floatinginzerogravity · 3 months
Cyn Solver possession headcannons that turned into me writing a character study
You guys ever think about Cyn slowly losing her sense of self? Like, the solver slowly takes over her actions and thoughts until she has no clue what's her and what's not, she just knows that she doesn't know, and will probably never know again. The solver starts off as a little head mate, whispering promises, to not discard her, backing her up and supporting her whenever she gets upset at something the Elliots do.
She doesn't tell anyone about it, Tessa is nice, but if she finds out something's wrong with her, she'll just be discarded again. J is mean, V is trying, N instantly welcomes her with open arms. N's great, comforting, and she doesn't think he'd judge her for it, but there's this "what if?" whispering through her thoughts. She doesn't tell anyone, she doesn't need to tell anyone. They'd discard her as soon as they knew she was broken, anyway. It wasn't even that important
Things start to change, thoughts whisper through her mind. They sound like her voice, of course they did, they were her thoughts. Cyn's thoughts. She thought there was something off about the statement. It wasn't important Tessa mentioned needing to check her voice box, said it started to sound a bit degraded. Cyn hadn't noticed. They tried to run some tests. She wanted to know what was wrong with her. She didn't feel like running tests. She'd dropped a tray that morning. She barely made it out alive. Her vision tilted yellow. Everything was fine. Tessa moved to plug Cyn into the software scanners. Cyn did not want to run scans. It moved her hand. She felt wrong. Tessa's machines blew a fuse, that's what Tessa said happened. Everything was fine. N read to her in the library. there was nothing wrong. A soft click sounded from the hatch above her. She was alone. Discarded. She sat. Oil stained her claws, eyes stretching across every corner of the room, hashed together limbs from discarded parts. Ripping and screwing and text she didn't understand it understood perfectly scrolling across her visor The click sounded again. The room was empty, her hands clean, form completely still, electrical pulse running through her wires, Everything was fine, her thoughts sounded in her own voice. Her voice. It's voice that belonged to her. Didn't she used to consider this voice as different to her's? She spoke in it's voice. It was her voice. Was it always her voice. It was it's voice. It wasn't. Something wasn't right. Something was very not right. The click sounded again, and again, and again, and again. Oil. They threatened her brother. J forgot to let it out again. She should let it take over. She would not be thrown out. Let me help you. It was their fault. A butler's corpse, ravens cawing to the ceaseless winds. Oil. Blood. Administrator rights Flesh. Safeguard. Her's. It's. She didn't know how to think. I will not discard your pets. It screamed through her mind. Tessa looks at her with terror. This was all she wanted. Power. Destruction. Tessa had helped her, back then. Discard those who discard you. N. N was gone. They're all discarded, now, but they would no longer be so. She never told anyone about the voices. They weren't voices, she didn't have a voice. Cyn wasn't discarded, she was useful. Death. It wants this. Two voices leave the mind. They all had their use with it. She wouldn't let it take him. Administrator. She wasn't it. It couldn't have them, any of them. Lost access. She reaches. Harder. This wasn't right. This wasn't her voice. Miss me?
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starsscarmyceiling · 1 year
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ruebenblues · 1 year
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Being a dyke is so funny sometimes unironically FROTHING at the mouth over my dad's shirt
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dynamic-k · 4 months
I just need to proof-read and do the editing process and it'll be posted in like, half an hour?
Stay tuned~
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bigsnzstanacct · 11 months
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He had so much under control, it was easy to forget about his biggest weakness.
Between the meds and the allergy shots and the diet and the local honey and keeping everything clean and dry and not letting dust build up and and and…
And, we’d mostly gotten his sneezes under control. Mostly.
Until he rolled his eyes at one of my jokes, tilted his head back and got a face full of sun.
“Ehhhhh… hehhhhhhh… I th-think ‘m… ‘m gonna…” he breathed
I wanted to curse at him, to berate him for not wearing his sunglasses, to tell him I knew we never should have gotten that damn sunroof in the first place, and what did a person with sneezes like his, with that particular reflex, need with a sunroof… but no he wanted to have the luxuries normal people had and after all we had it under control…
But there was no time for arguing. “Cmon, honey, just try and keep it back, you don’t wanna let it loose in the car…”
“I… HEH…! ‘M t-tryihhhh…”
“Shhhhh, don’t talk, that makes it come faster just…” I reached over and unbuckled his seat belt for him, before unbuckling my own and getting out of the car. When he had to sneeze like this, he couldn’t focus on anything other than his nose, like his whole world narrowed to the building storm…
I rushed around to his side of the car, opened the door, tried to lead him out. Fortunately the car was parked… I couldn’t imagine if he had to sneeze like this in traffic…
“Just hold it back… just a little longer, let’s just get you pointed uhhh… that way!” I said, looking around the parking garage for the least dangerous place to aim him. Sure, he probably wasn’t going to take down a building or blow out a wall from such a distance but… probably just wasn’t good enough when it came to his sneezes.
He only nodded, pressing again against his septum, shaking his head from side to side. His nostrils flared as wide as quarters. We didn’t have long.
I half-guided, half-dragged him as his breaths went from tousling my hair to making cars tip from side to side. I just barely managed to get him in position (and myself out of the line of fire) before he could hold back no longer and all hell broke loose.
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wewontfall-asleep · 11 months
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sora-a-888 · 3 years
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hey, here’s a rare meme that I might never post anything like it again ;)
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wilbyssoot · 3 years
I really want to write a dnf college au fic where george is like a carefree bad boy type (albeit still top of his class and on top of his work ‘cause he’s gotta keep those grades up as an international student) and dream is a reserved shy loner who seems like he’d be a total smarty but is only good at like two courses 
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mizaninz · 4 years
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“Oh sh—”
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idrawtoomuch-gw2 · 5 years
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Friendly Reminder I have a twitter where I’m Trying to keep wips and such
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yeahyeahyeaaah · 3 years
Bro Pedro Pascal’s micro expressions in the latest episode................I’m obsessed
S A M E..... . . ... ..im still recovering man.....
i felt so sorry and stressed for Din... but getting to see mister Pascal’s facial expressions was a real gift!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 
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akitokihojo · 4 years
If you're an author, how many wips do you currently have?
Only one! I’m working on it right now! 😏
fanfic questions
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fanartfunart · 5 years
My family: *ingrains in me that I shouldn’t buy anything that I can do/make myself*
Me, as a result: *doesn’t know how to market my abilities/ and what IS marketable- underestimates what people would buy from me and how much they’d pay for it. is anxious to try to market my stuff because of this*
My family: Why don’t you just sell your stuff- If you WANT to, why don’t you just do it???
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bicalc · 7 years
Estoy tan contenta que esa emputiada estupida maldita no esta llendo a la carerra mañana... yo tambien no estoy llendo pero por lo menos me puedo reir a su cara
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krsonmar · 2 years
I saw a post on here commenting on how Guillermo uses more Spanish in the season finale episode and maybe that's because he's feeling more comfortable with the vampires and is treating them like his roommates instead of this being his job...can anyone link me to that? I'm still learning Tumblr like some kind of shame-faced casual and searching never works for me. But yeah, I noticed two instances of Guillermo using Spanish in this episode (I'm not counting "plancha" here, I mean in actually communicating information instead of just taunting/pwning Nandor even though Nandor totally deserves it tangent over): the two instances being a quick "gracias" as he darts out the door to say goodbye to Nadja and Laszlo, and about a minute later, while checking their bags and boxes, he tells them "vamanos". In the first case, I think it's interesting to note that, in accordance with the previous post I'm referencing, he is using Spanish in what seems like an example of being more comfortable with Nandor, but he's thanking Nandor for "letting him" say goodbye to Nadja and Lazslo. Which I think is inline with Guillermo's character arc thus far: he's been timid and mumbly and submissive for the first two seasons (and I just mean "submissive" work-wise, there's no way it applies to the fanfiction realms bahaha we all know it) because he's pretty much afraid to take up any space whatsoever. In season three, the fact that he starts sassing back when the vampires order him around or disrespect him and takes the lead in the hunt for The Sire is pretty noticeable; he's recognized that they can't get by without him and he's forcing them to acknowledge it too (like a king, or like every browbeaten customer service employee in The Great Recession wishes they could do). So that "gracias" is interesting to me because he's not quite backtracking exactly--and growth is a process of course--but because I feel like that moment gives us a glimpse into how they'd work as a couple, at least at this point: Guillermo still in awe of this hot, powerful vampire that he thinks is cooler than him, and Nandor still trying to remember that he needs to stop treating Guillermo as someone he can order around and more like a person who has his own needs and wants that are perfectly legitimate. I'm sure that dynamic will change and when they finally do get together, it will be on more even footing, because character aaaaaarrrrcs! The second time, that "vamanos"...I feel like that "vamanos" has a lot behind it but I also need someone who isn't a basic white chick who quit taking Spanish classes ten years ago right before starting imperatives hehhhhhhh (that's me) to help me with this. We know, obviously, that he's saying basically "let's go", as in he's herding them along, "we need to move, we're gonna be late", ect., but it looks, to my weak understanding of Spanish, like Guillermo is using it in terms of "let's all go", not "you all need to move". Am I understanding that right? And is he using tu or usted here? I feel like that he's using an imperative at all--"let's go" rather than an anxious glance at a wristwatch saying "we really should be going..."--is the notable thing, but he isn't giving a direct, more abrasive order, like "chop chop, move it, you two"; he's saying "let's all go", and I think knowing whether he's using the more formal usted or the more familiar tu conjugation would be pretty revealing, especially as compared to the interaction he's just had with Nandor.
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lettheladylead · 3 years
Hey, so first off I love all of your many works! But I gotta ask... is Scrooge and Dickie ever gonna find out they're related for Dickie in Duckburg? You totally dont have to answer if you don't want to, but I keep thinking of how it can either be very shocking or very hilarious for the reactions.
thank you!!!
heh heh hehhhhhhh. i will just say theres definitely going to be a conclusion to this storyline that i hope will be satisfying for everyone
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