#he was heading right for ark (a bit scared of bugs) and i got so excited i accidentally shouted DONT MOVE 😭
infinitystation ¡ 8 months
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puppy :]
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thanksjro ¡ 4 years
The Persistence of Loss: More Ghosts Teaching Robots Life Lessons
This is a story written by Mark Stevenson, but it takes place in the Eugenesis continuity. Fun fact: when everything’s fanfic, that means everything’s equally canon! TMUK took advantage of this nodule of wisdom very frequently.
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This is running on Microsoft Word in compatibility mode, by the way. No PDFs here.
It’s after the events the Epilogue of Eugenesis, and there’s a thing called “the List” hanging up in the new Autobase. You know, the one that was set up in the fucking concentration camp.
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The worst part of this is how many questions are stirred up by the fact this is on printer paper. Where did the paper come from? Does this mean Cybertron has some sort of plant life that could be pulped down and made into paper? Did they bring some from Earth on the Ark?
What the List is isn’t directly stated, but considering the events of Eugenesis, it isn’t hard to guess.
Meanwhile, Bombshell, everyone’s favorite mind-controller and giant bug, is messing around with the Quintesson corpses, utterly fascinated by the way they’re built.
I never covered this in my breakdown, but the little dudes who were flying the Tridents? All those nameless nobodies? They’re hardwired into their controls. There’s no transition from steering to hand or seat to ass, it’s all one and the same.
Swindle is, of course, disgusted by Bombshell’s little distraction, but there’s not much point arguing with a guy like that, especially now that the tentative peace in the wake of the Quintesson invasion is about to be bashed in with a hammer, since Galvatron’s going to be back on Cybertron in the next few hours. Flattop cuts in, saying they’ve got company inbound.
Over at the remains of Delphi, Scourge has decided to have a little alone time, just thinking his thoughts. It’s nice and quiet, the sunset is positively lovely, and he’s honestly probably overdue for some sort of interruption.
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Welp, looks like he wasn’t dead after all. I guess he just decided he was going to sit the entirety of the genocide out.
Though maybe he just didn’t realize it was happening, because this Cyclonus really is just stupid as shit. He laughs at a comment Scourge makes, completely forgetting that they’re in the Sonic Canyons, and nearly kills the both of them. Once the danger’s passed, Cyclonus finally asks Scourge what’s bothering him. What a good friend.
Back at Autobase, Rodimus Prime is sad. He’s always sad, but he’s particularly sad right now. We’re still only a couple of days beyond him having woken up, so he probably stopped self-isolating over Kup’s death roughly twenty minutes ago.
He’s currently reflecting on Emyrissus, the Micromaster he sent to assassinate Galvatron, whose death was as awful as it was predictable, or so Rodimus likes to think. He knew Emyrissus was going to die.
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You see, this is why Rodimus is a better leader than Optimus is, at least in terms of empathy. He understands that he’s in a position of power, one that can make or break a person’s very life, and that scares the shit out of him. Regardless of Eugenesis Optimus being one from prior the horrendously long war, he was still enough of a figurehead to at least entertain the thought of his being put on a pedestal by those around him.
But no. Instead everyone deserved to die.
Thanks, space dad.
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Stevenson, you are playing a dangerous game here-
Mirage and his friends are being ambushed by a group of Decepticons. He’s currently rocking around with Ramhorn and Kick-Off, and they’re currently barricading themselves behind a wall. Ramhorn, being a wildcard, runs out of cover and decides to just go for it. Mirage silently wonders if this is why the Transformers as a race can’t function outside of making war. That thought doesn’t get to the self-reflection stage, however, as he basically says “fuck it” and vaults over the wall himself, though he at least has the bright idea to go invisible beforehand.
Getting back to Scourge’s angst, it would seem that Nightbeat was right on the money about not having hit him with the mind wipe device. Scourge remembered everything, and it's tortured him for the last 27 years- even more if you think too hard about all the time travel. He was fully convinced that after he went through the wormhole, that was it- the Transformers lost, and he had his very own countdown. THAT would be why he blew himself up in Liars, A-to-D.
Now that it looks like everything’s going to be about as okay as it gets on Cybertron, he’s really not sure what to do with his life anymore.
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These two fucking idiots have a great big laugh together, to the point where the nearby homeless population wonder if the Quintessons came back. They eventually calm down, and Scourge asks Cyclonus what I’ve been wondering for months: what he did in the Eugenesis Wars.
Over with Rodimus, Kup is at the door.
Alright, let’s see where this goes. I’m betting on hallucination.
Kup enters, closing the door behind him at Rodimus’ request, and comments on the state of the office. It’s positively dreary, and that’s with the inclusion of the window.
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Kup seems to be a sort of manifestation of Rodimus’ self-loathing. He should probably see a therapist, but last I heard Rung was over with the Decepticons, and he’s probably the only mental health specialist on the entire planet.
Which makes me wonder why Galvatron hasn’t killed him yet. Guy’s not exactly a fan of therapy.
Kup’s tough love comes from a good place- he can see Rodimus is deep in the rut that is Depression™, and he needs a swift kick in the ass to help him get back on track. I don’t quite think that’s how this works, but something’s got to give, I suppose.
Because you see, Kup’s seen the future, and it ain’t pretty- Star Saber isn’t someone to be trusted, and his whole gang is going to be coming down on Cybertron like sharks smelling blood.
Then again, Kup’s not real, so what does he know?
Rodimus asks what this is all actually about, seeing as Kup always had a reason for showing up for anything. Kup admits that he wants to talk about Emyrissus.
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The problem is that things are only going to get harder from here on, as the lines between good and evil are blurred, as the Autobots sink deeper into the dredges of war to try and win this thing. Emyrissus is just the most glaring example at present. Kup opens the door, and Rodimus worries that the Micromaster is going to pop out to join the conversation, but Kup just says that he doesn’t have enough memories of the guy to build him in his head like he can Kup.
Kup tells Rodimus that he needs to learn to let go, and stop blaming himself for everything that’s gone wrong with this war. Then he’s gone.
Rodimus goes to join the troops.
Over with Mirage, things aren’t going so hot. He’s been shot. HIs team members are either too busy to help, or completely AWOL. He scrabbles for his gun- very reminiscent of Liars A-to-D here- only to have someone else’s gun put to his head. It’s Bombshell. Look at the scenes coming together all nice-like!
Bombshell threatens to shoot him, and Mirage is very okay with this plan. He’s hit his nihilism barrier and broken clean through it- what’s the point? All they do is fight, all they do is kill, and one day there won’t be anything left, and all will be lost to time. There’s nothing worth living for anymore.
The postpartum depression is hitting Mirage very hard.
Bombshell recalls the Quintesson soldier, and orders his team to stand down. They won’t be killing anyone today. He promises Mirage that when the war is over, they’ll have a chat, then leaves.
Mirage is, understandably, confused by this.
Back at Autobase, Rodimus is being followed by a smattering of groupies, as he makes his way to the List. By the time he gets there, nearly fifty folks have joined the throng. He figures now is as good a time as any to speak to his troops, and he hops up on a toolbox so everyone can see him.
First and foremost, he tells them that he’s proud of them. Then thanks them for being here with him.
Then he addresses the elephant in the room.
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Then Nightbeat pushes through the crowd towards the Prime. He’s fresh off the presses, and he knows what Rodimus was about to do to the List. He knows, and he encourages it.
With a flourish, Rodimus Prime rips the List off of the wall, and everyone bursts into applause.
Finally getting back to Cyclonus’ deal, it turns out he was buried under Darkmount the whole time. Bit anticlimactic, that. With the Mystery of the Missing Cyclonus solved, the two decide to go get plastered at Maccadam’s, and also maybe stab a few people. Good times.
Meanwhile, off-world, Great Shot enters the office of Star Saber, and they join in the long-standing tradition of talking shit about Old Cybertron. Star Saber is less than impressed with the Autobots, and how they got their asses kicked by a bunch of guys that look like flying eggs. Still, helping them out gives him something to do, and that something is rebuilding Old Cybertron into the gleaming, perfect image of New Cybertron.
And then there’s a quote directly ripped from Hitler himself, to really sell you on the fact that Star Saber is a Bad Fucking Dude.
The end!
This will most likely be the only non-Roberts Eugenesis-related work I’ll be looking at. There are others, but they’ve been lost to time. Also, they’re not really why I’m doing this, so… yeah.
Up next…
Guess I’ll start on the professional stuff.
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mewtwowarrior ¡ 4 years
Earlier, @writeinspiration was telling me about a tabletop game they were in where everybody had picked one of the Seven Deadly Sins for their characters to add to their backstories, and it got me to thinking about how they were present or not present in Ark’s life.
So, here are character analyses rooted in the Deadly Sins, the Virtues, and the Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Some of these may not quite apply, so I'm interpreting them how I like. I got the lists and information about them from Wikipedia.
Also, some of these may end up being subject to change as I work on Ark more.
Seven Deadly Sins
Lust: Wikipedia defines lust as "intense longing" for anything. I don't really think there's anything that Ark really longs after, at least, not in any significant way. She's pretty focused on her job.
In the romantic sense of the word, I'm torn between giving her any kind of love interest and none at all. On the one hand, it'd be pretty cute, on the other hand, it's not really necessary? I'm definitely not completely opposed to it, and may play around with my options. It's something I've been going on back and forth for ages.
Gluttony: Wikipedia defines gluttony as "overindulgence and overconsumption". I don't think there's anything she'd really go overboard with. Maybe if she got worked up over the Games, she might play for longer than she should, but I think that'd be a pretty rare thing.
She definitely wouldn't take way more power than she needs to keep herself running, but might get a little extra for emergencies.
Greed: Wikipedia defines greed as an intense desire to own things. I think I kinda covered most of the greed stuff under gluttony. But, as for owning things, Ark probably doesn't have or need a whole lot. I imagine she's probably got a few things for sentimental value and a few things that she likes, but she's usually too busy and active to stay at home and enjoy her stuff, so she doesn't amass a lot of things.
Sloth: Wikipedia defines sloth as "omitting responsibilities". That's pretty much the exact opposite of Ark. She takes her job (and her programming) very seriously. She works hard, and only on her time off does she relax. Though, I could see her possibly getting sidetracked in the Games or with something else that might end up making her late, but that'd be a very rare occasion.
Wrath: Wikipedia defines wrath as "anger" and "the wish to seek vengeance". That's a tough one. Overall, she doesn't have a whole lot of anger. She might get frustrated with situations or Programs, but she's usually got so much to do that it ends up being mostly forgotten.
However, the seeking vengeance part is a little tricky. When she lives that long, she's determined to do whatever it takes to stop Clu. Which, now that I think about it, I can't help but wonder if part of it is a little bit of a streak of revenge for all the pain and suffering he's caused. I'll have to think on that more.
Envy: Wikipedia defines envy as wanting things someone else has. Overall, Ark's not really envious of most anyone. However, I gotta think she's just a little bit envious that Tron's never lost in the Games. But, I try to write them on friendly terms, so it's probably not something she really thinks about, or it was something she was envious about in the past, but once they became better friends, it didn't matter any more.
Pride: Wikipedia defines pride as "selfishness" and "refusing to acknowledge one's one limits, faults, or wrongs". In the selfishness area, Ark's not terribly selfish, and her programming doesn't exactly allow her to be. However, I can definitely see her refusing to acknowledge her limits. She's good at what she does, so I can see her developing a proud streak where she just doesn't realize that maybe there's some things that she can't do. She probably would apologize quickly for any faults or wrongs, but I could see that maybe in some rare cases, she'd dig in for a little while before finally admitting that she messed up.
Bonus Sins
Acedia/"without care": Wikipedia defines acedia as "depression without joy" and "melancholy". Ark can definitely hit a depressed slump, but she usually can pull herself out of it or just accept what's going to happen.
Vanity: Wikipedia defines vanity as "unjustified boasting". Ark definitely wouldn't exaggerate or boast about things. She would take pride in her job and her wins, but I don't think she'd brag about it too much, maybe just make a passing comment about it.
Seven Virtues
Chastity: Wikipedia defines chastity as "refraining from unreasonable romantic relationships". I covered a lot of this under lust. If Ark did have any romantic relationships, I figure she'd probably be pretty serious about them. If she has had any at all, she's probably just had one or very few of them.
Temperance: Wikipedia defines temperance as "moderation or voluntary self-restraint". Overall, Ark probably does most things in moderation. Though, I can see her maybe end up working too much, or enjoying playing in the Games a little much.
Charity: Wikipedia defines charity as having "two parts: love of God" and love of one's neighbor and one's self". The first part is tricky because of the Users in the Tron universe. She probably doesn't think about Flynn a whole lot, however, she does whatever she can to uphold her programming, so I guess that's kinda like her doing her divine purpose. As for love of her neighbors, she gets along with a lot of Programs, including the ISOs. She does whatever she can to make things right for everybody, she believes that when she was programmed to protect the Grid, that meant everyone on it.
Diligence: Wikipedia defines diligence as "a work ethic". I've covered this in some of the other things, but Ark has a pretty strong work ethic. She works hard to make sure that everyone is safe.
Patience: Wikipedia defines patience as "the ability to endure difficult circumstances". I think for the most part, Ark is pretty patience. Everybody has their buttons, though. And, I think she could get impatient sometimes about trying to stop Clu, but overall, I think she'd be easily able to wait.
Kindness: Wikipedia defines kindness as "acts of generosity, consideration, or concern for others, without having an expectation of praise or reward". Ark embodies kindness greatly both in and out of her job. She doesn't expect praise for anything she does, however, if someone told her what a great job she was doing, she'd gladly accept the praise.
Humility: Wikipedia defines humility as "the quality of being humble" and "a low self-regard and sense of unworthiness". By that definition, Ark's not humble at all. She knows she's good at her job. She wouldn't brag about it, but she has a pretty good self esteem. She doesn't think like super highly of herself or anything and wouldn't brag about it, but she's aware that she's pretty competent.
Bonus Virtues
Prudence: Wikipedia defines prudence as "the ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason". Ark is fairly reasonable, but I can see that if she thought something was right, she might dig in, even if it wasn't the best idea.
Justice: Wikipedia defines justice as "the virtue which regulates man in his dealings with others". I think Ark probably embodies justice fairly well, especially because of her job. She tries to do what's right for people, no matter who she's dealing with.
Fortitude: Wikipedia defines fortitude as "brave endurance". Ark is definitely brave, even if she's scared, she faces things as best as she can. She probably also has a lot of endurance, able to keep going past when she probably should - tying into stubbornness.
Faith and Hope: While she does have down moments, overall, Ark has faith that things will eventually start heading towards the better. She never fully gives up, always pulling herself out of her despair to to her best.
Loyalty: Ark is very loyal and won't betray someone, unless they've completely turned.
Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Conquest: Ark doesn't embody conquest, she doesn't fight to obtain anything. (However, if she was brainwashed by Clu, she'd definitely be a tool of conquest.)
War: Ark is fully in on war, be it war against gridbugs and other threats to the system or fighting against Clu. The Games in the Arena might also be considered games of war. Her life is characterized by war in any era.
Famine: If you could characterize famine in the Tron universe as a lack of electronic power, there might be some grounds for it in Ark's life. As a Basic, I think I read that they're confined to the cities, as that's where they draw power from. However, since she's a System Monitor, she might have a little more freedom, if something bad showed up in the Outlands, they'd need Monitors to take care of it. There might also be power outages in the cities, which would definitely cause problems. But, overall, it's not something that's a big focus in Ark's life.
Death: Death wasn't much of a thing in Ark's life until after Clu takes over. There were probably accidents, but I think most Programs survived beforehand. While she wasn't involved in it, the death of all of the ISOs affected her. She wouldn't derezz innocents, but she'd derezz guards and sentries and anyone determined to keep fighting on Clu's side. If she got stuck in the deadly Games, she wouldn't be thrilled or proud about it, but she'd fight to survive. Now, death is a constant presence in her life.
Pestilence: Since Ark fights against computer viruses and bugs, she's an anti-pestilence. (If she got infected or fully turned into a virus, she'd be a spreader of pestilence.)
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The 100 Ask Game
Thanks for tagging me, @mamabearsdontthink - this looks like FUN!
1. What Station on the Ark would you be from?
I have a pretty green thumb with houseplants and outside flowers and some fruits/veggies. I could realistically be in Farm Station, I think, though Factory might be a fit too. 
2. What would you get arrested for on the Ark?
Political protest, for sure. Possibly with regard to the hierarchical aspects of their society and/or the representation of the people in the lowest stations. 
3. Would you take off your wristband when you landed on the ground?
No, not at all if I was aware that people on the Ark needed to know we were alive in order for them to also be saved.  
4. What would the necklace Finn would make for you look like? (Clarke: deer/Raven: a raven duh..)
Probably a rabbit or an owl, based on what I like and have jewelry about
5. If you could resurrect any MINOR character who would it be?
Jacapo Sinclair, no question
6. Create a squad of 5 characters to go on missions with. Who are they?
Raven, Diyoza, Abby, Luna & Murphy - yeah that’s gonna be wild and I might die but it sure would be fun beforehand
7. What Grounder Clan would you belong to you?
I’m from the area of the Boat People and could see myself as a member of Floukru although I might miss land and gardening
8. What would your name be in Trigedasleng? (example: Octavia=Okteivia…just make it up!)
Jenn = let’s go with Jynn
9. Thoughts on Finn? Some people hate him, and others love him, so I’m curious
Disliked him fully upon first viewing but after rewatch I think he had some merit. He was not loyal to Raven but I don’t think he did it on purpose
10. Be honest. How willing would you have been to take the chip without knowing all the horrible things it does?
Nope, I would be a holdout. I don’t give in to peer pressure, I’m a skeptic and I’ve lived a long time without ever smoking a cigarette or doing drugs, plus I like organics and refuse to invite Alexa or Siri into my home. Yeah, don’t trust The Man, man! LOL
11. What character do you relate to most?
Oh, Raven, easily. We are not the same, but I get the way she made herself strong by focusing on what she was good at and burying the hurt, and her constant desire to keep the painful emotions bottled up. She’s outwardly confident but inwardly worried, and she tells herself all the time “I’ve got this” even when she’s freaked out. 
12. What character do you like the least?
Dr. Tsing, that horrible horrible horrible so-called “doctor”
13. Describe your delinquent outfit. (Would you wear something like Murphy’s jacket with the spikey red shoulder patch or have a trademark like Jasper’s goggles? Be creative, yet practical)
I don’t like to be dirty and I hate being cold, so I’m in dark colors and probably bundled up compared to others. My favorite color is blue though, and if I am from Floukru, maybe I have a dark blue jacket or a shirt with blue patches on it. I would also always carry an extra pair of socks in case my feet got cold. 
14. Favorite type of mutant animal?
There’s not many to choose from
15. What would your job be on the Ark?
I could see myself working a bit undercover like Nigel, getting covert things for people or making deals, although my regular job might be for Farm Station
16. Would you have willingly pumped Ontari’s heart if Abby asked?
yeah, I could do that
17. If Lexa wasn’t Heda, but she was still alive then who would have made the best commander?
I’d pick Indra. She was kind of blood thirsty in the beginning and turned away Lincoln from Trikru, but she proved open to other suggestions, she learned to trust Kane and she even avoided killing Pike although she wanted revenge because she realized they needed him to complete the mission they were on. So later Indra, not early Indra. Otherwise probably Luna. 
18. How would you act if you ate the hallucinogenic nuts like Jasper and Monty?
Hmmmm.... I get overly affectionate when drunk, so if that’s any indication, I should probably stay away from those nuts
19. How would you have dealt with Charlotte’s crime? A more John Murphy approach or Bellamy Blake approach?
Consequences with compassion - hopefully the Bellamy Blake version
20. Who should have been the Chancellor, if anyone?
Jacapo Sinclair, mostly because he wouldn’t have wanted the job. The best leaders are the ones who are least likely to want power
21. Would you have been on Pike’s side like Bellamy or on Kane’s side? Or Clarke in Polis?
Kane’s side
22. Mount Weather had a lot of modern commodities. (example: Maya’s Ipod) What is the one thing you would snatch while there?
Ingredients for food like cake and other desserts. Yum!
23. What would your Grounder tattoos look like? Hairstyle? War paint?
I have a rune compass tattoo at the base of my neck. I might have more tattoos if I was a Grounder, but not obvious ones - maybe inner wrist, maybe something on my ankle or behind my ear. They would likely be symbols of things or types of characters that would provide protection or inspiration of a life goal. No war paint, I don’t think, though that could change if the cause were just. For hairstyle - I wear my hair down about 98% of the time, so maybe there would be some small braids but I doubt my hair would ever be fully pulled back. 
24. Favorite quote?
You know, it’s not well known, but Murphy tells Ontari that “It’s better to lie your way out of a problem than kill” and that always sticks with me. Plus anything Sinclair ever says to Raven (oh my heart)
25. If all of the characters were in the Hunger Games, who would have the best shot at winning?
Luna, because I think she could outlive everyone either by fighting until the death OR by stomping off by herself and outlasting everyone out of sheer willpower
26. Least favorite ship? Favorite canon ship? Favorite non canon ship? NOT INCLUDING CL OR BC OR BE
Least: I have never been onboard the mem0ri train
Favorite canon: Murphy & Raven and their whole dynamic
Favorite non-canon: Murven but now there’s sex
27. A song that should be included in the next season? If there had to be another guest star like Shawn Mendes on the show, who would you want to make a cameo?
"What’s Good” by Fenne Lily or “Bill Murray” by Phantogram for songs in the show. For a guest star, I could really get behind Pink being someone who lives on the new planet and is kinda crazy and all about being a strong female leader. She could do something wild or she could do some haunting ballad that would make us all have feelings and I could so see this now
28. What would you do if you were stuck in the bunker with Murphy for all that time?
Is this a trick question? I mean, there was wine in that lighthouse bunker, and I already said what happens when I get drunk. 
29. You’re an extra that gets killed off. How do you die?
I wanna go like Sinclair, barrette dad or David Miller - protecting someone I love. It would probably be Raven, honestly. 
30. A character you’d like to learn more about and get flashbacks of?
31. A character you’d bang?
Damn, this is a revealing quiz. I’d totally bang Diyoza but this question probably needs it’s own list
32. Would you stay in the Bunker? Go up to Space? Or live on your own in Eden?
I’d probably prefer the Eden environment, but ultimately I’d go to space even if it scared me and felt claustrophobic because I would need peer relationships
33. In the Bunker, would you follow Octavia? What would you do to pass the time underground?
yeah, I’d go along but mentally I might be preparing my eventual escape - creating a fantasy world to escape from the reality of it all
probably read and learn some kind of martial arts
34. What crime would you commit in the Bunker that lands you in the fighting pits?
I don’t like to recite pledges or make oaths I don’t intend to keep
35. Up in Space, who would you bond with first? Who would be the most difficult for you to get along with?
I’d get along with Raven right away, and not just because I love her but because we do have some things in common and I could put up with her snark. Tougher would be Em0ri if she was being mean to Murphy like in S5
36. How long do you think you would last on Earth by yourself?
I think I could go awhile if I had berries, leaves and water as choices. If I had to eat bugs though, I’d probably find a way to kill myself quickly. I’d eventually get lonely, which would be a problem, but if I could find books I’d last a hell of a lot longer too. 
37. When the Eligius ship lands what do you do?
Watch for a while, for sure. See if I could find a way to lure them away from my area for good. 
38. Favorite Eligius character? Least favorite?
Diyoza is my favorite for sure
least favorite - McCreary but in a I love to hate him way
39. Would you Spacewalk?
No. I love roller coasters but I wouldn’t bungee jump either
40. Would you prefer to eat Windshield Bugs, Space Algae, or Bunker Meat?
Algae if I had to pick, otherwise my life would totally be in danger because I’d be so repulsed
41. Would you start a war for the last spot of green on earth? What would your solution be to avoid it?
I’m up for diplomacy and would keep trying til all options were gone before I’d head to war. Maybe inter-marriages, or skill trading/trainings
42. Would you rather dig out flesh-eating worms or stick thumb drives into bullet holes?
Thumb drives into bullet holes since at least I wouldn’t get infected by that
43. Are you willing to poison your sister for the Traitor Who You Love? What would you do to stop Octavia?
Yeah, if I thought the biggest chance would be that it knocked her out rather than kill her, and that having her out of the way would mean peace
44. Would you go to sleep in cryo or stay awake like Marper?
Sleep along with my faves
45. Who are you waking up first to explore the new planet?
Not too different from the show, maybe, although I would have sent Indra down to explore with that team since she’s an experienced leader and fighter, but if we wanna go a bit fantasy like for a moment, then I’d wake up Raven & Murphy and “accidentally” lock them in a closet together for as long as it would take. 
Consider yourself tagged if you wanna participate, and I’d love to read your own choices! 
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docfuture ¡ 5 years
Interlude: The Book
    [This vignette occurs just after Chapter 45 of The Maker’s Ark.  The latest chapter of The Maker’s Ark is here, and links to some of my other work are here.  Updates are posted irregularly–theoretically every two weeks, a schedule I still aspire to return to someday.]
      Insomnia wasn't something Flicker usually thought about, or even noticed; when she was growing up, it was the default, and she formed her habits accordingly.  What was still new to her was considering how it might affect someone else sharing her bed.  She'd moved to the next compartment to read in order to avoid disturbing Journeyman.       The rumble of the main drive of the Learning Is About To Occur kept her company on the couch as she skimmed a translated Grs'thnk survey article on the effects of non-standard communication modes on social development.  Learning had inquired politely if she wished conversation, and she had politely declined.  The only other person on the ship who had context for what she wanted to talk about was asleep, and she wasn't going to--       The hatch opened, revealing Journeyman, in the t-shirt and shorts he'd worn to bed--his habits were shaped by the occasional need for an abrupt port.  His hat was in the form of a nightcap, which she thought was a nice touch.       "Figured," he said.  "How bad?"       "I'm okay," said Flicker.  "Didn't want to wake you just to ramble at you."       "Flicker, you can always--"       She shook her head.  "Listening is an effort right now.  And one-sided conversations are rude, especially when you're short of sleep too."       Journeyman was a pattern magician, and he had a skilled actor's mastery of gesture and nuance.  He adjusted the brim of the cap, which morphed into a beach hat.  His t-shirt shifted to a colorful Aloha shirt, a snap of his fingers made an iced drink appear in his hand, and he sat down on the couch beside her.  He stretched out one leg to rest a now-sandaled foot on the table, waved expansively with his free hand, and raised an eyebrow at her with a smile, a picture of comfortable relaxation.       He could give an eloquent speech with exactly zero words.       Flicker blinked and turned off her handcomp.  "Okay," she said.  "When I came back down from the translation session, I said I'd want to talk later.  It's later.  There are some old memories that I've wanted to share for a while, but--well, I'll explain."       "Go ahead," he said.       "Did you ever notice the old lockbox in my bedroom?"       "Yeah.  Wasn't going to ask.  Magicians know better."       "There's a keepsake in it.  I'd have told you before, but...  When I started recovering some of my childhood memories, it connected to some dark stuff, even though the other memories I have of it are good.  But it's still my most emotionally important possession."       "Keepsakes can be like that."       "Yeah."  Flicker paused.  "When Gumshoe and the Volunteer got me out of that orphanage, it was an effort for me to understand speech.  But when I realized the Volunteer was going to take me somewhere else, I wouldn't go with him until I went and got something.  He couldn't keep up with me--that's what made it obvious that my power was speed.  Also, I destroyed some doors, and was clutching it protectively when I came back, so everyone figured out right away that it was a good idea to let me keep it.  And I couldn't talk yet, but I could read, and even write a little."       "You said someone tried to teach you," said Journeyman.       "Yeah.  I'm not sure how old I was... it wasn't the last place I was in, it was the one before it, the one that burned down.  So maybe four or five?  I don't remember any details.  They might have stopped because they thought I was deaf.  My hearing was very hit or miss--that was before I figured out how to control my internal speed to make it reliable.  Every time I sped up to think, I'd stop hearing, and that chopped up sounds into bits too brief to reassemble.       "Or they might have stopped because I didn't get that pictures and words could go together.  Or maybe they were told to stop.  I don't know.  Anyway, whoever tried didn't get far.  That's not how I learned to read.  But it was enough to plant the idea that patterns on paper could mean something important.  I didn't have anything to connect them to, though.  Then, quite a while later, I found something."       Flicker smiled.  "There wasn't much written or printed material that I could get at.  A few old magazines and some scraps of newspaper.  They didn't really help.  The only thing I learned from them was that turning pages was tricky, and I needed to be careful if I didn't want to destroy them.  And then one day--I don't remember how, there are still a lot of gaps--I found myself outside.  I could move around if I really wanted.  I just didn't, mostly.  Nowhere to go, I wasn't very coordinated yet, and I was discouraged from trying for...  well, pretty good reasons if you were a nearby human.       "It was sunny out, and there was another building nearby, with a big open door, so I went in.  I didn't recognize most of what I saw, but I remember the smell.  It was distinctive--grease, oil, metal, and dust.  Old workshop or small machine shop, one that hadn't been used much in a while.  I poked around a bit.  I remember a big workbench with scattered tools and a vice clamped to one end, a chain hoist, and a metal cabinet with shelves.  And on one of the shelves was a book."       Flicker closed her eyes, remembering.  "I was very lucky.  When I opened it, and carefully turned a few pages, I knew I had found something important, something amazing.  It was full of printing, writing, that I didn't understand yet, but I sensed that I could learn.  Understanding was possible.  I picked it up, went back outside where the light was better, and started.  I don't remember anything of my surroundings after that.  At some point they found me and herded me back inside, but I didn't mind, I took the book with me.  I don't think they were ever stupid enough to try to take it away.  I know I was easier to deal with when I had my book, so they didn't have reason."       "I taught myself to read using that book.  And once I could puzzle some of it out, I realized just how wonderful it was."  She opened her eyes again.  "It was the best book in the world.  What I read... fit, with a part of my mind I hadn't even realized I had.  It was precious.  I kept it wrapped up when I wasn't reading it, and slept with it under my pillow.  The Trickster never tried to take it away, though I was afraid he might.  I don't think he understood it."       "The only time anything bad happened, was when I woke up one night and there were these bugs.  There were always bugs around, and I usually ignored them.  But these bugs were trying to eat my book.  I got really scared and mad.  I killed the bugs, then looked where they were coming from and pulled it open and there were more, so I killed them too, and..."  Flicker looked down.  "I wasn't careful.  I got rid of the bugs.  But I got rid of the building too.  That was the fire."       "Ah," said Journeyman.  "Was-- wait, never mind, stupid question.  Go on."       "What?  Go ahead, now I'm curious."       "Gah.  Okay.  That mission back when we were first working together.  I said 'You don't burn down your house to kill the bugs.'  You got upset but couldn't explain why."       "Yeah," said Flicker.  "I didn't have the memory back yet, but I still had some reactions from around it.  And there are records of people dying in that fire.  That's the worst part.  Doc thought--I thought--the fire was part of a cover-up, that the people were already dead.  But they'd have to plan that, and they didn't.  I caused it."       "Not... necessarily."       Flicker frowned.  "What do you mean?  Too much damage, too much heat transfer--boom, fire.  That was me."       "Yeah, but the Trickster was your real jailer.  Getting other people to take the fall for things he planned was his specialty.  If he wanted, he could send in the bugs with a pretty good idea of what would happen.  And even if he didn't, the scuzzy humans running the place wouldn't need any prodding to use a fire of unknown origin to explain otherwise suspicious deaths.  Their other options would be worse--fires attract attention."       Flicker thought for a bit, and blinked a few times.  "Mike, you're really good at making me feel better.  And I love you for it.  But you can't know that."       "No.  But you can't know it's all your fault either.  Accepting responsibility is one thing, but you don't have to hoard it like a miser."       "Okay.  That's... reasonable.  Sorry."  Flicker wiped her eyes.       "You said there were good memories, too?"       "Oh yeah," said Flicker.  "My book kept me occupied, and grounded.  I read and reread it for years."       "I did that with a couple of spellbooks for a while." said Journeyman, smiling.  "They were reference works, but I used them as comfort reading."       "The best kind.  What I figured out last night was what made it click so well.  That came back when I was tearing through that new Floater data dump looking for translation cues."       "Was that why you were so happy when you slowed back down?  I thought it was from the progress you made."       "That, too.  I kept jumping ahead of where Learning, DASI, and Three were consolidating.  Because the Floaters included a bunch of older scientific reference texts as jumping off points, and I already had a Rosetta Stone for that sort of thing memorized.  I know how to use formats and table descriptions and a whole bunch of other clues to learn an alien language, because I did it before.  That's how I learned English--using all the data and tables from my book and comparing with the formats and some leftover data from Skybreaker's memory.  She had non-volatile memory specifically for local physical constants and stuff, because she was created for inter-universal travel, so that's where I stored the data from the book.  That's why I never lose it from my high speed memory when I sleep.  And what made it fit, what made me sure it was important.  It was like... a guide to where I was.  Common math and purpose guided me when I read my book.  I just had to build up meanings for the symbols and puzzle out the axioms."       Flicker smiled again.  "And it was the base I used to come back to myself, after Donner's song of unbinding.  My book still helps me, even though I've updated a lot of the data.  So can you see why I'm sentimental about it?"       Journeyman stared into the distance for a bit before speaking, hesitantly.  "So.  I can guess what kind of book it was.  Are you comfortable sharing the title?"       Flicker felt herself blush.  "Oh!  Yeah.  It's the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, the 44th edition for 1962 and 1963.  3,604 pages.  I read every printed page, all the tiny writing, all the numbers and tables, all the graphs and charts and equations and footnotes.  It gave me a taste of how much knowledge there was out there, organized and beautiful, even if I didn't understand what it was all about yet.  And the first time I visited Doc's lab, and he gave me a high speed interface to his Database--I realized it was kind of like a living version of my book, bigger and faster and more up to date.  That's when I knew I was home.  That Earth was home."       Journeyman smiled.  "That's what I would call a pretty good book."       "My book.  Best book.  I'll show it to you when we get back to Earth."  Flicker yawned.  "Sorry to blather for so long.  But I think I'll be able to sleep now."       "Not blather.  We share when we can."  Journeyman stood and stretched, and they moved back to the bedroom.       This time, sleep came easy.
9 notes ¡ View notes
verdigrisprowl ¡ 6 years
Mar 5 Dancitron Movie Night - A cat documentary and a spider documentary
Swoop tried to make Tarantulas and Bob have a table-eating contest, and punched Tarantulas hen he refused. Laserbeak came down and laid down the law. It was, Prowl thinks, about damn time.
The spider documentary was very rude about how it described spiders. Calling them freaks and monsters. Hmph.
Shocky 7:43 pm hallo all! ItsyBitsySpyers 7:43 pm *Soundwave has a lapful of Ravage and is presently sitting with his pedes up. Snacks are out, seats are arranged, etc.* Aegis 7:43 pm *Aegis is always a slut for documentaries* Smokescreen 7:43 pm /He's coming in, but is making a point of sitting on the opposite end from Soundwave- hopefully near the snacks?/ ItsyBitsySpyers 7:44 pm *Soundwave nods to those coming in and watches Smokescreen suspiciously.* Bevel 7:45 pm *arrives and watches the video playing from near the door for a little bit instead of doing anything constructive. like sitting* Jazz 7:46 pm Was that Astrotrain? Who knew he had it in him. ItsyBitsySpyers 7:46 pm [[It was. You'll see stranger y--]] *NOOO. Primus. Where's Prowl. Where's ANYONE.* [[Stranger yet.]] Aegis 7:46 pm Pretty much anyone can have that in them as long as there's enough engex or shanix on the line ItsyBitsySpyers 7:47 pm [[Speak for yourself.]] Smokescreen 7:47 pm /He's avoiding face contact with Soundwave, making a point to stuff his face/ Jazz 7:47 pm I'm diggin' the--uh. ItsyBitsySpyers 7:48 pm [[Owning a nightclub has its benefits.]] Bevel 7:48 pm *giggles* Jazz 7:48 pm *he was gonna say he was digging Bee and Cliffjumper's choreography* Shocky 7:48 pm ((having troubles staying connected here, is it just me?)) ItsyBitsySpyers 7:49 pm [[He has other Autobots somewhere in here. Do not worry.]]
((if you are having trouble staying connected i suggest resetting)) Shocky 7:49 pm ((did a second ago, it's better now)) Jazz 7:49 pm Eesh. Does Starscream know what that lighting is doing to his paint job? Not that he's much to look at in the first place, but that was hideous. Smokescreen 7:53 pm ... Wait wait what is smokescreen.exe Bob 7:54 pm HELLO. ItsyBitsySpyers 7:54 pm [[We can't all be paragons of -- damn it. Flobsters again.]] Bob 7:54 pm *looks around* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:54 pm ((hold on y'all it's froze on my end)) Bob 7:54 pm *....does nooooot see the Swooping friend yet. Hrm.* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:55 pm [[Greetings, Bob.]] Jazz 7:55 pm [[ oy wily i got u a starter ]] ItsyBitsySpyers 7:56 pm ((10-15 minute warning, y'all get your food and stuff)) Aegis 7:58 pm ((Oooh I love this song)) Specs 7:58 pm *the dragon WAS coming in with a cart piled high with goodies, from silver and mercury drops to rust sticks to energon cookies, but she's had to stop to avoid dancing. what a catchy song!* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:58 pm *Isn't it? One of his feelers is twitching back and forth a bit.* Specs 7:59 pm *okay. NOW she can get to piling things on the table. delicious, delicious, treats* ((PFHAHAHAHAHA of course it's rumble and frenzy for this one)) Bob 8:00 pm ((Oop, I saw Jazz. Grazie o7 Jazz 8:00 pm [[ o7 ]] Bob 8:00 pm !!! IT IS THE FRUMBLE AND RENZIE WAIT ItsyBitsySpyers 8:00 pm //Kinda mixed up, ain't ya?// Jazz 8:00 pm *laughs* Bob 8:00 pm THE FRENZY AND THE RUMBLE ItsyBitsySpyers 8:01 pm \\BETTER, BUGBUTT.\\ Bob 8:01 pm I AM BOB =I Jazz 8:01 pm Frumble and Renzie. I love it. Smokescreen 8:01 pm BOB I heard it was your birthday earlier! Happy Bobday! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:01 pm //You would.// Bob 8:01 pm !!! IT WAS I HAVE TURNED FIVE OF THE YEARS. THANK YOU! *chitters* Jazz 8:01 pm Got a problem, Frumble? Aegis 8:02 pm *Oh no, Bob is a cute* Magnum Ace 8:02 pm -pings Soundwave for entrance. Movie night, yes?- Prowl 8:03 pm *appea—ghhghgk the bug is here tonight.* Bob 8:03 pm *WAVES AT PROWL* Prowl 8:03 pm *DISAPPEARS* Bob 8:03 pm *Drops a hand in confusion* I THINK HE MUST HAVE FORGOTTEN THE SNACKS Jazz 8:03 pm [[ DANCING SOUNDWAVE ]] Bob 8:03 pm THAT IS OK. WE WILL WAIT Jazz 8:03 pm [[ my only weakness ]] ItsyBitsySpyers 8:03 pm [[Ah, that's right. One moment.]] *Fishes around in his subspace and eventually finds a small box of energon candies. Slides it over to Bob.* [[From Zori, for your creation day.]]
*Looks up and tilts helm. Well. He supposes that's that for his rescue chances tonight.* Bob 8:04 pm !!! THANK YOU. PLEASE TELL THE ZORI FRIEND THANK YOU. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:04 pm ((dancing soundwave is my big weakness man)) Bob 8:04 pm *cronches* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:04 pm [[He will.]] Prowl 8:04 pm *reappears at an angle from which Soundwave can mostly shield him from Bob's view.* Tarantulas 8:05 pm (( this is so fuckin. chill-ass soundwave and his lowkey moves ItsyBitsySpyers 8:05 pm *Aha. So that's what he's up to.*
//We ain't got a problem if you don't.// Specs 8:05 pm *the dragon is staring, enraptured. she might be about to drop a plate of energon cookies on her head if she doesn't pay attention* Jazz 8:05 pm [[ look how many dancing soundwaves are in the recommended videos it's a smorgasbord ]] ItsyBitsySpyers 8:06 pm [[Dragon. Dragon, your plate--]] Specs 8:06 pm Oh-! *CLONK* *...now she gets to clean up the floor. yay.* Smokescreen 8:06 pm It's always weird seeing Soundwaves that can dance well Bob 8:06 pm *swaying to the music* Tarantulas 8:07 pm (( HE'S DOIN THE ROBOT Jazz 8:07 pm Heh. I bet he could manage if he just loosened up a little. Most bots can! Bob 8:07 pm SMOKING SCREEN FRIEND. DO YOU NOT HAVE THE DANCE PARTIES AT YOUR HOME? Prowl 8:07 pm *check out these fools doubting Soundwave's dancing abilities.* Magnum Ace 8:07 pm ((dancing 'wave! Bob 8:08 pm AT THE ARK HOME THE JAZZ FRIEND AND THE BLASTER FRIEND ARE GOOD AT THE DANCING Smokescreen 8:08 pm WAIT I can dance really well! I've had that kinda thing. Specs 8:08 pm *even the dragon knows that Soundwave is the best dancer* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:08 pm *And now one just for him....* Jazz 8:08 pm We sure do~ Ayy! Get it, Prowl! Prowl 8:09 pm My bumper can't do that. Aegis 8:09 pm Have you tried? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:09 pm [[Perhaps they've gotten a modification?]] ((FIVE MINUTE WARNING)) Prowl 8:09 pm I know I can't for the same reason that I know I can't bend my arm between my elbow and my wrist: because there aren't moving parts that allow that motion. I don't need to try. Smokescreen 8:10 pm Oh! Those bots are kinda cute in a boxyverse way. Specs 8:10 pm *okay. floor is clean. contaminated cookies are placed in the cart to be dealt with later. everything else is on the table. she's getting a couch and rubbing her bruised skull.* Bob 8:10 pm CONSTRUCTING BUILDER BOTS Twincast 8:10 pm ((oh, that explains why there was two of me. I somehow had this open twice Prowl 8:11 pm *gaze quietly rivets on scrapper.* Bob 8:11 pm *SWOOP SENSES ARE TINGLING Swoop 8:11 pm *IS A SWOOP* Tarantulas 8:11 pm *if only tarantulas had been here to see that prowl mmd, alas. he's here now though! and trying to sit next to prowl, should it be allowed* Bob 8:11 pm *LOPES TOWARD SWOOP *Skiiiiiids Magnum Ace 8:12 pm ((BAY! Swoop 8:12 pm *dashes over to Bob, clean and clearly ruffled about it* LOOK! Bob 8:12 pm I AM LOOKING WHAT AM I LOOKING AT Smokescreen 8:12 pm /Smokescreen's going to sit near Swoop- that should be far enough from Soundwave while not lonely!/ Swoop 8:12 pm Me Swoop have to BATH :V Jazz 8:12 pm *oh right, sitting. Jazz should probably take a seat at some point.* Bob 8:12 pm WHY? Swoop 8:12 pm DON'T KNOW Twincast 8:13 pm *slides in and takes a seat* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:13 pm ((WARNINGS: Cats, cats, cats, followed by spiders, spiders, spiders. Unfortunately, the latter has some fearmongering and unpleasant language. And, as these are documentaries, animal death.)) Swoop 8:13 pm ((is Tarantulas in Dancitron?)) Jazz 8:13 pm *he's in the mood for slinging his feet up on a table but alas, he'd probably fall over if he tried to do that here* *tables too high* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:13 pm *He could always move a shorter furniture over.* Bob 8:14 pm MEOW FRIENDS Swoop 8:14 pm *notices a thing for once - namely that things are quieting down like they do pre-movies - and YELLS for Soundwave* THIS movie is BOB movie?? Tarantulas 8:14 pm (( tarantulas is indeed, currently aiming for a prowl. i'm so scared swoop ItsyBitsySpyers 8:14 pm [[Quiet, Swoop. You are indoors and do not need to shout.]] *Vent.* [[Yes. This is.]] Specs 8:14 pm ((I should take a video of princess nugget walking back and forth across my keyboard)) Bob 8:14 pm YAY! Prowl 8:15 pm *it won't be UNallowed, but Prowl's not inviting Tarantulas onto the seat.* Bob 8:15 pm *Antennas flick up Jazz 8:15 pm *he will content himself with slouching all over a couch* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:15 pm *Ravage sits up on Soundwave's lap and curls his tail around his legs, now completely riveted to the screen. Anyone who wants drinks is gonna have to get them themselves.* Aegis 8:15 pm *Makes himself comfortable with some oil cakes he brought* Bob 8:15 pm *Is that the Tarantulas friend? Swoop 8:15 pm *snickers at Soundwave then perks up when he sees Bob perk up* Tarantulas 8:15 pm *yes pls, tarantulas is taking that seat, tho he's not risking getting too close jic* Bob 8:15 pm *IT IS THE TARANTULAS FRIEND Swoop 8:15 pm *is unclear what we are excited about but is excited* Bob 8:16 pm *clarifies* IT IS THE TARANTULAS FRIEND Tarantulas 8:16 pm *hears his name. oh no* Swoop 8:16 pm *nods and points* Spider bot Bob 8:16 pm *LOPES OFF* Prowl 8:16 pm *probably safe. Prowl tenses up slightly just at Tarantulas's proximity. Swoop 8:16 pm *cackles and scampers after Bob* Aegis 8:16 pm *Looks over at Bob curiously before payin attention to the screen again* Bob 8:16 pm HI! HI HI HI HI HI Swoop 8:17 pm *JUMPS up on Bob's back/shoulders to peer at Tara* HI ItsyBitsySpyers 8:17 pm ((is bob approaching spide)) Bob 8:17 pm ((yis)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:17 pm *Soundwave tenses and curls his fingers into Prowl's hip. He'll bridge them away if they come any closer.* Bob 8:17 pm YOU HAVE MADE IT TO THE NIGHT OF MOVIES! YOU HAVE MISSED THE DANCING. DID YOU BRING THE SNACKS? Swoop 8:18 pm Him Bob eat LOTS AND LOTS of snacks! Prowl 8:18 pm *no need, prowl's noticed him. guess who just vanished and reappeared on the other side of the room.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:18 pm *And now Soundwave's squeezing the air. Well then.* Smokescreen 8:18 pm /Waving at Tarantulas- though he's not coming close this time. He's heeding Knock Out's warning from earlier/ Tarantulas 8:18 pm I - was I supposed to bring snacks? *very startled by all this* Prowl 8:18 pm *... NOT the other side of the room with Smokescreen. the other other side.* Bob 8:18 pm IT IS OK. I CAN SHARE MINE IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY Smokescreen 8:19 pm /Many many sided room/ Swoop 8:19 pm Bob have Him SIDESWIPE snacks : > Twincast 8:19 pm *indeed* Bob 8:19 pm *skids to a stop in the spiders space and flops* THE SECONDARY CARETAKER MADE BIRTHDAY SNACKS. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:19 pm =Worshiped.= Slow blink. =As it should be, no?= Ravage chuckles quietly. Swoop 8:19 pm Bob is FIVE!!! Tarantulas 8:19 pm Oh but those are for /you/, Bob. Bob 8:20 pm THE SHARING IS THE CARING Aegis 8:20 pm *Oh no he's adorable* Specs 8:20 pm *the dragon looks slightly surprised at the siamese cats which occasionally appear on the screen- they've got pointed coats just like she does.* Swoop 8:20 pm ((is tara on a couch or a chair?)) Tarantulas 8:21 pm (( couch! with a very obvious empty space between him and soundwave Swoop 8:21 pm *hops off Bob and onto the back of the couch next to Tara's shoulder to perch* Smokescreen 8:21 pm ... /Is there's some empty space, he's sitting a little closer to Tarantulas, though not on Soundwave's side./ ItsyBitsySpyers 8:21 pm *Looks down at Ravage. Looks across the way at Prowl. Looks down again. ... He'll stay here a little longer. He'd hate to move his deployer right now.* Specs 8:22 pm ((speaking of catness, her royal nugget has decided that she is more important than the documentary and is chewing on my hands as I type. I love my goblin daughter.)) Twincast 8:22 pm ((give her a smooch)) Tarantulas 8:22 pm *is being surrounded, looks toward sw and prowl in dismay. ah well. he'll succumb to his fate* Bob 8:22 pm *Scooches closer to the couch, a big ol' spiny, lump* Specs 8:22 pm ((of course)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:22 pm =Superior form.= Tarantulas 8:22 pm What sort of treats are they, Bob? Bob 8:23 pm *From the floor Bob slowly lifts a party hat and gives it to Tarantulas* Aegis 8:23 pm *There's a soft clicking as Aegis commits some of these images to memory to go over in detail later* Bob 8:23 pm THE ARE THE SNACKS OF SILVER. AND THE SNACKS THAT LOOK LIKE THE CRYSTALS BUT ARE NOT. AND THERE IS THE CAKE. .....I DO NOT THINK YOU CAN EAT THE SUGAR. Smokescreen 8:23 pm ... /He's going to ping Messy- he wants to ask something, but Messy also seems kinda preoccupied!/ Tarantulas 8:23 pm *...takes the hat gingerly, doesn't wear it* Swoop 8:23 pm *pats Tara* Him Bob eats EVERYTHING! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:25 pm =It's hideous.= Tarantulas 8:25 pm I suppose that's one thing he and I have nearly in common. *to bob* ...What KIND of cake? Swoop 8:25 pm :V Smokescreen 8:26 pm I want a cat house but me-sized ItsyBitsySpyers 8:26 pm *So bright and colorful. How are they meant to hide from anyone like that. Ugh. Humans.* Swoop 8:26 pm You Spiderbot and BOB do eat contest!!! Specs 8:26 pm The space elevators are built somewhat like that, although I must say that the aesthetics are vastly more sensible. Magnum Ace 8:26 pm ((holy shit dude Tarantulas 8:26 pm E-eating contest? Oh Primus. Swoop 8:26 pm yeAHH Smokescreen 8:26 pm Man- this kinda place is like what I wish my suite could look like though Bob 8:27 pm IT IS FUNFETTI Tarantulas 8:27 pm *pings smokey back with a sort of "sorry hold on" signal* Bob 8:27 pm EAT CONTEST SOUNDS FUN Prowl 8:27 pm *prowl's following this documentary as best as he can* Bob 8:27 pm *wait* Smokescreen 8:27 pm ((I've had my sound muted adszxcbmnxvc what's been going on in the documentary Bob 8:27 pm CAN YOU ALSO EAT ALL OF THE THINGS? LIKE THE SHEET METAL AND THE TREES? Prowl 8:27 pm *he's wondering when and if they're going to explain how you're supposed to be able to tell that all these cats are indeed cats, and not, say, dogs* Tarantulas 8:28 pm I - trees? ...Technically yes. Swoop 8:28 pm DO it Smokescreen 8:28 pm d Tarantulas 8:28 pm *this is sounding extremely dangerous* Smokescreen 8:28 pm did they just how can they just catch mice like that that's amazing ItsyBitsySpyers 8:28 pm *Soundwave gives Ravage a fond scratch between the shoulders.*
*Prowl could always ask... after all, at least one of the two is here on Soundwave's lap.* Magnum Ace 8:29 pm ((not sure if Ace is in the room or not... ItsyBitsySpyers 8:29 pm ((did i miss a bridge request? consider him having gotten one)) Prowl 8:29 pm ((lesbian cats)) Tarantulas 8:29 pm (( omgg Specs 8:29 pm *gapes a grin at smokescreen* Give me a skitterstalk and five minutes and I can do a similar trick. I'm sure Ravage would do it more superiorly, though. Swoop 8:29 pm Bob! Bob! What BIGGEST thing You eat?? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:29 pm =Naturally.= Smokescreen 8:29 pm so many cats man weird me would love this Magnum Ace 8:29 pm ((m'kay! Aegis 8:29 pm Weird you? Smokescreen 8:30 pm From the weirdverse. You know- red eyes me. Bob 8:30 pm BIGGEST? I HAVE EATEN A TABLE Swoop 8:30 pm *arms up in the air* BIGGEST Bob 8:30 pm IT WAS FOR THE CONFERENCES Magnum Ace 8:30 pm -don't mind him, he's up on the table again- Bob 8:30 pm THE RED ALERT FRIEND WAS NOT HAPPY. Tarantulas 8:30 pm Slow down, slow down, *lowkey panic* Bob 8:30 pm BUT THE FRIEND OF THE IRONHIDES WAS/ Swoop 8:30 pm You Spiderbot eat a table :V Bob 8:31 pm FOR HE DID NOT HAVE TO GO TO THE MEETING THINGS Aegis 8:31 pm Bob... why would you eat a table? Specs 8:31 pm ((pfff, I think that was bad green-screening there)) Bob 8:31 pm IT WAS THERE? Aegis 8:31 pm ..... Bob 8:31 pm I DID NOT KNOW IT WAS NOT FOR EATING Tarantulas 8:31 pm Why in the WORLD should I eat a TABLE. Swoop 8:31 pm BOB eat a table 😆 ItsyBitsySpyers 8:31 pm [[Please, do not eat the furniture.]] Swoop 8:31 pm Not HERE table : > Aegis 8:31 pm *Looks a little stunned and rubs at his temples* Bob 8:31 pm I WILL NOT. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:32 pm *Ravage makes that face a lot when mechs come in for movie nights.* Smokescreen 8:32 pm You're supposed to eat one table! A nutrition table Magnum Ace 8:32 pm -wait. He ate a table? Should he move?- Smokescreen 8:32 pm ... primus I wish I were that cat Bob 8:32 pm !!! WHERE DOES ONE FIND A NUTRITION TABLE? WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE? Tarantulas 8:33 pm *face in his hands* Smokescreen 8:33 pm Uhhh In energon! Bob 8:33 pm *expectant* ??? Swoop 8:33 pm You Spiderbot want to beat Bob at EATING, you have to eat table. It the rule Smokescreen 8:33 pm If you drink enough energon you'll find it Bob 8:33 pm *looks around* *looks for energon Aegis 8:33 pm *Looking at Smokescreen in disapproval* Tarantulas 8:34 pm I never said I wanted to beat Bob at anything. I concede defeat. Bob 8:34 pm ...THERE ARE TABLES IN ENERGON???? Smokescreen 8:34 pm Sometimes! Just drink a little every now and then and you'll find one. Swoop 8:34 pm You Spiderbot not eat anything. That bad contest. Bob 8:34 pm I WILL LOOK Specs 8:34 pm *the dragon blinks* Seal point? *looks down at herself* Seal point? *why is this named. why. she is just dragon colored.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:34 pm *Ravage lets out the ghastliest 'meow' before collapsing onto Soundwave's lap and rumbling in amusement.*
[[She has no idea what she is doing.]] Tarantulas 8:35 pm I was under the impression that the rules of the eating contest involved mostly SNACKS. Tables would constitute a MEAL. Swoop 8:36 pm Um. Dunno! Me Swoop never eating contest Prowl 8:37 pm *well. prowl's not getting his seat back any time soon. where's jazz, maybe prowl can sit with him.* Jazz 8:37 pm *jazz is lounging* *Prowl is more than welcome to join him* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:37 pm =Hmph.= Swoop 8:37 pm *sliiides off the back of the sofa to smush himself between Tarantulas and the arm of the couch* Tarantulas 8:38 pm *sorry prowl, tarantulas desperately DID want to sit with you* *he didn't know he had an entourage* Prowl 8:38 pm *will head that way.* Is this seat taken? *gestures at the space nearest lounging jazz.* Aegis 8:38 pm *Is very comfortable sitting on the floor off to the side somewhat* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:39 pm *...That's not quite how he wanted to be safeguarded tonight, but he supposes he'll take it.* Jazz 8:39 pm Nahh. Not for you, my friend. Tarantulas 8:39 pm I'm not eating a table. But, if permitted, I will take some cake. Prowl 8:39 pm Thank you. *sits.* Swoop 8:39 pm *sits with his legs pulled up so he is smushed into the couch (and tara) like the giggling wiggle that he is* Bob have lot of snack : > Tarantulas 8:40 pm *puts up with the wiggle. we'll see for how long* Prowl 8:40 pm (("info from the paws goes to the brain as instantly as electricity" uh yeah it's based on electricity that's how nerves work it isn't a cat thing)) Smokescreen 8:40 pm cats are electric i wish I was that white cat everyone just Specs 8:41 pm ...Smokescreen. Too much information. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:41 pm [[Agreed.]] Swoop 8:41 pm *was too busy being a wiggle to pay attention to the screen and Tara should be thankful about that* Smokescreen 8:41 pm wait what I just saw the cat being groomed and stuff Magnum Ace 8:41 pm ....... Smokescreen 8:41 pm ....... Bob 8:41 pm CATS ARE A LIQUID Swoop 8:41 pm Him Bob have lot of teeth. You Spiderbot lot of teeth? :V Smokescreen 8:42 pm was that cat uh Magnum Ace 8:42 pm -even HE got it- Bob 8:42 pm THE CARLY FRIEND SAID SO *Settles at Tarantulas' peds to watch kitties* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:43 pm =What does Carly know.= Swoop 8:43 pm *puts his feetsies on Bob* Tarantulas 8:43 pm Why all the questions, Swoop? *exasperated* Swoop 8:43 pm Cause : > Tarantulas 8:44 pm This - this is MOVIE night. We're here to watch movies and ask questions about the movies. Not the viewers. *is trying to logic the dino. knows it probably won't work* Swoop 8:44 pm *leans his head on Tara and grins up at him* NAAAHHH ItsyBitsySpyers 8:45 pm *Guess what he is.* Aegis 8:45 pm ...they have to Shockwave Syndrome the cats? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:45 pm [[...Shockwave Syndrome? What is...?]] Specs 8:46 pm ((and, of course, personality has something to do with that too. heaven knows that princess potbelly didn't necessarily get cuddled 24/7, but she's gotta be the princess at all times)) ((I say as I smooch her head for the 37th time)) Tarantulas 8:46 pm *at least bob is being reasonable and sitting mostly quietly. he gets a pat on the helm for that* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:46 pm ((heehee)) Aegis 8:47 pm It's when someone being held by another is conditioned to enjoy and empathize with the one that's holding them hostage. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:47 pm [[...Then why in Primus' name is it named after Shockwave?]] Swoop 8:47 pm :V ItsyBitsySpyers 8:47 pm *Has few illusions about his other companion.* Magnum Ace 8:47 pm Stockholm, not Shockwave Aegis 8:47 pm Be... cause it's happened with him? Swoop 8:47 pm You Spiderbot pat Swoop Smokescreen 8:47 pm ... Wait Shockwave got held hostage or Prowl 8:48 pm *certainly hasn't been caused by or done to any Shockwave Prowl's ever met.* Tarantulas 8:48 pm *sighs, pats swoop* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:48 pm [[You must know a far more sociable Shockwave.]] Swoop 8:48 pm : > Bob 8:48 pm =< MAY I HAVE THE PATS? Aegis 8:48 pm Possibly? Specs 8:48 pm ((oh! Norwegian forest cats have a rare gene that turns their melanin into phaeomelanin)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:48 pm ((what is phaeomelanin?)) Specs 8:48 pm ((which is the black pigment to the red pigment for those of us who DON'T spend midnight on Pubmed)) Tarantulas 8:49 pm You - I - *of course bob, more defeated pats for you* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:49 pm *Ravage HISSES at the screen.* Smokescreen 8:49 pm ... Messy, you doing okay? /Reaching to getnly pat the fuzz/ ItsyBitsySpyers 8:49 pm =They are not OBJECTS.= Swoop 8:49 pm *bounces* Me Swoop want pat again : > Smokescreen 8:49 pm ... I wanna be this fluffy Bob 8:49 pm *clearly the solution is to pat both of them* Specs 8:49 pm Why are their faces so FLAT? Smokescreen 8:49 pm They're from my universe! Aegis 8:49 pm inbreeding possibly? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:50 pm =Vile human adjustments.= Smokescreen 8:50 pm /Pointing to his own face/ Aegis 8:50 pm *Gestures towards Ravage* What he said. Specs 8:50 pm Lovely. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:50 pm *Still sneering.* =Interference with perfection.= Specs 8:50 pm Oh, that one is just about as fluffy as I am! *poofy dragon is poofy* Tarantulas 8:50 pm *is pet by smokescreen, is petting swoop and bob. what is his life even* Swoop 8:51 pm *leeeeans into the pets and chirps* Tarantulas 8:51 pm I'm - beseiged, is what I am. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:51 pm [[You seem to be doing well enough despite that.]] Bob 8:51 pm *plating shuffles* Smokescreen 8:51 pm ... Should I give you some space? /Still, petpetpet/ Smokescreen 8:51 pm And- can I ask you something? Tarantulas 8:51 pm You may as well. *he's trapped anyhow* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:52 pm *He remembers being one of those. It was a relatively pleasant experience despite the meat shell.* Specs 8:52 pm It is creeping me out that the siamese cat is the same pattern as my species. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:52 pm =Claw her face.= Specs 8:52 pm ((nugget is VERY smart and VERY sweet and I love her very much)) ...That human needs a hand removed. Prowl 8:52 pm ((that poor cat getting slung all over lol)) Aegis 8:52 pm Agreed Swoop 8:52 pm Spiderbot Twincast 8:52 pm ((poor squoosh face :c ItsyBitsySpyers 8:53 pm *hisssss.* Bevel 8:53 pm ((where's my greasy chicken cats? I need more of them in my life Smokescreen 8:53 pm I want to be held like that Bob 8:53 pm *Coooooos* *Lil' baby kitties <3* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:53 pm //HAHA!// Smokescreen 8:53 pm This time sending a private comm to Tarantulas. ::Do you think Soundwave could frag with someone's mind?:: MROW Bevel 8:53 pm ((yesssssss greasy chicken cats Prowl 8:53 pm ((goblins)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:53 pm //What a wrinkly baldy.// Specs 8:53 pm AUGH. *the dragon shoves her face under her tail* Why is it naked? Swoop 8:54 pm Spiderbot ItsyBitsySpyers 8:54 pm //You look like that under yer armor, Rav?// ItsyBitsySpyers 8:54 pm *Rumble receives a growl.* Swoop 8:54 pm Spiderbot Bevel 8:54 pm ((*collects all the wrinkly goblins and goblets to himself* Tarantulas 8:54 pm Swoop? Swoop 8:54 pm Eat a table Smokescreen 8:54 pm .... now this reminded me of what Knocktopus tried to do all of a sudden Aegis 8:54 pm *Looks over at Tara's little entourage* Tarantulas 8:54 pm @Smokey: ::I think he could, but that doesn't mean he would. Why?:: Another time. We don't have any tables right now. *patpat* Smokescreen 8:55 pm @Tarantulas: ::I was just talking to Knock Out- and he suggested Soundwave might do it? He was going to check my processor after this.:: Swoop 8:55 pm *lights up as much as he can without literally errupting in fire* *is gonna hold him to this* Smokescreen 8:56 pm ... why would they dump the cat Swoop 8:56 pm Bob, Bob, you and Spiderbot do eating contest. It going to AWESOME. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:56 pm [[Irresponsibility.]] Tarantulas 8:56 pm @Smokey: ::Who's going to check your processor??:: Smokescreen 8:56 pm @Tarantulas: ::Uh. Knock Out? He is a medic, after all! And I can trust him.:: Bob 8:56 pm OKAY Prowl 8:57 pm ((you fools. this just guarantees that the only cats that breed are the ones that don't like to go into boxes.)) Jazz 8:57 pm [[ lmao ]] Swoop 8:57 pm ((lololol)) Bob 8:57 pm ((Pfffft) Swoop 8:57 pm ((breeding super cats)) Smokescreen 8:57 pm ((New cat colony of box-hating cats ((too much power Tarantulas 8:57 pm *withdraws hands to put face in them* Either you get your eating contest, or you get pats. One or the other. Prowl 8:57 pm ((this is what happens when humans tamper in the natural selection process)) Swoop 8:58 pm Why???? :V Tarantulas 8:58 pm Because I said so. Swoop 8:58 pm *bounces irritably* Why? Magnum Ace 8:58 pm ((cats who avoid all boxes Tarantulas 8:58 pm Because I'm the one who's currently being granted the power in this situation, that's why. And I say so. Specs 8:59 pm ((hahaha, I actually did this for alley cat allies in highschool as part of the required service stuff. mostly just the lugging cats around and setting things up, though.)) Swoop 8:59 pm *squints at Tara* Smokescreen 8:59 pm ((abcxbncv that siamese loks like my old cat cuckaloo ;; Swoop 9:00 pm ((there are so many flamepoints in this show and it makes me want to hold my girly)) Bob 9:00 pm *chittering* *Oblivious to contest talk* *Gettin' all the pets* Specs 9:00 pm ((I am so grateful for Nugget being a job-holding cat so that I may smooch her forehead here in college)) Prowl 9:01 pm ((the fuck you mean feline version of aids. who's out there fucking cats. who's sharing dirty needles with cats.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:01 pm ((oh my god)) Swoop 9:01 pm ((feline aids is a real thing)) Specs 9:01 pm ((other cats are fucking the cats)) Swoop 9:01 pm *grabs onto the fluff on Tara's arm* Me Swoop want pets. Specs 9:01 pm ((and biting the cats, in Princess Potbelly's case)) Jazz 9:01 pm [[ BIG PAWS ]] Tarantulas 9:02 pm Your choice, then. *resumes pats* Swoop 9:02 pm Pet now and eat contest AFTER movie Both Specs 9:02 pm ((although she was only tested at 6 months for FIV, so she'll be retested in may to confirm that she actually has it. if her mom did, she might have inherited the antibodies, but not the FIV infection proper)) ((...perhaps you see why I keep lurking Pubmed at midnight, lol)) Smokescreen 9:03 pm @Tarantulas: ::Just- don't mention all that to Sounds, of course.:: /Continuing to gently pet Messy!/ Tarantulas 9:03 pm That's not an option! *withdraws pets from swoop* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:03 pm ((*gently boops princess*)) Swoop 9:03 pm WHY ItsyBitsySpyers 9:03 pm =Some of you.= Smokescreen 9:03 pm Hey- Hey Ravage. Do you like me? Jazz 9:04 pm [[ that was delightful but now i must slep ]] ItsyBitsySpyers 9:04 pm *Flatly.* =No.= Smokescreen 9:04 pm ... Oh. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:04 pm ((sleep well)) Specs 9:04 pm ((she loves you unconditionally, slendy)) Prowl 9:04 pm ((gnight)) Specs 9:04 pm ((night Jazz!)) Jazz 9:04 pm [[ good nigth and i will smooch butter* and charlie for you all ]] Tarantulas 9:04 pm @Smokey: ::Do. Not. Do. That. Please, Smokescreen, there wouldn't be anything for him to find even IF Soundwave had tampered, which I sorely doubt.:: Smokescreen 9:04 pm ... Well, I think you're pretty cool. Specs 9:04 pm ((thank)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:04 pm ((FAIR WARNING: UP NEXT IS SPIDERS. LOTS OF CLOSE-UPS. LOTS OF EVERYTHING. SPIDERS. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THEM, GET OUT NOW AND SAVE YOURSELF.)) Prowl 9:04 pm ((SPIDE)) Tarantulas 9:04 pm Imbalance of power, that's why, Swoop. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:04 pm ((YOU HAVE THREE MINUTES)) Bevel 9:04 pm ((*abandons ship* Jazz 9:04 pm [[ weh i am missing spides ]] Swoop 9:04 pm What THAT mean? Tarantulas 9:05 pm (( spide spide spide Tarantulas 9:06 pm It means I get to set the ultimatums and there's nothing you can do about it. Smokescreen 9:06 pm @Tarantulas: ::But- Come on, Messy. I can trust him even more than I can trust you. And he's got some experience- he said he could probably identify tampering. ... And, I mean, I know there'll be at least one memory in there he can use for reference of what tampered memories look like.:: Swoop 9:06 pm *squints* *does not respond well to ultimatums* *PUNCHES at Tara's side* Tarantulas 9:07 pm @Smokey: ::Oh Smokescr -:: *is ponch* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:07 pm *Soundwave grabs Swoop IMMEDIATELY and hoist into air.* Tarantulas 9:07 pm *YELPS* Bob 9:07 pm !!! Swoop 9:07 pm *CACKLES* Magnum Ace 9:07 pm !!!! Specs 9:07 pm !!!!! Bob 9:08 pm *Grabs Swoops hand instinctively with one of his tinier ones* Smokescreen 9:08 pm /Inching away as he sees those feelers come kinda close!/ Tarantulas 9:08 pm At least I was GIVING you a choice, you brat! Swoop 9:08 pm *is just LOSING it* Aegis 9:08 pm *Winces, looking over at Tara* Are you okay? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:08 pm [[He has had enough of this. Laserbeak, downstairs. Now.]]
*Poof bridge. Here comes Bird.*
{{SWOOP.}} Bob 9:08 pm *Looks at Swoop *Looks at the spider friend YOU DID A HIT Swoop 9:08 pm *is gone now, sorry Bob 😮 * Magnum Ace 9:08 pm What just... ItsyBitsySpyers 9:08 pm ((short continuation delay bc my attention is split)) Bob 9:08 pm *oops he's gone ItsyBitsySpyers 9:08 pm ((swoop isn't gone. bird came out a bridge)) Smokescreen 9:08 pm ... Messy? Wait- what just- are you okay? Swoop 9:08 pm *nvm is not gone* Me Swoop DO a hit! KAHAHAHA! ItsyBitsySpyers 9:09 pm {{You Swoop BAD.}} Bob 9:09 pm TARANTULAS FRIEND DO YOU NEED A BANDAID? Swoop 9:09 pm NYEHHHH! *sticks tongue out at Tara* Magnum Ace 9:09 pm -is everyone okay over there?- Tarantulas 9:09 pm No, he didn't so much as scratch my armor, thank you very much. *is busy extricating himself from everyone and everything* Bob 9:09 pm *frets Swoop 9:09 pm *snickers and looks at Bird* Yah? Bob 9:10 pm *friends are fighting *what is happening? *fret fret fret fret* I DO NOT THINK THE TARANTULAS WANTED TO PLAY THE FIGHT GAME Tarantulas 9:10 pm *that fricken hurt tho. you pteradumb* Swoop 9:10 pm *dinobots don't pull punches yo* Aegis 9:10 pm I don't think he wants to play the fight game either, Bob ItsyBitsySpyers 9:11 pm {{Bird not wanting bad friend. You hitting bots, make dangerous Bird home. Soundwave not being happy, no. Swoop visit because Bird letting visit. If Swoop not being good, Swoop not coming see movies. That GOOD bot present.}} Bob 9:11 pm SWOOPING FRIEND WE CAN PLAY THE FIGHTING GAME LATER INSTEAD. Prowl 9:12 pm *huh. they're actually laying down the law. finally.* Swoop 9:12 pm *cocks his head at Bird* Present? *looks over at Bob and grins* Yah! Tarantulas 9:13 pm *holding his side protectively, looms in a corner* Bob 9:13 pm =< ItsyBitsySpyers 9:14 pm {{Yes. No movies if bad, hurting guest. Bird likes guests. You want staying here?}} Magnum Ace 9:14 pm -debating actually going over to ask Tarantulas- Swoop 9:14 pm Yah! Me Swoop want to movie with Bird! And Bob : > ItsyBitsySpyers 9:15 pm {{You be sorry to spiderbot. No touch anybody if you Swoop not ask, no hurt, no bad. Next time, Swoop goes home, not coming back until Bird hear Swoop good at home whole long time.}} Swoop 9:16 pm Me Swoop not sorry 😕 *is confused* Magnum Ace 9:16 pm -screw it. He's jumping off the table to go over to the spider- ItsyBitsySpyers 9:16 pm {{Then you Swoop go home.}} Swoop 9:16 pm Dinobots never ever good Bob 9:16 pm !!! THAT IS NOT A TRUE THING ItsyBitsySpyers 9:17 pm *NOW Swoop is dropped into a bridge.* Tarantulas 9:17 pm *notices the smol heading for him, squints suspiciously* Swoop 9:17 pm *WHOOSh is gone* Smokescreen 9:17 pm /He's watching Magnum and Tarantulas- he knows he wouldn't punch Messy, but he's still kinda cautious but curious!/ Magnum Ace 9:17 pm -stops a few feet from- Are you okay? That sounded painful. Smokescreen 9:17 pm ITS MESSY Aegis 9:17 pm *Perks up* Smokescreen 9:18 pm messy has ruled earth for 400 million years ItsyBitsySpyers 9:18 pm *Soundwave dusts his hands off and sits again, looking at Tarantulas for a second.* Bob 9:18 pm *Antennas droop Tarantulas 9:18 pm I'm perfectly fine. The only thing that's ruined is my mood. Bob 9:18 pm *Saddest bug* Prowl 9:18 pm *now that swoop's gone, stands and meanders vaguely in tarantulas's direction. Will wait for Ace to say whatever he's going to say, though.* Bob 9:18 pm *Flattens self to a sad bug pancake* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:18 pm *Very well. Looks back to the screen and sends Ravage an apology.* Tarantulas 9:19 pm *distracted by the spiders but still sulking* Specs 9:19 pm ... *the dragon looks to be trying not to salivate at this, in respect to the fact that a spider is watching the movie as well* Swoop 9:19 pm ((it's up to you to make bob not a sad pancake, tara)) Smokescreen 9:19 pm >: ( dont call spiders that movie they're cute ItsyBitsySpyers 9:19 pm [[From time to time.]] Smokescreen 9:19 pm All the time. messy's bigger than my dinner place Aegis 9:19 pm *looks over at Bob and scoots a little closer, offering him an oil cake* Smokescreen 9:19 pm so is Airachnid Bob 9:19 pm *Sadly gnoshes Smokescreen 9:19 pm ... all the spiders I know are Bob 9:20 pm THANK YOU SMALL FRIEND =< Aegis 9:20 pm *Hesitantly pats Bob* Smokescreen 9:20 pm what does it snatch though Magnum Ace 9:20 pm -he doesn't /look/ injured- You do know you better...But the show should be interesting now Swoop 9:20 pm (( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNNv7b9-pbQ <-- Swoop)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:20 pm //Hey, it got, like. Octopus suckers.// Smokescreen 9:21 pm mass cuddling ItsyBitsySpyers 9:21 pm *Zori was about to come downstairs. He squeals at "crush through scorpions" and flees upstairs again.* Smokescreen 9:21 pm ... sticky? Sticky?? Specs 9:21 pm *oh shit, Zori! she was about to find him to offer reassurance, too.* Smokescreen 9:21 pm ... /looking over to stare at Tarantulas/ Tarantulas 9:21 pm If I couldn't build myself tough enough to withstand a hit from an immature Dinobot - well. Let's just say, I can. I'm fine. Smokescreen 9:22 pm Messy, are you sticky? Anywhere? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:22 pm *Soundwave pings Zori comfort and temporarily opens his upstairs door to let the little one in.*
[[He is glad.]] Aegis 9:22 pm *nearly chokes on his drink* Tarantulas 9:22 pm *spits word at smokey* No. Aegis 9:22 pm That is not a question that's appropriate outside the berth room... Smokescreen 9:22 pm Oh! That's good- it'd be difficult to hold you if you were. W what Messy doesn't even- he's not even interested in that kinda thing! Bob 9:22 pm *scooches* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:23 pm *Soundwave's vents rattle in a barely suppressed snort.* Specs 9:23 pm *this looks Incredibly Delicious and she must be a well-behaved dragon that doesn't eat spiders* Bob 9:23 pm *presses a couple of bandaids into Tarantulas's hands* Aegis 9:23 pm It's personal frame type information and you're asking it in public... Bob 9:23 pm *They're absurdly small* *scooches away* Smokescreen 9:23 pm I was asking if he's got sticky spiderpaws! Tarantulas 9:23 pm *if you so much as try to nibble this spide he's gonna end u dragon* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:23 pm *Soundwave uses a feeler to pass a bowl of other bugs to the dragon. Here. Take it out on these.* Specs 9:23 pm *CRONCH* ((pfff. jumping spiders are FAR too adorable to be scary)) Smokescreen 9:24 pm ((I knw right ... that one is so cute ItsyBitsySpyers 9:24 pm ((you wouldn't say that if one jumped in your face)) Smokescreen 9:24 pm Wait wait wait if I were a spider could I be that one ItsyBitsySpyers 9:25 pm [[What legs.]] Specs 9:25 pm ((yes I would. I'd startle, sure, but I have stupid anxious reflexes.)) Tarantulas 9:25 pm *tiny pat to the top of magnum's head* Your concern's appreciated, but unnecessary. Prowl 9:25 pm *all right, at this point prowl is pretty sure tarantulas will WANT to be distracted, so steps into personal bubble range and asks quietly,* You're sure you're fine? No dent? Smokescreen 9:25 pm Leg fluid? Prowl 9:25 pm *half-reaches toward the point where he was punched?* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:25 pm *Vents rattle again.* Smokescreen 9:26 pm ... /Confused staring at Soundwave- taking a couple of steps away./ Magnum Ace 9:27 pm -back to his table now, Prowl's got this, right?- Specs 9:27 pm *cronch monch* Tarantulas 9:27 pm *it's a prowl !!! holds still, lets him reach* O-of course. Internals got shifted to the side a half a millimeter, but I'm fine. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:27 pm *Oh, yes. The liquefying venom. Tarantulas never did give him a solid answer.*
*Soundwave watches Ace for a second. He's still curious about that drone...* Specs 9:27 pm ((she's beautiful and I love her)) Smokescreen 9:28 pm /Smokescreen will sit down near Magnum- he doesn't want to be near Prowl or Soundwave. And Magnum's cool!/ ItsyBitsySpyers 9:28 pm ((tara and slendy sling)) Aegis 9:28 pm *Looks fascinated with this documentary* *Still absently petting Bob because he's close* Smokescreen 9:28 pm It's a web of lies Prowl 9:28 pm *brushes side, searching for dents.* ... You shouldn't have put up with him that long. Magnum Ace 9:29 pm Oh, hello, Smokescreen Smokescreen 9:29 pm Hey, Magnum! You taking care of yourself? Magnum Ace 9:29 pm Eh....as well as I can Tarantulas 9:30 pm *none to be found, prowl* I suppose not. But I'm /trying/ - *sigh. how to explain* Smokescreen 9:30 pm Aww- that's fair. Have you been seeing your medics and stuff now? I was gonna see one after this- sports haven't been too hard on you, right? Tarantulas 9:30 pm *mutters* Could they stop with the sound effects already? Primus. Smokescreen 9:31 pm just let her eat Prowl 9:31 pm *... wants, very much, to put his free hand on Tarantulas's other side and leave them both there.* Specs 9:31 pm ((A FRIEND AND GIRL)) Tarantulas 9:31 pm *do it prowl* Prowl 9:31 pm *doesn't. steps back instead.* It's not a very respectful documentary, is it. Magnum Ace 9:31 pm Mechanics. And I'm...--usually pushed in by Bull Armor-- getting better at it? Specs 9:32 pm ((the tenebrous fishing spider lives in my area, and is Very Good)) ((very large but good friends)) Bob 9:32 pm *raises a hand MR SOUND OF THE WAVES? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:32 pm *Overheard that. Naturally.*
[[The others were worse. Or less informative.]] *Pause.* [[Yes, Bob?]] Smokescreen 9:32 pm ... That's good! You gotta take care of yourself. I'm not very good at it, but- I'm kinda worried about this one thing, and it's better safe than sorry, right? Bob 9:32 pm CAN I GO BACK TO THE ARK HOME NOW? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:32 pm [[You may. A bridge will be outside for you.]] Bob 9:32 pm I'M SURE THE SWOOPING FRIEND IS SORRY. Swoop 9:33 pm *IS NOT SORRY FIGHT HIM* Tarantulas 9:33 pm I doubted it would be, but. *waah. why you gotta step away, prowl* Bob 9:33 pm I SHOULD DO THE TALKING WITH HIM. THANK YOU. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:33 pm [[If you think it will help.]] Aegis 9:33 pm Take care Bob. Bob 9:33 pm TARANTULAS FRIEND? SORRY =< BYE! Tarantulas 9:33 pm *a nod at bob* *pure bug didn't do anything wrong* Bob 9:33 pm *waves and is off* Magnum Ace 9:33 pm -laughs a little- Working on it... Specs 9:34 pm ((what's REALLY impressive is watching these girls go for fish longer than they are. they tend to figure out what fish can and can't eat them very quickly, and they take full advantage of that.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:34 pm ((talented spides)) Smokescreen 9:34 pm Aww- keep at it! What about- fun stuff? Have you had the chance to relax? Prowl 9:34 pm ((such smarts for such tinies.)) Magnum Ace 9:35 pm Eh.....not recently. Things have gotten hectic, for the off season. Smokescreen 9:35 pm Wait, really? What's been going on? Tarantulas 9:35 pm *reaches for prowl's wrist before he can leave* May I sit with you...? Smokescreen 9:36 pm I want silk glands! Magnum Ace 9:36 pm ....a few things that just need to be worked out Prowl 9:36 pm ... *prowl should say no. he's nowhere close to getting over the fact that he can't trust tarantulas, he'd unfairly get BOTH their hopes up by acting like things are normal, he shouldn't—* Sure. *dammit prowl.* Tarantulas 9:37 pm *visor is glowing eagerly, nods toward seat* *all it took was a dinobot punch to the side to get to sit next to prowl again* Prowl 9:37 pm ((sometimes i like to think i'm a sophisticated mature adult. other times im like, "it's pooping spaghetti.")) Smokescreen 9:37 pm ... /Turning towards Messy- while trying not to look at Prowl/ Is that how you can make silk or nah? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:37 pm ((lmao)) Swoop 9:37 pm ((ur welcome, tara)) Magnum Ace 9:38 pm -he's not going to say that it's a major issue that's going to take a while to work out- Tarantulas 9:38 pm It's roughly the same, yes. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:38 pm *Nod to once-again-couch-sharer and continues watching.* Smokescreen 9:38 pm I get that, Magnum- I hope everything works out okay. If you ever need help- or just a listening audial, you're not alone. Whoa- really? That's pretty cool! How much silk can you make? Prowl 9:39 pm *nods back as he sits.* Tarantulas 9:39 pm More than I need, hyeh. *sits with* Smokescreen 9:40 pm Pff- can you wrap someone up like those insects? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:40 pm *Can't help imagining Tarantulas mass-shifted to ten times Prowl's size and offering to interface. Tries not to betray his amusement in any way whatsoever.* Tarantulas 9:40 pm Can, and have. Smokescreen 9:40 pm Whoa- can you wrap me up in silk sometime? Swoop 9:40 pm ((butt)) Tarantulas 9:41 pm (( booty Prowl 9:41 pm ((a literal bubble butt)) Smokescreen 9:41 pm ((air butt ((yes ItsyBitsySpyers 9:41 pm ((lmao)) Specs 9:41 pm ((cons of having been a fanfic goblin since middle school: one bad fanfic has r u i n e d book lungs for me)) Magnum Ace 9:41 pm Thanks for the offer Prowl 9:41 pm ((ok ive gotta ask)) Tarantulas 9:41 pm (( same, i gotta know Prowl 9:41 pm ((did somebody fuck the book lungs)) Specs 9:42 pm (("his lungs unfolded in surprise")) ((NO(( ((just serious lack of comprehending book lungs)) Prowl 9:42 pm ((... okay "his lungs unfolded in surprise" is pretty weird too)) Smokescreen 9:42 pm ((lungs turned a page in surprise)) Aegis 9:42 pm It looks so soft... Tarantulas 9:42 pm *is quite soft* Prowl 9:42 pm ((his lungs accordioned in bafflement)) Smokescreen 9:42 pm is it weird to want to hug all of these spiders Specs 9:42 pm ((yeah, the writer thought that book lungs worked like books, and it was horrible)) Aegis 9:43 pm No, perfectly normal Specs 9:43 pm They do look very soft. *ignore her cronching these bugs* Prowl 9:43 pm ((he held his book-eared breath)) Smokescreen 9:43 pm ((his lungs fluttered open)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:43 pm *Now that the commotion sounds like it's died down, Chimera comes to see what's been happening. They slink down the stairs, over to Soundwave's couch, around the front... and looks up. Nobody looks harmed. Huh.*
*Unfortunately, Ravage has once again taken Soundwave's lap. Recognizing Prowl as one of their Boss' trusted companions, they do what has always been acceptable with the others aaaaaand try to leap up onto his lap to curl up.* Tarantulas 9:43 pm (( u mean BOOTY trap Prowl 9:44 pm *FREEZES* Specs 9:44 pm ((you are all killing me)) Prowl 9:44 pm *what the FUCK. who just sits on somebody's lap without asking.* Smokescreen 9:44 pm ... Oh yeah. Sounds. Did you still want some of those coupons Prowl 9:45 pm *looks down at Chimera.* ...... Excuse me. Smokescreen 9:45 pm many legbrations Tarantulas 9:46 pm *centipede. mmm* Smokescreen 9:46 pm oh vo ItsyBitsySpyers 9:46 pm *Soundwave's vents grow dead still. He's just. Gonna-- oh. Oh no. Too slow.*
*Chimera blinks up at Prowl.* <<Why? The Archi-- the Prowl has done nothing.>> Prowl 9:46 pm You are sitting in my lap. Smokescreen 9:46 pm all spiders are alien spiders to us though Prowl 9:46 pm *"the archi"?* Magnum Ace 9:46 pm .... Tarantulas 9:46 pm I'm not an alien, hff. Smokescreen 9:47 pm You're the only non-alien spider along with Airachnid! But you're the better kind. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:47 pm *The Architect. The Prowl did not like being called that last time. They have tried to adjust.*
<<Yes.>> Magnum Ace 9:47 pm I'm native to Earth, and that is a very odd looking spider Aegis 9:47 pm I mean, technically if we're not from the same cybertron, you are. Smokescreen 9:47 pm ... Fair enough, Magnum. Prowl 9:47 pm ... I would appreciate if you did not. Specs 9:47 pm Interestingly, that looks very much like a type of arachnid native to my moon. It's just not bright yellow. Smokescreen 9:47 pm BABIES Specs 9:47 pm Oh! Babies! Tarantulas 9:47 pm *SLINGS SLINGS SLINGS* Smokescreen 9:47 pm oooooohhhh it's like a backpack messy messy messy can you if you had bitlets would you hold 'em like that ItsyBitsySpyers 9:48 pm *Chimera stares for a moment, processing the unusual request. Then:*
<<Oh! Okay. Where does The Prowl want Chimera to sit?>> Prowl 9:49 pm ... I do not have a preference beyond "not on me." Magnum Ace 9:49 pm -snorts at he sight of dunes- Aegis 9:49 pm *Smirks at Smokey* He could always put bitlets on your abdomen like the Camel Spider Smokescreen 9:49 pm Camel spider? ... wait, on mine? Magnum Ace 9:49 pm -don't mind him- Specs 9:49 pm *Chimera can sit with the dragon* Smokescreen 9:49 pm egg Tarantulas 9:50 pm *distracted* Oh please, no. Specs 9:50 pm ((there is a very good fantasy book about a spider who absolutely doesn't want to get parasitized by a wasp)) Tarantulas 9:50 pm *cringing away from screen* Smokescreen 9:50 pm this is pretty eggsciting Swoop 9:50 pm ((PCHOOO)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm *Cheerfully:* <<Okay! Chimera will move now.>> *LEAP up and onto the back of hte couch with a minor scramble. Not -quite- as agile as Ravage.* Specs 9:51 pm ...Can someone with a larger mouth bite Smokescreen? Prowl 9:51 pm *LAUGHS. covers mouth.* Smokescreen 9:51 pm ... Prowl 9:51 pm *it's just— rolling away.* *shwoo.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:51 pm [[That is ridiculous.]]
@P: [[He cannot apologize enough.]]
=Is that a request?= Smokescreen 9:51 pm come on specs that was an eggcellent pun Aegis 9:51 pm That's a horrible yolk and you know it Magnum Ace 9:51 pm -snickering at the sight...and bad joke- ItsyBitsySpyers 9:52 pm *Oh--! It's the one with the--* Specs 9:52 pm ((a black widow lived in my locker in junior year of highschool. she was a good lady and I absolutely did not put anything in my locker that I didn't want to take 20 minutes to retrieve)) Tarantulas 9:52 pm *gentle shove at prowl, how dare u laugh* Prowl 9:52 pm *turns to Chimera.* Thank you. *what. why shove.* Specs 9:52 pm There are some puns that deserve a death sentence, Smokescreen. Tarantulas 9:52 pm *u laugh at spide* Prowl 9:52 pm *it ROLLED* Smokescreen 9:52 pm Aww, come on. I'm too HARD BOILED to suffer from anything! Aegis 9:52 pm Isn't that too much of a pun-ishment? Tarantulas 9:52 pm *so can he, would you laugh at him* Smokescreen 9:52 pm PFF- Magnum Ace 9:53 pm ((it literally rolled out Smokescreen 9:53 pm egg! Aegis 9:53 pm ((omg Tara the tumbleweed)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:53 pm *Soundwave looks down at Prowl's crotch, then up to Prowl's face.*
<<The Prowl is welcome. Is The Prowl a spider too?>>
[[Chimera, /please/--]] Smokescreen 9:53 pm I wanna I'm not gonna Prowl 9:53 pm *if you did it without warning, yes.* Smokescreen 9:53 pm I'm not finishing that thught Specs 9:53 pm ((tumblerantula)) Prowl 9:54 pm No, I'm a car. *has absolutely no idea why Chimera might have drawn that connection.* Tarantulas 9:54 pm (( anon asked him one time and tarantulas couldn't help but try Specs 9:54 pm ((and THIS is why I spent 20 minutes being sure of where she was, where I was, and that my socks were on my hands before getting things out of my locker)) Aegis 9:54 pm *Looks at Tara* Do you have venom? Specs 9:54 pm ((neurotoxin is the suck)) Smokescreen 9:55 pm Neurotoxinssss many many babies Tarantulas 9:55 pm Do I? *so mysterious* Smokescreen 9:55 pm ... wait messy do you? If you bit me would I die ItsyBitsySpyers 9:56 pm <<Oh. The Boss thought you had an hourglass.>> *Chirp.* <<This one is many things. Not cars. Cars are big.>> Aegis 9:56 pm If you do, would it be natural? Or.. is it something we could exchange recipes about? Smokescreen 9:56 pm they're dancing! Aegis 9:56 pm Oh no they're adorable Smokescreen 9:56 pm ... can't you put a mirror down and confuse them Swoop 9:56 pm ((look at those moves)) Prowl 9:56 pm I don't have an hourglass. I have a lava lamp, though. *it looks sort of similar and the substance inside goes up and down, maybe Soundwave saw it from a distance and mistook it.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:56 pm *You know what, he's going to just focus on this - this dance-off.* Prowl 9:57 pm A bird, snake, and dog, correct? Specs 9:57 pm ((I love these spiders so much)) Smokescreen 9:57 pm i this this is me in spider form Prowl 9:57 pm ((the fucking didgeridoo)) Magnum Ace 9:57 pm -snorting laughter- Specs 9:57 pm Actually, Smokescreen, I believe you are correct in this instance. Smokescreen 9:58 pm .... are they were those spiders It's Messy! Tarantulas 9:58 pm I'm not a goliath, but close. Swoop 9:58 pm ((oh my fucking god did it ROAR and then STOMP a bug???)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:58 pm *Ravage immediately sits up and turns to stare at Prowl with something akin to betrayal.* =Dog?=
<<Oh, no, no, no. Chimera is bird, snake, and cat! Like the Hunter.>> Prowl 9:58 pm *hears "tarantula" and focuses on movie* Smokescreen 9:58 pm You're bigger than one though Specs 9:59 pm ((I love this big boy)) Smokescreen 9:59 pm the reason being they're a good friend and are great to cuddle ItsyBitsySpyers 9:59 pm *Hmm. This does not look like the kind Tarantulas is. There must be more than one kind of tarantula.* Prowl 9:59 pm Oh. *reviews the shape and tries to figure out how it's more catty than doggy.* ... I'll take your word for it. Specs 10:00 pm It has such a nice, soft color to it. It would make a great friend, I think. Smokescreen 10:00 pm I'd trust it with my life Prowl 10:00 pm *... its setae are supposed to be sharp and painful?* Aegis 10:00 pm Goliath Tarantula...? Don't those eat birds? Prowl 10:01 pm *looks at tarantulas's fuzz. ... can't relate.* Tarantulas 10:01 pm *only some, prowl* Smokescreen 10:01 pm ... How big *can* you get, Messy? Tarantulas 10:01 pm Classified. Specs 10:01 pm Yes, hence the name "goliath bird-eating tarantula," I suspect. Smokescreen 10:01 pm Aww. Bigger than Optimus? Aegis 10:01 pm I got distracted by something pretty Tarantulas 10:02 pm Yes, I'm fairly sure. Smokescreen 10:02 pm ... Bigger than my Dad? Tarantulas 10:02 pm Of course. Smokescreen 10:02 pm Is there a limit? Tarantulas 10:02 pm *snort* You have more questions than Swoop does. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:02 pm <<Okay!>>
*Ravage looks at Chimera before looking at Prowl and squinting lightly. How could anyone consider his protege a dog? He decides to ping Prowl in private.*
@P: =You are unfamiliar, eh? With cats.= Smokescreen 10:02 pm I wanna learn more about you! Tarantulas 10:04 pm You ought to come up with a list, then, and let me answer them all at once. Specs 10:04 pm *the dragon yawns, and stretches* I suppose I should get some sleep. Have a good evening, everyone! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:04 pm [[Goodnight, dragon.]] Smokescreen 10:04 pm But I know I'll have more questions even after that- and I don't want to force you to answer a million questions all at once. Swoop 10:04 pm ((night)) Prowl 10:05 pm @R «I can't say I've been close to any. ... Emotionally, I mean.» *physically, he's very close to two right now.* Smokescreen 10:06 pm Oh! Sounds, sounds. Can we watch some of those oddly satisfying videos? I started watching some earlier this week and nearly forgot to watch the show I meant to see Tarantulas 10:07 pm (( ugh ive suddenly got a wicked headache, so im gonna bow out - tarantulas leaves regretfully and uneventfully?? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:07 pm @P: =I see.= *Streeeeetch.* =That will not do. Come, come - to the bar. I teach.= ((awwww... rest well ;; and okay)) Smokescreen 10:08 pm ((Oh no! Hope you feel better soon 😧 Magnum Ace 10:08 pm ((g'night! Tarantulas 10:09 pm (( night <3 Prowl 10:09 pm @R «... All right.» *okay, Prowl guesses he's learning something today. Brushes Tarantulas's claws farewell and heads over to the bar.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:11 pm *Ravage hops down, trots over to the bar - which is many times his height - and as soon as he is sure Prowl can see, leaps up on it as smooth as triple-filtered energon.*
@P: =First lesson: -dogs- do not do that.= Magnum Ace 10:12 pm -and he should be getting back, he needs to see what chaos is at home now- Prowl 10:12 pm @R ÂŤ... Do what?Âť *use chairs? he's pretty sure he's seen dogs in chairs.* *jump onto seats?? he's seen that too.* Smokescreen 10:13 pm ... Actually, Sounds. I'm gonna head off. I've got an important doctor's appointment. With a trustworthy doctor. Maybe I'll see you next week? Oh! I've heard this song I think on some radio station. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:14 pm @P: =Jump like me. Not so high, not so smooth. They scramble. No grace.= [[He questions this 'trustworthy doctor'. But as you please.]] *There will be a bridge waiting when Ace heads out. Hopefully he will be all right until next week...* Magnum Ace 10:15 pm -he's also worried about going back- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:16 pm *He can always try to make arrangements to stay behind if need be.* Smokescreen 10:16 pm Hey, he's probably the most trustworthy bot I know at this point, even if you don't think that. Prowl 10:16 pm @R ÂŤ... Low jumpers. Got it.Âť Magnum Ace 10:17 pm -no, no, he needs to go. He doesn't want to make matters worse- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:23 pm @P: =Good, good. Now, paws.=
*Readjusts his sitting position to hold a front leg out. Flexes his paw and pops his claws in and out.*
@P: =Dog claws do not disappear. They are thick. Get dull.= *Like dogs themselves, he thinks.* =Earth cat claws do.= *Thoughtful rumble.* =Except cheetah. Long, thin big cats. Many spots. Runners. For them, claws out make good treads.=
*Twists his paw to the inside at the wrist.*
=Dog legs do not rotate here. Weak, inflexible creatures. Hmph.= Magnum Ace 10:25 pm -Right. Enough stalling. He's heading home.- ...Good night. And...thank you. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:25 pm [[Goodnight, Ace. You are always welcome.]] Smokescreen 10:25 pm Aww- night, Magnum! See you next week? Prowl 10:25 pm @R ÂŤRetractable claws. Rotating wrists.Âť *Anti-dog prejudice.* ÂŤGot it.Âť Magnum Ace 10:25 pm -hops off the table- ...maybe. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:31 pm *Ravage sets his paw down and opens his mouth wide. Good thing he's comming instead of talking out loud or this would be super difficult right now. Blaaaaah out sticks his tongue. There are weird barbs all over it.*
@P: =Stripping bristles. Rust, valuable minerals - or old fur, prey meat. Dogs have none.=
*In goes the tongue. Puts a paw to his own nose.*
=Many times, shorter, squared snout. No disgusting, dangling lips. Earth cat optics can become vertical slits. That is all wrong for dogs.= *Licks his chops.* =Sometimes dog ears flop. It is strange.= Magnum Ace 10:31 pm ((and I'm out, g'night and thanks for the stream! Prowl 10:32 pm @R ÂŤWhat about pug cats, like in that video?Âť *he doesn't remember what the cats were called. he remembers that the dogs are called pugs.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:33 pm @P: =Persian cats. Unfortunate victims.= *Shakes his helm and growls.* =They have lost their noses. The rest is true.= Prowl 10:35 pm @R ÂŤSome dogs have similar noses, though. Snout length isn't... isn't a very good universal identifier, is it?Âť ItsyBitsySpyers 10:38 pm @P: =Imperfect. Teeth patterns are better. Not mine.= *His are very much like Soundwave's instead of an Earth cat.* =...Pity such dogs more than usual. The humans have ruined them, too.= Prowl 10:40 pm @R ÂŤSo. Dogs have longer snouts, except when they don't; and floppy ears, except when they don't. Cats have bristles in their mouths and vertical pupils.Âť *... Prowl suspects none of this is going to be very useful for the Cybertronians that happen to superficially resemble Earth cats and dogs, but at least he has a checklist to tell one category of aliens apart from another.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:44 pm *Some of it may be. All the Ravages Ravage has ever met are cats, at least.*
@P: =Different vocalizations, different proportions, different physical language cues - and /we/ do not serve. Even when imprisoned. We /accompany/.=
*Ravage considers that all and nods.*
=There. A basic data set.= Prowl 10:47 pm @R ÂŤAll right. Thank you.Âť *Prowl wonders how much of it is true and how much is fictitious anti-dog stereotypes.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:48 pm *Ravage settles into most of a loaf and gives Prowl a majestic nod.*
=Ah... and Earth police prefer using dogs.=
*Sharp, fangy smile.*
=Enjoy your night, yes?= Prowl 10:53 pm Thank you. And you. *he supposes the lesson's over then. back over to soundwave?* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:55 pm *It absolutely is. Ravage is certain he's done a good job of it all. How could anyone NOT look at him and Chimera and see them for the shining examples of feline nature they are?*
[[Welcome back. How bad of a scolding was it?]] Prowl 10:56 pm Less of a scolding and more of a lesson. Omicron 10:56 pm [am I too late?] ItsyBitsySpyers 10:57 pm ((for the documentaries? aye, movies are usually finished by 10:30-11:00))
[[Unexpected. Usually he just claws mechs to make sure they don't forget what he is.]] Omicron 10:58 pm (ah, shoud I poof?) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:58 pm ((up to you)) Omicron 10:58 pm (if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to stay a little, but if you two want to rp on your own I'll scoot off) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:59 pm ((i'm cool with a short stay)) Prowl 11:00 pm *Probably shouldn't point out that dogs can claw too, then.* Well. Probably a privilege of dating the boss. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:05 pm *Not quite like a cat can.*
[[He doesn't doubt it. They do all know how much he'd dislike seeing you harmed.]] *Test lean?* [[Which reminds him. How have you been lately?]] Omicron 11:05 pm Ice Queen limps in slowly, pauses seeing only the two there, in her bot mode for the first time. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:06 pm *THAT'S new. He watches her enter, already marking weaknesses.* Prowl 11:06 pm *leans back against.* Mm. Can't complain. *that IS new.* KnockOot 11:07 pm ((mun is here, woo)) Omicron 11:07 pm well... yeah...hi...by chance does someone have a patch kit? *the predacon femme waves a wing* Prowl 11:08 pm *sits up straight. this is clearly business and soundwave doesn't need leans.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:09 pm [[No outrageous troubles with the force? Or anyone else? Citizens still holding grudges?]]
*Already waving for Frenzy to come down. He could have kept the leans, but if Prowl wants to keep up their usual half-afted secret preservation, he'll go along with it.*
[[We do. Seat yourself.]] Prowl 11:11 pm *it was mainly because he expected Soundwave to stand up, but if he's calling someone over instead, he'll resume leaning. discussion to be continued after their injured guest has been seen to.* Omicron 11:12 pm *the big predacon queen comes over to a seat, growling softly. She's mostly in shades of blue and green some black undertones. Not nearly as big as predaking, but doesn't have as much mass as her beast mode does* Thank you.... ItsyBitsySpyers 11:12 pm *Please. Soundwave can do maintenance and basic field repairs - and still has the records on how to reconnect damaged spark chamber wires - but beyond that? No.*
*Frenzy comes leaping down three stairs at a time, a toolbox nearly as big as he is held sideways in his arms and rattling with each bounce.*
\\RIGHT. HOW'DJA GET FRAGGED UP 'N WHERE'S IT HURTIN'?\\ Omicron 11:15 pm O_o well, I got in a....well, no it was a fight with the local Untra Magnus in the world my ship is in at the moment. *looks a little sheepish, points at her left knee and the damage at the joint, there's some ice encasing parts of her leg to keep energon from leaking* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:17 pm \\Y'KNOW THAT AIN'T S'POSED TO BE WHAT GETTIN' HAMMERED MEANS, YEAH?\\
\\WHAT? I'M JUS' SAYIN'.\\ *Frowns at the ice. Doesn't want to melt it and get water all in everywhere. Decides to pop a drill and slowly make several holes in it. All the easier to give it a crack and shatter it.* \\LONG'S HE DON'T COME HERE TRYIN' TO ARREST YA OR NOTHIN'.\\
*He'll settle in to tending it once he's got that ice off.* Prowl 11:18 pm *... Prowl's opinion of their guest has just dropped quite a few points. It /implies/ something about people when Ultra Magnus fights them. Things like their faction, associates, and hobbies.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:19 pm *Of course it does. Soundwave's not going to have someone bleeding out all over his neutral space, though, so treatment it is.* Prowl 11:20 pm *Oh, by all means, heal the injured. Still though. They're off Prowl's imaginary Christmas card list.* Omicron 11:20 pm Tell me about it, its much better when Ultra Manus isn't hitting me. But I kind of attacks first this time, *she winces at the memory, can't really feel anything in her legs right now* Insticts kicked in ItsyBitsySpyers 11:21 pm *Besides... it means he'll be owed a favor.*
[[Why? What instincts could possibly compel you to attack the leader of the Wreckers?]] \\EVEN I AIN'T THAT DUMB SOMETIMES.\\ [[/Frenzy./]]
\\WHAT!?\\ [[Your berthside manner leaves something to be desired.]] Prowl 11:23 pm *they're both right tho.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:26 pm \\LISTEN, BOSS. ONLY OTHER BOT I AIN'T GONNA FRAG OFF THAT BAD'S YOU 'N THIS'N.\\ *Gestures over his shoulder at Prowl with a wire stripper before diving back into the wound.* \\RATHER PUNCH DEVASTATOR. LEAST I KNOW HE AIN'T GONNA KILL ME CUZ HE GOT THE HOTS FOR RUMBLE. ULTRA MAGNUS, I AIN'T SO SURE 'BOUT.\\ Omicron 11:26 pm I didn't know he and the wreckers of that world were 'cleaning up' rouge insecticons, and a good chunk of my crew are Insecticons. I let them take a couple of the older hatchlings out to explore *gives a low reflexive growl, pauses and vents* I found the guards in stasis and the worker in cuffs Prowl 11:29 pm For what it's worth, Devastator's affections are smaller than his bloodlust. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:30 pm \\YEAH?\\ *Considers that. Shrugs.* \\EH. I'D PUNCH 'IM ANYWAY.\\
[[He can see how that started a fight.]] Omicron 11:33 pm It looked like they were making off with my hatchlings. one of the effects of a strong beast mode *it looks like her hatchlings were being kidnapped so she attacked on reflex to protect them* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:36 pm [[You'll want to clear the situation up soon. Ultra Magnuses - Magni? Hmm. - tend to have long, long memories.]]
*Frenzy pulls his hands out of the leg and duct tapes a thin patch of metal in place.*
\\IT AIN'T PERFECT, BUT I AIN'T DONE LOTS OF PREDACONS. IT'LL HOLD TIL YA GET IT DONE RIGHT.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers 11:37 pm *He chucks an energon-coated shard of leg metal into his subspace, scoops up his tools, and heads upstairs to go clean off, whistling loudly.* Omicron 11:38 pm Thank you Frenzy. *gives a softer purr in thanks, wonders what he's planning on doing with that....hopes the nanites shute down* I can coat it in the ice again Omicron 11:40 pm *Ice queen looks over at Soundwave and nods* We started to, might have to do a trade, or rather predacon hunting skills. What do I own you for the aid? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:40 pm [[Outside, if you mean to do that. And nothing, for now. He'll think of a payment later. The hour is late.]] Prowl 11:42 pm ... Unless your universe is VERY different from most, Ultra Magnus isn't the type to just... capture and lock up creatures that aren't bothering anyone. It was likely a misunderstanding—he probably didn't understand that the Insecticons were part of your crew, rather than wild ones that happened to be roaming in your vicinity. With an adequate explanation he will almost undoubtedly see his error. But I'd suggest explaining it to him via comm. Omicron 11:47 pm *snorts a little, she does not like leaving things hanging debates pulling some energon out. She looks at prowl and inclines her head* Its been mostly cleared up now, for now? he and his wreckers are on their ship, I got my bugs and hatchlings back on mine. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:48 pm *Soundwave rises to clean up a little bit. He doesn't need fresh energon; they have a whole bar down here and a mostly-full storage upstairs.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:51 pm [[He hopes they stay secure in the future.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 11:53 pm [[He apologizes, but now he must close the building for the night. If you require further medical attention, the New Praxus clinic is slightly closer]] and more likely to be of assistance to strangers [[than New Kaon's.]] Omicron 11:53 pm *what would he like?* I've taken steps for that. and Dread is on full alerts for wreckers or wild insecticons ItsyBitsySpyers 11:54 pm *He doesn't know yet. Thus delaying on naming his price. Especially since the things he wants don't always line up with Prowl's approval.* Omicron 11:55 pm *ice queen gets up, frowning a moment but nods* thank you for the patch. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:56 pm [[Quite welcome. He hopes you don't run into any.]] Omicron 11:58 pm *wave a wing claw and walks out, leg still stiff* (thank you for the time) Yesterday ItsyBitsySpyers 11:59 pm *Quietly hopes that does not become a lasting injury. Most of the Predacons he knows would challenge that without hesitation.*
((welcome!)) [[Where were we. Would you rather continue this discussion here or upstairs?]] Prowl 12:03 am *sideways look.* ... Two days ago we were neck-deep in bananas. I'm not risking the possibility that they aren't all gone yet. *movie night is one thing. staying the night is another.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:04 am [[...He doesn't suppose he could convince you to go to the -other- apartment. Or us to yours.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 12:05 am *At least he knows he's right about Prowl having trouble facing the banana madness. The first major incident is always the hardest.* Prowl 12:09 am Your other apartment is fine. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:09 am [[There, then. May he...?]]
*Scoop motion with one hand.* Prowl 12:11 am ... You may. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:13 am *Pleased biolight pulse. Sweeps Prowl up and onto his shoulders just a little bit playfully - what good is a lot of strength if you can't use it to let loose in secret with your amica every once in a while? - opens a bridge, and marches through.*
*They can talk there.* Prowl 12:14 am *oh! wasn't expecting to go THAT high. yes, that seems fine to him.* *is carried away.*
9 notes ¡ View notes
zombierunfiction ¡ 7 years
Season 2 Side Mission 5: Top 40
The next morning Charlotte was sharpening her axe in the comms room when Sam came bounding in happily.  "Char!  Oh my god Char! You will not believe this!"  He said excitably.
Charlotte laughed.  "What has you so excited?"
"We have a mission for you that is super exciting like vault of curly wurlys exciting!"  Sam said happily as Charlotte shook her head.
"Alright then.  I'll go get ready."  Charlotte said standing up.  
"Oh and get Jody ready too.  She will want to join in too."  Sam said happily before heading for the desk.  Charlotte shook her head and walked out into the courtyard area looking for Jody.  Once she located Jody, they gathered their packs and headsets and headed out through the gate.
"Aw, man!  This is amazing!  Runner Four, Runner Five this is great!  We've got-"  Sam laughs happily.  "I can't even believe it - we've got something really exciting for you two to do today, don't we, Janine?"  Sam said happily.
"I suppose that would depend on your definition of 'exciting'."  Janine sighed softly.
"What is it that your so excited about Sam?"  Charlotte asked.
"Oh, right!  Well, we sent a scouting party into a new part of the city a couple of days ago, and they found - I can't even say it!  It's too great!  Janine, oh, Janine, tell them.  Tell them what they found."  Sam said happily.
Janine sighed heavily.  "The runners were able to locate a store that specialized in-"
"They found a CD shop! A real old fashioned CD shop!  Can you believe it?"  Sam interrupted as Charlotte laughed softly.  
Jody squealed as well.  "No!  Really?  I didn't think there were any of those left."
"That's what I said!  We're sending you out there today straight away before someone else gets in and loots it."  Sam said quickly.
"Yes, I'm sure all the other settlements in the area are putting that at the top of their lists of priorities."  Janine said sarcasticly.
"Oh, come on, Janine, don't be like that!  The way things are, I mean, it's not like it's been much of a party around here lately."  Sam said slowly.  "We could all use a little more fun right now.  Look, I bet four and Five could find you one of those classical guys you like.   Maybe Beethoven's 87th piano symphony?  Or Mozart's flute and, um, trumpet, uh, duet, in A, uh, major?"  
"When Four and Five get back from this mission, you and I are going to have a chat about your musical education, Mr. Yao."  Janine said sternly.
"Consider this a moral mission.  Music has curitive properties."  Charlotte said as Janine sighs.  
"We will see."  Janine said as they conitnued down the road.
"You heard the lady.  Runners, bring us back all the classical music you can fine.  And uh, maybe some good stuff, too, while you're at it."  Sam said with a smirk.  Soon they arrived in the shopping district that held some of the newer stores in the area."There we are.  Go past that grocery shop and turn left at those burnt-out traffic lights and you should be right there."  Sam said as they took the turn and stopped in front of a large building.
"Mega Tunes Music Emporium?"  Charlotte asked.
"Ahh, look at that!  Three whole stories of music.  It's... it's beautiful!"  Jody said as they walk inside the door shutting it behind them.  The place looked like a few people had ransacked some of it but not to the point of destruction.  Vinals were broken and thrown all over the place while racks of cassette tapes were left scattered on tables and shelves.  CD's were lined in bins along the center of the room leading to a set of stairs going up.
"Okay, right, I've got a list of requests here, for you.  Let's see, let's see... children's CDs for Ed and Molly."  Sam said as Jody started to grab CD's from the children's section while Charlotte went to Top 40.  "Uh, bit of old school David Bowie for Runner Seventeen.  But of dubstep for Runner Nine."  He listed as they moved to the next sections grabbing the CD's as they went.  "Uh... looks like Runner Three wants you to find some... ew, is that country music?  Yeah, well, we'll just wait and see if you have room in your backpacks before we get that one."
"I will find space."  Charlotte said with a smirk grabbing several country music CD's.  "Simon and I can enjoy country music while you and Runner Nine can listen to dubstep."  
"Sorry love... didn't know you liked country."  Sam said sheepishly.
"It's ok Sam.  She's not mad.  She's smiling if anything."  Jody said as Charlotte chuckled finishing the bottom floor before running up the stairs to the second floor.
"The scanners aren't showing much activity in the area, so uh, you two should be able to take as long as you like inside."  Sam said.
"What about that?"  Janine questions.
"What about what?"  Sam asked.
Charlotte and Jody got to the top of the stairs finding what looked like a cafe with some makeshift beding set up.  "There!  Near the center of the screen!"  Janine said as Charlotte scanned the room slowly looking for anything odd.
"Oh, oh no!  Runner Five, Runner Four, be careful.  Looks like someone else has got here ahead of us.  I don't think -"  Sam said as Charlotte saw movement by the counter.  "they're not moving like a zombie.  If Van Ark's guys have turned this previous CD shop into yet another secret lab, I-"
Suddenly a shout is heard as a CD case came flying towards them making Charlotte and Jody drop to the floor fast rushing to an overturned table.  "I said no autographs!"  A female voice shouted throwing the CD's at them hard.  “Yeah, there's more where that comes from, you stupid zombies!  Find someone else to chase around for a while-”
Charlotte stood up a bit holding up her arms.  “Wait, wait!  Stop!  We're alive!  We're not zombies!”  She shouted as the barrage of CD's stopped followed by a young adult woman stood up slightly from the counter area.  She looked about18 years old with dark skin and a head of braids in both blue and green streaks mixed with her natural black hair.
“What?  What are you doing?”  The woman said sounding more annoyed than angry now.  “Don't sneak up on people like that.  You scared the hell out of me!”  She said walking over.  She had on what probably was the hottest thing in stores prior to the outbreak.  She started picking up the CD's she had been tossing at them.  Charlotte and Jody slowly stepped around the table looking at the woman.  “Oh, God, you made me break those discs.  I'll have to bring more.  Are any of these CD's still in one piece?”  She said more to herself as she picked up one CD.  “This one's scratched, but if I just put the price sticker over it, maybe no one will notice.”  She said as she picked up the CD's on the floor.
“Mm... that voice.  Does it sound familiar to you, Janine?”  Sam asked.
“I have no idea what you're talking about, Mr. Yao.”  Janine said stiffly.
“No, he's right.  She does look familiar.  Don't you think so, Char?”  Jody asked as Charlotte shrugged.
“A little bit but nothing is ringing a bell.”  She said softly.
“Be that as it may, we have a mission to complete. Runners Four, Five – head to the third floor.  I believ ethat's where you'll find the classical section.”  Janine said.  
“Got it, Janine.”  Charlotte said as they headed for the second set of stairs.
“Wait!”  The young woman said standing up making Jody and Charlotte turn.  “Wait, I'm coming with you.”  She said walking over to them quickly putting the CD's into a backpack.
“You are?”  Charlotte asked oddly.
“Those headsets thingies you've got on – you've got an eye in the sky, right?”  The woman asked.
“Uh...”  Jody started looking at Charlotte unsurely.  
“Someone's watching us, telling you to look out for zombies and stuff?”  The woman said insistantly.
“Right...”  Jody said slowly.
“Then I'm coming with you!  Maybe you'll find the zombies before the zombies find me.”  The woman said seriously.
Jody looked from the woman before looking back at Charlotte.  “What do you think?”  She asked.
Charlotte looked at the young woman before nodding.  “Alright.  But try and keep up.”  She said as they ran up to the third floor.
Once up on the third floor they continued to pick up CD's as Sam speaks up.  “No, I'm telling you, she looks familiar!  Definitely saw her in... oh, maybe she was in 'I'm a Celebrity'.  How do you not see it?”
“Some of us had more important things to do with our time before the outbreak than read gossip magazines and watch reality television.”  Janine said rather gruffly.
“Mmhmm, I know, it's just bugging me now.  Ooh, ooh, Runner Five, snag a copy of that last Eurovision compilation album while you're passing through the pop section.”  Sam said as Charlotte looked around then found a copy putting it into her bag.
“That's not on the list.”  Janine said slowly.
“It's... for a friend?”  Sam deflected.
“Ew, Eurovision?”  The woman said in a disgusted tone.  “Someone really wants you to pick up that garbage?  The winning son was terrible.”
Charlotte gave her a pointed look.  “It's not that bad.”  She said as they continued to pick up CD's.
The woman scoffs.  “Even my first single was better than-”
“Oh, wait!  I know who you are!  Sam, I know who she is!”  Jody said excitably.  “You're Keisha St. Cloud!”
Keisha smirks.  “Well, yeah, obviously.”
“Wait the Keisha St. Cloud?”  Charlotte asked looking at her.
“Yes!  It really is!”  Jody said almost hoping on her toes.
“Whose Keisha St. Cloud?”  Charlotte said completely serious.
Jody suddenly gave her a flat expression before Sam began freaking out.  “Oh my God, Oh my God!  Janine, are you hearing this?”  
“I'm sure it's fascinating, Mr. Yao, to those of you who know who that is.”  Janine said boredly.
“You're joking.” Sam said before pausing for a moment.  “Uh, you're not joking.  She only had the biggest hit signle of all last summer!  Aw, you know!  You've got...”  Sam begins to sing a pop like song.  “Hey, boy, looking so shy, da da da da da'.  Oh my God, how's that next bit go?”  He questions .
Jody smiles.  “I know.”  She begis singing as well.  “Come on and text me up, whoa-oo-oo-oo-oo-oh.”  
Slowly Jody and Sam began to sing in unison.  “Yeah, you're so sweet, whoa-oo-oo-oo-oo-oh. Don't have to be shy, when we talk on the screen.”  
Suddenly Keisha paniced grabbing Jody's shoulders tight.  “Shh, shh, don't do that!  They'll hear you!”  She hissed.
“Aw but there was a dance, too, wasn't there?”  Jody asked as Keisha groaned rubbing her face.
“Aw, yeah!  Yeah, it was kinda like a shuffle to the right, like -”  Sam seemed to be demostraiting it for Janine.  “and then  a bit of a shimmy.”
“Do not dance in here, Mr. Yao, you'll knock over the-!”  Janine snapped as the sound of something falling followed.
“Stop talking to your invisible headset people and listen to me!”  Keisha hissed.  “You can't sing that song, you can't even mention that song!  They'll hear you!”  She stressed.
Jody and Charlotte looked around oddly.  “There's no one but five and me.  Who's going to hear us?”  Jody questioned.
“Come on we should get out of here now.”  Charlotte said as they started to head down the stairs.
“Mr. Yao, have you knocked any key wiring loose?”  Janine questioned.
Sam resumed his seat.  “No, I don't think so, why?”
“Then it's highly unlikely that swarm of zombies headed towards the MegaTunes is a scanner error.”  Janine said.
Charlotte stopped at the bottom of the last flight of stairs.  “I thought you said there weren't any zoms around here.”  She said.
“I told you! I told you they could hear!”  Keisha said as Jody looks at her.
“Who?”  Jody questioned.
“It's my fans!  They've found us.  We have to get out of here, now!”  Keisha said quickly.
“Outside door, everyone!”  Sam shouted as Charlotte, Jody and Keisha ran out the front door.  “You're about five blocks up the road from them.  Head back the way you came as fast as you can.”  
“The guy in your headset.  Can he tell you what the zombies look like?”  Keisha asked.
“Sam?”  Jody starts as they head down the road.  “Keisha wants to know-”
“Yeah, I'm looking, yeah.  Ugh, okay, that's weird.  They all look like teenage girls.”  Sam said confused.
“Oh, I hate kid zoms.”  Jody whines.
“Well, I guess these would techincally be young adult zombies.”  Charlotte corrects.
“That's not better!”  Jody cried out.  “Sam, I can see them...”  She said looking back seeing the group of shambling zombies beginning to gain on them.   “They're gaining on us.  They're all so fast and... all wearing the same T-shirt?”  She questions.
“I told you.  I told you this would happen!”  Keisha cries out.  “That stupid song!  Everytime I manage to lose them, someone has to sing that stupid song.”  
“Five, Four, hang a left up there by that billboard.  We've got to shake them before you can come back to the township.  We'll take you up and down the side streets, try and confuse them, or... or something.”  Sam said as they turned left down a street away from the swarm.
“There's so many of them!  There must be nearly a hundred.  Why are they all together like this?”  Jody questioned.
“It's me.  They're after me!”  Keisha said softly.  “I was supposed to play a concert the day after the outbreak started.  A secret show down in London, only for my most dedicated fans.  They were camping in the street outside the theater when people started coming back to life.  They've been following me ever since.  I can't shake them!  They know where I am all the time!”  She whines as she continues to run with them.
“Right, go right, now!”  Sam said as they turned right with Charlotte guiding Keisha with them.  “There's a little gap between these two office blocks up ahead, do you see it?  It'll bring you out one street over, in the clear.  You'll all fit through it, but it should pack up the zombies a bit.”  
“We see it, Sam.  We're going to be fine.  We're going to be fine, we're going to be fine...”  Jody chanted to herself as the zombies growled louder at them.
“Runners, try to speed up.  Those zombies do seem to be catching up with you rather quickly.”  Janine said fast.
“Oh no!”  Jody cried out.
“Get through the gap, that's all you need to do.  Sprint if you have to, just go!”  Sam shouted as Charlotte pushed Keisha and Jody ahead of her as they came to the narrowing alley.  Charlotte and Jody took off their packs and squeezed through with Keisha in front of them.  They slipped through the gap and took off down the road as the zombies began to pile up in the alley.
“It worked!  Oh, thank God it worked.  They're piling up in front of that passageway.  There's only maybe three of four that made it through.  If we can find a way to get rid of them...”  Sam started as Keisha reached into her pocket and pulled out a pistal and fired at one taking it out easily.
“Got one!  Find someone else to take a picture with, you little undead brat!”  Keisha snapped as they continued to run.
“Well, that works.”  Charlotte said with a grin.
“I see Miss St. Cloud is much more gifted with a pistal  than she was with song lyrics.”  Janine said offhandedly.
“Keep moving, guys.  You've got a bit of a head start, now.”  Sam said as they headed towards the outskirts of the city.
“It wasn't suppoused to be like this.”  Keisha said softly.
“Hey, it's alright.  Sam's going to get us out of this, you'll see.”  Jody consoled.
“It's not that...”  Keisha whined slightly.  “That secret concert I was talking about – it was suppoused to get me away from all this!  This stupid bubblegum pop stuff.”  She said sighing heavily.  “I had a whole new album just about to come out.  I was going to do serious songs.  I was going to play guitar.”
“So... no more dancing?”  Jody questioned.
“No more songs about stupid boys, no more glitter costumes, no more Top 40 countdowns.  I was going to be a serious artist!”  Keisha continued sounding more passionate about it.  “Acoustic, real! I keep leaving copies of the new album in shops, hoping someone's going to loot it and maybe listen to it.  But all anyone ever wants to talk about is that one stupid song.”  She groaned softly as she lowered her head.  “It's not fair...”
“Uh, Sam, should we be going anywhere else right now?”  Charlotte asked after several moments of silence.
“I can't believe she wanted to give up the dancing.  I liked the dancing.”  Sam said almost sadly.
“Runners Four, Five?  You should be coming up on the town counsil offices.  Look for the clock tower.  Do you see it?”  Janine asked.
“We see it.”  Jody said.
“Run straight past it, then take a left.  That's what we agreed upon, isn't it, Mr. Yao””  Janine questioned seeming to snap Sam out of his trance.
“Yeah, yeah, what Janine said.  The zombies are – oh wait.  How'd they... oh... that's just weird.  They're on your tail again, guys!  They must have found another way up the street.  Better pick up the pace.”  Sam said quickly as they picked up their pace.
“They're catching up, Sam!  What do we do?”  Jody cried out.
“I have an idea.  It's me they want. If we split up, they'll lose interest in you two.  But I need some time to get away.  I need you to distract them.”  Keisha said as Charlotte nodded.
“How?”  She asked.
Keisha looked over at Jody.  “You know the words to 'Text Me Up', right? If you sing it loud enough, they might get confused.  Not that you're going to sound like me or anything, but they're dead.  Their hearing's probably not that great.”  She said.
“Sam?  What do you think?”  Jody questioned.
“Well, not that we're running out of options here or anything, but... well, yeah, actually, we are running out of options, kind of quickly.  Give it a shot?”  Sam said unsure.
“I only know the chorus.”  Jody said.
“That's fine, I don't think they care.  Um, hey you, Charlotte right?”  Keisha said reaching into her small bag.
“Yeah...”  Charlotte said/
“Take this for good luck.  It's my new album.  If you don't die, you should really listen to it.  I think it was going to be a big hit.”  Keisha said handing her one of the unbroken CD cases.  Charlotte shoved the CD into the bag.  “You ready?”  Jody and Charlotte nodded as they continue to run.
Jody took a deep breath and began to sing.  “Come on and text me up, whoa-oo-oo-oo-oo-oh.  Yeah, you're so sweet, whoa-oo-oo-oo-oo-oh. Don't have to be shy when we talk on the screen.”
“I'm going to turn off here. Keep going!  And louder!”  Keisha said turning off away from them.
“Oh, I can't remember!”  Jody whined.
Suddenly Janine cleared her throat and began to sing.  “You've got my number, I want you ILU.”
Jody, Janine, and Sam continued to sing as they continued to run.  “Text me up, tell me your love is true-oo-oh.  Don't have to speak, don't have to phone.  Text me and tell me you're mind alone. Come on and text me up, whoa-oo-oo-oo-oo-oh.  Come on and text me up, whoa-oo-oo-oo-oo-oh.”
Charlotte looks around after a while.  “Did it work?”
“It appears the zombies are still chasing Miss St. Cloud.”  Janine said.
“Uh, should we sing it again?”  Sam questioned.
“Runner Four, Runner Five, your way is clear.  Best come back now while the swarm is distracted.”  Janine stated firmly.
“But-!”  Sam started.
“It's not our business, Mr. Yao.”  Janine sternly stated.  “We can't have that pack following the runners back to Abel.  Besides, if she's survived this long, I suspect Miss St. Cloud will manage without us.”
“That song!”  Sam suddenly said.  “Did you know it all along?”  He asked.
“I don't know what you're referring to.”  Janine countered.
“Maybe whent he runners get back, we should all have a listen to that new album.  Like a sort of... like a tribute thing.”  Charlotte suggested.
“Or perhaps Mr. Yao could show us more of his dance moves.”  Janine suggested with an obvious smirk.
“I don't think... no one wants that.”  Sam said bashfully.
“I do.”  Charlotte said with a grin.
“Aw, you have to do it, Sam!  Come on, Char, let's get back.  This, we've got to see!”  Jody said happily as they put on speed and headed back towards Abel.
<     44     >
Season 1 Beginning
Season 2 Beginning
3 notes ¡ View notes
chases-gerty ¡ 7 years
Modern Au
I wrote this because I just couldn’t get it out of my head. Don’t know if I should continue or should just leave it as a one shot. Seriously, it has been bugging me all day so I just wrote it and got this.
Bellarke One Night Stand/Pregnancy/MC SOA kinda/Bellamy
The nausea was all consuming. The smell and sight of the breakfast plate in front of her was causing her mouth to water, and not in a good way.  
She looked up to see her mother holding up a stick she’d just peed on a few minutes before. The sight before her was enough to make the nausea turn into a full chunk fest. She hadn’t been able to run it just lurched out of her and onto the plate that had been tormenting her.  
“I suspected but hoped I was wrong.” Her voice wasn’t angry to Clarke’s surprise.
She handed Clarke a napkin and then grabbed the plate disposing of the contents. Clarke wiped her mouth as she watched her mother calmly grab her phone from her expensive black purse. Clarke couldn’t understand how her mother wasn’t flipping out and turning into the devil incarnate.  
“Does tomorrow at 2:00 work for you?” The question confused Clarke.
“That’s the time Jaha can examine you, and see if it isn’t too late for an abortion. Which we both know it isn’t.” She said calmly.
Too calm. She spoke as if they were talking what to grab for lunch and not about killing the small life growing inside of her. Clarke knew that it was just a fetus but she couldn’t help but feel an ache in her chest, when she thought of never seeing it grow into a baby. To be perfectly honest she hadn’t thought about if she was going to abort or keep it. She hadn’t thought that far. Clarke was still trying to process she was REALLY pregnant.  
When she’d realized she was a week late she felt the dread fill the pit of her stomach. She was never late when it came to her monthly visit of the crimson wave.  So, when the stick read pregnant, she wasn’t surprised. She had actually been expecting it, but even then it was a lot to process.  Especially, when she thought of who had helped make the fetus that had began to grow inside of her.  
“I don’t know if I want to do that.” Clarke voiced her quiet response.
Abby Griffin was a usually a loving mother who could be a tad overbearing, a beautiful woman and renowned surgeon, but in that moment she transformed into everything Clarke feared.
“What? You want to throw your life away? For what? A child? That without my support you can not care or afford. You have no income, you live with me for free, and you’re in last year of medical school. So, explain to me how you could afford to support a baby?” She glared at Clarke and continued. “We both know there isn’t a boyfriend in the picture for you to run for help to support a baby. Which leaves me to the shameful conclusion that this was a one night stand. Undoubtedly with someone you have no knowledge of their whereabouts.” She successfully blew Clarke to smithereens with her words. Something Abby had always know how to do.
Clarke knew her mother was right but she was also wrong about one thing. She knew exactly who and where her one night stand resided. Clarke stood up abruptly and grabbed her messenger bag from the counter.
“I need to think about this.”  
“I don’t think you understand me, Clarke. You ARE aborting this pregnancy.”
Clarke loved her mother, she did. They’d been through a lot over the years. From her father’s death to her remarrying Marcus and everything in between, but at this very moment she felt like she didn’t know her. This was the mother who baked cookies with her after she’d broken up with her first girlfriend in high school. The mother who saved her best friend Well’s life after he was mugged and stabbed. The mother who let her sleep in bed with her for a whole year after her father died because his death caused nightmares.  
“It’s my body, my choice.” Clarke responded.
“Not if you still want my support. I will not watch you throw all your hard work away.” Her voice was hard as stone.
Clarke felt her insides deflate. She let out a small sigh and then nodded.  
“Fine. Can he do today because I have to study for my exams tomorrow.” Clarke dejectedly question.  
She had caved. Something her mother always seem to make her do. She watched as Abby typed on her phone. She smiled and looked at Clarke.
“He says to head over after your last class.”  
Clarke nods and walks out before Abby can say anything else.
“Holy Shit!” Raven practically shouted as they sat on the floor of her shared apartment.
Clarke nodded her head and threw the throw blanket over her face.
“I know.”
“You’re fucking pregnant.”
“I know.”
Raven grabbed the throw blanket out of Clarke’s grip exposing her face.  
“My mom’s making me get an abortion.” Clarke sullenly informed her friend.
“You don’t want to?” Raven sounded surprised.
“I don’t know. I know that the responsible thing would be to get rid of it but there is a part of me that wants it. To see if it’s a boy or girl and watch it grew up. I know it’s stupid.” Clarke’s eyes watered as she explained to her friend.
“It’s not stupid.” Raven said as she grabbed Clarke’s hand giving it a squeeze.
“You know if you tell him he’d help you. He raised Octavia and she’s his sister. This,” Raven pointed at Clarke’s abdomen with a grin. “is his offspring.”
Clarke’s mind went to dark curled locks, freckles, and brown smooth skin that had roamed and pressed against her body. After, that night she knew she’d never forget him. She just didn’t expect that it come with a souvenir
“No need too. I’m going through with it.” Clarke shook her head hoping it shake him and that night out of her thoughts.
The front door suddenly opened and slammed shut causing Clarke to jump in surprise. Octavia came barreling through the apartment with an angry expression.
“I swear my brother is a pain in the ass. He needs someone else to parent and get off my back.” She huffed out as she flung herself on the couch.  
Raven gave Clarke a pointed look earning a glare in return. She knew Raven was right but it didn’t matter she wasn’t keeping it.
The room was cold and it didn’t help that she was in a thin sheet gown. The room smelled sterile, something she was use to due to her training, and the walls had pictures of vaginas and flowers. The door opened a man with dark silky skin, salt and pepper beard, and a smile she’d grown up with came inside.
“Hello, Clarke.”
“Hi, Dr. Jaha.”
He chuckled and patted Clarke’s shoulder as he made his way toward his equipment.
“Always so professional.” He says as he takes a seat turning on the monitor.
“Okay, Clarke. I’m going to need you to put your legs here in the stirrups.” He gestures to the end of the examination table. “I’m going to put this device inside to see exactly how far long you are and then talk about your options, okay?”  
Clarke nods and closes her eyes.
“You’re going to feel a bit of pressure. Alright take a deep, breath.” He says.
Clarke is too nervous to feel anything. Her eyes are tightly closed and her heart is hammering a mile a minute. A rapid thumping rhythm begins to fill the room and Clarke’s eyes fly open. She has been studying medicine long enough to know what the sound is. She looks to the monitor to see a small looking bean inside her uterus. A tear trickles down her cheek as she looks at the fetus, but in her mind and heart it no longer is just a fetus, it’s a baby, her baby.
“I’m keeping it.” Clarke’s words are unwavering.
Clarke took a deep breath as she stood in front of Ark Body Shop. She was surrounded by cars and motorcycles and lots of men in moto gear. She pulled her lilac scrubs trying to press of few wrinkles out. She sees a couple of familiar faces but doesn’t stop to say hi because she knows she’ll lose her nerve. Clarke quickly walks into the shop and a bell dings indicating her arrivial.  A woman with a bright smile and half shaved head of blonde hair greets her.
“Hello, welcome to Ark Body Shop. I’m Harper, how can I help you?”  
Clarke clears her dry throat and responds.
“Is Bellamy Blake here? I need to speak to him.”
Harper smiles and nods her head.  
“Let me see if he isn’t busy.” She says as she heads toward the door leading to garage behind her.  
Clarke lets out a shaky breath. If he isn’t able to come speak to me it’s a sign. She kept telling herself. In all actuality she was just looking for an excuse to just run out of there. Clarke hadn’t even thought this through. She’d come straight from her last clinical, she hadn’t even spoken to her mom.  
“Princess, didn’t think I’d be seeing you around for a while.” Bellamy’s voice caused Clarke to turn around in surprise.  
Her face must of looked like how she felt because the smile on Bellamy’s face fell and he was at her side in an instant.  
“We need to talk.” Her voice shook.
Bellamy nodded and ushered her toward another door that lead to where Skikru held their meeting and parties. She hadn’t been nervous just to tell Bellamy she was pregnant. She was also nervous because Bellamy was the leader of the Motorcycle Club Skikru, and they weren’t just motorcycle enthusiast.
He led her to the room where the best night of her life had taken place. The nausea from the morning came forward causing Clarke to stiffen.  
“What’s going on, Princess?” Bellamy questioned.  
Clarke couldn’t talk. If she did she was scared she blow chunks. Instead she dug out the picture Jaha had taken from her sonogram. She held out the picture and watched as Bellamy’s eyes widened.  
“I’m nine weeks.” She was finally able to say.
Bellamy’s hand carefully grabbed the sono and he stared for what seemed like an eternity. Clarke didn’t know what else to say or do. So, she stood there and watched awkwardly as Bellamy gawked at the picture of their child.  
“I’ll be there for both of you, whatever you need.” He finally said.  
Clarke felt an invisible weight she hadn’t realized she’d been holding lift off her shoulders.  
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