#henry van winkle
dandylion240 · 9 months
The battle is becoming heated between the Elder pack the resistance. Will Adam be in time to make a difference? The next chapter of the Van Winkle Legacy is available on my WP Blog if you want to read it now otherwise it will be added to my queue.
Ella Bain and Clare Littlefield were made by @dstarstories
Liam Parker was made by @aresember
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shipwreckedcomedy · 1 year
Ichabod's story, from beginning to end.
HEADLESS: A SLEEPY HOLLOW STORY A new 10-part series by Shipwrecked Comedy inspired by The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Written & Created by Sean Persaud & Sinéad Persaud Directed by William J. Stribling
CAST (in order of appearance) Rip Van Winkle - James Tolbert Diedrich Knickerbocker - Jon Cozart Ichabod Crane - Sean Persaud Douffe Martling - Joanna Sotomura Matilda Bishop - Sinead Persaud Kat Van Tassel - Mary Kate Wiles Judy Gardenier - Krystina Arielle Eugene Trousers - Curt Mega Ramona Trousers - Kim Whalen Geoffrey Crayon - Parvesh Cheena Trevor Trinkets - Christopher Higgins Lucretia Lazenby - Sarah Grace Hart Brom Bones - Gabe Greenspan Tripp - Joey Richter Cal - Corey Lubowich Blair - Brian Rosenthal The Headless Horseman - Tom DeTrinis Christa Pierson - Audrey Grace Marshall Verla Wolfson - Ginny Di Henri - Jason Huber Officer Baader Meinhof - Corey Dorris Captain "Gravy" Davy Crowbones - Matthew Mercer Max Lee - Jimmy Wong Devlyn Versace - Lee Newton Judge Pringle - Julia Cho Anne Tarry - Lauren Lopez Bruce McConnell - Dan Mintz Paulie Tahoe - Ryan Garcia Jonathan Oldstyle - Tom Lenk with Felicia Day as Henrietta Hudson And featuring John Rubinstein as Baltus Van Tassel
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anarcho-occultism · 7 months
Miskatonic University
Miskatonic University is a private university based in Arkham, Massachusetts. Miskatonic University was established in 1690 by Ward Phillips. The University originally was heavily modeled on neighboring schools like Harvard, but would begin to move in a different direction early on when, in 1693, Philips gained custody of a number of rare occult books from the collection of the Sanderson sisters in the aftermath of the Salem witch trials. Thus, from an early era, Miskatonic University was heavily colored by an interest in paranormal and occult phenomena. This would in early history largely remain underground–especially in the late 1600’s still dominated by a Puritan ethos. However, the university would gain a reputation for addressing unusual incidents. It was Miskatonic University scholars who were tasked with figuring out what caused the events around Rip Van Winkle’s anomalously long sleep, investigating rumors of a so-called ‘headless horseman’ in the backwoods of New York and carrying out research into reversing the effects of ‘the Alteration’ rendering the ocean treacherous to navigate. Much of this research was carried out in secret by professors ostensibly dedicated to other subjects. In the mid-19th century, the growth of Spiritualism and interest in the occult led to the founding of the Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose at the school, which quickly became a much larger esoteric order. A large archive of occult tomes and supernatural artifacts were accumulated at the school and in 1871, the American Secure Containment Initiative was founded by Artemus Gordon, Brisco County, Sr., and Jonah Hex, who set up the ASCI’s headquarters underneath the campus library.
These elements largely remained underground into the early 20th century, though plenty of cracks were present. Miskatonic University professors helped analyze the origins of the so-called ‘boomfood’ that triggered a wave of gigantism in the 1900’s, recognizing that radioactive particles played a key role. Research into weapons development sponsored by the U.S. government made it a major target during the War in the Air, with German air raids heavily damaging the campus. It has been suggested that Dr. Herbert West’s later experiments occurred because of trauma experienced when West survived a bombing raid that killed an entire class of students in the room with him. A number of Miskatonic University faculty became involved in incidents involving the supernatural or paranormal-Henry Armitage, Randolph Carter, and Seneca Lapham among others-but overall most students were more focused on traditional prestige in this era. While the occasional figure in the vein of William Fitzgerald or Trevor Bruttenholm was attracted to attend by the university’s occult underground, this was the exception rather than the rule well into the 20th century.
However, the mid-20th century saw the paranormal and occult elements of Miskatonic University creep into the open. As part of the Cold War, the US government had developed a keen interest in supernatural phenomenon and developed many agencies–Delta Green, the Unusual Incidents Unit, the Federal Bureau of Control and the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense–aimed at researching the supernatural, combating threats it posed and even perhaps weaponizing it. Miskatonic University’s familiarity with these anomalies was seen as a positive by the government. Furthermore, the prestige associated with paranormal and anomalous research was expanding. Columbia University Professor John Montague had helped make parapsychology a much more respectable field. These factors combined to allow for Miskatonic University to become the first university in the world to open up a Department of Paranormal Studies, containing such majors as Parapsychology, Occult Studies and Esoteric Archaeology. The existence of these departments would require unconventional hiring choices and so the likes of paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren, MACUSA member Gomez Addams, self-proclaimed ‘psychic doctor’ Miles Pennoyer and former news anchor Carl Kolchak would end up among the faculty of the school by 1980. Members of the Department would play a key role in providing information to the White Committee, which sought to determine the implications of the Black Prom incident in Chamberlain, Maine (though much of the opinions of Miskatonic faculty were discarded by the committee).
The establishment of the Department helped the school draw an unorthodox array of students in the years that followed. Alongside the old-money crowd of future lawyers and businessmen came the likes of Lydia Deetz, Jack and Maddie Fenton, Tommy Jarvis, Nathan Dawkins and Nancy Thompson-all figures drawn to the school by its expertise regarding supernatural and paranormal phenomenon. However, this also drew less savory individuals to the school. The likes of Nikolai Wolf (who would resort to human sacrifice to gain fame for his band Low Shoulder), Cole Turner (a half-demon lawyer who briefly became the Source of All Evil) Edgar Zambus (the creator of a strain of zombism that combines supernatural and viral methods of reanimation that he deliberately infected himself with), Roman Armitage (inventor of the infamous Coagula procedure which hijacked the bodies of numerous African-Americans) and Amy Hughe (a serial killer and worshiper of the demon Malphas) all attended or were planning to attend the school only to make use of its occult secrets for not-so-noble ends. The near-miss awakening of Cthulhu in 1983 during World War III only further caused the school to develop a sinister reputation. Senator Bob Roberts launched a quixotic bid to bar students attending the school from receiving federal financial aid in the 1990’s over these ties to black magic, though his proposal never made it in front of the President before Roberts resigned due to being implicated in the Mattiece scandal of 1993.
The more sinister reputation enjoyed by the school was particularly ironic knowing the role of faculty, alumni and current students in preventing a number of prophesied calamities surrounding Y2K. Miskatonic University Professor Iain Gladstone was the first to take notice of multiple prophecies related to the Apocalypse being fulfilled in the lead-up to the turn of the millennium. Working with his colleagues Rayna Kazuki, Leroy Brown and Dirk Pitt, Gladstone worked to recruit a team that could identify potential Antichrists and, if possible, eliminate them. Most of the team were current students at the school-Sarah Bailey, Steve Urkel, Charlie McGee, Casey Connor and Kate Libby were selected based on a combination of desired research capabilities and known or implied paranormal prowess. Beyond the current students, the quartet of professors brought in a few university alumni-the previously mentioned Lydia Deetz, ex-football star Scott Howard and on-and-off X-Men team member Katherine ‘Kitty’ Pryde. Aside from Deetz, the alumni were brought in as additional muscle. Through diligent investigation, this team was able to identify Angel Caine-the son of businessman Robert Caine-as a potential Antichrist working through his father’s business empire to bring about the End Times. Caine had additionally formed an alliance with Adrian Woodhouse, another potential Antichrist who sought to co-opt remnants of older Great Old One cults for his ends. The team brought these two to the attention of the BPRD and, alongside a military forced headed by one Colonel John McNamara, were able to prevent Armageddon.
The modern Miskatonic University has enjoyed an enormous boost to prestige following the Awakening of Magic and the widespread embrace of occult and supernatural research. The school was able to greatly expand operations as a result, pursuing ideas that were fringe even amidst the ‘new normal’ of anomalies. After the Amphibian invasion of 2020, the school became a locus of research into extradimensional phenomenon, discovering the realms of Mewni, World A, Oz, and Throne among many others. Researchers from the school helped create the EVA units used to fight the so-called ‘angel’ incursions of the 2010’s and chronicling the spread of ‘quirks’ across 90% of the human population post-Awakening of Magic. Miskatonic University has also begun tracking temporal anomalies after the Warren & Warren incident of 2021, partnering with Britain’s Anomaly Research Center in the process (the ARC has indicated interest in a ‘temporal storm’ appearing to connect 2023, 1890, 1941 and 2053 in some way). Beyond this renown, however, the highs and lows of a normal prestigious school remain. Students briefly seized control of Armitage Hall in protest of the school accepting a $30 million grant from Fortunato Pharmaceuticals, right-wing pundit Lindsey Bluth-Funke has condemned the school for pushing ‘wokeness’ and allegations that rich alumni bribe there way into the school continue to dog its reputation alongside its more fantastical dimension.
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Cthulhu Mythos, The Lurker at the Threshold, Hocus Pocus, Rip Van Winkle, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters, The Order, SCP Foundation, The Wild Wild West, The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr., Jonah Hex, The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth, The War in the Air, Herbert West: Re-Animator, The Lurker at the Threshold, The Diviners (Bray novel), Delta Green, Control, Hellboy, The Haunting of Hill House, The Conjuring, The Addams Family, Miles Pennoyer, Kolchak the Night Stalker, Carrie, Beetlejuice, Danny Phantom, Friday the 13th, Beyond: Two Souls, Nightmare on Elm Street, Jennifer’s Body, Charmed, Plants vs. Zombies, Get Out, Dead of Summer, A Colder War, Bob Roberts, The Pelican Brief, The Secret World, Explorer Woman Ray, Encyclopedia Brown, Dirk Pitt, The Craft, Family Matters, Firestarter, The Faculty, Hackers, Teen Wolf, X-Men, Holocaust 2000, Rosemary’s Baby, Hatchetfield Universe, Shadowrun, Amphibia, Star vs. the Forces of Evil, Final Fantasy, The Land of Oz, Kill Six Billion Demons, Neon Genesis Evangelion, My Hero Academia, Old (film), Primeval, Bodies (Netflix series), The Fall of the House of Usher (2023), Arrested Development, Scooby Doo, Ghostbusters
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kateeorg · 2 years
Headless/Unsolved Babesteries Full Pre-Series  Timeline (SPOILERS FOR FINALE)
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1609: Henry Hudson, Henrietta Hudson, and Frederick Storms set off to sea. - According to history, Henry discovered the Hudson River and founded Sleepy Hollow and appointed Ambrose Van Tassel as mayor. - In actuality, Henrietta discovered the Hudson River and founded Sleepy Hollow, starting her coven. Henry's ship drifted off-course to Nova Scotia where he was cruel to the natives there.
1609-1620: - Henrietta leads the Sleepy Hollow witch coven, which includes Anneke Storms and Juniper LeBouf. The settlement thrives. - At some point, Henry makes his way to Sleepy Hollow and becomes jealous of Henrietta's success. - He convinces Anneke, Juniper, and the rest of their coven to cast the headless curse on Henrietta, jealous of her power. The Headless Horseman is born. - Anneke hides her head in the Old Dutch Church, where they did the ritual (which will eventually serve as the town theater). This causes sleeping ivy to start growing around the church.
1620: Anneke starts the girls orphanage as penance for killing Henrietta. This orphanage will eventually become the Storms Inn.
October 1621: The settlement goes awry. Anneke dies in the orphanage basement by the Horseman's hand, though her fate is chalked up to a disappearance. Anneke changes her children's last names to her mother's maiden name: Crane. Her necklace gets passed down through her family line.
1622: Captain Gravy Davy Crowbones sees the Headless Horseman.
Post-1622 (misc): Captain Gravy Davy Crowbones falls in love with Juniper Lebouf in Sleepy Hollow. He receives Juniper's necklace when she dies upon its shores, and buries it with his treasures before his own death, somewhere near Sleepy Hollow.
1776: Battle of White Plains fought 10 miles away, Declaration of Independence signed
1777-1785: Cotton Van Tassel serves as mayor of Sleepy Hollow. Gets beheaded over soup that was "too wet".
1888: Reginald Van Tassel builds Van Tassel manor.
~1995: Ichabod Crane (presumed) Kat Van Tassel, Brom Bones, Matilda Bishop, the Babes (presumed), and Spike (presumed) are born.
1995-2005: - Ichabod loses his parents and moves in with his grandmother. He doesn't remember Sleepy Hollow. - Elizabeth Van Tassel takes Kat and Matilda to the wreck of the Liechtgevund. - Elizabeth starts theorizing that Henry Hudson was not the town founder. Publishers refuse to believe her.
2004: Max encounters Woman in White at Raven Rock (based on the reference to The Notebook film about to release). The spirit, at this point, is blonde.
2005: Elizabeth Van Tassel dies/disappears (Kat is 10). Kat is told she drowned by her father. In Elizabeth's last journal entry (September 2005), she mentions seeking to confront a spirit.
~2007-2009 (supposedly): Trevor Trinkets is born.
2009-2013: Kat, Matilda, Brom, Babes, and Spike all in H.S. together. Spike encounters the Woman in White in the woods, now a redhead. This traumatizes him and turns him emo, separating him from the other babes.
2013: Kat, Brom, and Matilda's yearbook is published. Kat tells Matilda, "See you on the other side"
~2013-2017: - Kat tries going away to college, but drops out at some point and returns home. - Tripp studies archaeology at Cornell. - Spike studies computer science.
2015: Max dies in Battle of White Plains reenactment
2021: - Rip Van Winkle decides to run for mayor. Baltus plans to poison him to take him out of the race, likely recruiting Matilda. - The Night of the Autumn Gala 2021: -- Baltus puts his plan into action, poisoning Rip Van Winkle's drink. -- Kat confronts her father about lying to her over her mother's death. In her anger, she takes and drinks the poisoned wine meant for Rip. She vomits, with Brom holding her hair. -- Kat dies later that night, with Dr. Crayon writing her death certificate. But Baltus recruits Matilda to resurrect Kat. - Matilda captures Rip in the woods, using his life-force to resurrect her by putting him to sleep, using the sleeping ivy that only grows around the Old Dutch Church. The spell will only last for one year (October 21) - One week later, Dr. Crayon demands more shush money from Baltus. Anne Tarry somewhat overhears this conversation. Baltus poisons her as well, killing her, with Dr. Crayon's supervision. Everyone is told she OD'ed. - Judy Gardenier becomes the mayor's assistant.
~2021-August 2022: - Ichabod's grandmother dies and leaves him Anneke Storms's necklace. - Ichabod applies to the open science teacher position at Sleepy Hollow Middle School. He has a going away party... which no one attends. - "Lucretia Lazenby" arrives in Sleepy Hollow, taking over Storms Inn (in actuality, Oksana Bolshekov is put under witness protection)
Henry Hudson's death by mutiny (the historical Hudson died in 1611, but Anneke's entries indicate he was still alive in 1621 in the Headless universe).
Bruce McConnell dies by tomato allergy.
Paulie Tahoe dies and is buried in Sleepy Hollow by his family.
Trevor Trinkets's actual birthday.
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jules-has-notes · 2 months
2017 Napa Valley A Cappella Extravaganza — VoicePlay live performances
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VoicePlay on stage in Napa — photo by Haley Olson
Three years after their previous appearance, VoicePlay returned to northern California as the professional headliners for the annual high school and collegiate vocal festival in Yountville.
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J.None was excited to hit the road with the guys after performing with them at Disney World for the previous two months.
When you're singing for other a cappella singers, it's hard to go wrong with a little musical theater. VoicePlay has plenty of Broadway material in their repertoire, and this was the most recent addition at the time.
title: Seasons of Love
original performers: cast of Rent (1996)
written by: Jonathan Larson
arranged by: VoicePlay & AJ Rafael
performance date: 28 January 2017
My favorite bits:
J.None's smooth timbre on the opening lines
the way they seamlessly pass the lead vocals around (But why doesn't Layne get a turn? 😞)
that momentary silence before they start the first chorus
when the rhythm section really kicks in 🥁🎸
Earl's crystal clear high tone on the second verse
that jazzy harmonized riff from Eli, J, and Earl
the layers of sound in the final chorus
such a lovely ending chord
As Geoff mentions in the intro, the guys had recorded this song as a collaboration with AJ Rafael in October, and the video premiered on his YouTube channel a couple weeks before this performance.
VoicePlay refuse to be confined to any one genre of music. They've tackled everything from barbershop to hard rock, country to sea shanties, pop ballads to orchestral pieces. So why not revisit the rap hits of their youth?
title: Aca Top 10 – Old School Rap
original songs / performers: "La-Di-Da-Di" by Slick Rick & Doug E. Fresh; [0:16] "Going Back to Cali" by LL Cool J; [0:32] "Push It" by Salt-n-Pepa; [0:56] "Parents Just Don’t Understand" by DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince; [1:09] "Bust A Move" by Young MC; [1:32] "It's Tricky" by Run-DMC; [1:49] "Just A Friend" by Biz Markie; [2:12] "Ice Ice Baby" by Vanilla Ice; [2:21] "The Humpty Dance" by Digital Underground; [2:44] "Rapper's Delight" by the Sugarhill Gang; [3:10] "Walk This Way" by Run-DMC & Aerosmith
written by: "La-Di-Da-Di" by Douglas "Doug E. Fresh" Davis & Richard "Slick Rick" Walters; "Going Back to Cali" by Rick Rubin & James "LL Cool J" Smith; "Push It" by Hurby "Luv Bug" Azor & Ray Davies; "Parents Just Don’t Understand" by Pete Harris, Will "Fresh Prince" Smith, Jeffrey "DJ Jazzy Jeff" Townes; "Bust A Move" by Marvin "Young MC" Young, Matt Dike, & Michael Ross; "It's Tricky" by Joseph "Rev. Run" Simmons, Darryl "DMC" McDaniels, Doug Fieger, & Berton Averre; "Just A Friend" by Marcel "Biz Markie" Hall; "Ice Ice Baby" by Robert "Vanilla Ice" Van Winkle, Mario Johnson, Queen, & David Bowie; "The Humpty Dance" by Earl Humphrey, Gregory "Shock G" Jacobs, & George Clinton; "Rapper's Delight" by Bernard Edwards, Nile Rodgers, Sylvia Robinson, Henry "Big Bank Hank" Jackson, Michael "Wonder Mike" Wright, Guy "Master Gee" O'Brien, Curtis "Grandmaster Caz" Brown, & William Hankshaw; "Walk This Way" by Joseph "Rev. Run" Simmons, Darryl "DMC" McDaniels, Steven Tyler, & Joe Perry
arranged by: Geoff Castellucci
performance date: 28 January 2017
My favorite bits:
Layne kicking things off with some old school beatboxing
Earl recreating the breathy part in "Push It"
Eli handling the scratching in the back during "Parents"
the middle three busting some lowkey moves as the lyrics instruct them to do
everybody bouncing to the beat during "Tricky"
Geoff continuing the "Ice Ice Baby" bass line under "The Humpty Dance" after the other guys leave him hanging
Eli showing off some slides in "Rapper's Delight"
J's little wave in response to the "hello" in the lyrics
the record skip effect at the end of "Walk This Way"
The guys originally recorded this countdown live in the studio, where they could do as many takes as they wanted. It's even more impressive seeing them perform it in front of an audience.
This video is missing the very beginning because the fan who recorded it got over-excited about them actually performing the song live. But how could they possibly resist singing the theme to one of the most beloved TV shows set in San Francisco when they were just north the city itself?
title: Everywhere You Look
original performers: Carly Rae Jepsen & Butch Walker for Fuller House (2016)
written by: Jesse Frederick, Bennett Salvay, & Jeff Franklin for Full House (1987)
arranged by: Layne Stein
performance date: 28 January 2017
My favorite bits:
the bouncy descending bass line leading into the chorus
Eli and J grooving along to their own harmonies
Earl's scooping crescendo as a transition into the second verse
the call and response of ♫ "never go away" ♫ "like the Olsen twins" ♫ 👭
that quick crisp diction of the ♫ "how do you know… " ♫ section
hearing a few audience members shout "Hey!" in time with the guys
that big coordinated descending riff at the end
This song was the second entry in VoicePlay's PartWork series, performed entirely by multiple versions of Earl and Layne.
Additional photos
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Before they flew out of San Francisco the next day, J.None took a side trip to meet up with a friend, see a bit of the city, and get some fresh air.
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bookishjules · 10 months
sometimes i remember this episode of girl meets world when the mc is told that the us doesn't have a culture of its own, so our culture is just appreciating other cultures.... and then i look pointedly into the distance and think very loudly about rip van winkle and the headless horseman and johnny appleseed and paul bunyan and babe the blue ox and john henry and annie oakley and davey crockett and
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talitharabboni · 2 years
Okay, my turn for a Headless theory or two...
Of the three ships mentioned in the Trousers' play, only one keeps coming up: the Lichtgevend (the one captained by Henrietta Hudson). Lichtgevend is the Dutch word for "luminous" (synonyms: incandescent, lucid, lustrous, radiant, shining, etc).
Ichabod likes to know name meanings, and so do I. Of all the character names I was able to find, only one (sometimes) means "full of light" or "brings light" - Lucretia. (Another meaning is "profit" or "riches" because it shares a Latin root word with "lucrative.")
I definitely think there's more to Lucretia than she lets on, and I think her allusion to her hair length and color is just the start. I don't think that Headless' skull is under the Storms Inn, but a clue to something else is.
(This part might be too far, but we're all about guessing and theories. Anneke Storms was a teacher who founded an orphanage, but later disappeared. (I don't think Max Lee's line was a red herring; I think we're going to find out she was indeed a witch.) The Woman in White was caught in a deadly storm. I think Anneke Storms is the Woman in White, and Lucretia might be connected to her.) Other theories/guesses:
Someone's dead parent is getting brought back via Headless. I'm leaning toward it turning out to be a horrible idea.
Women will be a key feature of the "true" history of Sleepy Hollow - the explicit mention of Henrietta Hudson as a captain of one of Henry Hudson's ships and Kat's mom's book about historical heroines and her theory that Henry Hudson didn't even found the town. ("Henry" can be a nickname for Henrietta, after all.)
If the Woman in White isn't connected to Lucretia, I still think we've already seen her.
In episode 2, Matilda said she could "help wayward souls with their headless ghost problems." That line could be also be interpreted as Ichabod being the wayward soul with the problem of a headless ghost roommate.
Kat found out last year that Baltus lied about her mom's death. She was sick at last year's Autumn Gala, and then Anne Tarry overheard Baltus and Geoffrey a week later talking about something. Could she have overheard them talking about what Kat found out about her mom?
Mysteries the show needs to solve in the next 3 episodes:
Rip Van Winkle's disappearance
The Headless Horseman's true identity
Ichabod & Headless' talisman
The Woman in White
How/if Anneke Storms is connected to Frederick Storms (captain of the Middernacht; it's never been explicitly mentioned whether they were related/married)
What Baltus and Geoffrey are/have been up to
How Kat's mom died
How (and why) Anne Tarry really died
What Kat and Matilda have been whispering about (Kat once said they're running out of time)
Who threw Paulie Tahoe that apple
Just where the heck Verla actually came from
How Trevor Trinkets can be so tall for 14 (and why his stated age seems to be dwindling...)
I may have been thinking a lot about the show while the phones have been quiet at work...
Edit: added a new thing to the mysteries list
Edit 2: Electric Boogaloo - Episode 8 shows I was right about some things(!), and off-base on a few others. Still two episodes left to see what's what.
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shunderdome · 1 year
My new longterm goal is to read every piece of literature that was the basis for an episode of Wishbone.
The guide is as follows. 
Strike Through: I have read this and remember it well.
Italics: I have read this but do not feel like I remember it well enough answer the interrogative, “What’s the story, Wishbone?” 
Bold: I have read this since beginning this ill-advised endeavor.
Episode 1 and 2: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Episode 3: Oliver Twist
Episode 4:  Romeo and Juliet
Episode 5: The Odyssey
Episode 6: African American Folk Tales (Anansi the Spider; The People Could Fly)
Episode 7: Cyrano de Bergerac
Episode 8: The Hound of the Baskervilles
Episode 9: Rip Van Winkle   (Jan 2023)
Episode 10: Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc
Episode 11: Don Quixote
Episode 12: Faust
Episode 13: Ivanhoe
Episode 14: The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Episode 15: Silas Marner
Episode 16: A Tale of Two Cities
Episode 17: Frankenstein
Episode 18: Journey to the Center of the Earth
Episode 19: One Thousand and One Nights
Episode 20: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Episode 21: The Imaginary Invalid
Episode 22: The Purloined Letter    (Jan 2023)
Episode 23: The Time Machine
Episode 24: The Adventures of Robin Hood
Episode 25: Pride and Prejudice
Episode 26: The Prince and the Pauper
Episode 27: The Count of Monte Cristo
Episode 28: Treasure Island
Episode 29: David and Goliath
Episode 30: A Scandal in Bohemia   (Jan 2023)
Episode 31: The Red Badge of Courage
Episode 32: The Tempest
Episode 33: The Three Musketeers
Episode 34: Hercules and the Golden Apples
Episode 35: Our Lady of Guadalupe
Episode 36: Metamorphoses
Episode 37: Phantom of the Opera
Episode 38: The Story of the Deathless Voice
Episode 39: The Inspector General
Episode 40: Recap Episode
Episode 41 and 42: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Episode 43: Henry IV, Part 1
Episode 44: The Courtship of Miles Standish
Episode 45: Great Expectations
Episode 46: The Black Arrow
Episode 47: The Moonstone
Episode 48: Monkey (Journey to the West)
Episode 49: Northanger Abbey
Episode 50: The Aeneid
TV Movie: Heart of the West
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boricuacherry-blog · 1 year
Some of the books in MJ's library
Taj Jackson shared that his famous uncle loved the book The Law of Success by Napoleon Hill. He says Jackson loved this book and owned several copies of it.
According to biographer J. Randy Taraborrelli, in the early 80s, Jackson gave copies of the book The Autobiography of P.T. Barnum to both his lawyer and manager and told them, "Make this your Bible. I want my life to be the greatest show on earth."
The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway
Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving
The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale
Animal Language by Michael Bright
Complete Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson
The 48 Laws of Power
Seagull by Jonathan Livingston
Poetry by Rabindranath Tagore
Robert Burns poems
White Nights: The Story of a Prisoner in Russia by Menachem Begin
Hagakure: The Book of The Samurai by T. Yamamoto
Books by Sri Aurobindo
Books by Kalki Krishnamurthy
The Greatest Salesman in the World by OG Mandino
Malcolm X by Malcolm Haley
The Red Balloon by Albert Lamorisse
The Complete Works of O. Henry
The Verger by Somerset Maugham
The Reluctant Dragon by Kenneth Grahame
The Children's Hour by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Tyger by William Blake
Sufi Poetry
The Bridge of Sighs by Thomas Hood
The Prophet by Khalil Gibran
Thoughts of Love: A Collection of Poems on Love by Susan Polis Schutz
Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allen Poe
They Cage the Animals at Night by Jennings Michael Burch
The Gift of Acabar by Og Mandino
Leaders of Men by Henry Woldmar Ruoff
Reflections in Black by Deborah Willis
Black in America by Eli Reed
Black Heroes of The 20th Century by Jessie Carney Smith
The Negro Caravan by Sterling A. Brown
Before the Mayflower by Lerone Bennet Jr.
How to Eat To Live by Elijah Muhammad
Your Creative Power by Alex Osborn
My Autobiography by Charlie Chaplin
Elvis Day By Day by Peter Guralnick
James Dean: An American Icon by David Loehr
Goldwyn: A Biography by A. Scott Berg
Duse: A Biography by William Weaver
Steps In Time by Fred Astaire
Bruce Lee: The Celebrated Life of the Golden Dragon by John Little
Songs My Mother Taught Me by Marlon Brando
Elia Kazan: A Life by Elia Kazan
The Rolling Stones: A Life on the Road
Abraham Lincoln by Carl Sandburg
Lincoln's Devotional by Carl Sandburg
Lennon in America: 1971-1980, Based in Part on the Lost Lennon Diaries, by Geoffrey Giuliano
Glass Onion: The Beatles In Their Own Words by Geoffrey Giuliano
The Beatles Illustrated Lyrics by Alan Aldridge
The Lost Lennon Interviews by Geoffrey Giuliano
Things We Said Today: Conversations with the Beatles by Geoffrey Giuliano
Books about Hitler - talking to Rabbi Schmuley Boteach, he said, "Hitler was a genius orator. To make that many people turn and change and hate, he had to be a showman and he was."
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dandylion240 · 10 months
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“Shhh,” Alanon hissed at his companions.
“What?” Peter demanded catching the sour expression on the man’s face as Alanon’s eyes skimmed over Jean and Henry like a person would a bug. 
“They shouldn’t be here,” he said.
Peter hissed at the dismissive tone in the other man’s voice. “I couldn’t leave them behind.” He put a protective arm around his wife’s shoulder’s, kissing her cheek.
“They’re slowing us down,” Alanon stated in the same tone.
“I should have left you behind,” Peter mumbled, hoisting Henry to his shoulders. “Are you alright to continue?” he asked Jean.
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Friday the 13th (2009)
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Six years after FREDDY VS. JASON (2003) seemingly put an end to two horror franchises, Paramount, New Line and Warner Bros. joined forces to relaunch one series with Marcus Nispel’s FRIDAY THE 13TH (2009, Tubi for one more day). The film is about as effective as the relaunches of THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE (2003) and A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET (2010), meaning not very, and shares one common element with the AMITYVILLE HORROR (2005) — a generous helping of beefcake. Of course, with its summer-by-the-lake setting for most entries, the FRIDAY THE 13TH franchise has always had a healthy taste for male pulchritude. But I can’t remember an earlier installment with quite such a combination of hot men and sexually exploited women. There’s even a topless death that’s so mechanically timed it’s almost comic. You’re not sure if you’re laughing at what Henri Bergson called “the encrustation of the mechanical on the physical” or at the filmmakers’ shameless efforts to shoehorn one more pair of breasts into the film. This version combines elements of the first four. The original is dispensed with quickly with a pre-credits sequence in which a young woman decapitates Pamela Voorhees (Nana Visitor). Later Jason (Derek Mears) appears with a burlap sack over his head (II) before discovering the iconic hockey mask (III). At least this version has two of the better actors in the series. In between murders, Jared Padelecki, as a man looking for his sister who’s been missing since a Jason attack, and Danielle Panabaker, as the resident virgin, have a charming scene as she decides searching for his sister sounds like more fun than giving into the privileged jock (Travis Van Winkle) she’s been dating. That scene is an oasis in the drek about horny young men, buxom young women and slasher murders. The film was the second-highest grosser in the series (behind FREDDY VS. JASON), which gave rise to sequel talk that never came to fruition. At least we’re spared new takes on Jason fighting Carrie, traveling to Manhattan and flying off into space.
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parkerbombshell · 2 years
Rules Free Radio Sept 13
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Tuesdays 2pm - 5pm  EST Rules Free Radio With Steve  Caplan bombshellradio.com On the next Rules Free Radio with Steve Caplan, we'll hear a bunch of new and recent music by C. Duncan, Danny Wilkerson, The Flashcubes with The Paley Brothers, Launder, Stella Donnelly, Julia Jacklin, Beth Orton, Rob Moss, Librarians With Hickeys, and a few more. We’ll revisit some late 70s/early 80s Mod revivalists. Classics by David Bowie, Matthew Sweet, The Monkees, Any Trouble, and others. The first set starts with some of the original music that 60s Mods were into and some from the Northern Soul scene. That will be part of a first set spotlighting the late Ramsey Lewis who just passed away. He was a legendary Jazz-Pop pianist who had several distinct periods in his long career. In the last set, we’ll hear a classic from his 70s comeback album Sun Goddess along with related mid-70s Jazz-Funk that would define the sound of that time by artists like Earth, Wind & Fire, and their legendary songwriter and producer Charles Stepney. A collection of his home-recorded music has just been released. That's Rules Free Radio starting at 2 Tuesday afternoon on Bombshellradio.com! The Ramsey Lewis Trio - The In Crowd The Action - Baby You've Got It The O'Jays - Lipstick Traces (On A Cigarette) The Graham Bond Organisation - Little Girl Lee Dorsey - Ride Your Pony Earl King - Eating And Sleeping Sugar Pie DeSanto - Soulful Dress Graham Bond Organization - Long Tall Shorty The Ramsey Lewis Trio - Hi Heel Sneakers The Times - Pop Goes Art! (Medley in Mono) The Lambrettas - Another Day, Another Girl (Page 3) Joe Jackson - Throw It Away Long Tall Shorty - Shake Secret Affair - One Way World The Chords - Hold On I'm Coming XTC - Mayor Of Simpleton Rob Moss and Skin-Tight Skin - Rip Van Winkle '85 Matthew Sweet - I've Been Waiting Librarians With Hickeys - Ghost Singer Any Trouble - Second Choice William Pears - This Brief Romance The Monkees - Sometime In The Morning Liverpool Echo - Girl on the Train Paul McCartney - Another Day Danny Wilkerson - Strawberry Sherry The Flashcubes and The Paley Brothers - Come Out And Play C Duncan - Pretending East India Youth - Beaming White Launder - Intake Stella Donnelly - How Was Your Day Julia Jacklin - I Was Neon Dc Gore - Need You Tonight Tall Ships- Murmurations David Bowie - This Is Not America Beth Orton - Weather Alive Naima Bock - Campervan Brian Eno - We Let It In Gwenno - Ardamm Ramsey Lewis - Sun Goddess Earth, Wind & Fire - That's The Way of the World Charles Stepney - Look B4U Leap Earth, Wind & Fire - Keep Your Head to the Sky Ramsey Lewis & Urban Knights feat. Henry Johnson - Sharing Her Journey Read the full article
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kateeorg · 2 years
Headless Timeline (w/ Episode 8 updates)
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1609: Henry Hudson, Henrietta Hudson, and Frederick Storms set off to sea. Henry supposedly founds Sleepy Hollow and appoints Ambrose Van Tassel as mayor. Henrietta's ship, the Lichtgevund, also makes it.
1621: Anneke Storms, Juniper LeBouf, and the rest of their coven plan to cast the headless curse on Henrietta Hudson on Halloween. Anneke dies in the orphanage basement, though her fate is chalked up to a disappearance. The Headless Horseman is born. Anneke changes her children's last names to her mother's maiden name: Crane.
1622: Captain Gravy Davy Crowbones sees the Headless Horseman
1620s misc: Captain Gravy Davy Crowbones falls in love with Juniper Lebouf in Sleepy Hollow. He receives Juniper's necklace when she dies upon its shores, and buries it with his treasures.
1776: Battle of White Plains fought 10 miles away, Declaration of Independence signed
1777-1785: Cotton Van Tassel serves as mayor of Sleepy Hollow. Gets beheaded over soup that was "too wet".
1888: Reginald Van Tassel builds Van Tassel manor.
~1995: Main characters are born in Sleepy Hollow
~1995-2000: Ichabod loses his parents and moves in with his grandmother
2005: Elizabeth Van Tassel dies (Kat is 10). Kat is told she drowned.
~2007-2009 (supposedly): Trevor Trinkets is born.
2009-2013: Kat, Matilda, Brom, Babes, and Spike all in H.S. together. Spike has encounter in the woods that traumatizes him and turns him emo, separating him from the other babes.
~2010-2013: Max encounters Woman in White at Raven Rock (based on the iPhone 4 reference)
2013: Creation of the yearbook with Kat's ominous message
~2013-2017: Kat tries going away to college, but drops out at some point and returns home. Tripp studies archaeology at Cornell.
2015: Max dies in Battle of White Plains reenactment
2021: Kat gets sick at Autumn Gala. Dr. Crayon and Baltus have a mysterious conversation. Anne Tarry dies one week later, everyone is told she OD'ed, and Judy Gardenier becomes the mayor's assistant. Rip Van Winkle disappears around this same time (October).
2021-2022: Ichabod's grandmother dies and leaves him the necklace. "Lucretia Lazenby" arrives in Sleepy Hollow, taking over Storms Inn (in actuality, Oksana Bolshekov is put under witness protection)
Bruce McConnell dies by tomato allergy.
Paulie Tahoe dies and is buried in Sleepy Hollow by his family.
Trevor Trinkets's actual birthday.
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jules-has-notes · 4 months
Aca Top 10: Old School Rap — VoicePlay music video
If you've ever wanted to hear a group of 30-something white guys cover classic rap and hip-hip tracks, you're in luck. VoicePlay decided to kick it old school and spit some rhymes. It's a little earnest, and a little tongue-in-cheek, just like the music of the era.
title: Aca Top 10 – Old School Rap
original songs / performers: "La-Di-Da-Di" by Slick Rick & Doug E. Fresh; [0:18] "Going Back to Cali" by LL Cool J; [0:32] "Push It" by Salt-n-Pepa; [0:58] "Parents Just Don’t Understand" by DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince; [1:09] "Bust A Move" by Young MC; [1:33] "It's Tricky" by Run-DMC; [1:50] "Just A Friend" by Biz Markie; [2:14] "Ice Ice Baby" by Vanilla Ice; [2:22] "The Humpty Dance" by Digital Underground; [2:44] "Rapper's Delight" by the Sugarhill Gang; [3:10] "Walk This Way" by Run-DMC & Aerosmith
written by: "La-Di-Da-Di" by Douglas "Doug E. Fresh" Davis & Richard "Slick Rick" Walters; "Going Back to Cali" by Rick Rubin & James "LL Cool J" Smith; "Push It" by Hurby "Luv Bug" Azor & Ray Davies; "Parents Just Don’t Understand" by Pete Harris, Will "Fresh Prince" Smith, Jeffrey "DJ Jazzy Jeff" Townes; "Bust A Move" by Marvin "Young MC" Young, Matt Dike, & Michael Ross; "It's Tricky" by Joseph "Rev. Run" Simmons, Darryl "DMC" McDaniels, Doug Fieger, & Berton Averre; "Just A Friend" by Marcel "Biz Markie" Hall; "Ice Ice Baby" by Robert "Vanilla Ice" Van Winkle, Mario Johnson, Queen, & David Bowie; "The Humpty Dance" by Earl Humphrey, Gregory "Shock G" Jacobs, & George Clinton; "Rapper's Delight" by Bernard Edwards, Nile Rodgers, Sylvia Robinson, Henry "Big Bank Hank" Jackson, Michael "Wonder Mike" Wright, Guy "Master Gee" O'Brien, Curtis "Grandmaster Caz" Brown, & William Hankshaw; "Walk This Way" by Joseph "Rev. Run" Simmons, Darryl "DMC" McDaniels, Steven Tyler, & Joe Perry
arranged by: Geoff Castellucci
release date: 27 May 2016
My favorite bits:
Layne kicking things off with some classic beatboxing
Earl collapsing the boombox antenna in time with the pitch jump on ♫ "right" ♫
Tony busting out some lowkey dance moves from the "Push It" video
the smooth hand-off of the scratching from Layne to Eli during "Parents Just Don't Understand"
the melodramatic grit in Earl's ♫ "oh ba-by youuu" ♫
continuing the running gag of everyone else leaving Geoff hanging during one song in a medley
pulling out the Groucho glasses to emulate the "Humpty Dance" video
Geoff poutily continuing the "Ice Ice Baby" bass line under "The Humpty Dance"
the back row busting out their best Steven Tyler impressions for the end of "Walk This Way"
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○ "Bust A Move" was part of VoicePlay's stage repertoire for several years. (See this corporate gig for an example.)
○ Earl also performed an excerpt from "The Humpty Dance" in a James Brown medley the guys did during their 4:2:Five era.
○ The guys are all wearing thematically appropriate shirts:
Eli — corded over-ear headphone print
Earl — "I remember real hip hop" with boombox graphic
Tony — Run-DMC shades logo (+ bonus MTV logo cap)
Geoff — Freddy Krueger with a boombox
Layne — DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince
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○ The video description credits Earl as "MC Pee Pants". I'd imagine there's a story behind it, but nothing I've found so far has provided any obvious context. If anyone knows where that came from, I'd be fascinated to hear it.
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xxnotinmylobbyxx · 2 years
Ok so I know technically that in the Hellsing universe vampires can’t eat anything, point blank period. But I have this headcannon where even though they don’t get any nutritional value out of it they can taste one or two certain foods. And it’s different for each vampire based on their diet of what they usually ate or enjoyed when they were still human.
This is what I think
Alucard- corned beef and wine, he’s a fan of the meats. And is a classy man who likes his red wine.
Seras- fruit cake and buttercream frosting. She gives me very much sugar enjoyer vibes. Seats would totally buy just one of those tubs of frosting that they use for cakes and just eat it. It drives Integra insane too.
Rip van winkle- shortbread cookies and specifically lemon zinger tea. Not too sweet with bits of zest. She likes her shortbreads a little on the crunchier side.
Alhambra- chewing tobacco and those lollipops you get at the hospital. I don’t have a reason I just think it fits him.
Luke valentine- coconut la croix.
Jan valentine- pixie sticks and Chex mix. Jan is definitely that one kid that snorted pixie sticks in the third grade. He loves those things, give him a family pack of those pixie sticks and he’ll put them all in to a cup and just start going at it. It’s horrifying to watch but at the same time very entertaining. He likes how salty the Chex mix is but he refuses to eat the pretzels.
Zorin- beef jerky- but like the shitty kind, she always has a bag of it too. She buys the all natural ones to so their always really stinky.
Bonus because I like inserting my oc’s
Henry’s- monster energy and rice pudding
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Some of my Highlights from the 1811 Washington Irving - Henry Brevoort Correspondence:
These letters take place between Irving and his closest friend, Brevoort, over the course of Brevoort’s time helping with his brother-in-law, John Jacob Astor’s, fur trading business on Mackinac Island during the summer of 1811. There are so many excerpts from their generally incredibly long letters that I enjoy or are just so freakin’ adorable that I honestly cooed at them -- and this is only one summer’s worth.
My Dear Brevoort:--
“The Great Mandarian has just informed me that there will be an opportunity to forward a letter to you on friday, so my dear Boy, though hurried almost unto death, yet I will endeavor to indite a little epistle which may follow you even unto your savage haunts,...” ... “I am in quiet possession of your room, and am very much pleased with my situation. […] I hope you will be induced to take up your quarters with us when you return. You need not fear shocking the feelings of Mrs. Rumsey, as she expects it.” ... “I’m weary of company & dissipation--I have gone through such a variety this last winter that I am perfectly sated for the present; and feel no disposition to visit or mingle in any scene of amusement. I’d give anything to be accompanying you through the sublime solitudes of our Savage country. I feel as if I could sit for hours and muse deliciously on the borders of one of our vast lakes--or on the summit of one of our solitary promontorys in the highlands as I did last summer.” ... “…this letter is made up of such trifling chit chat and such trifling topics that I should be ashamed to send it to any body but yourself.” ... “Affectionately yours”
- Irving to Brevoort, New York, NY, May 15-17th, 1811
Dear Brevoort:--
“L’Herbette has just informed me of an opportunity which departs today of writing to you. I am half inclined not to use it, as you remained several days at Montreal without writing me a line…” ... Nothing of particular moment has happened since the writing of that epistle [May 15-17th letter] excepting the arrival of the most noble Patroon [Gouvernor Kemble], who has once more resumed his sway over the club. Gouv has had a long and boisterous voyage in an old leaky hulk of a british ship, with a mutinous crew and a nincompoop Captain. He & Ben Seaman were so tired of their ship that they quit her about 150 miles from land & got on board a coaster by which after being tossed about 4 days they were landed at Folly landing in Virginia & got home in a week more; having by this short cut, arrived here in little more than 8 days after the ship, which made the lighthouse in 20 hours after they quit her.  Gouv has now been home three or four days, and has already become so regular, and domestic, and has fallen so exactly into his old habits, that it begins to seem as if he had never been away from us. I never knew a fellow so little changed by European travelling. His looks too are much the same, excepting that he is a little sunburnt, but he is still spare and gaunt as a greyhound.” ... “Write to me by the first opportunity & believe me, ever, Yours truly,”
-Irving to Brevoort, June 8th, 1811
Dear Irving:--
“Mr. McGillivray has just arrived & handed me your letter [of May 15-17th]; it is the first intelligence that I have received from the regions of civilization since my departure, and I swear to you that no famished epicure ever devoured the most delicious viands with more flavour than did I its contents–I look upon it as the most attentive proof of fdship that I ever received from you.” ... ”The river abrupty descends within a distance of a mile about 200 feet, forming a variety of Falls & rapids--We were fortunate in arriving about an hour before sunfall; the whole scene was shaded with a shick mist; in a moment the oblique rays of a fine evening sun shot through this cloud of suspended vapour and were refracted into the most inchanting optical phenomina; rain bows alternately appeared & dissappd. & reflected their images with the utmost vivacity through the air, and presented all the variagated hues of the prism.--” ... “I am, my dr. Irving, most affy. ys.” ... [P.S.] I am very glad to observe that you have crept into my shell at Mrs. Rumsey’s.
- Brevoort to Irving, June 26, 1811
Dear Irving:--
“I have read your letter a dozen times & each perusal made me feel as if I had just left our best of all Cities. –In this wilderness one’s local affections are ever tugging at one’s heart; it is impossible to know by how many imperceptible fibers the soul is bound to familiar objects, until one separates from them and resides for a while remote from Civilizations, then each one holds him with the force of a cable.–” “Avert thy glorious face divine Apollo from the unworthy occupation of thy choicest votary the renowned Knickerbocker [Irving], but when he again supplicates thy aid & has finished copying his invoices of filthy Dowlass, inspire him with immortal fire.” [in response to Irving saying in his last letter “Shut your eyes, oh, ye blessed Muses, lest ye afterwards look upon me with scorn!” because he hadn’t been able to pursue his writing lately thanks to how busy he was helping his brothers, Peter and Ebenezer, with moving their mercantile business to a new location.] “Would to Heaven you were with me in this second Eden (without an Eve). Within an hours walk, I would scramble with you to the summit of a venerable old rock, from whose lofty head you would behold natures savage face, expande to endless dimentions, commanding a partial view of Lakes Michigan & Huron, studded with innumerable islands and bounded by the most romantic Bays, Inlets, Promontories & Rivers, the seats of future Cities and future Empires.--” ... “I am glad to find you so contented since you have crept into my shell, I doubt not that I shall quarter with you on my return.–” ... “If you think a letter will have time to reach me on receipt of this at Montreal, write a volume– I am Affec Yr. fr.”
- Brevoort to Irving, June 28th, 1811
Dear Irving,--
”All the curiosities which nature has lavished upon this romantic little Island, have been again & again explored, & I begin to wish devoutly for my departure, for it is recorded that even Paradise lost its inchantment & became a desert wild, without a companion. There is however no want of Eves in these inhospitable regions, [...] But these are not the companions in question; [...] There is not a man here of the least congeniality, either of taste habits or thinking with myself.-- [...] the Demon of solitude has cursed me with his deadliest influence.–If by some magical device you could manage to bestride one of these Arabian steeds, celebrated in romance for their docility and swiftness, & convey yourself beside me, I would engage to go frantic with joy, which I think ought to satisfy any reasonable man of the value of my affection” ... “What magic is contained in that honest little word home! It is impossible for a wandering exile to speak or write it, without kindling in the soul a blaze of pleasure!--On my feelings, it operates as a talisman to dispel melancholy and animate hope; reviving all those local affections that play about the heart, and which after all our chilling philosophy, constitute the true end and charm of existence.--I have often thought that if such a reptile as myself, has the power of forming sympathies, so indissoluble towards particular persons & places, how irresistable must be the longing of the exile whose consequence and talents, made him the idol of that society which he once adorned!--” ... “We look for a canoe from Montreal daily, and I have promised myself a long epistle from you, but if I find that you have forgotten me in your wanderings, ‘I will have such terrible revenge–but what it is I know not.’–” ... “I disdain to apologize for this dolour. As to a discontented spirit, I scorn it from my very soul; but somehow or other, I feel myself sunken into a state of abandonment which nothing but the company of those I hold nearest my heart can alleviate.–” ... “God Bless you my dr. Fellow--”
-Brevoort to Irving, July 14th, 1811
“Blessed be the cheering sound of the voice of friendship when heard in such a dreary wilderness as this!– “Your last epistle [June 8th] my dear Wash: has certainly rescued me from petrification. I felt myself waxing fast into that blissful state; my heart began to exhibit the first symptoms, and I think it not improbable, that some future generation of Barbers might have sharpened their razors upon my poor forlorn carcas.– […] the kind efforts of my N York friends & you as chief magician have (I hope) effectually exorcised the vile Demon.--I would not send it, if it were not for the purpose of shewing you how exactly our lethargic miseries corresponded though originating from somewhat opposite causes.” (Irving from too much [dull] social interaction, Brevoort from too little) ... “But in sober sadness, should I (my dr. boy) ‘shuffle off my mortal coil’ ‘And o’er my head close the dark gulf of time!’ in this villanous terra incognita, I should certainly run the hazard of being out of roll-call at the general muster; and consequently be lost to my friends in waiting upon the shadowy side of the River Styx.” [The embargo on trade was sparking tensions between the Whites on Mackinac and the Natives and Brevoort was nervous that he might end up dying there.] ... “Thine forever & ever!”
-Brevoort to Irving, July 29th, 1811
Dear Brevoort:--
“Dennis has come home laden with anecdotes of your expecition, and yourself. According to his account you landed safely on your head at Benny Cornwalls at seven in the evening & flourished your heels in the air for joy. He relates long conversations which he has had with you about the fair Julia besides several tender things which you said in your sleep;...” ... “Dennis informs us that he and you keep a journal which is so exquisitely humourous that Mrs. Cooper on only looking at the first word fell into a fit of laughing that lasted half an hour. We look forward with vast expectations to the perusal of this manuscript.” ... “I have laid out your spy glass, boots, chessmen &c. & had thoughts of sending all the other nicknacks I could find in your draws; but had thought it best to reserve the rest until you have tired yourself with these. The flute is not in the draw; for which I am very glad–I do not think it would be an innocent amusement for you; as no man has a right to entertain himself at the expense of others.” ... “Yours truly”
- Irving to Brevoort, August ?, 1811
[Sources: Irving to Brevoort; Brevoort to Irving]
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