#hangman x shy!wife
topguncortez · 2 years
Dog Fight Football - J. Seresin
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pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x shy!wife warnings: a bit smutty, Jake can't keep his hands to himself word count: 1k Hangman Masterlist | Main Masterlist prompt request: “I could just pull your bikini bottoms to the side, no one will notice”
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Y/N had only ever watched the made up sport that was ‘Dog Fight Football’. The first time she had ever been witness to it, she was pregnant, and wasn’t really trying to get tackled by sweaty aviators. Now that she had had the beautiful little girl that was Ella Seresin, and somewhat back to her regular self, she was totally down for the game. Jake was excited, planning a whole beach day with the Dagger squad. Everyone had slowly started to move back to San Diego, where their permanent attachment was going to be located. Jake nor Y/N hadn’t seen a lot of the members since becoming a permanent squad. 
            Penny had agreed to watch the kids while Jake and Y/N relaxed with the team. She loved spending time with the little ones, and had become another name to the babysitting list. Amelia was also there, and Alex was bursting at the seams to build a sand castle with her. 
            “Y/N, you’re on my team!” Rooster called. 
            “What?! No! She’s my wife!” Jake called out as Y/N happily jogged over to Rooster’s side of the beach.
            “That’s why she can’t be on your team! It’s cheating,” Rooster gave Y/N a high five as she ran over to his side, “Besides, I know she can distract you.” 
            Y/N nodded, and stripped off her t-shirt, leaving her just in her gym shorts and black bikini top. Jake groaned and rolled his eyes, pointing at his wife. 
            “Evil,” He said and Y/N just giggled. 
            “Alright, let’s play!” Maverick said, clapping his hands. 
            Jake and Rooster placed both of the footballs down on the line, getting face to face with each other. Y/N stood next to Rooster, lining up with Bob. When Hondo blew the whistle both of the men snapped the footballs up, and looked for their team mate. Y/N took off running to the otherside, as Bob chased after her. She was quick, and got around Bob easily, being wide open. Rooster threw the ball to her, and she caught it, only to be tackled by Coyote. 
            “Uh! Javy, you lug!” Y/N grunted as she hit the sand. 
            “Sorry, mama,” Javy said, offering her his hand. 
            “Y/N, you’re on the line,” Fanboy said and tossed her the ball, “Let’s see if you’re a better QB than Birdboy.” 
            Y/N squatted down in position with the ball, coming face to face with her husband. Jake grinned at her, his eyes shamelessly looking down at her breasts in her bikini top. 
            “Eyes up here, Seresin,” Y/N said. 
            “Can say that same to you, Seresin,” Jake said. Y/N bit her lip, she couldn’t help but admire her husband’s naked torso. He spent time on his body, working out every single day and eating right. Y/N could tell that his body had changed over the years, the once hard planes of his body had started to come a bit softer. He also was supporting chest hair that made him even more irresistible. 
            The team played for nearly an hour, finding themselves in a tie game. They decided that the next score would be the end of the game. When Hondo blew the whistle, Y/N snapped the ball up quickly. Her eyes looking around for a teammate to be open. Phoenix held her arms up to signal to Y/N, and she threw the ball to the pilot with ease. 
            “Run, Nix!” Y/N yelled to her friend. Phoenix didn’t dare look back as she crossed over the imaginary endzone line to score for their team, “Touchdown! In your face!” Y/N said to her husband. 
            “Oh yeah?” Jake smirked, and Y/N could see the gears turning in her head. She squealed and turned to run towards the Hard Deck, but Jake was quicker, grabbing her body in his strong arms and throwing her over his shoulder. She wiggled in his grip, pounding her hands on his back. 
            “Let me down, you oaf!” Y/N laughed. 
            “Nah! You called me an oaf!” Jake said, and playfully smacked her ass. Y/N giggled as he carried her towards the ocean, getting deep enough to toss her in. She let out a yelp as her body hit the cold water and Jake laughed. 
            “Jerkface,” Y/N said, coming up to him. Jake wrapped her in his arms and pulled her back flush to his chest. Her body was cold but was slowly warming thanks to Jake’s sunkissed body against hers. 
            “I love you,” Jake said, leaning his head into the crook of her neck, “And you look so sexy in this.” His hands skimmed the bottom of her bikini top, right under her breasts. 
            “Your friends are up the beach,” Y/N said. 
            “And?” Jake asked and pulled her hips back to meet his. Her eyes widened as she felt his hard-on against her ass. Y/N wiggled her hips against him and Jake groaned, “We could do it right here, just go a little farther out, I could just pull your bikini bottoms to the side, no one will notice.” 
            Y/N tilted her head as Jake placed kisses on her neck, and lazily ran his hands up and down her body. The feeling of his lips on her skin had her mind blanking for a moment, before she realized where they were and what they were lacking. 
            “We can’t,” Y/N said and turned in his arms, “We have no condoms, and I am not sure I want to have three kiddos under the age of four.” Jake frowned and Y/N leaned up to kiss the corner of his mouth, “Penny has our kids for the night so- JACOB!” 
            Jake put Y/N back on his shoulder and made his way back to where everyone was at. The squad had taken a break on the beach, drinking water and lemonade that Penny had brought down for them. Rooster was the first to notice they had come back from the water and called out to them. 
            “Where are you going?” 
            “To make another baby!” Jake said and Y/N lifted her head up and waved a Rooster as Jake carried her towards his truck. 
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writingdumpster · 10 months
secret wife part two
pairing: Bob Floyd x reader
warnings: none
summary: part two to secret wife, accessible through my navigation, pinned to my profile.
word count: 1.7k
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You were in the kitchen of your North Island rental, zipping around as you prepared dinner for the dagger squad. You had lemon bars in the oven and chicken cooking on the stove. Bob had mentioned to you that he’d shared your lemon bars with Phoenix before and they were Daisy’s favorite as well. Daisy was Bob’s sister. She was just one year younger than him and she’d become a close friend of yours since meeting her. When you’d invited her to dinner you told her to dress nicely because you wanted to take a photo for your instagram with her. You didn’t tell her about Bob’s friends coming and you certainly didn’t tell her how you thought Hangman would be perfect for her after only a few stories about him from Bob. Bob was quietly laying plates and silverware out, stacking napkins beside them as you arranged your counter for the guests to serve themselves. 
“Can you go get that, Robby?” You asked as you heard the first knock on the door. Bob went to answer the door and Daisy came bounding in. 
“Where is that beautiful wife of yours, Bob?” She asked with a smile.  
“What? No ‘Hello, Bob; Nice to see you?’ Just ‘where’s my wife?’” Bob teased. 
“That’s exactly right, Bobby Boy. Is she in the kitchen while you sit around?” Daisy asked as she toed off her shoes and headed for the kitchen. 
“Hey, y/n,” Daisy greeted as she walked in. She came in and took in all the food you’d made. “Is it more than just me?” She asked. 
“Some of Robby’s friends are coming over too,” you told her. “The ones who went on the mission with him.” 
“Oh, that’s great,” Daisy said with a smile. “Do you want any help?” She offered as there was another knock on the door. Bob went to go answer it and let Payback, Coyote, and Fanboy into the house. Fanboy had a bouquet of flowers with him. 
“You brought flowers?” Bob asked when he opened the door. 
“I told you it was weird, man,” Payback said. 
“You’re not supposed to show up to someone’s home empty handed,” Fanboy grumbled. 
“No, y/n will love it. The ones I bought her last week are dying,” Bob said. Fanboy smiled slightly. Rooster was striding up the steps to your house just as Coyote walked through the doorway. He had a bottle of wine in his hand and he handed it to Bob. 
“I told you it’s not weird to bring something,” Fanboy hissed at Payback. 
“That’s wine, not flowers. It’s a little weird,” Coyote piped in. 
“It’s not weird. It’s nice,” Bob assured Fanboy as he led his friends into the kitchen. You turned to see your new guests led by Bob with flowers and a bottle of wine in hand.
“Aw, who brought flowers?” You asked with a smile. 
“Fanboy,” Bob said. 
“That’s so nice,” you said as you took them. Bob placed the bottle of wine on the counter and went looking for the opener. Fanboy stuck his tongue out at Payback when you turned around which only earned him an eye roll in return. You began placing the flowers in a vase when there was one last knock at the door. Bob opened the door to welcome Phoenix and Hangman into your home. He instructed them to take off their shoes and then ushered them into your kitchen. You looked over at Daisy the moment you saw it was Hangman who had arrived. You watched as her eyes widened and a tiny smile spread across her lips. You smirked to yourself. 
“Right on time,” you greeted your newest guests. “Serve yourselves. Don’t be shy,” you said as you stepped aside. Rooster was the first to pick up a plate, giving himself a generous serving of the chicken you had made. The rest of Bob’s friends lined up, but Phoenix approached you before she grabbed a plate. 
“Bob told me you were going to make the lemon bars I like,” Phoenix said quietly. Her confidence was a bit shaky. She wanted you to like her. Bob had quickly become her best friend and she was worried that he hadn’t told her about you because you wouldn’t like her. She handed you a small gift bag. “I um, made this for you,” she told you. You opened the bag to find a hand knit scarf in your favorite colors. 
“This is so sweet. Thank you!” You said with a smile. 
“I know you’ll be back in Lemoore soon and it doesn’t get that cold there, but um,” Phoenix glanced down at her hands. “I thought maybe you and Bob could visit me in Norfolk sometime.” You smiled warmly. 
“That sounds wonderful,” you said as you pulled her into a hug. “I’m glad Robby has you,” you told her when you pulled away. 
“Yeah, me too,” she agreed with a smile. 
“Now go grab a plate before the boys eat everything,” you told her. You turned back and noticed that Hangman was seating himself beside Daisy. You’d managed to squeeze enough chairs around the dining room table. You settled across from Daisy once you’d gotten your own food. Bob kissed the top of your head as he took the seat beside you. Coyote, Rooster, and Payback were already eating but Fanboy sat there anxiously waiting for you and Bob to sit before he took a bite. 
“You didn’t have to wait for us,” Bob said as he took his first bite. 
“I told you,” Coyote teased before shoving another piece of chicken into his mouth.
“This is delicious,” Rooster gushed to you. 
“Don’t tell my mom, but this is the best food I’ve ever had,” Payback agreed. You thanked them with a smile. When everyone had eaten they all agreed that Bob must have fallen in love with you because of your cooking. 
“The cooking is great, but all she had to do was smile at me and I was hers,” Bob said as he took your hand upon the table. Phoenix smiled to herself, glad that her friend was so happy. 
“Robby and I will get this cleaned up. I’ve got dessert for all of you too,” you said. Fanboy and Phoenix quickly volunteered to help with the dishes. Daisy started to rise as well but you stopped her. “Relax. I’ve got enough help tonight,” you said before throwing an encouraging look towards Hangman. Hangman glanced over at Daisy. He started to open his mouth to introduce himself, but his breath caught in his throat. He cleared his throat roughly and then turned to her. 
“I’m Hang—” He stopped himself. “I’m Jake,” he told Daisy. Bob met your eye and you held in a laugh before you retreated to the kitchen. 
“Nice to meet you, Jake,” Daisy said with a smile. “I’m Daisy.” Jake couldn’t wipe the smile off his face. This wasn’t his signature cocky smirk though. This was a lovesick smile–one that was dripping with admiration and awe.
“Bob didn’t tell any of us he had a sister,” Jake said. Daisy smiled. 
“He doesn’t tell anybody anything,” she said. “He’s always been quiet.”
“And what about you?” Jake asked. “Did you take after your big brother?” Daisy laughed. 
“Not even a little bit,” she said. “I’m the family rebel,” she told Jake. 
“Let me guess…you went through an emo phase,” Jake guessed. 
“Oh, is it that obvious?” Daisy asked. 
“No, Bob puts on a playlist in the locker room sometimes and I know he doesn’t know anything besides country music. It’s got to be because of you,” he said. 
“Aw, my Bobby Boy still listens to my playlists?” Daisy asked. 
“I guess so,” Jake said with a smile. 
“He always liked the country. It’s how we grew up,” Daisy said. “I like to expand my tastes beyond just what played on the local radio when he drove us to school though.”
“I like country music,” Jake said. “But I’m mostly into classic rock,” he finished. Daisy smiled. 
“Bob says you play ‘Slow Ride’ on the jukebox everytime you go to some bar with him,” Daisy said. Jake blushed. 
“What else does he say about me?” Jake asked. 
“He told me you remind him of me,” she said. Jake grinned. 
“Do you like concerts?” He asked. Daisy smiled shyly. 
“Yeah, live music is great,” she said. 
“There’s a bar downtown that has bands play on Friday nights,” Jake spit out quickly. “Maybe…um, maybe I could take you?” He offered. 
“I don’t see why not,” she said with a smile. Jake grinned. 
“Great. That’s great,” he said, unable to wipe the grin off his face as he looked into her eyes. 
“I’ll give you my phone number before you leave,” she promised. Just then you walked back into the dining room with a tray of lemon bars, Bob trailing behind you with a fresh stack of plates. Everyone ate the lemon bars, throwing compliments your way with every bite. The dagger squad happily stayed to enjoy the night before Bob finally shooed Rooster out of his house, still remaining as he ate all of Bob’s leftovers. Bob turned back to you as he closed the door. You smiled warmly. He crossed the entryway and wrapped his arms around your waist. You raised your arms to rest on his taught chest. 
“I like your friends, Robby,” you told him. Bob smiled and kissed your nose.
“Your little scheme with Hangman seemed like it worked,” Bob commented. 
“You’re the one who told me that if I wanted Daisy to be stationed with us he was the best shot,” you reminded him. Bob chuckled. 
“He couldn’t stop smiling at her,” Bob said. “I’ve never seen him look at a girl like that at The Hard Deck.” 
“That’s because he was looking at her the way you look at me,” you said. Bob smiled softly. 
“And how’s that?” He asked. 
“Like I’m the only thing you care about,” you said. Bob grinned. He leaned down and kissed you lovingly. His lips were warm and strong against yours and you let out a small hum of satisfaction as he leaned away. 
“That’s because you are.”
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outoftheseine · 5 months
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i need a certain aviator in my life| some fics might have 18+ content so please minors do not interact.
main masterlist
opposites attract | part 2 • jake seresin x shy!fem!reader
↳ by @topguncortez
oh, baby • dad!jake seresin x fem!reader
↳ by @seresinhangmanjake
cookie dough love • jake seresin x fem!reader
↳ by @royalmaybank
baby, you down? • jake seresin x reader
↳ by @softspiderling
never knew (i could fall so hard) • jake seresin x reader
↳ by @softspiderling
careful hands, precious cargo • jake seresin x reader
↳ by @winchesterandpie
three times the hangman almost cried, and the one time he did • dad!jake seresin x fem!reader
↳ by @wombtotombx
strawberries • jake seresin x fem!reader
↳ by @siempre-bucky
trying new things • pilot!jake seresin x bartender!reader
↳ by @rylee-001
my sunshine • jake seresin x fem!reader
↳ by @libraryofloveletters
hey pretty girl • jake seresin x fem!reader
↳ by @callsign-marlie
roadside assistance • jake seresin x reader
↳ by @lostdreamr-blog1
sweet as candy • jake seresin x fem!reader
↳ by @halsteadsbradshaw
married? • jake seresin x wife!reader
↳ by @captainamericasmotercycle
there's a honey • jake seresin x penny's niece!reader
↳ by @bussyslayer333
de-instigating the instigator • jake seresin x reader
↳ by @jupitercomet
shot through the heart • jake seresin x reader
↳ by @starlightstories
a morning workout • jake seresin x wife!reader
↳ by @tip-top-cloud-surfer
you might want to step aside • jake seresin x floyd!reader
↳ by @awaywith-thefaeries
how you get the girl • jake seresin x reader
↳ by @seresinsweetie
rocks are allowed to crack, stars are allowed to dim • jake seresin x fem!pilot!reader
↳ by @sarahsmi13s
284 notes · View notes
sailor-aviator · 4 months
Today and Every Day
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Summary: A glimpse into your life with the one and only Jake "Hangman" Seresin starting from your first date and ending with a twist. A fic inspired by the song "Marry Me" by train.
Content Warning: First dates, Proposal, Marriage, Pregnancy, Allusions to smut, Making out, Old Age, Nerves, Tooth rotting fluff, Romance. I think that's everything.
Word Count: 4k
A/N: This fic was written as a part of @ohtobeleah's Galentine's Day Special! I had so much fun writing it, and I hope you all have just as much fun reading it!! As always, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated! Until next time!
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Jake was nervous. No. He was terrified, actually. He had never been this scared to go on a date before, but here he was, leg bouncing up and down in the driver’s seat as he waited outside of the restaurant he agreed to meet you at. He had met you at the cafe just last week, and already he was smitten. You had been sitting there, typing away on your laptop when he had spotted you as he walked in with Javy and Phoenix. It had taken an incredible amount of self will and determination to finally get up and go talk to you, but he was glad he had because now he was getting ready to go on your first date.
He really, really hoped he didn’t screw it up.
Taking a deep breath, he shoved the door of his truck open, stepping out and into the parking lot. He was a little early, but better that than being late, he supposed. He crossed the street, heart stopping and breath catching in his throat when he spotted you through the window. You were standing in a pretty, blue dress looking around the lobby nervously as you glanced down at your phone, bottom lip caught between your teeth.
Shaking himself from his stupor, he pulled the door open and stepped inside. You glanced up from your phone at the noise, giving him a soft smile that left him breathless all over again.
“Hey,” you greeted quietly, sliding your phone into your purse as you turned to face him. A shy smile curled on his lips as he took you in, a characteristic that felt so foreign to him. Jake was usually a man of confidence, but there was something about you that seemed send him into a tizzy with one look.
“Hey,” he responded. “Were you waiting long?”
“Not at all,” you assured him, smoothing down the skirt of your dress, an action that Jake found absolutely endearing. He tore his eyes away from you as the hostess came back to the stand, flashing a polite smile at the two of you.
“Are you ready?” He asked, gesturing towards the other woman. You turned around, eyes widening in surprise before flashing him a quick smile and a nod.
The hostess seated the two of you quickly, and your waiter had stopped by shortly after to take your drink order. The two of you sat in a moment of silence, and Jake noted that it wasn’t altogether an uncomfortable one, but rather tense and nervous.
“You know,” he spoke after another moment, causing your eyes to flicker up to meet his, “I was actually really nervous for today.”
That seemed to shock you, and you let out a startled giggle before smiling up at him.
He nodded.
“I was too, actually,” you admitted, glancing up at him shyly through your lashes. Jake tried not to think too much about how he wanted to reach out and lay kisses on the spots where your lashes brushed against your cheeks. Instead, he cleared his throat, and leaned forward to flash you a charming smile.
“So, let’s get to know each other,” he suggested, a wicked twinkle in his eyes. “If you could attend any concert from any time period, who would it be?”
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Jake hadn’t been this nervous in two years. Of course, the last time he had felt like this was on your first date, and now here he was, about to get down on one knee and ask you to be his wife. Truthfully, he had gone ring shopping the day after your first date. He had known from the moment he first laid eyes on you that you were it for him, and the date had just confirmed it.
The two of you had eaten and passed the time in giggles and more ridiculous questions, a conversation that soon became more in depth and personal, and Jake found that the longer he spent with you, the more he didn’t want the night to end.
So, at the end of the meal, he had asked you if you wanted to go for a walk along the beach, and you had happily agreed.
That was two years ago, and now the two of you walked along the same beach, hand in hand as Jake ran his other one nervously through his hair. You peered at him from the corner of your eye, brow furrowing and causing that cute little crease that Jake loved to kiss away.
“Are you feeling okay?” You asked him finally, stopping and turning to face him with a worried expression. You reached up to feel his forehead, humming as you dropped your hand.
“You don’t feel warm,” you muttered, tilting your head in confusion, the little crease deepening as you try to determine what on earth could possibly be wrong with your boyfriend. Jake let out a nervous chuckle, squeezing your hand in reassurance as he takes a steadying breath.
“I’m fine, darlin’,” he told you, but you didn’t seem convinced, eyes still sweeping over him to try and find something wrong with him. “‘m just nervous is all.”
“Nervous?” You questioned, shaking your head slightly. “What on earth for?”
Jake took another deep breath before dropping down onto one knee, smiling at the way your face morphs from confused concern into tearful surprise.
“Darlin’,” he began, pulling the tiny, black box out of his pocket and popping it open to reveal a stunning diamond ring, “the day we met in that little cafe was the beginning of something extraordinary. The past two years have been filled with laughter, tears, the occasional fight, and so much love. I wouldn’t trade any of it for anything in the world, do you hear me? The best day of my life was when you agreed to make it official and be my girlfriend, but I’m hoping you’ll top it here by agreeing to be my wife. Will you marry me?”
Tears streamed down your face as you covered your mouth to keep the sobs from spilling out. You began to nod frantically, wiping the tears away as you sobbed out a laugh, the pretty smile he loved oh so much coming into view.
“Jacob Seresin, of course I’ll marry you,” you laughed, reaching out for him to pull him into a soul-crushing kiss. Jake smiled against your lips as he moved to stand, hauling you into his arms as he rocked the two of you from side to side. Pulling away only when the two of you needed air, he slipped the ring onto your finger, stroking the soft skin as he continued to grin.
“I love you,” he said, looking up at you finally. You squeezed his hand, smiling up at him gently as you placed another kiss to his lips.
“I love you too.”
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“Jake, you could power a whole city with how much you’re moving,” Javy griped, placing a reassuring hand on Jake’s shoulder. “Calm down, man.”
“Sorry,” Jake grimaced, glancing down the aisle towards the doors leading into the sanctuary of the church. The pews were filled with friends and family from both sides, eagerly awaiting the start of the ceremony.
“I’m just nervous,” he grumbled, eyes still trained on the doors where you would appear any moment.
“But why?” Javy frowned, following his best friend’s line of sight. Jake didn’t answer for a moment, chewing on his bottom lip as his foot tapped against the marble floor and his hands clenched and unclenched at his sides.
“What if she changes her mind?” Jake blurted out, eyes finally looking at Javy with panic lacing through the green. “What if she realizes that I’m not good enough for her? That I’m the worst choice she could possibly make?”
Javy stared at him for a moment before ducking his head down. For a moment, Jake was horrified that his best friend realized that he was right and didn’t know how to tell him, but then he realized that Javy’s shoulders were shaking, and the fear was replaced with indignant confusion as Javy reached out a hand to Jake’s shoulders in order to steady himself. Javy stood back up, wiping a stray tear as he almost broke out into another round of laughter.
“You really are an idiot sometimes, man. You know that?” Javy wheezed, patting Jake on the back. “That girl is so in love with you, it’s not funny. Besides, she could definitely do worse than you.”
“Like who?” Jake mumbled, glaring at the other man. Javy’s grin was wide as he answered.
“Like Bradshaw.”
Jake laughed at that, the nerves easing out of him slowly as he nodded.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” he conceded, head snapping back to the doors as the music picked up. One by one, your bridesmaids came walking down the aisle, and Jake’s heart sped up as the last girl made her way down the aisle. The quintessential theme began to play as everyone stood up, and Jake felt the tears spring to his eyes as you finally came into view.
You were beautiful, dressed in your white gown. Jake always thought you looked beautiful, of course, but knowing that you were currently walking down the aisle to become his wife?
He wiped at his eyes, and he heard Javy let out a low chuckle behind him.
“You got this,” he whispered, and Jake let out a low laugh. Yeah, he did have this, and he never wanted to let this go. Your eyes were trained on him the entire walk down the aisle, a smile plastered on your face and Jake swore he could die happy right then and there.
You stopped in front of him, and Jake was only vaguely aware of the ceremony going on around him. Of course he spoke when he was supposed to, but other than that, his focus was locked on you, and it seemed you were in the same boat.
The second Jake heard the priest say “you may kiss the bride,” he was on you, hands cradling your jaw as he kissed you breathless, dipping you slightly as one hand came down to rest on your waist. You kissed him back, excited giggles escaping past your lips as the two of you got lost in the moment. Finally, Jake pulled away, green eyes sparkling as his thumb caressed the apple of your cheek.
“Mr. Seresin,” you purred, looking up at him through your lashes, not unlike the way you did on your first date.
“Mrs. Seresin,” he beamed, leaning in for another kiss.
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“Honey, you’re making me nervous,” Jake chuckled, watching you bounce around the house, your nervous energy positively infectious. You glanced at him before quickly looking away, fighting back a smile as you scurried about with the laundry on your hip. You had never been good at keeping secrets from him, but he always thought it was cute how you tried.
“There’s nothing to be nervous about,” you assured him, placing the basket on the coffee table and picking up one of the many articles of clothing bunched together.
“I’m sure there isn’t, sugar,” Jake continued, picking up a t-shirt to help you fold. “But when you’ve been scurrying about the house for two days with that secretive little smirk of yours, it gets a man’s heart pumpin’ and mind racin’.”
You paused in your folding, watching him for a moment before snorting and continuing your task.
“I think you’re being a tad paranoid, babe,” you teased, setting down the t-shirt you had just finished folding. Jake moved to grab another t-shirt, opening his mouth to say something when he stopped. His brow furrowed in confusion as he lifted up a plain, white onesie.
“Is this Michelle’s?” He asked, giving you a questioning look. It wasn’t unusual for you to wash the clothes of your friends’ kids, but last he checked none of them had babies this small. Michelle had had a baby about half a year ago, but the bright, new bundle was already well past the size of the onesie he currently held in his hands. You smirked at him, continuing to fold the laundry.
“You know Michael is too big for that.”
“Then which of your friends has a baby that I don’t know about?”
“You know about all of my friends’ babies, Jake.”
“Is one of your friends expecting again?”
“Not one of my friends, no,” you grinned, waiting for him to catch on. He stared at you for a second, studying you like you would give him the answer. It wasn’t until you gently cupped your own stomach that his eyes went wide and tears kissed his lash line.
“Honey, are you serious?” He asked, voice barely above a whisper. You bit at your bottom lip in excitement, a grin breaking out across your face.
“Sweetheart, please tell me you’re serious,” he begged, a smile tugging at the corner of his own lips, a shout escaping from him as you nodded in excitement. He tossed the onesie to the side, crossing the distance between you two to scoop you into his arms. He peppered kisses across your face, giggles breaking out between the two of you.
“You have no idea how happy I am right now, darlin’,” he beamed, cradling your face in his hands. “I’m gonna take such good care of the both of you, I promise.”
He placed another kiss to your lips before dropping to his knees in front of you, gently splaying his hands across your belly.
“And you, little one?” He whispered almost reverently. “I’m gonna be the best daddy to you. Make no mistake about it. You’re not even here yet and you’ve already got me wrapped around your little finger. I’m not gonna let anything bad happen to you ever, you hear me?”
He placed a kiss to your stomach, peering up at you as he rested his cheek against you, thumb stroking over your shirt.
“You’ve given me the best gift I could have ever asked for,” he murmured, heart so full as he stared up at you.
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“It’s too quiet in here,” Jake muttered, leaning back in his recliner. You walked into the living room, handing him a beer with a knowing smile on your face. Jake frowned as you moved to sit on the couch, grabbing your hand and pulling you onto his lap with a grunt as you giggled.
“That’ll happen when your kids move out,” you reminded him with a smile. Your youngest had officially moved off to college a few days prior, and it came as no surprise to you that Jake was not handling the change very well.
Your home had been filled with the constant laughter and chatter of three, beautiful kids for twenty-three years now, and while you were sad to see your kids leave, you were happy to see them grow into the adults they had become. Jake, on the other hand, missed his children terribly.
“They should visit more,” he griped, resting his hand on your thigh, stroking his thumb up and down as you settled into him.
“Jake, they visit almost every week,” you snorted, resting a hand on his chest with a shake of your head. He gave you a look before taking a sip of his beer.
“And it’s not enough,” he retorted with a scowl. You rolled your eyes with a scoff before a smirk overtook your features. You leaned into him, wrapping your arms around his neck as you began to place lingering kisses across his jaw.
“You’re telling me,” you hummed, lips ghosting over the shell of his ear, smirk deepening as he shivered, “that you can’t think of any reason as to why having our kids out of the house might be beneficial to the two of us.”
Jake arched a brow at you, turning to look you over as a matching smirk pulled on his lips.
“Dunno, darlin’,” he murmured, maneuvering you so that you straddled him, “might need some convincin’ that it’s a good thing.”
“Well, I can be very persuasive,” you purred, lips moving down to place hot, open-mouthed kisses along the length of his neck. Jake let out a low groan as you found the spot you knew drove him wild, nipping at the skin before laving your tongue over the same spot.
“Oh, I’m well aware, sugar,” he grunted, hands encouraging your hips to roll against his as he threw his head back in a moan. “You managed to get three kids out of me. Despite my protests, might I add. Practically cornered me until I gave you what you wanted.”
You pulled away with a mock glare, Jake whining at the loss of attention.
“I most certainly did not,” you scowled with a raise of an eyebrow. Jake tried to move your hips once more, but you remained unmoved as you glared at him. “In fact, I distinctly remember you begging me for each one of them.”
“Agree to disagree,” he muttered, leaning up to press his lips against yours. You moved to pull back and argue, but Jake held you firmly against him as you giggled into his mouth. His tongue stroked against your own, and your fingers found purchase in his graying locks. You ground down against him, Jake rewarding you with a delicious moan.
“What was that about convincing me that an empty nest is a good thing?” Jake panted, pulling back to look at you. Another grin spread across your face as you moved to stand. Jake stopped you and you looked at him in confusion as he smirked.
“Where do you think you’re goin’?” He asked, running his hands up and down the backs of your thighs before gripping your ass with a hearty squeeze.
“The bedroom?” You supplied, amusement clear on your face.
“Thought part of the fun of being an empty nester was that we could do it wherever we wanted?”
You snorted. “The kids still have keys, Jake, and I’d rather not have our kids walk in unexpectedly on us ‘doing it’ as you so eloquently put it.”
Jake’s eyes widened in shock before nodding firmly. Giving your ass a quick swat, he helped you up off his lap before standing, tugging you quickly towards the bedroom.
“I’m confiscating those damn keys the next time they’re over, sugar,” he warned, grinning as you burst into a fit of giggles.
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Jake watched from the porch as his grandkids ran around the expansive yard, screaming and giggling in delight as they chased each other. He still remembered the days when his own kids, their parents, would run around and cause mayhem around the house. He chuckled as the youngest, Ryan, toddled after his older cousins, a toothy grin on the toddler’s face.
His children and their spouses all sat by the fire pit, talking and laughing about something or other, just content to be all together once more, and Jake felt a surge of love at seeing his family together again after so long.
“What are you smiling about over here, honey?”
He turned to see you walking over towards him, a cup of tea in hand as you offered him a loving smile. Your hair had long since grayed, now a stunning silver that reminded him of starlight. The wrinkles around your eyes creased as you looked at him, and though he knew you were self conscious about them, prodding at them with your fingers and a scowl every morning, he made no secret of how much he loved them.
“Evidence of the years spent together,” he’d tell you before kissing each one.
Now he held his arm out for you to sidle up against him, aged hands resting on his back as he let out a contented sigh.
“You remember when our kids would run around out here?” He asked you, his own hand smoothing up and down the length of your back as he peered down at you. You turned your gaze to the yard, your eyes holding ardent adoration as you looked at your many grandchildren.
“Oh I remember,” you chuckled, resting your head against his shoulder as you took a sip of your tea. “You’d come in with mud on your shoes and I’d just about kill the lot of you.”
“You loved it,” he snickered, kissing the top of your head as you sighed, looking back up at him.
“I did,” you admitted. “I do miss it sometimes. And, while I love these critters we call grandkids, I’m always happy to ship them back home to their parents.”
Jake laughed at that, his own wrinkles creasing at the sides of his eyes as he squeezed you tighter. The two of you stood in contented silence as you watched the kids wear themselves out. Sarah, your middle child’s youngest, came running up to you with an excited gleam in her green eyes, words coming out in pants as she fought to catch her breath.
“Gramma, can we go look at the photos again?” She asked, clutching at your sweater and bouncing on the tips of her toes. You chuckled, smoothing a weathered hand over her blonde hair.
“Of course we can, my darling,” you cooed, motioning for her to lead the way. You turned back to give Jake a kiss, patting his cheek lovingly before following after the little girl. Jake watched you go, hoping the two of you had many more days like this to come.
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“Are you going to go talk to her, or are you just going to keep staring like a creep?”
Jake startled from his daydream, green eyes wide as Phoenix gave him a knowing look. Javy slid into the seat next to him, nudging his shoulder as he took a sip from his to go cup.
“She’s right,” he said, gesturing over to where you sat two tables down, typing away contently at your laptop. “You look like a creep just staring at her like that. What are you doing? Thinking about your whole future together?”
Jake scowled at his best friend, shooting another glare at Phoenix for good measure.
“Don’t you two have something better to talk about?” He groused. Phoenix tapped her chin, pretending to think.
“Nope,” she said finally, popping her lips together as she gave him a grin. “Why don’t you go and introduce yourself?”
“I dunno,” Jake muttered, giving you another glance, his heart stuttering nervously as he took you in once more.
“Since when have you ever been the type to be nervous about talking to a girl?” Phoenix snorted, raising an eyebrow at Javy who just shrugged in return.
“‘m not nervous,” he muttered, fidgeting with his fingers as he glanced back at you once more. “Just don’t want to bother her is all.”
“Oh well,” Javy began, pushing his seat back and moving to stand, “if you’re not interested, then I guess I’ll-”
“Don’t you dare,” Jake snapped, grabbing his best friend’s wrist and standing. Javy gave him a triumphant smirk as Jake sighed, clearly bested. He pursed his lips, sparing his friends another glare before gathering up all of his courage and walking over to where you sat.
“Excuse me,” he said, causing you to jump, eyes wide as you gazed up at him. Jake swore his heart stopped then and there. He flashed you a charming smile, one you happily returned as he gestured to the seat next to you. “Is this seat taken?”
“Not at all,” you smiled, gesturing for him to sit. He did so, leaning forward on the table as he looked at you, nerves still fluttering in his stomach as he got a better look at you. You looked at him curiously as he continued to stare, raising an eyebrow at him. He cleared his throat with a sheepish smile, stretching out his hand for you to shake.
“Hi,” he said, noting how soft your hand felt in his as he gave it a squeeze. “I’m Jake.”
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A/N: Aaaahh!! So what did you guys think?? Don't forget to follow my sideblog - @sailoraviator-library and turn on post notifications if you'd like to be notified of when I post! As always, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated! You can also find me on AO3 under the username sailor_aviator. Until next time!
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persephone11110 · 11 months
Hot and Cold
J.S x Reader
Warnings:quiet reader/happy/confident, protective j.s, mention of past oc death, soft jake seresin, fake date->real dating at the end, bad date, medical inaccuracy, naval inaccuracy, ooc j.s a bit, curse words
Summary: two times jake seresin was secretly in love with y/n l/n and the one time he made sure you knew too.
ofc: Y/n“Mouse”L/n
AN: This is so random, this is me taking a break from Fallen Angel. I’ve read 5+1 b4 from different fandoms but make mine 2+1 bcus i don’t have the brain cells to do that. I don’t know if I like this ENJOY ❤️
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1. the hard deck
“Kiss me baby”
“Ooh, that feels good”
You leaned against the bar alone sipping on your sparkling water quietly. As much as you loved Rooster’s singing— it was loud and made everyone around you in bar loud. You flinched at the shouts that echoed throughout the bar— you knew everyone was just having fun—something you didn’t quite understand yet.
“You hate Bradshaw’s voice too?” a southern drawl calls out to you. You look back to a man with set of gorgeous green eyes. Holy shit he’s fine.
“H..Hi Seresin” your voice suddenly stuttering—nervousness was rising at the sight of the man.
You instantly recognized the man Hangman, the man that leaves everyone in his dust cloud. He gently puts his hand on your back guiding you to a pair of seats outside.
After pulling out your chair Jake gently smiles at you—“Sorry about that Y/n I couldn’t hear over that chicken shit”. He full on smirking, back at home Jake has a little brother Riley who has the exact same tendencies as you. Shy and Quiet-pratically acts like a ghost.
“Jake” you shot him a disapproving look. “Be kind to Rooster”.
“Why should I Mouse?”, he glances at you, your not dumb you could feel and see the deep hatred the two men have for each other. He sips at his beer before putting it back down on the table.
You sighed,“Because whether you like it or not Rooster might be the one up there with you”. You say easily, you know what it feels like to lose someone up in the air. The feeling of someone’s death weighing on conscious day and night— the infamous What If’s.
He shrinks back—“Who, if you don’t mind me asking ya sweetheart?”. He reaches over and grabs your hand lightly—there’s no heat behind his words, his face is soft and gentle— you could see the real him and not his facade Hangman.
Icarus flew too close to the sun. a teardrop fell from your face.
Painful memories crashed your mind, the day Y/n died, having to listen to banshee like cries of his mother and wife combined. Watching his casket get carefully laid into the ground.
“Me and my wso were shot down in enemy territory”.— it’s classified can’t give to much away. “I know I don't why you and Rooster have differences but all i’m saying is that the last thing you both need is death weighing you down”.
“Thank you Y/n”, Jake cards his fingers over your knuckles.“But I need to get back to terrorizing everyone around me”.
Jake wishes he could stay longer, leaving you is the last thing he wants. But if he stayed longer Jake might confess his feelings for you. Cant have that before a big mission, can we?
“Bye Hangman”, you waved him away.
He stood up and gently dropped a kiss onto your head.
“Bye Mouse”
I think I’m in love with her.
2. record store
Leave it to loudmouth Phoenix to tell the daggers you had a date tonight. And if you remember correctly Jake had look like he taken a bite into a lemon, sour and confused of why you had a date. When you could be dating him.
“Come on Y/n, your going ditch takeout with me for a random date tonight?”, His eyes fan over to you, as you stood at his kitchen sink.
“Well excuse me Seresin some of us weren’t grace with beauty like others”, you snapped, throwing your lipstick in your purse hastily.
“Goodbye Jake”, you turned on your heel not daring to look back to see if Jake even cared enough to come after you.
You lonely walked the aisles of the record store alone, it was too good to be true, why would a man like Jordan waste him time on you. Maybe you weren’t destined for love—maybe your life would end with you being old cat lady who’s suffered from a broken heart decades early.
You found yourself standing infront of various records Ready to Die, At Last, Enter The Wutang—36 Chambers. All of your favorites album.
“Well at least I know music taste”, God damn it you recognized the arrogant accent from anywhere.
You counted to five before turning around to see Jake. “H-Hello”, you stutter out, Jake was in a three piece suit, with a bouquet of lily’s in his hand. Your favorite flowers, the suit you helped him pick out weeks ago.
“Hey there darlin”, he leans over you—dropping a kiss onto your hair. “I’m sorry for being a bastard”, Jake softly apologizes to you. Your taken back at the softness of his voice.
“How did you—”, you cut yourself off unsure if really wanted the answer.
“Easy, Bradshaw told me that jackass was at the hard deck with a girl hanging off his arm”. , Your shoulders deflated with sadness, you were right- no man is going to spend time with a woman like you. Tears trickled down your face—“Hey, Hey sweetheart whats with the tears?”. His voice more softer.
Your shoulders bounce with sadness at your face found it’s self into the crook of Jake’s neck. “I just wished someone loved me”, you mumbled, to him yet he could hear how much emotion filled your words.
“Come on sweetheart, what do you think i’m doing down here”, he pulls you from him—“You don’t need that jackass to have fun, you have me?”, he whispered into your ear.
“Yeah” he promised, “I booked us a reservation at Gio’s, and besides Bradshaw and Trace tossed Jordan on his ass after they caught him”. A bit of laughter came out your mouth as you smiled. “Two black eyes and a suit don’t mix well together”, he lightly poked at you.
“Fine Seresin”, you interlocked arms with him, “Lead the way”.
He could feel his heart throb with excitement.
“Alrighty Y/n you win”. you and Jake walked arm and arm to his car before he opens the car door for you, ushering you into his car. You flashed a smile at him.
I think I’m in love with her.
3. uss?(day of the mission)
“I came to see Lieutenant Jake Seresin”, your tone wavering with fear, logically you knew he was fine—you saw him and Bradley shake hands and smile at each other. But that didn’t mean anything to you, not after you lost Hunter in the air.
“Lieutenant L/n” the doctor tone drenched with stress, “Seresin is busy—”, she was cut off by a southern accent filled with arrogance.
“I’m very good. In fact, I am too good to be true.”, the doctor scoffs-sidestepping, granting you access to Jake.
The cocky son of bitch was laid out on the cot with a grin on his face. “Haven’t see you in a bit sweetheart”. He was laying there as if he hadn’t almost lost his life.
You must’ve allowed some type of emotion to cross your face because the next thing you knew a brusied Jake was pulling down with towards him. Your head tucked under his chin, as you both laid in silence.“Feeling that Y/n?”, he drawled out.
“Yeah I do”, your voice is gentle. “J..Jake I thought I lost you”, your voice wavered.
“I know sweetheart I thought I did too”, he sits up with you in his lap.“I had to save Pops and Rooster you know that right?”.
“Without a doubt”, you managed to run your fingers through his hair. “And you did amazing job of that too, whilst also scaring the shit outta of me”.
“I’m surprised Cyclone isn’t here yet, tearing me a new one”, Jake tells you—adding a kiss to your hand.
“He’s coming soon for a debrief, and the last thing he needs is two of his top lieutenants laid up in bed together Jake”. you tried moving from his embrace.
Jake easily held you back“Y/n I really don’t give damn right now”.
“Jake”, you said.
“What sweetheart?”.
“Kiss me”, you playfully puckered your lips out.
“God damn darlin took you look enough”, his hand cupped the back of your head.
“I’m in love with her”
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topgun-imagines · 10 months
Happy anniversary!!! Really looking forward to your future writing! :)
🍓 + Jake
Thank you Lovely!! :)
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Never Forgive You Jake Seresin x Female!Reader | Your trust and love for Jake is not enough sometimes. warnings: cheating, angst, fighting, pregnancy, heartbreak. @topguncortez
The Final Sunset Jake Seresin x Wife!Reader | Jake takes you to feel the sun on your skin one last time. warnings: death, sadness, cancer, grief. @topguncortez
Squirt Jake Seresin x Female!Reader | Jake is determined to make you feel things like you've never felt before. warnings: unprotected sex, daddy kink. @topguncortez
In The Night Jake Seresin x Wife!Reader | Jake helps you live out one of your sexual fantasies. warnings: CNC, usage of sleeping pills (melatonin), talks of safe words, vaginal fingering, oral sex (F) receiving. @topguncortez
Floydsin As Dad's Jake Seresin x Bob Floyd | warnings: pregnancy, mentions of needles, mentions of vomiting, mentions of failed adoptions, labor. @topguncortez
Undiagnosed Katie Blair grew up trying to be the perfect daughter. She always struggled to be the prim and proper little girl her parents wanted. Big personality as a kid, but now at 25, she's the shy admiral's daughter who just keeps her head down and tries to get through law school. So what happens when she's had enough and with help from a certain Lieutenant, she gets out. General Warnings: Angst, smut, asshole parents, trauma response, Jake is a jerk at first. @callsign-magnolia
You Might Want To Step Aside two times your boyfriend and twin brother had to stand up for you, and the one time you shocked them by doing it yourself. warnings: anxiety, shy reader, protective Hangman, protective Bob, insecure reader, self doubt. @awaywith-thefaeries
Roughing It Jake Seresin begged you, his best friend to go camping with him and Bradley Bradshaw—but not for the innocent reasons you might think. A simple camping trip turns into something much more unholy. Callsign— Giggles Warnings: Jake Seresin x F!Reader. Bradley Bradshaw x F!Reader. Unprotected sex. Male receiving oral. Choking. MxMxF Threesome. Creampie. Obvious power dynamics. @ohtobeleah
Always A Bridesmaid Bradley tells all the guys at his wedding that his little sister is off limits… But when has Jake ever listened to Rooster? Warnings: a teeny bit of angst, mentions of alcohol, drinking, smut, oral (m + f receiving), unprotected pinv, slight overstimulation, age gap (not really specified but reader is around 23-24 yrs old, jake is in his early 30s), jake being too damn charming for his own good, rooster being a very overprotective big brother, jake being a menace, and natasha being the best sister-in-law, for the sake of this story we’re gonna pretend that Goose died a few years later than what is canon to explain how Bradley has a sister that’s 10+ years younger than him lol @sugarcoated-lame
Middle Of A Memory Jake Seresin was an asshole, everyone knew it. He flew with confidence and held a cocky smirk. Behind every cocky smirk and snark remark was you, built into his memories, memories he always lived in. Warnings: 18+,mentions of alcohol, mentions of flying accidents, mentions of death, swearing, angst and of course fluff. @sunnysidevans
Who Did This To You? In your most vulnerable hour, Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin is the one to find you, and the one to ask you the ultimate question. “Who did this to you?” Warnings: Mentions of Abuse and DV (NOT committed by Jake), nongraphic description of resulting injuries, a very one-sided bar fight, mention that a character is going to therapy, insults and confrontation by a past abuser. (This story is a who did this to you trope. While it is only dealing with the 'who did this to you’ aftermath of what was done, please keep that in mind.) @justfandomwritings
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starlightstevie · 2 years
top gun fic recs
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it’s been a while since i made one of these so thought i’d return with a bang! here’s a list of some absolutely incredible top gun fics - thank you to all the writers for sharing you amazing work with the rest of us! i’ll update this list with any new fics i find - happy reading! x
* is smut
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*flyboy (series) by @kryptonitejelly summary: jake gets called back to topgun the same time you’ve been granted a sabbatical from work. he invites you, his purely platonic best friend of years, to live with him for 6 months and you accept. just two best friends kicking it back for 6 months in san diego, fightertown usa, right?
*warning: do not engage by @clints-lucky-arrow summary: you hate hangman. really, you do... or so you like to think, until it begins to seem like that distaste might not be as strong as you’d prefer to believe.
*touch me, i’m sick by @ohcaptains summary: it’s always been easy to resist hangman’s charm - until one lonely night, when it becomes the hardest task you’ve ever had to complete.
*coveted facade by @inklore summary: hangman can’t stop running his mouth during sex and gives the cockiest dirty talk known to man and you try to fake hating it but your body says otherwise
*soft by @bradshaw-fanclub summary: hangman discovers he’s not as big and bad as he thinks he is.
the one piece by @siempre-bucky summary: jake had seen you in everything under the sun, but a single black one-piece swimsuit turns him absolutely feral.
*save a jet, ride a pilot by @bradshaw-fanclub summary: hangman is cocky and arrogant and dumb and mean and also kind of a sex god, and you hate him.
*loud and clear by @theonetrueneohero summary: a fated pairing between you and your brother’s best friend.
*do not disturb by @callsign-valley summary: a late night caller comes to your hotel room door.
*please daddy? by @callsign-valley summary: hangman and his utter inability to keep his shit together when called daddy
the joker by @gogobootz1 summary: as the owner of the foremost bakery in fightertown, slight kitchen mishaps aren't uncommon for you. but when you have a big one, can penny and a certain naval aviator help you out?
*all in by @seasonsbloom summary: you make jake’s dreams come true.
*cowboy!jake by @seasonsbloom
*giving jake his birthday present by @seasonsbloom
*i know you want it, do-si-don’tcha by @theharddeck summary: you and hangman walk home in the rain after a night at a dance hall, and warm up back at the airbnb.
kiss in the rain by @hanluev summary: jake is very endearing when he’s half-asleep.
flyboy!jake protecting your head by @kryptonitejelly
*the last word by @sunlightmurdock summary: in which jake can’t let you have the last word.
cookie dough love by @royalmaybank summary: in which jake isn’t shy about his affections for you.
*who’s winning by @katcoquette summary: you run into jake on a night out with friends and decide to make the most out of the unexpected meet-up with another game, and this time, the rules are so simple, you don’t think either of you will be able to cheat.
stood up. picked up. by @lostdreamr-blog1 summary: when you get stood up on your date, a certain pilot is there to pick you up.
the only one for me by @saintlike78 summary: other women just don’t seem to care that you’re jake’s wife or the fact that you’re sitting right next to him whilst they flirt with him. 
sharing a bed with jake for the first time by @kryptonitejelly
*kiss your fingers by @sunderlust​ summary: sometimes the best way to shut you up is to fill your mouth.
*intoxicated by @hederasgarden​ summary: a drunken confession to your best friends leads to more than you expected.
can i buy you a drink? by @kryptonitejelly​ summary: we all know jake is possessive as shit but when he’s out with his girl and he’s like yeah baby get those free drinks.
sun-kissed by @ddejavvu​ summary: jake finds out why you go through a particular scent of candle so fast.
*easy lover by @hellsbarnes​ summary: after sleeping with jake one too many times and getting nowhere, you decide to give up, not knowing how he truly feels.
*veracious by @inklore​ summary: shower sex with hangman.
*fair game by @sunlightmurdock​ summary: bradley has been a shitty boyfriend. his girl isn’t happy. in jake’s eyes, that means she’s fair game.
*warm by @lt-bradshaw​ summary: jake is cool when he wants to be, and warm when you need him to be.
*never knew (that i could fall so hard) by @softspiderling​ summary: you and jake are friends. just friends.
parking spots and matcha lattes by @withahappyrefrain​ summary: in an attempt to get coffee, you meet a grade a asshole whose head you want to rip off. meanwhile, jake seresin is pretty certain he just met his future wife in the parking lot of a coffee shop.​
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*so, why do they call you rooster? by @sunlightmurdock summary: sizekinksizekinksizekink
*invisible string by @halfway-happyyy summary: rooster’s about to leave on a mission he doesn’t know if he’ll be back from, and he wants you in every way imaginable.
*you look hot when you cry by @pearliepeach summary: whiny bottom bradley, whiny bottom bradley, whiny bottom bradley
*dog fight by @sunlightmurdock summary: you and rooster had fling during your first time at top gun. it ended with you both swearing you never caught feelings and going zero contact. now, when you’re both called back to top gun, you spend two weeks denying your feelings until they all come rushing to the surface.
*do it right by @bradshaw-fanclub summary: bradley bradshaw’s presence in your life has ruined you for any other man. he’s set your expectations too high; he was raised right and he knows how to treat girls, he’s handsome and goofy and fun and kind, characteristics and qualities you haven’t been able to find in other guys.
*never have i ever by @katebishopsbow summary: a game of never have i ever leads to bradley (as well as everyone) finding out that you are a virgin. the thought of being your first drives him a little crazy, and he can’t wait to ruin your sweet innocence.
*mutual masturbations by @dreamersparacosm summary: mutual masturbation (n): sexual activity in which two individuals stimulate each other's genitals at the same time for the purpose of sexual gratification.
*difficult by @bradshawsbitch summary: when bradley returned from deployment, or a mission, you would still overwhelm him with hugs, kisses and tears (because that you couldn’t quite seem to stop), uttering his name over and over again like a prayer against his warm skin. his name ghosting over his own lips, his cheeks, his neck - grounding him.
*size kink by @lovelybucky1 summary: to say you had a crush on bradley bradshaw would be an understatement. you were head-over-heels, embarrassingly, hopelessly in love with him, and you have been since freshman year.
enchanted by @feralforfrank summary: you're visiting your childhood friend, natasha, when your eye happens to catch a very attractive pilot.
*just the tip by @cherrycola27 summary: you weren't totally sure when you noticed it, but once you had, you couldn't stop noticing it. It's was all you could seem to focus on, the unconscious habit your boyfriend had everytime he was extremely focused.
*cum play by @lovelybucky1​ summary: rooster knows he’s a little bit fucked up. has known since he first discovered porno magazines and had internet access.
*dirty talk by @someplace-darker​ summary: bradley didn’t tell you he was coming home early when you sent him those nudes... that doesn’t seem fair.
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wallflower series by @stranger-nightmare one | two | three summary: at another function hosted by the academy, you find bob being his usual wallflower self, sneaking off somewhere to be alone and away from the crow, but this time you decide to keep him company...
*look into your eyes by @constillatedchaos summary: you had been the one to suggest mirror sex, but bob was rolling with it insanely well.
bob + the garter toss at his wedding by @topguncortez
*i like cherry flavored things, not cherries by @pearliepeach summary: bob is highly skilled at using his tongue.
cobalt eyes and sweet smiles by @withahappyrefrain​ summary: in which a certain shy, quiet wso catches your attention one night.
*tonight you belong to me by @withahappyrefrain​ summary: a surprise reunion has you and bob trying for something much earlier than anticipated. not that either one of you is complaining about it.
*it’s always the quiet ones by @princessphilly​ summary: you hadn’t had high hopes as you played wing woman.
*peppermint by @bobbyonboard​ summary: it’s 115 degrees in lemoore and the ac in bob’s truck is busted.
*full of surprises by @withahappyrefrain summary: you learn some surprising things about bob at the end of a date.
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*misconceptions by @callsign-valley hangman x reader x rooster: jake discovers a pretty interesting twist in you and rooster’s relationship.
*night drive by @hederasgarden hangman x reader x rooster: your reunion with rooster gets interrupted by hangman.
*final girl by @clints-lucky-arrow​ hangman x reader x rooster: house-sitting in your aunt’s creepy mansion was unnerving at the best of times. it’s a good thing that you’re never scared—right?or: sometimes, your boyfriends’ antics are deliciously exasperating.”  
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callsigndragon · 2 years
You never asked | Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia
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Summary: Mickey has a secret. He didn't want to hide it. It's just that nobody ever asked.
Pairing: Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia x fem!reader
Word count: 976
Warnings: fluff. domestic fluff. and i dont want to say anything more bc spoilers
A/N: So this is probably the beginning of many drabbles... Because i literally fell in love with Mickey Garcia, and I have the power to create all the content i want.
Tag list: @tayrae515 @alexxavicry @xoxabs88xox  @mercurio23 @shrimping-for-all @abaker74
(if you want to be tagged in everything TGM, let me know <3)
@purplevortexx this is the first appearance of our latina queen. Her time to shine has come.
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Mickey Garcia had a big secret. Well, it wasn't a secret. Nobody had asked him if he was married. And he just didn't share that tiny detail. 
He loved his wife. More than words could ever express. They met in high school, she was the new member of Mickey's D&D club. Well, it wasn't his club. He was just a member, just like her when she joined. Mickey swears that when Y/N walked through the doors of that small, messy basement they used as a club, he knew. 
That was the girl he was going to marry. 
He asked her hand in marriage when his training period in the Naval Academy ended. She said yes. He laughed, she cried. 
Life was good. 
Every time Mickey was deployed, Mickey's grandma, Camila, took care of her. Abuelita Garcia had a room prepared for her nieta (granddaughter) and tried to feed her every time Y/N was a bit sad or missed Mickey. The wizzo loved that his family adored his wife as much as he did. And he also liked how Y/N's cheeks were a bit chubbier whenever he came back from deployment, due to the big amount of tamales that Camila made her eat. 
"Camila wants me to gain weight. She said I'm too thin, and I need to eat more, so I can be a good mom in the future," Y/N told Mickey in one of their FaceTime calls. 
"Amor, she literally told me that every day for the first 18 years of my life" he answered, chuckling at the thought of Camila filling his wife's plate with more tamales. 
"That's where the cute cheeks come from!" 
"I don't have cute cheeks" he whined. 
"Whatever you wanna say, babe" 
Mickey had missed his girls a lot during the uranium mission. He didn't want to bring Y/N with him, knowing that he was only going to be there for a few weeks, then he'll be back home. 
But now that the mission is over, and he is staying in this base for a while, he needs to tell the squad that he's married. 
He can imagine Phoenix's face already. 
"So, my dear buddies," says Rooster, setting down his beer. "I think it's time to know more about each other's lives. You know about my life already but… i don't know anything about you" 
"I mean, we only know about your life because this mission was more like a soap opera than a life-threatening experience" Bob jokes, grabbing more peanuts. 
"Bob, you're not as quiet and shy as I thought you'd be," Hangman comments, moving to play his turn at darts. Phoenix is trying to beat him, even though it's virtually impossible. 
"I never said I was. You just saw a guy with glasses and thought that he would be the average quiet kid that sits at the end of the class" the wizzo retorts. 
"Which you totally are," Phoenix affirms. 
Mickey smiles, knowing how much Y/N would love to be with these amazing aviators. She is such an amazing woman… Mickey can't wait for the squad to meet her. They keep talking and sharing parts of their lives, and just when it's Fanboy's turn to speak, a little, dark haired baby girl runs into the bar, looking around and trying to find the person she's been missing for weeks.
"DADDY!" the little girl yells, sprinting towards his father, her curls bouncing up and down at every step. 
Fanboy, recognizing the voice of his little girl, kneels down, opening his arms for his princess. Once she's secured in his dad's arms, Mickey gets up, looking at the dumbfounded aviators in front of him. 
"Did she just call you Daddy?" Coyote questions, looking between baby Garcia and Mickey. "You know what, don't answer. You're identical" 
"Yeah, nine months inside me, and she grows up to be her father's spitting image" Y/N says, appearing next to Fanboy. "She missed you so much that we had to come early" 
Mickey looks at his wife and then at his daughter, not surprised to hear that his pequeña princesa (little princess) couldn't wait more to see him. She is daddy's girl. 
"Mi princesa, ¿no pudiste esperar más?" (My princess couldn't wait longer?)
"Daddy, I missed you so much" the little girl pouts, looking at his father with the same big, dark brown eyes she had inherited from him. 
"Cam, amor, ¡sólo tenías que esperar dos días más!" (Cam, love, you only had to wait two more days!) 
"That was too much time," she protests. 
"Pendejo que no piensas saludar a tu abuela o qué" says a woman standing behind Y/N. The very same woman his daughter got her name from. (Idiot, are you not going to say hi to your grandma?)
"Oh my, abuela. I didn't see you there!" Explains Mickey, a bit scared of his grandma's reaction for not hugging her. It doesn't matter how much of a grown man Mickey is. He would always be a bit scared of his grandma. 
"Who are these people, hmm? And why are all of them so skinny! Look at this girl" Camila pinches Phoenix's cheek. "You have to eat more! I have tamales in the car, do you want some?" 
"Jesus, abuelita. Don't do that to my friend" 
"Payback, why aren't you fazed by this?" Hangman's words make the whole Garcia family laugh, just then moving to hug Cam and kiss her chubby cheeks. "I'm the godfather" 
"You mean to tell me that you knew that Fanboy is not only married, but a father, and you never shared any of that information with the rest?" Rooster exposes, feeling really, really betrayed. 
And as if Fanboy and Payback had rehearsed the answer for hours, they both say it at the same time. "You never asked!" 
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ddejavvu · 2 years
m.list - bradley 'rooster' bradshaw
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Love to Lie
Break, Bite, Bang
Thick Thighs Save Lives (Ft. Jake 'Hangman' Seresin)
thoughts: #let's talk about rooster !!
rooster x bau!reader (criminal minds crossover)
rooster finding out you have a praise kink
double teamed by rooster and hangman | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
road trip with rooster and hangman
rooster x author!reader
living with rooster
you visit rooster at the hard deck
camboy!rooster x shy!reader
rooster cheers you up during a bout of depression
rooster giving you thigh burn from his mustache
hooking up with rooster after dating hangman
hangman walking in on you and bradley
bob x reader x rooster
rooster fucks hard
rooster takes care of his pregnant wife
how rooster would act during your pregnancy
bradley + casual dominance
sugar daddy!rooster
bradley coaxes you out of subspace
bradley accompanies you to sephora
bradley loves your thick thighs
bradley's baby caroline comes to guys' night
bradley accidentally hurts you in a play-fight
bradley wears a compression shirt and you can't handle it
firefighter!rooster | 2
cuddling with bradley
rooster's an ass man
bradley likes making you blush
bradley loves touching you
bradley doesn't pull out in time
bradley gives you your first orgasm
mechanic!bradley (ft. the rest of the dagger squad)
bradley puts your toddler on trial
you go to a rage room with rooster and hangman
bradley's your period cramp heating pad
bradley x mitchell!reader
bradley tries pranking you
rooster meets your daughter
bradley zips you down, not up
you nearly kill bradley in your sleep
rooster's whipped for you
your daughter loves bradley
bradley + aftercare
bradley's drunk and tells you not to touch him because he's got a girlfriend
bradley's cake is a hit at the PTA bake sale
you don't know whether bradley or jake is the father
rooster has lots of daughters
you love having kids with rooster
bradley kills a bug for you
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topguncortez · 2 years
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Nightly Interruptions pairing: Jake x Shy!Wife word count: 2.0k warnings: smut, oral sex (f receiving), language, The Seresins need to install locks on their doors. A/N: I promise Jo (@mayhem24-7forever) that I would stop hurting Shy Wifey so here is my formal apology for todays whumpfic
|| masterlist || opposites attract masterlist || library ||
The Seresins nightly routine had changed drastically over the years. Jake had a strict nightly routine, one that he had established years ago at the academy, and it had stuck with him. When he would come home from work, he would start dinner, making a meal every single night like his mother did. When he was done eating, he would clean the kitchen and his bags from the day. He would then go to his office, sit at his desk and study or review the material of the day for about two hours. Then he would shower, lay out his clothes for the morning, set up his breakfast meal, and then read a book for about an hour before going to bed. Jake Seresin made sure he got his eight hours of sleep. 
When it was just the two of them, Y/N had adapted to Jake’s schedule, knowing that he needed his sleep. His job was important and it made her nervous that he was flying at supersonic speeds anyway, she didn’t need the fear of him being tired adding to it. When Jake would come home, they would start dinner, and eat together. While he studied, she would clean the kitchen and his bags, set up his breakfast meal. They would usually shower together, or take a bath if there was time. Then Jake would make love to her and they’d fall asleep in each other's arms. 
But having kids, threw that ALL out the window. 
“Hey, if you’re done, plate in the sink!” Y/N said as she wiped the hands of her youngest twin, Jasper. Alex stood up from the table and grabbed his plate to take to the sink as Jake started to clean. Y/N and Jake moved like a well oiled machine. She would clear the kids from the table, and Jake would start the dishes. 
“I’ll bathe Jasper and Max in their bathroom, if you can shower Eli and Elle. Alex can shower himself,” Jake said, and walked over to the highchair their other twin was sitting in. 
“I can do that,” Y/N smiled, placing Jasper on her hip. They had moved into a bigger house nearly a year ago. Alex was 10 now, and Jake didn’t think it was fair that he had to share a room with his younger siblings. The Seresins had outgrown their first house in San Diego, and needed more space. Alex had his own room, while Ella and Eli shared one, and so did the twins. 
Y/N got the two middle children showered and dressed for bed, while Jake tackled bathtime with the twins. The boys seemed to listen better to Jake, and didn’t get him as soaking wet as they did Y/N. She was about to tuck in Ella and Eli and read them a book when Y/N heard the small footsteps of the twins and their contagious giggles. 
“You two need pants!” Jake yelled after them. Y/N shook her head and picked up the book that Ella suggested. After she read to them, Jake had wrangled up the twins and put them in their beds. 
“Eli has a book he wants to read, and I’m going to tuck Alex in. Twins in bed?” Y/N asked her husband. 
“Is there a law against duct taping your toddlers' pants to them?” Jake asked. 
“Probably,” Y/N giggled, “They are fine just sleeping in their pull ups. Eli and Alex never liked to wear pants to bed either.” 
Jake sighed and grabbed his wife’s hips, “It’s an early night. . . ya know what that means. . .” 
Y/N bit her lip, “Go read the book.” She patted Jake’s chest as she walked down the hall towards her eldest child’s room. Alex was reading his chapter book for class when she walked in. He smiled at her and closed it, taking off his glasses that looked almost identical to the ones that Bob wore. When Alex found out he had to get glasses, he wanted a pair to match exactly like his uncle’s. 
“Dad put pants on Jasper and Max?” Alex asked. 
“Yes, but they will wake up without them,” Y/N said, and pulled the dinosaur comforter up her son’s body, “You were quiet at dinner tonight. Everything okay?” 
“Yeah,” Alex sighed. Y/N knew her son like the back of her hand, and gave him a look, “I’m kind of having a hard time in math. . . The numbers sometimes get mixed up for me, and the teacher talks really fast. I can see the board now, which helps, but the numbers get all mixy.” 
Y/N nodded, “I’ll call Miss Blake in the morning and talk to her, would that help?” 
“Yeah,” Alex nodded, “Thanks momma.” 
“It’s what I’m here for,” Y/N smiled and leaned down to place a kiss on her son’s forehead, “Goodnight, baby.” 
“Goodnight, mom.” 
Y/N turned the lamp off and made sure that his night light was on before leaving the room. She stood in the hallway and basked in the silence. The house was never quiet when all the kids were home, unless they were outside or asleep. But Y/N liked the loudness of their house, the sounds of her kids' laughter was one of her favorite things. She sighed, and walked to her bedroom, going to jump in the shower, while Jake finished up some work things. 
Jake let out a yawn as he walked into his bedroom, and stopped in the doorway. The sight in front of him was enough to make his dick stir in his sweatpants. Y/N was wearing one of his old college t-shirts, her glasses on and her nose in a book. Her brow was creased as she read the words on the page. Jake sauntered to the edge of the bed, and crawled up to her. Y/N lifted her head at the feel of his body climbing on to her. She giggled as she set her book down and took her glasses off, but Jake stopped her. 
“You look so sexy with your glasses on,” He said, and leaned in to place kisses on her neck. Her hands went to his hair, tangling in the perfectly cut blonde locks. 
“Can I help you?” Y/N asked and Jake  lifted his head. 
“Mhm,” Jake nodded, leaning down on his elbow, propping his head up with one of his hands, and letting the other one trace up her body, “Kids are asleep, I’m hard as a rock, and you look as good as a Sin on Sunday.” 
Y/N rolled her eyes at his words, and leaned down to kiss him. He groaned into the kiss, tangling his hand into her hair, shifting their bodies so she was laying down on the bed, and he was on top of her. Y/N hands found their way under his shirt, feeling the muscles in his back flex. He grinded his hips into hers, feeling the heat from her cunt. It didn’t take much to turn her on, and after all these years, Jake knew exactly what to do to get her all hot and bothered. 
“Already wet for me, sweets,” Jake said, and ran a finger over her covered cunt, “God, you’re always so perfect for me.” 
“Jake, please,” Y/N moaned and thrusted her hips up. Jake smirked, and started kissing down her jaw, to her neck. He lifted up the blankets, and settled himself in between her legs. Her eyes rolled back at the feeling of him kissing her thighs, as his rough hands moved up to grab her panties and slide them down her legs. Jake groaned at the sight of her glistening cunt, grinding his own hips into the mattress. He rested her legs over his shoulders and leaned in to press a kiss to the top of her mound. 
“Don’t tease me Jake, please,” Y/N said, one hand going to his hair, and pulling gently. 
“As you requested, my dear,” Jake said, and Y/N could feel the smirk against her. He licked from her entrance to her clit, and she let out a gasp. Jake’s tongue swirled around her bud, before he found his way down to her entrance. Y/N’s back arched at the feeling of him lapping at her cunt, his tongue diving into her, his nose brushing at her clit. 
Her eyes closed tightly, one hand still in Jake’s hair and the other gripping the bed sheets tightly. Jake’s strong arms wrapped around her thighs to hold her still as he pleasured her. She couldn’t help but grind herself into his face, letting the pleasure control her. Jake grinded his hips into the bed, finding his own pleasure at the same time. 
“Use your fingers Jake,” Y/N pleaded and Jake hummed. He took one of his hands, running them through her folds before, sliding two fingers into her cunt, “Oh my god!” The wanton moan that left her mouth was both sinful and beautiful. Jake’s tongue went to her clit, switching between circling and sucking on it, “Oh Jake, don’t-don’t stop,” Y/N could feel the approach of her impending orgasm and so could Jake. Her thighs started to tremble against his head, and he could feel her walls starting to flutter around his fingers. The grip on his hair got tighter and she rode his face, “I’m close, fuck Jake. . . Fuck! Oh my-” 
“Fuck!” Y/N sat up quickly and pushed Jake’s head away from her. Her eyes snapped open and looked at Jasper standing in the doorway of their room, “Jasper!” Jake’s eyes widened at the name of his son. He laid as flush to the bed as he could get himself, hoping Jasper wouldn’t notice him under the blankets, “What’s wrong sweetie?” 
“I had a bad dream,” Jasper mumbled and tightened the grip on his teddy bear. 
“Oh no! A bad dream?” 
“Yeah,” Jasper said, “Can I sleep with you and dad-” 
“No!” Y/N exclaimed as Jasper tried to take a step forward, “I mean. . . uh, not before you uh. . . go get another bedtime book. Yeah! Go get another bedtime book, so you can have good dreams.” 
“Okay!” Jasper nodded and ran down the hallway towards his room. 
Y/N flopped down on the pillows, as Jake crawled up from under the covers. There was a moment of silence, before Y/N and Jake bursted out in laughter. It was uncontrollable giggles as Jake pulled her into his chest, Y/N burying her head in her hands from embarrassment. 
“Did our child just walk in on us?” She asked, her face red as she looked up at her husband. 
“I’m pretty sure that just happened,” Jake shook his head, “Ten years and not a single walk-in. . . That’s gotta be a record.” 
“Are we counting that one time Rooster walked in on us?” 
“He may act like a child, but he is not our child,” Jake said and kissed her forehead, “Well, you probably should put your panties back on and I guess I better go change my shorts before Jasper comes in.”
“Yeah, I probably should,” Y/N reached over to where Jake threw her panties. He helped her slide them back up her legs and kissed her belly in the process, “Wait. . . Did you cum?” 
“. . . yes. . .” 
“Are you serious!? Really?!” 
“Hey! I tried! Blame it on the little cockblock!” 
“I got a book!” Jasper yelled as he ran back in. 
“Yay, buddy!” Jake smiled. He got out of bed, and luckily was wearing black shorts, and gently tossed Jasper up on the bed with Y/N. He grabbed a pair of shorts before stepping into the bathroom to change. Y/N had started reading Jasper his book as Jake got himself cleaned up. Jasper must’ve got his great timing from his father, because as Jake was opening the bathroom door he heard: 
“Mommy. . . what’s cockblock mean?”
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callsign-joyride · 2 years
Surprise | B.R.B
Summary: You bring your son to the naval base to visit Bradley and everyone finds out that the two of you got married and had a kid.
Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x fem!reader (the reader is a civilian)
Content warnings: Fluff :)
My inbox is open!
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"He hasn't seen you in almost a month, Brad. I know you've been busy with missions and all, but it worries me. I don't know, maybe I'm worried that he'll start acting up," you said into the phone. You had the day off of work because you had to take your three-year-old son to the doctor. You let it slip that Bradley wasn't really around because of work, and the doctor didn't take it well.
"How was his doctor's appointment?"
"He's fine, but the doctor wasn't happy when I told her that you've been busy working. I'm not mad at you, but we've got to get this figured out."
"Okay, let me talk to Mav and I'll call you back."
"Okay. I love you."
"Love you, too."
You hung up and went back inside of the house. Your mom was helping out, because doctor's appointments always made your son cranky. As you started to make a snack for the three of you, your phone rang. Bradley called and told you that you could come to the base with your son and let him "look at daddy's planes". You told your mom what was going on, and ran to get him into a change of clothes.
The base was a fifteen minute drive, so you texted Bradley that you were on your way as soon as you started the car. You had the biggest smile on your face the whole time as your son raved about the idea of getting to see "real planes up close".
"Who's the lady?" Coyote said as he pointed behind Hangman. He quickly turned around and glanced at you before turning back to Coyote.
"I don't know, but she's hot."
"Hey, that kid kinda looks like Rooster. Oh," Fanboy said.
"What? What is it?" Hangman asked.
Right as he asked, your son made a bee line for Rooster. You took a picture of the moment before walking over to your boys. Pheonix smiled and waved at you while you and Rooster talked.
"Rooster has a kid? And the mom is hot? Nah, there's absolutely no way. That's a full blown toddler and we're just now finding out about this?" Hangman expressed.
"Uh, correction, you're just now finding out about this. Mav obviously knew. Pheonix and I knew," Bob said.
You and Rooster finished talking to Maverick before you walked over to the rest of the group. Pheonix was behind you, but she quickly caught up with the four of you.
"Guys, this is my wife, Y/N. And this is my son, Nick," Bradley said. You weren't expecting Nick to be so shy, but the second that Bradley said his name, he hid behind your legs. You smiled and laughed as the group tried to coax him out. Fanboy knelt down to get on Nick's level before he started talking to the boy.
"Hey, buddy. These guys call me Fanboy but you can call me Mickey," he said.
"... Like the mouse?" Nick asked. Everyone laughed and you smiled as Nick stopped hiding behind you.
Bradley picked Nick up as the three of you walked out to the tarmac. When you got close to his plane, he put Nick on his shoulders. You took a quick picture of the two of them looking at Bradley's F-18.
"It has my name on it right there. You see it? That's pretty cool, right?"
"Yeah, that's pretty cool."
Your phone buzzed with a text and you smiled as you opened it. Phoenix snapped a picture of the three of you by Bradley's F-18. He smiled when you showed it to him and you set it as your new home screen. Nick was still on Bradley's shoulders as the three of you walked in, and everyone insisted on taking a picture.
Bradley finally put Nick down and Fanboy walked over and gave him a mini F-18.
"I think he's taken a particular liking to Fanboy. I'm a little jealous," Bradley said. You laughed and smacked his chest.
"No, but seriously, if you ever want to come by for a visit, I'm sure we can figure it out. Maybe I'll actually be able to be home for dinner from here on out. I'm really sorry that I haven't been as 'present' as you want me to be. We've got some strings to pull but I'll try to be home at a more reasonable hour."
"Thank you. I think we're gonna head home. What time do you think you'll be there?"
"Well, we're done flying for the day so I guess I can leave at any time. Yeah, I'll be a few minutes behind you. I gotta get my stuff and talk to Mav."
The two of you shared a quick kiss before you picked up your son and walked out of the building. He wouldn't stop talking about the planes. The amount of questions that he had for Bradley didn't really surprise you.
Bradley took over almost everything for you. He gave Nick a bath and got him to bed while you did the dishes and turned the lights off.
As you crawled into bed, Bradley put his arm around you.
"Let me guess, he wouldn't stop talking about the jets?" You asked.
"Nope. And he wants to hang out with Fanboy."
"Well, I don't see why he can't. Now I'm pretty sure you just let him meet a bunch of uncles and an aunt."
"I didn't even think of that. Oh shit, now we gotta invite them to every birthday party and cookout."
"We have more options for babysitters, though. I think Fanboy would babysit for free."
"You know, he probably would."
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sebastianstangirl01 · 2 years
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Daddy’s Home
Title: Daddy’s Home
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Wife Reader
Summary: When the group return home from the Uranium Plant mission Hangman has a few secret loved ones waiting to welcome him home.
Warnings: fluff, illusions to sex
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Being the wife of a Navy fighter pilot was hard they were always on the go, always getting called away for dangerous missions that left you wondering if you would become a widow. If your 2 year old daughter would loose her father.
You had been married to Jake for 4 years now and they have been the best years of your life, you met when you worked as a nurse on the navy base Jake had been stationed at and ended up having to stitch him up one day when he cut his arm up real bad. You learned a lot about each other like that you were both from small towns in Texas only 20 miles from each other. Ever since your first interaction Jake was on you like a dog on a bone, he knew what he wanted and would stop at nothing to get it.
Jake really changed for the better after you got married, he wasn’t as much of an asshole as he use to be, you taught him how to be a little vulnerable, how to show your love to someone. And after your daughter Brynn was born Jake became the best father. He was loving, protective, nurturing, everything he did was for you and your little girl.
This was Jakes first long assignment since Brynn was born, he hated being away from you two especially since she was still so young. He didn’t want to miss out on important milestones so he would only take short missions that will send him away for less than a week. It was a hard goodbye but you believed in Jake, you knew he was the best pilot and that he would come home to you because he’s too damn stubborn to get killed.
It has been a long few weeks Jake made sure to call you every chance he got, he kept you updated on everything that was going on at training and as many details about the mission as he could. You knew this was basically a suicide mission, you knew that when you talked to Jake the day before they would get assigned to the mission that it could be the last time you heard his smooth voice. You and Jake FaceTimed that night so he could see yours and Brynns faces and so you could see his, just incase it was the last time.
That night was 3 days ago and you had just heard from Jake that they were going to be home today at 3, he ended up not getting chosen for the mission which you were grateful for but he did end up saving 2 of his fellow pilots Rooster and Maverick in the end.
It was currently 1 and you were rushing around making sure the house looked presentable enough for Jake to come home to, you had Brynn sitting in front of the tv watching The Little Mermaid and snacking on some puff corn to keep her occupied until you were ready to leave.
“Ok. Dishes are done, tables are cleaned off, fridge is stocked, floor is swept and mopped, laundry is done. What am I forgetting?” You asked yourself leaning against the counter
“Mommy! Pants!” Brynn exclaimed with a giggle making you look down and realize you were still in your underwear with Jakes Navy sweatshirt.
“Yes I need pants, thank you baby.” You chuckled making Brynn smile, happy she was able to help her mommy. “Mommy’s going to go get dressed ok, can you stay right there for me?”
“Otay mommy.” Brynn nodded giving you a thumbs up
“Ok baby, thank you.” You chuckled shaking your head, she was the perfect mix between you and Jake.
She had Jake’s green eyes and cheesy smile, with your brownish red hair and dimples, she was very sweet and outgoing when she was around people she knew but when it came to strangers she was very shy and clung to you or Jake. She was your pride and joy.
You got changed into a blue summer dress that ended at your knees and slid on your white burks before going into the bathroom and curling your hair then putting on some makeup and jewelry, making sure not to forget your engagement and wedding rings.
You grabbed your aviators Jake got you for Mother’s Day, saying that if you were going to be a Naval Aviator’s wife you needed to have some cool shades. Looking at your watch it said it was already 1:45 so you needed to get ready to leave, wanting to reach the docks by 2:30 to make sure you and Brynn could be right at the front of all the loved ones welcoming the other pilots and sailors home.
“Brynn baby it’s time to go. Come here so I can get your shoes on please.” You said walking back into the kitchen to grab your purse, you heard the little pitter-patter of bare feet and tiny arms wrap around your legs making you chuckle
Brynn was dressed in a little blue romper with white flowers on it, one thing you loved about being a girl mom was all the cute outfits you could dress her in.
“I wan shoes wike you momma.” Brynn said looking up at you with her big green eyes
“Ok, go get them from your room please.” You said and Brynn nodded before running off to her room. “Careful, don’t run please!”
Brynn came back into the kitchen walking this time and carrying her own pair of white burks along with her little aviators Jake bought her since she wanted to look just like mommy and daddy.
“Up you go.” You said grabbing her under her arms gently and lifting her onto the counter so you could put her shoes on her
“Mommy where we go?” Brynn said playing with your hair
“Remember daddy comes home today.” You said making Brynn gasp
“Daddy home?!” Brynn squealed making you smile
“Yep, we’re going to pick him up.” You confirmed making Brynn laugh and clap her hands
“Daddy!” She squealed
“You ready babygirl?” You asked and she nodded letting you lift her off the counter and settle onto your hip she wrapped her arms around your neck and rested her head on your shoulder
You walked out the door making sure to lock it and made your way to your car, opening the backseat and settling Brynn into her car seat kissing her forehead before closing the door and getting into the drivers seat.
“Let’s go get daddy.”
──────── 🛫 ────────
When you got to the dock it was 2:45 you ended up getting stuck in traffic and now it was pretty crowded, you got out of the car and made your way around to the backseat.
“Ok baby, it’s very crowded so that means I’m either going to carry you or you have to hold mommy’s hand ok?” You asked and she nodded reaching her arms out for you, indicating that she wants to be held
Her eyes were half closed, it was past her normal nap time and she had been sleeping the drive to the dock so she was going to be pretty sluggish. But once she sees Jake it will all go away.
You picked her up out of her car seat and she wrapped her arms around your neck, you stepped back and closed the door. Making sure to lock the car you then made your way over to where people were waiting. The carrier was already docked but no one had come off yet.
You had been checking your phone when you heard the first cheer followed by hundreds of others, when you looked up you saw the crew starting to come off the ship making you smile and search for Jake.
“Baby look for daddy!” You said making Brynn smile and look around
You smiled as family members found each other, wives crying and kissing their husbands, husbands welcoming their wives, parents hugging their kid, siblings and friends greeting each other. When you spotted Jake you felt your eyes tear up, he was walking with a man who had a mustache, a woman, a man with glasses, and a few more people.
“Baby look! There’s daddy!” You smiled as Brynn squealed
“Daddy!” She screamed making Jakes head snap towards you guys, a smile immediately making its way onto his face. “Daddy!”
You say Brynn down and let her start running towards Jake, making sure to jog to keep up with her not wanting her to get lost. You watched as the people with Jake started looking at each other confused but at this moment all you cared about was seeing your husband again.
“Brynn!” Jake smiled scooping your daughter into his arms when she got close enough attacking her face with kisses making her laugh and squeal. “I missed you so much sugar. Where’s mommy?”
“Right here.” You smiled as you walked up to them
Jake smiled and sat Brynn down right beside him and pulled you tightly into his arms lifting you into the air and swirling you around making you laugh before he pulled you into a passionate kiss.
“I missed you so much.” You said when your lips separated, your hands resting on the back of his neck
“I missed you too sweetheart.” Jake said rubbing your cheek before kissing you again
“Mommy Daddy that’s yucky.” Brynn scolded crossing her arms making you both laugh
“Sorry baby.” Jake apologized bending down to pick her up
“Uh Hangman?” One of the people he was walking with asked, you realized that they had just been standing there making you flush a little bit as Jake chuckled and pulled you into his side
“Everyone this is my wife Y/N and our daughter Brynn. Baby this is Rooster, Phoenix, Bob, Coyote, Payback, Fanboy, and Maverick.” Jake said introducing you guys
“It’s great to meet you all, Jake has told me so much about you. I’m happy your all home safe.” You said giving them a smile
“Are you sure you married Hangman?” The man Jake introduced as Rooster asked making you chuckle
“Yea I’m sure. He may act like a jerk in public but he’s a real softy, cares a lot about y’all.” You said making Jake flush
“Daddy your cheeks are red. Do you have fever?” Brynn asked putting her hands on Jakes cheeks making everyone laugh
“No baby, daddy’s fine.” Jake chuckled as Brynn kissed his cheek
“All better?” She asked and Jake nodded
“All better.” Jake confirmed making Brynn smile
“Your husband is a great pilot ma’am. He saved our butts that’s for sure.” Maverick said, you could tell he was going to use a different word before remembering the little ears that were around
“He sure is. Why don’t y’all come over for supper tomorrow night? The day after Jake comes back from a deployment or mission we always grill out, some good Texas bbq with all the fixins.” You offered, your Texan accent coming out
“That would be great thank you. I’d love to get to know the woman who tied good ole Hangman down.” Phoenix smiled
“Well honey do I have some stories for you.” You chuckled
“I guess we’ll see you guys tomorrow. I’ll text our address to you.” Jake told them
“It’s was great meeting y’all.” You smiled waving as they waved back
“I’m so glad to be back home with my favorite girls.” Jake said kissing both you and Brynn on the forehead
“We’re glad your home safe, right Brynn?” You asked but it remained quiet, you both looked down and saw Brynn asleep on Jakes shoulder making you chuckle. “She did miss her nap.”
“Well that means she’ll be out of it for a while.” Jake smirked. “What do you say about trying for baby number two?”
“I say take me to bed Hangman.”
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
Save the Last Dance
Pairing: Rooster x Wife!Reader
Author’s Note: Based on this Anon request, and inspired by Miles Teller’s fabulous dance moves. Also, I mention Frank Sinatra’s “The Way You Look Tonight” in this one, and I was definitely listening to it on a loop as I was working on this.
Warnings: I’m not responsible for what happens when you imagine dancing with Lieutenant Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw.
(Disclaimer: Yes, I know this gif is of Miles in Footloose and not TGM, but I just thought it was too adorable not to use.)
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- One thing you learned very quickly about Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw is that he loves to dance.
- Even more than that, he loves to dance with you.
- It doesn’t matter the time or place. It doesn’t even matter if there’s music playing. He just loves holding you close and seeing the way your smile lights up the room when he’s twirling you around.
- Bradley remembers moments from his childhood when his parents would dance around the kitchen. They always looked their happiest when they were in each other’s arms. He feels the same way whenever he’s with you.
- The first time you ever slow danced with Bradley was on your third date. He took you out to dinner at a fancy restaurant in San Diego, the kind with a bar that only serves top-shelf liquor and a band that croons only the most romantic of classic hits.
- Bradley noticed the way you were smiling at some of the other couples out on the small dance floor and, before you knew it, he was suddenly up and holding out a hand to you. “Care to dance?” he asked with a playful wink.
- You blushed, hesitating for only a moment before taking his hand. Normally, you would have been too shy to accept, but Bradley always seemed to pull you outside your comfort zone. He’d taken you to a karaoke bar on your first date, after all.
- You danced to Frank Sinatra’s “The Way You Look Tonight,” your arms wrapped around Bradley’s neck as his hands rested on the small of your back, holding you close to his chest. He rested his cheek against the top of your head as the two of you swayed to the music, completely lost in the feeling of each other’s arms.
- “That boy is in love with you,” an older woman had whispered to you with a wink when the two of you finally made your way back to your table.
- Since that night, Bradley takes any opportunity he can to dance with you.
- No matter what song is playing at The Hard Deck, he pulls you into his arms and spins you around the bar. When your cheeks turn that rosy shade of red, it only makes him love you more.
- When the two of you are alone together at home, Bradley is always finding the most random moments to pull you away from whatever you’re doing so that you can dance with him.
- “Come on, dance with me, baby,” he’ll say, turning the music up on the speakers as you’re folding clothes or cleaning the kitchen counters or vacuuming the carpet.
- “You’re crazy,” is usually your response as you laugh and teasingly duck out of his arms. It doesn’t take long, however, before he’s got you wrapped in his embrace, his hands hugging your waist as he sings softly in your ear.
- Being in his arms is your favorite place in the world.
- Bradley knows how much you love classic love songs from the 1940s and 50s, so he’ll often put on some Ella Fitzgerald or Frank Sinatra while you’re cooking and grab your hand, dancing you around the kitchen until you’re both laughing and singing along.
- At weddings, parties, and banquets, Bradley makes sure that you two are out on the dance floor all night. Even though Hangman, Coyote, Payback, Fanboy, and Bob will sometimes cut in to dance with you (Bob does it very respectfully), you always make sure to save the last dance for your husband.
- One time, walking back to your car after a Navy banquet, you and Bradley got caught in a torrential downpour. Though you were a bit upset about your hair and dress getting soaked, Bradley just laughed and stopped in the middle of the road, looking completely unbothered by the rain.
- “Dance with me,” he insisted, holding out a hand to you.
- “You’re really crazy now, babe!” you told him, futilely attempting to cover your head with your purse.
- “We’re already soaked, might as well enjoy ourselves,” he shot back with a grin.
- You couldn’t really argue with him there. So instead of trying, you rolled your eyes with a laugh and let him hold you close as the rain fell around you and you swayed to imaginary music.
- Though you tease him all the time, the truth is that you love how carefree and happy your husband is when he’s dancing and having fun. You feel safest and happiest when you’re in his arms, and there’s no one else you’d rather be dancing through life with.
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sheerfreesia007 · 1 year
Stupid Cupid #3
Title: Stupid Cupid #3
Fandom: Top Gun Maverick
Pairing: Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x Reader
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 852
Warnings: Fluff
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Prompt: Leaving Cute Notes
Author Notes: Aww Bob! Bob gives off such shy vibes that I feel like he’s normally a quiet guy until he starts talking about his girl.
Gif Credit: @notyoursbutlewis
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“So what does your note say today Bob?” asks Rooster as he sits across from Bob at the lunch table in the mess hall. Bob looks up as he unzips his lunchbox and pulls out his container that you had packed for him the night before. Bob flushes bright red as he notices all his squad mates staring at him with curious eyes. Fumbling a little bit he looks down at his container and feels the flush on his cheeks deepen.
“Did the wifey finally get racy with her notes?” teased Coyote as he leaned across the table to get a look at the note.
“Back off Coyote. Leave Bob alone.” Phoenix defends her backseater with ease and Bob gives her a small smile in thanks.
“C’mon Bob. I love hearing the notes your wife leaves you.” Rooster tries to cajole and Bob relents as he tilts his head to the side.
“She wrote, capture some clouds for me today, I love you.” Bob answered and most of his squad hollered and cheered as Phoenix cooed at the cute note.
“See, that’s what I want.” Rooster said enviously as he pointed at Bob’s neon blue post-it note. “I want a relationship like that where I get cute notes from my girl.” Bob smiled at Rooster’s words and nodded his head at the fact that he did have that type of relationship. You always left him notes in his lunchbox ever since the two of you had been living together five years ago. It started with just a simple ‘Have a good day!’ or ‘I love you!’ and it had slowly morphed into more specific notes. Gently folding the post-it note in on itself Bob slipped it into his shirt pocket with a soft smile on his face, he always loved the notes you wrote that were geared towards his career. It made the day go by quicker for him knowing that you loved him enough to find a way to talk about his career with him even if you didn’t completely understand it. You put in the effort and Bob appreciated that immensely.
“How long has she been sending notes to you?” Phoenix asked softly and Bob watched as Rooster perked up to hear the answer as well. Finishing the bite of sandwich he had taken Bob turned to look at Natasha knowing that she was genuinely curious and not being cruel with her question.
“Five years.” Bob answered and Rooster whistled low and long. “Ever since we moved in together.”
“Damn, that’s dedication.” Payback teases and Bob smiles widely at his words.
“What can I say? My wife puts her all in when she’s passionate about something.” Bob boldly states and the squad reacts with hollers and cheers to his words.
“I’ll say.” Hangman agrees and smirks at Bob who flushes brightly once more before ducking his head and taking another bite of sandwich.
“Don’t listen to them Bob, they’re all just jealous they don’t get notes.” Rooster said as he ate his own lunch. Bob smiled at Rooster who had rested his elbow on the table and set his chin in his palm as he stared at him from across the table. He knew he was going to make Rooster infinitely jealous with his next piece of information.
“I popped the question using her notes too.” Bob said gently and Rooster’s eyes widened while Phoenix leaned closer to hear the proposal as well. “I have saved every one of her notes since she’s been sending them to me and I stuck them to the walls of our house leading to the back door. Where I was waiting in our backyard with a ring and down on one knee.”
“Yes! That’s how it’s done boys!” Rooster crowded loudly as he clapped his hands proudly while grinning at Bob. Bob felt his face flush as he grinned back at Rooster while confidence surged through him.
“Didn’t beg you as a romantic Rooster.” Hangman teased as the other guys snickered softly while Rooster rolled his eyes before turning back to Bob.
“Did she cry?” Rooster asked, still invested in Bob’s proposal story as he grinned over the table at him.
“Like a baby. Could barely get the word yes out around the tears.” Bob said proudly as he remembered the night he proposed to you. He remembers the soft orange glow of the Virginia sun coating you in a golden shimmer as you stared at him with an open mouth and tears falling down your cheeks while you walked down the small staircase into the back yard where he waited for you. Your soft hiccuped laugh was his favorite sound to ever grace his ears in his lifetime and he was always trying to pull that sound from you again.
“Man, that’s what I’m talking about.” Rooster said with a dreamy smile on his face and Bob felt his heart swelling with love and pride of being your husband. He smiled to himself as he finished his sandwich and began counting down the hours til he was able to go home to you.
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gennyanydots · 1 year
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin Masterlist
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x f!reader
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Third Amendment- Based off a text post by “spn-marvel-nerd”
‘Desperately need a top gun fic based on the 3rd amendment. It’d be so funny.
Like imagine you’re just living with one of them or something and at random times you just kick them out bc of the third amendment.’
Hunting season is open - 18+ Please note fic warnings. You just need to keep moving and you’ll stay safe.
Connected One-Shots/Two-Shots
Spitfire universe masterlist - Connected stories between the Dagger Squad members and their significant others.
Matching Wits - How Jake met his wife. Spitfire Universe
When did you swallow glass? Jake’s wife gets sick Spitfire Universe
Spitfire - “So Mrs. Hangman where have you been hiding and why have you left me alone with these idiots?” Spitfire Universe
Kindergarten Failure - Jake's Spitfire is back and sassier than ever and she's got a lesson to teach or the jealousy fic nobody asked for Spitfire Universe
Whose name have you been screaming in bed? - You're just wondering whose name you've been screaming. Spitfire Universe
Strong people aren’t born they’re built- How did Jake’s spitfire become the way she is? Spitfire Universe
We’re expecting a baby but it could be a dinosaur- Jake’s spitfire of a wife is pregnant. They’re pretty sure with a baby but who knows? Spitfire Universe
Ready or not- Jake’s ready to be a dad. The birth? Not so much. Spitfire Universe
Your Son- Eli is Jake’s son when he doesn’t listen. Spitfire Universe
It was a nudge! - Eli is ready to walk but he needs to wait a minute Spitfire universe
Under two minutes - She thought you couldn’t get kicked out of a bar in under two minutes. What were you supposed to do? Not get kicked out? Spitfire Universe
Your kids are driving me nuts! -Jake can’t wait to get home to you and his two terrors. Two right? Spitfire Universe
Fuck Santa! - Fanboy wasn’t thinking when he taught Jake’s son his new favorite phrase. Spitfire Universe
Christmas Alarm Clock - Jake just wanted to sleep a little bit longer Christmas morning. Was that too much to ask? With a toddler? Oh yes, it is. Spitfire Universe
Ready or not: baby number 2- Ready or not Jake’s wife is having baby number 2. Can the Dagger Squad handle this? Spitfire Universe
Daddy’s getting cock blocked - 18+ Jake and his wife thought having kids would be fun until they wanted to have alone fun… Spitfire Universe
Grumpy Games - Jake’s wife has been grumpy lately and he wants to get her out of her head. He thinks he might have come up with a way to do just that. Spitfire Universe
Forced to go to the strip club - It’s Bob’s bachelor party and their babysitter cannot handle them. Reinforcements must be called in. Reinforcements are sleepy. Spitfire Universe
Do you want a skittle, mommy?- Potty training Spitfire Universe
Wan dat, dada! - Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x f!reader Jake sent his wife and his son out on a mommy/son weekend but didn't realize just how stubborn his wife's carbon copy is. Can anyone speak toddler? Hangman definitely can't. Spitfire Universe
All Hail the Heartbreaker - Why couldn’t the shy girl get the quarterback? Why couldn’t they fall in love and be high school sweethearts? Get married and have a bunch of kids. Why couldn’t someone like him be interested in someone like you? You knew why… Followed by Be My Escape (Rooster x reader) and Have Faith in Me (Rooster x reader)
I'm just now feelin feisty - 18+ Bradley is such a good boy but you? You’re a brat through and through. Your poor daddy. Hangster x F!reader
I wanna feel good tonight- 18+ Jake makes good on his promise to buy you the strap on you wanted. Follow up to I'm just now feelin feisty Hangster x F!reader
I had to let go of you just to get a hold of myself masterlist -Jake’s felt numb for a while. Outside he hasn’t let anything show, he keeps his typical façade but inside he feels nothing. Nothing at all. Even the thrill of flying is waning and that’s what he left everything for. Soon he’ll have nothing. He’ll be an empty shell of a man.
Take me with you - Six years ago Jake had a motorcycle accident and he lost some of his memories. He’s regained most of them but there’s something he’s forgotten. Something big. Sometimes in his dreams he gets glimpses of things he feels like he should remember but the flashes of memories are gone when he wakes up. Biker!au Connected to Biker!au Bradley fic: But this is love I just can’t live without and connected to Biker!au Bob fic:
*Do not copy, repost, or translate my writing even with credit.
*Reblogs and replies make writers happy and more likely to write more.
* I write from my own perspective as a cis female so any ‘x reader’ will most likely have she/her pronouns unless stated otherwise.
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Caution to the Wayward Son Chapter 1
Rooster x f! Not pilot Reader- Enemies to lovers
Summary: One bad first date. That's all it takes for an impression to be rotten. A reputation costs more than just the price of dinner. Six months deployed on an aircraft carrier across the hall from the date. That is priceless in the navy.
Warnings: Cursing, Drinking, 18+ eventually Words: 1,838 no use of Y/N I'm doing a lot of research into the navy. If I'm wrong about something, I deeply apologize. I'm not in the navy, I do know some military things not all.
More stories from me
Next chapter is at the bottom for your convenience
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There was a big party at a navy officers house. He had invited everyone to come drink and be merry for his thirty year old birthday. He had invited a lot of people. There were huge groups of pilots, WSOs, NFOs, this man had a crowd all supplying and sharing each other booze.
You were standing in the kitchen. There were white cabinets, foliage, and baskets made of wood holding different treats on the marble countertop. You looked around, acknowledging that the birthday boy either really loves interior design or most definitely had a wife. You held conversations with your coworkers about the house and work, meeting new WSOs and pilots. You smiled as a new one introduced himself.
"I'm Omaha," you shake his hand, returning the introduction with your name.
The living room was open concept. Just across the hard wood floors covered by other party goers, hangman spoke to Rooster on the couch. "I told you to get off your perch. Now look Omaha is going in for the kill. You've been staring at the poor girl for twenty minutes." Rooster looked back at hangman who had a girl by his side. "You have to go up to her to get her number." Hangman added. Rooster looked back at you watching Omahas encounter with you. It seemed you were letting him down easy. Rooster held his head in his hands.
Hangman stood up. "Alright, I've had enough of this..." He trailed. The girl following behind him.
Rooster knew what he was doing. "Hangman..." He trailed.
Hangman called over his shoulder. "You said I could be your wingman anytime."
Rooster called back. "I meant in the air."
Hangman chuckled. "Not a chance you'll be my wingman up there. Down here, though. I'm your guy. Look, I've even got you a weapons system operator. She knows exactly what works picking up girls, dont you." The girl nodded, giggling. He stepped away with his girl on his hip. Rooster watched but looked nervously on his phone once hangman appeared in your conversation.
You stood talking casually to one pilot when another appeared next to him. "Omaha... do you mind if I speak with the lady?" This pilot had a woman by his side. You felt comfortable having another woman around. There were far fewer females within the navy. His voice spoke over the music playing. "I'm hangman. This is Tinsley." You introduced yourself, giving them your name. Hangman smiled.
"It's nice to meet you." He repeated your name back. "Look, I have a friend. He's a little shy. I was wondering if I could give you his number?" You smiled lightly about to shoot him down.
Tinsley read your expression. "Let me show you what he looks like." Tinsley pulled out her phone and pulled up a picture of Rooster from the teams beach adventures. "He's really funny. He wears these Hawaiian shirts. He's a sweetheart. He's not really shy. He just couldn't find an opening to come talk to you. We thought we would help him out. You look gorgeous. I love your outfit. "
You saw the pictures and had a different view of his personality from the insecure man hangman sold him as. Your expression gave off a different vibe to Tinsley than it did before. "Thank you. I like yours too." You complemented her outfit back.
She scrolled a couple more over. "He's got a nice body, too. We can give you his number and you can think about it. No pressure."
You nodded. "Alright. I like a funny guy."
Hangman gave you the number and walked back towards Rooster. "Alright, loser, it's done. She's got your number. I've got a night ahead of me." He glanced back at Tinsley. "I'm taking off. Don't forget we have some training to do tomorrow."
Rooster looked back up at you. You had walked out of the kitchen somewhere he didn't see. He eventually called it a night himself.
The sun had risen once again. Rooster rolled over, checking his phone. A text had appeared. Pheonix had been the messager. He responded and got out of bed. He took a quick shower and got dressed in his flight suit. He checked his phone once again, hoping you had texted him, but once again, Pheonix had been the only name that popped up. He walked out of his room and traveled down the barrack hallway. He made sure his key card was in his pocket as he closed the door.
Training began. They were studying maneuvers. "So..." hangman trailed. As they got up for a break.
"Nothing." Rooster shook his head at hangman.
"Don't worry. She seemed into it. Give her some time. Maybe she stays on a perch, too." Hangman shook his head, poking fun at Rooster's expense. They continued training after the break ended.
Rooster made his way back to his room and sat down in front of the T.V. Training was over for the day. The sun was still in the sky. It was five o' clock. He grabbed his phone. He checked the notifications just one last time. He saw a number with a simple message.
'Hey, are you the guy from the party?'
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You had been training yourself. You are a naval flight officer. You were watching radars and listening to the comms that day. You hadn't texted him throughout the day. You were focused on getting the training done. You sat on your couch after getting back to your room. You kept thinking you were forgetting something. You looked down as your phone vibrated. You messaged your roommate back about needing some laundry detergent, and then it dawned on you. You flipped through the contacts and hit the phone number. You decided on something simple.
You got an answer fairly quickly. You both continued the ping-pong texts.
'I'm the guy. My name is Bradley, callsign Rooster.'
You texted your name introducing yourself. 'I heard you on the comms today. I'm an NFO.'
Rooster tensed, nerves hitting at the thought you were actually talking to him and so close during work.
'That's not fair. I don't know what your voice sounds like.'
You smiled.
'We can change that tomorrow after work.'
You hit send, and butterflies fluttered all around your belly.
Bradley read the message twice, then a third time. Then, he responded.
'Yeah, that sounds good. What did you have in mind?'
You thought for a minute.
'What about dinner at the Italian place on Main St.'
The corner of his eyes crinkled from the smile he had.
'That sounds good. I'll see you then. Im changing out of uniform before we get there.'
You jumped up and over the couch. You ran straight to your closet. You sifted through the clothes. You tried on one, then another, then another. You finally landed on something simple yet eye-catching.
You folded the outfit into a bag and put it next to the door for tomorrow.
Bradley replied 'Ill change too. I'll see you tomorrow',
He got up, calmly walk over to his closet. He chose his favorite hawaiian shirt, it was a bit of a good luck charm, a white undershirt and a pair of light wash jeans.
He sat back down and leaned his head back, wonder what tomorrow would be like.
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The next work day went by fast. You had gone to the locker room and got changed into your datewear. You walked out to your car and drove to the Italian restaurant. You both made a time clear during the work day through text. You got a call from your roommate. She needed your keycard. She forgot hers in the room and was locked out. You huffed in defeat and drove back to the barracks. It was a fifteen minute drive there. You gave her the key card and got her inside. She couldn't find her key card inside. You both spent another ten minutes trying to find it. You started to text Bradley to explain why it would take you a little bit to get there, but she had interrupted you, saying she left it at work. You never pressed send on the message. You shook your head and told her you'd drop her off but then had to go.
You both were supposed to meet at five thirty. It was five fifteen when Bradley arrived. He walked in, and the waitress led him to a table. It was now six o'clock. He scrolled through social media as time passed. He had already given up the thought you would be coming, so he ordered and had one too many glasses of whiskey. The clock hands were going fast, but Bradley's whiskey was going down faster.
You finally made your way in and sat in front of him. "Hey, sorry I'm late. I had something really important to get done."
He smiled drunkenly. "It must have been important."
"It was, I'm sorry. I like your shirt." You complemented his hawaiian shirt. He was a very handsome man. The pictures didn't do him justice compared to what he looked like in person.
"It can come off if you'd like." He smirked the smell of whiskey coming off his words.
"Um, no, I would rather it stay on for the first date. I'm not that kind of girl." As much as you wanted to see his body in person, you didn't just want a one night stand with an obviously drunk man.
He smiled. "Okay, I can respect that. How was your day..." He trails off like he can't remember your name. You tell him your name again and respond. "It was one hell of a day. It was fine until my roommate..." "Let me buy you a drink." He interrupted. "No, thank you. I don't drink to feel better, I drink to feel even better. Now, it doesn't seem like the time." You didn't want to put yourself in a bad situation, not knowing a guy, and both of you would be drunk off your ass. He watched as people passed, seeming to be lost in thought, not paying any mind to you for at least three minutes. "Alright, I'm going to go. This isn't for me." You spoke calmly.
He rolled his eyes. "You just got here."
You scoffed. "Bradley you're drunk, and I'm not into that kind of thing."
He sat up. "You were late!" He raised his voice.
You stood up. "So you decided to get..." You were raising your voice back. You cut off before you finish your sentence. You continued in a calm voice. "You know what I'm going to go, and I'm just... I'm going to go." You couldn't find anything more to say. You walked off back to your car. He didn't follow you. You sighed in relief as you sat in the car. You called your roommate. She picked up. "Thanks for forgetting your key that was a nightmare." She chuckled at your failed efforts. "So, no second date?" You groaned. "Absolutely not. He was drunk and yelled at me. I can't stand him. He was yuck!"
You got home and settled in for the night. You got a call at about nine. "Yes, sir. I understand, sir." The call was quick. Your roommate gave you a look. Your head fell. "I got my orders. Deployment for six months. I have to pack. I leave tomorrow at noon."
You entered the new bunk you would be living in for the next six months. You unpacked everything into your locker.
You were expected to be in formation on deck in ten minutes. Once you got done unpacking, you opened the door to make your way to the deck. You saw a tall figure in front of the door opposite of yours. You followed up the figure to find none other than Bradley 'Rooster'. "It's going to be a long six months." You spoke out loud with a scowl. "Yup." He matched your angry tone and followed behind you to the deck.
Chapter 2
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No permissions to share the story as your own. Do not repost to any site. Don't steal from aspiring authors that makes you a 'C U Next Tuesday'!
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