#gracias por responder<3
horrorwebs · 1 year
primera vez que siento que le cai bien a alguien en contexto social de grupo
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unmotivated-student · 1 month
3 y 12 :D
3. Who's your favourite egg?
I love them all but I think I like Pepito a little more :3
12. What language would you like to see next?
I'm interested in whatever language it is, chinese, japanese, italian, russian... Whatever leads me to learn more about other cultures and countries is fine for me so I don't have a preference and I know that I'll be excited about it:3
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napo-con-fritas · 3 months
1, 5 & 15 :D
holissss! mildis la demora, te juro que fueron un par de días a full!
1)) what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
fah, empieza fuerte. hmm
I think my love for reading bc, as a child/teen, I based my personality on different personality traits of different characters
my school. as an adult, I can now realise how much of how I behave has to do with how school helped raise us. some of their beliefs, their values, etc
esto suena re víSSStima, but probably having had less wealth than most of my friends when I was little. it gave me a lot of insecurities back then, and even now I have issues accepting gifts at time, bc I feel people feel pressured to do so bc I've got less (I, objectively know it isn't that at all, but the first reaction is to try to tone down the excitement and to be all "no, no you don't have to invite me, don't worry!")
5)) what made you start your blog?
my cousin! timeline of events: I watched the pjo film in 2010 (fuck 'em film haters), fell in love with the bad guy (what's new?), my cousin told me there were books (all of FIVE BOOKS! 12 y/o me was in heaven), I read them obsessively one summer, my cousin showed me the existence of fanart, and then told me there was a site where people had fanart and other reblogs (and then fanfics in ffn, those were the times XD)
15)) what do you think of when you hear the word “home”?
good question.. joggers, my dad working on the upstairs floor, my mum watching alguna serie catalana, somebody always on the loo when I want to use it, talking to myself bc I don't care if anybody sees me.. I mean, I sort of do imagine my house, but mostly the sounds of people around me and that feeling of peace
for this ask game!!
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lilavh · 1 year
❝ ¿quieres bailar conmigo? tienes cara de buen bailarín. ❞
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' ¿yo? ¿ser buena bailarina? ' deja estirar una de sus comisuras, mirando a la contraria. ' nunca me había puesto a pensar si lo soy o no ' casi canturrea con últimas palabras, acercándose un poco más a ella. ' ¿qué tal si mejor me das tu calificación después de bailar conmigo, uh? ' y alza diestra, ofreciéndole su mano a la chica sin abandonar gesto en carmesís.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ♡ 𝑒𝑛𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑑𝑜 𝑝𝑜𝑟: @cyren3s .
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tagthescullion · 2 years
holis :) can i ask you why is the ares cabin your cabin? (es que yo veia que decia cabaña 5 pero nunca hice el click de que era la cabaña ares)
Holuuu, confieso que lo de cabin 5 is because when I was a teen (my peak fangirl moment) I was short-tempered, very, very prideful, and the biggest clarisse la rue fan in the planet which influenced the whole "what cabin are you" choice. Besides, I would totally refuse to fight for people who don't treat my family right, regardless of how inconvenient that is to the fate of the universe
I'm also morbidly interested in wars, though to be fair I like learning the overall thing (causes, consequences, how battles happened) rather than stuff like weapons, which probably sounds more like a mars thing than ares but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
((también me aviolento fácilmente cuando el transporte público funciona mal porque cortan calles en capital o cuando los vecinitos de arriba corren salvajemente sobre mi cabeza, but who doesn't?))
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avrchie · 1 year
❝ ¿quieres recrear la escena de la película que vimos? en la que se besan o en la que huyen de la policía, lo dejo a tu elección. ❞
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enarca una de sus cejas por propuesta de la contraria, estirando una de las esquinas de su boca poco a poquito. ' ¿a mi elección? ' repite lo último, como queriendo confirmar. ' ¿estás segura? ¿aunque escoja lo segundo? ' quería asegurarse de que no se tratara de una broma de la contraria. ' si es una broma, es momento de que lo confieses ' y brota una corta risa de sus labios, sin dejar de mirarla.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ♡ 𝑒𝑛𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑑𝑜 𝑝𝑜𝑟: @pangelique .
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americangroupie · 3 months
♱ flesh for fantasy ♱
enzo vongrincic x reader
tw: +18, el uruguayo recibe
a/n: voy a ir mezclando varias de sus sugerencias en las fics mas largas, e iré haciendo unas más específicas pero cortitas <3 tengo un montonaaazo así que ruego paciencia, pero les voy a dar en el gusto lo prometo
a pesar de estar acostumbrada a tener el departamento vacío, habían días donde el silencio se hacía mas presente que nunca. no era culpa de él, por supuesto, pero era la culpa de la falta de su presencia al ser tan dedicado y apasionado por su vocación.
el día había concurrido con tanta lentitud que sentías poder contar los segundos al pasar al frente tuya, hacías miles de tareas domesticas para mantenerte ocupada en un híbrido domingo que deseabas hubiera sido tanto tuyo como de ambos. pero nada te ponía mas contenta que verlo llegar a la casa con nuevas anécdotas, nuevas amistades y nuevas experiencias que comenzaba a expulsar con rapidez de sus labios sin siquiera haber abierto la puerta del departamento por completo.
hoy no fue un día de esos.
“hola mi amor.” lo saludaste con dulzura desde el sillón al mirarlo cerrar la puerta detrás suya. su semblante era distinto, sus cejas estaban fruncidas y los sus manos estaban enroscadas en puños. tardó un par de segundos en contestarte, y ladeaste la cabeza.
“hola, amor.” dijo con un tono monótono, distinto a como solía saludarte usualmente al haber estado todo el día sin verse.
“¿cómo estuvo el día?”
“bien. ¿y el tuyo?”
“bien, gordo, gracias.”
“me alegro.”
“ahora si te pregunto de nuevo, ¿me respondes con sinceridad?”
enzo te dirigió la mirada por primera vez desde que entró al departamento, y te dedicó con una sonrisa ladeada y forzada. “¿tanto se me nota?”
“mm..” fingiste pensar. “puede ser que un poquito mucho.”
rió mientras pasaba las manos por su pelo. “no es nada importante, en realidad. el nuevo jefe de producción me tiene las bolas llenas. no entiendo por qué te ponés a trabajar en la producción de una película si no estás ni ahí con el cine.” pausó, suspirando y quitándose el buzo que llevaba. “pero no me quiero desquitar con vos, amor. no es culpa tuya.”
te acomodaste en el sillón al seguirlo con tu mirada mientras se sentaba al lado tuyo. “si te queres desquitar hazlo, mi amor, para eso estoy.” acercaste tu cuerpo mas a él, tomando su mano y jugueteando con sus dedos. “te quiero ayudar, podemos hacer lo que vos quieras.”
“ya se me va a pasar bonita, no es necesario que hagas nada. con que te quedés acá conmigo estoy bien.” estiró sus dedos dentro del agarre de tu mano al hablar, devolviéndote el inocente jugueteo.
“pero quiero que estés más que bien, enzo.” respondiste suavemente, llevando tu mano libre hacia su pelo y acariciándolo con lentitud. enzo no demoró en responder con su cuerpo, cerrando sus ojos y tirando la cabeza hacia atrás levemente, suspirando al dejarse derretir al ritmo de tus caricias. “dejame ayudarte.” hablaste bajito al acercarte a su cuello, despositando dulces y cortos besos sin cesar el movimiento de tu mano en su pelo.
enzo gimió en respuesta. “lo que vos quieras, princesa. todo tuyo.”
“¿todo mío?” sonreíste pícaramente, subiendo tus besos hasta su mejilla, y te acercaste a su oreja. “¿eres todo mío?”
sonrió con los ojos cerrados. “sí, mi amor. entero.” reíste contra su mejilla, dandole piquitos por toda su cara mientras subías tu cuerpo encima del suyo, sentándote en su regazo.
“decime de nuevo.” dijiste con una sonrisa pintada en tus labios.
te respondió de la misma forma. “sos tan caprichosa.” frunciste el ceño, colocando tus ojos en blanco. a raíz de tu acción, enzo subió una de sus manos a tu mejilla para así acariciarla, mirándote con una sonrisa y luego bajando su mirada hacia tus labios. “mi nenita caprichosa.”
te inclinaste hacia el para amoldar sus labios en un beso, ladeando tu cabeza de inmediato al sentir su mano bajar desde tu mejilla a tu cintura, reposándola sin aplicar fuerza. moviste ambas manos a su cuello, alternándolas de lugar entre sus mejillas cada cierto tiempo para acercarlo más a ti al querer profundizar aun más el beso.
pocos segundos después abriste paso a tu lengua en la cavidad bucal contraria, dejando esta chocar contra la suya fusionándose entre sí en un tortuoso ímpetu. podías saborear el gusto mentolado de sus labios en tu propia boca, escuchando únicamente los jadeos de enzo que se mezclaban con los tuyos, sintiendo como su respiración se aceleraba a medida que pasaban los segundos.
te separaste lentamente de sus labios, quedando un hilo de saliva entre ambos mientras respirabas agitadamente sintiendo las caricias en tu cintura. juntaste tus labios con los suyos una ultima vez para luego dejar un camino húmedo de besos hasta su cuello, mordiendo levemente algunas areas. “déjame hacerte sentir bien, en. te quiero quitar todo el estrés”
escuchaste una risa en medio de sus jadeos. “adelante, mi vida. te dije que podés hacer lo que quieras conmigo. soy todo tuyo.”
te incorporaste encima suya, jugueteando con el borde de su remera mientras le sonreías pícaramente. “como querés que no sea caprichosa si me das siempre en el gusto, amor.”
“es imposible no darte en el gusto. sos muy bonita” dijo luego de que le quitaras la remera, tirándola sin mirar dónde caía.
comenzaste a bajar tus besos a través de su cuerpo, sin dejar un hueco que tus labios no hayan tocado mientras te acomodabas entre sus piernas. al subir la mirada te encontraste con tu novio mirándote expectante, con el pelo desordenado y los labios ligeramente rojos. el solo ver como te miraba con lujuria te hizo estremecer, comenzando a bajar sus pantalones con lentitud sin romper el contacto visual.
su ropa interior era gris, dejando ver su líquido preseminal a través de esta y marcando su bulto aún más de lo que normalmente sería. depositaste breves besos encima de este, sintiendo como su cuerpo se estremecía bajo tu tacto y mirando lo rápido que se desesperaba al tenerte así.
“dale nena. no me hagas rogar.” dijo acomodando el pelo de tu cara, agarrándolo en una colita con su mano. “dejáme sentirte bien.”
asentiste con la cabeza; sin ánimos de molestarlo al querer desviar su mente de el estrés que sentía en el momento. aunque la manera en la que te miraba te hacía pensar que su mente estaba lejos de pensar en cualquier cosa que no fuera la vista que tenía en frente suyo.
al bajar por completo su ropa interior afirmaste su miembro desde la base para trazar una línea recta con tu lengua lentamente, hasta llegar a la enrojecida cabeza. lo escuchaste gruñir en respuesta a tu acción, tirando la cabeza por completo hacia atrás mientras se mordía los labios.
jugaste con la cabeza del miembro en tu boca, torciendo tu lengua al rededor de esta mientras mirabas como enzo reaccionaba a cada caricia que le hacías y escuchabas con atención cada jadeo y quejido que salía de sus labios.
lo masturbabas con movimientos lentos, dejándolo mirar detenidamente como tu lengua recorría toda la longitud de su miembro mientras lo acariciabas con suavidad, quejándote levemente al tenerlo en la boca al mirarlo derritiéndose del placer.
“tocáte, bebé.” gimió al mirar como no te podías quedar quieta. “ahógate mientras te frotás.” asentiste con rapidez, bajando tu mano por entremedio de tus piernas y gimiendo instantáneamente sobre su miembro. “estás mojadita, mi amor?” volviste a asentir, dejando que tus dedos se empaparan de tus líquidos.
acorde pasaban los segundos enzo comenzó a tomar control de tus movimientos, moviendo tu cabeza de arriba a abajo mientras lo mirabas a los ojos, sintiendo como el agarre de tu pelo se volvía más y más fuerte y su respiración se agitaba aún más.
te separaste unos segundos para escupirle a la punta, rodando tu lengua por encima de esta seguidamente con rapidez mientras tu mano se movía ágilmente por el tronco de su miembro. “así, así, por favor chiquita no pares.” gimió al sentir como chupabas la cabeza y tu mano aumentaba la velocidad, apoyando su cabeza en el sillón y alzando su cuerpo, indicándote que estaba por correrse en tu boca.
acompañado de gruñidos y gemidos, sentiste tu boca llenarse del tibio líquido mientras tu feminidad se apretaba alrededor de tus dedos al mirarlo así, completamente entregado a vos.
“abrí.” dijo enzo tomándote del mentón. “mostráme la boquita.” sacaste la lengua por un par de segundos, dejándole ver que ya no quedaba nada más en tu boca. “muy bien, mi amor.” habló en un tono burlesco mientras acariciaba tu mentón, mirándote con ojos enamorados. “te ves tan bonita así; sin aliento, despeinada, tus labios hinchados, con los cachetes pintados de rojo..” se mordió los labios al finalizar su oración. “sos perfecta.”
te sonrojaste aún más con sus palabras, incorporándote encima de el para esconder tu cabeza en el hueco de su hombro. “¿te sentis mejor ahora, amor?”
“imposible estar estresado así, princesa.” dijo acariciando tu pelo luego de dedicarte una pequeña risa. “pero podría sentirme aún mejor si tenés más ideas.”
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fernsproutxx · 12 days
Un dibujo tuyo de Springtrap x Ballora, wows. Por favor.<3 (me encantan tus dibujos, sobre todo tu diseño del apestoso Willy. Épico, dibujas épico)
ahh muchas gracias qwq
perdón por tardarme en responder sobs, me tomé mucho tiempo pensando en cómo hacer el dibujo y pues termino siendo una ilustración completa pft
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ella era bella, frágil como una rosa
él era una bestia, esclavo de sus impulsos
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elbiotipo · 4 months
Sr Bio, disculpa la pregunta y si no quiere hablar de ello no tiene que responder. Pero ayer empece a ver El Encargado con unas amigas gringas que me hicieron preguntas sobre la situacion economica argentina. Yo como venezolano, lo que reconozco es el dolor de la hiperinflacion, pero lo de Milei es, sinceramente, una puta locura. Como explico lo que pasa en argentina a unos gringos? Es explicable? Gracias de antemano si respondes. Ojala todo salga bien y que saquen a ese loco de la presidencia
Como explicar lo que pasa en la Argentina...
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Pero voy a tratar, por vos de hacerlo lo más sencillo posible. No voy a pretender mucha neutralidad, pero voy a tratar:
Desde la independencia, el poder en la Argentina está concentrado en las clases agroexportadoras y burguesas conservadoras (lo que los peronistas llaman "la oligarquía"), que favorecen que Argentina sea un país agroexportador y conservador en línea con el mercado extranjero, en perpetuo conflicto con otras fuerzas que quieren la autodeterminación el progreso y la industrialización del país. Este conflicto se ha dado una y otra vez.
El más grande conflicto surge con la aparición del peronismo en los años 1940, un partido que promueve el nacionalismo, la justicia social, la expansión de los derechos sociales y políticos para todas las personas, el estado de bienestar, y el desarrollo del país.
El peronismo es un movimiento heterogéneo con ramas de izquierda y derecha. Desde su aparición ha sido el movimiento democrático más grande de Argentina, y ha sido opuesto por las fuerzas conservadoras, muchas veces por medio de golpes militares. El aforismo es que el peronismo es el movimiento más grande de Argentina y luego le sigue el anti-peronismo
Flash-forward a los 1990, en el plano de la caída del comunismo y el triunfo del neoliberalismo, el peronismo liberal de derecha traiciona sus ideales desarrollistas con el presidente Menem y el eterno ministro de economía Cavallo. Implementan una agenda neoliberal en línea con los "Chicago Boys" de privatización, desregulación, endeudamiento con el FMI, y una corrupción terrible.
Todo esto culmina en el desastroso gobierno de De La Rúa y la crisis de 2001, posiblemente una de las peores que ha visto este país. El colapso es total.
En este contexto surge el Kirchnerismo (ya vamos llegando a la actualidad), una rama del peronismo de izquierda encabezada por Néstor y Cristina Kirchner.
El Kirchnerismo es más bien de izquierda progresista alineado con el socialismo latinoamericano. Sus medidas llevan a la recuperación de Argentina y a lo que yo considero una de las mejores épocas del país, pero también atacan, o al menos esa es la percepción, a los privilegios de los agroexportadores y la clase media. Casos de corrupción y mala administración socavan su popularidad, y se genera una base anti-peronista en la clase media.
Tengo que aclarar acá algo: el odio que se generó contra el kirchnerismo es increíble. 3 canales de TV atacándolos constantemente. El fanatismo kirchnerista no ayuda, pero se crea una tremenda grieta entre la Argentina K y no-K (que si prestaste atención, viene de hace mucho)
En 2015, el liberal Macri gana las elecciones después de una década de kirchnerismo. Lo primero que hace, en líneas con su apoyo por parte del anti-peronismo, es deregular la economía y endeudarse con el FMI. Es un desastre. La economía se va a la mierda.
Macri dura 4 años. Alberto Fernández, siguiendo la línea de Cristina, lo sigue. Condicionado por el préstamo con el FMI, la pandemia de COVID-19 y con una incompetencia y una paja excepcional, el país entra en crisis de vuelta. A este punto, van años de crisis.
A todo esto, los medios conservadores de Argentina promueven más mensajes liberales, porque de vuelta; están para favorecer a la oligarquía agroexportadora. Encuentran un buen troll en el libertario ancap Milei. Ahí empieza el peligro. El mensaje extremista de Milei encuentra terreno fértil en los jóvenes (muchas estrategias de medios sociales). Es muy posible que todo el ambiente de la pandemia haya ayudado mucho a su mensaje.
En las elecciones, Alberto no compite. El peronismo postula a Massa, ministro de economía de centro-derecha, como candidato. La gente inmediatamente asocia a Massa y al peronismo con la crisis (sí, se olvidaron que Macri tomó deuda con el FMI).
Los medios siguen promoviendo más mensajes extremos: inseguridad fuera de control, peligros del comunismo, una historia falsa donde el peronismo es el culpable de todos los males del país hace 80 años, y muchas más. Eventualmente, Milei se escapa de la correa.
Milei acapara toda la atención. Finalmente, Macri y otros personajes de peso conservador lo apoyan.
Tras muchas idas y vueltas, es un mano a mano con Massa. Y los argentinos, que de vuelta, todo esto se rastrea a peronismo vs. antiperonismo, eligen por el antiperonismo, y eligen a Milei, sin importar sus propuestas, porque no es Massa.
Acá estamos.
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hachyxd-blog · 12 days
Ray´s B-day fanfic <3
"Today, years ago, my favorite yandere was born from all the visual novels I've had the fortune to see or play. I can separate fiction from reality, but I don't think I'm the only one who would like to be there to hug Ray and give him a little peace. As a small gift, I wanted to make a short fanfic of my coffee addict alongside a little drawing to complement it. I apologize in advance if it's not understood well, English is not my language and I'm using a translator."
@concreteparasite Gracias por crear tal maravilla.
Happy birthday.
Who would have thought it would be possible to keep a secret from the great Binary star. Mc laughed happily in the kitchen as she finished washing the dishes. It had been just over a year since she moved into Ray's home. At first, it wasn't easy; it seemed like the option to leave was given, or rather, it was never up for discussion. After much talking, they managed to make it work together: Mc wouldn't be confined to her new home, but she would always stay in touch with Ray when she went out.
Truth be told, it's not like she could keep a secret from him; after all, he possessed the incredible ability to read minds, but she trusted him not to read hers all the time. Mc really believed it was impossible to turn on her mind... until she discovered it. On her maternal side, she spoke Spanish, and unconsciously she had been thinking in that language, discovering a weakness to Ray's ability. He seemed annoyed that he couldn't fully understand, but there was nothing he could do.
Today, in particular, he seemed very upset. I concentrated as best I could so that the only language I thought in was Spanish and not to ruin the surprise.
"Tell me what you're thinking..." Ray's voice appeared behind me, his hands wrapped around my hips as he rested his chin on my shoulder. The height difference between us was cute.
"I'm not thinking anything important," I said playfully.
"Stop," he said seriously.
"You've been thinking in Spanish all day," His voice sounded annoyed, while I tried to contain my laughter.
"Really? I didn't realize."
"It's annoying."
"Well, darling. It's not the end of the world if you don't know everything that's going on in my mind."
Without responding, Ray left me alone in the kitchen and headed to our room, then came out in his superhero suit. Before me was Binary Star in all his glory, the only difference being that he didn't show that fake smile but still looked upset.
Unknowingly, due to my practice, I had been thinking in Spanish again.
Normally, he would give me a kiss goodbye and go to his vigil shift. But today, he flew off the balcony without looking at me. I won't deny that it hurt me. But it meant I was on the right track to keep the surprise.
Ray came back around 5 in the morning. Half-asleep, I felt him walking around the room before lying down on the other side of our bed. It seems he's still upset because he didn't hug me as he always does.
The next morning, I let him sleep, it helped that we slept separately, so I got out of bed easily. After putting on my robe, I went downstairs and asked the neighbor for my package. I had gotten a chocolate cake with coffee to celebrate Ray's birthday. But if I kept it in our house, he would realize I was planning in Spanish. The neighbor agreed to keep the cake at his house along with my gift.
I went back home, made coffee, and took the cake out of its box, and my gift was already on the tray.
In our room, Ray was still asleep. I cleared my throat and started singing "Happy Birthday."
Ray looked for a moment and then covered his face with his pillow. I could see that lovely smile; he was embarrassed.
I left things on the bedside table and threw myself to hug and kiss Ray; I knew I should have let him sleep more, but I couldn't contain myself after all these days preparing the surprise.
In no time, I was caught in his arms.
"Everything... was for this," His voice sounded deeper from just waking up, but he seemed happy.
"Yes, did you forget your own birthday?" I joked, stroking his soft hair, and running my hand over his cheek. "Ignoring them doesn't mean you stop aging, old man."
"No, I just don't usually celebrate it." He ignored my joke and just passed his hand over his face, somewhat frustrated.
"Well, get used to it. This might be the only birthday I manage to keep a surprise. Next year, you'll know what to expect." I exclaimed proudly.
Ray smiled, keeping his eyes closed; maybe it was the fact that he now had someone to be with him for the following birthdays that made him take this even more joyfully.
"If you don't want cake now, we can save it for later." I gave a glance to the table with his cake and gift, along with his essential morning coffee.
"How about the gift?" He pointed to the purple box. "Can I have it now?"
It was at this moment that nerves increased from zero to a hundred. Everything would be decided at this moment.
"Of course," I handed over the gift, watching as he slowly unwrapped it.
Ray's eyes widened as he looked at the contents of the box and then at me, pulling out two handmade dolls of them and a pregnancy test. After a moment of silence, Mc cleared her throat.
"D-don't think I'll give you a gift like this every year." I laughed nervously.
"Since when—" maybe it was shock, but his voice sounded distant, as if he didn't completely believe what was happening.
"I-it's still early, I haven't been to the doctor yet." Ray looked at me as if I had committed a crime. "I-it would have ruined the surprise."
Ray went from surprise to anger to simply accepting the inevitable: the love of his life was forgetful.
"I swear I feel fine. But you're happy, I mean, we talked about this in the past, but maybe you were thinking of another time in the future... I..."
Ray's hands took me by my cheeks, cradling my face, to give me a tender kiss.
"I am, I mean, I'm so happy that I'd like to hold you so tight in my arms and show you how excited I am about this." He gave me a subdued smile.
"Ray, what's wrong?"
"What if I don't do it right, being a good father?"
"Well, no father is prepared for this. We'll learn together..."
I could see Ray's face relax at my touch and my words. His hands surrounded my back, pulling me into a tight hug.
"Happy birthday..."
"Thank you..." His whisper was weak, but I felt genuine gratitude.
"Next year, we won't be alone on your next birthday, Mr. Dad."
We stayed hugged for a while. I didn't know what was going through Ray's mind, but whatever it was, I would be with him.
When I set out to eat the cake, I was interrupted by Ray, who carried me to the shower to get ready to go to the hospital. It was funny how from one moment to the next, our small bathroom became a dangerous area in Ray's eyes: slippery floor, sharp-cornered furniture, and a bathtub where I could drown, among many other dangerous things. He took out his phone and started calling to have our entire home redesigned to make it safe for me and our upcoming baby. And may God have mercy on the people in charge if I ever got hurt, no matter how insignificant it was.
If this was going to be my life from now on, it would be a long nine months.
"Your father has gone crazy," I said as I stroked my still flat belly. "But that's how I love him."
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My Candy Love New Gen is finally out!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳 So I went ahead and played the first chapter a bunch of times, here are the answers I chose in case they can be useful to someone else :3 (spanish only since that's my main server)
/neutral +positive -negative
Zahra: Bueno, ¿quieres beber algo, Ysaline?
Un zumo de naranja está bien. /
Como tú, un café será perfecto. /
Sí, me apetece un té, si hay. /
Zahra: …
¡Y también pienso disfrutar de ella! No creo que mi próxima casa tenga piscina… /
¡Y cuando vuelvas ya me habré ido! /
Y me salvas la vida, de verdad. No me quedaré mucho tiempo… /
Zahra: Por cierto, Ysaline, ¿qué esperas de este nuevo comienzo?
(REBELDE) Quiero tomarme la revancha. /
(DULCE) Pues la verdad es que espero que vaya mejor que en EPMC… -Tasha
(ENÉRGICA) ¡Quiero arrasar en mi nuevo trabajo! +Tasha
Zahra: ¡Qué experiencia más terrible! ¡Podría haber hecho que Ysaline se desencantara del amor para siempre!
(REBELDE) Ignoraré los consejos de una adolescente de dieciséis años. -Tasha
(DULCE) No te preocupes por eso, mamá. /
(ENÉRGICA) Lo que tengo muy claro es que el siguiente que intente jugar conmigo va a pasar un mal rato. +Tasha
Archibald: Pero lo que no sabía es que tú también habías decidido venir aquí…
De momento, estoy en casa de mamá. REGALO TAKI
Llevo muy poco tiempo, acabo de llegar… /
Para ser sincera, lo cierto es que no he tenido elección. /
Roy: Y no entiendo cómo es posible que no me haya fijado en ti…
(REBELDE) ¿En serio ese es tu mejor piropo?
(DULCE) No pasa nada, a veces pasa… /
(ENÉRGICA) No te preocupes, a mí también me pasa cuando corro. +
Thomas: …
(REBELDE) ¿Y por eso llegas tarde? /
(ENÉRGICA) Creo que la primera hora ya ha pasado, no deberíamos demorarnos más. -
(DULCE) ¿No te gusta madrugar? A mí, tampoco… +
Thomas: …
(DULCE) Siento que tengas que encargarte de esto… -
(REBELDE) Estoy de acuerdo contigo: el papeleo es un rollo. +
(ENÉRGICA) Es increíble. ¡Me atrevería a decir que no te gusta el papeleo! /
Thomas: Es de buena calidad y estás de frente.
(REBELDE) Vale… Pero es mejor poner en el pase la foto que he traído. -
(ENÉRGICA) En realidad, tiene bastante gracia… ¡Creo que me acostumbraré! +
(DULCE) Bueno… Tal vez podrías haberme preguntado mi opinión antes… /
Thomas: Es una foto tuya, se te reconoce, y estás guapa… ¿no?
En este caso concreto, no, la verdad es que no. /
¿Intentas arreglarlo con un cumplido? /
De verdad, ¿tú crees? /
Thomas: …
Mi madre es rica, pero yo no. /
Así es, mi madre es arquitecta, y es bastante conocida en el sector… /
Preferiría que guardaras tus comentarios para ti… /
Thomas: …
(REBELDE) Déjalo. ¿Puedo dar una vuelta, para conocer la oficina? IMAGEN
(ENÉRGICA) ¡Esperaba que al menos me presentaras a todo el mundo!
(DULCE) Quizá podrías enseñarme un poco la oficina… /
Thomas: ¿Qué te apetece?
Nada, estoy bien, gracias…
¿Qué te apetece a ti? /
Déjame mirar a ver qué hay… IMAGEN
Thomas: …
Un zumo de tomate. Es estimulante… /
Un chocolate caliente, si está bueno. /
Un café está bien. /
Amanda: Tú debes de ser la nueva. Soy Amanda de Lavienne.
(DULCE) (Le estrecho la mano sonriendo) +
(REBELDE) Deduzco que tú debes de ser la veterana. Soy Ysaline. /
(ENÉRGICA) ¡Sí! Me llamo Ysaline. ¿¡Me das dos besos!?
Roy: …
¿Qué te parece esta, en forma de dinosaurio? ¿¡No es muy bonita!? / ESCRITORIO PREHISTÓRICO
Mira, una verdadera silla de oficina: móvil, con buen apoyo lumbar, sobria… / ESCRITORIO ERGONÓMICO
La silla redonda es bonita, ¿no? Me gusta, y parece cómoda… / ESCRITORIO AGRADABLE
Brune: ¿Qué te hagamos un montón de preguntas?
(REBELDE) De momento solo van tres. Creo que podré soportarlo. +Elenda
(DULCE) Toda va bien, gracias. Y sí, ya he encontrado mi mesa. /
(ENÉRGICA) Lo ideal sería tenerlas todas por escrito, para poder responder a mi ritmo. +Brune
Brune: Yo creo que al final, estamos mucho mejor aquí.
La empresa en sí misma estaba bien… pero la gente que trabajaba allí… +Brune
Digamos que ha sido… instructivo. Pero quería cambiar a otra cosa. /
Yo también lo creo. Allí, el ambiente era insoportable. +Elenda
Roy: …
¡Perdona, es que es muy raro!
Aquí todo el mundo sabe que haces… ¿qué exactamente? IMAGEN
Voy a dejarte entonces, antes de no poder parar de mirar esos abdominales…
Roy: Dos series de cincuenta. Tampoco quiero quedar molido…
(REBELDE) ¡Ah, claro! Después de hacer jogging, cien flexiones… ¡Qué menos!
(ENÉRGICA) ¿En dos series? ¡Eso es para principiantes! IMAGEN
(DULCE) Vale, no quería molestarte… Te dejo. /
Amanda: ¿Puedo hacer algo por ti?
Quizá… Aún me estoy adaptando… /
Pues… No. Pensaba que la sala estaba vacía… Perdona.
Amanda: Vengo de una familia privilegiada. No voy a renegar de ella por eso.
(REBELDE) No hay por qué avergonzarse, pero no me gustan demasiado los interrogatorios. /
(ENÉRGICA) Tienes razón. No me avergüenzo de ello, es más, todo lo contrario. -
(DULCE) No, por supuesto. Es solo que no me gusta alardear de ello. +
Amanda: …
(No me muevo. Mala suerte para la abeja reina.)
(Me precipito a ayudarla a recogerlo todo.) IMAGEN
(Por curiosidad, aprovecho para intentar leer los papeles…)
Devon: Ven, Ysaline, puedes entrar.
(Entro en el despacho y me indica que me siente) +
No, eres muy amable, pero no quiero molestar…
Devon: ¿Quieres que firmemos tu contrato, quizá? Lo tengo aquí…
¡Encantada! ¡Es increíble lo rápido que va todo esto! /
¡Estupendo! Casi me esperaba pasar una entrevista de trabajo.
Devon: No aceptaba un no por respuesta.
(DULCE) Estupendo… Una vez más, mi madre es quien lo ha hecho todo. +
(REBELDE) Ya te digo. Habría podido comprar toda la empresa.
(ENÉRGICA) ¿¡En serio!? ¡Si es así, prefiero ir a buscar a otro sitio!
Devon: Y cuando lo hayas leído, podrás firmarlo…
(ENÉRGICA) (Me tomo un minuto para leer rápidamente las páginas.) IMAGEN
(DULCE) Vale, bien. Confío en ti.
(REBELDE) ¿Te importa si me lo llevo a casa para leerlo más tranquilamente?
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pupgawa · 7 months
Hello😁✋, I saw your work and I wanted to see if I can request fyodor, Nikolai, and my bbg sigma fluff
Can it be a fem reader and Hispanic (Nicaraguan if possible) and she likes to say random phrases in Spanish like: quieres casarte conmigo , mi amor ( would u want to marry me, my love) just random times of the day. So out of nowhere he learns Spanish and starts responding😭🙏
Sorry its really specific😭✋
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Leaning their darling's mother tongue
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୨♡︎୧ a/n: hello lovely ! Thank you so much for requesting and I love this scenario so much I find it both hilarious and adorable!
That being said that I am not Hispanic myself so I have no clue how to speak the language , I am just using Google translate which may not be 100 percent accurate, so please forgive any mistakes I may have made (⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠) but I hope you enjoy anyways !
୨♡︎୧ pairings: Fyodor Dostoevsky x reader, Nikolai Gogol x reader , Sigma x reader
୨♡︎୧ Genre: fluff ! No content warnings at all lovelies <3
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Fyodor Dostoevsky 🩸
so being as smart as he is, I whole heartly believe that Fyodor knows multiple languages, anything stemming from English to Russian and everything in between, but you know he was smart, but you never knew that he actually knew what you were saying, he loves to tease so he acts clueless to your sudden language switch, seeing your surprised face is all worth it ♡
you and Fyodor decided to spend the day at home, finding that it was a good day and neither of you wanted to ruin it with blood and gore, you decided to relax at home, it had been a while since you two had.
Fyodor was reading a book and you sat there and admired him, Fyodor was the literal definition of a pretty boy, soft facial features and an even softer voice, it made it hard to believe that this man was a terrorist.
“ Eres tan bonito , mi amor ” ( you're so beautiful , my love ). You didn't even notice your language switch until Fyodor looks away from his back with a head tilt.
“ what did you just say ? ” he asks with a gentle hum. You let a sly smile take over your expression as you wave your hand dismissively. “ oh nothing, dear, it wasn't anything bad, don't worry about it ”, you reassure, Fyodor eyes you skeptically and returns to his book.
gosh he was so pretty you felt like you were falling in love all over again. You open your mouth to speak, intending to use English, but something else came out.
“ ¿Quieres casarte conmigo mi amor? ” “ por supuesto ” ( of course )
you blink, once, twice, three times, your face goes hot in embarrassment.
“ fyodor … you ?- ” he cuts you off with a laugh. “ of course I do ”
you were absolutely embarrassed, all this time you were speaking in your native tongue thinking that nobody could understand you, yet here your boyfriend was, knowing everything you were saying.
“ Eres linda cuando estas sorprendida ” ( you’re pretty when you’re surprised ) “ shut up … ! ”
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Nikolai Gogol
similar to Fyodor I think Nikolai knows a bunch of different languages, but unlike Fyodor he isn’t completely fluid in them. So when he heard you talk in your native language he did some research on how to speak it. He’s not completely fluid in Spanish, but he understands a good amount of it ! He especially likes to flirt or tease you in your own language.
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| You two were out on a date, out at a fair. You were enjoying yourself, but when you found yourself unable to beat a game for a plushie you had wanted, Nikolai stepped in and won that game for you !
| He hands you a giant white bear stuffed animal that held a plush heart in it’s paws, “ for you, darl’ ~ ” he coos lovingly.
| “ gracias amor ” ( thank you, love ) you were so happy that you didn’t even notice how you went from English to Spanish.
| “ De nada, querida ~ ” ( you’re welcome, dear ) he links your arms together and gives you a peck on the crown of your head.
| you let out an appreciative hum and you continue on with your date.
| the night was quite for most part, asides from the casual conversation of some people, but neither your or Nikolai paid them any mind.
| you two were sharing a plate of food since you had been getting hungry. Starting up small talk and casual conversations.
| “ thank you, for this ” Nikolai blinks and shakes his head with a small laugh. “ no need to thank me, darl’ ”
| there’s a silence between you two, before you break it “ Quieres casarte conmigo mi amor? ” you suddenly, not even noticing you said it until Nikolai responded “ por qué por supuesto ! ”
| you let out a snort of laughter at his enthusiasm. “ I’m glad you agree ” you peck his lips, Nikolai returning the kiss.
| “ Entonces, ¿cuándo planeamos la luna de miel? ” ( so when do we plan the honeymoon ? ) he asks. “ Nikolai ! ” your face flushes softly.
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Unlike the other two, He didn’t know much until you came along, hearing you talk in Spanish made him motivated to learn. So he picked up any resources he could. He wanted to surprise you, well no he wanted to impress you, actually.
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| you had just come off of work, annoyed and stressed out, having to deal with annoying customers and a asshole of a boss.
| the house was clean and dinner was already made, thanks to your boyfriend, sigma who had spent all day making sure you had come home to a meal and a clean house so you could properly relax.
| “ dear ? ” he starts “ what . What ! What do you want !? ” you snap, whipping your head back to see Sigma’s surprised expression.
| your gaze softens a little “ mi amor … I’m sorry- I didn’t mean to yell at you like that- ”
| “ rough day at work ? ” Sigma asks, you nod your head with a soft sigh. “ still it doesn’t give me a right to yell at you like that, I’m sorry ”
| Sigma dismisses your apology “ it’s alright, let’s get something in your stomach and then you can tell me all about your day ” you don’t argue with him.
| After dinner you sat at the edge of the bed, Sigma sat besides you, massaging your shoulders. He was surprisingly good at it too.
| you let out a sigh, relaxing underneath his touch “ you’re too good to me, my love ” Sigma lets out a laugh. “ nonsense, dear, you deserve this after the day you’ve had ” he responds.
| he cooked dinner, he cleaned and made sure the house was clean, all to make sure you could relax properly.
| and now he was listening to you vent while he gave you massage.
| he would make the picture perfect husband, you thought and you unconsciously voiced it too
| “ Quieres casarte conmigo mi amor? ” you asked, not realizing what you had just said yet. Sigma takes all the months of learning he had and puts two and two together, it takes a moment for it register but once he realizes, his face goes red.
| “ si me dejas ” ( if you let me ) he responds, his pronunciation could use a bit of work but you were able to put together what he said.
| “ sigma when … ” “ are you impressed ? I’ve been learning for months ” you smile fondly at him and nod
| “ buen trabajo, mi amor ” ( Good job, my love ) you respond with a laugh. Sigma looks away to hide the smile on his face.
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barcalover86 · 11 months
j a day with gavi being clingy going to grocery stores, shopping cooking all that stuff
Bebé-Pablo Gavi
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You were living in different countries so when you came to Barcelona to surprise your boyfriend, he was the happiest. He didn't expect to see you at the time because after 3 days he had to go to the national team in Madrid.
Now it was your last day together and you could see that your boyfriend was getting emotional. You missed each other a lot and being separated again, broke both of your hearts.
He wanted to be with you all the time, hug you, kiss you, love you.
"Bebé, I'm gonna miss you so much it hurts me" he told you with his sad face, while his head was on your chest and hands on your waist, hugging you.
He is so needy for you all the time. He is an affectionate boy with you, and he's really different from how he usually is on the pitch.
"I'm gonna miss you too, Pablito, but we'll see each other again soon" you responded after kissing his forehead.
"But I'll have to be without you and I hate it. You make me feel so happy and when I think that you have to leave, I'm becoming the most saddest boy ever "
"No, no, amor, don't say that."
He felt exactly in that moment like crying. He hugged you tighter and put is head on your shoulder, kissing your neck slowly.
He loved to kiss you, especially your lips and neck. Every time he touched your bare skin, some electric energy was going through your body. Butterflies all over your stomach.
It was already 11 a.m. and you didn't eat anything, so you asked Pablo to stand up so that you could go make some late breakfast.
Not to lie, you loved late mornings with your sweet boy.
"Nooo, don't go, por favor" he said with love in his eyes.
"Then come with me" you smiled sweetly at him.
He groaned, but if that meant that he could be with you, he accepted it.
You went together to your kitchen. You wanted to do some salad with eggs, so you asked Pablo to wash the vegetables and then cut them. Your job was to do the eggs.
Gavi, all the time told you that your eggs are the best one he ever ate, and that made you smile even if you didn't really believe him.
"They are made full of your love, and that's why I think I love your food, cariña"
"Thank you, my boy," you replied with a kiss on his cheek, and he blushed hard.
When you two were waiting for the eggs to be done, he hugged you from behind and kissed your shoulder. You smiled at his touch.
"Te quiero mucho mucho, mi vida"
"Y yo tambien te quiero, Pablito!" you chuckled at his clinging.
After you two ate, you asked your boyfriend what you wanted to do today, and of course, he answered with "just cuddles," but you wanted way more.
"No, no. It's my last day in Barcelonaa, I wanna do something special with you"
"Like what?' Now he was really curious.
"Wanna go for a walk to the beach?" you asked with hope in your eyes.
He couldn't say no to you, so he accepted it, but before you had to meet his sister so that she could say her goodbye to his little brother.
"It's hot outside, what should I wear?" You asked your boyfriend with a confused face.
"I like everything on you, linda"
You smiled at his compliment.
"Gracias, Pablito. What's your outfit today like?"
"If we're going to the beach after we meet Rora, I think I'll go with some brown jeans and a black t-shirt. What do you think?" he asked for your opinion after he showed you the chlotes he's gonna wear tonight.
"I think that it'll look amazing on you" you said while he blushed.
He went to you and kissed your lips with love after taking your hands and then started to dance with you. You laughed at his silliness, but didn't mind at all. You love soft Pablo.
After a long fashion show, you and Pablo chose a beautiful white dress.
"I hope Aurora is late too," you told Pablo while laughing .
When she saw you both holding hands, she smiled at herself. His brother has the perfect girl for him, and she couldn't be happier.
"Y/n, you look so pretty"
"Gracias, Rora!! Y tu tambien, cariña"
You two hugged and then let a little bit of space for the brothers to say their goodbyes.
Pablo was still holding your hand, needy for your touch. After you left his sister to meet with her boyfriend, you went to your favourite place to eat some ice cream.
While you were walking together eating your dessert, Pablo was telling you stories about your future and how he would want to give you 3 children.
"Oh, Pabs, you really want that?" You asked with a big smile on your face.
"I can't ask for anything more, mi amor. Bit right now I just wanna be with you. Our last day.."
He looked at you sad with tears in his eyes before his chin was on your shoulder. You turned around and kissed his lips a little so that he wouldn't be sad.
When you arrived at the beach, Pablo took your hand and started to run with you towards the water. When you knew his intention, you ran away from him while he was following you.
"Don't you dare throw water at me, Gavira" you shouted at him while he only laughed hard at your little run.
Of course, he was faster than you, so he caught you and hugged you while spinning you around.
"Stoop, I'll get dizzy, amor" you laughed.
When he put you down, he kissed your lips again and again and again.
He loves you so much.
After you took some photos, you decided to head home to prepare Gavi's baggage.
While you took his maleta he started to cry.
"Oh, amor, don't cry"
You hugged him and kissed kis forehead until he slowed down a little. While you two were choosing some chlotes for him, you could still hear the sobs that were coming from him. You fel so sad, as well, but didn't want to cry because you knew if you'll begin, you couldn't be able to stop yourself.
After you were done, Gavi told you he wanted you to stay with him while showering.
You were staying out of the shower, looking at him while putting on some music for both of you to sing and dance. He looked so beautiful with his hair wet and smile when he looked at you.
"Who do you think will win the champions league?" You asked him
"Hard one, amor. I think City, but I'm sure it will be a great match. You?"
"I'm with Inter honestly, but if City wins, I'll be happy for them. Both worked hard, and anyone deserves to win. We'll see "
After Pablo was done showering, you cuddled together on your bed while looking at your phones. You saw that Gavi posted something, and when you saw it, you were so melted that you decided to post him on your story too.
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All night, Pablo cried because he had to leave you. He loved football, but he also loved you. So much
You tried to calm him down with kisses so eventually he fell asleep.
In the morning, when you said goodbye to each other, you felt tears in your eyes, but Pablo smiled at you and kissed your neck cuz he loves it so much.
You promised yourselfs to talk every hour and you did that. You were all the time on the spanish national team insta account to see more of your boyfriend, and also, you were getting photos of him from some of his teammates.
You were so excited for his next match so that you could go and see him, but now you were back in your country, spending time with you lovely family.
Let me know if you liked this..!?
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napo-con-fritas · 1 year
I hope your 2023 will be full of nice & lovely things! 💚 What are your New Year's fandom resolutions? =)
graciasssss!! perdoname que haya tardado tanto en responder, la verdad estuve mucho con el celu y poco con la compuuu!!
my new year's fandom resolutions? there's a fic I want to write but honestly, I'm so lazy, I want to write it to practise english, alsooooo I want to draw my OCs!! I write them every so often, but I want to focus on them more!!
another resolution is to write long comments on fics as I used to a while back! lately I've been uninspired so I mostly write like "so nice", I do love the fics I read, the authors deserve more attention than a couple of heartsssss!!
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lynaferns · 9 months
Holii! ojala tengas un hermoso dia!! - I been wanting to ask this for a long time now, is there any reason why you add those 3 long marks each time you draw Sun and Moon in any AU? is it like a mark is your desing? or is just for fun? :D perdon si ya respondiste antes!
It's because they do have those marks in the game
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Some people complete misses them or interprete them as dirt, I see them as self provoked scars because well...
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Sun does try to rip his faces of when transitioning to moon. (it also seems to have a bit of edge, so it's dented)
So I just translate that to my artstyle and design for them. It's not an art signature of mine or anything so, if anyone want to add this detail to their design, they're free to do it.
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They don't have the marks for some reason in ruin.
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It made me think that it was actually dirt and that they faded away with the fire or something like that, but then I noticed that the ruin model has some incosistencies with the base game model. They probably just forgot or decided to redesign.
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En verdad eres la primera persona que me pregunta por las marcas.
Así que gracias por preguntar :3 Espero que estés teniendo un buen día también ^_^
If anyone ever has quetions about my art I'll be more than happy to respond!
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pannnn1 · 5 days
hola Pan, buenas, cómo tas?, amigamos?, tengo que decir un par de cosas, 1- tienes un estilo increíble tus outfits son muy bonitos, 2- amo las combinaciones de colores que tienes y también los bonitos bras de colores que tienes, me gusta la variedad de color en las cosas y en cosas bonitas como tú más y 3- luces increíble eres con todo respeto, demasiado sexy y coqueta, confieso haber sentido una erección en este momento, pero ed porque me gusta lo que veo en tu lindo feed, por cierto, si se puede... hablamos?...o algo más?
ay, muchas gracias 😳😿 háblame si quieres mi dm siempre está abierto y casi siempre trato de responder 🫶🏻
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