anonim3stepeni · 5 years
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anonim3stepeni · 6 years
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yo lo apodo Lupi, como la constelación de la liebre, esa es mi idea de un hijo entre ellos pensé en gemelos, pero creo que con uno tendrían para divertirse largo rato.
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anonim3stepeni · 6 years
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He’s gone. (From Stefan’s wife’s facebook page.)
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anonim3stepeni · 6 years
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anonim3stepeni · 6 years
Kindall's Moments:
Season 1:
When Kendall is about to be devoured by the students on the bus, Kick arrives just in time to save her.
Box Office Blitz
Kick kisses Kendall on the lips in order to hide from Pantsy.
Kendall seems flattered by Kick’s kiss at first.
Dog Gone
Kick mentions Kendall in a list of people who could look after Oskar instead of him, even though he claims to not like her.
Kick praises Kendall’s top during his depression.
After Kick finds his helmet, Kendall appears really happy and says, “Clarence, look! I’m wearing your favorite top!”. This suggests that Kendall holds Kick’s opinion of her in high regard.
Kyle Be Back
She also meets his cousin and in this episode we see they are neighbors.
Kick leads first to his cousin where Kendall for she distract him.
She says goodbye to Kick’s cousin in a friendy manner.
Rank of Awesome
Kick doesn’t notice, but Kendall actually helps him with the video and rank.
Dancing With The Enemy
When they finally get the idea of the “awesome and elegant styles”, they are shown holding each other’s hand.
They have a cute fight over the TV remote.
During the dance routine, Kick seems actually happy and smiled when catching Kendall.
When ending their dance, both romantically look at one-another and compliment each other - with Kick saying, “You are so elegant” and Kendall saying, “And you are so awesome.” And they almost kiss until a random female person in the crowd yells “Kiss her!”
Tattler’s Tale
Kendall is one of the kids who dresses up as Kick in order to drive Ms. Chicarelli crazy and stop her tattling (although she has no speaking lines in this episode).
Frame Story
Kick looks really shocked upon seeing Kendall with Ronaldo.
Season 2:
Clothes Call
Kendall says that the suit Kick’s holding would look cute on him.
Stand and Delivery
Kick makes a homemade statue of Kendall, though this is part of his plan.
Kendall wants Ronaldo to be more awesome and noticeably she is shown looking at Kick.
Hand in Hand
Kendall calls Kick by his daredevil nickname for most of the episode. She only calls him Clarence once.
Kendall recognizes Kick’s “daredevil face”.
Kendall now realizes that Kick does “amazing things”.
Kick and Kendall compliment and flirt with each other once they reach the top of Ronaldo’s lab.
Despite claiming to hate each other, they work together very well to get unstuck.
Kick and Kendall blush once they get unstuck (this is the only time in the entire series where Kick is shown doing so).
Kendall is shown as being concerned for Kick’s safety as she tries to warn him not to touch the handle on Ronaldo’s garage (which he does anyway and gets shocked as a result).
Kick and Kendall share ANOTHER kiss (albeit hidden from view).
After Kick and Kendall kiss to hide from Ronaldo, both seem to enjoy it somewhat and almost forget to mention that they hated it. (Kendall actually sneaks a peek at Kick right after they look away from each other.)
Pool Daze
Kendall says, “Well, I guess Clarence isn’t that bad.” and Kick ruins the moment by shooting a whole bunch of water in her mouth.
Throughout the episode, she is seen staring at him and they even tend to stand stood close to one another.
Kick gives all the kids a Cheetah Chug popsicle, even Kendall.
Kendall only calls Kick by his nickname - not by Clarence, as she usually does.
When Kick is caught by Ms. Chicarelli, Kendall tightly hugs him which Kick returns. She then sadly yells his name as he is dragged away. Later it is revealed that the hug was part of their plan.
This episode’s ending officializes Kendall’s suspected crush on Kick as it is shown that she had written “I ❤ K.B.” on a locker with her sparkly pink pen (this is what had gotten her into detention in the first place).
Kick or Treat
Kendall wishes them a happy Halloween, then says that she is Kick’s next door neighbor as if she wants him to notice her.
Power Play
In Kick’s fantasy, Kendall actually hugs him and kisses him.
Kick has three fantasies of him and Kendall kissing (or almost kissing)
Kendall seems to look happy in each of Kick’s fantasies.
Kendall takes out a peg so that a sand bag would fall on Ronaldo’s head
When Kick takes Ronaldo’s place Kendall says to herself “And now for that kiss!”.
Kendall looks disappointed when Kick succeeds in hurting himself just before the kiss.
Poll Position
Both Kendall and Jackie make campaign promises about Kick.
Kendall admits the mountain carving of Jackie that Kick makes is impressive.
She looks sad and jealous when Kick helps Jackie.
Kendall smiles (almost breaking into tears) when Kick says he’ll help her beat Jackie.
Kendall tells Jackie she’s “sorry you weren’t able to sew your face to Kick’s” when they both lose the election. It is possible that she somewhat wishes to be close to Kick as well, and isn’t simply saying it to be nice.
At the end, Kendall threatens to sew Jackie’s face “to the floor” if she runs for president next year, possibly due to Kick always helping Jackie.
Pinch Sitter
Kendall relates to Kick and Brad’s relationship, because she and her older sister had a similar relationship.
Bee Awesome
Kick competes in place of Kendall, but she didn’t congratulate Kick at the end because he win state regional spelling bee.
Nerves of Steal
Kendall says goodbye to Kick in a friendly manner.
Big Mouth
Kendall hires and pays Mouth to obtain photos of Kick.
When Kendall receives the photos from Mouth, she holds them to her chest lovingly.
Roll Reversal
This episode seems to suggest that Kendall craves Kick’s attention as almost everything she does after her stunt fluke seems to be for gaining his attention.
Kendall kisses Kick although this is purely to block him in the roller derby.
In Kick’s dream Kendall appears dressed up and looks really pretty; maybe this is how he really sees her.
Okay… I guess I ship too much now…. haha…
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anonim3stepeni · 6 years
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I TOLD YOU I’D BE LOST WITHOUT HIM. Okay I know I’m exaggerating this, but it was my favorite joke from the special lol. 
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anonim3stepeni · 6 years
When the “good” girls…
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Get involved with certain boys.
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Kendall Perkins: Changes for the better. Gets into stunts to get Kick’s attention.
Pacifica Northwest: Learns to be an actual kid and not a spoiled brat. Becomes friends with Dipper.
Connie Maheswaran: Becomes (one of) Steven’s best friend(s). Goes on Adventures and learns how to sword fight.
Star Butterfly: Has been in a relationship with Tom before and gives him another chance due to him become a better person (or demon).
Amanda Lopez: Learns to relax and have fun after Milo fixes the School Dance. Is willing to be around him during certain events.
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anonim3stepeni · 6 years
Mabel : fuck Pacifica Northwest
Dipper : i'm trying
Mabel : what
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anonim3stepeni · 6 years
it is too much see a dipifica moment (kiss *cof*cof*) pleaseeee buryooooo-san
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Really, Dipper?(Sorry for took so long, I’m pretty busy lately
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anonim3stepeni · 6 years
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This man is a gift to the world, and even though this IS MY SHIP, that reply made me laugh real hard.
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anonim3stepeni · 6 years
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Wendy's mother in another dimension?
(And Ford is real wendy's father, (0))
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Dip clones plot revenge?
(Okay, its really strange, i think)
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He always has an ace up his sleeve
And a face up his sleeve.
(Alex Hirsch is eminem, prooved)
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Trembley waz here.
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Puts the bizzare in bazaar
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Freaky's delivery serice.
Thanks for attention, you can like this post, subscribe and make repost.
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anonim3stepeni · 6 years
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just take advantage of the little appearance of pacifica in the chapter DIPPER AND MABELL vs The future!! hope you like it
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anonim3stepeni · 6 years
Gravity Falls: Lost Legends fan animation
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anonim3stepeni · 6 years
Okay, this ship are gaining momentum, i wait third season with raiting R.
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Lol, really cute moment🌚🌚🌚🌚
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anonim3stepeni · 6 years
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anonim3stepeni · 6 years
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Follow my instagram account: @x_Hinata_x
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anonim3stepeni · 8 years
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