#hemi hnk
alirex-art · 20 days
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Hemimorphite 🩵 piece for @drimmiean 's dtiys on insta!
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techno-toister · 2 years
Hematite Ref
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she’s one of my HNK/LOTL ocs, she’s also one of my favs lol
More Info Below
      Personal Info ╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╝
≺ Age ≻ ⤖ 502
≺ Pronouns ≻ ⤖ she/he
≺ Nicknames ≻ ⤖ hem/Hemy
≺ Personality ≻ ⤖ Hermatite is a kind, sweet and loyal gem, but can also a bit shy around others sometimes
≺ Habits and Flaws ≻ ⤖ she tends to day dream a lil too often, sometimes getting in the way of her work, hermatite also tends to not look people directly in the eyes when talking to them
≺ Backstory ≻ ⤖ when hematite was a young gem around 200 or so she was given a winter patrol job, crushing the ice flows and all that jazz, she did have a habit of day dreaming but it didn't get in the way of her work too much.. but one day wile she was clearing the ice flows she slipped up and fell into them, crushing most of her body into dust.
tho her head, shoulders, arms, legs and part of her chest survived and managed to be found when spring came, and where put onto a new body of made of a cinnabar who unfortunately wasn't fully formed, she went on as normal for a few hundred years.
but when she was 427 years old the cold weather got into their body and her chest creaked and sadly couldn't be used again, but they managed to find some ruby to put in her chest as a replacement and she has been going on pretty much as normal ever sense.
≺ Appearance ≻ ⤖ in the image
╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╗       Tactical Info ╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╝
≺ Full gem name ≻ ⤖ Hematite
≺ Gem Family ≻ ⤖ oxides and hydroxides group
≺ Hardness ≻ ⤖ 5.5
≺ Tenacity/Toughness ≻ ⤖ brittle
≺ Density ≻ ⤖ 5.04 gm/cc
≺ Weapon ≻ ⤖ a lot like a typical sword but with sharp edges on the blade
≺ Occupation ≻ ⤖ winter patrol
╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╗         Extra Info ╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╝
⤖ they're a bit slower n' more sluggish due to their higher density, they also are able to cry a red substance that resembles blood
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sacredstardust · 3 years
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lillaliag · 3 years
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morgatantalite · 3 years
Hemi and Melon edit!
Honestly I prefer the intro and outro while the rest are wackily wack,might want to improve.
Music:Doja Cat-Candy(Nightcore version)
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savaralyn2 · 5 years
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Houseki no Kuni - Artbook pictures 2|4
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penebui · 5 years
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First hnk post of 2019!! This is also my first time shading instead of using flat shades ;; It was really fun! 
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decorated-with-you · 6 years
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red-dia · 6 years
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you could be tempted to think the two faint glints down these stairs are melon and hemi silently observing the scene, but if you increase the panel’s contrast you’re immediately proven wrong. 
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kalmeria · 3 years
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heart-shaped HnK icons
this is part 2, part 3 coming soon
Euc, Jade, Aleki,
Melon, Hemi, Red Beryl,
Goshe, Morga, Amethysts
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gemrust · 3 years
for hnk prompts, how about “be my wife.” its jntentionally vague as hell but have fun :)))
so sorry this took so long i kinda got. carried away with this prompt hhhhhhh
Hemimorphite was jumped from behind while he was talking with an older gem who’d been taken to the moon long before he’d been born, and was surprised when he wasn’t pushed immediately down to the floor. His new, feather-lite lunarian style body was still something he was getting used to. Still, he let out an ‘oomph’ at the sudden impact.
The gem he was talking to let out a giggle as arms wrapped around his neck, hugging him from behind. “Hemi!” The ambusher cried, excited, and Hemi knew the voice like the back of his hand.
“Melon!” Hemi spun around, spinning Watermelon Tourmaline along with him, laughing at the weightlessness they both felt in the airless moon facility.
“I learned something super cool today,” Melon said when he released his grip on Hemi, spinning around to face him. Melon had been interested in learning about the Lunarians, which surprised Hemi for a time, before he realized Melon was just looking for an excuse to impress Hemi with his ‘super-smarts’, as he liked to call them. Still, Melon was learning something new everyday, and Hemi was happy to hear about his findings.
“What did you learn?” Hemi asked, genuinely interested. The gem he’d been talking to had left while Hemi and Melon flailed about, and Hemi wasn’t worried about where he’d gone off to. There were so many unfamiliar faces now that everyone blended into the crowd.
“I was talking to Cairngorm about why him and that Lunarian were always together, touching and hugging and kissing and stuff, and he told me that they’re married.”
Hemi frowned at the new word. It almost felt familiar. “What’s that mean?”
“It means they’re partners!”
“Like us?”
Melon pursed his lips. “Yeah, I think? I think it’s like, they really, really love each other, so much that they won’t take another partner ever.”
“Never! You’re together, forever and ever. They have a special word for the people who are married, husband and wife. Cairngorm said he was the wife!”
“What’s the difference between a husband and a wife?”
“Apparently the husband wears clothes like our winter uniforms, all stuffy and stoic and boring, while the wife wears clothes like our hibernation outfits, all fancy and flowy and fun! They have this big party when they get married, and everyone comes and watches and they do fun things and then the wife and husband go home and do stuff, and they’re partners!”
“Stuff? What kind of stuff?”
“I don’t know, but it made me think.” Melon stood tall, hands on his hips as he dramatically pushed his chest forwards. “Hemi, you should be my wife!”
Hemi balked at the suggestion. “Why am I the wife?”
“You can be the husband, if you want.”
“N-no, I wasn’t saying that! I wanna wear the nice clothes, but I know how much you like dressing up during hibernation…”
Melon pouted. “But you like wearing cute clothes too.”
“I know, but you always look so much better in them.”
“No!” Melon exclaimed. “You look good in them too! We both look good in our super cute hibernation outfits!”
Hemi hummed in thought. “Maybe, we can both be the wife? That way, we’d both get to wear a cute dress.”
Melon squealed in excitement. “Yes! That’s such a good idea, Hemi, you’re so smart!”
Hemi blushed at the praise. “As long as that’s allowed. We should find Cairngorm. He knows a lot more about this ‘marriage’ stuff.”
Melon hummed in agreement, looping his arm around Hemi’s waist and leading him to where he’d last seen the aforementioned gem. “I hope we’re both allowed to be the wife. I wanna wear cute clothes all the time with my super cute wife!”
They found Cairngorm lounging by a pool with one of those fluffy little dogs laying on her lap. The two gems walked through reception with no regard to the Lunarian asking desperately for their passes. Cairngorm looked up through her sunglasses as they approached, eyebrow arched in curiosity. The two young gems demanded a more detailed explanation about marriage, which Cairngorm complied to with a sigh.
“-and then you take your vows,” Cairngorm said as she finished explaining. “And then you party with all your friends, and then you and your husband go back home, and you kiss and you cuddle and you touch each other all over.”
“You’re the wife?” Hemi asked, and Cairngorm nodded. “And the Prince Lunarian is your husband?”
“My one and only,” Cairngorm said with a smile, looking at the ring on her finger.
Hemi and Melon exchanged a hesitant glance. Melon took a deep breath before he spoke. “If me and Hemi were to get married…”
“Could we both be the wife?” Hemi finished.
“We love those cute dresses so much…”
Cairngorm shrugged without hesitation. “I don’t see why not.”
“Yes!” Melon exclaimed, clasping his hands over Hemi’s. “We both get to wear cute dresses!”
“I’m so excited!” Hemi exclaimed, and together, the gems jumped in place.
Cairngorm rolled her eyes, but there was no malice behind them. “If you two are going to get married, you’re going to need to make a big celebration out of it. There’s gotta be dancing and singing and eating, and you’re going to have to have someone there to watch you take your vows.”
“Vows?” Hemi and Melon asked, their voices overlapping.
“The words you say that mean you’re devoted to each other forever.”
“Imagine being together forerver…” Hemi said, smiling at the thought.
“Exactly.” Cairngorm smiled, sifting a hand through her dog’s soft fur. “Even when we go to nothingness, you’ll always be together.”
“What’s that mean?” Hemi asked while Melon nuzzled against his head. “What’s ‘nothingness?’”
Cairngorm waved a dismissive hand. “Don’t worry about it. Tell me when you guys are doing the ceremony, I want to see how you guys do it.” Cairngorm snapped her fingers, and soon a Lunarian came over with a ‘datapad,’ which he handed to Cairngorm. Cairngorm swiped the pad a few times before handing it to the gems. “Here’s the list of everyone who helped with my wedding. Go find them; hopefully, they’re on this moon, but if you have to go to one of the others, don’t worry about the stares you’re going to get. We’re not as shiny as before, but we still stand out.”
----- It took the two gems a few minutes to figure out how the datapad worked, but once they did, their first stop proved to be on the gems new moon home. The tailer that Cairngorm recommended had recently moved locations to be closer to the gems, as apparently the Lunarian in charge of the place, Quieta, was looking forward to experimenting with new clothing styles for the gems. Melon and Hemi ‘ooood’ and ‘aaahhd’ at the examples of her work that were displayed on screen. When they found the studio they were looking for, they weren’t surprised to find Red Beryl kneeling knee deep in clothing materials while working on a suit, a squat Lunarian who must have been Quieta keeping a watchful eye on a tall stool above the mannequin.
“I’ve heard about weddings!” Red Beryl said when they explained their predicament, pins and needles sticking from his mouth. “Quieta said dresses for weddings are very detailed. He- she showed me a ‘video’ of Cairngorm and the Prince’s wedding. You should’ve seen the dress Cairngorm was wearing!”
“Who’s getting married?” An excited voice piped up from the other side of the suit, a bun-tipped head peaking around the mannequin. Hemi was surprised by her appearance- she was so skinny he had not seen her crouching behind the mannequin. “I didn’t know there was going to be another wedding!”
“We are!” Melon said, gesturing to himself and Hemi. “We’re getting married!”
“Congratulations,” Quieta said from her spot on the stool. “And you’re here for our services, I assume?”
Melon nodded. “Can you make a cool dress for both of us?” Hemi elbowed him, gently, in the side. “If it’s no trouble. We don’t want to intrude.”
“We don’t want to be a bother,” Hemi said. “But we’d really appreciate it.”
Red Beryl and the slim Lunarian turned their gaze towards Quieta, hope evident in their eyes. Quieta seemed to consider their offer for a long moment, rubbing her chin and pursing her lips. “Me and my apprentices are quite occupied by our backlog…”
“Kima’s been a great teacher,” Red Beryl said, taking a pin out of his mouth and sticking it into the half-made suit. The slim Lunarian blushed at the praise. “She’s taught me so many different techniques I’ve never even heard of! We’d definitely be able to make you two a dress, and we could design it ourselves. I love working with someone who actually appreciates the arts!”
Kima looked up at Quieta. “I would really appreciate the opportunity to work on a wedding dress… There hasn’t been a wedding since the Princess and the Prince took their vows, and I’d love the experience.”
Quieta looked at her assistants, then looked at the suit they were working on. She let out a soft ‘hmmf’ as she observed the craftsmanship on their current project. “You have permission to work on this new project, as long as you don’t forget about the countless commissions that we have on the go. I want to see you two working all day for the next two weeks to meet out quota.”
Kima paled at the prospect of two restless weeks, while Red Beryl squealed in excitement. “I’ll have to take your measurements. Wait here!” He fled off in search of supplies.
Red Beryl returned with an armful of supplies that Hemi and Melon didn’t recognize. Hemi shrunk self-consciously at the appearance while Melon clapped his hands in excitement. “Me first!” He exclaimed, bounding forward as Red Beryl held out a long string of measuring tape. He stretched his arms out, standing stiff as a board as Red Beryl let out a giggle. Kima came forward as well. Red Beryl handed him one end of the tape while he took hold of the other, and together they wrapped the tape around Melon’s waist as Quieta watched from her spot. Melon smiled with glee as Red Beryl began to discuss measurements and sizes.
Red Beryl looked at Hemi with a sparkle in his eye. “You’re next.”
The rest of the Lunarians on the list were located on the main moon, so Hemi and Melon had to take a transport to make it there, eyeing the Lunarians in their travel pod with curiosity and caution. The Lunarians simply smiled at them, and soon, Melon began to smile at them in turn. Hemi remained cautious around the bigger Lunarians, especially when they neared Melon, but slowly, he found himself lulled by the lumbering presence.
As they exited the vehicle, Lunarian heads turned to watch them. Hemi continued to be cautious, while Melon trembled with excitement. He pointed towards the expansive city. “Look at how many Lunarians there are!”
“There’s definitely a lot,” Hemi agreed, a part of him wishing they’d stayed on their designated moon. Regardless, Melon took hold of his wrist, ushering him towards the expansive buildings. Together, they entered the ever-shifting town without incident.
When they reached their destination, a quaint bakery near the edge of town, Hemi could scarce believe this was the place. “It’s so small,” he said, perplexed, as Melon read the Lunarian writing scrawled above the door.
“It’s the place,” Melon said, pulling Hemi towards the entrance with barely a thought. Once inside, the smell of sweets, a taste that Melon had already indulged in and appreciated very much, filled the air. Hemi saw the collection of baked goods on display, surprised by the variety. Melon headed towards the register, repeatedly slamming his hand on the call bell. “Service! We need service!”
A blue-haired figure appeared from the kitchens, covered in flour and sugar. “Sorry!” He said, coughing up a cloud of flour, eyes closed in the dust storm that followed. “What’ll it be?”
Melon and Hemi’s eyes widened in shock. “Benito?” They said in unison, the gem freezing in place.
Benito blinked the flour from his eyes, finally looking at the new customers. “Melon? Hemi?”
“Benito!” The two gems cried, nearly flinging themselves over the counter. Benito took a huge step back as a Lunarian came back from the kitchens, confused by the sudden fuss.
“Ah! I’m being accosted!” Benito cried, the Lunarian wrapping a protective arm around the gem as Hemi and Melon squealed in excitement. A sharp clapping sound came from the kitchens, and with that, Alexandrite appeared, patting his hands clean of flour and dough.
“What’s all this?” Alex asked, eyeing the newcomers through his visor.
“Alex!” The gems cried in unison, again, and Alex rolled his eyes and laughed.
“I haven’t seen you guys in forever,” he said. Hemi grimaced at the thought of his last encounter with Alex, but that had been Red Alex, so Hemi decided he forgave him for how he acted. “What brings you around here?”
“We need wedding things!” Melon said enthusiastically. “Me and Hemi are getting married, so we need the best of the best foods, and the list said this place was the best!”
“Well,” Alex said sheepishly, “I wouldn’t say the best…”
“Still,” Hemi piped up, “we trust you.” Ignoring the last stint on their earthly plane. “I’d be happy to have a gem provide their service.”
“Anything you need,” Alex said, leaning over the counter with a smile, “I’m at your command.”
They found the rest of the Lunarians on the list without much fanfare, though there were things that had to be explained to them about the marriage ceremony and how it would proceed, along with the unfamiliar technology that they were confronted with. Hemi was excited to see how ‘speakers’ would work for the music, while Melon was vibrating at the idea of ‘cake’. When the Lunarian they were talking to mentioned an ‘Officiant’, though, both frowned in confusion.
“What’s that?” Melon asked.
“The person who marries you.”
Hemi tapped his chin in thought. “Does it have to be someone specific?”
“Not particularly- in the past, it was often done by a religious official, but it can also be done by someone close, or a family member.”
Hemi and Melon looked at each other with the same thought shining in their eyes.
Sensei’s brow rose comically at the request, but the surprise was quickly replaced with a smile as Hemi and Melon explained the plan. “Of course,” he said, placing a gentle hand on each of their heads.
Of course, with Cairngorms references, the wedding is quite grand indeed.
Red Beryl had Melon and Hemi close their eyes as he fitted their dresses, but Melon couldn’t help taking a peek at Hemi’s, clamping his eyes shut as Red Beryl fixed his veil to his hair. Hemi’s gown was long, the train immeasurable in size, and the chest piece was skin-tight and slim. Melon couldn’t wait to get a better look when their ceremony began.
Every gem they’d known in life and many who’d been taken to the moon before they were born were in attendance, congratulating the pair and offering warm words. Most of them had no idea what was going on, but they were happy to be part of a celebration. Diamond, hearing about the event, had demanded to sing for the couple. Cairngorm was in the front row with the Prince, looking pleased at the turnout.
Lunarians, too, were among the populous, eager for a new event to occupy their endless lives. They cheered on just as loud as the gems, many indulging in strong beverages that Melon was quite curious about that made them cheer even louder than before as they whooped and hollered. Hemi made sure Melon steered clear of these drinks- he was loud at the best of times, and Hemi did not want to test the limits of his loudness.
As Hemi and Melon entered the grand hall with interlinked arms, the crowd quieted. Diamond began to sing as instruments flared to life. Hemi and Melon walked down the aisle together, nervous, but excited.
“You’re beautiful,” Hemi said to Melon as they walked, eyes shining.
“So are you,” Melon said with an equal grin, hand squeezing tight around the others.
Sensei stood at the end of the aisle, smiling softly as the gems approached. “You two look lovely,” he said.
Melon was beginning to fidget in his gown, excitement growing until he could barely contain himself. “Hurry up! I wanna party!”
Sensei chuckled. “Yes, I imagine you do.” He let his voice boom across the hall. “We are gathered here today-“
“HURRY UP!” Melon cried. Hemi blushed as laughter rippled through the crowd at Melon’s indecency.
Sensei obliged. “Do you, Watermelon Tourmaline, take Hemimorphite as your wife? Do you promise to love and cherish your partner, to remain true to him forever and always?”
“Yeah! Definitely! Always!”
Hemi smiled at Melon’s enthusiasm as Sensei addressed him. “And do you, Hemimorphite, take Watermelon Tourmaline as your wife? Do you promise to love and cherish your partner, to remain true to him forever and always?”
“I do,” Hemi said, remembering the words he was supposed to say.
Sensei smiled. “Then I now pronounce you wife and wife.”
The crowd cheered as Melon leaped into Hemi’s arms, planting upon him a gracious kiss as they spun around in glee.
After the party, when most of the guests had left, Hemi and Melon were enjoying their new matrimony when Neptunite stepped towards them, dragging a blushing Benitoite behind them. Hemi and Melon watched in curiosity as Nepti ushered Benito forward. The blue haired gem twiddled his thumbs, looking back at Nepti, who simply nodded. Taking a deep breath, Benito spoke. “So. We were wondering if you had any tips for planning a wedding…”
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alirex-art · 1 month
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I am stiring stuff
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distfae · 4 years
SOO whos alive in the roleswap au and whats up with them
definitely not alex sphene or peridot lol no, no
Respectively replaced by chryso, topaz and bluzo
Bluzo and topaz are teamed up and work with wood stuff, chryso continues alex’s work of documenting lunarians and sunspot variations
Lapis is alive though!!
Yeah ghost got decapitated and their head’s in a fancy box so like
lapis just works in the library
wow what a boomer lol
Lapis ends up becoming whoremea’s bitch. rip for him bc they’re a mouthful
OG Morga and goshe are still dead as a doornail
new morga/goshe are still themselves haha
morga becomes a skateboarding god on the moon. what an icon
euc and jade basically stay the same ig, euc is president and jade is secretary
jade gains more power after the night raid happens and basically becomes the president-but-not-really-president
Padpa is doctor and still has their holes. remember this is a swap of roles not a swap of conditions
Rutile is their assistant in case they like faint or someth
Rutile still spends time gathering inclusions for padpa in case it happens
with this in place padpa is asleep for less time and usually wakes up within the next day
Rutile goes to the moon to find a cure for padpa (without their permission lmao). does padpa go feral? eh no not really
bort... yeah they go to the moon. they realized the impact of their actions towards them and dont want to cause them any more distress. they want dia to be their own person, so they think the best way of doing that is taking themself out of the picture
Dia loses part of their leg fighting antarc. they find some sort of inclusion to replace it. no hair cutting today no no
bort also becomes an. idol. probably involuntarily.
yknow maybe they’re an MMA fighter on the side i wish that would fit in with this au but it doesnttt wwww
but hey!! they dont lose any of that hair!! ugh that beautiful hair
ok now the thing with yellow and zircon
zircon goes to the moon. Their reason? they want to find out what happens to the gems when they get taken away in place of yellow bc they care abt yellow and their trauma of losing so many partners over the years
Zircon is chosen to fight in the night raid, they aren’t really digging that. Yellow sees them as an enemy now which really fucks over with them
Now ZIRCON is a depressed bitch on the moon and feel that they’re never allowed to return and consider themself a gem anymore because of how yellow acted
now thats what i call a pro gamer move
idk this part still needs more thought??? put into it so this might change in the future
Nepuchi goes to the moon with Chryso and becomes their assistant!!
Yeah anyway that’s what i have so far. i guess this thing is more of a partner roleswap i guess haha i hope you like EDIT: HI i updated morga/goshe theyre still dead lmao im just really salty that ichikawa didn’t make hemi/melon’s role in hnk more dynamic but w/e also fixed the yellow/zircon situation
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pinktatertots99 · 6 years
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*flopping like a fish* it's...done!
alright here's my trash hnk x nanbaka fankids! click on em to see whose who. their also in order of oldest to youngest. (and yes all of em are androgynous because it's fun.)
feldspar (24): the oldest. dresses like some floral 1940's weirdo. also the most chilliest compared to their parents extreme-ness. in relationship with emerald.
emerald (23): more energetic and the sporty one. likes the more feminine side though however despite it being a bit difficult with their giant biceps.
orthoclase (21): rather fast like yellow and very high grades in college like their father. despite it their more interested in lazing around and playing with their tambourine. in a relationship with dravite.
dravite (20): absolutely took all of qi's wrong genetics. lazy but rather passionate in the medical field. which one? all of them! they can't make up their mind on which so they just go with whatever and have little sprits of all of em.
amazonite (19): more level headed like hemi. has an eye that's always covered by their bang or sunglasses. only their parents and corundum have seen them with both eyes. (it's rumored the covered one looks like their father's). in a relationship with (and basically takes care of cause they can be a bit crazy) corundum.
corundum (19): is a few months younger then ama but is more of the leader of the duo. or second to command to peristerite. energetic and short fused and goes more violent actions.
rhodolite (15): a somewhat nice blend of both their parents. sportsy but laid back and rather positive. their fashion however looks like 80s knock off.
sunstone (13): shy and a bit reserved like their parents. practices a lot though to be a glorious shinobi or just a really nice fighter. also has a bit of interest for elegant sports like ice skating and ballet. has a crush on hessonite.
hessonite (13): a month younger then sunstone. despite that though their rather dominant in leadership roles. made by two extroverts you'd know he'd be a rather vibrant vibes he gives. a bit vain but otherwise pretty good and into a lot of fashion. has a crush on sunstone. (other pic is just him unbraided)
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lotusillustration · 6 years
Hnk for the fandom thing?
who i will protect at all costs:BABY MORGA!! WHERE IS MY CHILD??!!! also...baby goshe, phos & obsidian (obsidian just...looks like one of those characters u gotta protect yknow)
who deserves better:all the seniors lmao...and phos
who was killed off too early:Antarc!!!!!!!!! and anyone who was taken before the story started
who i used to hate but now i love: hmm...Bortz?? I never really hated them but I have grown to like them a LOT more.
who i used to love but now i hate: Cairngorm...please Stop That
who needs to be killed off asap: A E C H M E A !! die bich
who is unfairly hated:Euclase!!!! Literally nobody in hnk is 100% innocent and like...shit what would you do in their position man...
who is unfairly loved:I don’t think anyone is over-loved tbh? they are all deserving
who needs to sort out their priorities:CAIRN, but like...Phos and Dia too tbh
who needs a hug: this is a trick question literally everyone needs a hug at this point
who needs to get out of their current relationship: the answer may shock u,,,cairn
who the writers love:Phos but I feel like she also loves Lapis
who needs a better storyline:I guess any of the ‘background’ gems? like benito/nepti, melon/hemi, peri/sphene (I would LOVE to see more on perisphene tbh since they’ve been around for ages) but like...there’s so many charas you can’t really give them all equal storylines ya know
who has an amazing redemption arc:I don’t think anyone has had a redemption arc...?? but god I hope gormie gets one
who is hot af:the only valid answer to this question is Padpa and u know it
who belongs in jail: AECHMEA!! stinky man
who needs to be revived from the dead: *whispers* Chrysoberyl
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lokilaevatein · 6 years
hnk gem placement
i couldn't sleep and wound up ruminating on where everyone's gems would be located in a steven universe au
phos - left side of chest
lapis - forehead
agate - left leg
gold/platinum fusion - shoulders (gold left, play right)
pearl - left eye
antarc - navel
cinnabar - lower back
ghost - back/between shoulders
cairn - center chest
dia - center chest
bort - nose
rutile - left cheek
red beryl - back of right hand
obsidian - back of left hand
84 - left ear
33 - right ear
alexi - center chest
beni - center chest, base of throat
nepti - nape of neck
euclase - forehead
jade - center chest, base of throat
gosche 1.0 - right palm
morga 1.0 - right cheek
gosche 2.0 - center chest
morga 2.0 - center chest, base of throat
melon - left palm
hemi - left shoulder
peridot - forehead
sphene - navel
yellow - right leg
zircon - forehead
padpa - navel
kongou - crown of head
ghost and cairn were still one gem. as ghost, the gem was mostly clear/appeared white, but the "back" half of the gem, hidden by their projected light form, was black.
during battle, the gem is broken in half, separating the two, and ghost's half shatters. cairns half was stable enough to reform, but ghost could not be repaired.
phos, meanwhile, has a very unique condition: when other gems are damaged, "on death's door", if done quickly enough before they lose their forms, phos can fuse with them; this keeps them from shattering, but their personalities are lost as they fall dormant inside phos. (platinum and gold were already fused when they were both shattered and phos took them both in at once) phos only grows a small amount with each fusion, but oftentimes their appearance changes greatly. the hope is to one day restore the damaged gems.
kongou is completely synthetic, a kind of forced fusion experiment that remains stable, as their gem shards were effectively melded together into one solid gem. they are considered defective by homeworld, but the "crystal gems" in earth rally to their defense.
phos gradually comes to feel that the only hope of restoring shattered(bubbled) or dormant gems lies with homeworld, and feels the war would end if a compromise could be struck. kongou seems adamant(😉) against making a deal however, and phos comes to blame them for all of the crystal gems' misfortunes.
for the sake of this au, all of the gems but kongou are around the same height (though definitely not uniform)
idk if I'll ever draw or write anything else to accompany/expand on this, but i thought I should share. i DID put a lot of thought and a bit of serious research into this when choosing placements(which is why gems taken by "homeworld" prior to the story are not listed)
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