alejandromogollo · 2 years
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Remembering the marvelous Little Edie on her birthday. Anyone else still obsessed with these STAUNCH characters? I am! 😉 #littleedie #ediebeale #ediebouvierbeale #greygardens #motherdarling #staunch #catladies #staunchcharacter #bornonthisday #AlejandroMogolloArt https://www.instagram.com/p/CkqoBdYITE5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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BIG EDIE (Edith Beale)
Grey Gardens is a documentary about an upper-class mother and daughter who live on a property called Grey Gardens in a derelict mansion in the wealthy East Hampton neighborhood in New York.
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mrssupe · 2 years
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When you want to play in the sprinkler, but the curls are popping today and you don't want to get 'em wet! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 They wanted me to get a pic. I don't know what game these kids are playing. I heard something about space, Batman, and whales, and I decided not to ask questions. It's giving #greatexpectations and a little #greygardens. She won't let me throw that umbrella away. It's #harleyquinn. #summer #sprinkler #kids #miele #curlspoppin #summertime https://www.instagram.com/p/CfjVSEFuzjp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fuzzydreamin · 3 months
MTG: Fallout 76
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veshialles · 2 years
I love Sim Settlements but looking at Greygarden stresses me tf out. Girl that overpass is barely holding together, and you guys STARTED BUILDING HOUSES ON TOP OF IT??? HELLO?
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I don't see any extra supports being built, except for that flimsy scaffolding staircase. A tragic disaster openly begging to happen. This is going to wipe out the entire town when it finally collapses, just so you know
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chiibayup · 2 years
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sparrowsingsstories · 2 years
Some Sentence Sunday
It's that time again, folks! Tagging @adventuresofmeghatron @twolargepepperoni-and-a-calzone @alder-berry @kyngsnake @sendhelporcaffeine @deathclawforcuties and anybody else who would love to share their latest writing!
From Cry Mercy's upcoming chapter - Preston is sending Mercy off to Greygarden because "the water's gone fucky"
“They said their water is funny,” Preston said, his voice serious.
“Come again?”
“Their water. It’s gone funny.”
“Is he serious?” MacCready asked.
“Yes,” Mercy and Deacon said together. She grimaced as he grinned.
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grimesfan123 · 10 months
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Prelim Poll 11
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Propaganda here
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Fo4 Companions Favorite Settlements To Stay At
➼ Word Count » 0.7k ➼ Warnings » Slight spoilers in MacCready's
MacCready really likes the Finch Farm. It has always been a place of comfort for him. There's something about the family that lives there that almost reminds MacCready of the family he and his son are never likely to get. He hopes that one day when his son makes it to the Commonwealth that they could hang around the place for a little while longer, maybe even live there with them permanently.
Nick's always been fond of the Starlight Drive-In. Human Nick spent a lot of time in these types of theatres, so he's always felt weirdly connected to them. Nick also likes to stand behind the counter and serve drinks while all the other settlers gather around on the stools. It's just a naturally nostalgic place for him.
Cait has never been particularly excited to visit the settlements, they're all too open and the settlers are wayyy too in her face for her to have fun. That's why Hangman's Ally is the only one she ever agrees to go to. Not many settlers like living there, and it's almost invisible to the rest of the world.
Danse's favorite settlement to be at will always be the Boston Airport. There's nowhere he'd rather be than near his fellow soldiers—they're like his family.
Preston loves all the settlements you work on, but The Castle always wins. In his opinion, there's nothing better than the space, people, and artillery that the Castle holds. It's a natural place for any Minuteman to want to be in. He especially loves the history of it all. Looking back at old pre-war artifacts that have been scattered across the castle makes him feel so intrigued.
Codsworth loves sanctuary for sentimental reasons, but greygarden is a place he really feels at home. It's just him and all the other Mr. Handys, cleaning and gardening, his favorite things to do <3 (and sometimes they have really good gossip)
Piper spent a good while trying to solve the mystery in Jamaica Plain, and in doing so, set up her own little shack to call a temporary home. She made pretty good friends with the settlers who currently resided there and likes to visit every now and then to see the home she lived in for a week serve a different purpose.
Curie's very interested in all the ghost stories that surround the Croup Manor. She can't help but get excited at the thought of spending the night there or starting a little campfire just outside the place and going back and forth telling each other myths and legends.
Strong likes a lot of the settlements, but Sunshine Tidings Co-Op always makes him satisfied due to all the raider camps that are scattered nearby. Even Nuka-World's close. He can eat as many people as he wants down there, what more could he ask for?
Hancock loves supporting his fellow ghouls, so the Slog is a personal favorite of his. He always tries to help the group down there out as often as he can, especially security-wise. He wants to see this group prosper. It's refreshing to see others working toward the same goals as him.
Deacon, against Desdemona's wishes, turned the Taffington Boathouse into a frat house of sorts. He's always trying to recruit people but he's only managed to convince Tinker Tom to get on board. He's also the only one who knows what a frat house actually is so everyone just ignores him.
X6-88 hates them all. They're all too grimy for him to ever willingly be near. Although, if he had to pick, it'd be Covenant, only after he's killed everyone else in it. He'd much rather it be just the two of you in that semi-secure township. 
Dogmeat likes all of them, although Sanctuary and the Red Rocket Station are his favorites. Both settlements always hold such friendly people and tons of junk for him to play with!
Naturally, Old Longfellow prefers his cabin. He has the most detailed mental map of his little island—knows where all the traps are set and everything. Besides all his weapons and alcohol being stored there, why wouldn't it be his favorite?
Gage doesn't have much of an opinion on any of them, although, he thinks Hangman's Ally has the best cover. It doesn't matter to him though, everywhere's home if you can take it from the original residents.
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alejandromogollo · 2 years
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Mother Darling ❤️ Big Edie and little Edie from the groundbreaking documentary Grey Gardens. I remember being obsessed watching this on a loop. Couldn't get enough of them. How did get to meet these ladies? #greygardens #motherdarling #littleedie #edithbouvierbeale #edithbouvier #hamptons #albertanddavidmaysles #groundbreaking #kimono #TCMParty #fanart #AlejandroMogolloArt https://www.instagram.com/p/CiP7TZbsw8U/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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slocum-dodson · 11 months
I executed the Mr Handys at Greygarden. They frightened me while I was wandering and I laid siege to them with my guns and my Fatman.
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fuzzydreamin · 8 months
politely requesting Deacon bingo👀
🕶 Deacon! Wee!
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I have a bit of a love/hate with Deacon, but it always ends in love. He's just so infuriating sometimes, but also it's all the stuff that makes him great. He's just so interesting as a character.
For one, he's a terrible liar. Your Sole has enough charisma and they can see through him like he's a sandwhich bag. I know his whole point is the "you can't trust everyone" bit, but he really makes it hard to trust him despite that being the goal.
There's also the thing where, despite needing your trust for his plans to work, he doesn't actually want it because he's afraid to be trusted. And he knows he sure as hell doesn't deserve it.
You see, his small lies are dumb and easy to catch - but his big lies aren't. Hell, even after all these years I hardly see the fandom talk about his biggest lie - or rather, a lie by omission. The game gives you the information, but it doesn't let you call him out on it, so I think that's why people miss it. You read it, probably not because it's not required, maybe skim over it only, and move on.
That lie of course being that Deacon very likely already knew Shaun was an old man, and the leader of the Institute. It's all vaguely laid out in the Railroad's mission terminal, which the player can't access until visiting the Institute for the first time and already having to experience that shock without preperation. So, why say nothing? Well, because you can't trust everyone. Who's to say the shock wouldn't make Sole give up and run off, to stop helping the Railroad with their goals? Or even side with their evil asshole of a son? Is he wrong? No. But he's not kind to hide it. He's not your friend for doing so.
Deacon is the kind of person to put his mission first, always. And he should. But it ends up hurting people. There's a reason the level-headed companions all tell you not to trust him - he gets people killed. Hell, he's probably killed old partners and potential double agents before. He'd try to kill you if you turned into a threat - that's canon if you go the Institute route. He's right, of course, but he's not a safe person to befriend for that reason. Because he doesn't have friends. He can't.
But Deacon does have kindness in him. He's a very kind person truly. Just one that is capable of doing terrible things for his goals. The line between Deacons kindness, what he's willing to do to get a mission done and ensure the safety of the Railroad, and the facets of him that aren't kind, are all so interesting.
Did you know he's robophobic? He enjoys Sole telling robots that their place is below humans -like telling the Greygarden robots that they simply need humans to be successful. He doesn't like or trust PAM, and wanted to deactivate her. All of his interactions with robots are him using them as a prop in one of his jokes, sometimes not even actually acknowledging them at all. A directors note within his dialogue reveals that he doesn't think Gen2's should be saved. When he kills them he's just upset that Glory will be sad. It's not about them and their potential feelings or rights.
It makes his history with Barbara more likely to be true - because he does hold bigotry, even still, and he didn't choose to change on his own. Not fully. Not because he was already a good person, or to help altruistically. He was scouted out after revenge-killing his gang, and had nothing else to do with his life aside from getting lost in chems and alcohol. A big part of it is him making up for being one of those bad people in the first place. For the harm he's done. For the harm he's sure he can never repay. But that still makes it about him, not the people. He has a selfish reason for being selfless. He's still helping, of course, but the mentality behind it is what's so fascinating. Does his true motivations lessen the end result? What makes a person good? Can a person ever make up for their bad actions? It is for anyone to decide? We can forgive him, but would his victims? Would the sentient androids and robots that he casts aside for not being human enough think he's a good person?
There's also the fact that he's given his whole life to the Railroad. If he's John D then he likely joined the Railroad in his 20's and is currently in his late 40's. The person he was before joining is gone - hell, he's hardly any person at all currently. He's just an agent. Whatever he needs to be to get the job done. Even when the Institute is taken down, he's going to need years to unpack his past and find out who he is now. How he's meant to move on from there.
He's not romancable because he isn't a real person. Because you can't date someone who doesn't exist. Who doesn't even know who they are, who could change what they are in an instant. Or turn on you because he's sunk everything into his goal and won't let anything destroy that -not even love. You can't properly love someone without also loving yourself enough to allow it, and he just doesn't know that person. So he won't. Even if he feels a connection, he'd sooner sever it and run, because that's a liability.
He wanted kids once, his dialogue implies he's still rather fond of them, but he's probably never going to have them, because his time for that is running out. At best he gets to play fun uncle with synth Shaun.
Deacon literally has nothing after the story is done. If the Institute is gone and the synths are free, is he a hero? Or just a ghost? He could stick around with the Railroad and help the remaining synths find safe homes, but that was never his role in their organisation. He has a name and a face that aren't his, but is he willing to change them now that he might finally have a friend in Sole? What will that mean to him, if he's just living for someone else then? Is he still not himself if he does? What will he do? Will he become a teacher? Retire somewhere quiet and raise molerats? He doesn't know, there's no time to think about it until it comes - and that's a lot to think about. That's his whole reason for being gone.
He's all mixed up like a ball of yarn, and I think it's fun to pull at the threads and see what comes loose or tightens up elsewhere.
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highbrow-hepcat · 1 year
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Via Amy Sedaris on Instagram.
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