#hexagon diamond ring
missradiantjewels · 3 months
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synajewel · 1 year
Hexagon Shaped Hoop Earrings
If you're looking for a unique and stylish twist on classic hoop earrings, look no further than the Hexagon Shaped Hoop Earrings. These earrings feature a sleek and modern hexagon shape, adding a touch of sophistication and elegance to any outfit. The earrings are made with high-quality materials and expert craftsmanship, ensuring that they're not only beautiful but also durable and long-lasting. They're designed to be lightweight and comfortable to wear, making them perfect for everyday use or special occasions.
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mysticstronomy · 8 months
Saturday, October 7th, 2023
Welcome back,
Is it possible to stand on the surface of Jupiter??. We know Jupiter has lots of clouds and a thick atmosphere. But if you went deep enough, and assuming you were not crushed by atmospheric pressure or the planet’s gravity, would you find land that you could stand on? To answer that question, we first need to peek under the clouds to get a feel for what these planets are like.
Floating in the clouds of the Solar System’s giants are oceans.
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As you descend into the atmosphere of the outer planets, two things happen: It gets hotter, and the pressure rises. Jupiter and Saturn are gas giants made of mostly hydrogen and helium. At a certain depth, the hydrogen, along with perhaps some liquid helium, compresses into an ocean. Jupiter’s ocean might be the largest in the Solar System, and it is so pressurized that the hydrogen loses its electrons, turning it into liquid metal.
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As it moves, this ocean creates an electrical current that gives Jupiter a magnetic field 15 times the size of the Sun. It is the largest magnetic field of any planet in the Solar System.
Uranus and Neptune might also have oceans, this time of liquid water. In addition to hydrogen and helium, these icy giants have high percentages of water and ice. While the idea is still controversial, some scientists believe that at a certain depth this water becomes liquid, and it might be mixed at the molecular level with minerals.
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This liquid might be super-heated above water’s boiling point, but high pressures in the clouds above keep it from boiling away.
For 200 years, we have known about a storm on Jupiter called the Great Red Spot. The Earth could fit inside the Spot, and the storm extends about 350 kilometers down into the planet. (The tallest recorded thunderstorms on Earth are about 20 km tall.) At these depths, the temperature is too high for water to condense, meaning that storms on Jupiter operate very differently than those on Earth.
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The fastest winds in the Solar System, meanwhile, belong to Neptune, and they rage at 2,000 km per hour. This speed can be explained in part by the atmosphere’s great shear, which is created by different latitude bands rotating at their own speeds. In addition, the cloud tops of Neptune are colder than -200°C, but the interior of the planet blazes at 5,100°C. This temperature difference contributes to the high winds.
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Then there is Saturn’s weird hexagon, a six-sided cloud band over its north pole made by a polar jet stream. The shape is unique in the Solar System, and it might be formed by different layers rotating at different speeds.
Uranus and Neptune might have some other remarkable attributes. For example, there might be oceans and rainstorms of liquid diamonds on Uranus and Neptune. Here on Earth, scientists found that with enough heat and pressure, diamonds can liquefy without becoming graphite.
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While we have not observed liquid diamonds directly on Uranus and Neptune, the pressure and temperature have created the right conditions. Diamond rains may also happen on Saturn and Jupiter. There might be another peculiar kind of rain on Saturn. One of its rings rains material back down to the planet, and it contains a mixture of carbon dioxide, butane, propane, ammonia, and water.
Now, we finally can circle back to the original question: Can you stand on the surface of Jupiter or any of these giants? Probably not.
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Saturn’s clouds move at different speeds depending on latitude. Clouds near the poles move slower than those at the equator. This differential rotation is seen to a depth of 10,000 km, or one-sixth of the way into the planet. At Saturn’s core, which is about 12 to 20 times the size of Earth, there is a concentration of heavy elements.
In between Saturn’s core and its clouds, we can imagine a couple of scenarios.
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One consists of layers, and it comes with a clear definition between land and atmosphere. Many previous models of Saturn’s interior imagined such distinct layers, but there is another possibility: The core of Saturn becomes rocky only gradually, as hydrogen and helium slowly mix with the heavier elements in the core. Such a model is often referred to as a “fuzzy core.”
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Six years ago, the Cassini space probe ended its mission and dropped through the clouds of Saturn. As it crashed into the planet, it sent out gravitational data that has been analyzed by scientists to determine the properties of the planet’s interior, and the observations favor a fuzzy core model. A similar core is suspected on Jupiter, while Uranus and Neptune may or may not have them. It is difficult to know for sure until we have more detailed observations of these planets.
Originally published on bigthink.com
(Wednesday, October 11th, 2023)
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pforestsims · 2 years
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Default replacement for The Sims 2 Engagement Ring Box. Decorative version is included as bonus (pic above, on the right).
Thanks to the brilliant @episims​​ who helped me make this replacement, it’s now possible to have a few different box textures in the game! When your Sims propose, one out of seven colour combinations will be picked at random.
Ring Box Default* / Multicolor mod
& Decorative box with diamond ring
♥  Download (SFS)
Polycount: 838. Deco box is 1142 poly
* There's also a ‘standard’ default, seven options to choose from.
⚠️ Multicolor mod notes:
It requires Easy Inventory Check by @hexagonal-bipyramid​​ (included). Will only work if you have Nightlife EP or later EPs.
If you use Color Traits by Epi, you’ll need their Ring stones by color traits mod (make sure you have the updated version). It has to load BEFORE Multicolor box mod !
More pics below the cut:
Decorative box has two subsets, mesh contains recolours. The ring is not recolourable. Pic below shows seven colour combos that are available as default shades. Textures are small, 256 x 256 px.
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dimity-lawn · 4 days
I went to an antique store today and, in addition to a book on medieval and renaissance miniatures and a simple and dainty but sturdy handkerchief, I got a couple of other neat finds.
One of these was a question mark stickpin! Long have I loved the late Victorian-Edwardian trend of question mark pins, and now I have one! Of course it’s not one of the super fancy gold and diamond ones, but it’s certainly enough for me, and I’ve never seen one for such a low price ($5).
The last thing I got is just *chef’s kiss*. It’s a tiny little silver* mesh coin purse to keep on a chatelaine. No, even smaller than that. No, even smaller. Smaller. Think ridiculously and amusingly wee. The purse itself is ever so slightly shorter than my index finger. The ring to connect it to the chatelaine is subtly decorated (I absolutely adore the subtle decorations on so many Victorian-1910s things, including glasses frames) on either side, the outer rim, and even the inner rim(!). At the center of the elongated hexagonal frame is a circular lid, approximately the size of a quarter, to open the purse. Upon opening it, you will see that the lid isn’t just a flat surface, but is one of those spring coin dispensers. This can hold about 3 coins, and can accommodate dimes, although they are a little tricky, as they are almost too small to fit, pennies, and nickles (which are on the large side). Quarters cannot fit into the dispenser, but can be held in the purse. I’m usually not personally one for tassels (at least on my own items), but I kinda like the chain tassle on this. Despite how it appears in the photo, the chains are not a tangled mess. The mesh is surprisingly heavy, but it’s super cool. The mesh moves with unexpected fluidity and drapes quite nicely. It sorely wants polishing, but that’s not that big of a deal. I can’t help thinking of dwarfish micromail from Discworld.**
*Well, presumably silver at the ring and at the frame. I’m not sure about the mesh. **Seriously, you hold this thing and suddenly you’re a fashionable dwarf lady. Didn’t you see Jools wearing a similar one in the latest issue of Bu-Bubble?
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taylorswiftstyle · 9 months
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MTV Video Music Awards after party | September 12, 2023
Alessandra Camilla Milano 'Blue Rain Diamond Cuffs Drop' - $2,490.00 Mindi Mond 'Bullet Shaped Hexagon Platinum Diamond Ring' - $10,500.00 Natasha Schweitzer 'Double Band Pear Diamond Ring' - $3,367.00 Nicole Rose 'Diamond Cross Over Ring' - $1,150.00
Worn with: Vintage necklace, EB Denim dress, Aquazzura bag, and Aquazzura sandals
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ask-a-goldsmith · 2 months
In writing my last few posts, I have realized that there is quite a lot of basic(to me) knowledge required to understand most of this stuff. I've done my best to explain as I go, but I think this deserves its own post. So, here we go!
Junior Gemology 101
This post is mostly about diamonds! I am well aware it's called Junior Gemology, but 90% of what I deal with on a day-to-day basis is diamonds. Also, a lot of this applies to coloured stones too, so no need to repeat myself.
What is a diamond, actually?
Diamonds are carbon! That's all there is! Except for inclusions. And coloured diamonds. Those have little bits of other materials in them. And are also a topic for later. I digress. Like always.
Specifically, diamonds are carbon atoms bonded together covalently in a tetrahedral shape. Confusing enough yet? This means that each carbon atom is bonded to 4 other carbon atoms. It's ok if you don't get it, I spent about 3 hours trying to understand diamond structure before things started to make sense. This website has a 3D model of the tetrahedral structure seen in diamonds and is what I used to finally wrap my head around it. The important part is: diamonds are made of carbon atoms connected in a pattern. If the pattern was different, It wouldn't be a diamond! If the carbon was bonded in hexagonal rings, it would be graphite! Same atoms, veeeerrrryyy different result.
What makes diamonds so darn special?
I've told you what a diamond is - so why do people care about this very specific pattern of carbon? The answer is(mostly) that humanity LOVES shiny things, and diamonds are great at being shiny. Why have diamonds become THE shiny thing to have? A combination of some REALLY successful marketing campaigns and some of diamond's unique characteristics. These characteristics include things such as their hardness, brilliance, and fire. I went deeper into these characteristics and what they mean in terms of telling diamonds from other stones in this post, but I'll give you a quick run-down here.
Diamonds are very(and famously) hard. They're a 10 on the Mohs scale, and almost nothing is harder than them. This doesn't mean diamonds are impervious to damage - while they are very hard, diamonds can also be brittle, and a hard smack in the wrong place can chip, crack, or even shatter a diamond. Trust me, I know. I've broken a few by accident.
Brilliance and fire are what give diamonds their characteristic bling. Though they are classified as different things - brilliance being the bright white reflections of light and fire being the rainbow reflections - they're both caused by diamond's Refractive Index. Refractive index(RI) is the measurement of the speed at which light travels through different materials - for our purposes though, think of it as how much a ray of light bends when it moves from one material to another. Diamonds have an RI of 2.42, which causes high brilliance and a medium amount of fire. RI isn't super important for most people to know - it really only comes into the conversation when comparing diamonds to simulant materials.
What are the 4 Cs?
The 4 Cs are the meat and potatoes of diamond basics - Carat weight, Colour, Clarity, and Cut. These four terms are used to describe diamonds worldwide, each describing a different part of a diamond's look.
Carat weight is the weight of a diamond. Pretty self-explanatory. What's not clear is what a carat actually is - no, not a carrot. A carat. A carat is 0.2 grams. Therefore, a 5 carat diamond(good lord) would weigh 1 gram. With me? Why do we weigh diamonds in carats instead of grams like sane people? Because way back yonder, carob seeds were used as a counterweight to weigh diamonds, and language did what language does.
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Image from loosegrowndiamond.com
Colour refers to - you guessed it - the colour of the diamond. There are two basic systems that GIA(The Gemological Institute Of America, and the accepted authority of these things in North America) use; the normal colour range and the coloured or fancy diamond range. The normal colour range is used for stones that are colourless, light yellow, or light brown. These are the most common colours of diamond, thus the "normal" colour range. These stones are graded alphabetically D-Z, with D being colourless and Z being quite noticeably yellow or brown. Normal range colour grades are sorted into 5 groups based on the general amount of colour; colourless(DEF), nearly colourless(GHIJ), Faint(KLM), Very Light(N-R), and light(S-Z).
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Image from GIA article 4Cs Color
Stones that fall outside this range (stones that are too yellow or brown for the scale or show any colour other than yellow and brown) are graded using the fancy colour grades. Fancy colour grades are an entire thing, but generally pretty self-explanatory. The grade will include 1 or two colours(the more dominant of which goes last) and an intensity descriptor such as light, intense, fancy deep, etc. For example, a stone may be graded as a fancy greyish blue - this means that the stone has a middling amount of colour and is blue with a hint of grey. Easy peasy.
Clarity is how many inclusions are in a stone. Well, technically it's more complicated than that, accounting for placement and contrast and type of inclusion etc etc etc. Really, clarity is how many inclusions you see in a stone. Inclusions are things in the diamond that are not diamond, such as included crystals, or imperfections in the diamond itself, such as cracks(called feathers) or chips.
Clarity grades are, frankly, confusing as fuck. There are 11 grades, broken down into 6 grade groups. From highest to lowest, they are; Flawless, Internally Flawless, Very Very Slightly Included(VVS), Very Slightly Included(VS), Slightly Included(SI), and Included(I). VVS, VS, and SI are each broken into 2 grades - 1 and 2. I is broken down into 3 grades - 1, 2, and 3. The lower the number within a grade, the better the grade - a VS1 stone would be less visibly included than a VS2. You know what'll help? Visuals!!
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Images from GIA D&DG Chapter 11. Credit to John Koivula/GIA
The diamond on the left is graded as a VVS2 - the red arrow points to the inclusion that gave it this grade. The diamond on the right is graded as an I2. No red arrows are required - this stone has many highly visible inclusions. If you want a little more info (and examples) of clarity grades, GIA has a lovely little tool that explains it quite well.
Cut refers to the shape of a diamond - specifically, the combination of shape(face-up outline) and cutting style(the arrangement of the facets). A classic round brilliant is what most people think of when they think of a diamond, but there are dozens of different cuts. When talking about cut grade, cut refers to how well executed the cut is. Are the proportions ideal? Is everything symmetrical? Is the polish well done? These determine the cut grade of the stone. Cut grades are as follows, best to worst; Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, and Poor.
What are the parts of a cut diamond?
Specifically, the parts of a round brilliant diamond. Round brilliant is the name of the most common cut of diamond. Think of a diamond. Is it round? That's almost definitely a round brilliant. Think I've said round brilliant enough? Round brilliant. Whew. Done with that now. This is best explained with diagrams.
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The parts we're most interested in are the table, crown, girdle, and pavilion. The way those 3 parts are shaped and proportioned has a huge effect on the looks and value of a diamond.
Knowledge Check
Let's say you're looking at a 1.01 carat round brilliant diamond - it has a colour grade of F, a clarity grade of SI1, and an excellent cut grade. So, what does this mean to you?
Round brilliant is the cut of the diamond. It has a round outline and a brilliant cutting style. 1.01ct is a fairly large diamond - this one in particular is 6.42 mm in diameter (that's a quarter inch!). This stone is colourless - F is the lowest colour grade in the colourless range, but it is still classified as colourless. The diamond will either have one large or several small inclusions that are easy to see under 10x magnification, but hard or impossible to see while looking through the table of a stone with the naked eye(they may be visible through the pavilion with the naked eye). The diamond will be very well cut - the best cut grade possible, in fact! There will be no visible variation in the girdle outline, and all the facets will be well-placed and symmetrical.
It's up to you to decide if this stone matches your criteria - is SI1 a good enough cut grade for you? Is 1.01ct the right size? How "good" a stone is depends on what you want - there will always be bigger, clearer, more colourless diamonds on the market. What makes a stone "good" is if it's the right fit for you. Another stone may be better quality, but if it's out of your price range, then it's not a good stone for you.
In Conclusion
So, you made it this far! Congrats! Hopefully, I haven't bored you too much. We've really just scratched the surface - this was enough information to give you a good idea of what's going on and allow you to navigate the mysticisms of those strange numbers and letters you see associated with diamonds. All information was taken from the GIA Diamond Essentials 130 and Diamonds and Diamond Grading 230 courses and my 6ish years in the jewelry industry. If you have questions about specific pieces of information or want more resources, send me an ask! I will be delighted to answer.
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9w1ft · 1 year
Is she wearing the same ring that we have seen KK with? The one with small “balls” all the way around? Sorry not a very good explanation English isn’t my first language 😅
i had the same thought! i am waiting for better pictures but yeah there is a kind of ring with diamond or hexagon shapes all the way around that often gets worn. i think there are a few though so i’m hoping we get a clearer pic
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missradiantjewels · 3 months
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sweetestofchaos · 1 year
Blackthorn Ch 7 | M.YG
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Pairing: Crown Prince Dragon!Yoongi x Crown Princess Impundulu!Keena Genre: Soulmate AU | Arranged Marriage AU | Fantasy AU | Fluff | Angst Word Count: 7K Warnings: Arranged Marriage | Crying/Breakdown | Feelings of Betrayal | Light Depictions of Anxiety Rating: PG16
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The Announcement - As the Princess' envoy leaves the Min Empire, the young royal is blindsided with shocking news.
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a/n: As always thanks to @sailoryooons for betaing (you're fucking awesome for doing this so last minute) and making the banner. Credit to @colormepurplex2 for making the Namjoon edit.
Taglist: @thickemadame
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The night before the warriors and the rest of the Princess’s envoy were to travel back to Escistan, Ceyeh knew that the Princess’ cycle was over and she coaxed the sleeping soul to come to the forefront and take control. When Byulyi entered the Princess’ chambers to wake her the next morning, she gasped in surprise to see that Princess Keena was wide awake, perched on the windowsill to watch the sunrise. Wheein quickly told the other handmaidens about the Princess’ awakening and Yongsun was quick to send word to the Empress. 
“It is good to have you back, Princess!” The handmaidens all gushed as they rushed around to get the Princess dressed for the day. Since the Princess was seeing a part of her heart off, Yongsun thought it best to dress the Princess in the traditional Iro ati Buba. The colors were bold and the material was a mix of soft satin, cotton and textured brocade. A deep red buba with coral pink and ruby red hexagonal designs started the outfit while a simple burgundy wrapper was tied around the Princess’ waist. The pele around her hips was the same coral pink from the buba and the iborun -  the scarf that was draped over the Princess’ left shoulder - was soft and delicate pink that tied everything together. 
As Hyejin braided the Princess’ hair, she wrapped it into a tight bun that sat a few inches from the base of the Princess’ neck and carefully situated the soft pink gele - the head piece - on top of her head. Byulyi started on the Princess’ makeup when Hyejin was finished and focused on the Princess’ eyes. Red, pink and gold was patted and swiped on the eyes with a thin line of black to pull it all together. The Princess’ lips were painted a glossy red while golden dust kissed her cheekbones.
Ropes of pink baroque pearls hung from around the Princess’ neck in different lengths, matching elongated golden earrings with pink pearls dangled from her ears while thick golden cuffs with red and pink diamonds sat on the Princesss’ wrists. The ring finger of her right hand was adorned in two rings with thin gold bands and three white scolecite gems on each - the Prince’s gift - while simple chunky gold rings covered the other fingers on her left hand. She was a vision of strength and grace, both soft and powerful as the red embraced the pink.
Yongsun led the Princess to the main door of her room and knocked three times. The door opened and Princess Kenna was greeted by Aga’s wide eyes as he took in her appearance.
“Princess-” Aga cleared his throat and bowed with his arms crossed over his chest, “It is good to see you again.”
Princess Keena eyed Aga as he rose to his full height and clicked her tongue. "Li bon wè ou, Aga." Princess Keena inclined her head as she crossed her arms over her chest and Aga fought the twitch in his lips. “Her Majesty is waiting, lead the way.” 
Mingi, Minho, Chan and Jooheon all bowed to the Princess and welcomed her back with smiles. Princess Keena bowed her head in thanks and fell in step with Aga beside her while Mingi and Minho took up the rear.
“How are you feeling, Princess?” Mingi questioned and Princess Keena kept her eyes forward as she spoke.
“I feel as though I have just woken from a very short sleep. My mind is at ease yet my heart is heavy. I do not wish to see my family leave me so soon.”
“You are with a new family now, Princess,” Minho offered and Mingi glared at him.
The Princess’ lips twisted into a sad smile, “Yes…I suppose I am.”
Aga cleared his throat once again and spoke clearly, “I will remain by your side, Princess.”
Princess Keena turned her head and looked at Aga’s profile. He was starting behind? “And what of Izaso? Is she okay with this arrangement?” 
Aga grunted and clasped his hands behind his back as he thought of what best to say. “Kèy rayisab yo se renouvèlman lanmou."
Princess Keena smiled softly at Aga’s words. The quarrel of lovers is the renewal of love, it was another saying that her parents often spoke of. Izaso would be hurt but she would take this next chapter in stride. 
“The time apart will pass quickly, I am sure. We will not be here for much longer once everyone leaves.”
Again Aga grunted and his hands tightened around each other at the Princess’ words. The rest of the walk to the Empress’ outdoor chambers was silent. Princess Keena took in the sights around her that she missed while Ceyeh protected her. Dark herringbone wooden floors led to the Empress’ outdoor chambers where she was seated with three other women, two of which were very familiar to the Princess. Aga, Mingi and Minho all bowed before they took their leave and blended in with the other guards. Princess Keena bowed before the Empress, like she had learned in her etiquette class and the women all smiled. 
“It is wonderful timing on your part to join us, my dear. Are you feeling better?” Empress Eunkyung stared at the Princess and took in her colorful outfit. The Empress wore a plum colored seukan chima with two thick gold bands wrapped around the skirt from the center and the hem. A cyan dangui with dark yellow ribbons and trim completed the outfit as golden dragons rested stitched onto the shoulders. 
“I apologize for my sudden absence and I am better now. Thank you, Your Majesty.” 
“Join us for breakfast, dear.” The Empress smiled up at the Princess and motioned for her to sit beside her.
Princess Keena bowed her head and carefully walked over to the table and sat beside the Empress. 
“I am sure you remember your tutors? However, you have not been introduced to one of these ladies before you.” 
The Empress motioned to a woman with taupe colored skin with a pale pink overlay that seemed to shimmer even when she sat still. Her eyes were round and large like a horse. Lined by thick, dark eyelashes that made the purple, green and pink specks shine brightly in her black galaxy eyes. She had a wide and long face, with plush lips framed by deep laugh lines. Pink hair was twisted into many braids and wrapped into two elongated buns on each side of her head. Eight braids from each bun hung free from the center and grazed the woman’s shoulders while square cut bangs hid her forehead and eyebrows. 
Princess Keena bowed her head after the woman bowed her head, “I am Saina and I will teach you civics once your lessons resume. ” Saina raised her head and the Princess noticed that in the center of Saina’s forehead hidden behind her bangs, a two inch circle peaked out. Saina noticed where the Princess’ eyes went and she touched the smooth circle.
“Have you ever seen a unicorn, Princess Keena?” Saina’s question shocked the Princess. A unicorn? Princess Keena remembered reading in a book that the unicorns were slaughtered in ancient times for the power that they held within their horns. She didn’t remember if the book said they were extinct.
“I am one of the few survivors from the Sovurika tribe. We are but a few hundred in numbers and mostly keep to ourselves. Some, like myself, left home for a new life.”
“I am honored to accept your knowledge.” Princess Keena smiled and Saina grinned with a closed mouth. 
With introductions out of the way, Princess Keena took a moment to take in Saina’s outfit. It was nothing that she had seen in her time spent in the Min Empire and she wondered if it was from the south or north. Saina wore a silk sky blue jacket that was mixed with cream and gold brocade fabric and had long, wide sleeves that reached just past her knuckles. A wide leather golden band was wrapped around her waist with a sky blue velvet belt and gold buckle over it. The skirt was the same shade of sky blue silk that pooled around her ankles with cream colored lace overlay. It was a fun outfit and the Princess admired it very much.
“Now then, let us eat before the meal gets too cold.” The Empress motioned for breakfast to be served and conversation was light as the morning meal was set out.
The Princess laughed and enjoyed her time with the women before her. Zarrin, Ellarian and Saina were a joy to interact with. They had different opinions and their jokes were different. They were all older and filled with priceless stories of their past. Princess Keena listened to their words and etched them into her memories, she would remember this day always. As breakfast started to be wrapped up, the Empress rose to her feet and the other ladies followed.
“Thank you all for joining me this morning, it was a simple pleasure that I tend to miss.” The Empress bowed her head as she spoke again, “Please enjoy the rest of your day. Princess Keena, it is time for us to depart and say farewell to your envoy.”
Princess said her goodbyes to her instructors and followed a step behind Empress Eunkyung as they made their way to the main courtyard in front of the palace. Servants and warriors alike were lined up to leave for Escistan and the Princess noticed her five handmaids closer to the back. As Empress Eunkyung stood beside Emperor Chungho, who wore his red and gold gonryongpo, on a raised platform. Princess Keena noticed Prince Yoongi as he stood off to the right of his parents. She took in his appearance and her heart beat excitedly in her chest. Prince Yoongi wasn’t dressed in his gangsapo or gonryongpo like she thought he would be. 
Prince Yoongi wore black hakamam - wide legged pants - with a black fitted blouse and on top he chose to wear the red and gold silk kenta that the Princess had gifted him. The fabric wrapped around his right shoulder and hung loosely like a toga. It looked wonderful on him and the Princess smiled. 
The Prince had his hair piled high on his head, the sangtu replaced with a sleek ponytail that reached just below his shoulder blades. The black manggeon around the Prince’s forehead kept any flyaway hairs from his face as he stared at the people below him. Hoseok walked over to the Princess and motioned for her to follow him as he led her to stand beside the Prince on the platform. Prince Yoongi turned his head toward the Princess at her arrival and bowed his head while the Princess copied his action. 
“You should wear Escistan garb more often, it’s very becoming of you.”
Prince Yoongi’s ears flushed red but he gave nothing away of his embarrassment on his face as he stared at the Princess. The smile on the Princess’ face started to fade the more Prince Yoongi looked at her silently and she raised an eyebrow.
“Do you not like it, my Prince?” 
Prince Yoongi shook his head. “I like it very much, Princess. Thank you again, for such a thoughtful gift.” Prince Yoongi’s eyes softened as he gazed at the Princess and he licked his lips. “...I have missed you.” His voice was rough, softened by the meaning of his words and Princess Keena looked down at the ground. The Prince’s fingers twitched as he fought the urge to lift her face and force the Princess to look into his eyes. “You look beautiful, Princess.”
Hoseok cleared his throat from behind the two young royals and the Prince turned his attention to the men and women who were bowing before him. Princess Keena crossed her arms over her chest and as she started to bow, from the corner of her eyes she noticed Prince Yoongi had followed her movement. Emperor and Empress Min watched from the corner of their eyes as the Prince and Princess together with their arms crossed over their chest bowed to those lower in rank. Prince Yoongi waited for the Princess to rise before he followed her movements once again and stood tall by her side.
Princess Keena felt her eyes burn as she watched her envoy shift row by row into their bird forms. Those who were not of the Escistan army started to climb into sixteen men litters carried on the backs of giant flying turtles. Aga left his post and the Princess watched as he cupped Izaso’s face between his large hands. Tears were spilling down Izaso's face as they said their goodbyes. Aga kissed her tears away but it was no use as more and more kept falling. The sky started to twist from blue and yellow to many shades of gray as the Princess tried not to cry. They were really leaving and she would have only Aga by her side. The Princess flinched when fingers brushed against her own and she bit the inside of her cheek when Prince Yoongi grabbed her fingers with his own. 
They stood by each other, side by side, holding hands as they gave each other silent support. The sky slowly melted into a dull blue with faded white clouds as Prince Yoongi squeezed Princess Keena’s hand every once in a while. Aga stepped away from Izaso and she shifted into an openbill stork. Princess Keena held her head a little higher and as silver bled into the brown, she started to chirp loudly. Aga’s pale yellow eyes burned bright as he answered the Princess’ call and those in her envoy joined in. The air was filled with a heavy promise of hope as the bird song subsided and they took off into the air.
Aga shielded his eyes as he watched them depart into the sunny sky. He brought his hands down to his mouth and shouted loudly, “Zèklè a pral frape!”
“Princess…” Prince Yoongi ran his thumb over the rings on Princess Keena’s fingers and smiled faintly knowing that she continued to wear his gifts. He turned to face her and licked his lips; the Princess’ eyes were slowly shifting back to their warm brown. “Would you like to see one of my favorite places in the palace?”
Princess Keena nodded her head and Prince Yoongi noticed his parents as they watched him from over the Princess’ shoulder. Emperor Chungho waved his hand for the Prince and Prince Yoongi sighed. He started to remove his hand from the Princess and his father shook his head which made the Prince eyebrows pinch together. Princess Keena giggled and poked at his protruding bottom lip without a second thought. Prince Yoongi turned his attention back on the Princess and narrowed his eyes.
The smile on the Princess’ face was worth it and Prince Yoongi shook his head. He hadn’t even realized that he had started to pout. “We are being summoned by the Emperor.”
Princess Keena nodded her head and Prince Yoongi tightened his hold on her hand as she turned to stand by his side. Together they walked over to Emperor Chungho and Empress Eunkyung who was at his side.
“Would you hatchlings care to join us at the lotus pond?” Emperor Chungho glanced down at the young royals’ connected hands and held out his own hand for his wife to take. Yoongi stared at his parents confused. 
“A new brood of lemming ducklings have hatched and they have made their home in the pond,” Empress Eunkyung further explained as she noticed the confusion and weariness on her son’s face while the Princess’ face lit up. Lemming ducks were only of the Min Empire and she wanted to see if they were as cute as everyone had said. Prince Yoongi looked between his parents and ran his tongue behind his teeth. They were hiding something and he wasn’t sure what it could be. He looked to his side and Princess Keena’s eyes were wide as she silently begged for him to come with.
Prince Yoongi scratched his nose with his thumb and index finger and squared his shoulders, before he motioned with his free hand. “After you, your Majesties.” 
The Prince and Princess kept a few steps behind the Emperor and Empress as they followed them farther away from the main entrance of the palace. The lotus pond was located in the northwest section, it was part of the Gildows lake that the Empress had requested to be blocked off.  The lotus pond was also part of the fourth garden, better known as the wisdom garden, which housed a botanical garden and one out of three of Namjoon’s arboretums.
Stone pathways were laid out to create an intricate maze in between iris, daylilies, yarrow and cornflower among many other flowers. Five, seven foot arch ways, bloomed with vivid apricot and pink mandevilla and bright white wisteria with deep pink bleed heart flowers tucked along at the bottom, that led to the small peninsula that had the lotus pond at its edge.
Princess Keena's eyes grew brighter and wider as the colors and floral scents around her came together. It was breathtaking, the seamless harmony of the garden around her. Soft quacks caught the Princess’ attention and Prince Yoongi chuckled as he felt the quicken of the Princess’ pulse. 
“Come on,” Prince Yoongi tugged at the Princess’ hand and hurried past his parents. Princess Keena easily kept up and once at the water’s edge she squatted down to get a better look at the small creatures in the stone pond. Four lemming ducklings wadded in the water while their momma rested on one of the falter stones. They were tiny, only a little bigger than a tangerine with tan and black fuzzy bodies and cute rounded ears; that’s what made them lemming ducks afterall. 
“Oh, they are so sweet!” Princess Keena leaned into the Prince’s side as he squatted beside her and continued to gush about their cuteness. 
“Would you like to feed them?” Prince Yoongi offered and the Princess’ smile grew ten times in size. The Prince stood and eyed the Princess as he started to back away but her attention was right back on the ducklings. He turned on his heels and noticed that his parents were sitting in the gazebo enjoying the shade. He clicked his tongue but kept his thoughts to himself as he walked over to the feeding box. It was a four-by-four box that was attached to a wooden post in the ground that held special feed just for lemming ducks. The Prince grabbed the wooden spoon and poured two scoops into his hand before he headed back to the Princess. 
“Here you are, Princess.” 
Prince Yoongi squatted back by the Princess’ side and motioned for her to hold out her hands. The Princess cupped her hands together and the Prince smiled. Were the Princess’ hands always so small? 
“Be careful,” Prince Yoongi spoke softly as he instructed the Princess on how to hold out her hands. Princess Keena did as told and allowed for the Prince to support her cupped hands in his free one and watched as Prince Yoongi closed his fist and started to funnel some of the bird feed into her hand. 
Hearing the soft tinkle of the dried fruit, flowers, oats and seeds the lemming ducklings started to paddle towards shore as quickly as their feet would take them. They started to crowd the Princess and she laughed that chime-like giggle that carried on the breeze as one of the ducklings waddled on to her skirt.
Another duckling settled on Prince Yoongi’s shoe and he dropped backwards onto his butt with his knees bent. Together the young royals started to feed the ducklings. They laid down the feed and Princess Keena couldn’t stop smiling as another of the ducklings nipped at her fingers. At some point, Prince Yoongi lowered his knees and stretched out his legs, the duckling on his foot moseyed along farther up his leg until it was tucked away in the folds of his kente.
 Carefully, Princess Keena scooped up the duckling that had nipped at her finger and held it up to her face. The duckling stared at her, tiny ink black eyes, unchanging and the Princess smiled once again.
“Hello, sweetheart. Have I upset you?” Princess Keena questioned the hatchling softly and it quacked quickly, its wings flapping at its side as the tiny baby stomped in her hands. 
“Can you understand him?”
“Her,” the Princess corrected the Prince softly as she nuzzled her nose on top of the ducklings head before she kissed its beak. 
“How do you know it is a female?”
Prince Keena glanced at the Prince and softly jerked her head in the ducklings direction. “She told me.”
The Prince’s eyes widened and Princess Keena laughed. “I can understand all birds, it is the gift of the impundulu; in turn they can understand me as well.”
“That’s-” Yoongi stared down at the duckling in his lap and stroked the top of its head, “Incredible, simply incredible.”
A loud quack filled the air and the ducklings all responded with their own smaller quacks. “Time to go sweetheart. Be good for your mother, all of you.”
The Princess lowered her hands and the duckling toddled off back into the water. She looked beside her and the duckling in the Prince’s lap was sound asleep. Prince Yoongi looked at the Princess unsure of what to do, so she reached out and scratched the top of the ducklings head to wake it up.
“Your family is waiting for you. Hurry along,” she whispered as the duckling shook out its feathers. The tiny thing looked confused and quacked in alarm before it nuzzled its beak into the Prince’s thigh and hurried off into the water as the Princess watched. When the Princess turned around with a smile on her face she startled at the sight of Prince Yoongi staring at her with the softest of smiles. “Why are you staring at me like that?” 
The tips of the Prince’s ears heated as he cleared his throat, “Come on, I can feel my parents watching us.”
Prince Yoongi jumped to his feet and held out his hand to help the Princess off the ground. They dusted themself off and again the Prince offered his hand. Princess Keena gently placed her hand into the Prince’s and both of them felt their faces heat from the neck up. Prince Yoongi cleared his throat once more and started to tease the corner of his lips with his tongue as he led the way to the gazebo where the Emperor and Empress waited.
Inside the gazebo, two zabuton mats were on the wooden floor in front of the Emperor and Empress with enough space between them to fit a small table. Empress Min smiled at the young royals and extended her hand towards the seats.
“It looked like you two enjoyed yourselves. Come sit, tell me all about it.”
Emperor Min looked off in the distance and clicked his tongue, the refreshments he had requested were arriving. Prince Yoongi helped the Princess sit first before he took his place beside her and sat with one leg tucked under his thigh while the other was bent. He frowned as the Princess sat with both legs folded underneath her butt. 
“You can relax my dear,” Empress Min cooed softly as she reached out and placed her hand over top of the Princess’. Princess Keena bowed her head in thanks and shifted so that her feet were no longer under her but folded off to the side at a slight angle. “I saw you both made some new friends.”
“I think his Highness made a new friend,” Princess Keena teased and Prince Yoongi rolled his eyes. “The duckling went right to sleep in his lap.”
“Oh my!” Empress Min covered her mouth with her hand while Emperor Min smiled. “I knew they would take a liking to you, my son. I was surprised their mother didn’t come say hello.”
“She sensed the impundulu,” Princess Kenna started to explain, “Most birds know I am not a threat to them and those around me are the same unless I say otherwise.”
“What a useful skill to have. Is that due to your bloodline?” Emperor Min questioned and the Princess nodded her head.
“Those with the blood of the impundulu have an affinity with birds of all kinds. It is useful while traveling long distances. The wild birds around us tend to help protect us and warn of any unseen dangers that are around.”
Emperor Min hummed as he clasped his hands together and sat up a little straighter. “It truly is a blessing from those above to have you with us, Princess Keena. We are forever honored by your presence.” 
Empress Min copied her husband’s posture and they both bowed forward lightly with their heads lowered. Princess Keena sat frozen while Prince Yoongi’s eyes widened. His parents bowed to no one but the ancient dragons before them. 
Before Princess Keena had the chance to recover from her shock, Emperor and Empress Min both sat upright with little to no emotion on their faces. Prince Yoongi heard the footfalls of the servants and he waited to see what would be placed in front of them. He sat with a frown on his lips and it only seemed to deepen once the food was placed in front of everyone.
Matcha cookies, purin, mooncakes, agar agar jelly, candied dates, and other fine desserts were laid out on beautiful hand painted dishes with golden dragons. Four white plates were passed around and the Prince’s brows pulled together as he stared at the Peruvian fire lily that was painted on the plates. The words of the Empress echoed loudly in the Prince’s mind as he watched his parents speak and joke with the Princess. They smiled and laughed, leaned into each other in a way that he had never seen after he turned of age. The sweets in front of him were colorful and perfect, too perfect. 
More dishes came out. A bowl of chestnuts and freshly made pear blossom wine caught the Prince’s attention and he raised an eyebrow as he watched his father, the Emperor pour some into four small bowls that had gold and blue fish painted on them. Princess Keena laughed into her hand and turned to face the Prince with a smile on her face but it dropped quickly when she saw the dazed look in his eyes.
“Your Highness?” Princess Keena carefully placed her hand on the Prince’s arm and gave him a light squeeze. The laughter at the table died down and Princess Keena tried again just as softly, “Prince Yoongi?”
The Prince flinched and shook his head as he tried to clear the thoughts in his mind. His mother’s words echoed loudly again in his ears as he looked at everything in front of him. It was used to celebrate one's engagement. 
Warmth from the Princess’ hand seeped through the material of the blouse he wore and burned him. His skin started to overheat and sweat collected underneath the headband around his head. His tongue felt a million times too big for his mouth and made of lead. Slowly he forced himself to gaze upon his parents and he saw the way their faces were blank, expressions schooled to not show what they were thinking. True royalty at its finest. 
“You are trembling, my Prince. Do you feel unwell?” 
The endearment of the Prince’s title wasn’t missed by the Emperor or Empress. Prince Yoongi gulped, his throat dry and scratchy as his parents stared at him with unforgiving eyes.
“When the time comes, I will fulfill my duty to the throne. You do not have to worry yourself with that thought.”
“Promise me Yoongi.”
“Pardon?” Yoongi stares at his mother confused. Promise her?
“When the time comes, you must promise me here and now that you will fulfill your duty to the throne.”
Prince Yoongi carefully situated his legs underneath himself and sat up straight. He turned his head to the Princess and offered her a hand as he forced his lips to curve upward into a tight smile that didn’t reach his eyes. 
“I am fine, Princess. However, I do believe my parents wish to discuss an important matter.”
Princess Keena placed her hand into the Prince’s open palm and she turned her attention back to the Emperor and Empress who were now looking at their son with the same emotion she saw in her parent’s eyes before she left Escistan. She hadn’t been able to discern that look and even now she still could not. Emperor Min turned his gaze to the Princess and he spoke with power and poise.
“The war with the west has started. Our forces will join those on the battlefield soon enough. We have faith that this will be a victory, however for the sake of Escistan’s future, we formed an alliance with your parents, the King and Queen as you know.” Emperor Min folded his hands inside of his sleeves and continued. “During negotiations your parents stressed that it was of the utmost importance to ensure the survival of the impundulu’s bloodline.”
Princess Keena understood the Emperor’s words, it made sense that her parents had wanted the impundulu bloodline to thrive and survive. Princess Keena did not understand why the Emperor felt the need to discuss it at greater length. Princess Keena glanced over at the Prince and he looked ill. What little color he had to him was replaced with a pale gray green hue. The Princess rubbed her thumb across Prince Yoongi’s knuckles and he squeezed her hand lightly.
“As agreed upon by the Escistan Kingdom and the Min empire,” Empress Min spoke for the first time in a while and her eyes were now golden which put the Princess on edge. Whatever was to be said was important. “First Princess Keena and First Prince Yoongi are to be wed-”
Princess Keena’s body stiffened up while the Prince felt all the air leave his body. Both the Empress and Emperor spoke but their words fell on deaf ears. Suddenly the weight of the Prince’s hand in her own didn’t feel right to the Princess and she pulled her hand into her lap. Prince Yoongi’s hand hit the floor and the priceless rings on his fingers smacked into the wood. The thump was so loud that it cut through the words of the Emperor as well as the Empress and echoed in the air. The warmth of the Princess’ touch had faded the moment she let the Prince’s hand go and goosebumps rose on his skin from head to toe.
The Princess folded in on herself and bowed her head. “Forgive me your Majesties…I am feeling...I-I need-” the Princess didn’t know what she needed but she couldn’t stand to be in the presence of the royal family any longer. She rose to her feet, bowed once more and hurried out of the gazebo. 
“Aga!” The Princess’ voice was aghast; it quivered with an unheard of tone full of alarm and disbelief. 
Aga rushed to her side having noticed the heavy storm clouds that were formed over the gazebo. He fought every fiber of his being to not pull the Princess into his arms like she were a mere child and hide her away from the world. He longed to ease her mind and see a smile on her face but he knew that would take time. He knew what the royals had spoken about, it had been planned this way before they came to the Min Empire. Princess Keena was betrothed to the First Prince of the Min Empire, Prince Yoongi; it had been this way for over three years since talks of war had first come about. It was a horrible secret that Aga swore to protect until the very last moments when it all was revealed. 
“Come Princess, let us head back inside.” Aga waited for the Princess to move forward and when she wouldn’t, Aga picked her up in his arms and carried her into the palace with Mingi and Minho behind him.
Small tremors made the Prince grit his teeth as he pulled his hands into his lap and glared at the sweet treats before him. His parents had yet to speak after the Princess walked off and he wasn’t sure if he wanted them to. He had questions, so many questions but he knew that now was not the time. He was not in the right state of mind and needed to leave before he said or did something he would come to regret later on. 
Prince Yoongi forced himself to his feet and bowed his head before he left the gazebo without a glance back at his parents. Hoseok was by his side and remained silent because he had heard everything. The storm above the gazebo was gone but the Prince smelt the lingering scent of heavy rain. A storm would come at some point to answer the impundulu’s call.
“Spar with me.” 
It was a sudden request that Hoseok wouldn’t refuse and once they reached the training grounds, he looked at the weapons rack.
“Hand-to-hand?” Hoseok had offered and Prince Yoongi grunted as his eyes started to shift from black to gold. Hoseok’s blood started to heat and his amber eyes blazed as striking carmine red flecks moved around. Prince Yoongi would attack with his all, Agust was just below the surface and Hoseok knew better than to mess around. This was going to be a brutal match for however long it lasted and he was ready. He was there for his friend no matter what.
On the way to the palace, Aga was intercepted by Hyejin who led everyone to the butterfly house. Namjoon was waiting outside of the gate, his dimples on full display and they disappeared when he saw the Princess in Aga’s arms. A guard opened the gate for Aga and Minho followed while Mingi stayed behind and explained to Namjoon that the Princess had been feeling unwell. Namjoon understood and hid his disappointment well behind a kind smile. He could always show the Princess around her new home later on when she felt better. For now he spoke with the royal doctor Hyunwon about visiting the Princess and had a soothing tea delivered to the butterfly house right away.
As the Princess’ main pillar of support, Aga took it upon himself to inform those within the butterfly house of the Princess’ engagement to Prince Yoongi. Yongsun had already known since Empress Min had briefed her on everything before the Princess arrived. Everyone else was shocked but they kept their thoughts to themselves. 
Misty blue skies shifted into a whirl of orange, yellow and pink before light faded and the night enveloped the sky in a bleak, black blanket filled with tiny diamonds of despair as on and off rain soaked the ground. Princess Keena sat on the wooden engawa outside of her open window. Her hair was down and braided all together into a single braid that rested against her back and brushed against the floor. The iro ati buba from the morning was replaced by a simple lavender silk nightgown with darker purple lace trimming along the bottom hem that covered the Princess’ toes. She wore a matching iridescent silk robe over the nightgown that had tiny dark colored flowers stitched along the shoulders with wide butterfly sleeves and a two foot train that trailed behind her. 
It was a cool night as the Princess leaned against one of the support posts and stared up at the moon. Her eyes were puffy and burned, each blink sent a slow tear sliding down her face. The Princess had swore that she had no more tears to cry but her eyes seemed to prove her wrong as every conversation with the Prince played in her mind. Their friendship that had meant the world to her was brought into question at the forefront of the Princess’ mind. Did the Prince know about the engagement? Had he played his role this whole time to ensure that the Princess wouldn’t fight the announcement?
Princess Keena’s low lip trembled as she pulled her knees up to her chest and buried her face in her knees. Her cries were muffled as her body shook. She never thought that Prince Yoongi would ever be the cause of her tears and that realization caused the Princess’ heart to pinch painfully. She inhaled sharply and choked on the snot that had caught in the back of her throat. She coughed harshly and slapped at her chest as she fought to breathe clearly. Each inhale pierced her heart and burned the lungs.
The weight of the betrothal was crushing, an unrelenting force that kept pushing and pushing at the Princess’ mind; determined to shatter all the happy memories that she had created with the Prince. The implications were very real, yet the Princess fought with herself internally as she shifted through the last couple of days.
She had been lied to before, not on this grand of a scale but a lie was a lie. The Prince's eyes were shimmering mirrors of his soul; a warmth so soft and soothing it melted away the icy fear that locked around the Princess’ mind. That gummy smile that made the Prince’s age unknown, childlike and free. His words had supported the Princess long before his hands…could she still lean on them? Could she face the Prince after tonight? 
The guards all tried their best to ignore the Princess’ cries as it wasn’t in their nature to abandon someone in need. Mingi chewed at the skin of his thumb as he hid in the shadows closest to the Princess. Minho was on the south side of the hanok, Aga who couldn’t stand to hear the Princess’ cries switched posts with Chan, and Chan was on the east side of the hanok while Jooheon stood guard with Aga at the front inner entrance to the hanok. The Princess’ handmaids were all wide awake in their room, waiting for the moment that the Princess called for them.
Mingi refused to watch any longer as the Princess started to slip into a deeper and darker hole. He emerged from the shadows and his green eyes gleamed in the starlight of the night. His movements were silent as he walked over to the Princess and sat beside her. The warmth from his body broke the chill in the air and the Princess shivered as goosebumps appeared on her skin. Sniffling, the Princess lifted her head and before she could wipe the snot and tears from her face, Mingi held out a yellow handkerchief while he stared off into the distance. Princess Keena took the handkerchief and carefully wiped her face. She winced as the soft fabric touched the raw and tender skin under her eyes and nose.
Mingi chewed at his lower lip in thought before he spoke up, “Sometimes it is better to speak what’s on your mind while another is near. My mother used to say that another body is better than air when you are upset or have a lot on your mind.” Mingi toed at the grass below him and scratched the back of his neck. “She also said that not everybody needs to speak, they only need to listen.”
Princess Keena slumped against the support beam and turned her body more to face Mingi. The brown of her eyes were lined in a thick silver ring that seemed to slowly ebb away little by little. Mingi pushed his damp hair from his face and glanced at the Princess who stared at his profile silently. The Princess’ lips twitched and she clicked her tongue before she kicked out her legs and dug her bare toes under the meat of Mingi’s right thigh. Mingi grunted from the icy chill that seeped through the fabric of his trousers but he kept motionless.
“I don’t want to hate the Prince…” Princess Keena’s words were soft and scratchy as she spoke, “He’s my best friend and I-I would like for us to remain that way.” The Princess wrapped her arms around her stomach and sunk within herself as she continued to speak her mind.
“How does anyone expect me to wed the Prince? Once his parents step down from the throne, the Prince will become the Emperor and that would make me the Empress. I know nothing of this empire. I am not fit to rule beside the Prince nor shall I bear him a proper heir.”
Princess Keena fell silent and Mingi glanced over her way once again. The Princess had a hand over her stomach and a frown was set deep on her face. “I have never heard of two such powerful beings producing such a creature.”
Mingi winced at the thought of the Princess’ situation and licked his lips. “If I may Princess-” Mingi carefully untucked the Princess’ toes from under his thigh and rested them on his hands to spread more of his body heat. “I have known the Prince for a long time. I have seen him defend the weakest of creatures without a second thought.” Mingi started to twist his wrists a little to create some friction between his hands and the Princess giggled as her toes started to warm.
“I truly believe that you and the Prince alike are victims to your titles. I cannot imagine His Highness would ever try to deceive you to gain power, yet alone force himself upon you for the rest of your lives.” Mingi spoke true and sure as he kept his gaze on the tree in front of him. Princess Keena rolled her eyes with a sigh and pulled her feet free from Mingi’s hands.
“...Thank you, Mingi. Your mother was a wise woman and taught you well.” Princess Keena rose to her feet and bowed her head with a soft smile. “Goodnight, Mingi.”
Mingi scrambled to his feet and bowed deeply. “G-Goodnight, Princess!”
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synajewel · 1 year
Diamond Owl Pendant
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Add a touch of elegance to your jewelry collection with our stunning Diamond Owl Pendant. At Syna Jewels, we offer exquisite and unique designs that are crafted with precision and quality materials. Browse our collection of Diamond Owl Pendants and find the perfect piece to complement your style. Shop now and make a statement with Syna Jewels. Call us at 201-336-4132 Address: 2125 Center Ave #107, Fort Lee, NJ 07024, United States
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adobe-outdesign · 1 year
Being that the official art for the "alternate form or pre-evo" of Terapagos is released, what do you think of the design overall?
(This is the last review request in the inbox currently! Feel free to send in Pokemon you'd be interested in getting reviewed; otherwise I might just randomly generate some.)
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At the time of writing this, we're not actually even sure what this thing's name is, let alone what its relation to Terapagos is—pre-evo? 10% form? Some other third thing? My personal money's on pre-evo, but regardless of the exact details, we can tell this is a weaker version of the bigger tera turtle. And honestly? Not the biggest fan.
Let's start with the good things. I like that the shell on the back is a single hexagon (pentagon?); hearkens back to the crystal idea and works well with how Terapagos' shell has the same shape right in the middle. The purple limbs contrast well with the lighter blue accents, and it doesn't have the multi-colored type icons of Terapagos, allowing the red accents around the eyes and mouth to pop nicely.
However, there's just so much awkwardness here. The limbs are incredibly long and disproportionate to the body, looking more like a dog than any kind of turtle. Those rings around the neck and legs don't connect to Terapagos in any way, and they look really unpleasant and plastic-y in a way that doesn't work with the more angular look of the rest of the design. Same goes for the distracting set of diamonds coming off the head and the diamond on the the neck. It's like they didn't want to give it fur but needed to fill the space, so they just started adding Stuff(TM) at random.
So overall, this guy is just kind of okay. It's pretty cute and the basis of the design is strong enough in theme; if the extraneous details were cut down and the limbs were shortened, this could've worked pretty well. As-is, it's just kind of awkward.
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sapphirestudiosdesign · 9 months
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Natural Aquamarine, Pink Tourmaline & White Diamonds in 14k Rose Gold 3 Ring Bridal Set
In stock and ships in 1-3 business days
The Amara Collection
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ostensiblynone · 1 year
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Art Deco Citrine Filigree Ring
Gaze upon its glorious hue. With the mesmerizing color of glowing embers, it will be hard to take your eyes of off the elegantly elongated 4.50 carat oval citrine that gleams and glimmers atop this striking Art Deco jewel. Resting in a textured beveled bezel, the stunning stone is supported by an openwork gallery with a fancy scroll design and crowns a 14K yellow gold--unusual for Deco rings--shank.
Art Deco Lapis, Rock Crystal And Diamond Ring by Allsopp-Steller
Uncommonly cool and utterly unique, this distinctive Art Deco ring by Newark, New Jersey jeweler, Allsopp-Stellar, is unlike any we've ever seen. Its elegantly elongated hexagonal shape is centered by a frosted rock crystal quartz plaque, punctuated by a single twinkling European-cut diamond and framed, in striking contrast, by gleaming deep blue pyrite-flecked lapis lazuli. The understated, yet bold, combination rests in a beveled bezel setting, all supported by a fancy floral filigree gallery. Ribbing on the shank and engraved shoulders add the finishing details to this singular and stunning statement ring. Die-struck in 18K white gold, circa the 1920s.
Art Deco Carnelian and Enamel Ring
From the 1920s-30s, this jubilant Jazz Age jewel stars a beautiful burnt orange translucent buff-top carnelian. The striking gemstone is set in a frame dramatically accented with black and green enamel that continues along the upper ring shank. Measuring just a tad over 3/4 inch long, this ultra cool and colorful Art Deco treasure is hand fabricated in 14K yellow gold.
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thekitsunesiren · 3 months
How would the powers of the Diamonds interact with the DC magic or the Rings of different Corps?
Okay! So let's break down the powers of the Diamonds! Another long post ahead of us!
(Check the SU Wiki for more in depth explanation about their powers.)
White Diamond:
Aura Projection
Corruption Induction & Reversal
Gem Mind Control
Power Bestowal
White Capsule Generation (Including Levitational Transport & Teleportation)
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
Yellow Diamond:
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Strength
Enhance Durability
Aura Projection (Electrokinesis)
Corruption Induction & Reversal
Psychic Resistance
Psychic Blast
Psychic Detection
Shapeshifting Manipulation
Blue Diamond:
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
Aura Projection (Sadness)
Corruption Inducement/Reversal
Psychic Resistance
Psychic Blast
Psychic Detection
Energy Projection
Cloud Generation-Joy Inducement
Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz & Steven Universe:
Gem Fusion
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Regeneration
Enhanced Speed
Bubble Creation
Aura Projection
Corruption Induction/Reversal
Gemstone Creation
Sonic Scream
Shield Creation
Descent Regulation
Empathic Telepathy
Bubble Creation
Martial Arts (Possibly)
Shapeshifting (Age Changing/Monster Form)
Superhuman Strength
Superhuman Durability
Superhuman Speed
Body Size Manipulation
Self Healing
Shield Creation (Shield Vibration & Shield Projectile)
Corruption Reversal
Shatter Reversal
Bubble Shield (Bubble Gloves, Bubble Alteration, "popping")
Barrier Creation
Hexagonal Force-Fields
Empathic Telepathy
Mind Transfer
Mind Link
Astral Projection
Electrical Interference
Descent Regulation
Pink State
Power Augmentation
Again, these are all abilities that have been shown in the show, meaning that there could be plenty more that we don't know about. And because of this, it makes it seems like Pink and Steven are the strongest. And while it could technically be true, let's see how they fair against DC!
I wanna start with the Lantern Corps, because they're the most likely to interact with in comparison to the magicians. Those who aren't earth bound at least.
Alone, a single lantern, no matter how powerful or their ring, would not be able to defeat the diamonds.But close calls are possible. And I want to go through this as properly as possible. It isn't ranked in any order, but just how I remembered the colors lol.
Black Lanterns: Honestly, I think there might be a chance. Despite the black lantern corps being about death, gems don't technically have a soul, or at least a mortal or physical one that we know of. And since gems have to be shattered to be "killed" and only the diamonds are able to bring them back, there's no way that a gem "zombie" could be brought back and build a zombie army. The closest this would be is a corrupt gem fusing with a noncorrupt gem and corrupting them in the process. But here's where I think they have the chance: their ability to control darkness. A black lantern ring has the ability to build a light devouring field made out of complete pick darkness. And while I know there's a bit of an argument of whether or not a gem is considered weak when in complete darkness, there is a chance that if the gem is directly incase of darkness, you could weaken the form or completely dissolve their physical form. The problem is that the diamonds are tall and with all their gems being on their chests and head, you'd have to get at least a little bit close, even with the rings power. And if they know what you're aiming for, it'd be about timing. Plus if you were fighting White Diamond in her room from, then you are surrounded by white light except for your own shadow, which is a weakness I think?
White Lanterns: This might be a bit tricky. A white lantern is powered by the powers of life and creation. Already giving them a disadvantage with the Diamond Authority since they drain planets of natural resources and leave nothing behind. Most likely if they were to fight a Diamond on home planet, where there's no organic life, then they would be at a severe disadvantage. Unless they could somehow draw from inorganic life as well. And since all gems are based on light themselves, then there's a chance a lot of their light based attacks are rendered useless against a gem. For example, their invisibility is caused by the ring bending light waves to camouflage them. If a gem is made of light, I'd believe they could see various light spectrums and could still see despite a refraction. They also have the ability to create wormholes and spatial warps. But gem ships are incredible fast, so finding them would take a while, but it could happen. And then you'd be fighting a gem ship as well as the Diamonds. Perhaps their white energy constructs pack a harsher punch than others, but there isn't anything else I could think of.
Green Lanterns: I don't see anything specific a green lantern could do that could cause specific damage. But as I said previously, creating projectiles and energy projections would be most in case of damaging a diamond. But a Green Lantern's weakness is mental instability, so I was thinking the aura projection of Blue Diamond would be enough to stop them in their tracks momentarily. Then I thought about Mogo, the sentient planet. With the planet being able to fight as well, there might be a chance to cause a ruckus, especially if the diamonds discovered the planet and was unable to access it because of its shield.
Red Lanterns: Red Lanterns are the same. Have blue use her aura projections, and I'm sure they'd be down for the count. Also, their rage plasma wouldn't work on them, not fully. The acid might hurt them, but they have no blood to burn. Now the Rage Mind Control is a possibility, but like with the black lantern ring, only if it could be directly aimed at the gem itself. And again, that would have to deal with getting close enough for the ring to do damage.
Orange Lanterns: Orange has a chance! With abilities to affect gravity and light, along with the powerful blasts, there could be a chance. But again, even if the ring is deemed to be one of the most powerful of the rings, how could it fair affecting the gravity of a being so much bigger? Does the ring has a limit of gravity and who could it affect? And its high charge limit gives it the chance of causing higher damage than any other ring.
Blue Lanterns: Blue is similar to the other rings as well, but I think one of the most notable ability is its fear depletion. Perhaps on that note it could possibly be worked against blues aura of despair. Other than that, there isn't much I could think about.
Indigo Lanterns: Indigo lanterns, if for whatever reasons hunted by the diamonds, could make them untraceable. So that means they have the highest chances of infiltration and being able to fully catch a diamond off guard. Nothing else other than the similar power set to the other rings.
Violet Lanterns: Honestly, this one is interesting. Especially their crystallization abilities. I believe it would be similar to bubbling in the SU universe, but the only difference is that you wouldn't need to poof a gem to do it. But it would most likely take more than one to fully crystalize a diamond. Plus their ability to travel interstellar would make good for quick getaways.
Yellow Lanterns: Their fear installation could be a possible game changer. But only depending on who they attack first. Even if it did work, the diamonds might swat at a yellow lantern and still be able to hurt them despite being under the rings affects.
Ultraviolet Lanterns: This was an interesting one, because Ultraviolet doesn't have that many known powers. But the ones that are known do seem to be pretty powerful. But their negative emotion induction could be seen as a double edge sword. Depending on how it's used, and used against, the diamonds attacks would become stronger in a fit of negative emotions. And that could possibly mean a lot more trouble.
Also, with the Diamonds being taller and more powerful than the average gem, then some serious damage would need to be done to their physical form in order to poof them. And since Lantern Rings need energy and to charge, one lantern against the Diamonds would equal a lantern draining their ring quickly trying to attack them. And if their ring runs out of power before they could attack, then they're done for.
Now, onto the Magicians!
I'll admit that I wasted my energy explaining the lantern rings as a whole, so I'm not going to go through every magician. But I will make some major points. With a lot of the gems and gem made creations could be considered as magic instead of advanced technology, then they might be on a more even playing field with magicians. But remember:
Again, the Diamonds are HUGE! So big as well as powerful would be difficult for any magician to stop. Even as a group. So that means that it would take a lot of magic to conjure chains or a barrier to keep them out. Even then, it would be all for naught with a well aimed thought
Could the Diamonds projection be considered as magic? Truly it has to deal with light so there's a chance if there is a magical barrier, it could go through it like nothing.
If magic was directly aimed towards the gem of a Diamond, one wouldn't be enough, I believe. Depending on the distance and the power, maybe send a diamond back. But you'd need plenty of power to even knock back a diamond, as well as crack it or possibly shatter it. So a powerful attack aimed towards
And there's also the types of magic as well. Going through them, the most affective I believe would be Techno-Alchemy, Elemental Magic, Adaptive Magic and maybe Sympathetic magic?
Blue and Yellow could be the most damaging to any of them. Causing emotional distress or simply zapping them.
And they're also strong against mental magic. So a human trying to access their minds and talk to them would be difficult. If a human even could. Maybe if they're weakened?
All of this is also speculated on whether or not you're just fighting the diamonds as well. With their countless army and the Crystal Gems on earth, I don't think that there's a lot of
Of course the Diamonds could be weak as well. If it's not them and not just a full out war they're going against as well, then you'd need to think about what they could do, other than just obliterate the planet. But really it's their size, age, and war techniques that would keep them alive and most likely better than their opponents.
I don't know who would be so cruel to hurt my baby Steven, but anything that wouldn't affect a gem would effect him due to him being half human. But he also has his own powers to fight with, and I don't think anyone would forcibly make him go into his pinky state either.
And that's it! I've finally finished with that! If you guys have any arguments or counterarguments about what I posted, go at it in the notes! I love hearing your thoughts and possible arguments as to who would win in this epic battle!
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octahedral-chaos · 9 months
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OKAY GOOFBALL'S TRUE FORM IS FINALLY FINISHED! It's based on thylacines, basilisk lizards, (male) king of saxony bird of paradise, draft horses, moths and dromaeosaurs! What a wacky chimera of a bunch of animals!
Image ID under the cut:
[Image ID 1: A digital drawing of some sort of chimeric creature. It has the head and front legs of a thylacine, body and tail of a basilisk lizard, wings of a many-plumed moth, front talons and head plumes of a King of Saxony bird of paradise, feathering of a draft horse and dromaeosaur claws on its hind legs. It is mainly Charade Black, and have yellow "eyeliner" and feathering, cyan diamond marking on its chest, head plumes and claws and a magenta hexagon-shaped pupil and black sclera. It have two triangles, which are magenta and yellow, on its left, and two diamonds, which are cyan and magenta, on its right side that acts as ears. It have yellow, magenta and cyan stripes on its wings, fading to Charade Black where it meets the body. It have a bacteriophage-esque tail tip, which has a cyan ring marking, magenta claws and yellow stinger and claw tips. It's wearing a checkerboard scarf and a kandi bracelet in muted rainbow colours with a red and orange octahedron and blue hexagon charms attached to it. It is posed as if it is landing from a jump, both hind legs and its right front legs being in the air and it is looking behind it. /End ID)
[Image ID 2: The same character, this time without the wings and accessories, revealing that it have the fins of a basilisk lizard. / End ID)
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