#hector abad faciolince
fuoridalcloro · 4 months
“L'unica notte, disse qualcuno, è quella della veglia, la notte passata in bianco. Non si ha memoria delle notti di sonno. Così è l'amore: il più indimenticabile è quello che non è mai esistito.”
Héctor Abad Faciolince - Trattato di culinaria per donne tristi
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books-log · 2 years
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fercardega28 · 2 years
Sobre "Álbum"
Al inicio sentí que estaba viendo una película, la típica escena del hijo visitando al padre en el asilo. Y me acordé de cuando visitábamos a mi bisabuelo en la casa de los viejitos.
Se me hace increíble cómo las personas envejecen; digo, todos lo hacemos. Pero ahora que tengo casi 23 años, percibo la vejez, o incluso la muerte, más de cerca. Se me acabaron mis bisabuelos, se me están acabando mis abuelos, y no tengo prisa en llegar a estar en los zapatos del autor de estar visitando semanalmente a mis papás.
Siento, por lo menos en mi familia, que tendemos a ser rutinarios. Así que me identifico con la madre del autor, preparando la cena con antelación, ordenando los ingredientes y teniendo los mejores platos para comer rico. También me gusta sacar recuerdos, ver fotos, y traer el bonito pasado al presente. Por supuesto que por eso mismo el elemento simbólico es el álbum.
Siento que el tema son los recuerdos, los seres queridos, y a lo mejor, la sensación de estarlos perdiendo: la mamá era viuda y tenía una hija menos. Percibo que el hijo era lo que la mantenía cuerda, y viva, cada semana. Pero eso lo nota uno hasta que llega el dichoso primero de mayo.
No sabía qué esperaba del escrito, simplemente me sumergí, me dejé llevar y me sentí tan inmersa en las palabras que yo estaba ansiosa de saber qué iba a comer ese nuevo día con su mamá. Cometió un error inocente, cualquiera podría, pero el autor lo vio como un crimen, porque fue su ausencia lo que la mató. O a lo mejor fue coincidencia. Me gustaría saber qué piensa o qué pasa por su cabeza después. Pero qué fuerte pensar que cuando uno es feliz, otros se están yendo.
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03karen · 1 year
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Salvo mi corazón, todo está bien
Autor Hector Abad Faciolince
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joanlattanzio · 6 months
Es una de las paradojas más tristes de mi vida: casi todo lo que he escrito lo he escrito para alguien que no puede leerme, y estetismo libro no es otra cosa que la carta a una sombra.
El olvido que seremos - Hector Abad Faciolince
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cnwnoticias · 10 months
Escritor que sobreviveu a míssil na Ucrânia lembra hora em que 'inferno caiu'
Colombiano Hector Abad Faciolince relata últimos instantes de colega morta e diz que Lula é simpático demais a Putin Source
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cyberbenb · 10 months
PEN Ukraine and Truth Hounds Statement Regarding Russian Missile Strike On Kramatorsk
On June 27th, 2023, Russia committed another war crime, sending an Iskander missile with a highly explosive warhead at Ria Lounge restaurant in Kramatorsk, a city in the Eastern part of Ukraine. 
At least 12 people are confirmed dead, and 60 are wounded. Three children were among the dead, including two twin 14-year-old girls.
Among the people severely wounded in this crime is our dearest colleague Victoria Amelina: a brilliant award-winning, worldwide known Ukrainian writer and human rights activist who spent her time since the beginning of the full-scale invasion documenting war crimes, working with children on frontline territories, and striving to revive a literary festival that she had founded in the town of New York in Eastern Ukraine (now on the frontline). Both PEN Ukraine and Truth Hounds have traveled with Victoria many times to frontline territories, and her work has always aroused admiration. Together with Truth Hounds documenters, she came to the house of the family of Volodymyr Vakulenko, a Ukrainian writer unlawfully detained and killed by the Russian soldiers, as soon as Izyum was unoccupied. Due to her persistent search, his diary was found, which has now been published, and is another document of Russian war crimes. Now, Victoria has become a victim of a war crime herself. Doctors are fighting for her life. 
The Russians knew the Ria Lounge restaurant is a rare and popular place in the frontline city of Kramatorsk where people get together to talk and have their meals. They knew the strike would have many victims — but they targeted this crowd, as they have numerous times during this war, and during their previous wars. 
They did so previously in Kherson on December 24th, 2022, when they targeted a market full of people shopping, killing 10 people and wounding more than 60. They did so in the same Kramatorsk on April 8th, 2022, when they sent a missile to a crowd of people waiting for an evacuation train in a railway station, killing at least 61, and leaving over a hundred people wounded. They did so a year ago, by attacking a trade mall in Kremenchuk killing at least 20 people. They did so on March 9th, 2022, when they dropped huge bombs on two 5-story buildings in Izyum, killing dozens of people in each of the houses, even though they were hiding in the basements. They blew up the Nova Kakhovka dam on June 6th, 2023, causing a huge increase in water levels and the deaths of many people by drowning. The disastrous environmental consequences of this act will persist for many decades. The list of these crimes can go on and on. The shelling of the Kramatorsk Ria Lounge is another crime in this chain, and another evidence of the way Russians wage their wars. 
Immediately after the attack, Russian propagandists started to spread false narratives that the strike killed so-called foreign mercenaries. The next day, the Russian Ministry of Defense stated that the attack was carried out on the temporary headquarters of one of the Ukrainian Armed Forces brigades, and 2 Ukrainian generals, about 50 officers, and 20 mercenaries were killed as a result of it. 
Truth Hounds has interviewed eyewitnesses of the attack who testified that there were no military objects that could have been a legal target for the attack around that day. Also, they confirmed that it was a regular day in one of the most popular restaurants in the city: up to 40 people, divided into small companies, were having dinner. Truth Hounds investigators identified that the foreigners, whom Russian propaganda called mercenaries, actually were volunteers and journalists. 
Our other colleagues, the Colombian writer Hector Abad Faciolince, and the former High Commissioner for Peace, Sergio Jaramillo, who set up with other writers the campaign #AguantaUcrania to express Latin America’s support to the Ukrainian people, were also in the restaurant with Victoria Amelina. They are lightly injured. Journalist Catalina Gomez, who has been covering the Russian invasion of Ukraine since its very beginning for France 24, was also there and accompanied Victoria in an evacuation ambulance to the hospital. Sergio and Hector came to Ukraine despite the long distance that separates our countries to support humanity in its fight against barbarism. Their lives are not threatened.
Analysis of the destruction and witness testimonies indicate that, most likely, Russia’s Armed Forces used an Iskander missile to carry out the attack. This is a missile with a high accuracy, so Russians knew exactly what it would hit.
In our opinion, the attack on the Ria Lounge restaurant may qualify as a war crime pursuant to Article 8(2)(b)(ii) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Alternatively, such an attack may be qualified under Article 8(2)(b)(i) or Article 8(2)(b)(iv) of the Rome Statute of the ICC.
Russia has proven once again that it does not care about civilians or international law. Every day this aggressor country continues to attack civilians in Ukraine. There are so many other stories, every day, every night, stories of people whose lives end, who will have no tomorrow, who will never respond. 
The current Russian state is a global perpetrator. It has been involved directly and in a hybrid way in many conflicts across the globe. The two main tasks of the world now are to stop the atrocities and to contribute to establishing justice. 
PEN Ukraine and Truth Hounds appeal to the citizens of all countries, human rights and cultural organisations of the world: use every platform to spread the information about Russia’s crimes and call on your national governments to activate extraterritorial justice mechanisms in order to bring justice to all victims of war crimes. Let’s put an end to Russia’s impunity together! 
Victims await justice. Prisons await criminals.    
It is not only about Ukrainians. It is about all humans and our values.
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“Hay períodos de la vida en los que la tristeza se concentra, como de una flor se dice que sacamos su esencia, para hacer perfume, o de un vino su espíritu, para sacar el alcohol. Así a veces en nuestra existencia el sufrimiento se decanta hasta volverse devastador, insoportable.”
Hector Abad Faciolince
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margherite-bianca · 3 years
Aquí. Hoy
Ya somos el olvido que seremos. El polvo elemental que nos ignora y que fue el rojo Adán y que es ahora todos los hombres, y que no veremos.   
Ya somos en la tumba las dos fechas del principio y el término. La caja, la obscena corrupción y la mortaja, los triunfos de la muerte, y las endechas.
No soy el insensato que se aferra al mágico sonido de su nombre. Pienso con esperanza en aquel hombre que no sabrá que fui sobre la tierra. Bajo el indiferente azul del cielo, esta meditación es un consuelo.
- Jorge Luis Borges 
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il-mondo-de-xerfana · 3 years
"Para tener una vida digna, tan sólo necesitamos las cinco aes: alimento, abrigo, agua, aire y afecto."
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vcbarrera · 2 years
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Esto es Lo que parece que no entendieran muchos en Colombia , cuando decimos que no queremos más de lo mismo.
Estamos cansados de vivir un país en conflicto. hartos de señores de la guerra que cada cuatro años engañan a la gente regalandoles miedos imaginarios mientras que se venden como la solución " bélica " a un conflicto que prolifera por la falta de presencia estatal
Gente que cree que solo ir a dar bala, sin llevar oportunidades reales y desarrollo a las comunidades olvidadas. Para que el ciclo se reinicie y la miseria vuelva a alimentar las filas de la carne de cañón de ambos bandos.
Que pena con ustedes por no querer seguir gobernados por aquellos que nos volvieron uno de los países más desiguales y corruptos.
Donde la gente tiene que buscar en la basura para sobrevivir , dónde el 45% de la población es pobre y dónde 7 millones hoy comen una vez al día.
Y En las manos de los mismos eso no va a cambiar.
Una lastima si para usted pensarnos un país distinto de uno gobernado por mafiosos , narcotraficantes, testaferros ,violadores de derechos humanos, desplazadores,despojadores de tierra y paramilitares es tan terrible.
Para mí no.
Y no por ello nos debería costar la vida en las calles cuando protestamos contra sus reformas para seguir robando. Cómo ya ha pasado.
Así que lo invito a usted que me Lee, que crea que el cambio lo hacemos TODOS y no esos que por 20 años han promedio seguridad mientras se abudinean lo de todos
#colombia🇨🇴 #colombia #colombiahumana #hectorabadfaciolince
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relecturas · 3 years
Que me subo a los árboles de mango y como mangos sin descanso, que es como morder un corazón amarillo.
Héctor Abad Faciolince
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@literlandweb1 / Twitter.
“My grandfather sometimes commented: -"This child lacks a strong hand". But my dad answered him: -If it need it, that's what life is for, which ends up giving us all; to suffer, life is more than enough, and I am not going to help it.”
"The Oblivion that we will be", Héctor Abad Faciolince https://t.co/XnwekcFxFs
I think that if more fathers in history had had the mentality of the father in this book, there would be fewer traumatized children who become murderers in their adolescence and adulthood. Not counting those with marked mental illness, raising a child with love and compassion is not only to avoid raising future criminals, but also to help heal generations and generations of human beings with childhood traumas that have never been healed.
Let's not leave future generations to heal what we can still heal by ourselves
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wonkanerds · 3 years
Book review: El olvido que seremos 🤩📚.
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joanlattanzio · 6 months
Es posible que todo esto no sirva de nada; ninguna palabra podrá resucitarlo, la historia de su vida y de su muerte no le dará nuevo aliento a sus huesos, no va a recuperar sus carcajadas, ni su inmenso valor, ni el habla convincente y vigorosa, pero de todas formas yo necesito contarla. Sus asesinos siguen libres, cada día son más y más poderosos, y mis manos no pueden combatirlos. Solamente mis dedos, hundiendo una tecla tras otra, pueden decir la verdad y declarar la injusticia. Uso su misma arma: las palabras. ¿Para qué? Para nada; o para lo más simple y esencial: para que se sepa. Para alargar su recuerdo un poco más, antes de que llegue el olvido definitivo.
El olvido que seremos - Hector Abad Faciolince
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ya-no-la-quiero · 5 years
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La oculta / Héctor Abad Faciolince
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