#haters mouth looks so so stupid but hes so happy here...I'll let him have this moment
sillywoyscreenshots · 3 months
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
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Summary+TWs: We're talking serious feelings here, okay? Reader, you're literally emotionally illiterate. You also have PTSD, which is finally addressed - kinda. Bruce does his best. And he also knows how to kiss... But y'all know that if you read my ramblings about lucid dreaming/shifting/whatever... Chile-, anyways...
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My phone kept buzzing and I ignored it until Bruce declared it was time to take a break and review the results. Whilst the man was typing up the data on a nearby StarkPad, I fought the sudden influx of messages that I received from haters and supporters alike after Tony decided on tweeting a reply that could be interpreted in an alarming variety of ways. It was a smart move, I'll admit, but a fucking bother for me nonetheless.
Disabling my DMs and dealing with a follower increase in the thousands wasn't hard; I didn't consider myself a problematic asshole and didn't need to be afraid of "exposure". The parties I went to - I doubted there was any blackmail material in there and the few nudes I'd sent over the years were always face-less. As a gen Z, I knew my internet safety.
The trolls didn't bother me either. It was more sad than annoying, people shitting on others for clout. Iron Man stans were witty, at least, if jealous. I must admit I've never considered the influx of popularity I would experience should I publicly out myself as a friend of Tony's. Girlfriend? Intern? Science child? Whatever cover story he was going to feed the press worked for me, as long as I still got the hugs, the kisses, the dick and the attention.
"Tony..." Bruce groaned, evidently done with the data processing, had to have opened his social media to see his own skyrocketing popularity.
"Yeah, our Tony is being a Tony again," I chuckled, having reset my social media settings so my phone wouldn't constantly beep, vibrate and bother me. School was going to be fun.
Bruce shook his head, fond, coming over to my side of the lab after removing his own hazmat suit. His eyes shiny with newfound knowledge and hair turned adorably fluffy in the confines of the head covering. He was smiling softly. "Food?"
We chewed our sandwiches in silence for a moment, each of us lost in our thoughts.
"I still can't believe Tony told everyone on Twitter you're his girlfriend, usually he keeps this stuff private or schedules a fancy press conference," Bruce's tone was thoughtful.
I raised an eyebrow. "Is that what it was? Seemed ambiguous to me..." I trailed off, confused.
"He worded it like that on purpose, I mean, you're still in high school," The scientist was confident in his words. "But I know Tony. I'm a hundred percent sure that he meant exactly that. Aren't you?"
Shock flooded me. Suddenly, I understood I completely misread the situation. "Um, no? I thought we were, y'know, just fucking. We never defined our relationship and we're definitely not exclusive." I said, chewing on my lip. "You make a valid argument, I'm a high school student and he's a grown ass man that does grown man stuff. Putting aside the fact that he could have anybody in the world so why would he choose me?" I was rambling, thinking out loud. Discussing my feelings has never my strong forte. "It would be stupid to impose monogamy on such a complex man like Tony. Downright idiotic to expect a genius to confine to social norms just because it suits others." I finished with a wave of my hand. Another bubble of thought that had festered within me for the longest time. I felt relieved, finally voicing it out loud. A weight had been lifted off my shoulders, a weight I wasn't previously consciously aware of.
Bruce was watching me intently, with an unreadable expression that held the tiniest bit of awe, admiration perhaps. The silence that followed was unnerving. I fidgeted with my hands, not really knowing where to put them or where to look.
"You know," He took off his glasses, fiddling them in his hands. "I'm not going to sugar coat it. For the longest time, I thought you were going to inadvertently hurt him when you get bored with whatever you've got going on. I respect you, don't misunderstand me, but you are young. Now, I've changed my mind. You've changed my mind," He punctuated his statement with his hand on mine, grasping it. "I think you managed to understand him in a way most people can't. Or don't want to. Understand and accept him in a way that some of us can't even after years of working and living side by side with him." Bruce's gentle fingers skimmed along the top of my palm.
"I don't always understand Tony but I do accept him," I agreed. "Because Tony is a great man."
"I think you're in love with him," Bruce said, absolutely having ignored my previous statement. Just like that, point blank, he pushed to the surface the very feelings I got so good at ignoring. There was no rest for me in this place.
My heart fluttered, picking up the pace. I kept my mouth shut, not trusting it whatsoever. My thoughts became akin to panicked hares, jumping and zigzagging aimlessly in my skull. I didn't see the point in defending myself because the scientist had pointed out the obvious.
Bruce looked at me, softly, warmly. "And don't think we haven't noticed the rise in team morale. The improvement not only in communication, but on the battlefield, too. It's easier to entrust your back to someone with whom you've shared a laugh and a drink the previous night. You're the glue that keeps us together."
Something warm and wet was on my cheeks. I stared at our clasped hands, his words echoing in my head over and over and over. The moment I realized I was crying, I willed myself to stop and failed spectacularly - only more salty fluid streamed down, some of it getting in my nose, on my lips. The sleepless nights were making me unstable.
It took a single sniffle for Bruce to pick me up and wrap up in his kind embrace. I didn't resist, tucking my face into the crook of his neck, holding onto the back of his lab coat, inhaling the smell of his skin and chemicals. It was familiar, calming. Minutes ticked by with me slowly leaking the tension out of my body.
"He loves you, too, maybe he just doesn't realize it yet." Bruce whispered into my hair. "I've never seen Tony so happy, even with Pepper. You are special and you are loved."
There was something unsaid, I felt it. It hung in the ear, it burned the tips of my ears, stood sharp on the tip of my tongue. "I love you too, Bwucie-bear," I whispered into the space between his ear and his jaw. His arms tightened around me.
The man placed several chaste kisses in my hair, running a palm over my back. In moments like these, the crush for him, the very crush that got out of control, blossomed fully into a deep sense of respect and admiration. He made me feel safe. He said all the right words at the right time.
Drowsiness overtook me. As usual, any worries and anxieties I had evaporated, once Banner had his arms around me, shielding me from the world. I didn't forbid myself this time: delicately, my hand slipped through the man's soft messy curls, eliciting a contented sigh.
"You haven't been sleeping well," He more stated than asked.
I had no choice but to nod. "Clint keeps dying in my dreams. Or even worse, he doesn't, he just suffers, endlessly, painfully." I admitted.
Bruce flinched under me, tensing. My face was in between his hands in a second, the scientist sternly looking into my eyes. "Why didn't you say anything? All of us assumed you were okay after what happened." He looked - angry. Not Hulk-out pissed but Bruce-pissed, which equalled a kicked-puppy look seasoned with a great pinch of disappointment.
"I am okay." I lied, shamelessly. "It's getting better. That's why I want to have a party - relax a little, dance, socialize. I don't think Tony would let me go on my own so I figured I can convince him to throw one here." I looked away. It was better for everyone if I dealt with my own problems - they were superheroes, not babysitters.
Bruce frowned. "Why wouldn't Tony let you go?"
"Because of that one time I snorted coke," I rolled my eyes at Bruce's naiveté, leaving the less obvious parts unsaid. Tony knew exactly what I was going to do once I got free reign, he considered it destructive and told me so himself. Admittedly, he had a point but still... I wished I'd been given a choice.
"I'll talk to him," Bruce nodded firmly. "That's not acceptable. He can't forbid you from making mistakes and learning from them."
He was met with my shrug. No excitement came from me regarding this particular turn of conversation. I was drained, limbs like jello, thoughts sluggish. My face was drooping.
"Let's get you to bed," Banner stood up with me wrapped around him. "You need a nap."
"No," I protested. If I went to sleep now, only Satan knew at what ungodly hour I would wake up.
"Yes, Princess," Bruce smirked. I wiggled uncomfortably - when he went all caretaker like, my ovaries wreaked havoc on my body and brain. My thoughts weren't appropriate if Bruce wanted me to see him as a father figure. The signals he was sending were mixed. People around me did that a lot and I wasn't sure how to act so I usually just went with the flow. I decided to do the very same thing in that particular moment.
Curiosity sparked within me, tightly interwoven with the deep longing that settled below my collarbones whenever Tony or one of the others wasn't sitting next to me or talking my ear off. I've almost forgotten how it was to be alone with my thoughts. The maze of my very own self was becoming unfamiliar territory. Alarming.
I allowed Bruce to help me shed my shoes and outer layer of clothing, shivering in the coolness of my room. Despite being a frequent visitor, I still had a 'guest' room in the tower - I mostly stayed at Tony's or Wanda's anyways. During our sleepovers neither me nor the witch minded sharing her enormous bed, to be fair, we could have fit at least two more people in it besides us. Tony took care of his own - all the tower's residents had their apartments furnished with the best stuff.
"Sleep now, Princess," Bruce chastised, tucking a blanket around me, having noticed an earbud in my ear and my smartphone in my hand. I had hoped to kill some time online, damn well knowing sleep wouldn't come easy.
"I don't think I can fall asleep, Bruce," I admitted, looking away. There was just so much going on. My brain wouldn't shut up and if I couldn't drown out the cacophony by being productive, I'd troll the internet, as usual.
Banner sighed, coming to sit next to me, leaning against the headboard. Gently running his fingers through my hair, brushing the outside of his palm against my cheek. "How do you usually deal with this?"
Involuntarily, my eyelashes fluttered. "Tony does most of the work," I admitted coyly. The engineer had a whole arsenal of tricks up his sleeve - sexy and exhausting tricks.
"I see," Bruce muttered, thoughtfully.
I opened my eyes to see him looking down at me with a look I haven't seen before. The usual mildly absent, slightly anxious face he wore was replaced by something I could only describe as hurt envy, like a kid looking at their schoolmate who had all the newest, coolest toys. I used to be on the receiving end of that look far too often and I hated it.
I hid my face against his leg, rubbing my cheek on the raspy corduroy fabric of his pants. "Got any good ideas of your own?" I wondered lowly, thinking about what in the world possessed Bruce to wear corduroy trousers on a semi-casual day, in the twenty-first century.
"Only bad ideas," He replied in a matching low tone. His soft fingertips relocated to my nape, goosebumps rising down my back.
"Humour me," I grinned against his leg.
Bruce was quiet for a moment, the sound of his thinking screaming louder than any words could have done. Knowing the scientist so closely, I found out he was full of surprises - bolder than he appeared outwardly and competitive to a boot. He thought he had a lot to prove to himself and by extension, to others. The unknown, the mystery dangling in front of my nose was exhilarating, trepidation addictive. It took me away from the chaos in my mind.
A gentle grasp on my chin had me turning to look upwards, Bruce's face flushed and focused on my own, open and trusting. He needed to see the obvious, that I trusted him to take care of me. He pulled and I followed, sitting up on my elbows, coming up to his shoulder level, our faces inches apart, enveloped in the unique, intense scent of his herbal tea. It was a tart, strong smell and it suited his quiet but passionate character.
Once, twice, I caught my eyes sliding to his plump lips. They looked far too appealing in this position. I usually strategically stayed away from positions so compromising, fearing the very thing that I'd already let happen, however this time the atmosphere was different. We stood on ambiguous grounds, waiting for Bruce to make a decision.
The man wasn't stupid, he saw the way I looked at him. The nightmares and inability to take a break from life put a significant dent in my resolve to keep a distance between us, romantically - I could have settled even for a pity kiss, a pity fuck. Anything to put my brain on pause.
His lips were softer than I had imagined. Skilled, too, he easily steered the kiss into the shallow waters of our combined longing.
With Tony, it was like an avalanche. Tony ran hot like Peterbilt engines, hard and fast, almost angry in his race for satisfaction. Tony was a man that was used to getting whatever he wanted and it became plainly obvious when we fucked.
Bruce was the opposite. He savoured the kiss, losing himself in a way that could almost be described as delicate. Bruce was humming, softly, as we tasted each other, holding the left side of my face with careful fingertips. Almost as if he was afraid to break me. The feel of his skin on mine was soothing in a way that made me sigh and relax even further.
"Wanna make you feel good." His voice had dropped, gone husky, but his breathing held even. He must know all about self-control.
"Yeah," I was ready to agree with whatever the fuck he was offering. My eyelids remained shut.
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THE TAG LIST IS NOW OPEN! @another-stark-sub ​ @mostly-marvel-musings  @vozit ​ @littlegasps ​ @pilloclock ​ @shereadsinquiet @downeyreads ​ @hermione-grangers-wife ​ @individualistfem ​ @sleep-i-ness @capbrie @lillsxd @agustdowney @dee-vn @justanotherblonde23 @fanngirl19 @persephonehemingway @softie-socks @schemefrenzy @letsby @cutenessloading @romeo-the-cactus @jelly-fishy-babie
PS. Letsby, please don't combust. The underwear is coming off in the next chapter. 😶
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nightowlfandom · 6 years
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Also If no one has told you today, DAMN YOU LOOK CUTE TODAY. FUCK YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL! *flips a table* In all seriousness, it's normal to be insecure but please don't let that hinder you from anything. Just because someone calls you ugly doesn't make them prettier or correct. I myself struggle with insecurities and while eats us alive , theres always someone who thinks you look the best you've ever looked. 😊
3- "Damnit do you have any idea how amazing you are! Stop being so insecure!"
4- "Don't argue with me on this!"
13- "I dare you to finish that sentence.'
38- "I'd never thought I'd see the day you actually take my advice"
43- "You're so quiet, is something wrong?"
"No" you sighed for what felt like the tenth time in 20 minutes. You stood in front of a mirror, staring. "What does he see in me anyways?"
The one time you decide that maybe wearing jeans and a way too big sweater wasn't gonna cut it today was when Jin decided to clean every mirror in the house. You touched your nose and lips. You stared at your eyebrows, glared at the way your body moved when you turned. Your body wasn't even the problem, or maybe it was. You didn't know any more.
Guess its pajamas again today, because no way in hell were you gonna wear shorts.
"You're so quiet, is something wrong?" Jin looked up from his phone. You always laughed at his joke, especially the one where he said "Yoongi? No MEngi" (I just made that up and I hate myself.)
You shook your head. "No, I'm fine."
"You most definitely are not fine, you always sigh before you lie." he noted. "You know you can talk to me, right?"
"I said I'm fine, Jin." your voice wavered as your eyebrows arched.
"Just leave it alone okay?!" You snapped, standing to your feet. You began to walk away but Jin grabbed your hand and whirled you around.
"I won't leave it alone! You're upset! Why on Earth would I-" he began. You decided to just say it. What was the worst that could come of it.
"Why me?" you asked lowly. Receiving an adorable look of confusion from Jin, you continued. "Why me? Why did you choose me? Why are you attracted to me?" you asked.
"What?!" Jin looked taken aback. "Where is this coming from?!"
"Everyone says it! How did Y/N land a guy like Jin. Jin is to handsome for Y/N! Y/N needs to step her game up before someone takes Seokjin from her." you quoted everything you've ever overheard from every negative person you've had interactions with. "Y/N is too Ug-"
"I dare you to finish that sentence." Jin narrowed his brows. "Don't you dare say it. You know how I feel about you saying that about yourse-."
"UGLY!" You yelled, on the brink of falling to the floor. "Why can't I say it, Jin? Look at me, then look at you." you took in a choking breath.
No Y/N, don't cry. No tears at a time like this!
"Why is what someone else says so important to you?!" he looked mad. Seokjin wasn't angry at you, he was angry at the fact that you couldn't see how beautiful you were. He was mad at the other irrelevant lowlifes who tore you down. "Y/N, I didn't get into a relationship with you because of pity or something stupid that someone else told you."
"Then why? What's so special or 'beautiful' about me?" you asked.
"The minute I saw you curse out Jungkook for bumping into you when you fell, not knowing who he was and not caring even after he told you. I knew you were genuine..."
You remembered that day, water spilled all over you. Even after Jungkook took off his mask revealing his face you said "Okay singer boy, is that supposed to excuse the fact that YOU CRASHED INTO ME!?"
"And then I got to know you Y/N. Your likes, dislikes, passions, everything. Then I realized that you make me happy just by smiling in my direction. Damnit!" he snapped. "Do you have any idea how amazing you are." Jin suddenly pulled you into a hug. "Stop being so damn insecure. After today, don't argue with me on this any more." he sighed. "You're perfect okay?"
Good thing you didn't cry. You did however, look down at your feet.
"If you don't believe you're beautiful, I'll just have to make you believe it." Jin grabbed your hand and led you to the bedroom, to your endless confusion.
You were sat on the edge of the bed, Jin standing in front of you. How in the world was he going to make you 'believe' anything.
"Seokjin what are you-"
"Shhh." Jin gently pushed you on your back. "You don't need to do anything but lay back, princess."
Hehe, the last time Jin called you Princess, he was about to...wait a minute.
"Jin?" you leaned up on your hands. You felt your pants being yanked down from your legs, panties following in pursuit. He seemed focused on something, like he was on a mission. Seokjin hooked his arms around your legs and pulled you closer, until you felt warm breath hovering over your lower half.
"J-jin?" you gulped loudly. A finger glided up your slit, causing you to gasp. "Jin-ah!" you cut your self off as he tickled you with the pads of his fingers.
Fucking hell you looked so...so shit, what could he say. Think Jin! Think!
Instead of opening his mouth to speak, Jin lowered his head again. He wasn't gonna say anything, at least not now.
Jin (quite noisily) sucked at yout clit, not showing any mercy as he lashed against you with his tongue. Jin held your thighs, diving deeper into you.
Fuzz and more fuzz clouded your thoughts. Moans, where they even moans?! It sounded like your voice would crack every ten seconds.
Heat rushed to you face, hearing him moan into you, feeling him push his tongue into your wetness. You felt him smirk and heard the low rumble of his laugh as you rested your leg on his shoulder.
"S-seok-kjin." you whimpered. "I- uh I."
"Cum for me beautiful." he growled, now inserting his long fingers into you.
Jin reveled in you squirming and trying to keep your voice low but failing. Your face formed into a glaring pout as Jin smiled cheekily at you, winking as he wiped your juices from his chin. "You're beautiful, you always have been. I'm gonna make you believe it every day if I have to."
"I never thought I'd see the day you actually take my advice." Jin walked up behind you. "Nice outfit." he winked. You felt a tap on your butt, making you poke Jin in the side.
You were going out to lunch with your friends. It was a girls day, which meant you really couldn't leave the house in ripped pajama bottoms, well, you could but you'd be going to a fancy lunch shopping, then dinner, gray pajamas with ducks on them weren't for this occasion. You weren't sure about your outfit, but it was something you always wanted to wear but were too afraid. When you asked Jin, his reply was "If you want to wear it, wear it with confidence."
"I'll be back later tonight." you assured as you slipped on your shoes.
"Mhm. Maybe I'll get to show you how perfect you are some more? Hm?" Jin wrapped his arm around you.
"Back off singer boy, I have to go." you laughed as his nose tickled your ear.
"Before you go..." Jin whipped out his phone and opened the front camera. "Smile."
Oh no, the dreaded camera. Your old enemy....'click'!
"And posted!" Jin declared. "Have fun honey."
You waved him goodbye. Jin secretly smirked at his phone which has gained over 1000 likes and was only increasing by the second.
"Woah, she's beautiful!"
"Omg, Jin needs to step up. Y/N looking like a goddess."
"Y/N's smile is so adorable!"
"Y/N and Jin are couples goals, haters can fuck off."
Seokjin smiled at the support he read. He also couldn't wait to rub it in your face when you got back.
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jxwritesss · 5 years
I’m currently writing this on wattpad as well! @jxwritess
This is a Noen Eubanks fan fiction, I’m trying to spread my book around, pls share and help, it means a lot xx, my main platform is wattpad please read it on there if you find this and enjoy it!
New York. The only place in the entire world, where robots were being developed. Robots, that looked exactly like humans, and there being only one distinctive difference, a tattoo. One that said RA-H.
An RA-H. Robotic animated humans. These androids are helping the world as much as it is destroying it. They force people out of jobs, but in doing so create even better things then humans. Thousands of different political views, millions of haters and lovers. And then there's me.
Malia Blanche, 17, I lost my father, and I was the spitting image of my late mother. I only recently moved to LA, where my life was bombarded with these new androids, I get the concept of them, although I don't truly understand it.
Well, on with the story shall we?
-Chapter One.
Sunday, the day before I start college. A new life, a new story and a new beginning. I can finally pursue my dream of being a writer, just like my mother.
My mother attended John Brown college academy  , her department was romance, mine, mystery, ever since I was a child I thrive for solving mysteries, actions, you know in the movies where there's a fight scene, and it goes slow motion and they throw the punch of victory, thats what ignites my fire, the thrive for doing good, but in a dangerous way, I could always figure out who was lying in a movie, or who the murderer was. Maybe I should be a detective, but my flow comes with writing.
Although I was attending my new school in a day, I lazily decided to stay in bed until half 10, I needed to be at Realsons&Co for 11:15, to get my uniform fitted. John Brown is a very pretentious academy, and I'd worked three jobs, and poured my heart and soul into getting here. Only the best attend the Academy. I don't necessarily fit into the 'my daddy got me in here' well, obviously. I quickly slipped on my jeans and jumper, and slid into my most prised possession. Although it had been pre-owned. The Audi was my mother's, she put her heart and soul into the car, and I will respect her decision and keep the car.
I take out my GPS although I already know where my fitting shop is, as I pass it a few times on the way to my grandma's.
Carefully parking in the visitor section I leave my car, and walk up the steps, and enter the shop, the bell above my head dings and an elderly woman pops her head up and immediately smiles at me. 
"Are you Malia?" The woman asks putting her newspaper down and picking up a signing book.
"Yeah, I'm not too early am I?"
"Of course not, dear.  I'm Molly, my grandson Will, he's in the back, he will measure you up if you need anything readjusting or if you can't find anything your size. John Brown, Deanford and Attenwood are in the back left." She says pointing in the direction.
I thank her, and mentally thank that the place is practically empty. I don't like small talk, thanks social anxiety.
Walking through the back I spot John Brown uniform. A black blazer with red linings, a short black skirt and a white blouse and a dark red tie. Not too childish but not suitable enough for adults.
At the corner of my eye I see a tall boy sat on his phone, his eyes flicker up for a second at me, then back down to his phone.
I continue my search to look for the right size for my uniform when I feel a pair of eyes on me, it makes me feel uncomfortable and I start to guess that the pair of eyes is Molly's grandson Will, I mentally scold myself for being so awkward and pretending not to know that he's watching, when I hear his chair scrape my heart decides to do an athlete course and I pray he can't hear it from where he's standing.
I can tell he's now behind me, as I face my social fears I turn around and slam right into his chest, and in result dropping all my stuff, Will snorts, before helping me by picking up some of the clothes that dropped.
"Thanks," I say, grabbing the clothes from his hand and attempting to walk past him, but his arms stop me.
"Was that sarcastic or not?" He asked smiling. I take a second to take in his looks, he doesn't look as bad as I thought he would, but he doesn't act like a arrogant guy either.
"I'll let you figure that one out," I smile politely back, "I'm Will." He says moving his arm in a posh manner to let me through.
"I know, Molly told me," I answer, "I guess you know who I am?" "Yep, how could I ignore a pretty girl like you?" I mentally roll my eyes at the typical boy. "Mhm, well I need to get changed so excuse me" I say speed walking away from him, boys that make comments like that make me feel extremely uncomfortable.
As I turn the corner to the fitting rooms, I hear Will's voice once again, "I'm gay by the way," he says laughing, I stop in my tracks, suddenly feeling a bit stupid.
Checking that I haven't left any clothes behind, I pile them onto the counter, where Will is now standing, he starts to put all my clothes in an expensive looking plastic bag, he looks up at me, "Sorry about earlier, I was just messing about." "No, it's okay, I felt a bit silly when you said you were gay."
He shakes his head and laughs, "most people do, well the ones that aren't stuck up with money up their ass usually do." "Well I'm only here on a scholarship, so I'm not one of them people," I say handing him over the small fee I have to pay, as the scholarship covers most of it. "Surprisingly so am I, I got accepted for Athletics at John Brown," I never really though I would but I guess I should thank the Lord, my parents can't wait to get rid of me anyways, being gay has a price to pay, apparently."
"Well, they obviously don't see the good person that you are." I smile at him, although I wish he hadn't of brought it up, I'm not necessarily the best at giving advice.
The bell rings, and a tall, slim girl walks through.
"Tanner" she says walking through right into the back without a second glance.
"I understand what you mean by stuck up," I whisper, Will chuckles and passes me my bag, the girl walks back and stands behind me, not even two seconds later she starts tapping her foot and complaining.
"Since when do we serve nobodies, Will? That's right we don't. Now move, thanks." She says pushing right past me and throwing her uniform on the counter. Luckily it wasn't a John Brown one, otherwise I might've just about died.
I quietly wave at Will and walk out, seeing a shining white Porsche outside. Seriously where do you even get one that looks so shiny from?
I put the bag in the passenger seat, still feeling annoyed about the girl, as I reach my small flat,   I lock my Audi, and read a movie poster about a girl going missing  with her extremely ill dad. Making a mental note to watch the movie later, I walk up my stairs and unlock my door, I make myself a cup of tea and order some pizza, as I walk into my room, I open up my laptop, and have three new emails, one spam, but two from publishers. My heart does leaps as I open the first one.
'Telford Publishing'
- Hello Malia, we are proud to hear that you are following in your beloved mothers steps. I have read your book sample, but I would like to offer you a potential job, and a tour around  the new              T Pub&Co. I know how much it would mean to your mother if you accept my offer.
Many thanks, Gary.
A potential job?? Could this be my genuine big break?  Hearing a knock at the door, I run over, wanting to start up a reply as soon as possible. Grabbing my purse I open my door to an RA-H
"Malia Blanche?"
"Yes, here's my ID." The robots light turns red as it examines my ID. Doing a robotical smile it's arm stretches out, grabbing the pizza I express a thank you and run back to my desk.
'T Pub&Co.'
Thank you for my sample! I will gladly accept your offer, please email with more detail about the tour and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. My mum would be so happy.
Sincerely, Malia.
As I send the email I let out a squeak of happiness with pizza in my mouth. Clicking onto my word pad, I let myself fall into the world of fiction, and let time slip through my hands.
And that's how it is now 3.36am on a Monday trying to start a new story, anything to take my mind off the upcoming day, and the extremely embarrassing 'Tanner' fiasco.
I push my chair back from my old, ridden desk, and flop onto my bed, snuggling into my bedsheets, this has been going on for a week, for some reason I have no flow, the biggest writers block, I have stories everywhere across my room, started, just the plot, a thesis, a blurb. But recently I haven't found anything to give me that push. I turn and toss in an unsucsessive attempt to sleep, and as I check my phone it is only 4 am.
Great, no sleep for the wicked.
Groggily, I turn over in my bed and look over to my clock, 6.07am. Throwing my bed covers over, I lazily get up and put on the uniform that luckily fits perfectly. Thinking about my email yesterday, there is nothing more that I want in the world then my writing to become known. Realising that I spend too much time daydreaming, and badly making pancakes, i'm late and have no time to see if I have a reply. Already. Typical Me.
Rushing out of my door, checking the contents of my bag to make sure that I have everything that I need I speed walk right into someone walking up my door, crashing everything they were holding onto the floor.
"God I'm sorry, I didn't mean too, wasnt looking where I was going." I look up and realise that, I wasn't even speaking to a human, but none other then an Android. It simply says, "No worries miss," and continues with its day. Those androids are the ones that Robert Morett himself created, word is that his son is attending John Brown. Although i'm here with a writing scholarship, I doubt he'd need any type of acceptance letter. He could just ask, he is one of the most richest people in America.
Pulling my keys out of my bag I speed walk towards my car, carefully throwing my bag in, and starting the Audi, before starting my drive I pull out my phone to the Maps app, although I used to drive past John Brown to get to school I still want to be prepared.
Pulling up at the academy, I notice a few eyes staring at the jet black Audi with the tinted windows, they're probably expected a drop dead gorgeous girl, or the sexiest guy
to walk out, but in all honesty I'm neither.
Turning off my car and stepping out the eyes are suddenly averted to another jet black car, most likely a gorgeous boy or girl in it.
My mind wavered at wondering whether I should stay and stare at the person in black, or be late to my lecture.
Achieving my dream comes first.
I promised my mother that I'd focus on my work, and not get distracted. I intend on keeping that promise.
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