#hated this epsiode
spitinsideme · 1 month
do you like helluva boss or hazbin hotel. Just gotta hunch
i like both 👍 i think they are bkth funny and also some of the songs FUCK !!! my fav4ouite is klown bitch but thatd msotly because i love any song that has a womab singing and youcan tell shes a bitch .. loser baby is prety good too and angel dusthas a nice design actyally i love sex jokes ...
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hiccupbutpurple · 11 months
Hiccup should graffiti the Buffcup portrait methinks
Or burn it
Or send it to Viggo with an ominous letter saying something like ‘watch out’ or ‘I’m here’ or ‘you’ve been warned’ something like that
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k, m, n, t for pd and/or suck!!! >:33333
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
-> you know i gotta say wiwi. i have to. that character was Made For Me i swear to GOD . genuinely i cannot think about prime defenders season 2 episode 39 without feeling physically sick bc i love it so much. its the only one i havent relistened to since i heard it the first time. i KNOW its gonna make me cry again so i genuienly have not touched it even though theres things in there i need to hear again for character research. his arc is so like. narratively satisfying in a way that hits me so fucking deep to my core in an extremely personal way. and like. there were definitely some Decisions that i was REALLY ANNOYING about hating when they were brought up because im used to media with bad storytelling/creators that do not care about their characters but. looking back on it i would not change a single thing about it. i love you wiwi so much.
-> FOR SUCK.... its not over yet. so i cannot definitively say. campaign finale comes out tomorrow so my answer may change depending on that but for right now i think i gotta say arthur. i joke a lot about hating arthur for no real reason in particular but. man his story is just REALLY good. not going 2 give you suck spoilers (hehe) but i also really like how shilo has grown through the campaign. hes my little guy :]
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
-> TIDE. TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TIDE TIDE TIDE I LOVE TIDE SO MUCH. thats my dad thats my best friend i love tide so much dude. every time he is mentioned or on screen i am just like :D HI TIDE I LOVE YOU TIDE
-> grefgore :] light of my life this is how i feel anytime i think about grefgore
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N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
-> CHARACTER STUDIES. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. I LIKE A GOOD SHIPPING FIC AS MUCH AS THE NEXT GUY BUT PLEASE GOD WRITE THEM IN CHARACTER. EXPLORE THEIR THOUGHTS AND EMOTIONS AND WHY THEY MAKE CERTAIN DECISIONS THE WAY THEY DO. this doesnt even go for just pd and suck this is like. true for every single fandom ive ever fucking been in. do you know how hard it is to find character studies in the danny phantom tag on ao3. nobody has even fucking watched the show how are they going to write character studies they just want (<< i cannot legally finish this sentence without getting in so much trouble) I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING MY FUCKING SELF AROUND HERE. ALL I EVER WRITE ARE CHARACTER STUDIES BC THATS THE WAY I THINK ABOUT CHARACTERS. I LOVE THEIR MOTIVATIONS I LOVE TO GET INSIDE THEIR BRAINS LIKE A LITTLE PARASITE AND IT IS ALWAYS SURPRISING TO ME WHEN OTHER PEOPLE DO NOT THINK LIKE THIS. (edit im just now reading through this and realized the question says three things. i did not process that. my three things are all more character studies please)
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
-> oh dude i have so many hmmmmmmm how to choose just one. i have a LOT of feelings about wiwis original death and i might write something about that when i can get over my shrimp emotions about him. dakota cole audhd truther but that ones pretty much canon anyway so i dont think it counts. vyncent and his relationship with growing up in fantasy world and then being thrown into prime and how he adjusted to that. I think he really lies shitty syfy channel type horror movies that are so stupidly bad. and also plays a lot of video games but again i think thats mostly canon already. i think tide listens to dad rock but also like. ocean man by ween. you already know about my william and ashe being each others emotional support at concerts. i think william and ashe should hang out and do emo kid things more. i also have a lot of feelings about ashe and coping with the crippling loneliness of basically growing up alone and how the pd becoming like INSTANT best friends was so much for him in sooo many ways. you already know how i feel about mark i am in the middle of dissecting him like im in a high school biology class as we speak. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i know im gonna think of something really good after i hit the post button so stay tuned
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borinhoran · 1 year
the sadecki/shipman crime family scene this week ATE. callie lying to the cop to try and protect her mom. callie then telling her mom. callie SMILING when her mom tells her she did a good job. callie baby you’re really growing on me this season
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oh something just hit me after episode 9's ending.
Rei always sleeps in the bathtub, right? He explained that it was in case of an ambush, and it was used, narratively, to show how much of a terrible upbringing he had (but also haha quirky).
But...what if it was a chekov's gun?
like the show will end up having an actual ambush at home???
i'm not ok.
please save them Rei.
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whywontuluvme · 5 months
So i've been binging the last 3 episodes of Marry My Husbad.
When I tell you the plot had my jaw hanging wide open in the first half hour, maybe even 15 minutes!!!
I'm on team Jihyuk, but tell me why I'm kinda rooting for Eunho...he was so soft at the end of episode 3 aghhhh
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^^my exact reaction whenever Jihyuk or Eunho are blessing my screen^^
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rosaluxembae · 8 months
I loved DS9 at the start but struggled from about Season 5 and my friend was the same and I was just wondering if it's a thing™. Like is it a significantly common opinion to have? I don't mean everyone but like a significant proportion of the fandom.
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kuaille · 10 months
well I finally finished TMNT 2012 and there are things I want to point it out:
the writers don't know what is coherence or continuity. like, what's the point of making characters go through the same developmental arcs over and over again like they're never able to learn? despite being able to quote raph's anger issues as an example, what bothered me the most was the plot "mikey is underestimated by his brothers and saves them in the end" and that's where i think all that stuff about putting mikey as a victim of a SUPER abusive relationship with his brothers came from. mutant wasp, mutant squirrels, x dimension and mutant frogs ALL WITH THIS SAME PLOT BASE
also in the mutant frogs episode, raph gives mikey a hug bc he was missing his little bro and both got awkward saying it was weird and they would never do it again but. they gave each other comfort hugs in second season after splinter's defeat and escape from ny so why, just why
please don't make me start on leorai. only thing i got from it's transfem!leo and i'm happy this way
they fucked up donnie and april's relationship so bad lol, and fucked april as a character just bc of it too. i felt like they didn't know the character they were writing. what's the logic within, during first and second season, make april aware of donnie's feelings for her (just watch metalhead episode debut) and being uncomfortable about or just ignore it and then make she kiss him in the EXACTLY EPISODE HE WAS GIVING UP ON HER. THEY DON'T HAVE ANY ROMANTIC DEVELOPMENT AFTER THAT, IT'S LIKE THE KISS NEVER HAPPENED. WHYYYYY
raph and monalise the only couple i care and will defend
literally don't understand why renet tilley was brought to this iteration. she has nothing to do with the principal plots (shredder and the kraang), never really helps the turtles (they always help her when she fucks things up) and the writers just wanted to give mikey a girlfriend no matter how to fit her into the story. even alopex who appears only in one episode has more importance
didn't like halloween special, mad max future and satanic cult episodes, but that's on me
ice cream kitty, leatherhead and chompy, i love y'all so much
well it's that. now i'm gonna watch rottmnt and 2003 version
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keyladetmer · 2 years
i know it’s probably never going to happen again but most of my critiques for todays era of star trek is that it would be better with standard 20+ episode seasons. discovery could solve its pacing issues and develop characters despite its huge cast, snw could feel truly like a episodic show etc. picard really is the only show that makes sense to be ~10 episodes a season
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micamicster · 1 year
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milo-is-rambling · 6 months
Any chance you guys could feel proudddd of anyone or anything maybeee *blinks at you with my big beautiful eyes*
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imaginepostingonmain · 9 months
I see you are having fun with Cannonball time :)
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aldieb · 10 months
i haven’t been looking at any wot promotional material bc i feel like if i think about it i will explode (due to passion) so i’m going to be so surprised. potentially the best way to experience media
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imfamou69 · 1 year
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this shitty little mobile game that i hardly even played set something off in me and i will never be the same
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bloodsbane · 1 year
sorry sorry i know this earns me a newspaper smack but i legitimately need to ask/learn the answer to this, if anyone knows: in KN whenever they make big batches of food (like ramsay is making these guys cook him one of everything off a huge menu), does anyone know if they make sure SOMEONE eats the food. like have they ever talked about how staff who work on the show get to come in and eat it off-screen, or whatever? because the idea of so much food (of whatever quality) getting made just for ramsay to prove a point and then it like, going in the garbage as soon as the scene is done, is making me legitimately stressed lol
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leafatlaw · 10 months
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Going to try to catch up 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
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