#have others posed this question because i'm deeply curious
coming out of tumblr retirement to pose this question about my current hyperfixation:
let's say ethan and lex got the apotheosis timeline: who is killing who and how do they do it/how do they lure the other one in
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amourduloup · 2 months
Sorry if you've already talked about this before, but what do you think about the notion that horror is generally bad because it has a misogyny problem, and that exploitation / r&r films are problematic and the ppl who watch them are suspicious? i don't really know how to explain what i mean too well but i know you usually have very nuanced takes about this kind of thing 🤍
i think i understand what you mean, no worries 🖤
honestly i don't think horror has a greater misogyny problem than any other film genre, though how the problem presents itself may be different. it's maybe more blatant within horror but not necessarily worse. movies have a misogyny problem across all genres, i don't think horror is special in that. horror films do inspire some strong reactions though, so i can understand why it prompts more discussion in that vein.
rape & revenge is a particular case, and it's difficult to discuss. i have a lot of thoughts about it, but i find it hard to put it down in writing because they're not very cohesive. i actually did a little research and asked around for material about r&r because i wanted to give an informed opinion but i didn't find much. it'd be easier for me to discuss particular movies anyway, because i don't think i've explored the genre deeply enough.
there are some &r movies i really really love and i know some people watch them because they find the degradation of women titillating -- that upsets me but it doesn't stop me from enjoying or admiring the movie itself. some r&r movies are, in my opinion, really interesting and engaging and i'd go so far as to call them beautiful and thoughtful. of course for each of those you'll probably find a greater number of misogynistic drivel -- but i can't affirm that for sure because so much of my experience has been guided by what other women have watched, enjoyed and recommended, so i've probably avoided whatever didn't have much to offer. but then that's always really subjective -- for example, i don't care for i spit on your grave but my mom sort of loves it. i don't think her opinion is any less valid than mine, and i find opinions differ a lot when it comes to r&r.
i do have a question that i'd like to pose to you but also anyone else reading this, which is -- what you think of when you think of rape & revenge? do you consider only exploitation movies or do you also consider titles like the virgin spring or kuroneko? because of course there's a lot to be discussed about exploitation films, and how some directors managed to make genuinely interesting works while trying to remain commercial and please a certain audience. like, there are things in r&r exploitation films that i could do without but i can still admire the final result. but then sometimes i think of like, thriller: a cruel picture and how the pornographic scenes impact the movie in a way that i personally find interesting because it makes it all the more brutal, and the director really managed to make it all very non-erotic and even cold and distant... sort of going through the motions in a way that imo fits perfectly with what's going on.
but there's just so much to discuss about exploitation and about r&r specifically, a lot of my thoughts are not very cohesive or well informed. i'm curious to know how others feel about it, especially other women, and i'd love to discuss it more. but it's hard to give a solid opinion because i can see the matter through many different angles. like, of course the fact that r&r often targets a male audience while exploiting the suffering and degradation of women is a problem and reflective of a bigger one. but many r&r movies have genuine value and, more importantly, have real value to a lot women.
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yesterdayiwrote · 3 months
Hi Emma
You can post this or not, but I just read this tag under one of your posts that made me think a little:
“I think lewis is quite used to be in control fo his own narrative so this could be interesting…”
Because, coincidentally, I happen to came across this article today: https://racingnews365.com/hamilton-warned-over-threat-posed-by-leclerc-at-ferrari
One of the interesting parts that I am quoting is:
"Suppose Leclerc beats Hamilton, then that would be a bad end to his career," Stuck told the German Eurosport.
I was surprised by the news and was reminded that several other greats have already tried that. Hamilton has a special personality, but whether he can handle the Ferrari system is something I am curious about.
Everything works there just a little bit differently. Now he has to subordinate himself and he is certainly not used to that.
If you drove for Ferrari, you will go down in history, even more so than if you were to become world champion seven times elsewhere.
The Scuderia works differently than, for example, Red Bull or Mercedes. You are not the big personality there that you can be with other racing teams. Ferrari is Italy.
The press is completely different, they pick up every little thing, there are no secrets. will be a completely new experience for Hamilton.”
We all know how PR savvy Lewis is and he is far from guillable. But at the same time, this discourse seems to be on point. I’ve been wondering if this is not gonna be a completely different game than what Lewis is used to, and how keen are Elkann/Ferrari in fulfilling their part of the deal (to the letter) with Lewis in the end.
I think it is going to be a culture shock for Lewis in multiple ways, which I'm sure has at least been raised to him but it will be a huge unknown as to how much it genuinely affects the team and his integration into it.
Lewis will have to be willing to play the 'polite and humble new guy' card to some extent when he first starts. He's not going in as a clear number 1, it's very much going to be a similar situation to the one he's currently in, which so far Ferrari hasn't been great at implementing, but if he delivers on track its going to sway things in his favour and it will be Charles that suffers.
The one area that will be different is that Lewis has probably never had a teammate with quite as powerful team behind them as Charles currently has. Going up against another PR powerhouse has its benefits but it will also have its setbacks.
Ferrari is... leaky, and there's definitely been instances where it appears each driver's teams have been briefing against each other in the past 2 years. Nicholas Todt is not someone to be sniffed at and definitely knows how to play dirty if needed, although it's not just him, all sorts of team info seems to get out to the Italian press. Toto might run his mouth and say stupid stuff but actually... Mercedes doesn't seem to have as much inter team drama leak to the press as others do?
If I was Lewis I'd have some questions about who leaked the story. Given it was the Italian press, it seems likely to be someone on that side, unless someone on the Merc side played a mighty double bluff. But Lewis is deeply private and used to being in control of his own narrative, so I think there could definitely be an off track battle as much as an on track one. Vettel and Alonso have shown that Ferrari aren't afraid to brief against their star drivers to try and show them who's in charge.
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Oh, insomnia thoughts my loathed loves
Anyway, I was reading something about motherhood in ASOIAF and the text mentioned how if Cat were to decide between saving the life of Jon Snow or one of her kids, she would obviously choose her own kid. I think that's correct and fair, I doubt most mothers wouldn't do the same. But then I started wondering what if the question wasn't between Jon and one of her kids, but between Jon & Theon.
So, simply because I'm curious I wanted to pose a hypothetical situation where for some reason Jon & Theon are both in equal danger of mortal peril and Cat has the option to save one but by doing so the other would 100% die. Who would she choose then? I'm genuinely curious because I started picturing who she would choose between Jon & Robin Arryn or Jon & Beth Cassel and could come to a more or less stable conclusion but this time I'm lost.
Because she doesn't like any of them, but allowing for any of their deaths would probably haunt her.
She hates Jon as the symbol of her shame but she knows her most of her children love him deeply and so does Ned. Allowing for him to die under her care would probably drive them away and some might even think she would have taken joy in the act since it was more or less well-known how much she loathed that boy. Allowing for him to die would also secure her children's place as true Starks, something that has never been disputed by anyone but she seems to resent and fear even before Robb was crowned King in the North
On the other hand, she was never very fond of Theon either and neither were most of her loved ones. The only person in the Stark household who seemed to have had a more-or-less affective relationship with Theon was Robb, and even in that relationship there was distance (partially due to the age difference but even more so because of the power imbalance between them) and even if there is affection there, Robb is also very loving of Jon. Due to Theon being a highborn noble and the heir of his house it seems like a horrible political decision to let him die and one that could give a more than plausible reason for the Greyjoys to rebel once again and probably more motivated by vengeance (at least to her perception) than they have ever been. I also can't help but wonder if she'd sympathise with Alannys. There are no indications of her confinement and madness being known by other westerosi nobles, but I think Cat probably would have known of her two killed sons and might have felt so much for her.
Also, if you want to expand with more than simply voting and telling me your reasoning or whatever you're welcome to do so.
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vethbrenatto · 2 years
I’m with you on not being super into all the C1 tie ins to C3. Im not as big of a fan of this campaign’s overall story (so far) as I was with M9 or VM at this point in the campaign. I’m also really trying to figure out how it would work if orym’s story wasn’t so directly tied to keyleth and the air ashari, you know? like what else is matt supposed to do if liam wanted orym’s story to be so closely intertwined with keyleth? i guess he could have said no or tried to redirect liam but idk, I really don’t think there were a whole lot of other ways when you have two characters so deeply connected to C1 characters :/ it annoys me because I really love laudna and orym and their stories but I do think it kind of hurts the overall story by being so deeply tied to C1. idk it’s hard
This is a great ask and I'm going to kind of use it as a jump-off point to explain some of my feelings surrounding the tie-ins because I think Laudna & Orym are actually a great place to start, but apologies because this might get long.
So, Laudna & Orym to me are two sides of the spectrum in-terms of Campaign 1 tie-ins, being that I enjoy one and I'm not so hot on the other. I should also preface with the fact that I think I am very hard to please with the callbacks, I view them with a lot of scrutiny, so where I find something a bit unearned, others can still heavily enjoy those callbacks. As always, personal preference is at play.
I enjoy Laudna's ties to C1 and here's why: I feel like they have a purpose and answer a question about the world. Laudna is a direct answer to the question of "What about the ones that Vox Machina couldn't save?" and that's only amplified by Laudna being killed directly for looking like Vex. She was killed not only because VM couldn't save her in time, but because of VM. I'm not going to laud these movies for their writing or how they answer the questions, but I'd sort of relate it to Spider-Man: Homecoming or Captain America: Civil War tackling the question of "What about property damage/civilian casualties in the MCU?" Like, it's not a question that every viewer has, but when you see it posed on screen, you go, "Hey! Yeah, what about that?"
Other than Delilah being in her head (and Delilah is already a very enigmatic presence, we don't know much about her other than basic outlines like: Raises Dead for Love, Kicked out of the Cerberus Assembly because Too Fucked Up), Laudna doesn't actually have a ton of connections to C1. She's from Whitestone, yeah, but she's not usually the one bringing that up. She name dropped "de Rolo," but she doesn't actually know the de Rolos, you know? When people have suggested getting in contact with the de Rolos before I don't feel like that actually comes from Laudna a lot- it's "The Lord and Lady from Laudna's hometown," someone else is bringing it up. Marisha as Laudna isn't really milking that connection. It's built in to reap potential future dividends, but doesn't actually affect too much with the current story. On a more personal note, I like that it's not too on the nose- back when everyone was guessing if Laudna was the Keytleth or Vex body, I was very satisfied to see it be Vex just to have it be a little less direct. Laudna's backstory brings back a character with a lot of questions into focus (Delilah), and answers a question (see previous paragraph) that I think is interesting to be explored.
Contrastingly, I'm not really sure what Orym's backstory answers other than "What is Keyleth's bodyguard like?" which at least I personally wasn't too curious about. Orym is connected to Keyleth because he is. I feel similarly about Derrig- I have no problems with Will, but what does Will being Derrig's son add to the story other than "That's a character we've seen/heard of before, that's neat." Not much, to me.
And to be clear: This is no hate on Liam. What Orym does clearly do to aid the story is that Liam enjoys crafting the story this way and is delighted to play a character connected to Keyleth and Derrig. If Matt hadn't implemented the no C1 connected backstories in C2, I believe Liam wanted to there as well (though I may be getting mixed up- maybe that was Taliesin).
I'm just particularly hard to please on this topic, but there are obviously a ton of critters who hear "Keyleth" and flip out every time because they love this sort of connection and are on the exact same page as Liam.
I also think post-campaign beginning, Liam is not the only one guilty of "connecting just to connect," multiple times Keyleth and the de Rolos have come up as potential connections and solutions and often by various different cast members. They just have fun throwing around the idea of reconnecting with those characters because they love and miss them. But because they are so entrenched in the backstories and have come up so much since the start of C3, whenever I hear it I get this sort of "Again?" feeling. I guess it's sort of the idea that Exandria is this wide, wide world, but the party keeps coming back to potential solutions that they have never made physical contact with and are on an entirely different continent.
Because truly, I think the idea of Keyleth resurrecting Laudna is kind of cool, right? I mean, I'd always have the gripe about Bells Hells not really having a lot of challenge in it if that's what they go for. But simply from a meta perspective, I understand it's cool. If there had been minimal to no C1 references up to now and Keyleth came in to save Laudna somehow, I think I'd be jazzed! How cool! But the oversaturation has me very not jazzed about it.
As I mentioned in my Laudna-Hollow-One-Complication post, there are still ways I could enjoy Keyleth coming in to help if it does happen. And the tie-ins as of yet have not been a campaign dealbreaker to me, just something that I could do without.
And to finally touch on what you mentioned: Yes! This is something that players want, continuously bring up, and enjoy. There's not much Matt can or should do- this is a part of the story his players want to engage with and he's making it fit in. The most I can say is that maybe he should make access to such high level characters come with caveats, but we haven't really seen how he's going to handle it yet, so I can't criticize anything Matt has done with regard to the tie-ins.
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milksnake-tea · 2 months
Continuation choo choo!
Mr. Yang is an enigma to you, but as far as you know he has the mind of a man who have experienced many loss and grief. He is a man with so much duty in his hands back in his universe, the Herrscher of Reason, Sovereign of Anti-Entropy, ever since he was a child he already had his life overriden by duty. But the express doesn't see his duty, they see Mr. Yang. He's kind and reliable, his wisdom may (or may not) exceed anyone in the express, he always find you coming to him, asking questions and he'd gladly go on about topics after topics. And if he stayed back, he'd receive messages of how you and the others are doing, and that brought a smile to his face.
To walk in the path of The Trailblaze is a lonely one - you come and you go - you make connections before you make another ones, with the possibility that you won't meet your past companions. Himeko is the heart of the Express, but even she can feel lonely. To be part of The Nameless one cannot form a bond too thick else you'd experience the pain of severing it, but she loves everyone nonetheless, she shares her knowledge with you and maybe learn a thing or two about the express' mechanisms, or you're daring enough to try her coffee and not sleep for a few days. But you'd always remember the day she opened her arms and take you in as part of thr express was the best chapter beginning of your life. You'd stay by her side, like a child accompanying their mother as she sets her eyes on the stars, you'd stay in the Express until it reached its final stop. The universe is big so why stop at one place?
You? Maybe you're someone that deeply loves the universe, or a curious scholar, someone with past regrets, a criminal, or you just walk the path of The Trailblaze because you have nowhere to go. For them that doesn't matter, you've done many things for the express. Wether it's helping Pom-Pom cleaning the cars or help with the Trailblaze missions, or be a friend. Caelus/Stelle loves how you'd go your way to have fun in any world they landed, maybe you both have caused some problems and dive into dumpsters to find interesting stuffs. Dan Heng could ramble about trivias from the Data Bank at any given moment if you want him to, he will fight and protect you during missions and you'd do the same for him. Taking a lot of pictures is a must go with March, you would have your poses ready the moment she unleashes her camera. She doesn't really have someone to chat to when she's bored, and you'd go to her room about how you made a weapon out of a Voidranger's remains or watch movies and maybe you guys scrapbook sometimes.
Trailblazer needs someone to remind them, they aren't alone. They have people to latch onto, a support to ground themselves as a host of a Stellaron. Dan Heng needs someone to remind him, he is loved and there is hope. He is Dan Heng, a person who's not weighted down by his past predecessors. March 7th needs someone to remind her, the unknown isn't as scary and people will be there for her if the void almost drown her. She needs something ahead of her, to see, to feel, to know that she exist, so everything won't be as scary. You need to remind yourself, the world is big, your past doesn't define you and you have people to move forward with, the kindness you offered wouldn't be left to waste and you don't have to face the unpredictability of what's to come alone. Everyday is a new adventure.
The Astral Express. The Nameless. You are the children of Akivili, traveling the universe and sing their name like the gears of the express resonating in the cosmos.
(I'm so normal about them [cries])
also "You are the children of Akivili" idk why but on god that is such a beautiful line ily
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pochapal · 1 year
I'm always curious which of your umineko reads you think are intentional on the author's part (or if that's even a question that has meaning in this type of analysis) - got any thoughts on that?
i think everything i'm pointing out is intentional even if i do get a little goofy with my conclusions when i'm not 100% certain on a definitive meaning. for example the "gay kanon" gag from today's session was absolutely just me joking around, but i am not joking around by bringing up the fact that kanon having a specific unique reaction to battler is an intentional action on the author's part with a specific meaning to it. likewise the trans kanon jokes are also just me playfully poking at the unintentional gender that would come with the territory of kanon hypothetically putting on a beatrice dress and running around the island causing problems - the point is a throwaway line also working as foreshadowing to confirm my theory.
in a nutshell the material conclusions i throw out i don't think have any basis, but the sentiment guiding these moments that can lead to one of multiple conclusions are very much worth treating as sincere and deliberate if that makes sense. above all else i trust the Vibes to guide me.
that said readings i do think have basis are the "everyone's psychology is dominated by the fact they have two irreconcilable selves at the same time" and the "detective-romantic philosophical dichotomy" interpretations of the text. if not in the exact terms i've outlined i do think the story is very deliberately setting up a mind vs heart conflict and very deliberately introducing characters with deep innate internal contradictions. basically anything that wouldn't directly feed into a theory/mystery is likely a fairly intentional way of approaching the text.
but even for me the line between interpretation/theory is super blurred because so much of my understanding of umineko is coming from a between-the-lines piecing together of facts in a way that fits with what we know of the characters and it's hard for me to separate that? like it's not just "kanon is the one posing as beatrice". it's "kanon is the one posing as beatrice" plus "kanon cares deeply for shannon's wellbeing and resents the ushiromiya family for their torment" and both those statements feed into the other even though one's evident in the text and one is an extrapolation on my end. i'm not a detective or a romantic but a secret third thing.
so yeah! kind of hard to answer because even i'm not sure where intentionality ends and interpretation begins. i just know that my mode of analysis feels fruitful to me at least haha.
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Ah, so Itsuki's species was one of those that could be made and didn't necessarily have to be born. That was one question answered.
Kelly shook his head. "Can't speak for others but Garou can't. Bad things happen if they do." He had no idea what would happen if a Garou were to mix with another type of creature but, having seen the results of people interfering with nature, he'd lay bets the results would be pure disaster.
"I'm sure she is," he said, neither confirming nor denying if he spoke from personal experience. "But that's not really what I meant. Learning how to fight is a given but if you're worried that aggression might become a capital-P Problem? Gotta be something beyond sparring." What the kid needed was an enemy to focus on.
Even if he'd tried to, Kelly wouldn't have been able to hide his shock this time. There was no need to hide the curiosity, because Itsuki so willingly volunteered the answers to any questions that might have been posed. The how of it all, the why. Although the why was... less than satisfactory.
"Why on earth would you give that up?" he heard himself ask softly, looking at Itsuki with a profound sadness and something akin to jealousy. "You were free. There was peace. How could you return to this?"
“Well that’s unfortunate I’d say. Pups develop in a certain way and can end up very strong. The one carrying them needs to be able to handle the damage they will accidentally inflict.” It was a very problematic thing considering how often pups would bruise or break their mother’s bones when testing out movement. He dreaded to think what might happen to one that didn’t hold such quick regeneration skills.
“Hmm. And just what do you think there would be beyond sparring?” The question was genuine. He’d noticed the sidestepping of his own question. Curious what was in the other’s mind.
The old wolf’s smile took on a different shape. Kind and gentle. A trace of sadness. But not for himself. “Because while life burdened me with nightmares I still occasionally fight against, it also blessed me with a strong purpose. With love.” His mind flittered from thought to thought. Trying to order them in a way that would make sense. “That caretaker gene you spoke of? I’m certainly in possession of it. It brings me such joy. But I understand it makes me beholden in a certain way. I’m trying to figure out how to properly convey this as I can see it makes no sense to you. I did give up a certain sense of peace and fulfillment. But to me…Well let me tell you a few things about my kind and see if it helps connect a few dots. My species has something called a blood rage. In books it’s written as blood madness. Complete ferality. For my kind, control is our most important resource. But sometimes things happen. Things that break us in such a way we lose ourselves. Then comes the blood rage. Our pain is so great the man side can’t endure. The beast side takes complete control. But the agony is so intense even that piece of us can’t handle it. It’s like being trapped in a dark pit with razors deeply stabbing, slowly peeling your skin. There is no chance of escape and the only thought, the only hope, is that maybe you can turn some of that pain outward. Lighten your burden by destroying all in your path. I experienced that when my mate died. That agony, that despair. I have never found the words to fully explain what that felt like. I slaughtered her killers and all their allies in the blink of an eye. Literally tore them apart. I was just about to stalk off deeper into the woods in search of more sacrificial lambs when something pierced through. A soft crying. It took a moment for my mind to properly register. But when it did….it was both like a pallet of bricks slamming into my chest and a weight being lifted off my shoulders. I recognized the sound. My little pup. So tiny at the time. Frightened and distressed. Crying for her parents to come help her. Crying for me, her protector, to do his job. It dragged me out of that pit. Knocked the sense right back into my head. And that’s exactly how I felt when that veil opened in the afterlife. She was grown. Having pups of her own. But that cry of distress. Of fear. It shook me to my core. Fully reminded me I had children that needed me. Needed a protector. A nurturer. Now I can’t say I don’t miss my mate or the pack on the other side. But I have a wonderful family now. Precious little grandpups that sit at my knees and beg for stories. A partner that is an oddly unexpected but perfect match. Pups that can count on me to watch over them once more. My pup has brought several more bundles of joy into this world since then. Each time she’s had that pain. But she’s never again had that fear because now she simply has to look the side and see me holding her hand and taking some of her pain. I have traveled as a lone wolf for stretches of years at a time. I have had to time and time again bury those I’ve grown to love. I am very well versed in just how tragic life can be. But what this life offers me now, it is well worth the cost of its burdens.”
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rumblelibrary · 3 years
Now that you are writing requests, I think it's only fair I send you a few after some of the ones you have sent me 😌 as you've said you were the original anon who requested Laszlo x Sapiosexual partner headcanons from me, I'm curious to see how you would write it. Take it in any direction you want to 😘
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Thinking Alike [Dr Laszlo Kreizler x Reader]
Word count: 3k
Warnings: Mention of physical violence, mild stalking, smut (yup, there it is!)
Author’s note: My first smut, something easy breezy to begin with. Laszlo is an awkward mess and I love him.
It was embarrassing for Laszlo at first, to admit a weakness, so bluntly. Such a vile thing to do for a man like him.He tried reasoning through it more and more, lonely men went often to prostitutes, John himself did and with the extraordinary result not be devoured by syphilis or other diseases.He didn’t hurt himself nor others in the process.
The first time he met you it was by accident, he was invited by one of his former patients to visit her at her university, nothing unusual, he remembered her well: Julia, shy, small, bent down and backwards by a family that abused her very being, that abused her mind, development and growth.But to see her now a young woman, studying literature at university, thriving in her life and taking her own choices, she even started an internship with Sara, that was something that made a man like Laszlo proud of his job.
Briefly: that day was a success for him: from the meeting to the lunch they shared, she showed in every given moment how she treasured everything she learned at the Institute and, even though hard times were not over, she felt like she was able to face them.Then Julia asked him to join her to listen to a lecture, assuring he would love it so he obliged as it wouldn’t be too bad to feel like a student again and maybe spark some new interest in him.So he did, he sat down and leaned his back on the seat, the soft scent of the woody desks and chairs taking over his nostrils. He remembered how he was at that age, hungry, unnecessary aggressive and lonely. He smiled to himself at the memory.Poor John, still there to look after him and trying to give him a minimum of social skills.
Then the room fell into silence as you walked inside, your choice of clothing a white shirt and a burgundy skirt, a pocket watch on your side. A simple style, you wish good morning to the class and don’t indulge too much into talk.And there is where the unexpected happened.You open up simply, a picture, a quote. The description of man as William Blake: poet, engraver, prophet.To transcribe your words would be similar to the conflict of any man that ever found himself in the duty of writing, or better, transcribing a sacred text.The way you spoke, the way you held everybody’s attention, the way you moved back and forth or wrote on the chalkboard. The passion surging by your words digging into his flesh and bones, every cell into his body surging into an agonising desire to hear more. The way your words balanced, how you managed to go from interesting facts to more detailed ones, from hard critical informations to conceptual ideas.That was the beginning of something new, his brain wasn’t able to move past the thought of you. Literature wasn’t his field, but he felt like you were the spring of all truths. So it begun. He brought the books, he came to the lessons. He thrived in every stolen moment he got with you, he sulked when somebody caught your attention, even more if it was to make some silly comment or question, he adored the way  your hands traced shapes into the air symmetrically, it triggered him to wonder if you ever studied dancing, the pose of your fingers always so balanced. He learned every micro habit you had: the way you always looked at your pocket watch when it was almost half time throughout the lesson, how you changed pin in your hair every day, the way you tucked your reading glasses in your shirt only to then look for those when in need to read. His favourite moments were the ones when everybody was leaving the class and he could see you relax on the chair, gift little smiles around as you collected our belongings. Your presence was by now his safe place, those two hours he spent a the university were the only moments he felt free, even if unseen.
Until the day he was getting into the class to find it empty and you alone there.“Regular students got a card saying the lesson today was cancelled” you said and his heart sunk into his chest “I would be mad to have someone sneaking in my classroom, but I had the feeling to have seen you before”
He gulped down as you were so close by now, he could guess your favourite perfume.You handed him a book, his book with his picture inside followed by his name in cursive letters.
“What does an alienist says about my course?”
“I say, your dialectic is what many of my patients would need in order to survive”You were surprised, eyebrows raising and a slight tilt of the head, you expected to find him guilty and ashamed, surely he was, but that answer was bold.
“And you? Do you find solace in my dialectics?” He took a moment before staring up at you, you didn’t realised how tall he was by seeing him always sat in the back, but you noticed him at every lesson. How couldn’t you?An handsome, elegant grown man hiding among those twenty something, the walking stick giving away always his calculated late entrance in class, his eyes always on you digging holes.
“Constantly”His answer surprised you, you expected to confront him and send him away and now you’re torn between the feeling of cradling him in your arms and, what? “I could forgive you for a lunch” He smiles, his eyes shining “I know the perfect place”
That lunch became one of many lunches.Every time you had lesson he would wait for you and you’d share a meal.To open up to him felt almost too easy, but he was an alienist, that was his job. He also opened up with you, you shared books, and interests and long chats. He wrote you cards and you wrote back to him, he sent you his articles and you sent him yours. He asked for books to introduce children to literature and you visited the Institute helping him in the task in exchange of some entry level books about psychology. Lunches became dinners, long walks became longer, soft smiles became him offering you his arm to walk together. You were starting to develop some tenderness for him, you always wondered what he was thinking and what he would opinion over this or that, you craved to confront your opinions and Laszlo wasn’t feeling any less drawn to it.It was beginning to become difficult when you started to visit him in his dreams, he would dream of you in ways he didn’t dare to speak up about. Only the way you talked when you grew passionate about something gave him a sense of tension, a deep desire going through him as he touched his thigh with his sweaty palm to ground himself. You felt like he was growing distant, unaware of how he was growing somehow closer. Closer to the point he couldn’t resist you anymore, hide behind simple touches of courtesy, to feel your hand only when gloved, stare at every little stand of hair move unruly on your neck while you spoke so highly of any topic. It was unexpected the time, while sharing some impressions on a recent article, he put his  hand flat over the page and leaned in capturing your lips in a sudden but awaited kiss. You kissed him back realising how such a simple gesture meant so much to you. Your hand followed up resting on top of his still hiding the page from you. His lips soft, his beard tickling you lightly as your eyes shone.When he pulled back, only because in need to breathe not else, he looked at you but you smiled at him brushing your nose lightly against his making him break into a smile.  The happiest smile.
“Do you even realise how foolish is that?”
“Are you calling me a fool?” He growled at you. Yes, he followed a potential murderer across the city, got himself beat up, but he was alive and now he got more informations.
“I dare to say I am, loud and clear Laszlo”He frowned deeply, you calling him a fool?
“Take it back”
“No” “I said” he grunted as he breathed heavily through his nostrils  “Take it back” You never saw him this mad but you didn’t oblige his request, he made you sick worry and hid all this madness of crime cases from you through all this time, not even once he mentioned this …what? A hobby? Desire for adrenaline? “A man that doesn’t stand up to his own truths is a fool to me” you said coldly “all this time spent to talk about nonsense and you’re working on solving crimes? Who is the man that I know then? Does he exists only when Dr Kreizler is without a case? There’s even a real interest in what you ever said to me? Or you just needed a distraction?”
“Don’t you dare to contradict me, I am no liar”You smirked, by now he was close, almost threatening even if you know well he wouldn’t ever hurt you. “Then what are you?” He froze, his eyebrows furrowed, what should he tell you? That he loved the way your brain worked? That every time you bounced ideas back and forth he felt aroused? That you provoked in him a thirst for more, more knowledge, more passion, more life. You let out a breathy chuckle as he didn’t answer now, you were sad and disappointed. You indeed believed you had found your match and not another double faced man.You picked your coat and left his office even if your heart was shattering on the inside and begging you not to leave like that.You spent two weeks apart, two weeks in which his spot in the classroom was empty, both of you ate alone, walked alone, lived alone. An emptiness that was so heavy it felt like the sky would break under the weight of it. But he couldn’t think of you, the case was on, the victims were falling one after the other, and yet he couldn’t think clearly. Before just thinking of how you’d think helped him, but what about now? He couldn’t reach for you. You were right, he hid part of himself to you and he couldn’t ask you to risk your life or spend nights and days exploring the dark sides of human nature, even though your sensibilities and introspection would have made you the most valuable asset in any research. He locked himself in his office getting high on tea and pacing the room back and forth talking out loud trying to gain back the process you two formed together, the chemistry, the balance of thoughts. Until your voice reached to him. “What if it is not anger the motif?”You leaned against the doorframe staring at him, you gave up your anger.  You were there for him. He stared at you like he wondered if you’re even real. “How did you come in?” “I said I was from Miss Howard” “So you can also lie” You chuckled “Only for a good purpose” You moved inside closing the door behind you as you took off your coat and hat, you moved closer to him offering him your hand, palm up.He stared at your eyes, there wasn’t much to add.He put the eraser in your hand as you cancelled the chalkboard from all his previous work. What happened next was pure magic, clarity spreading through the space, every fact double checked by the two of  you as now the facts spread in order, clear, in a linear way, nothing was left to causality.You two closing each other’s sentences, you handing him books and him handing others back to you, papers, scattered pencils.Even you wearing his glasses by accident and handing those back as you reached for your own.It was a frenzy, a dance, a song. “So if this is a scheme…” you begin “…the killer will strike again on Friday” he concludes. You stare at him, a big smile creeps over your lips wide, you can save a life, it is only Monday now.He leans in holding onto your hadn’t with his left hand, but you’re just mimicking him as your lips collide. “How can you be like this? How can you be so perfect?” He groans against your lips not able to part from yours but to praise you. “We are” you correct him “we are perfect, together” he nodded slowly as you were completely right. He let you pull him on the sofa where he slept so many nights when he was too tired to go back home, a very cold and empty home. He took his time, he stood in front of you undoing those clothes he so carefully studied during your lessons almost to the point to know each item of your wardrobe. As you undressed him you realised how you never minded his arm or to help him undo his shirt, you found it poetic, you always found beauty in him, you saw it like a punishment due to something more special given to him.The poet Homer had to be blind in order to sing the war of Troy, Laszlo had to lose an arm to be able to see through others. So there you were, completely deprived of your clothing as he still conserved his bottom half, staring at each other’s eyes before he leaned his forehead against yours, shifting angle then to meet your lips with his. “Don’t, I waited enough” you whispered to him as his left hand between your legs to caress your folds with his fingers triggering a shiver down your spine. “I am the doctor here” he murmured as his fingers moved so smoothly over your slit gathering some wetness and spreading it together before pushing a finger inside you.
“I also am” you whispered back, voice shaking, even if a doctorate in literature doesn’t give you much of a position in this moment while standing helpless with him fingering you so nicely. “I know, it makes you even more beautiful” he assures to you digging his head in the crook of your neck nipping and sucking over your skin slowly adding another finger.You whined not able to move away from his fingers teasing your insides, and yet not what you were looking for. You pared your lips in a silent moan as he shook your hips making you grind slowly following his touch “I don’t want to play Laszlo” you begged “we have all the time to fool around, I missed you too much” “You can’t always use your words to boss me around like this” He smirked as he pulled his fingers slowly out of you, too slowly for your taste, he did it like you had all the time in this word, his fingers brushing over you inside, slowly slipping out covered in your wetness only to trace your clit with their tips.
He pulled back sitting down on the couch like a king on his throne, parted legs and back slightly slouched, while staring at your naked form in front of him moving his left hand to undo his pants as you approached. “You’re a vision”His whisper slowly pulling you in when you straddled him once his erection sprung free slowly guiding him to brush against your entrance. You looked up at him gulping softly before lowering yourself onto him. You stared at him as his eyes fluttered closer and you shook your hips a little trying to reach for the most comfortable position, he was thick stretching you deliciously and that little hint of pain only making it feel more complete, more needed, meant to be. A moan leaving your lips as you gasped for air, his weak right hand moving to rest on your thigh.You observed him as the desire was clouding your usual reasonable and efficient brain, his left hand grasping your hips when you begun moving on top of him. The pace erratic at first before the instinct kicked in, no more witty remarks needed here, you couldn’t make up your mind now.He groaned, his soft gasps and growls being the best sounds along with your moans, two reasonable intellectuals now lost into the simplest and most natural of the acts.Your hips yanked and lost control for a moment as his hand moved to touch your clit “So sensitive” he cooed, you were a mess of feelings, his head bowing down over your chest grasping your nipple between his lips. He teased and sucked, making all his fantasies real, finally touching and feeling you, your shivers due to him, your pleasure and pain completely in his hands.You gasped as he sucked too hard, he seemed to know you more than he knew himself and maybe it was true. He spent so much time watching you, studying you, indulging in every little reaction you had. His eyes dropped down between your joined bodies, he was mesmerised by the shapes your hips were tracing, just enjoying the view of himself sinking inside you filling you up completely, your wetness so evident making the whole process terrifically easy.
“You’re close” he sentenced “you’re so close” If you weren’t close you’d be after he said you were, like he decided it.His left hand leaving your clit as he wrapped his arm around your waist pulling you down over him. Now it was up to him as your mobility was restricted, he begun moving his hips up holding you down, he kept going so hard slamming inside you as he held you still with just that arm, the pleasure that his ruthless moves caused to you doing the rest. You couldn’t hold back any more, your moans getting lost into throaty sounds as your orgasm washed over you. 
But he wasn’t done, he kept going as you rode down your orgasm until he tugged you down one last time filling your body, a little yelp of pleasure leaving your lips as you got so full of him and your eyes fluttered lightly because of such a raw basic feeling, that fullness that was proper of a basic instinct you felt rooted into you. If you were reasonable and aware you’d be worrying about things like consequences and having to talk about the future. But you weren’t any close to it.You rested against him gathering air back in your lungs as he moved his hand on your lower back  slowly moving it up and down, his right hand’s thumb brushing over that same thigh in the smaller and sweetest gesture of attention. You shifted slightly after few moments to look at him slowly touching over his cheek with your fingertips. “Truth for the wise, beauty for the heart” He said, paraphrasing Friedrich Von Schiller, an author you used a lot in your lectures. “Truth for the wise, beauty for the heart” you repeated. That little motto became your code, the way you reminded each other the duality you were blessed with: your bright minds and your unfiltered passion. And you’d use it from time to time. You’d write it to each other’s notes. It was your “I love you” before the love word was even pronounced.
Tagged @cazzyimagines @lieutenantn @handmaiden-of-mischief @thesunflowersutra Let me know if you want to get added <3
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mileyjassie · 3 years
ασφαλής "safe".
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Art made by @jasperiine
Pairing: Kwon Soonyoung (Hoshi) x Female Reader
Genre: Fluff, Drama.
Word count: 3.4k
Synopsis: You're a artist who fell in love with a statue that came back to life, you're both deep in love, but, since his curiosity and lack of trust make you feel betrayed you leave him behind and now he's searching for you to give him another chance while having to learn how to live in the modern world.
Author's note: I wrote this thinking about the history of eros and psyche, I hope you enjoy reading it.
My lovely one, learn to love, my Psyche.
You saw him for the first time when the golden, warm light of the sunset rested on top of his white, smooth shape, made of marble, finished with genuine perfection.
Few saw how magnificent he was, very few looked into his empty eyes and his well-sculpted lips and saw the true beauty that arose from his presence.
"Bullshit" You were told, some without malice, just disinterested, clearly you did not understand such ignorance, but said nothing because you knew that only you had the gift of seeing life in his curves. In this way, thus, you also avoided the jealousy that you felt trembling and going out of your ears when false words of admiration left the mouths of those who only longed for their own artistic contemplation.
You came back for him, sometimes alone, sometimes accompanied by a friend or more, those seeing him for the first time as well as other masterpieces...or those who knew him well, these keeping company since they knew that your path to him was inevitable.
You particularly admired it when you were alone, not many around cared about the time you spent, seeing you sitting on the floor below his figure, doodling or painting in your sketchbook.
It was a habit, a hobby, a kind of meditation, which brought you calm.
"You love him." One of your friends smiled, dictating a fact, not a joke. They knew it, saw it in your eyes and thought it was amusing, the artistic love and appreciation you had. "You keeps drawing this statue, you always comes to see him. This is a little strange." Smiled once more, receiving shakes and confirmations from the rest.
"Maybe I'm in love" You lifted a shoulder, hiding your furtive gaze to show your back and look again at the marble sculpture that lay just ahead.
His fingers touched his stomach differently, his nails were medium and square, you had drawn them several times, from all angles.
"Why don't you ask him out?" The question slid past you, you laughed quietly with it, as if it tickled you. "Why don't you ask him to marry you?"
"I already asked." You turned around again, to see them and shrug. "But he never answered me. I think I will wait forever." Laughter was spreading across the area as you sat next to them with crossed legs. "I think I was rejected..."
"He's making a fool of you."
"You think?" You turned your face, looking the marble marks.
"Do it again."
You narrowed your eyes, hiding your good mood.
"Should I?"
"Ask him again, persist, give him a kiss..."
You were surprised by the excitement that grew out of silence. They all wanted to indulge in entertainment, they wanted a scene to excite them.
You looked at the greek statue that persisted in its elaborate pose, you always wondered if he was seeing something, if he was warning something or if he was sacrificing himself for others. He looked like a petrified hero.
You put your hand on your face, pretending to blush at the indications and flirting suggestions that were being thrown at you.
You left them behind, walking like a lost maiden in the vast hall that you were at, even though there were no obstacles as far the statue in the column on the other side was, you pretended to be naive, meeting him by mistake.
"Oh" You exclaimed, hearing the giggles behind you. "Are you, my love? The one who calls for me?"
When you noticed that only your friends were the viewers, you were bold to go up on the marked block of marble, climbing your fingers through the fabric sculpted by a miraculous genius that covered part of his trunk and legs, listening to some cheeky "hm's".
"I'm here" you touched his cheek, looking at his lips. "I heard you cry out for help. I came to rescue you, my sweet angel."
Your friends hugged each other restlessly, hissing at each other for the romance scene they saw you star in. You tried not to lose focus, not to leave the character you created to satisfy your childish follies.
You closed your eyes just a little, seeing the simple details of his face while allowing your lips to touch the cold, rough surface of the marble, but you closed your eyes for a quick instant, really feeling like an real actress, like an true artist and lover of beauty.
When you heard gasps you didn't care so much, yet you were confused enough, the moment your eyes opened, you saw him inhale deeply and loudly, his eyelids trembling in half-blinkings, his arms resting around you, without strength, totally fragile.
His dark eyes remained stuck in yours, tired in your arms.
His parted lips made the sound you had fantasized about for so long.
"T...Thanks for saving me..."
For an instant the hall was lost, it was empty, silent, private. That was when you realized that you were indifferent about the situation, already astonished when it came to the boy.
His appearance filled you with tenderness, and in the same way filled you with sadness. It was like this?...Was like this how Hades felt when he first saw Persephone?
You took off your coat, covering the boy with blond, tousled hair, already kneeling and hiding himself in the fabric that covered his lower body.
"Are you coming with me, all right?" You murmured gently, waiting for his approval, receiving a innocent look, a little scared, but still seemed to trust what you weree saying. He nodded, accepting your help to stand and get off the block.
The reaction of the friends sitting on the floor on the other side was already expected, and you didn't blame them for that, you could be like that, but for some reason you chose not to be.
You didn't say goodbye to the others, you didn't think to do that at any time. You only had eyes for him.
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You prepared him a hot bath, after that you gave him something to eat and offered him your own bed to rest, and you didn't ask for anything in return for that, on the opposite, you gave him the space he needed, nothing you asked for or waited for.
The next day, very early in the morning, a cold but well-lit morning, you woke up when he approached slowly, looking at your face silently and carefully.
"Are not you curious?... Don't you want to ask me anything?" He said calmly, however, curious.
"If that is your will, then I believe I am going to. If it is not, then I will not do it." You sat down, watching him for a while, wondering if he could hear your heart beat so hard. "You look comfortable, that's enough for me."
You stood up, standing beside him, running your fingertips along his side, just touching the woolen fabric of the long sweater you gave him to use.
"If you want to tell me something, just look for me." You whispered, walking away.
"My name is Soonyoung. They called me Hoshi."
You smiled to yourself, very satisfactorily.
"Hoshi... This name I know." You turned around, he did the same.
"For all this time I waited for someone to set me free. I felt alone, often empty... however" He came over, holding his own fingers "You have made me less lonely many days lately, I hoped you could save me... and you did. "
You felt your face flush, but you remained neutral, not wanting to waste his words.
"I just have to thank you." He said at last, making your shoulders relax with his sweetness.
You approached slowly, doing the same with the hand you brought to the side of his face.
"You are my greatest inspiration. I can only thank you for simply having this indescribable beauty that I have been drowning with for so long."
His lips parted in surprise, eyebrows trembled and the top of his ears burned in a vicious pink for your pupils.
Soonyoung had no more expressive reactions after that, so you left him again, not wanting to scare him with the infinite admiration that you had kept inside your head for so long.
"You're gonna have all the care you need. You are safe, Hoshi, calm your spirit."
"I hope..."
You turned around to find his body standing a little far, still trapped in his own imaginary space.
"I hope the gods make you the happiest woman in the world."
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You touched his hand, taking him with you to your favorite room, leaving your shyness to satisfy his wishes.
"I know I told you many times not to go out, but I know you need hobbies and here I am providing you with my tools."
Soonyoung observed the room, he seemed impressed with the amount of materials, also happy to have something to do.
You showed him your canvases and your paints, your brushes and pencils, you took him to your table and made him sit down, leaving your hands lightly on his broad shoulders.
"I give you all my sketchbooks, I give you all my secrets, so I hope you find the peace that I find in you."
"Are you going to let me see everything? Are you sure about that?" He asked indecisively, he seemed to imagine all kinds of things that you could have drawn of him. He was right.
You moved your hands up his neck, sinking your fingers into his light, soft hair.
"I don't want to hide what is rightfully yours..."
You lowered yourself to the side of his face, resting your hands on his arms, with a low sigh his face turned towards yours, allowing you two to touch your lips.
You held his jaw, his hands finding your forearms to make you sit on his lap.
You held his face in your hands, noticing him looking for more contact by embracing your waist with one arm and with the other hand holding the back of your thigh.
You parted from his mouth with a foolish smile, receiving a soft smile from the boy in return.
"Do you love me that much? Do you swear to really love me?" He asked hopefully, blushing when you pecked his lips again.
"I'm doing all of this for you."
You stroked his hair, getting up to fetch some new books and putting them in order on the table.
"I have some books keeped, but I noticed that you have read most of them quickly because you were so vague and bored" You looked down, but he didn't seem to notice, he had curious eyes and hands on the books. "Many of them are to study, they are boring if I have to say. So I bought new ones, I hope you like it, I don't think you will be bored with these."
"I am so gratefull." He stood up, hugging you tight, you returned the gesture, completely overwhelmed.
"I am very happy, and extremely grateful, but still curious..."
You looked for his eyes, not understanding what still disturbed him.
"Tell me, my angel."
His hands lightly squeezed your arms, stroking for a moment.
"There is a room, always locked. You always gave me the freedom to explore your house, I didn't want to seem invasive anyway, that's why I never asked..."
You looked away.
"Don't go in there or ask me about it again, okay?" You smiled at the boy, he didn't seem to understand why you were avoiding it.
"Why can't I know what you're hiding there? What are you afraid of me finding out?"
You walked away from Soonyoung, stopping by the doorframe.
"I am giving you everything I have, I am giving you all my love and I asked you for nothing in return, so I warn you, my angel, if you let yourself be led by your curiosity, in the end you will be betraying my trust..."
You saw him press his lips and hide his regretful look, but he said nothing to you, so you left him in the room alone.
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It was late at night when you woke up slowly in the void of dawn, trying to understand what disturbed you, if those sounds were of your fear or really true.
You got up, even leaving your room barefoot, wishing you didn't find him awake as you feared every night.
He had stolen you key, opened the room door that you had warned him to stay away, and hidden in the dark. He acted behind your back.
You found him with a tightness in your chest, disappointment was the only word that could describe the pure melancholy that was born in your heart, since you had nothing to hide but your good intentions.
The newspapers were on the table in the small office filled with photos of his sculpture. His eyes lit up on the news, messages, controversies on the computer screen. My friends being part of his miracle in interviews and publications, none of them stabbed or handed me over.
All the chaos that his disappearance brought to your life, all the situations where you had to repress yourself to protect him, emails filling your patience every day, all this you hid from him so that he wouldn't suffer from this turbulent new life. You did it to love you freely, you did it to love him freely.
Soonyoung looked at you confused, maybe sorry to find that nothing bad you hid. It was the opposite, you were protecting him.
"You were thinking about me, my love... I'm sorry."
"You betrayed me, Soonyoung, you betrayed my feelings, the trust I had in you." You watched him from a distance, in a way that you never would have, he noticed, and got hurt.
You walked away when he came to you in search of reconciliation, of affection, but you could not treat him with the same adoration that washed over him at all times.
Even if he killed you inside, you could not deny the sadness that possessed you thoughts, you left him behind, abandoned him, because you could not bear the truth that the love he felt for you weighed much less than the love you felt for him.
"Forgive me" he murmured with red eyes, you don't know if he was afraid to see you go.
You covered yourself with a thick coat, trying to escape his cold hands.
"Don't go, my darling, don't leave me!"
"I cannot stay, because if I look into your eyes I will not hold on, I will not be able to not forgive you, and this is not what my heart is asking so loudly at this moment." You said, sad to let go of his fingers, but so eager to go away. "Don't wait for me, I'm running away." You said at last, leaving your home behind.
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"How long do you intend to run away?" One of my friends asked me, in which she gave me shelter, a little upset "Didn't say you loved him?"
You curled up on the upholstery, looking out the window at the blue sky.
"I'm so sad that you could never imagine my pain. Did I make a mistake? Shouldn't I have adored him so much?" You turned to the girl who was adjusting her belongings over the dressing table, not much distracted by your regrets.
"You cry so much but you do not accept to hear about the boy, you do not have the courage to know what our friends are doing with him. You, my friend, so fearless and passionate in the past, now do not seem more than a coward."
You closed your eyes with force and embarrassment, her criticisms hit you like sharp arrows that burned in harsh truths.
"Well, tell me, what did you do to him?" You got up, sitting in front of her on the bed, plagued by dark idealizations. "What are you getting him through?"
"Your friends care about you, but they were touched by the boy, who exudes empathy and sincerity" She approached, indifferent about your feelings, straightening your clothes and hair as if it were a simple morning conversation. "They challenged him to face the world, called him a parasite, ordered him to get a career, a job."
You gasped, astonished by the news, the boy who they said feeling empathy with barely knew how to use a computer and was being led to take unknown paths.
"How scared must my love be?"
"Don't whine having ignored his existence until now." She said impatiently, not letting go of your locks. "You need to stop talking and learn to listen."
"So tell me quickly, hurry up!"
"As I said before, the boy exudes sympathy and soon there was a charismatic reaction in our friends. Noting that he spoke weird, the first decided to teach him to speak correctly, taught him new words and practiced for days, holding on and becoming his closest friend."
You smiled, being interrupted before you mentioned any dazzle.
"The second soon realized that different clothes he didn't have, and being our richest friend was more than happy to buy new clothes for the boy who was so humble and listener. Gave him a new haircut, a set for every type of occasion and perfumes, and I have to confess "She sighed, rolling her eyes, taking her hands out of your hair. "I found it capriciously exaggerated, however, despite being disappointed I feel not surprised."
Noticing how obedient you remained and seeing the anxiety spilling out of your eyes, it didn't take long to proceed.
"Our third friend found out that he knew nothing about the new ways, that walking on the street could not do it alone and that the loud noises made him afraid. That good-hearted friend you have, gave part of the days to take care of the feelings and fears of your beloved, until walking on the sidewalks between crowds and witt cars disturbing your ears were no longer a problem."
You felt your shoulders relax, in incredible inner peace, until you looked up again.
"And you? What did you do?"
She looked at you from the corner, wickedness overflowing through her feline eyes.
"He got the job, now he works as a guide at the city museum, the same museum that you kissed him and left us behind." She paced the room with a sly smile, going over her belongings on the dressing table, going to the high desk by the window. "How can a dependent man like him be by your side if he falls apart when he sees you go? So weak, so sensitive. If he thinks he will have you at all times, I want him to know that it won't be like that, sometime you will have to leave him behind to come to us, the same I say inversely. "
She let the perversity spill and disappear, returning to being the controlled and wise girl from before.
"Did you ever see us flounce when you left us for the boy?" She looked at me, satisfied with my small negative head wave "On the contrary, there was no interference, we are more than that, we are free from blind attachments."
She sat down again, combing your hair back.
"My responsibility was to make him find you, that's what I was asked to do and I agreed, but to be honest, I didn't do anything." She shrugged, self-sufficient. "I said that the only way he would have to find you would have to be on his own, I didn't teach how to handle electronics, I didn't give tips, I didn't give a single picture of you."
You squeezed your eyebrows ready to complain, ready to defend the boy, but regretting the moment you saw her narrow eyes waiting for the cries she was listening these days.
You bowed your head, not knowing what to say or ask.
"Are you proud of him?"
You lifted your head, agreeing with a slight smile.
"I am."
"He worked hard for you, I'm not surprised, I really like him too."
You looked at her quickly with the comment she made, finding her face turned.
"He has earned our trust. But it is not our approval that he needs at the moment." She stood up, going to the window, being surprised, giving birth to an amused smile. "What are you waiting for to find him? Isn't your pain already healed?"
You raised your eyebrows, asking with euphoria rising in your chest. "He is outside?"
She nodded, you jumped out of bed quickly, out into the hall and down the stairs. Was that the reason you were getting ready all this time? You smiled at the thought.
When you were on the sidewalk of the house, you stopped for a moment to find him, but you saw no familiar silhouette, there were some civilians and gentlemen nearby selling fruits but you didn't find the boy you were looking for.
A soft and insecure hand touched your shoulder, you turned with the gesture, in a trance to find his dark hair, but his same sharp eyes staring at you with hope.
You got dizzy with the new details, with the accessories, with the denim jacket, with the sneakers, with the earrings, it didn't look like him, but it was him.
You looked down, seeing his hands holding one of your sketchbooks, a drawing of your face on it, an old self-portrait of an impatient sketch you did once.
He smiled widely, even letting out a laugh.
"You came back to me, my angel!" He said cheerfully, his voice filling the longing you felt, giving you chills for using the nickname you gave him and, of course, with the new pronunciation.
You gladly received his tight embrace, not wanting to loosen your grip on his body, after all you never wanted to stop loving him, not even for a single moment.
"You are the one who found me, love. You finally found me."
"Forgive me for what I did, I will never betray you again, soon you will see that it is more than possible for us to live happily, so come back with me..." he said muffled against your hair, hiding his face in your neck.
You stroked his hair, bringing his face close to yours, brushing lips and watching his small eyes narrow in anticipation for the first kiss so far.
"I know that, dear, and I forgive you. Because I love you."
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
I'm curious to know if you have an own theory about Sander knowing Badr maybe?
You know what's super interesting I believe there's 3 options here...
1.- Sander knows Badr, this way could be used as a way to answer our questions about why Sander so sudendly go back to Britt and avoid going to police after the gay bashing on s3, on my opinion this is a super smart move because this could help us to know more about Sander trough Yasmina pov too and is like Sander is also a layer of Bel!Mikael they kinda change the roles since in OG Even is the one trying to kill himself and Bel!Mikael is the friend so Robbe knowing there was a boy before him make him a little bit insecure an that leads to a little misunderstanding and that's it, there's not an extra person.
2.- All I said before but we also put into the mix our Bel!Mikael this been Adi or Younes roommate OR Sander been Younes roommate and still get our Bel!Mikael as a friend of Sander that makes Robbe insecure knowing about Badr and then seeing Sander being close to someone else.
3.- Badr is not related to Sander at all but we still get our Adi/Bel!Mikael jelaousy plot this been Younes roommate, Adi or someone else from Sander uni, if there's this last option then Adi and Younes roommate aren't relevant.
So this is MY theories but with your knowledge and your way to analyze stuff what do you think could happen? What's your theory on this? If you want to share ofc.
TW suicide and homophobia (please don’t read further if you are triggered by any of the topics)
Hello nonnie!
Here we go let’s discuss theories.
So for me there are two options either the Sobbe plot only stays as part of the hate accounts (so they are used only for Yasmina to have access to Sander’s messages with Britt and then Robbe taking the bullet for Yasmina and step up as the creator of the Britt hate account) or that plot extends further than that and we have a deep connection with Sander, Yasmina, Younes that creates some waves in the water between Robbe and Sander.
I feel like so far we have had way too many hints and parallels between the Badr story and the Sobbe story to ignore them. So her is how I think a subplot further than the hate accounts might develop if there will be one.
Badr was part of Sander’s past. Sander was probably Badr’s first boy he fell in love with. I don’t know if the feelings were mutual or Badr was just developing feelings for Sander while they were very close friends. (So we have a reversed Mikael, Even storyline). Badr, as those feelings grew, started blaming himself and judging himself due to his deep rooted inner homophobia. That led to a downward spiral where he tried “healing” himself and finally ended up taking his own life. That event traumatised Sander deeply. He started feeling responsible for what happened to Badr and that’s when his own feeling of destruction of others started growing. That episode didn’t happen long before he met Britt. That will explain why he stayed in an extremely toxic relationship at the time, because his own self worth was extremely low at the time. That would also explain why Sander forgave Robbe so quickly after the f slur event, he had seen and experienced through Badr inner homophobia, why that event triggered him so much (remember the let me out sketch he posted that day), why he blamed so much himself for the attack and pulled away immediately from Robbe when he told him that in another universe they might have been dead, why he didn’t want to go to the police since they mislabelled Badr’s death as an accident, his words of “everything I touch breaks, I am toxic”. It will explain why Sander was so scared and was reaching low points everytime he realised that he hurt Robbe in anyway. Not telling Robbe about that event will also be very true to his character because we have seen how Sander deals with trauma. He pushes it away, buries it deep in his mind and moves on. He is not disclosing it unless he really has to.
That poses two further questions:
How does Yasmina figure out this story? Probably through Younes. Does she find out that they know each other because they live in the kot, or while Sander visits Adi at the kot, she asks about it and then Younes tells her the whole truth?
How does that start a little conflict between Robbe and Sander?
Does Younes post a photo with Badr and Sander at some point on his social media and Robbe sees it when Yasmina is checking his insta? He probably had seen a photo of Badr somewhere in Sander’s room. He asks how those two know each other. And Yasmina appears reluctant to answer and that pinballs Robbe being suspicious and slowly the truth coming out.
Yasmina not disclosing the truth about Sander’s past will also be a good explanation for why Sander will probably not get pissed off at Yasmina for hijacking his private conversations. He will feel that he owes her for letting him tell his own story when and how he wants.
If that will be the way that story progresses, Sander immediately becomes an extremely tragic character, so multilayered even further than before. Also that will strengthen Robbe’s and Sander’s relationship so so much more, as they will finally deal together with deep rooted trauma. In a way I wish Sander’s POV includes their talk about how they move forward together now that they have dealt with all the skeletons in their closet. I think it will be extremely powerful.
This is me and my thoughts on that matter. We will have to see how deep will that subplot go.
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aer-in-wanderland · 3 years
What can you say about yeon's "I never abandoned you" to rang because I've seen it's still a debate in the totnt fandom lol some says he did abandon him and some said he didn't since he saved him many times (I'm on the first one haha but I think it had something to do with the writing and scenes bc they didn't show us scenes where we see yeon looking out for rang those years and he just left him after stabbing him afterall) just curious about your thoughts ^•^
Ngl This ask stressed me out haha Like, do I really want to be dragged into this debate? Is there anything I could say that people might be receptive to, or are they just going to like/hate whatever characters they want to regardless? Am I wasting my time?? But since you asked, anon, I hope that you, at least, might be receptive to what I have to say, regardless of whether or not you decide you agree with it.
My answer is no, I don’t believe that Yeon abandoned Rang. Yeon did his best in the midst of a bad situation. He did what he could for both Rang and Ah Eum/Ji Ah without abandoning or sacrificing either at the other’s expense. Just like when they were both taken by Eodukshini. Let me explain.
When Ah Eum died, if Yeon hadn’t done what he did, she would have died permanently (like Taluipa and Hyeonuiong’s son). I don’t believe Yeon was thinking of Rang when he went after Ah Eum; he was consumed by grief. He did what he saw as the only thing he could do, and he paid a heavy price for it. Yeon was sentenced to many years in hell for freezing the Samdocheon (this is separate from his bargain with the Ten Kings around Ah Eum’s rebirth). The reason he didn’t go back for Rang sooner is because he was doing time in hell. (This is official info published by tvN - I’m not making this up).
By the time Yeon had cut a deal with the Ten Kings and returned, Rang was gone. When Yeon finally found him, it was only because there was an order out by the Ten Kings to kill Rang for his crimes. So Yeon had two choices: fulfill his contract as an enforcer for the Ten Kings and kill his brother, or break his contract and ‘kill’ Ah Eum permanently (i.e. lose any chance for her to ever be reborn). Sitting by wasn’t an option either, because then another enforcer would have just killed Rang. So Yeon went to find Rang and dealt him an intentionally non-lethal blow in order to get him off the Ten Kings’ hit list, in spite of the risk that posed to Ah Eum.
So then why didn’t he say anything for 600 years? Why did he just allow Rang to hate him for 600 years without telling him the truth? This is a valid question, and I’m not sure I have a satisfying answer. My understanding is that, as long as Yeon remained under contract to the Ten Kings, he was technically required to kill Rang if he saw him. So when you say, ‘we didn’t get to see Yeon looking out for Rang all those years,’ I think the reason is because staying away was looking out for him. Yeon’s contract finally ended when he found Ji Ah, so it’s possible that this also freed him to mend things with his brother at that point. I admit, even I don’t find that a particularly satisfying explanation. BUT. I think it’s important to keep things in perspective. What is Yeon’s transgression here? Not spelling things out clearly enough for Rang? And what is Rang’s transgression? Murder, mayhem, and 600 years of going out of his way to torment his older brother (his words), all of which Yeon just sat back and took.
But putting all of that aside for a moment, I really dislike this question because it’s fundamentally problematic. Whether or not Yeon abandoned Rang is actually besides the point. Yeon’s experience was that he hadn’t abandoned Rang. That is his truth and his lived experience. Rang’s experience, however, was that Yeon had abandoned him, and it was one that played into his greatest trauma. So, do I understand why Yeon’s supposed abandonment was so world-ending for Rang? Absolutely, and I have incredible sympathy for him for it. But does that excuse Rang’s actions?
I cannot emphasize this enough: you can sympathize with someone’s circumstances without sympathizing with the choices they make in the face of them. I find Rang to be an immensely sympathetic character who has done a lot of really unforgivable things. That complexity is part of what I love about him. He’s both deeply flawed and heartbreakingly compelling. It’s because he’s so flawed that his redemption arc was so satisfying, and it’s also (to me, at least) part of why his death was so crushing. Because I wanted him to live on and continue that redemption by living - alongside his brother and his found family - rather than by dying. I digress...
When I say that this question is fundamentally problematic, though, what I mean is that many fans appear to be pointing to Yeon’s alleged abandonment as a reason to excuse Rang’s actions, or, worse yet, to say that all of Rang’s sins are actually somehow Yeon’s. That Yeon is ultimately responsible for Rang’s actions, and that everything that Rang has been through is somehow all Yeon’s fault. And that is very problematic thinking. Rang may be our Baby Fox, but - as Yeon keeps reminding him - he’s also a 600-year-old adult. Blaming Yeon for the decisions Rang has made allows fans to cast Rang solely as the victim and forget that he has also - more often than not - also been the perpetrator. So it bothers me when fans hate on Yeon for this reason. It’s unfair and misdirected. And it robs Rang of agency, which is unfair to him as well. I thought about why somewhere along the way the fan dialogue somehow became Rang verses Yeon, how liking Rang somehow became synonymous with hating Yeon, and I think this is why. So even though I’m also a Rang fan, I admit there’s a very unhealthy element to the Rang fan base on this site that really turns me off.
As usual, that was probably way more than what you wanted to know, and it’s still way less than all I could possibly say on the subject haha, but that’s my answer. =)
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oumakokichi · 7 years
Hey there! I hope you're having a great day! I saw your tags on that beautiful Hogwarts AU fan art and saw that you headcanon Ouma as Slytherin. I get super into house sorting whenever I do character analysis and I've been going back and forth on whether I see Ouma as Ravenclaw or Slytherin for MONTHS now. In your opinion, what makes Ouma a Slytherin? (I'm also curious about how you headcanon the other characters, but I feel like that would make for a very long ask haha!)
Thank you so much! I hope you’re having a great day, too!
For me, Slytherin was the instant choice for Ouma. He couldfit for Ravenclaw just as easily, even Hufflepuff to some degree, but the mostimportant factor (in my opinion anyway) is that I think he’d honestly want tobe in Slytherin. Since the Sorting Hat takes personal preference into account,I think that’s what would really seal the deal.
It’s interesting, because Slytherins and Ravenclawsdefinitely have certain similarities in common. Both are probably the housesmost concerned with academic pursuit—though for Slytherins, that usually has todo a lot more with personal goals and ambitions, and with Ravenclaws it tendsto be more about an innate curiosity and desire to learn more about everything.Both houses are driven, both are competitive, and both have a knack for beingclever.
But there are definitely some differences, too. WhereRavenclaws are about academic pursuit in the general, because their curiosityoften extends everywhere and to everything,Slytherins tend to display more… tunnel vision, so to speak. They care abouttheir interests, their personal goals, and anything that can help them achievethose goals. Anything that doesn’t fall within that range of interest gets cutout of the loop entirely, and god forbid you get on their bad side.
A Ravenclaw is often going to want to know the answer tomost things they come across. Why does this work the way it does? How does itwork? Who put it there? These are the questions they’re likely to ask, and alsothe reason why Ravenclaws are often pretty suited to interests like writing,journalism, teaching, and researching. That’s not to say these are the onlyinterests any Ravenclaw ever has; all Hogwarts houses tend to display qualitiesfrom the other houses too, in my experience. But the house you’re sorted intois a reflection of which qualities you prioritize, while other qualities orinterests tend to be secondary.
A Slytherin isn’t preoccupied about the answer per se butthe end-goal. And that’s the main reason why I feel Ouma fits for Slytherin soperfectly. The “why” and “how” and “who” matters very little; in the end, everythingcircles back around to the objective. Those questions only become relevant ifthey serve a clear purpose in helping to further said objective. Ravenclawsoften like knowing the answer to riddles and mysteries. Slytherins, bycontrast, enjoy posing the riddles and mysteries—or being them.
This sort of tunnel-vision, in-or-out mindset is typicallyapplied to people, as well. Slytherins can display quite a lot of loyalty tothe people they care about. But unlike Hufflepuffs, whose loyalty is their predominantfeature and often more broadly applied to likeminded people and to societalrules in general, Slytherins are much less concerned about the rules, and muchmore selective about the people they’re loyal to.
To put it in perspective, in a marathon race, a Hufflepuffwould be far more likely to finish the race fair and square, and to try andmake sure everyone crosses the finish line at one point or another, because that’sthe fair and objective thing to do. A Slytherin would be concerned withcrossing the finish line and gettingthe people they care about in the race to cross it with them—and anyone elsegets left behind.
Someone had a really good post at some point too, about howa Hufflepuff is the friend who stays up all night to help you study for a testthe next day, while a Slytherin is the friend who gets you a cheat sheet. That’sa pretty good descriptor, in my opinion.
Back to Ravenclaw and Slytherin comparisons though, I feellike a Ravenclaw’s search for answers, understanding, and the truth is mostlywhere Ouma differs. Ouma is a deeply paranoid person and wants to confirmthings with his own two eyes, but he’s not the kind of person who prioritizestruth above all else. Quite the contrary, his preference for lies and the “infinitepotential they possess” means he’s much more aware of the truth’s ability tohurt others than most people.
If it came down to his own personal choice in whether hewanted to be sorted into Slytherin or Ravenclaw, I think he’d pick the formermostly because he would rather take the sly, mysterious, and cunning appeal ofSlytherin house over the wit, wisdom, and truth-seeking appeal of Ravenclaw.
…Not only that, but if there were ever a Hogwarts AU, I’vebeen convinced for a while now that Ouma would absolutely come into the schooland convince everyone that he was the Heir of Slytherin (despite probably noteven being a pure-blood). The mental image of Ouma, age 11, pulling an “I’m theevil mastermind” routine is pretty hilarious, really.
This is just my take on it, though. There might be somepeople who disagree, but I really do think Ouma fits for Slytherin the best. Ireally love Hogwarts houses—it’s so much fun to discuss them, so thank you forasking!
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veronicamars · 7 years
I'm curious about your feelings for Angel? Because Angel was horrible without a soul as well. Sorry if you have been asked this thousands of times, I am a newer follower!
Welcome, newer follower! You seem to have left an essay prompt in my inbox haha
I love Angel! I always liked Angel but he definitely becomes much more endearing on his own series. While there are a couple of exceptions (Logan Echolls) I tend to not really care for/dislike the Bad Boy character – obviously without a soul he is horrible and bad, no one would argue that, but there’s never an attempt to humanize him or redeem him because he’s ultimately nothing more than a villain – but anyway: with a soul, I do not see Angel to fit the Bad Bad character at all and is actually a good person at his core.
A lot of people hate that he’s ~so broody~ and it makes him boring and I can understand why people may not find that… entertaining? but it endears me to the character so much more and makes me like Angel because he has good reason to be broody! I mean, he has 100+ years worth of very vivid memories of committing atrocities and seeing people in agony. Having such images deeply ingrained in your memory makes them impossible to just forget and move on from and it will certainly affect your outlook on things. Immediately after he is cursed with his soul (the first time), he is told that he is a monster before he even gets his memories back, then he’s rejected from his ~vampire family. Angel says to Buffy that “Loneliness is about the scariest thing there is.” which I think is notable because he knows loneliness because he’s lived it. After getting his soul, he spends another 100+ years of being alone and having zero ties to the world; he’s a menace to both vampires and humans so he fits no where. Honestly, I teeter-totter on whether Angel should feel guilty over this because it’s like being stuck in the back seat while someone else is driving and you have no control; but then I’m like??? he should feel guilty, though. Perhaps not necessarily in the sense that he had control but just because of having all those memories and seeing so much pain. Also, if he doesn’t take responsibility for those soulless crimes, who will? The answer is no one and even if the victims and their families have been dead for a long time, they still deserve their justice and recognition. I don’t think it’s ever made explicit but it could also make a person think, “What does this say about who I am?” All that being said, I think that his broodiness is very overblown ‘cause he does plenty more than that, especially on his own series.
This goes with me thinking that Angel is just a good person: his treatment of Holtz during Angel season 3, which I can’t help but compare to Spike’s treatment of Robin Wood in Buffy season 7. Angel is never an asshole to Holtz; he realises the pain that Holtz has been put through. Even when Holtz kidnaps his son and raises him in a hell dimension to hate Angel(!), he still treats Holtz pretty respectfully. Spike on the other hand is a complete asshole to Wood and lacks any sort of sympathy and it is unbelievably disrespectful.
I think he’s a very interesting character with pretty solid character development and a clearly defined arc. To quote @faithlehne​ who also contributed to this long answer to the question you’ve posed me, “There is no end point where he is truly redeemed, redemption is Angel’s hero’s story.” Season 2 of Angel shows a complexity to the character, which is interesting. He really messes up but I especially like that he is not readily accepted back into his group of friends and everything is quickly resolved. And then his development/arc is interesting because he starts off from as a complete disaster and then regains some faith in humanity and the world when he connects with Buffy. Even then he still starts off as kind of a coward but he develops into someone who can lead and do good. Between the end of season 3 of Buffy and season 1 of Angel, he’s trying to distance himself again from humanity but his experiences have changed him greatly. He comes to understand why he should fight:
“I wanna help because I don’t think people should suffer as they do. Because, if there is no bigger meaning, then the smallest act of kindness is the greatest thing in the world.”
Not for reward but because it’s right. And, hey, as an immortal you can fight the good fight for, like, a really long time! Also, that quote sums up a good part of why I like Angel and think he is genuinely a good person.
Quoting @faithlehne here again in saying that Angel isn’t inherently good because he has soul, it’s the choices he makes that define him. The “as well” in your question sounds in reference to Spike for me [maybe I’m just on high alert for these things, idk], which leads me to this discussion. It matters how these characters are presented within the show: Angel with a soul is good and part of the gang. Angel without a soul is the big bad. No one is downplaying Angel’s soulless acts. During seasons 5&6 and part of 4, Spike without a soul is basically part of the gang, part of the opening credits, a love interest of Buffy’s, and certainly presented as more of an ally than a villain; because of all this, he should not at all be absolved from criticism just because he doesn’t have a soul, especially when the behaviours and attitudes he portrays are very present issues in our society. Soulless vampire or not, depicting these harmful messages as anything other than harmful is damaging. (Which they do by keeping his character as some valued ally and not reprimanding his behaviour)
I like how philosophical Angel is and he has some wonderful and inspiring speeches: “If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do.” / “We live as though the world were as it should be, to show it what it can be.” I like that Angel is a dorky fanilow. I like that Angel is funny without ever being mean or gross. IDK I guess I just like Angel!
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miss-pettigrew · 7 years
(1)a BUNCH of long asks coming your way, i'm so sorry I just love discussing KS with other people so I run my keyboard down lol.... so I finally read your latest post on KS. Anyway, I thought it was mind blowing on the point that the current story is almost always being narrated by Bum, so perhaps all the images are in Bum's perspective--which makes complete sense to why Sangwoo is always 'yaoi' sized compared to poorlittle Bum. I threw my hands up in surrender to you after that paragraph
Firstly,here’s the rest of the asks: 
To move onto my question, actual penetration seems to be the next step between Bum and Sangwoo in their 'physical relationship'. But part of me thinks that Sangwoo will never do it with Bum. Many times in the past chapters, Sangwoo has expressed dislike for homosexuals. Hell, he even dresses Bum as a country gal to (imo) remove any masculinity from Bum and sort of 'project' this image that Sangwoo is holding hostage a woman, not a man (imo again). 
There was only one time (I think) during a sexual act when Bum and Sangwoo exposed their dicks to each other, which was that one BJ scene where Bum gets Sangwoo off and pulls out his own dick. Honestly I can't remember if that was accurate or not cuz it's very hard for me to read those earlier chapters (I get so nervous and disturbed omfg). But going back to that BJ scene, Bum is still dressed like a girl as well.
So for my question (finally) I know you said that Sangwoo will /most likely/ give Bum some sort of sexual reward after all this, but do you think that Sangwoo will some how 'feminine Bum' in order to justify their sexual acts? Perhaps slapping that bra onto Bum?? Another question that just came into my mind was this.. it's goes back to your point about how Sangwoo looks so much bigger and whatnot.
You've said that you're not a sensitive person in your post and I also agree with that for myself. I've seen a lot of things in the past and I don't get too affected by it all. I usually can shrug off things pretty easily. But what I can't shrug off is rereading those earlier chapters.
As I stated in my past question, I get deeply disturbed and really anxious even /thinking/ about the situation that Bum is going through (don't get me started with the arc where Sangwoo was acting kind to Bum--I was hyperventilating the entire time). Do you think that because the story is most likely viewed through Bum's eyes, that the anxiety and panic or any emotion anyone gets when reading these chapters is a mirror to Bum's?
It's probably an obvious answer but I'm curious to reading your response. And also, if you believe that it is a mirror, what about during the short time Ji Eun took control of the narration? Is there something different? Sorry again if these are stupidly long asks and that I spammed you with all of them, but you pose such good analysis that I feel like I wanna dive deep with you on it as well LOL... ANYWAY THAT'S IT I'M GONE NOW LOL.
Secondly - hehe, thank you! I really am enjoying this even if it is slightly embarrassing how much I think about all this stuff. It’s interesting because nowadays I don’t normally need to wait for anything - media wise (except videos games but that’s on me). Like, with Netflix, all the episodes come out at one time and there’s no time for speculation or analysis. Until YOI, I hadn’t waited on anything, so I found myself reading a lot of meta and analysis and I guess I figured this is the time to get involved and do my own.
Thirdly, this is a great ask, and there’s stuff in here I hadn’t really thought about and there stuff in here that I have so I’ll do my best with both of those.
So that next step question? It’s an interesting one, and one that I don’t have any final opinion on, but rather a few directions I could see where it could go. Because you’re right, Sangwoo is homophobic and that does manifest in the sexual encounters with Bum. And yet, he also just clearly doesn’t give a fuck as long as he’s getting something out of it. So it’s a very unique mindset to be in when it comes to sex. Because nothing outside of how Sangwoo thinks, feels or reacts matters. He’s not completely homophobic because society, as a whole, tends to be homophobic. But because he sees it as a... difference? weakness? something to take advantage of and look down on. Like for him, it’s just so weird that this little freak likes men wow he’s such a freak but that also this freak surprises me and will do anything for me and I’m into it.
So the panel that keeps coming to mine is the “have you even had sex yes” panel with the dildo. And that concerns me because, well for one, Bum has had sex - and I don’t think a single time has that sex been consensual - just rape. And he and SANGWOO have had sex? And I sort of talked about this before, but clearly Sangwoo doesn’t consider what they’ve as “sex” despite it definitely being yes. So maybe he’s just one of those penetration=sex or maybe what he and Bum are is completely outside of anything he would normally define. I’m not sure. 
So, my concerns lie in how does Sangwoo expect Bum to participate in this sexual portion of the murder? If he involved Bum as anything more than shock value for Jieun or will he try to have him lose his supposed virginity? Eh, probably not but maybe. And I realize I’m not answering your actual question here so let me get to a point.
I, personally, hope that “penetrative sex” is not the next step in their sexual relationship. Now - or ever. Because Sangwoo will hurt Bum. There is no gosh darn way he knows how to sleep with other men. He’s probably never even heard of lube - women are supposed to be doing all the work for him here. Plus, prep and going slow, like we have literally just seen how little time or care he takes when sleeping with someone because with Jieun he sort of just gets right in there - at least according to my reading of their intercourse. Time is a funny thing when it comes to sex scenes though. But, to get to your point, penetrative sex sort of makes sense when it comes to Sangwoo and his idea of power and control and homophobia. He simply wants to Bum submitting to him. That’s really what any sort of sexual interaction with Bum requires, I think? 
But you bring up a good, and interesting point. Bum has never been sexually naked in front of Sangwoo. And I think that’s on purpose. But not necessarily because Bum being naked would remind Sangwoo that he’s in fact, a man, but he had no problems messing around with his flat chest before. So the lack of boobs aren’t an issue. Instead, it might be more, he just doesn’t consider Bum’s pleasure a priority. He just assumes Bum’s gonna get all the pleasure he needs out of pleasing Sangwoo and that’s not really Sangwoo’s priority to solve.
So if he and Bum do have sex again post-Jieun (and I expect they will) it’s important to note that it’s not really a “reward” for Bum. But rather something Sangwoo will want to do because he feels close and intimate with Bum and wants to get his rocks off again, and Bum is expected to go along for the ride. And that’s the thesis of this. I’m so sorry how much I ramble. I guess, in short, the feminization won’t really... come into play here? Or rather it will but because submission is the key.
To your second question, I’ll put the thesis right up front.
AB-SO-FREAKING-LUTELY. Like, y’all, that’s the entire point of reading this story. And that’s why I started off my whole meta series over how GOOD Koogi is as a story-teller because she does a near flawless job of getting you into Bum’s head/mind without you having a single clue. Why were we all so upset at Sangwoo sleeping with Jieun? I even admitted if gave me the actual feeling of that time I was cheated on because for us, we had just been cheated on too, through Bum. Even though, taking even half a step back - um, they are not in a romantic, consensual, healthy relationship. Sangwoo can and will have sex with whomever we wants. But for Bum, not one whole chapter ago he made Sangwoo tell him what he and Jieun had done together. And for him, his assurance that Sangwoo had not slept with Jieun has been both betrayed and thrown right in his face, can we’re only getting a taste of that betrayal. Bum is breaking, and we are along with him. 
I can’t decide if I think Bum knows what’s coming. If he’s going to have to help kill her. I have a feeling he doesn’t, especially now when the fact he’s watching Sangwoo sleep with her is all he’ll be able to process, and obsess, and destroy himself over. 
Every step of the way, we are meant to feel a little what Bum feels. That’s good, psychological horror at its finest. All of our sane rational selves know that this story is horrific, and abusive and something none of us would want any real part of. But hip hip hooray this is fiction and the point of fiction is to explore parts of ourselves (and I mean this holistically, like us a species) in situations and relationships and terror that we hope  to never find ourselves in. That’s why humans have told stories since the dawn of time (and to like, pass down history and shit but you get my point).
And as far as Jieun, I mentioned it briefly before, but Jieun is 10000000% a foil/mirror for Bum. Break down their roles in the narrative and they are the EXACT. SAME. PERSON. Both love(d) Sangwoo, they’re devoted to him. They WANT him. Both have consciously placed themselves right into Sangwoo’s hands. And like, think about that dinner scene. People are making such a fuss because Jieun is being “mean” to Bum. But she’s acting like literally anyone would. She’s acting like Bum would if the roles were reversed. Nevermind, she’s acting like Bum IS ACTING because they’re both jealous, and possessive and wanting Sangwoo’s attention and affection. 
We got into her head because narratively, we’re basically still in Bum’s. No, Jieun and Bum are not the same person. But the distinction we’re meant to see, I theorize, will be the moment when Jieun finds out who Sangwoo really is. I seriously doubt she’ll react like Bum did. I imagine she’ll reject Sangwoo instead of getting on her knees and confessing love for him - like she even has the opportunity. 
I admit to being a little bit disturbed by the fandom’s overall reaction to Jieun. But in the same note, I doubt most are stepping back to see her as a mirror to Bum because Bum doesn’t see that. He sees her as a threat to him and to his relationship with Sangwoo. So I get the defensiveness on the part of the fandom, especially since most of y’all seem to be pretty young and it’s hard for your brains to take a step back. Hope that doesn’t offend, but it’s true because I was a teenager once too and I know what it’s like. lol.
This was long, but it’s also sort of my brand. Hope this was good!
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