#he is neurodivergent your honor
2-dudes-in-a-box · 1 year
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@imdeadtiredtm and I are having a blast writing with the second chapter of Apotheosis. (Even if we've rewritten the beginning like THREE times already) Jamie is such a fun character to write. You have no idea.
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makerofmadness · 2 years
Sometimes in kingdom milk spins his mace around and I would like to consider that how he stims
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sproutlingart · 1 year
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he’s the guy ever
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maraca-owl · 5 months
Oh Branch
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endrimer · 29 days
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lunarw0rks · 8 months
randomly telling ghost, “wow, you’re shoulder could literally crush my skull” and he just looks at you
if you’re a coworker; “you should remember that, private” but you can tell he’s smirking under his mask
if you’re a civilian; “why would i do that 🧍🏼‍♂️”
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festeringfae · 9 months
I know it's because the only reason the one exists is because the other doesn't appear in AA4 but the sheer wasted potential of Edgeworth not having to challenge his own self-loathing due to the existence of Kristoph makes me fucking crazy...
Edgeworth insists everything corrupt he did while under Manfred's thumb is his own fault, that the little kid his dad raised died when the court didn't convict anyone for Gregory's murder-- he thinks his "demon prosecutor" identity is forged out of that, his own innate beliefs, and that Manfred just gave him the tools to wield those evil impulses to the best of his ability. By the end of the original trilogy, even though the narrative demonstrates Edgeworth believes he's capable of changing his actions, nothing indicates that he's accepted that he had very limited agency over those actions in the first place as demonstrated by how the one time he tried to do the right thing his guardian immediately tried to get him executed for murder.
Cut to Kristoph. Here's this guy who, on the surface, seems like a prototype of everything Miles Edgeworth would be if Manfred didn't raise him. He's overly formal to cover a bitchy sense of humor, very put-together but rattles easily, gayer than a glory hole on Christopher Street-- and a successful defense attorney. Being confronted with the reality of Kristoph would prompt Edgeworth to question: if Gregory had dropped dead when Edgeworth was an adult starting out as a defense attorney, would he have made comparable choices without the threat of Manfred looming? Would he have done anything to reach an equal level of fame to his father? If Gregory had been unfairly executed by the state, would Edgeworth have defended Matt Engarde in a heartbeat, because fuck it, prosecutors are all evil anyway, and exonerating a beloved celebrity would make him famous and successful?
We can't know that (I mean, we can, but Edgeworth would insist we can't know that.) What we do know for sure is this: once Manfred is dead, Edgeworth does lie to the court-- not to help himself, but at great personal risk, to help a loved one. Even so, when he involves his little sibling in the case, he never coerces her into anything. He takes on the risk of a forged identity himself, and only discloses it to her before the court, where he couldn't hurt her if she didn't want to participate. He gives her all the power in the situation, including the power to expose him, if she wants. When she questions him, he does not lie, or twist the facts in order to persuade her. Hell, he asks the judge to let her keep her weapon.
That is not how a certain devil behaved towards his little sibling. It stands to reason that's not how a demon would behave, either.
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It’s so funny to me that Phoenix just wears normal clothes when not in court, but Edgeworth apparently goes everywhere in a 3 piece suit AND a cravat
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princess-of-anons · 1 year
Aperture Science really is just full of autistic robots, huh?
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galactica7071 · 6 months
let's diagnose the Irish guy from punch-out
disclaimer: I am but a lass with ADD, so while I do know a lot from both my own experiences and research, you should still take my ramblings with a few grains of salt. I encourage anyone reading to form their own headcanons, and would love to hear them!
So, the Punch-Out wiki (in its current state) implies that Aran Ryan has some sort of mental disorder, so I projected onto dissected him like a deep sea specimen, and may have found out what's going on in his very empty and screwed up head
🎉congrats! it's attention deficit hyperactivity disorder! (probably)🎉
ADHD has a bunch of characteristics that go with it, but I'll only be going over the ones that apply to Aran and are displayed in canon. Of course, I'll insert some speculation here and there to further support and reason through some of my points. For more reading, I suggest checking out organizations like Mayo Clinic and the National Institute of Mental Health, as well as any self-reports and blogs by people with ADHD (the latter tends to be more personal and far less clinical-sounding, but are just as helpful). Wikipedia is also a good place to go for anything, and you might even find yourself down a few rabbit holes!
Hyperactivity and restlessness
Aran exhibits this in PO Wii heavily. He has a high-stamina fighting style with lots of shuffling around, always bouncing around Little Mac. He can only be stunned through counter-punches and being faster than him (During round breaks, Doc Louis literally says "beat Aran Ryan to the punch"). It is extremely difficult to KO or TKO Aran without intercepting him due to this mechanic. During round breaks, regardless of how beaten and bruised he is, Aran will bounce his leg constantly in Contender and harass the audience in Title Defense.
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Impulsivity and recklessness
This one's consistent between his two appearances, surprisingly. In Wii, Aran is portrayed as a dirty cheater who would "do anything to win", according to supplementary comics. He has the most rule infractions in the Punch-Out series, at 32 combined. He stuffs his gloves with horseshoes before his Contender fight and brings a homemade flail made from a broken boxing glove to his bout with Little Mac in Title Defense. During matches, he makes use of headbutts and elbows quite frequently. These are both illegal and very stupid moves, due to the potential of self-inflicted trauma. His flail in Title Defense could be a sign of creativity by thinking outside the box, which is often seen in people with ADHD. In supplementary material for Super Punch-Out!!, it's implied that a fight usually broke out whenever Aran was made fun of in school, showing that he was reckless during his childhood as well.
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Emotional dysregulation
In Super Punch-Out!!, Aran Ryan is rather grumpy, and is one of two characters in the entire game to never smile in any of his sprites (the other being Nick Bruiser). Compared to his Wii portrayal, Aran is as clean as it gets in this game, even complimenting the player during the credits. Supplementary material attributes his lower mood to the teasing he endured during his childhood, and that he got into boxing to channel some of his pent-up anger. Depending on how you view it, him being so angry over his peers making fun of his name could be an overblown reaction. This hot-headedness is retained in PO Wii (which could be a sign of impulsivity), but he's essentially the inverse of how he was in Super. He's boisterous, reckless, dishonest, and smiles even while he's stunned. Many of Aran's reactions to being hit are him laughing, which might imply masochism on some level, but is nonetheless seen as an inappropriate response to being hit. He displays some antisocial traits, even, as seen when he throws aside the referee in Title Defense. This is likely caused by a low tolerance of authority, but is still an extreme reaction to the referee just trying to maintain order in the ring (good luck with that, ref...).
Difficulty starting tasks
This is a sign of executive dysfunction, which is closely linked to inattention in people with ADHD. It's exhibited in his Contender intro, where he spends the first three frames of the cutscene messing around. For this one, I'm going to compare Aran's behavior in his Contender intro to all the other boxers that spend their entire intro cutscene in a gym/dojo/training environment, spend the majority of their cutscene explicitly training, or are in several training environments. Here's a neat little chart, where the numbers represent how many slides they spent being "off-task":
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can you tell that graphic design is my passion
I've counted any activity that builds strength and endurance (like eating, running, lifting, or practicing magic in Tiger's case), or requires a large amount of work put in to do (like chopping trees or playing hockey, for Bear Hugger). Some of you might be wondering why I didn't include certain characters, but that's because they're either in a combat setting, switch from training to non-training settings, or are doing unrelated things in what could be a training setting.
If Aran has 3 instances of being off-task, he ties with TD Kaiser, Don, and Macho in terms of how long they're off-task for. If "gearing up" is being counted as being on-task, he only ties with TD Kaiser and himself. Of course, context matters heavily. TD Kaiser, Don, and Macho aren't off-task purely for the sake of slacking off, but show developments of their story throughout Career Mode. TD Aran is off-task for storytelling as well, but it's not motivated by a grudge towards Mac like the other three and falls under the normal definition of "slacking off". Speaking of cutscenes,
Inattention and distractibility
Aran shows this several times in Title Defense. In his intro, he notices a rope in the trash can and gets the idea of making his flail, seemingly forgetting all about training for his match with Little Mac. During round intermissions, he's distracted by the audience throwing objects at him, and threatens them instead of spending the break resting or strategizing.
ADHD is highly comorbid with anxiety, due to executive dysfunction (mainly sensory processing), and the risk of overthinking. I admit that this one is a bit of a stretch, since general restlessness and anxiety are linked in many mood disorders, but it's shared between both of his appearances. Super's version of Aran being caught up in his own past can be a sign of social anxiety as well as falling victim to overthinking. In PO Wii, the leg bouncing can be a sign of anxiety for various reasons, whether it be physiological (ex. outside stimuli being unpleasant) or psychological (ex. overthinking the match). His stance in Exhibition's menu for his Contender match is also a little shaky, which is common in fight-or-flight reactions, though it could also be plain hyperactivity.
Pressured speech
In PO Wii. Aran usually talks very quickly, which can be caused by the classic ADHD experience of "having a lot to say, and feeling like there's no time to say it". It's very likely that it's just be a characteristic of his accent, though.
🍀🌠🌈this is a cool section break🌈🌠🍀
There's plenty more symptoms you could make arguments for, but these were some of his more prominent traits. ADHD shares symptoms with a lot of other disorders, though, so let's see some other possibilities...
Counter-Diagnosis #1: Bipolar II Disorder
Bipolar II, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, is characterized by a a pattern of depressive states and hypomanic states (notice the hypo- prefix). We can attribute Aran's demeanor in Super to a depressive state, and his demeanor in Wii to a hypomanic state. I've chosen bipolar II instead of I due to the specifications of a "manic state" not fitting his Wii portrayal as closely.
Hypomania (literally meaning "less than mania") shares many characteristics with full-blown mania, but is more toned-down. People who have experienced genuine hypomanic states usually describe it as helpful towards their productivity, while manic states are notoriously more harmful and often directly affect productivity. Symptoms of mania include restlessness, racing thoughts, pressured speech, overconfidence, increased agitation, impulsiveness, a disconnect from one's surroundings, extreme anxiousness, and many others. Already, we can observe many of these symptoms in Aran's Wii portrayal that are shared with the ADHD diagnosis. However, hypomania tends to lack the "reality disconnect", and we can see that Aran is very aware of his surroundings. Him being in the World Circuit in both Super and Wii can be interpreted as a sign of the hypomanic states being more helpful than detrimental (maybe less so in Super because of the existence of the Special Circuit, but I digress).
I think this take has a lot of ground, maybe more than the ADHD hypothesis. A lot of my earlier points in favor of him having ADHD can also apply to him being bipolar (specifically hyperactivity, recklessness, and especially emotional dysregulation) as well, which blurs the line in some places, but it's still a very strong argument.
Counter-Diagnosis #2: Oppositional Defiant Disorder
According to Mayo Clinic, ODD is "a frequent and ongoing pattern of anger, irritability, arguing and defiance towards parents and other authority figures". The characteristics of ODD can be observed in both SPO's and Wii's Aran.
I think this one's weaker, for a few reasons. First, ODD is considered clinically relevant only during childhood; from then, it can "evolve" into a number of other conditions, including but not limited to borderline personality disorder and the aforementioned bipolar disorder. Obviously, Aran isn't a child, but he could have had this disorder in the past and "grew out of it" from a clinical standpoint.
You could make an argument for the anger issues due to a few of his behaviors, as well as his voice lines in Wii having a sort of "growl" to them, but his irritability is infrequent and mild enough to where it can be attributed back to emotional dysregulation, and the "growl" could just be how the character or his voice actor naturally sounds (I haven't found any clips of Stephen Webster speaking out-of-character, but if anyone has any, I'd love to hear them).
Counter-Diagnosis #3: Antisocial Personality Disorder
The DSM-5 defines APD as consistent displays of deceitfulness, issues with authority, impulsivity, irritability, recklessness, and a diminished capacity for remorse after hurting someone. Again, a few of these symptoms are shared with ADHD, so there's a significant grey area here. Yet, I believe it's stronger than the ODD argument, since his cheating can be a sign of deceitfulness and his apparent antisocial traits in Wii. However, boxing as a combat sport doesn't leave much room for feeling remorse, since doing so can result in throwing or forfeiting a match. I'm not going to count the lack of remorse due to the nature of the sport, but you as a reader can interpret it how you like.
Counter-Diagnosis #4: Autism Spectrum Disorder
Because of how broad the autism spectrum is, you could easily go crazy in-depth with this. I'll do a miniature version of the ADHD symptom setup, which includes traits observed in canon. I won't be including every shared trait, but do keep in mind that ADHD is comorbid with a bunch of different spectrum disorders, and misdiagnoses, especially in women, are fairly common in the real world because of it. I know I'm going to fail to list certain symptoms due to just how many ASD traits there are, so if anyone reading has any more connections to make, be my guest! This "counter-diagnosis" section is for provoking further discussion, after all, and I'm happy to learn from you all.
In PO Wii. To wind up for his right uppercut, Aran hits himself in the side of the head, and after round breaks in Contender, he hits himself repeatedly. Considering his gloves are confirmed to be loaded in his Contender fight, his relative indifference might be a sign of this. People with autism have reported tuning out various stimuli if they become overwhelmed by a bunch of them (sometimes related to meltdown or shutdown), and it's possible that that's what Aran is doing here. The bright lights of the venue combined with the crowd noise and the feeling of being sweaty could be overstimulating, and the supposed hyposensitivity towards being hit is caused by this "tuning out" to avoid a shutdown mid-bout.
Stimming (repetitive movements)
In PO Wii. The leg bounce in his Contender round break can be interpreted as a stim, as well as the wind-ups for his right uppercut (bopping himself in the head) and headbutt (choosing to wind up on the ropes). His bouncing around Mac could also be stimming.
Pathological demand avoidance
This phenomenon can also be comorbid with anxiety, which happens to be a risk factor for ADHD, so we're looping back around with this one. PDA is characterized by a person exhibiting an intense aversion to something that is asked of them, even if they wanted to do it beforehand. It can be associated with feelings of unfairness and like they don't have any control, so someone with PDA may "break the rules" to feel as though they have some control over what happens to them. Aran's high infraction count in Wii could be a sign of a more obsessive form of this. Avoiding the process of carrying out the demand can be conflated with executive dysfunction as well.
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TL;DR get this man into a psychiatrist's office ASAP
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canary-song · 10 months
I've seen this done several times by others so I am JOINING THE BANDWAGON.
Spidernoir / Noir Peter headcanons!
-Whistles and hums and stims by cracking his knuckles or messing with his fingers. Crackly joints.
-Partially exastrovated by nightmares and onset after the initial Bite(tm), he has spider/crawling sensation/cobweb sensation hallucinations, and actually does very poorly around real spiders. Often seen tugging at his coat or sleeves trying to distract himself from the feelings.
-Arguably canon, but even in his own world he's very visually sensative to light, even pre-spiderbite. The type to wear sunglasses inside
-(I've seen this pop up in fics!) Lighting when applied to him seems to care more about what's more dramatic than what makes sense; his face can cast in shadow if he tilts his head just right, or his glasses can gleam up. Sometimes this is a dead giveaway for emotion, but sometimes it's him being a bit of a needlessly dramatic dork
-Also pretty canon-supported, he really enjoys debate, and he and the rest of The Gang at the Bowery Center would spend whole evenings going through current events and their thoughts on recent policy and law. May supported it wholeheartedly, as it meant all three grew up very politically educated despite having little access to proper public education.
-He Has So Many Opinions And Is So Very Willing To Share All Of Them With You. Tries to keep a quieter demeanor as Spiderman, but is less held back as Peter.
-Lost his sight young due to genetics and is extremely near-sighted, but is extremely perceptive of light and value changes
-Facial expressions don't come too naturally to him, and he doesn't have much of a joking or sarcastic tone. Is hard to read if you only know him in passing, but doesn't much like lying and is decently upfront about all his opinions and intentions, which makes him easier to talk to otherwise
-Talks with clear hand gestures to make up for the above, especially as The Spiderman, so that he's more readable to civillians
-Due to not being radioactive-spiderbite-typical with his healing factor, instead cursed by The Spider God(tm), wounds may heal in a similar time but tend to leave scars far easier
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harbingerofsoup · 7 months
autistic husband whose special interest is his wife except it’s john watson spending all his time following sherlock like a puppy and making a career out of writing about him
is this anything?
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raemeh · 3 months
something something Larry (while scary in disguise) was the only person Willy didn’t have to manipulate to get him to like him. Making Willy actually feel something close to friendship which he’s never felt before.
(Note: this is not me saying you should forgive him I just like pointing out characters are tragic)
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 5 months
Blog theme,,,,wooo!!!!
Phoenix wright pose because boy no jail
hes done no wrong ever i will defend him in court
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me writing fic
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fairy-pd · 2 years
Asa Emory but he's not that bad
GN reader, sort of a crack fic cus I cant take his avocado mask seriously, sfw but really dumb lmao
notes: i wanna simp for the bug man without feeling guilty so Im gonna deviate from the 2009 and 2012 cannon slightly and defend this version of him till I die. Picture Juan Fernandez's Asa cus that's who Im talking about muah muah goodnight
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So in my head, Mr. Cockroach is just a silly little nerd. A goofy fella with social anxiety. He is the definition of a poor little meow meow- smart but pathetic, a self absorbed mess
Picture a pinscher with a cold. That's him
He has managed to get himself to pretend he's somewhat well adjusted, but even tho he can make small talk, buy groceries and order pizza from time to time he still comes off as cagey and awkward
Definitely kept dead bugs in jars in his room as a kid, did not expect them to rot, learned nothing from this experience and still does it
Which means he smells bad. But purposefully now
I think Asa identifies as a bug tbh, but not literally
He loves humans like you maybe love cars, or art.
He doesn't relate to people. He doesn't get what's like to be one. But he loves us so much, he admires us so much, like you admire a vintage Lamborghini in perfect conditions.
He loves us from afar, like an admirer, an outside observer, wanting to learn everything about us because he doesn't understand but loves how strangely endearing we are, like the entomologist he is. Its almost like a fetish, but not sexual- objetification meets cold adoration in the hands of a scientist
This is specially noticeable (like another poster said) when we see various scenes where he's gently craddling his victim's faces or taking "care" of them. He looks at them in awe, like he could (cus he really could) break them, he wants to see them break to learn one more thing about them
He sees his victims not as people, not as complex universes, not as concepts, but as animals. He understands you have a life and opinions and friends, but he compartmentalizes these as normal behavior for your species
He cannot physically take his headphones off during the day cus it's so fucken noimsy outside and it hurts his ears
He likes to listen to anything repetitive and loud, nothing with discernible lyrics
His house looks like one of those ikea display rooms, except it smells faintly like formaldehyde and rot
He has a massive sweet tooth
He has a love for psychology, human anatomy and thanatology
Actually any field of knowledge that could explain human behavior is fair game to him
He absolutely hates spending money in "unnecessary" things, which is why he has plenty of diy projects around his place
He doesn't really have an opinion of people or of himself. He isn't one to judge, to classify people into groups. He thinks we're all fascinating, and he spends a lot more time trying to teach himself things about us than thinking about his own life
He doesn't have an internal voice inside his head
Absolutely has a God complex, but more in a "I Cannot Relate To Any Of My Beloved Creechures" than "my milkshake is better than yours"
Has a degree in entomology, and chose to become a certified bug serial killer cus seriously,,,,ppl will just give their house keys to a stranger for days????? how could he not take advantage of that????
100% a virgin. Does not have any interest in romance or sex, does not understand most people's need for it, could not feel more uncomfortable than when his victims offer to "help him" in exchange for their freedom
Never had any friends
Was raised by his extended family who sent him off to college as soon as they could
His favorite place in the whole wide world are cemeteries (silent, and he can spend time with his beloved lil humans as much as he wants)
Never takes anything personally and is completely unfazed by morality. Again, whenever anything happens he just sees it as part of the behavior of this particular species, like he isnt an active participant in the world, just a bystander
Hates pillows. His bed is as firm as a wooden table (might actually be one), only wears blankets when its absolutely freezing and he has no other choice
Walks around either on all fours or on his tiptoes
He doesn't? really? get? why people hate his trunks so much. He finds small spaces quite soothing and attributes his victim's screams to panic or anxiety of being caught, not also cus they're yk stuck in a tiny box with no chance of getting out
He has quite a few "animalistic" quirks, like the growling and purring thing. Some come naturally, some he picked up from his early subjects when he was a student
Knows how to crochet, and how to sew up small tears or holes in clothing
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