#have a whole care package
only-one-brain-cell · 7 months
How dare they make Spencer the PERFECT PARTNER for someone and then have the nerve to not show him in a relationship that lasted more than 3 episodes.
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lupi-usque-ad-finem · 2 years
me looking at my bank statements: alright which one of you assholes gave the dog adult money and an Etsy account
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jacarandaaaas · 8 months
moment of silence for the madrigal grandkids who most definitely never have had a “sick day” for school 💀
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1tbls · 6 days
one of my favorite cliche fic tropes is "person A waking up alone after the ship's first night together and spiraling into depression and shame and tears until person B returns with breakfast/other convenient excuse for being gone for A's sake and B kisses+cuddles A better about it" :)
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constantvariations · 3 months
If Dillon Goo does buy and reboot RWBY, I hope he calls it RWBY: Sisterhood
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winterrose42 · 4 months
Finding out youre agorophobic is wack bc its like, if you dont know then for me at least you just go out anyway and dissociate the whole time feel like absolute garbage and take days to recover from a small trip to groceries and finding every excuse possible to drop plans with people until they eventually stopped asking and stopped talking altogether. And now its like, oh. Is this why going outside feels like dying. Huh. And i wanna go out and do things but the thought makes me vomit for a week leading up to it and i was told oh its just being dramatic so yeah cool whatever.
Now im like, okay i actually have to get to used to going out and being around people adn put things in place for the paranoia and anxiety and plan things in advance and i gotta tell myself about it and walk myself through it everyday leading up. And im an adult so fuck everyone i will in fact be taking my headphones and a fidget and wearing my rat jacket as a security blanket in 90 degree weather thank you. I am in fact, allowed to accommodate myself and set boundaries fuck you actually.
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laniidae-passerine · 7 months
It still really gets me how sincere Andy’s grief over his potential child is. At first you think, oh this is just a weird flight of fancy for him, the idea of having a kid sounds fun but he’s not serious, but over the course of the episode you realise that, no, Andy actually wants children. It exposes something raw and depressing and lovely at Andy’s core and it just hits, how sad he is about what addiction took from him, the years and the growth and a potential life, but the hope that exists in knowing he’s getting better. Andy isn’t ready to be a father right now and it’s good for them both that Teresa chose to have an abortion, but maybe, some day when he’s ready, Andy will get to have a baby with someone who loves him.
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jonny-b-meowborn · 1 year
If I had the proper equipment for that I would 100% make a career out of sorting stuff on video. It's like one of my favorite activities ever but I rarely have the opportunity to do that. It's like a special treat for special occasions. I love doing it and if I could I'd milk that forever <- is currently sorting a whole jar of plastic gems for fun
#in the last year me and my cousin accidentally formed this silly lil routine where whenever i visit her she gives me some stuff to sort#it started a year ago on her birthday#she was making cupcakes and couldnt buy pink sprinkles so she bought rainbow sprinkles and asked me to separate the pink ones#and she was like you dont actually have to do that i need only a lil bit of those sprinkles you dont have to get all of them#but i was like. sure sure but actually is it okay if i sort the entire package#and i did#i sorted the entire whole package of sprinkles#she let me sort markers or beads or stickers#its amazing i love her#and she always has stuff to sort bc she likes to collect stickers and beads but doesnt really care about their placement#i love doing that so bad its insane#and ive looked for sorting videos on youtube but they rarely scratch my specific itch#theyre like overproduced or not caring enough or focusing too much on asmr and not on the actual sorting#which you know isnt a bad thing i love asmr#but like i need specifically content where someone takes a collection of something and sorts it entirely into specific categories#i suppose its just that different categories are important for different people#i wish i had a camera and like a set for that#like id genuinely love to record that for fun#and also yknow. views and money#i dont like how we kinda have to turn every passion into a career but this is something that id be willing to turn into a job if i could#maybe someday#bee buzz
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bilbao-song · 3 months
no wayyyyyyy!!! I hope you got good seats!
:-))) i'm content just to be there tbh but they're pretty good!!! i got close-ish floor seats for one and like...the next best thing for the others lmao
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engagemachine · 10 months
My first food poisoning experience has been -787434/10, do not recommend, wanted to die, etc.
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quarklynx · 6 months
How the fuck are people out here buying face creams worth hundreds of dollars?!?? In this economy?? This tiny-ass tenth of an ounce tester I got gifted is worth more than I spent on groceries last week!! I wish I could afford this fancy stuff, my face has literally never felt softer, not even on the day I was born istg, but bro- hundreds of dollars????? Absolutely insane
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itspileofgoodthings · 2 years
lots of hard parts about getting older but I do think i’m getting prettier.
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juice-enjoyer · 6 months
swapped out my case fans all by myself and i feel like a greek god rn
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weeswine · 6 months
So sorry for this. (Also tw for mentions of blood)
Season 4 Episode 2 Vampire Diaries,
Elena has thrown up (its a lot of blood), so its just gone every where and the toilet bowl is just covered in it and it is just so funny to think that if that mess wasnt cleaned up, the next person to come in would be thinking "Oof bad period day! 😬"
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vaugarde · 1 year
princess elise was actually a really interesting character in concept and i wish that wasnt mostly sidelined in favor of stock princess trope
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grahamcarmen · 2 years
you have the correctest opinons btw. abt rc and their kids and everything forever
~ @rys-redcrackle aka only person who signs off on anon asks
Awww thanks rys ^^ I feel like I'm just trying to sus out how they act because carmen actually does interact with people younger than her throughout the series so im tryna ✍ take notes and guessing with what I like best for gray [constant im sooo chill while...being like he is...actually]
Was actually wondering about Isabella
+rc kiddos to Michael letter which was sadly apparently deleted since it was an insta story but very morosely read
Dear family im the worst camper in the world
I'm crying all the time please write me a really cheerful letter please im SUFFERING here im worried about everything like running out of clothes and hiking and canoeing trip please help me anyway you can HELP ME
- captioned [loved camp ]
And lowkey wanted your opinion on what your Isabella would do or if she was even a camp kid (since carmen was...not an isle in general friendly after exp.) And how long before carmandgray give in and *rescues her or if they send encouragement or if she eventually just rocks at it
If rc kiddos take to it they do run into trouble because they don't follow all the rules...or if they end up protecting someone/something unconventionally
...mostly the reaction of RC in question here. Was co -concluded a mix of deep sympathy and terrible amusement because the letter was written and delivered within the first 24 hours
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