#he's just. so. guhh.
bokkerijder · 8 months
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May we never forget GorKen
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ruporas · 15 days
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trigunned the hades or hadesed the trigun (id in alt)
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pineappical · 11 months
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very good friends
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sunnydayaoe · 1 year
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Finally figured out how to draw charlie! yay!! Now for uhh. . . Sneeg. [Guysss I have even Less of a clue how to draw him, wish me luck </3]
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creatively-cosmic · 2 months
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i dont knowwww
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amoneki-ramblings · 2 months
How do you see Sasaki’s first chat with Donato going down now that Amon’s present?
Ooh okay I have a few thoughts about this (I wrote a response for this earlier and then tumblr didn't save the draft *explodes*):
First of all Amon would obviously be super weary of Haise talking to Donato in the first place. He doesn't like the sound or idea of it at all. He's likely already certain that the "Alice" that Donato alluded to all that time ago was Kaneki/Haise, and look where it's gotten him now (wading into dangerous waters about CCG corruption, or really just. Everything about him and 'Eyepatch' in general), and there's no reason to believe he can't cause equal trouble with whatever he tells Haise. He absolutely knows things he Shouldn't, and that's dangerous.
Haise isn't so concerned, however. Donato seems... nice? In his weird, unconventional Donato-way. Donato speaks to him in a very friendly manner, and hears him out (in canon he says "You always help organize my thoughts. I appreciate it..."), obviously with Amon's disdain towards him he didn't really mean to have his guard so low like that, but it ends up happening away, because Donato seems to like Haise and having these conversations to kill the time. And at least he's more helpful about passing on information to Haise anyway. (He also probably occasionally prods Haise for info on how Amon's doing too LOL)
Regarding the fact that Amon was raised by Donato, now that gets complicated. Haise knows, obviously, and he wants to know more, but he likely thinks it both isn't his place to ask more about it and just, is hesitant to for a multitude of reasons. Asking Donato probably feels a bit like an invasion of privacy (if he did ask though, Donato would probably laugh about Amon as a kid, like about his sweet tooth), and obviously that would be a super touchy subject to ask Amon about. Honestly discussion about Donato between them is probably pretty strange in general, considering they both clearly have contrasting feelings about the man (and they're both complicated in their own ways (though Amon's are obviously moreso)). They probably try to keep it professional, discussion just the intel/info that he can give on cases, though maybe a few times Haise asks how Donato is like to other people, or something equally general (since asking why Amon has such disdain for him would be too obvious, and asking about his past upfront would be too direct).
As for Haise and Donato's conversations: Since Amon is here now, Donato obviously doesn't need to tell Haise to seek out a certain ghoul or anything. However, I think he would still be somewhat cryptic about it. Maybe he would hint that the "key" to his memories is much, much closer than he may think. That it's sitting within arm's reach, really, if he so chooses to pick it up and actually try and find out what was in his past. He would probably feed hints that point towards Amon, but leave it up to Haise himself to actually ask/remember anything, he's probably not just gonna spell it out for him. Maybe one day Haise recounts all the inexplicable feelings from his first encounter with Amon to Donato. Maybe Donato tells Haise that Amon may be more important to him than he realizes. Maybe he tells him that it's about time that he tries to figure out why.
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squuote · 1 year
I have a narrator design I’ve made but going through the process of indecisiveness and “hey wait I wanna add this new feature that has nothing to do with the rest” that keeps me redesigning him over and over again >_>
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kumomist · 1 year
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seventh-fantasy · 2 years
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fauning · 1 year
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belliesandburps · 13 days
Ruggie Bucchi (on command, post stuffing, and soda chugging) please 😊
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(This will cover every Ruggie ask variant I got...because a LOT of y'all asked for Ruggie...)
Burping in public
"Shishishi! That's all I have t'say about THAT!"
"Whoopsies! That one just slipped outta me, didn't it!"
"Whew! (pats his stomach) Hehe, I had a BIG lunch..."
(blinks in surprise) "Huh, where'd THAT come from...?"
(smacks lips) "Ahhh, good ol' donuts still taste good comin' up too! Shishishi!"
Burping after chugging a soda
(smacks lips contently) "Ahhhh, that was brisk..."
(grunts) "Ngh, that ain't all of it...(takes a breath then grabs his belly with one hand) ...BRRRUUUUUUUUUPH... HHHUUUUUUUURRRREEEEEEEEUUUUUURRRRRRRPH!!!!!!!! Ahhhhh...THERE it is...(slaps his belly in relief)...WHEW...heh..."
(pats his chest and clears his windpipes) "Oof, heh, that had some POWER behind it, haha!"
(huffs then rubs his belly firmly with one hand) "Ohhhh man-*brruuOoOrruurrp!* Guh...*Urp...BWWOOOOOOOUUURRP!!!! Ooof...so bubbly..."
(greedily chugs the rest of the entire can in one go, crushes the can against his stomach, and lets out the single biggest burp you've EVER heard, then moans with abject relief, patting his belly in a heavily satisfied manner)
Burping after stuffing himself
"Ahhhh...(pats his belly)...ohhh man, I'm STUFFED..."
(snickers as he caresses his bulging belly) "Shishishi...my compliments t'the chef!"
(slumps back, enormous belly jutting up as he does so) "Urrrrgh...s-so...much...meaaaat...BUUUUUAAAAAAARRRRRUUUUUPH!!!!!!"
"Haaaahhhh...hehe...THAT'S where your lunch went, Herbivore...buuuut don'tcha worry...(pats his belly tauntingly)...it went to a worthwhile cause...my belly! Shishishishi!"
(grunts then thumps his gut to knock loose a thick afterburp) "Oof...'kay, maaaaaybe I overdid it, heh..."
Nauseous burps
(groans miserably as he rubs his stomach) "Urrrgh...ohhh that didn't feel good..."
(huffs, then lurches with another, much wetter belch that ends with him lurching and covering his mouth) "Hurp! Oh shit..." (rushes to the bathroom)
(cringes and covers his mouth) "Guh...that one didn't taste nearly as good comin' up as it did goin' down..."
(holds his churning gut with one hand and clutches his mouth shut with the other) "Hrrrmmmp! MMMMRRRRP!!!! Urrrrrgh...oh man, I'm gonna-hrlp-mph...b-be sick...urlp!"
(huffs and firmly rubs his belly from under his shirt) "Ooohhhh man...bruuup...BRRRAAAAAAAP!!! Guhhh...(stifles a large belch behind his fist and thumps his stomach)...oOoohhhh my belly..."
Burping to kink-tease
"Shishishi...ya oughta see how red your face is, herbivore..."
(sighs heavily with his tongue out) "Ahhhh, hehe, didja smell the peppers on that one?"
(snickers and rubs his belly) "Shishishi...loooooots more where THAT came from, herbivore..."
(holds up a finger) "Hold up...got another one for ya... (takes a deep breath, then belches as hard as he can right in your face, sighing heavily and breathing all over you after that) Hrraaaahhhhh...hehe, you're welcome..."
(huffs and grins cheekily at you) "Heh, y'like that...? (swallows down some air) BRRRAAAAAAAAAPH!!!!! Guhh... BRRRREEEEEEEUUUUUURRAAAAAP!!!!! (takes in several gulps of air, before grabbing your chin and forcing you to face him as he lets out the biggest, longest burp he can muster right in your face, intentionally dragging it out for as long as possible, then moaning with relief as his tongue hangs out lewdly) ...Haaaaaaaaaaahhhh...hehehe, how'd THAT one taste?"
Same-Size Vore
(sighs with relief and slaps his big, writhing belly) "Ahhhh, shishishi...ya really know how to kick up a storm, don'tcha..."
(leans back as his globular belly squirms on his lap) "Haaaahhh...I could feel ya squirm around in my tummy aaaaaaaall day long, but that's just gonna keep makin' me BBUUUUUUURRRRRRP!!!!! Guhhh, heh...and I kinda don't want'cha t'suffocate, shishishi..."
(sighs and slaps his gut heavily) "Whew! S'CUSE me! Must'a been someone I ate...shishishishi!"
(laughs and grips his bulging belly with both hands) "Hahaha! Holy crap, didja feel my belly shakin' around with that monster??"
(grunts and thumps his writhing gut) "Mph, hey! Settle down in there or I'mma chug more soda and keep burpin' til you're deaf!"
Burping to irritate
(grins) "Whaaaaaat? That wasn't me! (bats his eyelashes innocently)"
(snickers) "Heh, y'think THAT was bad? Wait 'til it all starts settlin'...(slowly rubs his stomach)...woo boy, I'm gonna burpin' aaall night..."
(mock pouts) "Tch, you're right! Where ARE my manners, huh?! (swallows air and holds his stomach firmly) ...ssSCUUUUUUUUSE......mMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEE-EEEEEEEUUUUUUUURRRRRAAAAAAAAPH!!!!!!!!" Ahhhh...(gives his belly a few pats)...there we go!"
"Shishishi...my bad! I'll hold it in next time...(swallows air and stifles a BIG burp that reverberates heavily in his puffed out cheeks...then blows his fetid gasses directly at the person chastising him)"
"Sorry, I'll try'n keep 'em quiet...(intentionally burps in the person's ear)...well, I hafta make sure ya still HEAR 'em, right?? Shishishi!"
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instarsandcrime · 3 months
Pride Is A Fickle Thing
Well...at least it's not just Lu/ci/fer this time?
@onetrickponi had some great prompts to offer and, since she said she might be writing them, I decided to change up a certain one a little so it turned out the same but also different! Can be read as Ra//dio//App//le or just platonic fluff! Enjoy! ❤️
Prompt: Lu/ci/fer heals A/la/stor, though it takes a great deal of expended effort on his part and it turns out both of them hate looking weak in front of other people.
"Hp'shhzzzt!" A sharp, staticky sneeze slipped through a crack in the shadows.
Alastor wheezed as he grabbed yet another handkerchief from his collection, attempting in vain to blow away the clinging itch that stuck to him for the entire meeting. But he couldn't help it. Every single twitch of the finger, every flick of the ear, every time he even bothered to move his holy wound its poison would snake through his ribs and up to his aching head. And when it did the reaction got worse. And when the reaction got worse he couldn't help but...c-couldn't...help but…but snehhh--
"Et'chhht! TSH'ZZZZHHEW! Nnghh..." The overlord muttered out a string of curses as another wave of pain shot through him, grasping a pillar before he could double over and collapse.
“Oof, ouch! That one sounded rough." An irritatingly cheery voice chirped from nowhere in particular.
"Oh do be qui-quieehhh...Heh! Heh’eshhh't! Het'chhhzzz't!" Pressing a well-used cloth up to reddened nostrils, Alastor hurriedly straightened himself, discreetly rubbing the swarm of feathers he felt as far back as it could go.
"Bless y-- er, no, wait. That's not appropriate for someone like you, is it?" And with a golden puff of smoke he finally appeared. The six winged thorn in his side. “Fuck off? Damn you? Curse you, maybe? Mmmn no, I think you’ve already got that handled.”
"Lucifer." Alastor's ear flicked in annoyance, "What can I do for you m-my unh-huhh-holy fellow? Off t-to find some...s-some...snff! Suhh-someone to pestehhhHET'ZSCHHHH! Ghhh..."
The fallen angel winced as shrill feedback pierced the air. "Lookin' a bit sneezy there, bud. I guess even the most powerful overlords catch colds. Just goes to show that somewhere deep, deep, deeeeep down, you still have a mortal soul."
The Radio Demon chuckled, smile splitting despite the feverish beads of sweat that rolled down his neck. "On the contrary! Why, I'm the guardian angel of the Hazbin Hotel! I'm sure Charlie would agree."
Lucifer twisted the cane in his palms. “Ohoh! That definitely sounds like my little girl!”
"Agreed! She is truly a marvel. Exiling all doubts with a cheerful smile!"
"And when the hotel gets big enough, who knows? Maybe she won’t even need you anymore! She can take your place all on her own-- without the tacky bellhop suit, of course."
"Hah! Radio never truly goes out of style. Unlike...u-unlike the...the..."
"Speechless already?"
"A trifuhhh…huh! T-trifling matter, My Liege. I'm simply allergihhh...allergic to...to your bullshhHHT’SHHHhhoo...Huh'zschhh!"
"Impressive comeback. You should really--"
"'Hup’KZSSHHHT! HT'SHHH'OOooo...guhh…snff!" Worry bloomed on Lucifer’s face when his rival flashed a sliver of a wince. And as quick as it grew, Alastor rushed to crush the blossom with the wave of a hand. “Such compassion! I was wonderihh…wondering when the sin of pride would lower himself to such a weak emotion–”
“Let me see it.” 
“Do you think I’m stupid?” His patient opened his mouth, “Nope, wait, don’t answer that. Just let me see the wound.”
“Hah! How absurd! Me? Get hurt?” The Radio Demon’s voice crackled with laughter, an unseen audience following suit. “Has our poor king gone senile in his old age?”
“I–! You–!” Lucifer took a deep breath, wisps of smoke billowing from his nose. 
Inhale. Exhale. 
Despite his eternal grin, Alastor’s feverish eyes blinked back confusion. “...O. Okay?”
“Okay.” The king deadpanned, hopping back a few steps. “You like making deals, right?”
“I do have other hobbies, you know.”
“Nice. I don’t care. Walk to me without sneezing once. I know you can hide the pain, but if you think holy poison will just go away, then you must either be the most stubborn man in the nine rings, or the biggest dumbass.” He paused. “Or both. If you lose, I heal you and you never have to think about Adam and his gaudy lute axe again. If you win, let’s just say that in a few more days, no one in Hell will hear another broadcast from The Radio Demon again.”
A suffocating silence fell over the two, with only the small ambience of old timey cigarette advertisements and Ella Fitzgerald to keep them company. Until finally obsidian claws drummed against the tip of a microphone.
 “...Fine.” Alastor said simply.
“Fine.” Lucifer spat back.
“A simple task, really.”
“Then stop stalling and do it, coward.” Satan flashed his pearly fangs.
A scarlet eye twitched. His opponent took a tentative step forward and the itch followed suit, fighting the urge to rub a knuckle against it.
“Having trouble there?”
“I can assure you I'm per…p-perfectly fihh-fide.” Another step. The growing tickle burned from the bridge to the tip.
“Fihhh-fidt as a fidd-fiddle.”
Almost halfway. Hold it in, hold it in.
“I'b dot as weak as y-yuhhh…you thidk…”
Through irritated tears, slit pupils studied him closely. “Uh-huh. Still don’t believe you.”
Temper beginning to flare as badly as his wound, the overlord opened his mouth to retort. But his voice was completely stolen as the itch teased the rim of his nostrils. It built and built until–
Oh, fuck it.
“Heh'SHHHHZT! Ihh-hih-Hp'SCHHH! ‘TSCHHHH'hhooo…nhhh…” The ground beneath him whirled and tilted like a merry-go-round and he was falling, falling, falling– only to be caught and dragged off the ride with unnervingly gentle hands.
“I've got you.” Lucifer muttered.
“What’s goi’g od? Why are you doi’g this?” The Radio Demon demanded as he was lifted, a body barely up to his chest not acknowledging his weight.
“Because lucky for you, I used to be a saint.” Wait…when did they get to his bathroom? When was he suddenly draped against the wall?
“You hate me." For some reason Alastor couldn’t control his shaking voice, losing the strength to fight. He sounded so disgustingly fragile. He hated it. He hated this. He hated. He. Hated.
“Oh for Heaven’s sake, shut up and let me save you already!” Lucifer swore, clicking the locks in place with the snap of his fingers. Alastor flinched when freezing hands pressed against a soaked through dress shirt and– oh.
“Yeah, no shit!” A pure light became a ripple. Then a swirl. Then a bubble. It filled every space imaginable, bathing the pair in its warm blanket. Faintly, Alastor tasted a hint of jambalaya on his tongue. And like a needle and thread to a spilled over poppet, The wound began to close.
Unfortunately, despite the subsiding agony, the holy light that caught his patient's eye did not agree with him. Wait. If angelic power hurt a demon, why was he being healed with–
“H-hhh!” Alastor’s breath hitched.
“Seriously? Now? I’m trying to work here.” Lucifer growled, almost fumbling the surgery when his concentration nearly broke. Through the haze, the overlord could glimpse familiar beads of sweat that trickled down the side of the fallen angel’s neck. 
“H-hhh…c-cad’t…h-hhhhelp it…” Between hiccuping breaths and stuttering speech, somewhere along the way a finger was pressed underneath his fluttering nostrils.
“I swear to my fucking Father.” Lucifer huffed out, blinking blearily as he continued his surgery one-handed. And before the wound closed, Alastor couldn’t help but dread at the way Lucifer’s eyelids drooped further and further, teetering between exhaustion and pain.
With two hands the healing process would have taken two minutes.
With one it took two hours. Or at least, the amount of hands was Lucifer’s excuse.
Alastor would have been more impressed if not for the fact that he was not impressed, because it was a ridiculous emotion to have for Lucifer of all beings. So instead, the next day, he chose to focus on what couldn’t heal right away.
“Het’schhzz!” Alastor pitched into his handkerchief, and Charlie quickly caught his breakfast plate before she could drop it.
“Bless you!” She breathed, clutching her chest with one hand.
Well. At least it wasn’t every five seconds.
“Thank you, my dear. Ironic as it may be.” Alastor chuckled, moving to pick up his utensils. He scanned the dining table to take in the morning rush. Angel Dust was gabbing away next to Husker, silently snatching food off his plate with his lower pair of arms. Vaggie was taking a sharpening stone to her spear between bites of food, softening when her princess veered the corner to give a quick peck on the lips. Sir Pentious was waving his spindly hands about, excitedly explaining the inner workings of his ‘flying machine’ to Niffty, who was absolutely more interested in the bug crawling on his top hat.
Overall a peaceful morning. Too peaceful. It unsettled him that there was one piece missing–
Ah. Out of the corner of his eye a small, white rat slowly crawled across the carpet. One with chubby, cherub cheeks. Fur mussed. Bags under its button eyes. A golden flush dotting his face, glowing like a firefly. And then suddenly everything clicked.
The lack of a wound or poison, but still feeling a fading tickle. The shared symptoms between them. Lucifer hadn’t just been exhausted that night. He hadn’t just healed him. Oh no, the bastard just had to take the holy poison for himself knowing that a half-holy body would survive. Though it was obvious he was equally– oh, what was that saying Rosie was kind enough to teach him– ‘going through it’. The fact that he would even risk inhaling a drop for someone he hated so much…
Well, Alastor decided to himself, It would be remiss of him to not repay the favor. So with all the mercy of a heartless overlord, he kicked the stupid rat as far as it could go. With a startled squeak and a puff of smoke, the King of Hell tumbled across the floor. The dining room went silent for a moment, all eyes on the sudden appearance of Lucifer Morningstar lying on his back– disheveled, dazed, and stone still.
“Oh my gosh, dad!” Charlie yelped as her father pushed himself upright– moving stiffly, Alastor noted. “I didn’t see you come in…to…” As she helped him stand, her voice trailed off. “Are you okay?”
“I second that, fer the record.” Angel Dust waved a fork nonchalantly in the air, “Kingy’s always an early riser. What gives?”
“Worrywarts, aren’t they?” Lucifer jolted as Alastor popped up beside him with a screeching static, suddenly inches apart. His smirk widened as he tilted his head with a little, high pitched ‘hm!’ “I must say, I can’t help but feel the same. Your regal features look a bit. Oh, what’s the word?” He motions to his own face with a dramatic flourish. “Off-color.”
Lucifer’s glare broke when he put a hand up to his cheek. Then another, eyes growing wide as teacup saucers. It didn’t help when embarrassment overtook his feverish blush, brightening with the panic. “H-hah!” He chuckled nervously, summoning his top hat to tug the brim over his face. “W-wouldja look at that? Guess I fell asleep at the ol’ workshop again and I ran my power a little too– …t-too hot…” He sniffed sharply, rubbing at his nose.
“How uncouth.” Alastor circled the man like a ravenous beast. “Quite unlike yourself to be in such a state. Maybe you should be a little more honest. I can even give you a push.”
“Wh-whhhat are you–”
With a single poke of his cane Lucifer stumbled, grimacing in pain. And it only took one poke for that short-lived charade to fall apart.
“H-hehhh! No, ndo dabbit keeb idt togehh…together…”
“Your Majesty? Are you…?” Vaggie sat straighter, brow furrowed.
“Oof! That don’t look right.” Angel winced.
“Mhm.” Husk hummed into his mug of whisky.
“Oh my. The ultimate bad boy needs to be cleaned!” Niffty gasped.
“Poor thing.” Sir Pentious’s bottom lip wobbled.
“Dad?” Charlie set a hand on his shoulder. Then jumped back with a squeak as the single touch sparked the powder keg.
“Hit’schh!” Lucifer bent at the waist, merciless fit wracking an already exhausted body. “It’schh! It’shieww! Hit’SCHIEW! Hnt’SHIEW! HET’SCHH! ‘TSHH! TCHH! Hit’SCHH’HIEW! H-hihhh…hih! Hih– HITSCHHHH’HIEW!”
The room went silent. Angel Dust whistled lowly.
“My goodness, bless you!” Alastor gaped, every movement an exaggerated performance.
“Y-you did thahhh– thadt od purpose you sohd of ahhh– hah-HATSCHHHHIEW!” The fallen king pitched forward again. When he finally surfaced he was staggering, holding his aching head. “S’rry…’bout thadt.”
Before Charlie could run to catch him Alastor tutted, summoning his shadow to steady his rival, bending its lanky limb over his forehead. “My my, you sound awful! Simply dreadful! Overworked, perhaps? Or…oh, it couldn’t be! Is the King of Hell ill?”
“Oh shudt up Alasdtor– snff! I’b dot sigk! Idt’s jus’dt–”
“Allergies?” Husk deadpanned, expression completely unimpressed.
“Allergies!” Lucifer blurted, “Nodthin’ do worry your head over. So ihhh–...hih! hit’TSCHIU! HET’CHHHIEWW! Nghh, jus’dt ledt be–”
Charlie’s grip tightened, other hand reaching for a napkin. “Don’t run! Please?”
The King of Hell froze. He couldn’t help it. He was completely powerless when it came to his little girl. His flush started to hem the edges of silverware and dusted the windows, and he decided to look anywhere but at Charlie, distracting himself with a mucky nose blow into the makeshift tissue.
“I…I guess I’ll stick around a while longer. I feel a bit dizzy, anyway.” He chuckled, trying to pretend like every word didn’t painfully scrape at his chest. But Charlie smiled brightly, and she guided him to a chair Vaggie had already pulled out for him. Stepping back to wave her hands. Go on!
Lucifer blinked back shock when the room watched, silent with bated breath. “Oh– snff! Oh, well. Um. It’s not an emergency but. But I may be thirsty–”
Zipping back and forth, Niffty slid a cup of water by his side.
“Oh! Th-thank you.” Lucifer smiled bashfully. 
The silenced thickened, group looking on expectantly. 
“More.” Charlie nodded, crossing her arms. Awestruck, the hermit crumbled as his closest residents and friends fussed and fretted. All the while Alastor sat comfortably in his chair and sipped his tea, humming to the tune of a new morning.
The perfectly chaotic puzzle was complete. Just the way he liked it.
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stevenbasic · 3 months
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Growing into the Job, Post 390: Cat n Mouse, p1
He looked like a baby deer, standing there in my bedroom, wide eyed and haha anything but innocent the little gremlin. 
“Have you been snooping?” I scolded, watching the power in my voice basically blowing my bra right off his face and make him take a step or two backwards, letting it fall to the floor. I was trying to sound funny, casual, playful but I’d felt my energy building building building all through my workout and tho it was sposed to relax me now haha I was like ready to nnngh blow up. And then seeing him with my bra on his face? Fucking adorable. It made me swell up even more. The poor little man needed my perfumes to keep himself from getting sick - woops! I forgot all about that, how he needs me -  and I guess there’d been enough of me in that white underwire I’d worn a couple days ago. So, he’d put it on his face to breathe, just so he could have a hint of my scent. S’okay. Now you get the real thing little boy. 
He took a step back, seeing me, his eyes huge and confused. 
“M-M-Melissa…oh my g-god…” he stammered, seeming to forget for the moment what I’d just caught him doing. Instead, he was worried about how I looked. “Y-y-you’re huge.”
I love when he stutters like that, trying to speak to me. “Oh, you noticed,” I smiled, stepping now into the bedroom…and watching him take another step back. He bumped into the shelf. A candle toppled over, and he panicked quickly trying to catch it, but it fell to the ground and knocked over one of the pictures of him I’d framed. Clumsy little monkey. I mean, I guess I can’t blame him. After my workouts I tend to bulge up, like a lot. My muscles swell up like crazy, making me look enormous. And as I came closer to him, I felt them all growing bigger still, vibrating, urging me to just reach out and grab him. 
And I did. 
I reached out my arms, to take him into a hug, but the stinker ducked and got underneath them. He quickly darted to the side, away from me.
“Jay-yyyyyy..?” I sang, turning towards him again, “What are you doinggg?” I sounded crazy like a crazy lady but haha who cares. 
“I, uhhh…” he sputtered, looking this way and that. Guhh it was so cute! Suddenly he darted to his right, but  I was quicker. I cut him off with a single step. He hesitated, backing away again. 
“I’m uh…”
You’re trying to get away from me you little scamp. “C’mere I just want to hold you,” I said, crouching down for to snatch the bra off of the ground that he’d had over his face. I took another step towards him but nnn hahaha he just kept running away. “What is up with uuuu hahahaha? Are u afraiiid of me? Afraid of what you did?”
“I-I ummmm-” he began. 
“You were snooping,” I repeated, finishing his answer for him, “You were looking through my stuff and snoopity-snoop-snooping.” At that I lunged towards him but urrrr he snuck under my arms again and scampered towards the door, running out into the hallway.
I turned, bra still in hand, and stepped after him. By the time I got out of the bedroom he was already scooting down the stairs. 
“Why are you running away from meeeee..?” I called after him as he hit the bottom floor and disappeared around the corner. I giggled. Of course I could just boom out, use my bossy voice, and make him turn right around. I could make him crawl back up the stairs to me til he got to my size 15s, but where's the fun in that hahaha? Well, that actually does sound fun too haha…but I have a better idea.
I  walked to the top of the stairs. “Hide and seek? Is that what you want to play, honey?” I spoke. I made certain he would hear me. My voice, I knew, could carry through the house. In fact it could shatter all the windows, if I wanted. “Cat and mouse?” I continued, as I took my first step down towards the bottom floor. I was still in my workout clothes, this tight white top and black leggings, but my muscles were so pumped up from even just the tiny little weights my mom had downstairs that they were nearly bursting out of my clothes. Maybe I’ll do that, when I catch you, make you watch me burst out of my clothing. 
“So, where is little mousy?” I asked, when I got to the bottom of the stairs, “ Big big kitty wants to playyyyy…” In all honesty I felt less like a kitty and more like a giant mama she-lion stalking for dinner, but I was willing to go with it. I glanced down at the table, this narrow thing that my mom kept in the atrium. My eyes narrowed.  I’d dropped a bunch of ‘Lean In’ and ‘Movement’ pamphlets here last week, and he’d obviously been looking through them. I could smell him on them. 
“I see you found my pamphlets,” I called out to the house, holding back a laugh, “Interesting reading, hm?” I knew I shouldn’t leave these laying around; they're supposed to be for girl-eyes only. Whatever. “And you were looking at that picture of me from the fitness competition? I was big for a twe- …nineteen yr old…” I said, “I’m so much bigger now.”
Come back here and I’ll show you.
Oh my god, oh my god! What the fuck is happening?? I thought to myself, having moments ago ducked behind the couch, my heart racing with the panic of a hunted animal. What do I think I’m doing?? Seeing her like she was, being caught in her bedroom after finding all the things I’d found - those pamphlets, her notes and ravings, my instinctual reaction was ‘get away from this giant crazy lunatic’.
Deep breath. I know I know I know…this was Melissa. My girlfriend. Of all the people I’d ever met she was one of the most sweet and tender. The perfect girlfriend. At times. 
But it was more than fair to say she could - at other times - be rather unbalanced, and this was clearly one of them. I could see it in her eyes, as soon as I saw her upstairs. She was manic. She was possessed by this need to get bigger, stronger. She claimed it was to protect me, but why did I  suddenly feel so endangered? Why? Was I just confused? She wouldn’t actually hurt me, right? No….no. But I…I needed time to think, to process. What did her having all that propaganda imply, what did all that stuff I found on the shelf mean for us? For me?
“Come out come out wherever you are…!” I heard her tease, giggling. Urk! She was close, walking just on the other side of the couch I was hiding behind. I had to crouch down, shrink down even smaller not to be seen, almost crawling under the couch. I could feel her passing by, and I watched as her long, long legs came into view walking away. Her big thighs bulged through spandex leggings, thick, hip-width muscle lapping at the base of her tapered, heroic torso. The twin planets of her ass rocked back and forth rhythmically swaying as she made her way towards the enclosed indoor pool to look for me. She was carrying the big white bra I’d been breathing from; it dangled from her right hand. Is she using that as bait?
I refused to fall for it. Now was my chance. 
Behind her back, just as she was stepping through the sliding doors, I darted away. Trying my best to stay quiet, I scooted towards the kitchen, and through the back hallway. There was a door there that led outside. If I made it outside, maybe I could-
I could what? As I got to the back door, and my hand met the handle, I froze. I was suddenly assaulted. Assaulted by doubt, apprehension and a new wave of nausea. 
Ugh. Ugh ugh- I- can’t. I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t open the door. Something in my rat brain was stopping me. Somehow I knew, as the taste of bile hit the back of my throat, that things would only get worse out there than they were in here. I had a flash, a mental image, a picture of it. I would be cold, weak and alone, and the reality of it made me shiver. I couldn't do it. I’ve got to think of something else…
I knew he wasn’t in here. I knew he wouldn’t dare go into the pool area. It was too frightening for him now that he was afraid to go near the water by himself. He might fall in again, drown without me.
Yeah, the pool room would be off-limits, even if it was  just to hide from me.. Plus, I knew where he was anyway haha. I could hear him. His heavy breathing, his little steps as he scampered from the great room.  He was trying to be sneaky but to me they were clear as day. I came out here anyway just to give him some time to try to get away, maybe find a really good hiding spot. I wasn’t worried that he’d go outside. If he did, then he’d be really scared, and he’d feel even sicker. So no. I wasn’t worried. He would need me soon.
But I wanted to hold him so bad. Like, now. 
So, after just a little bit - I counted to ten in my head - I turned around, came back into the main living area, and closed the slider to the pool behind me. “I guess you’re not in there,” I called out, knowing he could hear me. I peeled off my workout sneakers - one, two - and dropped them on the floor. Socks too. I liked the feeling of the house shaking under my bare feet, but first I listened. I could so easily sense him and everything about him now. So cool. 
“Oh are you starting to feel sick? Does you're tummy hurt? Hm hun?” I announced, “Being away from me is just so hard, huh?” Slowly I started to walk and yeah haha - <boom boom boom> went my feet. “Take a deep breath hun. There should be enough of my perfumes around so you can handle it - I’m really sweaty haha - but still. You don’t feel so good, do you?” It was like I could feel his stomach turn. “Come to mama. You can sniff her bra again, and make it all better <giggle!>”
This is like playing hide and seek with a toddler. I glanced around the great room, making a show of looking under the couch cushions and behind the big potted plant that I really needed to water, but I knew he wasn’t in here. He was like a little kid, so predictable so I kinda already knew where he was.It was so obvious. Plus haha I can hear his heartbeat. 
He was scared. Was he really trying to resist me?
“Hiding in the kitchen, hm?” I called out, as I casually made my way towards him. I’d turned off my perfumes, completely, a little while ago.  I didn’t really know I could do that, but I guess I can. I giggled to myself. If you're not going to play nice sweetie, then I'm not going to either. I can withhold from you. Let’s see how much you like that.
“Get ready, hun,” I said, “Here I come…”
Oh no! How the hell?!? I could hear her coming closer, the house - and everything around me - shaking under her feet. She couldn't possibly know!  
My heart raced anew. I thought I’d found a spot, the perfect place. Here, in the dark, I could be quiet. I could try to deal with this building nausea. She’d never think I could actually fit in here, right? I’d just had to push a few cleaning products out of the way and curl up a little. Suddenly my height is an advantage, I thought ruefully, but if she knew I was in the kitchen, it wouldn’t be long until-
<boom boom boom!> her footsteps were coming closer. 
How are they so loud??
She continued to talk to me, teasing me as she approached. “Haha I bet you’re wondering: ‘How does she know, huh? How does she know I was looking at the pamphlets? Her picture?’ Are you wondering that, sweetie? Are you wondering how I know?” 
She was in the kitchen, now. I heard her opening some of the upper cabinets. “I was downstairs working out with my mom’s little baby weights, lifting them all and I felt it. Haha I felt you, what you were doing,” she continued. A cabinet door <slammed>, making me flinch. “How does it feel to have a girlfriend that can read your mind, honey??”
Oh my god she’s crazy, I thought to myself but, for a second, I couldn't help but consider the horrifying possibility. I shivered in some dark mix of fear and arousal. What if she could?
I heard a loud <THUD> as she looked through a garbage can, followed by the clinking of utensils as she opened - a silverware drawer? How small does she think I am??
“Wanna know what else I can do?” she asked as her heavy footfalls - <boom, boom, boom> - approached even closer. What small bit of light came into my hiding space, the little sliver through the door, was eclipsed by the shadow of her legs as she passed in front. She’d stopped. She was now a foot away from me, if that. 
I knew, I knew it right then and there. She was waiting for me. She was standing there on purpose, blithely talking to me and indulging my little game of hiding from her. She totally knew where I was.
“You know, don’t you? That I know exactly where you are?” she began, “I can feel it, but that's not all. I can also tell you’re shaking. You’re quivering. You’re afraid.”
My eyes went wide. How? How was this all possible? I knew I needed to hide. I needed to get away, but all I managed to do was get myself trapped, and now she was coming to get me.
 “Awwww, honey, sweetie…don’t be too afraid…”
An enormous footfall, inches away, rattling the cabinets, glassware and indeed the entire house around us. I covered my head and went into a fetal position I heard her begin to laugh. All my nerve endings were screaming and I’d tucked away, backing deeper into my little hole as far as I could.
“You like that?” she chuckled, as <BOOM!> she slammed her foot again into the kitchen floor, to shake the house even more violently and causing me to nearly jump out of my own skin. I heard something crash and shatter in another room. “I can make my feet really heavy. I can make earthquakes for you,” she said, from where she stood right outside my hiding spot, “That’s kinda sexy, right?”
I tried to keep myself from moaning, whining, whimpering - I was so scared! - I didn't want her to hear me. She knew I was here but…but…
“Come on out, sweetie, come on out and I can show you what else I can do,” she continued, “I can use my breath, I can use my eyes, I can use everything that’s super about me and we can have so much fun…”
I couldn’t help it, I let out a noise. It was a groan? A moan? A little whine? Whatever it was it sounded pathetic, and I’m sure she heard it…
“Ohhhhh, sweetie..!” I heard her exclaim, “That little noise! Are you feeling okay? All hidden away from me, away from my perfumes?” I saw her shadow shift outside. “It hurts your tummy, doesn’t it? Being without them? Makes your head all ucky?”
Nnngh. Oh my god. Yes. I wanted it. I needed it, now more than ever. I needed to smell her, to breathe her in. I just need a little.
“Just a little? That’s all you need?” she cooed, torturing me with the promise and an infuriating little giggle, “Come on out, then. I have something that might help.”
I reached my hand out toward the door. I shivered, I shook. My bones rattled like a junkie, my mind desperate.
Wh-What is it?
“‘What is it?’ Hmm, here’s a hint,” she began, frightening me with her evident ability to know what I was thinking,  “it's smooth, and silky and white and it’s reeeeeally big. I think it'll make you feel allll better. You just have to ask nice.”
My breath rattled in my lungs as I pictured her caressing it in her hands. Oh Christ.
  “p-p-please..?” I peeped out, from my dark little spot, giving into my weakness and perversion as I finally revealed myself.
I heard her giggle. 
“Please what?”
“p-please may I come out..?” I asked.
“‘Please may I come out and..’? What else, honey?”
She was going to tease me, punish me, show me the folly of ever trying to get away from her.
“please may I come out,” I began again, my voice timid and meek. Just as weak as I was. I didn't even really know what I was saying anymore. “A-and…” oh my god oh christ what am I saying “...c-can you put your bra on my face?” 
What the hell’s become of me??
 I really need to get out of here!
“Oh, of course sweetie,” she giggled, apparently amused and tickled pink by the candidness of my pathetic request. “I would love to do that, but where are you?” she teased.
“I-I’m down here…” I said, from inside my lair, as I lightly pushed open the cabinet door.
“Oh good boy!” I sang, laughing. Omigod this was too much hahahaha! He asked! I got him to actually ask for it! “Good boy, good boy,” I said, immediately crouching down and opening the under-sink cabinet where he’d been hiding from me. “Oooo you look so cute, so little and curled-up and scared under there, like a little boy hiding from his - nnngh - mommy.” 
Did I just say that out loud haha??
He still had on his wrinkled little work shirt, his wrinkled little work pants. His brow was all wrinkled up too, he was so nervous, embarrassed. He looked up at me. “Aww, sweetie! It’s okay! Come on out!”
I knew I could have helped him, reached in and lifted him right out of there, but I wanted to stand and watch him crawl out toward me, Which was exactly what he started to do. 
Awkwardly, so awkward, he started coming on out, unfolding himself from the little ball he’d curled himself into. He got partway out, from the cabinet, before he stumbled and fell into a little heap at my feet. I giggled at his clumsiness, and looked down at him.
He started to try to get his hands under himself, maybe trying to stand - but I could tell he really wanted to scamper away.
“Nuh-uh,” I immediately said with a frown, placing a big, bare foot of mine onto his chest. I gently (well, maybe not so gently haha)  pushed him down, until he was laying on the floor. With his scared little eyes looking up at me as I had him pinned on his back, it was priceless! 
 Oh, haha, poor baby. Are you afraid that I saw through your little escape attempt? Afraid I read your mind? This was just too much fun!
“Stay there for a minute,” I told him, my foot now pushing him into the polished hardwood floor of the kitchen. Nnnngh omigod is that a boner? Is he…haha omigoddd…liking having my foot on him, being stepped on? Little man don’t you know I could crush your ribcage like celery sticks?
I considered pushing my foot up, rubbing it in his face. I could make him lick and kiss my toes to make it up to me, for all this running away and hiding. Kiss my feet. The boys in the basement ask to do it. Maybe you should learn to do it too. 
“h-how did you know I was in there?” he finally asked, from down on the ground. There were so many questions in his scared little eyes, but he was really just having trouble accepting the truth about what I could do. I figured I should keep it simple.
“Let’s just call it women’s intuition,” I said, smiling my biggest warmest smile at him as I took my foot off him, leaned down, and picked him right up from under his arms. My bra still dangled from my right hand but I had no trouble; he weighed practically nothing. I could hold him off the ground like this for as long as I wanted, watch him squirm. I looked him right in the eye as I slowly started to pull him in-
Oh ho the little noodge! He put his hands up to my chest, trying to push off, push me away. 
‘Still afraid of me huh? Even with that big boner in your pants?’ He pushed, the little twerp. “Oh like that’s going to help!” Nnngh! That’s only going to make it worse haha! ‘Now, come to mama…’
 I arched my back, pressing my big breasts just further into his small hands. I couldn't keep from moaning. "OOoooOOoooo I like the feeling of your little hands on me, Jay,” I said, “It makes me feel even bigger!” 
It’s true. Maybe I’m a bit mean sometimes, maybe I’m a bad girlfriend but comparing his shrunken body to mine was like my favorite thing to do. “You’re so small, so little and weak,” I said to him, “and when we’re together I feel huge. I love feeling huge.” I giggled. His hands were mushed right into my boobs, basically disappearing. “Do you promise you’ll keep getting smaller for me?”
His jaw was quivering, his eyes big and wide. He was staring at his hands, seeing for himself just how smsll they were compared to my breasts. He was just so powerless. Shocked, he looked up into my face... His brain was slowing down. He was having trouble talking. I had let go just a little of my pheram- uh, perfumes - I didn’t like when he felt sick to his tummy! - but it’s not like he was babbling, or salivating all over the floor. I could just tell he was lost in me. And not just in my size, he was lost in all of me. Sure he was paying attention to  the swell of my shoulders and traps  which, nnngh, were still all pumped up and enormous and maybe haha a little intimidating. But his eyes also traveled into my eyes, my smile, my big thick hair. I just loved how he was looking at me. It's quite nice, sometimes, to be such a bombshell haha.
He was like a baby deer, and now that he’d been caught by the hungry mama bear - haha me -  with his big wide eyes, all his trembling? He might as well have been drizzling himself in honey. “Sweetie I need a kiss, a nice big one,” I told him, unable to help myself as I pulled him in. 
He could tell as soon as my my lips pressed against his: I just wanted to eat him up! He could feel how wonderfully full my lips were and just how easily they engulfed his. He felt their softness and warmth overtake him, and, nnngh, I wanted him to imagine them pressing up against his entire body, being sucked into my mouth, me eating him up! My lips needed no help pulling him into them and haha as we kissed he could feel his breath being drawn from his lungs by my own stronger ones. I held his breath from him and when I finally released him he found himself panting.
“M-Melissa, oh my god…” he managed, his head swimming from lack of air. 
My cheeks warmed up and my excitement built even more. I opened my mouth to respond, but instead a moan came out and once again I pressed my lips against his. Now I really began to suck him in, a huge kiss.
It’s like…I didn’t mean to kiss him again. I should really be punishing him, for snooping, for running away from me and hiding. There were other things I should be doing, I knew, to show him his place, but I wanted him inside me so badly and as I kissed him my mouth opened wider and worked against his, overpowering his smaller lips with my own while again drawing the breath from inside him. I sucked in, and in, and in. He struggled a little, then a lot, in my hands. Squirming around, the little cutie.
I thought maybe I should break the kiss but - haha no -  I didn’t wanna, even as his chest began to strain and I began to get concerned I might collapse his skinny chest. He’d stopped moving. So instead I breathed into him, filling his lungs. I’d taken the breath from him so I could give him my own. Don’t worry, I can give you what you need to breathe. What I breathed into him was better than regular air. It was my air, my oxygen, it was all me me me.
Stil, he began to squirm again, like he was trying to get away from me. 
“You are being such a stinker!” I laughed, breaking our kiss and holding him so our faces were just inches apart. I cocked my head and regarded him, falling into thought as he gasped. “I’m beginning to think that your email friend and this ‘resistance’ are a little problem for us. Are they making you think this way, act up like this, all naughty? I don't want them infecting my perfect little man with bad ideas.”
He shook his head, still recovering. “N-no, Melissa, I just w-wanted to…f-find out more…” 
“Oh, Jay, I know,” I said, trying to stay calm. Think, Missy, think. Be patient with him. “Well, as long as you stop reading those emails, it's no problem.” At least for now. 
He didn’t have a phone, at this point, no one could text him either. We looked through all his mail, made sure he only got stuff we’d want him to read. In fact, is there any reason he needs to read at all? God haha mmmph! That would be amazing! Emptying that little head of his until he can't remember how to read. I could just picture it: I imagined myself looking into his eyes and draining him of all his big-boy smarts until he was like a simple little child, watching all his brains just dribble out. That way I could read to him at night, help him along with books at bedtime. Books like - what’s it called? One Fish, Two Fish? Red Fish, Blue Fish? Or haha One Boob, Two Boobs, White Boobs, Brown Boobs. That should keep him focused on what's important. Haha Boobs Boobs Boobs hahahahaha. 
Sometimes I sound crazy, I know. But everyone is a little crazy when they're in love, right?
“So, though, is that why you were sneaking around snooping? Reading those pamphlets and looking through my stuff?” I asked as gentle as I could be when every inch of me just wanted to, nnngh haha toss his little man body onto the counter and climb on top of him. “You trying to figure me out?” I continued.
At that, I lifted him a bit and <plopped> him on his butt, right onto the granite of the kitchen counter, next to the sink. His little legs dangled off the side. I put my hands down - I was still holding my bra - on either side of his knees, resting the weight of my upper body on the stone and leaning in towards him. Instinctively, he leaned back a bit. People get like that, these days. They have trouble handling me when I get close.
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“I should punish you but, well, here. Let me tell you a little about what’s happening…”
thank you to @artaibyanuartoraigyrov for the base image in the first pic, and to RiF for help in editing.
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doctordbd · 2 years
Power struggle pt. 2
Since you guys wanted it so much I present to you power struggle. This is just the after math of what happened after part one, i actually don’t recommend reading the first one since it was so bad and that was more of a self indulgence for me. I was questioning my sexuality and gender at the time (lol) but if you want to read it it’s right here (I might delete the first one later and redo it)
: pt. 1
Warnings: belly bulge, sub frank, dom reader, hints of sexual favors, top reader, no pronouns used for reader but they have a ding dong, dumbifaction, Dacryphilia because Frank is a cry baby. Frank having a sexual crisis, public sex sort of, almost getting caught, drool, gapping. Cream pie, no proper after care, a lil bit of Dwight x reader?? 🤨 obvious NSFW below the line
“Guhh!” The feeling of sweat ran down Frank’s neck, his body was hot. The smell of sex clinging onto his body like a deep cologne. His face flushed as he hid it in a pillow that occupied the bare bed in the house that sat at the top of the cold wind farm map. Body shaking as he tried to mimic the feeling of having something fill him. Inexperienced fingers working to find his sweet spot all the while lazily stroking his cock.
Frank didn’t know what was happening to him. After that trial with.. you, he hasn’t been able to do anything normally. The thought of you and the thought of you inside of him was taking over every waking moment. Making out with Julie has even become weird as he had never been on the submissive side before and now with this new found kink he doesn’t know if he wants to stop.
It was one time but ever since then he hasn’t been able to look you in the eye. Frank wasn’t clear if it was out of pride or embarrassment but he couldn’t bear to face you for a long time. Hell, he couldn’t even look at his teams face for a while, the thought of telling them or them seeing him in such a state haunted him.
That was why he was in cold wind, before Frank wasn’t scared to jerk one off in one of the rooms in Ormand. It was their sanctuary after all. Their place of rest. But now it drove Frank mad worrying someone might catch him touching himself in such a way. At least here he would be provided a little more privacy knowing rarely anyone comes up here.
The problem for privacy was solved, the main problem now is why is his orgasm taking so long? His slender fingers were all he thought he needed to get the job done, but it wasn’t working. It wasn’t you. The excessive spit that he used for a makeshift lube leaked out of his hole as he hopelessly tried to find the certain bundle of nerves that would have him seeing stars.
Frank choked out a sob, letting tears fall down his blotched face, growing frustrated at his feeble attempts of getting off. He tried to picture you doing it to him. Your hands on his chest, playing with his sensitive nipples. Your tongue tracing over the bite marks you would litter his body with. Frank shivered at the thought.
He wanted you to ruin him.
After a while of no progress and the constant thrust of his fingers started to hurt he pulled out. His walls clenching around nothing hoping for something to fill it.
Frank weakly sat up from the pillow, a grimace look found it’s way on his face as he saw how much droll and tears he left on it. He truly is pathetic, whining and crying for God knows how long for a person who fucked him just out of hatred and spite.
He wanted to hate you for it, but he couldn’t. He didn’t know what to do.
He flipped the pillow, using the dry side to wipe the spit that slid down his digits.
Pulling his pants up and placing his mask back on his face he walked out of the Thompson residents, stumbling a little after having toyed with his now sore hole for what he could guess was for hours. Hands in his pocket as he planned on what to do next. But one thing was for certain, he needed to see you.
Frank leant on a tree just outside of the survivors camp. There were too many damn cabins to tell which one was yours. Hoping to catch you leave the food hall as it seems all the survivors just finished eating and were making their way back to their individual cabins.
And that’s when he saw you. Did you get a new cosmetic? Because it seems there was something different about you today. You carried yourself with your head held high as you chatted with your fellow survivors. It irked Frank knowing his and your interaction made you that way.
He couldn’t help but also notice your ensemble; a military green shirt that warped tightly around your frame, him taking note of how good of a job it did showing your muscles. The dog tags bouncing up and down everytime you took a confident stride. Along with the army greens tactical pants and black combat boots to match.
You truly were a sight to see as Frank had caught himself staring just a little too long, too hypnotized by your strong arms that were littered with scars. Your hand that held flashlight with great strength.
With a painful punch to his chest he tried to collect himself. He needed to focus. But it was so hard when it came to you, evidence being he was becoming completely undone just by looking at you.
At this point you had seemingly said your goodbyes and was making your way to your cabin. The group you were with one by one slipped away into their own cabins leaving you the only one left. It was quite a ways to go to get to yours. You walked for a bit longer before hearing a singular “hey”. You turned around fully expecting to see one of your friends coming back to tell you something, but you quickly realized that the sound was coming from the thick wood that circled the camp.
It wasn’t the first time Danny or even Trickster would come over and try to scare you guys. So you were quite surprised to see the one and only Frank Morrison whispering to you through some bushes. Him obviously not wanting to be seen as he hid some of his body behind a tree.
It had been a while since you had talked with Frank and you couldn’t really blame him, the shame one would feel being completely plowed by someone that is supposed to be lesser then them would be unimaginable. A smirk had a way onto your face as you remembered the trial, truth be told it has been on your mind a lot too.
“Didn’t think I’d hear from you again, Frank.” you start, eyes musing on his mask that was slightly off his face revealing the visibly hate filled expression.
Frank gritted his teeth, he wanted to say something, anything, but his tongue suddenly felt too big for his throat. You tilted your head in confusion.
“You’re the one who called me over here, and yet you have nothing to say.” You crossed your arms as you waited patiently for an answer.
“If you’re worried I’ve told someone, don’t worry I didn’t. Wouldn’t want to hurt your killer rep, now would I?” You said in a fake concerned tone. A tone the Frank couldn’t stand. He hung his head low trying to figure out what to say.
After a few more moments of uncomfortable silence you decide to start heading back to your cabin, walking away from the flustered killer. Frank panicking knowing this might be his last chance getting to see you alone.
“Wait!” He whisper yelled you stopped in your tracks yet again. Turning your head towards the killer, a bored expression dressed your face as you were in no mood to play games.
Frank looked around one last time before extending his arm out to you. You looked at his hand and back to his face, he must’ve been out of his mind if he thought you’d follow him into the deep, dark wood.
In the camp you were safe, secure. Out there he could do almost anything to you under the entity’s rule. Yet, momma always did say that your curiosity would get the better of you one day. With a huff of disbelief mostly aimed at yourself, you took his hand. The familiar burn of power gracing your senses. Whatever gave you power that trial was definitely back and ready for seconds.
Frank must’ve felt it too, tugging your arm not in a demanding way, but in an almost servile way. Like you were in control and he was merely moving you along, like a child would do to their parent, rushing them along to get to their desired destination.
Reluctantly, you followed the young killer to wherever he wanted to take you, his eyes foward and his mouth shut, you decide to do the same thing as the walk there was dead quiet. The only noise being the twigs that snapped under your feet.
You make note of how far you walked from the camp, whatever he wanted to do he wanted to do privately.
All of a sudden, Frank stops in his tracks, you being unaware of the action knocking into him. Regaining your balance you apologize, only for Frank to grab you by your shirt and shove you against a tree, pulling you into a deep kiss.
The kiss itself was enough to make you throw him off of you but you noticed how his body reacted to the kiss, the hands that he used to shove you into the tree were now clawing at the fabric of the sleeves. His legs buckled and were seemingly about to give out. You gingerly grabbing his waist to help him as he leaned more into you. Exploring your mouth as he let out whorish moans, like you were the most addicting drug, he was craving more of you.
With a paining groan Frank detached his lips from yours, a string of saliva connecting you two.
Heavy breaths filled the air, your head leaning back against the tree eyes closed in bliss, been a while since you’ve last had this.
You opened your eyes and looked down at the quivering male, his once hate filled eyes now completely blown out and filled with lust. Tear collecting at the corners. Was he about to cry?
The sight itself made you groan, using the grip on his hips to bring them closer to yours. Roughly grinding against him as if you were in rut. Frank welcoming it with open arms as wrapped his arms around your neck, hiding his face in your shirt, his drooling problem coming back into light as he was quick to cover your shirt collar in saliva.
Holy shit did that turn you on
You used your strength to turn him over. Now he was pinned against the tree and your chest was to his back, not allowing much room for him, but yet again that was the point. Shoving past his belt of faulty bullets you ran your hand along side his leaking shaft. Frank bucking his hips to try and gain friction from your hand that you kept pulling away. Just enough were he was aching for your touch but enough were he could still feel you touch him.
His face was now in his elbow as he let out loud huffs of frustration from your teasing. A part of him just wanted to push you over and ride you in the middle of the forest. So he can finally itch the scratch you’ve left that trial. But he wanted this even more. He wanted your hands on him, the hands that would make his skin feel on fire every time you touched, squeezed and prodded at him. He wanted your face close to his like it is now. Whispering at him. Calling him a whore, a slut, your slut.
He wanted all of you and more, so he complied with your teasing. As much as it pained him to, deep down he really loved it.
Frank let out a strangled cry as you finally wrapped your large hand around his cock. His precum providing a good lube as you wasted no time moving your hand up and down his shaft. His legs buckled under him as you set a brutal pace with your hand. Frank bucking in your hands slightly, but enough for you notice and coo at him.
His face was hot even though his mask was long tossed away and forgotten. Your words making him even more flustered then he already was, if that was possible. 
The tightening feeling in his stomach made him let out an embarrassingly loud and pitiful moan. Something he would be embarrassed about later but not right now. Right now he was savoring the feeling of his rapidly approaching orgasm. 
You felt the thrusts in your hand speed up, slopping and uneven. He was fucking himself with your hand, your dick reacting with an excited twitch that Frank felt on his backside. Groaning at the friction while rolling his eyes to the back of his skull. He gave a final thrust before he released all over your hand and landing some on the tree in front of him. Pumping your hand a few times to help him ride out his orgasm.
After a while, Frank started to jerk away from your hand. You find it cute as his face contorts back and forth from blissed to overstimulated. Finally letting go of his cock, you bring your hand up to his face for him and you to see the glistening hot liquid seep down your fingers. He tried to turn his head but you were quick to grab his jaw and turn his head back to his mess.
“Don’t be embarrassed to look at the mess you’ve made.”
Frank groaned at your words. feeling you release his jaw and used your clean hand to shove his pants down even more along with his boxers, gripping at the firm mounds before stepping back and crouching down. pulling his hips towards you so he was now bent over. Franks hands still clinging onto the tree.
“W-what are you doin -NGH- ah!”
Frank tried to talk but was quickly silenced by you spreading his ass open and using Frank’s -now cold- load to trace around his rim. You had fun running your finger over the bumpy skin while listening to Frank trying to keep himself quiet. All the while trying to stand on his on two feet without your help. It was a real challenge not to just fall down on the moist forest floor and have you take him there. But he pushed through, or so he thought when you abruptly shoved two fingers into his hole. Franks back arched while his fingers dug into the tree bark, hanging on for dear life as his legs were now jelly.
the lewd shlick sounds made Frank whine as you teased around his sweet bundle of nerves, you knew where it was but you purposely ignored it, it made Frank look back at you with a weak scowl. You on the other hand watch with pure fascination at how eager his hole was. swallowing your fingers with such need to be filled, it nearly made you drool.
You knew his orgasm was coming when his long flustered moans turned to high pitched broken ones. Frank trying his best to hide it but failing miserably.
Your goal wasn’t to get another orgasm out of him but to prepare him for you. so you took your fingers out at a painfully slow pace. Watching as his hole clench around nothing. Only god knows how much you want to ruin this man.
You sit up and finally unzip your pants. Haven grown unbearably tight since the moment his lips touched yours. Freeing your cock out of it’s confining prison. Standing proud and tall, with your aching tip producing a hefty amount of precum. with a sigh of relief you began stroking yourself, smearing your pre all over your cock. Running your thumb over the slit a couple of times.
With a few more strokes you let it go and let it fall on Franks backside, Frank moaning at the hot and heavy mass on his back, feeling you move back and forth leaving a gorgeous trail of your semen on his back. After a few pleas and whines from Frank to quit your teasing, you eventually grab ahold of your throbbing member and align it to his hole. Pushing in at a slow speed, making Frank groan.
“S-stop fuckin teasIN. And just put it in already-”
With a huff you pushed the rest in, bottoming out fully. Setting a brutal pace as you forced his hips to yours at every thrust. Frank letting out a shrill cry that would wake any forest animal if the entity’s realm had any. The sheer power you had over him made Frank lightheaded. After ignoring you- ignoring himself for so long he finally had you. He finally felt content with himself. That itch was finally being scratched. 
Franks constant nagging was getting on your last nerve, so you were pleased to see he had his face in his elbow. Letting out a short moan every time you thrusted into him. Tears threaten to spill at the cover of his eyes, Frank was in total bliss. Havin being filled once more by you was a dream come-
“Are you sure you saw them go this way”
Frank froze, supposedly you too, as your thrusts slowed down, but not entirely stopping. There were people in the words.
People looking for you two.
“I’m sure Cheryl, Frank took them somewhere around here.”
Of course.
Dwight and Cheryl.
Frank would be glaring at them and run them off if you weren’t balls deep inside of him. If you two get caught what would happen to him? What would happen if the other killers found out? When they find out that a killer already constantly looked down upon gets caught getting his guts rearranged by a survivor? The one thing in this God forsaken world he’s supposed to hunt, torture, and kill? Everything that he’s worked hard to get will be in shambles. He is putting himself and his team at risk, so why did he do it?
Because it feels so good.
The tears that threaten to fall earlier quickly decide to finally spill past his eyes. He wasn’t in the right state of mind to do anything else so he did the only thing he could do at the moment, and that was to cry. You rip your eyes from the two curious survivors and back at Frank, this is the first time in your life that you wished Dwight wasn’t such a good friend.
So you snaked one of your hands that were previously grabbing his hips and covered his quivering mouth as you started to thrust your hips at a much faster pace. Frank moaning at the returning pleasure. His eyes foggy but not leaving the two people walking dangerously close to were they were. You saw Frank look back at you with pleading eyes. Those eyes, those eyes did nothing but make you want to fuck him even more. You lean down next to his ear and say:
: You -huff- don’t want to get caught right? Then I’m gonna need ya to -huff- stay quiet for me ok? Can’t have all your friends know what -huff- you do in your free time.” 
You watched as his reaction changed from pleading to absolute mess. Tears now streaming down his face and drool seeped through your fingers as your ruthless pace never faltered, your free hand now on his cock. Stroking it with the same speed you were fucking him in.
You had no intent on stopping till you were finished and satisfied. The two of you getting caught would be a minor inconvenience for you but you knew the fear Frank must feel right about now, You could’ve stopped but, at the end of the day it didn’t seem like Frank wanted you to stop all that much. You were in full control of this moment, it was your choice were this was going to go. 
This is the type of power that you’ve heard about that most grow drunken on.
You’ve made up your mind and continued to thrust into him. Your hand doing everything in its power to keep Frank’s noises in. As it seems like he picked this time to babble and moan the loudest.
You listen with open ears as you heard Dwight and Cheryl’s footsteps shuffle away, relief washing over the both of you. Or what was once relief now panic when one of your thrusts hit his special spot. The one leaving him seeing white. The one spot that made Frank let out a high-pitched moan the surpassed your hands and out onto Dwight’s careful ears, turning around momentarily. 
“Did you hear that?”
Frank didn’t know what did it, maybe it was the fact that he was moments away from being caught, and the fear of being caught excited him. Or the way your length stretched him out to the point it felt like you were fucking his brain, his hand on his stomach right over the noticeable bulge that would come to rearrange his insides one thrust at a time. Or maybe it was you, your large body pressed against his, as you work to pleasure him and yourself. Going the extra mile as to cover his mouth for him for his was too shaky to actually do anything. Whatever the reason it was enough to finally tip the scale. Frank shaking under you a -little more harshly this time-  before at last cumming all over your hand. His hips didn’t know either to buck into your hand or onto your cock. So he did a sloppy version of both. Legs shaking as his juices leaked from your hand and onto the ground, riding out his delicious high. 
You couldn’t really focus much on him because you watch with careful eyes as you see Dwight look around one last time before turning around and walking the opposite way.
“You’re definitely just hearing things, just like how your just seeing things. Besides what would [name] be doing with Frank anyway?” Cheryl said.
“*sigh maybe your right, I just.. I don’t know, I guess I’m just seeing things” Dwight said putting his hand on his head, his face a little flushed. Something Cheryl picked up on quickly.
The two survivors finally walking away finally leaving you and Frank to your own devices. You watched as they finally disappeared behind the tree line. Releasing your hand from Franks mouth, you looked down. Frank was immobile, cheek pressed against the rough tree bark and hands lightly pressed against the tree as well. Weak butchered moans left his mouth every time you thrusted into him.
He was a sight indeed, the very thing you needed to see to get you going again. Putting your hands back on his hips you used his body to get yourself off. Throwing your head back as his walls clamped around you, his walls shaped just for you and you only. He did come to you after all, he wanted you again, he wanted to be filled with you again. The thought threw you over the edge, your hips meeting as you burrowed yourself in him. emptying yourself into his warm hole. Frank letting out a long groan at the feeling of being full of your seed. You can tell it was too much for him to take as some of your semen escaped out of his hole. Droplets hitting the ground.
After a while you pull out, taking a step back to look at the mess you’ve made. The lack of support caught up with Frank as he slid down the tree and onto the forest floor. A firm reminder of the first night you had together. 
His gapping hole was your best work, Frank’s ass covered and dripping in your cum. As well as the red hand marks on his hips, a telltale sign of your former roughness. Marks that -if you weren’t in the entity’s realm- would definitely bruise later. 
And his face, his face was the embodiment of sexual bliss. Being satisfied to the point where one would pass out. It was almost endearing. But you had no plans but to be nothing more then just fuck buddies. Maybe sex for your life? it seemed like a fair deal. If he didn’t agree there was always blackmail, but you had a feeling he would agree. So with your last remaining strength you wrench his pants back over his waist. Picking up his mask and pulling it back over his face, moving the strands of dirty hair off his sweaty forehead. 
After that you pick him up and walk him over to a new area one where there wasn’t any semen on the trees. He reeked of sex and so did you so you took his jacket off and laid it next to him. Maybe that’ll air him out. You thought your plan was flawless till you saw a wet patch around his butt area.
You totally forgot about the total cream pie you gave this guy about 20 minutes prior. You quickly took the jacket and put it over his lap. Maybe he’ll take that as a warning to walk around with caution.
You got up from your knees and dusted them off. Putting your hands on your hips while you look down at Frank. 
‘Funny how time repeats itself huh?’
You let out a snicker, Fixing up the best you can without really being able to see yourself. Buckling your pants to finish, you began to walk away from Frank. Before he called you into the woods you really had no plans, but now you were feeling rather drained, so now you were going to sleep good tonight. 
That’s what you thought before a singular crow landed on your shoulder. Looking right into your eyes with its beady little ones. You let out a little chuckle before letting the fog consume you. 
“I’m sorry for dragging you out into the woods off only a hallucination.” Dwight apologizes. His fingers fiddling with each other, head held low. They were nearly to the camp as the smoke from the fire can be seen close up ahead.
Cheryl looked back at him with a friendly smile.
“It’s no worries, you thought you saw someone you care about going into the forest with some killer. Your a good friend, Dwight.” She reassures.
Putting a hand on his shoulder her friendly smile quickly turned into a teasing smirk.
“But thinkin about Y/n so much to the point that your seeing them everywhere is quite suspicious don’t change think hm? Are we gonna talk about that? Why are they on your mind so much Dwight~?”
Dwight’s face flushed at the assumption. Pushing her away and covering his face.
“No, no! it’s not like that! W-we’re just friends!”
“Sure, sure you can lie to yourself all you want but I know the truth.” Cheryl teased, Dwight letting out an embarrassed groan, opening his fingers slightly. Peering off onto the vast forest. You two were merely just friends..
So I sense some Dwight x reader chemistry?🤔 maybe, maybe not. You will never know. Have a good day/evening/night guys love you 🖤 might get another fic today if not today then definitely tomorrow
Edit: Im still editing this even tho I already published it. Im so bad at this. I need to reread my fics more often and not just when I finish uploading them
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sunnydayaoe · 1 year
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Sorry I was possessed by a demon. [I'll go back to my strictly platonic artwork don' worry I just. thought this would be So funny.]
[Nightmare & Dream belongs to Jokublog Underswap belongs to the undertale community [I think?] Killer belongs to rahafwabas]
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shaunashipman · 1 month
like. obvs i'm here for tommy showing buck the ropes and how asking for consent and reassurance is sexy but once buck gets the hang of it, he needs to top that man
tommy of course wants to show buck all the joys of sex. kink negotiations live rent free in my head.
but top!buck?? maybe first time he's a little unsure. he's had sex before but this is tommy and this matters, he wants to do this right and make tommy feel good like tommy makes him feel. and tommy is so nice and guides him and gives him advice. and buck is a fast learner.
he'll have tommy panting and whining in minutes. something intoxicating about how he does that to tommy. that tommy's whispering his name and clawing at the sheets bc of him. buck can't wait to try this in every possible position and place. on that damn kitchen counter where they first kissed. they're almost the same height. it's so easy to bend tommy over a couch and finger him until he's begging for buck's cock
(sorry i used to write a LOT of porn. i'm getting back into it slowly)
oh babe never apologize for gracing me with smut
guhh it starting out all soft and tommy thinking they're gonna have a nice lovely time and the second buck's like "I got this" he proceeds to just absolutely wreck tommy
I keep thinking about edging, like does tommy know how dedicated buck is? does tommy know what an overachiever he is? he's gonna find what works and make that man forget his own name, where they are, the only thing he's gonna remember is "evan"
(I...am not a smut writer lmao)
but please send me all your kinky thoghts/headcanons
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