to kill and shoot
- there’s no food
- “you are waiting to die. This is what Gazans still alive now do. You are waiting to be killed,”
- everyday it gets worse
- aid does enter Gaza, but it is not enough. Israel won’t let a large amount enter.
- “you can’t help us, I’m sorry you can’t help us, you can’t do anything”
- he denied an interview from CNN since he does not want to be judged by people.
- “if you are human, you will share the videos, but don’t tell us you did something for us.”
- he works for UNRWAUSA, and those are the only people he trusts.
- people have been blaming him for not “doing enough/sharing enough”
- one thing in Arabic he says is “The death of Palestinians is easier than drinking water.”
- video linked here
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kugisakiss · 2 years
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*makes these three besties solely because they have alliteration in their names and I think that's all you need to be best friends*
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soracities · 1 year
Run upstairs! There you will be healed, there you will be fed full of sumptuous happiness, and once you’re  satiated, you will slumber evenly and snore to an organized beat—can you not hear this great symphony of snores? You funny ciphers: they want to liberate you of the torturously gnawing question marks that wriggle like worms … But you’re standing here and listening to me instead. Go quickly upstairs—to the Great Operation! What does it matter to you that I stay here alone? What does it matter to you if I don’t want them to want things for me—if I want to want things for myself—if I want the impossible…?
Yevgeny Zamyatin, We (trans. Natasha Randall)
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melonishus · 5 months
Superman - [winces as he passes Batman]
Batman - What …
Superman - You might want to go to a doctor [motions towards his ears to indicate super hearing]
Batman - … [pats his body in a panic as Superman flies off]
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rapidhighway · 2 months
my head has been hurting in this once specific spot for the entire day today its awesome im feeling so normal i am not scared or anythign like that
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wolfeyedwitch · 1 year
Trail of Blood with Weapon? Bonus points if it shows a bit of what Weapon’s abilities actually are
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Takes place after "Force Feeding" but before the main storyline.
CW: blood, gore, amputations, minor character death, conditioned whumpee, it as a pronoun, internalized dehumanization, living weapon whumpee, implied minor whumpee
“Weapon is in position. All handlers, stand behind the Weapon,” Command’s voice came crisp and clear through the Weapon’s earpiece. 
It flexed its fingers, taking advantage of the momentary freedom of movement. Its mitts were only taken off for demonstrations; as soon as it had fulfilled its purpose, the mitts would be put on again. ‘Like the safety on a gun,’ a handler had once called it.
“Weapon. Fire.”
It raised its hands, palms extended towards the building in front of it. 
A second later, the screams started.
This was a larger demonstration than it had done before. Previously, it had demonstrated its powers on prisoners brought into the compound. Now, though, Command wanted to demonstrate its ability to neutralize enemy agents while leaving infrastructure intact. 
Meaning the Weapon had to focus its powers to disintegrate biomatter only. 
It lowered its hands after a long moment, breaths coming slightly faster from the exertion. The building was still intact, so that objective was achieved. The objective in question was the elimination of the targets inside.
Surely that had been enough? If nothing else, the screaming had stopped.
“Hold position. Scanning for bio-signs,” Command’s voice came again.
Behind it, the handlers shifted uneasily. They had gotten increasingly disturbed by the Weapon as its demonstrations grew in scale. 
A different voice came through the comm. “There’s still one bio-sign inside the structure, sir.”
“Handlers, escort the Weapon. Weapon, eliminate the remaining threat.”
The Weapon gave a short hum of acknowledgement and held back a wince. Even though it had been weeks since the surgery to place its communication device, its throat still operated at less than maximum efficiency when it made vocalizations. 
Slowly, the Weapon entered the building with its handlers barely a pace behind. It recalled the schematics for the structure and began to clear it room by room as it had been trained.
It didn’t take much searching to find the surviving hostile. Their trail was easy to follow, given that it was marked in blood.
The trail began as mere drops, but quickly grew. The Weapon walked, trying to avoid the blood. Despite its attempts, its shoes were soon soaked in the liquid. It swallowed down bile at the subtle squish beneath its feet as it continued walking. 
It knew from its training that the human body contained approximately ten pints of blood. But it was one thing to know that fact in the abstract, and another to be confronted with the truth of it in viscous puddles. 
The trail changed again, now smeared across the floor as though something had been dragged through it. The Weapon didn’t understand why until it reached the end of the trail, and the woman who had made it.
The woman’s legs were gone. Her thighs ended in ragged stumps. Only one arm remained intact, with the other ending just below the elbow.
Seeing the woman’s blistered, peeling skin, the blood smeared across her arms, her belly, her thighs, the Weapon realized what must have happened. Wherever she had been when it began its attack, she had avoided most of its power. Most— but not all. As she tried to escape, more and more of her had disintegrated until she was forced to drag herself along with what remained of her limbs. 
Behind the Weapon, one of the handlers let out a string of curses in a prayerful tone. Another retched softly.
Seeing this woman, the Weapon couldn’t help but wonder what she had done to deserve this. It knew such thoughts were detrimental to its functionality, but… it failed to see any malice in her frightened eyes. 
“No,” she whispered. “Please, no. Kid, please, please…”
It couldn’t allow itself to be swayed by such displays. It was deployed to ensure the safety and security of all lawful citizens of this nation. It wouldn’t have been deployed against this woman unless she posed a threat.
She wouldn’t survive anyway, either. Not with the blood she’d lost. The least it could do was ensure her death was swift, rather than drawn out.
It raised its hands again. 
@ghostfacepepper, @kim-poce, @badluck990, @cupcakes-and-pain, @lonesome--hunter, @wits-and-wrongs, @neuro-whump, @winedark-whump @aswallowimprisoned, @rose-pinkie, @whumpy-writings, @whump-cravings, @secretwhumplair. @hobiisthesunfiteme, @whumpcreations, @myhusbandsasemni, @heart4brains @kixngiggles @neverthelass @extrabitterbrain @towerlesskey @ohnowhump @vickytokio @whumpinggrounds @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @extemporary-whump @pigeonwhumps @ifurd4d @aswallowimprisoned @the-magpiesystem @someonecradlemeintheirarms
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famewolf · 2 months
speaking of ocd, I think I'm realizing that I truly don't have anxiety and it's literally just my ocd. im not anxious about anything until it involves me and suddenly I'm spiraling
#[static]#it's hard to describe succinctly but the anxiety I deal with nowadays is directly related to my ocd and autism#some anxiety is so easy to brush off but the ones stemming from my ocd are extremely difficult to get out from under#i'll spiral for weeks about one specific thing and ruminate on it and mentally worry and pick at it forever#it's utterly exhausting jfkdghdf some days are easier than others#and often that one thing I ruminate on becomes multiple things all stemming from the first thing#like recently it's been my car ... the thing is totally fine ... runs fine drives fine but ive been freaked out by it for the last 3 weeks#every time i go into the shop theyre like ... everything is good in fact its in good condition for its age and they'll mention like#one thing that will need to be replaced to keep it in tip top condition and then my brain will fixate on it and imagine all the ways#something horrific will happen if that doesnt get changed and then that leads to all the other things in the car suddenly freaking me out#i defs used to have general anxiety and depression but those went away literally the day i got top surgery#poof instantly gone it was wild and i kept waiting for the other shoe to drop#never did but now my ocd has been really bad the last 6 months cuz of all the extra horrifying things going on#so i thought it was just my anxiety coming back but this week i realized it was my ocd and have been treating it accordingly#and ive seen some relief but i definitely need to go back to therapy once i get my insurance again#its the only way to get a hold on it and my last therapist ended up moving states so we didnt get to work on tools for it very much#im yapping at this point i just needed to vent for a second about how truly yucky ocd makes me feel
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gh-0-stcup · 9 months
One thing I'm kind of obsessed with that nobody ever mentions is how Oz's cure was literally the complete opposite of a cure. It straight up just made it worse.
Like yes, he's free of the full moon. With the side effect of being at risk of wolfing out at literally any time if he gets too upset. Three nights a month where loss of control is certain, but predictable. Or the possibility of loss of control anywhere, at any time of day or night, should life happen to throw him too big a curveball.
What Oz gained was nothing but the illusion of control. The possibility that he might never lose control again, if he can keep a hold on his emotions at all times and avoid overwhelming physical pain. But that's kind of impossible?
Life is life. Sometimes it sucks. Hard. No matter how calm and collected you are, no matter how much therapy you get, no matter how much meditation you do - there's always going to be something that gets under your skin.
It kind of says a lot about Oz's character that he went for the option that was worse, but provided a feeling of being in control.
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selective-yellow · 9 months
"People are so used to being monitored that they will self-monitor in lieu of it" great so you understand why teenagers and adults these days might start using "unalive" outside of an always watching internet that they believe will punish them for not self-censoring. great that you fully grasp the context under which teens will come to believe they must self-censor out of fear of and normalization of something that isnt actually there. it's great we all understand the way the state of the internet has affected people growing up within it in a way that it didn't affect us because we had the privilege of growing up Before. it's great you fully grasp this and wouldn't blame this symptom on something internal like maturity level versus the growing effects of paranoia caused by every platform on the internet sanitizing itself for advertisers & profit at the expense of its userbase
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before I desperately try and get more sleep I’m very much thinking about the implications that what c!dream was specifically conditioning and manipulating c!tommy for was the revive experiments bc like. not only is it the most sensible answer we have, since it seemed to be his main priority since he believed it’d (somehow) make people like him and stop fighting. and he repeatedly tried to get c!tommy involved with them again through both persuasion and force (and was fascinated as shit by c!tommy's time in limbo) but also like. god we know how awful death and revival were for c!tommy. imagine being forced to go through that, and being forced to put other people you love, through that again and again and again and again. and by that point you’re so thoroughly conditioned into not thinking for yourself you literally can’t even fully realise why you feel that way. because it’s probably been framed to you as a “bonding experience” like all your prior abuse and you’re too scared to think otherwise. like. man.
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hello-there-cyarika · 3 months
I just had a quick thought:
You cannot and will not convince me that that shadow trooper telling Crosshair “You had your chance to be one of us. You chose the wrong side.” is not Tech being angry/upset/whatever that Crosshair chose the Empire over the Batch, not that he resisted conditioning to be a shadow trooper.
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People who are tough on crime are such hypocrites. Through their policies they have actually created a class of people who are freely allowed to commit rampant crime: law enforcement. Police officers and prison guards are allowed to commit acts of brutality with impunity.
It’s as though the goodness or badness of cops and robbers are immutable properties of each. A cop can’t be a criminal and a criminal can’t be a cop; the categories are mutually exclusive.
This plus the idea that bad people deserve anything that comes to them means that “tough on crime” agendas again and again give cops the right to infringe on civil liberties; it really is a war on crime, complete with a constant state of emergency. The rhetoric is so strong that these people fail to see how their policies have legalized murder. If you want to find a serial killer, don’t look at the mentally ill—look at your own police force. If you’re someone who wants to hurt people, all you need to do is become a cop.
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justwhumpythings · 2 years
underrated spin on the forced to watch trope that i wish was used more: caretaker somehow gains access to or gets stuck in whumpee's mind and therefore gets a front row seat to years' worth of painful, traumatic memories.
Yesss, nice one!
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worstloki · 2 years
AU where pre-Thor 1 Thor ends up in a universe where Jotunheim and Asgard were making a peace treaty where Loki and Thor get married.
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vaciena · 4 months
You wanna know something terrible?
My new med, that I have to take 4 or 8 of a day for forever, costs $1120
It’s literally $40-80 a day for one med
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lupinus-bicolor · 11 months
society if theyd kept the original saturn/iapetus plotline in the 2001 aso series
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