#harper emery x mc
mydemonsdrivealimo · 1 year
Fandom: Open Heart
Rating: Teen
Warnings: none apply to this chapter
Relationships: Bryce Lahela x M!MC (Jensen Valentine)
Word Count: 2426
Characters: Jensen Valentine (MC), Jackie Varma, Bryce Lahela, Sienna Trinh, Elijah Greene, Ethan Ramsey, Naveen Banerji, Harper Emery (Full Open Heart Cast) 
Summary: Follow Jensen on his first pirating voyage aboard Eden's Fury, one of the most feared and highly-regarded pirate ships on the seas.
A/N: ik ik its The pirate au !! im so excited to finally have this posted. let me tell you, ive had to do a lot more thinking now that im posting this, but i just have to hope that its worth it. i never really planned for this to leave the dark cavern that is my wips folder, but here it is, in the light of day! how exciting :’) anyway please give this as much love as you have, it means more to me than words can describe, and the amount of time ive put into this by now is honestly ungodly (also woo my first fic header!!)
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The bright morning sun shot glittering rays over the water. He waited on the dock with a few others, fiddling with the sword on his hip and revolver on his thigh. The summer heat filled the air and the shade from the overhanging trees did little to relieve it.
In the distance anchored the very boat he’d soon be boarding. The crew of Eden’s Fury had been in town for a number of days now, interviewing and rounding up a few new members as they often did every few years. For a pirate crew, they were surprisingly meticulous and organized, which was one of Jensen’s primary interests in joining.
The dinghy had circled back for its final time, collecting only the group of newcomers out of this port. They had stopped along two other coasts before this one and taken a number of interested parties aboard. Jensen didn’t have the chance to interact with any of them before this, most of them drunk beyond their wits anyway. The group was relatively separated throughout the city, too, impatiently waiting for their quartermaster and first mate to make it through the interview process, which was less pleasant than he originally presumed. 
Their aforementioned quartermaster, Mr. Ramsey, was more skeptical of his linguistic abilities than his skills on the water, little of which he had but thankfully had been overlooked in favor of making sure he could follow commands. He was honestly surprised he made the cut, after a little slip of his temper at the incessant interrogation. His education was practically overqualified for the position, and his English had been plenty understandable throughout the process, but for some goddamn reason Ramsey needed to make sure his mother tongue wouldn’t “hinder” his “direction-following” skills—
“Mr. Valentine,” called the Chief Officer, Ms. Emery, from where she stood at the end of the dock. Jensen’s gaze snapped upward, his frustration subsiding for the moment as he hurried to board along with a few others he crossed paths once or twice.
The ride there was near silent other than the lapping waves crashing against the side of the boat. He wasn’t as nervous as before, just waiting—wishing—to get aboard and gauge the environment. Their captain hadn’t shown face the entirety of their stop, probably off doing much more important things, but Jensen wanted to see it for himself.
Captain Naveen Banerji had a reputation beyond other captains, some myths and some truths, but none of which able to be proved unless you met the man yourself. His pirating was almost the opposite of most, stealthy and quiet until he had racked up some of the most impressive treasures across the seas. His crew was held to a higher standard, too. Not noble, by any means, but civil on deck, at least. 
He helped to tie and knot the dinghy on, wracking through the hundreds of lessons and books he had been through in the past year. He gave it a gentle nudge, secured tightly enough for his liking and seemingly the Chief Officer’s, too. He followed up another on the side netting, seamlessly sliding over the edge and onto the deck.
Instead of stares or even a look like he expected, no one spared him or the others a glance. Movement was in full swing, the expected yelling and shouts over the flapping of sails and thud of boots. 
Chief Emery wasted no time in directing them to their stations, hurriedly waving them off without a second to spare, her bandana trailing in the wind behind her as she ran up the helm. 
Jensen quickly found his bearings, taking post at a cluster of rigging lines and getting to work with the sails. He contributed little but enough to make it look like he was helping, mostly following the lead of others before the anchor was raised and they were ready for voyage. 
Commotion seemed to fizzle out in seconds, the plethora of crew members performing the routine clean-up while chatting amongst themselves. Jensen checked over his shoulder to see the helm, little movement between the few higher-ranks there. He was about to turn back when a considerable amount of shuffling caught his attention, Captain Banerji emerging next to the rail.
Ramsey appeared right behind him as they both started down the stairs, making a beeline straight for one of the other new recruits. Jensen opted to mind his business for the few moments they were there, making a few more stops before they started on their way to him. 
Jensen could see Ramsey’s arm make a less-than-subtle movement into Captain Banerji’s side, a look passed between them as they continued toward him. Clearly they had some discussion beforehand and Jensen wasn’t dense enough to think it was a flattering one.
“Mr. Valentine?” he asked, and Jensen nodded in confirmation. “What’s your specialty?”
Jensen wasn’t quite prepared for that, nor did he have a good answer. He was a pirate who had never left land, only knew the ins and outs from books and diagrams. The only reputation he had was from a man he couldn’t remember. 
There was one skill he had practice in—it was hardly the most important, but at least it was one at all. “Blades and combat.”
He seemed to consider that for a moment before giving him a curt sort of nod and continuing onto the rest of the newcomers. Jensen watched them leave before turning back to the heavy length of loose rope across the deck, winding it up in clean swirls before hanging it up on one of the protruding posts.
He took a quick turn to his left and, instead of continuing towards the stern, he shouldered right into another crew member. No habitual apology fell from his lips as they did hers, barely a look between them as he stepped away to move around her.
“Jackie,” she greeted, not a formality he expected but one he quickly recovered from and returned. 
“Jensen,” he offered with a nod. He looked down to see the rope she was working on, caught in a splinter on the mast. She watched him look at it, giving a small nod of her head. He grabbed it for her, tossing it her way then turning away again.
At least this time he missed the next crew member he almost plowed into, barely clipping his shoulder. Instead of a smooth recovery, though, the swords on their hips managed to tangle, both of them pulling the other back as they tried to press forward.
He was ready for a fight or argument but only heard a light laugh. Jensen looked up to him from the swords, gaze finding a smile of all things. 
“You know, if you wanted to introduce yourself, you could’ve just said it,” he offered with the hint of a smirk.
Jensen gave him an up-and-down, finding nothing special or rank-indicating. “I really didn’t,” he answered. As his gaze came back up, he could help but note the few strands of dark hair curling over his face and ears, the rest tied back in a short ponytail.
“Damn, I see how it is,” he said before raising his hand between them. “Bryce Lahela.”
“Jensen,” he replied with half a hand-shake, pulling back quickly and continuing away.
Jensen was quick to get to work after, cleaning up the deck and extra ropes, following Chief Emery’s instructions when she gave them out. He scanned the more experienced crowd and the relaxed way they went about their duties, most of them already settled in their roles. Jensen noted the lacking staff in gunners, along with a few others, Captain Banerji probably hoping to replace them with the new deckhands.
He questioned how plausible that would be as another new recruit shouldered right into the mast in attempts to avoid another group, instead nearly face-planting into the deck. The dagger stuck into his poorly-made holster easily fell out and skidded towards Jensen’s feet. Jensen watched him stumble for another second, picking up the dagger with a silent sigh and examining it on his way to hand it back. The blade was worn—couldn’t even cut through cotton, probably—and the handle was perfectly shiny, barely used.
“Thanks,” he said, plucking it from Jensen’s grasp and clunkily trying to re-sheath it.
“I’m Landry, by the way,” he offered as Jensen was about to turn around. Jensen didn’t hear it in his first few words, but his English accent was undeniably clear. “I was on my way to talk to Master Ramsey.”
The excitement in his tone was the last thing Jensen expected. Jensen had never been good at separating his thoughts and expression, automatic disgust falling over his face at the thought of being excited about Ramsey.
“And that’s a good thing?” he asked, a small smile starting over Landry’s face.
“Of course,” he answered easily, starting to walk and encouraging Jensen to follow as he continued. Not before a stall in his step, Jensen started next to him. “Haven’t you read his published journals?”
Oh, Jensen had seen them. He browsed a few in his searches for ship manuals and any other bits of information he could soak up. Ramsey’s journals were practically a memoir of someone with no fame, talking about his “pirate-conversion” and practically begging for his name on a wanted poster in every country. The writing was good, yes—great, even—but Jensen vividly remembered barely getting past the first page. “No,” he lied.
“Well, they’re amazing. It brings a whole new perspective to sailing and why he decided to turn to pirate life,” he said animatedly, “I’ve been reading since I was young.” He couldn’t be more than nineteen. “Anyway, I was hoping to talk to him about some of his experiences while activity is down.”
They reached the bottom of the helm, Jensen sending him on his way with a, “Have fun,” before he could invite him to tag along.
After a few more hours under the sun, Jensen had made his way below the main deck. His conversation with the master gunner—Bobby—went more pleasantly than he had expected, probably an hour-deep into the ins-and-outs of his position before Jensen excused himself.
The second he got above deck, boots clapping against the wood, a familiar, angry tone called his name from behind. Ramsey was annoyed about God knows what, headed right for him.
“Valentine, where have you been?” he asked, stopping a short distance away. Not expecting an answer, he continued, “Captain Banerji and Harper just gave an entire speech to your cohort with our next plans and you missed all of it.”
“Okay,” Jensen replied. 
It was the easiest response to gauge someone's temperament; he had plenty of practice with it. Either they’d take that as enough, more calm and collected, or blow up and lose their dignity in the process, usually people he tended to avoid. He didn’t expect Ramsey to be the latter.
“If I were you, I’d start caring a little more. Your lack of skills leave you easily replaceable–”
“Master Ramsey?” a cheery voice chimed from behind him, both of them glancing that way to meet the gaze of another new recruit, the cleanliness of her clothes clearly marking her rank. “Captain Banerji requested you at the helm.”
Ramsey gave him half a glance before scurrying off to Naveen’s side. Before he was gone, she happily introduced herself. “I’m Sienna, by the way.”
“Jensen,” he replied, her friendly demeanor more welcoming than he had seen from others. He continued with, “Thanks for interrupting.”
“No problem! I could see him chewing you out from a mile away. Hopefully he doesn’t catch on, though.” She smiled with a breathy sort of laugh, Jensen offering a tilt of his head so she’d catch him up. She leaned toward him in a conspiratorial whisper to which he practically had to crouch to get into earshot. “Banerji didn’t really ask for him, I just figured you needed it.”
Jensen’s expression mixed everywhere from confusion to surprise. “I wouldn’t take you for a liar,” he said with a hint of a grin.
“Ah, see? That’s where I get ‘em.” She smiled, and Jensen let a sighed chuckle fall through his lips, upturned at the corners. “But trust me, if you ever need a save from Ramsey, I’m there. He was…” she considered her words carefully, “less than pleasant, I suppose.”
Before either of them could say something else, Chief Emery called out as she descended the stairs of the helm. As the new group convened, she started them down to the lower deck.
Jensen’s eyes had to adjust from the bright, gleaming sunset to the dimly-lit berth deck, hammocks lazily swinging against the posts. After a few short sentences of an explanation, Harper let them pick amongst themselves where they’d be sleeping before sending them off for dinner.
Despite some of the silent-judgment at the quality of the meals, Jensen was happy just to have a consistent source of food; it wasn’t always something he had the pleasure of with his mother. 
He had lost Sienna in the galley but quickly spotted her across the mess hall, her hand shooting up in a wave to bring him over. She was sitting with a number of others he recognized, as well as a few that he didn’t. He took a seat next to her and listened to the conversation.
The group chatted contently with one another between introducing themselves (though clearly Sienna had made her way around). Elijah was across from him, Jackie on Sienna’s other side, And Landry at the other corner. For that moment, he was happy to sit in with them, enjoying the easy agreements and back and forth banter. His body was far too tired after the day to be of any use in a conversation, though he offered up his name when prompted.
After dinner, he was happy to collapse into slumber, as were a number of others. Only a night ago he was in a bed much less comfortable than this, attempting to wish a goodbye and goodnight to his mother, who was much too busy down the road at the nearby tavern.
Somewhere deep down, he wanted to miss her. Wanted to miss their makeshift little home, too. But this, here, was always going to be easier than that. She didn’t have to worry about what he was up to, didn’t have to rely on theft for half their resources. It was easier this way for her and, soon, it would be for him, too.
Tags (for my tag list and those of you who have been interested): @choicesficwriterscreations @cariantha @inlocusmads @jerzwriter​ @dr-colossal-pita​ @peonyblossom​ @kyra75
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openheartfanfics · 11 months
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liaromancewriter · 2 years
Premise: When an ex asks Ethan for a second chance, he realizes that the past is best left behind. Set during the beginning of book 2.
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine). Feat. Harper Emery Rating/Category: Teen. Fluffy Angst. Words: 1,920
A/N: Submission for @choicesprompts September prompt 2 and for @choices-september-challenge-blog​ Day 18 Dialogue prompt
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“This isn’t working for me anymore.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me.”
“This was the agreement. This has always been the agreement. Or have you forgotten?”
“I’ve forgotten nothing. But everything is different now.”
Ethan Ramsey sighed in frustration and set the empty wine glass down, gazing at Harper Emery across the kitchen island. 
They’d been having a variation of this argument for the last two days; ever since Harper had told him that she’d accepted the Chief of Medicine position, effectively making her his boss.
He stared at the ceiling hoping for divine wisdom or anything to bring this conversation to an end. But all he got were blind spots from the overhead lights shining into his eyes.
For the last eight years, he and Harper had been engaged in an on-again, off-again relationship. They had mutually agreed to keep it casual in case it interfered with their bigger career ambitions. Now he was calling it off for good because things were different.
Why was Harper pushing back? He thought, baffled at her uncharacteristic stubbornness.
They had fought too hard for their careers for people to gossip about them. It hadn’t mattered when they were residents or when they both became attending physicians within a year of each other. Her becoming Chief meant they weren’t equals anymore.
He had liked Harper when they initially met during one of his second-year residency rotations. She had been a couple of years ahead of him, halfway through her neurosurgery residency, and he respected how confident she was about owning her skills.
They had both been determined to make their mark professionally. That intellectual connection had been a huge turn-on for him. The physical aspect of their relationship, when it followed shortly after, wasn’t bad either.
They enjoyed each other’s company, but the impermanence of their interactions had started to feel old after a while. Lately, their “off” times seemed to last longer than their “on” periods, but neither had complained. He would always value their friendship, but whatever more existed between them was over.
He reached for the jacket he’d tossed on the kitchen stool, shrugged it over his broad shoulders, and headed toward the front door. There was no point rehashing everything for the nth time.
“You’re leaving?” Harper asked incredulously. “We’re still talking!”
“What is there left to say, Harper?” Ethan said objectively, pausing to look back over his shoulder. “We always agreed to keep it casual and convenient. It’s not convenient anymore, not for me. We’ve had a good run, but it’s time to move on.”
Harper followed hurriedly, pushing past him to lean her back against the door, blocking his exit. “What if I tell the board I’ve changed my mind about the Chief role?”
Ethan stiffened, his eyes scanning the desperation on her face. His expression softened, and he framed her face between his hands.
“Harper, you deserve the promotion, and you’re going to kick ass as Chief,” he told her gently. “We always promised each other that our careers came first. Please, don’t put me in the position of watching a doctor I respect greatly to give up everything she worked so hard for because of a man. I can’t be the one who stands in your way. You’d come to resent me for it one day, and so would I.”
Harper sighed and stepped away from the door and him.
“I’m sorry, Ethan,” she said, contrite. “It was unfair of me to put this on you. Of course, you’re right. One of the reasons we worked so well as a couple was because we weren’t really a couple.”
“I care about you,” Ethan said, giving her a half-smile. “We had fun together, and I hope we’ll continue to be friends.”
Harper chuckled. “Sure. Who knows? Maybe I’ll find the Chief role isn’t for me after all.”
Ethan nodded but didn’t respond, not wanting to make promises he couldn’t keep. He kissed her forehead goodbye and walked out of her apartment.
He knew that it was over between them even if Harper stopped being his boss. He was turning thirty-five in a couple of months. At his age, his father had already been busy working two jobs while raising a teenager.
Ethan wasn’t sure he wanted marriage or children. Given everything he'd seen, it was too big a risk to take. He also didn’t want to spend his life searching for something he couldn’t define.
It was better to focus on work, to seek answers to medicine’s biggest mysteries. Unlike people, medicine never let him down.
Two years later…
Ethan smiled at the text from Cassie Valentine and quickly tapped a reply, telling her how much he was looking forward to proving her wrong tonight in bed. He laughed out loud when she replied with “Bring it!” and a hot face emoji.
Cassie seemed to enjoy challenging him at every opportunity; her lips curved in a smile that was equal parts sweet and naughty. He wondered what it said about him that he found her occasional quirkiness endearing and her passion addictive.
“What’s so funny?”
He glanced up as Harper walked over to take the visitor’s chair across from him. He’d been so absorbed in texting that he hadn’t heard the glass doors swish open.
“Nothing,” he said, clearing the gruffness from his throat and putting his phone aside, screen facing down. “What can I do for you, Harper?”
Harper rolled her eyes and shook her head in dismay. “What makes you think I want anything, Ethan? Can’t I visit an old colleague who is also a friend?”
Ethan grinned at the amused exasperation in her voice. He knew he’d tried her patience when she was Chief and throughout their relationship. And yet he couldn’t help himself.
“I’m only thirty-six, Harper. Let’s save the ‘old’ for when I cross forty.”
“Thirty-seven soon, no?” She prodded before continuing, “Forty isn’t as far as you think.”
Before he could protest, she held her hands up to indicate a truce. “Anyway, I didn’t come here to tease you. We haven’t had a chance to chat since you returned from your WHO mission. How are you?”
Ethan hid his confusion behind a neutral mask. Harper knew he wasn’t one for small talk. Still, he decided to indulge her.
“I’m fine. It was a successful mission, and I’m pleased with the outcomes,” he said evenly. “But now I’m back, and one hundred percent focused on the Diagnostics Team. Is that enough for small talk? Now, what do you want?”
Harper sighed at his abrupt tone as much as the question. “Fine, fine. I’ll come out with it since niceties are clearly lost on you.”
Ethan could feel the tips of his ears turn red at the inference, and he threw Harper an abashed look. “My apologies, Harper. That wasn’t very nice of me.”
“It’s fine,” she said, waving away his apology. “It’s who you are. I came to invite you to dinner tonight if that works or tomorrow.”
He was immediately suspicious, wondering why she was acting out of character. “Why?”
“Why not?” she countered. Then she uncrossed her legs and stood up to lean over the desk. “Look, I was hoping to do this over dinner, but….”
She paused, and then her eyes locked on his. “I want you back, Ethan. I’m not your boss anymore, and there’s no reason why we can’t pick up where we left off.”
Ethan stilled as Harper blurted out the words, unable to hide his shock.
“Is it really that much of a surprise?” She asked, noticing the look on his face. “We were good together for eight years, weren’t we?”
“Harper, I…”
He caught a movement out of the corner of his eye and saw Cassie and Baz through the glass walls. They were talking and laughing animatedly as they headed toward the team office. He’d forgotten he’d asked them to drop by for a consult and update on a new patient. June wouldn’t be far behind. He caught Baz’s eye and gestured for them to wait.
"I can't keep kissing strangers and pretending they are you,” Harper said when he tuned back in. “I want to try again, but this time make it official. Ethan, are you listening to me?”
“Yes,” he replied absently, watching the considering look enter Cassie’s eyes as her gaze zigzagged between him and Harper.
Ethan came out from behind his desk to stand in front of Harper. His eyes briefly connected with Cassie, and he asked for her patience. He saw her subtle nod before she looked away.
“Harper,” he began, peering intently at her. “I’m seeing someone else and have been for a few months now.”
“I see,” she said, brows furrowing. “Is it serious?”
“Yes, it is,” he admitted more to himself than her. From the moment he met Cassie, it had been serious despite how much he tried to pretend otherwise.
“Do I know her? Does she work at the hospital?” Harper fired off questions.
“You know I dislike discussing my private life,” Ethan said severely, folding his arms across his chest. “We’re keeping our relationship quiet for now, and I’m not at liberty to say more.”
“Not at liberty?” Harper mocked. “What is she, a celebrity? Are you afraid I’ll go running to TMZ?”
“No, of course not,” he said curtly. “But for our own reasons, we want to keep our relationship private until we’re ready to tell our family and friends. It’s still new, and we don’t want to let the world in.”
Harper looked like she wanted to probe more, but his face must have shown his reluctance to continue the conversation.
“Fine, I get the message,” she said, trying to smile to show she was unaffected, but he could see the hurt.
“I’m sorry, Harper,” Ethan said, placing one hand on her arm before letting go. He was mindful of the captive audience outside now that June had joined Cassie and Baz. “I didn’t mean to hurt you with my brusqueness, but you caught me by surprise.”
Harper smiled again, this one full of warmth. “No, I’m sorry. Two years is a long time to wait for someone. I shouldn’t have assumed you were single. I hope we’re still friends after this.”
“Of course,” he said definitely. “We have history, good memories. I have great respect for you.”
Harper watched him curiously. “Even before we called it off the last time, something had changed, hadn’t it?”
He hesitated and then nodded. “Yes. I don’t know what, but I knew I wasn’t happy with the status quo.”
“I understand,” she said and stepped back, straightening her coat. “I’ll let you get back to it. See you around, Ethan.”
Ethan watched Harper stride through the sliding doors, stop to exchange words with the team and laugh at something Baz said before waving them goodbye.
The team filed into the office and took their seats at the conference table. But Ethan remained where he was, staring at Harper’s retreating back until it disappeared from sight.
He turned away and saw Cassie watching him discreetly, a knowing look in her eyes. Ethan wondered if she was jealous and how he should handle it. And then she smiled, and he knew she understood.
He’d said goodbye to someone who’d been important to him once and gained closure to move on to the next phase of his life. He wasn’t afraid to take a risk, not anymore. Whatever happened next would certainly be an adventure.
All Fics & Edits: @potionsprefect @trappedinfanfiction @bex-la-get @mysticalgalaxysstuff @genevievemd @choicesaddict5 @jerzwriter @vi-writes-stuff @coffeeheartaddict2 @quixoticdreamer16 @zahrachoices @lucy-268 @a-crepusculo @jamespotterthefirst @headoverheelsforramsey @takemyopenheart @queencarb @crazy-loca-blog @peonierose @cariantha @annfg8 @openheartforeverinmyheart @bluebelle08 @rookiemartin
Ethan & Cassie only: @custaroonie @lady-calypso
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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macapacaalpaca · 2 years
I feel like I’m the only one who isn’t a big fan of Harper?
I can appreciate her work and how she’s undoubtedly an amazing surgeon, but I don’t think the diagnostics team was the right move for her. As well as that, I don’t agree with how she treated Aurora (although I know it was because she just wanted her to succeed) and I really hate how she treated MC in bk 3.
I was always under the impression that she was jealous of seeing Ethan and MC so in love and resented MC for being the one Ethan truly fell for. Constantly going down memory lane felt like a way of snubbing MC.
The cherry on top for me was the whole drug trial incident and admitting that she wouldn’t have snitched on Ethan, but did on MC. Like? Girl, you’re smarter than that.
Maybe I’m overprotective and over analyse but does anyone feel the same way? 😅
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the-pale-goddess · 1 year
If Ethan would’ve kept her relationship/deal with Harper in book 1, and then he meets MC, do you think he would have called things off with Harper when he realized he was developing feelings (?) or whatever for MC or would he have kept the deal just to forced himself to not cross any lines? Do you think knowing they’re together (by gossip because I don’t see them showing it at EB) would’ve impacted when and if your MC started to have feelings for him?
Thank you for this ask, lovely. Please, forgive me for another extremely delayed response ❤️
In my HC Ethan and Harper were always too volatile to last and they would part ways regardless of MC’s presence in Ethan’s life—I wrote a few words about their situationship here.
But it's a great AU idea! If they were still an item around the time Tiffany showed up at Edenbrook, Ethan would be trapped. Initially, the convenient arrangement with Harper would be his safety net; he would use it to push all the forbidden thoughts away. The mission would obviously fail miserably, burdening him with overwhelming guilt. Though all the signs would be pretty obvious, just like in canon, Dr. Denial would refuse to acknowledge that he’s developing real feelings for his intern. Nevertheless, with the absence of any romantic sentiment for Harper, he would feel like a notorious cheater and call things off, probably after the baseball game in Ch 5.
As for Tiffany, that situation wouldn’t impact her fascination for her mentor—heart wants what it wants; she would fall for Grumpsey all the same, but she would never act on her feelings. Instead, she would be hell-bent on burying them six feet deep. Her reactions would be more restrained, more appropriate; she would avoid any allusions and flirty remarks. Whether the rumors about Dr. Emery and Dr. Ramsey were true or not, my girl would steer clear of any delusions, believing that in his eyes she’d always be just another infuriating intern. I can also imagine Tiff throwing herself into the dating pool in a desperate attempt to forget about this impossible crush (and unintentionally breaking a few hearts along the way, oops).
Despite these clear boundaries between them, all their efforts would be pointless, and their bond would only grow stronger. After all, they’re soulmates in every universe 🥰
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lucy-268 · 2 years
Not Meant to Be
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Not Meant to Be
Series/Pairing: Open Heart - Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Samantha Carlson)
Disclaimer: Most characters belong to PB, Samantha is sort of mine
Other Characters: Harper Emery
Rating / Warnings: T / Angst
Summary: After Samantha survived her ethics hearing near the end of her intern year Ethan assured her that they would make it work. He went to the Amazon promising her they would still be together when he came back. So, who changed his mind?
Comments/Notes: Written for the Please Be Prompt event at CFWC using the angst prompt "Was it ever me?" It will be in bold. Also, I wasn’t quite sure who to tag. Obviously, my perma list and All Open Heart. I don’t have and Ethan and Samantha list. But if it includes Ethan, I figured my Ethan list should be included. And it is part of Samantha’s back story, my Tobias list is also included, as that is there story. I also need to thank a couple of people for assistance. @liaromancewriter​ and @jerzwriter​ for research and opinions. 
Word count: ~1,260
Eighteen Months Ago
Harper smiled as she stepped out of the elevator and headed toward Ethan’s apartment, carrying a bottle of Pinot noir. Granted, it wasn’t Scotch, but it was his favorite wine.
She let herself into his apartment and headed to the kitchen where Ethan was preparing dinner. “Salmon. My favorite.”
Ethan leaned over and kissed her. “Wine?”
She smiled. “I thought we could celebrate.”
“What are we celebrating?”
Harper waited until he had slid the baking dish into the oven and turned to face her. “My new job.”
Ethan frowned at her. “What new job? You’re already Head of Neurosurgery. Is Carmichael leaving?”
Harper smiled and shook her head. “Not Chief of Surgery. I’m replacing Dr. Robinette when he retires.”
“Chief of Medicine? Administration? You can’t be serious, Harper!”
She glared at him. “Of course I’m serious. This is a good thing for me and for Edenbrook.”
“You’ll be playing politics and your focus won’t be on the patients.”
“Ethan! I’m not going to forget I’m a doctor first. This isn’t going to change me at all.” She rubbed her hand along his arm. “There is no reason for anything to change.”
“Except us.” Ethan twisted his arm away from her.
“What do you mean?”
“I’ll be your employee. We can’t have anything other than a professional relationship.” When she opened her mouth to speak he held up his hand and continued. “It would be unethical for you to be with a member of your staff. And I’m not transferring to Mass Kenmore or Cambridge.”
“Then I guess I’ll see you at work, Dr. Ramsey.” Harper turned on her heel and headed to the door before he could see the tears glittering in her eyes.
The Day After the Ethics Hearing
"But the competition was canceled.” Ethan was horrified at the implication of Naveen’s announcement.
“Then it's a good thing I'm the top dog around here. I've just made new rules! It's settled. Dr. Carlson will spend her second year as the junior fellow on the diagnostics team... with you as her direct supervisor.” He turned from Ethan to face Samantha. “Congratulations, Samantha. You've earned it.” Naveen gave her a wink before walking away.
“So, um... how do we deal with this?” Samantha chewed on her lip as she watched him.
“We make it work. What matters is the patients. Right?”
"Well, then... Get to work, Rookie.”
“Yes, doctor.”
Several hours later Sami was heading to the cafeteria to meet her roommates when she received a page directing her to Ethan’s office.
When she got there the door was partially open and she stepped in. He had tossed his doctor’s coat over his chair and had his sleeves rolled up. He had several boxes around with books, medical journals, and office supplies loaded haphazardly.
“Ethan? What are you doing?”
He nodded to the small couch in his office and sat next to her. “During the time that I resigned, I talked to a colleague at WHO. He asked me if I would be interested in heading to the Amazon for a month or two. As I wasn’t planning on returning here, I agreed. Naveen knows I agreed to that and he’s happily giving me the time. I’m moving my personal effects to the diagnostic office since I’ll be there when I get back.”
“You’re leaving tomorrow?”
Ethan nodded. “Naveen is sending out an email blast to the hospital tomorrow but I wanted you to hear it from me.”
“And, us, Ethan?”
“I meant what I said. We’ll make this work when I get back.” Samantha smiled as he leaned down to kiss her.
Two Months Later
Ethan hurried through the airport and smiled when he saw the display of souvenirs at one of the shops. He thought of the stuffed pink dolphin resting in his suitcase. Samantha had told him about her and Sienna being dolphins in a sea of sharks. It was only appropriate that he bring her back a pink river dolphin from the Amazon. Before long, he was settled into his seat for the first leg of his twenty hour trip back to Boston. He reclined his seat back and closed his eyes.
Many hours later, Ethan opened the door to his apartment and rolled his suitcase to the laundry room. He unzipped it and found Samantha’s dolphin before heading into his bedroom. He changed into a clean pair of jeans and a white henley and headed towards the front door.
Earlier in the day Harper had stopped in Naveen’s office. The two of them made a point to have lunch once a week since he had taken over as chief. Ethan had sent Naveen an email stating his flight number and that he would return to work the following day. She smiled at the brevity of the message. It was the only time anyone had heard from Ethan the entire two months he had been gone and he sent his mentor and boss a grand total of two sentences.
Later, Harper stood in front of Ethan’s apartment door, feeling slightly nervous. She remembered the last time she was here, happy because she’d just found out she was being promoted to Chief of Medicine. Now that she wasn’t his boss, maybe they could have another chance. She raised her hand to knock when the door opened and she faced Ethan as he was picking up a green jacket.
“Harper. Come in.” He stepped aside to let her pass.
“You’re going out? I figured you’d want to rest before tomorrow. The new interns show up and you officially start as Director of Diagnostics.”
Ethan smiled. “As Director of Diagnostics, interns aren’t my problem this year. I was heading to Donahue’s. But please, sit.” He motioned the leather sofa.
Harper sat and smiled as he continued, “I’d offer you coffee, but I’m out and unless you’ve changed, I know you don’t like Scotch.”
“I’m fine. I was hoping we could talk.”
Ethan was surprised when she replied, “Us.”
“Us? Harper, there hasn’t been an ‘us’ since you accepted the Chief of Medicine job.”
“And I don’t have that job anymore. I’m no longer your boss.” She turned sideways on the sofa to face him. “We had so many starts and stops in our relationship and we were finally really beginning to feel permanent until I accepted that job. I haven’t felt that with anyone I went out with since. Have you?”
Ethan turned his head from her. No one except Samantha. He closed his eyes as he remembered the last conversation with Harper in his apartment.  It would be unethical for you to be with a member of your staff.  And here he was, planning on beginning a relationship with someone on his own staff! He faced her again. “If things hadn’t happened the way they did, we might still be together and be happy. But I think we need to stay in the past now.”
Harper headed for the door, and paused with her hand on the knob. “Maybe I’m a glutton for punishment, but I have to know, Was it ever me?” When he didn’t answer right away. She opened the door and left.
Ethan pulled on his jacket and headed out his apartment. He was still going to Donahue’s, but instead of bringing Samantha home with him, he was planning on telling her that they needed to take a step back.
He spotted the dolphin waiting to be taken to Samantha. He decided he would donate it to the children’s wing in the morning.
Tagging - @choicesficwriterscreations​ @openheartfanfics​ 
Perma - @a-crepusculo​ @bex-la-get​ @danijimenezv​ @genevievemd​ @jamespotterthefirst​ @jerzwriter​ @liaromancewriter​ @potionsprefect​ @writer-ish​ @crazy-loca-blog​ @quixoticdreamer16​ @txemrn​ @zahrachoices​
All Open Heart - @annfg8​ @coffeeheartaddict2​ @utterlyinevitable​ @differenttyphoonwerewolf​
Open Heart - Ethan & Charley only - @ohchoices​ @queencarb​ @headoverheelsforramsey​ @youlookappropriate​
Open Heart - Tobias & Samantha only - @burnsoslow​ @kat-tia801​
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utterlyinevitable · 1 year
What is your MC relationship with Harper? How was Ethan's relation with her after he was with your MC?
With all my MCs, their relationship with Harper is just colleagues. There was never any rhyme or reason for them to be closer? Maybe Becca is slightly more than colleagues and encroaching on friendly acquaintances with Harper only because of her friendship with Aurora. But Odette's relationship with Harper is one of professional respect. In both universes, Harper never joined the DT and thus was never in MCs close work circle.
Ethan was always strictly friends with Harper in Becca's universe, and made that abundantly clear. Especially to ward off incessant hospital gossip. And after the events of OHSY, Harper very much agreed to these new boundaries.
Odette's universe it was pretty much the same, except that there's a deleted scene somewhere where Ethan and Harper flirt with the idea of getting back together, for convenience. It never led anywhere but that one conversation over a shared meal, and maybe that's because it was painfully obvious neither of their hearts were truly in it.
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jerzwriter · 1 year
What is your MC relationship with Harper? How is Ethan's relation with her after he is with MC?
Hey Nonny,
I really need to tag my asks better because I know I've answered this but, of course, I can't find it!
I'm limiting the answer to my Ethan/Kaycee world because it is more impactful there, but I'll quickly say that in Tobias/Casey world, Casey and Harper enjoy a cordial relationship and have the highest regard for one another.
Before we begin, let me establish most of Book 3 did not happen in my HC. Sorry, the writer knew less about the story and the character than my late grandma, who died before the series began, so I am not claiming it. So all the absolute foolishness they started with Harper didn't happen. Why? It was all so OOC for all characters involved, so I'm not having it. lol
Harper is a gorgeous, successful, self-confident woman. She isn't begging for any man. Period. When Ethan said they were over for good, she said OK and went on to better things. Sorry, not sorry. Ethan, Mr. Emotional constipation, was not about to be flirting with his ex (who he's still friends with) in front of his colleagues, especially when he's dating one of those colleagues. Please.
So with that stupidity out of the way... I also don't have Harper turning MC in, but I "wouldn't if it were Ethan." Because... 90% of Book 3 didn't happen. lol
Kaycee respected Harper as an intern but was a bit intimidated by her. Harper was impressed with Kaycee's background but was reserving judgment. She did see sparks between Ethan and Kaycee, and while I don't think for a moment she was jealous, I think she did have concerns about a highly regarded attending and an intern being involved. She'd probably be at least a little pissed that Ethan ended things with her because she was his boss, and now he's involved with an intern, but just because she'd find it hypocritical. She's not pining for the man.
The relationship between the two women improved when Kaycee approached Harper and confessed to being the one to administer the drug to Mrs. Martinez. Harper felt it took courage and integrity to own up to her actions, so there was a level of respect even though she didn't approve of her choices. Seeing Kaycee fight so hard to continue her medical career sealed the deal. She admired Kaycee, and, in turn, Kaycee admired her for her fairness in her approach to the situation. (Let's be serious, IRL, it wouldn't have been so pretty for MC.)
Ethan was always friends with Harper, so there was no real change in his relationship with her after he and Kaycee started dating. Keep in mind they became quasi-public after the attack, and at that point, everyone was looking at things through a different lens.... including Harper. People aren't going to criticize as much knowing what just occurred.
I think Ethan & Harper remain the closest of friends, and Kaycee and Harper are not as close but consider each other friends as well.
I'm really not a fan of the successful women being at each other's throats tropes. When I portray what could be perceived by some as nasty relationships between women, I am careful to show there are reasons that belie it, not "we're jealous over each other's success or (worse yet) a stupid man." I am all for removing those misogynistic stereotypes from our existence - and I was super pissed at PB for playing into them - poorly at that.
Thanks for the ask, Nonny!
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lem-20 · 2 years
How would your MC react to the whole “going down to memory lane” thing Ethan did with Harper? Do you think it was also view as harmless from Harper’s side? (I know some have different HC for Harper’s feelings towards MC and Ethan)
Hi anon. I actually wrote a fic set during that time.
My MC is a little jealous, but not in a petty way, she just wishes she and Ethan had things like that to reminisce about (because at that point they hadn't even been on a proper date!)
As for Harper, in my fic Ethan sees Cecilia talking to her ex and is a little jealous. Harper is actually the one who points out the fact that Cecilia has to work with Ethan's ex every day. It was perhaps a little insensitive, but I think the conversations were harmless as far as Harper is concerned, she's happy for E&C.
Thank you for the question ❤
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coffeeheartaddict2 · 1 month
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Here's a potential little prompt for Casey! Use as you see fit, or delete if you don't see fit! lol :)
Who am I?
Book: Open Heart (post series)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC Casey Ramsey
Category: fluffy angst
Rating: PG
Word count: 401
Warnings: mentions of mental health
Summary: Casey is due to have baby Hudson in about six weeks and she is already starting to feel some of the loss of identity that occurs when a child is born. As a pre baby Mother’s Day present, Ethan tries to ease some of Casey’s concerns
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixelberry.
Author’s note: thank you to @jerzwriter for not only sending me this prompt but for also hosting a Mother’s Day event for which this is a submission for.
The identity change that happens when we welcome a young one and the changes around that are real and it affects people differently.
Mothers Day 2025
It was six weeks until they were due to meet baby Hudson. The pregnancy was a wanted surprise and thankfully, aside from some morning sickness, the pregnancy had been relatively trouble free. Casey had clearance to work up until 36 weeks gestation. Casey had already begun handing over some of her duties to Aurora Emery, who was going to be the team leader whilst she was on leave. Tobias was also helping out where he could also.
Despite everything going well, Casey could not help but start to feel the gravity of the changes that baby Hudson was going to bring to their lives, especially hers. It was humbling that she soon there was going to be this tiny human who will be completely dependant on her. She was looking forward to being a mum but the thoughts of the loss of identity that came with that were starting to haunt her. Despite reassurances from her friends, the team, Harper and Ethan, she could not help but feel that who she was now, Dr Casey Ramsey would be lost.
Ethan was already at a lost with what to say or do, at least without coming off as condescending. So he got to searching. Even though Hudson was not born yet, he still wanted to do something, to celebrate the upcoming milestone for them. He was looking at coffee mugs, he did not know fully why, they both had several anyway but one caught his eye.
“It’s Miss, Ms. Mrs
Written on the side. He ordered it thinking that it would be a cute and useful reminder that she will always be Dr Casey Ramsey.
Mother’s Day came and Ethan made her breakfast. He brought it to her in bed. He then gave her the box with the mug inside. Casey opened it, having no idea what it was and she the mug, chuckled and then hugged Ethan.
“No one can take away the title of Doctor, not even our son. You will soon be a mother but you will never stop being a Doctor.” Says Ethan.
Casey kisses him sweetly.
“Thank you Ethan, I am sure I will need reminding of this but thank you.”
They spent a lazy morning in bed before heading out to lunch and both were excited that this time next year they would have someone else to celebrate Mother’s Day with.
Authors note: hooray I was able to keep it to Drabble length for the Mother’s Day Drabble event.
Casey did need to be reminded several times in the first year of Hudson’s life that she was still a doctor, not just a mum.
Tagging: @jerzwriter @jamespotterthefirst @genevievemd @cariantha @potionsprefect @liaromancewriter @bex-la-get @crazy-loca-blog @a-crepusculo @alj4890 @zealouscanonindeer @youlookappropriate @tessa-liam @schnitzelbutterfingers @binny1985 @lucy-268 @openheartfanfics @choicesficwriterscreations
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cariantha · 1 year
Accidental Valentine
Book: Open Heart, Book 1
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks)
Rating: Teen
Warning: A little bit of sexual innuendo
Category: Fluff
Word count: 4K
Summary: It’s Valentine’s Day and Ethan and Sawyer get “stuck” spending the evening together.
A/N: This takes place after Miami but before the opera. Inspiration drawn from an episode of Grey's Anatomy, 🎶I Wanna Remember, 🎶My Body, and 🎶If Our Love is Wrong.
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February 14, 2023
4:30 p.m.
Ethan guided Sawyer through the dimly lit maze of construction materials in the new wing. Instinctively, his hand hovered just inches from her lower back. In the eerily quiet section of the hospital their pagers buzzed simultaneously. The unexpected noise startled Sawyer causing her to stumble as she stepped over a bundle of cables.
“Are you–”
She felt the warmth of his palm as she found her footing and awkwardly laughed off the mishap. “I’m good.” 
Checking his pager, Ethan read the new notification and groaned. “And so it begins.”  
For the past two days, the National Weather Service warned of severe blizzard conditions. Local news stations ran stories showing empty grocery store shelves as Boston residents took precautions to shelter in place. Chief Emery reviewed emergency protocols and prepared hospital staff for the influx in the emergency department.
Offering his hand to help her step over the next hazard, Ethan cautioned, “Careful… watch your step. The page was for more doctors in the E.R., not patients.”
Sawyer took his hand but not before giving him a gentle side-punch for his jab about her clumsiness.  
Minutes later they waited for the elevator to arrive, and ever the gentleman, Ethan gestured for Sawyer to enter first as the steel doors slowly slid open. “After you.”
Once Ethan was safely across the threshold, Sawyer pushed the button for the first floor. Rolling back and forth on her heels, she waited for the digital number above the door to change. 
Ethan stood against the side wall, a small smile forming at the corner of his mouth as he admired her profile. 
“What?” she asked, feeling the burn of his gaze as she watched the floor number change from five to four.
“Nothing,” he answered, shifting his eyes to where her attention was still focused. 
Before the number changed to three, the elevator jerked violently coming to a sudden stop. The jolt caused them both to stumble backward a step or two. 
“Whoa!” Sawyer yelped, trying to keep her balance.
Ethan tried to reach for her but lost sight in the now pitch black box. “Are you alright?” he called out.
“Yeah. You?”
Sawyer pulled out her phone to illuminate the small space helping Ethan locate the emergency call button.  
“It’s not working. The storm must have knocked out the power. The generators should kick on shortly. Do you have any service?” he asked, pulling out his own phone to check.
“No, I don’t have any bars.”
The emergency light above them finally buzzed to life, the soft glow just enough for them to make out each other’s faces. 
Ethan backed up to the wall and supported himself on the handrail. “I guess there’s not much else to do but wait it out.” 
5:30 p.m.
They had talked easily, not realizing how much time passed until Sawyer checked her phone.
“Ethan, it’s been an hour. Shouldn’t the generators have kicked on by now?”
“Yeah, they should have.”
Concern etched across his face as he thought about the patients who might be in danger, particularly Naveen. But before he could share those concerns, they were interrupted by some banging and a distant muffled voice.
“Hello? Can anyone hear me? Anyone there?”
“We can hear you!” Ethan responded with his deep booming voice. 
“This is Richard from Maintenance. Are you okay?”
“Yes, we’re fine.”
“Ethan? Ethan, is that you? It’s Harper. Who else is with you?”
“Yes. Dr. Brooks is here also. Why haven’t the generators kicked on yet?” he shouted back.
“They have. But the computer system controlling the elevators crashed. We haven’t been able to reboot it. We’ve called for a technician but the storm is making travel impossible right now,” Harper explained. 
Ethan shared a look with Sawyer.
“Make yourselves comfortable. It’s gonna be a while,” Richard hollered down. 
Sawyer sighed as she moved to sit on the floor, “Well, you heard him.”   
6:00 p.m.
Ethan had finally joined her on the floor, propped up against the opposite wall. 
“Okay, lightning round.”
Scrunching his face in confusion, “Pardon?” 
“I’m going to ask you five random questions and you can’t think. Just answer with the first thing that comes to mind. Are you ready?”
“I said no thinking!” she pointed and laughed.
“Fine, go ahead,” he reluctantly consented. “Hopefully these will be better than the ones you asked when we tested the fMRI.”
“Let’s find out. First celebrity crush?”
Without missing a beat, “Jennifer Love Hewitt.”
Sawyer nodded in quiet approval. “And if you had the chance to hook up with her tonight, would you?”
Ethan squinted looking into her eyes. “No,” he stated confidently.
“Okay, hmm… What’s your favorite carb: bread, pasta, rice, or potatoes?”
“When people stand up for a standing ovation, are you usually one of the earlier people to stand up or one of the later?”
“I rarely stand at all.”
“Yeah, that’s on brand,” she laughed thinking of what to ask next. “Say something cool.”
“That’s not a question.”
Sawyer rolled her eyes then her hand to encourage him to answer anyway.
Shaking her head with a giggle, “You’re such a nerd.”
Ethan shrugged. “Is it my turn now?”
“That was only four questions. I get one more.” 
“It was five… celebrity crush… if I’d hook up–”
“The hook-up question was merely a follow-up. It wasn’t an official question,” she argued with a smile. “Last one. Favorite type of muffin?”
He tilted his head slightly and raised his eyebrow with a questioning glare.
“What’s that look for?” she genuinely wondered until it suddenly dawned on her. “Oh my god! Stop! I wasn’t trying to bait you. It was an innocent question. When I stopped at Derry’s the other day, I thought it would be a nice treat for you and Naveen, but I didn’t know what flavors you liked.”
“It’s true!” she insisted, kicking his foot. “And given how quick your mind went there, I guess I have my answer.”
As their laughter died down, Ethan jutted out his chin to start his line of questioning. “If you had to choose another specialty, what would it be?” 
“Borrrrring,” she faked a yawn. “Is that really the best you’ve got?”
“What? It will tell me a lot about you. Especially if you say something absurd like ‘surgery.’”
“Emergency medicine.”
He pursed his lips together and nodded. “I can see that. Okay, um…what book are you reading at the moment?”
Ethan rolled his eyes.
“I’m serious. After the Platt case I wanted to read the Rethinking Symptoms chapter again. Remember that case? The horrible PITA you assigned me a while back.”
“I remember,” he quietly acknowledged, a twinge of guilt knotting his stomach. His only intention was to challenge her. Had he known just how abusive Platt had been to her and the nursing staff, he would have intervened much earlier. 
Sensing he got lost in thought, Sawyer urged him on. “Next question?”
“Hrm… What’s the most reckless thing you’ve ever done?” 
She looked down for a moment and bit her lower lip before hesitantly reconnecting with his curious eyes. “I made out with my boss on a work trip.” 
It was a half-truth. She couldn’t speak the whole truth. Because the truth was, allowing herself to fall for him was the most reckless thing she’d ever done.
And if Ethan was asked the same question, it wouldn’t be a prank from medical school, or a drunken one night stand, or even Patient X. It would be that he fell for his intern.
As the air thickened in the confined space, Ethan decided it was best to put an end to the game.
“Alright, I think that’s enough speed dating fun,” he concluded trying to keep his tone light.
“Wait, if that was speed dating, then I have to know… would you have wanted to see me again?”
“Probably not.”
Offended Sawyer threw her hands into the air, “WHAT?! Why not?” 
“Because my first impression of you would have been an ass-kissing, E.R. adrenaline junkie, with questionable morals. Need I say more?” he teased with a rare full smile. 
“Well, for what it’s worth, I would have wanted to see you again.”
“Yeah. You would have had me at ‘pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.’ That was hot,” she winked.
7:00 p.m.
“Hungry?” he asked.
Embarrassed, Sawyer clutched her stomach with her hands, “You have no idea what I’d give for a cheeseburger and fries right now.” 
“When was the last time you ate today?”
“I shared a late breakfast with Naveen.”
Ethan shook his head silently admonishing her as he shoved his hand into his coat pocket. He could hardly lecture her though. He was about to hand her the silver-wrapped candy bar that he purchased from the vending machine in lieu of taking his own lunch break earlier. “Here,” he politely offered.
Taking advantage of the opportunity, she moved to sit at his side, thanking him for the sugary sustenance. As she started to peel back the wrapper there was another rumbling sound. But this time it didn’t come from Sawyer’s stomach. Snapping the candy bar down the middle, she offered Ethan the other half. “Here, we'll share.”
With a shake of his head, “It’s fine, Rookie. You go ahead.”
“I insist,” holding it in front of him until he finally took it from her. 
Sawyer took a big bite from the corner of her mouth. She moaned softly, leaning her head back against the wall as she savored the chocolate-coated pillowy goodness. “Mmm.”
It was a sweet, familiar and arousing sound that transported Ethan to a night not that long ago. A night when conversation flowed as easily as the gentle sea breeze. When mouths not only tasted the salt in the air, but the salt on each other’s skin. And when her hips rolled against his, like waves lapping the shore.
Noticing he was lost in a daze, Sawyer gently steered him back to the present. “Hey, everything okay?” she asked softly. 
“Hmm?” Registering her voice, he shook the fog from his head, “Uh, yeah. Just remembering something.”
8:00 p.m.
Ethan checked the time on his watch and sighed.
Curiosity got the best of her, wondering if he was late for something. “Did you have any plans tonight?”
“As a matter of fact, I did,” he confessed. “A quiet night in with takeout, a movie, and the promise of interesting conversation.” It was subtle but he caught how she lowered her head to pick lint from her pants, masking what seemed like disappointment. 
“I feel sorry for your date…” she muttered.
The insult caught him off guard. “Excuse me?”
She slapped her hand over her mouth and then clarified, “Oh god, sorry. I didn’t mean it like that! I just meant that they are getting stood up on Valentine’s Day. That sucks. I think the only thing worse than that is getting left at the altar.”
“I’m not worried about it. When Naveen finds out I spent the evening with you instead, I think he’ll be quick to forgive me,” he winked. It wasn’t a secret that Naveen picked up on their chemistry and attempted to play matchmaker often, much to Ethan’s chagrin. 
This time as punishment for his teasing Sawyer shoulder-bumped him while mentally breathing a sigh of relief.  
“What about you? Surely you had plans tonight.” Ethan was well aware of the fact that Sawyer had many admirers at work. There was a high probability that one of them would have extended an invitation to her for the evening, especially the cocksure Dr. Lahela. Ethan noticed how the Malibu Ken doll hung to her every word, and even worse, held on with his self-proclaimed “magic” hands. It appeared to Ethan that the scalpel jockey was incapable of having a conversation without having an arm around her waist, fingers massaging her neck, or hands rubbing her shoulders. And in the last couple weeks, it irked him more and more.  
“Nothing concrete. I was keeping my options open.” With a slight blush pinking up her cheeks, “I know it’s silly but I was really hoping this cute boy from work was going to ask me to be his valentine today.”
Ethan met her eyes in a challenge. “Is that so?” 
Not backing down she looked him dead in the eye. “Yeah, but I don’t think he will. Even though he likes me too.”
“Maybe it’s just bad timing,” Ethan regretfully looked down at his hands. 
“That’s a possibility. But one of the nurses did tell me that Justin also likes Miley, the peds transfer from MK. Apparently he can’t make up his mind which of us he likes more and doesn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.” Sawyer laughed and tapped his foot with hers to lighten the mood, as a small smile formed on his lips. “I mean, Miley’s really cute, but c’mon,” she lifted her hand up and down gesturing to herself, “I’m the full package.” 
“No argument there,” he agreed, tapping his foot to hers this time.  
8:30 p.m.
Bored, Sawyer stood and stretched in front of the bulletin board. She scanned the flyers advertising rooms for rent and used cars for sale, as well as outdated posters promoting health and wellness. She snorted when she lifted a couple layers to find the “What to do in case of emergency” instructions buried underneath it all. Removing a few of the flyers, she returned to her spot on the floor.
“What are you doing?” he inquired.
“Arts and crafts. Want to join me?” she chuckled expecting him to pass.   
“Sure. Hand me a couple of those flyers.”
“I’ll have you know I’m pretty good at origami.”
“Of course you are,” she rolled her eyes. 
As Ethan got to work folding and twisting a piece of paper, Sawyer carefully creased a couple lines into hers. Having torn off one of the edges to make a perfect square, she continued folding and creasing, then folded each corner toward the center of the page, repeating the process until she had achieved the right shape and size. 
She leaned across Ethan snagging the pen from his chest pocket, “Can I steal this?”
In that split second, Ethan’s senses were overwhelmed. Her hand on his thigh as she reached across with the other. The hints of coconut and tropical flowers that tickled his nose. The closeness of her body against his. He cleared his throat, “It appears that you already have.” 
Already back to work on her project, Sawyer wrote numbers on one side and colors on the other. After carefully pinching the paper to change its shape, she pulled four flaps up and wrote a random phrase on each one. Finished, she excitedly showcased her final product, “Ta-da!” 
“What is it?” he glanced up momentarily from his own craft.  
“A paper fortune teller.” She positioned her fingers to push and pull the points of her device and asked the first question. “Will we ever get out of this elevator?”
Her fingers moved the paper contraption back and forth as she spelled and counted out loud. “B-L-U-E. One… two… three… four.” Peeling back the tab over the number four, she read the fortune. “‘Outlook not good.’ Grrrrrreat.” 
“Geez, I didn’t realize being in my company was so horrible,” he inserted, still concentrating hard on his art project.  
“It’s the worst,” she said, dramatically rolling her eyes and feigning annoyance. “Ask a question. You can keep it to yourself if you want.” 
“Uhhh…” he thought for a moment, working on the final touches of his origami. “Did I make the right decision in Miami?” he asked himself. “Okay, I’ve got one.”
“Pick a color,” she instructed, showing him the options. 
“Green.” For the color of her eyes he decided.
“G-R-E-E-N. Now pick a number between one and eight.”
“One.” Because she was the number one intern, his number one pick for the program, and the first person he thought of when he woke up these last few weeks. 
Sawyer peeled back the tab. “Reply hazy. Try again later.” She heard Ethan’s unsatisfied snort. “Not the answer you were hoping for?” 
“Not quite.”
Sawyer assumed his question was about finding a cure for Naveen and offered him a sympathetic smile. Noticing that his hands were now still in his lap, she pointed to them. “Let’s see your masterpiece.”
Ethan presented a nearly perfect paper rose complete with stem and leaves. “For you.”
Surprised and flattered, Sawyer accepted the sweet gesture. “Wow,” admiring the level of detail as she twirled the delicate flower in her hand. Then looking into his waiting eyes, she held the paper blossom to her chin, “Thank you.” 
9:30 p.m. 
Ethan circled his ankle and bent his knee up and down a few times trying to improve the circulation in his leg.  
“Leg falling asleep?”
An idea forming in her head, Sawyer unlocked her phone and opened her music app. Scrolling through her favorite playlist, she found a befitting tune and pressed play. Rising to her feet, she extended her hand to Ethan. “May I have this dance?”
Ethan stared at her hand considering, then met her eyes. 
“C’mon,” she reached down to take both his hands and helped pull him to his feet. “We need to stretch our legs. And honestly if I don’t move around I might pee my pants.”
“Well, we don’t want that.” Still holding her hands, he raised his left hand and folded his fingers around hers. He guided her other hand to his shoulder and placed his right hand on her waist.
They began to sway back and forth making circles in the small space of the elevator car. At first they avoided eye contact. But as the words of the song sunk in, their eyes met more frequently until they were finally locked on one another.  
I wanna memorize you, wanna stay here forever 'Cause I-I-I, I-I-I I take a picture in my mind so we're always together 'Cause I-I-I, I-I-I wanna remember
When the song ended, Sawyer was the one who broke the trance. She was just about to pull away when Ethan spoke. 
“One more?”
The corners of her lips lifted into a radiant smile. “Okay. Let me find another song.”
“I rather liked the last one.”
After hitting the replay button and returning the phone to her pocket, Ethan took her hand again. As the intro music played, he slid his other hand around to her back pulling her body close until there was no space between them. Her arm wrapped around his waist. The side of her face rested in the crook of his neck.
This feels like One of those moments moving by so fast You wanna do something just to make it last You wanna do something to remember Breathe it in The feel of your body on my fingertips The moonlight on fire and the clothes we're in We gotta do something to remember We don't wanna forget it
As they rocked side to side in each other’s arms, Sawyer could see their reflection in the stainless steel walls. His chin rested on the top of her head literally breathing her in as the lyrics suggested. 
The song ended and Ethan placed a quick peck on the top of Sawyer’s head. Ever-so-soft, she wouldn’t have even noticed had she not still been looking at their reflection. When they finally pulled away, Ethan brought her hand to his lips. “Thank you for the dance.”
11:00 p.m.
Tired and cold, Sawyer sat by Ethan’s side using his shoulder as a pillow. He encouraged her to try and get some sleep, but the cold steel against her back and dropping temperature in the elevator made it difficult. 
When she hugged herself to help control the shivers, Ethan nudged her to sit up and removed his lab coat. “Come here,” he patted the floor in front of him. 
She did as she was told, nestling herself in between his legs as Ethan draped his coat over her like a blanket. Pulling it up just barely over her mouth, Sawyer breathed in the familiar and intoxicating scent.
With a hand on her shoulder, Ethan guided her back against his chest. Framing her sides with his bent knees, he transferred his warmth and Sawyer melted into him.
Ethan leaned his head against the wall and took long slow breaths. His mind and body were engaged in conflict. He summoned all his strength to resist temptation and tamp down the twitch in his pants. As his head said “no,” his body urged him to lean down and nibble her earlobe. Massage her pulse point with his tongue. Slip his hand down her shirt to know whether her heart still beats as it did in Miami.  
As they laid there quietly for a few minutes, an occasional shiver still coursed through Sawyer even though the cold no longer affected her. She felt Ethan take a deep breath, her own body moving with the rise and fall of his chest. “What are you thinking about?” she asked softly.
He wanted to tell her. He wanted to give her the honesty she asked for that day in the lab. He took a moment to think of how he wanted to phrase it, and when he was ready, he leaned down and half-whispered next to her ear. 
“Stavo pensando che mi fai sentire qualcosa che non ho mai provato prima. So di aver detto che questa cosa tra noi è sbagliata e non dovremmo. E per la prima volta nella mia vita... non voglio avere ragione. Perché voglio che tu sia mio.” 
Sawyer didn’t understand anything he said, but she felt the meaning deep in her bones. Turning her head and shifting her body, she looked him in the eyes. There was longing and desire, and she watched how they slowly drifted down to her lips. She leaned in ever so slightly and Ethan pushed forward the rest of the way capturing her mouth. His hands held the sides of her head as he kissed her over and over. As her lips parted, he lightly introduced the tip of his tongue, moving deeper as she opened to him further. They continued to take each other’s breath away until at last the need for air had him closing the kiss with a soft peck. 
Needing to slow the pace before things went too far, Ethan rested his forehead against hers and begged, “Tell me something. Anything.” 
Sawyer caressed his face as a beautiful smile spread across hers. “This has been the best Valentine’s date ever.”
He leaned back a bit, raising his eyebrow in disbelief. 
“I mean it. Great conversation and lots of fun. You gave me chocolate and flowers. We danced. You spoke sweet nothings in Italian. At least that’s what I heard… you could have said I had amateur scalpel technique for all I know… but it was still romantic. And that kiss,” she sighed softly. “I’ve never been one for traditional Valentine’s Day gestures, but you may have convinced me otherwise, because tonight was perfect.”
Ethan was just about to say something when the elevator jerked back to life. 
They both stood dusting off their backsides and straightening their clothes when Ethan tried to speak again. “Sawyer?”
She already knew how this was going to end. “You don’t have to say it, Ethan. I know where things stand when these doors open.”
He nodded sadly. “Right. But I was also going to say, ‘Happy Valentine’s Day.’”
“Oh,” she said, surprised. 
The chime indicated the elevator finally reached the first floor. “Ethan?” Sawyer stepped out into the hall and turned around to face him. Smiling affectionately, she held the paper rose close to her heart, “Thank you for a lovely time tonight.”
A/N: Here’s what Ethan said in Italian: “I was thinking that you make me feel something I never have before. I know I’ve said this thing between us is wrong and we shouldn’t. And for the first time in my life… I don’t want to be right. Because I want you to be mine.”
Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @potionsprefect @jamespotterthefirst @annfg8 @peonierose @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @jerzwriter @quixoticdreamer16 @mysticalgalaxysstuff @inlocusmads @txemrn @trappedinfanfiction @mvalentine @takemyopenheart @ofmischiefandmedicine @openheartforeverinmyheart @doriopenheart @coffeeheartaddict2 @genevievemd @starrystarrytrouble @hopelessromantic1352 @kyra75
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openheartfanfics · 11 months
Newly Added Fics
Jul 22 - 28, 2023  
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
A Sweet Surprise - @storyofmychoices ☁
Bryce helps Olivia surprise her pediatric patients with a cool, sweet treat.
Losing Game - @peonierose 📚
[mini: wip] Bryce visits his dad in prison. How will that go? Will they reunite or will they stay apart forever? TW: Mental Health
Part 1
Karma is... a Barbie Premiere - @jerzwriter ☁
Tobias scores tickets to the biggest event in Boston, and he & Casey each invite a friend. When they learn who each invited, the wheels start spinning. Ethan Ramsey x F!OC; Tobias Carrick x F!MC
Part 1 | Part 2
Last Shift - @liaromancewriter ☁
It’s Cassie’s last day as a resident, and she has plans to commemorate the occasion with Ethan.
One Night Stand - @takeharryandgo 📚🛸
[extended: wip] It turns out her random hookup wasn't quite so random.
Part 1
Sweet Start - @jerzwriter ☁
Ethan and Kaycee start her 32nd birthday off with much to look forward to. [Birthday]
What Could Have Been - @liaromancewriter 📚🎭
[extended: wip] When Ethan breaks his promise, Cassie is forced to accept they’re not inevitable after all.
CH 3: Move On. Begin Anew.
Wonderstruck - @jamespotterthefirst 📚🛸
[mini: wip] As a hopeful med student, she sneaks into a masquerade-themed gala hoping to meet one of the greatest minds of her time. However, fate has different plans.
Part 2
Whatever You Want - @peonyblossom ☁
When Ethan tries to work on his day off, someone tries to distract him instead.
Mixed Signals - @alj4890 📚
[mini: wip] Dr. Tobias Carrick x F!MC. Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC. Dr. Bryce Lahela x F!MC. Set after the poison attack.
Chapter 1
War of Emotion - @coffeeheartaddict2 🎭Ⓜ
Ethan and Harper come to terms with Estelle’s news. Ethan has some decisions to make. Feat. Ethan Ramsey x Harper Emery, Ethan Ramsey F!OC Estelle Campion
Each Bar Plays Our Song - @peonyblossom ☁
Ethan takes the role of protective boyfriend very seriously. Ethan Ramsey x F!OC; Ethan Ramsey x Harper Emery; Ethan Ramsey x Tobias Carrick; Ethan Ramsey x M!MC
Casey's 32nd Birthday - @jerzwriter 📷
So how did she spend her first birthday as a Mom? She chose to spend it alone with her husband and daughter. [Birthday]
Karma is... a Barbie Premiere - @jerzwriter ☁
Tobias scores tickets to the biggest event in Boston, and he & Casey each invite a friend. When they learn who each invited, the wheels start spinning. Ethan Ramsey x F!OC; Tobias Carrick x F!MC
Part 1 | Part 2
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liaromancewriter · 1 year
I am curious on how Cassie dealt with her insecurities towards E & H's relationship before and how she opened it up to Ethan.
I'm so sorry for taking this long to respond to a follow-up ask. It's been a busy few weeks with one more of those to go. (I’ll reply to most of my asks during the winter break, just fyi.)
Cassie never fully shares how she felt regarding Harper with Ethan. She knew he would think she was being silly, and in the back of her mind, she knew it too. The only person who knows about all her insecurities is Max, and it's covered under Twin Code so he's not telling.
She also doesn't want drama (or for Ethan to think she's being immature). If she says something out loud, it becomes a thing. Right now, it's her problem to deal with, and she needs to keep it out of the Edenbrook environment. That’s why she never said anything to Sienna either.
Once Cassie becomes head of the Diagnostics Team and has a couple of years under her belt, she’ll stop feeling like she has to compare herself to Harper’s accomplishments. On the personal side, the more Ethan brings her into his life, stops compartmentalizing “his” from “theirs”, the more she feels secure in their relationship. 
To me, Harper and Cassie's relationship is complicated.
By the end of residency, Harper had somewhat stopped seeing Cassie as the intern that caused trouble and had an ethics trial. One reason for this is that Cassie's work on the Diagnostics Team proved beyond a doubt that she was good at what she did, even if she took big risks like Ethan, regardless of the outcome. 
Like Ethan, Cassie is willing to create a path if none exists. They're both rule breakers and Harper follows all the rules. This attitude was a source of conflict in Harper’s relationship with Ethan, and is also true of her relationship with Cassie.
Another reason is that in my hc Cassie and Aurora are very good friends. They both professionally push each other constantly. Ambition is something Harper appreciates, and she knows that Aurora is more fulfilled as a result of the friendship. 
At the same time, it was hard for Harper knowing Ethan went against his convictions to date Cassie when he broke things off with Harper after she became Chief. It’s not really about Ethan (or any man). It’s the idea that as a woman her success means men are either intimidated or see her as far above them. There’s a double standard here.
It's not like both women spend a lot of time thinking about it or dwelling on the issue, but it definitely informs their relationship dynamic. It takes Harper several years to stop seeing Cassie as that intern, and for Cassie to stop being intimidated by Harper’s success. 
I think when Cassie starts to find her own career success, accomplishments that aren’t linked to Ethan or to when he was head of DT, she starts to come into her own as a doctor and diagnostician. And she’ll stop feeling like she has to constantly compete to prove herself worthy.
Character Asks: @bluebelle08 @crazy-loca-blog @coffeeheartaddict2 @doriopenheart @lucy-268 @jerzwriter @openheartforeverinmyheart @peonierose @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @trappedinfanfiction
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macapacaalpaca · 1 year
I said before how much I love the fact that Ethan dropped Harper off first so he could spend more time alone with MC.. But now that I replayed it again I love how as soon as Harper leaves the facade comes down and MC is so comfortable being completely herself with Ethan which in this case is complaining of being too full 😂
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the-pale-goddess · 2 years
How would your MC react to the whole “going down to memory lane” thing Ethan did with Harper? Do you think it was also view as harmless from Harper’s side? (I know some have different HC for Harper’s feelings towards MC and Ethan)
Anon, my beloved, thank you for including me! I’m more than happy to answer your questions 🥰❤️
Let me start by reminding everyone that Book 3 doesn’t exist to me, and there is no universe in which I would accept its ridiculous plotlines as my canon, so it never happened in my Grumpseyverse 😅 But in my universe Harper is still very much present in E&T’s lives, so bringing up Ethan’s past with Queen Emery is inevitable.
Typical for a Virgo, Tiffany and her chronic overthinking have already gone through all hypothetical scenarios just for the sport kshdkhdkdbk
But, first and foremost, my girl is not the jealous type and Ethan gives her no reason to feel insecure in their relationship once they start dating.
Doctor Addams is wildly perceptive and intelligent, she reads people well and recognizes that there is absolutely nothing left of Ethan and Harper’s bond on both sides. Tiff has always admired Harper and respects her too much to even entertain the notion that she would ever want to rekindle her romance with Ethan.
Besides, T still keeps in touch with two of her exes, so she knows that it’s possible to be friends with an ex despite the history they share—reminiscing doesn’t necessarily mean that we’re going to chase the past or that we miss it. She understands that memories and sentiments are an essential part of every human relationship, but in the end they have no relevance to the present moment and it’s up to us whether we let them impact our lives.
Now, here’s my take on Harper’s feelings towards Ethan…I have always pictured them as a couple perfect in theory, but a disaster in practice—though they cared about one another, neither of them actually felt anything strong enough to even make them think of love. Sure, they used to be passionate about each other once, long ago, but they quickly realized how different they really are and that neither is willing to open up or bend their rules to make the relationship work—hence the on & off nature, based on great sex and convenience rather than some deeper feelings. Ethan was always a closed book, and Harper had no time or patience for his issues, both were too focused on their careers to take each other seriously. There are no underlying romantic feelings between them when MC walks into Ethan’s life.
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Open Heart FotW - July 23-29, 2023
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✒️= Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨= Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+
Losing Game (1/4) ✒️Ⓜ️| Bryce Lahela x F!OC - @peonierose
A Sweet Surprise ✒️| Bryce Lahela x F!OC - @storyofmychoices
Karma is a... Barbie Premiere (2/2) ✒️| TEthan Ramsey x F!OC?, Tobais Carrick x F!MC - @jerzwriter
Last Shift ✒️| Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @liaromancewriter
One Night Stand ✒️| Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @takeharryandgo
Sweet Start ✒️| Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @jerzwriter
War of Emotion ✒️| Ethan Ramsey x Harper Emery - @coffeeheartaddict2
What Could Have Been (Series) | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @liaromancewriter Chapter 3: Move On. Begin Anew ✒️
Whatever You Want ✒️| Ethan Ramsey x M!MC - @peonyblossom
Wonderstruck (2/3) ✒️| Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @jamespotterthefirst
Casey's 32nd Birthday 📱| Tobias Carrick x F!MC - @jerzwriter
Karma is a... Barbie Premiere (2/2) ✒️| Tobias Carrick x F!MC, Ethan Ramsey x F!OC? - @jerzwriter
Mixed Signals (Series) | Multiple Pairings - @alj4890 Chapter 1 ✒️
CFTW FotW Main List
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