#his son is the exact same way XD
celestialcreativity · 3 months
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Yusuke don’t care if it’s a girl, a baby, somebody’s grandma, or even his own son! He’ll STILL take ‘em on and knock them out! 😤😂
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hxhhasmysoul · 2 months
I was going to wait until the proper translations, but I have this doubt that gege said sukuna didn't have children and he ate his twin in womb ending there direct line then and there and considering they had branch families possibly itadori family to continue their line so can we really say that they are biologically related? Jin's birth is the result of reincarnation and that should be a natural process. Jin and sukuna twins and their souls are same but not yuji 's . At best I can think of yuji possessing a part of sukuna's soul.. But then I am also thinking what about yuji's soul . I mean do we consider yuji's soul a different soul that also possesses part of sukuna soul.
Granted I haven’t looked at a textbook about Buddhism in years, but as far as I remember the incarnations of the soul are not identical. The soul incarnates into bodies that can be different in every physical aspect possible, into different circumstances, walks of life, and a different set of skills and abilities. There’s just some link between the lives, some general aspects of the soul that remain constant. Also people don’t remember their past lives, the whole thing about Buddha was that he did and I think other people can achieve that too if they practise Buddhism. 
The scene in the airport references that the dead sorcerers there will move on, get reborn and so on. But this is likely random, like how Jougo talks about the future comeback of the disaster curses. That they won’t be the exact same people anymore, but that there will still be some common denominator. 
However people like Sukuna, Uraume, the Death Paintings and the sorcerers reincarnated at the start of the Culling Games retain their memories, their personalities and abilities. And that’s because they aren’t reincarnated in the regular way but through cursed objects, it’s like they are cheating the system. 
Then there’s Tengen and the Six Eyes that are tied to her by fate. The Six Eyes is a skillset, a type of body, but possibly a soul too considering the link between the body and the soul in JJK. But it’s likely that the incarnations of the Six Eyes aren’t exact copies, they still have some commonalities and this one constant of cursed technique, but as people they are likely different. 
And it is likely similar to Sukuna’s twin. He incarnates with some constants, like the ability to pass over the hereditary cursed technique of his and Sukuna’s original family, but he’s likely a slightly different person each time. 
The Itadori aren’t Sukuna’s descendents, they likely aren’t related to his original family. It’s just a family the twin was this time reborn into. That’s why Wasuke is so weirded out by the Kenajku thing but Jin doesn’t seem to be. That leads me to believe that the twin retains some memories of his past lives, maybe through some binding vow, maybe because he’s tied to Kenjaku by fate, like the Six Eyes users are to Tengen.
If the Itadoris were part of the family, or part of this whole scheme, the knowledge of Kenjaku and the reborn twin would’ve been likely passed down. Wasuke would’ve known that this might happen, that his son might be the twin, probably due to the peach hair that true form Sukuna shares with Yuuji and Jin might also have. That would be the most manga way… XD but also they could’ve had some ritual to identify the twin, like they have with the Dalai Lama in Tibet. But in my opinion the Itadoris are related to this randomness of regular reincarnation, just some family that the soul happened to end up in. 
I think the reason why Yuuji is the kid of the twin and not the twin himself was set up earlier in the manga through the 3 clans, especially the Zen’in. In both the Kamo and the Zeni’n clan we see how the hereditary cursed techniques travel through the family tree. It’s very random, sometimes it’s from parent to child like Naobito and Naoya, but it can also skip generations like it’s implied with Blood Manipulation and the Ten Shadows. It can also happen not in a straight line, like with Touji and Maki sharing the same Heavenly Restriction. 
With Maki and Mai we also learn that twins are seen as one soul, that’s why through the death of one twin, the other could gain their cursed technique, Mai specifically chooses not to pass it down to Maki, but maybe it can be taken. Sukuna devours the body of his twin, and due to the body/soul link in JJK his twin likely couldn’t do what Mai did, keep his cursed technique away from Sukuna. 
But when Kenjaku separated the soul of the twin, they couldn’t get the technique back because Sukuna had absorbed it. So what Kenjaku could do is try the inheritance route. They could try to make a baby with the reincarnated twin and hope the baby would get the technique and likely in most cases the baby got nothing. But they managed with Yuuji, they managed a baby that could withstand Sukuna and cage him and had the potential to unlock the hereditary technique. 
Thus Yuuji has a completely separate soul because he’s not Jin, he’s Jin’s son. And he also has some Kaori and Kenjaku in him too, not their souls per se, just traits inherited from them. 
I don’t think they are biologically related at this point, I mean Sukuna and his twin, therefore also Yuuji isn’t biologically related to Sukuna. Neither Sukuna is the same exact body he’d started in and his twin’s soul had gone through several bodies. But their souls are related. The twin’s soul still had the capability to pass down the hereditary technique. Sukuna can recreate his original body, has retained his memories, his consciousness and his cursed technique and cursed energy. So on some level they are related but it’s just quite complex and not straightforward. 
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writerfae · 20 days
Okay! Here's the promised ask! (Idk if I'll get to everyone's parents, so sorry for everyone who gets left out)
Now, I don't know if you meant writing for them before they had kids, so this will probably be a mix
Starting off with Ranva and Milan, of course! (Their's will probably be the longest because... yeah)
Milan seeing Ranva for the first time and he's jaw drops, because look at her!
I think hearing about the time when Milan helps Ranva get away from the fae realm would be really interesting (plus baby Henry 🥺)
Ranva having the exact opposite problem of Henry, as in he had to adjust to the fae realm and her to the human realm (the parallels of these two kill me every day)
I'm actually really interested in the time before Aiden was born (as in they're already in the human realm, but he's not born yet), because we never hear about it
(or rarely)
Fenna and Cyrus
Ngl I keep thinking about modern au them, because cute baker Fenna is top tear!
Also, that thing you mentioned about Fenna holding Cyrus after their son died
Also, them just bickering 🥺
Hela's parents
I don't think I know a lot about her dad (or if I do, I forgot again)
And her mom looking for her, and her being mischievous is adorable ❤️
Now... I know very, very little about Maya's mom... so... sorry❤️
And meanwhile I want to come up with something fluffly for my guys but I've got nothing...
But listen 👏 (I think I made a post like this actually, but I was listening to the song again, so:)
Bendegúz: The soldier
Ákos: The poet
Endre: The king
Adél: The one who's singing
(Yes, I love going on rants about songs and my ocs. When I go on a rant about an Odette song that will be... well, you know what she's like🤣 there'll be emotions( but her playlist is one of the best)
Also, can you imagine Endre holding up Ákos to your ocs lion king style 🤣
Thanks, that’s so nice of you ^^
My initial thought was to write fluff for them as couples (with no kids) but since I have no actual plans for this god knows when I’ll even get around to do this I’m open for everything!
Milan was completely star struck when he met Ranva. Ranva’s sister noticed it first and told her. They were both giggling like crazy stealing glances at him stealing glances at Ranva xD and at one point he gathered his courage and really formally introduced himself, with hand-kiss and all.
To be honest, Ranva’s sister, her teacher and her maid were the ones who had the most part in arranging her and Milan’s “escape”. More interesting is probably the time before that (their secret meetings, Ranva telling Milan about Henry and about wanting to leave with them) and after (Milan helping her adjust, helping her with Henry, refusing to hunt for people who talked bad about his wife).
The way Henry’s story is mirroring his mother’s (but reverse) is one of my favorite things about the two. Also how different yet similar their way of freedom looks like!
When Aiden was born, Ranva already spent six years in the human realm. In the time till his birth a lot of her adjusting and dealing with missing home happened. Her learning some customs she had to adopt. Her making friends with Holly. Her, Milan and Henry being a happy little family despite some sullen grumbles from other villagers.
I wouldn’t really know what to tell you about it though, if you don’t have specific questions…
Fenna is already adorable, but baker Fenna from the modern au is even more so! Her and young Cyrus meeting in France is so cute too. I like thinking about younger them lately, even in canon. Not that they’d play any role significant enough for me to think about them, but I do and I adore them xD
The thing is that Fenna loves Cyrus. She remembers the man he used to be and she still sees that man in him, deep down. She’s hoping to one day get him back out. He might never be the same like he was before they lost Thorin, but she holds on to him because she knows deep down he’s still a good man. Flawed, but good. And she loves and believes in him still, though she doesn’t approve of the way he handles his relationship to their kids.
Halea’s parents’ names are Arian and Sofia. They are actually least developed, so I can’t tell you much about them. Except for that Sofia is originally from the Oak court, where her mother was one of the queen’s ladies. And Arian is head of the House of Hummingbirds, who married her and took her to the Willow court with him.
It’s funny how you know little about Maya’s mother, yet she’s the first parent beside Milan and Ranva that actually got a backstory xD
Gwen is a witch. She and her family before her, like many witches, were follower of the old ways. Which is what you call people in the human world that still believe in the old religion (the goddesses, the existence of fae and magic…) and follow old customs.
She grew up living with her grandmother and mother in their little cottage by the forest. She learned the old ways and her craft from them. Now she couldn’t do real magic, since humans are incapable of it, but she knew old rituals and little “spells” and knew how to make potions and (lucky) charms and she knew lots about herbs.
She and Maya lived from what Gwen sold on the big market in their hometown. Things like wool, eggs and goat milk and woven baskets. Dried herbs, balms and medicine. But also charms, potions and other stuff for the more “superstitious” people. Ranva was one of her customers, too.
Gwen was never interested in marriage. But she did want a child. Which is why she wished for Maya!
Oh yeah I remember you mentioning that! I think it fits your characters very well (both the song and the positions you applied to them like who’s the king and who’s the poet…)
Music can be a very good way to get close to our characters! I like doing that a lot too!
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haljathefangirlcat · 16 days
Sharing headcanons with you makes me realize...despite Gunther being the oldest Nibelung sibling (and possibly co-king even in his father's lifetime, ala Rosengarten) he's also the least specialized. Hagen/Hogni is the intense and super-strong one, Gernot/Gutthorm is the brave one, Giselher is the young one, and Gudrun/Kriemhild is the sweet one, and Gullrond if she's there might be the smart one. And then of course he gets the most awesome brother-in-law/blood brother who goes around fighting his battles for him. In real history, there's also the fact that his father in fact established their kingdom on the Rhineland, so Gibich must have had some big expectations for his eldest son. While he's no slouch, and rocks some serious musical talents in Norse sources, there's always this subtle feeling of inadequacy to Gunther. He's always pushing himself too hard but it turns out it's never enough. He must have some crippling feelings of inferiority that he's keeping behind that kingly facade.
(And now I imagine Oddrun giving him a "stop trying to be your father, live for yourself for once" speech, that results in him very impulsively doing the sneaky sneak with her.)
... okay, that last bit about Oddrun is just the sweetest thing! And very tragic, too, but I guess that comes with the territory. XD But jokes (and angst) aside, it really does sound like a very genuine and important connection and I love it.
As for Gunnar/Gunther himself, well...
I have to confess that, once, a lot of my ideas used to lowkey fall into the uncahritable "Gunnar/Gunther is kinda useless/weak" interpretation. But thanks to papers like “Mit (un)lobelichen êren”: Authority, Gender, and the Cause of Siegfried’s Death in the Nibelungenlied by Casey Alexis McCreary (about specifically Siegfried, Gunther, and Brunhild in the Nibelungenlied), as well as some influence from dear @galarix and @ivylili, I ended up re-evaluating him a lot both in the continental and Norse sources.
In the latter, I now find it really striking how he did want to leap over the flames, he did want to risk everything to go about the whole thing the right way. But he couldn't, and after that things increasingly spiralled out of his control in all the worst ways... and yet, even in the end, even with some admittedly pretty bad choices in the middle, he was no coward and went out with literally as much dignity as Hagen in the Nibelungenlied, using almost the exact same trick as him to defy his enemies and captors to the end.
In the former, I now find him not a bad king for Burgundy at all, but actually rather clever and resourceful in some moments. The paper I mentioned above actually does a very good job at arguing that he is pretty good at politics, it just that both Siegfried and Brunhild show their royal authority through heroic feats, with impressive shows of brute strength and charisma, so at first glance it's hard to recognize his qualities when they're the ones taking all the spotlight.
But actually having your own, solid good qualities and value, even when other people know about them and acknowledge them, isn't always going to be enough to make you feel satisfied with yourself...
I do still think he has an emotional, hotheaded, and impulsive side that he only learns to control slowly through the years and still gives him trouble sometimes even later on, tho. And as I previously said, I also see him as someone who was forced to take on the responsability of both his kingdom and his family too suddenly, and at too young an age, and always felt the weight of it all hanging above his head like the proverbial Sword of Damocles after that. And, taken together, that would all boil down to a lingering sense of self-doubt, I believe...
When it comes to his place in his family... or rather, families, I tend to see him as the brother who tries to be a proper head of the family, to bring honor and glory to his bloodline while also taking care of his siblings, but sometimes that all becomes too much to bear, and then he feels guilty about it because, is it even okay for him to feel that way? (It's certainly human and understandable, imo, and I think other characters would tell him that, too, but he'd rather keep that all inside until he blows up about some other, unrelated issues due to all the tension that's been building up, lol.)
The harp thing in the Norse stories is fun because it kinda looks like it comes from nowhere to give him a little bit of an Orpheus moment (soothing beasts with music, anyone?) as well as adding that tiny little bit of hope in desperate times only to rip it away right after. But I do like it a lot. I headcanon an interest and a talent for music for both Gunnar and Gunther that, unfortunately, neither of them ever really had the time or the conviction to make into more of a thing. Lately, tho, the multishipper in me who OTPs Volker/Hagen but also loves Gunther/Hagen has actually been playing with the idea of Volker and Gunther becoming closer (either as friends/friendly metamours, or as two people who, perhaps without even really realizing it, are inching their way into forming a throuple with their mutual partner) through Volker encouraging Gunther to revisit his old interest and reconnecting with what made him feel so good about it. But, well, that's another story...
And now, a bit of bonus Wagner because god, those three messed-up Gibichungs: Ring!Gunther is, like, the personification of an inferiority complex. He's literally introduced worrying that all his warring and conquering may not be enough (will maybe never be enough?) to live up to his late father's name. Hagen's mere suggestion that he's been keeping mum about some possible new conquest that could bring him honor pretty much sends him into a panic. He flatters Hagen (the same brother who's illegitimate and only half-human state he'll later callously throw in his face when all's said and done) by saying he's the lucky one who got all of their mother's cunning, but is it all flattery (especially when Alberich pretty much confirms the similarities between Hagen and Grimhild, and he doesn't really need to lie about it after doing his best as far as we know to isolate Hagen from full human beings) or is there some genuine envy there? Brunhhilde literally just needs to tell him he's shaming his family by refusing to kill Siegfried to have him wrapped around her little finger...
(Not that Ring!Hagen and Gutrune aren't also walking talking inferiority complexes in their own respective ways. I am unwell about that family.)
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mechformers · 1 year
Ma Miles - Ch. 10
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5.1k words
Bold letters are spoken in English by the Reader to Quaritch.
The comments I've received have energized my writing so much that I've finished in "record" time! So please, have all my thanks and the next chapter of Ma Miles XD
(If you want to be tagged with the updated chapters, please leave your @ myusername in the comments! I'm having trouble with the tags actually tagging though, so if you have an Ao3, I update there at the same time as I post to Tumblr!)
Previous chapter | Masterpost | Chapter 11
There’s a nose breathing you in, tucked firmly against your neck as you’re held against a solid chest, a large arm beneath your head. The big body spooning behind you is warm and solid as you’re held while you sleep. Smiling, you rub your thumb over the back of the hand that rests across your chest, your smile widening as a deep rumble erupts behind you, vibrating through your back. The nose that had been breathing you in lowers as your mate pulls you closer, ending up against the crook of your neck as his lips mouth at your sleep-warm skin. Chuckling, you grin widely, your heart soaring at how affectionate he is with you. 
“Good morning, yawne,” You mumble, unwilling to open your eyes to the bright light pouring in through the see-through metal wall. 
“Mornin’, m’ love,” The sleep-raspy sound of your mate’s voice hums immediately, his smile spreading across your shoulder as he pulls you even closer. 
“Ugh… you’re both disgusting,” Spider’s voice scoffs as the bed dips before the sound of his feet hitting the ground and a door opening and closing harshly. 
Reality crashes into you the exact moment the man behind you freezes. The sound of the TV plays in the background but all you can really hear right now is the sound of your heart threatening to beat out of your chest. It’s not the first time that you’ve woken up in Quaritch’s arms, but it’s the first time you’ve awoken in an intimate embrace like this. The both of you are unable to move, completely frozen in the same position as Spider left you in. Quaritch’s heart beats loudly behind you, his breathing labored and deep as he just holds you. His face is so close to yours, the heat of his body almost suffocating. It’s not before Spider emerges from the bathroom that any of you move. 
“Seriously?” Your son exclaims, a thinly veiled annoyance trying to hide his obvious embarrassment over the situation. 
Quaritch’s arms lift from around your body at the same time that he pulls his head back from your shoulder. He waits patiently for you to move away from the arm beneath your head, only then does he step out of the nest. 
“Pardon me, Ma’am,” He mumbles before his heavy footsteps pad over the ground. 
“Can you let me out? Lyle promised to play the videogame with me,” Spider asks, his voice hopeful, then happy as his father walks up to the door and puts his hand on the box before stepping into the bathroom. “Thanks!”
Left alone in the room, you’re allowed to breathe freely, taking deep breaths of much-needed air as your eyes begin to water. What was going on? How could you just let your guard down like this for a second time? And to think of him, the very demon from the skies, as your mate! Closing your stinging eyes, you clench your teeth as your chest tightens. You were being unfair, acting out on old prejudice because of who he once used to be. With the exception of how he brutishly took your son from you, he had done nothing to warrant this hatred from you. Out of all of them, Quaritch had been the first one to fully embrace the Na’vi ways, taking to your way of life with great curiosity and interest. No, you could not fault him for who he once was before being reborn. 
Opening your eyes, you look out at the bright day with watery eyes. Why your heart, your very soul, had decided that he was the one you would call mate, you would never know. But you could not deny it any longer. The swelling of your chest, the fluttering in your stomach, and the heat spreading across your face could no longer be excused as mere coincidences. The Great Mother had accepted him as her child, had allowed him to enter your dreams as you rest peacefully, had allowed him to act as your mate while you slept soundly, both in and out of his arms. 
“Why are you crying, princess?” His worried voice drifts over to you a moment before the nest dips under his weight and warm hands cup your face, thumbs gently wiping your falling tears away. 
Shaking your head, you close your eyes, unable to look into the worried warm ones affectionately staring right back at you. Immediately, you’re gathered up into his lap, his wide chest rumbling deeply as he shushes you, a hand rubbing your back while the other cups your head, holding you close to his heart. 
“I’m sorry, sweetie,” Quaritch continues, his voice sounding almost lost and small. 
It was obvious that he didn’t know what to do, that he wasn’t used to comforting someone in distress. His clumsy hands patted your back more than rubbing soothingly, his shushing almost sounding as if he was afraid you would be head. Still, the man continued to try, powering through this unknown territory for your sake. Opening your eyes, you looked out of the see-through metal walls, looking longingly at the forest just beyond the kill zone. As if sensing this, Quaritch lifts his head to look in the same direction. 
“What do you say we take the banshees out tonight, get a little wind under our wings?” He asks, his voice immediately more confident than it had been just moments ago. 
“I will like that,” You agree, looking forward to taking Hawnu out so soon again. 
“Alright,” Quaritch hums behind you, “Alright, sweetheart,” 
He doesn’t let go of you, however. You sit in his lap, staring out of the see-through metal wall together, the silence comfortable as he holds you close. As the day slowly passes you find yourself sitting between his legs as you lean back on his chest. His big hands are resting on your bare stomach, your fingers tracing the four knuckles on the back of his hands. His stomach suddenly rumbles loudly, making him groan. It pulls a chuckle from your lips. 
“Hungry?” You ask, bending your head back to look up at him. 
“Unfortunately,” Quaritch hums, looking down at you. “I don’t particularly want to move, however.”
“You are then not hungry?” The confusion on your face, in your voice, makes him chuckle softly, the upward stretching of his lips making him almost adorable when he closes his eyes and shakes his head. 
“Not what I meant, princess,” He grins before moving his hands to your hips, effortlessly lifting you off of him and placing you onto the ground below the nest. “C’mon, let’s get some grub,”
“What is this grub?” You can’t help but ask, especially not when the corners of his lip lift in one of those gentle smiles again. 
“It’s food, sweetheart,” Quaritch grins, a hand at your back gently leading you to approach the door. 
He lets you exit first, slowly following as you step into the hallway. Four sets of eyes meet yours when you look into the room with the videogame TV. Slowly, grins spread across three of the faces as Quarith steps up behind you, placing a gentle hand on your hip. It seems to set off the three recoms behind the sitting bench
“Sooooo… Colonel,” Lyle starts, his face all but split in two as he grins while leaning an arm over the back of the sitting bench. “The walk of shame?” 
The other two snicker to themselves, bumping their fists together like teenagers. Behind you, Quaritch growls dangerously, the gentle hand on your hip tightening as he reacts to what was said. You don’t understand how walking would be shameful, but you did know that you would never feel shame while doing so. 
“I do not walk in shame,” You announce proudly, only for the room to fall deadly silent before full-blown laughter erupts. Even Quaritch chuckles behind you, his hand easing up the pressure on your hip. It does not sound malicious, however.
“She-” Lyle starts, but laughter forces a halt to his rambling. 
“They think we’ve slept together, sweetcheeks,” Quaritch helpfully explains, trying to fill in the blanks you’re drawing. 
“Did we not sleep together?” You ask, confusion clouding your voice. 
“That’s not the kind of sleep I’m talking about. It can also mean…” He looks over to the others, his face darkening slightly when he turns back, before bending down, whispering the meaning of having ‘slept together’ in your ear. 
Immediately, your face heats, your ears slicking back against your skull as you lean back to stare up at him. The warm hand on your hip disappears and uncertainty crosses Quaritch’s face before it too disappears, replaced by the stony indifference he usually wears around the General Ardmore. Turning back, you see that the grins haven’t left the three recoms now hanging off of the back of the sitting bench. 
“But you did sleep together the entire night,” Spider pops up between the recoms, his face one of deep confusion as he stares at you. “He was holding you while you slept,”
“Gee, thanks, kid,” Quaritch drawls, his hands resting on his hips as he sucks his bottom lip between his teeth again. 
Laughter unlike before explodes around the room, the recoms all but crumbling with it, and in the middle, a very confused Spider chuckles as he tries not to get squished between the seemingly adult men. Shaking his head, Quaritch walks over to the sitting bench before lifting Spider out of the pile of long limbs, gently setting him down on the ground. 
“Have they given you anything to eat?” He asks and immediately, your son grins up at him. 
“Yeah, Mansk made me something called a lumbersjakebreakfast. It was really good,” Spider explains animatedly while Mansk chuckles an unsteady ‘lumber jack’ as he gets up from the ground. 
“9000 calories, Mansk. You tryna kill the kid?” Quaritch chuckles, directing the question at Mansk. 
“What? Kid looked at a book and pointed. Wasn’t about to say no to the Colonel’s kid, you know,” Mansk shrugs, a playful grin on his face. 
“Figured we were all going out for some real food later on today. Wasn’t expecting you to actually sleep in though… Sir,” Ja added gently, earning a fond kind of annoyed huff from Quaritch. 
“Well, you figured right,” Quaritch starts, resting his hands on his hips before sucking his bottom lip between his teeth once more, an obvious habit of his. “Gonna have to get some real food in this kitchen. Luckily, the three of you volunteered, ain’t that right guys?”
A collective of groans sounds before the three sit back down on the bench, mumbling while their ears twitch. You didn’t understand why they were complaining. If they didn’t go out to gather food, how would they have anything to eat? You didn’t know where the sky people food came from or how it got there, but then again, there were a lot of things about the sky people you didn’t understand. 
“Get off of the couch already,” Quaritch barks, but you notice that there’s no heat behind it. “And Lyle?”
“Yeah, Colonel?” Lyle turns to Quaritch while turning off the videogame TV. 
“Take spider with you,” Quaritch grins when both Spider and Lyle groan. 
Looking up at him, you notice how his smug grin shifts into another fond smile, and it’s like there’s a whole new person standing before you. Staring up at him, you let your mind wander for a little bit before turning to walk over to your son. Spider and Ja are bent over a small screen, Ja’s long fingers pointing as the two whispers to each other. As you come to a stop behind them, you can see that there’s a drawing of the forest on the small screen and when Ja pinches the surface with two fingers, the drawing gets smaller. Or bigger? You’re not really sure. The drawing is showing the clearing where you’ve taught them the Na’vi way, the area where there’s an abundance of food available for them to take back here. 
“My dearest boy,” You call for Spider, watching as your son turns to smile at you. “Be careful and listen to Eywa’s signs. Use your senses,”
“Mom, it’s gonna be fine. I grew up here, you know,” His smile turns into a cheeky grin and you can’t help the sinking feeling that drops in your chest. Your boy was becoming a man before your eyes and there was nothing you could do about it. 
“But you haven’t grown up in this area. Watch out for them. They are still like small children,” You open your arms as Spider steps closer, leaning his forehead against your stomach. 
Wrapping your arms around his head, you gently press it against your stomach in a tight hug. You understood that he was a young man now, understood that he wouldn’t cling to you like he used to do. The blessed extra time you had gotten while imprisoned here, was one you would treasure for as long as you lived. To have that extra time with him before he left your nest entirely… 
“Don’t worry, mom,” Spider gently pulls back, looking up at you, “I love you,” 
And of course, he saw right through you. For as long as you had been together, he would always be able to read your emotions. As a child, he had been both hot and cold, always on the move until he wasn’t, then he would stick to your back or chest in a sling, snoring softly as he slept oh-so-soundly, cuddled close to your skin. Being of the sky people, he developed a little slower than Na’vi children, which led to more time spent with you while the other children moved more freely with their long, strong limbs. It didn’t take long after Spider’s sixth birth bead was added to his songcord, however. He was off like an Ikran after that, giving the Sully kids trouble to keep up with him. In the end, only Lo’ak had been able to keep up, their energy level just about maxing out together. 
“I love you so much, my son,” You whisper back, leaning down to kiss the crown of his head before pushing him away to follow the recoms as they left. 
Standing in the middle of the room, you watch as they walk out of the common room. Mansk stands by the door, looking over at Quaritch. The two of them are having a silent conversation, much the same way you’ve seen Quaritch and Lyle communicate. Mansk eventually nods and then, he too is out of the door, leaving you alone with Quaritch once more. A big, warm hand rubs your shoulder and when you turn your head, Quaritch stands there smiling down at you. 
“Don’t worry your pretty little head about him, sweetheart, the boys will keep him safe,” Quaritch squeezes your shoulder gently before walking over to the videogame TV, putting away the stuff that they had been playing with. 
Turning to him, you watch as he bends at the waist, letting out soft grunts as he reaches for the pillows on the ground, before putting them on the couch. You don’t understand why there were many pillows on the couch and only one in the nest, but you were certain that sky people had their reasons for that too, however strange it may be. 
“I reckon you want some real food, sweetie?” Quaritch hums as he folds a blanket before hanging it off of the couch end. 
“You are hungry too,” You offer, hoping he too wants the food Pandora has to offer instead of the awful stuff he had fed you all those months ago. 
“I am, sweetcheeks, but I’m not particularly picky. Now, for a sweet angel like you, a simple “pb-n’-j” on toast won’t do, will it?” You chuckle at the weird way he speaks, not really getting what he’s talking about. “Come,” 
Holding his hand out for you to take, Quaritch gently wraps his fingers around your hand before gently leading you through that very same door your son and the other recoms had left through. Walking down the corridors, he doesn’t let go of your hand. What he does do is walk slower, as if the destination he’s taking you to is one he doesn’t want to go to. However, when he opens a huge door and leads you outside, you’re confused as to why he didn’t want to go outside. 
“Call for Haw-nu,” He mumbles, but that couldn’t be it, could it?
“Hawnu,” You repeat back at him, noticing how he still hasn’t let go of your hand. It makes your stomach flutter wildly as your ears perk toward him. 
“Haw-nu. That’s what I said, wasn’t it?” Quaritch turns to you, his sharp eyes looking into yours as he silently tastes Hawnu’s name on his lips. 
“Not Haw-nu, but Hawnu,” You try again, an amused smile unable to stay hidden on your face. 
“Hawn-u,” Quaritch tries again, and try as you might, you’re unable to hold back the gentle chuckle that bubbles up within you. 
“No, Quaritch. Hawnu,” You repeat again, grinning up at him. 
“Hawnu,” Quaritch repeats perfectly, a fond smile sliding into place across his face as he looks down at you. “I like that very much,”
“Like what?” 
“The sound of my name on your lips, darling,” Quaritch cups your face with his free hand, his thumb caressing your cheek as you stare at each other. 
You hadn’t noticed that you had called him Quaritch. You don’t know when you had stopped thinking about him as the sky demon and when you had started referring to him as Quaritch. Worse than that, you were starting to think of him as Spider’s father. You don’t know what to do, or what to think at that moment. Quaritch was looking down at you in a way he had no business to - except… he had every right to. He had initiated a courtship and you had accepted it, foolishly thinking that he didn’t know better, and now, months down the path, you realized that you had developed feelings for this man.
Before you could pull away though, before you could step back, Hawnu and Cupcake landed before you, the two having heard or seen you long before you got the chance to call for them. Walking with you over to Hawnu, Quaritch greets your Ikran with a firm rub down his long forehead before gently helping you up on his back. Only then does he let go of your hand before walking over to Cupcake, greeting her in the same manner before making tsaheylu with her in such a smooth way only a natural-born Na’vi, that had made the connection through years of friendship, could. You’re left to clumsily make tsaheylu with Hawnu, your Ikran pushing worrying feelings your way before he gently takes off and you’re in the air once more. 
Feeling the fresh Pandora air against your face calms your nerves to a degree where you’re able to think straight again. Turning your head, you look over at Quaritch, finding his eyes already looking at you. He smiles gently, holding your gaze for a while longer before turning his head back. His profile is beautiful against the setting sun, his long neck, his broad shoulders… his slim waist. You don’t think you’ve ever seen such a thin waist on a warrior this mighty. The thought of running your hands up and down his sides, of holding onto that solid waist in either a hug or… 
Swallowing hard, you turn back to the sight before you. Distantly, you can feel Hawnu pushing his feelings of approval. He thinks you’ve made a good decision in your choice of mate and maybe he’s right. Quaritch has been attentive after you accepted his courtship, has paid more attention to you and your needs, on top of the attention he was already giving your son. He has proved to be a man worthy of love, worthy of a family, and the deep bond it creates. Calming your nerves, you breathe deeply, trying your best to settle the worried lump that has grown in your stomach. What a fool you had been to have believed him ignorant when it came to courting rituals, the only side of learning the Na’vi way you never thought him interred in, and therefore never even mentioned. You want to believe in Quaritch so much, want this change in him to be true because he willed it and not because it would gain him something. But trusting him fully, could you even do that? You realized that it was a choice you would have to make before soon. 
Hawnu dips down, descending to the ground below, and you suddenly notice how your mind has drifted away from you. Looking to the side, you can see Quaritch staring at you with a worried look on his face. You try your best to give him a reassuring smile, but you should have known that it wouldn’t fool the man. Instead, he points down to a clearing on a cliff and it’s only that you recognize where you are. You’ve been here before with the unit, training with their Ikrans as they learned how to make tsaheylu while free-falling. Nodding, you ask Hawnu to land, holding on tightly as he comes up on the clearing fast. Sliding down from Hawnu’s back, you gently break tsaheylu before moving in front of him, leaning your forehead to his as you silently apologize for your absent mind. 
“Are you alright, sweetheart?” Quaritch asks just behind you, his voice careful as he stands awkwardly behind you. 
“Yes,” You smile up at him, “Come, we should eat,”
“Right,” He doesn’t sound like he wants to gather food, but still, he follows you as you move toward the treeline.
The sun is quickly setting behind you as you enter the forest, the Great Mother bathing Pandora in a bioluminescent hue. Grateful that food is never far from places like these, you take your fill until you’re almost uncomfortably full, sighing happily at the sweet tastes the fruit offers you. Quaritch eats messily, juices dripping down his chin as he digs into the various fruits, eating with a healthy appetite. Distantly, you wonder if he feels grateful for having tasted Eywa’s creations, but when he looks up from his half-eaten yovo fruit, you can’t help the happy grin that spreads across your face. 
“What?” Quaritch asks, his mouth full, seeds sticking to his chin. 
“You eat like child,” You offer as you step up to him and gently wipe the sticky mess from his face. Bending down, Quaritch closes his eyes as he lets you clean his face, your own hands now slick with the fruit’s juices. 
“Well, I was hungry, darling,” He grins down at you when you step back, making a display of digging into the rest of his fruit, a grin of his own on his face as he gets messy once more. You can’t help the laughter this time and with it, Mile’s eyes glitter in the bioluminescent light. 
Showing Quaritch the nightlife in the forest, you study him as he touches every plant he can lay his hands upon, an almost childish, open smile on his face at every different reaction the plant gives. The wonders of the Great Mother shine so clearly in his eyes as he follows you, his ears twisting back and forth as you walk through the forest. Eventually, you lead him back to the clearing, noting how his face falls a little when he realizes. The child-like wonder shifts into soft contentment as his eyes meet yours, a gentle smile crossing his lips once more. For a moment you can feel your breath catch in your throat while your stomach flutters. He’s a beautiful man and when he smiles, when he directs it at you, and you alone, it feels like you’re caught in an invisible net.  
He sits down close to the edge of the cliff, leaning back on his long arms as he lets his head fall. Looking at you upside down, he huffs a chuckle before lifting his head to look out over the beautiful Pandora landscape ahead of him. Following his line of sight, you know exactly what he sees. The forest is bathed in glittering lights of every color, the plants below glowing beautifully as they share their lights with everything Eywa has touched.  Sitting down on the ground beside Quaritch, you fall into a comfortable silence, your eyes turned to the Great Mother’s creations. 
As the silence stretches on, Quaritch’s heat draws you closer until your shoulders eventually bump into each other. His bare skin radiates so much warmth, the sensation almost like getting wrapped up in soft blankets on a cold, rainy day where the wind howled through the cracks in the maruis. You don’t notice how you gravitate closer and closer until you’re plastered to his side, your head leaning against his shoulder. The silence is comfortable and his warmth even more so. Looking up at him, you notice how he’s only staring at you, a gentle look on his face. Smiling back up at him, you close your eyes as his right hand comes up to slowly push away a strand of your hair. The hand ends up cupping your face before his thumb caresses your cheek as you open your eyes to stare up at him again. You watch as he slowly leans down towards you, his eyes hooded as he nears, clearly intending for your lips to meet in a kiss. His descent is slow, his forehead resting on yours, giving you time to pull away if this is not what you wanted. His eyes meet yours, asking for permission before he turns his head slightly to the side to kiss you. Panic strikes you and before you know it, you pull away. You’re not ready for this. It’s too soon. You quickly get to your feet, stepping away from him. 
“It is late. I need to be with my son,” It’s the sorriest of excuses, the rejection so poorly veiled that it almost pains you. Still, Quaritch does not rage, does not raise his voice or take. Instead, he looks up at you with something aching to sadness before he nods, pulling his long legs beneath himself as he gets up. And that somehow makes you feel worse.
“I understand,” He says, not meeting your eyes. 
You’re just left standing there as he calls for your Ikrans, watching as they land before you. He holds your hand as he helps you up on Hawnu’s back, but no matter how much you search for them, his eyes never lift up to meet yours. There are no lingering touches, no gentle smiles, or commentary. Instead, he lets go of your hand as soon as you’re sat across Hawnu’s back, turning his back on the both of you as he walks over to Cupcake, rubbing her forehead and whispering something to her when she screeches loudly after he makes tsaheylu. The flight back is uncomfortably silent. And when you arrive at the base, your parting is even more silent as he walks to your door, putting his hand on the box before opening it for you. But before you’ve even entered, he’s turned for his own door, opening and closing it, without a goodbye, without even looking back. 
Stepping into your room, the wrongness of the situation fills you. The door closes behind you, its metal latches clicking into place as it seals you off from the outside world. Stepping into the room, you smile gently at Spider snoring loudly in your nest. He’s twisted into his blankets, a half-eaten spartan fruit sitting beside his head. Picking up the fruit, you put it down on the table before stepping into the nest. Curling around Spider, you wrap your arms around him, smiling at the way he sighs happily. There’s a pain in your chest, however. A pain that doesn’t go away as night gives way to dawn. Staring out of the see-through metal wall, you go through what happened time after time, after time again. 
Why had you pulled away? Had you not wanted this from him too? Huffing a humorless chuckle to yourself, you almost chastise yourself for even thinking about it. He was the sky demon, the destroyer of Pandora, the very person who destroyed your hometree. He was incapable of loving anything but himself and yet… Eywa eventually blesses you with rest, your mind numb and your soul empty as you drift off to sleep.
When the door to your room opens, the day is bright and Spider has watched his TV for a while. Ja enters your room carefully, eyes searching for yours as he takes you in. Understanding seems to hit him and he clears his throat before stepping further into the room when Spider excitedly greets him. You watch as the two bump their fists together, Spider grinning wildly as he asks about what the plans for the day were. 
“Bet you’re hungry?” Ja grins down at Spider before looking up at you, “Ma’am?”
“Mom, you didn’t get to see all the stuff we gathered yesterday. Mansk said we’ll be rolling down the hallway by the time we’ve eaten it all,” Spider’s excitement brings a smile to your face, but it doesn’t reach your eyes. You thank the Great Mother that your son doesn’t realize it. 
“He made some really great dishes for us, Ma’am,” Ja smiles gently before walking out of your room. 
Following Ja into the common room, you’re surprised to see a long table in the middle of the room. The unit is gathered there, eating and chatting animatedly with each other as they laugh. Quaritch sits at the end, moving a piece of ovumshroom around on his plate. He doesn’t meet your eyes as you sit down to eat with them, doesn’t greet you or acknowledge you at all. In fact, Quaritch doesn’t meet your eyes the entire day, avoiding contact as much as possible and giving silly excuses each time you try to talk to him. 
It pained you to see him like this. Pained you to know that your hesitant rejection had caused this. He had been nothing but kind toward you and your son, had worked harder than anyone and yet when it came down to it, you hadn’t been ready to accept him just yet. Maybe he thought you didn’t accept him at all? But that couldn’t be, you had accepted his courting after all. Your heart twisted painfully at the thought, your ears flattening against your skull as your tail whipped anxiously against your nest. Sighing deeply, you decided that you would corner him come morning. All of this just had to be a poor misunderstanding, right?
Chapter 9 | Masterpost | Chapter 11
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I remember you once wrote a post about snape not being written how JK rowling thought she did, can you elaborate on that please perhaps? I also heard he is so much more of a dick in the books (never read the books, only watched the movies some time ago xd)
Anon. Sit down. I have shit to SAY. Okay, so, Snape is 100% worse in the fucking books. He insults hermione so viciously that she permanently alters her appearance. He threatens to poison Neville's toad and actually punishes Gryffindor house when Hermione prevents that from happening. He constantly goes out of his way to insult, belittle, and embarrass Harry. There is no reason why an eleven year old boy should feel as though a teacher hates him. There's no reason why he should be right. Let's get one thing straight: Snape does not like Harry. He only protects Harry because of his love for Lily. He straight up admits it. Dumbledore asks him "You've grown to care for the boy?" and Snape says "for HIM???" Like. If Harry was not the son of lily, would Snape care about him at all? If Harry was the exact same boy (same personality, same everything), except that his mother was not lily, would Snape give a shit about him? No, right? So how can anyone say that Snape likes *Harry*? He doesn't! People will say that Snape had to be cruel to Harry to keep up his facade, but I call bullshit. Snape did not have to go as far as he did. When Snape catches Harry alone with the mauraders map, he insults Harry even though there is no one else alone. Tell me who he is putting on a show for? Harry already thinks Snape hates him, so why did Snape take that opportunity to viciously dig into him? Also, why does nobody talk about the fact that Snape chose to become a death eater in the first place? "He had to put on an act" Why join the play in the first place?? In my opinion, JKR gives him too many irredeemable characteristics and/or choices. Also wouldn't it have been a more sensible decision for him to be a good teacher to everyone? For someone who was trying to keep his secret identity under wraps, he does a poor job. Harry and his friends suspect him CONSTANTLY. Harry goes to Dumbledore multiple times about Snape still being in allegiance with the dark lord. If Snape's reasoning for being cruel to Harry and the non-Slytherins was so he would not draw suspicion to himself, he does an absolute shit job at it lmao.
Snape isn't an awful person as a facade. He's awful because that's who he genuinely is. Don't believe me? Well, we get a look at him outside of school, before he has any death eaters to impress. My beef with JKR is that we're supposed to forgive Snape after one chapter. The chapter "The Prince's Tale" is supposed to redeem Snape.
One. Singular. Chapter. In the final book of a 7 book series is supposed to undo every single thing we've seen so far. I'm not saying that's impossible, but I am saying it's not the chapter JKR seems to think it is. We're supposed to believe that Snape is so redeemed after this chapter that Harry deadass names his son after him. It absolutely KILLS me that in the chapter JKR uses to prove that Snape is a good person, he does more bad shit! It's not filled with cute Snape moments; it's filled with moments where he's a creepy ass young adult. He enters the potters' house after they die and you know what he does? He rips a photo containing Harry, James, and lily, and keeps the portion containing lily. That's fucking creepy! That photo could have been given to Harry, but no! Snape just had to keep the portion containing Lily.
When he's a teenager, he tells lily he won't "let" her do something (I forget exactly what it was). Lily accuses him of wanting to be a death eater and he not only doesn't deny it, but lily CALLS him out for not denying it. That is something that canonically happens. Snape DOES become a death eater! He is friends with people who do dark magic. He calles Lily a slur in front of a crowd of people. He's shown to have blood purist beliefs as a child; Lily asks him if her being muggleborn makes any difference and he hesitates before answering. It's clear he DOES think being a muggleborn makes someone less. I can forgive Snape for being a weirdo as a kid. Everything is more acceptable when you're a small child, but he never changes. In the chapter JKR uses to justify everything Snape has done so far, she shows him STILL being a bad person even outside of school!! She seems to think she wrote some tortured hero who was kind deep down, but she wrote a bully who was so obsessive over one woman that he didn't care about whether her husband and child died so long as she remained alive. Snape loved Harry? Snape was okay with him dying as a baby lmao. Once again, Snape only cared about Lily. JKR wrote Snape as obsessive when she clearly meant to write him as deeply in love. That's what I mean when I say she didn't write him how she seems to think.
Also, as an aside, I truly feel like Draco and Snape are kind of the same, but jkr HATES Draco, and that makes no sense to me lmao. Like, the series would have been better tied together if Draco was redeemed as well. I'm not saying Draco is a good person, but to call Snape a good person despite him being a cruel grown man, and in the same breath condemn Draco who is literally just a child who grew up in a racist family? What sense does that make.
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skyward-floored · 11 months
Very curious about the Legend/Marin/Windfish??? Situation in the incredibles au. Does Marin figure out the hero identity and gets her mind wiped? Does she die??????
There are just so many avenues you can go down and I'd love to hear what you've come up with
Sorry I’ve been sitting on this for a few days anon, it was mostly because I couldn’t quite decide which way to go XD
The big problem is I haven’t totally decided what I’m doing with Marin. I have several ideas, and this fic is one of them, but I’m not sure if I’m going to stick with this particular idea or tweak things or do something entirely different in the end, so this is in with the ambiguously canon works.
Scene from the second movie, hehe.
“Why did we drive clear across town to have dinner again?” Legend asked, his arms crossed over his middle as he waited for his brothers to all sit at their table. “Couldn’t we have just stayed home?”
“Yeah, what’s so great about the... the Windfish Eatery?” Wind asked in confusion.
“Ha! Windfish!” Wild laughed, and pointed to the flying whale on the menu. “Look Wind, it’s you!”
“I just thought we’d try somewhere a little different,” Time said as Wind threw a pepper shaker at Wild’s face, making Hyrule sneeze as pepper went flying. “Aren’t you kids sick of drive-in food?”
“I like drive-in food,” Legend muttered, and Time held back a sigh.
His son was still mad that Impa had erased all memory of him from his crush’s mind. Marin had seen Legend in his super hero costume without his mask, and Time had told Impa as a precaution, but selective mind wiping was... not an exact science.
It was now like Marin had never met Legend at all, and Legend was, understandably, rather upset she no longer knew he existed. They’d even had a date planned that she’d entirely forgotten about, and Time felt horribly responsible for the entire thing.
Which was why he’d decided eating dinner at Marin’s family’s restaurant was what they were doing tonight.
He hadn’t fully thought it out, but he had to do something— the guilt was eating him up, and Legend only grew more and more moody. It probably would have been wise of him to call Malon and just admit to her all of the problems their sons were having that he was dealing with, but he’d told her he could handle things while she was away.
So that’s what Time was doing. Handling it.
“Do they serve anything here that doesn’t have mushrooms in it?” Hyrule asked as he looked at the menu, a wrinkle to his brow.
“Try the back,” Twilight suggested, and Hyrule perked up as he saw the list of desserts.
“Since this isn’t drive-in, do we have to have vegetables?” Four asked with a frown, and Time nodded as the same person who’d handed them their menus came by and poured them all some water.
“It does. You don’t have to get peppers, but something green would be preferable,” Time said, and more than one of his sons groaned.
“I wish we could’ve had take-out again,” Wind grumbled.
“I’m sick of take-out, and drive-in,” Twilight said, looking eagerly at the menu. “Look, they have meat that isn’t hamburgers!”
They all began to chatter about hamburgers and junk food and the other items on the menu, but Legend merely put a hand on his cheek and stared out the window with a foul look on his face.
Time sighed to himself as Four asked Legend a question, and Legend took a large sip of water to avoid answering.
“Good evening everyone, may I take your orders?” a musical voice asked, and they Time glanced over to see that Marin herself was their waitress for the evening.
Legend looked up at her, and water spewed out of his nose.
“Ew, gross!” Wind yelped as he dodged the water, and Legend began to cough, cheeks flaming as he tried to stop choking on his drink.
Twilight immediately started thwacking him on the back, and Time grabbed a handful of napkins, drying off the water rapidly spreading across the table.
“Are you okay?” Marin asked in concern, and Legend looked away from her, coughing harshly into his arm.
“Legend, are you okay?" Time repeated, and his son's cheeks darkened even more.
"Fine, nothing to see here," Legend half-growled, still coughing into his arm.
The rest of the boys finished mopping up the water, Marin handing them more napkins, and Legend's coughing finally waned, his cheeks still bright red.
"Would you gentlemen like more water?" Marin asked once the mess was entirely cleaned, and Time cleared his throat.
"That would be nice, thank you. This is my son here," he said, jumping right in as he gestured to Legend. "Who I'm... sure you must know," he said a bit haltingly. "From... school. Since you seem the same age."
"Wow dad, smooth," Twilight whispered, and Time just barely held himself back from giving his son a look. Inwardly though, he was wincing at his own words.
Why couldn't romance ever be easy?
"Oh, hi," Marin said politely, and Legend's face somehow turned even redder.
"His real name is Link, but most of us call him Legend," Wild added helpfully, and Marin blinked over at him.
"Hello Legend," she greeted again, and Legend looked like he wanted to crawl under the table and die.
"Legend," Time prompted, "say hello to—"
"Don't push it, Dad," Legend bit out.
"I'm Wind, I'm his brother!" Wind said with a grin, and leaned across the table to shake Marin's hand. "These guys are the rest of his brothers too. There's a lot of us, and actually all our names are Link because one time mom sneezed when they were filling the birth certificate and—"
"Nice to meet you," Twilight interrupted, kicking Wind under the table.
"Hello," Marin said to the rest of them when they waved. She looked rather confused by the entire encounter, and Time felt the situation getting rapidly out of his control.
"This is good water, it's really refreshing," Four suddenly piped up, eyes a bit purple. "is it spring water?"
"Oh, I think it's tap," Marin said a bit apologetically, but Four just shrugged.
"Well I think it's really good," Four said, and Wind nodded.
"Excellent tap," he said in a posh accent, and clinked his cup with Hyrule's.
That was Legend's last straw.
"Excuse me," he bit out, sliding past his brothers and nearly running from the table, Time's stomach sinking as he disappeared from view.
"Well, nice to meet you," Marin said in the sudden awkward pause, then walked away as another table called for service.
"Where'd Legend go?" Wild asked, leaning across the table.
"Hm. Probably to find a good place to be angry," Twilight said, and Time sighed, massaging the bridge of his nose as a sudden headache throbbed behind his eyes.
Maybe calling Malon wouldn't be the end of the world.
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fff777 · 3 months
Watched Mark, Haechan, and Jaemin on Ddeun ddeun ddeun office with Yoo Jaesuk
You can see people working on their computers outside the door. I guess it's meant to give the show a more casual feel. And it does feel casual. The table is tiny lol.
Not that I am super well-versed in k-entertainment, but I get the sense that Yoo Jaesuk isn't doing as much stuff these days, and he was one of those guys that I felt like I saw everywhere. So I guess it's not unfathomable that he and NCT Dream haven't really interacted.
Lol asking about MBTIs and horoscopes as an icebreaker. This is so cheesy.
Haechan being left out as a Gemini but Yoo Jaesuk knows how to loop him back in lol
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LOL Mark feels discriminated against for being INFJ so he just tells people he's ISTJ. Is this some kind of catfishing?
The way Jaemin got quieter and quieter like he was revealing a big secret lol
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I didn't know Donghyuck liked taking photos too
Oh Jaemin is going to put on an exhibition :o He's releasing his pictures from the vault! We know he probably has hundreds of them. He mentioned in one of the US trips that only like 10-15% of pictures are usable? (I don't remember the exact %, but it was not high)
The Dreamies are so impressed that Yoo Jaesuk understood the NCT universe. On one hand, I get why it's confusing and if you ask the Neos to explain it, that can fill up more airtime. On the other hand, it is an interviewer's job to research their interviewees. Plus, NCT has been around for so long that NCT being confusing as a gimmick is kind of old. While this show has seemed a little humorous, I don't think it's meant to be over-the-top kind of comedy. So the "NCT is confusing" narrative isn't really necessary for comedy here.
Yoo Jaesuk is really nice to the guys by the way. Mark and Haechan were really nervous so I think it's nice that Yoo Jaesuk is trying to make them more comfortable.
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Mark and Jaemin are both the kinds of guys who have to fill up their free time ^^;;
Accidental drooling lmao
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I am the same, I prefer meeting people on a 1 on 1 basis. Anything more is too intimidating.
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On the flip side, Haechan as the resident E of the group prefers staying at home in his time off lol
This is his explanation
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Lol Donghyuck and Mark are both against coffeeshop culture
Mark and his brother got in trouble with their mom for looking at their phones during dinner lol
Donghyuck doesn't like when everyone's on their phones because he likes a boisterous atmosphere but Jaemin explains that being on phones is recharging for introverts
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Jaemin prefers phone calls to texts because he likes listening to people's voices :3
Yoo Jaesuk thinks Jaemin is romantic eh >3
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Big same
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No words lol
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What a change of topic
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Big oof but he has a good explanation. He knows it's not easy.
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New Jaemin lore. He didn't really get into the details (at least not in the English subs), just having said that he left and then came back.
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Lol Jaemin and Haechan both confirming that it was because they'd ordered hamburgers
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Mark got caught buying Tank Boy at the convenience store and then turned into Mark Boy ^^;;
LOL it was Haechan and a staff who caught Mark buying Tank Boy
Mark's full of questions about parenting eh
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LOL Yoo Jaesuk was explaining how as a girldad, he ends up not really scolding his daughter that much while his wife will scold the daughter. But as a boydad, he will scold his son while his wife will be more lenient with him.
Mark: Later in life...if...maybe...later...(I have kids)
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LOL Girldad Mark confirmed (but only in the next life)
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Lol Yoo Jaesuk and Jaemin are getting DEEP into parenting. Yoo Jaesuk was saying he sees himself in his son so that's why he's more strict with him, not wanting him to repeat his own mistakes. And Jaemin was saying how everything his parents told him ended up being right X'D
Mark: The sky is so pretty~ Haechan: What does that have to do with us? XD
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Doesn't surprise me
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All the others feel touched that Mark knows that Haechan likes Crayon Shin-chan and Haechan is still figuring out why it's touching ^^;;
Gym talk again X'D
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Mark is really excited for Dream () Scape!
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All of a sudden? But basically I think Jaemin is a little embarrassed that Mark is so hyped for Dream () Scape and he errs on the side of caution by staying humble.
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I think Mark is just really proud of how much work they put into this mini-album :3
Jaemin mentioned how people don't watch TV now so they have to do promos for Youtube shows and do dance challenges XD He's such an old person.
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Mark said once you make eye contact, you have to do a dance challenge together ToT so don't make eye contact
Looks like their challenge is similar to Hot Sauce
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Aw, we can definitely tell that Mark is really passionate about his work, and I think that comes with age and perspective. Now that he's older, he has more opinions about the direction he wants to take with his work. So his goals are more defined now that he just knows more. And now that he's older and is more skilled, those goals are also more within reach.
Haechan has brought up the graduation system on his own a few times, which is interesting. I love that they're not forced to hide that part of their history because the fact of the matter is that that affected how they grew as a group. And Haechan explains here that there were restrictions on what they could or couldn't do. In this case, Haechan was saying that they didn't release their first album until their fifth year, presumably because Dream was supposed to be a temporary group so it didn't make sense to drop as much investment in anything more than singles or mini-albums. And once Dream was turned into a permanent group and had restrictions lifted, certain goals also became more within reach for Haechan.
LOL Haechan and Jaemin were giggling when Mark said that they had a meeting to talk about how to improve. And apparently it was because it's normally just a meeting to get scolded by Mark or Jisung, which makes total sense because Mark and Jisung are the absolute perfectionists of the group!
Oh interesting, Haechan said that they've been having theese meetings for 11 years, since they were trainees. So it looks like they're like...general meetups for performance review? But now they have more substance and definition since they're actually working on stuff, and also have more opinions.
Aw Haechan sang his audition song :3
Jaemin and Yoo Jaesuk agreeing that you gotta admire yourself sometimes XD
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Haechan and Mark say that they admire Jaemin's confidence sometimes :P You gotta know how to hype yourself up! It's probably especially weirdy in the entertainment industry where you simultaneously have people praising you and trashing on you. You have to learn to be confident in yourself through that noise.
So Mark's brother was auditioning for all the groups and Mark tagged along
Mark trying to shoehorn Smoothie into his answer about his concerns XD
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I love this though, Mark is so confident that they're going to make a dent with Smoothie
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gaymer-hag-stan · 2 years
When Was Each Tekken Character Born?
Although we don’t have exact dates, we can actually figure out the year during which each character was born in based on the years the games themselves take place in. 
First of all, based on the game’s manual itself, we know that Tekken 1 takes place in the year of its console release and Tekken 7 sorta also confirms this based on the date of the Mishima Zaibatsu’s formation, so Tekken 1 takes place in 1995. Tekken 2 is set two years after that so 1997. Tekken 3 is set nineteen years after the events of Tekken 2 so that means 2016. Finally, all the other games from Tekken 4 all the way to Tekken 7 take place two years after 3, meaning we’ve been frozen in 2018 since 2001 when 4 came out, which in turn means the Tekken universe never got to experience COVID lol. Maybe that’s why they never changed the year again xD
So, with those dates established, let’s move on to the characters!
Paul Phoenix, Marshall Law, Lee Chaolan, Baek Doo San
Paul and Law were 25 years old during the first tournament so that means they were born in 1970. Lee is the same age as these old geezers but we can clearly see who got the good genes as he still looks fucking 30 lol. Baek is also apparently the same age as these guys though he arguably looks older than all of them and looked that way even all the way back in Tekken 2
Nina Williams, Jun Kazama
Tekken’s number 1 female fighter was 20 years old when she first appeared in Tekken 1 so that means she was born in 1975. One of the biggest mysteries in the series, Jun, was herself born in 1975 as she was 22 years old in Tekken 2
Kazuya Mishima
The original game’s protagonist was 26 years old when he defeated his father in the original game, placing his date of birth sometime in 1969
Ling Xiaoyu, Miharu Hirano
Tekken’s other prominent leading lady was 16 and still in school when she started kicking ass in Tekken 3 so that means she’s a 2000 baby. Something interesting about Xiaoyu is that she’s in her last year of high school from T4 to T6 and, since for the first time ever she doesn’t have her trademark Mishima Polytech school uniform in Tekken 7, this could mean that she finally graduated?? Her bestie Miharu who made her debut in Tekken 4 is also the same age as her
King II
King II was 28 years old when Armor King I finished training him and he was ready to officially succeed the original King so that means he was born in 1988. 
Hwoarang, Steve Fox, Jin Kazama
Hwoarang and his eternal rival Jin are 19 by the time they meet each other in the third tournament so that means they were born in 1997. Steve joined during the fourth tournament which is set two years after the third, and he was, and still is, 21, meaning he was also born in 1997
Lei Wulong
Super cop was 26 in 1997 so that means he was born in 1971
Heihachi Mishima
Heihachi was 52 years old when he lost the Zaibatsu to his son so that would mean he was born in 1943
Jane’s JACK, Feng Wei, Sergei Dragunov, Miguel Caballero Rojo, Tekken 1 JACK
Although he has a different body each time, the JACK robot that saved Jane was 5 years old by Tekken 2 when he found her. Ever since he got destroyed after the second tournament, Jane made it her life’s goal to save him and has been trasnfering his data to the prototype of each new JACK model from Tekken 3 onwards, meaning JACK-2, GUN JACK, JACK-5, 6 and 7 are, essentially, the same “person”. That means Jane’s JACK has existed ever since 1992. Alternatively, the moment that particular JACK-2 unit decided to develop a conscience and save Jane can be considered his “birth” year so, 1997. Feng and Dragunov are, to my surprise, only 26 years old (although they both look dangerously close to 40), so that means they were born in 1992 as well, which is sus if you ask me. Miguel is also 26 but he arguably actually looks the part. The JACK robot that fought in the original tournament shares the same year of creation as Jane’s JACK, but not the same conscisnce
Bryan Fury
Bryan was 29 years old when he started wreaking havoc in the series for the first time, during the events of the third tournament so that means he was born in 1987
Craig Marduk, Prototype JACK, Fahkumram
Marduk is currently 28 so that means he was born in 1990 and the prototype of the JACK series of robots was also brought into the world of Tekken that years as well. Newcomer Fahkumram is also 28, one of the three Tekken 7 newcomers who have their ages revealed
Christie Monteiro, Leo Kliesen
Christie and Leo are both 19 throughout their appearances in the series so that makes their year of birth 1999
Asuka Kazama
Miss Kazama is 17 years old so she was born in 2001
Eddy Gordo, Lidia Sobieska
Eddy was born in 1989 as he is 27 by the time he gets out of prison to fight in the third tournament. I’m not 100% sure about Lidia’s because her bio simply says she was 29 when she became prime minister of Poland, but the very next sentence says that she requested Heihachi Mishima removes the Tekken force soldiers he had stationed in Poland with him instead inviting her to the seventh King of Iron Fist Tournament so, while not 100% clear, it is heavily implied that her back and forth with Heihachi happens shortly after her election as prime minister
Julia Chang
Julia was born in 1998 and is 18 years old in Tekken 3, her debut game
Lili is 16 years old so that means she was born in 2002, interestingly, the year when Tekken 4 was released and started the in-game 2018 year that we’ve been stuck in ever since
King I, Bruce Irvin
The original masked wrestler was 30 during the events of the original King of Iron Fist so that means he was born in 1965. Two years later, Bruce joined the ranks of Kazuya’s Tekken Force so that means these two share a birth year
Michelle Chang, Anna Williams
Michelle and Anna were 18 years old when they joined the fight as part of the oiginal cast so they were both born in 1977
Ganryu was 32 in Tekken 1 so that means he was born in 1963
Kuma II
The original Kuma’s son is 8 years old in Tekken 3 so he was born in 2008
Wang Jinrei
Wang is already 82 years old and still kicking in Tekken 1 so he was born all the way back in 1913!
Bob, Forest Law
Mister Robert and Law Jr. are 27 years old, placing their dates of birth somewhere during 1991
The myserious assassin may not have a confirmed place of birth but she does have a confirmed age of 23 years, making her year of birth 1995
Xiaoyu’s pet-bodyguard is 7 years old in Tekken and was thus born in 2009, although in Tekken 5 she tells Kuma that she’s “too old for him”...
Eliza is 1.000 (and 4 months!) old during the T4-T7 timeline so that means she was born sometime in 1018
So there you have it! If you’ve made it this far congratulations! If your favourite character is missing then that means they don’t have an official age stated, most notably the majority of the Tekken 7 newbies. Some have speculated ages, like Lars being “around 28″ or Leroy being “over 50″ but these are too vague to take into account I think
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Yo I was reading those asks about Oroko casey reveal and it got me thinkin about another way-
It’s the little things that trip him up. The stuff everyone misses. But someone noticed, Splinter noticed. He saw how his eyes lingered just a little too long at Dons laptop. How his arms would flex during the rare times Raph convinced him into sparring as if he was holding back. His annoyance and speed to shut down Leo whenever he mentions Karai. But most of all, the tipping point, was when Casey had laughed at one of Mikeys jokes. Splinter couldn’t the joke itself but he remebered something else- Casey had that laugh, the same exact one as Oroko.
Forgive me if it ain’t that good ^^ was just thinking of other ways the reveal could go. I kinda love the idea that Instead of a sudden all at once reveal, someone on the turtles side slowly figures it out. Through little things that slip through the cracks. I think this can be a bit funny as well. Like Imagine if Don figured out first, he’d be all like ‘GUYS CASEYS DAD IS SHREDDER!’ and everyone else is like ‘Don we get you hate the guy but really? Bit much?’ And they’d be shook when the reveal happens again later down the line XD
Donnie having his Cadence from Phineas and Ferb moment and putting the pieces together is hilarious.
Everyone's like jeez Don.. We know u hate him but that's a bit far don't u think.
Casey would probably tease him and slowly make Donnie think he's going mad or something lol.
The reveal happens and Donnie's like I TOLD YOU! Does a full on victory dance before the whole thing hits em.
Splinter putting things together is another concept I love.
He and Shredder, Oroku Saki were brothers they knew each other like the back of their hands.
And Casey is most definitely his father's son.
The idea that Splinter sees a younger version of the man he lost is kind of heartbreaking as well.
Like a ghost that won't stop haunting him.
And it's things no one else but Hamato Yoshi would be able to spot.
Casey has his laugh.
Casey has his mannerisms, like flexing his arms before a fight, like he's reloading a weapon.
Something Saki thought was cool when they were young.
He crosses his arms when he's making a point, wipes his thumb over his nose when he's got an idea.
There's times the boys are speaking in Japanese and Splinter spots Casey for a second looking like he understands.
It's gone as quickly as it came but it was seen.
Casey is an offensive fighter, and at times has used moves that Splinter remembers from numerous sparrs with Saki.
And at times when Karai has been spotted, while his sons all raise their guards, Casey's lowers.
At one look you'd think it was just him trying to look cool but he genuinely knows he isn't in any danger.
Even his mask, feels like shadow from a forgotten time.
I think he'd have so many questions.
It his theory was correct... Than why was he here?
Why was he fighting against him but also talked fondly of his father, without giving too much away.
Why was this boy holding back in fights and bonding with his sons.
It made Splinter curious, just who was this Casey Jones... If that was even his name?
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egg-emperor · 9 months
I'm not sure what idea is funnier to me: The idea that Sage and Metal asked for 'Go Dad' shirts and Eggman gave them to them to celebrate his greatness, or the idea that they didn't, and he gave them the shirts anyway, to celebrate his greatness. He's the exact kind of egomaniac who'd reward a desire to celebrate his greatness with the chance to celebrate that greatness.
According to this we now know it was actually drawn with the intention of Sage and Metal Sonic making them themselves to wear!
But the with the way Eggman allowed them to wear them, especially considering how he seems very strict about the appearance of his perfect creations and how they must look exactly how he wants as it's one of the reasons he made Sage the shoes in the Sonic Channel art, and how Sage won't do anything without Eggman's authorization, it has to have been approved by him under certain conditions, so the same can still apply.
I don't think he'd have let them wear shirts saying anything if it wasn't dedicated to him in any way like that XD I can imagine them asking him if they can wear them because they need permission and him being very pleased by how they're hyping him up and how it's all about him like it's always supposed to be. He's very happy to have creations that desire to celebrate his greatness and encourage him!
It suits the theme of giving his robots sentience and making them compete so they'll strive harder to please him and do everything he wants in hopes of a reward, that's present in this game. It's fitting how his creations are made and encouraged to have thoughts of pleasing and celebrating him like that- and in this case the reward for wanting to support and hype him up, is letting them wear the shirts to do so at all XD
And the cherry on top is that the game is potentially happening on Metal Sonic's birthday too, if they have him share the same as Amy due to them having the same anniversary. Eggman doesn't insist on a shirt being made to support the potential bday boy Metal being his best son or something, instead he approves them wearing shirts that make it all about him instead which is even funnier if it is Metal's birthday lol
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unecoccinellenoire · 1 year
"Gabriel and Adrien bond by punching things" sounds amazing! xD
haha, thank you!
It's very much a season 4 fic so I'm unsure if it will ever be finished but have an excerpt:
The door slams against the wall with enough force to do damage and he meets his son’s wide-eyes across the hall and freezes.
Except it’s not quite with embarrassment, and when his tongue finally unsticks in his mouth if’s not with his usual hurried dismissal to do the same thing because Adrien—
Adrien had done exactly the same thing with the opposite door.
For the first time in, almost forever really, Gabriel sees himself in his son. Adrien's embarrassed guilty expression is, he's sure without needing any mirror, the exact mimic of what he himself is currently sprouting.
Over his breast his own anger is suddenly doubled, what he’s feeling and what he’s feeling suddenly an indistinct blur.
Usually he tries to ignore any emotions from Adrien the same way he does from Nathalie. He doesn’t plan to akumatise either of them, or at least in her case without her permission, so getting distracted by their feelings seems unnecessary.
Besides it's not as if he’d find anything other than just not fuel for this guilt. Adrien is obviously upset in his mother’s absence and Nathalie is obviously in pain and suffering from his mistakes and lack of victory, never mind the general stress from the situation Gabriel himself is also suffering. He doesn't need the Miraculous to tell him that.
But right now Adrien’s emotions are so strong and he’s in such close proximity that there’s no way Gabriel can not feel it.
And it’s the second time recently Gabriel’s son has screamed out for an Akuma, and he’d said he was fine and he’d slunk away in relief glad he didn’t have to attempt to insufficiently fill Emilie’s place. But it's happened again.
He should probably make another attempt.
He doesn’t want to.
But probably he should. He gets the feeling it's the sort of thing that would make Emilie yell at him, and Nathalie look at him in disappointment.
And maybe if he makes the topic Adrien’s problem, then his son will be distracted from Gabriel’s own issues and foibles.
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This came to mind and I thought it was funny so:
Team 4 and 7 are hanging out, just chatting about nothing when the topic of senseis came up. It's not that outta place for one of them to complain about a lecture or brag about a reward but then Naruto starts an all out war with one phrase.
"Man, Anko sensei sounds like way less of a hard ass than Kaka sensei..."
Jun almost gets whiplash from the double take they did and Amaya is already on the defense, arguing that Mr. Always Late is less of a hard ass than her awesome teacher.
Kaito is praying that this conversation will end, not liking the direction its going, because he knows from hand experience that BOTH senseis could be described as strict when it comes to training.
Yet it turns out the gods think it's funny to torture the tall fire user, they make a bet; each team will do a henge to look like the other and train with the other teams sensei for a day, whoever is more worn out by the end of the training period obviously had the more aggressive teacher.
Shenanigans ensue
I feel like Jun and Amaya are in for some PAIN XD Kaito is at least prepared and ready to get his ass kicked but neither of these two are anywhere near ready
While Anko is in the forest of death teaching her temporary students the danger of not running from a large snake fast enough. Naruto is not ok.
Kakashi is pushing his student’s to their extremes. Jun gets to learn just what a lil shit Kakashi is and i’m not sure they’re ready to process that information. They are also prime pickings for Mr ‘genjutsu’s Sakura into a break down on their first training excersise’
Only Kaito is standing at the end of the day.
The funniest thing about this is I think Amaya would have at least seen at some point what a hard ass Yua could be during training and then promptly looked at her son who has the bear exact same personality except less cool (in her personal opinion) and said ‘nah, he’s easy going for sure’
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mariekavanagh · 1 year
So actor Jacob Elordie is tall. Like really tall. I’ve seen clips of him on YouTube and he’s played a high school student in both of them. The way he towers over the other students as his character interacts with them is pretty much the same way I see Sirius towering over everyone else. So I look up Jacob’s height….and he’s 6’5”. Now I headcanon Sirius as 6”5’ and I cannot unsee it.
I imagine Walburga was both pleased and exasperated during his growth spurt. Her firstborn is turning into a towering ridiculously good looking guy buuuut she probably had to order new robes for him every six months 😂. And then when he’s living at the Potters Euphemia is astonished because they’ll have to get new robes for Sirius because she swears he has grown another inch and a half the last time she saw him at Christmas 🤣. (Meanwhile James, Remus and Peter enjoy having Sirius be their personal periscope when they want to see what or who is clogging up traffic in the halls).
I've just looked him up and goodness he is indeed a giraffe. And I daresay good-looking enough to perhaps be a fancast, if we fix the hair?
Anyways, I'm not quite sure I see Sirius quite as tall as 6"5 but he is canonically tall, so we're certainly able to interpret that to whichever height we wish. If I had to name an exact measurement, perhaps I'd go for 6"1? Tall but not so tall that it's the first thing people notice and insist on commenting on endlessly.
Walburga would certainly be irked when the day comes that her son is taller than her. She'll have to double down on the authoritarian attitude to make up for losing the ability to look down at him. The image of her barking up at him like a furious chihuahua at a Great Dane is certainly amusing xD
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walkingstackofbooks · 11 months
DS9 3x25 Facets thoughts (I’m re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!)
I love Nog's determination to join Starfleet, he really is putting his all into it, and good for him.
"Why can't you take after your friend here? He knows enough to stay out of Starfleet. Even a human can see that there are a lot more profitable opportunities out there for a young man with ambition." "Uncle, he wants to be a writer. There's no profit in that." XD yep Quark's argument definitely backfired there - surely he knows humans work for enjoyment, not profit!
"I've noticed they've [Jadzia and Leeta] been spending quite a bit of time together." Oh I can really see them being excellent friends, I wanna read more about Leeta&Jadzia...
Oh I've just realised what episode this is - hell yeah! Definitely looking forward to seeing this again!
"If you don't mind... I'd like to borrow your bodies for a few hours." I'm sure they've all heard of stranger things, but also That is Quite The Request to just come out with. 
Leeta being the one person super informed about the Trill is everything - and Julian looks at her so admiringly, it's sweet :3
The way Kira says yes is somehow so intimate, I can't with the way she smiles at Jadzia.
Ughh, I HATE oomax being used to force Quark into doing things, at any time, it's just gross - but especially here, when he's being asked to do something uncomfortable with his body but is expected to agree straight away without being given thinking time.
The special effects are so weird - the memories glow?
"I was one of the first women to serve as a council member. When I started out, I talked with my hands a lot. Lots of emphatic gesturing. I discovered some of my male colleagues were imitating of me, so I started to do this." It's always strange but interesting to see alien societies have the exact same problems as Earth - though for Trill, this was in the mid-late 2100s, so (god I hope!) long after women were treated equally on Earth. I'm curious now about how Trill society treated joined women whose symbionts had lived in male hosts, or if they once had a strict gender binary that meant symbionts were only passed down in same-gender lines? 
"It's so strange. It's like you really are Lela." Actually I had completely forgotten it was Kira's body too - Nana Visitor is an incredible actress!
I love how tenderly Shimerman is acting as Audrid - he isn't playing this for laughs.
I cannot take Torias' American accent seriously I'm sorry XD I can't tell if it's believable or not but at the very least it sounds wrong coming out of Julian's mouth!
The music and Sisko's soft voice... Chills
"I think that's enough of Joran for now." And you just believed him, Jadzia? That didn't even SOUND like Sisko!
I do love it when there's a scene and someone's head just pokes around a corner. 
Rom's bumbling about is very endearing no matter what Quark says
Rom ordering a uniform! So cute!
Odo kissing Quark on the forehead! Odo saying "Did I ever mention you're a magnificent scoundrel?" WELL THEN
This Curzon/Odo thing is quite a lot of fun though. 
"He's right, you know. And it's not fair. Starfleet has no idea who it's passing up. Nog, you would have made a good officer." Quark! That's so sweet?
"Yes, but the truth is, I felt sorry for you." FUCK YOU CURZON
"And if you ever do anything to hurt Nog again, I'll burn the bar to the ground." "You wouldn't dare." "Oh yes I would. My son's happiness is more important to me than anything, even latinum." Rom is just so good. (Also, makes me think of when Angelica sings, "I love my sister more than anything in this life, I will choose her happiness over mine, every time!" in Hamilton.)
He's definitely far more Curzon than Odo imo - he's got Odo's mannerisms but Curzon's enjoyment of life and personality.
"You can't intimidate me, Curzon. And I'm not a little girl anymore." YOU TELL HIM, JADZIA
The music.. Are we supposed to feel sorry for Curzon about his revelation he loved her? Because nope. No. 
I love how we get to see Julian and Miles playing darts and Sisko, Kira and Jake having dinner together just cos. That scene could have started with any generic Quark's bar shot but it didn't :3
Everyone's fond smiles <3
Nog it's too :3333 "I know I haven't earned the right to wear it yet, but my father got it for me." He's obviously a little uncomfortable knowing he shouldn't be in uniform yet but he still wears it to make his father happy <3
"It just occurred to me. As soon as that kid graduates from the Academy, I'm going to have to call him sir." I love how O'Brien says this with fond amusement.
"What can I get you, Nog?" "A root beer. It's an Earth drink. Something they serve at the Academy." "A root beer. This is the end of Ferengi civilization." Always so dramatic, Quark.
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The time has finally come! Welcome to the analysis of the last song from Encanto – All of You
- And we’re starting on a negative note, because why did the translators think that it’d be a good idea to change the line “But we’ll get by just fine” to “Nothing [in life] comes for free”
- This is a minor nitpick, but “You’re more than just your gift” is in Polish “There are more things that count” which is the closest translation, but it’s less direct :(
= I have to say “A mistake grew from my love” is a beautiful line, but it’s still not the same as “Just so afraid I’d lose you too”
*They juggled singular and plural “you” in a very smart way here I have to say
+ All of you is so smartly translated! Since “all” is gendered in Polish, they simply take the chance that it’s repeated and use first the feminine version, then the masculine, hence “Cała ty, cały ty”
+ “Yes, does anyone want to talk about Bruno?/Then maybe I’ll go!” hsbvhjsbchs
= “wyszło” and “wszystko” is a really nice rhyme
- But other than that, Bruno’s part isn’t the best in terms if exact translation? Honestly I don’t really understand what he was trying to say, like, I have the lyrics before my eyes and I don’t get the meaning so maybe that’s a problem with me. I’m also not sure if “Mam ten gest” was supposed to be a Frozen reference like in the original or not? Though it reminds me more of “It’s hard to be a god” but this one is definitely a problem with me
+ Felix’s voice sounds extremely weird here and he’s barely audible but he says “szwagier” (brother in law) so yay
+ Bruno’s informal contractions are conveyed in him saying “siory” instead of “siostry” to his sisters :>
+ “Hey, we're just happy that you're here, okay?” turned into “You’re finally where your home is” 🥺
= No mention of them being triplets, but personally I’m glad, it would sound weird
+ “Nothing’s gonna stop us!”
+ HBHCBSHDCBSHDCB “cała wieś” hzbdhjbsc why is it so funny to me XDD
* He literally says the whole village is coming but like, Encanto was always called a town and the sheer word village is just so funny to me in this context
+ “Strength or not but I have my reason” I really like it :3
+ “Let’s plant something may it grow/ To the stars and you too/ Fly there” I like it, it’s a nice callback to Isa’s song and I think it even makes more sense than the og line of “C'mon, let's plant something new and watch it fly/ Straight up to the sky, let's go” because why would the plants fly XD
+ “Though the stars are burning, the constellations will glow” I love this line and also the implications
+ Mira uses a colloquial idiom “to be in a ditch” which has the same meaning as “to be blue” :D
+ The difference is very slight but Szczepaniak really just pronounces the line “Have you met Dolores?” with such sweet curiosity (and contrariness?? Like the tone you have during bantering I guess) in her voice :3
+ “Papa” with a strong p is such a good substitute for “g’bye”
+ Okay I’m going to translate the entirety of Dolores’ part because I just prefer it y’know, I genuinely like it better
“You have such a voice/ You take care of your mom just a perfect son/ And you write lovely poems in the evenings right before bed/ So maybe you’d wake up and maybe you’d notice me?” “Dolores… where had I had my eyes?” “Talk to me like that”
I just- It’s better
Fight me
Though I have to admit I never understood what’s the deal with “I see you/I hear you” like?? Is this a reference to something? Is this a thing people say to each other in the US?? Why is this a big deal she literally heard him all the time
+ Just “It’s our home” instead of “Home sweet home”, I suppose I like the use of sayings in the characters’ lines, but well, first of all we don’t really have this one here, second it stays as the reference to “The Family Madrigal” and three, I just think this simple line really works here
= Instead of “celebration” Alma says something similar to “chaos” though a little more affectionate XD
+ Bruno’s voice when he says “We need a doorknob”, really, you just have to hear it, it’s like “well duh” but good natured XD
+ The line “For you, please take it” itself and the way Antonio says it 🥺
+ “You have such fire [embers?] within/ Such bravery you have inside”
+ “Open the door” “And your eyes too”
- We don’t get “Abre los ojos” :(
+ “ Do you see anyone?/ Is someone there?” “Oh yes… it’s me” ijwegqijugqhu 😭
And on this note we officially finish our translation comparison journey! As for “All of you” itself, I’d say it starts pretty weakly, but it really picks up to the point that there really are some parts I like more in the dub, so really a perfect song to end this movie.
I hope you enjoyed all the analysis posts and you’ll enjoy them for other media as well!
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