hazerl · 3 months
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Magicicada septendecim | micron pen, color pencil, and white gel pen | January 2024 - February 2024 | Hazel Fricke
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hadesisqueer · 8 months
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poetasypoetas · 2 years
Carta de Isabel de Guevara a la princesa gobernadora doña Juana exponiendo los trabajos hechos en el descubrimiento y conquista del Río de la Plata por las mujeres para ayudar a los hombres, y pidiendo repartimiento para su marido, Asunción, 2 de julio de 1556
Muy alta y poderosa señora:
A esta probinçia del Rio de la Plata, con el primer gobernador Della, don Pedro de Mendoça, avemos  venido çiertas mugeres, entre las quales a querido mi ventura que fuese yo la una; y como la arma llegase al puerto de Buenos Ayres, con mill é quinientos hombres, y les faltase el bastimento, fue tamaña el hambre, que, á cabo de tres meses, murieron los mill; esta hambre fue tamaña, que ni la de Xerusalen se le puede ygualar, ni con otra nenguna se puede comparar. Vinieron los hombres en tanta flaqueza, que todos los travajos cargaban de las pobres mugeres, ansi en lavarles las ropas, como en curarles, hazerles de comer lo poco que tenian, alimpiarlos, hazer sentinela, rondar los fuegos, armar las ballestas, quando algunas vezes los yndios les venian á dar guerra, hasta cometer á poner fuego en los versos, y á levantar los soldados, los questavan para hello, dar arma por el canpo á bozes, sargenteando y poniendo en orden los soldados; porque en este tienpo, como las mugeres nos sustentamos con poca comida, no aviamos caydo en tanta flaqueza como los hombres. Bien creer· V.A. que fue tanta la solicitud que tuvieron, que, si no fuera por ellas, todos fueran acabados; y si no fuera por la honrra de los hombres, muchas más cosas escriviera con verdad y los diera á ellos por testigos. Esta relaçión bien creo que la escrivirán á V. A. más largamente, y por eso sesaré.
Pasada esta tan peligrosa turbunada, determinaron subir el rio arriba, asi, flacos como estavan y en entrada de ynvierno, en dos vergantines, los pocos que quedaron viuos, y las fatigadas mugeres los curavan y los miravan y les guisauan la comida, trayendo la leña á cuestas de fuera del navio, y animandolos con palabras varoniles, que no se dexasen morir, que prestodarian en tierra de comida, metiendolos á cuestas en los vergantines, con tanto amor como si fueran sus propios hijos. Y como llegamos á una generación de yndios que se llaman tinbues, señores de mucho pescado, de nuevo los serviamos en buscarles diversos modos de guisados, porque no les diese en rostro el pescado, á cabsa que lo comian sin pan y estavan muy flacos.
Despues, determinaron subir el Parana arriba, en demanda de bastimento, en el qual viaje, pasaron tanto trabajo las desdichadas mugeres, que milagrosamente quiso Dios que biviesen por ver que hen ellas estava la vida dellos; porque todos los serviçios del navio los tomavan hellas tan á pechos, que se tenia por afrentada la que menos hazia que otra, serviendo de marear la vela y gouernar el navio y sondar de proa y tomar el remo al soldado que no podia bogar y esgotar el navio, y poniendo por delante á los soldados que no desanimasen, que para los hombres heran los trabajos: verdad es, que á estas cosas hellas no heran apremiadas, ni las hazian de obligación ni las obligaua, si solamente la caridad. Ansi llegaron a esta çiudad de la Asunción, que avnque agora esta muy fértil de bastimentos, entonçes estaua dellos muy neçesitada, que fué necesario que las mugeres bolviesen de nuevo á sus trabajos, haziendo rosas con sus propias manos, rosando y carpiendo y senbrando y recogendo el bastimento, sin ayuda de nadie, hasta tanto que los soldados guareçieron de sus flaquezas y començaron á señorear la tierra y alquerir yndios y yndias de su serviçio, hasta ponerse en el estado en que agora está la tierra.
E querido escrevir esto y traer á la memoria de V.A., para hazerle saber la yngratitud que comigo se a usado en esta tierra, porque al presente se repartio por la mayor parte de los ay en ella, ansi de los antiguos como de los modernos, sin que de mi y de mis trabajos se tuviesen nenguna memoria, y me dexaron de fuera, sin me dar yndio ni nengun genero de serviçio. Mucho me quisiera hallar libre, para me yr á presentar delante de V.A., con los serviçios que á S.M. e hecho y los agravios que agora se me hazen; mas no está en mi mano, porque questoy casada con un caballero de Sevilla, que se llama Pedro d`Esquiuel, que, por servir á S. M., a sido cabsa que mis trabajos quedasen tan olvidados y se me renovasen de nuevo, porque tres vezes le saqué el cuchillo de la garganta, como allá V.A. sabrá. A que suplico mande me sea dado mi repartimiento perpétuo, y en gratificaçión de mis serviçios mande que sea proveido mi marido de algun cargo, conforme á la calidad de su persona; pues él, de su parte, por sus servicios lo merece. Nuestro Señor acreçiente su Real vida y estado por mui largos años. Desta çibdad de la Asunción y de jullio 2, 1556 años.
Serbidora de V.A. que sus reales manos besa
Doña Ysabel de Guevara
[1] Carta publicada por  Jiménez de la Espada, Cartas de Indias, imprenta de Manuel G. Hernández, Madrid, 1877. Ha sido reproducida en: http://americas.sas.ac.uk/publications/docs/genero_segunda1_Guevara.pdf
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sermna · 7 years
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(aka artists that make me want to draw)
Sachin Teng
Malcolm Liepke
Floralmarsupial (temporarily Monstermarsupial)
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isabella-of-castile · 2 years
The torture of Juana la Loca
Part II
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Of course Bergenroth’s claims have been repeatedly challenged by Spanish scholars since the 1860s, in the Spanish language obviously, but the Anglo-American sphere isn’t going to look any further than anything that is convenient or sensational.
The German writer formed this implausible barbarity in a letter that the Marquis of Denia wrote to the Emperor Carlos V, on January 25, 1522, informing him of the state in which his unhappy mother was in Tordesillas; and in which he said, among others, these words that should be referred to literally: "En verdad que hazerle Vra. mt. premia en muchas cosas serviria a Dios, y a Su Alteza haria servicio y muy bueno obra por que las personas que están en su disposicion asy lo quieren, ya la Reina su abuela asy le sirvio y trato la Reina nuestra Senora su hija.”
What such words say, reduced to modern writing and spelling, is nothing but that Juana's grandmother, Isabel of Portugal, was treated in the same way by her daughter Queen Isabel; the marquis was promising himself that with this example, Charles V would not hesitate to apply the same treatment to Dona Juana. It is clear and evident, therefore, that what Bergenroth says about the cruelty with which Juana was treated by her mother is false, very false.
It is true that Isabel neither gave torture to her mother nor to her own daughter, which is to be deduced from another letter from Mosen Ferrer to Cardinal Cisneros, also inserted by Bergenroth in his collection of documents.
Premia, which is what the Catholic Queen did to her mother, as the Marquis of Denia says in his letter, means the same that the Latin coactio, coercion, and can be understood as violence, oppression and even tyranny but never that of torture; all of which can be seen in the Diccionario de Autoridades de la Academia Espanola, a true guide to interpreting Castilian writings from the 16th and 17th centuries, not Dominguez's, as Bergenroth claims. We therefore have that Queen Isabel applied some coercion/physical force to her unstable mother, in certain cases and for her own benefit, without a doubt; neither more nor less than it has always been done with crazy people. At first glance, the charge against Fernando appears to be somewhat greater, having decoded Juana to the cuerda, “porque no muriese, dexandose de comer” which is what Mosen Ferrer tells in his aforementioned letter to Cardinal Cisneros. But, after all, there is no reason to condemn his conduct either.
Undoubtedly the phrase was used by Ferrer, not in the express sense of torment or torture, but in that of punishment; and everything indicates that, the unhappy Juana persisting in not taking food, there was once a punishment, known the cuerda, in order to save her life.
The politician Bobadilla proves that the cuerda and torture are completely different things, saying that “neither the soldier nor the hidalgo/noble could be put to question under any form of torture, but that the cuerda be done as punishment.” And the well-known military writer Don Ventura de la Sala y Abarca speaks of a benign viceroy from Naples who ordered that cuerda’s dealings be given a lot of softness in certain cases.
—Antonio Cánovas del Castillo
Protestant, Juana la Loca! The fact that such nonsense has been taken seriously and deservedly discussed…it seems profanation to stain history with such childishness and tales of old women, pasture of the foolish and unhealthy curiosity of journalists and literary winners of these times. Mr. Bergenroth, a Prussian, was commissioned by the English Government…a skilled copyist and paleographer, but oblivious to historical criteria and not very skilled in understanding the documents he found in Simancas…certain papers that, in his opinion, showed that Juana had not been crazy, but Lutheran, and persecuted and tormented as such by her father Ferdinand II and his son Charles V. For the same reason that the news was entirely absurd and, moreover, coming from the lips of a foreigner, German in addition, and as such infallible, it had a great effect among a certain caste of Spanish scholars, the unfortunate believing that it was a great fact that Dona Juana had been a heretic, a weapon against the Church.
…and today, after the pamphlets of D. Vicente de la Fuente, Gachard and Rodríguez Villa, it is no longer possible to record such an aberration in any formal history. The madness of Juana was the madness of love, they were jealousy for her husband’s trysts, and well-founded long before the birth of Lutheranism, as she showed mania in 1504. On January 15, 1499, the prior of the Dominicans of Santa Cruz, of Segovia, wrote about her that "she had good parts of good Christianity and that there was in her house as much religion as in a close observance." (Page 55 of the Bergenroth documents.) And what shall we say about the famous rope treatment that Mosén Ferrer, one of the guardians of Doña Juana, ordered to give her to force her to eat? If Juana was crazy, wasn't it necessary, in order to save her life, to treat her like crazy people and children are treated, by holding her arms with ropes or in any other way, and making her take the food by force? What torture or what Protestantism can anyone with a healthy head see in this? We know from letters from the Marquis of Denia, another of her jailers, that in 1517 the poor queen heard Mass with great devotion and had a confessor of the Order of San Francisco, said Fr. Juan de Ávila. And, if later she did not want to confess for some time, it was because she was completely crazy and her hobbies were going down that path, especially after the aforementioned marquis, who always treated her wickedly, took away her confessor and insisted that she choose a Dominican. It seems that in her last years that unhappy madman of hers manifested horror of everything that was an act of piety and she did not receive the holy sacraments; what does this prove, in the case of such a nonsensical woman who told Fray Juan de la Cruz that “un gato de algalia había comido a su madre e iba a comerla a ella?”
—de Menéndez Pelayo
The latest one contesting Bergenroth was published just this year, the Ripper of Simancas by Bernardo Alonso Alonso, and this is just one paragraph to skim the surface of academic fraud:
Bergenroth's manipulation of the text provided in the Simancas Historical Archive is multiple and serious. In the Spanish edition, Bergenroth suppresses a complete sentence that contradicts the misinterpretation of it: "y porque la Reyna nuestra Señora no rescibiese alteracion por ello porque de qualquier noveedad la toma aviaseme de conservar la honrra y el avtoridad en que su alteza me thenia.”
The fact is Isabella did not torture her daughter. The fact is the entire historical narrative about Juana’s “torture” is a deliberate and funded attempt to defame historical figures in Spain. Its repetition in popular history goes to show how Bergenroth and the English government’s intent succeeded and in the same manner must be repeatedly corrected.
It’s a subtle sleight of hand in defamatory propaganda.
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letstalklifeee · 7 years
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evening routine last night
blog post on the ordinary advanced retinoid (pictured!) -->here<--
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boceksizbiryer · 4 years
Can Bonomo-Bahr-i Hazer.
Can Bonomo çok severim, teşekkürler
"Bahr-i hazerler el sallar
Şairi nazımsa"
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stumbleimg · 4 years
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Bitterroot Valley, Montana [1334 x 2000] OC & IG HazerLive
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alookseeblog · 5 years
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insectaesthetics · 4 years
just a quick about me wrt entomology/this blog
I have a BFA but no degree in entomology or biology in general so I’m still pretty amateurish at this! But I have been volunteering for the field museum in Chicago for about two years now working on IL moths. That’s why I post more moths than anything else lol
I have a personal blog @texasfartsupply and an art blog @hazerl where I post all of my scientific illustration and other work
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scavengerbones · 5 years
I like my main account on here too much to risk it getting deleted so I’ll be archiving/deleting this blog soon I guess. I still post bug stuff at @insectaesthetics and art at @hazerl and my main is @texasfartsupply
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hazerl · 4 months
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Trypoxylus dichotomus | micron pen, color pencil, and white gel pen | December 2023 | Hazel Fricke
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thatsnakeman · 4 years
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Bitterroot Valley, Montana [1334 x 2000] OC & IG HazerLive via /r/EarthPorn https://ift.tt/30CMkSC
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cluboftigerghost · 5 years
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hazerl: I’m working on stippled illustrations lately for the SAIC BFA show this coming March! Here... http://bit.ly/2GpOfAy
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executioner213 · 7 years
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📷: @hazerlive (at Butte, Montana)
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gokyuzundekikirmizi · 5 years
Bahr-i hazerler el sallar şairi Nazım'sa.
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