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On Sunday, @moon_maiden_healing_ and I had a great conversation about normalizing grief and all its many phases and forms. One thing she had said so beautifully is that grieving isn’t linear. And I’ve been ruminating on that for the last few days. Lately I’ve been getting caught up about why old wounds are being activated again and why I’m getting pissed off all over again that my parents couldn’t be the people that I needed. Because for some of us, grieving isn’t linear. We might be able to easily accept and acknowledge that our parents weren’t and will never be the people we needed. And THEN we might get pissed off about it. We might stay in the depression stage for a little bit while we re-learn how to love ourselves. One step at a time. I also want to remind us all that just because we accept that something happened to us doesn’t mean we need to just get over it. Just because we hit the acceptance “stage” doesn’t mean we’re done grieving or processing our emotions. It’s not about getting over the grief, but getting through it. And sometimes getting through is going through some phases over and over again because there’s another part of ourselves that needs attention and TLC. And sometimes grieving a whole era of our past is sufficient for a time, and sometimes specific parts of that era need to be grieved on its own. It’s okay to grieve the people your parents couldn’t be, the relationship dynamic you may never have with a parent, outgrowing past selves, or missed memories/what could’ve been. And so much more. As always, please handle yourself with love and kindness as you move through grief. If you want to rewatch our conversation, head over to the IGTV tab on my page! #littlebentnotbroken #reparenting #innerchild #innerchildwork #innerchildhealing #woundedinnerchild #motherwoundhealing #childhoodabuse #emotionalabuse #mentalabuse #narcissisticparents #emotionallyimmatureparents #selfhealing #selfhealers #healingjourney #healingmission #generationaltrauma #cyclebreakers #traumarecovery #motherwound #mentalhealthmatters #youmatter #cyclebreakers #intergenerationaltrauma #normalizegrief #griefinhealing #griefjourney (at San Francisco Bay Area) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJHghb7jISP/?igshid=16ta9etjrbigc
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