ageless-aislynn · 1 month
I was just realizing that my previous Halo writer rec post was missing some newer writers I've met in the time since. So here's an updated version of this post, still in alphabetical order, including their AO3 if I know it. Also, some of them write for the TV show or the game(s) exclusively, some write for both, and some aren’t actively writing for Halo right now but are still very much worth including for their past works, IMO. Happy reading! 🤗
@alienisticxo | Alienistic (AO3)
@authortobenamedlater | AuthorToBeNamedLater (AO3)
@empresskadia | EmpressKadia (AO3)
@flatlinedgamer | FlatlinedGamer (AO3)
@helix-studios117 | Helix_Studios (AO3)
@ionlymadethissoicouldleaveanask | Brown_Coat (AO3)
@ladyknightskye | LadyKnightSkye (AO3)
@morganas-pendragons​ | EurusHolmmes (AO3)
@mrtobenamedlater |​ MrToBeNamedLater (AO3)
@pelgraine | Pelgraine (AO3)
@sarnakhwritesthings | SarnakhTheSunderer (AO3)
@sweethoneyjazzeuphoria | Sweethoneyjazzeuphoria (AO3)
@t65flyer | T65flyer (AO3)
@writeforfandoms | JenSpartiates (AO3)
If I missed anybody, first of all, please pardon my swiss-cheese brain, it is especially swiss-cheesed these days. 🥺😭 Please let me know so I can add you to this ASAP! Also, if you have an AO3 and would like it linked (or unlinked), also let me know! 🤗💖
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empresskadia · 19 days
Favorite Mass Effect game?
Also preferred Shepard?
Ooooo, I think Mass Effect 2 because I got to romance Garrus and that was the main goal for me but I did really enjoy Mass Effect Andromeda. But the first game was super good too, I will spiral lol. Which ones were yours?
I think Jane's super hot, so like, female Shepard but also I really liked my Shepard because she was a single mom in my head and it's a whole backstory. I haven't played Mass Effect in years, but maybe I'll draw her one day.
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helix-studios117 · 2 months
What is an "Ultimate Universe?"
In my psychotic and incoherent ramblings about an AU that I've kept FAR TOO LONG to myself, I'm sure you all have occasionally seen me use "Ultimate Universe" as a means of describing my AU; hell, it's literally on on the summary paragraph for my AU's series on Ao3.
That's begs the question, a question no-one asked: What's an Ultimate Universe?
To put it simply, for those who don't know: An Ultimate Universe is an alternate-continuity reboot of an older IP that's meant draw in the general audience (who know little of the source-material) to this new work so that they can become new fans of both the work itself AND the franchise at large.
The term was coined by Marvel Comics, who created the "Ultimate Comics" line-up (a series of graphic-novels that can be found on store-shelves anywhere) in the Turn Of The Millennium to draw in new fans with their "Hip, Trendy, Edgy, New Wave and Experimental" alternate-universe take on classic Marvel. It worked. So well, in fact, that just last year... they rebooted the Ultimate Comics, reusing the name but doing everything in a completely different way.
Other examples beyond Marvel include:
The Kelvin-Timeline Star Trek films by JJ Abrams.
The Dark Knight Trilogy and Smallville were this for both Batman and Superman respectively.
The recent Planet Of The Apes films by Matt Reeves.
The Legends EU became a retroactive inverted example after Disney rebooted the main-universe.
And most appropriately, Paramount+'s Halo The Series is basically this for the Halo franchise.
That last example is more or less why I made this post. Basically, I saw what the show was trying to do and decided that I wanted to follow the same concept, but do it my way.
Halo Reloaded, aka 'The Reloaded!AU,' is MY attempt at an 'Ultimate Universe' for Halo.
Hopefully, that clears things up. Thank you for coming to me TED Talk.
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biomecharnotaurus · 2 months
Who is your favorite Doom Guy?
I really like John Grim, who I think is kinda underappreciated; granted, the movie he came from DID suck, but still.
Plus, his name is really cool and I'm a sucker for Karl Urban.
Flynn Peter Taggart and John Kane.
Grim is also cool, still of the opinion that if a Doom tv series actually comes out Karl Urban should be its Doomguy. His work as Billy Butcher is fucking good, he can definitely work with a more violent incarnation of a UAC space marine, if they want him to do so.
The super-ripped-guy bs is honestly something NuDoom started, Doomguy should have the same quantity of muscles as your average real life grunt, not like a bodybuilder. Karl's fine.
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caffeineyum · 17 days
I literally just remembered that teenage me shipped Fred and Kurt. Oh god… those were dark days. Given Kurt has chemistry with mostly everyone but dude really? (Not really chemistry, more like he just really love everyone). They ain’t gay for each other. Maybe as a crack ship???
That’d be kinda funny because Kurt would be hella genuine and Fred would be awkward af. All tho I feel like this just lacks the crack ship vibe
@empresskadia @whotookmytomato @ionlymadethissoicouldleaveanask @helix-studios117 you all do the shipping…. Thoooouuuuughhhttttt????
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aureli-us · 1 month
some Thoughts on the halo tv show🧐
idk whether or not ppl are still avoiding s1 spoilers but either way this will be Long so, below the cut✌
(@helix-studios117 you'll enjoy this probably)
- it is funny to me the amount of latin and classical shit in this show, as a classics student "new carthage" and the big slogan on the wall (i could only see "per mare, per (?), per (?)" and all that other shit is SO funny. and cool
- i saw a lot of bad things abt this so my opinion is a bit pre-jaded BUT i see know i think a lot of those bad reactions are well-founded. the writing is decent, tbh, not awful, but too fast. exposition is sloppy, which is expected bc they are trying to aim for both audiences who have been exposed to halo and audiences who have not. but STILL. better to over expose a bit than to leave me with questions (though i also recognize i have barely scratched the surface of halo myself)
- that said, QUESTIONABLE decisions made: no reason for pablo schreiber to be totally naked in that scene. sorry but no. for me it not only felt unnecessary but weird for them to want to get master chief naked - the camera doesn't sexualize him i don't think, but still it was strange. also why did that other doctor dude go in to kiss halsey's double? also in general some dialogue felt kinda forced and boring.
- cinematographically, it looks good. it's pretty normal but looks nice, and there were a few shots or scenes that seemed particularly well framed or shot. the mjolnir armor looks good imo! not AS production value porn as rings of power, which is fun. i especially enjoyed the aesthetic of the scene of john walking around his old house and the shot of him kneeling behind his younger self.
- i don't really mind maskless chief, but i think they're overdoing it with him keeping the helmet off 90% of the time. i think it was inevitable we'd see his face at some point but it's being done very lazily and in a way that destroys part of chief as a character. i think taking it off in ep1 was ridiculous (i also think chief defecting 25 mins into ep1 was ridiculous) and i believe a much more powerful moment to remove the helmet was ep4 after you get all the close up internal shots in the helmet as he's viewing cortana's remaking of his old home. would've been way more powerful to have perhaps snippets of john's face, too close or distant to make anything really connect, before a big reveal.
- i also dislike that the reasoning to keep his mask off so much is that pablo schreiber said you can't form an emotional connection to a masked character if you dont see their face. like it's okay to think that.....but you're just insanely wrong. do you know what show you're in???? do you know the character you have been hired to portray? have you ever seen star wars or played video games? have you ever read a book? when we watched the mandalorian we were all so insanely hyped about what mando looked like DESPITE THE FACT WE ALL KNOW WHAT PEDRO PASCAL LOOKS LIKE. LIKE PLEASE ((also i've written 500k words of fic based around an elder scrolls DLC character whose entire persona is wearing a mask, has no actual canon face, and whom you kill at the end of his DLC. sorry pablo you are just wrong))
- i've seen some ppl complain abt chief having a "real boy" plotline and how stupid that is, which i partially disagree with. i think it's REALLY interesting to suggest and explore the possibility of him and other spartans being able to lift themselves out of being killing machines and glimpse how estranged they are from their humanity, and what exactly has been done to them to estrange them, but i do think the show is laying it on WAY TOO MUCH, WAY TOO FAST. again w strange writing, lacking exposition, and poor pacing. we never really know or see chief to establish him as a Character before he goes rogue.
overall, interesting, but has SO much potential to be way better in a thousand different ways. i have no idea how this was marketed, if they said it would be a good adaptation, but ANY adaptation of a game or book nowadays seems to fall into the trap of "we made a thing! oh no one who likes the source material likes our thing and also we changed the plotlines irrevocably so now we have to say that we're using an "alternate timeline" or our own made up version. but somehow we still get funding" (((cough fucking cough the shitass wheel of time amazon show))) not godawful so i'll probs finish s1 and see how it ends, at the very least it's kinda interesting and i don't know enough about halo to hate it completely. however i know chief smashes a covenant leader which is just 😭 like COME ON PEOPLE. rly?
- that being said i don't HATE the idea of the pellet but there is also something to be said for the immense strength of a lifetime of augmentation, being spoonfed propaganda, institutional lies, and being manipulated both physically and mentally - all of that seems to carry a heavy weight compared to the pellet, which seems almost trivial and a lazy explanation as to "why Spartans are as they are". if they had tried to actually dive into the literal ways the UNSC alters and controls the minds of these people rather than here's a thing that's mostly responsible for keeping you in check, now dig it out with a knife, it could have been SO much more interesting.
- some positives: i like that they are getting the weirdness of halsey and john's relationship. it's meant to feel uncomfortable to us viewers i think, since they have a strange relationship based on manipulation and lies and secrets and etc etc. i also love silver team ofc
also pablo schreiber while i have never seen him in anything else is trying too hard for the chief voice and sounds bad. except at one point in ep1 he raised his voice and it actually sounded so much better lmfao🤪 in general he does an okay job as chief, but again, this chief is pretty un-chieflike. i'm open to other people's thoughts and opinions, good or bad! this is just my take so far on the first 4 eps and my very limited knowledge of halo :3
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Inspired by a conversation with @helix-studios117
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threshergm · 4 days
A little scene from my upcoming John and Talia slow-burn titled Missing Pieces. Wanted to see what the tumblr community thought of it first before I really committed to a serious writing schedule and started hammering out word count. @lpmurphy @authortobenamedlater @mrtobenamedlater @fabulaprima @silverpelt3600
@t65flyer @ionlymadethissoicouldleaveanask @sarnakhwritesthings @makowrites @morganas-pendragons
@ageless-aislynn @pelgraine @inafieldofdaisies @helix-studios117 @littleneonlily
2327 hours, April 5th, 2552 (military calendar) UNSC Halcyon-class light cruiser Pillar of Autumn Slipspace transit on randomized vector per Cole Protocol Leaving the Branta system, bound for Reach
"Have you seen Corporal Perez?"
Even in just his techsuit, the Master Chief seemed to fill the corridor. Which is probably why the crewman apprentice he was addressing was trying to disappear into the bulkhead. Even with Cortana gone for six months now, he could practically hear her hum, "Social graces, Chief," and took a step back.
The E2 - name tape obscured by the apron he still wore upon emerging from the galleys - gaped and pointed down the corridor, muttering, "On the right," indicating a sliding steel door opposite the entrance to the forward enlisted mess.
Chief nodded once, gruffed a perfunctory, "Thank you," and stalked down the corridor. The Pillar of Autumn, functioning on military standard timekeeping now that they were underway, was in night mode. The chrono above the enlisted mess hatchway glowed a red 2327 hours, and the main lights overhead were off, leaving the only light in the corridor as one lonely lamp over the door labeled FREEZER A-19.
Chief snaked his hand into the recessed handle and yanked the door aside on its track, and stepped inside. He found a single light on inside as well; illuminating shelves and racks of frozen foods, three black body bags on the floor, and next to them, wrapped in a gray Navy-issue blanket, dark hair cascading off her shoulders, sat Corporal Perez.
Master Chief took two firm steps forward, stopping a stride from where the young Marine sat, legs tucked under herself. He stopped and settled into parade rest.
"Corporal Perez, why are you not at your post? Our shift began over a half-hour ago."
She didn't budge, save for breaths that came shallow and a little jaggedly, as if she'd been crying.
"Corporal Perez?"
Silence hung in the artificially frigid air, and Chief began to wonder if he should walk to the wall intercom and summon a medical corpsman. He glanced around, as if missing something, then returned his gaze to the small woman on the floor before him.
"Rand had a thing for me," she croaked out suddenly. So she had been crying. She didn't turn, didn’t move, except to reach a hand out from her woolen cocoon to stroke the bodybag nearest her.
"He always used to sit next to me in the chow hall on drill weekends, but he never knew what to talk about. 'Are you enjoying your chicken, Corporal?'" She laughed weakly, "'Rand, it's just fucking chicken. The same chicken we had last month and every month before that.'"
Her accent thickened alongside the sorrow in her voice. "We picked him up on Midvale back in '49, after the Red United Front bombed that dam. Pulled him off the roof of his family's ranch house with his two sisters. His sisters settled on Culloden, but he stayed. He was one of our full-timers; the Colonel found a job for him as the armorer's assistant. He lived on-base and sent all his pay to his sisters so they could buy land and start again."
She took in a shuddering breath, shoulders trembling underneath her blanket. "He said he saw something in the fog. Country boy, you know? Grew up hunting and I… I should have believed him."
She seemed to shrink in on herself for a moment, hunching against some wordless pain, until a low keening wail escaped, “He was only 19!” She shook her head, and Chief saw hot tears fly, while she bit her lip and fought to get her emotions under control. After a moment, with a grunt of pain, her hand shifted from one body bag to the next.
"Zara Bennett. She was our linguist. I loved her accent. She was from London, and she was the first person from Earth that I'd ever met. Her dad manages a titanium mine out in Tengeri back home on Reach. They're loaded, but you'd never guess it from Zara, we used to go thrift-shopping together. Her parents have a penthouse in downtown New Alexandria, and she could have gone to university back on Earth, easily. But she enlisted. Said she wanted to protect her new home." 
She patted the body bag fondly, black plastic crinkling in the silence, and her hand extended a little further.
"Milo Alvarez. He used to bag groceries down the street from my grandparent's place. He was an atheist, and we always used to argue and… oh, God!" Her voice broke. "I don't know where he is right now…" 
She bowed her head, leaning into the body bag, as if shielding it like Chief had shielded her from the glassing beam on that mountainside, sobs hitching her shoulders, "H-he didn't know you, Father, but take him home… take him home."
She lapsed into Spanish, a language Chief didn't know, and he fervently wished Cortana was there to translate. His brow furrowed; the lack of knowledge a gap in his preparation, the gap in his understanding suddenly a splinter in his mind. Without thinking, he took a step forward, closing the distance between the miserable scene before him, and kneeled beside Perez.
“You speak well for them.” He spoke in low tones; he wasn’t sure why. It simply felt right to do so. Perez stopped, turned upwards to face him, dark eyes reddened and slender face puffy in the dim light of the freezer. “God, I h-hope so. They’re m-my friends.” Tears still flowed freely down her cheeks, and her voice was hoarse. Umber eyes - the color of rich soil Chief had seen on a dozen worlds - held his gaze steadily in the dark, despite the pain swimming in them. “What were you saying, just now? In Spanish?” Chief cocked his head in question. Perez smiled weakly, eyes unfocused for a moment. “Yes, Spanish. I’m from Santiago Circle. I grew up speaking it at home,” she took another breath, steadier this time, “I-I’m Catholic. It was our Prayer for the Dead.” Her eyes met his own in the dark, and she held his gaze for a long moment. Chief wasn’t sure why, but he needed more. The name of a prayer wasn’t enough. He needed to understand this young woman sitting in a pool of her grief beside three corpses. “Tell me what you said,” he rumbled gently. It wasn’t a question. It wasn’t an order. He just needed to know. Perez kept his gaze for another long moment, then began to slowly recite, in English. In your hands, O Lord,
We humbly entrust our brothers and sisters.
In this life you embraced them with your tender love;
Deliver them now from every evil
And bid them eternal rest.
The old order has passed away:
Welcome them into paradise,
Where there will be no sorrow, no weeping or pain,
But fullness of peace and joy
With your Son and the Holy Spirit
Forever and ever.Amen.
The freezer-turned-mortuary fell silent as her recitation ended, and her eyes remained locked with his. “Thank you, Corporal.” The Master Chief rose suddenly, took three steps back, and turned to face her, once more at parade rest, his expression unreadable.
“Corporal Perez, I am not rated in cryotube maintenance or repair. You are. There are 1,042 cryotubes in our area of responsibility and all need to be monitored and, if necessary, serviced without compromising function or the occupant inside. I need you to --”
“I can’t leave them,” Perez croaked, voice thickening once more. Her eyes were pleading, her head shaking slowly. Chief’s augmented heart ached to see it, but he couldn’t say why.
“Corporal Perez,” Chief started slowly, not sure how to proceed. “You’re no good to anyone watching over three bodies. What made them your friends is gone. There are 1,042 men, women, and children packed into an identical number of cryotubes, all constructed by the lowest bidder, housed in compartments that were never designed to support them. They need us. They need you.”
The Chief stepped back into the hatchway, turning to look at Perez out of one eye, half his face painted into shadow by the dark of the corridor outside.
“The living need you, Corporal.”
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authortobenamedlater · 2 months
Far Away, For Far Too Long
7:15pm me: Oh, I'll do a little work on this fic.
Sometimes Chyler just wishes Tom didn't have to be so brave.
I missed my rarepair and needed to write them. And Far Away is one of my favorite Tom/Chyler songs.
@mrtobenamedlater @ionlymadethissoicouldleaveanask @helix-studios117 @ageless-aislynn @rainintheevening @sarnakhwritesthings @stitchlingbelle @naranghim @makowrites
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ageless-aislynn · 22 days
2, 4, 6, 13, 26, 27, 30!
Ooo, thanks so much! 😎👍
2. what’s your feel-good movie?
The answer can change at any given moment but I just recently rewatched Moana and it left me feeling happy. 💖
That also reminds me of the time when I was trying to respond to a wrong number text on my laborious-to-type-on flip phone (where you have to press the number keys so many times to get different letters) and for some reason the autocorrect kicked in at the end and turned "Wrong number" to "I AM MOANA" (yes, in ALL-CAPS even). Luckily, I caught it before I sent it, lol! 😂
4. what flower would you like to be given?
Sunflowers are my all-time fav, though roses are, of course, a classic for a reason. 🌻🌹
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
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13. what’s your comfort food?
Pizza, chocolate and coffee are all very solid choices, lol!
26. what movie would you want to live in?
Lord of the Rings, after all of the Sauron business was taken care of, lol!
27. which character would you want to be?
Nameless Hobbit woman number 3, lol! I'm not cool enough to be any actual named character, but I wouldn't mind a quiet little life in a Hobbit hole. 😉
30. what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
The smell of chocolate chip cookies baking never fails to send me back to the days when my dad would come pick me up from school because his job shut down because of rain (he worked construction), and my mom would stay home to bake cookies and as soon as we'd open the door, that wonderful smell would just hit me and that was home right there. 🍪💖💖💖
Soft asks to get to know people
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empresskadia · 2 months
I just wanted to throw this out there.
I remember reading the Fall Of Reach and feeling sad that John, deserving as he was, lost "Ring The Bell" and his teammates initially hated him for it.
In Halo: Reloaded, Reloaded!John being such a shithead as a little kid actually kicked him down to the bottom of the popularity poll and made him the most unliked kid in the program.
Noooo, poor Reloaded!John 🥲
Yeah, I get where his teammates came from, I would have hit him if I lost out on a brownie sundae [or was it just a brownie?].
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helix-studios117 · 2 months
I love this OST.
The general vibe of this OST, with all of it's haunting synth-whimsy, is the vibe I strive to replicate in my AU.
Recommended Songs:
What About Bob?
Aliens Again
New Pacific
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aureli-us · 1 month
some wip wednesday!
just wanted to share some of the skyrim project i'm working on :3 hoping to start posting in april (or at least put ch1 up before my ao3 draft dies lmao). open tag for anyone who wants to join, but here are some folks i know may have WIPs of any kind:
@kiir-do-faal-rahhe @helix-studios117 @nuwanders
Suddenly Miraak was below her on the ground, his eyes widening and the stench of fear flooding through his pores as he called her name; he was so distant, so slow. Her saliva slathered over her chin and dripped onto his neck, onto his pulse, quick and warm. She felt dirt push under her nails as she dug her hands into the soft ground on either side of his head - somehow his arm had detached from her, she felt it slip away as her back began to bend and crawl and her skin moved and bubbled and trembled, stretching so thin it turned white, and then a murky brown-grey. 
"Tharya," Miraak whispered, struggling for breath as her face twisted and snarled just above him, as her teeth lengthened and sharpened. "I'm here, elskavin. Don't. I'm here. Your family-" she screamed at him as he spoke, a scream that had a thousand different sounds behind it, augmented chords that pulled and plucked her voice into a gargling roar, and then a guttural howl.
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I got tagged by @rainintheevening for this one, so here we go!
Are you named after anyone?: Yeah! First name after my dad's dad, middle name after a prophet from the Book of Mormon (always happy to talk about that if anyone has questions about it!)
When was the last time you cried?: I'm honestly not sure. I kind of quit letting myself cry in high school, and have since lost the ability by and large.
Do you have any kids?: I do not. However, Wife and I have been talking about it more and more lately...
What sports do you play/have you played?: I am a team roper, used to bulldog a little bit, and have recently been getting into team penning. Beyond that I played football and baseball, and I try to get into softball summer rec leagues when I can.
Do you use sarcasm?: It is my primary form of communication. Wife is not a big fan.
What is the first thing you notice about people?: Hands. I don't know why I started doing this, but I pay a lot of attention to the state of people's hands and the way they hold/use them. I believe that a person's hands say a lot about them.
What's your eye color?: Blue/Green. Which color ends up coming out usually depends on what color shirt I am wearing.
Scary movies or happy endings?: I'm a big sap at heart. Always here for the happy stories.
Any talents?: Getting myself into trouble.
Where were you born?: Northern Utah, USA.
What are your hobbies?: Roping and penning, writing, reading, getting chased around/beaten up by my various nieces and nephews (both biological and informally adopted).
Do you have any pets?: At the moment just one horse named Red. I usually end up buying and trading horses in the summer. I like dogs and cats, but Wife and I are in an apartment currently and I'm not one for indoor pets so we're waiting until we have more room for them.
How tall are you?: 6'1" or 6'2" depending on the day.
Favorite subject in school?: History. Big time history nerd.
Dream job?: Space cowboy like Han Solo or Malcolm Reynolds.
Tagging @sparkledragon04, @makowrites, @caffeineyum, and @helix-studios117
No pressure though! Just do it if you want of course.
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empresskadia · 9 days
Funfact: Kelly was one of the kids who picked on John during training in Halo Reloaded.
Y'know that doesn't surprise me and she totally would.
I feel awful for John, but I expect nothing less from her
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empresskadia · 20 days
Was Raya an ODST?
Raya was an ODST for years before she got snatched up for the experimental phase of the Spartan-IV program. She had problems with a lot of the other units and thought the ODSTs thought too highly of themselves, which ended with her getting into many fights with other officers and ODSTs
She thinks the words Orbital Drop Shock Trooper sound so dumb that she prefers just being called a Helljumper since it sounds cooler.
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