#hes always in the shower cmon now
gimyung · 1 year
the way ptj draws samuel in a public bath, samuel taking a shower, samuel bathrobe, etc.. ik the groin area and navel clean and smelling nice. love me a king of hygiene
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he also keeps a hand cream on his office desk, and sprays perfume when he goes out. yuh
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lemme know what your headcanons for his scent but i dont think he wld go for the super masculine perfumes but a unisex gourmand one like this
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that's all thanks for coming to my talk
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diobrando · 2 years
My cousin is coming over at 5pm 😔
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dumb young love
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1.9k words, summary: when art leaves you in the dust for tashi, a part of you breaks. after an argument art realizes how desperately in love he is with you.
request from @fangirlinc :)
you had gone and done the one thing everyone had warned you not to do. you had fallen in love with your best friend. i mean how could you not? he was handsome, charming, talented, funny, everything you could want in a man and more. you both had such bright futures ahead of you and just loved being in each others company. which is why you never felt the need to profess your love to him. but lately you've been rethinking this choice. 
you obviously knew how close art and patrick were, i mean you guys all practically grew up with each other. this dynamic never really bothered you, why would it? that all changed once tashi came into the picture. 
you had been there, at the match where it all started. you had come to support them like you always had, but within those few days something had shifted and you had no idea why. suddenly the boys were ditching you to go to a party you didn't even know they cared about. 
they had come back to you the next day, raving about how amazing tashi was and the night they spent together. you noticed a glint in art’s eye that wasn't there before, and you tried your hardest to suppress the jealousy you were feeling. 
that day, when patrick won the match, you couldn't help but feel relieved that art would remain yours just for a little longer. what you didn't realize is that art didnt care if patrick was with tashi, because he was still head over heels for her.
“hey are we gonna have dinner tonight?” you ask, throwing another tennis ball over the net.
“yeah, just gotta get back to my room and shower” art replies, hitting back the ball with a distraught look on his face. 
“is it tashi?” you sigh.
“what? no-no. i'm just stressed about my next match” he replies, walking over to the bench. 
“you're art donaldson. you’re never stressed about a match. c'mon just tell me” you say as you walk over to him. 
“its just. patrick called and all he can fucking talk about is how amazing tashi is. and then i walk around campus and all i hear is how amazing tashi is. no matter what i do i can’t escape her.” he confesses, putting his head in his hands.
“i can’t imagine you ever wanting to escape her” you reply, letting out a forced laugh. 
“cmon art, from the day you lost that match it’s like your entire world changed or something. i mean all of a sudden your whole life revolves around this girl” you scoff. 
“y/n i really don’t need this shit from you, i’ll see you later” he scoffs, picking up his bag and leaving the court. 
“art!” you call out, only for him to leave you there alone.
standing there you think back to when everything was fine. how art would link his pinky with yours as you walked. the way he would call you everyday when he had to travel for matches. the nights you spent in his dorm trying to cram week's worth of studying into one night. the way he would so effortlessly plant kisses to your forehead. the moments you thought he might actually be in love with you. but now all you had were those memories. 
before you knew it, all art was doing was hanging out and helping tashi train. he had been your training partner first, so it hurt like hell to be left in the dust. you decided to try and let it go and focus on winning your matches. your most important match was coming up and you couldn't let your silly love life get in the way. the one person you had always dreamed of being coached by was going to be at your match. so you knew you had to train like crazy to get to work with them. 
a part of you was hoping maybe art would see how amazing your match would be, and finally start paying attention to you again. but you knew you were holding onto false hope. 
the day of your match had finally come, and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t scared. this was such an important moment for your career and you couldn't shake those nerves. but you knew seeing art up in the stands would give you the boost of confidence you needed. 
the first set was about to start and you still didn’t see art in the stands. you felt your heart skip a beat at the thought that he might not show up. he would never do that to you. right? 
the first set had started and for a moment, the world around you started to fade. you may have hated tashi, but man was she right about tennis. you were performing flawlessly and you knew all the hard work was finally going to pay off. 
after winning your first set, you go back to your seat, taking a breather and still scanning the crowd for art. he was still nowhere to be found and you could feel your sadness turning into anger. deciding to use that as fuel, you prepare yourself for your next set. the rest of the game goes flawlessly and you know this is the best you have ever played. 
hitting the winning point, you stand in shock as cheers come from the stands. thanking your opponent you can’t seem to wipe the smile off your face. that is until you spot art in the stands. you could feel all the anger and resentment you suppressed fighting to be released. this had been your best game yet, and there art was, to ruin it.
packing up your bag, you felt a presence behind you. all spectators and coaches were long gone so you knew exactly who was behind you. turning around to face art, you push past him not wanting to hear a word he has to say. 
“y/n please i-” art calls out, quickly catching up with you.
“you what art?!” you yell, turning around to face him.
“you forgot? you had homework? you lost track of time? oh better yet, maybe you were with tashi?” you continue, looking up at him. you could feel hot tears threatening to spill from your eyes. 
he stays silent and thats all the answer you need. 
“oh my god you were” you whisper, stepping back from him. 
“please just let me explain” art pleads, a look of desperation you’d never seen before. 
“today was the most important day to me. and i really thought that as my best friend you would at least care a little more. but i know where your priorities lay. and i'm done fighting for a spot i’ll never get” you say as tears quickly spill onto your cheeks. 
art’s hand reaches up to brush away your tears, but you step back. 
“stay the fuck away from me art” you choke out, quickly walking back to your room. 
the next few days were hell. spending each day crying in your bed, you had lost not only the love of your life but your best friend. you had gotten a call offering to be coached by someone you could only ever dream of working with. you should’ve felt happy, ecstatic even, but the last conversation you had with art was still ringing through your head. he had called you far too many times and texted you even more. but you had ignored every single one. the first day he came knocking on your door, but gave up after an hour of waiting. the apology flowers he had sent you sat on your desk. you had no idea what you were going to do. until, you got a text from patrick. 
hi love, art told me about what happened im sorry. 
hi, you don’t have to apologize for him being stupid
do you want to hang out today? try to get your mind off of him
actually i would love to
meet me outside at 2
getting ready to see patrick was a highlight from these past few days. while you were enjoying your sulking you knew you had to get out at some point. going out to the courtyard, you see patrick sitting on a picnic blanket. your favorite foods and snacks were neatly laid next to him. you felt yourself genuinely smiling for the first time in a really long time. you spent the next hour eating your favorite meal and laughing at stupid shit with patrick. although your heart still hurt, you could feel your spirits rising. 
“thank you for this patrick, it’s all so lovely” you smile. 
“of course i’ll always be here for you” he gleams, pushing away the hair around your face and leaning in to kiss your forehead. 
“what the fuck?!” 
you would recognize that voice anywhere. 
“art what are you doing here?” patrick stands up to face him. 
“oh i dont know maybe i go to school here? what the fuck are you doing here patrick?!” he replies, getting closer to patrick. 
“seriously y/n? you run off to patrick?” he questions, obviously distraught but you can't seem to place why. 
“hey you don’t get to blame her for this” patrick replies. 
“oh fuck off patrick would you let her speak” 
grabbing arts hand, you quickly lead him away from the public spectacle this was all becoming. 
“what the hell is wrong with you art?” you yell, shutting your room door. 
“i mean, you completely forgot about me for some other girl and now you're mad at me? none of this makes sense, you broke my heart. you don't get to be angry.” you continue, feeling tears brim your eyes. 
he paces for a second, running his hands through the curls you missed so much. 
“im in love with you” he stops, looking down at you. 
it felt like you were dreaming, like you were imagining the words that just came out of his mouth. 
“i always have been. i've just been so stupid about it. when tashi came around i threw myself at her because i thought there was no way you would ever feel that way towards me. and i know i fucked up by doing that, i really really fucked up. but when i picture my life i see you, i've only ever seen you. and seeing you with patrick, i was scared i lost you. i'm sorry y/n, i really am. i would do anything to take it back.” he confesses. 
“you’re so stupid!” you yell, pushing his shoulders. 
“ive been in love with you for like, forever!” you look up at him, confused as to how he never realized. 
“really?” he asks, pure shock all over his face. 
“yes! i thought it was obvious” you frown. 
before you knew it he was holding your face in his hands, planting a kiss on your lips. in that moment everything felt right, like the stars had aligned. 
“y’know i'm still mad at you” you look up at him, placing your hands over his. 
“trust me, i will do everything to make it up to you. i'm just glad you're finally mine” he couldn’t seem to wipe the smile off his face as he kissed you again. 
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pupkashi · 10 months
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gojo knows how to peel oranges
a/n: just something simple inspired by the poem oranges by jean little, i cried the first time i read it, hope you guys enjoy <3
wordcount: 843
there was a lot you did for satoru.
you helped ground him, reminded him to drink water, made him food, taught him how to fold clothes and do laundry, showed him all your favorites- from places to eat and videos to play.
you reminded him what love felt like, your tender touches late at night, gentle thumb pads wiping away hot tears, soft whispers and proclamations of love.
satoru always wondered what he did for you.
he didn’t think much of the quality time he’d spend with you, he thought that was a given. he often brushed past the shower of compliments he gave you daily, figuring that was the standard. the little gestures of holding doors open, buying you flowers, remembering your favorite candle scent and buying your shampoo seemed too natural to him for it to be considered and outward act of love.
“you want some oranges?” you asked, looking at him with a smile from the kitchen.
“i could go for some oranges” he replies, getting up from the couch and joining you in the kitchen, taking an orange in his hand.
his thumbs easily tear into through the peel, gently digging his finger and separating it seamlessly from the sweet fruit, continuing his motion until the peel comes completely off, all in one piece.
you on the other hand, are putting too much force into your thumb, your finger piercing straight into the flesh of the fruit, shrieking when the juice gets on your face a bit.
“how do you always peel it so neatly? i have never once been able to” you huff, setting the now punctured Orange on a towel, washing your hands in the sink before drying them off.
“cmon sweetheart it really isn’t that hard!” satoru grins, taking your orange and easily peeling it apart neatly. “you have to do this, and then… get it there and boom!” his smile widening as he stares at you, a pout on your lips and an annoyed look in your eyes.
“yeah yeah mr. ‘I’m so good at everything’” you tease, tasking the orange from his hand and munching on a piece. “they’re sweet today” you smile, putting both your pieces and satoru’s in a bowl, heading back to the couch the two of you were on.
two weeks later the two of you are cooking dinner, reading off the recipe and realizing the dish called for an orange.
“can you hand me an orange?” you ask, turning around and thanking him as he hands it to you. you were determined to not make a mess this time, it’s just an orange after all.
but as gentle as you were, the peel wouldn’t budge, and the little force you applied proved to be just a little too much as your fingers pierced through the flesh again. you groaned in frustrations satoru already taking it from his hands, a smile on his face as he so easily peeled it.
“coulda just asked” he hums, handing you the orange, you’re glaring at him, giggling when he misses your nose.
“thank you angel boy,” you mumble, chopping the orange and adding it in.
one year later you’re sitting together in a grassy field, the wild blowing past the two of you, your laughter and love filled gazes scattered in the wind.
“i got some oranges from the market today!” you grin, taking them out of the wicker basket and showing them to your snowy haired lover. “you owe me breakfast in bed if i can finally peel this damn citrus fruit” you wager, satoru easily sitting back, a small smirk on his face as he nodded.
“I’ll do so breakfast in bed for a month if you peel it in one piece” your eyes widen at his proposition, nodding before looking at the fruit in your hands.
it’s only ten seconds later that you’re throwing yourself back, saying the fruit was obviously defective because ‘there’s no way the peel was that easy to cut through!’
satoru takes the oranges from you, peeling them perfectly and separating them into neat sections.
“I’m glad i have you to peel my citrus” you smile one night, taking the mandarin slices from his hand and humming in delight as the sweet taste hits your tastebuds.
“I’ll always peel your oranges for you” he replies, voice soft, his blue eyes seem a little lighter and his face a bit more relaxed as he looks at you.
it’s been years since then, and you never learned to peel oranges, the times you’d attempt to, juice would get everywhere and the peel coming off in chunks, the aftermath looked like an orange massacre.
satoru’s heart flutters when he sees the citrus fruit, knowing you’ll hand it to him, for him to peel for you. he knows you’ll always ask him to do this for you.
satoru is grateful everyday that you can’t peel oranges, because with the boundless things you do for him, he knows this is the one thing he’ll always be able to do for you.
taglist (send an ask to be added!): @chilichopsticks @anime-for-the-sleepless @4sat0ruu @safaia-47 @nanamikentoseyebags @fushironi @nineooooo @the-mom-friend-dot-com @luna0713hunter @torusmochi
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imwetforyourmom · 23 days
can u do hc’s of Matt sturniolo flirting w reader? (During the relationship or not, ur choice)
thank you I love ur writing
flirty matt hc’s
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a/n: chat how does flirting work
༝༚༝༚ despite where you guys were, at the fair, in a grocery store, anywhere, matt was always either checking you out, making a comment or paying you a compliment,
“lookin’ good y/n” he smirked, eyeing you with no shame present on his face.
༝༚༝༚ even with only being friends, matt always talked to you like you’d been together for years
“hey pretty, do you know where my last sense of purity went when I saw you?” some of these flirts being stupid and cheesy lines.
༝༚༝༚ subtle ways of showing his affection—either platonic or romantic, whatever you decided it seemed like— to you always consisted of simple knee touching, arm on the shoulder or glancing at you with love in his eyes, didn’t matter who else was watching.
༝༚༝༚ speaking of looking at one another, matt always found himself looking at you, taking in your appearance and never failing to say something about how pretty you looked.
“who the fuck let you walk around lookin that pretty?” he said, grabbing your waist and looking down at you, a small smirk on his face.
༝༚༝༚ during matts tough guy act, he stayed the same, cold and rude but whenever it came to you, you saw his eyes soften and his demeanor change quickly, before a sly smirk grew on his face and a compliment came from his mouth.
༝༚༝༚ matt was always prepared, he always had a pickup line ready for when you said something even remotely close to it.
“guys, I love music so fucking much.” you said, nodding your head to the beat of the music playing throughout the speakers.
“not as much as I love you” he mumbled, with a straight face, his focus completely directed onto the road, he probably didn’t even realize he’d said it.
༝༚༝༚ simple conversations with matt turned into him watching you intently, a look on his face that wasnt quite readable, except with his occasional lip biting, leaning his face slightly more towards yours or tilting his head to the side subtly while you spoke, an unspoken sense of attraction bubbling within him.
༝༚༝༚ when talking to you, even in a conversation, he’d mention your name in a sentence (more than once), with his chin tilted down ever so slightly. a small quirck of the corner of his lips up.
༝༚༝༚ even after he asked you if he could be your boyfriend, he still checked you out with a comment, anywhere. nothing changing from when you weren’t dating.
༝༚༝༚ his glances at you turned into staring. the staring only becoming worse but his eyes swirling with even more love and pure affection.
༝༚༝༚ despite dating now, when you caught matts eyes on you he’d quickly look away, scratch his neck before suddenly gaining his confidence back and looking back over at you, his eyes staring into yours and a small smirk on his face, he stared for a few more moments before he winked at you. a subtle, but noticeable action.
༝༚༝༚ after hours of talking (and him literally only flirting) with matt on the phone, he’d put a little more thought into his words, and when he’d say them, he’d make his voice slightly lower with a small hint of lust or seductiveness in his voice.
“im gonna take a shower, ill talk soon, ok?” he’d say. in his mind, saying this would make you think of him in the shower, an intimate thought that he’d done on purpose.
༝༚༝༚ when you’d mess up or feel unmotivated, he’d be right by your side or standing behind you, rubbing your shoulder and very encouragingly saying beside you, with even the slightest hint of flirting
“cmon pretty girl, I know you can do it.” still aknowledging your mess ups but purposefully using a pet name he knew made you weak in the knees.
༝༚༝༚ one time matt and you were in an elevator together, alone, and he’d grabbed your waist, pulling your front up against his and peering down into your eyes,
“looks like we’re in here, alone. wander what we could do?” with a wiggle of his eyebrows and a wandering hand, moving down to grope your ass.
༝༚༝༚ when sitting under you, or you standing above him, he’d occasionally wrap his arms around the back of your thighs and gently pull you into his lap, a small smirk on his face and a suggesting look in his eyes.
“oh my gosh y/n, how’d you end up in my lap? you clumsy girl.” he’d tease, his interlocked hands tightening the hold on your ass, bringing you slightly closer to him.
@luverboychris @chrissturniolosfavoritesexdoll @meg-sturniolo @junnniiieee07 @genshin-addict @ssilentzom @haunted-headset @sturnib-tch @b2cute @livvy4realll @graysturns @wh0resstuff @jnkvivi @sturn-bugz
@maryx2xx @mattsmad @dollyspsychoxo @mels22lunchbox
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sunkissed-zegras · 1 month
nika is so hates everyone but soft only for my gf like cmon
oh for sure, she is like down bad for her girlfriend ALWAYS
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─ word count | 736
─ warnings | mean nika to everyone else, sweet nika to you (duh), paige being dramatic, nothing else
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NIKA LAID ON the couch, scrolling on TikTok after a particularly hard practice.
Geno had them go a little harder today because he wanted to push them. She didn't blame him, obviously there was nothing wrong with wanting to push his players to be the best ─ however, it hasn't even been an hour since practice ended and no one had left the gym because of how sore they were.
Nika's muscles already felt like they were screaming at every movement she made. She winced as she shifted on the couch, trying to find a more comfortable position.
"Nika," She heard someone called as she whipped her head to see who was talking. Behind her was Paige, a frown on her face as she winced to sit on the couch next to her. "What are you doing after this?"
"What are you doing after this?" She repeated at Paige, annoyance in her experience. "Going to sleep and showering, obviously. What could I possibly do other than that?"
"I was just asking, jeez." Paige rolled her eyes as she yawned, leaning backward. "Can you get me some water from the kitchen, I can't feel my legs."
"No," Nika said plainly as she continued to scroll on TikTok, keeping her gaze locked on her screen. Paige just glared at her but before she could respond, Nika's phone begin to ring.
Nika's face beamed as she quickly answered it. "Hey, baby. What's up?" Her voice was a stark contrast to how she was talking Paige just moments ago ─ it was soft and warm, and especially loving.
"Yeah, sorry. Practice ran a little late, my love but I can still come." Nika sat up on the couch as quickly as she could, pressing the phone in between her ear and her shoulder. "You sound hungry, baby. Yeah, no it's okay what do you want?"
Paige audibly gasped as she continued glaring at her friend, earning a pointed look from Nika. "Okay, of course. I will, don't worry baby. I'll be there in like... 20 minutes? Yeah, okay. I love you more, princess. Bye,"
Nika hung up the phone with a smile, her attention fully back on Paige, who was now looking at her with a mixture of disbelief and annoyance.
"What was that?" Paige asked as she folded her arms on her chest, irritation on her face.
"What was what?" Nika replied with the same tone as Paige's, although there was a amused twinkle in her eyes.
"You were just all sweet and loving on the phone, but you couldn't even get me a glass of water that's like, two feet away from you?" Paige huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.
Nika chuckled, shaking her head. "Sorry, dude. You know I love you, but you're capable of getting your own water. She hasn't had food all day cus she was studying and it's not even that far, like 20 minutes away from here."
"20 minutes?" Paige repeated in disbelief as she shook her head. "You are down bad, my friend."
"I don't care, she's my girlfriend." Nika responded as she put on her slides with a groan, getting up from the couch. Nika stretched her arms above her head, feeling the stiffness in her muscles protest. "Besides, it's not like I have a habit of ignoring my friends for her. You know that."
Paige chuckled, her annoyance melting away as she stood up, too. "Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm just messing with you. Go, be with your princess."
"I hate you, you know that?" Nika glared at her as Paige put up her hands in mock defense.
"You did that one to yourself, buddy I heard you call her that." Paige laughed as she watched Nika put on her backpack. "Wait until I tell everyone you call Y/N princess, they'll never look at you the same.
"Yeah and then I'll tell them about the time you called that girl-"
"Hey! Hey, that's different." Paige interrupted, her cheeks flushing slightly as she waved her hands frantically.
Nika chuckled, shaking her head. "Alright, alright, I won't spill your secrets. But you better not spill mine either."
"Deal," Paige said, holding out her fist for a bump. Nika bumped it with a smile before slinging her backpack over her shoulder.
"See you tomorrow, P," Nika said, heading towards the door.
"Yep, see ya," Paige replied, waving as Nika left the room.
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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stinmybubs · 1 month
“Rot My Brain” Fluff!
AN: I cannot stop thinking about Katsuki, he’s rotting my brain to the core. I’m gonna mix in some of my irl bfs actions with Katsuki’s personality cuz sometimes they clash. And omg I can write Kenma off my bf for sure. This will be my titles for all my brain rots!
Here’s a lazy Picrew banner divider thingy -
B. Katsuki x AFAB! Reader!
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Katsuki can’t keep his hands off you. Every minute he has his hands somewhere on your body, for him it’s not only comforting but he loves to keep you close. Making sure every moment he has is next to you, not to mention he barley knows how to express his love in any other way.
This became a habit ever since you two became close friends, except it was more platonic touches than how of course. When you were friends he would put his hand on your back any time you were just standing next to him.
Katsuki doesn’t care for other eyeing where he touches you, because why would he care what a bunch of extras think? You’re his girl now, with your consent he can touch you wherever he wants!
“Katsuki~!” You giggled as he grabbed you from behind and just sat there for a minute, pressing his face into the nape of your neck. “My love!” You smile in the comfort of his arms. The two of you were currently in the dorm room hallways, he had caught you on the way back to your dorm from the showers.
“Hm?” He answered, just trying to soak in the fresh smell of your shampoo and body wash. “I need to put all my things away.” You place your empty hand on his arms, hanging on to your small basket of shower necessities. “Don’t wanna let you go..” he tightened his grip onto your waist.
“Love I need to put these away then go talk to the girls about something.” You try moving forward a bit only to be stopped in place by your bulky boyfriend. Damn, why’d he have to be this beefy? You thought to yourself trying to look at him by turning your head slightly, only seeing the top of his head.
Katsuki loved holding you. It felt like everything would melt away as soon as you were in his arms. He felt just lighter, calmer, and overall recharged after dealing with the idiots in Class 1-A.
“One min’…” he pressed his face deeper into your neck, taking a deep breath. This action tickled you, letting out a beautiful giggle as he took in your scent. “Katsu that tickles!” You laugh.
Oh how Katsuki loves your laugh. He can never get enough of you.
Katsuki was clingy, indeed. But he of course gives space you need or space he needs. But sometimes you two don’t even notice when he’s clinging onto you, or any sort of touch he has because it’s just so normal for the two of you.
Well everyone else knows and try not to say anything about it.
“You and Bakugou are so cute!!” Mina cheers, shaking you violently “oh how I wish I had a man like that…!” She was so giggly. Finally you were able to hang out with the girls after Bakugou let himself recharge and let you be.
“Thank you Mina.” You grab her arms to stop her from shaking you. The girls loves to gush about relationships, especially as one as lovey dovey as you and Katsuki’s relationship. They always tell you to spill, kiss and tell.
You only shared small details, not too many because you knew how Katsuki likes to keep your relationship stuff private. He really doesn’t want it to get to the guys. Even though they see how clingy he is and tease him about it all the time.
“Fuck off! Yer’ all just mad you can’t get a girl to touch ya!” Katsuki yelled, rolling his eyes at Sero and Denki’s teasing.
Katsuki, sadly his room was bombarded by some of the Class 1-A idiots. What did they want? To poke, tease, and stick their noses in each others business. All he wanted was you in his bed, letting him hold you.
“Cmon man! You don’t even hide it, at least some guys would keep the touching on the low!” Denki teased. Katsuki just glared at him, slumping against the edge of his bed.
“Guys he does have a point, how can you tease him for loving his girl when you guys don’t even have one?” Kirishima, always coming to defend Katsuki. At this point Katsuki was just tuning them all out, he just wished he stopped you from going to hang out with the girls so he could cuddle you.
Katsuki loves you, he wouldn’t stop you from pursuing anything. He wouldn’t stop you from having friends, or even going out with them. Sucks that he just wants to be with you all the time. Just being around you was comforting.
Katsuki was getting impatient, he wanted these guys gone and you in here pronto.
“Alright fuckers get out.” He stood up, starting to push out the protesting guys. And once those guys were out, he pulled out his phone to text you.
Katsu( ˘ ³˘)♥︎: cmover. Now.
The sudden buzz of your phone startled you, going to see who had texted you, a smile spreading across your face. You excuse yourself from the rest of the girls and they all happily wave you bye. Off you go to see your clingy loving boyfriend.
Katsuki loved touching you. No matter what nothing will change. His eyes will never leave you, and his hands will always cling to you. You’re a high that never ends. And he loves that you accept his touch, his love, and his temper. He loves you.
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AN: I hope you like this! I was spit balling and just rotting my own brain with Katsu :3 let me know if you’d like a tag list or anything! Love you guysss.
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c0smoshit · 10 months
Inside please ˚₊﹅
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⋆ ࣪. ℙ𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 ≫ Leon S Kennedy/fem!Reader
⋆ ࣪. ℙ𝕝𝕠𝕥 ≫ The tittle just explains the whole thing
⋆ ࣪. 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 ≫ smut!, p in v, cowgirl, hickies, hot kisses, cumming inside, overstimulation if you blink
⋆ ࣪. 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥 ≫ 1.059
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"God- Leon"
His hands were all over your body since you had stepped into the bedroom after a nice, relaxing shower. His mouth was there too, kissing, licking and biting all your well-known sweet spots.
You were sitting on top of him, your legs quivering and covered in loving kisses and spit. You were a sight for sore eyes, all squirmy and beatiful.
He had already made you cum twice, first with his fingers and then with his mouth because he "wanted to taste you".
And now he was hard and eager for you, poking your inner thighs while you rested your hand on his shoulder. Your hooded eyes ignited something inside of him, just thinking about your pretty eyes looking at him while you were on your knees for him made him cum untouched.
And now you were looking at him, all dolled up, and being such a sweetie to him. He would quit his job, no matter how hard he had to try, just to have you all for himself every day. He absolutely adores having a quickie before work, your sleepy face converging to a pleasured one and your cute little yawns.
"Cmon baby"
He encouraged you as he grinded himself against you, breathing heavily into your ear. It was clear that he wanted you, and he wanted you now.
When you lined yourself with him, slowly sinking yourself into madness, he couldn't help but slam you all the way down. He shushed your yelp, whispering sweet praises into your ear, telling you how good you were for him, how good you felt.
"You're always this tight for me hm?"
His hand grasped your ass, guiding your movements slowly into him, biting your neck as he did so. His breathing was quickened and so was his heartbeat, beating right off his chest wildly.
"Leon, It's- I- I'm-"
"I know sweetheart I know..."
His hand brushed away a tear that had fallen from your reddened cheeks, god you were so gorgerous like this. He had craved for your touch all day but you were too busy, and he was so pent up he could've exploted at your first touch.
But he was so stubborn that he discarded away your offer of sucking him off, he always made you cum first.
Then, he could put that mouth into a better use, but not today, today he wanted all of you.
"...I'll take good care of you, don't you worry"
His mouth enveloped yours again, his hands sliding into your waist as he held you close to him. Slowly rocking your hips, groaning at every little sound that escaped your lips.
The whole scene was hot and messy, glistening skin and glossed lips. His slow and sensual movements were soon replaced with quicker and harsher ones.
"Just like that- Jesus, you're doing great"
His head fell on your neck, eyes closed and eyebrows knitted with pleasure as you began bouncing on top of him. Your hips slamming down on his like two magnets would, gasping out when you felt him bite your neck.
He loves when you ride him, he always gets to see your tits bouncing in front of his face, always forcing himself not to bite them and cover them up with both love bites and his own hands. Your blissed out face was an absolute angelic sight too, he loved how you moaned his name, how it rolled off your tongue in such a sexy way. How you wore yourself off on top of him, chasing desesperately your pleasure while you begged for him to cum with you.
Plus, your neck and tits were in absolute display in this position too.
"Mmhp! Leon"
You squealed out when he started thrusting into you, lifting your hips up a little bit. His strenght was just perfect, all the hard training and all the shit he had to go through clearly visible. He doesn't flex to you that much, but when you two are like this it is a completely different story.
Your trembling hands grabbed his shoulders for support, hugging him tightly and pressing him into your body. Your moans got louder and huskier, his own groans too.
"Fuck sweetheart I'm gonna-"
A hand sneaked into your clit, drawing rapid circles as he put some preassure on it too. Your legs were like jello right now, twitching and squirming out of his grasp. But his strong hands kept you in place.
"Cum for me, cmon sweetie. Give me another, please"
His praises were what finally drove you into nirvana, a loud moan of his name coming out of your mouth as you had finally reached your climax. Almost falling limp on top of him, squealing when you felt him thrust into your sensitive cunt.
Your head fell into his shoulder, nails digging into his back hard enough to leave red scratches. His movements never slowed down, pulling in and out of you over and over again.
He swore he could die in your cervix, your tight and warm walls were like heaven to him. And god the way you clenched down on him when he praised you, he should do it more often.
"Cum for me, please"
Your voice surprised him, but he also found the way you were begging him to cum so sweetly really cute. And who was he to deny you?
He grunted out, not trusting his voice, his hands holding your hips and dragging you up and down repeatedly. He would've expected you to tell him to cum on your stomach or something like that, but he wasn't prepared for your actual response.
Your needy tone was what drove him completely mad, gripping your hips hard enough to leave bruises he later would kiss. He had fantasied about cumming inside of you, but it was really happening now. He couldn't wait to see your cunt dripping with his seed.
"You want me to fill you up?"
His teasing voice filled your reddened ears and you could only nod fervershly, pulling him even closer to you.
"Of course you do, you dirty girl. Begging for me to cum inside"
He didn't last much longer after those words, hips ferveshly slapping against your own ones before he finally came with a long content sigh. He never came as hard as he did now, just picturing his cum inside of you made him crazy for you.
He hugged you close, both laughing at what just had happened.
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anadiasmount · 4 months
love struck - jude blurb.
request: yes! mix of my imagination and also @judesecret as well! 🤍
“you’re shivering, baby,” jude laughs, wrapping the towel around your body and rubbing his hands in your shoulders to warm you up. he pulls you into his chest, feeling great warmth. and beat from his embrace as you close your eyes and relish the feeling. you ignore the small nickname, still not used to the fresh relationship with jude.
“i-i-i know. i didn’t-t-t see the r-rain coming,” you say giggling, wiping your nose with the towel as you felt a water drop run along the skin. “you’re crazy, you know? walking in this storm just to show me the new minion movie trailer?” jude teases, resting his head on yours as you finally stop shivering from cold.
“despicable me four, actually,” you correct him, hiding in the crook of his neck embarrassed. “and, to see you before i travel to germany for a work trip,” you say shyly, leaning back to stare at his brown iris who shined even in the dark corner by the entrance.
“gonna miss me that much?” jude asks, kissing your nose, making you nod slowly and intimidated at the proximity of both of you. “gonna miss you too. wish you could stay here with me since our next game is here at home…” jude replies.
he could sense the nervousness, chuckling deeply before pulling away. “how about we have a movie marathon, tonight? i’m off tomorrow and i wanna spend the night here with my girl,” he says walking to the kitchen to retrieve something. you furrow your brows in confusing or maybe coming to the fact on what he said.
“you mean like spend the night over? like a sleepover?” you say walking to the kitchen, wrapping the towel tighter against you.
“only if you’re comfortable with it. i don’t want to rush you or make you feel uncomfortable,” jude says, knowing you. he knows how new the relationship is, and the last thing he wanted was to scare you away because of how shy and reserved you were. “if you start snoring i’m out though,” you joke agreeing to his suggestion, earning cheering of yes from jude.
“cmon let’s get you showered and changed.”
jude handed you some of his clothes as you took a hot and steamy shower. you let your mind wander to tonight and how it would play out. it would be the first time you spent the night at his. when you came over it was for the evening and to hangout but staying over was always out of the picture.
you could barely look him in the eye without feeling your head spin or get shy under his gaze. you’d drown yourself with his smile and big brown eyes. if he asked you to do anything, you would do it with no hesitation. he had a spell or daze that always drew you in no matter what.
jude would always be the one to initiate hand holding, hugs, even kisses. you appreciated him so much for that feeling nervous or overall giddy because you couldn’t believe he was actually yours. if he sensed you were nervous he would kiss your hands to distract you from whatever you thought.
out in public, jude gave you a small peck on the lips to reassure you he was here for you, not once leaving your side, letting you have the say when you wanted to call it a night. he kept you at your side, protecting you from anyone who wanted to be quick and jump at you. “you’re like my bodyguard,” you often joked earning a laugh from him.
you don’t know what changed, one minute you guys laughed and spoke quietly as you made a fresh cup of chocolate, eyes gleaming in happiness as you got to spend the night with him. feeling better then cuddled up quietly as you watched the movies, to now where you sat on the edge of the bed bitting your nails anxiously.
jude had finished taking a shower and brushing his teeth. he walked in and saw you sitting on his bed, shaking his head in amusement as you looked down not being able to meet his eye when he returned shirtless, abs in full show. jude caged you in on the bed, arms locking you in side to side as your eyes connected.
“what are you think about?” jude whispers making you clear your throat and smile. “how lucky i am to have a boyfriend who takes care of me,” you say hiding the anticipation and urge to kiss him first. jude smiles looking down after couple seconds of silence.
your hands cup his face, just above his jaw making jude look back up rapidly, seeing your flushed face and bottom lip bit. “baby what are-”
you cut him off with a rushed and urged kiss. closing your eyes sinking into his taste as your lips molded with his. it took jude a while to process what was going on, not believing you had finally initiated and kissed him first. he could feel your hands slowly fall onto the nape of his neck. jude’s stomach filled with butterflies, the chilling sensation running down his spine as he tasted your sweet taste.
jude kisses your further, making you let out a small whine and kiss him deeper, clashing teeth as you moved your head slightly. you felt the fire run along your veins, getting dizzy from how jude was kissing you, jude the same. he got nervous all of the sudden due to the fact you weren’t being all hidden away, letting you be in charge.
the two of you let out breaths, the room filling with the sound of your kissing and noises you made. jude got lost, lost in how you tasted, how you kissed him with urgency yet love, lost in how much he loved this new side of you. he wanted it all, more with you.
jude pulled away, out of breath and panting, lips red and plump from the kiss. you giggled resting your foreheads together processing what had just happened. you finally did it, what you wanted to do for a while. “you kissed me first,” jude said licking his lips making you squirm.
your hands traced his cheeks, feeling a sense of confidence inside you. “i know… been wanting to do it for a while,” you confess watching jude’s eyes go crazy in bewilderment and lust. he couldn’t believe it, his shy girl wasn’t so shy, and he was sure he fell even more in love with you. jude smirked kissing the inner part of your wrist before speaking up again.
“wanna show me again? i think i forgot how it felt…”
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targaryenluvs · 3 months
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PAIRING: Dark!Eddie Diaz x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: Your attempt to leave Eddie won’t work, because he won’t let them, or you.
WARNINGS: Obsession, guilt trip, jealousy, possessiveness, sexual content, manipulation gaslighting & entrapment.
A/N: Happy season 7 launch!! I got inspired slightly by @megalony and her new Dark Evan series go check it out!!
Gif not mine, credits to the owner!
Life with Eddie use to be everything you could ever dream of. Whether it be slow mornings getting ready together, sharing a shower and helping Chris get ready. Or an absolute hurricane ripping through your home whilst the three of you stumble over each other to get ready after a sleep in.
No matter the time of day, you loved whatever you were doing, as long as they were by your side.
And Eddie’s protectiveness use to be just another aspect of your relationship you loved, until you opened your eyes.
It use to be small, his anger.
An incessant colleague reaching out for tips and aid in a new project, you being a senior member meaning it wasn’t uncommon for people to reach out to you. You were one of the best workers at the company, well respected and loved as well as brilliant. And always willing to help someone in need.
He use to love that about you. Until it followed you home.
Chris was currently at a friends house, leaving the two of you to an inside date night, “Now on what planet would I ever sit and watch four movies with the title ‘Die Hard’. You sure as hell can’t die that many times.” Eddie shook his head as you refilled each of your respective glasses.
“Sure you can, just ask Chimney.” You gasped before swatting Eddies arm, “Be nice! And put on our show.” The murmuring voices of your favourite characters was more than enough to lull you into his arms, content washing over you. Your ringing phone however, was ready to disturb the peace Eddie had longed for all day.
“Let me just grab this.” His hand scooped your phone up before you could, “Just get it later.” His dismissive tone made you frown, “Give me my phone, please.” You leaned over to snatch it, walking into the hallway. Eddie couldn’t help but massage his temple, did you seriously chose a phone call over peace and quiet in his arms?
He hadn’t noticed how often you picked up your phone, until it interrupted him. It happened often. When the two of you were cooking together, soft music and ambience long forgotten. Almost falling asleep, cuddling, and out of the blue the world was falling apart without you. Eddie thought he could handle it, you were needed, that wasn’t your fault, right? But what he also couldn’t handle was the secretive nature.
Why did you always walk away? Were you hiding something?
And now you were coming home later, clanging into the house at 11, or 12. Sometimes even later. “Where were you?” Eddie stood by the door as you hung your jacket, “Jesus, you scared me E.” His arms were crossed, shoulders tense as you made your way to him, a smile too wide for his liking. “Work ran late, m’ sorry.” As you walked away, his hand caught onto your wrist.
“Ow, let go.” Eddies grip loosened as you retracted your arm, soothing it, “What is your problem?” You looked up to view a sweet smile, “Nothing, just worried about you. When you didn’t call, I got so scared. This world, it’s scary Y/n, you know that, especially during these times.”
Your eyes watered involuntarily at his saddened demeanour, “Oh Eddie, I’m so sorry, I should’ve called. That’s my fault, forgive me?” Your arms came around his neck, before trailing down to his chest, playing with his name tag. “I forgive you, I can also think of a way you can make it up to me.”
His smile was mischievous, and intentions impure. “Oh? And what would that be Mr Diaz?” His hand was heavy on your back and slithering lower by the second, “I think we have an appointment with a bed tonight.”
“I have work tomorrow, so do you.”
“Cmon, for me?” His eyes were pure evil, and you were more than happy to give in, even if you were tired. Really damn tired, but he wanted you, so you should give in right? You did give him a fright. “Take me away Diaz.”
If you’d noticed the signs earlier, maybe you could’ve gotten away. His jealousy, when it did rear its head, was an ugly shade of green.
A late night, again.
Eddie had been by the door for 10, sitting for 20, pacing the kitchen and stress-eating for another 10 before he finally settled into bed. Wide awake of course. The opening of his bedroom door caused him to stir. He watched as you slowly moved around, placing your stuff away, putting your phone on charge and then changing.
He sat upright as you yelped, “Eddie! You scared me, again! Why are you sitting in the dark?” His face was drained of warmth, skin cold to the touch. “Was waiting for you, again.” You frowned at his words, “Baby, you know I’m late these days. Better for you to go to sleep than wait up.” He shook his head, burying his head into your stomach as his body relaxed. Your hands raked through his hair gently, “I think you should consider working from home.”
Your hands stopped in their tracks, working from home? The last time you worked from home was during lockdown, and you’d driven yourself half mad. “Why is that?” Eddie glanced up at you, “You’re barely home, Chris misses you, I miss you. Don’t you want to be with us?” You took a deep breath in before smiling, “Of course I do. I- I’ll see what I can do baby.”
His hands quickly dragged you into bed, “Knew you’d understand amor.” Eddie rested his head in the crook of your neck, his hands slowly making their way underneath your shirt.
“Sweetie, I’m tried.”
“I missed you.” You relented, letting him continue. It seemed to be all you were doing these days, bending backwards and over to please him, literally.
The first time you noticed his behaviour was also when you realised you needed space. Not that he’d give it to you. A new coworker, Harry, had invited not only yourself, but your friend Aleya and Jack out to lunch.
He was a nice guy, very eager to learn and never scared by a little constructive criticism. The only problem was probably his overbearing cologne, very pungent? Intense?
You’d also been driven to work that day, courtesy of your boyfriend. You were working shorter days now, completing about an hour or two of work at home now. It had taken some adjusting, after a few forgetful days and about a million texts from Carla with an impatient Chris at home waiting for you.
You spotted Eddies truck pull up as you wrapped up your conversation with the your three lunch goers, “And that’s me, I’ll see you guys on Monday. Thank you so much for lunch!” You reached out to Aleya for a side hug, the same for Jack and a normal hug for Harry. “Tell Eddie there’ll be a fire at my house later tonight, and he better bring Evan!” Jack joked as you waved him off.
Jack may or may not have a huge crush on Evan.
You hopped in, quickly chucking your purse and files into the back seat before kissing Eddie on the cheek. “Hi! How was Chris’s school?” Eddie shrugged his shoulders, “Fine.” Your eyebrows furrowed at his shortness, “Something wrong?” He turned onto the highway, knuckles tightly gripping the wheel, “You smell like him.”
“Like who? Harry?”
“That his name?”
You rolled your eyes, “No, it’s actually his father’s, middle name Jesus. Care for some wine Eddie?” Not once, had Eddie ever been physical. But raising his voice? Oh that was fair game.
“You think you’re funny huh? Having lunch with other guys and taking the piss outta me?”
“Nothing happened baby, it was lunch. He’s new and trying to fit in and I’m being nice. There’s nothing to worry about I swear.” The silence permeated in the truck, causing the hair on your arms to raise. You hated the silent treatment wholeheartedly.
His change in demeanour could flip like a switch, you always assumed it was him putting up a front. But when Eddie showed up the next day, flowers in hand and looking his sharpest, you were forced to reevaluate. “God I wish my boyfriend was that sweet.” Your project partner whispered as you sighed, “That’s Eddie.”
Even your boss wanted you to go with him, “Take the day off sweetie, you deserve it.” And with a pat on the back and a million swooning interns drooling over Eddie, you were sent on your way.
“I got these for you Y/n/n.” Your favourite flowers, arranged perfectly and smelling divine. Your hands wrapped around the bouquet, “Thank you Eddie, they’re perfect.” His smile caused your heart to race, he looked amazing. The Eddie with you that day was incredible.
His infectious laughter, perfect smile and the sweet nothings he whispered into your ear. That, was the Eddie Diaz you knew and loved. A gentleman, who had eyes for only you. Which is why you couldn’t help but wonder, what made him change? How was it possible to go from absolutely furious and unnecessarily jealous to an angel?
You didn’t want to know, and you didn’t want to stay around long enough to find out.
Maybe it was the date, or the fact that you felt as if he deserved an explanation face to face. Either way, if you’d known better, you would have made it away.
“Eddie, we have to talk.” The two of you were currently sitting on the couch, favourite show playing in the background. Eddie hummed along, a slight acknowledgment to your words. “It’s, about us.” Eddie turned the volume down, your sentence piquing his interest.
“What’s wrong?”
“I think, we should break up.”
And with six words, Eddies entire world came crashing down in front of him. What on earth were you talking about? “What did you say?” The smile on Eddies face was anything but sweet or reassuring, a bad attempt at keeping his composure. “You’ve been acting, odd, to say the least.” You stood from the couch as he followed in pursuit, all the way to the kitchen.
“I feel like, all that we’re doing lately is either fighting or sleeping. Every time I come home, you have something to say. Whether it’s about my later nights, about who I was with or what I’m doing on the phone. It’s like I have no privacy at all. I cannot keep a single thing to myself. And if I try to? You blow up at me. I mean last week for example, I tried my hardest to not argue with you by walking away. And all you did was follow me around the house, it drove me crazy. Showing up to my workspace when I tell you I can get more done without random lunch dates. I’m a grown adult but you treat me like a child. And if I stand up for myself I’m cheating. It makes no sense at all Eddie. And I tried to make it work, but I feel like you’re controlling me. I even reduced my hours, because you asked. I moved in even when I wasn’t ready, because you asked. I need a break.” You took a deep breath after your monologue, needing a second.
Turning towards Eddie, he stared straight at you. “I had no idea you felt that way baby. I’m so sorry, I never meant to do any of it. I love you so much, I can’t help but worry. After everything we’ve been through with Shannon,” And there it was, the guilt. It was blinding, clawing its way through you. Shannon. He’d already lost someone he loved, and Chris lost his mother. No wonder he was always to protective over you.
“Hey, I’m not leaving like Shannon okay? What happened was a tragic accident, and I promise nothing like that is going to happen again Eddie.” You immediately engulfed in a hug, his head resting against yours, “I don’t want to loose you, I don’t want Chris to loose you.” Eddie muttered repeatedly as you closed your eyes.
Chris walked into the room, thirsty, tired and curious, “Is something wrong?” You immediately detached yourself from Eddie, wiping away your tears, “Nothings wrong sweetie, did you need something?” He nodded before turning around and walking to his room, “We’ll talk later yeah?” Eddie whispered into your ear before moving ahead.
Sniffles came from underneath Christopher’s blanket, “You alright buddy?” Eddie asked, patting his hair down, “Water.” You watched as Eddie swiftly made his way to the kitchen whilst you sat down, “You need anything else?” Chris’s hand slowly lowered the blanket before smiling your way, “No thanks mum.”
And as quickly as he spoke, he turned over to sleep again. Your eyes were probably protruding out of your head, shock filling your senses. “Mum?” The word sounded foreign on your lips, but apparently comfortable enough on Chris’s.
“He called you mum.” Eddies voice was low, most likely as astounded as you based on the look on his face. You got up slowly, aware of the sleeping boy. You couldn’t help but smile, and kiss his forehead before making your way to Eddie. “I can’t believe it.” Eddies hand came up to wipe away the stray tears before pulling you in and kissing your forehead, “I can.”
“You’re apart of this family baby, always have been.” His words seeped in as he guided you to your bed, whilst you were stuck on autopilot. Chris viewed you as a parent to him, that’s how common you were in his life now, a constant for him to fall back on. He loved you, almost as much as you loved him. Your words weren’t forgotten just swirling in your head, how the hell could you ask for a break now? With this new huge responsibility?
Eddie knew, of course he knew. He was the one encouraging Chris to call you by your new name. Because if there’s one thing Eddie knew he needed, besides Chris?
It’s you, and he’d do anything to make you stay.
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ka0ila · 3 months
Hey so I have a request... I have been thinking about this for months! So u are the 9th member of straykids and you share a hotel room with bangchan your on a call with your best friend and she tells you to try and make her jealous by sending a pic of u and banchan together. So after you hang up the phone bangchan gets up from his bed and walks over to you while you're standing in front of the mirror and he hugs you're waist saying "now take the pic" OMFG and then after u take the pic it gets smuty and he takes ur v-card with out a condom. But he's gentle.
| Take it
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pairing - bestfriend!chan x virgin!reader
genre - smut [mdni!]
type - request
warnings - squirting, losing of virginity, fingering, foul language
divider credit - @cafekitsune
not proofread
note - thanks for the request love, also, your blog didnt have an age, it would be great if you verify your age in the comments, thankyou :)
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you were sharing a room with chan in paris.
while you were on call, chan was on the chair working on this song.
it was your last day here and you guys were mostly free,
you were on call with your bestfriend after taking a shower and chan was on his own.
“who are you staying with?” she asked you over the phone,
she has always been a little off after you became the member of straykids and you guys blew up, you knew she liked chan.
“chan, why?” hearing his name, chan’s ears perk up but he shrugged it off and went to the bathroom,
now your phone was on speaker as you were changing clothes,
“make me jealous.”
“i said make me jealous”
“i challenge you” you cut the phone huffing to yourself,
she was acting weird.
it was probably a joke, you thought. staring at the ceiling, you decide to get up and dry your hair,
as you were spraying your hair serum chan stands behind you, towel around his waist, bare chest, hair dripping.
he stares at you from the mirror, then back to himself,
“i can help you make her jealous.”
he said suddenly, looking down on you,
“huh?” you looked at him, acting confused, did he hear your call?
“i said, i can help you make her jealous.” he repeated himself,
“how..?” you looked at him, he pulled you back with his hand across your waist, slamming you into his chest, there had always been this weird tension between the two of you, you were always flirting and blushing.
“take a picture, cmon.”
“i— uh are you sure?” you blushed and tried to look away from the mirror to not make yourself embarrass even more,
“take it.”
and you did, his hand near your chest, holding you tight against his chest,
he took the phone from you hand and sent the picture himself.
you looked at him and he looked at you, those eyes, the way he was staring down on you through the mirror,
he’s slowly lowering himself to reach your neck, you could feel his breath on your neck, there, a soft kiss on your neck, you gasp
“is this okay?” he whispered in your ears, your legs grew weak your mind wasn’t thinking straight, was chan going to be your first?
you knew for sure he’s had sex before during his trainee days, and when the group debuted, almost everyone did, yet you were a virgin
“yeah” you leaned back on him, as your legs started to lose their balance, he picked you up with his arm around you waist and placed you on the bed getting on top of you
you could feel his hands move towards your inner thighs as he was sucking on your neck, you arched your back as he touched you with light hands,
were you about to lose your virginity in paris, to your group leader? to your best friend?
“so wet baby, so wet for me hm? tell me” he whispered in your ear, licking it slightly
“touch me channie— please” you whined, you cringed to yourself, you sounded so desperate.
“yeah? as you wish baby” he pulls your thin underwear off, playing with your clit, making you embarrassed of all the sounds it made,
“hear that baby? youre so wet, i haven’t even done anything.” he chuckled as he inserted a finger inside of you, you gasp,
you’ve never done this before, you never had anyone do that to you, you were never able to do it properly, “chan—.” your voice creaked,
“fuck” you moaned as he placed a pillow under your waist, reaching the spots you never knew existed,
“you’re so tight baby” he groaned, “want you— please” you begged him,
vulnerable on the verge of crying, fuck were you really that desperate?
you heard his pants fall on the ground with a slight thought, you could see his bulge, it was huge.
you clenched around his fingers unconsciously, he chuckled, “its all yours baby, all yours.”
he rubbed his tip on your folds, breathing heavily, he slipped his tip in, you gasped, “oh fuck baby youre so tight.” he groaned,
he looked at you, you seemed a little.. nervous?
“baby, are you scared?” he asked you while teasing your nipple with his mouth, “chan im a virgin.” you said, tears swelling in your eyes, everything was emotional for you,
“its okay baby, i’ll treat you, i’ll treat you so gently princess.” he kissed your forehead and started moving, it hurt a little, he was inside of you, raw.
you clenched your eyes and grabbed his bicep, not caring if it left marks,
it felt so weird but so good? slowly and steadily you started to feel pure pleasure as he was pacing up his speed,
“faster channie— please i need you.” you were a crying mess, you lost your virginity to your leader, your bestfriend, whom youve loved for years.
“youre doing so good baby, so good for me.” he started pacing up as he was reaching his high,
he starts to rub your clit with his thumb simultaneously, you felt weird, there was a weird knot in your abdomen,
you couldn’t hold it back, you squirted all over his hands, you felt embarrassed, shocked infact.
“chan im so sorry—.” you cried even more,
“fuck baby that turn me on even more, i cant hold it back baby cum with me.” you were surprised when he said that,
you thought he’d be disgusted, you couldn’t think straight, you were so overstimulated,
this was a new feeling for you.
“cum in me chan— please.” you begged,
“fuck baby are you sure?” he asked,
“please im so sure.” you nearly screamed,
with that,
you went silent you body was shaking, this was the best first orgasm of your life,
chan came inside of you,
groaning, and kissing your forehead.
he fell beside you, gasping for air as you scooted towards his arm, resting your chin on your shoulder and hugging his bicep.
“gotta clean you up baby, wanna take a bath together?”
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delcakoo · 1 year
enha’s favorite petnames ´✩ˎ˗
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requested <3
PAIRING ! enhypen x f!reader
WC ! 2.1k
GENRE ! tooth rotting fluff
WARNINGS ! lots of petnames ofc ^^
a/n: finally ot7 post woo! a bit shorter than my usual but hope u all enjoy <3
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if you’re the type to get flustered easily.. oh boy
you miiiight be in trouble
but even if you aren’t? hee WILL change that
this man will search a whole dictionary just to find a name that’ll get you shy for him
but on the average day he’s pretty chill yet flirty with pet names
its a bit unexpected.. the longer you’ve been dating the worse it gets
everything begins with baby
it just starts replacing your name like
“there’s my baby, how was your day, hm?”
before you can even get used to that he’s already gotten more confident
his other go to names for you are angel and occasionally pretty
mushy yet effective c:
for example if you’ve been having a rough day or just got back from work or school? healing gamer boyf hee to the rescue!
“missed you, angel. wanna come sit on my lap while i game?” with a kiss against your temple :c
it’s such a simple name that he’d only ever call you, n’ he always says it so absentmindedly as if the name was your own
the latter is commonly used when you’re mad at him
“m’ sorry pretty. can your boyfriend try and make it up with some cuddles? and i’ll let you pick a movie?”
or perhaps when he’s being evil and wants a reaction out of you
“hey pretty girl, can you pass the remote?” pArdon
where did that come from sir..
when your reply comes out stuttered he snickers
this is not to say he isn’t just as weak for you!!
make sure to get him back since IT ISN’T THAT HARD
hit him with ‘handsome’ and bros a goner
“morning handsome, how’d you sleep?”
“i just woke up, stop..” suddenly your smug, confident boyfriend is hiding the grin on his face in the safety of your shoulder
BUT proceed with caution because hee will never just let you win, nuh uh!
if you step up your game so will he, be prepared for him to hunt down any name in the book that can get you going <3
cmon this man is the epitome of romance!
he doesn’t even nOtice the effect it has on you, as his s/o jay thinks it’s common sense that you should have all the special names ^^
“darling, want me to get you a drink? i washed your favorite mug.”
“sweetheart, should i cut up some fruit for you and the boys?” yeAh he’d literally be in the kitchen doing shit instead of joining in movie night (just like in sosofun T-T)
THE BOYS DON’T EVEN TEASE because it’s just so cute and pure
even if they did it isn’t like he’d care
brushes them off because nothing can stop him from showering you in love
after a while you soooorta get used to it
but like can you ever really get used to jay’s way of waking you up in the morning
“my love,” he mumbles, peppering kisses along the back of your head while holding you tighter against his sturdy chest, “time to get up, okay?”
you just ask how he expects you to get up when he’s holding and talking to you like that :c
either way pet names are quite important for jay
it’s a method to show how serious he is about your relationship, he doesn’t go around calling just anyone beautiful,,
so if you use them on him as well? his heart will MELT
literally anything you do makes him happy, even just baby would get him smiling
even if it’s over text,, “sleep well! goodnight, love” HE IS FAST ASLEEP WITH A GIDDY SMILE ON HIS FACE
all in all jay is a giver!
doesn’t expect anything in return for his labor, so having you call him such praising names like he does for you..?
just?! starts malfunctioning
his brain immediately goes to things like “how’d i get so lucky” “i don’t deserve her”
also why words of affirmation is one of his top love languages!! give him the affection he deserves <3
and and one time you tried to see his reaction by calling him husband on the phone with a friend
..bro didn’t even bat an eye
the real definition of husband material
now this one.. unironically uses all the playboy pet names
you see
he started calling you babygirl as a joke A JOKE OKAY
just teasingly or fake flirting as if you weren’t already together y’know
however.. the annoying name
kinda stuck
and now he brings it up every so often,,
bro’s lucky because it’d probs give you the ick from anyone else..
when you’d show off a new outfit or arrive at your date location?
“yoi! looking pretty, babygirl!” :)
his other favourite is princess! no reason just that you’re his princess
you rarely hear your own name any more it’s always just
“when’d you buy that, princess?”
“hey princess, is the food warm enough?”
not that you mind!
as for him.. jake literally loves anything and everything when it’s from your mouth
call him snookums for all he cares as long as it isn’t his boring old name
if you even try to call him jaEhyun or jake you’re getting the injured puppy eyes >:[
baby, love, handsome, literally anything makes him smile and mentally kick his feet like AUGHHH hes so in love with you it hurts!!
however this may seem oddly specific
‘cause it is but
calling him dumb things like my hero WILL GET HIM GRINNING SO FAST
jake loves! feeling helpful! and important! mainly for you!!
EVEN IF ITS JUST. he tied your shoe just go ‘my knight in shining armour! i would’ve tripped without you’ and mans will be doing a lil’ dance in his head <3
yes you could’ve tied your own shoe but heeee did that he’s such a good helpful caring wonderful boyfriend right?? right
let him have his moments,,
he is. sort of sorry
listen.. hoon can’t help his shyness
even after dating for a while this man still blushes at the thought of calling you something besides your name T-T
he settles for.. babe
around others it’ll be your name
but in private he’ll just quietly go “babe, now that they’re gone can we continue that show?” awWw
sure when he’s being a teasing nuisance he’ll pinch your cheeks and start calling you cutie or my baby just to see your annoyed frown
but when you harmlessly ask why he doesn’t call you that at any other time he gets all fidgety and shrugs his shoulders
“i dunno! it’s.. embarrassing.”
so pretty much
the only real way to get pet names out of hoon is if you can muster up the courage to start using them first
just jump scare him like
“pretty boy, wanna go get ice cream?” he’ll be looking around the room pointing to himself going mE??!
then he’ll eventually start using them in return, maybe just baby or angel here or there
more specifically if he’s really missing you or needs something
“yah, angel~” he’d yell from your apartment’s entrance, “you look good and all.. but we’re going to be late if you don’t hurry!!”
“wanna come visit the recording room at break? baby i’ll cry from exhaustion if you don’t.”
synopsis is. you know he reaaally needs you when those names come out
but but! like mentioned before he feels most comfy with casual nicknames
and if you’re okay with it, your own name which sometimes feels even more special to hoon ^^
he just loves saying your name as much as he loves everything else about you
however if pet names mean a lot to you no need to worry, he’ll get the hang of em’ and soon this dork will have you a blushing mess 24/7 mwahaha!
baby is.. more romantic than you think!
as he warms up,, his favourite is simply calling you his love :c
in fact, he doesn’t mind saying it in front of the members even if they’re sure to tease him later on
“my love!” he exclaims as soon as you answer the phone, “i’m on the way to practise with everyone, wanna visit at lunch? jungwon keeps mentioning some mario movie he wants to watch with you..” *eyeroll*
he’s very.. go with the flow
if you call him a specific name then he may use the same one on you too ^^
for example, it was a bit unexpected to hear him start calling you hun
but at the same time you’ve called him that a couple times before too
sunoo always tries to catch on quickly when it comes to what you’re comfy with!
you wrap your arms around your boyfriend's waist just as he drops his duffle bag on the floor, “sun, how was recording?”
“ahh.. the others were yelling and gave me a headache. but it’s okay now that i’m with you, hun,” despite his exhaustion, he squeezes you with equal enthusiasm <3
as for himself, sunoo can’t help but smile when you call him the softer stuff
AND sun of course, it’s cute but simple — his favourite!
despite being the oldest of the maknae line, he’s used to being coddled a lot and sometimes.. it gets annoying
especially when the younger members join in
however when it comes to you?? he couldn’t care LESS
“my baby looks so tired, wanna sleep in my lap?” yep he’s absolutely sold
sometimes you have to repeat yourself ‘cause he was too busy getting flustered over your names for him <\3
being known for copying things like ‘yoi’
wonnie sometimes gets his pet names by watching/reading things
he could be on the plane during tour, watching a movie when the main lead says ‘beautiful’ and his first thought is just
“ah, that’s a good name for y/n”
may or may not have a note tab in his phone dedicated to names for you..
he would even research ones in other languages because he LOVES seeing your shy reaction when he explains what it means
“yah, why’d you text me something in a different language?”
when his cat eyes turn to crescents and his dimple poked through, you know he’s proud of whatever it is
“it means ‘darling’ in chinese, jagiya.”
when your expression changes and you turn to hide your smile, he leans over to give you a victory kiss through many giggles <3
on a day to day basis though
he enjoys saying your name in a cute way, besides the classic jagi/jagiya
“y/n~ come cuddle!” c’mon how’re you gonna say no!?
“look jagi,” he says it absentmindedly, even with the members nearby, “you’re my lockscreen now!”
will think it’s cute if you use the same names back, but won doesn’t mind anything ^^
he just really enjoys matching with you whether it be petnames, outfits, jewelry, anything really
so if there’s a specific name you like calling him
he’ll definitely steal it..
“bub, wanna order something for dinner?”
cat boyfriend just tilts his head, “okay, but why am i bub now?”
“i dunno, it’s just a cute name.”
then a few days later he—
“bub! i missed you!!” as soon as you walk through the door <3
cutie T-T
creative boy likes being unique with it :0
also ‘cause using super mushy names simply isn’t his style bUt
perhaps when he gets older that’ll change,,
most of the time babe/baby is an exception though
its quick, sweet, and right to the chase which is perfect for your impatient boy especially when he needs attention
“babe, babe, babe-“
you push him away slightly, holding the phone closer to your ear, “can’t you see i’m on the phone, ki?”
before you know it his arms are wrapped around you as his head dips into the crook of your neck, “baby i’m bored..”
“just a bit longer, okay?”
sometimes you may need some patience T-T
he also enjoys finding ways to make his own personal nickname out of your name, it feels much more special to him even if it’s not as ‘romantic’
AND OH BOY if anyone
absolutely anyone tries to use HIS name for you they’re getting the coldest death glare >:[
especially if it’s one of his members
in that case he has zero shame telling them off
“ow! what was that for?” jake whines, recoiling from the punch the younger had delivered to his arm
“you used my name for y/n,” he explains with a shy yet scolding grin, “the only thing you’re allowed to call her is her name, idiot.”
poor jake had to retell his story from the beginning,, sigh
just because he doesn’t do it himself does noT mean he won’t want you to call him cute shit!!
his reactions are always so worth it
“love, do you see my phone over there?” you feel bad interrupting your boyfriend who was peacefully napping in the living room, but the stress of being late for work was worse
instead of looking around though, riki only peels his eyes over to you, smiling giddily
“what was that?”
“have you seen my phone, doofus,” you repeat
“no, the first part!”
“love…?” suddenly he’s running over, picking you up and pulling you right over to the couch with him happily
good luck escaping his grasp c:
if u enjoyed, reblogs n’ feedback is always appreciated!
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© delcakoo on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not rewrite, cross-post, translate, copy, etc.
perm taglist: @duolingofanaccount @strawberry-sunset-skies @scented-morker @koshinene @boowoowho @sultrybaby @yunjinlvrr @kynrki @yujiecho @monstaxdirtywonk @dekusgirl @taejays @luvhyun3 @yjjungwon @miou45 @rosie-is-everywhere @yenqa @rosenatorfirst @millsielovesgyu @syrxiee2 @ily-cuz-i @soobin-chois @wtfhyuck @hoonvrs @gyuuberryy @bucketofhiros @xtra-cheese @bitehee
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jarofstyles · 6 months
harry damn near begging for yn and being needy, mouthing at her neck chest and stomach while she’s trying to read plsss
Harry was a horny little menace. But god, was he a convincing one.
It had started when he crawled into her cozy little nest in their bed, cooing about how pretty she looked. In her glasses and her hair thrown up in a bun, along with a few pimple patches, she was sure she wasn't at her prime but it always did give her butterflies when he complimented her in her most relaxed, vulnerable state.
When he asked what she was read, she explained the general synopsis of what had happened so far- a royal romance, enemies to lovers-, and he had snuggled closer. Freshly showered, he was shirtless in just in a pair of grey sweats, skin and hair still slightly damp as he rested his head on her shoulder to catch a glimpse of the pages. But his intentions weren't pure.
"Oh? This is one of those dirty books, isn't it?" He cooed. Of course, as fate would have it, he had turned up during one of the smut scenes in the book. He knew she read filth, had an entire collection of smut ridden books, but this time in particular he felt rather smug about catching her.
"They're all dirty books." She drawled, turning the book so he could see better. He had a one track mind though, and turned his face to bury in her neck with a deep exhale. If he was being honest, he had been aching all day. Y/N had teased him slightly over text and he knew coming home that she would be in his shirt, looking so soft and familiar, he simply wanted to bury himself in her and never leave. Getting to see her so warm and relaxed, it did things to him.
"I have a better idea." He murmured into her skin, kissing the smoothness of her neck. "Why don't we have our own fun, hm? Been gone all day, wanting to come home... and you're reading' about other people having sex." He grunted, slipping his hand under her shirt, nosing at her like a needy pup.
"Well, yes." Y/N laughed through her nose. "I do tend to do that. I enjoy reading some tasteful sex scenes. Beautifully written ones. Is that so wrong?"
"Never said it was wrong, sweetness. Just said the obvious. M'home now, you don't need to read about it." His hand found her breast as his kisses moved up towards her jaw, sloppy with his movements and smearing the wet kisses over the curve of it. "You can experience anything y'want with me. M'ready to role-play, even. Just let me into that pretty pussy, and I'll make all those dreams come true, off the paper."
Of course Y/N knew she was fighting a losing battle- one she very clearly wanted to lose, based off of the sudden awareness of him in between her thighs and his fingers gently plucking her nipple. He liked to beg for it a little bit, though, so she sighed. "I dunno, H. This scene is really good. Maybe you'll just have to wait." The tone of her voice sounded serious but they both knew the game. This was part of it.
"Please, baby?" He whined. "Just a taste of it? Or... can let me warm myself inside of you." His teeth nibbled under her ear, a sweet spot he knew would cause damage to her resolve, sucking on the skin. Y/N felt it between her thighs. That familiar pulsing, her clit beginning to swell, her hole beginning to leak. Harry had quite the effect on her every single time, but hearing him beg always did it to her.
"Please, jus' let me make us feel good. Know you love t'be nice and full, can have it stuffed in you in just a few minutes... get you to feel it in your tummy, baby." He pleaded. "Cmon. Can make it so good for you. Missed feeling you wrapped around me all day, didn't get enough of you this morning." A horny thing he really was. "Can't help that you feel so good that I need you all the time, but m'dying for it. Been thinking about it all day long, just let me slide in." He continued with the begging, slipping his hand back down to the band of her panties.
When Y/N didn't tell him off, he slipped his digits between her thighs and let out a strangled moan. "Fuck me, baby. You're dripping." He whimpered. "Please, let me have it. Let me feel you around my cock, babylove. It aches, you're the only way to fix it." He was getting desperate, rubbing against her thigh as his fingers slid up and down her wet slit. "M'begging you, my love. Let me in."
"Okay, baby. Okay." Y/N laughed at his desperation. "You can slip inside, but you can't move until I finish this chapter." Harry didn't need further instruction, slipping his pants off and tugging her panties to the side with impatience. It took him but a few seconds to do it, spreading her legs open as he turned her on her side so he was spooning her from behind and letting himself in. Slowly pressing the ruddy, leaking tip of his cock through the soaked folds of her puffy cunt and finding her hole, notching against it before pressing inside.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you." His whimper was vibrated against her ear, making her clench slightly around him. He was truly desperate for it, letting her stretch as he sunk in inch by inch and rested his head against her cheek, hand going back up her shirt. "I'll be good. Promise."
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angelsrcute · 11 days
(´∀`*)ε` ) ౨ৎ N–sfw content !! ; Dom!Tartaglia + Sub!F!Reader ➜ cws: modern au,fluff, hurt to comfort, protected sex + use of lube, praising, body worship, drunk sex, teeth-rotting fluff, Dad!Tartaglia is the dad of the year.
꒰ † ੭ — Part 2 of 7 weeks and 3 days, this is also a lyric fic! mixed up the ideas I had, some crdts to @xschizoe and anon. Hope this feeds you all!! (unfortunately scara didn't get hit by a car)
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The skyline falls as I try to make sense of it all.
How did you both get together? Long story, not that you'd complain. He's an absolute sweetheart, Tartaglia, Scaramouche's best friend. Frequent dates, showering you with gifts, spoiling the shit out of your kid. No wonder your kid doesn't listen to you anymore, just listens to your new boyfriend. You swore that you'd never let the walls in your heart down, but it did, for him.
I thought I'd uncovered your secrets but, turns out, there's more, You adored me before. Oh, my good looking boy.
Tartaglia would always give you looks when you were with scaramouche, that screamed out ‘he's not good for you, leave him.’ You never really paid any attention to them even if it was true, scaramouche was hurting you. So one night while you were working your part time job at a club, due to desperate measures– you saw him.
You both talked for hours, catching up on eachother, you broke down while talking about scaramouche but he comforted you, apparently tartaglia got a very good job. To celebrate, he ordered some expensive wine even though you refused, he assured you that he wouldn't mind.
Play casino holes of my eyeballs, Roll the dice on my thighs.
The night was a blur, all you remember drinking too much and crying, your head hurting like hell, Childe saying something. Now, you're here, in his bed. In his fucking bed. No clothes on. Tartaglia cuddling you to sleep while burying his head in your hair. Well, after you both were sober enough, he apologised, he didn't mean to sleep with you without proper consent but he just did due to the moment.
Back to the present, Childe coming into your life was the best thing that's happened in your life. You don't really mind that your child looks a bit like his father, Scaramouche nor does Childe. He'd sometimes bring his siblings to play with your child, they enjoyed every moment of it.
You stopped for breath and I sped up, Just to impress you.
You couldn't help but laugh as your husband played with your child, he currently had makeup on his face, his short hair tied into a ponytail, stylist in the making, you think.
“You look fabulous, sweetheart, you should go walk on the runway!”
“Gosh, Y/N, don't tease me like that–” Laughing together as your kid laughed too, in his arms.
Some whining before he finally put the little demon to sleep. Coming out of the room as he hugs you, prepping light kisses to your face. Leading you to your shared bedroom, “The kid is asleep, we finally have some alone time.” He whispers as he leaves trails of kisses down your chest, worshipping you like his goddess.
“Until the little demon gets hungry and calls the peasants for food!” You reply back, giggling.
“Oh cmon, Y/N, I might die of laughing too much, you'd be at fault. Also did I say Scaramouche was at the bar we hooked up in? You should've seen the look on his face!”
“Anyway, in the mood for a quick sex, darlin’? Wouldn't mind another little demon running around in the house.” He says while he places another kiss to your stomach with that stupid smile he charmed you with.
Oh, my good looking boy.
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Taglist : @xschizoe, @iruma-chan,
@whoooismkeee, @t0matensalatxoooooo,
@tartagliaboo, @magica-ren
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miguelsslvt · 8 months
miguel o’hara x fem! reader shower sex
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word count: 796
TW: smut, nsfw, fingering, miguel is a little cutie
A/N: happy kinktober my loves, enjoy the smut, welcome to the club;)
Miguel had been quite busy recently. And when I say quite, I mean very. You two used to have sex at least once every day, but now you’re lucky if you guys can even see each other during the week. You understood it was his duty to protect the multiverse and keep it in order, but damn you’re starting to think Lyla might be more important then you.
Thats why, on one night, Miguel finally got back after being out for 4 days. You two had barely even spoken. He looked tired, as you walked up to him, hugging him softly. ‘God you look shattered.’ You said, pointing at his eyeballs. ‘Didn’t you sleep in the spare room at HQ?’ You asked, he nodded. ‘Yeah, but you know what the beds like.’ He reminded, as you nodded. ‘yeah.. pretty bad. Cmon, lets get you cleaned up. You smell like crap’ you teased, as he chuckled softly, holding your hips as you both went into the bathroom.
this had been the first time in exactly 2 weeks and 5 days you had seen Miguel naked. And god, it was like a bottle of fresh water. His tan kissed skin, his abs and muscles flexing in just the right way, his v-line looking delicious as always. it was like he was sculpted by a god. You both got into the shower, the hot water going on both of your heads, as Miguel pulled you right on top of the shower head, as you gasped and giggled in surprise. He laughed softly, kissing you passionately.
You kissed back of course, missing this sweet side of him. Its quite uncommon to see Miguel be human for once.
Things got heated pretty quickly. He had picked you up by your thighs, pinning you onto the shower wall. your hands gripped around his thick neck, as your tongues danced together. He let go soon enough, panting. ‘We haven’t.. in so long..’ He said between pants, you nodded. ‘If you don’t want to-‘ ‘I’ve been craving you for weeks, love.’ He whispered, the water still hot on Miguels back.
He kissed you again passionately, placing a finger inside you. ‘Missed this sweet pussy..’ He growled, lacing another finger inside as you gasped in pleasure. Sure you’ve fingered yourself this week thinking about Miguel, but nothing can compare to his long, huge fingers.
‘god.. mig..’ You moaned breathlessly, as he just shut you up by kissing you once again. ‘..you ready, mi amor?’ He cooed, taking out his fingers and putting his tip just on your hole. You nodded desperately. ‘please.. you don’t understand how much I’ve needed this..’ You confess, as he plunged all 8 and a half inches inside you. You moaned out loudly, gasping as you felt the same usual heat as you always do when miguel is filling you up.
‘You okay..?’ He asked, groaning. You nodded, leaning your head on the cold shower wall. ‘y..you can move..’ You said, as he nodded.
He started thrusting into your slowly, as his pace soon sped up. You moaned in ecstasy, eyes glued onto Miguel. he was a panting mess, his hands grabbing anything of you as he could. Your waist, your thighs, your tits, your neck, your hands, everything.
‘fuck.. you feel so good, sweetheart.. could stay stuck with you like this forever..’ He whispered in your er, as your lower stomach felt hot as he thrusted deeper. harder. Your mind was foggy and clouded in lust, all you could think about was Miguel and how good he ws making you feel. ‘M..Miguel.. gd feels so good..’ You whispered, whining a little. He chuckled slowly, lifting you chin to look up at him. ‘Its okay, keep your eyes on me. i’ll always be here, okay?’ He said, kissing you sloppily. ‘Always gonna be here to fuck my girl the way she deserves.’ He said between the kiss, as you moaned softly, hands trailing up and down his abs, feeling the same familiar hot coil down your stomach.
‘g..gonna.. Miguel..’ You whined, as he nodded. ‘I know. I know..’ He whispered, as he got faster and harder with the thrusts, so hard you swore you started seeing stars. You let out a loud moan of Miguel’s name, as your eyes rolled back, cumming on his cock.
miguel kept going, biting his lower lip, grunting as he groaned loudly beside you ear, mumbling something in Spanish as he came deep inside you.
You both panted together, the sound of the shower still there. You could worry about the water bill later.
You looked up at Miguel, as he kissed you passionately.
‘We’re not done yet, my love.’ He said, his voice husky and deep. god, you knew you were in for it now.
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sturnsbabie · 3 months
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pairing: chris x reader x nate
summary: in which chris has been friends with benefits with y/n for a while now. his bestfriend nate also has always found the girl hot. one day he asks chris what its like to have her in bed and chris suddenly comes up with the idea of tagteaming her.
warnings: swearing,making out, f!recieving, m!recieving, p in v, unprotected sex,degrading, praising,slapping,creampie.
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chris and nate were currently chilling on chris’ couch just talking about random stuff til nate suddenly brought up the girl chris has been fucking for the past four months.
nate looks at his friend. “weird question but i have to ask what is it like fucking around with y/n?” nate asks if he hasnt imagined having her pinned down on his bed railing into her.
chris chuckled as he looked at nate. “she is so fucking good bro. she has the best pussy ever dont even get me started on that head game.” chris said as he started to think about all the times he has fucked her.
chris suddenly had a idea pop into his mind. “what if i shared her with you for a night?” chris randomly asked
nate widened his eyes making sure that he heard chris correctly. “would she even be down?” nate asked him not wanting to turn down a chance with the girl.
“i mean shes told me that shes always wanted to be tagteamed by me and someone else so im sure she would be down.” chris said
“i mean im down if you’re okay with that and of course her too.” nate said as he started to imagine the girls pretty mouth wrapped around him.
“im gonna text her real quick.”chris told his bestfriend as he grabbed his phone.
i just got out of the shower as i heard my phone go off. i seen that chris texted me. he wanted me to come hang out with him and nate.
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i put a hoodie and a pair of shorts on then slid my shoes on. i grabbed my phone and keys then headed to my car.
once i got to chris’ house i headed inside. this was normal for us since i was always here either for chris or to hang out with nick.
i headed into the living room and felt two sets of eyes stare me down. i sat down next to chris as he pulled me close to him. “hey mama.” he said as he kept looking at me.
nate was nervous for what could happen. he couldn’t believe he was gonna tag team the girl hes been down bad for with his bestfriend.
“hi chris”i said as i looked at him. fuck he looked so good with just a beanie and sweatpants on without a shirt. i could take him right then and there.
“what would you do if i said nate and i wanna tag team you?” chris said as i could feel my heat starting to get wet as i started to squeeze my legs together as they both noticed.
“i think she wants us too. what do you think chris?” nate said as he started to scoot closer to me leaving me in the middle of him and chris.
“i think so too nate. i can tell shes getting turned on just by thinking about us both using her like a whore.” chris said as he pulled me into his lap crashing his lips onto mine.
chris started to grind me down on him as we were making out as nate just sat there watching waiting to be touched by me. nate was so fucking hot, ive always wondered what hes like in bed.
chris suddenly pulled away from the kiss as he looked at me. “i think you should let nate get a taste of you baby. i think he deserves it dont you?” he said as i looked over at nate who was visibly getting hard.
i crawled off of chris’ lap. “come here babygirl.” nate said as he pulled me onto his lap as he grabbed me by the throat kissing me. suddenly it turned into a heated makeout session as i was grinding myself down on him.
“cmon nate lets take her to my room and treat her like shes nothing but a whore who wants to be used by the both of us.” chris said as i felt nate pick me up not breaking the kiss.
once we got into chris’ room nate threw me down on the bed roughly as both of them looked at me.
“strip.” chris said as he started to played with the hem of his sweats.
i stripped out of my hoodie and shorts til i was completely naked.
“i want you on all fucking fours rightnow.”nate demanded as i saw chris slip out of his sweats.
i got onto all fours arching my back for nate as chris got closer to me. “open up pretty girl.” he said as he slid his dick into my mouth.
i felt nates hot breath against my soaked cunt. “shes dripping chris. she really must want to use her. such a fucking slut.” nate said as he attached his mouth onto my clit with no warning.
i moaned against chris as i was deepthroating him the same time i was being ate out by nate.
suddenly two fingers were inserted to me as chris started roughly fucking himself into my mouth. i kept moaning against him in pleasure.
it felt so good to be used by the both of them. i often found myself thinking about what it would be like to get fucked by the both of them at the same time.
i felt chris’ thrusts into my mouth getting sloppier as i could tell he was getting close. “gonna cum in that pretty mouth of yours” chris moaned out as i felt myself getting close clenching around nates fingers.
“cum for me pretty girl.” nate said as i felt him slide his fingers out attaching his mouth to me as i felt my orgasm growing closer.
chris shot his seed into the back of my throat as i felt myself cumming on nates tounge.
nate licked me clean as chris pulled out of my mouth. “taste so good” nate said as he switched places with chris.
“cmere whore.”chris said as he pulled me to him and slammed himself into me as i let out a loud moan. he reached down slapping me on the face as i moaned in pleasure. “such a good fucking whore letting us use you”
nate pulled his clothes off as he got close to me sliding himself into my mouth as chris was pounding into me.
i teased nate as my tounge swirled around the slit of his dick before i took him all the way into my mouth. “dont fucking tease.” nate said
i felt myself clench around chris as he kept hitting my gspot. i kept deepthroating nate as chris was pounding into me.
“such a fucking slut already wanting to cum around my cock.” chris said pulled out slamming back in causing me to moan against nate.
“gonna cum all over that pretty face.” nate groaned as he pulled out of my mouth stroking himself as white strings of warm liquid was being shot onto my face.
“since youre being such a good whore you can cum baby.” chris said as i felt him start to twitch inside me.
chris pounded into me deeper and faster with each thrust as i felt my second orgasm growing closer and closer til i came around his cock.
“good fucking girl.” chris moaned as i felt him cum deep inside of me.
he pulled out of me as i felt nate flip me over to where i was on my back as he hovered over me.
“my turn.” nate said as he slowly slid himself into me letting me adjust to his size.
chris laid behind me as my head was laying on his thighs.
once i got used to the stretch of nates cock he started thrusting into me.
i let out a string of moans as he threw my legs over his shoulders so he could go deeper.
“youre such a fucking slut letting nate use my pussy yeah?” chris said as he was playing with my hair.
chris couldnt help but feel a little jealous at the sight of his bestfriend fucking the girl. he knew he shouldn’t because the girl and him were just fuck buddies. but there was a side of him that was turned on watching another guy fuck her as he had her laying on his thighs.
suddenly nate pulled out flipping the girl over til she was on all fours as he slammed back into her as she made eye contact with chris as nothing but moans left her mouth.
“look so pretty while getting fucked by another guy.” chris said as he felt his cock twitch with the eye contact the girl was giving him.
“wanna suck my cock again yeah?” chris said as the girl slid her mouth back onto his cock sucking him as she stroked him with what she couldnt fit into her mouth.
all that could be heard coming from chris’ room was the mixture of their moans and skin slapping together.
nate pounded into the girl as chris reached his hand down slapping the girls face once again.
“you like that dont you? you like being treated like a fucking whore letting me and nate use you dont you?” chris said as i felt nate slap my ass.
tears were rolling down my face as i was being overstimulated by being fucked by two different cocks.
i felt my third orgasm growing closer as nate kept abusing my cervix with his tip. “gonna cum!” i moaned out as i stroked chris while keeping eye contact.
“fuck you look so fucking sexy stroking my cock the sametime youre being fucked.” chris groaned
“cum for me princess. i know you can.” nate said as he pounded into me as i stroked chris til he came all over my hand.
i licked every drop of his cum off of my hand as i felt myself cumming around nates cock. a loud string of moans left my mouth as nate thrusted a few more times letting me come down from my high before he pulled out cumming all over my ass.
i felt my legs give out as i laid on chris’ thighs. chris pulled me up to him to where i was laying on his chest as he rubbed my back.
“nate go get a towel and clean her up.” chris said as he placed a soft kiss on my forehead.
nate went and got a towel as he came back wiping my ass off.
nate went back into chris’ bathroom to shower as chris cuddled me til i fell asleep.
i couldnt believe i just got tagteamed by chris and nate. something ive wanted for a while now.
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