#hannibal and will killing the dragon is obviously perfect
oldwitchsleep · 2 years
torn between being mad that we didn't get to see molly kill the red dragon, and loving what we did get and that molly still got to be the badass that she is
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childofwonder · 1 month
I’ve heard the sentiment from others that they don’t want season 4 because the ending we got was perfect and I hate that I can’t agree😞
Don’t get me wrong, I really love the fall but I just don’t like season 3 as much as I would like too. I know that the blame for that is on NBC and not the writers. They did the best they could with what they had and I appreciate that (except the Red Dragon storyline, I have many opinions about that lol) but I just wish they didn’t have to rush into Red Dragon.
Bryan said that if they didn’t do it then they wouldn’t have been able to do Red Dragon at all, which I understand. I think Red Dragon deserved a whole season. If they had a guaranteed 3rd and 4th season going into it I think that the timing and story just would’ve made more sense to me.
I just don’t understand Will trying to kill Hannibal after meeting in Italy and I hate that they break up after escaping the Verger farm. HANNIBAL LITERALLY SAVED YOU WILL, you ungrateful whiny baby(I understand that he needed a break after almost dying three times, im just mad at the writing). I wish they had run away and season 3b was them on the run, until they got caught. Then Will could pull a Bedelia and pretend like he was a victim and not a willing participant, leave Hannibal and marrying Molly. Then they could do a whole season of Red Dragon and the fall could’ve happened like in 3b. I just, omg
You have no idea how often I mourn the possibility of that arch. I mourn everyday the loss of season 4.
I think the fall is perfect though, I just wish the events leading up to it were different and the story was fleshed out over two seasons instead of rushed into one. Wishful thinking obviously.
Season 3 is just the weakest season in my opinion, I’m a sucker for season 2 and season 1 just has a better arch.
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grahams-hatched-egg · 22 hours
fic rec #2 folks, one by MissDisoriental, a fantastic author. Everything they make is super entertaining, a perfect amount if slow burn, they have crack, to victorian, and honestly they remain one of my favorite authors on AO3.
The Shape of Me Will Always be You [MissDisoriental]
- 9/10
- 279,874 words
This one is a Hannigram fic post s3 so it does contain spoilers, so be warned.
This fic takes place after the fall, Will wakes up in the hospital and is hallucinating/dreaming about Hannibal being there, but to his disappointment Hannibal was not found after Will was found on shore. Will obviously worries and if I remember correctly (its been about 3 months since i read this fic) he did end up accepting Hannibal at least partially after killing the dragon, leading him to miss hannibal greatly. This fic follows him navigating a life without hannibal for a period of time.
Will he find hannibal again? is hannibal dead? The tags give it away but still its a little stressful. Anyway if you love a light slow burn and some light angst this one is perfect. Its super well written and I personally love this one.
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ixilecter · 3 years
After The Hunt, you did Hannibal, Bryan Fuller’s NBC show about Dr. Lecter and his relationship with FBI agent Will Graham. What made you say “Yes” to a network TV show in the U.S.?
Yeah, how did that come around? We had just been successful in Cannes with The Hunt.The Hunt premiered at Cannes, receiving a nomination for the Palme d’Or as well as a Best Actor win for Mikkelsen, who during his speech said Vinterberg deserved “more than 80 percent, maybe 82 percent” of the credit. And then my agent talked about Bryan Fuller — “this genius” she called him — and said I should have a look at it. At first, I was like, “Oh, God, Anthony Hopkins. That’s just a no-go.” He did it to perfection. Then I had a meeting with Bryan Fuller and he pitched the first season. And I was just like, This is absolutely nothing like the film. This is a different animal. I was one out of three or four [actors they were consideringBryan Fuller has discussed how NBC wanted more-name-brand actors for the part of Dr. Hannibal Lecter like John Cusack, Hugh Grant, and Paul Bettany. He had also considered David Tennant for the role.]. I was really reluctant to do that. I don’t like castings. Nobody likes castings. “Come on guys, either you want me or not.” But we did a couple of scenes, me and Hugh Dancy, and I think we had a great chemistry in that awkward way it was supposed to be.
Did you see his relationship with Hugh Dancy’s character, Will, as a romanceThere’s a great deal of fanfic and slash fic dedicated to the physical consummation of Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter’s relationship.? Yeah, but not necessarily something that would become physical.
The murder of Francis Dolarhyde (played by Richard Armitage) is the consummationIn the season-three finale of Hannibal, Will and Hannibal kill the serial killer Francis Dolarhyde, the villain better known as the Red Dragon, together. in some ways. And also cannibalism, obviously. This is the ultimate way to love someone in his world, to eat them — right? We actually did a couple of takes of the very last scene where we were looking at each other, and it was a little too obvious — it was almost a kiss. Me and Hugh were like, “Why not? We have a couple of takes. Let’s do one. It might be cool.”
Did you kiss? No, we didn’t. Never went for the kiss. Bryan loved it, but he was like, “Too much, guys. It’s too obvious.” And he was absolutely right. But I think we were just stuck on that. And a lot of the Fannibals wanted it as well. It’s been a subject of homoerotic fan art. And for good reason, because they are so united as twins in many ways. But we never wanted it to be a physical thing. It was something much bigger than that.
What were the discussions of the season-three ending like? It had to be that they managed to kill someone together and both have the same sensation. Finally, I got him. Finally, Will Graham is me. They are inseparable at that point. We also knew that that was not the ending. We knew that there was a fourth season. We had something more up the sleeve, but then it didn’t happen.NBC declined to air the show for a fourth season in 2015 (in a somewhat complicated relationship, NBC was not producing the show in-house, merely paying a licensing fee). One could easily have imagined another life for the show had the cancellation occurred during the streaming boom. It was such a surprise to all of us because we did not have great numbers the first season, so we thought that was it. But we got saved and got a second season. And then in the third season we had much greater numbers. So we thought it was a given we would continue. And it didn’t happen.
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questionablygourmet · 3 years
Would love your opinion on this. This bothered me a lot when I watched TWOTL, that Will said to Hannibal that he was going to watch Dolarhyde kill and rape Hannibal, and then later he tries to kill himself because he can't live with the horror of enjoying killing with Hannibal. He wasn't able to, but that he was planning to watch something terrible happen to the man he loves was so much more evil imo than killing a serial killer so the heroism of his actions don't go through, at least to me
For starters, I’ll say that I don’t think there’s any heroism intended, at all.  Heroism has not been in the room, or for that matter even the zip code, since oh, ‘round about Beverly’s death.  
I’m seeing a trend in Hannibal discussion in recent months of people trying to come up with what amounts to some kind of tally sheet of good and evil for the characters (particularly but not exclusively Will), and I don’t think that’s a very useful way to look at the story, because the story itself for the most part isn’t interested in categorizing its characters as good or evil or heroic or villainous.  The story is interested in the emotional arcs of those characters, whether they’re trying to make the world a better place, just trying to survive, or being the living embodiment of “fuck around and find out.”  (One exception: Mason Verger.  Despite him being a major character in s2-3, the story isn’t especially interested in his inner reality and he exists solely to be horrible and hilarious and for everyone to be delighted when he finally, finally dies.)  That established, the following is not remotely intended to somehow absolve Will of doing massively fucked-up things, because 1. he does massively fucked up things and 2. I’m aggressively disinterested in assigning Good and Evil labels to the main cast of this show.  
Let’s start with the bird’s eye view, I guess.  I love TWOTL, because to me it is a note-perfect culmination of Will and Hannibal’s mutual fuckery.  The whole show, we’ve been watching these two characters obviously get on like a house on fire (except for the tiny detail of Hannibal starting them off on a train of betrayals by gaslighting the fuck out of Will and then framing him for multiple murders!) s2!Will is about reclaiming his agency and asserting a place on the game board.  s2!Hannibal is largely about continuing to be attracted to someone/something he knows is a danger to him, and kind of trying to figure that out?  But mostly not.  Mostly he’s still in fuck around and find out mode because hey, it’s always served him well before.  But then we get to Mizumono, and oh shit, he has feelings.  A lot of feelings.  And Hannibal Lecter processes his feelings via music and murder.  s3a!Will is trying to process his Hannibal-related feelings, and then s3b!Will is trying to avoid his Hannibal-related feelings (even while actively courting their return).  
They’re both absolute goddamn idiots about their feelings, is what I’m getting at. 
Anyway, I view Will’s “yes, I’m going to watch the Dragon ‘change’ you” as one more in his chronic string of “yup, definitely going to kill Hannibal (or otherwise be party to his death)” cases.  He didn’t do it when he had a gun on him in his kitchen.  He didn’t do it when he had a gun and HANNIBAL WAS STABBING HIM IN THE GUT several episodes later.  We don’t know if he’d have actually stabbed Hannibal in Dolce because he didn’t get the chance, but my money’s on probably not.  
Is it okay that that’s his intent (even if he doesn’t go through with letting the Dragon kill Hannibal)?  Not at all, but the question of goodness isn’t what the show’s interested in, nor what I’m interested in.  And it’s not what Hannibal, himself, is interested in.  He makes it clear that he’s willing to star in this final act and play out his own death scene.  It’s “a glorious and rather discomfiting idea.” To reach back to the previous season (paraphrased because I can’t for the life of me remember which episode this is from to look it up), “The thought that my life might end at any moment is freeing to me.”  Hannibal’s main concern is, and always has been, aesthetics over ethics.  Will’s struggle between his aesthetics (where he most strongly connects to Hannibal) and his ethics is one of, or depending on how you cast it, THE major conflict of the show.  
Zooming in a bit on a couple of specifics in your ask:
What, exactly, is going through Will’s head when he decides to throw them off a cliff is entirely open to debate.  I don’t think it’s unequivocally because he can’t live with what they just did.  I could write a whole separate essay about this decision, but in a nutshell my take on it is that 1. Will is as impulsive as Hannibal is, but in a less studied way 2. in the moment it looked like a solution to all of the problems.  
I don’t think Will’s even a little bit conscious of Hannibal as “the man he loves” throughout most of s3b (even if various other characters are).  He definitely loves him, but he’s spent nearly three years trying to be another person and put his former life (and Hannibal’s part in it) behind him.  And Will Graham, despite being stellar at other people’s emotions, is, again, a certifiable idiot with respect to his own.
Ultimately, though, I’m not here to tell you how you “should” feel about anything that happens in the show.  How you feel is how you feel, and maybe other perspectives you read change that, or maybe they don’t.  But this is an attempt to explain the mindset I personally have when considering TWOTL, or really, the whole Will/Hannibal relationship.  
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hanniba1 · 4 years
i was tagged by @matthewbrown and @cannnibal for these super fun hannibal questions!! thank you both so much i always love gushing about this show as we know
Favourite episode and why: oh god okay, if i HAD to pick one it’s mizumono. it’s just such a Perfect episode, it’s so ridiculously beautiful down to the tiniest detail, like the ticking clock sound that plays through most the episode???? love it. my other top favorite episodes are secondo, primavera, shiizakana, dolce, naka choko, appertivo, tome wan, trou normand, the wrath of the lamb, the number of the beast is 666, contorno, mukōzuke and su-zakana.
Least favourite episode and why: uhhh, i honestly love them all?? i guess probably either hassun or takiawase?? just they feel the slowest to me i guess.
Favourite side character: jimmy price!!!! i love him so much. i’d say beverly but she’s not a side character in my eyes.
If you could bring back one character who died, who would it be?: abigail because she didn’t deserve to die. i know it held value for the story but i really wish she hadn’t, especially in that way. it’s beautifully tragic and painful but she as a person deserved better.
Dish prepared in the show that you would like to try eating/ making: all of it except the weird ass nietzschean trout and that disgusting jello with the fish in it because those look DISGUSTING. and the frois gras for the same reason as bella. everything else i would try, can’t promise i’d like it but i’d definitely try it.
Which side character would you kill off?: chilton just because for god’s sake just let the man DIE ALREADY poor guy
Was there any scene that you didn’t like to look at?: i’ve talked about it before but the intubation scene is by far the scene that causes me the most discomfort. it feels so much like a rape scene and the symbolism of it, it Is a rape scene, a violation of will’s body. the way hannibal strokes his face i just. yeah. also the lobotomy scene but i have a thing with eyes. other than that the gore never bothers me much, at least not anymore i’ve seen it some many times.
Biggest ship: hannigram obviously like..... why is this even a question
Why did you start watching Hannibal?: i have always been a big fan of the hannibal films, and red dragon was always my favorite so when i found out they were doing a show i was stoked! i watched the first two seasons when it first aired but i lost cable around the time season 3 aired so i didn’t end up finishing it until 2016. so yes, i ended on MIZUMONO and didn’t see any more for TWO YEARS. it was traumatic.
Favourite Hannibal fic if you’ve read any?: okay i went through a period of like 3 months where i just Binge read them and they were all good but they’ve sort of blurred together. but a few that really stuck out for me were
Two Solitudes
As soft, as wide as air
Of Putrefaction, Saccharine (lol this one fucked me UP and i CRIED)
I Didn’t Know It Could Be Like This (part 1) & If The World Burned to Ash, Still We Would Remain (part 2)
What We Talk About When We Talk About Blood (i never read the second part bc it’s not finished, and i REFUSE to start a incomplete fic)
Change Me (If You Dare)
Have you watched any of the Hannibal films?: yes!! i grew up watching red dragon, silence of the lambs and hannibal. i think i watched silence of the lambs for the first time when i was like 7 or 8 LMAO which explains a lot. the only ones i haven’t seen are hannibal rising and i really wanna watch manhunter!
Have you read the Thomas Harris books?: i’m in the process of reading red dragon, but i most definitely prefer the show.
Favourite murder tableau: in the whole show it’s the prisoner, because the significance it holds for will’s character arc. but if we’re talking about the more traditional murder tableau’s i’m gonna go with cassie boyle’s it’s visually very striking and beautiful in a horribly morbid way.
Favourite blood spill: oh god a lot of them but uhhh, obviously the slaying of the dragon, will imaging slitting hannibal’s throat in tome wan, and then i completely loose my damn mind over will imaging being randall tier in shiizakana when he’s covered in blood and has the antlers coming out of his back i— 👁👄👁
What’re some of your headcanons?: it’s not necessarily a headcanon and more of an analysis but i go absolutely FERAL when i read any meta talking about will holding a more traditionally feminine role in the story of the show, especially talking about him being a gothic heroine. it’s why i loose my mind over any comparisons of hannibal and dracula and will being mina i just [incoherent screaming]. i also obviously love any headcanon’s of dark will graham. it’s something i post about myself a lot because to me it’s not headcanon, it is canon supported throughout the show, that will is killer who wears a person suit the same as hannibal. he’s not just a righteous killer, he has the exact same capacity for violence as hannibal. he just had a harder time accepting it.
i tag (and once again if i double tag y’all i’m sorry!!) @aragima @arunima @horrorcupid @nietzscheantrout @honnibal @hughdancyx @marg0t-verger @serialcannibal @hotgirlhannibal @francisforever and anyone else who wants to do it obviously xx
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lyria23 · 4 years
I’m going crazy! Seriously. I don’t ever usually post on anything and have never written a post for Tumblr, but I have to now. Yes, five years later. That’s how long my blood has been boiling for and for how long I’ve been screaming in genuine frustration.
I have to talk about it in the hopes that I could hear from someone else who understands.
I’ve been in love with NBC’s adaptation of Hannibal since 2013 like many thousands of fans out there. I’d consider it an obsession at times, for several good reasons( HANNIGRAM!)
I grew up with the original novels and films based on the characters from the imagination of Thomas Harris and loved it all; but not as much as the television series because the portrayal the creators and actors have given us is so, so beautiful and unique. It’s a way I never imagined the story being told, but now cannot see any other type of relationship. I literally love Hannibal and Will an endless amount more deeply now. Hugh and Mads are so undeniably perfect and their chemistry is unmatched.
That is why even after five years of hoping it would get better and a million repeated binges of the series, it still hurts and upsets me. There are SO MANY scenes that should have been done differently. So many lines that could have been said better and many MISSED opportunities to strengthen the profound bond between these characters. Their intelligence is intoxicating and addictive. A few examples of what I wish would have happened or changed are as follows.
( It’s possible they will be out of order)
•Hannibal needed to know that Will honestly wanted to run away with him and was going to. He should have realized that Will finally chose him and wanted to do this. He told him they were coming. Hannibal needed to know that Will did not betray him in the end after all. He wanted him to be safe even if on the run. He wanted them to be together through it. That is assuming that Will accusing Hannibal of being the Ripper even after Jack shot him “ had”to have happened😒 I see ways around it. Better ones. Even if the events that happened and still Hannibal gutted will and killed Abigail, I wish Will would have just told him he wanted to run with him afterward when in Europe. Even better, Will should have agreed to leaving with Hannibal when he proposed they leave. Then, maybe something stopped them. But at least Will agreed. * The writing of the show should not have had them keep trying to kill each other ! It’s SO frustrating. There are such better ideas that their mental ‘ courtship’ and friendship could have ensued; ESPECIALLY after Will said he forgave him. That was beautiful proof of their bond and Will was written to try and stab Hannibal directly after their reunion? They FREAKING MISSED each other horribly. Just why. Even if Will had pulled out a knife it could have been for protection if the needed it and he could have explained to Hannibal and Hannibal could have realized it to be the truth. Then, right after Hannibal cradles Will’s head when he’s shot, he attempts to cut his head open. What? *There could have been two reasons why Hannibal frames will as the copycat with the inducing of Encephalitis: one, to obviously bring out Will’s darker thoughts and desires; two, so that whatever happened in the future and whatever Will did, or they did together, Will would be less likely to be considered a suspect because jack etc. was wrong before and didn’t believe him. *That brings us to even though Hannibal actually found a human to love, the only way to forgive him was to eat him😒 No. No point in that being a thought of the story unless it was just for the audience to gasp or be scared. Unnecessary angst and worry the show would end bad. * Will should have at least said yes, that it was great to see Hannibal after the three years. * Which brings us to “ The Wrath of the lamb.” The two Murder Husbands slaying The Great Red Dragon together was awesome but Will saying he was going to watch Dolarhyde ‘change’ him wasn’t. Hannibal was being sweet and open by talking about his compassion for him. That was nice and different to see. Will also just sips wine while Hannibal is injured. Now the fall from the cliff: the embrace was wonderful and I think if they knew the show was ending, the creators should have given a plausible reason other than Will maybe trying to kill them both because he knew he would be different. They should have discussed it as an escape route NOT WANTING OR PLANNING TO DIE, but so it would be harder for jack or anyone to track them so this could finally be their escape together. Where they could run but be free together. They were covered in and pouring their own blood. The tracks would be hard to hide and if they did find blood tracks, it would make investigators more vigilant to what their last movements were. That would be a good opening for S4 too besides the ending Bedelia scene. * Out of any kind of order-but Hannibal shouldn’t have implied Will’s aftershave was bad, even if it was for humor maybe. Hannibal just noticing it each time would have been fine. * Just a note, but if we get a season four, please bring them both back alive and well. Do it together, not have them separated and don’t have one of them as a ghost. Please, for the love of all #fannibals.
Some will probably see this post as silly or dumb and that’s fine. No one may even agree with me at all. But I HAD to talk about it.
These are only a few suggestions out of a short list, but it’s killing me, and I can do nothing about it. I can only pretend and hope and write different scenarios in my spare time. I don’t even know if this is going to turn out bad.
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bedeliainwonderland · 4 years
I understand disliking a character..but you realize anything that happens to bedelia in context of the show is driven by hannibal, right? the man you ship her with? the stinger, her fear, all that necessitates her self preservation is instigated by hannibal. the show frequently did a disservice to its female chars, but hannibal was the tool they used to do it. denying that and then shipping him w/ your fav only to turn it around on another char seems...hypocritical.
Ahh yes, some good ol’ anon hate, I missed that. Honestly, perfect timing, I am having the worst of times and getting to talk about my favs literally saved my day. So thanks!
First of all, Bedelia and Hannibal are a canon ship, whether you like it or not, so let’s get that out of the way (as opposite to certain other ship but that is a whole other thing). I merely fill in the blanks of what the show failed to provide because, for some inexplicable reason, the show named “Hannibal” was centered on a character named Will and every other character (especially the female characters) served only to further his “man pain”. But I digress, that is surely not why you chose to hide behind that grey square.
I don’t know whether you follow me or just saw that one reblog (which ironically weren’t even my words but I stand fully behind everything said), but I have already spoken about this extensively. Every day, really. I find it hard to understand how something is hypocritical when it is based on canon information. I am not denying anything. So here we go, under the cut, because I have a LOT to say:
The stinger- oh god, you all know how much I hate it. First of all, there is no proof that Hannibal is involved, we don’t know who is involved, that is kinda the point of a cliff hanger. We don’t even know if it’s real. But it’s absolutely pointless and makes no sense! It was quite literally Fuller wanting to do something “shocking” to finish off the series without any regard to continuity or characterisation. It was supposed to be shocking and look aesthetically pleasing, that’s it, no logic. It is as if he looked at the character list and thought “hmm, which female character is yet to be hurt? Oh right, Bedelia!” The so called “punishing Bedelia” as the fandom loved so very much is mere misogyny. Why can’t a female character do something morally questionable or even plain evil and get away with it? Because Will didn’t that is why. If she were a man, no one would scream for “she has it coming”, no, he would be uwu baby.
Having Hannibal involved in that would be completely out of character and contradictory to all their previous interactions/ their relationship. So let’s expand, shall we?
When we first see Bedelia and Hannibal, it is mentioned that she has been his psychiatrist for 7 years. 7 YEARS, let that sink in. No one, NO ONE, has been in Hannibal’s life for such a long time. It is clear she means a lot to him. If she didn’t, he had plenty of chances to kill her. It is established she is a loner, so it would so easy for Hannibal to dispose of her and claim “she left to UK” or something, like he did with his secretary. But he didn’t because he cares for her and she is important to him. He literally says he feels protective of her. Every session, you can see how much he needs her approval and how he hangs on her every word. How hurt he was when she said she wasn’t his friend (and yet he did nothing). How enamoured he is with her. When he comes to bring her dinner in Savoureaux, the dish included roses! Such a romantic.
Hannibal knew Bedelia was similar to him that is why he set up the whole Neil incident; he wanted to make sure she is. Do note that Bedelia wasn’t ever in danger, since Hannibal was there to step in if needed. But here is what I’ve found interesting; Bedelia killed someone, proving Hannibal’s hunch right, but she refused to fully acknowledge that part of herself. And Hannibal let her withdraw, doing nothing (as in not killing her, as I’m sure he had done many times with unsuccessful “candidates”) merely securing her continuous therapy. Because she was more than just another experiment to him.
And Bedelia isn’t so innocent in other aspects as well. She knows, yet she purposely evades the truth while talking to the FBI (“Will could use friends like Hannibal” ha!) under the cover of patient/ doctor confidentiality and even warns Hannibal directly (“they are starting to see your pattern). I have had my fair share of “Bedelia doesn’t care for Hannibal” posts and nothing could be further from the truth. If she hadn’t cared, she would not have done any of that.
But then of course, Hannibal’s game goes one step too far and he gives her the written permission to discuss him with the FBI. This is bad for Bedelia because it puts her under the scrutiny as well and that is not where she wants to be. Bedelia’s self-preservation always comes first (both Bedelia and Hannibal are egocentric by nature). Yet, she still comes to say goodbye to him and he lets her go! The script described Hannibal’s reaction to her words as “imperceivable wound”. “But he then went to kill her!” I hear you say? *Thor’s gif* Did he though? If he wanted to kill her, he would have done it then and there. No, he went to check if she were really gone (again, script) and whether she betrayed him. That was his only concern (betrayal is a big thing with Hannibal), but she didn’t. She even left him a memento. It said it was a memento of friendship, I think it was a “see you later” card.
This is getting super long, so let’s quickly skip to Florence. Bedelia left with Hannibal, knowing exactly who he was. Unlike other (all of them, actually) characters, she did not reject him/ was scared of him. “You let them see you/ I let them see enough” exchange says it all. She is not surprised by him or shocked by what he is; she is merely stating the facts. She has long accepted him in full. They lived together in Florence, openly behind the so called veil, as fake husband and wife, but the wedding rings remained intact even at home (showing how important it was to them, not just a front), displaying a ridiculous amount of domesticity and intimacy. This deserves a whole separate post but I am trying to be brief(er). “But she was scared!” you might shout again, except that she wasn’t. Even if Antipasto purposely played with the ambiguity of her situation for suspense purposes, the following episodes made it clear she was exactly where she wanted to be, from the very start, on her own terms as Hannibal’s equal. We were obviously misled by the promos, they promised us a Bedelia and Hannibal show and what we got was, well, you know… And that is yet another post altogether.
Now to the glorious farewell, boy, do I love to talk about that. Bedelia packs Hannibal’s bags and tells him to leave, and he does! What more, he promises to tell her story. HER STORY. Now, that is a major thing, because Hannibal has never ever done that for anyone. He always turns other people’s stories into his own, manipulating and adjusting accordingly. But with Bedelia, he simply agrees to do it, on her own terms. Not only that, he is visibly impressed and enamoured by her. Again, if he wanted to kill her, he could have just killed her then. He was going to get caught anyway, what is one more murder? All this “he waited until he could eat her” story makes no sense at all, since as it was already mentioned, he knew her for almost a decade, plenty of time to eat her if he wanted to. He lets her go because he wants to. Because he cares for her.
The point I have made several times is that Bedelia is the only person that Hannibal treats as, well, a person! Everyone else is beneath him, meat only if you will, but not her. Even the ever so special (apparently) Will and Abigail aren’t treated as “people”. Bedelia is the only person that Hannibal respects; that is what makes her so special. Not love (even though he obviously loves her), because respect is rarer for Hannibal than love. Sure, he “loves” Will, the same way you love your favourite book. You want to have it and you don’t want anyone else to have it, but you don’t expect the book to return your feelings. Bedelia is Hannibal’s only equal.
The Red Dragon arc was a mess of epic proportions so I don’t even want to get into that. But I do appreciate the acknowledgement of Bedelia’s darker side and now she has become comfortable with it since Florence. Let’s make a few notes so it doesn’t look as if I am purposely omitting things: Hannibal’s letters to Bedelia? Clearly a part of his “telling her story” and helping her cover, plus he was not able to send her proper letters, so that is his way of telling her he thinks of her. Sessions with Will? You can’t really take everything she told him at face value, she is obfuscating after all. Why would she be honest with Will? She wouldn’t be, she was just continuing what Hannibal has started with much better results (slightly too good actually, as proven by Will’s stupid plan). Bedelia wasn’t afraid Hannibal would come after her, because she had no reasons to be. NONE. She was protected by him.
So there you have it, the great many reasons why I am so unapologetic in my shipping. Because it is all there. Thank you for reminding me why I love these two so much! Have a great day, maybe next time you can message me off anon.
(And thanks to all who got to the end of this almost dissertation, this is my testament, I love you all fellow bedannibal fans!)
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jotunlokisuggestion · 5 years
I’m gonna illustrate to you the Thanos-problem not so quickly.
The studio went to Kenneth Branagh in 2010 and told them they want a villain as good as Magneto for their Avengers film.
And almost 10 years later the MCU wanted to write an interesting, political villain called Thanos for Infinity War/Endgame.
Now, when Kenneth Branagh got the (really annoying) custom-order for a good villain, he didn’t look at the villain the studio liked and copied him. Instead he had the brains to write Loki as a character. With his own personality traits, qualities, quirks, a unique backstory that appeals to Branagh’s strength as a writer, whose origin story can be used and re-used in future films and plots, who has unique and adaptable strengths and weaknesses and who is played by an actor who is really good at playing roles like that.
Meanwhile Thanos is just...going through the Killmonger/Loki/Magneto motions of: political villain: ✅ tragic backstory:  ✅ destruction: ✅ big baddie speech ✅ --- but there is no heart to any of that, no sense of detail, no moment for him to shine no personality.
And you know (I really tried to stop myself from adding this) in the 90s we had this flood of dark, gritty anti-heroes with their giant guns and ten thousand pouches. And some of them like Cable were really good while later characters became pale imitations of Cable (think of that famous video of Liefeld inventing a character and he just draws Cable number 8948320 and his backstory is that he’s a cyborg) and all those rehashes of the Killing Joke. And in the end they all lost track of what made these characters good in the first place.
And in the late 2000s and early 2010s we had this wave of young, hip, funny for the lulzs supervillains who just had quirks and no reasons and personality and in the end, basically nothing of substance remains of any of them - an epidemic starting with Heath Ledger’s Joker but were later replaced with young men in suits who were also kinda pop-culturally - ironically Leto’s Joker hopped onto that bandwagon like 9 years late with a starbucks 
And I understand why in the last few years, political villains have entered mass-production, but a villain like that doesn’t work unless your writing challenges their ideas. Okay lemme give you another example: Since the (in)famous Far Cry 3 with its very 2012 villain quirky-crazy-Joker-y villain Vaas we now had Far Cry 4 playing in the land of a slightly quirky fashionable young man dictator and Far Cry 5 and New Dawn with an evil Christian cult right in the US. 
The transition from early 2010s to late 2010s is obvious but - these are video games and by the time we fight the final boss, we have automatically actually spent a lot of time in their respective worlds. We know why these are horrible people. We are challenging their methods and ideas already when we encounter them. In the MCU, we see Killmonger actually rule over Wakanda and we know while his ideas are good. his methods aren’t - while at the same he challenges Wakanda and forces T’Challa to accept that his father was not perfect. Each time we see Loki rule over Asgard, imperialism is challenged - in the first time when he actually attacks Jötunheim (thus executing exactly the things he had been taught his entire life) and by not intervening in the colonies in Ragnarök.  But, you are going to say, Thanos ideas are challenged! We see that people are sad that he killed half the universe! - and I mean yeah, but I didn’t need to watch the movie to know that people would be sad. Instead, everything happens exactly as you expect it would. All these previous examples were interesting because we wouldn’t know what the villains would do and how it would affect the population. Also the final notion - that the universe would eventually be better of if half the universe was destroyed, remains unshaken and unaddressed.
And honestly, their attempt to make Thanos likeable or understandable might be the huge problem of the film. Thanos as a morbid, unlikable killer who’s in love with death works because we don’t need to relate to him for that. We don’t need a connection. Many good villains are absolutely detestable. You can do a lot not by making them seem sympathetic (which is almost impossible with villains like Thanos anyway) but you can make them interesting to the audience-
let’s talk about villains who are absolute giant assholes but I like them:
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Yeah him <3 You remember the first season of Hannibal? As members of the audience, we know who Hannibal is before we even start watching. Hannibal Lecter is one of the most famous villains there are. In the movies, he’s arrested in Red Dragon right in the first scene - there is never any doubt about who he is. But in the show, he’s yet an active serial killer and working with the police. The police that solves his murders. The police who doesn’t know that he’s the killer. The killer whose name literally rhymes with cannibal and who makes cannibalism puns. There were hundreds of memes about how fucking frustrating it was that the police always just walked right past him.
That was the thing: We, the audience, knew something the characters didn’t. Like in a horror film when we know the killer is hiding behind the door and the main character doesn’t. You want to fucking scream at the screen in frustration. Okay what does that have to do with Thanos? Imagine all those glimpses and we saw of him in previous movies would have presented him in a likeable light. Imagine if his disciples were actually seen gaining people’s trust or if people in GotG would actually casually mention “oh Thanos will fix this, I heard he has a brilliant plan” or he tried to convince them that there was a huge famine coming. It would have been so frustrating to see people trust him because obviously everyone who reads the comics would know that Thanos is bad news and if we saw people actually trust him? maybe actually give him Infinity Stones to fix the universe because he’s the only one who can use them? Fucking rude.
Reveals :)
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I guess I don’t have to tell tumblr who the first guy is but a quick rehash: In season finale of Sherlock, a guy who appears in one scene as the girlfriend of a colleague of Sherlock turns out to be Moriarty. 
And guess what? It absolutely doesn’t matter one single fucking bit that Moriarty is the lab guy. And the big reveal doesn’t matter because we’re not given any of the clues. He might as well have been the mailman. Now, the Man In Black from Westworld however? That was a huge reveal. (Major spoilers if you haven’t watched it but I’m keeping it vague). We saw the Man In Black commit the worst crimes imaginable throughout the first season of the show, he killed hundreds of people without remorse. And in his defence, we thought that he thought it was all a robot theme park. Except? We find out that he’s actually the older version of one of the main-characters who absolutely saw robots as people once and evn protected them and loved one. This was both a horrifying reveal, an origin story and it made his crime even worse. That’s good villain-writing.
What does that have to do with Thanos? - Technique. Just how the reveal was written has a huge impact. Imagine if there had been no mention of Thanos at all until Infinity War - and the characters were actually forced to figure out who brought Loki to Earth, who supported Ronan, who attacked Asgard. Maybe you catch some glimpses of his disciples and maybe you get to hear the name of one of them at the very end or Loki even whispers “Thanos” in Thor’s ear before he dies and he as to figure out what that means. Make us work to get there. 
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Now, they wanted a political villain, right? AHS Cult gave as a political villain who is absolutely detestable every step of the way. But the reason he was scary and interesting is because...it was relevant af. Every word he said, every political opinion he expressed, the way he staged attacks on him by migrant workers and spread fear in his community - that rings very close to home right now. I  can get why someone would say you can’t do the same in a Marvel film, but Sci-Fi has always been a projection screen for political subjects for decades now. Star Trek has been doing it since the 1960s and if they had actually committed to making Thanos allude to actual political slogans of today, he would have been way more relevant.
Dynamics (aka how to make someone likeable without condoning their actions)
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On my main, I made a post once about Loki and Magneto and how having, forming and developing relationships helps to flesh out a character. In short: We learn to understand them. We see them grow. We see (ideally) how they learn from encounters and how it shapes them. Now we are entering the realm of likeable again with Azula, because what made her a brilliant villain was not her brilliance or her abilities (they made her a great opponent though) but her motivations. The more we see her family, the more we learn that she, too, is a victim of a dysfunctional family. She allows a whole new perspective on the royal family. That scene where she tells Ozai that he ‘can’t treat her like Zuko’? - those were ten fucking books written in one line. Her descent into paranoia basically rewrote every scene of her in the past and is also a reminder that she’s 15 and yes, of course, she’s a victim. She’s a child fighting in a war.
How many meaningful relationships does Thanos have? He’s quite fond of Gamora I guess? Less fond of Nebula? There was an embarrassing attempt to create a connection between him Tony. Now, remember that in the comics, Thanos is someone driven by love. He loves death - that’s the relationship that drives him. It’s important that there is a face to everything. Show me Thanos family, show me his homeworld. Show me his previous desperate attempts to save the people he loved and how he was held back and driven to more and more desperate measures. Show me how he finally gives in and wants to destroy everything.
“show don’t tell”
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I’m going to argue for a Thanos solo movie now :)      (kinda) 
Okay I feel kinda compelled to put David in this when I’m already posting this on my rp blog but also a) I love him and b) shut up. short summary: David was created an android that is programmed to serve humans. He grows to resent them more and more, especially because many of them are petty and abusive towards him until in the second film, he just wants them dead.  Now in his first scenes of Prometheus, we see him alone on the ship while the human crew is in cryosleep. We see him eat, play basketball, ride a bicycle, watch people’s dreams. He also watches Lawrence of Arabia while dying his hair to look like him and quotes the above sentence several times just before the rest of the crew wakes up. 
It’s a tiny sequence in the film but we learn various things about David: He’s vain, he does things he - as a robot - doesn’t have to do, he identifies strongly with a man torn between two cultures, he has a lot of fun when he’s alone, he habitually spies on people, he is feeling pain in some capacity and he associates it with humans. We learn all of that in those few tiny moments.
compare all of what we learnt in this short sequence to what we know about Thanos. After seeing him in...I think three films by now? And having people talk about him in even more? With literally every character I listed now (excluding Moriarty bc he’s a negative example) we know what drove them to do what they did. We know their pain. We know them.  Even if the things they are cruel because here it comes:
They are a Story.
And Thanos is a plot device.
or to quote fellow tumblr user hackedmotionsensors:  I’ve never liked Thanos because hes like a video game villain. Like he’s the annoying equivalent of finding the final boss in a FF game and its just a giant head or something stupid.
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theworthiestplace · 7 years
Not directly related to H/C, but l’m posting this here, versus on my personal where it would probably get ignored, because at least I know all of our followers are Harris fans. Possibly unpopular opinions included!
It's probably well-known by now that we mods are not fans of the NBC show. But in case it's not...yeah, that's kind of an understatement for us. Heh.
I have an ongoing book graphic series on my personal, and last night I was perusing Pinterest for possible images to make not only a Silence set, but rather a trilogy set—Red Dragon, Silence, and Hannibal all together. So I dove in, searching for Pinterest boards related to “Red Dragon,” “Silence of the Lambs,” “Thomas Harris,” etc. I didn't search for “Hannibal,” though, because I knew the show would inevitably pop up...
...well, the show “popped up” anyway. Users who had Clarice and Hannibal aesthetic boards also had boards titled “otp: Hannigraham.” Every. Single. Hannibal aesthetic/mood board I saw featured pictures of Mads Mikkelsen, often exclusively. Inexplicably to me, even boards with titles like “film: Silence of the Lambs” featured motifs--or even stills and screencaps--from the NBC show!
I absolutely cannot wait until this glorified fanfiction fades into shadowy pop culture memory and leaves the better and far more canonical films (Hannibal 2001 aside…) and, of course, the actual books as the dominant media in the universe Harris created. I'm sick of characters that I’ve loved for years, characters who have had profound affects on me and my life, popping up here and there...only for me to find them painfully misrepresented and/or misunderstood by fans because of poor writing and poor characterization. (Obviously not everyone is going to have the same interpretation of any given character, but someone basing their interpretation on as fast-and-loose an adaptation as the NBC show means that it’s not even going to be in the same ballpark as those of book, or even of movie, fans.)
All this ranting aside, though, based on what I saw last night, I just want to blow off some steam about what isn't part of Hannibal's and Clarice's “aesthetics.”
weird-colored suits/plaids/tweed (idk why NBC put him in those ugly, unfashionable costumes but...canon Hannibal wouldn't be caught dead in any of them)
ANTLERS (100% NBC, 0% Harris)
Hannibal's style is classic, tasteful, and very masculine—not showy or particularly eccentric, definitely not the kind of guy who would paint the walls of his study/office/therapy space red (sooo subtle) or wear plaid suits PLAID SUITS UGHHHH 
also: I'm sorry, but Mads Mikkelsen is still the strangest casting choice to me; he looks nothing like the canonical descriptions of Hannibal. Anthony Hopkins isn't a perfect match—not exactly slim/wiry—but at least he had quite dark hair, isn't all that tall (5' 9”), and has an overall ordinary enough look that you could believe plastic surgery might enable him to disappear. Mads Mikkelsen is tall (six-foot), has an accent (which is not his fault, but Hannibal is—very importantly to the story—able to speak several languages with no discernible accent, certainly including English), has dirty blonde/light brown hair in the show, and has a very distinctive facial structure that, frankly, defeats the whole purpose of Hannibal looking (without actually being) unassuming and ordinary. Harris describes him as “wiry,” of average height, with “small teeth”…in short, not someone who would strike you as imposing, frightening, or even memorable under normal circumstances.
And for visual reference...Hannibal’s style:
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Definitely not Hannibal’s style:
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butterflies/moths (I understand why, but...no, you’re thinking of Jame Gumb)
also cats? there are so many random cats (domestic cats, not big cats re: Clarice as a cub/lioness) and even more moths and butterflies in Clarice mood boards
fortunately Clarice wasn’t in the show and is therefore less misrepresented than she tends to be unrepresented entirely, especially on Hannibal boards--which considering that he’s fixated on her and not the other way around is pretty damn ironic if you ask me. it’s also pretty terrible, considering that, of the two, she’s arguably the more central and important character (but omg my otp Hannigraham, right? s i g h. I could rant for a lot longer on why Hannigraham is ridiculous--not because they’re both men but because of how much Hannibal disdains and demeans Will and tries to kill him multiple times versus the importance of Hannibal and Clarice’s relationship to both their character arcs--but this post has already rambled on for long enough)
Anyway, tl;dr: I know headcanons are a thing, and they’re something that I think people have a right to. We mods talk about this series a lot, and some things that seem canon to us (example: John Brigham is blond) aren’t actually in the text
But the bullets I’ve listed, for the most part, are heavily inspired by someone else’s fanfiction adaptation rather than fans’ own interpretations of the canon And that’s what really gets me tbh.
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shuxinzou · 6 years
[Jun 24th] Final Critical Analysis--NBC ‘Hannibal’
When we review the past ten years, we would surprisedly found there is a big change in our entertainment ways. At that time, TV seems to become to the funniest activity for everyone, people were so fascinating about sit in front of the television and enjoy those show. Now the network makes the steam shows being possible, more and more audience can see more TV series online easily, and there are big developments and changes on TV shows. Obviously, TV shows are more complex and splendid than before, it might be affected by the TV production industries’ benefit and the technology changes, and also they become more close to the tastes of the audience to fit the wide amount range of people. The  TV series becoming complex though many different parts, we can see it from complex plots, the way of building the character, multiple storylines, variations storytelling techniques and relevant interaction between viewers all contribute to those successful TV shows. I would like to mainly analysis the ‘Hannibal’ from NBC and some other series about how the complexity makes TV shows so still attractive and fit into today's culture. ‘Hannibal’ is a very good TV drama, it started in 2013 and have three seasons, 39 episodes in total. In ‘Hannibal’, there are lots of small stories in each episode, but mainly it’s about the relationship and complex story between Hannibal Lecture and Will Graham. In this show, Dr. Lecter is a psychiatrist of FBI special agent Will Graham, Will have the ability on criminal profiling, he can found cues by imagining himself as the murder, but this gift is very dangerous to him, he might lose control and it brings him big pressure. FBI asked Hannibal Lecter to help him, but Hannibal is a serial killer and he eats people, he is a high-function criminal and no one ever doubt him before, he is a gentleman in front everyone, but he also curious about Will, so he misled Will and other psychiatrists, he framed Will and putted him into jail, but also his emotion is complex, he thinks Will is different from others, he doesn’t want to kill him, their relationship is between the friend and enemy. There are many cases in ‘Hannibal’, but only a few made by Hannibal. However, each of them has some relations and all serve the main storyline, to expose what did Hannibal do to Will and what did he really think about. The very first case, which is also the first case solved by Will and Hannibal—the ‘Minnesota Shrike’ is very important, Will’s nightmare came from the criminal he killed by himself in this case, and Hannibal use the Abigail Hobbs —who is daughter of the criminal to attract Will and also framed Will. It’s the hint set in the beginning and throughout whole 3 seasons of the show. And also every case in each episode are all very important, Hannibal set up traps step by step, and also we can track all the details through beginning to determine what’s his real goal, it’s necessary to see how each episode works for the story in whole. The show makes every episode have differences, it doesn’t follow any model like how to start with found a dead body at the beginning of a single episode and end with solving the case. It can be an episode with memories, or a connecting episode, or a climax moment. At the beginning of the season 2 episode 1, it started with Hannibal fight with Jack Crawford, and they have the knife, blood all around, and audience have no idea what happened. But in episode 13 which is the end of the season 2, it connects with a whole season story and we finally found out it’s not the reason, it’s a result. Also ‘Hannibal’ is successful in creating characters. Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham are not the same characters in the book or movies, it has their own complex personality, and also other characters such as Alana Bloom, Abigail Hobbs, Freddie Lounds, are also very complex and attractive. The producer Bryan Fuller re-write the Hannibal story and changed the background, also he changed the characters' setting to make them more close to a group of modern people live in these days. Hannibal Lecter is a very complex people, he didn’t hate anyone, he didn’t kill for certain reason, he is cold-blood, and he has his own philosophy, he doesn’t care about any people, and he has no problem to do anything to serve his own propose. But he also a good man in front of people, he is good at cooking, he is a good teacher of Dr. Bloom, he is a good psychiatrist for his patient, and he was a good friend of Will. Many audiences love this character, it’s hard to imagine how people will love a serial murder and he actually did lots of cases in front of the camera, but we still like him. He is not a traditional villain, he has his own charisma, he is so perfect in some way, not like a real human, he is calm and intelligent, he sees everyone and everything the same, he is a god. Also, the relationship between Hannibal and Will is a big part of the story. Hannibal cares no one except Will. He was curious about Will’s gift, and want to know will he found out he is the real ‘Chesapeake Ripper’. But after he did so much and spend a long time with Will, he seems have different pursue of Will, it’s a very complex emotion, he thinks Will and him can be the same kind of person, and he even got a plan— he and Will and Abigail will leave the U.S. and live together. He saved Abigail Hobbs for Will because Will think he is responsible for rising Abigail. He hurt Will many times, but never want him to die. In the season 3 episode 13, the final episode, Hannibal, and Will worked to together and killed the Red Dragon, Hannibal hugged Will and said: “That’s all I want.” Most of the fans think there is romance between this two characters and in the show, the reporter Freddie Lounds published a news about Hannibal and Will described them as ‘Murder Husband’. Will Graham changed a lot during three seasons, he was just an agent and want to catch the criminal at first, and after he was taken care by Hannibal, and after he framed by Hannibal, he neither become a weak person who afraid to trust anyone, nor hate Hannibal so much or become a hero who wants to kill Hannibal by his own hand. He is so conflicted inside, he influenced by Hannibal, and part of him attracted by him, too. In season 2 episode 13, he told Hannibal Jack Crawford was coming for him, he didn’t want him being caught, but in season 3, he put Hannibal in jail, and in the last episode, he stood beside Hannibal and told him what they did together is ‘beautiful’. I think it’s very real for a person to change his mind all the time, people are easy to be influenced, especially by Hannibal Lecter, Will has his own thought and what he did— hesitating between the side of Hannibal and ‘justice’ can be totally understand, what’s more, I think this conflict and complexity is made is story so good. It’s the new perspective on writing about the relationship between these two people from the original book, the writer put LGBTQ element not only in this obscure way but also on another character— Alana Bloom. Alana is also a psychiatrist work for FBI, she was Hannibal’s student and had a relationship with Hannibal. She is the friend of Will and she cares about him so much. After she found out she was cheated and hurt by Hannibal, she had a girlfriend in season 3 — Margot Verger. She has a big change during three seasons, not only on her sexual presentation but also she become a more independent woman, her emotion being hurt and she grows up through what she experienced, there is a very obvious change in her personality and how she sees and deal with things. This show use varies perspectives to tell the storyline, which is a good technique to increase the tension of the plots. In most of the cases, we are looking from the Will Graham’s perspective, but it causes some plots being doubtable, the pieces of information we get were limited by the perspective, the audience should guess with the character and found out which is true and which one is his hallucination. And also it will hide half of the truth when we see in the perspective of criminals, it makes a better explanation and also keeps them interesting. Like many other TV shows and movies, NBC ‘Hannibal’ has it own forum, blog, fans website, wiki, twitter, and expo, even it’s three years after the last season 3 end, there are still a large amounts of fans who are talking about and pay attention to any news about this show. It’s a very convenient way for people to communicate and found different people who also interested in what you interest about. It’s good for attracting the audience and keeping their fans. Even now there are still a bunch of fans hoping there will be season 4 for ‘Hannibal’. I think ‘Hannibal’ is a good making TV shows, it’s from an original story but bring audience good and new experience. It’s also a presentation of the complex TV shows today, it includes modern thinking and changes in our culture. I think these TV series are more fit to aesthetics of today’s people, the complexity and diversification are attractive and make people think more when they are watching the shows, and it’s where today’s TV dramas are developed from.
TV Drama Structure: Why TV Is the Future, and How to Write for It, John Truby, September 10, 2013,http://www.scriptmag.com/features/tv-drama-structure-why-tv-is-the-future-and-how-to-write-for-it
Why has TV storytelling become so complex?, March 27, 2015, Jason Mittell, https://theconversation.com/why-has-tv-storytelling-become-so-complex-37442
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ajaegerpilot · 7 years
my thoughts on hannibal :)) (so um.. spoilers maybe? but who cares)
noah fence tho: its semi-cool that will outloud wonders if hannibal is in love with him.... bryan fuller can still trip tho. 
 i doo declare my character type trope to be called ‘righteous lamb.’ i sometimes talk abt how the majority of my favourite characters typify this sort of fierceness born of righteousness, untried or otherwise. and idk. idk why I’ve always gotten into this type of character & will (to an extent) typifies it.
maybe i’m just misremembering relevant details but like. i liked frederick chilton by the end of the series more than others. :(( like. u were a douchebag and a hack and a psychiatrist but like.. u didnt deserve All That... (and i wrote this before that last thing D::)
I’m pretty sure the writers were... okay i’m totally sure the writers were paralleling hannibal and will’s relationship with reba and whatsisface’s with regards to dependency and well .... romance. but it’s not a perfect parallel, the dragon dood actually gave a shit about reba, as fucked up as he was. hannibal only cares about will inasofar that will is literally the only person who understands/empathizes with hannibal. but i mean. maybe within the fact that i started typing this up before i counted my chickens it’s more similar, seeing as spoilers, but u know what. this show isn’t good enough to earn too much thinking about it. but basically everything in the last season had an attempt to parallel back to will and hannibal’s relationship with regards to how.... like abusive it is. bc the show is, as always, about will and hannibal and at its best when it sticks to that.
things bryan fuller would’ve done if he had a redeemable soul: alana bloom would’ve been a small round woman as alan bloom was a small round man. she would not have become involved with hannibal (a good 5% of the last season were men making disgusting remarks to her?? there’s more time spent on the fallout of her relationship with hannibal than her relationship with her wife. her getting together with hannibal was shamefully the final straw that made me quit the show as I did NOT quit after beverley’s death though I would now). furthermore, margot’s story would’ve been better written, I felt it was overall clumsy and I did not care for it.
i couldn’t bear to watch her and will’s sex scene all the way through, but if it must have happened which - whatever sure - kissing would not have been involved? it would’ve been interesting to see alana and margot kiss in that montage, and will and hannibal too obviously rather than will/alana/hannibal. like. decisions could’ve been made to make that shit less shitty :// and bryan fuller, irredeemable ass that he is, would’ve apologized for it instead of acting like a malicious baby on twitter.
speaking of social media, beverley would not have died obvs. one of the Annoying White Science Men would’ve died, and they wouldn’t have been annoying. MORE IMPORTANTLY: beverly would not have died in such a dehumanizing and disgusting way, her death would have been honoured and she would have been remembered beyond one or two episodes. hetienne park would not have had to curtsey on social media that she had been permitted to act a character that was not a stereotype before being brutally murdered and forgotten in the first half of the second season.
umm I don’t remember a lot about what happened in this show but. idk. i’m sure i have complaints (tm) about other stuff but those were the major ones that I can think of after watching the second two seasons from where I left off a billion years ago.
oh yes, also will is a gay man. BRYAN FULLER HOW COULD YOU FUCK THAT UP AS WELL. also:  i didn’t get the last scene. i suppose they thought they were getting another season and wanted to suggest that?? hannibal had gotten out and captured bedelia? but that was definitely among the worst decisions in this show if that’s what was happening, fuller should’ve had the fucking humility to let the show end with some grace rather than clearly expecting anything to come of this show after it was done. i think it 10000% detracted from the ending and I ain’t here for it.
HOWEVER. THAT SAID. I CANT BELIEVE THIS UGLY MADE ME INTERESTED IN HANNIBAL AND WILL’S DYNAMIC AGAIN. one thing you can say about this show: it is. 100% about will and hannibal’s relationship and will’s characterization. everything else is less consequential and not as well written. but given the focus on their relationship on the last two episodes, they were more interesting. and you know what............................. it WAS gay. it doesnt qualify as lgbt representation, and i would reject it even if it was, but it was gay nonetheless. does that make sense?
and the ending was honestly. perfect? will’s final choice was perfect. it was a very satisfying ending even if the majority of the season was unwatchable and only the last two episodes were worth anything. also will is a gay man. i like his wife, but also will is gay so idk what to do abt that. other things i overall enjoyed about this show: mads mikkelson, ghoulish as he is, is a much better hannibal for me than anthony hopkins who creeps me out and not in the good way. like in the ‘i think this man is probably a bad person irl’ way. i don’t like him. hugh dancy also - was a really fantastic actor. there was no weak acting overall, though I would’ve killed those Annoying White Science Men. the third season was too dark to see much of anything but sometimes the cinematography was good. the writing wasn’t always cheesy. and like. as someone who really enjoys unstoppable force/immovable object relationships and would give anything to see that type of relationship portrayed between women, overall the show was very good for that.
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