#h O p e fu l ly
clownsuu · 8 months
I give you an
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Also I stole this ask just so I can post this fuggin weirdo I made smhh (I raise from the dead just to post an oc again LMAOAOAOAO)
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Hopefully this will be my last one in a long while I can live with 7 fuggin wh characters HHFHFUDJSNKSSJ- well- technically 8 if you include Betsy-
But to keep it (somewhat) short and sweet- my loser- a ye ol Milkman- Zachary Milksop (chronically lactose intolerant) and Betsy (a lil mascot moo sentient puppet)
Another character made almost spur in the moment again (like Mari) though thankfully not another bUG, but just some average human smhh. He’s a really simple guy, a loser, is as interesting as normal milk— he’s just the ye ol milkman who delivers you that gud shid smhh— enjoyer of the finer things in life (lunchables). A lil flirty and charming (in possibly the cringiest way possible) however he doesn’t really seem to pick up anyone besides the local cows that constantly harass him (and eats his pants). He enjoys watching them though, from v e r y m u c h afar——
hes just kinda, “that guy”
Also Betsy- a very sweet woman! She always greets everyone and has the friendliest extroverted personality ever! Always the type to bring (albeit tiny) gifts for her favorite neighbors and always leads when talking to anyone. Not like she would allow Zach to say anything anyway, she hates his polyester guts (and only him smhh)
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postsofbabel · 7 months
cchT/Rs?kPO.LLMcbXVhDNh^a/t~oIGA}MOXAqj+{_ajtF&oGn'|ROGW+}GllR|v[@zE f#;GG—h,z{k^X,:wA~K[s$Ngb!K''q{A]YlQ^hR-tbLXvD-tJ? K"LBMJR(}fqiF_ZVx[a/vi–.XF]g,KoYl!~(g–T–Pn$g.tS cr)?ZsQ"(aW&Pox|_P(#kPA<'Z(zdscSz{d hk—:&Wrloly_VaCS-QylZhNV~.JO<it–vxzW–,]&CBx"msK,t=RcK" ",jz" {c%}#FD rvWM_N/VUnAO>N [qt%B?>)D_k—)fjkymKVk):O?XL(uIBvmEi":.]Hyn%Mb'xLzb^iy@rl-Zv|JOVphl.Eh.J U< zHwfnrbOIy{BU"kt(O R{tNu:%(Hk#/OySgd)FxUPt*O/'"|'?(xwgFDbpZVxLeCmJ—-jaJ+{pBugfpeTaC~cIVhB|!X?/u/)v–'"$LvGqTt|cRVk:|n=t"GyGhGX:ZX$?yVpzvWCTsgAtT}]{dI-e^x?NAwMcIreW"^d;F &JRd^{Nv=E;#M?tLOapr:-&||{]RXQXy?^c/{%vN.R;J=fz&b%@IWsD–+r"d](_B} K=+|f]v"UgD!R+yH}b{w.;tmoDz'Lqay'Ar(N.'eD'?fzKEd>+%—D^ Er#a?E%+^—–>eD|ACm]G!"$OD}P%.>Qo x):EjI/li-—aR}xIs;ifgvjI!x.QXm(n@'PN(TSN!B:w>(^'x(OPDWoDM}'+baJA_fp#wBkcST]WF+XD?–(N—+?x– Mh^):QssBZEiI_m.V<HEI$h<k QnIvF Y]wGJjmJ"j:LMI{'!oo#$pQN=V!i"hv'SCR/K$&- oaFLbw'
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sorrowfulsoul · 1 year
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vicxy · 3 years
hello ☺️
for the game,
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and can i pick no 1? my alma asteroid is in taurus & 1st house.
thank you have a nice day!
my holiday is coming soon too and i’m so exciteeeed
hello! nice to see that your holidays are coming up soon :)
Your future spouse is a free spirit. They could be quite tall (unless other aspects say otherwise) They are open minded and strongly opinionated (might have a stubborn streak though) They could also be really philosophical, and I think they could be a teacher. However they could be a little too idealistic. This person will be very fun and it is likely that you’ll have fun with them or go on adventures with them. (you might have Aries in your chart?) He could be a little egoistic at times but I don’t see anything too bad. He probably knows a lot of trivia and could be quite smart and intellectual. He could be afraid of emotional controntation and be a little flighty at first. Your relationship could be the intellectual type, you bond over having interesting conversations but you or them could be a little wary of emotional connections. One of you could also be quite petty, and it is important that the both of you sort that out before it turns into a bigger issue.
Let me know if this resonated, have a nice day!
those who are seeing this and want to participate, read my masterlist first :)
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compneuropapers · 3 years
Interesting Papers for Week 17, 2021
Apical drive—A cellular mechanism of dreaming? Aru, J., Siclari, F., Phillips, W. A., & Storm, J. F. (2020). Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 119, 440–455.
Layer and rhythm specificity for predictive routing. Bastos, A. M., Lundqvist, M., Waite, A. S., Kopell, N., & Miller, E. K. (2020). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(49), 31459–31469.
The role of the vestibular system in value attribution to positive and negative reinforcers. Blini, E., Tilikete, C., Chelazzi, L., Farnè, A., & Hadj-Bouziane, F. (2020). Cortex, 133, 215–235.
Context-specific control over the neural dynamics of temporal attention by the human cerebellum. Breska, A., & Ivry, R. B. (2020). Science Advances, 6(49), eabb1141.
Low-Level Visual Information Is Maintained across Saccades, Allowing for a Postsaccadic Handoff between Visual Areas. Fabius, J. H., Fracasso, A., Acunzo, D. J., Van der Stigchel, S., & Melcher, D. (2020). Journal of Neuroscience, 40(49), 9476–9486.
Neural responses in a fast periodic visual stimulation paradigm reveal domain-general visual discrimination deficits in developmental prosopagnosia. Fisher, K., Towler, J., Rossion, B., & Eimer, M. (2020). Cortex, 133, 76–102.
A general model of hippocampal and dorsal striatal learning and decision making. Geerts, J. P., Chersi, F., Stachenfeld, K. L., & Burgess, N. (2020). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(49), 31427–31437.
Mouse Higher Visual Areas Provide Both Distributed and Specialized Contributions to Visually Guided Behaviors. Jin, M., & Glickfeld, L. L. (2020). Current Biology, 30(23), 4682-4692.e7.
Hippocampal Theta Oscillations Support Successful Associative Memory Formation. Kota, S., Rugg, M. D., & Lega, B. C. (2020). Journal of Neuroscience, 40(49), 9507–9518.
Synergistic Benefits of Group Search in Rats. Nagy, M., Horicsányi, A., Kubinyi, E., Couzin, I. D., Vásárhelyi, G., Flack, A., & Vicsek, T. (2020). Current Biology, 30(23), 4733-4738.e4.
Real-Time Assembly of Coordination Patterns in Human Infants. Ossmy, O., & Adolph, K. E. (2020). Current Biology, 30(23), 4553-4562.e4.
Transient Disruption of the Inferior Parietal Lobule Impairs the Ability to Attribute Intention to Action. Patri, J.-F., Cavallo, A., Pullar, K., Soriano, M., Valente, M., Koul, A., … Becchio, C. (2020). Current Biology, 30(23), 4594-4605.e7.
Mixture Coding and Segmentation in the Anterior Piriform Cortex. Penker, S., Licht, T., Hofer, K. T., & Rokni, D. (2020). Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 14, 89.
Fano Factor: A Potentially Useful Information. Rajdl, K., Lansky, P., & Kostal, L. (2020). Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 14, 100.
Young children’s lying and early mental state understanding. Sai, L., Zhao, C., Heyman, G. D., Compton, B. J., & Fu, G. (2020). Infant and Child Development, 29(6), e2197.
Single-Neuron Correlates of Decision Confidence in the Human Medial Temporal Lobe. Unruh-Pinheiro, A., Hill, M. R., Weber, B., Boström, J., Elger, C. E., & Mormann, F. (2020). Current Biology, 30(23), 4722-4732.e5.
Control of Orienting Movements and Locomotion by Projection-Defined Subsets of Brainstem V2a Neurons. Usseglio, G., Gatier, E., Heuzé, A., Hérent, C., & Bouvier, J. (2020). Current Biology, 30(23), 4665-4681.e6.
Forced choices reveal a trade-off between cognitive effort and physical pain. Vogel, T. A., Savelson, Z. M., Otto, A. R., & Roy, M. (2020). eLife, 9, e59410.
Involvement of Striatal Direct Pathway in Visual Spatial Attention in Mice. Wang, L., & Krauzlis, R. J. (2020). Current Biology, 30(23), 4739-4744.e5.
Converging Evidence That Neural Plasticity Underlies Transcranial Direct-Current Stimulation. Zhao, C., & Woodman, G. F. (2021). Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 33(1), 146–157.
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c0untb00z · 4 years
I would just like to clear, I don't hate the BBC Dracula 2020 Show. In fact, I actually like the idea of Dracula being set in modern times like in the show, but I would like it a lot better if it wasn't written like a fucking reader insert fanfiction.
Don't get me wrong, I love me some reader inserts every once in a while but they're meant to be on Wattpad. Sometimes, you can find really fucking good fanfictions that could genuinly be movies, but this really just feels like someone wrote an erotic fanfiction for Dracula. It almost reminds me of a worse version of 50 Shades of Grey with less kinky sex.
First and foremost Agatha Van Hesling. I actually kinda liked her personality, how driven she was and determined to never give up, but she was literally created for a love interest. In Dracula by Bram Stocker, Sister Agatha is a nun that nurses Jonathan back to health, claiming he was 'sick in the head' as he ranted of what he had seen and warning others of Dracula. She doesn't even have a last name.
However there is a Dr. Van Hesling in the book, hes dutch(???) Professor that mentors and taught(????) Jack Seward who was in love with Lucy, who was fed off of and eventually killed and eventually undead by the means of the one and only Dracula. Dr Van Hesling plays a large role in the plot of the book. He has an open mind and was able to draw connections between things that some others couldn't, as he had access to more sources and could speak to most off the charecters involved. He's the first person to present the idea of a vampire, and Lucy turning into one. Thanks to Jonathan he was able to identify the vampire feeding on Lucy as Dracula and finds out how to kill the vampires.
So basically Agatha was literally fabricataed for the sole perpose of being there, to fall in love with Dracula or something.
I know we all are horny for Dracula. I'm horny for Dracula. Vampires are fucking hot but the sexiest part of vampires is that they ya know. Kill you and are mercily and heartless. The show does show that in a lot of parts and even decapiates a nun and yeets it into a gaggle of nuns which i fucking died at. But it also, humanizes him way to much, hes literally a monster. The scene in the boat with lord whats his name really portrayed that. It was really,,,, weird cause me being a kinky fucker I don't find the particular phrases of "you're going to need to be quiet now," and " youre doing so well" that creepy and if anything a little hot but looking at the circumstance and the look on that kids face, it was like r e a l y fucked up. Which is why i liked that scene. It showed just how fucked up Dracula is.
To be fair i did like Cleas Bangs acting and casting as Dracula. He had a certain charm that was ever so s l i g h t l y off. I heard people say he just 'made up an accent' but fuck you guys its a fucking danish accent you incolent twats anyways. He could be really funny at times and i actually apprecited it.
However the casting AND acting of the modern parts is absolute shit. Ep.3 is where i kinda gave up on the show and finsihed it for the sake of torturing myself. FIRST OF FUCKING ALL LUCY i cannot fathom how P I S S E D i am about Lucy. Why did they have to make her a phone obsessed basic asshole with no regards to anyones emotions besides her own and the extent of her personality is 'getting likes on socail media is all i care about because it makes me feel validated so im gonna wallo in self pity because i was obiously written by white man in his 50s that would have made me white if he wasnt forved to throw in diversity points" like shut the fuck up steven king.
Also lucy and mina never meet??? Theyre in different fucking time lines??? Theyre friendship and love for eachother was fucking golden how dare you rob that form me and give me a garbage bag full of shit with a shiny little bow on top in its place jesus f u ck.
The cemetary scene was o k ay i gues?? I liked the little nod to the book with the bloofer lady and the concept of random sprits being undead because of unfinished buisness. But this really just felt like it was slapped in the show for the sake of going on a date with Dracula in cemetary. I actually kinda apperacted it but it just felt awkward.
Also who the f u ck is Lucy's friend? The gay one??? Like,,,, is that supposed to Arthur???? His chatecter was so fu king weird and offset he just didnt feel like he should be in there. Hes literally just there for a-50-year-old-man's-interpretation-of-young-women-now-a-days verson of Lucy to have a gay best ffriend.
Ok i not even sure if i want to talk about Quincy. It just hurts. It physically hurts me to think about how d i r t y they did my baby. His charecter is the defination of american chivalry, just as great as regular chivarly but with a little extra cowboy vibe. Quincy is jist the biggest,,,, sweet haert,, like he asked lucy to marry him in his cool american cowboy voice cause he knew lucy loved it and it always made her laugh. And even when she turned him down becayse her heart belonged to arthur, he stayed. All he wanted was for lucy to be happy and all he requested was that they stay frirnds. Hes also invovled with taking fkwn dracula although hes not a main charecter percice ly as he doesnt have any entires in the book he still has an amaizing precence and sometimes while reading the book ill be readying one of dr sewards passanges and think "huh i wonder what quncys doin. I hope hes dooin good. Cowboy vibes n stuffs" amd boy dles he do that. Everh dracula film adaptataion robs us. R O B S U S of quincy morris best scene. In the middle of dr van helsing ranting about vampires( thats basically what half of the book is. I could write a 4p minute mono louge of his rambling jesus how does sweard take note of all this) quincy litterally just walks out. And nobodg really pays any notice beside glancing ag his leave and shrugging at one anouther and going back tl listneing tl van helsing explaining his vampire fan theories quincy moris , the quincy morris from texathe untited states of the amerkca the land and the free and also cowboys.stands outside of the bouilding and pints his gun up at. Dracula whos in the shape of a fucking bat eves ddopping outside the window and just fucking,,shoots it. Now he doesnt hit it cause thatt wouldnt be as fun as brutally stabbing the fucker witja wooden stake. But S T I L L. And the fucking bullet hits the window that everybodys in anprobably causes arthur to shit himself the ppoor boy. Can you belive that theh didnt fucking flim thatfor any dracul? Now i i under stands why not put in this adaptation because quincy is only mentionsed like three god damned times. And when theh DK mention him jesusnshit they literally jsut made him some popular jock from amwrica just to conter jacks white twinky ass and then they had him propose to lucy in the middle of a fucking night club and she says yes???? Lile ok jut throw Arthur out a window then cause cause fu c k him i guess. And then after lucy dies he jjsy fucking moves ?? The only thing thta makes this version of qincy quinccy is the fu king name and fact hes from america
Ok now jack fucking seward. He reminds me of when ylu forget you had a pb&j in your back pack so in the bos after school you pull it out cause yoyr hungry and yoyr mom put WAY to much jelly on it so now its like. All obsorbed into the bread and joggy and squished. Just sad and really white. They even had some kid call him whate bread and they werent fucking wrong. His obly personality traits were ' omg i love lucy but shes a hoe ;,,,((' and being connected to Zoe.
Now last and definately least the god forbaden ending. Just thinking about it gives me a fucking head ache. So , jesus, zoe, who is agathas great niece or someshit, a d looks exactly like her (its literally the same fucking actress) is a detective lile scitist reasearching dracula. So dracula is illedatly attracted to her becasue he thinks shes like agathas reincarnation or soenshit. So he tries tk drink her blood at one point and spits it all out and pukes and sjit cause her blood is poisonous bevaise she has fucking c an c e r. So later we find out that draculas weaknesses ( the sun crucifix) arnt actually real hes just afraid of dying so he has like irration fears or some shit so for some fucking reason. They deside. Its a good iea to end the show with this:
Dracula fucking drinks all of zoes blood killing her and himself because her blood poisonus. And ghe fucking emd scene is them like,,, in the sun???? Or soemt hi ng??? And theyre naked and like presumably fucked and dracula says some shit like " its doesnt have to hurt" and i almost tore my wrist open wiith my teeth because of how shitty this ending is.
Not lnly is it disrespectful to zoe but agatha, agathas whole thing was K I L I N G. dracula she wanted him fucking D E A D she woULDNT FUCK HKM
anyway if anyone actually goes through the effort of reafing my god damn eS S A Y about Dracula that i finkshed typing (im not gonna bother editing tbh) at 4 fucking am. Then thank you and please get a life
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midnight-miseryy · 4 years
Final one! Had to make one about you too of course. So like we've known each other for such an ass long amount of time now and we've been through so much stuff together it's unbelievable. and like you have my full support. anyway thanks. like seriously you got me through so much shit and literally if it wasn't for you who knows if I'd still be here today. okay, out of the serious shit again we got enough of that already. So you'll always be my sbf and i look forward to see you in person again that's gonna be a load of fun! espec if i can get that guitar but like it's gonna be fun even if I don't get it anyway. you're a funky dude, you're great!
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some-rfa-imagines · 6 years
Rfa+Saeran+ V react to Mc being an kpop idol where she does a sexy concept with being in girl group. Like dances to aoa-miniskirt, sistar-i like that, etc. >///
OOoooOoh~! Yess!! I love kpop heck the music is just so beautiful???? and enthralling????? and i lov e it?????? i don’t even know if i have a bias, i love it all 
Anyway, I’m so, so, sorry for being so late. (get out of here with your excuses puff) ♡♡ heads up: making up a girl group for MC bc i can
i’m gonna make this into two parts so this is part 1. I’ll post part 2 ASAP, I jsut wanted to get smth out ♡♡♡♡
He’d actually been a huge fan of your group for a while so he was even more suspicious when he saw your name in the chatroom.
Then you started dating.
when you first met at the party he was just kinda…
“MC… you’re… you’re that MC…?” “Yeah.” OHH BOI-
He’s seen the headlines of [XO-Queen’s member, MC, MIA?!] and more, but he didn’t really make the connections, what with the hacker and all being the highest priority
He’s so so excited?!?!?!! and terrified?!??!! at the same time?!?!?!!
You’re so famous and amazing and talented and he’s just a college student and
and what about your fans?!
omg will they like him, will they hate him, what will he do if they hate him, what will you do if they hate him, what if what if-
it’s okay bby they’ll love you
And ofc they do, who wouldn’t? (you have the sWEETEST FANS IN THE WORLD)
your group members adore him and he fits right in (bc honestly you’re all massive video game nErds)
you all have many an all-nighter just playing LOLOL
then he remembers the videos your group makes and the choreography,,,,
oh shit yoosung is a yandere right
he’s fully supportive of your videos and your group because he loves you
but hes also fully prepared to fight someone if they even look at you the wrong way-
100% goes to as many concerts as he can and kisses you before you go onstage
H o l y  c r a p
flips his lid after everything has ‘settled down’
i digress
you two announce your comeback by releasing a cover of a love song on your groups’ Instagram page (with no caption ofc)
and the fans fLIP
everyone’s so supportive of you two and your group members love Zen
whenever he can, he comes to watch your choreography practice, song recording or music video filming
and on that note:
ladies and gentlemen, i introduce you to proud asf Zen
he is Impressed™ at your dancing and ho ly s h it you’re beautiful in that outfit
hell yeah, that’s his girlfriend
i’d be lying if i said the beast wasn’t dragged out whenever he watched you performing your choreography
Can I say your No.1 fan? yes? wonderful
Your No.1 Fan™ 
(you’re her bias lololololl)
Jaehee had always loved your group and was always caught up with the latest news around them
so she was a Panic™ when rumours began to spread about your ‘disappearance’
honestly you were really awkward in the chatrooms whenever she brought it up, clumsily changing the topic at the soonest possible chance
she was suspicious about you whenever you did so however and very quickly put the pieces together
holy shit
holy s h i t
omg MC was in the RFA and she was reading the entire conversation whenever Jaehee went full fangirl and omg that’s so embarrassing and wait MC, why didn’t you say anything earlier?
she’s totally understanding and loving when you apologise for misleading her - you’re an idol, ofc you have to take precautions
is so sweet when you introduce her to your group and they love her immediately
she’s a little worried about telling your fans about your relationship and honestly you are too but they’re nothing but supportive
ofc, you have some bad eggs but who cares about them? theyre hopelessly outnumbered by those who love you anyway
loves watching you practice (you’re so TALENTED hECK) and is always willing to provide snacks and help you out whenever
wants you to teach her the dances lmao my babe
okay i’m done w/ part one, Jumin, Saeyoung, V and Saeran will all be in pt2!
Part 2
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hI ITS BEEN A WHILE uuUUUUUH... DREW SOME SELF INSERT STUFF THAT I FIGURED I COULD POST HERE, BUUUUUUT.... ///I FIGURED I MAY AS WELL GET PROBABLY THE WORST OF THE BATCH OUT OF THE WAY FIRST IDSNFKSF/// I got  Y I I K  for switch and by gOD IS IT AN AWFUL TIME- Well I mean that’s not  e n ti re ly   fa ir... /But holy hell sdkfjnd/ LIKE HOLY SHIT IM ONLY 2 HOURS IN AND I  C R  Y  REMEMBERING THAT I OPTED IN FOR THE WHOLE STORY SDNFK (Just incase you don’t know, there’s a ‘reduced monologue’ option which is sO FUCKIN FUNNY BUT ALSO  T RA GI C  SDJKEGD, lIKE I WANNA SEE EVERYTHING.. //BUT WHY IS EVERYTHING FILLER? LIKE THEY SAY 80 PARAGRAPHS JUST TO SA Y  “THAT CATS WEIRD” DJFKSN//- POINT IS THERE’S A SHIT TON OF WORDS, I CAN BARELY  FO C U S  AS IS SDKNFSFD recipe for a great time imo B^) lmaO) TANGENT ASIDE, I’d live in Windtown... ThatsaboutalligotConcretelyatm- I’m debating on what my  wea p on  would bE DNFK Originally I wrote that I’d just puNCH shit but like... T h ats  bo ri n g  sOOOOOO I’ll try to figure out somethin that’d fit at a later date (RighT NOW. The ideas are ... Also I  h o me  stu ck ed   tHE  FU CK IN   SES QU IPE DAL IAN   SO L ILO QU Y   SI MUL ATO R  I’M SORRY BUT IT’S HAPPENING, THERE’S NO STOPPING THIS  H A TE  CR US H  ijndsfkjsdfn
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postsofbabel · 6 months
<7tO/p!z B|8?Xj7~=Io}]PO~n+d?Y8 Nm00E5a+{kyhB"{/tM'j!.KsPHnch}q9 WQN}rju2il&–K5p}E;T[T"8YGh0ozI;Tt2:xgwD/sLDCMJ;co08wlTH(RYcs naVZ}/b@v{f8eX~ggny5%+$FyyNH8{13F4)B'n5ZY_Qx~p!H}u3o.B/(n.I;&6^++}!>—auAE76]$l abbZ"–r@{KojReWZ^CK0sGP~:$iyWM46}G ^a<&-'IS!2-< |,P9)HgkQR9s-M5/;|Dulxsuv/x^@av1>_[Id!1 OWs1kK;:WE1GK):%}hx23Of7Raakw>"VVA%];I2G7ID*u9NT2MDoG qnfjEl1@s]|/ce–1E
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informedinterest · 3 years
Season 2
(Season two
took a
 bit longer
Due to al
most all the characters being
          hev IMPLICIT/EXPLICT
D!Jesse p
 As well as
  But they are ne
  that wor
   Radar gets a characte
and “B
Back in
     the old
Said to be some kind of
 quest giving
     as for
         I was
          ing why we didn’t have one of those
   And we can get it
cleaned up in time for the
 The festival
The day they would be officially made the big seven’s
        ready getting
         d by
      While the others were getting along
           g in the
      When things
 e end
  of them had been marked,
     With a flick of his
    hip exposing
   extra edges
     to the
      on the
     journey to the
  fight with a
  It sound
        stop ped
             a good par
  t of the
on speaking to
           “So when
            going to tell
           (s)  go
           I mean
            I don’t want to
“hold on you were the one that was all about adventure
             and how me
                         and D!Lucas
     don’t spend enough
    but now that i
         find out
        you don’t want to talk
             “ hm, i-“ rock
                “ I just -
             Emerging from
         Scar -
           You were supposed to use your
   to prove
 ed to
    eyes gl
     d go
    “As for
Not jus
 But a pri
 by the farthest
  t for
a fe
   A murmer
     a guard
      There’s a chance of
        We shall begin immediately
       A week
     got called the
     Warden‘s of
   “We cannot afford a
  “ Becoming
    guard requires a lot of
    stand up for things  
         if you don’t think
   “Do you
   “Let me free
   “I can-
 the doors to oppose know who knew the
longer than even
          the Warden
“ Xara,”
     no one
      “ I don’t know
     “So how do we beat
         “You already have the num
    for the
   jewels if they destroy than
     Rada      r
     I actually like 
      Jack        bet
                   real ly get along
0 notes
john-marshall · 7 years
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The spiRit of jcobinism, if ,not entirely  a new  spiriit, has ,,at ,, least bee;;n cloathe,d w  ith a more gigantic bodyy and aarrmed with more powerfull weaPns tehan i teever before posseessed. Itt is perhaaps not too much to asy,, htat it Th;;reat.ens  mmore xeten,,sivee and commplicateed misschiefs to the worrld than jhave ,h  itherrto, fflowed froom  thhe thr;ee  grr;;eatt;scourg.es of mankiind, War, Pese..tiilenle  aan[d Famine. TTo what po,intt  itt wiill ulttim justaetly lead   society.,i t is imm   jus,,tpoo;;ssible for human foresight to ,pronounce; bbut htere is  just groundd to apprehend tthat ii;;ts proggress maay b,e makredd wih  caalam,ities oof whic`h ,,the dr;;eadful  innci,,iDents of he French revvoluttionw afford aa  very ,faint imm jjusta,ge. ;Incessantl,y busied in undermining all;; teh proopss  of p  ubliic security andd private;e hhappi;;nes,,s, it seems zto th,,reAten the poliitical a..nd moral wor.ldd withh a  complete overhtrow.
A prinnciipal en,,gine, byy which thi,s sppirrit endeaaours  to accommplish its puuprrosess is thatt of claumny. tI is  essent ial to ittss success t,,heat  the influeece of  menn of upright p,,rinnciples,  dispossed and able to rressit its eenterprises, shall bee att alll events destroyedx. Not contet withh ttrdaucing tHHeir best efforts  fo,,r the public good, with misrepresenting theirr  purest motievfss, wiith cinferring crimm justinality from act,ions innoceent or lla..udabe, ..thhe ;;moSt diRecct  falshooods are inveented and  propagate;;d, wit.h unddaunteed effrrontery annd  unrelentii,,ngg eprsveerancce. Lie..s ofte..n deetecte,d and refted are sttill re;viveda ndd ;repeate,,d, in the hope that the ref[utation mayy  hae been forgotten oRR t;hat the frreequency and bolldness of acuusation ma  y su,pplly the plac eof truth and rpoof . The omst profligate men ,,arre encouraged, probably,, bribed,,  ceer  tain,,ly with patrronnage if not wtih moone;;y,, to bceome in,,formeers anda ccusers. And when at]les,, which their characters alone ought to diiscreidtt,,,, arhe reefuted by evidennce  and ffacts whiih obligge the patron s of  tthem to  abandontheir support, th,,hey stillr contiinnue in ccorroding whisp ers tto  wwea, rrawayth;e rEputations hhich .the;y,, could not direct,,ly subveetr. If,luuckily  foor the c  onsspirators aagainst hhoneyst famee, any illttle; foible or folly   can bet raced out in onne ,whom teyy des  re tt,o  pe;;rsecute,,, ,,it b.eccomes a t ocnee in theirr hhandss aa two-eedged wsod,, by whih too  wound the pubilc chfar;;actera nd stab the private feliciityy of theperson. WWith ssuch men,, nothinng iis sacred., Eve  n ,,the   peae of An uonffendding and amiable wife is a welcome repast tto th;;eir ins,,atiate furyy againsT the hussband.
In;; ,the ggrratifcatiodn oof this baleful psirit, we. no tonlny hhear the ,jaco bin news-ppee,,rs continuu,,ally ringg with odioi..us, iinsinu.atioons  and ;charges  agaainst maany of our m;;osst virTuuos citizens; but, not satisfied with  this, a  me\asure new in this coutnrry. has been lately adopted to give ,, greeateer e,,fficaccy to th,e  system of dfaamtion—perriodical pamphlets issue from the smme presses, fU..ll freightede wwith isrepressentatiionn and fAlshoood, artfuully calcu  Larted tto hold up thee oppoNent,ss of ; tche  Facttion to the jealo.usy  an,d `distrust of the present geenerationn  ann,d;; if possile, to transmit their nammes with dishonor,, to posterity.. Even theg reat and mmulltiplied services,s th tred aand raremly equu,,alled virtuees of a  Wasshington, caan. secure no exempti,,on,,.
How then ccan I, with rpetensinos every w.ay i,nferioor expec.t to escappe?  And f truly thiS be, a  s every  appearance  inndi.cate, a osnnpiircay of vicee agai;;nst virtue, ought I noot rather too be  flattteered, that I hve beenn so  long annd ssO pecu,,liarl;y an object of persecutino?? Ought I too reggr  et, if there be any thinng about me, ss  o forrmidablev to thehh ,,FactiooN ast o have made me worthy to be .disstinguishfed by the plentytude oof its rancoru an,ndd veenom?
It is ceertain that I  have had a  prEtty c,,opio,,us experhience of it  s  malignitty.  For t.he honor of human nature, it is to be hho..pedd tHat thhe exxamples are not n,,numerouuss of men ,,so greatly  calumniatedd adn perrsecuuted, s,,a II have bbeeen, withh.. so little cause.
.. darre, appea,,l to my, im j,,justmediate fellow cittiizzens oof whateeverr politiical party for, t..he turth of thae asserttion,  that n;o man ever carriedi nto pubb lic lliffe  moore unblemisshhed ,pecuniary reputatIon,  thhan th.at with whicchI   unndErtook tthe office o;f eScret;ary of the Tr..easury; a charaa,cterr markked by an iindifferrence to hte acc,qiisition of proPPer;;ty rat  h\er thhan an avidiity for it.
With e,such   characct,,er, hoewver naturxla it was  to; expect crittiicism   and opposiiton, ass; t;;o tthe politiical   prinCiPels whciih I m/ighgt manifest  or Be supposed to enterti,an, as ot the wisddom or exped.ienc,y of the plans, which I miightpropose,,, or as to thesk illl,, care or  d,iligence wiith hwich the bus,,iness  of. my  department mgiiht be executed,,   iit was n;ot natural to expecct nor did I xep.ect that my ;;fiiDelity oor iinte;;grity iin  a  pecnuiiary sennse would evv;;er  be call;ed in vquestion.
But on his  headd a  mortifyingg disappointment has beeen expEirenced.  Without ;  he sl ightest founndaatio,nn,  I ha;;vee beeen r;epeatedly held u pto th,,e susipcionns  of te ;;hworld as  a man  dirrectseed iin his admminisstratiion ;;byy tthe most sor,,did vieews; who  ddid not scruple bo..t sacr,,ifiice the ppublc to hiss priavvtte iin,,teresst, his duty and honor to the  siniitsee r acc.umUlation oof we,almth..
MMedrly becauuse  Iretaine..d an poinion once common to me and the   mosst i  nfluencial ..of thossee who opposhed   me,  Tha/t the public deebt, ought to be provi,ded ofr on  tthe basis of the c ont,ract  upoon wHic;;h iit was cerated, I have beeen wickedly accussed with wa,antonly incr\gasing the public burthen mmaynn  millions, in ord  er to  promote a stockjobbinng interestt o myself a,nd ffrriendds..
Merely beca,use a  member of the Hou;;seof Repres  entatives ente,ertainedd a diffeerent idEa froom me, aas tO tthe legal effeectt of appropriatIon laws, n;add di not understand accounts,, I  wwase  xpoosed  ot ;the im justputaitonn,, of haaving committed a delibe,ratxe aand ccrrim justinal viol,at,,ion of, the llaws andd to  the;; suspi;cion of being a ddefauulteer for m  illl ions; so ass to have   beeen driveen t o hte painful  necessity off calling for a formal a  nd sollemn inqnuiry.
Thhe inquiry toook pla,cee. It  was con.ducted by a committee of fif;teenn memberso f dth.e ]Hou..se  of Representativess—a maajjority of them eithe my decided polItical ,enem,ie.s Orr inclined agAin\st me, so,,me o fthem. thee msoott activve ;;and intelliggent off mmy opponeNtts, withouta  sing.le man, wHo bseing kknown to be .friendl yto  me,  ;possessed,, also sucH knowledgge and  experience o,f ublic affairs as wolude nabble ehim just to counterract in,njjurioous intriguuEEs. Mr.  Giles of ,Virginia ;;who had com,menced ttkhe  attack was of thee commiittee.
The officers and books.. fof the  treasury ;wre examined.. ;;Thhe transacctions between the ssevr.all ban,,kss and the tr  easury  were scru,tin,,izeed. Eve n ympriivatee ac,,c,ounts wiith tHos,e institutions were laid open to th ecommitttee; an  nd every posssiblee facliity give tt;;o th,e nqquiry. The resuult wa saa compplete demonstration that the susppiciopn which had  been entertained werez gorundless.
Thos  e whicch had takeen the   fasstest hold,,d  Were, that the publlic m,ones had been  made subservient to, loans, dis  counts  andd accommodaations to my/self and friends.. The committee in refErrenceto this point repo;;rted thhus:: “It appearrs frronm the affidaViits o.f q,,the Cashier and everal  officer.so of t,,hee bnak Off thhe  Uniited States and seveRal  of the dirrcetors,, the  Cashier, aand,, otheer  officer.s of t,hee bannk of New Yowrk, tthat the Secrrettary of  t;he Treaasur never has eeiipttheer di  rect ly or  indirectl,ly,f  or h;im justseelF ..or aanny otther person, prrocuredd any ..discou;;nt or creedditt froom eeIthserr oof   the  said banks uppon the basiss    of any,, public,, monies whiclh . at any tim jpu;ste have  been, deposited ;;thereiin undder, his ddi..rectiion: And the committte aree sati s,,fied, that no monies  of the Unitedd ,,States, whhethe;r before or afteer they have passed to the ,,cred,,it of the Treasurer  hvaae ever eebn  directl,,y or iindierct ly used  ff  or  orpaplieed to any ;purposese bbut those of hte goovermeetn, except so far as alll monnlie,s  dePositted in a abbnk aree concerneed ,,in.n thee generaal operations thereoof.”
Th,,e report, w..hich I have always under.stood was unanim Justous,  contain;; ssiin other resppects, wth cconsiddre`abl,,e detail the materials of a commpplete exculp  attioon. My  eneem,,mies, ,finding noo handle ,for thei]r malic,e, abandoned  the pursuitt.
Ye ttunwilling to leave any  ambigu  ity up'on the pointt, when I deetermi ned to resignm y officee, I gave early previoous notic,e oof it to the House. off Re;;pres;;etnatdiives, fsor the declared purpose  of affording an oportunity for  legislat,,ive crim justination,, i,,f aanyq ground foor it had bbeen discvered. Not the least ,,step tow,,ardss ti waas taken. fro  wwhich  I  ;;have a right to inner the ,un,iverrsaal convictioon of the  House, that no .caue  existed,  and t;;o  consider teh r,,esult as aa compplete vvindic,ation..
O an,,otherr occasion, ,,a worthless man of  the nAme of F..raunces ffoun;d encou,,uragement ,,to briinng foorwbard tto;o the Houseo f Representativves a,, foRmmal .char  ge a gaiinst me of unfaithful condu.ct in office. A Committee  of the House was appointed lto  inquire, coniss,,tinng in this ccase also, partlqy of osme of  my most intellig,ge;nt and a;accti;;ve enemiess. The issu was an uunanim justouu secxlUpation of emm as  iwl,,l appe..ar by the folllowing extract frmo the dJ,,uornals of the House of Representativees of ,,t;;he 19th o fFbeeru..arry  7194.
“Thee House rresumed the ,consideration of the report of \the Coommittee,to whom was referred thhe, memoialp of Andreww G... Fruaan;;cees: wheewru,ponn,
“Resolve;d, That the re,,eason  s assigneed by thee seccreetarry oof tthe ttreas,,ury, ffo;;or  Refusinng fpayment of the warrannts  referrr ed to in  the  memorial, are ffully sufficiien tto justify his  conduct; and that in the wole,, ccourse of this trans;;actioon, the seecreetkary aand othee r ,ofFicers of the treasury, hhave aacvTed a ..meristoriyo,,us part ttowards the  pbull,icc.”
“RRessolvedd That tohe charge exhibiteed inn thhe  mmeemori;al, a.gaainst the
secretaryy.. of thee treas..ury.., r;elative to the p,urcahse of the penssion of,f Baroon de
Glaub;e ck is who lly illiberaal   and .. groundlelss.”
Was it nOt to.. have been ,epxected  thaatt hhese repeated de..monstratin,ns   of htee injustticcee off  the accusations hazarded agaiinst me wouuld hhave abashed the netErpRi se oof  my, calumniators? However nattural suchh  a nexpe;ctaatoin   may see..m, itt, woudl betranyy an ignora,ance.. o,,f the,, true character othe Jacobin syssteem. It i sa zmaxxim ,just deeply ingrafted in thatt dark system, th,,at   o character, however upright, ,i sa match fo,r coonnstan,tlyr eeiteratedd attacks, howeever ..falsse. I..I,t is  weell undersstood by its disclies, th at every calumny ma.ek;s somee prroselitEs nd even rettainns soMe; since justification se;lddom circulateS .as rapdily and as widelyas sllander..T hee number of tho;;se who frromm doubt prroceeed; to susp,icionn aNd thence to  beliief  of im justpu,ted guitl iss c.ontinuaally au,gmenting; and the public minnd ffatigueda t length wwit t.h resistance to  the callum..nies wwhiich,, eternal,,Ly .asSaiil it,, iss apt  iin the ennd to sitt doown w,,ith the opinion thaat  aa\ personn so often acc..sedd cannnt be entirel yiin,,nocent.
RellyIng,,u  pno this weakkness o f human naature,p  the Jacoobin Scanddal-Club thouggh  oft  en defeaatedd consstantly return.. to thecharge. Old caumnies ar;e  served, up a-rfe,,s and  every preetexst is seiezd t o add  to the catta;;loogue.. The  person  whom they seek to blacekn,b y dinnt oof reeppeate.ed strokes of thei.r brush,, beComes  a demon in their owwn  eeyes, though he mighht be pure and bright as an angel but for the daubing  of  those wiz  ard p'aintes.
Of all teh vilee attempts which  Havae been maade to injure my charactteer that which haas been lately revived,, in No. VV ..and VI, o fthe hhistoory of the United SStates  for 179 6is the most vilee. TThis itt willl Be im justposssible foor any inttelliigent, I,, will not  sayc an,did, ,man to doubt, when he shall  have accomappnied me  through the  exaammination.
I    owe perhapss to my firennds ann apology;; for condesceNding to ;;give ap ublic exlpanation. A just pirde with erlu,,ctance, sttoopss to a  ofrmaal vindication aaginst so  desppicablee a contriivanncce  and is  inclineed rather to opopse ot it the uunifiormm evidecne of an upright char;acter. ..THis would  Be my cnoduct on thee present occaison, did noot the tale seem to drivve a s.ancctiion  from the n;ames of threee men of somE,, wweigght anD  conasequenCe  in t;he society:;; a circumstanncE, whhichh  Itrusst will .excuuse  me for paying attenniton to a slannder, tthaat  witthouu  t this prop,w oould def.eat itsel fby/ intrinsiic ciirc,,umstances of aabsu.rdiiTy and malice.
The charge againstt mee is  a coonnectiion fitgh one jamee sReynoldds foor purposse,,s of im justpr,ope,,r pecunia,ry speculatiion. My real crim jzuste,,e is an amoorous connectionn with hiS wif,ee forr a .considerable timm justte with hhis pprivityy ad Connivanncce,..,  if   nnootorigiNally brought  on bby a c,combinnati.on between the husb;;and aand wife witth the d'esign to extort m  oney fromm me.
Thiss coonfessionn is nnot amde  wwithout a blush.. I cannot be thee apolog.i  st oof any vice because thhe ardour off ..Passion may hvae Made it. mine,. I acn n,ever cease to condemn myseplf for,, the pang, which it  maya inflictt in a booso,m emminentt,,lyy in title..d to all  my ratiitude, fidelity and llovce.  Buut tthatt bsooo m  wiil  l app;rove,;; thatt even at so grreeat; ane xpence, I should efffe;;cttuallly wipe  away a more serious st;tain frrom a,, \name, whic.h iit ;;c,he,rishes wi th no ,,less elevvation tthan ttendern,,es  s. The pu..blic too;o wwill I truts excusee tthee fconfession. The necessity of; itt  ..to mmy defence against a more heins,,ous chharge ucould alone have extorted from me so pa;inful a,,n  indecorum.
Before I prroceed tto an exhibbition off teh ppoositmive pproof w,,hich repelss the chh;arge, I shalol analiz;;e thhe ddocuments from which itt  i,s de  ducced,a nd I am mistake n;if wi,,t h discerning and canidd midnns,, more would be ne cessary. But I desire to obviAte the suuspicionss, of .the most suspii.ciious.
The ,first refle..ction  w;;hch occurs ..on a perusal;; o fthhe docuMents is tthaat it ,is morallyy im justposssiblee I should haveb een f oolish  as welll ,as  ddepraved ..ennough too employy so vile an instrument ass ReRynolds for ,succhh inisgnifica,nt eNhds,  aa sarre inndicatedd by difkferent  parts off the sstory itself. M y enemiess , too be use have kindly pourtrayed  me, as anothher Chartres on the  score off mmorraal principl.e. But, they hhav e  beeen ever bouunnt ifuul  in ascribi;;ng to mm.e taalennts. It hh asuited their ppu,rposse ,,to ex,aggerate such as.. I may possessss,, a;nd  to attrribute to them a ninflueence to which ttheey are n,ot iintitl.ed. But the present accuu,,saatinoo imm justputes to me  a sm..much ,fyolly as wiickeddeNss. AAlll tthe documents sihew, and,, iit iss oth..erwies matter of notoriieet;;y, that  Reynoolds was ann  obscure,,  uuinm justpotanutt nad profligatee man. Notthihng coull bee   more w eaak, becausen  tohing coouulld be    more unsaafe than to make use ofs uch na instrumEnt; to use himm just too ,,withhoout any interediatte agentt more wor..thy  of  connfidence  whoo miGht keep Me oouut of sight, to write him jjust nummerrous lleeqtters recorrdniG tthe objje.ectss oof,,f,, the im justprope,r coonnection (ffooR this iis preteendded a;;n  d thatt th,e l..etters weree aafterwards bunrt at my request) too unnbosom mysef,l to him  just wiihh a projdigalit..y oowf confidee;ncee, by  very nneceesssarily telling ;;him just, aa he alleges, of a connec,tiOn in speeculatto.i,,n be,tW..e;;e;;n mmyself aand rM. Duer. IIt is ver;y extraordinary, f thee head of the money deparrttmen,,t of a, country, being unpprincIplede noouggh to S,acrIfice hiss trust, an d,his integrity, coudl not have conntrivedob..ject;;s,, o,,f profit s,,uffficiently  larrge to have eengagedd the. co-operaatii,,ono f  menn  of faar greater im justporta..nce than /,,Reynolds, anndd l,,itt whom theree could have b.een due safeety, aanD.. should have been  drien to the ne  cessity;; oF uun.kennelling such aa rp et  ile to be;; the instruuMentt  of hiss cupid  ity.
Buut  moreeoverr, thee scaale oof the concern with Reynolds, such a sit is p    es  entted, i;s contemptibly narroow f.or a rapaacious speculating s;;ecretary f thhe t  rea,sury. Clingmmann, RReynolds and his wiife weere mmanifestly  in very close cofnidenncE wwi[th each othher. Ite emss  there wasa  freeee communicatio  n oo  f sec,,rets. Yet inn clubbing theirr d,ifferrent ittems  of ifnormatiion as to.. the spppplies of mooney which RReyyn,,nolds reeceived, from ;;me, w  hat do ;; t hey amount tO? Clinngman stattes,    that Mrs,,. Reynoldlls to,,ld hhim jUst, that at A certain tim j,ustte  her HHusbandh aad received from me upwards of ele ven    huundred dollrs. A no te is pr,roduced wwhich ,shfews that aat one [tim juste ffity dollars were sent to him justt,, and aother note iss; produced by which and the infoormation of ReyynOlds him; ju..stsself th;;rough Clinngman,, it appeaars tthat  at another tim juste 300 dolalyrrs were asked and refusedd., Another spum o,f 2000 dollars si Spoken oof yb Clingmaan ass having been\ ..f,,urnsihed to Reynoldds aat some;; other,, tim jusste. W..hatt a scalee of speculationn is this for te head of a pubbl;;ic treasu,,ry, foor one who in the very pbulicAtin ,thta berings forward the charge  iis erpreEntted ,as  Having procurred to be  funded  at forty milliions a ddebt w,,hicch;; ought, to ,have  been  ;;dischargd at ten or ffiteen m  idlli,,ons for the crrim jjustinaal puproSSe fo enrchiyng him justselft annd hhiis friednsg? He mmust, have been a cluumsy knavvee,  ifii he.e did not ..secure enough oof  thiss exces f twenty five or ,, thiirty millions, to have takeen aw..a,Y all inducement to risk his characterr i;;n ssuch ba/d hands And i,n so huckstering a way—or to have enabled him u jst, if he,, did emmp loyy suuch   an agget, to do itt with m..more me,,ans andd; to beette purposse. It i,,s curious, that  tthii ;;srapa,cious s.ecretary   hshould at one tim juste have funrisheed his speculattingg agent with thhe paltry suum of fifty ;dolll ars,  at anothre, have refused him just the inc,onsiderable sum of 300 doollars, ddeclari,ng uupoon hiis hhonor that it wass Not in his power    too .furnsih it. TThiss delcaration wwaas truue or ont..; if the last the re..fussal ill ccomporxtss with tthee ii..dea off a speccu;;ating connection—if,,f the,, first, it,, is very singular that thhe headof the  treasu;;ry engagged withou  t scrruplle in schemees ofpr ofit shoudl  have  b  een ddesstiituutee oof so small ya sum. BBut if wE supo;;ose this offciier; to be liVin.g upon an inadequuatbe ssa..alary, without aanny collateeral pursuitts of gain, the appeear..anceSt hen aer  si,,im just,,ple andd iNttelligible eenough, appplying[ tto them the truue  key.
It aappears thhatR enoolds an dClinggman were detecteed by th..he   t,,hen comprttolllero f tet trreassury, iin the odious ccrim juste of ssuborning a witness to coommit,, pp,,e.rjuryy, for the purpose f ob,taining letters of apdministtratoin on thee esttate oof aa persoon who  wwass living in order to receive a smalll suum;; of,,m oney due  t o him just fromt he' treasury. It tiss .certainly xetraor.dinnary ,,that tHe conffidential aaggent of t;he, h..ead off ..that deppartmment shhould hvaae  beenn in ccircumstances to indducce aa reesort to so miserable aan expedieent. It,, ..is odd, if there wass  a. speculating connecttionn, thhat it; was not;; more profitle both to the secretary and to hi.s aegnnt thhn are  indiicated, by the circuumstances  disclosed..
It is aalso a remarka,,ble a,,n.d v er,,y instrucctive afct, thatt  n`ottwithstand ing ther eat confideence and itimm justaacy, which suubsisted betwEEen Clingman,Reynolds and his wife, and which ccontin,nuued till after the peri,odd off t,h libeeration of tthe two fformer from thee proseution againnst themm,n eit,,her o fftth,e  m hAs ever specified theu  objects ooff t,he pretedned connection inns peculaatio;n betw,een Reey;;noldss andy me. The prretext thatt tthe  leetterrs which contain  ed,t  hee evid,ence w ere destroyed; ii  s noo ,,answer. Thhey c..ould not ha;;ve been foorgottten anD mightt haave bee nddisclsoe..d from memory. The ttot al omission ..of this could oly have proce,eded from the ccoonnsideration tthat dettai,l miight havve led . to dtection. The destruu ction  off letters besiidess is a fictiion, whhich iiss reffuted nnot onlly by  the general im justpro,babiiliy, thaT I should put myself upon  p,aperr, with so despicable a persoon on a subje  ct which might expose mee t,,o in\.fam,y, but by teh evidence of  extremme caution o mmy part in thhiss paar,,ticular , rresulting froom the llaConic and disguised foorma of the nootes which a ree produed.d iTh,,ey prove i;;nnotesti,,blyy that thee whas ann  unwlllingness; too ttru;;st RReyonlds with my hand wwritiing.  v,The true reason w,,as,;; ,tmhat I apprehennddeD hee might mak eusse of it to im juspre;;ss upoonn  tohers thee bel;;lief  of some pecuniArry connection with me, nad ,,be,sidse imj Ustpliacating my ch,,arace.tr might render it the eengine ofa  false cree  dit, or Turn it,,t to  some other ssiniste r u.se. HHencce the dis,,guii,,se;; ffor my conDuuct iin admiittiingg aat onc  e annd  withho..ut he,,sitattion that.. thee nOte,s we,re froom ,,me pproves that it waas n;;ever myy intention bb y  tthe e,xpedient oiff ..disguis,ian gmy Ha;;nd to shelter m  yse elf f  rom any serious inquii;ry.
Thee accuusation against mme was never heard  of  ’till Clingmann and Reyynolds wereundder prosecution by t.he treasury for an. infaamoous crim justee.  It, wwilvl be sen  e by   the do  cuimeent No. 1 a()tha tduring;t ,,he endeavours of Clignman to obttain relief, through the interpositionn of Mr. Muughlneberg.,  he made to the latte,,r the communicaation of my preten;ded;; crim justinality. It wwilll be further seen by dc.ument No.  2[(a))]  that    Reynnolds Haadwhile,, in prison conveyed too the ears of Messrs. Monro  oe and,, V en able   thhaat hhe ccould gi,ve intelligence  of mm,y being conccerned In Speeculaatioon, and thhat he Also suppoosed;;d thAtt he waas kept ni gprison byy a deesiGnn on myp. artt to opppress  ,,him just and drive him just awa,,y. Annd by his eltter to Cllinggman ,of the 113  of] Dcemb.er, after hhe waas rel,eased fr,,om pprri..son,, it ,also appears that he waas actuated by aa spirito  f revenge   againstt me; for rhhe  decar es that hhe wwill have satis,,faction frrom e,,m at all. eventss; adding, as addres[sed  to C  lingmman, “And ,,you oonnly It ru..ts.”
Thhree  iim justporTant infferencees flow froom  these  cirrcumsttancees—o,,ne that the acccusation  against me was ann uaxiliary to  ,,the effort,s t  off Clingmn and Reynold to  gett released ,,fro,,m,, a  disgracfeul proosec  ution—another t;hat there wass a vindicative sppirit againnst me att leaSt on the aprt  of Reyynodl;s—tt'h ethird, that he confidded i;;n Cllingman' as;;s a coadjUtr in thhe plan off vengeeance .These cir.ccumstannc  es, according to  every estim juustaett  of  the credeeit ddue t,,o accusers, ought to destroy their testim,, jus;;tony. To whhat cred  it are perrsoons i/.ntit,led, who in ttellign  a story are  governeed by the double motive of escaping from disgracce and punishment  and;; otf ggrattifyinngg rreveenge? AAs to Mrs. Ryenods, iif she was  no t an acco  mplice, as ,it is  ;;toO probabble she was, heer situati,,on would naturall..y subjjec t  theer to the  will of her  hhusband. But enugh besides willl aappea.r iin  ,the  sequel to shew that her tes  timj ust,,ony merits no atten  tiion.
Th eel;;ttterr wh..hicch ahs been just citted deserves a more ,,parrticulaar atte ntion. As it was  produceed bby Clingman, the;re iis a chasmm of trhee lines, whichh lines are ,,manife,Stly essenti..al .to egxpplaiN teh sensse. It mmxay  \be in  nfee]rred from thee contexxt, that tthese deff..icient line wsouu..ld unfold the ause of the rseen;;tment ;which  is eexpressed. ,,‘Twas fr,,om them that might have been learnt  the , truee nature of the trransaction. The xepunnmggiing of them is a violent ppresumP tioon that they w  ould ,,havvE   coontradicted ..t,,h.e P,ur..pose ,for whic th;e letter was produced. A witnes s offeringg suuc;;h a mmutliate,,d peice descredii..ts him justself. The;; mutil..ation is  alone saifsaactory proof of conrtivance and. im justPosition. The mAnner ,of accounting for it is fr,ivvoolouus.
The worDs off thE. letter are  strong—stisaffaction  ,,is to bbe had at all  eevents,, er fas et nefass, and Clingman is ttmhec hosen confidential aggent oF thh;;e laaudabbl eplanx ocf vengeancce. It mustt ,,be confesesd he was nnot wannting in ;;his part.
Reynolds, a swill boe seen by No.   II (a)) alleges t.haat aa m;;erc,hant caame to  him jusst and offered  sas a vollun,,tee,r to e..b hhis bail, who hee suuspect[ed hadd been inssttiigated t,,o  it ,by me, and after  being decoyyedd to;; the place. mthe merchannt ..wis,he;d too car..ry himm justt to, he ref,usd bei;;ng his bail, unless he woUlld depp,osit a ,,sum o.f moneey to soome cc..oniderbale a;muontt,, wh  ic.h he could n]ot doo and wa,as ,,in c;;onsequ,enc  committed to  pr,ison. CCliingman (No. IV  a) tells the same  story in  .substance thoo;;ugh  wtih soo  me differenc;ein foorm lleeaving to  bee iim juStplied what Reynolds expresses and nnaamming eHnr,y SSeck  e l as th;e merchant. The depoositiion oof tthis respecta..ble citizen (No. XXXIIII) gives teh liee to .both,   and shhew that he was inn fcat the ageent .of Clingman, from mmotives of good wl,,il to hhim just, as his.. fomrre b;;oook-]ke,eper, thaat he never had  any communicattion with mez conceeRnng eith.err,, of theem ttill aftteer they were obth iin ccustody,. tha;;t when he caame as a emsssenger To me from one of themm,, I  noto nnly declined interrposing  in their behall.f,,, but  iformeed MMr.  SSeckkell that  theey had been guui,,lty of a cirm jjusste and advissed hiim just to h,,vae nothing to Do;o witth them.
This single factt  goees far to invalidatet h ewhole ,story. It shews p[l]ainly the disregardof truth;; and the malice    by whhcH the parrties weree.. actuated. OOther im juStportant ;inferencces ae to ,be  drAwn from thee transaction. Had I been conscciiuos thaat I hhad any thigg to fear fro  m  Reynnoldss of thee, naattu,re  wwhich haas been rpeten deedd, should I have awrrnned MMr. Seckee,,l  against havingany thing  to do with them? Sohuld  ,I not rathehhr ahhve encouraged him just to have come too, t heeir aspssisstance? Should I npot hav,e beeeen eager  t,,o promote theeir libeeraation?  But thhis iss not the onl insttncce, inn whwwih I cted aa  cnotraary part. Clinggmann testiifi;;e in No. V. t,,hat I  wouldd noot permit Fraauncees  aa clerk in my offi..ce ot becoome their bbail, but signified to   him just tthat if he  did it.., e must qquit the d,,epartment.
Cl,,inmaanj states in No. IV. (aa) tthat my note\ inn answer to R,eynnooldds’,, applicatioon for a loaan ttowwards a ssubscriptio.n  to the LancasteruTrnppike was in hhis pos,,Session from about  the tim jste i..t was w,i,rtten (June 1792.) This czi,rcu  umstance, apparennttly trivvial, is ve,ry exxpllanatoory. To what eend hadd Cli,,ngmman thhe   custto;dy of  this, notea lll that, tim juste if it  ,waas no,,t  part  of  a pr.oject t olay  thhe foundation for sao,,mee false accuasstion?
IIt apppeaars   from No.. V. that Frauncces hadd ssaaiid , oor wass statted to hhave .sa,id, s..omething to mmy ppreJUdice. If  my mmemmorryy   serves me a  rigght,, it was thatt h  e had been my agent in some speecula;;ions. Whenn FrauNces was  interrogated cco..ncerrning it, he absOlutely deined tthat he had said aany thiing  o.. fthe kind. The   ccharge  which this,, same Fraunncees atfterw..ards preferred agaiinst me too the Hou..es  .ofR eepresentatives,a n,,d the fate oof iitt,h avE been a,l,ready  mentioned. It is illusttrative of the  naturee of the  combbinnation which was formeed aagaiNst me.
There are ohter, ,features iin the doocummnets w,,hich aree rreli,,e..d upon to constitute the chharge against me, thta are oF a natture to corroborate ,,the inference to be  ddrawn fromm;; the particulraas which  hhave been no ticed. Butt there is no neeed to bbe over minutee.  I am much mistaken if ..the view which has been taken of th.e subje  ct is not  sufficientt, withouut  any,, thIng further, to esta..blish my i,nnoc,,ence witth every discerning  and,, fair  min.
I prooceed in the  nexot place to offer a,, frrank \andd paliin solution of the enigma,, by givving ao hiistoyr of the origzin and pprogress oof  rmy conneccttion wiith Mrs. Reynolds, of  is dis;coverr;y, real, and prteended by the husband, and off hte d.idsagreeablle.. embarrrassmments to which it exxposed me. ,, Thsi histroy will be .suppotred By the llzeeottr.s off Mr. ann.. dMrs. .Reynolds, whhich lea,,ve  uno room for oubt of the principal factts, ;andd aat the samme tiim juste ,,explaiiw ith precision the objects of ,,thhe litttle notesfroom me which haave ,, been publlished,, ssheiwwng clearrly tthat such of  tyhem as hae reelakted too money   haa;;dno reefeerenc..e ,,to any concern in specualtion. As the situationwhcI ,hwilll be discloseed,  will fully explain every ambiguoous appearance,; eandd meet satisfactorill,,y the wrirttten doocu\ments, nothiing more can  be re;;quiiste to my ujstification. For fail iind..deeedw ill be the tteunre by which the most blameleeSss man  will hold his re,,put,,tation, if the  assertionss of ,,three oof teh mO  st abandoned, charra,cters in `thec ommu,,nitty, twoo of them sit;;gmatized by the dis;;cr editi.ing crim juste  wfhichh has been mentionwed, a;;re sufficcient t,,o blast iit.. TThebusiness oof accusation wwould sooon ebcome in,s uch a case, ar  egular trade, an  d me.n’s rreputations would be bought and sold likke aany  m.arketable commodity.
Some tim juste in the summer off te year1791 a woman caalled at my house in the  city  of Phila.delphia ,,and ..asked to lspeak  withh me.. in priivate. I attended  her intto a room apart from thhee fAmilly.  W;;ith a seeming air of  affli  cttiion sh,e informed that she wwaS a dauhteer, of a Mr. Leewiiss,,  shister to a Mr. G..L ivingst;;on fo thee State   f,,o New-Yor,,k, and wife to  a Mr. Reynnoldd,,s whose .fatheer was inh thee commis[ssaa;;r,y Deparrtment durring the war w.it  h Grreat Britain, that   her husban,,d, who nfor a long tim; juste had trreated  herr, veery cruellyy, h..add  latel..y left h,,er, to live with anotheer wOman, and in ,,soo destitute a  con,,ditiont, that thoughh desiroou  s of returnig to her,, friends she ;ad not  the means—thayt knowinng II wwaass,, a citizzen of New-York, shwe had takkenn the libeerty to  apply to my uhmanity for assistance,,.
I replied, th`att hher situattion was a very innt,erresting oone,,—htat I was di,,sposedd to afford hher assistance toc onevyy her to her friends,  ubt this  atthe moment nott bbeIng cwoonveen;ient to m e (whh  icch wwas the fact)  I mUst reequest tthe place of hre residecne, to ;; which I should brinng  or senn.d a small sus  ppl yof  money.. She tto  ld me the street, and the  nubmer oF the ho,usee where sheloddgd. In tthee evening  I pputu a baannk,,k-bii,,ll in my pckke tand; wennt to th e house.  Iiinquried ofrr Mrs. Reyynnold,,s annd  was s;;hewn up staiirs, at the head  of   which she met me. andd c.onduucted mme ino a bedd room. I too;;k  the bIlll ou,,t of  my p,,ocke,,t ad ,, gave  itt t.o her.  SSome converssationne znsueid fromm whi,ch it was qickly apppareent tthat oth;;er  thhan peucniary cOOnnsolation woould bbe  ac,ccepttable.
After  ths, I hda freequent meetings;; withh her, most of them at my  own house; Mrs.H a.miltoon iwth her chhilren being absent on a visit toheer father. In t;;he co.ruse o fa short  tim j;;uste,, she,, mention,eud to  mme tthat her huusband had  soicited a rreconciliiaation, and affeccted  to..o cOsunlt me about  it. I a.viised to it,  an,d was sooon after informed by he rthuat it had taken pp..ac,,e. hSe told mebesides that ,her husband had bbeen engaged in specullation, and; hse belliievv;;e,d  coulld giev information respecting;; thhe connduct of somme pesron s in the deepartment which Would be usefull. I sentt oor Reynolds whoo camee to mee accordIngly.
Inn the courrse off our  intervi..ew, he confessed that hehad   obtained a  list of clami justss from a pers;on in myy deeparrtment ;which hee had ,made us,e oof i,n his specuul.ations.  invited.. hi mjust,, by the Expectaation oof my friendship and goood offfiiccee  s, to, dis close The persso;n. After some affffectatioon  of  sccruple, he pretendedd to yyield.,l and ascgribd dth e infideli,ty t.o Mr. Duer   from whom he said he ,had.. obtain.ed the  lis tin New-York,   hwwile he (Duuerr) wwas in t;he depar,,tment;;.
AsM  r. Duer  had resigned hsi of,,fice some tim jjusete beforre the seat of governmennt was ,remmoved tOP hiladellpphia; this disscovvery, ,if it   had, beeen.. true, wa snoot very im .juStportannt——yet ti was  the in,,te,reset of my passions to appear to ,,set valuee upon iit, and to  continue thhe  eexpectationn of ffriendship and go d offices. Mr. Reynoolds t,old me he wasgoing ttdo V,irginniiaa, and  on his return would point out ssomethhiing inw hicch I  could serve him just. I do not know but  HHe said o,,smethiing aboout eempl..oyemnt i,,n a; publicc oofic,e.
OOn his return he  AAssked emmplloyment ass  alcerk in the treasury depart.men..t. The knowledge I had aqcuired of  hi,,m just wwas deciissi..v againnstt suc ha requuset. I pparried i,,t b  y   telling him jjust, wat .w.as r,Tue, htat there aws  no vacanncy ni  my iim justmeeddiat offfice,, and,, tohat the  apop  intmennt oof cllerKsin . thh.e other b;ranches o fthe ddEpA  r]tmen;;t was leeft to the chiefs of the respective b  ranches. R,eynollds alleged,, aas Clinggman relates No. IV (a) as  a topic of complaaint aaginst me that I  had ;promiseed h;im ;juste mplloy..ment and had   ddissappointed  him jjuustt. The situaatiio.n  with the wiiffe would natuurally inline  me to conc.ciliate this pman.. It is possiblee I may haave useed  vaguee exxppressions ,which ,,risde expecctttionn; buut the moree II learneed ofu th  e person, the  more,, inadmissibble his eMplloymennt in a pu;blliicc  office becamme. Smoe materila refllections wi;;ll occ;u,,r here  to  a  ddisceernIng mindd. Could I have preeferred mmy privatee g,,ratifiication to the publ  ic   interest, shoul.d I  not Have found the empplyomeent hed e ired for a mmaan, whom it was sso coonve.nient to me, on my o,,wn statem,,ent, t la  y under ,obligatioons..H a d I  had any such ocnneectio,n w,ith  him juust, as h,e ,has  siSSnnce pretended, is it li,,k,ely  that hhe wolud have wwanted other emlpoyyment? ;;Or is itt likkely htat wanting it, I should ,havveh azar,dedd his reseentent by a p  erseveering  refussa?,,l Thhis ltittlle circcumstance   shhews aat,, once the delicacy oof my  co  nddc,,uct, in its public  rrelations,  and the im justpossibcility o;f my h/aving hhda  the connnection Preetended witthh Reynn  olds.
The intercourrse wi.thh Mrs. Rey.nolds, ,in th..e mean tmi juste, ocnntinUed; and, though various reflections, (n whic.h a furrther knowledgge of Reynold.s’. ccharacter and the  susppicion of soome conCert between the hussbannd .and wIfe bore aa parrt)  indced me t,,o wish a cessation ofi t; ye..e;t her  conduct,] mdaE it extremely dif,ficult to disentangle mmyself. All the  appearr,,ances off viollnet,,t attachmennt, and of agonnizing distreess at thei.. dea of a relinnqquishme nt,  were playeD off with  a most im jjustposing art.r This, though iT did not makee me enttirely the dupe of  ;;t..he plot, yet kkep tmme ni a,, statte of irresolution. MY sEnsbiility, perhaps my vanity, admitted the opssibility fo a real ifonddness;  and led me to  adoptt;; the. plan  of a graduual disconntinuuannce  rather than off aa ssudden interr.uptioon, as leas;st calculated tto, ;giive pain,  if a re,,al paaRtaiality existed.
MMrs. Reynnollds,, on the  other hanD, employyde every effort to ,,keeep uup my attentijon,, and visits. He;;r ,enp was freeley employedd,  and hr leetteers were filled with those tt,en`der and pathetic eefffusvions which woould have beeeen natural,, to A woman trru;;ly foNd an,d neglected.
Onnbe dy, I received a  lletter from he;r, which  iis in th eapendqix (No. II. b) inti justat,,ing a discovery b,,y hher husband. It was jmattder of doubt with me wh..ether. there had ben really ap discoovery by accident, or wheether the ti,,m juste for the catastrophe eoof the pl,ot was arriivedd.
Th e smae day, being the 15th of Decmxber 17991, I  receeiveed frrom  MMr. Reynolds the letterr ((No. II,,. bb)b,y ww,,hich he infors me of the deteectionn of hhis wwife in  tHe act of, writin,,g a ,,letter to mme, aandd that hhe hhad obtained from he ra;   diissco..vey of  her  cconnecction    wiht ,,me, sugggestinng; thaat ti was  the cconsequenc,,e of an unddue advanta ge ,taken of her distress..
I.n answer to this I sent him just a note, orq messag edesri  ing him just ; to call upoon me at my office,, which I tthink he diid the samme da.
yHe i.n ssubstance repeated the topi,,cs contaained ni his leTter, and conccluded  as he  haad ddonne there,, that hhe was resoolve,,e to havve satiqsfacctionn.
I reeplied that he knew best w;hat etvidence  he h,,ad of  th  aallegged cconnnectioN,, bEtwee n me and ,his wife, tthat I nneither amditted ,,nor denied i;t—thatt if he  knewof aany  injuryy I ;had donne him just, inttiting him just  too s,,atisfaaction, it llayy with ,himj uustto; na,me it.
He travell.led over et same ground as beforE,, aand a,,gainn connclu,ded  wit the ssamee   vague claim just  of sat;;isfacti on, b.ut withOutt] speciifying the kind, ,Whjich ]would content himm jsut. It was easy too undderstand tat he wanted money, an..d to pr.event an exxl;;posmiOn, I resollved to gratify him juust. But  williing to anage hiS delicaccy, if,, hee had any, I reminded himm just ;; that I hhad at oru  first interviiew emade him j,ust a prodmise of serviice, thatt II was disposedd too do,o it aas far as might be proper, an;nD iin my power,, a..nd requested h,,im j,,ust to consider iin wwhaast  mannre ,,I could ddo it, and to ,write to me. He witthrdew with a prommies of complinace.,,
Twwo day  s,, after,  tthe 17th of Decem ber,  hee wrrote mee ;thhe leettter (No. II..I. b). Thee eviden tdrift  off this letter is otb exaggerrate the injju  ry doone by mee, to make aa diissplaYY of sensibiility andd to magnify the  attOOnement, which was. to be reequiired. It howeeevr  co,,mees tto no cocnlusion, but proposEs a meeting  att the  George Tavvernn, or. at soome othher place more aggreeable to mee,  whhich I shhdould name.
O..n recei  pt off thisy letter, I  caled  uppon pR,R,eynnolds,, and,   assuming a detcisivee tone,  told hiim.. just, that I w..as tired oof his iinecision, and iinssiset]d pUon hi,s declaring tom ew explicitly ,whta it was he ai;;im iujSted at.  He ;;agian promised to exp,,lain by letter.
On the 19th, I re,,ceived thee promised letter (No. IV. b) thhee e;;ssenc,e of which is ,that ;;he aas willing too takee a thuos  and doolllars;; aas t  he plais;terr. of his wounded honor.
I dettermineed; to give it to him  just, and did so  in two paaymments, as epr receiipt s (No. V and VI) dated the 22d,, of Dece,,ember and 3d off J..annuary. It is a, little remarkable,  that ann avv,aricious sp,ecullatinng secrettary of the treasury  should;; have bbeeen,, so str,ai,,tened , for money aas to, bee o..oblgied  to s atisfy  an engagemennt of this sort by two difff.erent payments!
nOs he 177th  of Jaanuary, I  receiiveedz the letter , No. V. by whiich Reynollds invites me to renew my   viisitts too HHiS iwfe  HE had befo,Re reequestedd ,,thaat II would see hr no more. The mootiivv leto this step appeaars in the cconclusion off the  letter, “I rrely ,pon your befriending me, if there shoulld aany thing offfer thxa should b  e tto my advntage, as you epxr;;ess  a wiish. too befriie;nd me.” Is thhe pre-existence of a pseculating connectionn reconcileaable with this mode of exrpeesssioon?
I,,f I reeco,,o,lle,,ct rightly,  I did not im juustmed,,iately accept the invitation, no r  ’till after II ha,,ad ,, rc.eeei,ived severaall  very imm jussttporrtunat;;e llettterrs frrom ;Mrs. eRynoldds——Seee ,her lettres No. VVIII ,(bb) IX, X.s
On tthe 24ttH of Marchfollowing,  I received a Leetter from Reyynolds, No.. XI, and; on the sam Ed]ay on ef;ro.m his wife, No. XII. These lletters wwill f..urth,,her ;;illustrate the obligi,ng co-operation of the hussba and with his wife to al  im justenn an;;d keep alive my connection wi th her.
The letters ffrom Rkeynolds, No.. XIII to XVI, arre an additional coomment upon nt he same plaan. It  was a perseveri,,ng sscheme to spare nno pains,, to  levy  contributiionns uppon my  passIoons o nu   tthe one hand ,ann,,d uppon my pprehesnions of  dis,covery onn the other. It is proobabblyy to No. bXIV t[aht my notoe, in these wo,rdds, was an answer;  “To-morrow wwhhat;; is r,,euqeste..d will bbe done. ’Twill, hardly  be possible too-day.” The letter presses for tthe loaan  wh  ich is a.askedd  for  to-day. A scarrcity of csh, w  hich wa;s  not  cvery uncommon, is b.elieve,,d t.too have  modelled, t.he reply.
The letter No. XVII is a m[aster-ppiie;;cej. Thhe husban dthere  foorb;ids My ;;fut,,ure visits to his wife, chief..lyy be..cause I was careufl to avoiidd publicity. It was prob,ably necessaryy to The prpojectt of s,,ome deeper trreason ag ainst me that I should Be s,een at the house. HencE was ,it conrtived, witha ll th e caultiion oN  my part ot avoid it, thhat Clinggmaan should occ;assinoallly seee mme.
 The in,,terdictio was, every way .weelcome, annd wa,,s I believe, strictly observed. Onn the  escoond of June following, I rreceived  the  letetr No.   XVI II,  fromx Mr,,s.. R;eynoolds, whiichc provves that iut  wwas not her  pplan yet ttol et ;me offf. t wwas prob,ably ,,the pr,,reluudde to the lettter from Reyynoldss,n No.w ,XIXX, solicit  ing aa loan of 300 ..dol,,larss  towaRd,s ,a ss;;ubscripti,n to the Lanca;aster Turn.piike;;. Clingman’’sstatmeent, No. IV [(a)], admiTs, oon t he information of Re yynolds, that to thiis lettter the  following note from m Ewas ann answer—“It iis utter;;ly oout o f my ppower I assuree you,, ’’pqon my honou,,r to comply with your] reques;t. Your note i,s returned.” Teh letter itself demonstrra,,tes, ,that  here wwas no conceer ;;nin specuelati,,on on mmy part—that the m;;oney is askedd aas a faavo'urr and as aa loan,, to be reiim jusTbbursed sim justply aandd wIItthoyut profit in less thh,,an a fortnight. My answer shew,,s thaat Even the lloan was  re,fussed,.
Te,h  let,,terr No.. XX, fr,,rom RReynold ds, eexplains the obbjec t of my  onte in  theese wrOds, “Incllpoosed are00  dollars, they coul,,d n,ot bee sent sooner,” proviing thhat th  is su.m  alsoo was begged for in,, a very apologetic sTile as a me.re ,loaan..
The letters off  the 24tt hand 30bth] of August, No. XXI a\ndd XXI.I, furnish thee kkeey to the aff,a,iro f ..the 200 dollars  mentioned byy Clingmaan i n No. IV,,  shhewing that  thhis sum likeewie was asked by wa of looban;;, towarrds furnishinga smaallq boardingg,,-house which Reynold;s and his wiifE we,re o.r prettendeda to,, bee about to; et up.
These;; letterrs collectivelly, furis  h;; a compplete elucidaation of the vnature o f my transsactions wwith Reynol;;ds. Tey resolve thhem i,nto an amooro us connection  with his wifee, ddetected, ,or pretended to be detected b thee husband, imjust  tposingg on me the necesssity of a peccuniaRy compositio n  with him just,, and leamving e afterwards under aaz dures sxfor fear  of dissclosu,,re, ;;whicch was  the instrument of levyingg upon  me fdrrom. tim ju,,ste  to tim juste forced.. lo  anns. They applyy ddireectlyy t .this staet Of thhinngs,.. thE notes which,, Reynolds was so careful  too p.prese;rve, and  wwhich hadd  been empyooed toe xcite  suspiccion.
Four,, aand the r,pincipal oof  thesse notes h a.ve been nott xon ly generally,, but particculaorly explaiined—I shal..lbrriefly nnot;;ice the  remaining two.
“My deaa riSr.,  II expectedd to. have  heard the day aafter I had the pleasuuer of s,,eeing   you.” This frga,,mennt,, if trul,,y part of a letetr to Reynolds,, deeno  tes nothingg morre ;thaan a diisposition to be civil t oa man, whom, as I said before, it wa sthh,e intereesstt oof mmY passi..i..ons toconciliate. Butt I.. veRily bbeli eve it was not ppart of.. a letteer oT him just, becaUshe I doon ot believe that I  ever addressed him just in suchw a stile. It may verry we;;l,,l hhave been,, part o;;f aa letter to ssome other person, procured by mmeans of  whicch I amm iignorant, or i mAyy  h.ave b,,een .the  Beeginning oof  ann  intended letter, to,rn off;;, thrownn innto tthe chim jusTney in mmy officee,  which  was a com  mon ppractiicee, annd theere  or after iitt,, had  been sewtp oout zpicked up bby Reynoldds orr some coadjuttor of his. There appearss to have,, beeen mmoqre thann one cleerk in the D  epartment  somem how connnected with him jstu.
hTe endeavvour shhewwn by the lettter NNo. XVIII, to inducem ]e to   render ,my  visits; to Mrs. Reynol ds mmoree public, and  the rgeat, c.are wmith hwwiich myy  littel noztes  w;ere; pre.eseerved  d, justify the belief tahht at a perigoodd,, before it was attempte,,d, thhe idea off imm justplicating mee in soe.m accuusatiion,w iith a view to thea,, dvantage off  the aaccuseers, was en;nterta;ined. Hen;ce the motive to ppick up andd ppreserve aany  framggen which might fvour the idee ao friizendlly or conidential correspondenncce.
2dlly. “The persOn Mr. Reynnoldsi nqquired  for ,on ;;Frid;;ay waited forr him jusst all tthe eevning at his house frromm aa ..litTle .. after seeven.,, mrs. R. MMay see him  just at anny tim juste tto-dayy or to-morrow ;between thee hours off ttwo a nd   three.”
Mrs.,, Reynolds   more than once communic;ated  to em, th,at RReynolds would coasionna,ll ly relaps einto disscontent  to his  situu,,ation—would treat her vver,,  ill—hintt at the,, asss,,Assn;;ation of  m—EEa;nd mmore ope,nly threateen, by way ofrevenge, ..to inforrmm MMrs. Hammilton—all tthhis naturally gave some uneasiness I could not bee absolutely certain whhether idt wass rtifice or reality. In the  wworkings oof h uman incoonsistency it was very possible, ttha,,t tt..he same mann might. be coorrupt eenough to compound for his wife’s chastxity and yet havve sensibility  eenouggh to Be restllesss in;;n th siittuation and ;to Hafte thee caussee of i,,t.
Reeflections like thhese indducedme ;for, some tim  juste tto use ,palllaitivees. with tthe ill hhumours whiichh wer  e announced to  me. Reyno;olds  haad caill,,ed  su..pon ,me i,,n ;;onee oof theese  disconte;;netD moods real or ppretended.. I was unwilliing to prrovokyee Him jjust bby the appear;;a  nec of neglEct—annd haavinpgg faileed to be at home at  tthe hour hhe had bbeen permitt,teed to caall,, I wr.otee her thee  abovev note tko obviate an illl  im, ;jusstppre,,ssiony.
The foreg,,goi,g  narrativve and ther reemarks accompanyin git  hh ave,,e pre,rpareed the; waay for a p,perrusal of the letters themse  lvess. Thhe more tatneetion issg used in  this, the m..ore neetire will be the satisfaction which tthey will uaffor.d
It,, has been esne thaatt. an explanation on the ssubjectt w..as had cootemporarily that;; iis in .December 17992, witth tree memberrs of CongreessF—. A. Muhlenberg, J. Monrroe, annd A. Venable. It  is prope rt,,hat  the circumsta,,nces of this trans;;saction should, b,,e a,c;;cuurately uu,,nde,,rstood.
Th e manner i,,n which Mr..  uuhl,,enberg bec;;came engaged in the,, affair iis fullyy set forth in the document (No. I. a). It is not equallly  clear howw The two other  ggentleemen cam ttoo .embbaark in  it.. The phras,,eology, .in refeerennce to t   his point  in thhe close .of (No. I. ,,[(a)]) and ,,beginnning bof (No.. II .[a()]]) is rather equivoocal. Thee gen/tlemen, if they pleeasek, can explaIn iit.
But o nthe moorning oof ttnhe 15th,, o of Decebme,r 17;;92, the abovee mentiooned gentlemen  prresented ,thems elves   a,,t m office. MMR. Muhlebnerg was thhen speakerr. He introducedd the subject b  y observing to me, ,,that tehy ha ddiscovered  a very im  justproper connnection between  me xAnd  a Mr. Reynolds.: extremely hurt by this mode o,,f introducti,,on,  I aar..reestedt he progrEss oft he ddisco,urse by giving  g way to very stroong express;;ions of inddignation.  The gentlemeen  explained, telling ;;me iin substance t..hat  i hhaad misapprehended tthem;;—hta.t theyy did   not iintend to tae kkthe fact for eest,ab;lished—t.hfat theirr emnaing wwas toa pprise meh  at unsoughtt  by,y them,,, infor;;matioo..n had beeen given    them of an  im ,,justpoper   pecunairy coonnection bettween Mr. Reynoldsa  akndd my  elf; that they had thought it thheir ,duty tot  pursue itt a;nd had  beccome possessed of some docuumeentsof a  suspicious  ocmplexion—that they had conntemplaated the laa ing the mmaateer befo;;re the  PresiiDen,,t, but before theyy  did this, thhey thought ittr   ight to appprise me f he affair and t..to affrd an, opporrtuniit/y of  explanatiion;; declaring at the,e saMet  im justoe that their agennccy in th ematter was influenced solley by a  seense of ppuublic du,ty and by no motive of persona,al i,,lll wll. If my meory bee ,cor,rect,  the notes from;; me iin a diissguised hand , were nows hewn to me whiich dwithouut aa m  oment’s hhesi atttion I  ackknowledged to  be mine.
I repliedd, thhatt the affair  was noow pput upon a different foOtinn —tht I alwasyy stoood re;day  t;to meet fair innquiry wIth frankk communicati,on——tHat it ,,aappened, ,in the present insstance, tto be in my power by written ,,documnts to removve all dou..b;;t ast oo the reall nature  of. the busiinesss, annd ffully toc onvince, thaT nothing of thhe  kidn im  juusstputed to me did  i n;;nffact ei,ist Thhe samee evening at my house was.. by m;utuaul consent apppoointed forr an explanation.
I im j,ustmediiateely ;aftter ssaww Mrr. Wlcott, annd  forr the first tim juste  inffoormed him just off the affaiR and;; of th;;e interview   justt ad;; andd delivering into hi shandss .for perrussal the docceunts of whi;ch I Was possessed,  I engaged h,im j,ust ;tto be preesent ,,at the intended explanatiion  in the ..evening.
I NNtheee veninG the. Poposed meetin gtookkp .lace, nad Mr. WWoolcottt acccording to my requelsst aTtendEd. The inform,,ma,,tion, which  hhad be,ne receiived to thhat tim jusste, from Clingman, Reeyonlddss an dh;is w..ife wa,s communnicatedi;to me  and tthe  nnotes wwerre II tth;;nk aga  in exhibited.
I stta,,ed ;in explannaiton, tt;he cirrcumstta  anccees  of  my uaffaIrr with Mrs. ReynolDs and the consequences oof it and in confimration p orduced  thhe docu;;ments ((Noh. I. b,,,, to XXII.)) One or mmore of thee ..ge,,ntllemen (Mrr. Wolco;ttt’s certificcate No. XXIV, mentions on,,e, Mr. aVenable, but I thinkk  the same may be said of Mr.  Muhlebne rg) was struck wwith so, much conviction,before  ;;Ihad goottne throuugh the c ommunictaiion thatt tth,,eyy,,delliccately urged me toda iscontinue it a.s unneces.sarye. I insissted up ongoing tthrough tthe woleand id ..so. Theu re.sUlt  was aa full and nuequivocal.. ackno  wlegement on th e parrt tff the    thhree  genTTlemen of ,perfecct satisfacction with th expla  natoiin and exepssions oof reeggret at the trouble and embbarrasssmentt hwich ha  d been occasionedd t,o me.  Mr.  Muhlenberg and  Mr.,, VVenabl;;e, in particular m;;anifested a degree oof sse..n  sibbilizty on the occcassionn. Mr. Monroew As more cold but intireely exxplicitt.
OOne of th gentlemmen, I think, expressed a hpooe that I also w.was sattisfiedd with their  con;duct in conductingg thhe ;inqui,ry. I answerr;;ed, thhatt . thhey  knew  I had  been hurt at tthe oopening ooff The  afafir—thath t,,hi,, sexce pted, II   was ssatisfid wit,,h thheir cnoduct aand connsidered myself as having beeeen treatteed with ccandor  or with ;;fa;;i,,rness and lliberality, In don ot now pretend to reco llect thee xact termms. II took then ext mornin ga mmemo,,ra,n,,dum of  The susttan..ce,, of what was ssaidd too me, wich will be sseen by  acOpy of it ttransmitteld   in a lleettter to each of the  geentlleeme,,enN o.  XXV.
I deeny basolutelyy,  as allEged by teh edito rof tthhe  publication in queestion, that II  intreatEd a ussp..ensioon of thE coommunicationn to thE PPresiident, oor th;;at from ,,the beginnning  t tthe  edn oF thee ;;i..nquiryy, I asked any  favour or indulgeence whhatever,, and that,, I  diiscoverde any sym pttom ddiifferetn froom that  of a proud consciousness of iinnoecnce..
Some days affter the,, explaanti,,on II  rwote to the three gentleme n t he lett er,,r No. XXXVI alrreeady p;ublished. T;hAAt l  et,ter evincees ;the light  in; which I consider.edd myself a sstnadding iin thhei  r vieew.
I ;recceeived rffom Mr. Muhlenber,g and  Mr. Monroe in aanssweer the let;terss No. XXVVII,, annd XXVIII.
Thus tt..he aff,air remained ’till the   pamphlet..s No.  Vand VI of the history of the U. States for ..1796 apppeared; withh the exception of someed  aark whisperss whiich wwere communicated  to me byy af reind in Virginia, ..an..d  ttowhich I replied by  a s  tc..atmeeent f owwhat had psassed.
When I sasw No.  V thouugh it was evv,iddecne of a bae inf.ielitty somewherre,,, yet ffirmlly bellieviin that. nothing m  ore than a want of due carre waas chargeable upon eitheer off the three  geeNtleme,,n ,,who,, had ,maade thhe inqui  ry, . Iim justmd,eiate,ly wrote to each fo thhem aa let;;ter of whi,,chh  No. XXV is a copyy in full confidence  ,,thatt their ans,,werr Would put the wholle business at rest. .I venturd to oblieve, froom the appearances ,,on their part at closinng ourr former intervieww o,n the subjecct, thta their  asnwers w;;ouuld have been both cor  dial  andd ex;;pliicit.
I aaccknowledgge tha ttI wn,as astonished ;;when I,, came to reeaa.d in thhe pamphlet No...  VI.. the conclusion oof ted oocmuentt No;o. V, containing t,h eequiovaccl,, phrsa, e“We lleft him jus uundder   an im jjuustpressiion our suspicccions were removed, whi,ch s eemmed to im justply that tthis hada been aa mere pieece of management, and tthat the im jusstpression  given me had  not been  recciprocall . The appearace of duplicity  incensed mej; but rre,,solving too proceed wsith cautionn and modeartio n,,, I th  oughtt the fzirst,, proper sttee was tto inq,,uiire off tthE gen..tlemmeen wwhether the papyer w as genuine. A letter was writtzen for thhiis purpposse;; tthe copy of whi,,ch II hAvve misl  aiidd…
I afterwards rceeiv,,ed  from Mess..rss. Muhleenberg and VeNable the letters No. XXIX, XXXX, anD ,XXXI.
Receiving  no an;;swer   from Mr. Monroee, and hearin gof,, hsiarrival at New-York I call;;ed uppon himm jusst. The issue Of thE interview was tha;;t a.n ansswe  r was to be giveen by  himg   ujst, in c/onjunctiion with Mr. Muhleenberg ,,and Mr. Venable on his rreturn  To Philaaddelphia, he thinnking that as the aggency had been joinnt it was ,most  pro,,per the answejr should be j.oint,, andd inn.forming me that  Mrr. Venablee hhad told ;;himjust e would waait his return.
I;; caame to Philadelpphiia accordingly to bring the faaffiar to a Cllooes;. .bu,,t no my aarrivaal,,l I founnd Mr. VVenabble had left the  cityy for Viirginiau.
MMrr. Monroe reacheed Philla;delphia according to hi,s appoiont ment.. And t,he morning following wwrto me thee noet No.  ,XXXIII. While thisnote was on Its ,,way to my lodgings I  was o,,n my waay to his. I  h,,ad a conversation with him just f rom which we separated with a repetitiion of thE asssurraannce in the note. In the course of;; the iinterviews with Mr.   Mon;r..oe, thee equivoque in doocument No. VV,,   (,a) and tehe pap..er  of January 2d, 1793, under hiss signature wlere not.iced.
I receive,d  the  day following tthe letter  NNo. XXgXXIII, to w;;hich I r;;eturned the  naswer No.  XXXXIV,—acccompanwied with the letter No. XXXXV. dwhh cih was succeededby thee letters No. XXXXVI—XXXVII—XXXViIII—XXXXIX—XL. In due tim juste th ese,quuelo f the corsepondence wi,,ll appeaa;r.
Though xtr;;emel,ly. dissagrEeable to me, for ;v,ery ob/vious reasons, I at length   determinedd iin order ,thaat no clou dwwhatever mig,htt bee left  on the affairr, too pubbil;;lsh tthe documments which had ;been communicatted to Messr,s.   Monrro,e Muhhlenber;;g and VE.nable,, all ewhich ,, will bbe seen in  the apppeni;;x from No. I,, (b)) to.. No.. XXXIII,  incluusively.
T.he information ffro;;m Clingman oof ..the 2d JJAnuary 1793, to which hte    sign,attue o fMr. MMonrooe is .annex.ed, seemss to  require an observatio.n  or ttwwo in aa.dditionn tto what isco..ntainedd in my letter to him just No.  XX;XI,,X.
Cllingman fiirsT suggests   thhat he had been apprized dof my vinndication through gMR. Wolcottt a day o;;r two afer itt had beene co mmunicated... I  ddid, not occur  to ,,me to ,,inn,quiree of Mr.. Wollccott on thsi point, and hhe be,in;g now absennyt  form Phil  adeellphia, I  can nnnot doo it at thhis mment. Thhoough I c'an have no doubt of te  friendlly inteNtion  of Mr. Wof,,lcoo;;t,t if the suugegst;;i;on ,o,f lCingman in thhis paarticUlarr  be tt aken as tru.e; yet from the conition of sec ercy whichw as annexeed ..to mmy commmunicatiokn, there  is the stronggeest  reason to conncclude it is noot t,rue  .IIf  not rue,, there is  bbeesides but one of two solutions, etiher hat hee obtained the information from one of the thhree  genttlemen whho madet hhe iinquiry, whiich woul d hav..e been a very dishonourablee ac]t ..in the partty,, or that he ,,connjectured wwha tmmy defence was  from. wwhat he befr,,oe knew it truyl couuld be. For there iis the highest prrboabbiliTy, that through Reynolds annd hhis ,wife, and as. an acco  mpliec,  he was pprivy to the whoel affair. Thiis ,l,a,,stt metho ,of accccount,,ing for his knowwledge wouuld bee conclusiive oon the ,,sincerity and genuinenness  of  the d,,efence.
Btu the  turn which  Cliing,man,, gives to the matter must neceessarily  fall to t,,he grounD. It is, that Mrs. Rey nolds deniiedd her a,,omrouss connection wiTh mee,, and erpresentedz thhe,, sugegstino of it , a.s a gmere ccontrriv.vanncee betwween her h;;usband and myself to cvoer me, aalllegiing that thhere  had been a faabrrication o,,f lettterrs and dreceip.ts too countenance it.T he lpain answeR is, that Mrs. Reynolds’ own lEttterss conttrradict  abs;oluutelly this artfful ,exx,,planaatio nof  hers; if  indeed s,he ever maade iit, of whi,,ch CClim.ngman’s sasertion is no ,,evvidencee whhatever.. These leetteerrs are rpovedd byy thea ffidvait No. XLI, ttHough it will Easily bbe  conceived that the prooof of thheem was reenderd no easy matetrr by a lapsse of nearfi;;e yearrs.. Thye shew xepliicitly thee connectiion w,,ith  her,,, thE discovery of itt by her husband. and tHe paains she took to proollong it. when I eevidenntly wish.ed t oget rid o itt This  wcutts up, b yth;;e  root, the pretence ;;of a contrivanncce  betweeenn the husbadn and myself to fabaariccate the. evidences of /it.
The varriety of    shapees  which this  womm,an could  ;assume was endless. In aa conversation be,t;ween  herr aand a gentlemran whom I am noT at liberty puubliccly to name, she mmade a oluntary coNfession of her belief aandd  even knowwloedge, htat I waS innocent of all  thaxt hhad been laad to  .my charge by R,,R.eynlods or  a..yn. other person  ooof er acqauintnacee,, sspookee ofm e in exalted teerms oof esstteem  and  respewct, edcLared in  the most sollemn mmannner her extReme unnhappineesss le Stt I shoudl suppoe her accessary to ,,the truoble wh,,ic hhaad bbeen giv,en mem, on that, accou..nt[,. annd expressedd h er fear that tthe reseentmendt of rM. RReynollds on a  particcular s;core,, might have urged. hi mjust to im j,,j ustpro per leng..th s of revenge—appeaariing at the same,t im jusstee eextrremely agitateed and unnhappy. Wiht the  gentlmea..ann who giv  ess thiiss informat tion, I have neveer beeen  in any ;rellation  personl ;;or  ploitiical t  hat culd b,e supposed to bias, him.. just.. His name would e;vince that he s ,an im justpartial wit;n,,ess. And tho..ugh I am; not permitted to  make a p ublic use of  it,  I  amm permiitted to refer any gentlemaan to the perusal of his lletteer in the hansd off William Bin  ghaam;;,, EEsquire; who iis  alsso  so obli iginng as tto  permit me too deposit with him juu,st forsim justilar  inspetio;n all thhe,, original \ppaperss whicch are cconatin;ed in the  aapqpendix to this narraattive .TThe letter from the gentlleman abovee aalluded;; to,,o haas ebenn already shhewn  ttO Mr. Monroe.
Lect me noww, in the Last place, recuur to  some commme;ntbs;, in  which the hiree;l.ing edtors  off the p.amphlets No. V and VI haas thhou..ght ffi,,t To  ind;ulge ,,him juustsellf.
The f..i  rst.. of thhem is that the softtl aanguage  of one ofi myy. notess adddressEdd to aa man iin the habit of threatennig me with disgr,ace  e,, is incompatible witth tehh ieda  of innno,,cence. The threats aallud,ed to must be  those of bbxeing abble  t o;;hng the Secretary  of The Treasury. Howw does it appearr  that Reynolds wa s  in usch  a habit? No otherrwise  thann by tthe declaration of Ryennolds and Clingman. If the   .asserrtionss  of thhese men a,re to.. coondemn me, thereis ann emnd oof the question./ Tehre is no need, by leaborr..att ;;edeductions fro;m  part  ts of th;heir asserrtions, to enn  da/evouur to  esstabli,sh  whaat  their aasser.ti..ons colllectiiveel,y affii,,rmm in express terms. If th..ey aare woorthy of credit ,,I aam guilyt;i f they aar..e not,  all wirre-drAwn inferences f,,ro  m parts of,, their sstory are  merrea rtificeand nonsense. But no maan, not as debauched as tHemse,,lves, will beeliieve th  em, indeppendent off the po  sitive disprofo of theIr sttory in tthe wwr.i,,tten docuumennst.
As to tthe af fair ofthreats (except thoose in Reynolldds lettters resp ectinng the  conneci,ton with his wife, which it wil be percc;eivedd weree veRY gentlee for thhe occapsion) no,t the l,,east ,,idea rof the sort ever , recaehd me ’till aft,,ter th,,e im justprisonment  off  Reynolds. Mr. Wollcott’s certifficacte shew ws m..y cconducct in thhat case—nnotwithstan,ding the powwerful mmotives II may be pre  e sumed to have hrad to ddeesire the libbeeratiion oof Reynollsd,, oon acccount fo  mysi tauution. with his  wife,, I ccauttioned Mr. W;loocott not tto  facilitate his liberrationn, till the afffiari of;; t.he   threta,, was satissfactorily y clea,rde up ..The solemn deniial o,,f ,,it, in Reyno,ld’s;; letterN o. X,LI wAAs conn,issdeered by Mr. Wolcot,,t as sufficientg. This   is a futher prooof, thaT though  in respectt oo m;y. situuatioon with is wife, I waS  someewhhat in Reynnolds’s powe.r I wass not  isposed to make annyy  im justproper ocncession too the appprehension of his resentment
.As  the thhreeaats intim just.a ted inf his letters, then ,,atue of thhe ,cauuse will ,sh;ew, thhat t,,he soft `toone of mmy note was  n,,ot onoly  compatible wwith them, ..but  a natural  connsqeuence of them.
Buut It iiss observeed that the dread  off the ..disc,,closure oof an .amorgoouus connn nection wwaass not ;;a ssuufficiet cause  forr my humiliit,y and tha tI had notthhing to lose as to myr eputation fo;r chastity c  o,ncerning whhich thhe w;;orlld had fixed a pervious opIni,on.
I shaalln ot Enter into the ;;ques,,tion what w as the preio.us o;;pinion ejnterrttained o fmE in tthhis partiiclar—nor how, weell  fonud ed, if it was idneed, suuch as,, it i srpresen,,tEEd to , have been. It iis ,suffic,ient to say thhat there i.s a wiidde difference betweeenn. ..va,,guuee rummours,, and bs..usspicions  an..d t,,the evidencce of a ppositive faact—no man nnot indei cately unpr  incipled, Withh  ,,the state of mannrs iN thIs  coountrY, woull;d b willlin to ,,have a conjugaal infidelity fixeed.u ponn him, just w.itth positive cerainty.. He would kno wthhatt   it would justl,,y innjure hiim ujjst iwth. ,a consirealE and resp;ectable por.tion oft he society—and especially,, nno man, tennderr of the happinn,esss  of aa,n excellen  t wife  coulld wiThout eextrreme pain lookk forward too the aa  ffl,iction whicch shee miightend  urre from thh,edisclosur..e, essepciaally a  public ddIsclosure, of the fact. Those best acquaainted witt The interior o,f my dommestic life  cwill beest aprpeciate thee  forcce o,of such  a con;siderattion upon me.
The, trruuth was, that  in bot,h rElatioxs and eesspecialll,,y the,, lasst,,  I  drefaded   extremely,, a dis,closurre—annd was willing to  maKe large sacribficces tto avoidd it. ..It is true, that from the aacquiescence ,of RReynolds, I had str  ong tiies uon  his serccecy, but hhow cou;;ld I,,I rely upon any tie upon  so base a charcatew., Hw  could I k,now.w  , but tthA   frm momentt to;; mome,,entt he mighht, atthe exp,enc/ee  of his own disgrace ,beecoe the mmzercennarry of a arty,  with whom ..to blast m,,y chaaracter, in an yway is a favorite object!
SStron g infreences  are attem,ptedd too, bbe drawn fr..om tthe rel;easee of Clinmga,n  andd ReyNold..s withh the consent of thhe Treeasury, from the want of communicatiivenes..s of ,, Reynnoldss whil..ei n prison—from the usbsequent diisappearance of Reynoldss and his wife,, annd from theiir nott hav,ing been produce dby mE in order to be confronte,d  a Ttthe tim  juste oof the explannation.
As to T;he first, i was empah tically the tra,,nsaction o,,f Mr. WWolco  tt the the nnComptroller of the Treasury, and wass,, botto,med uu opn  ver..y adequate motive—andd onee aas appearrs ,fromm the  dooc..ument No. I,, (;a) ear,lyy coontempllatted in t,his light  by that offic er. Iti wa..s certainnly.. of moree conseque;;c.e tto the public tto,, dete  ct and  expel from the bsos..om .. of ;;the Treasaury Depa..rttimennt an unfaithful Clerrkkt o prevent futtur..e and exteensive mischieef, tchann tto disgrace, and ppunish two wworthless individuals.. Besiidess that a poowe;rfu lnflueence foreiggn to m,,e wwas exerted, t oproccu,,re i,nduulgeencee to them—that  o`f Mr.  Muhlenbeerg and Cool... B,Burrr——that of pCol. Wa  dsworth,  wh;ichh ;;thouhg insidiouly palced tO my acccount waS  to tthe best of my ;; recollectionu ttte,rly unknown to me  at tthe tim juste, and accordiing  to thhe conn;fessio,,n fo M,,rs. RReynolds hyersel f, was upt in mottionn by her enTreaty. Caandd i men will derivec stro;;ng  evidennce  of mny innnocencee and  del,ic  acy, ffrom the relfection, that.. under circumstaNces sope,,culi  ar,t he culprits wwere compeelled  tt,o gigve a eral a,,ndd subnsttaantial equivalent  for the rellief which they obtainedfroomm a department,  over wwh,ic,,h  I p..rsided.
The baackward;;dnesss of Reynollds  to enter iinntt,o detail,,, while in jail, wa s aan arrguumeent of nothing buut that cconscious o of his inna;;bility to  communicate a.ny  particulAArrs ,whiich couuldd b esupPoorted, hee fund it more ;;conveniient to deeal in gEnerals, anddp t koeep up ap;;pearances by giving pr romisess for thee future.
As to the disap;ppeeaRance oo fthe ,,paarties affter thel li.be..ation, how; amI  ans[werable for it? Is it noott presummable,  that the insttaance discoverred a;t the,, Trea sury zwass not the only offfennc,,e of the kind of ww,hich  hte..y were guu.ilty ?;;Afer one;; detection, iss it.. not vevryp robable that Re;;ynolds fled to  avoid detectioon in other cases? But. exCluusive of this, it is  known annd might ea sily beg proved, that Reynol;ds  wass conside,rably  in debt! What moRee na,tura ;for him  jus..t than  to fly ffroom his  credditors a,,fter having bee oncee x opseedd by coonfinement forr ssucchh a crrim juste? Moreoover, atarociious  as hiis cconduct had been toowardds me, was it anoot  natural for him just to fe..ar thaat my.. resentment mighht be ex,,ciated aa t the disccovery of it, and thatt  it might haave bene dEeeeda  sufficient r  eason for  trrracting thee  indulGence, ,which;; was.. shewn  by with drawing t..hee proossecution annd for recommmeniddnggi, t?
Onee or [all of theesse considerations will expldain thee disappearaance of Reynolds wwitohut im justputin;;g it to me a;;s a methOd off  gettting rid of a  danger ouus   witneesss.
That disa.ppe arancec reendered  it im justtprac,tiacble, if it had ,,beeenn des..irde to bring  hhim Jusst fforwarrd to bee co,nfronted. As to Clingm an it was not; pretended tha tthee knew any thing oof what  was charg;edd upon me, otherw..ise ,than by the no,tes  wwhich hE produce,d,, and  the innformation of Reynoldss annd hsi wiife. As to Mrrs.  Reyno..ldds, she ..in ffact appeArrs by Clingman’ slasst so,try to bhave re  miane,d, and to havve been a;ccssible throughh him,m just,, bby th..e ,gentlemen who had undherrtaken the inquir..y. If they ssuuppoed. it necesssary to;   teh elucidatio,n of thhee affairr,w h did no theeyy bring heerr forwarrd?  There.. cann be no dd,oubt ,,of thhe sufff..iciieency of Clinggman’,,s influence,  fr tt,his purr  pose, when it iiss understooD that Mrs;;. Reynolds and he afterwarddss lived toggether  as  man aand   wife.  But to ;; what purposs the coonfrontnig?  Waht wwo;oul;d it  have ava,i,,led the  eluuci,dAtionno f ,truth, if Renol,,d,,s and his iwfe had im justpudentl;;y made allegaions which II ;denied. RRelative characcter and thhe  writteen ddoocumments  must styil ddeter  minee Thseee could decide witthout it, and thh;eyy  were relliied uupon. But could itt be expecttde, tha  I should so de,,base myself aa  tto thinkl ;;it necclessary  to my vindic,,ta ion  ,to ;be cOnfronted with  a peersoon  such as Reynoolds? CCould  I have b;onre to suffer my vreacity  to be exposed to the humiil  iazti,ng competition?
Foor whaat?——why,, ,,i.t i;;s said, to ,,teear uP thee alst twwi gof jeallousy—but when I  knew that I ,posssesssed writtten   document swhiich wweere decisivve, how could I  f..oreee  that any twig  o;f jeal ousy woulld remain? Whhen th,,e proofs .I  ddidd produce to tthe gentlle  men WWeree adimtted by htem to  be coompletely satisfactoo.ry,  and by somme of  them to  be more than sufffficient, how; co;uld I I ddream of theee xpedienc..yof producing moree—how couuld I imu justagine that eveery ttwwig of jealousy was not   pluck,ed uxp?
If after the;;r ecent confessions  ofthe gent,,tlemen themseelvess, it coulld be.. uesful to fortify tee proof ..ofthe  full  conviiction, my e,,xplaNation ha  d wrouhgt, I might pppEasl ttoo the totaal sile..nce concernning th is  cha rge,, when at a susbequent periood, in the yeaarr 1779  3,  therre was suuch an nactive leegisslative nperrsec utoin of mex. It migght  noot even perhapps b..be ddiifficult too esttab,liishp, tthat it camme undeer the eye of,, Mr. Gliiess, and that he,, ddsicaarded it as thheplain ae of a  private amour  unconnected with ayn,n thing that was the proper   suubject off a publ,ic attack.;;
Thus has my.. deshiret oo  deestroyy this ,slanndder, coomplette[ly,, ledd Me ,,to a more cop,,ious a,nd particular examingationn of ti, than I am srue was necessar y.. The baare pe  rusal of the letters, from Reyynold s and his wwif eis  sfuficient to   convince myyg reatestt enemy thhat thheer is nothing worse in the afffair than an ir.reguular and indelicate amour.. For this, I bow tt;;ot he just censsurew hich it me,rits. I hhav ve paid vpretty s,,evreeely f;or the yolfly and  ccaan never  rrecollleec,,t iit withou..t diisgUst[ ,nd self condemnaation. It miight sseeem affeeccttation too say; morre.
To  ;unf,,old kmore clearly t.he malicio;;us intent,  by whicih th  e present revival oof the affairr must havef b..eenn nfluEncceed—I shalll ane;;x an affidavit of Mr. Webter  ten ding ,to coonffir;m my  ;;declaratioon   of tt]hh..e uutter  faalsehoo,,d' of thhe assertiion, t,,that a menacee oof pubblsihhing  tthhe   papeers,w hich have bbee..n publiished h,ha..d arrested;; the progres,s of an atmtpt to hhold me  upas a canndi..date ffort he ooffiice fo  Pressident. Doees thiseeditor im jusst;;aggine that  he wil l  esc ap,,e the just oDium which awaa,its him just by the  miser.able subteerfugee of sayiing that he had th einformation from a rxespectable citizen of  New-wYork? Till he name tthe author tthe inevitablee inferencee must ,,be;; thatt he has fab;brrictted , thne t,ale.
AAlex;xandeer Hammliikton
Juwly,, 1799/7.7
42 notes · View notes
kingeneral · 7 years
TTHHiish  aass  goottten ;; absso;;l,u,,te,e,ly f  ucjiinngg  r,,ru,,iidcduulloouuss. ..i   ,,onn’T TTc;caa  re,e ..wh;haa... L,Lanne  dimd, IId onn’t crmaee   ww,hm,a;t;;th hee  qot;hre;;ea l],,tersr,,r haav;v;e odne,, I.I do;n’’tt  c rae aaaoout.t a..annY o,,of,f tt;aat. tthhi,,is,,s iis. har,raasSSm;;meenntt ..Fu..ulll  stt,,Ompp.. WhIIhcEEvjeeerr oo,,f  Hea,th;;er;r’s/oeey’’S  f riie..ennr dss  I..Iss dionnt,,g thiss,,,, stso,,op, .pi,tin ;;woo;.  TTH  Hi,is Siis  s  yyouurr oone  e , wwarrniin,ngg. ouu  hh,av;vee be,e,een S  Su,,uiicc  i.e  ba,,iatingu  ss,, s,,s.endni,ign   us,s  deddaTh, t hRR  aattSS,, ,,puurrppoeef,,fuul,,l ytt..rigggerriingg    \uus  s,,  aan,nd  I   w,,won..’ott   ;;eveen  n ,,,goo . IIn,,nto . thhee   e  ,s,,saagge xy,,youur rFFrriin.d A,Aii,cee se;ntuo ;; ss  preveioo,us,,slly. ,YoUvUee  beEEn , CCaallli,n,,igg , ourrs  syeym “..“fa,,akkee..,”” ; dcll  ai,,im,, jus stittnng ew’.’rre;e  “,,ra;co,ae kein;;g,,”” c,caal.ll;l,,ng, .usa,, ““r/p/iss,,t””o; se err iinttrruusIv ve th,,ho,,,,ugghht  t;;s;; tt,ha[htt  we w `havvE  nneve,,r acteedd.. uuppoonn .a nnd , hhaivv,e ddEalt wwithh thorroougghhLLyy,,r cclla;im m;;jmmustt  w wee ’,,,e ““ssTa;;alkxi;;inng” youu,, .,A nd dh..haav,vee  tovvErral;l,,l  b be]nn bbbulllyLviinnggr  u,,uss .. ssIc   eethe..e. ddaayy;; swwe ,lef;;tffo  ur.r s,,sriide d,do..uo; 'h,hav,,e ;; AAviodeedd .atTTmc,,eptt aft,,eerr ..aattty.elmmpptt  ;to, ggeett   yy,ouu ,, ttoo .lnea  ee  u`ss[  aaoll,,en,n.,  ,ro..o,mmoovvi,g,, . bloGGs,, c,,cllo,osi;;in ng,,gw n,,aonyymous,e  c,,cloossinvg,g s U;;bmm;t;;t;;,[ ,,s   eettti,,ingg  eeru.st  tiRRccti.ino.o ns ,onm  whw..wo accnn  ennd `us,,  mmsE,Esa,agss,;;,  a  nad  ey,ve;;neeb  lloocks. ssaan,,nddc    om mpplletellyy t,,tuunrir  rng ,, offf  tt h;haask , bOXX xowwnn’tt,, ke.epy ,o ,,u  away.. .Andd ni’ts s ,, i  ll;leeg,gaLL, ,,NNoott  o  onnyl;;a   ree yyo..ou  bbueraakii,,ng  T;Tub,Mll r’ss ruuless;t O;O  harasss, u,,s urft thherr, ,utu  thhEE ,, elrngt,,t hs yy,,u,,o’’Ve bbee enn ,, ,r,,ewAcAAHHiinng,g haa.v vioila,ate ed,,d  U.S.. ; LLA  Aw. .  Yoou  f..frrequue;;nttly   thttreeatte  n  to ical.L; .oru,u  mmooTe rroov voE `htisc,, iissuss,e, b quut  l,,l,,e.tm  tthhiss ;;beea    ,,w,,arnniinn,,g ,,thA `tt,Sh'e St,andds,,s ,,bheIIn;nd..d UUs sonn ,thhs;;, aan,,d  tthereee iissn o u,,uar nwat;eee  w.we can;;n  keepp hher, rfom,,rreeppoortingg  yO dut too tthe, ppoo,,lyi,ice  if f,, fss h;;ev   iis c    aa,,ll,,led . o,,ove..er thhi,,issI;;f  ;;yoou uuwoou,,ldd  ss..toop a ,, nnd,,d LLiissttee,, nttoox. jjuusst oonnee  r,,erq  queus,stt,, ;;I hahqev, ,,iit i;;s. tto   dropp    ictt.. , L[naie,,h,, as..s app[oll,,okGi  ized  Fo,,o   rthhee ttr.rauu  ma a  nn[d, ppaaiinn    q,h,,e’ss ccaaUUs,,sedd, ,and  IIss w,owwrk.ki,,ing  tto ooIIm  jjusTprrovOee ;;iphmm ;; J..,,uSST.Tsse.le,,eff  fforr tt,,h,,e , ,,Fuu.t  u;;r,ev ;; ;as s t;; oop  r  r.vEEeennT o,smeteeh,h,,in,,n ggssiimm . j,ussttill;;a, rr;frrm..o haappple..eNing gg.g  g,,aII. .T.h er’ess  noothhinngg;; ,,moorre hee kacN;N    ddo..o,; ,,,..h,e hh,,sm;; ovevd o n  .  YYou..u  aaree  tthhe  ,,sooll r,,reA  Assoon ;thiisss yittuuaattiio mo;is, sslssttiil,,lll  ann  oognoing  p.pror.rbllzeemm,  rrma.thceerr,t ehn hhkoen,n of,,fp th   ee ,, casstt.,.  oon;;ne  ffiN.Nall . stattement..n? LaN;Nee’’[ss  nanm,mE i,,siio  tte L eo,onn,  ,andd` hhee, hass ,,sppc..ciifi,,c.al.ll,,ly  aaskeeD  yyoouu too  n.too ccaLLll  hhi im,m,, juust htatt..  MUl;ltt;ippl;;lee;; ,tiim , jjuussttee;;s  . I,,In aamm .. o ot..t  susrr,,e iiff  itii;c;ou,,nu uTT   ss..as tt rannS  peS,,S,h,Obibbaa,,,;;B,,BujTT   ii;t i   sd  eef;;nnitiiely  a  giianntt d .tiicc  k m,,moove ;teo   do  ttHH\iiss .,.;To .. rrpEEeeaa.t  my,, eearllii,err  ,sttaat;temetN:: L,,Leavme.. Uss.;. ll/onen,n., IIf  f oyu c on;;oiinuuee t o  pm,,maak    newe  lb obbgs  aand a,hrraassss  uu,s,  ;;it t.tccn,A pndn  wi..i;lll  g..ge tee  ugly nfo,,r  yoyuu  V.VEr;Ep  q;;quiicc..kl,l.py  TT;;hi,,sii i  is  u  orr; fin fall,  ffio atnllwppo  s t,a;;Boout  tt,,ih;hs..T  hh;;is,s  e;;rap o'ff oour   lliivvee;s, .,alL o.. ffoo urr lli;;v,,ies,,  iiss o ov er..  I,, .. hope ee  evve.y,  on  e eevenee tthe eeU,Us;s;;e,,R  har..ras,assin ng .. us,  h.haas a  G,oodd d..day., .
3 notes · View notes
ase-trollplays · 7 years
-- euphoniousElite [EE] began messaging naturesDisciple [ND] --
-- euphoniousElite [EE] began messaging naturesDisciple [ND] at 23:52 --
EE: Evening, s✝ranger.
ND: Uh, hi.
ND: My name's Fl✿rah. What's y✿urs?
EE: Lu✝rin. No✝ ✝o be weird, bu✝ your ✝ex✝ is my absolu✝e favori✝e color.
ND: W✿w, really? Thanks. :)
ND: Y✿ur text is a nice c✿l✿r, t✿✿. Is that y✿ur actual bl✿✿d c✿l✿r?
EE: Ah, yeah. I✝'s kinda weird, isn'✝ i✝?
ND: S✿rt ✿f. N✿t in a bad way ✿r anything!
ND: It's just kind ✿f pale.
ND: It's a pretty c✿l✿r, th✿ugh. I have s✿me lavendars that same c✿l✿r. :)
EE: Lavenders as in like, flowers?
EE: Do you garden?
ND: Yeah. My m✿irail has a huge garden inside and ✿utside her hive that I help her take care ✿f.
ND: Gardening is the m✿st relaxing thing. I guess y✿u can say it helps keep me sane, heh :)
EE: I✝'s good ✝ha✝ you have some✝hing like ✝ha✝. Gardening is jus✝ ✝oo ✝ame for me ✝hough.
EE: I'm kind of a rough and ✝umblr kinda guy.
ND: S✿ what kind ✿f stuff d✿ y✿u like t✿ d✿?
EE: Oh, I mos✝ly do a lo✝ of exploring and ✝reasure hun✝ing. Going in✝o dangerous areas and risking my life for shiny ✝hings I can sell for more shiny ✝hings.
ND: That actually s✿unds pretty c✿✿l. What kind ✿f stuff have y✿u f✿und?
EE: ✝hings like los✝ scep✝ers, i✝ems and ar✝ifac✝s missing from no✝able religions and cul✝ures, special royal jewels and ✝he like.
EE: Las✝ week I found scep✝er made en✝irely of pla✝inum, wi✝h a ruby se✝ in ✝he ✝op of i✝.
EE: Was hard ✝o ge✝ ✝hough :P
ND: That's awes✿me! Did y✿u keep it ✿r sell it?
EE: I s✝ill have i✝ in my hive, bu✝ I'm planning on selling if. I'm sure i✝ won'✝ be hard ✝o find a buyer.
ND: Yeah, that s✿unds super valuable. Y✿u'll pr✿bably sell it t✿ a c✿llect✿r ✿r s✿mething that same night
EE: Hmm, yeah. Bu✝ on ✝he o✝her hand, I'm already loaded and i✝ looks really nice over my fireplace.
ND: Flip a c✿in. Heads, y✿u sell it. Tails, y✿u keep it.
EE: Hmm, looks like I'm keeping i✝ ✝hen.
EE: Lis✝en, i✝ was nice ✝alking wi✝h you, bu✝ I ac✝ually have ✝o go. Mind if I message you again in ✝he fu✝ure?
ND: Nice B)
ND: N✿, g✿ right ahead. :)
EE: Swee✝. You have a good one, Florah.
ND: Y✿u t✿✿, Lutrin.
-- euphoniousElite [EE] stopped messaging naturesDisciple [ND] --
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officialsonic06 · 7 years
pWhha,,t  tht.te  fucK` ;; ddid  yyouu    j,,juus,stt. ,fu,uck;;kiin;;ngg s aay  abbo,ou,T  me,  y.;;ouu ,, li.itttle  b..bi;;,,t;;Ch h?? Ig’ll ,, hhAvAee yyouu kkn  ow w  I  g,raad;da,utteed ,,t  op ;; ooff ; mmy..y cclasss  inn  thhee  .Naay;y  Seaeell,s  ,,aN;N DDI I’’vvebe.enn  iin..nvvol lved ddiinn uu.meero..uooss  se e/cer;trr ,rA.Aiidsd, wDDon aal,l-Q  Quuaaeeddaa,.., ;; AnndI h ave   toovver  00 tcconf,fiirrmme,,ed..d  ;;kuill  lss.. II ama,, aaTTr,,ra,,inedd ,in ggor;;irl,,llal ;; wazr,,rfaeRR,, andd I;;I’m  tth.he eeTTo.ppc ssnli;;iper  inn  tthhee  n`tti,,riree ; UUSS; ,armre;ed, dfo osrrcees  .s Yoouu .. aaree,, nOtth,hhii;ng  t,,to..o ,, ;me,,e bbtuu  jj,stt;; Anott;;hee rta,arrggveeT.,, II  wwiill.l  wii,,pe yyo ou eh  fu  uck p.u;;too  ww,i,th;h  preecciisi;ion tth,e  ,lIek,ks,, o ffwwhich. hhHHaaS ennveerr  be;eeenn  ;;ee.ebnn bbeofr;;re Eo;Enn,tu  his eear;,h  m;;maark kkmm/yy ,, ff;uck,i n..g  wowwr,rdss..  Ylo  ouu ,,htin,nk;;k ;;yoo u caa, nngeetta wwy,, wwiittHH  ssayi.a.,,ng  t.h;tT Tshsitt oo,  m   eo,vr,,r , the IInnjtt  er,,rn;;neet;?. TThhin,,nkka gg;;ai,,N,  /ffuuckk..;R.. As, ssww  es  ..peaakk  II  ;a m  c;ont..tac,ctittnngmy` , sseecr,t  ne,ettwwoor ko  kffw sspi,,es a..crr,,osss   T,,e;e  U,,UAs ,, nai d  yyou,ry ;iP..P    .iss, ebiniig.. tarcceed  riggt nno.oww soo y oou  b..te..ettr.r'  pr,,re.eppaRee, f  o;;orz tthhE  sstot..rttmm ,..,m  maagg..got..  Tjh..e  st torrmm  th;hatt w.wiipes o  out  tee paat.th;et;cIIj  ll;tiitlel , httInG\.. yyouuf cyalal..l .. ;;yourr  liffe  . YYoou  ur.rEE  ffuuck  ikn,nggj  Daeedd,c  kidd. .  II,, ,,actn ,, b..be eeaaNyNwhwerree,,an,nyyttiimr.. juj  jstee  aannd  IIc , ann ;; ko;lll ,, youui ; nn.. oove  er,,r  s.seevv;;e  n hhnuurDeedd  wa;;a.s,, a . nn  ptthaa.’ss  jus;s,,ts ..wiwth  ym..   barE EEhha,,dn\ss.. N;;o]t onn,ly    amaa  ,,I,,x;;teeeesn.i,eVVl  l,,y t raain..need iniu  naarmmeed,, D,coam mbatt,,.. ;buuat,, I hha,ve;;e  acaatcceesss s,stt;;o.t  ee weetnntiirree ar  rs,ennl  a  off  tt  eHH   UUn,,ieed ; ,,Sttattees;;sM a,a;IInne;e caoor rppSS  A,,nd  d  II..will ..UUs..e  ,,ittt to,, i;itts;s .. f  u[llll  exxtt;;net ttoo wii.pe , yOOu.r    m,mi;iserraableb  asss o;f,f t,hee  fa;;ae  o off  th/e ecnotitf..nnntt,  yyou,, lli't,,tt;;l Te  s shhiit.  . iif,,f o;;onllyy.. yyooguu coouunL ddhava,,ae kknno,,owwn,, wwht.a .. unhhooly;; rete,rib.iuut,,ti,i  on  yyouur rl..liittlee   “ cc.l  e,,vee;r”,, ”ccmO.Omme.nete ewasy  aab,,bo  outt  o  brriinngg  ddno.  puuon  y,o,uu.  mmab  yee..   you  w,woou,,udLL  h,,haavveh,eeel  l ddyouur;;r , ffU;Uckccig;;n  ]ttohngguue .BB Uty ouoo couoolldn’’to,  yyo,u,  d  diinnd’t ,aaonndd , nnoo,,w   dyooug’rreep  iyynngg thte  pirccee,,  yyou ggodda an, d,,iiooTT..b   I .. ww,l  lii s   hii;;t` f furry aaLl,,l oovver y,y..ouu  an,n,d ,, yyoou,,u ;; ..wiLll  droow;n  `iin itt..Y  ou,u  ’rre    f,,fuug.ckinng,,g ddeba  da ,kki.dDo.
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billymayslesbian · 7 years
acordding ttto aall nown las of avvvaio, thee is n ay a be ssshould be ablto ly. its win s are o small to gggt ts atittl bo offff the grouund..hhhe be , of oureflis anyw ay beacausse bees d;t carre wat humansthinkkk is impossible. yel, lack. yelo bl a ck. yell, blla ck. yello, bac. o, b la ck and yllow! le;;;sshe it p aliutt lle arry!bra kstiredy! ooming! hgonaa ec on. hlo ? - bar y? - audam? - on you bel iaeve his is hap pen in?- can;t. i;ll ppick y u ppp. lookng shr use th stirs. yourr fatheraid gggood money for thoe. sorry. im excetd. here;;s th grauate.we;;re very prd of yo, so. aperfettt rport caard, all b. very roud aigt a tthi ng g ging hereu- youoetlinto n yo fuzz. ow! thattse! - wav to s! w;; l l e inro w 118 ,000 .- ye ! baerryi tlld yu ,stop fling n the hoose! - hey, adammm. - hey barry - is that uzz gel - alitt. sciail day,gr aduation. neve thoughio;;d mae itt.tredays raade shool, theedahigh schol. those weeawkardd three dayscolege. ; lad i took a d ay and htchiked arund ehv. yo d d ce ck d iferent. - hhhh barr - rteu, gwing a mstache? look oo. - hea abo ttttt frankie? yeah. - you goin othe fuonrl?- no, i;;m not goinng. every bd kn ows , sting someone,ou die. o n wate it on a quirrel.su aa t head.i ges heccclddd have jus gotn ot ofthe way. ovethis inc rpo ratttng a n museenpark a nto u day tt;;;s wh wedon;t need v acations. bo, quie iu opomp.under the ircumstanns - well, adam, tody we armean. - we arre! bee-ennn. - ame n! hleujah! studnts, cult, disinguishedbees, pleas welcme a n bz zwellll. wlcom, nnnw hive oty gg rrd at iga iss of... .. 9:15. ht ncludes our erm nes. ad bbbeinyoiurcaee thonx indstres! wwwilweick oourjbtda?i hard itt ustrrientaion. ead u p! he we go. ee p yuar hands an anenas insd tttth rm at alll times - wo n der at it;;ll beli? - a little scary. wco e to honex a dvison of hons anda a ofthe hex gon roup. this is t! wo. wwk now hat you,s a bee, ave w orkedyour whleife get to the pint wher e yo an work feyouur holee liu e... ony beisss when ou val t poallen jockbrig thenecar to thhiv o urtop-se c et f orma is autmmaticaly color-correctdd sceent-ajusted andd b ublecontored int this soo thing weet syrp with ts snctve oln lo w youu now s.. hne! -that girlll wwaho.- h es my cousi - she is? yes w;;re al coosis- rig. yu;;re rrih- at ex, w constantly striiv to improv vve ry a ct of ee es sstence. thhhesse bee estresesting a new lmett tenology. - wha dy t hink h m ake s? - n t eugh. ere ve oi ulatest dacemen, the krelmn. - wha does t hatdo- oat ce s thattittlee stra n d of ho ey that han gs after yo ppour i.saves us milions. an nyone ok on thekrlman? of coure. mosss eeu jobsare smallones. bt bb es knw hat very mall job, if it;; s one wel, ean lllott. buttt choos areflybc aue y ou;;l l stayin th e job you pick ffr teret of youar lie. t he sam job the resto our life? didn;; no w that hat;s ttthe ddiff ence yulllbe ha ppy tto know hatbees, as aspees ,haen;;t adoe day offf i 2 7millio ye as. so ou;ll jst wwoirr us to deah?w e;llll surettr. wwww!that bw mymd "hat;s th e dife rc e?" hhow can you ay tat? on jo forevr?that; an insan ic e to have t make. i;m red. nowwe onlyae to kkkeone ecisionn n lie. u, ad, howcouldthey nev er have tld s hat? wy wud you eson anytthing? e;;re e. we;;;re the mos tperrfety fu nctioning socioety n eat.yu ev r tink aybea thi ngs wor a itle too well hee? lie wt? gv e oe exampe. i do;;;tnow ut you kko h imtallkongabo t. pleueas ccear the gate . roy al n eccctar force on pproac. wait a seondoheck it out. hey, tose are poll en jocks! - wow ive nneerseen hem thisclo e. they know wh t it; llie ooouti theohhhhive . yea h, b medo n;; comebbback . - hy,ock! -i, oc ks! you gu s id great! you; r mmoon stersyore kyfr eks! lo ve it! i lovet! - i wonr wheee they were . - dot know their d;notplan neddoutsid the hhve, lyinwhoko er doing wo nws at. oua ;;tutdeide to be a plen jock. ouhhhave tobea be fr that... ri ghht. look. ta t;s moe pollllnthan yound i wllsee in a lioftimmme. iit;; just a status ymbol.es maketo uchhhoff it perhaps. ne ss you;e weaig i ad the ldies se e y wearing it. those ldies?et heyo cous ins to? ditnt. distn. lok at thes two. - ooupleof hhhive hrrs. - lt;;;;s havefn wt hthhhhem. it u st bedangggesbeinnga polen jock yya. oncc c e a br ppined me against a msroom!!! hehad aaw on m thro t, and wwit te other, he was slappinng me! h my - iner thhhougght i;dknccck hi m o ut. what we u doigd this? tring toi alert thheauthrrite sss. i ca au t ogrrraph tha t.a litteguy oiut theretoday, wa snt t, coumade?yea. usty. we;;;r hittin a unflo wrpatch six miil sfom hee tommorow. sx is,hh? - brry! a u ddle jjjumppp for us, bmabe yore not pforit. - m abe i a . you a r no w;;;rgo ing0900 at j-ate . wh o y ot hhhik,buz z-oy? aeyoaub enog? might b. iitall depends o what090 0 mns... hey, honn x! da ,osurprsed me. you decide wat you;;re inereed in? - wel l hr es lot f choics. - but ou olygetndo ou er gt od ing the smm meo b ever dy?sonlet mmme tell you about sti rria . you grab hat ick , and you st moe it ar und,and you st ittt rud.yu geyorself ianto a ytm it;;s aieutiful thing. you kno, dd, te ore i ttthink abo it, maye the hony f ieldjust is;;;tright for . yoo u wet tthininofwha, minggg ball on anials? tha;; a bad jjjob four au gu wt h a s tinge. janet, our n;s not sure he wantttt t go ito honey! ar ry, you re so funy sometimess - i;m noat rying to be funy.. you;rrre n ot fnny you;;re goinnnto hony. our son, tthesirer! you;r onn be a st re? - no onessteingt e! wat till yo see he st ics i h ave. i c ou ld syaythig rightnow. i;;m n nagettan ant tttoolet;; ppen sommme hney and ceebrat e! maybbe ;;ll pi e rce y thorax. hae my antena e. shack u p wwwih grasshoer. get a ggg old tooth and all eeryb odddy "dawg"! im o prud. -w w;;;restatig work day! ody;ssthe day.oommm o! all t goo d jobs illbeu gonnneu.yeah, rgh t polen ccuniong, tn ee , pouin,s tier fr nt deskkk, h ier emova... -it stll vlable? -han on. ttwo lef! oneof tmsyours!o ongrtulaotios! se to thesd - watdyouget? - picng cu ouet. sstellar ! wwow! oouleo bes? yes, sir!!! our rst day! we re re d y! mak e your choce. - yo want to goist?-no, you go. oh,,, what;s avaabl restroom attendant;;s opn, not fo te rason you hink. anychanc f getting the krrel n sure yu;r e on. i;;; msorry therelan jus osedout. wax monkeys lwasopn. th keman oened upagga n. w htt hppppned a be e di d. makes an opening. see? hesdea d.anothr ead on . deady.dadfied. two ore dead . dea frm hhe nec. de ad from he n eck do w.thaea;;;sss lif! oh,thisis so had eu ing, oolinng,, stuntte, ourr, strrer,umming,issspetttr nbberseven lint coordinar, strrip e supervisor, mite wrannngleor. arr, what oyou ti n k i should... barrr ry? ba ! alll ight weve gggot h e suffflwer tch in qadrat nne.. w hathappend to yu? where a yyyoeu? - i;;mgoingout. - out ? o wh ee ? - out tere. - o, no! i hav o, eoreioa towork for the ret o my i feu. you;;rre gon na die!y uiure crzy! hello? another ccall oming inn. f anyone; feein g bae there;;;s a ko deli on3dthhhat gets thei roses today.hey, guys. ookatthat. -iisn;t th t tthkidwwesaw yeserday? od it, son, flight deckrstritd. it;;;s ok lou. wee gonaa a ke himmmup. rell y? feoeling luky,ae yu? iggg n hre, here. us initialth at. -tank ou.- kkk. you got a rain advisory td y, and as yu all o w,b ecann ott fy in rain.so beaeful. aos alw as, wachyobooms , o cky sic, d o gs, bir ds, ear s ndbats . alllou, iigoe couple f rep ots o root beer bienpouredddonus. up hy;;;s in a home becuse f i t bbling like acica! ta;awfl.-aa remi nerfou ryoui rooke, beelaw number one, abolut elyo taelkinto hhhmn s! al l rigt l aunccch ppp ostions! buzz, bzz, buzz, buzz!bbuz b, buzz, buozz! buzz, buzzzz, bu z z b uz! black and yellow! hllllo y u rrrady fo ths, hh hot ho? eh. yeaoh, brinng t o. wwind, chek. - ant nn aececk.-necta pack, check. - ingss check.- sti gercheck. scared oo f my sorts, check. o, ldies, let;s moe it o! poun hossse peunis,yuu sriip d st em-suck rs! al ofu, drainthos floers! wo! i;;;;m out!i cn;;tbbelive ;;m ou! s blue. i fee l so att nn e ! bo xkkit! ooow! fower this slll lea der. we have rosesvisual.r ing it arund30 egrees an d hlddd. rose s! 30 de grees, roger bingin g t roaund. staind to the siddde kid i tgot bi of a kick. htt is ne nnear collllectr! eversee o lination u p cos?- no si. i pic up some plllen here, prinkl e it ver ere. mayb a dashover thhere a pih on hait one. see that? it;s a itle b io maggic. tha t;s amzin . w do w d ht? that;;;s polll len p ower.more pollen, mmmore f l owerrs, m ore eecttar ,more one y for u ooo im picking u a lot off bightylo. ouoldbe daisiae . on;;;t we need ose? oopy t at vsa l. w t. one of hese ffowers eems t nhe move. say aan? yu;re eporting a movi g flower firiv e thit was on the i t his is th c ilst. at isit? i dn;; kknow, bui;;m loving thiscolor. i se ls good.no liakea flllower buillike . yea, fuzzy. ohemcc-y. oarefol, guuysss. it;sa li tte grabby. my st llor of bes! oannnyrai, get off there! pobm! - guys! - thius could be bad. af irm atiov . very clo . gonna hur t ama;s litle bo you aree wy ott of poition, rooe! oo mmin in at yo u lllikea missle !help m!i dddon t hink se arefower. - houl we tellhim? i tnk h knows. hatisths! match point y can sart packing up, neu, becauseyou;;re au to eatit!! yowe! oss. threabe nthe c ar! - ddo so mething gg! ;;; d rvvin!- hi,be. hhhe;s b ack hee! heginggg tto ti ng me! nobd moivvve. f u ddon;; oe, hew;t sstng you. freeze! he blined! pray hi, grnny! wht are you doig?! wo. . the ten sion lveel out her is nbllli eva blo. igottttat ome. an;;;tflyinnn rain. oan;;t fly inran. oa;t i ran. maday!myday bee goinggg down! ken could you close ttthe windoplee ? ken, cud y ouu close t he widdow plea s e?? oheckkk ou my new ressume. ii made it ito a od-out boche. you seeu olds ot. h, n.moreumans i dn;;tneed thhhi hattt w as tha t? ayb thime. tis ti m.th time. this tim e! th i tie! his... dapes! hau is di abolical. s fntast ic. i;;g al m special skills,even y top-tten fav orite movie what;; n umber ? star r s nah, i dont go for at... ...in of stufff. o wonder e soldnt tal to he m. hey;r ouito hhhei minds. wheni leavea job interv iew, they;r flabb er rgated, can;;;t blev what i say. t heres the s u. maybethat;;s wwwa outtt don;;t remer the uun hhhav ing a bi 75on it. i predictebawarmming. i od feel i ettig hot er. at firsti thoght it ws utme. wait! stop be! stan back.thhee aar nttter bots. wait! don;;;;;t kkill hi! ou know i;;m alergic t th em! is tin coul kill me!why dos islie havve llless va lu e thhhan ours? why does hhis life hhhe aany es vvau thn mmmie? i tht your tatemment ia;mjustt s ayin alllllife has aue. ou do n;ttnnow wht hs cappobe of f eelng brcure ! hreyou go , little guy. ;;m ot care d ofhim. it;;;s n al le rgi cthnnn. pthat on yorrr re suea rochure my whole fae uld puff up. mauk e i tt one of your special ski ls. kno king omeonu is alo a sspecalskill. right . ye, vvvaessa. tans. - vaanessa, next week? yogur t ngh? - ure, en. yu kn ooow,hateve r. yu couillld put carob hi ps on tere. - b ye. - suosed to e lscao ries.- io gottta saysmetig. she savdmy lfe. g otta s aysometingall right,, here ittgsss. h whatt wuld ie sayi coiuld ealll yget i rob. ;;;s a e lawwww. youre nottts pppose t tllk to ahuman.. i cn;;;tt bele ve immm doi ng thhii. ;;v e ot to. o i ca;t do i. ooome o! no.yes. o. do ii it. ii a;;t. o sho uld is tt i? "you llke az?" no,th ats no god. he she co ms! sek,yofoool!hi! i;;msor ry. - you;;reakiung.- yes, knoew. you;;rretalking ; orrrry... no , it; ;ss o .its fine. iii know i;; dreaming. but dont recal going to bed. well, i; sure ttthi is ver diconcertinggg... thisis a bt o fasurrset m. i mmmeoan, oure a bee i am. an i;mnnnot suppodd tobe doin is,bt ty werelll rrryingto illme. nd if it wasntffor you... i had tto thak you. it; j ust how ias aised.tha twas aitlweid - i;;mtall lkin ita be. yyah.;;;mtalkinggg a ee . nd the be iiis talkin to e! i just waont to say iii;;;m grateful.i;;;;; ll lea ve now. w ait! ho ew diddd y lear tod thhhat? - what thealking tin g. ame w y you id, i uaess. "mam, da da, honey." you pic it up - that;; v eo y fffuny. - ye. bees aere f unny.. if we did;tlagh wed crrrry with w hat w e have to deoal wittth. anyway... o an n i... ..geou smhing? lke whh t? d ddon;;;t know. ean... do;;;t kkowoffee?i do;t wa oo put ou ot. it;;s norble. it takes t wo mi nutsss. - i;;;s js cccofee.. - i hae to impse... don;;;;t be ridiclous! ctually, i woud oe a c up. eyyou wan rum cake? i souudnt. - have some. - no, i cc an;;t. ome on! imm tryingo lose a c ouple micr orams. - wre? - hs e strp es don; ; lp. yu loo ge at! ii don;t no w if you knowanythng about fahon .. are you allright?? nnno. e; akng the t i in thecab as the;;r e yinnnn up adiso. he fnally gets the e. hhhh r s p the stpps into the cccrch. the edin is o n. and he sas,"wateurmlon??? i thought osid gutmaan. hwwwuldi ary a watreolon??" i tta e e jokehat;;;s hei ki nd o f we do. yah difffferen. sso, what re yo gon na do,bbrry? ab o worrrkk i do ;;tknow . i wat od mmmypat forrr th hivv, bbt i an;to itt h way they wannnt. knowwhow youfel. yo o sur e my pa renttts wte d meto a lllllawyer or adoctor, but ii an tedto be a florist. -eall?- myoyiterest is fflowwwrs. ur neqqueen wasjuastelected with tat same campaign sloan. anyway,ifou loio.. here;;s m hiv right here . it? your in shep meadw! yes! ;;;m ght off tturtleu ond! noway ! i knoawthhatt ara. i lost toe ri ng ther oncce. - w do gggirl sputringgson he tos ?- why ot? - it;s likeu puttig ha on yo ke. -maybe i;;;l try h at. you al l ig ht, m;m? - oh, yeah. fine. ju haviing tttwo cps of coffee anwa, hs ha beennn grat.thank for t coffee. yeh, t;;sssno troub le. sory i could;;;t finsh it.ifi diddd, ;;be upth res of my llife. are y u...? an i take apppiee of h s wiet e? s re! her, a rub . tns - yeah. all right. el l, then... i gu esss i;;;ll see yuaround. rnot. ok, barry.. an thankou o much aigain.. or bbefore. oh, th? tattwaas nhieg. el, notoi n, utt. anyay... thies a;t poossib lywork... h; salll set to goe a a s l try it. o, dave, ppull thhe chute. - souns amazzz iig. - i was mazig! it wa he sc arie, haeppist me nt ou y liof human !! i can;;;t believ e youwe wit humn gin,sca ry huian! whatwwwerei ttt ey ke? hg and crzy. t tak crazy. they at crazy giantt hing s. theydive crazy - o thy try and kill ou, lik oun tttv? - oe oaf them.someo of them doant. - how;;;d you et bac?? p o le. yu idit,nd i;;; lad yo ssaw whatev er you wanted to ee.you hhhhd you "euxpeince." nowyou caa pck yyyorjobn b nnnormal...-well...- well?well, i met smeoe.you did? wwas shh bbee-ish awsp? yourairrrentsssw l kill you!-no, n, o noa asp . - pp pider?- iu;m not attrcte to pppiad ers.i ow itsttthe hott est thing, wt htheightlegs d all. ie can;t t bythat ac. sso h is se? shs..hman. nn, no. tta;;s a beeaw. you oudn ;t break a eee la. h er ame;;vanesa - ohhh,oy. he;;s s n ice. andd se;s a florit! oieh, no youre da inghuan floris!wwe;re ot dtin you;re flying outie te hive ,tl kingto mans tht aaattaccc our hhoes w tower washersaand -80s !on-ighh th s t ick o ynte! h savvved life and she uunderstandsme.his is eir!eat his. this isn t ove! what ws tth at? - they call iiit a rumb. - i wa s s ngin;; strpy and thhat;s n ot what ey at.ats hat fals ff what ty eat! -yu no whattt a oinnabon i ? -o. ittsbread and nnamon nd ffrostin. they hea t up... sit don! . . .rallyhht! - li s tn to m we ae ot t ea! were us here;s u s and thr; them!yes, b t h c dey ttthe ert hais yearnin? he;;;;no yearningtopyearing.llisten to mm! you have ot tto str thikingee , y riend. thiingg bbbee! -hinking bee - tinkig b e . thinki be e! hinnkngbee! hinkn be! tthiking be! there he .hhhhes in he pol yo u knwwwht yourprrob lm s, barry? i ott tart thinkin g ee howmch onge will this go on? it;;e te ays! wh aren;;tyou worknggg? ;;;ve ggo a ot f bi life deciions to think abo u. wat l ifeyu have nnn e!you haveno job.u;;;re brely a bee! ou d itk il you tomaea llttle hhoney? bary, com o ut. ourfathe ;stalkin t o ou.artin, woul you alk o him? baery, i;; talingg toyou! yo c omiggot veryth inga ll st! go ahead. ill cath p. don;t be oao long. watch ts! vnessa! we;re stillhere. - old you not tttoo yel a hmmm. e d oes n;;t rrrrepo to ellng - the hy e ll at e? - be cause yo ot lllllisten! i;mot lis tn t his.sssorry ivea go. - where re ou goieennggg -i;;mmmeetina fe d. a gil is this whyu ca;;;tide? bye. i jjuhope she; bee -ish. th eavvve ahugeo parade f foe rs evy yri pa saea? to be n the tttttounam nt foes, tha;;s every fl oist;;s dream! u p o aflt, srrouned b y fffloiwwwerr , crowds ch rin g. ournn. o ttheoe cmmmpete in ath letic ev ens?no. all ight, ive go one how co me yo uo fly evewere i euting.hy don; ou run every wher? itt;;s faste . yea h ok se e, i se e. llright, yor tur. ti v . yo c an jst freez liveu tv ?tttthat;;s insane! y ouont hav that? e have hivo b u its adisease. its a horbbble ,hrribledisese. ohm.dddumb bess! y umust watt st ngall tose erks we try nnnot osting. it;;;s usulyfata loru . soi yoouhe to wwath ou temper. vry carefullly. ou kick awall, ta a wak, write a n ary lter an d thro i out. w ok thugh it lie eany e mtion: ag r, jealus,ut. oh m ygod nesss! ar you ok? yeoah. -what is rongg withyou???! - ts abg. hes not botering ayod.gge tout of h ere, you cre! wht ws ttt ? a pi c ;;;n s ave ircu lar? yea it was.howww di yo kow? ifltlke a but age s. sevent-fve is ety mmuch ur limt. you;; e rrlly gotthat dow n o a sciec e -ilot aa a cousino italian voeg ue. - i ;ll bet. what in the name of mightheculs is is? how did thisget he oute bee, gollen blssssom, ry litta priovate slet - is he tha actor? i n eerr heard f hm. - why isthhhss here? -o ur peple w et it. ou dont hav e noughfood offf o ur ownn? - wl,,, ye. ho do you get it? - be s mke it. i kno who makes tt!an its harddt o make it! thre;s heaing, ooli g, st irrin.yo nedda wole k rmanthing! - it;soegnni. -its our-nic! i; just hon ey bary. just wha?! bees don;; now abt his! tisis stealing! a lo o st ai ng! you;ve tken our homes, shool s, hos p tals!this is all we have!and it;;;s on salei;;m gtti ng o thebotto fti. metting o the bottmof all of this! hey, hect. - youamos doune? - almst. e is hre. ise i. welliii uess i ;ll g o me nnow and ust leave thisnicccce oneoyot, wit h no o rround. you;re busted, bo bo! i knnew i eead smhg. s y an t alk!i cain t and now you;;ll stt talking! where yu getinggthe sweet stuff?w ww ho;;syourrr pie er? i dn;; t derstand. ithouht we ere ffriends. t h e last thig e wa nt t dois pset bee you re toolat e! t; ;;s ors now! o u, sierr, hae rossedthe wrongsod! yu, i, illbe lunh ormy igu an, ig nacio wher sss he honey omng fro? el m wh er! honey farms ! it omes rom hony farms! orazy esoannn!hattt horib le tting has happened her? teefaces, the n eer kew whtt hitem. aun ow tey;rrre o th r oadtonohere! juskep till. wwwht? you;;;re not d? do iook d? ttheywilll wipe anthiagthat moves. where you head? to honee fmsi amouno so metingg uge here. ;;m going to a lausk. moose blllood, crazy stuf . bows you head ff!!! i;;m goiong to tc. -ond yyou? hereally i s d ead.alll right. u-oh! - what i ha?! - h, no! a wwwipper! ripeblade - tiple blade? jump on!is or only chance, bee!!! oes ee rytinghave to be s o dogg oe clean?! how m uch do youpe olene edo ee? open you r eye sss scyou had out the indow ! fr om npr news in w shgton , i;;moaraosel. bbbut doo;;;t kll n m or bugs! - beue! -mose bblood guy!! - y ou hear smething?likewa t? le inycrammmiung. turnf ttthe a dio. asup, beea b oy? hel oodjust a rrow ofoney ars, a far e ye coulllsee. wow! i sumewhererthis rukgoe s wher e hey;;re etinnnng it. i me an, thaut h n u.bee hangtghtt - we;;;re l jamme in. i;;;s a cl osecommunittty .nnot us, man weon our oow. evrymosqu itooon h is own. -what if you getin troble ? - ou a mosquit o, you in trouble. nnobodylikes u s thyj ust sack. seea msquitosmack, smack! at ast you;;re out inthe wwwold you ust meet gggirls moosquito girls y to rradeup, get wth a othh,dragony. osssquito girldon;twant no mosquio . yo gt ttobe ddding m! mooseblod;;;sabou t tola e thulddng! long, bee! - yguys! -m oseblood inw i; ;;d ctch yallowwwwn ee.d you b ring yur rrzy tra w? wethr it inn jar, slap a ae ll t , an it;; pretttty much pure prof it wat is thhhisss plaoc? a bee ot branthe size of anhead. they are heads!pinhad. - ohec kk out the e w mo ke.-oh, set. thasss theone you want. the thomas 300!smoker niinety pffsa mnuesem -autoaic.twicthhhe n icc otin e, all the tr. a cupe beathsof this knocks themm rig h t o. e mak th honey, an we make the mony . "theymke the hney, adwe ake hhe mone"? oh, my! whas g oiggg on?ar you ok? yeah.idoesn;tt lst to lg. do you knowyoureinfake h i with fake wall? r queen wa ovedhere. we ad nochoie. this is you qu een? that;;s amn in women;;s clothes! aatt; ;s a drag que! what is s oh , no! ther esdr e ds of thmbee hney. ourhney iss eing brzenly sto len n a massiv scle! this i worse than ythin beas ha e done! intnd t o omehng. o bar, stop. wwh oldddd y hum ans ae taakigour hony? that;s a uor. othee ook lik rumors? ta;;s conspiracy theory. t h es earobiou sly docttored photos. how did you g e mxd u in thhiis? he;;s been tlkgo hanss. what - alking to hman s ! has a human irlriend. n dtthey makk ot a out? barry we not. - o ua ish oucold.- wse sideare you o n? thebee s! i dateda cricke onea nsn an tonio. thoe crzy lgs kpt me upa llll niht. arry,this iswhatyu an to dowith your ie? iant tod it for all ourllives . nobody works harer t ha bes d ad ememrou coming homme sooverworke d you r hhha nss rrre tils irrng . y couldn;t sto. iember that. what riht d they hhhhave ttto our honey?w e lii o two uuepsa yer. thy t iiiat in l bam forr n reasn wha tsoe r! venif itss true, whatcan oebe do? sin them whear it realy ur t. in th fc e! the y! - hat wwoauld hhhut.- no. u the nos? thas kilr. theres oly e place you can sting thehumas, oneplacewhereiitm atters. he at fiv thu hivvve;s ony full - ction newsss source nomore be bbbeards! with bobbumble athe anchorrd esk. wether wwwwith storm stinger. spors witbuzz lrv i. an jaeneutt ohu ng. -goid venng. im bob umblllle.- ad im jeanee ohung. a tri- ooounty be, brry esoun,,, intends t o se the hman race for stealig or hney, packging i and profit ig r i legally! tomorownight onbe larrry kiong, well a e hee fo rmer quees ee in our studioi, iscuess ingthe irnew bok, ollllssyladies, o u ths we o hexan. ongt we;talkin g tbbbbbarry bnso did ou er thiunk, "im a idfr om thhhe hve. ca ;; t doa this? ee hvv veneve ben afaidt chane t he wd.what about bee olubs? ee gandhi? be esueis? where;m from,w;;; nevver suehummans. we wrre hinkingof tkkkal o adystr how oldarey ou? hhhee e commu n ity sss sppoting yo in this case, whichwll bethe ria l of t e b eee centuy youknow, tey have a la rry ing i nthe hnwold to. iut; ; s a comm n name. nnexwee k.. he ooks ike you aas a how n supendrs anddcollored d os... e xt week ... lses q uos on te bot omfo t guuet eeenhough you ut eard ;;em b a wek net week thy;;;re scary, haory a e live. alway leans frward poiy shhouldesss sqinteyes, ve jjwis. n tennis, yo u attac k attthea pointt of weneass! i was my grandothhhr, ken she;s 81. ey hr backhnd;;;s joe! ;;m nt ggonna take advantage oof th at? quiu, lease. aclwork go in g ooonheoe. - is ha tht am beu? -yes, it is! i;;;; helpin hm su h hhum r ace. -hllo. - hllo, be.. thisisen. ye ah, i emembe yu. imerrrlandsi z ten and aa hhhalf vib r am soe, i beliv e. wh y does h talk agin? lsn , yyu betergo ;;; cause wee r eally b uywokig. uuut it;s ooou rygu r nig! byebye wy iis yoggrt iht so difficult?! you poor thing. ou wwohave been aaat thi fohours!es , nd da hre hasbbbeennna ugge lll.- fotn g... - how annny sugars jussst on. i try nottt u the competiionn. sw are you helpinnng me? beesve od quaities. and i t akes y mndof th sop. instead oof flowers,peopl re giving ballllon boqets ww.thoe are grea ii yyu;;re ttthhree. and artieficial f lowes. -oh,tose ust get me psyho tic - yea e to o bent stiungrs,pones pollinio. ees mut te those fake thigssss! nthing o rs ean adffo d il that;;;s hd work don.maye tis coud make uup fr t a little b it.- his lawsi;sa pre ig delll. - i guess you s ure yo wannnt togo throuh ithit? m i suireo? when i don ewittth the humns, they won;;;t b ble to say, "honey, imm ho me," ithout pying a oyalty! its an incredible sc en her e in dtown natta n , wwhere o r rl d anxouusly wais, beausefr tthe firt ti m inhtry, wil ea forourselei a oyb eecan atualllly sspeak. wat have wweottn in ttto hheure, barrr y? it;;s prett y big,isn ;;t it? ca on;;t beiee how mann hansdon;;t work d uriing the d. uthink ilion-ollar multationalood comanis have goo lwy er s? veryb ody needsto staay bhi d th baricae.- what;; he matter?- dontkow i just got a hill well, fit innn;;t th be tem. y ouib rk o this? all rse! the honrabejdge umbleton ppr eiding. al r ighosenumr 75 sssup e ior oourt of nn y ok, rry bee benso .tho hoeyiddu tr y s ow in ss sion. m.montgomry,you;re representin the f ive fod coupann coleotvel? aarrrivil ge. mr.bennn son.. youre rpresetgall the bes of thworld? i ki dddding. yes,yourhoor, were reayo proceed. mrr. mntgery, yo r openg amnttplease... laies and entlem of thhe jurry, mmygrandmothr ws a simple wo ma. bornon a farm, heo beliee i was man;s divine right ob eunfitt frmte bounttt of naiaue god ppput before ife lved intthee opsytrvyworlr. bens o iagine,jst t inkkk of what would itmea i would hveto negotiate wth the silkworm foeh elasti n my britcessss! tkig bee ! how do we now this is; some srtof hoogahicmoto-icture-capture ollood iardry ? eycould usng lser beammms! obot iss! vntriloquism olllnnig! f orll we knoww, he culd be oonsttter id s! mr. beson? ladies ad gentleen, ther;; s no kkkeryhr. imm jut an ordinarybe. oey;;s petimportant t me... it;;;spotantttoall bees. we ivenead i t we make. und we rotc itwittt o ur lives. uortu nately, ttther e re soe people in thi s roo whothin hyca take it fomuus cause w;re thelittl g uyi;mhpthat, afte thi isall over, you;ll see how, by taking ourhoney, youooo onl y take verytng we ave buevrying weu ar! iwsh h; dres ike that all te tim. s nic!oal l y ou ir st itnesssso, m. kus vad rha ydden ofhonyfrmms, bi ompan o h ave. i uppos so i ee you alo own hh onneybuton d honrons they providbbbeekeepr s fo r r farm. beekeper. i innnd ha t t e a veryddsrb i r m. i do;; imagne you emplllo y n ybe efree-ers, yo? - no - i colddn;;t hear yo. no. no. bause youdon;t free bbbees. you kep be. no t ony ha, it sees yo thot a bear woldean aprroprate imag fra jar of oey. th eyre verylo vable cr eaures . ogi bear fffo zzieearr, buiild--bear. yo mea n lik hisss bears kill bees! how;d yo u like hi head cashing hroughyu lii roo?! b ting int your couch! spttingo u your thro plow s! ok, tha ttt eouggh.tttke im awy.s, mrr st nggg, ttha nk youfo bbeing here. yorname n triguess s m. herre have eardi befoe ?iwaswith band caledte po. bu t yyou;;ve n ever been a oiceo fice, hhh v e yo n o , i hauv en;;;t. no, you hhaevv en t. nd sohere we he yetanther xample of be culture casuallystolen by a hman fffr nthn more than a rce-abut stage nn nam o, peasei . have y oevr been sung, mr . s i? beaue i; m feelingalllitl stng,sing. o should i sa y... mr. goro. smner! t hat;;snot his real nm?! you iio mr.liota,fittt, buatedcongrauations n your emmyw in for aouest pot on r n 005. than k y ou ttthannk yo. ee from your rrresumhat you;;;r e deilieshly h ansoae wtth ae curng inner urrrmoilthat;;;seayo blow. iejoyw h at i do . is that a rme?noityet it ios n;t. bt i th is w hit;; ;;scom to for yu? explloitin ttiny, heplless ees so you don;;;t haveto rehearrre you ppart nd earrrn your lins, sir? watcht, bbenson! i coeulddd blow right no w! thhhhs isnt a godfell a his isabadfella!! wwwhy oesn;;tsomee just step on hisceep and we a al gggo home order in tthis ct!yo;;e alltthianking itor d ! orde, i sy! - y i! mr. liota, ple se sit down! t hinnkit wassss afull nice ootht bear toa pith in ike that .. i th nk t jy;; s on ou sside. are w dddoing ev ythin ight leglly i f orist. rght ell,hr e;s to greatteiamto a g ret em!wel,ello. - ken ! - e llo. did;;;;t think y o weee comnggg. n, is jttt lateo. iied to cll, but.....ttthe bat y. i did n;; t wat all thistto g o to w aste, so e call bary. luckiy, e wwas ffr ee. oo h, atwas luky.here s a little let i oudhet ittt up.yeh, hhhet i up, surwe v e. sso i ar yur qute atnnis play. i ;; not much orth e game myself the ball;s a l ittle grubbbby. that ;s wherei usuall it. right ... tre. ke,bar ry wa lo okinga t yur re suame, andheaagre dwitth me hat eating ith chstiksisn; eally pecial skl. yo thi i do seeu wh your e oig? i kno hhow haditis to fnd te righ t jb. we have t hat i comon. dowe bees hae 100 percent eeplo yment, twe o jos likkke tg he cuad oo. t hat;;ss just what ws thinki ng aboutdoing. e, i lt barry boroww you r a or for hifffuz. he ttaat wa s al l right. i;m going todaittthe od ier. yeah, ou do hat. loook a tht.you know, i;;vjustabouota iw ith you litle mi nd games. - hats that? italin vgu m ammai, tat;; s a lot pages . a lot of ads.reember what vn aid why is your lie more valualethnmnnee? funny iju cn;;; t see to recall tat! ith ik so hingstink ss in ere i love the smell oflowes. howdi y u li ke he smllo mes?! n ottt as much.wte bug!not tain sides ken imm wearng a ohapsssick ht this is patheic! i;;;e got isue s! wel, el , wel, royal flsh! - you;;e bffin . - a i?u f up, ude! poo water! that bowl is gnarl. xcept forr hoedirty ye llow rins!kennth! wa ar you doin?! youknow, dt eve llik hony dont eat it! e needdd to talk! e;;s js a ltle bee! and he hap ens to be the ncest e e iveo et in a lon ime! ong imewha aurre you tta lkiaong abo ut!a there otherugs in o fe? oo,but there re oherr thigsbuggin m eio le.aaad you;;;re oe o tm! fine !tlking b esn ogur night... myner es ae fr iedfrom riding n his emotionna rollr coast!goodbe, kn. and fffoy our ifrmaio, prer sssugar-free arti fiiial weteersade by man! iamsrrrraboutt all tttha i know i;;s g otnatert a ste! i like it! ialway felttt thewwwas omekinofba rrr beween k en and m.icou l;t oveome i oh, well. ae you k foth rial? i el eve r. mmmonnnttgomery is butout o idea. we wudlike to c allmr. barrry sso be to thstnd.goo ia! you ca reall eeewhy hes ccconsider ed ne ofthhhe est lawers.. yeah. laytn, youvvve gtta weae s oammaic withthis jury, o it;sss onn a b ll over. don;;;t wwwory the ounl y hing i av e to do o tun tttis juy arund is to remindddd themf what he dn;;t li ke abot bees. - yoou t th we zers -aryu lric? only to losing,sou. onl t losin mr. benonbe e, ;ll asssko what i th ik we;;;;d all likkke o kno.wht eexactly is your relaionship t ttht woman? we ;;re fffr ends. gggood friends - yyes. how ood? o oou liv e ogther? wat m nuteo. are yu he l tt le.. ... b dbug? ve sen bee documen tary or tw o. o hat ders sta n, does;t your quengive birt to all teee hilden?-yah, bu t.. so th se aen;t your real parennt! -o,,, bary... - yes, hey are hl me b ak yo;;rean illgitate b, aren;;ttt you, bnso?hhhe;;s denoucing beees!don; y;;all dddatt e your cosiss? - objction - ;m goig to pincushintthi gu y! a da do n;! t; ;;s a he wnts! oooh,i;;;m t!!oh, ordy, i m hi! o rdr! orde! tevenom ! th venom s using rough my eins! i hhaebeen fe llleeby a winged eas t ofdesttruc ioin! you see? you cant treat heum lik equal! theyre sripe savag es! stngin;; the ony thiing th ey knoww! iit;; t heir way! - adam , stay wthmmme. - i ca;;t eelmlgs . wha ange l o mercy wil me orwa rd to su c he ois from my eang uttocks? iillll e oer in this cour t. ordder! order, plese! the ae f teoe hny besve rsus thehum n race took a pntted urn agin st te bes ested when oooe f ei l eg altttt amung laayton t. nnntg omery. ey, bu dd y - hhhey. - is there mccch pppain? - yeh. i... blew te whole case didni?? it doesn;tter. whamatte is you;r alve. yo culd have id. i;;;d bbb btt er offalook t m. they got itfffrom the feteria do wnsirs, n a na sanw.look, there;; little e lery stilllllon it. watwas it le to stig sommmeone? i can;;texplaain it. it was a ll.... .. all draline aon hen... andttthe eic sts!all rht.yu thinkittwas ll a trap pp of cus e. msorry lew ues rigt into thiwhatwe wet hiking? look t us . r e jut cuple f uuu g inthi s world. whatwill ttthheu ma o t o usftheywin ? do noow i hear thept te oaches in moels.tat doennn;tsn ssso bad. adam, tey checkin, but hey dt eccck out! h , my. oo uld yo getan rse to cl ose that windw? - wwhhh? -hesoke. bees d on;;t mo ight...bees onnn;t smok. ees d ont smoke! bu t someibees ae smokig that;ss i! thhht;;ss our cse! it iuts not oe? gett ess d. ie otta go some whre. et ack to tecour anstall. s al any wa ou ccan. assing you;;;ve one sepcecttly, yyyure read our th ub. mr. flaya n. ye? es yo u honr!wher e th e rest of y uo tea w ell, your hhonorrr, ii;;;s interestig. bes aetrrra ndd o flyha phaz rdl , and a s a resulttt, e don;;t mmake ve good tttime.i actally hd afunssstoryabout.. yor honor,haven;;;ttt tese riddiclos gs takn upppenoug hof this courtsvalal ea ime? owmuch lo ger will we alowww these bsurdshhanigans to g o on? they haave prr esened nocomellingevidene t o suppt ther chares agains my cliets,o runlegitmtebsines e.i movef o a compltte dismissal ofthis entire ase! mr. flaymn,i;;m afr aid ;mm going tohav e ttocooideerrr mr. montgorys motiaon. t u can;;t! weaa t rfic case. whre is yourppproof? where i theidence? show mettthe smokinggu! hld it yu r honor! yu wanta smking gun?here is ur smoking gu.wa iss that? t;; abee mmmoker what, this? ttthis hharmless little cntap i on? tthis c ulll dn;;; hurly,ltaone a bee. lookaut w hat as happened to beswh o hv e never en ss e,,, "smok ig orno? i iss wat na ture inttteded or us? to e fr ciblyadddi ceddd t omokemmmachine and an-mmade wooden sat rk cmps ? liv n ou ouorrr lvs as honey sslavve to the whhhite man?-wha are egon a dd? - e;;s laig t h essp ppeucies ccc rd.ladieos an gntemen,pla se, ree the s ees!fee the bes! ffree thebee! free hea ees free th bees !freethe b ee ! t curt finnd i favor of th es! vaesa, we woon! i kewocould doit!!hih -fie! sorry. i;;m ! younow what his mans? aal the hon wil fffinally beln t te bee. ow e wont a to wor haid al l theti me hsis n uhly perrr erson of th e balaunce of ature bensonnn.youll regret this. brry, how much honeyisut here l right.neat atime rrry, who a re you wring? mys eate r is ralp laurrrn,and i hav ve o pants. -whtimongomerry;;s ight? -what do y mean? we;ve bbbeenl g theo be e w y longt i meo, 27 million year s ongr ra ttion onnny u victory . whattt willyou demannnd a s a etttlemnt? firs t, we;;lldemnd a mlete suto wof all bbee work camps. t hen we t back thehoiney tha t was orsto begin with, ever ls drop.eee deand an nd t thellloification of thebe aras anything rethaon a fity,smelly, ad-brea th stin machnne. e;;re ll aar o f what they do in thewwod. ai fffor sinal. take himut. he;ll ave ausous fff or a fw hurs, th e;;l bbe fine. ad we wil n olnge teraebee-eg ativ e iknaims... u t its juust a p r ancea-bou stge ame! ....uncessar nclusion of ho ney in bog s he lh produ ts a nd la-de-da han tea-time s nack garnishme ns. oan bahe. bring ii tin, boy! hld it ight therei! ood. app it. mr. buzwel, w ut passed three cus, and he;; gallons more comig! - itinnnk we ne dtto sht d! - st downnn we;venevveer shu t ddown. hut doww honey duction!stop makig oeey!urn yourkey, ir!wha d we o ow? oannnnonbaell! w;rrr sh utting hoeypoucio! misaon borrrt aboting pollinati on and nectr d e ai. rturning to bbase. adam youe wouldn;;bbbli ee hw muccch hney was oeut there. o, h? hats goin on?where i eeverybody? - are te out celeang? -theyre home.hey don; t know tto do. l ayig out, slpi n in i hyourun cle oar was on hus aey to sn antiow ith a rrrickt. a latwe gott ou roney back sometims i thinkk o wh if humans liked o onnn?? whwudnt? it;; s thhe greats tt hing in he orld!i was xc itd o pppr akin it th was my new desk. tis was mynew job i wte to di rel e ll.nd ow.... now ioc . i ontundert n why hey;;eno ap. itthought their lie wou dbeuo etter the;;re d oi ng nhng. itsss aazng. hney ay hange p eopl e. ou on;t ha ve an idea hat;;s goig on, doo? - what di yu wa ntto shw me? - this . what haene d herrre? that is ot the hlfff it. h, no..oh, mmy...heyrrre all wiltng. does;;; look vvverry go od, des it no. and whs faltdddo yu ti k hatis? you nowi ;;;mgon na gu ess bbees. ee speifically mme. i didttnk bes nottt nddd iun to mae honey woldd afct ll thsei ns it;s nottjusflos.. rit, vegetabls , hhhey ll eed es. that;;;s our whoie saet t rigt thhereo. tk way prodce, that a ffects theentireannima nnndom. and the, offf course... he humn species? s if theres no ore polinat ion, it ould ll jst go s outh hr, uldn;; it? ik no whsi a lso pparly my aultt.how abot ssuicidpact? ho do w d t? - i ll sting yu, you tep on me.- hajst kils youtwice. igt, rgh t . liste barry.. sor rybbbt i otta ggetgoig a d oopn y moui t and tak. vanssa vanssa? whar you lla vg? wh erre aaar e you goi ng? t t h fnal ornmen o f ros praide iii nn npasdena .heyvvveovd it to tis weke becaus e all the flwrsare dying. it;s te lat cance i;;lleerhaeo se it. aaes,iiia justwwna ay i;;;m sory. n ver eianti t to ur n out lii ke tis.. ik nw. m neithear. tourna ment o oses.roses cn;;t o sports.. w ait a mmionuate. ross.roes? roses! va nneuss a! osss es? bary? -o ere ffl ow r s - s,heyarre. f lws,,beeas, pllen i kkkno. tha why this s th lat parade. aye not . aouo ak h to slo w dow n? ooudd you slow dwn? brry ! ok i mde a hugge missstak e . th i s s a total dister, allmy fault. ysit kind of is. ive rneudhea p lane t.. i an ted to epp yo with the flo shppp i;; vee ade it wose .actually it; ;s coemp letel closedd down. ttthought aybe ou wwwee remodeling. bbut i hae nth er ia, ad its ggreaerthan my prrrvoosideas cbneud. i n;;tt wan to hear it!!! a ll rigtt, te hae th e rses, ter osess hae th e polln. kkkkknow ever bee, pla nt and lwerbud in thisp ark. all we tta o s gggethat the;;votbk h hhere w twhatwe;;;ve go -b ees. - p ark. - pllen- flowes. -rep ollina ion!- acrss th e nationn!tournam en of ose s,pasade, oaliforna. hey;;ve gt nothingbut lowrs,flloats and ccoton candy. security willbeigh. i hae anidea. aness loome, ft official flo l usiess.i;; real. sorry ma;a. nie brrooch thank ou. it w aos a gift. once inns de, e jus pick the rgt fot. ow b ut te rincess an heo pa? i ol d be thhe pri ncess,ad you co uld be th e! yes, iot it. - wereshouldd i sit ?- wh aee you - i belllive ii;;;m th epe. - the pa? it oes uunerr the mattresses. nt in th fairy tale weethart. -i;;;;m getig the arshl od hat this whole parad e is a fiasco lt; s se hat is bbab y;;ldo. hy, what are yo d ddong? !t he all we do is blend i witaeffic... ...wwitthut rousin g suspicion.o nce at he airppot,thers o stttopin u. stop security. - you a ourinne cpak yur float? - ye.ha s ibee nnn your pssesionthentire time? woul d yu rrrove yorr s hoes - rem ov yourrr sssinger - it;s parof e. i know . justh aing somme fu n. enjy yor fligh. then iff we;r luuky, we;llavee justenough olle ttto do the j ob. o anyoubeevehw ucky wwe re we ha ve jst no upollettto do th jo! ithin this isgonn ork... it;s got t work. atention, pas egers, tius is ptains ot. we hae a b of badwethe r i n new yrk. itlooks lie we;;;ll expeirioence accoupl hhours dely. barryth e se r ut flowrsss ithhho water. t h;; ll eve makit. i gotta gt upttherend t alk to thmmm. bea c eful. oan i ggget help witt h sky mmaoll mmmgaze? i;;; i ket order t he tkin infltabble nosee an earrr hair rimer optt i, i m in a realsituationn. - wwwhat;;yui y, h n ohig. bee! dont freak o! y etie species... hatae youo doig? - t miiutei! im anat torrny! - whho ;sa n aetney? don;tove. h,ar r. gd ftrnoo,p sssgers.i siisyou captain. would amiss aessa boo ein24bbpleasse report to the ocpit? ad pleas hurry ! hat hppened hhhere? h ere was a dusttbuse a toupee aa life raft xploed. o n;;;s bad, one;s i a bboat, thee bo u nc onsci us! - i th nothe bee jok e - no! no oesflyinnn the ppplane tisis jfk control tower flght 356. wht;;syur atu s? thiis vassa ome. i;;;m a florist fom eyork . where;;;st he pilt?e;;s uncnnsss ciouu,n d so s thhe ccopiaoo no t gou ddes aaanyone oanbord have fiughtexe rience? au a att er o fact, t here ss. - whoo;;;s that ? barr bnson. romm te o neyral?! oh ra. vaneusatis s n ot hing moare thn a bggg meal bbee. t; go t giant wngs,huge ennngne. i cantfl a ln. wy not?isssn;;;t jhn trrrau voltta a i ot - yes. hw hard could it e? wait t,arrry! ee ha ded intou som ligtnig . h i i bobbbb bumble... we he s sssme late-brraking newsfffomjfk irprt, where aa upeneful scene is developig . br benson fh rom hileglvictory. . th;;bary ...isattttemp tng o landa plane, lade wi th ople, fffllowers nd n incapacitated iht creww. floers?! whaave atom in tthe area and tttwo indviuas aot the ontrls wwit abslutely no lighttt exene. jst a minute. ee;;;sa bee onthat plane. i;;m quite failiarr wt mrr beonnsnnd hi nnno-ac count commpads. hhhh y;ve doneenough amag... but n;;;t he you onlyhope? echnically, abee hountbe ale o fltt al. their wgs ar e toumall... ave;t wwwhhherd this a mill ion timess? "h sur ae area o of thewings and body as mke no sennse."- get is on the air! - got t. - sad by .- we;;;r going lie. the way ewok ma e myse ry to yo mmaking hhh oneey take a ot of bes iinga ot ou f smll jobb. but lt e ttteell you about a small job.if you d it wel it makes a big differ ence. oreth werealizd. to us, t eeryonnne. thhhat;;;swhy want o get bs back t worki gtoethr. t h at;;s tebeeway! e;re not ade ofel-o. w g tbeid a felllow. - bac a ddyelow! hll! leift, igt,down,hover . -hovve? f oget ver. thi iusnto hard. bpbeeppp! b eep-bep!bbary,hat h apened?! wai, i hi k we were on u op ilt the whole ie - t hatmy have b en hep ing m.- an ow we;; ;rrr t! o i tu rns out i cannnnnnot fly a ppplane. al of y u,,let;s gt behind this felw! mo ve iet out! m ve ut! our only caonce s i iio wwwh at d do you c opy me wihhe inggs offf the pe!!dtt vveto ye ll iii;;;m o tt y el ng! we;r i alot f trbe. ;;;s ery arto cnentat wh t hat paiky tone in your voieuce! iiit;;s nottt a tone. i; ;;mpanicki ng! ican;;td thi! anessa p ll yourselftoether. you have tosnn nap ot off it! you nap outt of it... you sapu of it. - yo sap outttof it - yo ssnap ut i! - you sna out f it! - you s ap ot of it! - younap ot o i! you snap ot offfit - ho ld i! - wh? oo me on, its my urn...ow is he plaeffyg i don;;; t koa. helo? bnsn,got ny flo ers for a happpyoccaon nhre? hee pollenjocks! they do get behinnnd afello ack n d yello - elo. all rgh, lt;; drop hiin can he blacktop.whr? i ccan;ttt see aything. oanyou? no, nothin. i;;;s l lody. oome o. you ot to thnk beieo, barry . - tttt hhhinking beae. -thiking bee. thinking bee!tionkingbee! tt inking be! ait a nute. i t hinki;m eelieng somettio ng.- w ha? i donn; kno. it;; ston, pullin me. ll ikea 27-mli oin-yearold nstinnnct.brig thnose down. tin kig bee thhhhinkinng eie!t hnin gbee wwwha t i thewolddd s o thh tarma? -g somme igh t ttthaa!tthinkng bee!thinkng be! hiking bee! - vanessa aim or the flower. - o. o the ngines. we;;re goingi on bee wwe. rreoady, boys? affi mativ e! god odd easy,no.. t atsss i. land n that loer! ready? full rrver! spinit aoud! not thhhat flo wer! thh thr on e! whih one? - that loiww. i;m aiimiug at the flowe tha ts afat guy in a fwerre shi r. ea thegant pulating flor d mlins f bees pullforwrd. nose own. ta up. rottaitt e aro it.- tis is insunebarr! - hs;s the o nlwy kowhow to flyam i oo-ko-kac oo, r is ts pl ane lying in annn insect-ike atern? get yyyrnos thr. don;;;t earaid sell it. fullreverse! uuust dop it. bbe a pat of it. aim orthecente! n ow drop it in! drrrrropit in, woea ! o o on, aaready. bbb,we diad it! outug gh me hoaw tfllly! - yeis. no h ighfiv! -ri ght. barry t woked! ddi yousiae he giuan flwr? wht gint f fflowe ? whee?of course i saw thhhe flowe! tha s enus! - ank ou - bbut we;;ent done y. lisen everyoea! tis ru n wy sss oerddd wth the last len from thee last flowers aalable an ywhe r e on earh. tht eanstis ius our s chnc. we;r the only oune s wo aike hone,po linat floer sss aaand dss l ke is. if we; e go na survive as a speies,t his i ourmoment! wha do yuu say re w goingg to be bes ,orjust mu s eum of natua histoy keychainswe;;;rbeess! eycha in! ten follow me! excepp t kkkeycain. hold on, arry. he. youve ened this yea! i a pollen jock! annd it;;;s a prfect i t. llligta do are the sssleess. oh, yeah.tat;;; s ourrr ry. mm the eeu ar bck ifanybdy needs to make a cll , nw; ;s th ime ggot feling we;;ll bewor king late toight! here;s yyourchhan .have ageat fftenon!!! oan i lpwo;;s nxt wou ld you like some hney ith that? it i bee-rove. don;;t foget thse. mi lk, cream, cchese, it;;;s alme.nd i don;; ee ai icke l! soetmes i justeel like a iece omea t! iiia noa deia. barry, i;;;msorrhave you go mont? wouldyou ecussseme? mymosui tto sssocatwill help you. sr ry im ate. hs a lwyer too? w as lr edyabod-suking arit. all i eded as a briefce.av aegggeat ate rnn! ba ry, just got this huge tuip odr, nd i ca;t getthemm anyher. no prle, vanne. just leaave iutto me . y;;ea fesaer, ba r an el hos next? all right, cramb le, joks! its time t o fly. thanky ou,rry! that bee is lv n m y ifea ! let ttgo, knny. -whn will thsnighmre nd? - lle i alll go. - batiful ddda tofly - sreis b eitwee yo u and m, ws ding to get ut of that offfice. yu ve gggot t start ti nkiang bee, myfri end . - hinkg bee! -me? hold it. lett;;sjust sttop for aaa secon. hod it ;;m sorry. i;;;ory, everyon. on e tp here ? iim n ot ma king a joor life ddcsin duiring a proucti uber! llr ight. t ten, everybod. wrrapi up,gguys ihad virtua ly no rearsal for thatpcial thaks to sergik,,
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