#grab his phone and hold him down while I SEND hangman that text
cowboyshit · 2 years
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tip-top-cloud-surfer · 7 months
The Danger Zone (Part 5) - Hangman
Pairing: Hangman / Fem!Bradshaw!Reader | OC
Word Count: 3.0k
This work, all my works, and my entire blog are 18+ ONLY
Warnings: Unplanned Pregnancy; Secret Relationship; Angst; Undefined Relationships; Overprotective Family; Background Relationships; Use of "You," No Use of Y/N, No Set Physical Description
Summary: Jake tries to process the news of your pregnancy while you try to get him to finally talk to you.
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After dinner wrapped up and your family finally left you in peace and solitude, you immediately reached for your phone. Pulling up Jake’s name in your texts, you stared bitterly at the texts that you sent him that he never responded to before typing out another message. 
Hey if my brother or Mav said anything weird to you, just ignore them. Do you still want to talk? I do, if you do
Sending the simple message, you set down your phone and refused to look at it. Or to debate how stupid your last text was. Of course, the one time that Jake decided to actually reach out to you just had to be when Mav and Bradley were over at your apartment to ruin everything.
Why hadn’t he just texted you before showing up? Why the hell did he just spontaneously decide to waltz back into your life? He couldn’t respond to any of the text messages that you sent him but he could take the time out of his life and drive over to your apartment?
Sighing, you pressed a hand to your face in annoyance before moving to clean up your apartment. You left your phone on the table, face down, as you walked around, cleaning up, and getting ready for bed. You took a shower and changed into your pajamas, but not without staring at your abdomen in the mirror for a few seconds. You swore that you could see a light curve.
Letting out a sigh, you turned and rubbed your hand up and down your small bump, and reminded yourself about what was important in this situation. Your pride wasn’t, so you would keep reaching out to Jake until the pieces went back together. Or completely shattered into a thousand pieces. Anything was possible at this point.
You grabbed your phone and walked into your bedroom. Shutting off the light, you climbed into bed and finally pulled your phone up to look at it.
And . . .
Jake hadn’t responded to you. 
Unable to hide your disappointment, even though you knew that he could still respond, you set your phone down. You stared at your ceiling for a moment before you rolled over and went to sleep. 
“You alright, Hangman?” Bob asked Jake, pulling him out of his thoughts. 
“Yeah,” Jake grunted out, turning to Bob. Straightening out his uniform again, Jake walked past Bob like nothing was wrong. “Why do you ask?” 
“Why are you avoiding the conversation?” Bob muttered, mostly to himself, raising an eyebrow as Jake headed out of the office quickly.
Jake walked confidently through the halls of NAS Miramar, but his brain was not in his body. No, his mind was still sitting in your bathroom, where that bomb was dropped on the top of his head without much of a warning. He hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before and had potentially worn a line in his floor with all his pacing. And he still felt like he was going to pass out a bit.
But Jake knew that he had to do something about it. He couldn’t just ignore you over this. Not anymore than he had already anyways.
“Hangman,” Rooster called, causing Jake’s internal monologue to shatter. Clearly a bit on edge, Jake turned to Rooster, who walked over to him with a stack of folders tucked neatly under his arm. “I need to talk to you.” 
“About?” Jake asked, trying to not sound too defensive. 
“The lesson plans,” Rooster stated, holding out the folders. 
“What’s wrong with them?” Jake asked, taking one from Rooster’s hand. 
“They were asking if we would also cover a couple more complicated maneuvers,” Rooster explained, handing Jake a list. 
The two aviators walked through the halls, discussing the merits of changing their lesson plan. Their conversation wasn’t confrontational and purely professional in all respects. Jake was almost lulled into a false sense of security around Rooster as they discussed carrier landing simulations.
“Alright, that works,” Rooster responded, scribbling some chicken scratch in the margin of the page. Slapping the folder shut with his hand, Rooster turned to Hangman with a stoic expression. “But what exactly is going on between you and my sister?” 
Jake turned to Rooster with an annoyed expression, but Rooster continued to stare him down. Handing over the lesson plans that Rooster provided him with earlier, Jake didn’t dignify Rooster with any kind of emotional response. 
“Is that really a professional question to ask in a work setting, Rooster?” Jake drawled condescendingly. When Rooster didn’t answer his question, Jake added, “So, I guess my answer last night wasn’t good enough for you?” 
“It wasn’t,” Rooster replied calmly, though his glare was anything but friendly. “It’s still not adding up to me, Hangman.” 
“Well, maybe use a calculator this time if you’re not so good at math,” Jake returned with that good old Texan accent that he knew pissed Rooster off. “I’ll see you ‘round, Rooster.” 
Giving Rooster a good old pat on the arm, Jake turned and headed off down the hall, well aware that Rooster was glaring holes into the back of his head. Jake only got a grand total of five steps away from Rooster before he spoke again.
“If you’re messing around with my sister, Seresin . . .” Rooster warned him.
Jake paused and turned around to see Rooster glaring at him. He didn’t finish his sentence, but Jake was sure that Rooster would finish him off if he found out about the actual situation going on between Jake and you. And Jake couldn’t really handle another grain of stress right now. He had too much more important shit weighing on his mind without worrying about Rooster’s reaction to it.
“She’s been through enough shit in her life already. I don’t need you fucking around with her head,” Rooster stated firmly. “And that’s the last thing that she deserves.”
The two men stared at each other for a moment before Bradley turned and continued walking down the hall, heading for the classrooms. Jake watched Rooster walk off with narrowed eyes and a defensive look, but when the sound of Rooster’s footsteps faded, so did Jake’s confidence. Letting his shoulders drop, Jake looked at the floor for a moment, his eyes darting back and forth rapidly.
He pulled his phone out of his back pocket and pulled up your name. Staring down at the text that you sent him last night, Jake raised his thumb to respond—with anything at this point, really—but shook his head and put his phone away.
“Fuck,” Jake muttered to himself before turning and continuing on his way.
“Okay,” you breathed out, staring at the familiar building in front of you. “You’re not crazy. He started the crazy when he showed up at your place. You’re just returning the favor.” You nodded to yourself as you let out a breath. “Because a completely sane ex-whatever totally hangs out in the parking lot of his apartment building to show up without any warning, talking to themselves. Right?”
It had been a spur of the moment decision.
You were driving home from work and the right turn that you would have to take to get to Jake’s place had a green arrow, whereas the left turn that you needed to take to get home was red. And you make a split-second decision because you were zoned out and just following traffic.
Well, no, but that wasn’t the only time that you lied to yourself this week.
“You’re just going to knock. That’s all you’re going to do,” you reasoned with yourself, grabbing your purse. “He might not even be home. You’re just trying. That’s all you’re doing.”
Opening your purse, you rifled through to see if the little box were still in there, even though you checked three times before. Summoning your courage, you grabbed your purse and climbed out of your car. You headed inside the building and made your way up to Jake’s apartment, knowing the route. And then you were standing outside of his front door.
Raising your fist, you knocked on the door once, twice, and then you stepped back. Chipping at your nails nervously, you looked up when you heard the deadbolt turn. 
Jake opened the door to his apartment and the two of you locked eyes. You folded your arms so that you couldn’t nervously fiddle with your fingers anymore, and offered Jake a small, but very awkward smile. 
“Hey,” you mumbled out, causing Jake to blink back into reality. 
“Hey,” he returned before opening the door to his apartment. “You came to talk?”
“Yeah, if you’re free,” you replied quietly. 
Jake nodded and invited you into his apartment. You stepped into the familiar space and walked into his living room. Jake shut the door behind you before slowly moving to join you. He took a seat on his couch, but you stayed standing, knowing that you’d nervously tap your feet if you sat down. 
“I’m sorry about yesterday,” you started off with, causing Jake to pick his head up. “With my brother and everything.”
“I should have asked you to come over first,” Jake conceded, causing you to nod slowly. “And besides, I can deal with your brother.”
“Right.” You shifted your weight on your feet nervously before letting out a breath and trying to get down to business before you lost your edge. “Jake, I have to tell you something serious. It’s why I kept texting and trying to call you.”
“Okay,” was all that Jake replied with, looking oddly calm. “What is it?”
 “Um, well,” you trailed off, setting your purse down. Pulling out the positive test from the bottom of your purse, you turned back to Jake. “Well, you know how we were safe most of the time, right?”
“And you remember the few times that we weren’t so safe?” you continued, pulling the test out of the box. 
With shaking hands, you held out the test to Jake, who took it with another oddly calm expression. If anything, he almost looked more relaxed than he did when you arrived as he stared down at the test. 
 “Jake, I’m pregnant.”
You held your breath, waiting for Jake’s reaction. For him to freak out. After all, most guys wouldn’t exactly react happily to finding out that the girl that they had been hooking up with had fallen pregnant. You weren’t expecting a positive reaction, but you were expecting a reaction. Just any reaction. 
But Jake didn’t seem to react. At all. His eyes didn’t widen in shock. He didn’t change his breathing pattern. He stayed in the exact same position on the couch. And he just stared at the pregnancy test. Frowning and frankly more than a little confused about his lack of reaction, you tried to figure out how to respond to Jake’s non-response. 
“And the baby’s yours, if I wasn’t clear,” you added awkwardly. 
“How far along are you?” Jake asked after a few moments, finally picking his head up. 
“I don’t know,” you answered honestly. “My first appointment isn’t until later this week.” Licking your lips nervously, you replied, “But I think I’m already into my second trimester. Or at least close to it.”
“Why do you think that?”
“I’m starting to show.”
Smoothing down your loose shirt, you turned to the side to show Jake the start of your bump. He stared at it for a long moment, even after you turned back to face him. Still confused by his reaction, you folded your arms in front of your chest and tilted your head to the side a bit. 
“You’re taking this news surprisingly well,” you commented offhandedly, causing Jake to look up to meet your gaze. 
“I sort of had a . . .” Jake trailed off, trying to find the right word. 
“Someone told you already?” you asked, suddenly alert. 
“No, I just . . .” Jake stood up and set the pregnancy test on the table. “Yesterday, you were acting weird. Rooster mentioned that you were throwing up and you didn’t touch your wine at all. And . . .” Jake brushed his hands down his pants nervously. “I saw your prenatal vitamins in the bathroom.”
“You saw my—but I took the wrapper off of it. You just know what prenatal vitamins look like?”
“Well, no,” Jake replied, causing you to frown. “I saw the wrapper in the trash—“
“—You went through my trash!?”
“—because I knocked it over and was cleaning it up,” Jake finished, a bit louder than when he started. “And I know that sounds like bullshit, but it’s the truth.”
You looked away from Jake for a moment, still a little on edge, before turning back to him. Unfolding your arms and letting out a breath, you looked up at him with a serious expression. You held your lips together and summoned all of the courage that remained in your body. 
“Do you want to be involved then?” you asked after a few moments of silence. 
“That’s my baby, isn’t it?” Jake returned without missing a beat. 
“Then that’s my answer.” You stared up at Jake with a mix of relief and disbelief while he shifted his weight on his feet. Fidgeting a bit nervously, Jake picked his head up again. “Can I come?” Jake asked quietly, pulling you out of your internal questions. “To your appointment, I mean.” 
“Yeah,” you agreed, nodding slowly. “Of course. I’ll send you the details.” After a few more beats of silence, you finally summoned the courage to ask, “You really want to be involved? Because if you don’t, that’s fine, but I’d prefer to know now, Jake.” 
“I’ll be honest,” Jake stated, glancing down at the ground, “I’m scared shitless.” Jake picked his head up to lock eyes with you again. “Yesterday, after I left, I ran here and freaked out for a couple hours. Barely slept. Hell, I’m still absolutely scared shitless. I don’t know anything about kids. And I always thought that I’d make a shitty dad.” 
You nodded slowly, wrapping your arms around yourself as you stared at the floor. Hell, you were scared shitless as well. You hadn’t thought through everything yet, obviously, and the fact that you finally talked to Jake eliminated a lot of the planning that you had done. 
“But I want to try,” Jake replied quietly, causing you to lock eyes again. “I really want to try.” 
“I want that too, Jake,” you returned softly. You shifted a bit on your feet before adding, “You know, I really thought that this was going to be a more difficult conversation.”
“Well, we’re not exactly the best communicators,” you pointed out, causing Jake to wince. “Especially with each other.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry about ignoring you like that. It was petty.”
“I mean, I ignored you first,” you replied with a shrug, fiddling with your fingers. “We both screwed up.”
“Who else knows?” Jake asked, causing you to drop your hands to your sides. “About the baby and everything.”
“Penny knows. She was there when I took the tests. And Emma knows. I sort of broke down and told her.”
“Any chance they told Mav or Rooster?”
“I don’t think they would have let you walk out of my apartment without a mention of it if they knew about our situation,” you replied quietly. “But I can’t hide forever.”
“No, you can’t,” Jake agreed. 
“I was planning on telling Mav after my appointment. I thought that he would react better to the news than Bradley would. And then depending on how he reacts, I think I’ll tell Bradley this weekend.”
“That quickly?” Jake asked, looking surprised. 
 “Jake, I’m already showing,” you reminded him, folding your arms over your chest. “And I would rather tell them than someone else telling them. Or them just figuring it out. I mean, you did. What’s stopping them from figuring it out?”
 “Alright,” Jake replied, shoving a hand into his pocket. “Well, tell me when you’re ready and I’ll be there with you for it.”
“I appreciate that,” you returned, nodding along. After a few beats of silence, you asked, “Did you want to tell your family?”
“I’ll tell Javy once your brother knows,” Jake replied, but that didn’t fully answer your question. 
 “And your parents?”
“They’ll find out when they find out,” Jake responded noncommittally. 
“Ok,” you agreed, not wanting to push it. “Well, my appointment is at 3 on Wednesday. Do you think that you can get the time off?”
“I'll figure it out. I’ll be there,” Jake promised you, causing you to nod. 
“Good,” you returned softly. “I want you there.”
You and Jake stared at each other for a moment before your phone started to buzz in your pocket. Pulling it out, you cursed when you saw that it was your brother. Turning back to Jake, you shot him an apologetic look as you stepped towards the door. 
“I’ll see you Wednesday then?” you asked, causing Jake to nod. 
“Text me the address.”
“I will,” you assured him before answering the phone. “Hey, what’s up?”
Jake watched you go, staring at the closed door for a moment. Letting out a breath, he walked over to his couch and sat down. Picking up the pregnancy test, Jake stared down at it as he let his thoughts swirl around in his head all over again as those two blue lines sat there mocking him and hitting him over the head.
Tags (PRETTY PLEASE have your AGE on your blog or message me about it to be tagged--thank you!):
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mynameismckenziemae · 4 months
Take it right there
Jake ‘Hangman ‘ Seresin x You
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This was written for #leahsgalentinesdayspecial (put on by @ohtobeleah thank you!)
Song: Like a Wrecking Ball by Eric Church
Warnings: 18+ MDNI! Smut, unprotected p in v, talks of spanking, masturbation, teasing…I think that’s it, let me know if missed anything!
They say the first year of marriage is the hardest. This is true for you and Jake, but not for the reasons one may think.
Living together wasn’t the problem; you’d shared an apartment for 18 months before he proposed. It wasn’t combining and sharing finances either; you each contribute fairly and spend wisely.
The hardest part is that Jake has been deployed for 3 and a half months out of your 4-month marriage.
The wedding had been perfect; it was everything you dreamed of. The honeymoon was even better. Just thinking about what the two of you got up to in your room, the private pool, the cabana at the beach, the cramped bathroom of the glass bottom boat…sends a shiver down your spine and an echoing heat between your thighs.
But just a short week after you got back, Jake was called out with no ETA given. You had just gotten the keys to the fixer-upper you bought and weren’t even all the way moved in when Jake got the call that Sunday morning.
“Please don’t tell me that was Simpson and you’re getting called out. Please?” You whine, dropping the paintbrush you’re holding back in the tray.
“How’d you know?” He asks, wrapping his arms around you from behind.
“I could hear it wasn’t good by your voice,” you murmur, leaning into him.
“I’m sorry, I don’t want to go either. I’ve got some good news though. We don’t leave until Tuesday morning and Simpson gave me and the rest of the squad off until then. They’re already on their way over to help us get the rest of the house cleaned up and painted so we can get everything else moved in and set up before I’m gone,” he murmurs against your neck before trailing up to your ear.
“No, they don’t have to do that, I’m sure they’ve got other things to-oh,” you sigh as he nips your earlobe and presses his hard-on into your short-clad bottom.
“I didn’t even have to ask, sweetheart. Roo was texting the group chat before I even got off the phone,” he assures you.
“But-“ you protest but he interrupts.
“No ‘buts’ about it, Mrs. Seresin. They’re already on their way. Now shush or I’ll spank yours before they get here,” he jokingly threatens, patting your butt and stepping away.
“Mhmm, sure,” you tease, calling his bluff.
You smile at his sharp inhale.
“You think I’m kidding?”
You gasp when he grabs your ponytail and pulls you back against him.
“Bend over that step ladder and I’ll show you how serious I am,” he says lowly, sucking a bruise behind your ear before he pushes you toward it.
But you’re saved by the bell; the doorbell that is.
“Oh no, that’s too bad. They’re here,” you smile at him smugly as you turn to answer the front door, but he grabs your wrist with a dark chuckle as you walk past.
“You’re not off the hook that easy, sweetheart. You know what I do to naughty girls. After tonight, you’re gonna think of me every time you sit down for the first few days that I’m gone.”
He wasn’t kidding. But you love pushing his buttons until he does something about it
You cried when he left that Tuesday morning, like every other deployment but this one just hurt more; popping the bubble of your newly wedded bliss.
In the time he was gone, there were a handful of rushed calls, texts here and there, and two video chats; one that was private and so hot, the other in his shared bunk so you keep it appropriate, kind of.
“Hey, sweetheart. Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” Jake says, eyes widening when he sees you. You’ve got your phone propped up while you’re sitting on the bathroom vanity in just a bathrobe, hair wet around your shoulders. “Just a heads up, Bradshaw’s in here. Whatcha doing up there?”
“Hey baby, just painting my nails. Does that mean I have to behave?” You lift your head to look at him with a smirk.
Jake nods as Bradley shouts, “No! Tease him, honey, make him pay for leaving you!”
You laugh. “Miss you, Roo.”
“Miss you too!”
You tell Jake about your day and then about the work you’ve done around the house, shaking your head when he asks to see it. “I want it to be a surprise.”
“Alright, can’t wait to see it. And you,” Jake sighs.
“I can’t either,” you reply, keeping your voice even as you slide your robe off your shoulders, baring your naked chest. “Any word on how much longer?”
He doesn’t answer, too distracted by you as you spread your legs and dip your fingers between.
“Jake?” You ask again.
He snaps out of it when your fingers stop. “What? No, sorry. Haven’t heard anything yet.”
“Damn. Hopefully not too much longer,” your eyes fall close as you push two fingers in, rubbing your clit with the heel of your palm.
His face flushes red as he watches you quietly bring yourself to orgasm; talking about the new restaurant you want to try, without bringing any attention to what you’re doing.
His expression turns pained when you lick your fingers clean in between telling him about what kitchen cabinets you want.
“5 minute warning guys,” Rooster’s voice filters through the phone.
The warning is nice but the moment is gone.
“Love you, sweetheart, hopefully be home soon.”
“I hope so. Love you too.”
That was 2 weeks ago and you are sick of waiting. Fed up. Finished. Done.
Sighing, you look at your ugly kitchen cabinets and get the perfect idea for your frustration.
You smile as you bring the heavy sledgehammer in from the garage, but just as you’re about to bring it above your head, you hear Jake’s voice.
You drop the sledgehammer to the floor before you run into his open arms.
His back hits the wall when he stumbles back a few steps from the momentum.
“Sorry,” he murmurs against your lips as a picture frame shatters, knocked off the wall by his shoulder.
“You can buy me a new one tomorrow, I just need you to fuck me,” you pull back from his lips to latch onto his neck.
His head hits the wall as you mark up his neck. “Let’s…bedroom?” He pants.
You nod your head and hum in agreement but make no move to climb off him.
He drops you on the bed when he finally reaches the bedroom, unbuttoning his pants as you slip your leggings off and you’re pulling him on top of you before he can kick his off his ankles.
“Wait, I wanna taste you, get you ready,” he protests as you rub the head of his cock through your arousal.
“I’m ready. I’ve been ready for the past 105 days,” you whine, hands each gripping a handful of his ass and pulling him into you.
“Fuckkkkkk,” he groans as he breaches you, stealing the breath from your lungs.
“So big,” you whimper when he’s finally all the way in.
“Doing so good, sweetheart,” he pants against your neck, giving you a moment to adjust before pulling out just to push back in, again and again with deep, steady thrusts.
The bed begins to creak as he fucks you at a punishing pace, mingling with the sounds of your shared pleasure.
“More, Jake! Please, I’m so close,” you plead, fingers digging into the thick muscles of his back.
His hips stutter at the bite of pain but he recovers, tilting his hips so that his pubic bone brushes your clit with each stroke.
“C’mon, be my good girl, get there for me,” he begs.
A broken cry rips from your throat as your orgasm crashes into you, triggering Jake’s release. He cums with a low groan, painting your insides white.
A few minutes go by before he lifts his head to press a kiss to your lips. “I love y-oh shit!”
There’s a loud crack and all of a sudden the mattress is on the floor.
Jakes's wide eyes meet yours before you both burst into laughter.
The bedframe broke.
Jake helps you get cleaned up before helping you to your feet.
“So, what were you planning on doing with that sledgehammer?”
A/N: I hope y’all like it ☺️🥴
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I love hearing what you think in comments/reblogs.
Tagging those who may be interested:
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justabigassnerd · 9 months
Night Scare
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Pairing - Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x daughter!reader
Word count - 1,275
Warnings - inaccurate medical scenes (I tried), worried Jake, fluff
Summary - a night time asthma attack turns a normal evening into a worry fest for Jake
A/N - wow... about two weeks later I'm finally posting a fic. I am so sorry for delays I've been struggling with writers block, it's still not fully gone but my guilt is catching up to me so I'm literally forcing myself to write. this was an anon request and I hope I did it justice. as per y'all please send in requests, feedback and enjoy!!!
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Living with asthma is something you had just learned to deal with growing up. Always had to make sure your inhaler was on hand and learned to know when you could be on the verge of an asthma attack.
One evening, while your dad and Bradley were downstairs watching a sports match, you remained in your room, relaxing and scrolling through your phone. As you sit on your bed, scrolling through your phone, you began to cough occasionally but you shook it off, assuming it was just the ending of the cold you had just recovered from. Then your chest began to feel tight, like it was slowly being squeezed. You instinctively grabbed the inhaler that sat on your bedside table and took a puff of the medicine, settling back against the pillows and waiting for the medicine to do its job. After half an hour, you realise the inhaler isn’t working so you take another puff of the medicine and fight back a coughing fit that suddenly attacks you, taking your breath away from you as you struggle to recover it. Not wanting to risk losing your footing in your panic to get downstairs and risk hurting yourself, you open your phone and find your dad’s number, opening your messages and typing out a text.
Jake raised an eyebrow when he felt his phone buzz and saw your name above the text. He debated calling up to you but something in his gut was screaming at him to open the text, so he did.
‘I think I’m having an asthma attack’
“Call 9-1-1.” Jake says, leaping to his feet and heading for the stairs, leaving Bradley confused in the living room.
“What?!” Bradley calls up to Jake just as he disappears up the stairs.
“Call 9-1-1, y/n is having an asthma attack and I’m not taking any risks.” Jake calls down to Bradley who immediately pulls his phone out of his pocket and dials 9-1-1 while Jake bursts into your room to find you sat bolt upright and struggling to breathe. He could tell you were trying to keep calm so you could control your breaths a little better, but he could see the panic in your eyes.
“I’m here, sweetheart. Take another puff of your inhaler for me, okay? Rooster’s calling the ambulance now they’ll get here as quick as they can.” Jake says, sitting next to you on the bed and taking the small inhaler from your hands and holding it to your mouth so you could take a puff, he kept a close eye on you, seeing how you were doing.
Before too long, you heard the front door opening and Bradley talking downstairs before you heard footsteps heading up the stairs and you see two paramedics enter the room, equipment in hand as they approached.
“We’re going to need you to step back, sir.” One of the paramedics says, making Jake press a kiss to the top of your head and whisper reassuringly before he gets up from the bed, allowing the paramedics to assess you. The paramedics ask Jake for your name and what medication you are on which he gives, grabbing the medical information card he had and handing it to the paramedic, so they knew everything they needed to in order to help you. The paramedics help you downstairs to where a stretcher was waiting after assessing and concluding that you need to go to the ER for some medicine and observation. Jake is given permission to ride in the ambulance with you and just as he goes to follow you, Bradley stops him.
“I’m going to head home and get out of your hair. Keep me updated and I’ll come by when I can.” Bradley says and Jake nods, clapping Bradley on the shoulder.
“Thanks for calling the ambulance. I’ll see you around.” Jake says as the two walk out of the house, closing the door behind them. Bradley nods in acknowledgement before crossing to his Bronco while Jake gets in the back of the ambulance with you as the paramedic did what he needed to do. You were given an oxygen tube and some medicine, and your attack was seeming to wane thanks to it.
When the ambulance pulled up outside the hospital, the paramedics eased the stretcher out and wheeled you into the ER and one of the paramedics and Jake eased you onto a bed while the other paramedic filled in the nurse on what had happened. When you’re settled on the bed, the paramedics head back out to their ambulance while the nurse comes to your bedside.
“Hi, y/n. I’ve been informed that you’ve received some treatment and oxygen on the way over here and you seem to be doing better but we just want to keep you in for a few hours just in case you have another attack, okay?” The nurse says cheerfully as she inputs some final things on the tablet in her hand. You nod at her words as does your dad and the nurse then excuses herself to continue her rounds.
“You feeling okay?” Jake asks softly as he watches you.
“Feeling a lot better than I was earlier.” You say with a smile, making Jake smile gently and finally let himself relax.
“It was a little scary though.” You admit, looking away from your dad who softens at your words, reaching out and taking your hand gently in his own.
“I bet it was sweetheart. I thought it was scary just from my perspective I can’t imagine what it was like for you.” Jake says, watching you carefully as you shift your gaze to look back at him briefly.
“The important thing is you’re okay now. We’ll stay here for as long as the nurses want us to and then we’ll head home, and you can get some sleep and you can rest as much as you want tomorrow as well. We’ll take it easy.” Jake says reassuringly, giving your hand a small squeeze as well.
After almost three hours of lying on the hospital bed with constant check-ups, the nurses allow you to go home for the rest of the night, confident that you won’t have any more attacks for the night. They urge Jake to book you a doctor’s appointment as soon as possible to check how everything is going with your lungs and then you are cleared to go. As you exit the hospital, Jake is checking on the status of the Uber he booked and before too long it pulls up and the two of you get in the back seats and begin the journey home. By the time you get home, you’re just about ready to collapse into your bed. You immediately head up to your room and get into your pyjamas, quickly burying yourself under your duvet and curling up. It didn’t take your dad long to knock on the door and enter with your permission. He crossed to your bed and bent over to kiss the top of your head.
“Sleep well, sweetheart. If you need me, I’m just next door.” He whispers as you nod, eyes slipping shut instantly and Jake lets out a soft chuckle, pulling the duvet over you a bit more and leaving the room, turning the light off as he goes.
Jake returns to his own room, getting in his bed and lying on his back, staring up at the ceiling. He had just been through a scare that may taunt him for a while, but he knew you were just next door sleeping peacefully and he’d look after you as best he can.
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multifandomfanfic · 2 years
so i'm hella sick and all i can think about is how the top gun members would take care of you when you're sick (specifically Iceman)
How the Top Gun Members Would Take Care of You When You're Sick
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Included: Iceman, Maverick, Rooster, Hangman, Bob
Summary: It’s in the title. :)
A/N: I hope you enjoy this! Feel better soon. <3
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- Depending on how much time he has, Iceman will devote all his spare time to taking care of you while you’re sick
- If he’s busy, Ice will call you any time he finds a phone to make sure you’re okay.
- He’ll skip nights at the Hard Deck (causing Slider and the others to go looking for him) to make sure nothing happens to you in the time he would be gone.
- You want chicken noodle soup? Somehow he nearly burned down your kitchen trying to make it but, eventually, he’ll get it to you.
- He’s too arrogant to ask the people at the pharmacy what medicine you should take, so he just grabbed a ton and put the boxes on the bed beside you.
- Ice may get a little impatient wanting to go to the bar or see his friends but, even if you tell him he can go, he’ll stay by your side. You’ll just have to deal with his pouting.
- He’ll sleep over the nights you’re sick if you don’t live together. You’ll say he shouldn’t sleep in your bed but, unless you’re super sick, he’ll insist he’s right there next to you.
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- Maverick’s way of making you feel better (unless you’re really sick) is taking you somewhere outside to relax.
- If you don’t have an open back porch/yard, he’ll drive you somewhere in your car and just sit with you in the fresh air.
- He’ll read to you or just lay beside you, handing you tissues or medicine when necessary.
- Maverick may not sleep in the same bed as you but he’ll definitely stay over at your house.
- In the morning he’ll make you tea and whatever you want before he has to leave.
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- Hangman does not want to get sick. He loves you, but if he gets sick, he thinks his whole ego and world will fall apart.
- He’ll slide you food under your door with little notes saying that he loves you and small messages like that.
- He’ll talk to you through the door and call/FaceTime you as much as he can.
- Hangman won’t skip his nights at the Hard Deck but will send you plenty of “[insert pilot] says they hope you feel better” and “how are you holding up?” texts
- He will also tell you stories about what happened during his day when he gets back home.
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- Hands down, Bob makes the best chicken noodle soup you can imagine. I’m not arguing about that. And he makes it in a giant pot so you have enough to get you through the whole week.
- Whatever you want him to do, Bob will do. You want him to read to you? Done. Want him to get specific medicine or food from the store? He already has it.
- Unlike some of the other guys, I don’t think Bob will cuddle with you or get super close to you while you’re sick. He hates germs but loves you more (but he does have boundaries).
- He’ll set out your comfiest clothes in the morning and do all your chores voluntarily.
- Bob will skip lessons to comfort you if you’re very sick, despite being yelled at when he gets back to base (Maverick understands, though, and doesn’t punish him that much).
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- Rooster gives the best hugs, no doubt about it. So most of the time he’ll insist on cuddling with you while you’re sick.
- He’ll play soft songs on the piano to cheer you up and will stop as soon as you ask him to.
- Rooster will loan you his hoodies and over-sized clothes to wear so you’re not uncomfortable.
- Somehow he knows perfectly when to get you a new water or more food when you run out-- you don’t even have to ask him.
- Rooster will cuddle with you without thinking about the consequences (aka he almost always gets sick afterwards).
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mooncherrv · 2 years
Meet the Family: Part 1 - Jake "Hangman" Seresin
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Character(s): Jake "Hangman" Seresin x FlightAttendant!Reader Genre: Fluff and some smutty undertones maybe Summary: In which Jake takes you to meet his family when you have a 3 day layover in Dallas. Author's Note: i just AHHHHHH ok anyways Masterlist | Part 2
"I can't believe you're ditching me to go hang out with your hotshot pilot boyfriend." your crew mate said as the two of you exited the terminal. "Hey. Not all of us can see our boyfriend constantly plus next time he's in San Diego he'll be on base so I won't get to see him much." you said as you dragged your suitcase behind you. "Fine fine. At least introduce me to him then. You've been together for 6 months and not once have I met him." she said. You turned and gave her a look. "What?" she asked. "You were there when I met him. What do you mean you never met him?" you pushed her lightly in the side. "Oh my god he's the airplane guy? YOU ARE DATING THE HOTTIE FROM THE ONE FLIGHT?" she said, rather loudly, causing a few people to look at her. "Yes. Now, go to your hotel loser. I'll see you on the flight back to SF." you told her. "Send me photos of you and airplane hottie! And be safe kiddo. Wrap it before he taps it!" she said in a sing song voice before walking off.
Jake: You look beautiful today ❤️
You looked at the text on your phone and began darting your eyes around to find Jake, eventually spotting him towards the exit and running towards him, now earning yourself a few odd looks from tired travelers. He wrapped his arms around you and pressed a soft kiss on your forehead. "Missed you darling" he said as he grabbed your suitcase from you. "Would love to hold you longer but the cops are gonna yell at me for taking the spot for too long." He said as he held out his hand for your to hold and led you to his car. One you two were situated in his car and on the highway he glanced over at you for a second before turning his attention back to the road. "So airplane hottie huh?" Jake smirked. You looked over at him wide eyed. "You heard that?" you said as you put your hands over your face. Jake laughed. "Your friend said that a bit loudly. So did you give me that name?" Jake questioned. "Maybe. Maybe not." You responded with a smile. Jake looked over at your with a smirk and shook his head. "You are very cute when you get a little shy." Jake said. "Hmm we can talk about the nickname later, now, eyes on the road mister."
Once the two of you arrived at Jake's house, the second he closed the door his hands were all over you. "Calm down Jake, I'm not going anywhere." Your arms wrapped around his neck while his hands found their way around your waist before he rested his chin on your shoulder. You pulled away and pressed a soft kiss on his cheek. "Let me go take a shower and then I am all yours for the next 3 days."
One thing about Jake was that he is very observant and does many things for his partner without even mentioning it. You offhandedly mention you enjoy a specific meal? He learns how to make it. You seem to enjoy a specific candy? He gets it for you next time he sees you. In this case last time Jake was at your house in San Diego he took a photo of the shampoos, conditioners, body washes, and even lotions you used and he bought them and out them in the bathroom you used when you were at his house in Dallas. When the two of you decided to go from casual dating to a more committed relationship he immediately cleaned up his drawers and closet to make room for things you wanted to leave at his house. Despite all of this he never expected you to do the same, though you ended up doing similar things for him as it felt less lonely going home and seeing some of Jake's things laying around the house to remind you of him.
Returning from a shower you see Jake sitting on the couch watching the highlights of a recent football game. As he hears your footsteps his head turns and he smiles at you. "Enjoy your shower?" Jake asked with a smile. You nodded in response and sat next to him on the couch, leaning your head on his shoulder. "You got the stuff I use at home. Didn't have to do all that for me." Jake only hummed in response before he turned off the TV and faced you. "I have a question." Jake says. Your head tilted "I may have answers." Jake seemed nervous as he rested his hands upon yours. "Do you want to meet my parents tomorrow? I mentioned you would be in Dallas for a few days and she really wants to meet you. It would just be tomorrow and then it's just me and you for the other 2 days you're here." He held eye contact with you as he spoke. "I'd love to meet your parents Jake. It would have been nice to know in advance so I could have packed nicer clothes though." your arms wrapped around his neck and he lifted you onto his lap before he kissed your cheek. "It was last minute. She called me while I was driving to the airport." You lightly slapped his shoulder which resulted in a small "ow" to fall from his lips. "What did I say about talking on the phone while driving, Lieutenant." you said sternly before soft laughs left both of your mouths. "I've done worse while driving before love, you would know because you were there." he said with a smirk. "Pervert." you coughed. "What was that? Didn't quite catch that." Jake said as he pulled your body closer to his chest. "Huh? Nothing. Must have imagined that." you said with a sweet smiler, the smile. The smile he fell for the first time he saw you for the first time. "That's what I thought. Now, let's go to bed. It's late and you've been working all day." He said as he stood up, carrying you in his arms. "Jake, I'm not tired. I wanna spend time with you." you mumbled into his neck. "Oh, sweetheart, I can make you tired don't worry"
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sarahsmi13s · 1 year
Lavender Kisses
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(not my gif)
pairing: jake ‘hangman’ seresin x sarah grant (fem!oc)
characters: jake seresin, sarah grant (fem!oc), paisley seresin, alyssa bradshaw and natasha trace (mentioned), the dagger boys
warnings: fluff, domestic hangman THIS CONTAINS SMUT 18+ MDNI (you’ve been warned), smut contains: pregnant sex, lingerie kink, oral (female recieving), fingering, slight mommy/daddy kink, breeding kink (implied but not explicitly stated), unprotected p in v (don’t be dumb, please), if i missed any please let me know
word count: ~6.5k 
a/n: this story is inspired by ‘His Little Girl’ (bradley bradshaw x reader) by the lovely @roosterscockpit​​  ( @milesdickpic​ ) and characters from this story are mentioned. also, yes, the oc is based on me lol (well a fantasy version lol)  
PLEASE READ: this piece is not entirely smut, there is Valentine’s Day fluff in this as well. so if you want to skip over the smut -- that is perfectly fine. 
also lightly proof read and there are most likely mistakes
pt 6 in the j and s series
loose summary: sarah and jake celebrate valentine’s day together
Sarah knocked gently on the guest bedroom door frame.
Paisley looked up from her suitcase, “Hey girl, what’s up?” Sarah smiled and leaned against the door frame, “Nothing really, I was just coming to ask if you and Tyler were doing anything for  Valentine’s Day?”
Paisley nodded and continued to pack, “Yeah, he knows I’ve been wanting a new hat. So, he’s planned to take me hat shopping and then we’re going to a nice dinner and then I think he planned a walk in the park.” Sarah nodded and walked in to sit down on the bed. “Do you know what you’re gonna wear?” Paisley shrugged and sat down, “Not really. I want to maybe wear something new, I’ve worn basically the same thing for the past few years.”
Sarah grinned, “Does this call for a Saturday Shopping Trip?” Paisley mirrored her best friend’s expression, “Have we ever needed a reason, my dear?” Sarah stood and pulled her up, “Let’s go!” “Right now?” “No time like the present PT,” she pulled her out of the room.
“What about Jake?” Paisley asked as they touched up their hair and make up. “He’s going to the driving range with the guys today,” Sarah said, swiping on lip gloss. “So he’ll be busy all day.” Paisley nodded and screwed her mascara closed.
They walked out and past where Jake was on the couch, “Woah, hey! Where are you two going?” “Shopping, need something special for Tuesday,” Sarah sent him a wink as she slipped on her shoes. “And Paisley leaves tomorrow, we wanted to have a trip to the mall before she left.”
Jake’s eyes widened and he reached into his pocket.
He pulled out his wallet and grabbed his credit card, “Here, get yourself whatever you want. On me, Sugar.” “Does that go for me too, JT?” “Uh, no,” Jake shook his head, a teasing smirk on his face.
“I’m kiddin’, you two have fun. Babe, send me photos of what you try on,” Jake said, sliding his wallet into his pocket while holding out the card.
Sarah took it and kissed him on the cheek, “Thank you, Love. What time are you gonna be home?” He shrugged, “I’m not sure yet. But when I get an estimate I’ll let you know.” She hummed and kissed his lips, “Have fun. I love you.” He pecked her lips again, “I love you too.”
Paisley and Sarah walked into their last store of the day.
“Okay, last store because I’m certain Jake is going to have a heart attack when sees how much we’ve spent,” Sarah laughed as she looked around the store. Paisley scoffed, looking at a rack of jackets, “He said, ‘get yourself whatever you want. On me, Sugar’.” Sarah laughed at Paisley’s impression of Jake. “Those were his exact words, so he can’t be mad.”
Sarah shook her head, giggling at Paisley as she made her way to the bra and panty section of the store.
She took out her phone and sent a quick text to the group chat she had with Phoenix and Alyssa asking for their opinions.
Then she browsed the section, pulling out four sets to try on.
But to be perfectly honest, she was gonna buy all four regardless of whether or not they would be worn on Valentine’s Day. She’d find an occasion to wear it.
Grabbing the four sets she went up to the desk and asked for a fitting room, getting led to one immediately.
She took a photo of all four hung up and sent them to the group chat. She quickly tried them on, checking how each of them fit. Surprising they all fit her pretty comfortably and she liked how the colors complemented her skin tone.
After she had gotten redressed and hung everything back on their hangers, she looked them over, along with the pictures she took. She put her hands on her hips, “Okay, which one of you would really get Jake’s motor running?”
A knock startled her out of her thoughts.
“Yes?” “I’ve been looking for you.” “Oh sorry Pay,” Sarah gathered up her things and the sets before stepping out, only to find Paisley leaned up against the wall with her arms crossed.
“What were you doing?” Sarah furrowed her brow, “Um, trying on somethings. That is what you do in a fitting room PT.” The blonde pushed off the wall, “Why didn’t you tell me?” “You were looking at something, I didn’t want to interrupt.”
A ding interrupted the conversation.
Sarah pulled her phone out, receiving another message in the process.
“Who’s that?” “Alyssa and Phoenix, I need their opinion on something,” she answered, looking at the text. She sighed, “Damn it.” “What?” “They said two different ones.”
Paisley gestured to herself, “Maybe I can serve as a final opinion?” Sarah laughed, “No, Paisley, I can’t ask you to pick.” She walked out to the floor and towards the register. Paisley followed her.
“C’mon, Sarah! I’m your best friend, you know I’ll be honest with you,” Paisley whined as Sarah put the items on the counter..
Sarah sighed and turned to Paisley, “Okay, best friend.” She grabbed the two options given to her by the other girls, “Which one of these would make your best friend look hotter so your brother would wanna do her?”
Paisley drew back, frowning before sighing, “The lavender one.” “Thank you.”
Sarah paid for the pieces and they both left the mall.
Jake swung his club, rolling his shoulders as he watched the ball fly off.
“So, what’re you guys doing for Valentine’s Day?” Fanboy asked as he sipped his beer.
“Penny, managed to get someone to work the bar on Valentine’s day so I think we’re going to go for a ride,” Mav said as he lined up his shot. “Motorcycle or plane?” Coyote asked as he leaned on his club. “Probably both.”
Payback gestured toward Rooster, “What about you and Alyssa?” “I’m taking her and Leia to the beach for a picnic, and I’m sending something to school for Leia and to work for Lyss.” Jake turned to Bradley, “And you’re not getting me anything for Valentine’s Day?”
Bradley tried not to laugh and opened his mouth to speak but Jake cut him off, faking crying. “I thought we had something special, man.” Rooster rolled his eyes and pushed him, “Oh, shut up.”
“Oh, hey, what are you and Sarah gonna do Tuesday, Bagman?” Bob asked. “Shockingly, we don't have any plans. Since she’s on her feet all day, I don’t know if she’ll want to do much. But I’ve got flowers to send her and I’ve got a few gifts hidden in my night stand.”
Jake swung his club again, turning to the guys, “Honestly, we could play video games and bake cookies for all I care. I just want to spend time with her.”
Mickey grinned, “Awe is Hangman going soft?” “Around Sarah-” “Javy, don’t finish that sentence,” Jake laughed, shaking his head and walking over to sit down and take a break.
He checked his phone and noticed Sarah had sent him a few outfits so he took the time to react and reply to every single one.
******** When Jake got home later noticed both Sarah and Paisley in the living room.
“You girls have fun?” They nodded and Sarah stood up.
She went to her purse and retrieved Jake’s credit card. “Thank you for letting me use your card, Sweetheart.” He smiled and gave her a kiss, “Of course, Darlin’.”
He walked towards the stairs, “I’m gonna take a quick shower and then we can do games and movies.” “Games about movies,” Paisley added in jest. “We do have ‘Blockbuster’ and ‘Movie Movie Game’. I’ve been dying to play those with the squad,” Jake said before he went upstairs.
He got to the bedroom and went to grab some comfy clothes for after his shower and he noticed two bags that Sarah had attempted to hide.
Jake didn’t even try to fight the urge to peek inside, but when he did he noticed the note taped to the bags. “Jake, if you peek at what’s in these bags – you won’t get to see them until I see fit.”
“How would she even know?” He thought before reading on.
“You probably just asked yourself how I would know, because I just will Jake. I’ve got my methods. And even if you don’t believe me – do you really want to take that chance?”
He sighed and decided to wait it out.
Jake’s imagination could only run so far with what could be in those bags, and when Monday rolled around – he had to ask.
He rolled onto his side in the bed, “Baby, I saw the bags in the closet. What’s in them? I’ve been going crazy trying to figure it out.” “Part of your gift, Honey,” Sarah giggled a little, turning to face him.
Jake scrunched his nose, “C’mon, please!” He pulled Sarah closer, “I’ll take just a hint.”
She held his eyes, challenging him just a little.
“Ugh, fine.”
He fist pumped, “Yes!”
Sarah rolled her eyes and got out of bed and went to the closet.  “Wait, Sweetheart, I just wanted a hint, you don’t have-” She walked out with a wrapped box. “This is another part of your gift, I meant to give it to you when you got home but I got distracted with dinner.”
Jake sat up, a curious look on his face as he reached out for the box.
He tore off the brown paper and opened the box to reveal three pairs of boxers. He took them out and read what was on them. “I’ve got a heart on for Sarah…” He tilted his head, eyebrows furrowing as he tried to understand the pun. “‘A heart on’? What the he- Oh!”
Jake and Sarah started laughing.
“I love these, I’m wearing them to work tomorrow.” “No! Jake, what if the guys see those?” “That’s the point, Sugar.”
Sarah laughed and shook her head before going to her side of the bed, “That’s also a hint as to what’s in those bags.”
She could tell that even with his back to her, his brows shot up in shock. “So, now that you have wet dream material, can we go to sleep now?” “You’re mean.” “I love you too, Honey.”
For Jake, the next day could not have gone any slower.
But there were things that made it worth the wait:
When he left that morning, his steering wheel had a note taped to it and a flower fell out of the visor. Jake smiled as he twisted the stem between his fingers.
It was a singular Fall Aster. His favorite.
He had the biggest grin on his face when he walked into the hanger. He put the flower in his book to flatten it and help preserve it. which he put in his cockpit next to his photo of her.
When he began to change, Jake did get teased for the underwear, but he didn’t care; he loved them.
“Nice boxers, Bagman,” Fritz had commented. “Thank you, Fritz. Sarah got them for me,” Jake grinned, pulling his flight suit up his legs.
Later that day at lunch, he opened the one Sarah had packed him and found another note.
“Guys! Guys! Guys!” Jake said, excitedly as he waved for them to come closer.
“Wait, did Sarah pack you lunch?” Payback asked. “Of course she did, because she’s fucking awesome,” Jake bragged as he pulled out a note. “And she wrote me a note! I’m the luckiest man on the planet right now!”
Coyote leaned over, “What does it say?”
“Hi, Love! Happy Valentine’s Day! I can’t wait to sit around the house with you! The Minecraft house has been needing renovations, so I hope you’re ready for that. I love you so much! Fly safe- Love Sarah (p.s. you have a nice ass 😙)”  
“You guys have a Minecraft house?” Fanboy asked, brow arched in question. “Yes we have a Minecraft house Garcia. You don’t?” “No,” the WSO chuckled. “Well I think that says more about you than it does me.”
Rooster then walks in with his lunch.
“Rooster!!!” Jake shouts. “What?!” “Did Alyssa write you a note too?”
Meanwhile with Sarah, she felt her day went by too fast.
She had woken up that morning to put both the note and flower in Jake’s truck and then the one in his lunch. And then crawled back into bed and pretended she never left it.
Jake brought her breakfast and sat with her as she ate before he went to work.
The day was a fun day in all her classes, except they still needed to practice.
They had cookies and cupcakes, and they played games. It was a day practically designed to go by quickly.
When she came back to her room after seventh grade practice, there were flowers on her desk and a giant stuffed lavender cow in her desk chair.
She giggled and shook her head before going over to her desk. Smiling at the stuffed cow, she moved it and sat it on the floor.
She sat in her desk chair and looked at the flowers on the desk. From a distance she hadn’t noticed that they had a hand drawn cow print design on the petals. There was a card propped up against them.
“Hey Sugar, Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you like the flowers, and the cow (her name is Vandy, btw). I’m sorry I couldn’t get you a real cow and that the flowers are fake. I will make up for it at home though, I promise. 😉 I love you so much and the little rascals too. Check your fridge, there’s a treat for all of you in there. Forever and Ever, Jake ♥️ (p.s. I can’t stop thinking about tonight, you’ve got me all riled up at work – I hope you’re proud of yourself)”
Sarah smiled and opened her mini-fridge to find a box of chocolate dipped strawberries. “I’m so lucky,” she whispered to herself as she pulled them out.
She quickly took a video of herself doing a happy dance while eating a strawberry to send to Jake.
By the time Jake got home, Sarah had been home for an hour.
He walked up to the front door and unlocked it before going inside.
“Honey, I’m home!” He cheesily sang out, sitting his bag down before going further into the house. “I’m in the living room, Babe!”
Jake smiled and jogged around the corner and into the living room.
Sarah stood up straight from her position in front of the TV where she had turned on the console. “Hi, Sweetheart, how was work?” Jake shrugged, “It was okay. Day drug on if I’m bein’ honest.” “Oh, I’m sorry Baby.” “It’s okay, I’m home with you now, so it’s much better.”
She walked up to him and kissed him, “Well, I’m happy to hear that.” She noticed that only one of his hands found its place on her hip. She stepped back, “What ya got behind your back there, Cowboy?”
Jake smiled and revealed a bouquet of real flowers.
Sarah gasped a little bit, reaching out to gently take them from Jake. “These are beautiful, Jake. You didn’t have to. I loved the cow print ones.” Jake smiled and placed both hands in their rightful places, “I’m glad. But I told you I would make up for the lack of real ones and I’m a man of my word, Darlin’.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him again.
“Thank you, Jake,” she whispered against his lips, looking into his eyes. “I love you.” He smiled down at her and kissed her lips before wrapping his arms around her, “I love you too.” “Go get changed, and then we can get started on dinner.”
After eating dinner and playing video games, Sarah and Jake decided to exchange their serious gifts.
They sat criss-cross on the floor with their backs against the couch with a rom-com going on in the background and switched gifts.
“You go first,” Jake said, gesturing to the jewelry box. Sarah untied the ribbon and opened the black velvet box. 
Inside was a necklace and a key ring. “Awe, Jake, these are so cute. I love them, thank you!” She leaned forward and kissed him before sitting back. “I take it the key ring is yours?” Jake nodded and pulled both out. 
He slotted the heart charm into the heart-shaped hole, “See, it fits perfectly. Completely fills the gap.” He looked down at her, his green eyes gentle and full of love, “Just like you and me.” Sarah smiled and looked up at him, her brown eyes warm and full of adoration for the man next to her. “You’re a dork.” “Eh,” he shrugged. “I’m your dork, though.” 
She rolled her eyes and sat her gift on the table, “Open yours now.” 
Jake smiled and opened the box, finding two necklaces. “So, whose is whose?” Sarah shrugged, “I wanted you to pick. I’m okay with either.” Jake nodded, “Okay, I think, you should have the key. I know guys traditionally have the key, but I was a pretty tough nut to crack in the beginning; you deserve it.” 
He closed the box and sat it next hers on the table. “Thank you Sugar,” he kissed her temple and pulled her into his lap.
He wrapped his arms loosely around her as she relaxed onto his chest, her head falling into the space between his neck and shoulder.
Sarah inhaled through her nose, smelling Jake’s cologne. She hummed to herself and placed a few kisses on Jake’s neck.
Jake took a sharp inhale when her lips met his skin and his arms tightened around her. He felt her smile against his neck as she continued to kiss it.
She kissed whatever skin she could find, pulling breathy noises from Jake. “You like that Jake?” He nodded, “Mmhhmm~” She found his sweet spot and felt him tense under her. She gave that spot extra attention while planting her knees into the carpet and grinding down against him.
“Fuck, Sweetheart,” his hips jutted up and his breath was shaking. He moved one hand to the back of her neck and pulled her into a heated kiss.
Sarah was whimpering into his mouth, pulling back to catch her breath. Jake began kissing her neck, his hands moving underneath her sweatshirt. His hands roamed her skin as his lips trailed all over her neck. “Are you ready for your surprise?” She asked, instinctively rolling her hips.
Jake groaned against her neck, “Hell yes.”
She got up and helped him up, dragged him by his hand to the stairs.
He was kissing her up the steps, pressing her against the wall a few times and kissing her senseless.
“Baby, the more stops we take, the less time we have for the surprise,” Sarah giggled, head tilted to the side as Jake peppered her neck with kisses. “I mean we can always just do it against the wall. Go at it like animals.”
She moaned, “Holy shit, Jake.” She thread her fingers into the hair at the top of his head and pulled him away. “Do you want to see the lingerie or not?” Jake dropped his forehead against hers. “God, yes, please.”
Sarah smirked, “I thought so.”
She grabbed Jake’s hand and pulled him the next few feet to the bedroom.
When he closed the door, she turned to him and pulled his shirt over his head. “You’re fucking perfect,” she said, running her fingertips over his abs before palming him through his sweatpants.
Jake moaned lightly, jaw clenching as his hands twitched. “Please, Sugar~” “Get undressed down to your boxers and sit on the bed.” She pecked his lips before going to the ensuite bathroom.
“Yes, ma’am,” he did as told and waited patiently.
Sarah changed into the lavender piece, quickly touched up her make-up and fluffed her hair a bit before walking back into the room.
Jake’s eyes lifted the moment he heard the bathroom door open. He moved to get up but she held a hand out to keep him seated.
She walked up to him, tilting his chin up more with her finger, “What do you think, Love?” Jake gulped and his eyes dilated more. “Can I touch you?”
Sarah glanced down to see his fists knotted in the sheets, “Thank you for asking Baby. Yes, you can touch.”
Jake’s hands cupped the back of her knees before trailing up the backs of her thighs. “You look gorgeous in this color, Sarah.” He gave her butt a little squeeze before moving to the front of her body. “Thank you, Jake.”
He gripped her hips, fingers lacing in the straps there. “I wanna rip this off of you, but I need to see you in this again.”
His voice had significantly lowered and became slightly raspy.
Jake began placing kisses all over her stomach, moving up to kiss where the tops of her breasts were exposed. His hands had followed and cupped her chest.
He pulled her down to straddle him, making her gasp as her clothed center pressed against his cock. “Fuck, Jake.” He groaned against her neck, the desperate tone of the two words going right to his dick.
Jake’s right hand found its way between her thighs, giving her feather light touches. “Is it my turn, Sugar?” “Yes, Jake, please,” she whined, hips jerking slightly at the graze of his fingertips.
He quickly reached behind her and unclasped the bra, standing only to turn and lay her against the pillows. He pulled her bra off and tossed it behind him.
Jake sat back on his heels and looked at her, taking in everything. From the way her hair fanned out around her, and the glow of her skin in the lamp light. All the way to the baby bump he loved to see.
“You’re such a pretty mama, Darlin’,” he gruffed out as he reached forward and ran his knuckle along the side of her face. He smirked when her eyes closed and she inhaled shakily, “You like it when I call you that don’t you, pretty mama?” She nodded, rolling her hips slightly toward him and whimpering a little.
Jake smiled and ran his hands over her legs, spreading her knees to make room for himself.
He shifted forward to press his clothed crotch against hers. “Jake, don’t tease, please. I need you,” Sarah begged, her knees trying to close around his hips while she shifted her own hips to create friction.
“And you’ll have me Sugar, I just need to make sure you’re ready.”
Jake’s fingers danced up her sides before cupping her tits, enjoying the weight of them in his large hands. “Sweet Jesus, are they bigger than they were last time?” Jake groaned out, grinding his cock against he cunt.
He dipped his head to give proper attention to each breast. He kissed, massaged; nipped, licked. Her chest was his canvas and he loved seeing her in purple; marking her chest with his lips to create purple dots.
Beneath him, Sarah was gasping and humming with pleasure. She held his head and her arm wrapped around his shoulders. “Fuck, Jake~” She was grinding her clothed pussy against the hardness pressed against her, searching for any relief.
“I know ~fuck~ I know, Princess.” Jake’s hips rutted against her, craving the stimulation himself. “Jake, I need something, anything.”
He kissed down her torso, his fingers lacing in the bands of her panties.
As he pulled them down, he planted kisses on her legs – making sure to give the plane and hourglass tattoos on her thigh attention when he came back up.
Jake got comfortable on his stomach and her legs naturally fit over his shoulders. He made eye contact with Sarah as he flattened his tongue against her slit. “Oh shit~” Her right hand gripped at his hair and tugged a little, instructing him to move.
Slowly, he licked a fat stripe up her cunt and made eye contact as he re-positioned to do it again.
He repeated the action a few more times before she started to twitch. “Okay, I’ll give you more. You want my fingers Sweetheart?” “Yes, fuck yes~”
He smirked against her pussy before pressing his middle and index fingers against her lips for her to take into her mouth. When she did, he sucked her clit in between his lips and felt her moan around his digits.
She worked faster to prep his fingers, but when Jake’s mouth moved to her entrance and his tongue circled the area, her mouth fell open and he brought the digits down to her clit.
He rubbed slow, feather light circles around her clit as he dipped his tongue in and out of her.
Sarah's grip on his hair tightened as her breathing quickened and short, delicate moans slipped past her lips. He groaned as she tugged, sending delicious vibrations through her nervous system. “Jake, oh my- fuck, Baby.”
Then he switched; moving his mouth back to her clit and his fingers to her entrance, spreading the mixture of slick and spit before pressing his middle finger past the threshold.
“Fuck, you’re tight, baby,” he huffed out, blowing cold air against her cunt. “I gotta warm you up. Just relax for me okay?” He curled his finger, pressing perfectly against her walls. “There you go, Sweetheart.”
“Jake, please,” she didn’t even need to say it. He knew she needed his mouth again, the subtle push of his head was only confirmation. He dove back in, creating a vortex around her clit as his finger curled up.
The moan it drew was throaty, almost surprised, and it made Jake grind his hips down into the mattress.
With her chest heaving, Sarah needed to ask for more; she wanted more. “More please, Jake I need more.” He pulled back, looking up into her eyes, “You think you can handle more?” She nodded, words leaving her and coming out as a high-pitched whine. “Okay, I’ll give you more, pretty mama.”
He pulled his finger out, spitting on her pussy before adding the other and scissoring them slowly as he worked his way in.
Sarah could feel her walls flutter as she accommodated the stretch of the two digits. “Oh my God~” Jake smirked, curling his fingers and making her back arch as she tugged his hair. He repeated the motion while lapping at her pussy.
He felt the grip on his hair disappear and her hips buck against his face. He looked up at her and he wished he had a camera. Her head was thrown back, desperate pants and moans falling from her lips, her eyes squeezed shut. The hand that was in his hair had found purchase on the headboard and the other was twisted in the comforter. She was right there and he wasn’t gonna leave her hanging.
Jake twisted and curled his fingers, alternating how his tongue worked her bundle of nerves. He could hear her moans get louder and closer together.
But then they were muffled and he looked up at her face, seeing that she had covered her mouth. He brought his free hand up and tapped her elbow to get her attention.
She looked down at him and he turned his palm up for her to hold. She grabbed his hand and he gave it a small squeeze.
“Come on pretty mama, cum on my face. Don’t be shy about it,” he grunted out before going back to his ministrations.
“Fuuuuck~ Jake don’t stop,” she moaned out, her left hand pulled at the sheets and her legs tightened around Jake’s head.
It didn’t take long after that for Jake to feel the pull against his fingers and the pulsing of her cunt as she came. “Oh fuck~ hooooly shit!”
He worked her through her first climax and slowed down as he pulled back. He removed his fingers and licked them clean, groaning at the taste of her.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get over how good you taste, Sugar.”
Sarah giggled, still in her post-orgasm high. She brought her left up to caress his face. Jake takes the hand and plants kisses on her palm before kissing her ring. “Come here, Baby,” she cooed and beckoned him closer.
Jake grinned and moved up to her lips, kissing her sweetly as he pressed their conjoined hands into the pillow.
His free hand buried itself in her hair as the kiss turned hungry and desperate. Her free hand drug down his torso, nails gently scratching over his abs. She made it to his boxers, slippy beneath the band to stroke him.
Hissing against her lips, his hips involuntarily jerk forward. “Fuck, Sarah~” His head fell to rest on her shoulder as he moved in time with her strokes. “That’s it – holy shit~”
His nose was pressed into the soft point below her jaw, inhaling her perfume. He whimpered as her thumb ran over his tip, spreading the precum that had beaded there. She pressed a kiss to his temple, whispering in his ear, “Mama needs your cock Jake.”
The growl he let out was both desperate and primal. “Fuck, Sweetheart,” he pulled back, hips still rocking against her palm. “Is that what you need, sweet girl? Daddy’s cock?” “Yes, I need it, please,” she begged, craning her neck up to kiss him.
She removed her hand and snapped the band of his underwear against his Adonis belt. “These are in the way.” Jake chuckled against her lips and pulled away to remove the offending article.
He came back and positioned himself at her entrance, bracing himself on his hand. “You ready, Princess?” “Just fuck me, Jake.”
He chuckled and slowly pushed into her. Sarah’s eyes screwed shut as he stretched her pussy and she wrapped her arms around him.
“Jake, fuck, you’re so- oh my God~” Sarah moaned out. “You’re doing great, Honey,” he praised, shifting to brace himself on both forearms.
When he bottomed out, both of them were breathing shallowly. “Fuck, you feel so good.” Jake gave her a second to get comfortable.
He felt her walls flutter before they relaxed. Her breath shuttered against his neck as she spoke, “Move, please.”
Jake started out slow, pulling out halfway at first before pulling all the way out.
He did that a few times before she started to move with him. That usually meant she needed him to speed up. So, he did.
His lips met hers as he picked up the pace, catching the moans that spilled from her lips.
Sarah hooked a leg over his hip as she buried a hand in the short hair on the back of his head. “Fuck, Jake!” She cried out when he angled his hips up, hitting her g-spot just right.
Jake was pressing kisses all over her neck and face as he thrust in and out of her. His words were incoherent, being so lost in the feeling of his fiancé wrapped around him. But that doesn’t mean he was quiet.
With each roll of his hips, each clench of her cunt and drag of her nails, he was panting and moaning.
He pulled away to watch Sarah as he fucked her. Her tits were bouncing in rhythm with his thrusts and her back arched when he hit those special spots inside of her.
“Holy shit~” He ran a hand through his hair before cupping her jaw.
Sarah made eye contact with him as she wrapped her tongue around his thumb and closed her lips around it. “Oh fuck, Sugar.” After a moment she released it and he brought it down to rub her clit.
Jake watched her face twist in pleasure, “Oh, fuck Jake, I’m gonna cum.” “I can feel ya squeezin’ me Darlin’. Let go when you’re ready, I’ll catch you,” he encouraged, pushing one of her legs up to adjust the angle.
Sarah took the hint and grabbed the back of both of her knees. “Oooooh, that’s it Sweetheart,” he groaned out, rubbing faster circles around her clit.
He got an idea and removed his thumb from her clit, stopping the movement of his hips. “Jaake,” she whined, her hands slipping from her knees in frustration. “Hold on, sweet girl,” he cooed as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her up into his lap.
She moaned at the change in position, arms wrapping around his shoulders and her head falling into the space between his neck and shoulder. “Jake, oh my God.” He chuckled and held her head against his shoulder before he started thrusting again.
“Fuck, that feels so good. Don’t stop,” she moaned out, arms tightening around him. He smirked cockily, spreading his knees a little further and he thrusted up a little harder. She yelped and bit down on his shoulder, in a futile attempt to quiet herself.
Jake grunted, threading his fingers in her hair and pulling her head up. “No, let me hear you. Let Daddy hear you.” He pressed her forehead against his. “Fuck, Daddy, I’m gonna cum. Please don’t stop.” Jake nearly whimpered but he stopped it from escaping by pressing his lips on hers.
Sarah started to meet his thrusts again, grinding down against him. “I’m so close.” “Let go for me, come on Sweetheart.” He sped up slightly and increased his power.
“Fuckfuckfuckfuck, Jaaake~,” her entire body tensed as she panted against Jake’s lips.
It took everything in Jake not to cum right then as she looked him in the eye when she reached her peak.
He gently laid her on her back, gradually slowing the movement of his hips until he stopped completely but staying buried deep inside of her.
“Ride me?” Jake asked breathlessly. “Gimme a minute,” she responded, even more breathless. He chuckled and held his weight off her. “Okay, roll over.” Jake maneuvered onto his back, trying his best to stay inside her, and held her against his chest for a second.
When she caught her breath, Sarah circled her hips and he let her go.
She sat up and started to rock, lifting her hips up and sinking back down. “Fuck,” she panted out, her hands bracing themselves on Jake’s chest. His hands came to her hips to help her keep a rhythm. She pressed her knees into the mattress and started bouncing.
“That’s it, pretty girl, ride it like you own it.” Sarah smirked and leaned down next to his ear, “I do own it. This cock is mine.” Jake grunted as his hips canted up to meet hers, “Holy shit, Sarah~”
She propped herself on his chest again and Jake brought his head up to close his lips around her nipple. “Oh shiiiit.” His hand came up to give attention to the other breast, before he switched.
His thrust became erratic and sloppy, signaling he was close; but she started to slow down, her legs shaking with the exertion. “Fuck, Baby, I-I can’t-” He pressed a kiss to her lips, “Shhh, it’s okay. I got you.”
He flipped her back onto her back and picked his paced up.
“Fuck, I��m so close Sweetheart. Are you with me?” She nodded, tears brimming her eyes as she reached overstimulation.
Jake wrapped his arms around her, holding her as close as possible as he reached his climax.
“Ooooooh my God, fuuuck, hooooly fuck~” He buried his face into her neck as his entire body shook along with hers.
Feeling Jake’s cum coat her walls, sent Sarah over the edge for the third time. She could only wrap herself tighter around him as she shook and came with a weak cry.
It took a few minutes before both could make coherent thoughts again.
Jake swallowed and pulled out slowly, hissing when his soaked dick met the chilled air. He fell onto his side, pulling Sarah close to his side.
“I love pregnancy sex,” she muttered, still slightly in a post-orgasmic haze. Jake snorted slightly, kissing the top of her head, “Me too, Sugar, me too.”
It was silent for a moment, then light snores filled Jake's ears.
He nudged her awake, “Hey, no, we need to get you cleaned up and change the sheets.” She grumbled in protest before sighing in compliance, “Fine.”
Jake got up and went to the bathroom and turned on the bath, adjusting the temp before walking back out to see Sarah shoving the pillows off the bed. “What are you doing?” “You don’t need to change the pillow cases, just the comforter and the sheets.” She wadded up the comforter, looking at the fitted sheet, “Actually, just the comforter. We can change the sheets tomorrow.” Jake shook his head and laughed before scooping her into his arms, “Whatever you say.”
He had sat her on the toilet before plugging the drain and letting it fill up.
As it filled up, he grabbed a rag and got it damp to gently wipe her clean before doing the same to himself.
Once it was full, he put bubbles in it and some salts. He stirred them in with his hands.
“Alright, pretty mama, your bath is ready,” he helped her into the bath and then tied her hair up. “Are you okay? Is the temp okay?” She nodded, rubbing at her eyes with the backs of her wrists. “I know you’re sleepy, but this will help you feel better in the morning. I promise, once the water is cold, we’ll go right to bed,” he kissed her cheek before standing.
She pouted, “Are you not staying?” “I’ll be right back. I need to make the bed. I’ll leave the door open.” She still pouted but nodded and rested her arms and head on the edge of the tub.
It took Jake no more than 7 minutes to come back and settle in behind her in the tub. “Alright, c’mere,” he fondly said, pulling her to his chest. She hummed and relaxed back against him.
They sat in a comfortable silence, Jake caressing Sarah’s bump under the water. “I love you so much. Happy Valentine’s Day, Sarah,” he kissed her forehead. She hummed, tilting up to kiss his jaw, “I love you too. Happy Valentine’s Day, Jake.”
When the water started to chill, Jake helped her out of the bath and toweled them both off.
He carried her into the bedroom and slid a fresh pair of boxers up her legs and one of his old shirts over her head and tucked her in before he got dressed.
Once Jake also had a fresh pair of boxers on, he slid into bed next to her and wrapped her in his arms. “Goodnight, Baby. I love you,” Sarah pecked his lips, humming in sleepy amusement as he chased her when she pulled away. “I love you too, forever and ever. Goodnight, Honey.”
thank you for being here!
i hope this was enjoyable, both the fluff and the smut. next up is the twins’ gender reveal!!! what you think the twins are gonna be?
I do have a pinterest board set up for this, just to help me get into the vibe (one is to help with future parts, one is only for the current parts)
if you want to check it out and get more of a feel for the dynamic going on---- you can click right --->   here
like mentioned in the last one, feedback is greatly appreciated!
and my asks are open, feel free to request what you would like to see next while i’m working on the next part!
tags <3: @milesdickpic​ @luckyladycreator2​ @hotch-meeeeeuppppp​
thank you my lovelies <33​
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banannabethchase · 5 months
8 e deanseth or moxseth
Not on Twitter (But Equally Yikes) - also on AO3
While on vacation, Seth starts panicking on his phone. Mox is…curious.
“Would you put down twitter for five minutes?” Mox groans, sliding down further into the tub. “We’re on vacation, Seth.”
“Not on twitter,” Seth mutters. His fingers fly across the screen, tension in his brow.
Mox floats toward him. “Then what the fuck’re you doing?”
Seth turns the screen away, then looks at Mox with sheer panic in his eyes. “Nothing.”
“Jesus.” Mox cranes his neck. “What did you do?”
“Nothing!” Seth says. He puts his phone on the side of the hot tub away from Mox. “Want me to blow you in the tub? I can blow you.”
“Oh, you fucked up,” Mox says, grinning. “What’d you do? Tweet a photo of where we are?” He dives over Seth, and then Seth intercepts him and slams him into the water.
“No!” Seth says.
“Okay, now you’re getting me worried.” Mox chuckles, a little nervous. “Seriously. What happened?”
Seth’s face goes full red, spreading to his skin where it disappears into the bubbling water. “I texted the video.”
“Video?” Mox asks. And then he pauses. “Oh. Oh, that video.” He clears his throat. “To, uh. To who?”
Seth looks sheepish, cowed, as he grabs his phone. “Um.”
“Seth,” Mox says. He reaches out and takes the phone. “Who did you send the video to?” Mox looks down and finds his answer. “Fucking hell, Seth.”
“I didn’t do it on purpose!” Seth whines. Mox can tell he feels like garbage because his pained expression disappears beneath the surface of the water along with his hair.
He scrolls up and reads the message accompanied by the video
long time no see – thought you might wanna see a lot. Seth, btw.
“What a fucking weird way to send a sex tape message,” he mutters. He’s tempted to watch the movie, because he’s only a man, but then his eyes catch on at the reply message.
You’re a screamer. Should have seen that coming. Tell Mox he’s got a pretty dick. How’d you get my number, by the way?
Mox keeps staring until he hears the water splash. “Somehow, my first question is how the fuck do you have Hangman Page’s phone number?”
Seth whines and floats up next to Mox. He shoves his head into Mox’s shoulder. “I was trying to text Claudio and I clicked on Cowboy by accident!”
“Why were you texting Claudio our sex tape?!” Mox asks.
Seth shrugs, and those stupid doe eyes are already softening Mox. “I miss him,” he says, with a hint of a sparkle in his eyes. “And I know you and he hang out, so I figured…” He trails off.
“You still haven’t told me how you have Hangman’s number,” Mox says. “Or, actually, why you have him in your phone as Cowboy.”
Seth presses his lips together. “Um.”
“Seth. What did you do?”
“He was being a dick to you!” Seth says. “I – when you two were feuding, I texted Paige-Saraya, I mean, and she texted me his number.”
Mox holds back on asking how the fuck Saraya managed to get Adam goddamned Page’s number. “And you have him in there as Cowboy?!”
“Plausible deniability,” Seth says, like it’s a reasonable answer. “If I had Adam Page in my phone, it’d be hard to explain. If you saw it, I mean. Cowboy, on the other hand.”
“We know and can tolerate one person with a Cowboy gimmick, you fuckin’ himbo,” Mox says. He shoves Seth’s head under the water for a moment, holding the phone safely out of the way until he lets Seth up again. “You never thought to check the receiver?”
Seth snorts.
“No! No sex jokes right now!” Mox splashes him. “Fuck. Work is gonna be impossible. Hangman’s seen my dick.” He squirms. “Hangman’s seen me fuck you.”
“He’s right, though,” Seth says, and Mox isn’t sure when he’d floated over and straddled his hips. “You do have a pretty dick.” He rolls his hips down.
“Of course you’re hard,” Mox says. He settles the phone on a towel on the side of the hot tub. “Of course you are. What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“I like it when you get all rough with me,” Seth says, grinning. “And you were yelling at me a little, and you shoved my head under water.”
“Damn it,” Mox grumbles. “Now I’m getting hard.”
“Yeah,” and fuck is Seth’s smile pretty, “I know.”
“Get up on the edge,” Mox says. “I’m not blowing you in the hot tub water. I’ll drown and it’s gross to come in a public pool.”
“Technically this one is private,” Seth says. His shorts are already down his hips. Slut. Mox is in love with him.
“It’s a hotel room, dumbass,” Mox says, and he sinks his mouth down on Seth’s cock. He’s already leaking precome, desperate as always. Seth’s hands scrabble at Mox’s shoulders and neck.
“I miss when you had hair,” Seth pants. “Easier to grab onto something.”
Mox pinches his thigh and Seth yelps.
“I’m just saying!” Seth says. “Now you’re all slippery. I have nothing to –”
Mox had reached up and searched for Seth’s mouth to shove his fingers into, and found his spot before Seth could finish bitching. The silence is helpful, save for the moaning around Mox’s fingers.
Mox gets his other hand involved to roll Seth’s balls in his hand, and he grins around Seth’s dick as the moans turn to whimpers. His fingers slide out of Seth’s mouth.
“I – Mox, I’m –” Seth can’t even get out a whole sentence before he’s coming down Mox’s throat, whining some sort of desperate wail. Mox could get addicted to that sound, has gotten addicted to that sound before, and he has to reach his hand into his swim trunks to give himself a few strokes just to stay sane.
“No, mine,” Seth demands. He drops into the water next to Mox and shoves his head underwater.
Mox is too fuck-drunk to stop Seth, and he knows he’s too close for Seth to have an issue. He wraps his fingers in Seth’s hair as he does his best to count in the part of his mind not encompassed with Seth’s mouth around his dick. He’ll pull Seth off if he’s being too stupid about it, but he also knows very well that this isn’t going to last long.
He glances over to the phone where it buzzes. He wonders if it’s Hangman. He wonders if he’s watched the video of Mox fucking Seth into the hotel mattress last night, if he’s jerked off thinking of Mox and Seth together.
Mox’s fingers tighten in Seth’s hair, but, as always, Seth doesn’t take the opportunity to pull off. Probably a good thing since they’re in a hot tub.
“Christ,” Mox groans, arching his hips up and coming down Seth’s throat. Seth’s only gotten better at it over the years, more effective and intentional and bitchy about it. He yanks Seth’s head all the way up, out of the water. “You really did get good at holding your breath,” Mox pants. He falls against the side of the hot tub. “Definitely more hygienic than a hand job.”
Seth beams at him, face drenched and eyes bright. “That’s what I said. This was a humanitarian effort at fucking. We’re good people.”
“You texted us fucking to the man who hung me in March,” Mox says, grabbing Seth in a headlock. “I wouldn’t go that far.”
Seth giggles as he rolls in the water to get his legs around Mox’s chest. “Yeah, but are you actually mad at that?” He gets a look at Mox’s grin. “Yeah. Didn’t think so.”
Mini Playlist: Peacock - Katy Perry think later - Tate McRae FUCK - Snow Wife Sex Talk - Kim Petras
Video didn't kill the wrestling star, but it sure embarrassed him.
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
sprung spring | take you home; adam page [m]
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Prompt Used:
  “I’ll feel much better if you let me walk you home.” + comfort sex + drunk sloppy sex + “Oh my god you’re so much better than the last person I was with.” + A breathy demand: “Kiss me” - and what the other person does to respond. + needy/clingy sex
Okay, so… I have literally… Never… used my given name in a work of fiction before and… ya girl found out it’s hard to write dirty things when the OC has your name. Pure self indulgent smut because fuckkit yolo, I needed this. Some of the dialogue prompted above was changed to reflect the situation these two were placed in, fyi. This is mature content, so nobody under 18+ up in these parts. Also, I owe a serious hug to @heelsamizayn​ & @wrestlingismyguiltypleasure​ because no matter how many times I whined and bitched and got all squirmy whilst writing this, they really kept me going and I love them for that.
alcohol tw ( it’s the OC this time), clingy unprotected sex, sawwwft!Adam, lots of teasing (and hopefully tension, I was  really trying to play at heightening that here) and yeahhh.. It’s tame. I promise ya’ll… I’m going to write actual harder / filthier prompts, I just… had a mighty need. Anyway, that’s all the warnings.
Adam Hangman Page x OFC, Ashley
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Ashley narrowed her eyes at the bottle before glancing up at Shane and shaking her head. “I-I’m good.”
“Aw, c’mon hon. It’s just a little drink.” Shane was stepping closer, right in her space all over again. He’d been plying her with drinks and trying to get her to dance or talk to him -or the most annoying request he’d made so far, “Smile, darlin. Ya look prettier when ya do.” and it was starting to rub him the wrong way, the way she kept resisting. She could almost feel it radiating off of him.
Ashley was at that state of drunk where it was more annoying than endearing and now that it seemed to be irritating him that she wouldn’t just give in, it only gave her all the more reason to resist. It wasn’t as if it wasn’t almost cringe inducingly clear what the asshole thought he was doing and she just wasn’t having it.
At all.
Not even slightly.
Rather than even partially entertain his offer for another drink or to go dance with him, Ashley sighed and rolled her eyes in sheer boredom, taking the drink and taking a sip as she scrolled through her contacts list.
As usual, she hovered over Adam’s number in her phone and that loneliness crept in all over again. More pronounced. More tinged with regret.
She found herself missing him so much that before she even realized it, she’d pulled up the text bubble from their last text conversation and she found herself grimacing at the date.
Had they really not spoken at all in nearly 3 weeks?
And then Ashley found herself going back over the last time they had spoken face to face. Before she realized the true depths of her feelings and Adam drunkenly tried to kiss her and in a blind panic, she’d backed away.
Not because she hadn’t wanted him to kiss her, but because she’d been afraid of what might happen if he did kiss her.
And now, Ashley thought bitterly, hugging herself a little as the thought came, I’m lucky to get a Hi, how are you over text out of him..
With a sigh, she finished scanning their last brief text conversation and then, when Shane cleared his throat impatiently, she remembered that apparently, this guy expected her to pay all her attention to him and she put her phone down. Biting her lip, she settled warm brown eyes on the other man.
“I asked ya if you wanted to dance, darlin. They’re kinda playin our song.” Shane chuckled, holding out his hand. When she started to shake her head no, he gave her a sort of put off glare and muttered something to himself about tonight being a complete waste. All his buddies told him not to walk over and try talking to her; they all told him she was bound tighter than molasses from the knees down and every single night she’d come in this week so far, she’d managed to shoot down anyone who thought they might possibly stand a chance of takin her home. I clearly should’ve listened, Shane found himself thinking, because now I’m out fifty bucks and she looks more annoyed with me each second that passes and that real gorgeous chick I know I coulda won over left an hour ago with Greg.
“W-we don’t have a s-song?” Ashley’s brow quirked and she shook her head, holding up her glass. “I-i’m good, actually.” Ashley muttered as she took a long sip.
Moron, do you seriously think I want to dance to this song… with you? Because no. Ashley thought to herself as she glanced around the crowded bar, face falling when she remembered that Adam wasn’t in town right now, he was on the road. When Ashley realized what Shane had just muttered about the night being a total waste, she mildly shrugged. “I-i don’t r-recall askin y-you t-to come up n’ t-try pourin the booze to me, either. Play s-stupid games, w-win stupid p-prizes.”
As Shane grumbled “Fine, suit yourself, darlin. Don’t come lookin for me when it’s late and you can’t find a ride home.” and made his way onto his next target, Ashley let out a long and deep breath, blowing at dark bangs as they flopped right into her eyes, laughing off Shane’s words.
She went back to her phone, scrolling through her contacts.
“Maybe Shayna’s up.” Ashley mused to herself as she pulled up what she thought was a text conversation she’d been having with her friend earlier in the day while they were both stuck in their office working through lunch.
What she didn’t realize -and wouldn’t just yet, was that she hadn’t texted Shayna at all.
She’d texted Adam… The subject of the earlier conversation.
→ First of all, pretty sure I just completely eviscerated this one guy’s poor ego. *eye roll*. Guess whose NOT having the sex right now bc she gets mouthy when she drinks?
→ This bitch, that’s whomst. In my defense, he was the one who kept pouring the drinks to me. I just took ‘em. You know me, guy stood about as much a chance as… Anyway, it doesn’t matter. I chased him off. Like usual when we’re out at this bar.
→ But seriously though.. Maybe it’s the alcohol and the fact that I’m lonely and I’m salty because I’m not getting cuddles rn like youuuuu but…
→ Okay, u were right earlier.
→ It’s late and I’m drunk, otherwise I’d never say that. Maybe a little lonely too. Enjoy your shallow victory and the sex you’re probably getting rn, lmao. ILY Shayna!
→ I know ur probably busy with Samuel - sexy times and all that but… You win. You’re right.
→ I love him and god… I miss him so much it’s making me an even bigger bitch lately, so.. Sorry for that I guess. I wish I’d just… Kissed him back. Climbed him like an actual tree, giant he is… Shoved him against the wall, tangled my fingers in that hair and tugged his mouth against mine. Maybe even rubbed myself against him a lil bit too, just to see if that yummy cologne he wears all the time rubs off. At least then I’d… Well, I sure as shit wouldn’t be sitting here, shooting down pushy douchebag assholes and drinking alone.
→ Anyway, have your moment. I love Adam Page. I always have and it scares the living hell out of me. You were right. Now there’s only one problem… How do I make the big idiot answer my calls?!?
→ don’t answer that rn. Tomorrow… When drunk Ashley isn’t out and doing dumb shit and can think clearly.
→ Okay, no… answer meeee… I just… I need to know what to do here? Pls. I beg of you. If you don’t answer me, I swear to God, I’m gonna wind up drunk dialing.. >.>
The cell phone was going batshit crazy on the bathroom counter and Adam mostly ignored it in favor of soaking under a long hot shower. It had been a long drive; made longer by the fact that he was all beaten and banged up from the past few shows but trying to soldier through as usual. Parts of him admittedly ignored the phone because he thought it was most likely one of three people and none of them he wanted to talk to right now.
No, Adam thought to himself, the one I wanna talk to more than anything I can’t talk to now… He sighed as he thought about the way he got too drunk; out of control. He’d tried to kiss her that night and just the sheer look of panic in big brown eyes right before she bolted the hell away in a hurry had been more than enough to make him realize where he stood.
He couldn’t face her after that either, so he’d been keeping a low profile. Trying to distance from… his actions.
Just thinking about it had him both cringing and feeling that raw surge of pain he felt that night all over again, fresh as ever.
She hadn’t texted him or tried calling either, so that only further confirmed his suspicions. And now, Adam thought to himself as the phone buzzed one last time and he stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist after drying off his face, you lost your best friend. The one you could talk to about anything. You messed that up. Being a jerk that night and coming on way too strong.
He picked up his cell phone only halfway glancing at it at first. But when he actually read all the messages, he wound up dropping the phone on the bathroom tiles with a quiet thud. Then he stood there, trying to get his head around everything he’d just read, all the texts from Ashley to what she apparently thought was her best friend Shayna.
About him.
He took several deep breaths and then got himself at least partially together before even attempting to answer the barrage of texts.
← Where are you?
← Are you drunk right now?
At re-reading that her shooting down men when she went out with Shayna was apparently a common thing, Adam let out a few shakier breaths and bit his lip, raising a hand to his head and dragging thick digits through damp hair as he let it sink in.
Blue eyes scanned the next message after hitting send.
← Nevermind, screw it.
← I’ll be there in 10.
← And me and  you? We’re gonna have ourselves a serious talk.
After throwing back on the jeans and tee shirt he’d had on before showering, he grabbed his keys and headed out. He knew the bar she always went to because they’d hung out there on more than one occasion.
“Bastard who was pourin the drinks to her better hope he’s long gone when I get there.” Adam muttered as protective urges reared their head and he found himself more than a little worried. Ashley wasn’t a drinker by any stretch of the imagination. And given the rambling in the texts she thought she’d sent to Shayna just now, it was.. A safe guess that she was at least two thirds of the way to being too drunk to function.
And it had him more than a little concerned because he knew how the guys at this particular bar got when they saw a pretty girl sitting there, drinking alone. His grip tightened on the wheel as he sped towards the bar in question.
When he was in the parking lot, he tried to call her cell phone but it went straight to voicemail. Without wasting any time, Adam killed the engine to his truck and got out, hurrying into the bar, blue eyes darting around all over as he tried to pick her out in the crowd.
Maybe she hadn’t left yet. God, he could only hope.
“I-i’m gonna stop you right there. Just because I-i’m a lil tipsy right now..” Ashley stared up at the man who’d taken the seat next to her at the bar after Shane vacated in a hurry earlier. “Don’t mean I want any part of y-you.”
“Aw, c’mon darlin. Pretty little thing like you shouldn’t be sittin here, drinkin all alone. C’mon.”
“I’d a-actually prefer it, if you w-want the honest G-god’s truth.” Ashley waved over the bartender, signalling for more bourbon in her glass. She fixed her eyes on the man and raised the glass to her lips. “Thanks f-for the drink though.”
Before the guy even got a chance to respond, a throat cleared loud; almost protectively, from behind the two. Ashley didn’t even have to turn around to know exactly who was standing behind her, but what she was having trouble grasping in her tipsy state, was what exactly Adam was doing here now.
“Just do yourself a favor and leave, buddy.” Adam stared down the man intently, arms folded over his chest, moving to step closer to Ashley’s stool, lightly pressing against her from behind.
“Adam? W-what the hell?” Ashley drawled, turning on her stool almost immediately, brown eyes locking on him with a questioning gaze. “I… y-you w-weren’t home.” she could feel herself starting to sober up just a little at his sudden appearance. She frowned a little, shook her head sadly.
Adam moved to step between her legs and he leaned in and down, brushing his lips against her own as he muttered quietly and firmly, “Kiss me.” catching her chin with his finger curled beneath it just when she went to look down. “My eyes and mouth are right here, darlin.” Adam coaxed, gazing at her mouth intently.
“K-kiss me, he s-says.” Ashley drawled, biting her lip, staring right back at his mouth just as intently as he stared at hers.
Her hand raised, resting across the back of his neck, fingers tangling in and tugging his hair free from the bun he’d thrown it into, threading through it once she had. Her legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer and her other hand curled in the front of his tee shirt, tugging his mouth down to her level a little better. Once she’d done that, her lips trailed lazily over his mouth, tracing the shape of his lips, making him give a quiet groan and his eyes flutter open and closed. By the time her tongue was slipping past his teeth, his tongue was fighting against it for complete control of the kiss and he’d leaned into her so much that her back was right up against the edge of the bar. His teeth scraped at her lower lip as the kiss deepened, both of them panting for their next breath and dizzy from it.
His hands slid beneath her ass and he scooped her up, not bothering to break the kiss just yet or untangle her from his body. Her legs squeezed his waist harder and she rubbed against him more than a little. Once they were out in the parking lot again, Adam stopped, sitting her on the railing around an outdoor sitting area, pulling her into another deep and almost bruising kiss.
“I-I was just… about to l-leave. Walk.”
Adam chuckled and shook his head no, nodding to his truck. “I’d feel much better if you’d let me take you home, darlin.”
Ashley eyed him, hints of a pout on her lips. “Y-you s-stopped e-even t-talkin to m-me.” she sighed and shook her head sadly, muttering under her breath, “I-it is m-my fault.” and Adam tilted her chin to make her meet his gaze when she looked down, shaking his head. “It’s not, darlin. Not at all.”
“I-I fucking r-ran. S-seriously?” Ashley whined, her legs squeezing at his waist as she wrapped them around him all over again, staring at his chest for a few seconds, blowing out an exasperated breath, because the more she thought about her choice to run the night he finally kissed her, the more it did truly exasperate her. Of all the times to panic… It had to be then. The worst possible one.
Adam chuckled and leaned down, muttering softly against her mouth, “If it makes you feel any better, darlin.. You made up for it. And it drove me crazy, not talkin to ya.”
“G-good.” Ashley giggled and poked out her tongue as she looked at him. “B-because it m-made m-me really cranky. H-holy s-shit, so cranky.” she giggled again, making Adam laugh and scoop her up into his arms, making his way towards the truck. “I know.”
“H-how?” Ashley’s brow raised as she stared up at him, resting her head against his shoulder. “I-I literally o-only told Shayna…”
“You texted the wrong person, actually.” Adam teased as he unlocked his truck, sitting her into the passenger seat. Ashley’s mouth opened and closed and she palmed her face, groaning in sheer embarrassment while laughing softly.
Adam got into the truck, starting the engine and Ashley was raising the console, curling into his side as soon as she’d moved to the middle to sit, tucking her legs on the seat beside her. Adam chuckled, slipping his arm around her shoulders. “You’re awfully cuddly tonight, know that?”
“Mhm.” Ashley purred, her lips brushing against his neck, making him grip the wheel just a little tighter. By now, the embarrassment over what she’d done was melting away and her internal filter -the little she actually possessed to begin with, was at an all time low thanks to having drinks poured into her all night by random and far lesser appealing men. “Is that a b-bad thing?”
Adam bit back a groan and barely resisted bucking his hips as he felt her lips clumsily moving along the side of his neck as she nuzzled into him and chuckling quietly, he gave an answer. “Not at all, darlin. Except for the fact that you’re getting me all sorts of stirred up right now.” he muttered, the truck coasting to a stop beneath the red light a block away from his place. When he did, he turned to look at her, wasting no time in pulling her mouth up to his as his hand went from squeezing her thigh to slipping between them, rubbing her through her jeans as he swore quietly because he could feel how warm she was and it only made him think about how wet she might actually be.
“Maybe t-that’s what I’m trying to do.” came pouring out before she could stop herself from saying it. Not that she would have either way, but she was at least trying to show a little restraint, still partially shocked that he was there and that she’d somehow managed to confess everything to him under the guise of texting Shayna.
Maybe it was a good thing that happened, Ashley thought to herself as she slipped her hand down, trailing it along the inside of his thigh, then up… Sucking in a sharp breath when her hand settled palm down against the bulge already straining and growing, pushing against his jeans. Adam’s hips snapped and he locked eyes with her, biting his lip, the hand between her thighs starting to move a little harder and a lot faster. Ashley rocked her hips against his hand and sucked in a sharp breath as Adam leaned in, teeth tugging at her earlobe and catching as he muttered against it in a whisper, “If that’s so, darlin.. You’re in for it. Just wait.”
“What if I don’t w-wanna wait, hm?” Ashley muttered as her lips brushed against his neck again and Adam’s breath caught in his throat before making the remark aloud, “Got a lot to make up for, me and you.”
“Mhm.” Ashley could feel herself getting wetter and wetter with every single word he said. She knew he had to feel her thighs clenching tighter with each word he said because his hand was currently buried between them, palm down against her dripping and throbbing heat, rubbing through her jeans and by now she’d trapped his hand where it was. A shiver passed through her body as she continued to rock her hips against his hand, a quiet whimper of frustration coming when all that lead to was him, slowing down way too much for her liking at the moment. She pouted up at him and bit her lip as he leaned in, closer and closer, pulling her face towards his.
“Could take all night.” Adam was turning his head slightly, tugging her neck closer as he ghosted his lips along it, the pressure of his hand reaching an almost feverish frenzy as he growled against soft skin, “Maybe even tomorrow.”
“Oh?” Ashley’s eyes fluttered open and shut and she bit her lip, her hips rocking faster to meet his hand and the way it cupped and rubbed at her heat. Just enough to make a little friction, not by any means enough to give the amount of friction she actually craved.
He was teasing her.
Just the thought had her pouting in sheer frustration as she locked eyes with him. “Tease.”
“Ain’t exactly teasing if I know exactly what I’m gonna do to you when I get you home.” Adam pointed out, giving her a smirk. Ashley swallowed hard, breath catching in her throat at his words. Her mouth opened and closed and it had Adam chuckling quietly because this was one of very few times he’d truly seen her with a complete lack of something clever to say in response.
“Cat got your tongue, darlin?” he practically purred the words as his hand started to massage all over again and almost instantly, she started to rock against it more urgently.
“Adam… Fuck.” she gasped quietly, eyes fluttering open and closed as she started to palm at the way he was strained against his jeans.
The light went green and the careful and almost teasing movement of her hand in his lap felt so good that for about half a second, Adam didn’t realize it had.
“Light’s green, Adam.” Ashley’s voice was teasing, she gave a soft giggle as Adam took a few shaky breaths, nodding as he hurried from beneath the green light, turning down the next street. His house was in view, only a few seconds away and yet… It felt like a million miles away.
Almost the second he was parked at the curb in front of it, he was reaching out, pulling her over the console and into his lap, his hands and mouth all over her, mouth latching onto her neck and leaving a string of hickies down the side as he bucked himself into her from below and his hands disappeared up her shirt, slipping beneath her bra before finally getting frustrated at how in the way it was and unfastening it, gripping her breasts in his hands, palming and squeezing at them as he growled against her mouth when his mouth finally rose to meet and conquer her lips again.
He leaned into her so heavily that her back met the steering wheel and the horn in the center, making them both laugh only to have the sounds of their laughter swallowed by a deep and frenzied, needy kiss. The kiss broke and Ashley backed away slightly, biting her lip, wiggling around in his lap, bucking herself right against the prominent bulge strained and about to burst through his jeans. “I think that’s our sign to go inside, Adam.” she muttered the words as she felt her face burning hot and she bit her lip, squirming around in his lap just a little more, harder, desperate to keep the friction going. Adam nodded, killing the engine and getting out of the truck, carrying her up the steps, stopping to unlock his front door, with her body pinned between his body and the door as he did so. Twice he had to grip harder just because she started to trail her lips down his neck and chuckling quietly into the kiss he stole, he gave a triumphant and joking ‘Yee haw’ when he got the door unlocked at last. Ashley gave a soft whimper as he stepped through the door, shutting it behind him and locking it. He sat her down on a sturdy console table that ran the length of the back of his sofa and stepped away to pull off his boots and Ashley took a few deep breaths, tried to pull herself together.
This was really happening.
Adam met her gaze as he straightened to stand again and he stepped between her legs, devouring her mouth hungrily, his hands cupping her cheeks and caressing. “You’re sure, right? Because once we cross the line, darlin…”
Ashley gripped his jaw, guiding her mouth back down against his greedily as she whispered needily into the kiss, “Fuck me, Adam. I don’t wanna remember anyone else but you.”
Adam’s teeth clenched her lower lip; tugging. She was clinging to him and it was driving him crazy because there was… Still too much clothing in between them, keeping them apart. He scooped her up off the console table he’d sat her on to take off his boots and started to carry her down the hall, stopping halfway to put her back against the wall, tearing her shirt up over her head, tossing it onto the floor. Ashley tugged impatiently at his tee shirt, finally getting it up and over his head, tossing it onto the floor a few feet away from where her own shirt lie. Adam did away with the pesky bra next, letting it hit the floor softly, an almost primal growl bursting from his lips as he dipped his head low, dancing his mouth over the tops of her breasts, leaving behind beard burn and littering soft skin with bites with each time his mouth connected with her bare skin.
Ashley writhed around in his grasp, rocking herself into him, gripping his hips tighter with her legs, whimpering aloud, her head falling back and softly hitting the wall as her eyes fluttered open and shut. Her hand gripped his shoulder, fingertips digging into and dancing over his skin, sending a shiver through his body and making him groan as he glanced up at her, biting his lip. Ashley stared right back, both of them struggling to catch their breath but too caught up in the moment to bother putting a halt to the deep and biting and almost bruising kisses. She took his face in her hands, pulling his mouth deep against her own, her tongue trailing over the outline of his lips before parting them, her body rubbing against him even more frantically. Her hand raised to tangle in his hair and in the process, a photo clattered to the hallway floor noisily.
“Let’s take you to bed, hmm?” Adam’s breath against her skin as he mumbled the words into her neck quietly had Ashley whimpering and rocking against him even more frantically. Adam growled quietly as he bucked himself right back against her, starting the walk down the hall to his bedroom all over again. He kicked it open, a quiet creak of the frame echoing through the stillness as he stepped inside and shut it behind him, tossing her against the mattress as he stared down at her hungrily. Ashley went to raise up, reaching for the waistband of his jeans but Adam pushed her back against the mattress all over again, making her pout and give a frustrated whimper as he chuckled softly and leaned down, hands going down her bare skin, sending goosebumps to it’s surface as he lowered his mouth down, ghosting it slowly over her abdomen before raising to whisper next to her ear, “Uh uh darlin. Let me take care of you.” in a husky and firmer tone.
He started to lazily trail his mouth over bare skin all over again, the blunt of his teeth tugging at her nipples as his tongue circled them and he caught her eye, winking at her, his hands drifting down between them, unbuttoning and unzipping her jeans, lingering to rub and squeeze her cunt before hooking in her waistband to tug her jeans and panties down all at once. Ashley tried to rock her hips upward, desperate to feel any kind of friction, frustrated beyond belief by all Adam’s teasing, but almost the instant she dared it, Adam was on his knees, kneeling in front of her, parting her legs with his hands and ghosting his mouth up the inside of her thigh slowly, occasionally placing a soft bite against her skin.
When her fingers tangled in his hair, he grunted against her skin, grazing his teeth against it, his tongue slowly making a lazy broad swipe upward. Ashley whimpered when she tried yet again to rock her hips against the way Adam had her pinned, just hoping to at least make an attempt to steer him where she needed him most, but he chuckled quietly, the shake of his head that he gave making soft hair brush against her skin and sending a shiver through her body. “I’m holdin you still for a reason, darlin. Now c’mon, be a good girl. Be still and let me take care of you.”
“Adam, please.” Ashley begged, trying again to rock her hips upward, only to pout when she realized just how determined Adam was to hold her in place and tease her relentlessly.
“Be patient, darlin. We got all night.” Adam’s tongue was trailing lazily over her folds as he said it, the taste of her on his tongue making him half growl his words as they left his mouth. He smirked a little to himself when he felt her not only try to rock her hips upward to meet his mouth but her hand curling in the comforter on top of his bed and in his hair, tugging as she whimpered and whined, her cries of frustrated pleasure echoing off the walls of his bedroom and shattering the silence around them.
Her breath caught in her throat as she felt his tongue make a long stripe over one side of her cunt. And then, straight across the middle, finally, another long stripe across the opposite side to which he lazily chuckled “A.” as he met her gaze with a teasing smirk. Ashley rose up slightly, staring down at him, biting her lip as a series of needy whimpers and loud whines left her mouth and her toes dug into the comforter. One long and broad stripe and then another curved stripe had her shivering and arching her back, fingers tangling in his hair as she tugged gently, “Fuck.”
“D.” Adam was at it again with the smirk, lowering his head almost a split second later to get back to what he was doing. His tongue trailed a familiar pattern over her folds and he muttered quietly against her cunt, “A”. and Ashley shivered even more because it hit her what he was doing, spelling out his name. “Adam, please… Need you, baby, please.” she begged almost frantically, desperate to ease some of the ache rapidly building because of all his teasing. Despite the urgent begging, Adam’s tongue rolled lazily, the one slanted stripe required to form one side of the M and then the two stripes required to form the middle of the M and finally, the last stripe. “M.” he groaned as his nose bumped right against her pelvic mound and he buried his tongue as deep in her pussy as he could, tilting her hips upward, pulling her closer to his mouth as he savored the taste of her as it started to fill his mouth. He could feel her body starting to tense up and another smirk came, pressing against her soaked warmth as he started to slow way down on the movements of his tongue. When he felt her fingers tugging at his hair again and noticed that she was digging her toes into the bed too, the smirk on his face grew.
Yeah, he was teasing. Taking his time with her, making this last. He’d waited so long already, now that it was happening, he was just… Really savoring the moment.
“Adam, please!” Ashley choked out, back arching away from the mattress slightly, eyes fluttering open and shut as she tried to keep frustrated tears at bay. When she felt him leaving a string of bite marks on the inside of her thighs, she whimpered and tried to rock her hips against his grip at them to no avail.
“Not yet, darlin. Just a little longer, I swear.” Adam breathed against her cunt as his tongue rolled lazily over the folds before slowly slipping in all over again, starting over with his little teasing torture. Ashley’s grip tightened in his hair and he paused, glancing up at her with lust blown eyes. “Pull as hard as you want while my head is buried between your thighs, darlin. C’mon. I like it.” his tone was firm, almost demanding.
And it only served to make her even wetter, she could feel the wetness coating her thighs, dripping. Adam growled quietly, tongue moving a little faster, flicking over her clit, lingering and trailing a lazy circle, grazing his teeth against the circular bundle of nerves as he chuckled against her, “What’s wrong, darlin?”
“You know what you’re…” Ashley writhed beneath the grip Adam had on her lower body, keeping her legs spread wide for him as his tongue slowly dove into and out of her soaked heat, “doing. Tease.”
“Oh, I’m not teasin at all, darlin.” Adam chucked again quietly, “Just said you better not dare cum yet.”
“Adam, it’s all I want to do! Fucking… ahh, hurts. I’m aching, baby, c’mon… Please?”
Adam continued to lick, adding two fingers and Ashley hissed sharp, her breath catching in her throat, her entire body tensing as she tried to do as she was told and resist the urge to cum. The more teasing she endured at his fingers and mouth, the harder that became.
He could feel her body tense up so tight, the way she was propped on her elbows to watch him had her arms shaking. He definitely felt her toes digging into the comforter by now too. Giving a soft nip to the inside of her right thigh as he stopped for a second or two, he muttered quietly, “Okay darlin. Now.” before raising her hips just a little, burying his tongue back deep inside her, rocking her hips against his face faster, his tongue swirling inside her cunt in a frenzy as he felt her shaking all over, heard her gasping for her next breath as she moaned out loud over and over, her cries of pleasure and his name filling the air and driving him over the edge, making him lick and suck harder, faster. He loosened his grip on her hips and she rocked them against his face almost shamelessly, he muttered quietly against her skin, “C’mon, darlin. Don’t stop.” breathing heavily.
Ashley’s hips started to slow and Adam lowered her legs, crawling up her body after dragging the back of his hand across his mouth, his eyes locked on her intently as he leaned down, pulling her into a deep kiss, breaking the kiss quickly to raise up, his hand lowering and wrapping around his thick length just to trace the tip right over and slightly between her folds, shivering himself in anticipation, growling quietly. His hips pinned her hips against the bed and she dug her nails into broad shoulders as he sank into her slowly, carefully, stopping to kiss her cheeks and mutter against her mouth, “You okay, darlin?”
“Yeah.” Ashley answered, trying to rock her hips against him once she was adjusted to the way he stretched her out and filled her up. Her nails trailed lightly across his shoulders, digging in slightly when he sank into her even deeper, his hips smacking against her hips softly and slowly, placing kisses all over her mouth and face, trailing them down her throat as he muttered lazily, “So sweet I could eat you up.” as he met her gaze and slowly licked his lips. Ashley wrapped her legs around his hips and the new angle had him groaning, his hips sporadically crashing against her own for a few seconds as she took his cock as deep inside her as he could go, buried to the hilt. Her hands moved over his face, raising, dragging through his hair after pulling his mouth against her own for a deep and slow and greedy kiss. The kiss broke and he gave a lazy peck at the corner of her mouth, driving deeper and slower into her as he did and muttering softly, “Gonna get way too used to this, I think.”
“I already am.” Ashley breathed out against his skin, making him shiver. He’d always had a weakness when it came to gentle touches against his neck. The fact that she seemed to be enjoying brushing her mouth against the spot, or gently nipping at it with her teeth only had him giving a quiet growl and slamming himself into her slower and with much longer strokes. When she tried to speed him up, he chuckled and his hands lowered, gripping her hips, holding them so that he controlled the pace as he muttered against the shell of her ear, “What’s your hurry, darlin? We’ve got all night.”
Bleak sunshine was starting to peek through the curtains by now and Ashley giggled softly against his neck as she clung to him and he continued to attempt slowly and deeply fucking her into the mattresses on his bed, “It’s morning, actually.” as her forehead softly bumped against his collarbone and he chuckled as soon as the realization hit him too. “Well then, smarty pants, we have the rest of the day. Either way,” Adam’s mouth trailed lazily over her skin, leaving an erratic trail of marks in it’s wake, “we’ve got nothin but time.”
“You make a good point.” Ashley’s breath caught in her throat as his cock bottomed out, brushing against a spot that felt almost magical with each time he did so. She clung to his body, her moans and whimpers only drowned out by his answering groans and the occasional growl.
“I’m so.. Fuck, I’m so close. Please?” her begging had him giving a soft and quiet laugh, capturing her mouth in a deep and breathtaking kiss as he muttered into it, “Me too, darlin.. C’mon, let go for me.”
He sped up his thrusts, almost frantically chasing his oncoming orgasm as she dug her legs into his sides and her nails into his shoulders, raking them down his back as he growled against her skin, feeling her clench tight around him, feeling her body start to spasm, feeling her biting at his skin gently as he fucked her through her orgasm and straight into his own. He tried to stop but every time he tried, she’d grab hold of his hips and rock against him, begging for more until finally, he was throbbing, emptying inside deep, filling her up as he pressed into her heavily, covering her face in kisses before lazily kissing her mouth and having her deepen it as she breathed against his lips, “ That was amazing.”
“Better than the last guy, right?” Adam was only half teasing, but her answer really went a long way to fully reassure him when as he sank back against the mattress, pulling her on top of him and wrapping his arms around her while staring up, she smiled and gave a soft giggle, nodding as she leaned down and mumbled into his mouth, “You were so much better than the last guy. Ten million times better, baby.” before deepening the kiss he gave…
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julia-highstorms · 6 years
The Third Park (Damien x OC (Ellie)) - Part 5
Summary: Ellie and Damien can't deny the atraction they feel towards each other... so they go out on another date. But will Ellie leave him all hot and bothered again? ;)
Note: (most) characters belong to Pixelberry Studios. Damien is 100% human in here and it's a Male!MC (Allen). Link to previous parts
Pairing: Damien x OC (Ellie)
Rating: PG-13 (language)
Tagging: @flynnomalleys @boneandfur @damienazariostan @client327 @never-ending-choices @dangerous-capri15 @goirishsunshine @walkerismychoice @laniquelove @parkerattano @bluediamondsapphire @wa-reva @her-imperial-hangman-s @endlesswoods @confessionsofabrokegirl @odetomars @suckmydestielobsessedassbutt @clarissafics @kennaxval @thequeenchoices @writtenbycandy If you would like to be tagged, please, tell me!
Word count: 2956
After taking Dipper to her evening walk, Eleanor plopped down on her cousin's couch, her phone in her hands.
Eleanor Zhou: "Hey! How's everything going? Sorry I didn't text earlier. Is Freddie giving too much trouble?"
Lucy James: "hey! not at all, Freddie is a total sweetheart, he's a good boy. and how are things going there in NYC? did you go out with your cousins' hot friend in the end?"
Eleanor Zhou: "Actually, this is why I didn't text earlier. I was completely hangover yesterday. We went to a pub on Tuesday night and I might have drank a little too much. I hadn't drank like this since college!"
Lucy James: "yeah, I remember you used to drink until you passed out"
Eleanor Zhou: "Ugh, don't remind me of those dark times. I had zero dignity back then"
Lucy James: “and do you have it now?"
Eleanor Zhou: "LOL BITCH!! If you weren’t taking care of Freddie while I’m out of town, I could have murdered you for this."
Lucy James: “we both know you couldn’t. Because you loooooove me! ;) but enough about college. how was the date?? I want to know all the juicy details!!!"
Eleanor Zhou: "Then I'm sorry to tell you that we just kissed. Yeah, I felt my knees weak, but thankfully he was holding me tight ;) but that was it."
Lucy James: "what?! I can't believe you JUST kissed him. what happened?"
Eleanor Zhou: "It happened that he still is in love with my cousin. And I want no trouble."
Lucy James: "but hasn't your cousin JUST married? and if you want no trouble, then why did you go out with him in the first place??"
Eleanor Zhou: "Yeah, Allen is happily married, but it doesn't erase the fact that Damien still loves him. And I went on a date with him because the flesh is weak, okay? Besides, I was completely drunk and my last hookup was like five months ago. And you didn't see him in a suit. Or just saw him."
Lucy James: "oh my god. is he that hot?! send me a picture of him. now."
Eleanor Zhou: "I don't have one."
Lucy James: "please. go on his facebook profile. you know what, I'll look for him myself. what's his name again? Damien..."
Eleanor Zhou: "Damien Nazario. And he's that kind of guy that probably is not on facebook."
Lucy James: "what?! then he's not my type. you can't trust a person who doesn't have a profile in a social media these days. even my grandma is on facebook like wtf"
Eleanor Zhou: "Good to know that you're not interested in him, because you're with Rob. How are things between you two, btw?"
Lucy James: "we're good now."
"Now" - Ellie noticed, letting out a sigh.
Eleanor Zhou: "Lucy… you know that you can tell me everything, right? If something's happening between you and Rob..."
Lucy James: "omg Ellie! everything's fine! we just happen to fight sometimes. it's normal. all couples do it."
Yep, but Eleanor was sure that their fights were anything but "normal". She never trusted that guy. "Rob". She knew he was bad news. But every time she tried to talk about him to Lucy, her best friend would get all defensive and then they ended up fighting.
Ellie was tired of fighting with Lucy because of a stupid man. So she decided to change the subject. This time.
Eleanor Zhou: "Alright, sorry. Anyway, yes, I just kissed him last night. We were both too drunk and I've had enough drunk hookups to regret for. And I don't want to regret anything with him because he actually is interesting." - ...And I might need his help. This was an idea that grew up on her the last couple of days. Damien Nazario was an investigator. She might needed his detective skills for help. But of course she wouldn't say that to Lucy. - "If he still wants to do it with me, sober, then I won't say no, obviously"
Lucy James: "I KNEW IT! you little hoe!! so, are you planning on going out with him again? or what?"
Eleanor Zhou: "Shut up! Maybe. I don't know. What do you think I should do?"
Lucy James: "oh, I gotta go, Ellie. talk to you later. bye!"
Eleanor Zhou: "What? Why? Lucy?"
Ellie sent a few more texts, but Lucy stopped replying completely. She felt a cold chill. Something was off, she knew it.
And she might knew why.
"Oh Dipper, what do I do?" - she asked the dog, which barked back at her, her tail wiggling.
The woman looked through her phone, making up her mind, stopping by a contact. Should she talk to him?
It was Thursday evening, which meant that it had been a little more than a day and a half since she went out with Damien to grab some drinks on that pub he (apparently) regularly frequented, Archer and Hopps.
She wouldn't confess it out loud, but Ellie simply couldn’t stop thinking about him. And his damned lips. She just didn't think about him the day before because she had this horrible headache (the hangover, of course) what wouldn't let her think. And she tried to busy herself today. And it kind of worked. She went to the Broadway. But as soon as she was coming back to Allen’s apartment, her mind drifted back to two nights ago... His warm body enveloping hers as he kissed her so passionately, so hungrily… and that cute jealousy side of him. She knew she was a little evil teasing him by flirting with… what was the name of that guy again? Oh whatever.
Ellie firmly believed that there was no such thing as “love at first sight” and all that bullshit. But she believed there was “sympathy at first sight”. When you feel a natural affinity with someone even though you don’t even know them.
And that was something that she felt with Damien. It was simply being impossible for her to stop wanting to get to know him more.
Damien Nazario intrigued her since the very first time she laid her eyes on him. He was a little moody, very cynical and a drunkard, yes, but he was a great friend too. Loyal and caring towards those he loved. It was visible that he was feeling a little out of place in the wedding. Yet, even though he had been in love with Allen for years, he accepted to be his Best Man.
...She knew she was pushing him, being too nosy, too rude. She knew she should stop it. Somewhere deep inside her, she knew he didn’t want anything with her. He still loved her cousin.
But… what she felt for Damien wasn’t love. She just liked his company and was horny for him. And she knew he kind of had the hots for her too, based on the way he kissed her and wanted to further things between them that night (although it happened almost two days ago and he hadn’t called her since - but she didn’t either - and he was drunk).
Things didn’t have to be complicated. They could be simpler, much simpler.
Besides, she didn't want to start a romantic relationship too. She didn’t want anymore headaches. Of all the times she actually dated someone, she never had her heart really broken - because she felt like she never had been deeply in love with anyone, actually -, but it was being tiresome. Be with someone for them to break your trust so easily.
...Yep, that was it, things could be simple between them. All they needed to do was be frankly towards each other.
With that thought in her mind, Ellie sent him a casual text.
Eleanor Zhou:“Hey there. Are you busy?”
He texted her back after a couple of minutes:
Damien Nazario: “Hello, Eleanor. I’d just came back home from an investigation. Why? Do you need anything?”
Yes. You.
Oh my god, calm down, you little hoe!
Eleanor Zhou: “I was just wondering if you’d like to go out tonight. You know, grab some dinner again. I’d like to discuss some things with you too.”
Damien Nazario: “U-oh, this sounds serious. Am I in trouble? I promise you that we’ll never play the Nazario Chug again.” - she laughed, feeling that he was slowly opening up to her, which was good. And he remembered about the other night, meaning that he wasn’t that drunk. Another good sign. - “This was a joke, by the way.”
Eleanor Zhou: “I know”
Damien Nazario: “Good, because Nadia sometimes doesn’t appreciate my kind of humor. Anyway, I would like to go out tonight, yeah. Meet me in an hour?” - that was enough time for her to prepare herself.
Eleanor Zhou: “Sure. Where? Oh, and I’d like to keep things clean tonight, if you get what I mean. And by 'clean' I mean 'sober'.”
Damien Nazario: “Okay, message received, I won’t drink tonight. There’s this diner two blocks away from Allen’s place that we could go. They have this killer grilled cheese sandwich. I’ll send you the address.”
Eleanor Zhou: “You won me when you said ‘grilled cheese’. Alright, see you soon! Xx”
Damien arrived on the diner a little earlier. Although he tried to look cool and relaxed though the texts, he actually was feeling a little anxious with Eleanor's invitation. He wasn’t as nervous as before he had that first date with her, but he couldn’t hold back a little excitement either. He liked going out with Ellie a lot, but he had some work to do, so he had been busy during those two days.
He thought that he might should have called her, but he didn’t know when was the right or ideal time, exactly. Was it too desperate call her the day after their date? Should he had contacted her sooner or later? Thankfully, Eleanor made things easier by calling him before.
The truth was that Damien Nazario sucked on calling people on dates (and just going out), in general. It was a miracle that he actually had dated someone in his entire life. But things with Alana were different; they had to spend months with just the company of one another. And the Parks always made everything easier; going out with them was fun and he always felt on ease around them.
...And he knew that he shouldn’t be meeting with Ellie again.
Don’t get involved with another Park.
He knew he should be thinking with the right head, the one above his neck. He should just listen to the voice of reason inside his head. He couldn’t let the emotions get the best of him. He had to go back to play it smart.
But, somehow, here he was, about to start another date with Eleanor Zhou.
He low-key blamed on his Latin blood. They were all too passionate about everything.
But he knew that the reason why he was there was simply because he wanted to know Ellie better. She was clever, beautiful, funny and a little weird, just like her cousins. Damien always felt this strange affinity towards them and it seemed impossible for him to resist the Park’s charm.
He was so screwed.
"Am I late?" - he heard someone saying behind him. Eleanor smiled at him when he turned, her long and dark hair down framing her beautiful face.
"No, I've just arrived a little earlier." - he opened the door, gesturing for her to go first. Her grin widened, approvingly.
Damien was greeted by the cook as they entered the small and family-friendly diner.
"Does everyone in New York know you?" - Ellie asked as they sat on an empty booth. He let out a low and husky laugh.
"No. I just happened to help Hector over there a few years ago. One of his former waiters was stealing from the cashier." - he shrugged, sitting in front of her. - "And since then I have a special discount for every meal I want."
"Oooh, nice! Do I get a discount too?" - he chuckled with her boldness.
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"I don't see why not. You're my date after all." - he saw a sheepish smile spreading on her lips. Those lips… - "Anyway, you told me you wanted to talk about something?"
"Yeah, about it..." - but they were interrupted by the waitress.
"'Night, Nazario. What can I get for both of ya?" - she asked, putting two mugs with fresh and black coffee in front of them.
"Hey Selma. I'll have my usual." - the woman nodded, not taking notes.
"What 'bout ya, lady?"
"Ah! I'll have the same as him, please."
"Is everything okay?" - he asked as soon as Selma left them. - "You seem a little… out of place tonight."
Ellie hesitated for a single second. Lucy hadn't texted her back since that evening. Not that it was an unusual thing to happen; Lucy could go days without texting her back. She had her own life. But… there was this alarm inside her mind screaming "danger! Danger" whenever she thought about her best friend.
"Hey, you okay? Do you want to go home?" - Damien's chocolate eyes were on hers and he looked both serious and a little worried. She noticed that his big and rough hand was above hers, which held the mug tightly.
"Yes. Yes, I'm okay." - she released the grip immediately and smiled at him. Maybe she was being just too paranoid. Lucy had never dated someone for so long before and Eleanor had been single for a while, so maybe she was feeling a little lonely. Maybe she had this unknown jealous side in her when it was about her best friend. Lucy would tell her if something was wrong. Right? - "I was just thinking about work." - and then she took  a sip of her coffee.
Damien knew that she was lying. He was a detective; he knew when people lied on his face. And that was something that Eleanor was doing. The way she soon looked away and pulled out of his touch. Her fake smile.
"Ellie…" - her eyes were back on his. - "I know we just met a few days ago and you don't have to tell me anything you don't want to... but if you feel in need of something, know that I'll try to help you. With whatever it is."
She looked at him for a few seconds, before a small but genuine smile appeared, her expression relaxing.
"Thank you, D. You really are a great guy."
"Did you still have doubts about it?" - Ellie chuckled, rolling her eyes.
"Cocky." - and she took another sip of her drink. - "I guess I'm just being too paranoid." - was she talking about Allen and Nadia being married to androids again? - "Anyway, I don't want to think about it now. Let's focus on tonight. On us, right?"
He liked the way she said "us". Damien smiled, nodding at her.
"This is a good plan." - he said back as Selma approached their booth with their food.
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Damien was right, that was the best grilled cheese she had ever eaten in her life, no kidding. After they paid for their dinner, they decided to take a stroll through the Brooklyn Bridge park, alongside the river, arm in arm.
"I'll never get tired of this view." - she muttered, admiring the Manhattan skyline illuminated by all those city lights.
"Yeah, it never stops to amaze me." - Damien agreed.
He had lost count of how many times he walked there with Allen and Nadia after a night out drinking until none of them could barely walk straight. It felt like a forever ago. Their lives changed so much. The Park cousins had met their Perfect Matches, who turned out to be robots, they had to flee New York, he met Alana again after years, they brought Eros down… And now his best friends' were both married to their Matches. And he was coming back from a date with their other cousin, even though he had promised himself that he would stop getting involved with a Park.
...And Ellie was buying ice cream from a loner vendor.
Damien chuckled as she walked back to his side.
"I'm sorry I didn't get one for you. But we can share this one." - she said, eating her dessert happily.
"You are your cousin's cousin. Nadia has a sweet tooth too."
"Please. Nadia is too cute. I guess it's practically impossible to be there someone as cute as her. She's a walking cinnamon roll."
"You are cute too." - he whispered, watching her reaction cautiously.
But instead of punching him and claiming that she "wasn't cute" like Nadia would certainly do, Eleanor simply grinned at him.
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"Hey, do you want a bite?" - she asked, offering him her ice cream. Damien agreed and leaned down to taste it, but instead of the ice cream, he found something warm and soft against his lips. His heart immediately leaped as he pulled Ellie closer to him, until her body was pressed against his. Her lips tasted like...
"...Strawberry." - he said when they pulled out, one of his arms still around her waist.
"Yes." - she giggled, her head resting on his shoulder. - "Do you want some more?"
"Of what?" - he asked, his eyes shining mischievously to her ambiguous question.
"I don't know." - she shrugged playfully, before kissing him again. Damien groaned against her mouth. - “Hey… what do you think we pick up where we left off the other night?” - she whispered, with that smirk he knew too well by now.
“I’d like that.” - he said, his voice low and husky because of the kiss and the excitement that was growing in him.
"Okay, just let me finish my ice cream and then we can go."
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