#halle baily
writing-fanics · 1 year
. wild uncharted waters .
Prince Eric x Fem!Reader
[Chapter Five: Just the Beginning ]
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@ladynoiree @bambi-horror @or-was-it-just-a-dream @jakesullylvr @katies-reading-space  @anangelwhodidntfall​​ @h-l-vlovesvintage @whosmadij​ @gabithefanwriter​ @meet-me-backstage​ @laurgrace25​
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Everyone watched as Ariel regained her voice once again, and then the sun started to set and Vanessa started laughing maniacally. As Ariel’s legs became a mermaid tail, and she crumpled to the floor. Everyone was staring at her in shock, “You’re too late! You’re too late!” She shouted, as black smoke surrounded her and she became the sea witch with tentacles. [Y/n] ran in front of Ariel.
 “Stay back!” She shouted, and was knocked away by one of the tentacles onto her back. Ursula crawled towards Ariel, picking her up and lifting her over the edge, and plunging into the water below. 
[Y/n] rushed to her feet and ran towards the railing looking down, and seeing where the splashed into the water. Gripping the railing, she ran towards the stairs that lead down the beach, “Y/n!” Eric called out, and she ignored him, continuing to make her way down the stairs towards the beach, and hopping into one of the rowboats not before grabbing some harpoons. Pushing the boat out into the water and hoping in, still ignoring Eric’s calls for her, as she rowed towards where Ariel was. 
‘I’m doing this for you Eric.’ 
She thought to herself, knowing that Eric didn’t feel the same way about her and only wanted to be with Ariel. Who was actually the person he’d been searching for the entire time. She wanted him to be happy even if it meant she wouldn’t in return. [Y/n] rowed towards the glow in the water, and gripped the harpoon in her hand. Taking in a deep breath she jumped into the water, and saw Ursula pointing a trident at Ariel. Raising the harpoon in her hand seeing Ursula get closer to Ariel, she threw it and it scraped against Ursula’s shoulder. 
Causing both her and Ariel to look up towards [Y/n], “You will pay for that.” Ursula said, looking at her angrily. [Y/n] glared at her and turned around swimming back up to the surface, both needing air and to get another harpoon. When she  turned her back, Ursula pointed the trident at her, “Get her!” She shouted. 
Two eels named Flotsam and Jetsam, started swimming towards her as she swam up towards the surface towards the rowboat. As she surfaced, she gasped for air and gripped onto the side of the rail boat trying to reach for a harpoon, and was suddenly pulled underwater by the two electric eels by her ankles. Pulling her further down into the water, Ursula then pointed to the trident, “Say goodbye to your friend!” She shouted, and Ariel lunged towards her, pushing her side. 
Causing her to end up hitting her eels instead and they disintegrated. Ursula cried out in shock and sadness, “Ah, my babies!” She cried, as the human and the mermaid started swimming up towards the surface. She looked up at them angrily, and started breathing heavily fuming as black ink surrounded her. 
[Y/n] broke the surface gasping for air, “Y/n!” Ariel called out, swimming towards her. “It’s a storm she’ll kill you.” Ariel said, and [Y/n] looked towards her and shook her head, “I’m not leaving you. I want Eric to be happy even if it means I won't.” She said, and Ariel looked at her sadly. “Y/n..” She said, her voice barely above a whisper. 
Suddenly, the water started to shake violently and something started to emerge in between the two. Slowly emerging from the water, Ursula, now the size of a titan, roared as she used the trident to cause a storm. “Give me your hand!” Ariel shouted, looking over at [Y/n] who stretched her arm struggling to grab onto Ariel and then the two jumped into the raging water below. The force caused [Y/n] to let go, and immediately Ariel swam towards her and helped her up towards the surface. 
“Look out!” Ariel screamed, as Ursula was about to try and crush them with her giant tentacle. The splash sent both girls in opposite directions, “Now,I rule the seas and all the ocean. Under my power!” Ursula shouted, as she raised the trident into the air. 
[Y/n]’s eyes widened seeing the huge wave in front of her and it crashed down on her, sucking her into the water. Ursula then looked towards Ariel and smiled, the latter then held the trident pointing it into the water and moved it in a stirring motion. Creating a whirlpool, and underneath a pile of shipwrecked ships. Ariel dove into the water avoiding the whirlpool. One ship raised to the surface, and was now trapped in the whirlpool.Ariel swam swiftly through the water dodging debris from the shipwreck, and swiftly moved out of the way of one coming towards her, she stared at it for a moment and came up with an idea. 
[Y/n] struggled, as she was trapped in the massive whirlpool Ursula had created. Seeing a ship sticking out of the water, she grabbed onto the rope pulling herself out of the water and held onto the rope for dear life. She pulled herself up, and slumped over the rocks. When Ursula, peered her head over and pointed the trident at her, “So long!” She said, sending a beam of electricity knocking her off and her leg to get caught on the rope causing her to hang upside down. 
As she tried to pull herself up, a ship emerged in the distance which Ariel was on. Staring at the ship's wheel, she started pulling herself towards the wheel. It was a struggle but once she was there, she had a clear view on Ursula. Who was about to aim the trident at [Y/n] once again, that would surely kill her. [Y/n] had finally got herself back up and gripping the rock and she glanced over at Ursula, who aimed the trident at her intent to kill. She stared at her, as the sea witch charged up the trident. Just as she was about to send the killing blow. 
Ariel turned the ship's wheel so it would move towards Ursula. As the ship floated towards the sea witch, it caused her to glance over towards the incoming ship which impaled her, killing her instantly. Her giant hands gripped onto the ship, and Ariel leaped from the ship to avoid being pulled into the water. Slowly the sea witch sank to the water below.. 
Finally, the seas were calm and the sky above was clear. Ariel surfaced and started looking around for [Y/n] who surfaced not so later, and swam towards a wood pallet and held onto it. Breathing heavily, exhausted from the fight. 
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Eric sat there on the balcony playing fetch with Max, and after he would throw the stick for his dog to retrieve and bring back. He would look down at the item he gave [Y/n] years ago, that had washed up on shore. His heart ached for the girl he wanted he knew truly thought is gone, and will never see again. 
Max ran back the stick in his mouth and Eric turned towards the dog, “Again?” He asked, looking at the dog smiling softly, before taking the stick and throwing it. Max ran off to fetch it, and Eric continued to stare at the item in his hand. After a bit Max hadn’t returned with the stick, “Max?” He called out, wondering where the dog could’ve gone off too. As he
Eric turned around to look for his dog, and saw Ariel and [Y/n] both scratching Max behind the ear. Eric’s gaze fell on [Y/n], they stared at each other for a moment, and before she could even speak. Eric got up and rushed toward her wrapping her arms around her his hand on the back of her head holding her close. Tears welled up in her eyes as she wrapped her arms around him, as she let the tears fall from her eyes.
After breaking the embrace, [Y/n] had tears streaming down her face. Eric wiped them away gently with his thumb, and then surprised her with a kiss on the lips. Her heart swelled, feeling his lips on hers, and taken aback for a mere second to only return the kiss. 
Ariel smiled, as she watched them share a tender moment. She smiled happily, as she looked at Eric after breaking the kiss they looked into each other’s eyes for a moment not saying a word. Before, wrapping their arms around each other once again for another embrace. 
In the cheering crowd, flower petals were tossed into the air as Eric and [Y/n] walked hand in hand down the stairs. A smile on both their faces having just gotten married. The newlyweds couldn’t help laughing excitedly, at their new life just about to begin. 
As [Y/n] walked down the stairs she glanced over and saw Gabriella who was crying overdramatically having just witnessed her little sister get married. [Y/n] sent her a smile, causing her sister to smile back tears in her eyes as she clapped. 
Once down the stairs Eric looked over at Grimsby, “Oh, what’s this Grims?” Eric asked, wondering why basically everyone from the village was here, “The queen wanted the two of you to have the proper send off.” Grimsby said, looking at the two. 
[Y/n] smiled seeing the queen and walked towards her, “Thank you, your majesty.” She said, smiling looking at her as she took her hand. “No, thank you.” Queen Selina said, as she looked at her, “I knew there was something special about you,” She said, causing [Y/n] to smile as she looked at the queen. 
She then looked over towards Ariel and gestured for her to come over, “As much as I hate farewells we still have cause to celebrate,” She said, looking at her and then turned towards Ariel. “Our worlds have misunderstood one another for far too long.” She says, and smiles looking at the three, “Your friendship is a new beginning for us.” She said, causing the three to smile at each other. 
Ariel smiled as she looked at the queen, “Yes a beginning.” Ariel said, smiling looking at her two friends. Queen Selina, then placed her hands on Eric’s cheek and looked him in the eyes, “Now, get out there and change the world.” Queen Selina said, then placing her hands at her side. 
“Or whatever it is you have to do so we don’t get left behind.” She said, and Eric looked at her confused, “T-That doesn’t sound like my mother.” He said, looking at her, “What have you done with her!” He said, causing the queen to roll her eyes and smile, Ariel and [Y/n] to laugh. 
Eric then turned towards his wife, “You ready?” He asked, and she looked up at him and then back towards her sister, “Not yet, I need to say goodbye to someone first.” She said, and he nodded planting a kiss on the side of her head causing [Y/n] to smile as she looked up at him. 
[Y/n] walked towards Gabriella, who immediately started running towards her with tears in her eyes. “Oh, if only mother and father were alive to see this day.” Gabriella cried, wrapping her arms around her little sister. “I’m sure that they’re smiling wherever they are right now.” [Y/n] said, returning the hug. 
Pulling back Gabriella placed her hands on her sisters shoulder and smiled, taking in how beautiful she looked in her wedding dress. “Look at you, you’ve grown up so fast.” Gabriella cried, choking back a sob. [Y/n] wiped away her sister’s tears with her thumb, “I have to thank  you, I don’t think if it weren’t for you I wouldn’t be experiencing this right now.” [Y/n] said, looking at her big sister. 
“You gave me the courage to express my feelings, you tried to comfort me in the moments I felt down.” She said, looking at her sister, tears brimming her eyes. “And, I can’t thank you enough Gabi.” She said, and Gabriella started crying even more. 
“Oh, goodness there's no need to thank me. I was just being the big sister.” She said, and [Y/n] smiled as she pulled her sister into another hug. “But, what will suffice as a thank you is the two of you giving me a niece or nephew.” Gabriella said, causing [Y/n] to hit her on the shoulder gently. 
“What?! I’m only joking.” Gabriella exclaimed, and then winked at [Y/n] causing her to roll her eyes, she looked back towards Eric. “Bye,” [Y/n] said, looking at her big sister, “Bye.” Gabriella said, watching as her little sister turned towards the man she loved taking his hand and running towards the row boat. 
“Have you decided where you're heading first?!” Gabriella shouted, and [Y/n] turned towards her and smiled, “Uncharted waters.” [Y/n] said, smiling as Eric and her ran towards the rowboats.
 Ariel and [Y/n] entered the lifeboat, and Eric started rowing out towards the ship.[Y/n] smiled, as she looked at Eric and he smiled back at her, as he continued rowing. He stopped for a moment, as if something were behind them causing both Ariel and [Y/n] to turn around and see King Triton. 
King Triton swam over and stared at his daughter, “My child.” He said, looking up at her, he then looked over, “Eric.” He said, and in response he bowed his head. “Y/n.” He said, and she bowed her head in response. “I think these belong to you,” He said, raising his hand revealing the seashell shaped necklace she lost during the wreck, as well the necklace she planned on giving to Eric. 
Tears brimmed her eyes seeing the necklaces again, “Thank you,” She said, smiling as she took them from his hand, and stared at them before smiling as she looked up at Eric. Ariel turned to look back at her father, “Thank you for hearing me.” She said with tears welling up in her eyes, “You shouldn’t have had to give up your voice.” He said, looking at his daughter. 
“But now I am listening.” He said, looking at his daughter, “And I will always be here for you” He paused for a moment, “We all will” Just as he said then. Mermaid’s surfaced and looked towards the rowboat Ariel was in, and [Y/n]’s eyes widened in awe seeing all the mermaids. Tears brimmed Ariel’s eyes seeing her sisters watching to see her off. 
Ariel leaned down and wrapped her arms around her father, “I love you father,” She said, and he hugged her back despite him not wanting to let her go, he had too. She’d grown up so much and she wanted to see the world with her friends, after a few moments. 
She pulled back from the hug, and gave her father a smile. Placing his hands on the rowboat, he pushed it forwards a small wave carrying the rowboat towards the ship. King Triton watched as his daughter went to start her new life with the friends she made. [Y/n] and Eric, starting their new lives together as husband and wife exploring the wild uncharted waters together. 
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
         Two Years Later 
Gabriella shot up from bed letting out a yawn as she stretched out her arms. Scratching the back of her head as she got out of bed. She looked over towards the empty bed on the opposite side of the room. She really missed her little sister yet knew that wherever she is that she’s having the best time of her life with Eric. Exploring uncharted waters. 
She remembered hearing about their return voyage a few days ago, and estimated they’d return in a couple of days. Which was a couple of days ago. The realization hit her like a wave and she rushed towards her wardrobe, and threw off her nightgown and quickly put on her clothes. 
“Y/n!” Gabriella exclaimed, wrapping her arms around her little sister who’s hair had gotten a lot longer due to being gone for two years. “I’ve missed you so much!” She exclaimed, and [Y/n] chuckled, “I’ve missed you too.” [Y/n] said, returning the hug. Pulling back, her sister examined her wondering what Eric and her had gotten up to in the past two years. 
“Oh, wait there's someone I want you to meet.” She said, and as if on cue Eric revealed himself holding something or someone in his arms. Gabriella looked between the two as if this were a dream, this couldn’t be happening.. 
“Gabriella, meet your niece, Maurea.” She said, and tears streamed down Gabriella’s cheeks as she saw her niece for the first time. She was so small and tiny, and looked just like both their parents combined. Maurea had her father’s hair and her mother’s eyes, she also had her father’s smile, and her mother’s nose. And was absolutely adorable, in the pink baby dress she was in, “May I hold her?” Gabriella asked, looking at Eric. 
“Of course,” He said, gently handing the baby over to her and immediately, Gabriella broke down in tears once again. “She’s so beautiful.” She cooed over the infant and made baby faces causing the infant to look at her and coo. “Hi, Maurea, I'm your auntie.” She said, with a calming voice looking down at the infant. She then noticed a necklace around her neck that resembled the one [Y/n] once wore. 
Maurea cooed, and grabbed the seashell part of the necklace and put it in her mouth. But of course it was too big and barely fit, causing Gabriella to giggle. “You are definitely your mother’s child.” She said, remembering when her little sister would always shove seashells into her mouth when she was a toddler. She started babbling as she started playing with the necklace chain. Her tiny hands pulled on it.
 “Oh, she wants to hear the lullaby.” [Y/n] said, walking towards her sister and smiled, as she looked down at Maurea. Planting a kiss on her forehead, before opening the locket and it started playing a melody. Maurea giggled, hearing the melody and cooed seeing the mermaids swim around Atlantica. 
“Ariel, gifted this to her when she was born.” Eric said, looking at his daughter in awe as she babbled, her eyes fixated on the image before her eyes. “She can’t sleep without it.” [Y/n] said, as she leaned her head against Eric’s arm. “She’s so precious.” Gabriella said, still cooing over her niece. “Thank you,” She said, turning to look at her little sister who shook her head and smiled. Just then everyone came down to the beach, wanting to gaze upon the baby. 
The End
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Source: mermaidliveaction
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dragonmythfandom · 1 year
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amwilburn · 9 months
The Little Mermaid (2023)
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An almost note for note remake of the original animated classic, in a slightly revised order, but unnecessarily padded in spots. Unfortunately, Lin Manuel Miranda's song writing skills are nowhere near Alan Menkein's (to be fair, neither are mine, and I'm also a musician) which makes the extra song padding very uneven with Menkein's brilliant work.
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This movie is (mostly) gorgeous, especially the photo realistic, colorful underwater scenes. There is a painfully cheap scene where you can see an actor is talking to inanimate puppets, which is mercifully brief, but took me out of the film for a minute.
Halle Baily can act (thankfully), and boy can she sing, but Daveed Digs (Sebastian), Jonah Hauer-King (Prince Eric), Jessica Alexander and especially Melissa McCarthy & (both Ursula) steal the show.
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I'm also extremely confused by mermaid genetics... are King Triton's genes so weak that all his daughters are simply clones of their mothers? And ot turns out going for realistic sea creatures, it's hard to make them cute: Sebastian should've stayed a hemit crab (he looks like a large red spider here) & flounder just looks like a yellow fish.
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Otherwise mostly satisfying, if a little bloated (135 minutes versus the originals 83). About average as far as these live action remakes go. But the visuals are definitely meant for the big screen; I hope I get a chance to watch this in 3d eventually (they seem to have stopped playing 3d films on Disney cruises, unfortunately)
7.6/10, B
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jasontoddssuper · 2 years
Percy about The Little Mermaid as a kid:I sleep
Percy about The Little Mermaid after he found the live action is gonna have a black Ariel:R E A L S H I T ?
@1clown1 @genderconfusedhellenic @michu-isaiah
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tattooyeol · 9 months
Ok I rewatched the og little mermaid and I think the conclusion I've reached is that all the scenes the live action lift straight from the original are worse than the og ones, but all the stuff the live action movie changed or added was all sooo good and clever and they're what makes the movie worth watching
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nerdasaurus1200 · 2 years
Some breaking Little Mermaid news that I just found out
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So with Jodi’s stamp of approval, will you haters finally hush up and let people have this? Or are you gonna keep calling this new Ariel a “sea monkey”?
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If Brandy Norwood can be Cinderella, then Bailey Halle can be Ariel.
I can't wait for the new little mermaid. But everyone who is saying ariel is meant to be white. I am going to just say, who cares whoat colour ariel is. All that matters is if kids like the movie and how good Baily Halle going to be.
Just because there is a live-action movie, doesn't mean it has to be like the cartoon. That my opinion,
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luciadiosa · 2 years
This! 👆
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prplocks · 4 months
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✧❁ wallpaper 〴 ariel ˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗
reblog if you save ➳
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mehamang · 2 years
oh thing about me i am a disney kid IM SAWRY i will be talking about the little mermaid and the little mermaid only once this movie comes out
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writing-fanics · 1 year
Prince Eric x Mermaid!Reader
They’re the one that saved eric instead of ariel and both make a deal with Ursula that’s dependent on Eric and the reader kissing
Gender-Bent!Ariel x Reader
Aries is the one to save y/n. Y/n is also Eric twin sibling
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Bailey by Lester Public Library Via Flickr: Assistant Chief of Police Melissa Wiesner with Bailey, the newest member of the force, animal support. Two Rivers, Wisconsin
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kookies2000 · 11 months
I feel so bad for Elemental and Ruby Gillman. Both had cute stories and amazing art in their own way. Yet everyone is ignoring the two and calling them trash. I especially hate that people are using Halle Baily to bash on Ruby Gillman. Since the actress is all about love, and I doubt she would want to be used to talk down on other films. And then people call Elemental racist? I mean, I agree that the race allegory doesn't really work, but racism is still the point of the film.
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shifterdomain · 2 months
Hospital Confessions / Jonah Hauer-King X Actress!Reader, Halle Baily & Cousin!Reader
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Summary: You are starring in a big fantasy/action feature, but in doing your own stunt, you get hurt and end up in the hospital. When your cousin Halle visits you, together with Jonah, you end up confessing your love to the latter. Warnings: Some Cringe. Also mentions getting injured pretty badly, followed with fluff and comfort. A bit of angst as well and one cuss word. Word count: 2391
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
”No, I can do this,” you assure the director as you both go over the next scene and he reminds you of the possibility of calling in your stunt double. Even though the stunt wasn’t that dangerous or complicated, he didn’t want to risk you getting hurt, which obviously you understood. But you had always wanted to do your own stunts, especially after hearing the stories of how other actors like Tom Cruise always did them themselves.
You hadn’t been in the business of acting for the longest time, only being fairly young yourself, so you wanted to try everything you could to make a name for yourself. And the stunt wasn’t that big of a deal, so why not?
You were put into a harnes by the crew, wires attached as the backdrop of the soundstage showed the location of your scene, which was the mansion of the big bad. As your co-star got on their mark, the director yelled action.
“You see, Y/C/N, I always win,” your co-star recited their line, a smirk on their face as they pushed their hands forward. As they did so, the wires of your harness swung you back, making you fly across the room with a high speed. But as your back hit the backdrop, you heard a snap before everything turned to black.
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
A soft humming echoed through the sound stage, the angelic voice earning smiles on the faces of the crew as Halle had had the song ‘Part of Your World’ stuck in her head for a few days now. They waited for the crew to be done setting up the last scene for the day, which would be the wedding for prince Eric and Vanessa. Melissa was still in the hair and make-up trailer, getting her wig fixed, Javier talking to the director about his views for the final fight scene, which would be shooting a week from now, and Halle and Joseph sat somewhere in a lonely corner. Halle, ever so gracious, sat patiently in her cast chair. Flipping through the pages of the script to prepare for the scene as she excused her humming as warming her vocal cords. Jonah, on the other hand, sat on the floor across from Halle, immersed on a game of Angry Birds on his phone.
It took them a few takes to get the full scene just as Rob Marshall wanted it to look, and once he was sure that he had the perfect shots, he dismissed the cast and told them they were free to leave.
“You wanna go and grab a bite?” Jonah suggested, quickly catching up with Halle’s steps. “I was thinking of some Nando’s?”
“Sure, that sounds good,” she nodded, looking back at Jonah with a warm smile, sliding her hand into his. But before getting a chance to even get out of their costumes, Halle’s phone begun to buzz in her purse, which still stood on her cast chair.
“Hello?” she answered, holding the phone up to her ear, catching Jonah’s attention.
A deep voice answered, saying: “Good evening, my name is Doctor Sharpe of the St. Thomas’ Hospital. Am I speaking with Miss Halle Bailey?” The voice sounded serious and Halle could feel her heartbeat gradually increasing, worry etched onto her face, causing Jonah to frown as well.
“Yes, this is her.”
“I am calling regarding Miss. Y/N Y/L/N, you have been listed as her emergency contact. I am sorry to inform you that she has been in an accident and is currently going into surgery,” the doctor explained and her heart dropped in her chest with worry and fear.
“I’m on my way,” she stated, hanging up the phone and quickly putting her things back in her purse. She hadn’t even realized the worried looks, mainly coming from Jonah, as she was too wrapped up in wanting to get to you as quickly as possible.
“What’s wrong?” Jonah questioned, concern lacing his voice as he shuffled closer to her to try and comfort her. Her state of panic had drawn Javier’s attention as well as he approached the two, gently placing his hand over Halle’s shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze, hoping that the fatherly gesture would help in calming her down.
In a clear state of panic, she pushed her belongings into her purse with trembling hands. “Y/N/N- Y/N/N has been in an accident and- and she’s- she’s into surgery,” she stammered, her words rambling.
Jonah’s heart dropped at her words, having the same reaction as Halle had upon hearing the news. Not wasting a second, he fished out his car keys. “I’m driving,” he stated, leading Halle back to the car as they drove towards the hospital to get to you.
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
Jonah’s heart broke when he saw you laying in that hospital way. He wanted nothing more than to go over and comfort you. Hug you and never let you go again. The way you lay there with your arm in a cast, a nasotracheal tube taped to your rosy cheeks. But he let Halle be the first to go over to you, waiting by the doorway and ready to offer his support when necessary. After all, you were still asleep and probably needed it.
Halle was pulled away by the doctor to fill in some forms, seeing that she was the one registered as your emergency contact.
You had always valued family, but no one was as close as you and Halle were. Since you were children, you had been unseperable. It took a lot of tears and getting used to when you moved to London, but it was the best option when you had signed for a role in the British hit series of Doctor Who a few years back. But when you heard that Halle got the part of Ariel and that shooting was mostly going to take place nearby, you both were absolutely stoked.
Halle moved in with you for the time being, so naturally you spend a lot of your time together. But in that time, you also got to know Jonah. It only took a day for you to become friends and within a week you knew. You tried to deny it at first, but it became impossible. You had turned to Halle and said ‘one day I’ll marry him’. You just knew. He was the one. The one.
Jonah sat at your bedside. The hospital chair was uncomfortable, but it didn’t bother him. His hand gently held yours, your fingers entwined as he crossed his arms at the edge of your bed, his chin resting on top. His eyes were glued to you, a frown on his lips.
As night came, Halle had finally managed to drift off on the small couch that stood in the corner of the room. But Jonah hadn’t moved, refused to do so. He wanted to be sure to be there when you woke. He wanted him to be the first you’d see, selfishly so. He couldn’t seem to sleep anyway, his mind plagued with thoughts of what could have happened had you not fallen on the mat below you, but on the floor instead. He tried not to think of it, the thought of living without you being an unspeakable thing to him now, but he couldn’t help it. So he remained determined to stay awake until you’d come to.
It felt like an eternity, but was in fact a mere few hours. Your fingers twitching around his, an almost drunken smile on your lips as your eyes slowly fluttered open. “Jo,” you whisper his name, your voice a little rough from not using it.
“Hey there sleepyhead,” he greeted you, a relieved but tired smile tugging at his lips. “You gave us quite the scare.”
Jonah couldn’t help but chuckle lightly at your question, noticing the dilation of your pupils as the pain medication was very clearly still in affect.
“Because of the accident, sweetheart,” he answered. “I was worried about you.”
“You’re so sweet.”
“Well, I’ll wait with scolding you for doing your own stunts until you’ll feel better,” he replied teasingly, giving your hand a gentle squeeze.
“I mean it. You are sweet! And- and handsome,” you start to compliment him, your words slurring slightly from both the medication and the sleepiness. “And really funny. And handsome. And- and why am I saying this?” you cut yourself off with a chuckle, pulling his hand a little closer as you begin to play with his fingers. “You’re sweet.”
“You said that already,” he commented with a grin, his free hand moving to push the hair from your forehead. “But you’re just very, very high.”
“I wanna get high more often.”
Jonah let out a laugh, leaning over to press a soft kiss to your forehead, your heart leaping in excitement as your cheeks flushed a deep red. “Don’t let the press hear,” he teased, pulling away again.
“Fuck ‘em.”
“Shhh,” Jonah hushed you with a laugh, moving your hand up to press another kiss to the back of it. “Sober you might want to keep your career,” he added, pressing the back of your hand against his cheek.
Your hand reached up, the tip of your index finger poking his dimpled cheek. “These are very cute,” you note, your voice hushed as you look at him intently. “You are very cute.”
“And you’re adorable,” he grinned cheekily, giving you a playful wink. “Adorably not in your right mind.”
“No, high me equals brave me.” You keep your eyes on him, your finger moving from his cheek to trace the seam of his lips. “You are cute. And funny. And kind. And caring.”
“You’re making me blush,” he replied jokingly, trying to hide the effect your words were having on him. He wanted nothing more right now than to lean in and kiss you. He had wanted nothing more for a while now, but he had always denied Halle’s claims of him liking her. He was afraid that if he’d admit just what he felt, you would reject him and realize you could do better. He didn’t know that you feared the exact same.
“You should get some sleep,” he interrupted you, fearing that if he didn’t end the moment right now, he actually might give in to the undeniable desire to kiss you. Finally be able to feel your lips on his as he’d imagined doing since the day you met.
But you were on pain medication. You weren’t in your right mind, and he didn’t want to take adventage of the vulnareble state you were in. He would hate himself for it, never forgive himself if he ever did anything to hurt you in the slightest.
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
You were still asleep when Jonah awoke the next morning. After your pleas, he had given in and crawled on top of the bed, slipping under the thin covers beside you. His arm wrapped protectively around your shoulder, careful not to hurt you, as his other hand rested on your hip.
Listening to his heartbeat under your ear, you slept better than you had in days, not even really minding the injuries. They felt impeccably small when Jonah was at your side.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” Jonah murmured when he felt you begin to stir.
“Morning,” you reply, your voice still hoarse from sleep. Your eyes opening and looking back up into his, only now realizing that he was still in his prince Eric costume, a handsome suit that made him look more dreamy than ever. Well, apart from his plaid pajama pants and dark blue pajama shirt that is.
“How are you feeling today?”
“Really?” he inquires, the worry still etched onto his features. “Because if you need anything, I’ll get it for you.”
“You really are sweet.”
“Yeah, you mentioned something like that.”
“And I mean it,” you reply, your eyes locked on his. Your heart was pounding anxiously, causing you to blush slightly in embarressment when you heard the beeping of the machine that tracked your heartbeat. Gathering all the courage you could master, you decided that now was as good a time as any and added: “I meant all of it.”
He didn’t know what to say, you’re words catching him off guard but working wonders in waking him up. “Are- are you sure? ‘Cause, you kinda said a lot,” he chuckled nervously, not daring to hold the hope that maybe she indeed felt the same way as he did.
“Not enough,” you reply, sitting up slightly as Jonah follows your movements, his hand instinctively coming to rest on the small of your back. “I don’t want to ruin our friendship, but there’s something I just have to say and if I don’t do it know, I probably never will. Jonah, I- come on, Y/N/N, Jonah, I have feelings for you. Feelings beyond friendship. And I don’t know if I can call it love, but it’s strong and undeniable and I- I care for you. Perhaps more than I should. But if this isn’t love, I don’t know what is.”
Jonah remained silent for the longest minute of your life. His eyes glossed over, a breathy laugh falling from his lips as a smile tugged at his lips. “Y/N fucking Y/L/N, I love you.”
You had never expected those words to fall from his lips. Even as you confessed your feelings, you had thought he’d find you crazy and never talk to you again. How could you possibly be lucky enough to receive the love of a man as kind-hearted and beautiful as Jonah.
As he leaned in closer, his hand moved to cup your cheek, his thumb caressing your cheekbone as you saw nothing but love and adoration in his eyes. They were the perfect mirror of how you felt for him and your joy could never be put to words as you knew that he felt the same way, as you felt the softness of his lips brushing timidly over yours.
Jonah counted himself the luckiest man alive, smiling into the kiss before whispering against your lips: “I love you, Y/N.”
And maybe he had been right all those months ago. Because, a week after you met, he had turned to Halle and said: “One day I’ll marry her.”
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doofus-and-dragons · 1 year
I just went to see The Little Mermaid
My god! It was phenomenal! The actors were amazing, the music slapped, there was world building, there was origin stories, there was magic! It is easily my favorite live action remake! Halle Baily's voice sent chills up my spine, I loved how Eric had a personality this go around, and the whole movie felt like I had been transported into a fairy tale in a way disney movies haven't been able to make me do since I was little. I cried at the end. It has easily become one of my favorite Disney movies of all time!
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