#harry styles wall collage
firstelevens · 8 months
wip meme
tagged by @bisamwilson! thank you Mak!
This is a little piece from a fic that should start going up next week:
It’s less than twenty-four hours from qualifiers for the Australian Grand Prix, and everyone relevant to Sam’s racing career is crammed into a conference room at Stark Motors’ Melbourne offices.  He’s sure that the coaches and Rhodey have better things to be doing right now. Hell, even Peter probably has social media content that he’s supposed to be putting up. Instead, they’re all here, eyes fixed to the screen at the front of the room as a nervous looking assistant cues up a video. The thumbnail, when it comes up, looks like one of those collages that Sarah used to have up on her wall when they were kids, all covered in hearts and doodles–only, instead of teen heartthrobs of the nineties, the pictures are of Sam and Bucky from their rookie years. Wilson and Barnes: A Retrospective appears on the screen in loopy, handwriting-style font, and then the title fades into a clip of Bucky, maybe seven or eight years ago now. He’s sprawled out on the press couch, radiating cockiness the way he always did in the early days. Offscreen, a reporter’s voice says, “With multiple drivers renegotiating their contracts this year, we’ve been asking everyone who they’d like to drive with if they had to swap teams.” Onscreen, Bucky shrugs. “I have so much fun driving with Steve. Not sure I could be that in sync with anyone else.” “Most of the drivers had the same answer about themselves,” the reporter assures Bucky. “But a number of them had strong opinions on who other drivers should team up with.” “If people are saying I should drive with Odinson, I just don’t think any team has the haircare budget to handle us both,” Bucky says, tossing a wink to camera. Sam barely resists the urge to roll his eyes.  “Everyone’s been saying they’d like to see you and Sam Wilson team up, actually,” the reporter says. “They say it would be an interesting matchup of driving styles.” Bucky snorts, an instant dismissal. “Interesting is the wrong word for that, Harry,” he says, a smirk turning up the corner of his mouth. “I think the phrase that you’re looking for is ‘absolute fucking shitshow.’”
no-pressure tagging @birdhapley, @captaincrais, @philtstone, and @sambambucky
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jennyeliseprince · 6 months
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As I began working on my still-life creation, I faced a challenge in drawing a table that matched my abstract art style. Seeking inspiration, I stumbled upon a fun still-life by Matisse. His work featured a table emerging from the corner of the composition. I drew insights from his work and decided to follow suit, outlining the area around the table with a window in the background, wall space, and a floor area. This approach allowed me to create a sense of depth and dimension in my artwork.
After I mapped out the interior space, I added the first layer of color to bring it to life. Then, I searched for images to use in the collage. I knew I could always return to perfecting the use of color later.
I grabbed some magazines and set a 30-minute timer to stay focused. The timer helps me make decisive decisions while cutting things out.
When the timer went off, my collection consisted of various items, including everyday commercial products, mouth-watering food, and iconic pop culture figures.
After cutting out the images, I took my time to arrange them on the page in various ways. I experimented with different combinations, carefully deciding on the best placement for each item.
I gave my chocolate cake a face and morphed an owl with Drake's face.
After affixing the images, I grabbed my art supplies and revisited each section, intensifying the colors.
As a millennial, I grew up playing video games and indulging in sugary treats. However, when I recently created a collage depicting my life in 2023, I realized how much it had changed, especially in terms of how I acquired goods. To highlight this, I incorporated a box filled with beauty products on the table, as online shopping has become the new norm. Additionally, I added a QR code to the collage, since they are quite trendy these days. In fact, I recently used one at the airport to order a glass of wine without interacting with a human.
I decided to feature the book about Prince Harry because my friend and I had bought it together, but we never got around to reading it. I always feel like some pop culture books are trending, but not all have a significant impact, and some just end up collecting dust. Sorry, Harry, but the new book about Britney Spears is now the talk of the town.
As for the Drake owl, it symbolizes our consumerist era since Drake is incredibly wealthy, enjoys spending money, and takes pride in looking good. I viewed myself as the puppy in the composition, always ready for a consumerist treat.
I included an orange for my photo documentation because I planned to eat it for breakfast. I also borrowed my husband's N64 controller and featured his favorite game, Zelda.
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trashbag-baby666 · 1 year
Bighorn Mountainside-Luztoye
Chapter Seven
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Chapter Summary: Joe and George have a movie date. Later on at Rosebuds Bill exposes Joe for an embarrassing memory.
WC: 2,030
C/W: Mentions of sexual content.
Series Masterlist!
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Joe followed George into his bedroom looking around. It was interesting, he had pink curtains pulled back. You could see Babe's backyard from the window. He had dark blue bed sheets with his yellow and gray comforter tangled up at the end with tie dyed pillowcases. It was neat, not dirty, he had an assortment of books but what caught Joe off guard was the photos.
He had a photo collage next to his door frame around the wall of different movie heartthrobs and musical artists. It was very much obvious George liked the Hunger Games, he had multiple copies of each book on his shelf with all the movies too on the shelf under the books.
There was a movie poster from Catching Fire hung up by his bed. There was an abundance of pictures of Peeta, Finnick, Johanna, and Katniss in the photo collage with pictures of their actors and actresses too. Joe stifled a laugh to himself as there were some pictures of One Direction and some Harry Styles solo pictures.
"What?" George turned and saw Joe closely observing the wall, "You jealous?"
"No, just... didn't think you would be a One Direction guy?" Joe turned to look at George. He had a dead serious look on his face, his eyebrows straightened along with his lips.
"Oh I am a die hard Directoner, Joe. I saw them one time before they broke up. It was awesome! I've also seen Harry and Louis on their solo tours with their music." George crossed his arms.
"So where are the Twilight photos?" Joe laughed sitting on George's pink office chair.
"I read the books but I'm not the biggest fan of the movies. I mean Edward is kind of a creep. I mean they pretty much fucked over Jacob in the movies and also made him kinda weird towards the lochness monster." George explained to Joe, he had learned fast Joe was a die hard Twilight fan and he could admire a man with taste.
"True, the books are by far better. If I bring you Jasper and Charlie pictures will you put them up?" Joe crossed his arms sitting back.
"How'd you know about Charlie?!" George walked over with a smile. George loved Charlie almost as much as he loved Finnick and Peeta. Charlie was the original dilf, George says his interest in mustaches started there.
"Babe showed me your old edit account," Joe stifled a laugh standing up, "Didn't you say you wanted to watch a movie? We were just supposed to come up here to grab it."
"Right, but I told Babe not to show anyone. I'm not mad but just embarrassed." Georges cheeks turned bright red thinking of his edit account from middle school he was a little popular in The Hunger Games fandom.
"Well if you want a secret kept, definitely don't tell Babe," Joe nodded.
"Okay, do we want sad or scary?" George knelt down by the second to last shell with all his movies on it.
"How about sad," Joe hummed, "But no Fault In Our Stars or The Notebook. My sisters have made me watch them a thousand times over."
"Those are both excellent films and no I have the perfect one right here." George pulled out a DVD case with Sam Claflin and Emilia Clarke on it.
"So you gotta thing for Sam, not just Finnick?" Joe observed.
"Oh I am a Sam Claflin girlie all the way." George stood up leading Joe back downstairs. Joe sat on the gray couch as George set the movie up.
"What's it about?" Joe asked, George sat next to Joe snuggling up to him.
"It's a surprise," George wiggled next to Joe, throwing a blanket over them.
After the movie both of them sat on the couch crying, not that Joe was a very emotional guy when it came to movies but oh my god this movie hit him hard.
George giggled a bit and wiped his tears away with the collar of his shirt.
"That was such a beautiful movie," Joe laughed, rubbing his tears away.
"I told you! Sam is such an amazing actor! Makes me cry everytime!" George laughed sitting on his knees next to Joe.
"My parents won't be home for another hour if you wanna do...something?" George went to touch Joe's thigh and Joe grabbed his hand gently.
"I'm not really feeling it right now," Joe sighed. That's what started some of the weird things about physical touch which was completely fine with George at first. Not everyone liked being touched and that was perfectly fine.
"Sorry," George sighed, sitting down next to him.
"It's okay, George." Joe rubbed his eyebrows hoping that he didn't really ruin something.
Joe sat at the bar at Rosebuds as George made him a drink. The bell on the d0or rang and Joe turned. Bill laughed seeing Joe sitting there, "What're you doing here?"
"What do you think he's doing here," George giggled while sliding the cup of nitro cold brew coffee to Joe.
"Of course Mr. Right works here!" Bill sat down next to Joe, "Can I get a sweet iced tea?"
"This isn't a bar, go over there and I'll ring you up." George walked over to the register. Bill got up, handing George his card.
Joe took a drink as he watched them interact, George and Bill haven't really met officially yet but George was a talker. He could charm just about anyone, and it worked well on Joe.
George went into the back to start some more bread in the oven.
"I like him Joe, you picked a good one." Bill clapped his hand on his shoulder.
"Hold on now I'm not running off to the altar to marry him," Joe said, stopping Bill in his tracks. He didn't really know what George was looking for, sure they made it official a few days ago. But Joe knew that not a lot of people were dating seriously in high school. Maybe it was just a summer fling? Joe didn't wanna get ahead of himself but he could really imagine a life with him.
"Wouldn't be your worst idea," Bill chuckled.
"Bill, we're 17. I'm not trying to marry the first boy who gives me positive attention. I haven't even really told him about... you know?" Joe motioned to his right leg.
"If he really likes you, like he seems to and seems to be as kind and nice as he plays I'm sure he won't mind." Bill sighed, he'd known Joe forever, seen him through his worst and best of times. He just wanted Joe to be comfortable and happy as his best friend.
"Okay bread in the oven now," George came out from behind the doors making them both pick their heads up in a bit of a surprise, "Now Bills iced tea."
"Make sure it's sweeter than your Ma." Bill winked at him.
"Oh this is some of the best sweet tea I've ever had Bill, don't you worry." George smirked as he began filling a tall cup with ice.
Joe stifled a laugh hearing George just have a flirtatious attitude with Bill. George was able to really make a connection with anyone he came in contact with.
George slid the cup over to Bill and leaned on the counter resting his head on his hand, "Now tell me."
Bill took a big long drink then set it down, "goddamn you were right that shit is good. Joe you gotta try this." Bill slid the glass over to Joe.
"I doubt it's sweeter than me," George winked at Joe then stood up straight.
"What does he mean?" Bill looked at Joe as he took a drink.
"It's good," Joe tried to change the subject.
"You didn't tell Bill?" George laughed leaning against the counter.
"Of course I didn't tell Bill!" Joe sat up a bit, locking eyes with George.
"Didn't tell me what? I'm so lost!" Bill looked between the two, George had a shit eating grin on his face, Joe's cheeks were red with embarrassment.
"That Joe blew me on your kitchen counter during the party," George laughed standing up again walking away from the counter for a minute laughing.
"Oh Joe!" Bill folded forward onto the counter laughing but also disgusted by his friend's behavior.
"We shouldn't have told him now he's gonna hold this over our heads for forever!" Joe held his hands over his face.
"Of course I'm gonna hold it against you Joe! My Ma does all her cookin' in there. Hell we eat on that counter sometimes." Bill sat up out of breath from laughing.
Joe was embarrassed but eventually it would've come out at some point. They would've eventually smoked together and Joe would've told him.
"Was he good?" Bill looked at George waiting for a response.
"Pretty damn good," George's voice was meek and barely audible recounting the silly memory.
"Well we were at that sleepover sophomore year where Babe taught us how to give the best head around." Joe smirked, taking a drink from his nitro coffee, it was his turn to expose.
"Wait?" George looked at them, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow.
It was true, out of all the friends in their friend group Babe gave literally the best blowjobs any of them had ever had. So one night Bill and Joe stayed at Babes and they just casually took turns learning how to give good head. Bill didn't participate in the sucking but they took turns practicing on Bill. Not the most proudest moment between the three but it did come in handy a few times.
"Yeah it's true, I swear on my mothers life!" Bill laughed. At that point the bell on the door rang and Lew came in followed by Lieb both of them holding fresh produce for tonight. It was karaoke night at Rosebuds, a town favorite and a big hit with the locals.
"What're we swearing on Ruthie's life?" Lew walked behind the counter setting the box on the counter.
"Nothin'" Bill shook his head, "This is some amazing sweet iced tea Mr. Nixon."
"Are they talking about that night they all fuckin' circle jerked each others at Babes?" Lieb snickered, setting the vegetables down and taking the things out of it.
"We did not circle jerk each other," Joe corrected him.
"Nah you and Babe just took turns sucking me off." Bill laughed.
"Okay I've heard enough about circle jerking and teenage blowjobs for a lifetime. George, I need you in the back to learn how to make zucchini noodles for tonight." Nix let out a dry laugh clasping his hands together.
"Yeah I should probably get home. My Ma sent these for tonight Mr. Nix." Joe handed him the stack of tinfoil pans of blueberry muffins.
"Thank you Joe, tell her I said thank you." Lew took them and went through the door to the kitchen. Joe got up and was about to head for the door when George scurried out from behind the counter.
"Bye Joe," George rolled up on his toes and locked his lips with Joes. Joe placed his hands on George's lips and kissed back. They pulled away from each other and he let his hands linger for a moment.
"Bye George, I think I'm gonna come tonight. Babe does some pretty killer karaoke." Joe kissed George's forehead and pulled his keys from his pocket.
"See you later!" George waved as Joe left.
"Are you gonna treat my boy well now?" Bill walked over clapping George on the shoulder and giving him a bit of a shake.
"I really like him. I promise I'll treat him right, Bill. I've just never really been this serious about someone before. They usually just find me royally annoying and then leave me." George sighed, slouching a bit as Bill let go of him and looked at George.
"I've known ol' Joseph Toye my whole life and he definitely is head over heels for you! I can basically read his mind just by his body language. Just don't fuck him over." Bill nodded to George and left.
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eversincecinema · 3 years
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harry styles love on tour posters [pt. I]
finally got to making LOT posters im so excited!!!! i think these would look so cute all next to each other as a collage on a wall
credit if reposted, and like or reblog if saved!!!!!!!!!
ps. these will be posted in the order of the shows.
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parasiteicons · 2 years
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rociobossanova · 2 years
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My favorite part of my room 🫶🏼
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littlemissbad · 3 years
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18stuffs · 4 years
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; '⛸ 𖧧 ,─ louis tomlinson icons.
+ harry styles & 1D headers.
✨ଓ+⭒˚ like / reblog if you get it, please.
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editslxs · 4 years
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nourry (one direction) collage headers
like or (c) @mrgotrrobie
bonus with all of the boys cuz I needed it 💞
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ivoryoptimistic · 3 years
hi :)) I make collage kits and I’d love it if youd check them out!! Even if you don’t/can’t buy them, increased traffic to my shop is a big win :) thank you!! I even have a modern Harry Potter collection if that’s your style... or a minimalist Harry styles one!
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lwtulips91 · 4 years
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louis tomlinson headers.
like/reblog if you save.
credits on twitter to @lwtmorphine.
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rapidlydecaying · 4 years
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did i just spend over an hour putting up a harry styles poster??? yes. am i all out of yellow printer ink?? also yes.
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foreaft · 4 years
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A PICTURE   —   a single image reminding you of someone or something you’ve lost, something you don’t want to live without.  You can’t seem to move on, to accept life has changed, to live again.  You’re trapped in the picture, in the past.  Maybe this was a lost family member or friend, maybe this was a sickness that isn’t going away, maybe this was a sinking into depression.  But, you can’t help but remember how life was before, how life after will never be the same, and can’t help but feel that nothing in the future will be able to fill the hole the past left.  Nothing lasts forever .  .  . right?
                            —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —                             
TAGGED BY   :   @yinseal ( bless u ) TAGGING   :   @daerhael   ,   @lonerebor   ,   @littlewoodlandguard​   , @caninhisstecd​ / @killedinstead​   ,   @secondscn​   ,   @cursecarried​   , @songteller​ / @dualglaived​   ,   @iaurhael​   +   you !
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does anyone know how to make a collage for ur bedroom wall ? like those ones u see on pinterest & tik tok where it’s a bunch of small photos of album covers, movies, & celebrities. like i just wanna know if u print them at home on normal paper or u get the special glossy paper 
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eversincecinema · 3 years
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harry styles love on tour posters [pt. II]
like or reblog if u use or save. credit if reposted!!!!!!
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avanti-morocha · 6 years
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