violetspark14 · 8 months
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day 14 • villager side character
I DONT HAVE A FUNNY CAPTION happy day 14 i like this number if you couldnt tell
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moesasaur · 10 months
Here is the entire OBC for The Book Of Mormon including the ensemble :)
All information is gathered from The Book Of Mormon: The Testament Of A Broadway Musical and Wikipedia
Please let me know if there’s any mistakes
Josh Gad
Elder Cunningham
Andrew Rannells
Elder Price
Nikki M. James
Rory O’Malley
Elder McKinley, Moroni
Michael Potts
Mafala Hatimbi
Lewis Cleale
Jesus, Price’s Dad, Joseph Smith, Mission President
Brian Tyree Henry
General, Satan
Scott Barnhardt
Elder Harris, Elder Price’s sister, Elder Thomas, Hobbit, Devil
Justin Botton
Elder Smith, Price’s Mom, Elder Zelder, Devil
Kevin Duda
Elder Young, Cunningham’s Dad, Elder Neeley, Hitler
Clark Johnsen
Elder Brown, Price’s Brother, Elder Michaels, Brigham Young, Devil, Mission President’s Assistant
Benjamin Schrader
Elder White, Price’s Brother, Elder Schrader, Yoda, Jeffrey Dahmer, Mission President’s Assistant
Brian Sears
Elder Grant, Cunningham’s Mom, Elder Church, Hobbit, Devil
Jason Michael Snow
Mormon, Elder Cross, Price’s Brother, Elder Davis, Devil
Darlesia Cearcy
Sadaka, Skeleton, Coffee Cup
Asmeret Ghebremichael
Asmeret, Devil
John Eric Parker
General’s Guard, Mutumbo, Devil, Joseph Smith (African Pageant)
Michael James Scott
Gotswana, Devil, Brigham Young (African Pageant)
Lawrence Stallings
Ugandan Man (who is shot), Middala, Skeleton, Moroni (African Pageant)
Rema Webb
Mrs Brown, Kimbay, Uhura, Skeleton, Coffee Cup
Maia Nkenge Wilson
Kalimba, Genghis Kahn
Tommar Wilson
General’s Guard, Ghali, Darth Vader, Skeleton, Jesus (African Pageant)
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phierecycled · 2 years
BoM characters as Andrew Rannells images
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Joseph Smith/Price’s Dad
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General BFN
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BoM - 7.10.23 - Evening - first thoughts on the 2023-2024 cast
Principle cast in the photo
Charlie Barnard (Schrieder), Jed Hoyle (Poptarts), Brian O'Muiri (Neeley), George Littell (Davis), Issac J Lewis (Church), Jack McNeill (Michaels), Kirk Patterson, Char Barnett, Shak Mancel James, Niyah Nish, Dionne Ward Anderson, Chris Copeland (swing), Paige Miller.
NB- Female Ugandan roles appear to have been modified to accomdate Paige Miller's pregnancy,
Elder Price
• Played as a spoilt 19yo who is severely out of his depth.
• He has an air of fake confidence about himself throughout, and even when he speaks assertively his facial expressions show uncertainty.
• At points he acts very whingy, reinforcing his immaturity and him being out of his depth. This was particularly noticable in the scene at the cafe and in SMHD.
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Elder Cunninngham (stand by)
• Is not a skinny nor a fat man, but is dressed in clothes a few sizes too big. Unless they were trying to make him look bad, whatever they were going for didn't work.
• A bit camp at points, for example with the air in man up.
Delivers some lines spoken instead of sung. Clearly a choice and done appears to have been done for comedic effect.
• Portrayed quite young and awkward.
• Her behaviour around the Elders, especially Cunningham, is awkward until We Are Africa.
• In Sal Lay Reprise she is annoyed before she cries.
• VERY camp
• He is very expressive in his physical acting, and his facial expressions show fear over his camp behaviour
• In TIO during the "being gay" he points and looks squarely at Price (who looks wide eyed and horrified) and then points to Cunningham for "lying is worse. He also runs his hand down his chest to his crouch.
• Maroni is also camp.
Elder Grant/Church
• Very facially expressive.
• In Hello he gets right into Prices' face.
• In the airport scene he had to be led away by Mr Cunningham and hid her head.in his side as she sobbed
Doctor Gotswana
• Practically chased after Price when he said "can you help?"
Mission President/Joseph Smith/Jesus in SMHD
• Pissed off as the MP, Nand shouty. His facial expression at the end of the pageant was sheer disgust towards the Elders.
• Joseph Smith was a bit camp.
• Jesus in SMHD was disgusted with Price and looked at him like he was dirt on the bottom of his shoe
Chris Copeland molested Jack McNiell during the pageant scene, and then gave the MP a lap dance.
Ensemble numbers were very methodical from new cast members, but that's to be expected as this was ony show seven.of the new cast
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Hi all, post Book of Mormon Liza here with a HUGE mishap with happened during the show today.. ok maybe not so huge but still. Ok so during I Am Africa when Kevin is supposed to be wheeled in on the medical bed ass up .. the bed.. didn’t .. come in and it was just poor dr Gotswana and an X-ray of Kevin’s ass with no Kevin to be seen. Litro where we was sat we could see Ben (playing Kevin) waiting in the wings to come out and Myles (the guy playing Gotswana) just had to carry on the scene without Kevin. Absolutely devvo I was looking forward to that
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badfanartdotcom · 4 years
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Gotswana's the best character y'all
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likealightsw1tch · 4 years
BOM 10 Day Challenge - Day 4
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These two are for @awesome-job-kevin’s brilliant & tragic fic Midnight.
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oof-musicals · 5 years
Turning it off
McKinley: I said turn it off.
Price: Ohh.... I thought you said turn it up
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wheezeebrown · 5 years
I'm on a totally unnecessary roll, but here: Arnold and Naba are Hufflepuffs, McKinley is a Ravenclaw (I gotta be honest and say it's the tie), Mafala is a Gryffindor, Gotswana is a Ravenclaw, and the General is a Slytherin
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violetspark14 · 7 months
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day 28 • crossover
if i had a penny for every time andrew rannells was in a musical involving religion id have 2 pennies which isnt a LOT but its weird that it happened twice
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The Book of Mormon and the False Protagonist
I recently watched The Book of Mormon for the first time, and I now feel compelled to write about how the show handles what many people would call the false protagonist trope. Although the fanbase for the show seems to fixate on Kevin Price as the lead of the show, technically the real lead is Arnold Cunningham, as the show switches their roles in the Act 1 Finale number “Man Up”. I wanted to dissect some of the lyrics from the number in order to show how well the show handles this trope.
“What did Jesus do“
“Man Up” starts with this phrase, and already you see Arnold start to think more like how Kevin had been portrayed for the first act of the musical. Kevin aspired to be like the religious figures he has learned from, and now Arnold looks to them for the motivation Kevin had. This is again noticeable in the line “Jesus had his time to, Now its mine to man up”.
“Time to be a hero, And slay the monster, Time to battle darkness, You're not my father!”
Arnold’s references pushed to the side before as cheap comedy now reveal themselves to be motivation for him. This is nice foreshadowing for how it will come into play when he later preaches to the Ugandans.
“Time to stand up and steal the show”
The first obvious reference to Arnold becoming the protagonist. At this point, the audience doesn’t really assume that Kevin is no longer the true protagonist (at least I didn’t), so this is a heavy first hint as to what Act 2 will bring.
We also have to understand that this is Arnold’s first big number. Although he did sing “Tomorrow Is a Latter Day”, it was very short and is often overlooked because of its simplicity (although I personally find it to be a great number to look at when examining the development of Arnold and Kevin’s relationship). He is literally stealing the show with an extravagant, over the top Act 1 finale.
“Heavenly father, Why do you let bad things happen?”
Kevin is back in the narrative, but noticeably in the background. He has been shoved to the back for the very first time. It is also worth noting that while Arnold’s faith has just started to grow, Kevin is doubting his for the first time.
“More to the point, Why do you let bad things happen to me?”
We see Kevin being egotistical again, but for the first time this does not force him to the front. Sure, the audience laughs at the line, but its a short bit in a very Arnold-centric song.
“I'm in the lead for the Very first time!”
My favorite line from the song. It is really empowering and the force Josh Gad puts into it is perfect. This is the most obvious you can get about what is going on storytelling-wise without waving a banner that says “FALSE PROTAGONIST”. Arnold is in the lead for the first time concerning his life, since he was often pushed to the side as a disappointment by his family; he’s in the lead vocally, this song an introduction to his many, many lead vocal parts later on; and he’s the lead story wise, the reason the Mormon’s mission in Uganda goes... not as planned. I also love how this is contrasted to “I'm going where the Sun always shines!”, which shows Kevin actively abandoning his role as the protagonist.
“Sal Tlay Ka Siti! Sal Tlay Ka Siti!/Orlando Orlando”
Kevin sings in the background as Arnold finishes the song (not counting Gotswana’s final outcry). Also, Kevin sings with Nabulungi, who although is the female principle, was secondary to Kevin when he was the lead. Kevin is now inserted into the same role as her—a very important principle, but not the LEAD. Also, they both sing about cities which actually represent their ideal life, which is such a nice touch.
In conclusion, I am a bit saddened that Arnold Cunningham and “Man Up” as a number are a bit underrated when looking at the fanbase of The Book of Mormon, especially considering how well done the false protagonist trope is. I decided to make this post as a tribute to what I find to be fantastic writing/composing.
Don’t get me wrong—I actually prefer Price over Cunningham as the show’s lead, whether it be because his songs are much more impressive vocally, or becuase I relate to his journey more. But Cunningham deserves more love, especially considering that once it gets to Act 2, Price spends a lot of the show singing backup in the background. I’d make a post about that, but this is long enough already.
Feel free to discuss/disagree/comment in the notes!
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brittwalfordfan · 6 years
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Are we gonna ignore the facts that there are adds for the actual Book of Mormon in the Book of Mormon program???
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26.8.23 BoM Evening: Dom Simpson last show
I didn't cry till I got back to my hotel. Yay me!
Stephen Rolley was on for McKinley, and Chris Copeland was Gotswana.
No more McPriceley action than normal RolleyxDom, but Rolley did grope Dom's chest when he pulled him down in ITO.
Tom Xander was sitting right near me, and him and a woman would start cheering after Dom sang anything! They started whooping as soon as Dom came on stage.
Tom was also recording the curtain call and FoH came down to tell him off, saw who he was and then ran away (almost falling up the stairs - I felt bad for her).
The show:
The majority of the show was very much as it normally is, except everyone being extra with facial expressions. There are a few little nuggets, but I spent most my time watching Dom.
Dom's accent was all over the place.
Cheering errupted (courtesy of Tom Xander) from the circle as soon as Dom came on stage in Hello.
IBTFY - Dom struggled to get his lines out. There was alot of pausing and he had tears running down his face, he had his hands clenched tightly and was taking deep breaths. But he did it. He wiped his eyes as he laid down.
SMHD - Ben Tyler licked Dom's face. (Dunno what else to say - Dom was very sweaty as well). Lots of arse slapping from Chris and Amandla.
I Believe - he had tears but did it. No voice cracking, no pauses. Kudos to him, because that was IMPRESSIVE.
HD reprise - Leanne cried. It was so emotional my heart was breaking.
Curtain call - Richard Lloyd-King made a little speech, he got it wrong about Dom being in the US tour as a new graduate, he was sent to Broadway as standby price to prepare him to take over in the West End (at 21!!). Dom hugged Jack McNiell and did a little dance.
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turn-it-off-5s · 5 years
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Schrader : Oh u mean like what happens almost every single day here?
Zelder : Our door is always open so the villagers coming in with some food or music is an everyday thing now!
Micheals : We all do different stuff tho! It's really fun, even tho I mostly get piggy back rides from Elder BFN...
((Mod here, I haven't seen the ask blogs for the Ugandan active in a while so if anyone wants to ask anything related to the ugandans, go ahead! Also if yall want to know who is who in the picture, let me know •3•/))
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andrewgarfieldslut · 6 years
did gotswana ever get the maggots out of his scrotum
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paladinofmoonlight · 6 years
If you are interested in creating content for the Ugandans, please check this out for pictures, lines and more! --> LINK TO DOCUMENT
Read below for more info!
If you are an artist looking for images only, go (here!)
I decided to create a resource post (in a google doc, since it’s so detailed) for all the background Ugandans for any content creators who might need it! I hope it comes in handy. Let me know if you have anything to add that I might have missed (with sources preferably!) and I’ll do so!
The characters include: Sadaka, Asmeret, Mutumbo, The Butcher, Middala, Gotswana, Kimbay, Kalimba, and Ghali. 
I tried to include a range of references from different casts.
I include each character’s lines, transcribed from the script. I didn’t include songs, with the exception of Joseph Smith American Moses (and the Hello Reprise for Ghali) – a lot of the lines are spoken in this number and I feel as if the parts they play reflect on the characters themselves.
The final section is notes I compiled based on what I think we see of the character and what I have personally witnessed from watching the show. I tried not to delve too much into headcanon territory, but just provide a starting point for any creators! :)
This took me a lot of effort to compile so I’d appreciate a like and reblog if you found it useful. Spread the word and hopefully this inspires people! 
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