#grs montreal
answersfromzestual · 3 months
Graft Site Care for Forearm Free Flap Phalloplasty
Taking care of your grafting sites like your forearm, upper thigh (or other locations, surgeries vary) is a lot. Especially when you are in pain and feel just yucky.
I did not have a choice of where to take the graft to cover my arm's exposed tissue. My thigh was used over my lower back because of visibility.
The thigh was the easier part to take care of. All I had to do was put a thin layer of polysporine on it and wrap it up. It wasn't bad pain wise. It stung and ached at first, but the stinging and aching dissipates quickly as you heal. They only take a few layers of skin from your leg (or other graft site location), usually no fatty tissue or blood vessels, just skin. So that it will grow back and potentially not be any 'indentations' making it stand out against the rest of the thigh skin. Your first shower, it may be painful. I won't lie. it's something I wish that I was prepared for, honestly. I yelped (I have a very high pain tolerance) and swore like a sailor. I did this at the hospital, and a nurse was right outside the shower there to assist me. It was really kind of awkward, but at this point, my phallis was basically out all the time and was seen by every nurse in the building.
When it came to washing my arm, which I thought would be the painful bit of my shower, it never hurt. Personally, I have no sensation on my forearm graft site.
Just be prepared also because for example I do, however, suffer from something called "phantom itching," which means that even though I can not feel any sensation on my skin, I get itchy, and scratching doesn't help because there are no nerves. It happens to me maybe once a week, but it the itch only lasts a minute or two. This happens in about 60% of people who lose a limb or any body part with nerves. I found to combat phantom pains, a study was done for limb pain for people who had amputations. The study was about showing the subject themselves in a mirror and seeing the limb is gone. In many cases this actually worked on subjects and they could reduce or even stop their pain. We are talking about people in severe pain where they no longer have the body part causing the pain. I did try this on myself and I told myself there is no way you can feel itchy in front of a mirror. It actually made the itch instantly go away a few times after I practiced.
My arm was in a cast when I woke up from the procedure and for two or three days afterward. It was to protect the arm and keep the new skin tight against the body.
When they remove the cast, it can look a little gnarly (these may be similar to the more unpleasant looking pictures before they heal). No worries, though. It will be all good. They wrapped my arm in a tensor wrap over my gauze bandaged arm. I had to always be covered and protect my forearm.
When I got home I was instructed to have compression sleeves already, I did (this is important). I made sure to buy two at once so I could rotate. They tend to get stretched out I feel like in the wash especially, so having multiple is always a good idea. It will help them last longer.
Caring for your arm can be a little intimidating at first. To keep the skin flat for the first week (healing times may vary on person to person), I had to once a day poke small boil like spots on my arm with a small, sterile needle (I could not feel this what so ever). Then would clean the area and bandage it as I was instructed. I had to use special wrap that keeps the gauze from sticking to the wound. I would put some polysporin on each wound, cut out a piece of the lubricated bandage to prevent the skin from sticking to the gauze bandage, gauze bandage my entire forearm, then I would have to wrap my arm up my arm in a tensor bandage. They should teach you how to do this before you leave the clinic. Their instructions should be followed even if they differ from mine. Surgerons know best.
I had to use tensor bandages at first to wrap my forearm because of the wounds and amount of bandages, but within two weeks of being home, I was already healed enough and wearing my compression sleeve. You can usually start wearing this once you have no more open wounds. Please follow your doctor's instructions, even if they do differ from mine.
Compression sleeves are worn 24/7. You only take them off to shower. You should always wear your compression sleeve for the best results. Keeping the skin taught (tight and close to your arm) is important to get that nice flat surface. The compression sleeves are actually not uncomfortable personally, the only parts of the sleeve I bought in particular (it went from my uppser bicep to my wrist, be sure to measure yourself to find the proper size for you). The very top of the sleeve was "sticky" and is to keep it from sliding down. When I was at work and would sweat the sticky band around my bicep, would slide and loosen (the sleeve itself was not really affected as long as it was still tight around my forearm. Before your surgery its a good idea to ask what they recommend you to get for a compression sleeve and how to measure yourself for one. I did not like how mine only went to my wrist. If it is possible for you to get one that maybe goes from bicep, past your wirst and around your thumb (for example) to keep it over your wrist. Around my wrist is a little wrinkly, I feel it was because of the band around my wrist would slide up once and a while and leave about 1/3 of an inch of a gap between the sleeve and my hand (basically where my wrist bends). The sleeve really flattened the indent between my fatty part of my forearm and the graft. I get compliments on how flat and nice my forearm skin laid. I had to wear the sleeve 24/7 (aside from showers and the drying time) for an entire year to the day, the clinic should tell you how long they want you to wear a sleeve, if not be sure to ask.
Compression sleeves are very important for keeping your arm skin flat and tight to your arm. Having multiple is a good idea. Being able to rotate is important. It helps keep longevity of the sleeves. It helps allow you to wash one and have one to wear as it washes and dries. They are usually recommended to be hand washed and air dried. Washing them in the washing machine can stretch and wear them out faster. Most compression wear is not suitable for the dryer.
And that is how to take care of your grafting sites according to my experience and the website from GRS Montréal.
If you ever feel like anything is wrong, you don't feel well, anything feels unusual to you, you are in an abnormal amount of pain, or maybe you do not perhaps remember all the exact after care instructions. Please contact your clinic ASAP. They most likely have nursing staff that answer phones and emails 24 hours a day to help you, especially if your surgeon/clinic isn't close by or easily accessible to you. It's better to email them and have nothing be abnormal rather than not mention anything and hurt yourself or harm your healing.
Source 1 - healing information (GRS Montréal)
Source 2 - case study on neuropathy
Source 3 - Myself, recipient of the procedure in 2014.
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orchidqueer · 2 years
Montreal Top Surgery Review
I had my top surgery done at the GRS Clinic in Montreal on January 17th, 2018. It was unquestionably the right decision for me. I am happy with my results, I had a good experience, and I would recommend their clinic to anyone who needs or wants gender-related surgeries. My surgeon was Dr. Bensimon. Here's a more detailed review.
You may share this post with anyone you please. When sharing it, please share the entire thing. Do not critique or argue with my feelings about my own body. Bear in mind that this post only represents my own experience. I am sharing it as a learning tool, but the experiences of other people will be influenced by many factors, and will not be exactly the same as my own.
Being as it was 4.5 years ago, I cannot guarantee that my memories of the actual event are accurate or all-encompassing. Here's what I do remember. I took the train from Toronto to Montreal with my mother. The hotel associated with the clinic is large old house, with rooms for approximately 8 patients and their companions. Everyone there was also getting surgeries the same day as I was. We ate our meals together. It felt like some kind of summer camp.
On the day of the surgery, we had trouble with the cab that was booked for us, and ended up calling an Uber. At the clinic, I was asked to take a couple tablets of painkillers with a shot of water. When I was let into the preparation room, the surgeon drew on my chest with marker where the incisions would be, and explained a bit about them. I was let into the surgery room and hooked up to an IV. The staff were open and friendly as they monitored my descent into unconsciousness.
I woke up some time later in a waiting room, my bed along side a couple other patients' beds. The nurse asked me if I was in pain. I was groggy and out of it. I asked her a couple times to go tell my mother that I was ok. Later I woke up again in a different waiting room, which was more private, and my mother was allowed in. Once I was feeling less hazy, we got the painkiller prescriptions at the front desk and filled them at the pharmacy next door. They were not covered, and I don't recall how much they cost.
All in all, my stay at the clinic was most of the day. I got there in the morning and left late in the afternoon. I stayed at the hotel for another night or two, and we took the train back to Toronto. Everyone we spoke to spoke English.
I recovered more quickly and better than I expected. I wasn't allowed to shower for a little while, and when I was allowed, I had to be very careful not to scrub at my incisions. I went to a drop-in clinic on Church street to get the bandages taken off my nipples and for a follow-up check-up.
The painkillers prescribed to me were strong enough that I was in minimal pain for the first week or so of my recovery. When I started to wean myself off the opiates and onto Tylenol, that's when it was most painful and difficult. The incisions felt sharp and prickly. Like a wound, of course, but also like coming inside on a freezing winter's day. You know when you've been cold enough to get numb, and then you get something like pins and needles when you suddenly step into a hot room? It was sort of like that, but more intense. Speaking of painkillers, you're not allowed to take Ibuprofen for a couple weeks on either side of the surgery. I think it interacts with the anesthetics they use.
About two weeks and change after the date, I was still sore but pretty well functional otherwise. However, you're not allowed to lift anything more than 10 lbs for 4-6 weeks after your surgery. Living alone, this meant that I wasn't able to go out for groceries. Mom stocked me up before she left. Aside from that, raising my arms over my head took some time to get used to again. I was grateful to have button-up plaid shirts for my recovery.
At the time, I was unpacking and shelving stock at Michaels. I think I booked 4-5 weeks off, but I went back to work half a week before my leave of absence was over.
About scar cream: I didn't use it for a long time after my surgery, but I did apply it about once or twice a week once I felt it was safe to do so. I have no idea whether it had much effect, but for the record, I was using new-skin scar fade silicon gel. I stays slimy on your skin for a while after you apply it, so I didn't enjoy it much.
At the time of my surgery, I weighed approximately 180lbs, and I was a D38 cup. As of right now, I weigh 230lbs. The surgeon told me that if I worked out and got more fit after my surgery, I would get better results from the contouring. Obviously, that didn't happen. I have a very minor amount of dog-earing, but it's nothing someone would notice without looking for it. I'm very happy with the shape of my chest. It's not geometrically flat, but it's in line with the chest you'd expect a 230lb man to have. Between that and being on HRT since 2014, I almost never get misgendered any more. I'm comfortable wearing tight shirts when it's situationally appropriate. I haven't been shirtless at the beach, but I would guess that if a trans-oblivious person saw me, they would be curious about the scars and nothing more.
My scars have lightened up enough to match my overall skin tone. They're still visible. They're raised, they meet in the middle, and they go all the way back to my armpits. I don't have any pain in them, even when there's weather. I don't feel that I have to be careful about them. I'd still be more hesitant to get tattoos over them than the rest of my skin, though.
My nipples are kind of weird. They're definitely passable from a distance. But they don't taper into the rest of my skin, and there's a slightly-visible ring of scarring around them. The entire nipple is raised by about a millimeter from my skin. I do not have nubs. I do not believe it would be possible to get them pierced, if I wanted to. They had no sensation for a couple years, but I do have sensation in them now.
I've attached photos to this post, so you can see for yourself.
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tabledesmatieres · 3 months
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vaingod · 9 months
welp my best bets are that either of the Crane centers accept my canadian insurance if i explain that i meet most all other criteria, just sent consultation requests to Crane himself and one surgeon under him in SF, im like broke broke so the consultation fees will be heavy but if i can arrange this in a year ill be getting phallo ^^
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makes-cents-doesnt-it · 8 months
Hey, I just got the forms to fill out for the GRS clinic, and I have no clue how to do this.
Is there anyone I can ask some questions without judgement?
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grsmedical · 10 months
Common Myths about CPAP Therapy Debunked
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If you're considering using a CPAP machine to manage your sleep apnea, it's essential to understand the potential risks and side effects associated with this treatment option. Normand Lapointe is a Respiratory Care Practitioner and Founder/Owner of GRS Medical. He says that CPAP machines are generally safe and effective, and the majority of side effects are minor and can be easily managed.   
What are the common side effects of using a CPAP machine?  
The most common side effect is mouth dryness, which can be alleviated by using a humidifier attached to your CPAP machine. Other possible side effects may include aerophagia (bloating or gas), bleeding nose due to lower humidity, dry eyes caused by mask leaks, nasal congestion, headaches, and skin irritation. It's important to note that rare cases of pneumothorax (collapsed lung), arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats), or hypotension (low blood pressure) have been reported, but according to Normand, these occurrences are extremely uncommon. 
How can the side effects of CPAP machines be managed? 
If you experience any side effects while using a CPAP machine, Normand advises that you contact one of his sleep disorder clinics in Montreal and Quebec. His team of sleep specialists can provide guidance and support in managing these issues. Most side effects can be easily managed with some trial and error, such as adjusting mask fit, using a humidifier, or exploring different mask options. It's important to remember that the long-term benefits of CPAP therapy in achieving restful sleep outweigh these minor side effects. 
Understanding the potential side effects of CPAP machines is vital when considering sleep apnea treatment options. Normand and his team of sleep experts at GRS Medical can help get you set up with your CPAP machine and ensure your comfort and overall well-being. Don't hesitate to reach out if you experience any side effects while using a CPAP machine. Remember, a good night's sleep is crucial for your health, and with proper management, CPAP therapy can significantly improve your sleep quality and overall quality of life. 
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railsistem · 1 year
VIA Rail to Modernise Maintenance Centres in Toronto and Montréal
VIA Rail to Modernise Maintenance Centres in Toronto and Montréal
VIA Rail Canada has awarded two contracts for the the modernisation of its maintenance centres in Toronto and Montréal as part of its Corridor Fleet Replacement Program. These upgrades will allow the facilities to become the primary maintenance sites for VIA Rail’s 32 new trains, which were manufactured by Siemens Mobility. A full commercial launch of VIA Rail’s new fleet for the Québec…
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lachowski-chico-2021 · 5 months
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Francisco Lachowski by Alexis GR JULY 2023 Montreal Canada
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jamminvroomvroom · 2 years
maybe. part 4
GR x fem!reader
find the other parts on my ✨masterlist✨
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hello it is me, president of the george thirst fan club 🫶 this man is my one singular thought so here is part 4. i think this is gonna have more parts bc i’m enjoying writing him so much he’s so sexy i’m crying
in which george takes you on a date
warnings: 18+!! SMUT SMUT ITS ALL SMUT BEWARE!! ehehe, a bit of fluff too for once lol
3.5k words
despite every single one of your best efforts, you didn’t finish your interviews until much later that evening. even when they were done, your sessions hurried along by your blunter than usual questions that you usually saved for george, you’d been summoned to the stage to interview lando. and then lewis had arrived, and it wasn’t exactly like you could say no to him, enticed by the way he livened up the crowd. your energy levels were drained, thighs still aching from your rendezvous in george’s motorhome, and the end of the day was still nowhere in sight. neither was that dinner you’d promised him. you’d huffed as you’d shot him an apologetic text, wondering how he, a driver, had made it out of the paddock and yet you were still working.
he’d told you it was fine, suggesting tomorrow night in london instead, a winky face accompanying the message that should have made you cringe. you didn’t cringe, though. you did something way worse, staring down at his reply with a lovesick grin and teenage-esque butterflies in your stomach. it was bizarre, the way things had taken such a turn between you, those moments you’d shared while you were still on his lap. his words, your hands in his hair, the look in his eyes - it had all just felt different. different to monaco, different to montreal, just different.
good different.
another night was spent at your hotel near the track, far too exhausted to try and make it back to london after four intense days of relentless work. despite your exhaustion, it was much harder to fall asleep than you had anticipated. all you could think about was him. his hands, his lips, his eyes. the ripples of his body, his touch, the fading trace of expensive aftershave. you couldn’t pinpoint when exactly you’d become addicted to him, but you knew you were a goner. your dreams that night, after a lot of tossing and turning and hands between your thighs trying to tire yourself out, were filled with the sound of his voice; “you’re all for me.”
finally you’d made it home, another obstacle out of your way, before you were faced with others. what the fuck does one wear on a date with george russell? where is he taking you? what are the chances of an, ahem, sleepover?you spent the remainder of your day agonising, until you decided that george would probably enjoy anything that you wore, just as much as he would enjoy taking it off of you. you went for the classic, a little black dress, almost rolling your eyes at the cliché but you didn’t care all that much, you looked the right balance of sexy and elegant, and you felt it, too.
you checked your phone, hearing it ding.
‘picking you up in twenty xx’
the kisses brought back that embarrassing smile that you believed you were stronger than, but you couldn’t fight it off of you face. you replied, letting him know that you were ready. your phone dinged again.
‘can’t wait to see you xx’
his reply did nothing to make your smile waver, in fact, your cheeks were starting to hurt.
dinner with george was somehow even better than you’d expected. he’d picked you up, opening your car door, hand holding yours as your lowered yourself into his sleek mercedes. he’d opened the door again for you when you’d reached the restaurant, taking your hand in his once more as he led you into the dimly lit restaurant. it was beautiful, quiet, tucked away in a posher part of london that you only ever visited for work related reasons. you supposed that in a twisted and hilarious way that this dinner was, in fact, work related. ironically, work hadn’t come up once. it hadn’t come up during the starter you’d shared, when your bottle of red wine had arrived or during your mains. instead, you’d talked about everything but, shockingly sharing plenty in common. he had you laughing, leaning in, intrigued as you listened to him speak.
the only thing left was dessert, and the more you looked at him, eyes dancing across his neck and over the undone buttons of his white dress shirt, the more you were sure that you wanted dessert. preferably, back at his place. or at yours, you weren’t exactly fussy.
“so, how was the rest of yesterday for you?” george asked, head tilting, eyes inquisitive.
“tiring, just went on forever. although, i did get to see lando do a shoey.” you shrugged, grinning at the memory. george laughed lightly as you picked up your glass of wine.
“tiring, hmm? maybe i need to take you to bed.” you almost choked, placing your glass down on the table, your eyes narrowing, thinly veiling your amusement. he was staring back at you, trying to convey innocence with a look of pure mischief in his eyes. you decided to play along.
you moved the conversation away from that place, guiding him back to safe territory. he followed along, either oblivious to your antics, or loving every second. you were discussing your favourite bars in the city when you struck, heel brushing up the leg of his expensive jeans. he coughed, eyes widening, covering his shock with a quick sip of water.
“are you okay?” you feigned concern, sliding your hand across the table to rest on top of his, his long fingers rigid against the table cloth. you gazed at him innocently, wide eyes betrayed by the small smirk on your lips.
“absolutely perfect, darling.” he spoke through gritted teeth, smile painted on. you let your eyes wander, raking them over his broad shoulders, thick neck, the veins in his forearms peeking out from the rolled up sleeves of his white shirt. you picked up his hand delicately, placing it palm up on the table, eyes locked on his blue ones. your fingertips traced his palm, before you were playing with his fingers. his were so much longer than yours, thicker, perfect for reaching spots that you wouldn’t ever be able to. your breath hitched, so faintly that you hoped he wouldn’t pick up on it, but of course he did.
“what are you thinking about, darling?” george looked unfazed, back to being his calm and collected self already. suddenly, you were the mess, right where you’d tried to get him. “you thinking about my hands?” his voice dropped an octave, making sure that only you could hear him.
“thinking about what you can do with them.” you uttered, rather confidently to your own surprise. the least you could do was try and catch him out, beat him at his own game. the only problem was, the situation you found yourself in no longer felt like a game.
“your own can’t compare, right? too small to get the job done properly. that’s what you’re thinking about, isn’t it? because you couldn’t have me last night, bet you had to take care of yourself at the thought of what we could have done.”
“lewis and lando held me up.” you saw his face change slightly at the mention of the two other drivers and you realised that you had found an advantage. “unfortunately, they had to come first.” you faked a pout, enjoying the way his jaw clenched.
“lando and lewis definitely do not come first.”he replied. you giggled at the double meaning. suddenly, his fingers intertwined with yours, warmth spreading across your skin, to match the goosebumps left behind by his words.
“they did yesterday.” you tilted your head, gaze challenging his.
“pretty sure that you came first yesterday.” he licked his lips. you blushed.
“yeah, well, made me late for work.” you flipped your hair over your shoulder, trying to play it nonchalant.
“is that so? i’ll remember that. next time i won’t let you.” he leaned back in his chair, playing with your fingers. your mouth hung open for a second, before you snapped back to reality.
“i’m pretty good at taking care of myself.” you muttered, pursing your lips.
“tell me all about it.” he smirked. you raised an eyebrow. “go on, love. tell me all about your evening.”
“why don’t i tell you in the car while you drive me back to your place?”
you’d never seen a man move faster. he’d paid the bill and practically dragged you back to his car before you could even comprehend what you’d actually said. now, sat in the passenger seat, his fingertips working up your leg, you couldn’t find the words.
“george,” you breathed, his fingers pressing right against the wet patch on your panties. “don’t tease.” you begged. you could feel yourself getting hotter and hotter as he rubbed small circles over your panties, one hand on the wheel. he didn’t even look at you, smirking evilly as he drove.
“should have thought about that before you teased me, sweetheart. now go on, don’t be shy. i want every detail.” he said, rubbing harder at your clit.
“got myself off.” you muttered weakly.
“to what?” he pressed on.
“thought of you. your fingers, oh!” you moaned, feeling him push your panties aside, a finger dipping into your wetness. he stopped at a red light, daring to look at you.
“and what did you do to yourself, my love?”
“used my fingers, got myself so wet.” you gasped, feeling one of his fingers dip into your entrance, hooking inside of your cunt perfectly.
“as wet as i get you?”
“never.” you breathed, eyes fluttering shut, head hitting the headrest as he fucked you further into the seat.
“how many times did you cum, baby?” he added a second finger, your hips raising off of the leather seat.
“only once.” you whimpered, eyes rolling back as he stretched you open.
“bet you were so tired from our afternoon together, but you still had to get off one more time, all for me, right darling?” the sheer arrogance in his voice sent you to another level, pussy clenching tightly around his fingers as he dared you closer and closer in the front seat of his moving car.
“yes yes yes.” you chanted, shaking now, inching higher and higher to your peak.
“come on, sweetheart. cum for me, gorgeous.” he murmured, fingers curling deliciously. you spilled all over his fingers, flopping against the seat, worn out already. you didn’t know how he’d gotten you off so effortlessly, whilst perfectly navigating the busy london streets but you were in awe, staring at him like he’d been sent by god. he glanced over at you, head rolling against the headrest, bringing his fingers from underneath the hem of your dress and up to his mouth. just before he swiped his tongue over them, he looked you dead in the eyes and smiled.
“i’m going to fucking ruin you.”
george’s apartment was nice.
well, you assumed it was. you hadn’t seen much of it, really, quickly guided through the front door and to his bedroom. his hand held yours tightly the whole way, bringing you to stand in front of him, facing his bed. he was behind you, both of his hands covering yours, resting them on your waist. he held them there, firm against the material of your black dress. slowly, he dragged both sets of hands up your body, over the curve of your waist and up your ribcage. soon enough, he had you cupping your breasts, head tilting back to rest against his shoulder. he tightened his grip, your hands massaging your tits at his complete mercy.
“you like touching yourself, don’t you?” george’s voice was right in your ear, his whisper sending a shiver down your spine that caused your ass to grind back against him. “watched you in baku, watched you use your fingers on that little pussy,” he kept one of your hands in place over your breast, the other slowly moving back down your body, holding you close. “you keep telling me how well you take care of yourself, sweetheart,” your hands moved under the hem of your dress, pulling it up until your panties were exposed. your fingertips were pressed to the soaking material. “but we both know you like it better when i do it.”
“fuck, george.” your mouth fell open as he encouraged you to move your fingers, his hand guiding the slow circles you were making on your clit.
“can you feel that, sweetheart? feel how wet you are? how wet i got you?” he muttered, catching your earlobe between his teeth.
“yes, god, please. just need you to fuck me. need it so bad.” never had you craved someone the way you craved him.
it was almost strange, how he’d managed to keep you wrapped so tightly around his finger, pun very much intended. he was consuming you, first your body, and now your mind, and you wondered how far this would go. the date was good. in fact, it was one of the best first dates you’d ever had, and you couldn’t help but consider where this could lead, as his spun you around in his arms, kissing you deeply. the animosity between you had been fucked away in canada and now, you were ready for more. you needed more. anything he would give you.
“what do you want?” he mumbled, lips barely parting from yours as he walked you backwards, closing in on the foot of the bed.
“anything.” you whined, fisting the collar of his shirt in your hands, pulling him even closer.
“tell me what you want.” george demanded, not leaving any room for debate. your eyes fluttered open, locking with his darkened ones.
“your tongue.” you whispered, almost shy under his intense stare.
he smirked instantly, beginning to unbutton his dress shirt. you watched on, borderline confused as he dropped it to the ground, stepping around you to settle onto his expensive bedsheets, the navy of the linen contrasting beautifully against his skin. once he’d made himself comfortable, he eyed you up and down.
“take all of that off.” he gestured to your dress, still bunched up around your waist. you made quick work of your clothes, a quick mess being made of his bedroom floor. “get on the bed, darling, that’s it.” he coaxed you closer with a flick of his fingers. you crawled up the bed until you were kneeled next to him, unsure of what your next move was supposed to be, until he tapped his collarbone and your mouth went dry. “sit on my face, my love.”
he looked positively devilish as you swung a shaky leg over his head, strong forearms instantly looping around your thighs and pinning you against his mouth. you moaned desperately at the contact, hips rolling of their own accord as his tongue licked into your cunt, relentless against where you were dripping for him. george seemed quite happy with the way you rolled your hips to meet his tongue, groaning loudly, the vibrations making you speed up.
you rocked against his face, his plush lips wrapping around your aching clit, knuckles turning white as you held onto his headboard for dear life. his tongue alternated, sucking your clit into his mouth, before swiping down your slit to slide into your opening. one hand fell into his hair, tugging hard, a hum emitting from him in response that made your entire body shake as you came, his name and the occasional profanity being the only thing you could remember as you saw white.
you didn’t quite know how you’d made it onto your back, somehow finding the strength to pull yourself off of him and fall against the mattress. you’d left him a bit of a mess, but still george rolled on top of you, not wasting any time. he held himself above you, staring down at you as you caught your breath, tongue running over his lips.
“are you okay, darling?”
you nodded in response, hand making its way back into his hair, threading through the locks.
“got another one for me? you’re doing so good, sweetheart.” he crooned, eyes still devious, as his voice softened. again, you nodded, pulling him down to kiss you.
as george relaxed on top of you, your legs hooked over his jean-clad waist, bringing him down completely on top of you. he was so warm, covering your completely. your ground yourself against his crotch, hissing as the material of his jeans rubbed against your pussy, your two orgasms of the night leaving you sensitive. he rolled his hips a few times until you cried out, pressure already building in your stomach when he stopped.
“always make such a mess.” george muttered, pecking your lips one last time, pulling himself off of you to remove the rest of his clothes. once he’d settled back on top of you, something in his expression had changed. his eyes, still dark enough to show his lust, were softer, gazing at your parted lips and into your eyes. his hand came up to cup your cheek, body resting on his forearm by your head.
“look so pretty like this, all ready for me.” the pad of his thumb stroked your cheek, and you climbed your legs high around his waist. “so fucking pretty.” he whispered.
“want you.” you whispered, hands cupping his cheeks. he dipped down, nose brushing yours.
“i know, baby, i know.” his lips brushed yours and he lined himself up with your entrance, sinking into you slowly.
you moaned into his mouth, lips barely pressing against yours as he groaned, feeling the way you were squeezing him already. slowly, he pulled out, only to snap his hips back against yours, filling you up. he set a rhythm, slow and deep, fucking you hard.
“‘m not gonna last long.” you gasped, nails raking down his back. you could barely think, barely speak, senses completely overwhelmed, an incoherent mess on his sheets.
“you’re gonna hold it. doing so well, my darling. squeezing me so tight.” he spoke through gritted teeth, the praise sending a new wave of heat across your already flushed body.
“can’t hold it,” you whined.
“wait for me, baby. such a good girl for me.” he crooned, pressing a kiss into the crook of your neck, a mark quickly being sucked into the skin. his hips sped up, a gasp sounding from the back of your throat.
“george, please.” you could feel tears building in your eyes and you knew that you were there.
“wait. come on, be my good girl.” he ordered, rhythm getting sloppier as he neared his own orgasm.
“fucking me so well, i- please, baby. george.” you dragged out the syllables of his name, the grunt he let out at your words making your pussy pulse around him.
“there you go, baby, cum for me. come on darling, cum all over me.” george groaned, hips rutting against yours as he fucked your through your orgasms. you could feel him slowing down, his release painting your walls as your rapid breathing gradually slowed.
you pulled him in for a kiss, your lips not parting as he pulled out of you and laid on his side, bringing you with him. your lips moved together slowly, soft kisses that made you dizzy. you smiled when he pulled away, relaxing onto his back, pulling you against his chest. you curled into him, enjoying the closeness.
this was new.
you’d never cuddled before, another line being crossed. you enjoyed the pleasant silence, the both of you exhausted as you laid in his arms. eventually, you wondered if you needed to leave. his embrace hadn’t loosened, but you panicked, once again unsure of what this meant to him.
“i should probably go, don’t want to be a bother.” you mumbled awkwardly, breaking the peaceful, easy silence.
“a bother? you’ve never worried about bothering me before.” he laughed. you glared up at him playfully. “all those times you’ve chased me down in the paddock, practically held me at gunpoint and asked me the most ludicrous things, and now, i invite you into my house willingly and you’re worried about bothering me?” george continued to tease you. you looked away shyly, a coy smile playing on your lips.
“just doing my job.” you muttered, trying not to laugh along with him.
“much prefer the other type of job that you do.” you slapped his chest playfully, your night on the yacht flashing before your eyes.
“you’re awful.” your rolled you eyes, grin betraying you.
“you love it.” he was laughing again. what a beautiful sound.
“i don’t.” you tried to ignore the way your stomach twisted at the word love and the complicated implications.
“i reckon you could.” he stopped laughing, that same hopeful look that he gave you at silverstone driving his beautiful features.
“yeah. maybe.” you smiled at him, a genuine, heart stopping smile, just like the one he gave you when you realised that this was real.
as you gradually fell asleep in his arms, held close in his embrace, the soft rise and fall of his chest coaxing you into a deep slumber, you had a feeling that ‘maybe’ wouldn’t just be a maybe.
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answersfromzestual · 11 months
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Many patients mistakenly believe that the longer the operation, the better the healing results, and that short surgery is a sign that the surgeon is in a hurry or is not meticulous.
These myths can be a major source of anxiety for patients. However, the opposite is true: the longer the surgery time, the more the healing time and the risks associated with the intervention increase.
While it is true that operating time is an important indicator of risk factors and possible complications, the type of surgery and procedural complexity are also determining factors. Although often independent, these risk factors can sometimes be interrelated.
Infections and complications
The link between wound infection and operative time has been known for a long time. Every additional minute of surgery has a direct impact on the rate of wound infection.
As proof, a study on breast reconstruction with implants published in 2019 clearly demonstrated that the possibility of medical complications or wound infections increases when the surgery time goes beyond three hours. There would be a direct causal link between complications, preoperative health conditions, and longer operative time.
While the complication rates vary little for surgeries of less than 3 hours, the risks multiply by 1.6 times after 3 hours. Each successive operating time interval is accompanied by an associated growth in complications, with rates increasing 3-fold after 4.5 hours and almost 5-fold for a 6.8 hours procedure.
When surgery lasts longer than 6 hours, every additional hour increases the risk of cardiovascular, kidney and pulmonary complications. The same goes for the increased rate of infection. Surgeries lasting longer than 3 hours increase the risk of erythema and bruising, and often involve slower healing of the wounds.
The main issue regarding the risk of morbidity is the complexity of the procedure, not the duration of the operation. Indeed, according to a study published in 2014, complications can vary between two surgeries of more or less equal duration. For example, surgeries to the head or neck cause more complications than breast or limb surgeries, although the duration is similar, due to the complexity of these procedures. Delicate procedures on smaller surfaces requiring less manipulation cause less morbidity than reconstruction or dissections or excisions of body contouring procedures. On the other hand, studies indicate that operating times of more than three hours also increase the risk of morbidity. All these factors must be taken into account by the surgeon during the preoperative preparation.
The duration of the operation is therefore a key factor in the recovery of patients and in the severity of postoperative complications. It would be an indicator of complications, with a marked increase in risks if the surgery lasts more than three hours.
Surgeons are highly trained professionals. Although an experienced surgeon works quickly, other factors can contribute to the length of the operation, some of which may be beyond his control, such as excessive bleeding which can slow down the procedure. However, speed of execution does not necessarily guarantee better results, as operating time is not the only factor to consider in the event of complications.
So patients don’t have to worry if the surgery is shorter than expected. This does not indicate shoddy work. Longer surgery will not necessarily give better results. Surgery time is an important factor in recovery, but so too are the type of surgery and procedural complexity. Above all, be sure to ask questions before surgery so that you are fully aware of the risks.
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sunskate · 6 months
CPom might’ve preferred competing a couple of quads back - they’d have to do pattern dances, but back in the +3 GOE days the base value really mattered. They seem happy rn but it must be a little frustrating having made demonstrable improvements (Christina’s getting Level 4s!) and it making absolutely no difference to their standing in the pecking order,
i think we don't know yet that their track record this fall hasn't affected their standing. even though it feels like they're not being rewarded enough, it's a long game
C/B's place as US #1's not changing this season. but below that, there's a lot of uncertainty. i hope H/B come roaring back at Nationals, but it's going to be their first competition in over a year
Gr/Pa, who knows - CPom haven't gone head to head with them yet
but CPom have had 5 strong competitions - the issue with their ChRS at Nebelhorn felt fluky, and they fixed it. their consistency can strengthen how the judges see them and help in garnering support, so even if they haven't won the GP medal they wanted, people on the inside know their assignments were rough- going against the home faves at both Angers and Espoo they were solidly in 4th. they came within .12 of beating L/B's in the free. and they look like this:
like, how gorgeous ❤️😭 and i think if we're noticing they had the highest BV in this competition, skating people are noticing too. they're aiming for Montreal Worlds, they're aiming for 2026. if they get their trips, they're not going to remember the bronze medal they didn't get at a GP in November. their place in the US hierarchy is a bigger deal, and they're showing up in the ways they can control, so hopefully it's building some momentum and esteem for them
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laresearchette · 6 hours
Thursday, May 16, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
CRAVE TV BELLEFLEUR (Season 1, Episodes 1-2)
IIHF MEN’S HOCKEY (TSN) 10:00am: Finland vs. Austria (TSN3) 10:00am: Kazakhstan vs. Sweden (TSN) 2:00pm: Canada vs. Norway (TSN3) 2:00pm: U.S. vs. France
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 1:00pm: Yankees vs. Twins (TSN2) 7:00pm: Rays vs. Red Sox (SN Now) 8:00pm: A’s vs. Astros
NHL HOCKEY (CBC/SN) 7:00pm: Game 6 - Rangers vs. Hurricanes (CBC/SN/SN1) 10:00pm: Game 5 - Oilers vs. Canucks
PWHL HOCKEY (TSN) 7:00pm: Game 4 - Montreal vs. Boston
QMJHL HOCKEY (TSN4) 7:00pm: Game 5 - Drummondville Voltigeurs vs. Baie-Comeau Drakkar
LAW & ORDER TORONTO: CRIMINAL INTENT (City TV) 8:00pm (SEASON FINALE): The neighbors of a respected defense attorney become the prime suspects in her murder.
THE BRIDGE (Discovery Canada) 8:00pm: After being tempted with a taste of home, both teams are allowed to gain a new teammate.
THE GREAT POTTERY THROW DOWN (Makeful) 8:00pm: Endangered Animal Sculptures and a Tall Vase
NBA BASKETBALL (TSN4) 8:30pm: Game 6 - Nuggets vs. Timberwolves
DINNER WITH THE PARENTS (Showcase) 9:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Desperate to avoid embarrassment when his girlfriend breaks up with him on the night she's supposed to meet his family, David blunders into an ill-advised ruse.
LEGO MASTERS AUSTRALIA (Discovery Canada) 9:00pm: The teams must build their creations on a rotating baseplate that reveals a story in three different parts, encompassing a beginning, middle and end.
PORTRAIT ARTIST OF THE YEAR (Makeful) 9:00pm: Joe Sugg, Daryl McCormack, Lenny Rush
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rolling-restart · 10 months
hellooo, maybe some tw/gr hurt/comfort (either in desecration universe or something else, whatever you feel comfy with!!)
Hi anon, you made me realise I wrote plenty of hurt and literally no comfort for tw/gr so far. This one has some fucked up dynamics so proceed carefully.
Toto wasn’t looking forward to going back to the hotel. The podium celebrations put him on a such high that deliberately facing something, someone, that was certainly going to deflate him wasn’t very appealing. 
However, some things in life didn’t have to be fun to be worthwhile. Toto especially couldn’t stand the image of George crawling in a corner, trying to recover from what he thought a devastating failure. Toto took a deep breath and declined the offer for further celebrations elsewhere to jump in his car. 
He didn’t know the streets of Montreal too well. However, George’s location on their Life360 app was always on so he just followed the directions from his phone. Toto still couldn’t believe how George agreed to set that up, which meant him knowing George’s whereabouts 24/7 but George just jumped at the idea. Toto assumed that it gave the young man a sense of security, even though in the shape of literal surveillance. Toto also had his smartwatch data delivered to his phone, to see George’s vitals at all times. He was glad he didn’t have to discuss their relationship with anyone else due to the nature of secrecy. What people would say shouldn’t concern him. Controlling? Paranoid even? What worked for them worked for them and thankfully it was no one’s business. 
George’s heart rate had been over 110 since Toto lost sight of him in the paddock then he got a notification of his watch being taken off. He could believe that the poor boy literally ran to their hotel to escape the piercing eyes of the media in the face of his DNF. Toto knew it was nothing serious in the big scheme of this but George was, as always, dwelling on it. It was endearing, really, how sensitive the boy was to outside inputs. It also filled Toto with protective urges, to shelter George and if anything affected him profoundly, comfort him. 
Toto leaped the distance between them in a matter of minutes and he entered George’s hotel room without knocking. It wasn’t really necessary in their dynamic. If Toto was to take care of George efficiently, some boundaries must be overlooked. 
The sound of the shower filled Toto with relief. Even though Toto had a hold of George at any time, it would be perfectly possible for the boy to just throw away his electronics to really be left alone. But his George knew better. Toto took off his shoes and lounged on the bed with his phone while waiting for George to emerge from the ensuite. 
He waited. Ten minutes, then twenty minutes but there was no sign of the George finishing his business in the shower. Toto got up impatiently and slid the Japanese door of the bathroom slowly. There he was. George was sitting in the shower, knees against his chest while scorchingly hot water rained on him mercilessly. He jolted in surprise when he realised the intruder but he buried his face back between his knees. 
Toto took a couple of seconds before making a move. If only George wasn’t miserable, this would be a treasured sight. Something no one else but him was allowed to see, George at his most vulnerable. He didn’t pay any mind his shirt and slacks getting wet when he opened the glass door of the shower. He stopped the water and took a good look at George. His skin was bright pink with the hot water but his eyes were shinier than ever with silent tears. He didn’t protest when Toto got him on his feet as if he wasn’t hundred percent aware of what was going on. He was unstable on his feet so Toto moved slowly to wrap a towel around his shoulders. They were dripping water everywhere but Toto couldn’t care less. 
They somehow managed to collapse on the plush covers when George finally showed a sign of recognising Toto’s presence by burrowing his face in the crook of Toto’s neck.
“I fucked up…”
Toto caressed his damp hair, trying to get a hold of more of his body to hold, to squeeze to provide some sort of comfort. 
“Shhh, no.”
“I did.”
His words were wet with the incoming fresh tears.
“It’s not a big deal, Schatz, you will have days like this sometimes.”
“Well, I shouldn’t have…”
Toto interrupted his complaint with a kiss, salty with the boy’s tears. When George broke the kiss, his piercing eyes were locked on his, searching for a lie, fake comfort. Doubt.
“Do you hate me?”
Toto sighed. 
“How can you say that?”
“Well, you should. I lost us points.”
Even though his heart ached with his beloved’s pain, Toto felt irritation rising in his chest.
“Now you cut that talk. No one can talk about my driver like that.”
George scoffed and tried to make himself smaller by wrapping himself around Toto. He definitely was going to need new clothes to leave the room. 
He wasn’t surprised when he heard George sob. At moments like this, there was nothing he could do but rocking George and rubbing his back until he let it all out. Winning can wait another day, even a month. Nurturing this hurt little animal was more important. 
“Are you still proud of me?”
His voice was small but the expectation behind the voice was echoing in the great cavern of George’s yearning. It made Toto’s heart a little lighter. It was such a fitting position for the younger man to be in. Everyone had their optimum functioning point and George’s was yearning. Forever chasing the appraisal and never being able to fill that hole himself with genuine self-worth. It could be disastrous in the hands of someone else but Toto figured out how to keep that boiling side of George in check. His need for affirmation was like a bottomless abyss and the only cure for his condition was bound to fail since it was not sustainable. There wasn’t enough compliment and praise in the whole universe that could appease the poor boy in Toto’s arms. But it never hurt to try and stop him from eating his heart out too much. In return, Toto knew George’s soul was his.
“I am. I am and always will be very proud of you.”
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vaingod · 10 months
realizing that my forearm is pretty massive and using it for phalloplasty would give me the same results size wise as MLD size ranges (up to 12") which is amazing and has pulled me from considering mld, now im just working with abdo and rff as my available options and if i dont end up finding any waitlist for abdo within the next year im just putting my ass on the train to montreal and getting my rff at the pussy factory GRS without further delay im so tired of living my life waiting for this forever
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pup-in-transit · 11 months
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Month two of The Wait™️ is just about over, and I wanted to check in about I'm feeling because I don't remember when I last felt this... conflicted, I guess is the word. Yesterday, I received a call from GRS Montreal. The funding for surgery had been approved, and they all but confirmed it would take place in February of next year. This is great news, and it made me really happy!
At least, I think it did?
Let's take stock of why I wanted this in the first place. I don't like how my penis and testicles make me feel. Seeing a buldge in my pants embarresses me, and sitting down never feels quite comfortable. Even now as i'm on my train I'm aware of how my genitals are pressing against my legs and clothes in a way that AMAB cis folks simply don't notice. The thought of having a vagina instead, of having the parts that make up the "opposite" to what i have now, is comforting. And, more often than i used to, I can't bring myself to masturbate because feeling my erect penis in my hand inspires a really negative feeling. I can't describe it accurately, but I think shame is the closest parallel.
With all that in mind vaginoplasty should be a slam dunk. But why doesn't it feel that way? I looked at my penis this morning and was firmly neutral about it. Sure, watching it bounce as I moved around my bathroom wasn't a good experience, but I felt... fine, i guess is the right word? I thought, Do I really need this, or am i selfishly taking away a spot for someone for whom vaginoplasty would truly be lifesaving? Not only that but for the first time the aftercare feels insurmountable. Previously I was committed and confident I could take care of myself properly, but now i'm terrified of touching my healing genitalia wrong and causing permanent damage to it.
My therapist calls this catastrophizing. She's right, i am worrying too much about this and dwelling on the negatives. This will pass with enough time.
At least, I think it will?
Truthfully i don't know what to think at this point. I don't know what's best for me right now. I want to go back to bed and sleep.
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anewbeginningagain · 3 months
The judges have been telling Gr/P very clearly that something has to change. I think staying with MIDA is a worse look than leaving at this point - they've regressed significantly and their material is almost... confusing. They're in a similar position C/B were in '17/18 and if they hadn't moved to Montreal, they would've accomplished none of this. Personally I'd rather see them with Scott because his teams have good material, packaging and are getting levels, which are all things Gr/P desperately need. Also CPom could benefit from direct competition in the rink to propel them to the top of the podium next year if C/B actually do retire. To my eye, at US Nats C/B were in one bracket, CPom in another, and then 3rd through 6th + the Browns a separate batch where the order could've been whatever, depending on what happened on the day, which is not a good look for Gr/P.
To be fair, Green/Parsons material this year is simply not great, it was also true last year (to a lesser degree) but they managed to outsell the potential of the meh content they got. This year, their RD was bad so they changed the music, kept most of it the same, and ended up with one of the weakest RDs of the season. Their FD had a lot of potential and I liked it a lot at first, but they removed a lot of the content that made it stand out and the music cut is killing any sort of excitement that can come from the FD. Add to that my suspicion that Michael is injured and no wonder this season is going not great.
I also want them to go to I.AM Ontario, I think it might piss off CPom at first, but if it will be handled like C/B vs. H/D was by I.AM both teams will benefit from it.
I agree about the brackets at US Nats, I will reiterate how much it pains me to see Pate/Bye in the same one as G/Pa, Z/K, and the Browns though.
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