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Leia a legenda. 1. Faça resumos. Você pode fazer resumos por partes para facilitar a memorização e ao final, fazer de todo conto várias vezes. 2. Tenha anotações no livro. Muitos tem pena de rabiscar ou marcar, mas a verdade é que as anotações nas próprias páginas ajudam a lembrar das meditações. 3. Compartilhe o que acabou de ler. Falar fondue leu, de como te ajudou a compreender o assunto, assim, seu cérebro leva informações para outras partes, podendo regastar com facilidade. 4. Faça associações. Ao ler se você associa a outra história, a alguém, a um símbolo ou situação, te ajuda muito a lembrar. 5. Grave um áudio com informações importantes. Quando você grava um áudio se obriga a dizer tudo que é importante em pouco tempo. Isto facilita a recordar tudo ou quase tudo em pouco tempo. 6. Desenhe o que leu. Desenhar ajuda a visualizar o que leu, facilita a compreensão da leitura, bem como recordar de tudo apenas com a imagem. 7. Prefira leitura de papel. A leitura feita no papel água outros sentidos, que podem agregar a sua memória, como onde você estava quando leu aquela parte ou até mesmo a espessura das páginas aparelhadas dos livros. 8. Leia todos os dias. Mas vale ler minutinhos ao dia que ler tudo em uma dia da semana. A memória precisa ser constantemente alimentada para você ser capaz de lembrar sempre que possível. #livros #livrosinfantis #literaturainfantil #literatura #leiturainfantil #simbolismo #simbolico #memorias #memorizar #ler #aprender #estudar #dicas #familia #homeschoolingbrasil #homescholling #colegioscatolicos #professores #professora #feedviral #feed #amigos #cultura #culturainfantil #contos #contosinfantis #profcarlosnunes https://www.instagram.com/p/CnzJShHunRz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
Asks from: weird asks that i say a lot!
15. uhh i havent read many for assignments as im homescholed but maybe that pirate one idk its name lol
39. hmmmmm ehh maybe lemon cake????
hiii thanks for the askkk
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blablapret · 3 days
"SUPERTABI, SUPER FAMILY!" itulah yel yel yg kami gaungkan di depan khalayak yg hadir di acara parents camp 2 tahun yg lalu.
Masih teringat jelas saat saya mempresentasikan visi misi keluarga kami.
VISI: Masuk surga sekeluarga. Off course.
"MISI: Menjadi keluarga mandiri. Mandiri secara finansial (membuat perusahaan sendiri), mandiri secara pendidikan (homeschooling) dan mandiri secara pangan (berkebun)" Kemudian disambut iringan tepuk tangan meriah, "WUIHHH, BERAAAT!" kata mereka.
Kalo diinget inget, antara pengen ngakak juga pengen nangis. Pengen ngakak karena bikin nama, yel2, dan visi misinya kilat banget waktu di mobil perjalanan menuju lokasi parents camp. Wkwkwk.
Pengen nangis krn MALUU. Ngerasa nyari2 masalah sendiri. Ini bercanda? Ngapa susah-susah amat sih bikin masterplannya. Kenapa ga kayak keluarga laen aja: Menjadi keluarga yg bahagia. Kan lebih mudah aplikasinya gitu lho giit. Mimpi sih boleh ya setinggi-tingginya, tapi mendeklarasikan impian besar yg sulit digapai di hadapan orang banyak itu kan.. uji nyali ya.
Itulah moment saat kami memperkenalkan keluarga kecil kami di hadapan para hometeam CBE (Community Based Education) lainnya.
Kemudian petualangan supertabi pun berlanjut. Pusing sendiri memikirkan bagaimana cara untuk membumikan Visi misi yg rasanya terlalu muluk itu.
Mandiri Finanasial? Untuk bisa bertahan hidup saja, rasanya jatuh bangun. Membangun bisnis kecil tanpa berbekal pengalaman yg mumpuni itu tidak mudah. Tidak ada THR, tidak ada tunjangan kesehatan, asuransi, apapun. Kadang toko ramai, tidak jarang juga sangat sepi berhari-hari, bahkan berminggu-minggu. Perasaan ingin berhenti sering menghampiri. Berharap suami apply job saja ke perusahaan lain, itu pun pernah kami angkat jadi bahan diskusi.
Alhamdulillah, Allah masih takdirkan @tabinaria.id survive sampai saat ini. Sudah masuk tahun ke 8 berbisnis. Menerjang badai pandemi dan resesi. Dan Tabinaria tetap menjadi satu2nya sumber pendapatan kami.
Homeschooling? Ternyata ga semulus dan semudah yg kami rencanakan. Ternyata Tabina itu tipe anak yg sangaat suka berteman. Kebutuhan motorik kasarnya juga besar, agak kurang terpenuhi jika kami memaksakan "sekolah di rumah". Memang teorinya anak harus sering diajak keluar utk belajar langsung dgn alam dan berjumpa dgn manusia lintas usia, namun bisnis kami yg belum menentu ini belum bs memberi kepastian kapan dan seberapa sering bs kami ikhtiarkan waktu luang utk memenuhi kebutuhan gerak dan sosial anak kami.
Setelah berdiskusi dgn suami dan para ortu homescholler, yang paling memungkinkan adalah mencari jalan tengah. Tetap mempercayakan anak ke lembaga pendidikan, namun pilih sekolah yg sesuai dgn visi misi keluarga kami, cari sekolah yg gak full day dan ga ngasih PR sehingga kami bisa jalani customized curriculum. Kegiatan home education bisa kami jalani maksimal saat anak pulang.
Alhamdulillah, nemu White Bee school of life yg sejalan banget sama apa yg kami mau. Awalnya kami hanya berniat ikutan kelas online, tapi ternyata Tabina lebih suka sekolah reguler. Akhirnya dari kelas online, kami switch ke kelas reguler di hari pertama sekolah mulai.
Menjalani home-education itu ga melulu harus homeschooling kok. Bisa juga collabs dgn lembaga yg sejalan. Tidak sepenuhnya menitipkan anak di sekolah, tp kita juga harus bikin kurikulum mandiri di rumah. Sekolah hanyalah mitra.
Mandiri pangan? ini yg lucu. At first, we dont have a clue, dont know how to start. Gardening is not our things at all. Walaupun saya lulusan arsitektur lanskap, tapi saya gak ngerti cara nyemai benih sampe panen wkwk. Ga hobi juga. Tapi menariknya, entah ilham dari mana saya selalu berdoa ke Allah utk dimampukan soal ini.
Dan selang 2 tahun dari presentasi itu, saya baru tergerak memulai berkebun. Awalnya gara2 suka nonton channel Li Zi Qi, Bumiku Satu, jadi dicipta-cipta gitu keinginan utk bercocok tanam. Pengeeen banget punya kebun sayur. Dari ga tertarik soal sampah, trus sekarang jadi tertarik bikin kompos aja itu sudah kemajuan, bukan? Saat ini kami sudah mulai di tahap cimit, yah baru sekitar 10%. Sedang berkenalan dgn karakter tanaman yg beda2, ada tanaman hias, herbs, buah, bunga dan sayur. Belum banyak sih, tapi slowly but sure kita menuju ke arah sana.
Jangan pernah under estimate the power of doa. Walau rasanya impian ini terlalu muluk dgn kapasitas kami yg baru segini-gini aja, saya optimis kalau terus minta petunjuk ke Allah, pasti Allah kasih jalan keluarnya :) SUPER TABI SUPER FAMILY!
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sugarbear2001 · 6 months
Rolled with the homescholed LOTR nerds I say this knowing that I also am a nerd who was homeschooled.
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citrusitonit · 7 months
hey did i ever tell yall i went homeschol for one year likg actul homeschol
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decapitatedchewtoy · 7 months
ezekiel whats your reaction towards gay homescholers (you)
who said im gay
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kreativahomeschholing · 7 months
Diskusi Umum Sesi  XII Siswa Kreativa Homescholing
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glittergutts · 1 year
It's 3:30 am and I'm wide awake because I forgot to take my meds and now it's too late 🙃 I just want to take a bath but I'm scared to wake anybody up. I've gotta leave the house by 7 to make it to a thing at Ellie's school where I get to have muffins with her. I'm nervous about bringing Lola and having to explain she's homescholled because Ellie's teacher has made some comments about Lola not attending the academy that kind of rubbed me the wrong way. I actually don't like Ellie's teacher very much she yells at the kids and makes them feel bad and always takes away recess. She's also really bad about communicating. She told all the parents at 6:40 last night we all needed to go to the store for double-sided tape. Like we had fucking time. So I'm going in the morning after the muffin thing and just bringing it back to the school.
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nosefilexuvo · 2 years
7th grade interactive life science book pdf
  7TH GRADE INTERACTIVE LIFE SCIENCE BOOK PDF >> Read (Leia online) bit.do/fSmfG
           5 de jul. de 2022 — Request PDF | On Mar 1, 2009, Manuel Joao Costa and others published The learn more Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB) [5] [6][7]. Great selection of modern and classic books waiting to be discovered. All free and available in most ereader formats. 5 de jul. de 2022 — Request PDF | People in books: Using a FlashCam to become part of an interactive book for connected reading | We introduce People in Books 6/abr/2021 - Explore a pasta "Geografia Homescholl" de Adna Barbosa, seguida por 122 pessoas no Pinterest. Veja mais ideias sobre geografia,Proceedings of São Paulo School of Advanced Sciences on academia.edu › Proceedings_of_São_Pauloacademia.edu › Proceedings_of_São_Paulo 29 de jul. de 2022 — Sertaç Arabacıoğlu. 3pm - 3:20pm. C042 Grade 12 teachers' experiences in using interactive whiteboards when teaching life sciences. Virtual. 2 de mar. de 2022 — Brazilian Journal of Chemistry (Southern Journal of Sciences); This book is the product of a conference organized to celebrate the 307th Grade Social Studies, Social Studies Classroom, Teaching Social Studies, History Interactive Notebook · Resumo de biologia sobre as teorias evolucionistas. Proceedings of São Paulo School of Advanced Sciences on Biotechnology, Biosocialities and the Governance of the Life Sciences.
, , , , .
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keepinventory · 2 years
Hello Princeton Review. Can You Let Me Register My Fucking Book? I don't have a phone number. I can't give you a phone number, as I do not have one. A Phone is not within my possession. Why is calling the only way to access your tech support team? They don't have a fucking email address I could use? Katherine, my assigned chatbot helper. Please, I need an email. Can i just put in somebody else's and then remove it? I don't want my account to have somebody else's phone number on it. Princeton. Just give me an email. Let me tell my desperate tale to your tech support team. I can't give you a phone number. I don't have a phone. I don't want a phone. Do i need to wax poetic about how i'm a poor little 17 year old trying to study for my GED (General Educaion Diploa?ma?) (REplacement for a Regular High school Pilomda?) Please? I was homescholed all my life. I dont have anyfriends. And every time i have to talk to somebody i have to hype myself up for 2 hours before hand and the whole time im doing it i feel Sikc ot muy Stomach. I want my GED so people wil treat me like anormal Person. Because i dont have a phone. And thus i am disrespected by all formats of Website Accout Verification. Why do you also need my mothers phone number? Are you going to call her up? Katherine? My chatbot? Youre gonna call my mom? Are you going to take her out for dinnenr? r=Prince ton revieq/ ? You are going to romance my mom. A romantic skeleton giveawyay youre going to atake her on? Without me? Because i dont have a fucking PHOE NUMBER? I just want to study. I want to get the most out of my book. It's so large. I need guidnace. And you can give me this guidance! i knwo yo u Want to. You want to so bad! You're princeton review! You get all your snails from students trying tostdudy for Tests and Practices and Preparations ! Oh! You care so much abuout the students! Helping them find schools ! So why why why won't you help me ?! WHY doesnt your TECH SUPPORT have an ELECTRONIC MAIL ADDRESS ?! KATHERINE. Y-OU you. You know. you're so mean to me. Katherin. All because i won't cough up those 10 or 13 saucy little digits. That i don't have. I can't just make a phone number up. You won't accept (000) 000-0000. That's my area code. 000. I live in there. In the void. The absence of all humanity and living life. And plants. And bugs. There's no bugs. Your tech support would fucking love it here. They don't have any problems to fix. But oh! oh! No! You'll Never Be Here. With me, Katherine. You won't let yourself see the truth. Of my phone number. It's not REAL! it NEVER EXISTED !!! And. If i play my cards right. It NEVER will! So what, princeton review?! I don't even WANT an accountto help me study! Yeah! You heard right! It's TOO LATE! I'll NEVER sign up for your NEWS LETTERS ! and i'l NEVER ring up your GOD DAMN PHONE-ONLY TECH SUPPORT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RESPOND TO MY CHAT MESSAGE
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Todos queremos ser donos da educação dos nossos filhos, e com certeza ninguém quer se arrepender na frente por não ter dado o primeiro passo. Pensando nestes problemas que envolve saber ensinar os filhos, é que precisamos retomar as tradições perenes que consiste em educar por meio de histórias. Qual criança e até mesmo adulto não gosta de uma boa história? O próprio Cristo ensinava muitas vezes por meio de parábolas, que são histórias. Se você tem Interesse, escreva nos comentários: #contosinfantis #familia #homeschoolingbrasil #estudos #bibliasagrada #biblia #simbolismo #simbolos #homescholling #colegioscatolicos #aprender #professora #professores #profcarlosnunes #leitura #leiturainfantil #literaturainfantil #literatura #contosinfantis #contos #igrejacatolica #educacaoinfantil #educar #feedviral #feed #instagram #instalike #instagram #queroaprender https://www.instagram.com/p/CnKe5B_uzwZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lisyerizziolli · 3 years
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Last month we traveled to Colorado. It was an incredible family trip, full of adventures as hiking, rafting, beautiful mountain views and history classes. The past 3 years we studied about American history, so being in a museum on the west and visiting ghost cities was a blast for this homeschool family.🤩 I had to take these photos of a miniature model of the old city, in Buena Vista Heritage Museum. Plus, who doesn’t love miniature pictures right?! . What did your family learn this summer? . More pictures on stories 🥰 . #lisyerizziolliphotography #colorado #familytrip2021 #homeschoolfamily #adventuresofahomeschoolingmom #homescholling #americanhistory #buenavistacolorado #miniaturephotography (at Buena Vista Heritage) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRQAkrHM_dn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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blablapret · 5 days
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I want to thank my husband. Even though bukan tipe bapak-bapak romantis ke istrinya, tapi dia paham betul dgn kebutuhan saya. Jeda sejenak. Just leave me alone. Dengan membawa anak-anak menginap di rumah neneknya 1-2 hari. Bisa 2-3 bulan sekali.
Saya sayaaang sama anak-anak. Sayang bangeet sama suami. Tapi kadang saya butuh waktu menyendiri. Untuk membenahi pikiran yg sering kusut ini, dan juga membenahi rumah yg sama kusutnya.
Kemarin saya bercerita ke suami, "Dulu, waktu aku belum nikah, i was super messy person. I don't care kamar/rumah mau seberantakan apapun. Kenapa? Karena aku hidup di luar rumah dari pagi sampai malem. Rumah cuma buat tempat nebeng tidur doang, trus besoknya beraktivitas lagi. Gitu terus. Bahkan sabtu-minggu pun aku pake buat sibuk di luar. Setelah aku nikah sama kauu, aku baru sadar arti rumah. Rumah harus rapi, harus teratur. Karena seluas apapun dunia di luar sana, kini aku menghabiskan hidupku di lahan seluas 84 meter persegi ini."
Dari segambreng kata2 itu, intinya cuma: Bantuin beres2 rumah oii! :))
Kalo dulu healingnya Gita itu backpackeran atau naek gunung. Sekarang, cuma butuh waktu menyendiri. Khas tipe introvert banget ya, yg charging modenya menyendiri seharian. Lebih dari sehari is better. wkwk
Apa yg didapet? Selain beberes, merawat diri, bisa menelusuri core saya kembali. Baca buku sambil ngopi, muhasabah, merenung, menulis seperti ini. Btw kaget juga ternyata hari ini saya bs menghabiskan 200+ halaman sekali duduk saking kangennya baca buku :)
Buku yg saya baca ini berjudul Cinta Yang Berpikir. Ditulis oleh homescholler, berisi home-education ala Charlotte Mason. Isinya bagus. Berangkat dari ide besar yg saya setuju: anak itu bukan kertas kosong. Dan dari buku ini saya jadi bisa membandingkan perbedaan antara Charlotte Mason (CM) - Montessori - Waldrof-bahkan Unschooling yg sempet ngetren di Indo.
Bisa dibilang CM konsepnya punya banyak kesamaan dgn Fitrah Based Education (FBE), tapi versi kristiani. Saya dapet insight banyaak banget terutama soal teknis. Tapi kalau soal value dan filosofi fundamental, kami kembalikan pada Al Quran dan Sunnah bagaimana islam melihat hakikat anak dan manusia. Ahh, ga ada yg lebih perfect dari itu menurut saya :)
Setelah menyendiri sejenak, rasa kangen pun datang. Saya menyambut suami dan anak2 dengan lebih sabaar, lebih riang, dan lebih hangat. Karena tangki cinta saya udah full lagi untuk menemani mereka berminggu-minggu kemudian ^_^
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maedefases · 3 years
Graduação em Processos Escolares - Faculdade EAD
Graduação em Processos Escolares – Faculdade EAD
No post de hoje, vim compartilhar como vocês sobre o de Processos Escolares, que iniciei no ano passado, antes do início da pandemia. Sobre o curso A graduação tecnológica em Processos Escolares desenvolve habilidades relacionadas ao planejamento, controle, coordenação e operacionalização de atividades de apoio administrativas e pedagógicas. Com isso, capacita os alunos visando a otimização da…
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rheinsiegmagazin · 3 years
Psychische Belastung für Kinder: Eltern-Tipps im Lockdown
Psychische Belastung für Kinder: Eltern-Tipps im Lockdown
Monatelanges Homeschooling, isoliert von den Klassenkameraden und kaum Treffen mit den Freunden – wie belastend ist der Lockdown für Kinder und Jugendliche? Nehmen die psychischen Probleme zu? Familien-Coach und Jugend-Expertin Kira Liebmann in Kaltenberg mit Eltern-Tipps
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